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UR Type Definition for Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Keys


© 2020 Blockchain Commons

Authors: Wolf McNally, Christopher Allen
Date: May 25, 2020
Revised: November 25, 2023


Hierarchical Deterministic Keys (HDKeys) BIP32 allow an entire tree of keys to be derived from a single master key, which was originally derived from random entropy: a seed. Former specifications BCR-2020-005 BCR-2020-006 defined UR types such as seed for encoding and transmitting such seeds. This specification defines a UR type hdkey (CBOR tag #6.40303) for encoding and transmitting HDKeys; either a master key or a derived key.

This specification also defines and incorporates a separate type keypath (CBOR tag #6.40304) that specifies a key derivation path.

This specification also defines and incorporates a separate type coininfo (CBOR tag #6.40305) that specifes cryptocurrency information.

UR Types and CBOR Tags

This document defines the following UR types along with their corresponding CBOR tags:

UR type CBOR Tag
ur:hdkey #6.40303
ur:keypath #6.40304
ur:coin-info #6.40305

These tags have been registered in the IANA Registry of CBOR Tags.

Note: This specification describes version 2 hdkey (#6.40303), which differs from version 1 crypto-hdkey (#6.303) only in the UR types and CBOR tags it uses. Version 1 crypto-hdkey is deprecated, but may still be supported for backwards compatibility.


HDKeys encoded according to BIP32 are represented as a text string, e.g.:


BIP32 specifies that this result is the serialization of these fields:

4 byte: version bytes (mainnet: 0x0488B21E public, 0x0488ADE4 private; testnet: 0x043587CF public, 0x04358394 private)
1 byte: depth: 0x00 for master nodes, 0x01 for level-1 derived keys, ....
4 bytes: the fingerprint of the parent's key (0x00000000 if master key)
4 bytes: child number. This is ser32(i) for i in xi = xpar/i, with xi the key being serialized. (0x00000000 if master key)
32 bytes: the chain code
33 bytes: the public key or private key data (serP(K) for public keys, 0x00 || ser256(k) for private keys)

This serialization is then BASE58-CHECK encoded, which adds four more bytes at the end as a checksum.

The specification herein can be used in such a way that it is isomorphic with the serialization specified by BIP32. It also includes options that may break isomorphism.

CDDL for Key Path

The following specification is written in Concise Data Definition Language CDDL.

When used embedded in another CBOR structure, this structure should be tagged #6.40304.

; Metadata for the complete or partial derivation path of a key.
; `source-fingerprint`, if present, is the fingerprint of the
; ancestor key from which the associated key was derived.
; If `components` is empty, then `source-fingerprint` MUST be a fingerprint of
; a master key.
; `depth`, if present, represents the number of derivation steps in
; the path of the associated key, regardless of whether steps are present in the `components` element
; of this structure.

tagged-keypath = #6.40304(keypath)

keypath = {
    components: [path-component], ; If empty, source-fingerprint MUST be present
    ? source-fingerprint: uint32 .ne 0 ; fingerprint of ancestor key, or master key if components is empty
    ? depth: uint8 ; 0 if this is a public key derived directly from a master key

path-component = (
    child-index-component /     ; A single child, possibly hardened
    child-range-component /		; A specific range of children, all possibly hardened
    child-wildcard-component /  ; An inspecific range of children, all possibly hardened
    child-pair-component        ; Used in output descriptors,
                                ; see

uint32 = uint .size 4
uint31 = uint32 .lt 0x80000000
child-index-component = (child-index, is-hardened)
child-range-component = ([child-index, child-index], is-hardened) ; [low, high] where low < high
child-wildcard-component = ([], is-hardened)
child-pair-component = [
    child-index-component,	; Child to use for external addresses, possibly hardened
    child-index-component	; Child to use for internal addresses, possibly hardened

child-index = uint31
is-hardened = bool

components = 1
source-fingerprint = 2
depth = 3

CDDL for Coin Info

The following specification is written in Concise Data Definition Language CDDL.

When used embedded in another CBOR structure, this structure should be tagged #6.40305.

