+-- global_id1
| +-- boxes_scores_rpn_ids
| +-- start_end_ids
+-- global_id2
| +-- boxes_scores_rpn_ids
| +-- start_end_ids
Each global_id
is an hdf5 group with boxes_scores_rpn_ids
and start_end_ids
as hdf5 datasets.
is a Nx6 (=4+1+1) dimensional numpy array with each row containing the box coordinates ([x1,y1,x2,y2]
are the top-left and bottom-right coordinates respectively), score for the selected class, and index of the box in the list of 300 boxes proposed by RPN in the Faster-RCNN framework. -
is a 81x2 dimensional numpy array with i^th row containing the start and end row numbers inbox_scores_rpn_ids
for i^th class in the list ofCOCO_CLASSES
). So detections for i^th category inCOCO_CLASSES
for a givenglobal_id
are obtained by
import h5py
from data.coco_classes import COCO_CLASSES
f = h5py.File(selected_coco_cls_dets_hdf5_path,'r')
cls_name = COCO_CLASSES[i]
start_id, end_id = f[global_id]['start_end_ids'][i]
dets = f[global_id]['boxes_scores_rpn_ids'][start_id:end_id]
boxes = dets[:,:4] # Box coordinates
scores = dets[:,4] # Scores for object category cls_name
rpn_ids = dets[:,5] # ID of the box in the list of predictions made by faster-rcnn (an integer in [0,300))