All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.2.1 (2019-11-22)
1.2.0 (2019-07-01)
- add DEV for global variables, like react (c4135c4)
- add docs (11f63c8)
- add new CleanWebpackPlugin() (3c57335)
- add registory address (6c8ace8)
- add require.resolve (bd8124f)
- add template (58f798f)
- add template (f4e0afe)
- extract all plugins (31f3b00)
- extract css loaders for development and production (a2b4120)
- format json (5d5e3fd)
- 修改 bin 目录下名称与项目名称一致,避免出现这种错误 ‘error: trust-scripts-dev(1) does not exist, try --help’, ref: tj/commander.js#786 (dbf8737)
- 删除 test 目录,抽离出新的项目作为 demo 演示 (88e9c72)
- 引入 mkcert 增加证书自动生成相关配置 (87039cb)