A JavaScript lib that makes text as big as possible while still fitting on the parent element. Based on DanielHoffmann/jquery-bigtext.
npm install --save big-text.js
import BigText from 'big-text.js';
rotateText: {Number}, (null)
fontSizeFactor: {Number}, (0.8)
maximumFontSize: {Number}, (null)
limitingDimension: {String}, ("both")
horizontalAlign: {String}, ("center")
verticalAlign: {String}, ("center")
textAlign: {String}, ("center")
whiteSpace: {String}, ("nowrap")
rotateText: Rotates the text inside the element by X degrees.
fontSizeFactor: This option is used to give some vertical spacing for letters that overflow the line-height (like 'g', 'Á' and most other accentuated uppercase letters). This does not affect the font-size if the limiting factor is the width of the parent div. The default is 0.8
maximumFontSize: maximum font size to use.
limitingDimension: In which dimension the font size should be limited. Possible values: "width", "height" or "both". Defaults to both. Using this option with values different than "both" overwrites the element parent width or height.
horizontalAlign: Where to align the text horizontally. Possible values: "left", "center", "right". Defaults to "center".
verticalAlign: Where to align the text vertically. Possible values: "top", "center", "bottom". Defaults to "center".
textAlign: Sets the text align of the element. Possible values: "left", "center", "right". Defaults to "center". This option is only useful if there are linebreaks (<br>
tags) inside the text.
whiteSpace: Sets whitespace handling. Possible values: "nowrap", "pre". Defaults to "nowrap". (Can also be set to enable wrapping but this doesn't work well.)
<div style="width: 300px, height: 200px">
<span id="span">BigText</span>
With one simple line the text "BigText" will now have its font-size increased but without overflowing the element parent div.
See more examples in https://brorlandi.github.io/big-text.js/
- Internet Explorer 9 or higher (might work on older versions)
- Opera
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari
This project is released under the MIT license.