diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Addr_Translator.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Addr_Translator.bsv
index 241024d..8513fbd 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Addr_Translator.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Addr_Translator.bsv
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
// Copyright (c) 2020 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
@@ -8,6 +9,8 @@ package AXI4_Addr_Translator;
// This package defines transformers for AXI4_M and AXI4_S interfaces
// that perform a simple 'address-translator' (add/subtract a fixed
// constant from address).
+// Each transformer copies AW and AR, just adjusting the address,
+// and just copies W, B and R.
// ================================================================
// Bluespec library imports
@@ -15,169 +18,139 @@ package AXI4_Addr_Translator;
// none
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
-// none
+import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
// ================================================================
// Project imports
-import AXI4_Types :: *;
+import AXI4_Types :: *;
// ================================================================
-// M-to-M interface transformer with address translation
+// M-to-M interface transformer with address translation.
-function AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- fv_AXI4_M_Address_Translator (Bool add_not_sub,
- Bit #(wd_addr) addr_delta,
- AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc);
+function AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
+ fv_AXI4_M_Address_Translator (Bool add_not_sub,
+ Bit #(wd_addr) addr_delta,
+ AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id,
+ wd_addr,
+ wd_data,
+ wd_user) ifc_M);
function Bit #(wd_addr) fv_addr_translate (Bit #(wd_addr) addr);
return (add_not_sub ? addr + addr_delta : addr - addr_delta);
return interface AXI4_M_IFC
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Bool m_awvalid = ifc.m_awvalid; // out
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = ifc.m_awid; // out
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = fv_addr_translate (ifc.m_awaddr); // out
- method Bit #(8) m_awlen = ifc.m_awlen; // out
- method AXI4_Size m_awsize = ifc.m_awsize; // out
- method Bit #(2) m_awburst = ifc.m_awburst; // out
- method Bit #(1) m_awlock = ifc.m_awlock; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_awcache = ifc.m_awcache; // out
- method Bit #(3) m_awprot = ifc.m_awprot; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_awqos = ifc.m_awqos; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_awregion = ifc.m_awregion; // out
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = ifc.m_awuser; // out
- method Action m_awready (Bool awready) = ifc.m_awready (awready); // in
- // Wr Data channel
- method Bool m_wvalid = ifc.m_wvalid; // out
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = ifc.m_wdata; // out
- method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = ifc.m_wstrb; // out
- method Bool m_wlast = ifc.m_wlast; // out
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = ifc.m_wuser; // out
- method Action m_wready (Bool wready) = ifc.m_wready (wready); // in
- // Wr Response channel
- method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid, // in
- Bit #(wd_id) bid, // in
- Bit #(2) bresp, // in
- Bit #(wd_user) buser); // in
- ifc.m_bvalid (bvalid, bid, bresp, buser);
- endmethod
- method Bool m_bready = ifc.m_bready; // out
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Bool m_arvalid = ifc.m_arvalid; // out
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = ifc.m_arid; // out
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = fv_addr_translate (ifc.m_araddr); // out
- method Bit #(8) m_arlen = ifc.m_arlen; // out
- method AXI4_Size m_arsize = ifc.m_arsize; // out
- method Bit #(2) m_arburst = ifc.m_arburst; // out
- method Bit #(1) m_arlock = ifc.m_arlock; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_arcache = ifc.m_arcache; // out
- method Bit #(3) m_arprot = ifc.m_arprot; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_arqos = ifc.m_arqos; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_arregion = ifc.m_arregion; // out
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = ifc.m_aruser; // out
- method Action m_arready (Bool arready) = ifc.m_arready (arready); // in
- // Rd Data channel
- method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid, // in
- Bit #(wd_id) rid, // in
- Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in
- Bit #(2) rresp, // in
- Bool rlast, // in
- Bit #(wd_user) ruser); // in
- ifc.m_rvalid (rvalid, rid, rdata, rresp, rlast, ruser);
- endmethod
- method Bool m_rready = ifc.m_rready; // out
+ interface FIFOF_O o_AW;
+ method first;
+ let aw_in = ifc_M.o_AW.first;
+ let aw_out = AXI4_AW {awid: aw_in.awid,
+ awaddr: fv_addr_translate (aw_in.awaddr),
+ awlen: aw_in.awlen,
+ awsize: aw_in.awsize,
+ awburst: aw_in.awburst,
+ awlock: aw_in.awlock,
+ awcache: aw_in.awcache,
+ awprot: aw_in.awprot,
+ awqos: aw_in.awqos,
+ awregion: aw_in.awregion,
+ awuser: aw_in.awuser};
+ return aw_out;
+ endmethod
+ method deq = ifc_M.o_AW.deq;
+ method notEmpty = ifc_M.o_AW.notEmpty;
+ endinterface
+ interface FIFOF_I o_W = ifc_M.o_W;
+ interface FIFOF_I i_B = ifc_M.i_B;
+ interface FIFOF_O o_AR;
+ method first;
+ let ar_in = ifc_M.o_AR.first;
+ let ar_out = AXI4_AR {arid: ar_in.arid,
+ araddr: fv_addr_translate (ar_in.araddr),
+ arlen: ar_in.arlen,
+ arsize: ar_in.arsize,
+ arburst: ar_in.arburst,
+ arlock: ar_in.arlock,
+ arcache: ar_in.arcache,
+ arprot: ar_in.arprot,
+ arqos: ar_in.arqos,
+ arregion: ar_in.arregion,
+ aruser: ar_in.aruser};
+ return ar_out;
+ endmethod
+ method deq = ifc_M.o_AR.deq;
+ method notEmpty = ifc_M.o_AR.notEmpty;
+ endinterface
+ interface FIFOF_I i_R = ifc_M.i_R;
// ================================================================
// S-to-S interface transformer with address translation
-function AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- fv_AXI4_S_Address_Translator (Bool add_not_sub,
- Bit #(wd_addr) addr_delta,
- AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc);
+function AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
+ fv_AXI4_S_Address_Translator (Bool add_not_sub,
+ Bit #(wd_addr) addr_delta,
+ AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id,
+ wd_addr,
+ wd_data,
+ wd_user) ifc_S);
function Bit #(wd_addr) fv_addr_translate (Bit #(wd_addr) addr);
return (add_not_sub ? addr + addr_delta : addr - addr_delta);
return interface AXI4_S_IFC
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) awid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
- Bit #(8) awlen,
- AXI4_Size awsize,
- Bit #(2) awburst,
- Bit #(1) awlock,
- Bit #(4) awcache,
- Bit #(3) awprot,
- Bit #(4) awqos,
- Bit #(4) awregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
- ifc.m_awvalid (awvalid, awid,
- fv_addr_translate (awaddr),
- awlen, awsize, awburst,
- awlock, awcache, awprot, awqos, awregion, awuser);
- endmethod
- method Bool m_awready = ifc.m_awready;
- // Wr Data channel
- method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
- Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
- Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
- Bool wlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
- ifc.m_wvalid (wvalid, wdata, wstrb, wlast, wuser);
- endmethod
- method Bool m_wready = ifc.m_wready;
- // Wr Response channel
- method Bool m_bvalid = ifc.m_bvalid;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid = ifc.m_bid;
- method Bit #(2) m_bresp = ifc.m_bresp;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = ifc.m_buser;
- method Action m_bready (Bool bready) = ifc.m_bready (bready);
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) arid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
- Bit #(8) arlen,
- AXI4_Size arsize,
- Bit #(2) arburst,
- Bit #(1) arlock,
- Bit #(4) arcache,
- Bit #(3) arprot,
- Bit #(4) arqos,
- Bit #(4) arregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
- ifc.m_arvalid (arvalid, arid,
- fv_addr_translate (araddr),
- arlen, arsize, arburst,
- arlock, arcache, arprot, arqos, arregion, aruser);
- endmethod
- method Bool m_arready = ifc.m_arready;
- // Rd Data channel
- method Bool m_rvalid = ifc.m_rvalid;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid = ifc.m_rid;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = ifc.m_rdata;
- method Bit #(2) m_rresp = ifc.m_rresp;
- method Bool m_rlast = ifc.m_rlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = ifc.m_ruser;
- method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
- ifc.m_rready (rready);
- endmethod
+ interface FIFOF_I i_AW;
+ method Action enq (AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) aw_in);
+ action
+ let aw_out = AXI4_AW {awid: aw_in.awid,
+ awaddr: fv_addr_translate (aw_in.awaddr),
+ awlen: aw_in.awlen,
+ awsize: aw_in.awsize,
+ awburst: aw_in.awburst,
+ awlock: aw_in.awlock,
+ awcache: aw_in.awcache,
+ awprot: aw_in.awprot,
+ awqos: aw_in.awqos,
+ awregion: aw_in.awregion,
+ awuser: aw_in.awuser};
+ ifc_S.i_AW.enq (aw_out);
+ endaction
+ endmethod
+ method notFull = ifc_S.i_AW.notFull;
+ endinterface
+ interface FIFOF_I i_W = ifc_S.i_W;
+ interface FIFOF_O o_B = ifc_S.o_B;
+ interface FIFOF_I i_AR;
+ method Action enq (AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) ar_in);
+ action
+ let ar_out = AXI4_AR {arid: ar_in.arid,
+ araddr: fv_addr_translate (ar_in.araddr),
+ arlen: ar_in.arlen,
+ arsize: ar_in.arsize,
+ arburst: ar_in.arburst,
+ arlock: ar_in.arlock,
+ arcache: ar_in.arcache,
+ arprot: ar_in.arprot,
+ arqos: ar_in.arqos,
+ arregion: ar_in.arregion,
+ aruser: ar_in.aruser};
+ ifc_S.i_AR.enq (ar_out);
+ endaction
+ endmethod
+ method notFull = ifc_S.i_AR.notFull;
+ endinterface
+ interface FIFOF_O o_R = ifc_S.o_R;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_BSV_RTL.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_BSV_RTL.bsv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b890d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_BSV_RTL.bsv
@@ -0,0 +1,1065 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+package AXI4_BSV_RTL;
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+// This package provides facilities for AXI4 connections between BSV
+// and RTL:
+// BSV: AW,W,B,AR,R are bit-vectors but always viewed as structs,
+// whose fields correspond to AXI4 sub-buses.
+// Some of those fields are always viewed as enums
+// Communication is via FIFOs.
+// RTL: AW,W,B,AR,R are buses, with named sub-buses.
+// Communication is via handshake on two more wires per bus:
+// ready,valid
+// Transactors ("xactors") are buffers to cross the BSV-RTL boundary
+// The BSV side uses standard BSV FIFO interfaces.
+// The RTL side uses standard AMBA signaling, allowing it to connect
+// to any AXI IP written in RTL or in BSV.
+// Two kinds of transactors
+// (in both cases "x_to_y" means to connect an M to an S
+// +----------------------------+
+// | AXI4_BSV_to_RTL |
+// M <---> |ifc_S rtl_M|<--> S
+// +----------------------------+
+// +----------------------------+
+// | AXI4_RTL_to_BSV |
+// M <---> |rtl_S ifc_M|<--> S
+// +----------------------------+
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+// BSV library imports
+import FIFOF :: *;
+import Connectable :: *;
+// ----------------
+// Bluespec misc. libs
+import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
+import EdgeFIFOFs :: *;
+// ----------------
+// Project imports
+import AXI4_Types :: *;
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+// Section: Interfaces with standard AMBA RTL-level signaling
+// (ready/valid handshakes, standard AMBA signal names)
+// ================================================================
+// These are the signal-level interfaces for an AXI4 M.
+// The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog,
+// we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec.
