After you have bootstrapped and created your LUIS model and / or QnAMaker knowledge base, you might make subsequent refinements to your models directly from or You can use the refresh command to re-generate .lu files from your LUIS JSON and / or QnAMaker JSON files.
>ludown refresh -h
Usage: ludown refresh -i <LUISJsonFile> | -q <QnAJSONFile>
Convert LUIS JSON and/ or QnAMaker JSON file into .lu file
-i, --LUIS_File <LUIS_JSON_File> [Optional] LUIS JSON input file name
-q, --QNA_FILE <QNA_FILE> [Optional] QnA Maker JSON input file name
-o, --out_folder <outputFolder> [optional] [Optional] Output folder for all files the tool will generate
-n, --lu_File <LU_File> [Optional] Output .lu file name
--verbose [Optional] Get verbose messages from parser
-s, --skip_header [Optional] Generate .lu file without the header comment
-r, --sort [Optional] When set, intent, utterances, entities, questions collections are alphabetically sorted
-m, --model_info [Optional] When set, include model information in the output .lu file
--prefix [Optional] append [ludown] prefix to all messages
--stdin [Optional] Read input from stdin
--stdout [Optional] Write output to stdout only. Specifying this option will not write any generated content to disk
-h, --help output usage information
luis export version --appId <string> --versionId <string> --authoringKey <key>
using LUIS portal
- Navigate to LUIS
- Sign in
- Click on My apps
- Find the app you wish to download, click "..." -> Export app
qnamaker export kb --kbid "" --environment <string>
You can pipe output of luis or qnamaker commands to generate a .lu file. Here are few examples
> luis export version --appId <YOUR-LUIS-APP-ID> --versionId <YOUR-LUIS-APP-VERSION> | ludown refresh --stdin -o c:\test -n
> qnamaker export kb --kbId <YOUR-KB-ID> --environemnt <TEST-OR-PROD> --hostname <YOUR-HOST-NAME> --endpointKey <YOUR-ENDPOINT-KEY> --subscriptionKey <YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-KEY> | ludown refresh --stdin -o c:\test -n