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AlphaMusic Icon AlphaMusic - Discord Music Bot

Build Application



./gradlew shadowJar

Run Application


  • Java 11 or higher
  • Discord application and bot token. Learn here how to create a discord application. Required permissions:
    • Read Messages/View Channels
    • Send Messages
    • Send Messages in Threads
    • Manage Messages
    • Embed Links
    • Use External Emojis
    • Use External Stickers
    • Add Reactions
    • Use Slash Commands
    • Connect
    • Speak
    • Use Voice Activity


java -jar build/libs/AlphaMusic.jar


  • -dt or --discord_token - specify discord token - optional
    Used to link the application to a discord bot
  • -ye or --youtube_email - specify YouTube email - optional
    Used for YouTube search synchronization and to allow playing of age restricted tracks
  • -yp or --youtube_pass - specify YouTube password - optional

Environment Variables:

If environment variables are not found, the application will check java system properties and if it can't find those either, it will attempt use the default value or throw an exception if value is not optional.

  • ALPHAMUSIC_DISCORD_TOKEN - specify discord token - required if -dt parameter is not specified
  • ALPHAMUSIC_YOUTUBE_EMAIL - optional - default: -dt value or null
  • ALPHAMUSIC_YOUTUBE_PASSWORD - optional - default: -yp value or null
  • ALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_HOST - specify MySQL host - required
  • ALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_PORT - specify MySQL port - optional - default: 3306
  • ALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_DATABASE - specify MySQL database - required
  • ALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_USERNAME - specify MySQL username - required
  • ALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_PASSWORD - specify MySQL password - required
  • ALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_SAVE_DELAY - specify delay between data saving tasks - default: 30
  • ALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_SAVE_DELAY_TIMEUNIT - specify the time unit to represent the save delay by - default: MINUTES
  • ALPHAMUSIC_DEBUG_MODE - specify if debug mode should be enabled when the app starts - default: false


java -DALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_HOST=example.test -DALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_DATABASE=alphamusic -DALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_USERNAME=alphamusic -DALPHAMUSIC_MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass1234 -jar build/libs/AlphaMusic.jar --discord_token mydiscord.token.123

Runtime Console Commands:

  • app


    • -h or --help - show help menu
    • -v or --version - show application version
    • -d or --debug - toggle debug mode
    • -s or --shutdown - shutdown application