+interface AXI4_RTL_M_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_data,
+ numeric type wd_user);
+ // ----------------
+ // Wr Addr channel
+ (* always_ready, result="awvalid" *) method Bool m_awvalid; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awid" *) method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awaddr" *) method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awlen" *) method Bit #(8) m_awlen; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awsize" *) method AXI4_Size m_awsize; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awburst" *) method Bit #(2) m_awburst; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awlock" *) method Bit #(1) m_awlock; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awcache" *) method Bit #(4) m_awcache; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awprot" *) method Bit #(3) m_awprot; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awqos" *) method Bit #(4) m_awqos; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awregion" *) method Bit #(4) m_awregion; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="awuser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser; // out
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix="" *)
+ method Action m_awready ((* port="awready" *) Bool awready); // in
+ // ----------------
+ // Wr Data channel
+ (* always_ready, result="wvalid" *) method Bool m_wvalid; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="wdata" *) method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="wstrb" *) method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="wlast" *) method Bool m_wlast; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="wuser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser; // out
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
+ method Action m_wready ((* port="wready" *) Bool wready); // in
+ // ----------------
+ // Wr Response channel
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
+ method Action m_bvalid ((* port="bvalid" *) Bool bvalid, // in
+ (* port="bid" *) Bit #(wd_id) bid, // in
+ (* port="bresp" *) Bit #(2) bresp, // in
+ (* port="buser" *) Bit #(wd_user) buser); // in
+ (* always_ready, prefix = "", result="bready" *)
+ method Bool m_bready; // out
+ // ----------------
+ // Rd Addr channel
+ (* always_ready, result="arvalid" *) method Bool m_arvalid; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="arid" *) method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="araddr" *) method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="arlen" *) method Bit #(8) m_arlen; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="arsize" *) method AXI4_Size m_arsize; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="arburst" *) method Bit #(2) m_arburst; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="arlock" *) method Bit #(1) m_arlock; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="arcache" *) method Bit #(4) m_arcache; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="arprot" *) method Bit #(3) m_arprot; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="arqos" *) method Bit #(4) m_arqos; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="arregion" *) method Bit #(4) m_arregion; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="aruser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser; // out
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix="" *)
+ method Action m_arready ((* port="arready" *) Bool arready); // in
+ // ----------------
+ // Rd Data channel
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
+ method Action m_rvalid ((* port="rvalid" *) Bool rvalid, // in
+ (* port="rid" *) Bit #(wd_id) rid, // in
+ (* port="rdata" *) Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in
+ (* port="rresp" *) Bit #(2) rresp, // in
+ (* port="rlast" *) Bool rlast, // in
+ (* port="ruser" *) Bit #(wd_user) ruser); // in
+ (* always_ready, result="rready" *)
+ method Bool m_rready; // out
+endinterface: AXI4_RTL_M_IFC
+// ================================================================
+// These are the signal-level interfaces for an AXI4-Lite S.
+// The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog,
+// we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec.
+interface AXI4_RTL_S_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_data,
+ numeric type wd_user);
+ // Wr Addr channel
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
+ method Action m_awvalid ((* port="awvalid" *) Bool awvalid, // in
+ (* port="awid" *) Bit #(wd_id) awid, // in
+ (* port="awaddr" *) Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr, // in
+ (* port="awlen" *) Bit #(8) awlen, // in
+ (* port="awsize" *) AXI4_Size awsize, // in
+ (* port="awburst" *) Bit #(2) awburst, // in
+ (* port="awlock" *) Bit #(1) awlock, // in
+ (* port="awcache" *) Bit #(4) awcache, // in
+ (* port="awprot" *) Bit #(3) awprot, // in
+ (* port="awqos" *) Bit #(4) awqos, // in
+ (* port="awregion" *) Bit #(4) awregion, // in
+ (* port="awuser" *) Bit #(wd_user) awuser); // in
+ (* always_ready, result="awready" *)
+ method Bool m_awready; // out
+ // Wr Data channel
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
+ method Action m_wvalid ((* port="wvalid" *) Bool wvalid, // in
+ (* port="wdata" *) Bit #(wd_data) wdata, // in
+ (* port="wstrb" *) Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data,8)) wstrb, // in
+ (* port="wlast" *) Bool wlast, // in
+ (* port="wuser" *) Bit #(wd_user) wuser); // in
+ (* always_ready, result="wready" *)
+ method Bool m_wready; // out
+ // Wr Response channel
+ (* always_ready, result="bvalid" *) method Bool m_bvalid; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="bid" *) method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="bresp" *) method Bit #(2) m_bresp; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="buser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser; // out
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix="" *)
+ method Action m_bready ((* port="bready" *) Bool bready); // in
+ // Rd Addr channel
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
+ method Action m_arvalid ((* port="arvalid" *) Bool arvalid, // in
+ (* port="arid" *) Bit #(wd_id) arid, // in
+ (* port="araddr" *) Bit #(wd_addr) araddr, // in
+ (* port="arlen" *) Bit #(8) arlen, // in
+ (* port="arsize" *) AXI4_Size arsize, // in
+ (* port="arburst" *) Bit #(2) arburst, // in
+ (* port="arlock" *) Bit #(1) arlock, // in
+ (* port="arcache" *) Bit #(4) arcache, // in
+ (* port="arprot" *) Bit #(3) arprot, // in
+ (* port="arqos" *) Bit #(4) arqos, // in
+ (* port="arregion" *) Bit #(4) arregion, // in
+ (* port="aruser" *) Bit #(wd_user) aruser); // in
+ (* always_ready, result="arready" *)
+ method Bool m_arready; // out
+ // Rd Data channel
+ (* always_ready, result="rvalid" *) method Bool m_rvalid; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="rid" *) method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="rdata" *) method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="rresp" *) method Bit #(2) m_rresp; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="rlast" *) method Bool m_rlast; // out
+ (* always_ready, result="ruser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser; // out
+ (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix="" *)
+ method Action m_rready ((* port="rready" *) Bool rready); // in
+endinterface: AXI4_RTL_S_IFC
+// ================================================================
+// Connecting RTL-level interfaces
+instance Connectable #(AXI4_RTL_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user),
+ AXI4_RTL_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+ module mkConnection #(AXI4_RTL_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axim,
+ AXI4_RTL_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axis)
+ (Empty);
+ (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+ rule rl_AW;
+ axis.m_awvalid (axim.m_awvalid,
+ axim.m_awid,
+ axim.m_awaddr,
+ axim.m_awlen,
+ axim.m_awsize,
+ axim.m_awburst,
+ axim.m_awlock,
+ axim.m_awcache,
+ axim.m_awprot,
+ axim.m_awqos,
+ axim.m_awregion,
+ axim.m_awuser);
+ axim.m_awready (axis.m_awready);
+ endrule
+ (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+ rule rl_W;
+ axis.m_wvalid (axim.m_wvalid,
+ axim.m_wdata,
+ axim.m_wstrb,
+ axim.m_wlast,
+ axim.m_wuser);
+ axim.m_wready (axis.m_wready);
+ endrule
+ (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+ rule rl_B;
+ axim.m_bvalid (axis.m_bvalid,
+ axis.m_bid,
+ axis.m_bresp,
+ axis.m_buser);
+ axis.m_bready (axim.m_bready);
+ endrule
+ (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+ rule rl_AR;
+ axis.m_arvalid (axim.m_arvalid,
+ axim.m_arid,
+ axim.m_araddr,
+ axim.m_arlen,
+ axim.m_arsize,
+ axim.m_arburst,
+ axim.m_arlock,
+ axim.m_arcache,
+ axim.m_arprot,
+ axim.m_arqos,
+ axim.m_arregion,
+ axim.m_aruser);
+ axim.m_arready (axis.m_arready);
+ endrule
+ (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+ rule rl_R;
+ axim.m_rvalid (axis.m_rvalid,
+ axis.m_rid,
+ axis.m_rdata,
+ axis.m_rresp,
+ axis.m_rlast,
+ axis.m_ruser);
+ axis.m_rready (axim.m_rready);
+ endrule
+ endmodule
+// ================================================================
+// AXI4 dummy M: never produces requests, never accepts responses
+AXI4_RTL_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
+= interface AXI4_RTL_M_IFC
+ // Wr Addr channel
+ method Bool m_awvalid = False; // out
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(8) m_awlen = ?; // out
+ method AXI4_Size m_awsize = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(2) m_awburst = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(1) m_awlock = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(4) m_awcache = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(3) m_awprot = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(4) m_awqos = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(4) m_awregion = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = ?; // out
+ method Action m_awready (Bool awready) = noAction; // in
+ // Wr Data channel
+ method Bool m_wvalid = False; // out
+ method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = ?; // out
+ method Bool m_wlast = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = ?; // out
+ method Action m_wready (Bool wready) = noAction; // in
+ // Wr Response channel
+ method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid, // in
+ Bit #(wd_id) bid, // in
+ Bit #(2) bresp, // in
+ Bit #(wd_user) buser); // in
+ noAction;
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_bready = False; // out
+ // Rd Addr channel
+ method Bool m_arvalid = False; // out
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(8) m_arlen = ?; // out
+ method AXI4_Size m_arsize = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(2) m_arburst = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(1) m_arlock = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(4) m_arcache = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(3) m_arprot = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(4) m_arqos = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(4) m_arregion = ?; // out
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = ?; // out
+ method Action m_arready (Bool arready) = noAction; // in
+ // Rd Data channel
+ method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid, // in
+ Bit #(wd_id) rid, // in
+ Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in
+ Bit #(2) rresp, // in
+ Bool rlast, // in
+ Bit #(wd_user) ruser); // in
+ noAction;
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_rready = False; // out
+ endinterface;
+// ================================================================
+// AXI4 dummy S: never accepts requests, never produces responses
+AXI4_RTL_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
+= interface AXI4_RTL_S_IFC
+ // Wr Addr channel
+ method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_id) awid,
+ Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
+ Bit #(8) awlen,
+ AXI4_Size awsize,
+ Bit #(2) awburst,
+ Bit #(1) awlock,
+ Bit #(4) awcache,
+ Bit #(3) awprot,
+ Bit #(4) awqos,
+ Bit #(4) awregion,
+ Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
+ noAction;
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_awready;
+ return False;
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Data channel
+ method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
+ Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
+ Bool wlast,
+ Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
+ noAction;
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_wready;
+ return False;
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Response channel
+ method Bool m_bvalid;
+ return False;
+ endmethod
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid;
+ return ?;
+ endmethod
+ method Bit #(2) m_bresp;
+ return 0;
+ endmethod
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser;
+ return ?;
+ endmethod
+ method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
+ noAction;
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Addr channel
+ method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_id) arid,
+ Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
+ Bit #(8) arlen,
+ AXI4_Size arsize,
+ Bit #(2) arburst,
+ Bit #(1) arlock,
+ Bit #(4) arcache,
+ Bit #(3) arprot,
+ Bit #(4) arqos,
+ Bit #(4) arregion,
+ Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
+ noAction;
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_arready;
+ return False;
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Data channel
+ method Bool m_rvalid;
+ return False;
+ endmethod
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid;
+ return 0;
+ endmethod
+ method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata;
+ return 0;
+ endmethod
+ method Bit #(2) m_rresp;
+ return 0;
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_rlast;
+ return True;
+ endmethod
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser;
+ return ?;
+ endmethod
+ method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
+ noAction;
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+// ****************************************************************
+interface AXI4_BSV_to_RTL_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_data,
+ numeric type wd_user);
+ interface AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_S;
+ interface AXI4_RTL_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) rtl_M;
+endinterface: AXI4_BSV_to_RTL_IFC
+interface AXI4_RTL_to_BSV_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_data,
+ numeric type wd_user);
+ interface AXI4_RTL_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) rtl_S;
+ interface AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_M;
+endinterface: AXI4_RTL_to_BSV_IFC
+// ================================================================
+// M transactor
+// This version uses FIFOFs for total decoupling.
