Level: Medium
Points: 498
Author: Micheal Erickson
We've captured an encoded message by some tongue-twister enthusiasts. Can you decode it?
The challenge looks really confusing at first since it has the words wood
and chuck
a lot in what seems to be a random pairing, but closer inspection will reveal a pattern - each line starts with the phrase How much wood would a
and ends with the phrase wood?
. When these beginning and ending phrases are stripped from each line, you'll find another pattern, where each line is composed of two different phrases repeated in different orders - woodchuck could chuck
and woodchuck chuck if a
If you substitute woodchuck could chuck
for a 0
and woodchuck chuck if a
for a 1
and binary decode it, you'll get the flag.
Flag - ctf{i_bet_he_could_chuck_a_heck_of_a_lot_of_wood}