Map (Editor) [x] Tile map [x] Random environment pieces
- Events: -[x] "Init" -[x] "chooseDirection" -[x] "New Passenger" -- special argument if the passenger's a VIP. -[x] "Arrived at Passenger's tile" -[x] "Arrived at Passenger's destination"
- Functions: -[x] "drop off passenger" -- removes passenger from train -[x] "pick up passenger" -[x] "Random" -[x] "Print" -[x] "New Train"
- Stage Special fights between the two best AIs every two hours.
Security [x] Before download/upload, add a line that won't allow the scripts to be run without the game. [n/a] Automatically replace windows line endings with unix line breaks.
Game [x] Add VIPs [x] Add Hotspots
- Randomize order in which players get to move? [x] increase # of waypoints [x] buy new trains [x] rework train movement: make it pixel-independet and make it work with percentages.
- Add statistics for passengers at round end
- Make game deterministic!
Tutorial tut 1: [x] Controls [x] Init game, print [x] Placing train [x] Picking up passenger [x] Letting passenger get off tut 2: [x] Lua control structures (while, if) [x] Junctions tut 3: [x] Multiple Passengers [x] Smart choosing of directions (depending on passenger's dest) tut 4: [x] euclidean distance
Visual [x] clouds [x] trees
- water [x] Urban setting
- weather?
- Seasons change graphics? [x] rails with sidewalks
- speed controls
- don't let passengers stand on the rails. [x] show hotspots
Misc [x] Add tipps?
- No guarantee that game's outcome is always the same... [x] Status message box [x] make sure globals.lua is the same for server and client! [x] train movment on client is now no longer allowing overshoot -> same for server! [x] possibly make server and client use the same files?! [x] tooltips
- rewards!! [x] Make "Last Match" logging use only one querry... [x] Log Date along with "Last Match" and display on website [x] screen resolution set at first start! [x] Tutorial "tutorial continued" when pressed F1 ! [x] Tutorial "cursor keys"/"arrow keys" [x] Rename "End Match" button in simulation [x] Add switch for rendering clouds
- Different statistics for different game modes/map sizes.
- buy code lines using in-game cash?
- handicapped people
- option to transport multiple passengers?
- modify payment method in-game?
- two or three rail types?
- game mode where map is NOT passed to ai.init? (Fog of war?)
- Repair costs? [x] Split up rendering of map images into multiple threads?
- dither full screen
- scrollbar for console
- click on AI to focus on train
- print kostenlos?
- Expose train positions to users
Website [x] rank of players?
Bugs [x] generator can generate empty maps? [x] default resolution... how to change? [x] sometimes Simulation does not render new map for some reason.
- nil pointer when in simulation [x] fast-forward problem: stops showing updates when on fresh connect. [x] fails to render new map is a new map is given while still rendering the old one (simulation)
- Tutorial 3: jumps over ai.foundDestination part
- Error Scripts/train.lua:643: attempt to index index field 'image' (a nil value) [x] Trains stop on live server [x] train colors are wrong in simulation!
- Added configFile.lua
- Changed screenResolution writing
- picture colors are different??