+module mkAXI4_BSV_to_RTL (AXI4_BSV_to_RTL_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+ Bool unguarded = True;
+ Bool guarded = False;
+ // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_AW <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_W <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_B <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_AR <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_R <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RTL side
+ interface AXI4_RTL_M_IFC rtl_M;
+ // Wr Addr channel
+ method Bool m_awvalid = f_AW.notEmpty;
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = f_AW.first.awid;
+ method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = f_AW.first.awaddr;
+ method Bit #(8) m_awlen = f_AW.first.awlen;
+ method AXI4_Size m_awsize = f_AW.first.awsize;
+ method Bit #(2) m_awburst = f_AW.first.awburst;
+ method Bit #(1) m_awlock = f_AW.first.awlock;
+ method Bit #(4) m_awcache = f_AW.first.awcache;
+ method Bit #(3) m_awprot = f_AW.first.awprot;
+ method Bit #(4) m_awqos = f_AW.first.awqos;
+ method Bit #(4) m_awregion = f_AW.first.awregion;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = f_AW.first.awuser;
+ method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
+ if (f_AW.notEmpty && awready) f_AW.deq;
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Data channel
+ method Bool m_wvalid = f_W.notEmpty;
+ method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = f_W.first.wdata;
+ method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = f_W.first.wstrb;
+ method Bool m_wlast = f_W.first.wlast;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = f_W.first.wuser;
+ method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
+ if (f_W.notEmpty && wready) f_W.deq;
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Response channel
+ method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_id) bid,
+ Bit #(2) bresp,
+ Bit #(wd_user) buser);
+ if (bvalid && f_B.notFull)
+ f_B.enq (AXI4_B {bid: bid,
+ bresp: bresp,
+ buser: buser});
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_bready;
+ return f_B.notFull;
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Addr channel
+ method Bool m_arvalid = f_AR.notEmpty;
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = f_AR.first.arid;
+ method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = f_AR.first.araddr;
+ method Bit #(8) m_arlen = f_AR.first.arlen;
+ method AXI4_Size m_arsize = f_AR.first.arsize;
+ method Bit #(2) m_arburst = f_AR.first.arburst;
+ method Bit #(1) m_arlock = f_AR.first.arlock;
+ method Bit #(4) m_arcache = f_AR.first.arcache;
+ method Bit #(3) m_arprot = f_AR.first.arprot;
+ method Bit #(4) m_arqos = f_AR.first.arqos;
+ method Bit #(4) m_arregion = f_AR.first.arregion;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = f_AR.first.aruser;
+ method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
+ if (f_AR.notEmpty && arready) f_AR.deq;
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Data channel
+ method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid, // in
+ Bit #(wd_id) rid, // in
+ Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in
+ Bit #(2) rresp, // in
+ Bool rlast, // in
+ Bit #(wd_user) ruser); // in
+ if (rvalid && f_R.notFull)
+ f_R.enq (AXI4_R {rid: rid,
+ rdata: rdata,
+ rresp: rresp,
+ rlast: rlast,
+ ruser: ruser});
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_rready;
+ return f_R.notFull;
+ endmethod
+ endinterface
+ // BSV side
+ interface AXI4_S_IFC ifc_S;
+ interface i_AW = to_FIFOF_I (f_AW);
+ interface i_W = to_FIFOF_I (f_W);
+ interface o_B = to_FIFOF_O (f_B);
+ interface i_AR = to_FIFOF_I (f_AR);
+ interface o_R = to_FIFOF_O (f_R);
+ endinterface
+endmodule: mkAXI4_BSV_to_RTL
+// ================================================================
+// This version uses FIFOFs for total decoupling.
+module mkAXI4_RTL_to_BSV (AXI4_RTL_to_BSV_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+ Bool unguarded = True;
+ Bool guarded = False;
+ // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_AW <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_W <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_B <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_AR <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_R <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // AXI side
+ interface AXI4_RTL_S_IFC rtl_S;
+ // Wr Addr channel
+ method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_id) awid,
+ Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
+ Bit #(8) awlen,
+ AXI4_Size awsize,
+ Bit #(2) awburst,
+ Bit #(1) awlock,
+ Bit #(4) awcache,
+ Bit #(3) awprot,
+ Bit #(4) awqos,
+ Bit #(4) awregion,
+ Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
+ if (awvalid && f_AW.notFull)
+ f_AW.enq (AXI4_AW {awid: awid,
+ awaddr: awaddr,
+ awlen: awlen,
+ awsize: awsize,
+ awburst: awburst,
+ awlock: awlock,
+ awcache: awcache,
+ awprot: awprot,
+ awqos: awqos,
+ awregion: awregion,
+ awuser: awuser});
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_awready;
+ return f_AW.notFull;
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Data channel
+ method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
+ Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
+ Bool wlast,
+ Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
+ if (wvalid && f_W.notFull)
+ f_W.enq (AXI4_W {wdata: wdata,
+ wstrb: wstrb,
+ wlast: wlast,
+ wuser: wuser});
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_wready;
+ return f_W.notFull;
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Response channel
+ method Bool m_bvalid = f_B.notEmpty;
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid = f_B.first.bid;
+ method Bit #(2) m_bresp = f_B.first.bresp;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = f_B.first.buser;
+ method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
+ if (bready && f_B.notEmpty)
+ f_B.deq;
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Addr channel
+ method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_id) arid,
+ Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
+ Bit #(8) arlen,
+ AXI4_Size arsize,
+ Bit #(2) arburst,
+ Bit #(1) arlock,
+ Bit #(4) arcache,
+ Bit #(3) arprot,
+ Bit #(4) arqos,
+ Bit #(4) arregion,
+ Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
+ if (arvalid && f_AR.notFull)
+ f_AR.enq (AXI4_AR {arid: arid,
+ araddr: araddr,
+ arlen: arlen,
+ arsize: arsize,
+ arburst: arburst,
+ arlock: arlock,
+ arcache: arcache,
+ arprot: arprot,
+ arqos: arqos,
+ arregion: arregion,
+ aruser: aruser});
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_arready;
+ return f_AR.notFull;
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Data channel
+ method Bool m_rvalid = f_R.notEmpty;
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid = f_R.first.rid;
+ method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = f_R.first.rdata;
+ method Bit #(2) m_rresp = f_R.first.rresp;
+ method Bool m_rlast = f_R.first.rlast;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = f_R.first.ruser;
+ method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
+ if (rready && f_R.notEmpty)
+ f_R.deq;
+ endmethod
+ endinterface
+ // BSV side
+ interface AXI4_M_IFC ifc_M;
+ interface o_AW = to_FIFOF_O (f_AW);
+ interface o_W = to_FIFOF_O (f_W);
+ interface i_B = to_FIFOF_I (f_B);
+ interface o_AR = to_FIFOF_O (f_AR);
+ interface i_R = to_FIFOF_I (f_R);
+ endinterface
+endmodule: mkAXI4_RTL_to_BSV
+// ================================================================
+// Help function: fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I
+// In the modules below, we use a crg_full and a rg_data to represent a fifo.
+// These functions convert these to FIFOF_I and FIFOF_O interfaces.
+function FIFOF_I #(t) fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (Reg #(Bool) rg_full, Reg #(t) rg_data);
+ return interface FIFOF_I;
+ method Action enq (t x) if (! rg_full);
+ rg_full <= True;
+ rg_data <= x;
+ endmethod
+ method Bool notFull;
+ return (! rg_full);
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+function FIFOF_O #(t) fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (Reg #(Bool) rg_full, Reg #(t) rg_data);
+ return interface FIFOF_O;
+ method t first () if (rg_full);
+ return rg_data;
+ endmethod
+ method Action deq () if (rg_full);
+ rg_full <= False;
+ endmethod
+ method notEmpty;
+ return rg_full;
+ endmethod
+ endinterface;
+// ================================================================
+// M transactor
+// This version uses crgs and regs instead of FIFOFs.
+// This uses 1/2 the resources, but introduces scheduling dependencies.
+module mkAXI4_BSV_to_RTL_2 (AXI4_BSV_to_RTL_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+ // Each crg_full, rg_data pair below represents a 1-element fifo.
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_AW_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) rg_AW <- mkRegU;
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_W_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user)) rg_W <- mkRegU;
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_B_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user)) rg_B <- mkRegU;
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_AR_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) rg_AR <- mkRegU;
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_R_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) rg_R <- mkRegU;
+ // The following CReg port indexes specify the relative scheduling of:
+ // {first,deq,notEmpty} {enq,notFull} clear
+ // TODO: 'deq/enq/clear = 1/2/0' is unusual, but eliminates a
+ // scheduling cycle in Piccolo's DCache. Normally should be 0/1/2.
+ Integer port_deq = 1;
+ Integer port_enq = 2;
+ Integer port_clear = 0;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RTL side
+ interface AXI4_RTL_M_IFC rtl_M;
+ // Wr Addr channel
+ method Bool m_awvalid = crg_AW_full [port_deq];
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = rg_AW.awid;
+ method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = rg_AW.awaddr;
+ method Bit #(8) m_awlen = rg_AW.awlen;
+ method AXI4_Size m_awsize = rg_AW.awsize;
+ method Bit #(2) m_awburst = rg_AW.awburst;
+ method Bit #(1) m_awlock = rg_AW.awlock;
+ method Bit #(4) m_awcache = rg_AW.awcache;
+ method Bit #(3) m_awprot = rg_AW.awprot;
+ method Bit #(4) m_awqos = rg_AW.awqos;
+ method Bit #(4) m_awregion = rg_AW.awregion;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = rg_AW.awuser;
+ method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
+ if (crg_AW_full [port_deq] && awready)
+ crg_AW_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Data channel
+ method Bool m_wvalid = crg_W_full [port_deq];
+ method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = rg_W.wdata;
+ method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = rg_W.wstrb;
+ method Bool m_wlast = rg_W.wlast;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = rg_W.wuser;
+ method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
+ if (crg_W_full [port_deq] && wready)
+ crg_W_full [port_deq] <= False;
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Response channel
+ method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_id) bid,
+ Bit #(2) bresp,
+ Bit #(wd_user) buser);
+ if (bvalid && (! (crg_B_full [port_enq]))) begin
+ crg_B_full [port_enq] <= True;
+ rg_B <= AXI4_B {bid: bid,
+ bresp: bresp,
+ buser: buser};
+ end
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_bready;
+ return (! (crg_B_full [port_enq]));
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Addr channel
+ method Bool m_arvalid = crg_AR_full [port_deq];
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = rg_AR.arid;
+ method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = rg_AR.araddr;
+ method Bit #(8) m_arlen = rg_AR.arlen;
+ method AXI4_Size m_arsize = rg_AR.arsize;
+ method Bit #(2) m_arburst = rg_AR.arburst;
+ method Bit #(1) m_arlock = rg_AR.arlock;
+ method Bit #(4) m_arcache = rg_AR.arcache;
+ method Bit #(3) m_arprot = rg_AR.arprot;
+ method Bit #(4) m_arqos = rg_AR.arqos;
+ method Bit #(4) m_arregion = rg_AR.arregion;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = rg_AR.aruser;
+ method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
+ if (crg_AR_full [port_deq] && arready)
+ crg_AR_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Data channel
+ method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_id) rid,
+ Bit #(wd_data) rdata,
+ Bit #(2) rresp,
+ Bool rlast,
+ Bit #(wd_user) ruser);
+ if (rvalid && (! (crg_R_full [port_enq])))
+ crg_R_full [port_enq] <= True;
+ rg_R <= (AXI4_R {rid: rid,
+ rdata: rdata,
+ rresp: rresp,
+ rlast: rlast,
+ ruser: ruser});
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_rready;
+ return (! (crg_R_full [port_enq]));
+ endmethod
+ endinterface
+ // BSV side
+ interface AXI4_S_IFC ifc_S;
+ interface i_AW = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_AW_full [port_enq], rg_AW);
+ interface i_W = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_W_full [port_enq], rg_W);
+ interface o_B = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_B_full [port_deq], rg_B);
+ interface i_AR = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_AR_full [port_enq], rg_AR);
+ interface o_R = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_R_full [port_deq], rg_R);
+ endinterface
+endmodule: mkAXI4_BSV_to_RTL_2
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// S transactor
+// This version uses crgs and regs instead of FIFOFs.
+// This uses 1/2 the resources, but introduces scheduling dependencies.
+module mkAXI4_RTL_to_BSV_2 (AXI4_RTL_to_BSV_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+ // Each crg_full, rg_data pair below represents a 1-element fifo.
+ // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_AW_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) rg_AW <- mkRegU;
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_W_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user)) rg_W <- mkRegU;
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_B_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user)) rg_B <- mkRegU;
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_AR_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) rg_AR <- mkRegU;
+ Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_R_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
+ Reg #(AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) rg_R <- mkRegU;
+ // The following CReg port indexes specify the relative scheduling of:
+ // {first,deq,notEmpty} {enq,notFull} clear
+ Integer port_deq = 0;
+ Integer port_enq = 1;
+ Integer port_clear = 2;
+ // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RTL side
+ interface AXI4_RTL_S_IFC rtl_S;
+ // Wr Addr channel
+ method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_id) awid,
+ Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
+ Bit #(8) awlen,
+ AXI4_Size awsize,
+ Bit #(2) awburst,
+ Bit #(1) awlock,
+ Bit #(4) awcache,
+ Bit #(3) awprot,
+ Bit #(4) awqos,
+ Bit #(4) awregion,
+ Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
+ if (awvalid && (! crg_AW_full [port_enq])) begin
+ crg_AW_full [port_enq] <= True; // enq
+ rg_AW <= AXI4_AW {awid: awid,
+ awaddr: awaddr,
+ awlen: awlen,
+ awsize: awsize,
+ awburst: awburst,
+ awlock: awlock,
+ awcache: awcache,
+ awprot: awprot,
+ awqos: awqos,
+ awregion: awregion,
+ awuser: awuser};
+ end
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_awready;
+ return (! crg_AW_full [port_enq]);
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Data channel
+ method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
+ Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
+ Bool wlast,
+ Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
+ if (wvalid && (! crg_W_full [port_enq])) begin
+ crg_W_full [port_enq] <= True; // enq
+ rg_W <= AXI4_W {wdata: wdata,
+ wstrb: wstrb,
+ wlast: wlast,
+ wuser: wuser};
+ end
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_wready;
+ return (! crg_W_full [port_enq]);
+ endmethod
+ // Wr Response channel
+ method Bool m_bvalid = crg_B_full [port_deq];
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid = rg_B.bid;
+ method Bit #(2) m_bresp = rg_B.bresp;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = rg_B.buser;
+ method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
+ if (bready && crg_B_full [port_deq])
+ crg_B_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Addr channel
+ method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
+ Bit #(wd_id) arid,
+ Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
+ Bit #(8) arlen,
+ AXI4_Size arsize,
+ Bit #(2) arburst,
+ Bit #(1) arlock,
+ Bit #(4) arcache,
+ Bit #(3) arprot,
+ Bit #(4) arqos,
+ Bit #(4) arregion,
+ Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
+ if (arvalid && (! crg_AR_full [port_enq])) begin
+ crg_AR_full [port_enq] <= True; // enq
+ rg_AR <= AXI4_AR {arid: arid,
+ araddr: araddr,
+ arlen: arlen,
+ arsize: arsize,
+ arburst: arburst,
+ arlock: arlock,
+ arcache: arcache,
+ arprot: arprot,
+ arqos: arqos,
+ arregion: arregion,
+ aruser: aruser};
+ end
+ endmethod
+ method Bool m_arready;
+ return (! crg_AR_full [port_enq]);
+ endmethod
+ // Rd Data channel
+ method Bool m_rvalid = crg_R_full [port_deq];
+ method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid = rg_R.rid;
+ method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = rg_R.rdata;
+ method Bit #(2) m_rresp = rg_R.rresp;
+ method Bool m_rlast = rg_R.rlast;
+ method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = rg_R.ruser;
+ method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
+ if (rready && crg_R_full [port_deq])
+ crg_R_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
+ endmethod
+ endinterface
+ // BSV side
+ interface AXI4_M_IFC ifc_M;
+ interface o_AW = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_AW_full [port_deq], rg_AW);
+ interface o_W = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_W_full [port_deq], rg_W);
+ interface i_B = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_B_full [port_enq], rg_B);
+ interface o_AR = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_AR_full [port_deq], rg_AR);
+ interface i_R = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_R_full [port_enq], rg_R);
+ endinterface
+endmodule: mkAXI4_RTL_to_BSV_2
+// ****************************************************************
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_ClockCrossing.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_ClockCrossing.bsv
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a3ad30..0000000
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_ClockCrossing.bsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-package AXI4_ClockCrossing;
-import Clocks ::*;
-import AXI4_Types ::*;
-import AXI4_Extra_Xactors ::*;
-import Connectable ::*;
-import Semi_FIFOF ::*;
-import GetPut ::*;
-// ================================================================
-interface AXI4_ClockCrossing_IFC #(numeric type id_,
- numeric type addr_,
- numeric type data_,
- numeric type user_);
- interface AXI4_S_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_) from_M;
- interface AXI4_M_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_) to_S;
-// ================================================================
-module mkAXI4_ClockCrossing #(Clock clock_M,
- Reset reset_M,
- Clock clock_S,
- Reset reset_S)
- (AXI4_ClockCrossing_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_));
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(id_, addr_, user_))
- f_aw <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_M, reset_M, clock_S);
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(data_, user_))
- f_w <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_M, reset_M, clock_S);
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(id_, user_))
- f_b <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_S, reset_S, clock_M);
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(id_, addr_, user_))
- f_ar <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_M, reset_M, clock_S);
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(id_, data_, user_))
- f_r <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_S, reset_S, clock_M);
- AXI4_S_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_)
- s_xactor <- mkAXI4_S_Xactor_3 (f_aw, f_w, f_b, f_ar, f_r,
- clocked_by clock_M,
- reset_by reset_M);
- AXI4_M_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_)
- m_xactor <- mkAXI4_M_Xactor_3 (f_aw, f_w, f_b, f_ar, f_r,
- clocked_by clock_S,
- reset_by reset_S);
- interface AXI4_S_IFC from_M = s_xactor;
- interface AXI4_M_IFC to_S = m_xactor;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Same as above, with S-side using current-clock
-module mkAXI4_ClockCrossingToCC #(Clock clock_M, Reset reset_M)
- (AXI4_ClockCrossing_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_));
- let clock_S <- exposeCurrentClock;
- let reset_S <- exposeCurrentReset;
- let crossing <- mkAXI4_ClockCrossing (clock_M, reset_M, clock_S, reset_S);
- return crossing;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Clock_Crossers.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Clock_Crossers.bsv
index 31e3d64..0419801 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Clock_Crossers.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Clock_Crossers.bsv
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2022 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// Author: Rishiyur S. Nikhil
-// (original code for mkAXI4_Clock_Crossing from Joe Stoy)
+// (adapted and renamed from original code from Joe Stoy)
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_Clock_Crossers;
@@ -10,19 +10,19 @@ package AXI4_Clock_Crossers;
// This package defines clock-domain-crossing modules for AXI4 M and S
// interfaces:
-// Clock -> Clock -> AXI4_M_IFC -> Module #(AXI4_M_IFC)
+// Clock -> Clock -> AXI4_RTL_M_IFC -> Module #(AXI4_RTL_M_IFC)
export mkAXI4_M_Clock_Crosser;
-// Clock -> Clock -> AXI4_S_IFC -> Module #(AXI4_S_IFC)
+// Clock -> Clock -> AXI4_RTL_S_IFC -> Module #(AXI4_RTL_S_IFC)
export mkAXI4_S_Clock_Crosser;
-export AXI4_ClockCrossing_IFC (..);
+export AXI4_SyncBuffer_IFC (..);
// Clock1 -> Clock2 -> Module #(AXI4_Clock_Crossing_IFC)
-export mkAXI4_ClockCrossing;
+export mkAXI4_SyncBuffer;
// Clock1 -> Module #(AXI4_Clock_Crossing_IFC)
-export mkAXI4_ClockCrossingToCC;
+export mkAXI4_SyncBufferToCC;
// ================================================================
// Bluespec library imports
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Clocks :: *;
import Connectable :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import GetPut_Aux :: *;
@@ -40,178 +40,139 @@ import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
// ================================================================
// Project imports
-import AXI4_Types :: *;
-import AXI_SyncBuffer :: *;
-import AXI4_Xactors :: *;
+import AXI4_Types :: *;
+import AXI4_BSV_RTL :: *;
+import AXIx_SyncBuffer :: *;
// ================================================================
-// Clock1 -> Clock2 -> AXI4_S_IFC_1 -> Module #(AXI4_S_IFC_2)
-// Clock1 should be same clock as axi4_S_1
-// Clock2 is clock of result axi4_S_2
-module mkAXI4_S_Clock_Crosser
- #(Integer depth,
- Clock clk1, Reset rst1,
- Clock clk2, Reset rst2,
- AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi4_S_1)
- (AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
- // Transactor towards ifc1
- AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- axi4_M_xactor <- mkAXI4_M_Xactor (clocked_by clk1, reset_by rst1);
- // Syncbuffer between transactors
- AXI_SyncBuffer_IFC #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user),
- AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user),
- AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user),
- AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user),
- AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user))
- axi4_syncbuf <- mkAXI_SyncBuffer (depth, clk2, rst2, clk1, rst1);
- // Transactor with ifc2
- AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- axi4_S_xactor <- mkAXI4_S_Xactor (clocked_by clk2, reset_by rst2);
+// Function to transform an AXI4_S_IFC with a clock crosser
+// Clock1 -> Clock2 -> AXI4_S_IFC (on clock2) -> Module #(AXI4_S_IFC (on clock 1))
+// Clock1 is the upstream clock
+// Clock2 is the downstream clock
+module mkAXI4_S_Clock_Crosser #(Integer depth,
+ Clock clk1, Reset rst1,
+ Clock clk2, Reset rst2,
+ AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_S)
+ (AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+ AXIx_SyncBuffer_IFC #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user),
+ AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user),
+ AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user),
+ AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user),
+ AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user))
+ axi4_syncbuf <- mkAXIx_SyncBuffer (depth, clk1, rst1, clk2, rst2);
// ----------------
- mkConnection (axi4_M_xactor.axi_side, axi4_S_1);
- mkConnection (axi4_M_xactor.i_wr_addr, axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_aw);
- mkConnection (axi4_M_xactor.i_wr_data, axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_w);
- mkConnection (axi4_M_xactor.o_wr_resp, axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_b);
- mkConnection (axi4_M_xactor.i_rd_addr, axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_ar);
- mkConnection (axi4_M_xactor.o_rd_data, axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_r);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_aw, axi4_S_xactor.o_wr_addr);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_w, axi4_S_xactor.o_wr_data);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_b, axi4_S_xactor.i_wr_resp);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_ar, axi4_S_xactor.o_rd_addr);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_r, axi4_S_xactor.i_rd_data);
+ mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_aw, ifc_S.i_AW);
+ mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_w, ifc_S.i_W);
+ mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_b, ifc_S.o_B);
+ mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_ar, ifc_S.i_AR);
+ mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_r, ifc_S.o_R);
// ----------------
- let axi4_S_2 = axi4_S_xactor.axi_side;
- return axi4_S_2;
+ interface i_AW = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_aw;
+ interface i_W = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_w;
+ interface o_B = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_b;
+ interface i_AR = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_ar;
+ interface o_R = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_r;
// ================================================================
-// Clock1 -> Clock2 -> AXI4_M_IFC_1 -> Module #(AXI4_M_IFC_2)
-// Clock1 should be same clock as axi4_M_1
-// Clock2 is clock of result axi4_M_2
-module mkAXI4_M_Clock_Crosser
- #(Integer depth,
- Clock clk1, Reset rst1,
- Clock clk2, Reset rst2,
- AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi4_M_1)
- (AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+// Function to transform an AXI4_M_IFC with a clock crosser
+// Clock1 -> Clock2 -> AXI4_M_IFC (on clock1) -> Module #(AXI4_M_IFC (on clock 2))
+// Clock1 is the upstream clock
+// Clock2 is the downstream clock
- // Transactor towards ifc1
- AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- axi4_S_xactor <- mkAXI4_S_Xactor (clocked_by clk1, reset_by rst1);
+module mkAXI4_M_Clock_Crosser #(Integer depth,
+ Clock clk1, Reset rst1,
+ Clock clk2, Reset rst2,
+ AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_M)
+ (AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
// Syncbuffer between transactors
- AXI_SyncBuffer_IFC #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user),
- AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user),
- AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user),
- AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user),
- AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user))
- axi4_syncbuf <- mkAXI_SyncBuffer (depth, clk1, rst1, clk2, rst2);
+ AXIx_SyncBuffer_IFC #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user),
+ AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user),
+ AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user),
+ AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user),
+ AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user))
- // Transactor with ifc2
- AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- axi4_M_xactor <- mkAXI4_M_Xactor (clocked_by clk2, reset_by rst2);
+ axi4_syncbuf <- mkAXIx_SyncBuffer (depth, clk1, rst1, clk2, rst2);
// ----------------
- mkConnection (axi4_M_1, axi4_S_xactor.axi_side);
- mkConnection (axi4_S_xactor.o_wr_addr, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_aw);
- mkConnection (axi4_S_xactor.o_wr_data, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_w);
- mkConnection (axi4_S_xactor.i_wr_resp, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_b);
- mkConnection (axi4_S_xactor.o_rd_addr, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_ar);
- mkConnection (axi4_S_xactor.i_rd_data, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_r);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_aw, axi4_M_xactor.i_wr_addr);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_w, axi4_M_xactor.i_wr_data);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_b, axi4_M_xactor.o_wr_resp);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_ar, axi4_M_xactor.i_rd_addr);
- mkConnection (axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_r, axi4_M_xactor.o_rd_data);
+ mkConnection (ifc_M.o_AW, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_aw);
+ mkConnection (ifc_M.o_W, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_w);
+ mkConnection (ifc_M.i_B, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_b);
+ mkConnection (ifc_M.o_AR, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_ar);
+ mkConnection (ifc_M.i_R, axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_r);
// ----------------
- let axi4_M_2 = axi4_M_xactor.axi_side;
- return axi4_M_2;
+ interface o_AW = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_aw;
+ interface o_W = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_w;
+ interface i_B = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_b;
+ interface o_AR = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_ar;
+ interface i_R = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_r;
// ================================================================
+// Standalone clock-crosser with M and S interfaces
// Clock1 -> Clock2 -> Module #(AXI4_Clock_Crossing_IFC)
-// ----------------
-interface AXI4_ClockCrossing_IFC #(numeric type id_,
- numeric type addr_,
- numeric type data_,
- numeric type user_);
- interface AXI4_S_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_) from_M;
+interface AXI4_SyncBuffer_IFC #(numeric type id_,
+ numeric type addr_,
+ numeric type data_,
+ numeric type user_);
+ interface AXI4_S_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_) from_M;
interface AXI4_M_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_) to_S;
// ----------------
-module mkAXI4_ClockCrossing
- #(Clock clock_M, Reset reset_M,
- Clock clock_S, Reset reset_S)
- (AXI4_ClockCrossing_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_));
- // SyncFIFOs for the 5 channels
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(id_, addr_, user_))
- f_aw <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_M, reset_M, clock_S);
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(data_, user_))
- f_w <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_M, reset_M, clock_S);
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(id_, user_))
- f_b <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_S, reset_S, clock_M);
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(id_, addr_, user_))
- f_ar <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_M, reset_M, clock_S);
+module mkAXI4_SyncBuffer #(Integer depth,
+ Clock clock_M, Reset reset_M,
+ Clock clock_S, Reset reset_S)
+ (AXI4_SyncBuffer_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_));
- SyncFIFOIfc #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(id_, data_, user_))
- f_r <- mkSyncFIFO (4, clock_S, reset_S, clock_M);
- // Transactors for each end
- AXI4_S_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_)
- xactor_S <- mkAXI4_Xactor_S_3 (f_aw, f_w, f_b, f_ar, f_r,
- clocked_by clock_M,
- reset_by reset_M);
- AXI4_M_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_)
- xactor_M <- mkAXI4_Xactor_M_3 (f_aw, f_w, f_b, f_ar, f_r,
- clocked_by clock_S,
- reset_by reset_S);
+ let axi4_syncbuf <- mkAXIx_SyncBuffer (depth, clock_M, reset_M, clock_S, reset_S);
// ----------------
- interface AXI4_S_IFC from_M = xactor_S;
- interface AXI4_M_IFC to_S = xactor_M;
+ interface AXI4_S_IFC from_M;
+ interface i_AW = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_aw;
+ interface i_W = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_w;
+ interface o_B = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_b;
+ interface i_AR = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.i_ar;
+ interface o_R = axi4_syncbuf.from_M.o_r;
+ endinterface
+ interface AXI4_M_IFC to_S;
+ interface o_AW = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_aw;
+ interface o_W = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_w;
+ interface i_B = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_b;
+ interface o_AR = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.o_ar;
+ interface i_R = axi4_syncbuf.to_S.i_r;
+ endinterface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Same as above, with S-side using current-clock
-module mkAXI4_ClockCrossingToCC
- #(Clock clock_M, Reset reset_M)
- (AXI4_ClockCrossing_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_));
+module mkAXI4_SyncBufferToCC #(Integer depth,
+ Clock clock_M, Reset reset_M)
+ (AXI4_SyncBuffer_IFC #(id_, addr_, data_, user_));
let clock_S <- exposeCurrentClock;
let reset_S <- exposeCurrentReset;
- let crossing <- mkAXI4_ClockCrossing (clock_M, reset_M,
- clock_S, reset_S);
+ let crossing <- mkAXI4_SyncBuffer (depth,
+ clock_M, reset_M,
+ clock_S, reset_S);
return crossing;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_DDR_Model.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_DDR_Model.bsv
deleted file mode 100644
index 842c9c7..0000000
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_DDR_Model.bsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-// A simple memory-model, to be used in simulation, with an AXI4 interface.
-// Can optionally pre-load data with a memhex file.
-// Author: Rishiyur S. Nikhil
-package AXI4_DDR_Model;
-// ================================================================
-// BSV lib imports
-import Vector :: *;
-import RegFile :: *;
-import Connectable :: *;
-// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
-import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
-import Cur_Cycle :: *;
-// ================================================================
-// Project imports
-import AXI4_Types :: *;
-import AXI4_Deburster :: *;
-// ================================================================
-export mkDDR_A_Model;
-export AXI4_16_64_512_0_S_IFC;
-// ================================================================
-// DDR base and limit addresses
-Bit #(64) ddr_A_base = 'h_0_0000_0000;
-Bit #(64) ddr_A_lim = 'h_0_8000_0000;
-// ================================================================
-typedef AXI4_S_IFC #(16, // Id
- 64, // Addr
- 512, // Data
- 0) // User
- AXI4_16_64_512_0_S_IFC;
-typedef AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(16, // Id
- 64, // Addr
- 512, // Data
- 0) // User
- AXI4_16_64_512_0_S_Xactor_IFC;
-// ================================================================
-function Bit #(512) fv_new_data (Bit #(512) old_data, Bit #(512) new_data, Bit #(64) strb);
- function Bit #(8) f (Integer j);
- return ((strb [j] == 1'b1) ? 'hFF : 'h00);
- endfunction
- Vector #(64, Bit #(8)) v_mask = genWith (f);
- Bit #(512) mask = pack (v_mask);
- return ((old_data & (~ mask)) | (new_data & mask));
-// ================================================================
-// DDR_A
-// Supports bursts
-(* synthesize *)
-module mkDDR_A_Model (AXI4_16_64_512_0_S_IFC);
- let ifc <- mkMem_Model (0, // verbosity
- 0, // ddr_num
- False, // init_with_memhex
- "DDR_A.memhex512", // memhex_filename
- ddr_A_base, // byte_addr_base
- ddr_A_lim, // byte_addr_lim
- 'h_1_0000_0000); // bytes_implemented (4 GB)
- AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(16, 64, 512, 0) deburster <- mkAXI4_Deburster;
- mkConnection (deburster.to_S, ifc);
- return deburster.from_M;
-// ================================================================
-// Common implementation
-// - ddr_num is unique id for each DDR (A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3)
-// - init_with_memhex and memhex_file are for optional initialization from a memhex512
-// - byte_addr_base and byte_addr_lim are the range of byte-addrs served by this DDR
-// (in AWS: 16GB)
-// - bytes_implemented are the # of bytes implemented (on top of byte_addr_base)
-// which need not cover until addr_last.
-// WARNING: This is a simplified model: does not support AXI4 bursts.
-// Use a deburster in front of this, if needed.
-module mkMem_Model #(Integer verbosity,
- Bit #(2) ddr_num,
- Bool init_with_memhex,
- String memhex_filename,
- Bit #(64) byte_addr_base,
- Bit #(64) byte_addr_lim,
- Bit #(64) bytes_implemented_param)
- (AXI4_16_64_512_0_S_IFC);
- // Note: each 'word' in the RegFile is 512b = 64B => uses 6 lsbs of address.
- Bit #(64) bytes_implemented = min (bytes_implemented_param, byte_addr_lim - byte_addr_base);
- Bit #(64) words_implemented = (bytes_implemented >> 6);
- Bit #(64) addr_align_mask = (~ 'h3F);
- RegFile #(Bit #(64), Bit #(512)) rf <- (init_with_memhex
- ? mkRegFileLoad (memhex_filename,
- 0,
- words_implemented - 1)
- : mkRegFile (0, words_implemented - 1));
- AXI4_16_64_512_0_S_Xactor_IFC axi4_xactor <- mkAXI4_S_Xactor;
- Bit #(64) implem_addr_lim = byte_addr_base + (bytes_implemented & addr_align_mask);
- // ================================================================
- // ----------------
- // For debugging only
- Reg #(Bool) rg_display_info <- mkReg (False); // To get debugging info => True
- rule rl_info (rg_display_info);
- rg_display_info <= False;
- $display ("INFO: %m");
- $display (" base 0x%16h lim 0x%16h implemented 0x%16h",
- byte_addr_base, byte_addr_lim, bytes_implemented);
- if (init_with_memhex)
- $display (" initialized from: %s", memhex_filename);
- endrule
- // ----------------
- // Read requests
- rule rl_rd_req;
- let rda <- pop_o (axi4_xactor.o_rd_addr);
- Bool ok1 = ((byte_addr_base <= rda.araddr) && (rda.araddr < byte_addr_lim));
- Bool ok2 = (rda.araddr < implem_addr_lim);
- let offset_b = rda.araddr - byte_addr_base;
- let offset_W = (offset_b >> 6);
- // Default error response
- let rdd = AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rda.arid,
- rdata: zeroExtend (rda.araddr), // To help debugging
- rresp: axi4_resp_slverr,
- rlast: True,
- ruser: ?};
- if (! ok1) begin
- $display ("%0d: Mem_Model [%0d]: rl_rd_req: addr %0h -> OUT OF BOUNDS",
- cur_cycle, ddr_num, rda.araddr);
- $display (" base %016h lim %016h", byte_addr_base, byte_addr_lim);
- end
- else if (! ok2) begin
- $display ("%0d: Mem_Model [%0d]: rl_rd_req: addr %0h -> OUT OF IMPLEMENTED BOUNDS",
- cur_cycle, ddr_num, rda.araddr);
- $display (" base %016h implementation lim %016h",
- byte_addr_base, implem_addr_lim);
- end
- else begin
- let data = rf.sub (offset_W);
- rdd = AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rda.arid,
- rdata: data,
- rresp: axi4_resp_okay,
- rlast: True,
- ruser: ?};
- if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: Mem_Model [%0d]: rl_rd_req: addr %0h",
- cur_cycle, ddr_num, rda.araddr);
- $display (" data_hi %064h", data [511:256]);
- $display (" data_lo %064h", data [255:0]);
- end
- end
- axi4_xactor.i_rd_data.enq (rdd);
- endrule
- // ----------------
- // Write requests
- rule rl_wr_req;
- let wra <- pop_o (axi4_xactor.o_wr_addr);
- let wrd <- pop_o (axi4_xactor.o_wr_data);
- Bool ok1 = ((byte_addr_base <= wra.awaddr) && (wra.awaddr < byte_addr_lim));
- Bool ok2 = (wra.awaddr < implem_addr_lim);
- let offset_b = wra.awaddr - byte_addr_base;
- let offset_W = (offset_b >> 6);
- // Default error response
- let wrr = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: wra.awid, bresp: axi4_resp_slverr, buser: ?};
- if (! ok1) begin
- $display ("%0d: Mem_Model [%0d]: rl_wr_req: OUT OF BOUNDS",
- cur_cycle, ddr_num);
- $display (" addr %0h <= %0h strb %0h",
- wra.awaddr, wrd.wdata, wrd.wstrb);
- $display (" base %016h lim %016h", byte_addr_base, byte_addr_lim);
- end
- else if (! ok2) begin
- $display ("%0d: Mem_Model [%0d]: rl_wr_req: OUT OF IMPLEMENTED BOUNDS",
- cur_cycle, ddr_num);
- $display (" addr %0h <= %0h strb %0h",
- wra.awaddr, wrd.wdata, wrd.wstrb);
- $display (" base %016h implementation lim %016h",
- byte_addr_base, implem_addr_lim);
- end
- else begin
- let old_data = rf.sub (offset_W);
- let new_data = fv_new_data (old_data, wrd.wdata, wrd.wstrb);
- rf.upd (offset_W, new_data);
- if (verbosity > 1) begin
- $display (" Old: %h", old_data);
- $display (" New: %h", new_data);
- end
- wrr = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: wra.awid, bresp: axi4_resp_okay, buser: ?};
- if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: Mem_Model [%0d]: rl_wr_req: addr %0h strb %0h",
- cur_cycle, ddr_num, wra.awaddr, wrd.wstrb);
- $display (" data_hi %064h", wrd.wdata [511:256]);
- $display (" data_lo %064h", wrd.wdata [255:0]);
- end
- end
- axi4_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq (wrr);
- endrule
- // ================================================================
- return axi4_xactor.axi_side;
-// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Deburster.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Deburster.bsv
index effdd5c..4bef2cc 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Deburster.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Deburster.bsv
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_Deburster;
// ================================================================
// This package defines a AXI4-S-to-AXI4-S conversion module.
-// The M-side interface is an AXI4-S that carries no burst transactions.
-// The S-side interface is an AXI4-S that carries burst transactions.
+// The upstream interface (AXI4-S) is an AXI4-S that carries burst transactions.
+// The module argument is the downstream interface, also an AXI4-S,
+// which does not have bursts.
+// i.e., a multi-beat burst request from upstream is sent to the
+// downstream as a series of 1-beat requests.
// ================================================================
// Bluespec library imports
@@ -18,125 +22,77 @@ import SpecialFIFOs :: *;
import ConfigReg :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
-// ================================================================
-// Project imports
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
-import AXI4_Types :: *;
-// ================================================================
-// The interface for the fabric module
+// ----------------
+// Project imports
-interface AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
- method Action reset;
+import AXI4_Types :: *;
- // From M
- interface AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) from_M;
+// ****************************************************************
+// Verbosity during simulation on stdout (edit this as desired):
+// 0: quiet
+// 1: display start of burst
+// 2: display detail
- // To S
- interface AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) to_S;
+Integer verbosity = 0;
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
// The Deburster module
-module mkAXI4_Deburster (AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
+module mkAXI4_Deburster #(AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_S)
+ (AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
provisos (Add #(a__, 8, wd_addr));
- // 0 quiet; 1: display start of burst; 2: display all traffic
- Integer verbosity = 0;
+ // Buffer facing M
+ AXI4_Buffer_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) xactor_from_M <- mkAXI4_Buffer;
- Reg #(Bool) rg_reset <- mkReg (True);
- // Transactor facing M
- AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- xaxtor_from_M <- mkAXI4_S_Xactor;
- // Transactor facing S
- AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- xactor_to_S <- mkAXI4_M_Xactor;
+ // ----------------
+ // Write-transaction book-keeping
- // On a write-transaction, this register is the W-channel burst beat count
- // (0 => start of burst)
+ // This reg is W-channel burst beat count (0 => start of burst)
Reg #(AXI4_Len) rg_w_beat_count <- mkReg (0);
- // On a write-transaction, records awlen for S
- // Size of FIFO should cover S latency
+ // Records awlen.
+ // Size of FIFO should cover S latency (because used on B to
+ // combine B responses).
FIFOF #(AXI4_Len) f_w_awlen <- mkSizedFIFOF (4);
- // On a write-transaction, this register is the B-channel burst
- // beat count which is the number of individual (non-burst)
- // responses from the S to be combined into a single burst response
- // to M.
- // (0 => ready for next burst)
+ // This reg is the B-channel burst beat count which is the number
+ // of individual (non-burst) responses from the S to be combined
+ // into a single burst response to M. (0 => ready for next burst)
Reg #(AXI4_Len) rg_b_beat_count <- mkReg (0);
- // On a burst write-transaction, all the individual S responses may
- // not have the same 'resp' on the B channel. This register
- // remembers the first 'non-okay' resp (if any), to be returned to
- // M in the burst response.
+ // All individual S responses may not have the same 'resp' on the B
+ // channel. This reg remembers first 'non-okay' resp (if any), to
+ // be returned to M in the burst response.
Reg #(AXI4_Resp) rg_b_resp <- mkReg (axi4_resp_okay);
- // On a read-transaction, records arlen for S
- // Size of FIFO should cover S latency
+ // ----------------
+ // Read-transaction book-keeping
+ // Records arlen for S.
+ // Size of FIFO should cover S latency (because used on R to
+ // combine R-response into a burst).
FIFOF #(AXI4_Len) f_r_arlen <- mkSizedFIFOF (4);
- // On a read-transaction, this register is the AR-channel burst beat count
- // (0 => start of next burst)
+ // This reg is the AR-channel burst beat count (0 => start of next burst)
Reg #(AXI4_Len) rg_ar_beat_count <- mkReg (0);
- // On a read-transaction, this register is the R-channel burst beat count
- // (0 => ready for next burst)
+ // This reg is the R-channel burst beat count (0 => ready for next burst)
Reg #(AXI4_Len) rg_r_beat_count <- mkReg (0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Compute address for beat
-// function ActionValue#(Bit #(wd_addr)) fv_addr_for_beat (Bit #(wd_addr) start_addr,
-// AXI4_Size axsize,
-// AXI4_Burst axburst,
-// AXI4_Len axlen,
-// AXI4_Len beat_count);
-// actionvalue
-// // For incrementing bursts this address is the next address
-// Bit #(wd_addr) addr = start_addr;
-// addr = start_addr + (1 << pack (axsize));
-// // The actual length of the burst is one more than indicated by axlen
-// Bit #(wd_addr) burst_len = zeroExtend (axlen) + 1;
-// // find the wrap boundary bit - this becomes the mask - will only work
-// // for burst lengths which are a power of two
-// Bit #(wd_addr) wrap_boundary = (burst_len << pack (axsize));
-// // For wrapping bursts the wrap_mask needs to be applied to check if the
-// // wrapping boundary has been reached
-// if (axburst == axburst_wrap) begin
-// $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Deburster: wrapping burst. boundary: (%0x). addr: (%0x)", cur_cycle, wrap_boundary, addr);
-// // The wrapping condition
-// if ((addr % wrap_boundary) == 0) begin
-// // wrap the address - retain all bits except the wrap boundary bit
-// addr = addr & (~wrap_boundary);
-// $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Deburster: wrapping burst. Wrapping: addr: (%0x)", cur_cycle, addr);
-// end
-// end
-// return addr;
-// endactionvalue
-// endfunction
- function Bit #(wd_addr) fv_addr_for_beat (Bit #(wd_addr) start_addr,
- AXI4_Size axsize,
- AXI4_Burst axburst,
- AXI4_Len axlen,
- AXI4_Len beat_count);
+ // Compute axaddr for beat
+ function Bit #(wd_addr) fv_axaddr_for_beat (Bit #(wd_addr) start_addr,
+ AXI4_Size axsize,
+ AXI4_Burst axburst,
+ AXI4_Len axlen,
+ AXI4_Len beat_count);
// For incrementing bursts this address is the next address
Bit #(wd_addr) addr = start_addr;
@@ -157,109 +113,92 @@ module mkAXI4_Deburster (AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
return addr;
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // RESET
- rule rl_reset (rg_reset);
- if (verbosity >= 1)
- $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Deburster.rl_reset", cur_cycle);
- xaxtor_from_M.reset;
- xactor_to_S.reset;
- f_w_awlen.clear;
- rg_w_beat_count <= 0;
- rg_b_beat_count <= 0;
- rg_b_resp <= axi4_resp_okay;
- f_r_arlen.clear;
- rg_ar_beat_count <= 0;
- rg_r_beat_count <= 0;
- rg_reset <= False;
- endrule
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ================================================================
- Reg #(Bit #(wd_addr)) rg_last_beat_waddr <- mkRegU;
// ----------------
- // Wr requests (AW and W channels)
+ // AW and W channels (write requests)
+ Reg #(Bit #(wd_addr)) rg_last_beat_waddr <- mkRegU;
- rule rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S;
- AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) a_in = xaxtor_from_M.o_wr_addr.first;
- AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user) d_in = xaxtor_from_M.o_wr_data.first;
+ rule rl_AW_W;
+ AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) aw_in = xactor_from_M.ifc_M.o_AW.first;
+ AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user) w_in = xactor_from_M.ifc_M.o_W.first;
// Construct output AW item
- let a_out = a_in;
- // For the first beat the address is unchanged from the address in the
- // input request, for the remaining beats we have the update the address
+ let aw_out = aw_in;
+ // For the first beat the address is unchanged from the address
+ // in the input request, for the remaining beats the address is
// based on the previous address used
- if (rg_w_beat_count != 0) begin
- a_out.awaddr = fv_addr_for_beat (rg_last_beat_waddr, a_in.awsize, a_in.awburst, a_in.awlen, rg_w_beat_count);
- end
+ if (rg_w_beat_count != 0)
+ aw_out.awaddr = fv_axaddr_for_beat (rg_last_beat_waddr,
+ aw_in.awsize,
+ aw_in.awburst,
+ aw_in.awlen,
+ rg_w_beat_count);
- a_out.awlen = 0;
- a_out.awburst = axburst_fixed; // Not necessary when awlen=1, but S may be finicky
+ aw_out.awlen = 0;
+ aw_out.awburst = axburst_fixed; // Not necessary when awlen=1, but S may be finicky
// Set WLAST to true since this is always last beat of outgoing xaction (awlen=1)
- let d_out = d_in;
- d_out.wlast = True;
+ let w_out = w_in;
+ w_out.wlast = True;
// Send to S
- xactor_to_S.i_wr_addr.enq (a_out);
- xactor_to_S.i_wr_data.enq (d_out);
+ ifc_S.i_AW.enq (aw_out);
+ ifc_S.i_W.enq (w_out);
- xaxtor_from_M.o_wr_data.deq;
+ xactor_from_M.ifc_M.o_W.deq;
// Remember burst length so that individual responses from S can
// be combined into a single burst response to M.
if (rg_w_beat_count == 0)
- f_w_awlen.enq (a_in.awlen);
+ f_w_awlen.enq (aw_in.awlen);
- if (rg_w_beat_count < a_in.awlen) begin
+ if (rg_w_beat_count < aw_in.awlen) begin
rg_w_beat_count <= rg_w_beat_count + 1;
else begin
// Last beat of incoming burst; done with AW item
- xaxtor_from_M.o_wr_addr.deq;
+ xactor_from_M.ifc_M.o_AW.deq;
rg_w_beat_count <= 0;
// Simulation-only assertion-check (no action, just display assertion failure)
// Last incoming beat must have WLAST = 1
- if (! d_in.wlast) begin
- $display ("%0d: ERROR: %m::AXI4_Deburster.rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S: m -> s",
+ if (! w_in.wlast) begin
+ $display ("%0d: ERROR: AXI4_Deburster.rl_AW_W: m -> s",
- $display (" WLAST not set on last data beat (awlen = %0d)", a_in.awlen);
- $display (" ", fshow (d_in));
+ $display (" WLAST not set on last data beat (awlen = %0d)", aw_in.awlen);
+ $display (" ", fshow (w_in));
// Remember this beat's address for calculating the next beat address.
// This is necessary to support wrapping bursts
- rg_last_beat_waddr <= a_out.awaddr;
+ rg_last_beat_waddr <= aw_out.awaddr;
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Deburster.rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S: m -> s, beat %0d",
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_Deburster.rl_AW_W: m -> s, beat %0d",
cur_cycle, rg_w_beat_count);
if (rg_w_beat_count == 0)
- $display (" a_in : ", fshow (a_in));
+ $display (" aw_in : ", fshow (aw_in));
if ((rg_w_beat_count == 0) || (verbosity > 1)) begin
- $display (" d_in : ", fshow (d_in));
- $display (" a_out: ", fshow (a_out));
- $display (" d_out: ", fshow (d_out));
+ $display (" w_in : ", fshow (w_in));
+ $display (" aw_out: ", fshow (aw_out));
+ $display (" w_out: ", fshow (w_out));
- endrule: rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S
+ endrule: rl_AW_W
// ----------------
- // Wr responses (B channel): consume responses from until the last
- // response for a burst, then respond to M. Remember if any of
- // them was not an 'okay' response.
