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Beam wallet protocol API

chapati edited this page Dec 22, 2021 · 276 revisions

Starting with v6.0 BEAM wallet supports API versioning using the --api_version option. Please choose the corresponding API version in the list below to get available methods description.

Sections below apply to the API versions starting with 6.0 if other is not explicitly stated.


Wallet API has the same structure as Node Stratum API protocol (JSON RPC 2.0 over TCP connection) and should have an online connection to the node. However it can work over HTTP using --use_http=1 option. Send POST requests to http://x.x.x.x:port/api/wallet in this case.

Running Wallet API

Place wallet-api binary located in the wallet folder near your wallet.db and run it. You can specify options in CLI or using wallet-api.cfg file. Minimal options required are your wallet.db password (--pass) and node (-n=) to connect to. Please notice that node.db by default is expected to be located in the current working directory ($PWD). You can change this using the --wallet_path= option.

Wallet API general options

  -h [ --help ]                         list of all options
  -p [ --port ] arg (=10000)            port to start server on
  -n [ --node_addr ] arg                address of node
  --wallet_path arg (=wallet.db)        path to wallet file
  --pass arg                            password for the wallet
  --use_http arg (=0)                   use JSON RPC over HTTP
  --ip_whitelist arg                    IP whitelist
  --log_cleanup_days arg (=5)           old logfiles cleanup period(days)
  --node_poll_period arg (=0)           Node poll period in milliseconds. Set
                                        to 0 to keep connection. Anyway poll
                                        period would be no less than the
                                        expected rate of blocks if it is less
                                        then it will be rounded up to block
                                        rate value.
  --enable_assets                       enable confidential assets transactions
  --enable_lelantus                     enable Lelantus MW transactions
  --api_version                         specify API version. Available since v6.0. Acceptable values: current, 6.0, 6.1 &c.

User authorization options:
  --use_acl arg (=0)                use Access Control List (ACL)
  --acl_path arg (=wallet_api.acl)  path to ACL file

TLS protocol options:
  --use_tls arg (=0)                use TLS protocol
  --tls_cert arg (=wallet_api.crt)  path to TLS certificate
  --tls_key arg (=wallet_api.key)   path to TLS private key
  --tls_request_cert (=false)       request client's certificate for verification for client authentication
  --tls_reject_unauthorized (=true) server will reject any connection which is not authorized with the list of supplied CAs

wallet-api.cfg file

The wallet-api.cfg file is another way to supply options for the API server. All the options listed above supported. The wallet-api.cfg file is expected to be located in the current working directory ($PWD). Here is an example of the wallet-api.cfg file:

# password for the wallet

# address of node

# port to start server on

# path to wallet file

# use JSON RPC over HTTP

Running API Server in TCP mode

By default API launches in TCP mode. For example:

./wallet-api --node_addr= --pass=123

Accessing API Server via TCP

Here is an example NodeJS code to get all UTXOs from the Wallet API server that is running in TCP mode

var net = require('net');

var client = new net.Socket();
client.connect(10000, '', function() {
			jsonrpc: '2.0',
			id: 123,
			method: 'get_utxo',
			params: {}
		}) + '\n');

var acc = '';

client.on('data', function(data) {
	acc += data;

	// searching for \n symbol to find end of response
	if(data.indexOf('\n') != -1)
		var res = JSON.parse(acc);

		console.log('Received:', res);

		client.destroy(); // kill client after server's response

client.on('close', function() {
	console.log('Connection closed');

Running API Server in HTTP mode

Run via cli with '--use_http=1':

./wallet-api --node_addr= --pass=123 --use_http=1

Or add 'use_http=1' to the wallet-api.cfg to enable HTTP mode.

Accessing API Server via HTTP

You can perform POST requests using CURL. Here is an example to get the current wallet status.

curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"wallet_status"}' 
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -X POST http://x.x.x.x:port/api/wallet

TLS encryption

Add --use_tls=1 to enable TLS encryption. You have supply the valid 3rd-party certificate or create a self signed certificate. Pass them to the API server using --tls_cert and --tls_key options.

For testing you can download the sample certificate and key files from here or clicking the links below:

Certificate File
Certificate Private Key File

IP whitelisting

Add --ip_whitelist=, parameter to restrict access to the API server to certain IP addresses. Connections from other IP address would be rejected.

Users authorization

API methods can have access rights control if you enable Access Control List (ACL) using --use_acl=1 option. Below is the list of all API methods with the access rights required to call the respective method:

create_address       - write access
validate_address     - read access
addr_list            - read access
delete_address       - write access
edit_address         - write access
tx_send              - write access
tx_status            - read access
tx_split             - write access
tx_asset_issue       - write access
tx_asset_consume     - write access
tx_asset_info        - write access
tx_cancel            - write access
get_utxo             - read access
tx_list              - read access
wallet_status        - read access
get_asset_info       - read access
generate_tx_id       - read access
export_payment_proof - read access
verify_payment_proof - read access
calc_change          - read access
invoke_contract      - write access
process_invoke_data  - write access
block_details        - read access

ACL file should look like a list with the access keys and read/write rights:

472e17b0419055ffee3b3813b98ae671579b0ac0dcd6f1a23b11a75ab148cc67 : write
bd39333a66a8b7cb3804b5978d42312c841dbfa03a1c31fc2f0627eeed6e43f2 : read
f287176bdd517e9c277778e4c012bf6a3e687dd614fc552a1ed22a3fee7d94f2 : read

Don't forget to send user key in every JSONRPC request to the API if access control is enabled:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "method": "wallet_status",
    "key": "bd39333a66a8b7cb3804b5978d42312c841dbfa03a1c31fc2f0627eeed6e43f2"

API Errors Handling

Errors are returned as:

  error: {
    code: -32003,
    data: "It's not your own address.",
    message: 'Invalid address.'


  • code is a unique identifier of the error
  • message textual description of the error
  • data is the contextual data for the error, usually more detailed description for general error codes

To get the list of the possible error codes check the respective API version.

Assets Support

v6.0+ API implements confidential assets support. To ensure backward compatibility by default API does not return asset entities (coins, blances, txs &c). Asset operations (send, receive, issue, consume &c.) are disabled as well and if requested for an asset would fail. Also all incoming transactions that involve assets would be rejected by the Wallet API as well. If you do not enable assets support your old code should be able to use new API without any changes.

To enable assets start your API server with the --enable_assets option or set this flag to true in the config file.

Methods that can return asset entities (for example wallet_status or get_utxo) might have different return format if assets are enabled. Please check the respective methods' documentation for details.

In most method responses responses an additional asset_id field is returned by default even if assets support is not enabled. It is always 0 for BEAM and can be safely ignored.

IPFS Support

String with v6.3 BEAM comes with built-in IPFS support. Please refer the following pages for more details

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