; Metadata for the type and use of a cryptocurrency

tagged-coininfo = #6.40305(coininfo)

coininfo = {
    ? type: uint31 .default cointype-btc, ; values from [SLIP44]( with high bit turned off
    ? network: int .default mainnet ; coin-specific identifier for testnet

type = 1
network = 2

cointype-btc = 0
cointype-eth = 0x3c

mainnet = 0;
testnet-btc = 1;

testnet-eth-ropsten = 1;
testnet-eth-kovan = 2;
testnet-eth-rinkeby = 3;
testnet-eth-gorli = 4;

CDDL for HDKey

The following specification is written in Concise Data Definition Language CDDL and includes the keypath spec above.

tagged-hdkey = #6.40303(hdkey)

; An HD key is either a master key or a derived key.

hdkey = {
    master-key / derived-key

; A master key is always private, has no use or derivation information,
; and always includes a chain code.
master-key = (
    is-master: true,
    key-data: key-data-bytes,
    chain-code: chain-code-bytes

; A derived key may be private or public, has an optional chain code, and
; may carry additional metadata about its use and derivation.
; To maintain isomorphism with [BIP32] and allow keys to be derived from
; this key `chain-code`, `origin`, and `parent-fingerprint` must be present.
; If `origin` contains only a single derivation step and also contains `source-fingerprint`,
; then `parent-fingerprint` MUST be identical to `source-fingerprint` or may be omitted.
derived-key = (
    ? is-private: bool .default false,     ; true if key is private, false if public
    key-data: key-data-bytes,
    ? chain-code: chain-code-bytes         ; omit if no further keys may be derived from this key
    ? use-info: tagged-coininfo, ; How the key is to be used
    ? origin: tagged-keypath,    ; How the key was derived
    ? children: tagged-keypath,  ; What children should/can be derived from this
    ? parent-fingerprint: uint32 .ne 0,    ; The fingerprint of this key's direct ancestor, per [BIP32]
    ? name: text,                          ; A short name for this key.
    ? note: text                           ; An arbitrary amount of text describing the key.

; If the `use-info` field is omitted, defaults (mainnet BTC key) are assumed.
; If `cointype` and `origin` are both present, then per [BIP44], the second path
; component's `child-index` must match `cointype`.

; The `children` field may be used to specify what set of child keys should or can be derived from this key. This may include `child-index-range` or `child-index-wildcard` as its last component. Any components that specify hardened derivation will require the key be private.

is-master = 1
is-private = 2
key-data = 3
chain-code = 4
use-info = 5
origin = 6
children = 7
parent-fingerprint = 8
name = 9
note = 10

uint8 = uint .size 1
key-data-bytes = bytes .size 33
chain-code-bytes = bytes .size 32

Schematic for a master key:

    is-master: true,
    key-data: bytes,
    chain-code: bytes

Schematic for a derived public testnet Ethereum key that maintains isomorphism with BIP32 and BIP44:

    key-data: bytes,
    chain-code: bytes,
    use-info: {
        type: cointype-eth,
        network: testnet-eth-ropsten
    origin: {
        source-fingerprint: uint32,
        components: [child-index, is-hardened],
        depth: uint8
    parent-fingerprint: uint32

Schematic for a derived private mainnet Bitcoin key that maintains isomorphism with BIP32 and BIP44, and that includes the full derivation path of the key per BIP44: m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index

    is-private: true,
    key-data: bytes,
    chain-code: bytes,
    origin: {
        source-fingerprint: uint32,
        components: [44, true, 0, true, account, true, change, false, address_index, false]
    parent-fingerprint: uint32

Schematic for a derived public mainnet Bitcoin key that includes only the key, excludes derivation of child keys, and is NOT isomorphic with BIP32.

    key-data: bytes

Example/Test Vector 1

  • Test Vector 1 from BIP32, a master key:
  • Decoded from Base58 (82 bytes):
  • Separated into fields specified in BIP32:
04 ; version 4
88ade4 ; `xprv`
00 ; depth 0 == master key
00000000 ; parent fingerprint
00000000 ; child number
873dff81c02f525623fd1fe5167eac3a55a049de3d314bb42ee227ffed37d508 ; chain code
00e8f32e723decf4051aefac8e2c93c9c5b214313817cdb01a1494b917c8436b35 ; key data
e77e9d71 ; base58 checksum
  • In the CBOR diagnostic notation:
    1: true, / is-master /
    3: h'00e8f32e723decf4051aefac8e2c93c9c5b214313817cdb01a1494b917c8436b35', / key-data /
    4: h'873dff81c02f525623fd1fe5167eac3a55a049de3d314bb42ee227ffed37d508' / chain-code /
a3                                      # map(3)
   01                                   # unsigned(1) is-master
   f5                                   # primitive(21) true
   03                                   # unsigned(3) key-data
   58 21                                # bytes(33)
   04                                   # unsigned(4) chain-code
   58 20                                # bytes(32)
  • As a hex string (74 bytes):
  • As a UR:
  • UR as QR Code:

Example/Test Vector 2

  • Test Vector 2, a bitcoin testnet public key with derivation path m/44'/1'/1'/0/1:
$ SEED=`seedtool --count 32`
$ echo $SEED

