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C# Book - Chapter 4 : Generics

Generic Types


If you decide to use a type while it is unknown (not specified right now), you can use Generics. We also use generic to define a type that is not specific to a particular data type. Let me give an example.

Here we have a simple class:

// Class for int
public class CNormalInt
    public CNormalInt(int number, string name)
        Name = name;
        Number = number;
    public string Name { get; }
    public int Number { get; }

As you see, it's so simple. Receives two arguments, one int and the other is string and stores them. Very well! But what happens if I like to have a similar class with a double number or a float one? I have to create two more classes. The complete code will be something like:

// Class for int
public class CNormalInt
    public CNormalInt(int number, string name)
        Name = name;
        Number = number;
    public string Name { get; }
    public int Number { get; }

// Class for double
public class CNormalDouble
    public CNormalDouble(double number, string name)
        Name = name;
        Number = number;
    public string Name { get; }
    public double Number { get; }

// Class for float
public class CNormalFloat
    public CNormalFloat(float number, string name)
        Name = name;
        Number = number;
    public string Name { get; }
    public float Number { get; }

This code is good, but is there a smarter way? Is there any way to not copy-paste a single code several times for changing a single type name? Yes! Generic Types is the answer. Lets directly explain on the code:

// Defining a Generic Class
public class CGeneric<T>
    public CGeneric(T number, string name)
        Name = name;
        Number = number;
    public string Name { get; }
    public T Number { get; }

At first glance it may seem scary or strange, but it's simple. Lets explain:

There is a letter T in three places:

  1. at class definition line in a pair of an angle brackets <>.
  2. as a parameter type in the construction method.
  3. as the type of the Number property

As you noticed, T is used in place of a type. This type is unknown to us right now, but it is same everywhere the T is used in the class. To use the T, we first should declare that we want to use it. Compiler understands that with using <T>. We use it for a single time in the defining type. Then we can use it.

But wait! How can we use a generic class? Does it directly usable? No. But it is easy. We must to construct our class based on a real type( instead of T) . Lets use the aforementioned generic class:

var cNormalInt = new CGeneric<int>(10, "is int");
var cNormalFloat = new CGeneric<float>(10.1f, "is float");
var cNormalDouble = new CGeneric<double>(10.00000000001d, "is double");

Console.WriteLine($"{cNormalInt.Number} - {cNormalInt.Name}");
Console.WriteLine($"{cNormalFloat.Number} - {cNormalFloat.Name}");
Console.WriteLine($"{cNormalDouble.Number} - {cNormalDouble.Name}");

We have to specify the original type we want to use instead of the T. As you see, we made three instances from a single generic class based on different types(int, float, double here). Each object instance is constructed from a distinct class! Yes, you're right. They use identical Generic class, but they are three different classes construced on distinct types. We made completely different classes. After constructing classes based on real types, we call them constructed generic class.

Advantages of the Generics

  1. Less code
  2. Better maintenance
  3. No duplication and its potential errors
  4. ...

A few points about Generics

  1. Term T is arbitrary. You can introduce whatever at the type signature level.
  2. C# naming convention recommends to use T or a PascalCased identifier started with T to represent a generic type parameter.(like TKey,TVal, etc)


Whats are the Generic Type Constraints?

  • Constraints are some validations we put on a generic type. They're like instructions or rules to define how to deal with a generic type.

  • To create an instance of a generic type, you must use valid types (which were declared by constraints); otherwise, you will get errors from the compiler.

  • To declare a constraint, you can add a where T:<constraint> in front of the type signature.

// How To add Constraints
public class ConstraintPR<T> where T: new()
    public T Instance;
    public ConstraintPR()
      Instance=new T();

Example above shows how to define the new() constraint. You can replace new() with any valid constraint.

  • If we create an instance of the type T in the body of a generic type, we must use the new() constraint; Otherwise, the compiler won't let us.

Constraints Types:

There are a few types of constraints existed:

Constraint Description
where T : struct T must be a struct
where T : class
where T : class?
T must be a class
T must be a nullable class
where T : notnull T must be a non-nullable reference or value type
where T : <base class name>
where T : <base class name>?
T must be or derive from the <base class name> class. It must be non-nullable
T must be or derive from the <base class name> class. It can be nullable or non-nullable
where T : <interface name>
where T : <interface name>?
T must be or implement the <base interface name> interface. It can also be generic. Implementing type must be non-nullable
T must be or implement the <base interface name> interface. It can also be generic. Implementing type can be nullable or non-nullable
where T : unmanaged T must be a non-nullable unmanaged type which implies struct constraints. It can not be combined with struct or new() constraints
where T : default To resolve ambiguity while overriding a method or defining an explicit interface implementation. Implying the base method is not constrained by struct or class constraints.
where T : new() To be able to create an instance object of the type Tinside the generic type.
where T : U T must be or derive from the type argument U. If U is non-nullable then T must be non-nullable .
  • The class, struct, unmanaged, notnull, and default constraints

    1. cannot be combined or duplicated
    2. must be specified first in the constraints list.
  • new() constraint must be specified last

  • While using where T : class be cautious about == and != operators. If you apply them to the generic argument types, they compare the references and not values.

    • If you're intended to compare values, it's recommended to apply where T : IEquatable<T> or where T : IComparable<T> constraints.
Defining Multiple constraints

You can define multiple constraints on a single parameter or constraints for several parameters.

  1. Use one where clause for each parameter
  2. Separate multiple constraints for a single parameter with comma(,)
  3. If a generic type derives from another type, declare it by using a colon before the first where clause if existed.

