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This is a template of script that automates the release note generation process. Running the script will:

  • Extract information from the changeset files in the changelogs/fragments directory
  • Perform basic validations to ensure proper fragment format
  • Map the changelog entries in these files to their appropriate changelog section headings
  • Generate the changelog section for the new release and add it to the top of the changelog
  • Create a release notes document to accompany the new release
  • Delete the changeset files from the changelogs/fragments directory

When a new product release is ready for general availability, OpenSearch maintainers can run the following script command from the command line:

 yarn release_note:generate

Workflow Flowchart

The following flow chart, built using Mermaid syntax, illustrates the logic this workflow follows.

(NOTE: If you are viewing this README in an IDE or code editor, the flow chart will not render. To view the chart, please visit this README file on GitHub's website, which includes built-in support for Mermaid syntax.)

graph TD
    A(release_note_script starts) --> B(get all files from fragment directory)
    B --> C{is it a yml file?}
    C -- Yes --> D{is it properly formatted?}
    C -- No --> E(skip that file and warn) --> I{all files checked?}
    D -- Yes --> F(read and store entry from file) --> I
    D -- No --> G(throw error and terminate)
    I -- Yes --> H(generate sections using fragment files)
    I -- No --> C
    H --> J(move fragment files to temp folder)
    J --> K(update changelog file with sections)
    K --> L(generate release note with sections)
    L --> M{is changelog and release note successfully updated?}
    M -- Yes --> N(delete temp folder and fragment files)
    M -- No --> G

Using the Script in Your Own Repository

Make sure you have your changeset files under the changelogs/fragments directory ready before using the script.

To use the Release-note script, you will need to set it up in your own repository. Here is an example PR setting the script up in Opensearch-Dashboards

Here is a step-by-step walk through

  1. Modify package.json add this line at the end of "scripts":{ }

     "release_note:generate": "scripts/use_node scripts/ generate_release_note"
  2. Add generate_release_note.ts and generate_release_note.ts to ./src/dev directory

  3. Add generate_release_note.js to ./scripts directory

  4. To run the script, open the terminal and run:

     yarn release_note:generate

Modifying the script

Should you wish to modify the script for your repository. It is pretty straightforward. Below are some common areas to look:

  • change file paths & locations --> modify the const paths in generate_release_note_helper.ts
    export const filePath = ...
    export const fragmentDirPath = ...
    export const fragmentTempDirPath = ...
    export const releaseNotesDirPath = ...
  • change section names --. modify the const SECTION_MAPPING in generate_release_note_helper.ts
    export const SECTION_MAPPING = ...
  • change max entry length or other validation criteria --> modify const MAX_ENTRY_LENGTH or validateFragment function in generate_release_note_helper.ts
    const MAX_ENTRY_LENGTH = ...
    export function validateFragment(content: string) {
        const entryRegex = ...