The documentation for this crate can be found here
threading = {git = "", package = "threading"}
use threading::pool::FutureState;
use threading::ThreadPool;
let pool_handle_1 = ThreadPool::new(15); // How many threads you want
// ThreadPools can be cloned and even shared across thread
// They are just handles
// When you drop all the handles, the remote threads will close
let pool_handle_2 = pool_handle_1.clone();
let _pool_handle_3 = pool_handle_1.clone();
let _pool_handle_4 = _pool_handle_3.clone();
// This will send the closure to a thread to be ran as soon as possible, non-blocking for the main thread.
// The future received from is used to get the output of the closure.
let future_1 =|| {
// You can use
// to block the current thread until the closure has completed
// use .state() to retreive the current state of your closure
// Refer to the documentation for more informations about each state
let state = future_1.state(); // assert_eq!(state, FutureState::Done);
// To get the output of the future, use
let output = future_1.output(); // assert_eq!(output, String::from("Hi"));
// The output method consumes the value, calling it multiple times will cause a panic
// This because the Future struct does not bind the output value to be Copy nor Clone
let _ = future_1.output(); // panics
let x = 4;
// You can use any handle, it doesn't matter, the same threads will exectute the closures
let future_2 = || {
x + 1
assert_eq!(future_2.state(), FutureState::Done);
assert_eq!(future_2.output(), 5);
let future_3 =|| (String::from("Hi"), false));
// You can also check if the closure has finished it's execution with
if future_3.is_done(){
// At this point the state can only be Done or Panicked
assert_eq!(future_3.state(), FutureState::Done);
let (hi, f) = future_3.output();
assert_eq!(hi, String::from("Hi"));
assert_eq!(f, false);
// Do whatever
// About panicking closures
// Panicking in a closure is fine, the remote thread will stay alive
let panicking_future =|| panic!("Expected panic"));
// This call will not block the main thread indefinetly
// At this point, we know the closure has finished it's execution,
// but we don't know if it has successfully ran or panicked.
// We can check that using the state
assert_eq!(panicking_future.state(), FutureState::Panicked);
// Calling this will panic as there is no output to fetch
enum T1Msg {
enum T2Msg {
// Every channel can send to and receive from it's linked counterpart
let (c1, c2) = threading::Channel::<T1Msg, T2Msg>::new_pair();
std::thread::spawn(move || c2.send(T2Msg::Hi));
let msg: T2Msg = c1.recv().unwrap();
// println!("{msg:?}"); // Hi
// Will return after 1.5 second or before if it received a msg
let _: Result<T2Msg, std::sync::mpsc::RecvTimeoutError> =
// will block and discard all message till it receive Hellow
// May return an error if c2 disconnected
let _: Result<(), std::sync::mpsc::RecvError> = c1.wait_for(T2Msg::Hellow);
// Will return after 2 seconds or when receiving Hellow
let _: Result<(), std::sync::mpsc::RecvTimeoutError> =
c1.wait_for_or_timeout(T2Msg::Hellow, std::time::Duration::from_secs(2));