Here's what you'll need to have ready on the day of the workshop:
Visit and invite yourself to the Slack.
Download and installation instructions are here:
Once CommandBox is installed we will need to install some global modules. Start by opening a box shell by typing box
. Once in the shell you can type:
install commandbox-dotenv,commandbox-migrations,commandbox-cfconfig
We tend to use a Docker container for this, but it is not a requirement. Here is a command that will give you a local MySQL container you can interact with:
docker run -d --name=quick_blog_example -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=quick_blog_example -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql:5.7
After you have created the container, you can start and stop it using the following commands:
docker start quick_blog_example
docker stop quick_blog_example
(You may choose to use a different database that Quick supports if you desire, but all examples will be ran against MySQL 5.7. We won't be able to support you with database-specific issues in the workshop.)
You will want a SQL client to inspect and interact with your database. You can use any client you would like. Here are a few we like ourselves:
- DBeaver (Cross Platform, Free)
- Sequel Pro (Mac, Free)
- Heidi SQL (Windows, Free)
- TablePlus (Cross Platform, Commercial / Free Trial)
- Data Grip (Cross Platform, Commercial / Free Trial)
We recommend the following IDEs for development for this workshop
If using VS Code, please install the following extensions:
- CFML - KamasamaK
- vscode-coldbox
- vscode-testbox
- Docker
- Yaml
If using Sublime, please install the following extensions:
- ColdBox Platform
- CFMLDocPlugin
- Enhanced HTML and CFML
- DockerFile Syntax Highlighting
- Yaml
- Quick Docs:
- QB Docs:
- CommandBox Migrations: