It is a library to help you get in a succinct way the app.config
It uses .NET 4.8 and only works with .NET Framework projects
The types supported so far are the ones listed here.
namespace Sample
// Call it with `using static` directive. Since all public methods are static
using static ConfigurationManagerExtensions;
public class Test
public void It()
var key = "Some_Key_In_AppSettings";
// This will create a SettingResponse<bool>
// All its properties are readonly
var boolSetting = key.TryGetBoolSetting();
// If it was parsed
if (boolSetting.IsParsed)
// Do something with its value
var value = boolSetting.Value;
// Read the error
var error = boolSetting.Error;
// And that is pretty much the same for all other types
Given an app.config
file like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="Boolean" value="true"/>
<add key="Byte" value="0123"/>
<add key="Char" value="a"/>
<add key="Decimal" value="1.9"/>
<add key="Double" value="2.9"/>
<add key="Float" value="3.9"/>
<add key="Int" value="4"/>
<add key="Long" value="5"/>
<add key="Object" value="{ Number : 10, Text : \"Awesome\" }"/>
<add key="SByte" value="0123"/>
<add key="Short" value="6"/>
<add key="String" value="test"/>
<add key="UInt" value="7"/>
<add key="ULong" value="8"/>
<add key="UShort" value="9"/>
Given a class like this to map the object:
namespace Configuration.Reader
public class Sample
public int Number { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
The way to access the app settings
would be like this:
namespace Configuration.Reader
using static ConfigurationManagerExtensions;
public class Test
public void It()
public void HappyPath()
var boolSetting = "Boolean".TryGetBoolSetting();
// boolSetting.IsParsed == True;
// boolSetting.Value == True;
// boolSetting.Error == string.Empty
var byteSetting = "Byte".TryGetByteSetting();
// byteSetting.IsParsed == True;
// byteSetting.Value == 0123;
// byteSetting.Error == string.Empty
var charSetting = "Char".TryGetCharSetting();
// charSetting.IsParsed == True
// charSetting.Value == 'a';
// charSetting.Error == string.Empty
var decimalSetting = "Decimal".TryGetDecimalSetting();
// decimalSetting.IsParsed == True;
// decimalSetting.Value == 1.9M;
// decimalSetting.Error == string.Empty
var doubleSetting = "Double".TryGetDoubleSetting();
// doubleSetting.IsParsed == True;
// doubleSetting.Value == 2.9D;
// doubleSetting.Error == string.Empty
var floatSetting = "Float".TryGetFloatSetting();
// floatSetting.IsParsed == True;
// floatSetting.Value == 3.9F;
// floatSetting.Error == string.Empty
var intSetting = "Int".TryGetIntSetting();
// intSetting.IsParsed == True;
// intSetting.Value == 4;
// intSetting.Error == string.Empty
var longSetting = "Long".TryGetLongSetting();
// longSetting.IsParsed == True;
// longSetting.Value == 5;
// longSetting.Error == string.Empty
var objectSetting = "Object".TryGetObjectSetting<Sample>();
// longSetting.IsParsed == True;
// longSetting.Value == {Configuration.Reader.Sample};
// longSetting.Error == string.Empty
var sByteSetting = "SByte".TryGetSByteSetting();
// sByteSetting.IsParsed == True;
// sByteSetting.Value == 0123;
// sByteSetting.Error == string.Empty
var shortSetting = "Short".TryGetShortSetting();
// shortSetting.IsParsed == True;
// shortSetting.Value == 6;
// shortSetting.Error == string.Empty
var stringSetting = "String".TryGetStringSetting();
// stringSetting.IsParsed == True;
// stringSetting.Value == "test";
// stringSetting.Error == string.Empty
var uIntSetting = "UInt".TryGetUIntSetting();
// uIntSetting.IsParsed == True;
// uIntSetting.Value == 7;
// uIntSetting.Error == string.Empty
var uLongSetting = "ULong".TryGetULongSetting();
// uLongSetting.IsParsed == True;
// uLongSetting.Value == 8L;
// uLongSetting.Error == string.Empty
var uShortSetting = "UShort".TryGetUShortSetting();
// uShortSetting.IsParsed == True;
// uShortSetting.Value == 9;
// uShortSetting.Error == string.Empty
public void Errors()
var boolSetting = "Test_Error".TryGetBoolSetting();
// boolSetting.IsParsed == False;
// boolSetting.Value == default(bool);
// boolSetting.Error == "The key: TEST_ERROR does not exist in the configuration file."
var charSetting = "Boolean".TryGetCharSetting();
// charSetting.IsParsed == False;
// charSetting.Value == default(char);
// charSetting.Error == "The configuration value for key: BOOLEAN could not be parsed."