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🔀 SwiftFilesCombiner

SwiftFilesCombiner is a command-line utility designed to simplify the process of combining multiple Swift files into a single file. This tool is particularly useful for developers who need to merge multiple Swift source files for code review, submission, or any other purpose that requires a consolidated view of the codebase.

✨ Features

  • 🔍 Recursively scans a specified directory for Swift files
  • 🔗 Combines all found Swift files into a single output file
  • 💼 Preserves file paths in comments for easy reference
  • 🛡️ Handles potential errors gracefully
  • 🏠 Uses current directory as default input if no directory is specified

📥 Installation

SwiftFilesCombiner can be easily installed using Homebrew:

brew tap bashta/tap
brew install swiftfilescombiner

🚀 Usage

  • After installation, you can use SwiftFilesCombiner from the command line with flexible arguments: swiftfilescombiner [<directory_path>] [<output_file>]


  • <directory_path> (optional) is the path to the directory containing Swift files you want to combine. If not provided, the current directory is used.
  • <output_file> (optional) is the path and filename where you want the combined content to be saved. If not provided, it defaults to 'combined_swift_files.swift' in the current directory.


# Uses current directory, outputs to current directory
# Uses current directory, outputs to desktop
swiftfilescombiner -d
# Uses specified input directory, outputs to desktop
swiftfilescombiner input_dir -d
# Uses current directory, outputs to desktop with specified filename
swiftfilescombiner -d output.swift
# Uses specified input and output, but puts output on desktop
swiftfilescombiner input_dir output.swift -d

🛠️ Building from Source

If you prefer to build SwiftFilesCombiner from source:

  • Clone the repository: git clone
  • Navigate to the project directory: cd SwiftFilesCombiner
  • Build the project: swift build -c release
  • The executable will be located in .build/release/SwiftFilesCombiner

🤝 Contributing

Contributions to SwiftFilesCombiner are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

📄 License

SwiftFilesCombiner is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

💬 Support

If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.

👨‍💻 Authors

Erison Veshi bashta

Thanks to

Y severeduck

🎉 What's New in v0.0.3

  • 🏠 Current directory is now used as default input if no directory is specified
  • 🔧 Improved argument handling for more flexible usage
  • 📝 Default output file name when not specified: 'combined_swift_files.swift'
  • 🐛 Enhanced error handling and improved stability
  • 🧪 Expanded test coverage for better reliability

Made with <3 and a pinch of sillyness!


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