##2014-08-27 - Supported Release 1.0.0 ###Summary
This release has added support for installation from packages, improved WAR management, and updates to testing and documentation.
- Updated tomcat::setenv::entry to better support installations from package
- Added the ability to purge auto-exploded WAR directories when removing WARs. Defaults to purging these directories
- Added warnings for unused variables when installing from package
- Updated acceptance tests and nodesets
- Updated README
- $tomcat::setenv::entry::base_path is being deprecated in favor of $tomcat::setenv::entry::config_file
##2014-08-20 - Release 0.1.2 ###Summary
This release adds compatibility information and updates the README with information on the requirement of augeas >= 1.0.0.
##2014-08-14 - Release 0.1.1 ###Summary
This is a bugfix release.
- Update 'warn' to correct 'warning' function.
- Update README for use_init.
- Test updates and fixes.
##2014-08-06 - Release 0.1.0 ###Summary
Initial release of the tomcat module.