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Get the firmware version as a string, e.g. "9.7.0".

const version = BitBox02.version();

BitBox02 API - Methods

The BitBox02 JavaScript library supports the methods documented below.

For a fully functional sandbox implementation see demo/demo.js.


The following methods implement Bitcoin functionality.


Get a Bitcoin xPub key for a given coin and derivation path.

 * @param coin Coin to target - `constants.messages.BTCCoin.*`, for example `constants.messages.BTCCoin.BTC`.
 * @param keypath account-level keypath, for example `getKeypathFromString("m/49'/0'/0'")`.
 * @param xpubType xpub version - `constants.messages.BTCXPubType.*`, for example `constants.messages.BTCXPubType.YPUB`.
 * @param display if true, the device device will show the xpub on the screen before returning.
 * @return the xpub string.
const xPub = await BitBox02.btcXPub(coin, keypath, xpubType, display);


Display a Bitcoin single-sig address on the device. Return a promise with the address after users confirmation or throw "aborted by the user" error. The address to be shown in the wallet is usually derived from the xpub (see btcXPub) and account type.

 * @param coin Coin to target - `constants.messages.BTCCoin.*`, for example `constants.messages.BTCCoin.BTC`.
 * @param keypath address-level keypath, for example `getKeypathFromString("m/49'/0'/0'/1/10")`.
 *                Note: the keypaths are strictly enforced according to bip44, and must match the provided script/address types.
 * @param simpleType is the address type - `constants.messages.BTCScriptConfig_SimpleType.*`, for example `constants.messages.BTCScriptConfig_SimpleType.P2WPKH_P2SH` for `3...` segwit addresses.
 * @param display wheter to display the address on the device for user confirmation, default true.
 * @return promise with address string or reject with aborted error
const address = await BitBox02.btcDisplayAddressSimple(coin, keypath, simpleType);


Sign a Bitcoin single-sig transaction.

 * @param coin Coin to target - `constants.messages.BTCCoin.*`, for example `constants.messages.BTCCoin.BTC`.
 * @param simpleType same as in `btcDisplayAddresssimple`.
 * @param keypathAccount account-level keypath, for example `getKeypathFromString("m/84'/0'/0'")`.
 *                       All inputs and changes must be from this account.
 * @param inputs array of input objects, with each input:
 *               {
 *                 "prevOutHash": Uint8Array(32),
 *                 "prevOutIndex": number,
 *                 "prevOutValue": string, // satoshis as a decimal string,
 *                 "sequence": number, // usually 0xFFFFFFFF
 *                 "keypath": [number], // usually keypathAccount.concat([change, address]),
 *               }
 * @param outputs array of output objects, with each output being either regular output or a change output:
 *                Change outputs:
 *                {
 *                  "ours": true,
 *                  "keypath": [number], // usually keypathAccount.concat([1, <address>]),
 *                  "value": string, // satoshis as a decimal string,
 *                }
 *                Regular outputs:
 *                {
 *                  "ours": false,
 *                  "type": constants.messages.BTCOutputType.P2WSH // e.g. constants.messages.BTCOutputType.P2PKH,
 *                  // pubkey or script hash or pubkey. 20 bytes for P2PKH, P2SH, P2WPKH. 32 bytes for P2WSH, P2TR.
 *                  "payload": new Uint8Array(20) | new Uint8Array(32)
 *                  "value": string, // satoshis as a decimal string,
 *                }
 * @param version Transaction version, usually 1 or 2.
 * @param locktime Transaction locktime, usually 0.
 * @return Array of 64 byte signatures, one per input.
const signatures = await btcSignSimple(coin, simpleType, keypathAccount, inputs, outputs, version, locktime);


Sign a Bitcoin message on the device.

