1. **Subject:** The title of the event.
2. **Start Date:** The beginning date of the event, usually in MM/DD/YYYY format.
3. **End Date:** The ending date of the event, usually in MM/DD/YYYY format.
4. **All Day Event:** Indicates whether the event lasts all day (True/False).
5. **Description:** Details or notes about the event.
6. **Location:** The location where the event is taking place.
7. **Private:** Indicates whether the event is private (True/False).
8. **Reminder On/Off:** Whether to set a reminder for the event (True/False).
9. **Reminder Date:** The date for the reminder, if applicable.
10. **Reminder Time:** The time for the reminder, if applicable.
11. **Categories:** Used to categorize the event.
12. **Show As:** How the time is shown (e.g., Busy, Free, Tentative).
13. **Recurrence:** Details if the event recurs.
14. **Required Attendees:** Email addresses of required attendees.
15. **Optional Attendees:** Email addresses of optional attendees.
16. **Resources:** Resources needed for the event.
17. **Billing Information:** Any billing information related to the event.
18. **Mileage:** Mileage related to the event, if applicable.