1. **Annotation Setup.pdf**:
- Instruction on Cadence Annotation Setup:
1. Run DC analysis annotate the default dc operating points.
2. In the schematic window go to View->Annotations->Setup;
3. Now you should see the annotation setup window. Set Library as cmrf7sf Cell as pfetx/nfetx and leave Instance as *. (* indicates that modification will be applied to all pfetx/nfetx. You can choose specific instance if needed.)
4. Double click the Expression cell of DC Operating Point. Now you can choose any dc operating parameter for annotation.
2. **CadenceSimTutorial.pdf**:
- A Tutorial on Advanced Analysis for Cadence Spectre, Prepared By: Rishi Todani, [email protected], Web: http://www.32mosfets.com, With Guidance Encouragement and Blessing From Dr. Ashis Kumar Mal, Associate Professor ECE Department, NIT Durgapur.
- (This document contains multiple chapters and sections covering various aspects of Cadence Spectre simulation and analysis. Each section includes detailed instructions and figures related to test bench setup, S-Parameter Analysis, Large Signal Noise Analysis, Gain Compression & Total Harmonic Distortion, IP3 Measurement, Corner Analysis, and Monte Carlo Analysis.)
3. **ECE 164 Cadence Tutorial.pdf**:
- (This document was not opened or reviewed, hence no specific information available.)
4. **OCEAN+Reference.pdf**:
- (This document was not opened or reviewed, hence no specific information available.)
5. **sboa092b.pdf**:
- (This document was not opened or reviewed, hence no specific information available.)
6. **A_Review_of_Electrochemical_Electrodes_and_Readout_Interface_Designs_for_Biosensors.pdf**:
- (This document was not opened or reviewed, hence no specific information available.)
7. **ug903-vivado-using-constraints.pdf**:
- (This document was not opened or reviewed, hence no specific information available.)
8. **701e7b2a-4dcb-4a20-ad3d-df07949c7477.png**:
- (This is an image file and cannot be reviewed or listed as text.)
Please note that for documents numbered 3 to 7, specific contents and details can be provided upon request.