- This is an Enneagram personality classifier site
- Here you can take a test see your personality in the enneagram classifier and read about it a little
- the test is in French because its one of the famous Paul Pironnet tests
- I hope you like it
- This website il built with symfony framework on backend and vanilla javascript and some jquery on frontend.
- Here is the link to the deployed Site : http://who-am-i-deployment.herokuapp.com/ you can try it out if you want . If you want to just do the test you can checkout the Test in this link and take it
- It requires a specific database name "project" in phpmyadmin
- Links :
- Steps :
- download symfony, composer, xampp or phpmyadmin directly
- open xampp and run apache and phpmyadmin
- set a database named project
- clone the project
- go to the project folder and enter this in the command line
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate symfony serve
- you are now ready to go