This simple generic array list allows any kind of data passed as void pointers. It also features auto expansion when the size limit is reached, it automatically acquires twice as much memory, copies all the contents of the list and then frees the previously allocated memory.
In order to create an array list you need to call array_list_create(size_t)
and pass the initial size as an argument.
In order to add an item to the list, call array_list_add(p_array_list, void*)
and pass a pointer to the list and a pointer to the item.
In order to remove an item from the list, call array_list_remove(p_array_list, void*)
and pass a pointer to the list and a pointer to the item you want to remove.
In order to remove an item from the list by index, call array_list_remove_at(p_array_list, int)
and pass a pointer to the list and a number, representing the index in the internal array.
You can get this index from array_list_iter(p_array_list)
and array_list_next(p_array_list, int)
, in the latter function the second argument is the current iterator index.
You can iterate through the list by getting the real indices of items in the internal array by calling array_list_iter(p_array_list)
and array_list_next(p_array_list, int)
, please see the example down below.
You can retrieve an item from the list by calling array_list_get(p_array_list, int)
, where the second argument is the iterator index.
#include "alist.h"
int main() {
// Create array list of size 2
p_array_list alist = array_list_create(2);
// Create a few integers and add them to the list
int a = 1, b = 2;
array_list_add(alist, &a);
array_list_add(alist, &b);
// Iterate through the list
// Get the index of the first item
int iter = array_list_iter(alist);
while(iter >= 0) {
// Get the current item
int *item = array_list_get(alist, iter);
// Remove this element
array_list_remove(alist, item);
// Or remove by index
array_list_remove_at(alist, iter);
// Get the next index
iter = array_list_next(alist, iter);
// Free all members
// Note: this will try to free the memory of each pointer
// in the array list
// Free the list itself once it's not needed anymore
return 0;
Sockutils provides simple functions to save space when working with sockets.
#include "sockutils.h"
#define PORT 12000
int main() {
// Simple tcp socket
int tcpsock = create_tcp_socket();
// Simple udp socket
int udpsock = create_udp_socket();
// Sockaddr structure for address
p_sockaddr_in addr = create_sockaddr(PORT);
// Bind a socket to a specific address
bind_socket(tcp, addr);
// Set a socket to non-blocking
return 0;