You can see an example in the following code:

public class Test<T, U> : BaseClass, ISampleInterface
    where T : SpecificClass, new()
    where U : unmanaged
Unbounded type parameters

Means there is no constraint used for that parameter.

For an unbounded type parameter:

  1. You can not use == or != operators.
  2. You can convert them from or to System.Object. You can also explicitly convert it to an interface type.
  3. It is comparable to null. Comparing a value type argument to null returns false.
Type Parameter as Constraint where T : U
  1. It is useful when a member method has to constraint its type parameter to the defining type parameter. For example in the following code U is constrained to T.
public class List<T>
    public void Add<U>(List<U> items) where U : T
    {/* body */}
  1. It's rare but useful to enforce the inheritance relationship between type parameters. Like:
public class Sample<T, U, V, W> where T : U { }
The notnull Constraint

To specifying a value-type or a reference-type must be a non-nullable type, you can use the notnull constraint.

  • By violating this constraint, compiler will just generate a warning instead of an error.
  • The notnull constraint is effective in a nullable context. It is not effective in a nullable oblivious context.
The class Constraint

In a nullable context type argument must be a non-nullable reference type; otherwise compiler generates warning.

The default Constraint

This constraint is only applicable to overridden or explicitly implemented methods. We use it when the type parameter is neither known as a reference type nor as a value type.

public class Parent
    public virtual void M<T>(T? item) where T : struct { }
    public virtual void M<T>(T? item) { } // πŸ‘ˆ

public class Child : Parent
    public override void M<T>(T? item) where T : struct { }
    public override void M<T>(T? item) where T : default { } // πŸ‘ˆ
The unmanaged constraint

What is an unmanaged type? Any type of the followings is unmanaged type:

  • sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, decimal, or bool
  • Any enum type
  • Any pointer type (Will be explained in later chapters)
  • Any user-defined struct that contains fields with the unmanaged types above.

So, the unmanaged constraint specifies that the T must be a non-nullable unmanaged type. It can not be combined with struct or new() constraints.

Delegate constraint

Both System.Delegate and System.MulticastDelegate can be used as a base class constraint in a type-safe way, which were not allowed before C# 7.3 release.

Enum constraint

The System.Enum class can be used as a constraint. It's type-safe and is useful to cache results. For example, the following code, which is using not-efficient reflection method to retrieve an enum all valid values, can be used to cache and make a dictionary from this values. After a single time caching, the dictionary can be called without any performance implication. Cool!

public static Dictionary<int, string> EnumNamedValues<T>()
  where T : System.Enum
    var result = new Dictionary<int, string>();
    var values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(T));

    foreach (int item in values)
        result.Add(item, Enum.GetName(typeof(T), item)!);
    return result;

Zero-Like Values

What is the default value?

The CLR fills all the fields in a newly constructed object or struct with zero or zero-like value. This process also occurs for elements of an array during initialization.

We call these zero-like values the default values. You can see the default value for any type in the table below:

Type Default Value
reference types null
built-in numeric types 0
bool false
char \0
enum (<enum type name>)0 zero casts to the enum type name
struct Creates a value and assigns the default value to all its fields
nullable value type null (in practice HasValue property gets false and the Value property gets undefined. )

How can we use the default value in generics? And why?

In a generic type, it sometimes can be beneficial to reset a value to its initial value.

But in most cases, there is no way to assign a literal to a Generic type or generic parameter directly. In this case, we use the default operator or the default literal.

  • default operator
    • default(<type name>) returns the default value of that type:
public T M<T>()
    T t = default(T); // πŸ‘ˆ
    return t;
  • default literal
    • You can assign the default keyword to a value ( which returns the default of the corresponding type). It is equivalent to default(<type name>) You can use it almost everywhere instead of a real variable. You can see some examples of default literal usage:
public GClass(int Length, T t = default) {/*body*/} // as a method optional parameter πŸ‘ˆ
return default; // as a return value πŸ‘ˆ
GClass<bool>(4, default); // as an argument while calling a method πŸ‘ˆ
T t= default; // in a variable initialization or an assignment πŸ‘ˆ

Generic Methods

You can define a method in a generic format. The syntax is very similar to the generic type. Declare an ordinary method and add the type parameter(s) (<T> or similar generic type parameters) after the method name and before the parenthesis. You can add any constraint after the closing parenthesis like generic types.

public static T GenericMethod<T>(T item) where T: struct
{/*Method Body*/}

How to define a generic method ?

  1. You can define a generic method in a non-generic type:
public class CX
    public T GenericM<T>(T item) where T: class
        /*body of the mehtod*/
        return item;
  1. You can define a generic method in a generic type.
  • In this condition, it's recommended that the type parameter of the method and the containing type(class for example) are not the same; otherwise, the type parameter of the method will hide the outer scope type parameter and you receive a warning.
public class CX<U>               // πŸ‘ˆ a generic class
    public T GenericM<T>(T item) // πŸ‘ˆ a generic method with a different type parameter name
        /*body of the mehtod*/
        return item;
    /*body of the class*/

Type Inference in the Generic methods

The compiler can often infer the type of the type argument of a generic method. So, you can omit the type parameter in the constructed generic type. Both method calls are the same in the following lines.

GC.M<int>(a); // πŸ‘ˆ
GC.M(a);      // πŸ‘ˆ

public class GC
    public static void M<T>(T t) {/*body*/}

To be continued ...

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