  * @param coin Coin to target - `constants.messages.BTCCoin.*`. Currenty must be `constants.messages.BTCCoin.BTC`.
  * @param simpleType same as in `btcDisplayAddressSimple`.
  * @param keypath address-level keypath, for example `getKeypathFromString("m/49'/0'/0'/0/0")`.
  * @param message Buffer/Uint8Array
  * @returns Object
  *     {
  *         signature: Uint8Array(64)
  *         recID: number
  *         electrumSignature: Uint8Array(65)
  *     }
const signedMessage = await btcSignMessage(coin, simpleType, keypath, message);


Register a Bitcoin multisig account on the device with a user chosen name. If it is already registered, this does nothing. A multisig account must be registered before it can be used to show multisig addresses or sign multisig transactions.k

Note: Currently, only P2WSH (bech32) multisig accounts on the keypath m/48'/<coin>'/<account>'/2' are supported.

 * @param account account object details:
 * {
 *   "coin": constants.messages.BTCCoin, // for example constants.messages.BTCCoin.BTC
 *   "keypathAccount": [number], // account-level keypath, for example `getKeypathFromString("m/48'/0'/0'/2'")`.
 *   "threshold": number, // signing threshold, e.g. 2.
 *   "xpubs": [string], // list of account-level xpubs given in any format. One of them must belong to the connected BitBox02.
 *   "ourXPubIndex": nmber, // index of the currently connected BitBox02's multisig xpub in the xpubs array, e.g. 0.
 * }
 * @param getName: async () => string - If the account is unknown to the device, this function will be called to get an
 *                 account name from the user. The resulting name must be between 1 and 30 ascii chars.
await btcMaybeRegisterScriptConfig(account, getName);


Display a Bitcoin multisig address on the device. btcMaybeRegisterScriptConfig should be called beforehand.

 * @param account same as in `btcMaybeRegisterScriptConfig`.
 * @param keypath address-level keypath from the account, usually `account.keypathAccount.concat([0, address])`.
await btcDisplayAddressMultisig(account, keypath);


Sign a Bitcoin multisig transaction. btcMaybeRegisterScriptConfig should be called beforehand.

 * @param account same as in `btcMaybeRegisterScriptConfig`.
 * Other params and return are the same as in `btcSignSimple`.
await btcSignMultisig(account, inputs, outputs, version, locktime);


The following methods implement Ethereum functionality. These are only supported by the "BitBox02 Multi edition".


Get Ethereum xPub key for a given coin and derivation path.

 * @param keypath account keypath in string format
 * Currently only two keypaths are supported:
 * - `m/44'/60'/0'/0` for mainnet and
 * - `m/44'/1'/0'/0`  for Rinkeby and Ropsten testnets
 * @returns string; ethereum extended public key
const rootPub = await BitBox02.ethGetRootPubKey(keypath: string);


Display an Ethereum address on the device screen for verification.

 * @param keypath string, e.g. m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 for the first mainnet account
await BitBox02.ethDisplayAddress(keypath);


Signs an Ethereum transaction on the device.

To sign Ethereum transactions, we recommend using the Transaction type provided by the ethereumjs library. Then use this method to send the data to the device and get the signature bytes.

 * @param signingData Object;
 * signingData = {
 *     keypath, // string, e.g. m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
 *     chainId, // number, currently 1, 3 or 4 for Mainnet, Ropsten and Rinkeby respectively
 *     tx       // Object, either as provided by the `Transaction` type from `ethereumjs` library
 *              // or including `nonce`, `gasPrice`, `gasLimit`, `to`, `value`, and `data` as byte arrays
 * }
 * @returns Object; result with the signature bytes r, s, v
 * result = {
 *     r: Uint8Array(32)
 *     s: Uint8Array(32)
 *     v: Uint8Array(1)
 * }
const result = await BitBox02.ethSignTransaction(signingData);


Sign an Ethereum message on the device.

/** @param msgData is an object including the keypath and the message as bytes/Buffer:
  * const msgData = {
  *     keypath    // string, e.g. m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 for the first mainnet account
  *     message    // Buffer/Uint8Array
  *   }
  * @returns Object; result with the signature bytes r, s, v
  * result = {
  *   r: Uint8Array(32)
  *   s: Uint8Array(32)
  *   v: Uint8Array(1)
  * }
const result = await BitBox02.ethSignMessage(msgData);