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Dataset used in


The dataset is contained in the CSV file cuentalo-hand-labeled-dataset.csv. It has the following columns:

  • id: (integer) Tweet id.
  • WHO: (integer between 1-5) See who.
  • WHAT-murder: (1 or blank) 1 if the tweet was tagged as murder. See what, murder.
  • WHAT-rape: (1 or blank) 1 if the tweet was tagged as rape. See what, rape.
  • WHAT-sexual_assault: (1 or blank) 1 if the tweet was tagged as sexual assault. See what, sexual assault.
  • WHAT-abuse: (1 or blank) 1 if the tweet was tagged as abuse. See what, abuse.
  • WHAT-harassment: (1 or blank) 1 if the tweet was tagged as harassment. See what, harassment.
  • WHAT-fear: (1 or blank) 1 if the tweet was tagged as fear. See what, fear.
  • WHAT-disgust/sadness/anger: (1 or blank) 1 if the tweet was tagged as disgust/sadness/anger. See what, disgust/sadness/anger.

The columns WHO and WHAT-* correspond to:


(mutually exclusive choices: 1--5) the writer of the tweet either:

  1. tells something about himself/herself.
  2. tells something about someone else.
  3. tells something supporting the movement.
  4. tells something not related to the movement.
  5. tells something against the movement.


  • murder: (yes=1/no) the tweet describes a murder.
  • rape: (yes=1/no) the tweet states a rape or attempted rape.
  • sexual assault: (yes=1/no) the tweet describes a sexual assault (but not situations that belongs to the category rape).
  • abuse: (yes=1/no) the tweet states abuse.
  • harassment: (yes=1/no) the tweet discusses about a non-physical harassment situation.
  • fear: (yes=1/no) the tweet explicitly describes fear.
  • disgust/sadness/anger: (yes=1/no) the tweet explicitly describes disgust/sadness/anger, only if who is different than 4.

The detailed information about the dataset can be found in the paper.


If you use this dataset in a scientific publicaction, we would appreciate citations to the paper and the dataset:

Citing the Paper

Maria Soledad Bucalo, Luz Calvo, Fernando Cucchietti, David Garcia Povedano, Artur Garcia-Sáez, Juan Felipe Gómez, Camilo Arcadio González, Guillermo Marin, Irene Meta, Patricio Reyes, Feliu Serra, and Diana Fernanda Vélez. 2019. A Constellation of Horrors: Analysis and Visualization of the #Cuéntalo Movement. In Companion Proceedings of The 2019 World Wide Web Conference (WWW '19), Ling Liu and Ryen White (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 751-754. DOI:

Bibtex entry:

 author = {Maria Soledad Bucalo and Calvo, Luz and Cucchietti, Fernando and Garcia Povedano, David and Garcia-S\'{a}ez, Artur and Felipe G\'{o}mez, Juan and Arcadio Gonz\'{a}lez, Camilo and Marin, Guillermo and Meta, Irene and Reyes, Patricio and Serra, Feliu and Fernanda V{\'e}lez, Diana},
 title = {A Constellation of Horrors: Analysis and Visualization of the \#Cu{\'e}ntalo Movement},
 booktitle = {Companion Proceedings of The 2019 World Wide Web Conference},
 series = {WWW '19},
 year = {2019},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-6675-5},
 location = {San Francisco, USA},
 pages = {751--754},
 numpages = {4},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1145/3308560.3316459},
 acmid = {3316459},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {machine learning, social networks, supervised learning, visualization},

Citing the Dataset

The all-versions reference:

pareyesv. BSCCNS/cuentalo-dataset. Zenodo.

  author       = {pareyesv},
  title        = {BSCCNS/cuentalo-dataset},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2585526},
  url          = {}