$ DERIVED_KEY=`bx hd-new $SEED \
  | bx hd-private --index 44 --hard \
  | bx hd-private --index 1 --hard \
  | bx hd-private --index 1 --hard \
  | bx hd-private --index 0 \
  | bx hd-private --index 1 \
  | bx hd-to-public -v 70617039`
  • Decoded from Base58:
$ bx base58-decode $DERIVED_KEY
  • Separated into fields specified in BIP32:
04 ; version 4
3587cf ; `tpub`
05 ; depth 5
e9181cf3 ; parent fingerprint
00000001 ; child number
ced155c72456255881793514edc5bd9447e7f74abb88c6d6b6480fd016ee8c85 ; chain code
026fe2355745bb2db3630bbc80ef5d58951c963c841f54170ba6e5c12be7fc12a6 ; key data
951d4478 ; base58 checksum
  • In the CBOR diagnostic notation:
    3: h'026fe2355745bb2db3630bbc80ef5d58951c963c841f54170ba6e5c12be7fc12a6', / key-data /
    4: h'ced155c72456255881793514edc5bd9447e7f74abb88c6d6b6480fd016ee8c85', / chain-code /
    5: 40305({ / use-info /
        2: 1 / network: testnet-btc /
    6: 40304({ / origin /
        1: [44, true, 1, true, 1, true, 0, false, 1, false] / components `m/44'/1'/1'/0/1` /
    8: 3910671603 / parent-fingerprint /
A5                                      # map(5)
   03                                   # unsigned(3) key-data
   58 21                                # bytes(33)
   04                                   # unsigned(4) chain-code
   58 20                                # bytes(32)
   05                                   # unsigned(5) use-info
   D9 9D71                              # tag(40305) coininfo
      A1                                # map(1)
         02                             # unsigned(2) network
         01                             # unsigned(1) testnet-btc
   06                                   # unsigned(6) origin
   D9 9D70                              # tag(40304) keypath
      A1                                # map(1)
         01                             # unsigned(1) components
         8A                             # array(10)
            18 2C                       # unsigned(44) child-index
            F5                          # primitive(21) is-hardened: true
            01                          # unsigned(1) child-index
            F5                          # primitive(21) is-hardened: true
            01                          # unsigned(1) child-index
            F5                          # primitive(21) is-hardened: true
            00                          # unsigned(0) child-index
            F4                          # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
            01                          # unsigned(1) child-index
            F4                          # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
   08                                   # unsigned(8) parent-fingerprint
   1A E9181CF3                          # unsigned(3910671603)
  • As a hex string:
  • As a UR:
  • UR as QR Code:
echo 'ur:hdkey/onaxhdclaojlvoechgferkdpqdiabdrflawshlhdmdcemtfnlrctghchbdolvwsednvdztbgolaahdcxtottgostdkhfdahdlykkecbbweskrymwflvdylgerkloswtbrpfdbsticmwylklpahtantjsoyaoadamtantjooyadlecsdwykadykadykaewkadwkaycywlcscewfjnkpvllt' \
  | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' \
  | qrencode -o 2.png -l L

HDKey Digest Source Specification

When a unique identifier to a hdkey is needed, an extract of its fields, called the digest source is created and then used as input to the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. The resulting digest can be compared to digests produced the same way to determine whether a key has a particular identity. See BCR-2021-002: Digests for Digital Objects for more information.

The digest source of a hdkey has the following CBOR structure:

hdkey-digest-source = [
    hdkey.key-data-bytes, ; key data
    hdkey.chain-code-bytes / null, ; encode `null` if key has no chain code
    coininfo.type ; coin type ; network

Example digest source from Test Vector 2:

    h'026fe2355745bb2db3630bbc80ef5d58951c963c841f54170ba6e5c12be7fc12a6', ; key data
    h'ced155c72456255881793514edc5bd9447e7f74abb88c6d6b6480fd016ee8c85', ; chain code
    0, ; cointype-btc
    1  ; mainnet

The digest source as binary:

84                                      # array(4)
   58 21                                # bytes(33)
   58 20                                # bytes(32)
   00                                   # unsigned(0)
   01                                   # unsigned(1)

The digest source as a hex string:


The actual digest is the SHA-256 of the digest source:


The digest is encoded as CBOR field (diagnostic notation) is tagged with #6.40600 per BCR-2020-006#object-fingerprints

hdkey-fingerprint = 40600(h'362af3038da7600ad1581c19161c8594aafafc24e5acf1aefc8f7a0bbe366df2')