+ // B channel (write responses): consume responses from until the
+ // last response for a burst, then respond to M. Remember if any
+ // of them was not an 'okay' response.
- rule rl_wr_resp_S_to_M;
- AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user) b_in <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_wr_resp);
+ rule rl_B_S_to_M;
+ AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user) b_in <- pop_o (ifc_S.o_B);
if (rg_b_beat_count < f_w_awlen.first) begin
// Remember first non-okay response (if any) of a burst in rg_b_resp
@@ -270,7 +209,7 @@ module mkAXI4_Deburster (AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
rg_b_beat_count <= rg_b_beat_count + 1;
if (verbosity > 1) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Deburster.rl_wr_resp_S_to_M: m <- s, beat %0d",
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_Deburster.rl_B_S_to_M: m <- s, beat %0d",
cur_cycle, rg_b_beat_count);
$display (" Consuming and discarding beat %0d", rg_b_beat_count);
$display (" ", fshow (b_in));
@@ -281,7 +220,7 @@ module mkAXI4_Deburster (AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
let b_out = b_in;
if (rg_b_resp != axi4_resp_okay)
b_out.bresp = rg_b_resp;
- xaxtor_from_M.i_wr_resp.enq (b_out);
+ xactor_from_M.ifc_M.i_B.enq (b_out);
@@ -290,7 +229,7 @@ module mkAXI4_Deburster (AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
rg_b_resp <= axi4_resp_okay;
if (verbosity > 1) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Deburster.rl_wr_resp_S_to_M: m <- s, beat %0d",
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_Deburster.rl_B_S_to_M: m <- s, beat %0d",
cur_cycle, rg_b_beat_count);
$display (" b_in: ", fshow (b_in));
$display (" b_out: ", fshow (b_out));
@@ -298,56 +237,56 @@ module mkAXI4_Deburster (AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- // ----------------
- // Rd requests (AR channel)
+ // ----------------
+ // AR channel (read requests)
Reg #(Bit #(wd_addr)) rg_last_beat_raddr <- mkRegU;
rule rl_rd_xaction_M_to_S;
- AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) a_in = xaxtor_from_M.o_rd_addr.first;
+ AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) ar_in = xactor_from_M.ifc_M.o_AR.first;
// Compute forwarded request for each beat, and send
- let a_out = a_in;
+ let ar_out = ar_in;
// For the first beat the address is unchanged from the address in the
// input request, for the remaining beats we have the update the address
// based on the previous address used
if (rg_ar_beat_count != 0) begin
- a_out.araddr = fv_addr_for_beat (rg_last_beat_raddr,
- a_in.arsize,
- a_in.arburst,
- a_in.arlen,
- rg_ar_beat_count);
+ ar_out.araddr = fv_axaddr_for_beat (rg_last_beat_raddr,
+ ar_in.arsize,
+ ar_in.arburst,
+ ar_in.arlen,
+ rg_ar_beat_count);
- a_out.arlen = 0;
- a_out.arburst = axburst_fixed; // Not necessary when arlen=1, but S may be finicky
- xactor_to_S.i_rd_addr.enq (a_out);
+ ar_out.arlen = 0;
+ ar_out.arburst = axburst_fixed; // Not necessary when arlen=1, but S may be finicky
+ ifc_S.i_AR.enq (ar_out);
// On first beat, set up the response count
if (rg_ar_beat_count == 0)
- f_r_arlen.enq (a_in.arlen);
+ f_r_arlen.enq (ar_in.arlen);
- if (rg_ar_beat_count < a_in.arlen) begin
+ if (rg_ar_beat_count < ar_in.arlen) begin
rg_ar_beat_count <= rg_ar_beat_count + 1;
else begin
// Last beat sent; done with AR item
- xaxtor_from_M.o_rd_addr.deq;
+ xactor_from_M.ifc_M.o_AR.deq;
rg_ar_beat_count <= 0;
// Remember this beat's address for calculating the next beat address.
// This is necessary to support wrapping bursts
- rg_last_beat_raddr <= a_out.araddr;
+ rg_last_beat_raddr <= ar_out.araddr;
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Deburster.rl_rd_xaction_M_to_S: m -> s, addr %08x beat %0d",
- cur_cycle, a_out.araddr, rg_ar_beat_count);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_Deburster.rl_rd_xaction_M_to_S: m -> s, addr %08x beat %0d",
+ cur_cycle, ar_out.araddr, rg_ar_beat_count);
if (rg_ar_beat_count == 0)
- $display (" a_in: ", fshow (a_in));
+ $display (" ar_in: ", fshow (ar_in));
if ((rg_ar_beat_count == 0) || (verbosity > 1))
- $display (" a_out: ", fshow (a_out));
+ $display (" ar_out: ", fshow (ar_out));
endrule: rl_rd_xaction_M_to_S
@@ -356,7 +295,7 @@ module mkAXI4_Deburster (AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
// Rd responses
rule rl_rd_resp_S_to_M;
- AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user) r_in <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_rd_data);
+ AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user) r_in <- pop_o (ifc_S.o_R);
let arlen = f_r_arlen.first;
let r_out = r_in;
@@ -372,11 +311,11 @@ module mkAXI4_Deburster (AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- xaxtor_from_M.i_rd_data.enq (r_out);
+ xactor_from_M.ifc_M.i_R.enq (r_out);
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Deburster.rl_rd_resp_S_to_M: m <- s, beat %0d",
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_Deburster.rl_rd_resp_S_to_M: m <- s, beat %0d",
cur_cycle, rg_r_beat_count);
if ((rg_r_beat_count == 0) || (verbosity > 1)) begin
$display (" r_in: ", fshow (r_in));
@@ -385,17 +324,12 @@ module mkAXI4_Deburster (AXI4_Deburster_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
endrule: rl_rd_resp_S_to_M
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ****************************************************************
- method Action reset () if (! rg_reset);
- rg_reset <= True;
- endmethod
- interface from_M = xaxtor_from_M.axi_side;
- interface to_S = xactor_to_S .axi_side;
+ return xactor_from_M.ifc_S;
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
endpackage: AXI4_Deburster
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Extra_Xactors.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Extra_Xactors.bsv
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d4e5f8..0000000
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Extra_Xactors.bsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-import FIFOF ::*;
-import Semi_FIFOF::*;
-import AXI4_Types::*;
-// This part based on code written in the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
-typeclass ToUnguarded #(type a);
- module mkUnguarded #(a x)(a);
-instance ToUnguarded #(FIFOF_I #(a))
- provisos (Bits#(a, __));
- module mkUnguarded #(FIFOF_I #(a) ifc)(FIFOF_I #(a));
- let enqWire <- mkRWire;
- rule warnDoEnq (isValid(enqWire.wget) && !ifc.notFull);
- $display("WARNING: enqing into an already full FIFOF_I");
- $finish(0);
- endrule
- rule doEnq (isValid(enqWire.wget));
- ifc.enq(enqWire.wget.Valid);
- endrule
- return interface FIFOF_I;
- method notFull = ifc.notFull;
- method enq = enqWire.wset;
- endinterface;
- endmodule
-instance ToUnguarded #(FIFOF_O #(a))
- provisos (Bits#(a, _));
- module mkUnguarded#(FIFOF_O #(a) ifc)(FIFOF_O#(a));
- let firstWire <- mkDWire(unpack(0));
- let deqWire <- mkPulseWire;
- rule setFirst; firstWire <= ifc.first; endrule
- rule warnDoDeq (deqWire && !ifc.notEmpty);
- $display("WARNING: deqing from empty FIFOF_O");
- $finish(0);
- endrule
- rule doDeq (deqWire && ifc.notEmpty);
- ifc.deq;
- endrule
- return interface FIFOF_O;
- method notEmpty = ifc.notEmpty;
- method first = firstWire;
- method deq = deqWire.send;
- endinterface;
- endmodule
-// --------------------------------------
-module mkAXI4_M_Xactor_3 #(aw_t aw, w_t w, b_t b, ar_t ar, r_t r)
- (AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- provisos (To_FIFOF_IO #(aw_t, AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(w_t, AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(b_t, AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(ar_t, AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(r_t, AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)));
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (aw));
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_wr_data <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (w));
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (b));
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (ar));
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (r));
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- return interface AXI4_M_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Bool m_awvalid = f_wr_addr.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = f_wr_addr.first.awid;
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = f_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_awlen = f_wr_addr.first.awlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_awsize = f_wr_addr.first.awsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_awburst = f_wr_addr.first.awburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_awlock = f_wr_addr.first.awlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_awcache = f_wr_addr.first.awcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_awprot = f_wr_addr.first.awprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_awqos = f_wr_addr.first.awqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_awregion = f_wr_addr.first.awregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = f_wr_addr.first.awuser;
- method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
- if (f_wr_addr.notEmpty && awready) f_wr_addr.deq;
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Bool m_wvalid = f_wr_data.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = f_wr_data.first.wdata;
- method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = f_wr_data.first.wstrb;
- method Bool m_wlast = f_wr_data.first.wlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = f_wr_data.first.wuser;
- method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
- if (f_wr_data.notEmpty && wready) f_wr_data.deq;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) bid,
- Bit #(2) bresp,
- Bit #(wd_user) buser);
- if (bvalid && f_wr_resp.notFull)
- f_wr_resp.enq (AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: bid,
- bresp: bresp,
- buser: buser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_bready;
- return f_wr_resp.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Bool m_arvalid = f_rd_addr.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = f_rd_addr.first.arid;
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = f_rd_addr.first.araddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_arlen = f_rd_addr.first.arlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_arsize = f_rd_addr.first.arsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_arburst = f_rd_addr.first.arburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_arlock = f_rd_addr.first.arlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_arcache = f_rd_addr.first.arcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_arprot = f_rd_addr.first.arprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_arqos = f_rd_addr.first.arqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_arregion = f_rd_addr.first.arregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = f_rd_addr.first.aruser;
- method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
- if (f_rd_addr.notEmpty && arready) f_rd_addr.deq;
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid, // in
- Bit #(wd_id) rid, // in
- Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in
- Bit #(2) rresp, // in
- Bool rlast, // in
- Bit #(wd_user) ruser); // in
- if (rvalid && f_rd_data.notFull)
- f_rd_data.enq (AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rid,
- rdata: rdata,
- rresp: rresp,
- rlast: rlast,
- ruser: ruser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_rready;
- return f_rd_data.notFull;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
-endmodule: mkAXI4_M_Xactor_3
-module mkAXI4_S_Xactor_3 #(aw_t aw, w_t w, b_t b, ar_t ar, r_t r)
- (AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- provisos (To_FIFOF_IO #(aw_t, AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(w_t, AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(b_t, AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(ar_t, AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(r_t, AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)));
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (aw));
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_wr_data <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (w));
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (b));
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (ar));
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (r));
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- return interface AXI4_S_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) awid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
- Bit #(8) awlen,
- AXI4_Size awsize,
- Bit #(2) awburst,
- Bit #(1) awlock,
- Bit #(4) awcache,
- Bit #(3) awprot,
- Bit #(4) awqos,
- Bit #(4) awregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
- if (awvalid && f_wr_addr.notFull)
- f_wr_addr.enq (AXI4_Wr_Addr {awid: awid,
- awaddr: awaddr,
- awlen: awlen,
- awsize: awsize,
- awburst: awburst,
- awlock: awlock,
- awcache: awcache,
- awprot: awprot,
- awqos: awqos,
- awregion: awregion,
- awuser: awuser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_awready;
- return f_wr_addr.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
- Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
- Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
- Bool wlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
- if (wvalid && f_wr_data.notFull)
- f_wr_data.enq (AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: wdata,
- wstrb: wstrb,
- wlast: wlast,
- wuser: wuser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_wready;
- return f_wr_data.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Bool m_bvalid = f_wr_resp.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid = f_wr_resp.first.bid;
- method Bit #(2) m_bresp = f_wr_resp.first.bresp;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = f_wr_resp.first.buser;
- method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
- if (bready && f_wr_resp.notEmpty)
- f_wr_resp.deq;
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) arid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
- Bit #(8) arlen,
- AXI4_Size arsize,
- Bit #(2) arburst,
- Bit #(1) arlock,
- Bit #(4) arcache,
- Bit #(3) arprot,
- Bit #(4) arqos,
- Bit #(4) arregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
- if (arvalid && f_rd_addr.notFull)
- f_rd_addr.enq (AXI4_Rd_Addr {arid: arid,
- araddr: araddr,
- arlen: arlen,
- arsize: arsize,
- arburst: arburst,
- arlock: arlock,
- arcache: arcache,
- arprot: arprot,
- arqos: arqos,
- arregion: arregion,
- aruser: aruser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_arready;
- return f_rd_addr.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Bool m_rvalid = f_rd_data.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid = f_rd_data.first.rid;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = f_rd_data.first.rdata;
- method Bit #(2) m_rresp = f_rd_data.first.rresp;
- method Bool m_rlast = f_rd_data.first.rlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = f_rd_data.first.ruser;
- method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
- if (rready && f_rd_data.notEmpty)
- f_rd_data.deq;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
-endmodule: mkAXI4_S_Xactor_3
-// --------------------------------------
-typedef union tagged {
- AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) Read;
- AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) Write;
- } AXI4_RdWr_Addr #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_user)
-deriving (Bits, FShow);
-interface Addr_FIFOF_Pair #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_user);
- interface FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) ff_read;
- interface FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) ff_write;
-module mkAddr_FIFOF_Pair (Addr_FIFOF_Pair #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user));
- Bool unguarded = True;
- Bool guarded = False;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_RdWr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) ff <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
- interface FIFOF ff_read;
- method notFull = ff.notFull;
- method Action enq(x);
- ff.enq(tagged Read x);
- endmethod
- method notEmpty = (ff.notEmpty && (ff.first matches tagged Read .x ? True : False));
- method first () if (ff.notEmpty &&& ff.first matches tagged Read .x);
- return x;
- endmethod
- method Action deq () if (ff.notEmpty &&& ff.first matches tagged Read .x);
- ff.deq;
- endmethod
- method Action clear;
- ff.clear;
- endmethod
- endinterface
- interface FIFOF ff_write;
- method notFull = ff.notFull;
- method Action enq(x);
- ff.enq(tagged Write x);
- endmethod
- method notEmpty = (ff.notEmpty && (ff.first matches tagged Write .x ? True : False));
- method first () if (ff.notEmpty &&& ff.first matches tagged Write .x);
- return x;
- endmethod
- method Action deq () if (ff.notEmpty &&& ff.first matches tagged Write .x);
- ff.deq;
- endmethod
- method Action clear;
- ff.clear;
- endmethod
- endinterface
-module mkAXI4_Serializing_M_Xactor (AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
- Addr_FIFOF_Pair #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) f_rdwr_addr <- mkAddr_FIFOF_Pair;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr = f_rdwr_addr.ff_write;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_wr_data <- mkFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr = f_rdwr_addr.ff_read;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkFIFOF;
- AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) m_xactor <- mkAXI4_M_Xactor_3 (f_wr_addr,
- f_wr_data,
- f_wr_resp,
- f_rd_addr,
- f_rd_data);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- method Action reset;
- f_wr_addr.clear;
- f_wr_data.clear;
- f_wr_resp.clear;
- //f_rd_addr.clear;
- f_rd_data.clear;
- endmethod
- // AXI side
- interface axi_side = m_xactor;
- // FIFOF side
- interface i_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_addr);
- interface i_wr_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_data);
- interface o_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_resp);
- interface i_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_addr);
- interface o_rd_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_data);
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Fabric.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Fabric.bsv
index 9f972a9..3d1b015 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Fabric.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Fabric.bsv
@@ -1,470 +1,402 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_Fabric;
-// ================================================================
-// This package defines a fabric connecting CPUs, Memories and DMAs
-// and other IP blocks.
+// ****************************************************************
+// This package defines a module mkAXI4_Fabric with an Empty interface.
+// It is a crossbar connecting a vector of Ms to a vector of Ss.
-// ================================================================
+// It is parameterized by:
+// * number of Ms
+// * number of Ss
+// * widths of the various AXI4 buses.
+// * a "routing function" address -> S num that specifies which S
+// (or none) services a request.
+// Note that M-side ID fields (ARID, AWID) are narrower than S-side ID
+// fields (RID, BID). The extra S-side ID bits encode, for each AXI4
+// transaction, which M it came from, so that the response can be
+// routed back appropriately.
+// Handles bursts (read and write).
+// ****************************************************************
// Bluespec library imports
import Vector :: *;
import FIFOF :: *;
import SpecialFIFOs :: *;
-import ConfigReg :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
-import Cur_Cycle :: *;
+import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
-// ================================================================
+// ----------------
// Project imports
-import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
import AXI4_Types :: *;
// ================================================================
-// The interface for the fabric module
-interface AXI4_Fabric_IFC #(numeric type tn_num_M,
- numeric type tn_num_S,
- numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
- method Action reset;
- method Action set_verbosity (Bit #(4) verbosity);
- // From Ms
- interface Vector #(tn_num_M,
- AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)) v_from_Ms;
- // To Ss
- interface Vector #(tn_num_S,
- AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)) v_to_Ss;
+// Project exports
-// ================================================================
+export mkAXI4_Fabric;
+// ****************************************************************
// The Fabric module
// The function parameter is an address-decode function, which
-// returns (True, S-port-num) if address is mapped to S-port-num
-// (False, ?) if address is unmapped to any S port
-module mkAXI4_Fabric #(function Tuple2 #(Bool, Bit #(TLog #(tn_num_S)))
- fn_addr_to_S_num (Bit #(wd_addr) addr))
- (AXI4_Fabric_IFC #(tn_num_M, tn_num_S,
- wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- provisos (Log #(tn_num_M, log_nm),
- Log #(tn_num_S, log_ns),
- Log #(TAdd #(tn_num_S, 1), log_ns_plus_1),
- Log #(TAdd #(tn_num_M, 1), log_nm_plus_1));
- Integer num_M = valueOf (tn_num_M);
- Integer num_S = valueOf (tn_num_S);
+// returns (True, j) if address maps to Sj
+// (False, ?) if address is wild (does not map to any Sj)
+module mkAXI4_Fabric #(// Routing function
+ function Tuple2 #(Bool, Bit #(TLog #(tn_num_S)))
+ fn_addr_to_S_num (Bit #(wd_addr) addr),
+ // From Ms
+ Vector #(tn_num_M,
+ AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id_M, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)) v_ifc_M,
+ // To Ss
+ Vector #(tn_num_S,
+ AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id_S, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)) v_ifc_S)
+ (Empty)
+ provisos (Log #(tn_num_M, log_nm), // define log_nm
+ Log #(tn_num_S, log_ns), // define log_ns
+ Add #(wd_id_M, log_nm, wd_id_S)); // assert
// 0: quiet; 1: show transactions
- Reg #(Bit #(4)) cfg_verbosity <- mkConfigReg (0);
+ Integer verbosity = 0;
- Reg #(Bool) rg_reset <- mkReg (True);
- // Transactors facing Ms
- Vector #(tn_num_M, AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- xactors_from_Ms <- replicateM (mkAXI4_S_Xactor);
- // Transactors facing Ss
- Vector #(tn_num_S, AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- xactors_to_Ss <- replicateM (mkAXI4_M_Xactor);
+ Integer num_M = valueOf (tn_num_M);
+ Integer num_S = valueOf (tn_num_S);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Book-keeping FIFOs and regs
- // - to keep track of which M originated a transaction, in order
- // to route corresponding responses back to that M
- // - to manage wdata channel based on burst info in awaddr channel
- // - to manage requests that do not map to any of the Ss
- // Legal Ss are 0..(num_S-1)
- // The "illegal" value of 'num_S' is used for decode errors (no such S).
- // num_M could be 1 => Bit #(0) to identify a M, but
- // equality on Bit #(0) is dicey, so we always use num_M+1.
- // Size of SizedFIFOs is estimated: should cover round-trip latency to S and back.
- // ----------------
- // Write-transaction book-keeping
- // On an mi->sj write-transaction, this fifo records sj for M mi
- Vector #(tn_num_M, FIFOF #(Bit #(log_ns_plus_1))) v_f_wr_sjs <- replicateM (mkSizedFIFOF (8));
+ // Write-transaction control:
- // On an mi->sj write-transaction, this fifo records mi for S sj
- Vector #(tn_num_S, FIFOF #(Bit #(log_nm_plus_1))) v_f_wr_mis <- replicateM (mkSizedFIFOF (8));
+ // The AW and W buses are separate and not synchronized, but the
+ // ordering is the same, i.e., in any AXI4 interface, the sequence
+ // of W bursts (W0, W1, ...) is assumed to correspond to the
+ // sequence of AW requests (AW0, AW1, ...).
- // On an mi->sj write-transaction, this fifo records a task (sj, awlen) for W channel
- Vector #(tn_num_M,
- FIFOF #(Tuple2 #(Bit #(log_ns_plus_1),
- AXI4_Len))) v_f_wd_tasks <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
- // On an mi->sj write-transaction, this register is the W-channel burst beat_count
- // (0 => ready for next burst)
- Vector #(tn_num_M, Reg #(AXI4_Len)) v_rg_wd_beat_count <- replicateM (mkReg (0));
+ // In a fabric, two write-transaction scenarios where the ordering could go wrong:
+ // A. Two M's to one S:
+ // From Mi and Mj, if we send AWi and AWj to Sk, in that order,
+ // then Wi should precede Wj.
+ // Also: beats from the Wi and Wj bursts should not be interleaved.
+ // B. One M to two S's:
+ // From Mi, if we send AWi1 and AWi2 to Sj and Sk, in that order,
+ // then Wi1 should go to Sj and Wi2 should go to Sk
+ //
- // On a write-transaction to non-existent S, record id and user for error response
- Vector #(tn_num_M,
- FIFOF #(Tuple2 #(Bit #(wd_id),
- Bit #(wd_user)))) v_f_wr_err_info <- replicateM (mkSizedFIFOF (8));
+ // For scenario A, we have a FIFO per-Sj which records order of M's
+ // from which it should take Ws.
- // ----------------
- // Read-transaction book-keeping
- // On an mi->sj read-transaction, records sj for M mi
- Vector #(tn_num_M, FIFOF #(Bit #(log_ns_plus_1))) v_f_rd_sjs <- replicateM (mkSizedFIFOF (8));
- // On an mi->sj read-transaction, records (mi,arlen) for S sj
- Vector #(tn_num_S,
- FIFOF #(Tuple2 #(Bit #(log_nm_plus_1),
- AXI4_Len))) v_f_rd_mis <- replicateM (mkSizedFIFOF (8));
- // On an mi->sj read-transaction, this register is the R-channel burst beat_count
- // (0 => ready for next burst)
- Vector #(tn_num_S, Reg #(AXI4_Len)) v_rg_r_beat_count <- replicateM (mkReg (0));
- // On a read-transaction to non-exisitent S, record id and user for error response
- Vector #(tn_num_M,
- FIFOF #(Tuple3 #(AXI4_Len,
- Bit #(wd_id),
- Bit #(wd_user)))) v_f_rd_err_info <- replicateM (mkSizedFIFOF (8));
- // On an mi->non-existent-S read-transaction,
- // this register is the R-channel burst beat_count
- // (0 => ready for next burst)
- Vector #(tn_num_M, Reg #(AXI4_Len)) v_rg_r_err_beat_count <- replicateM (mkReg (0));
+ Vector #(tn_num_S, FIFOF #(Bit #(log_nm))) // FIFO of Mi
+ v_f_W_Mi <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // RESET
+ // For scenario B, we have a FIFO per-Mi which records order of S's
+ // to which it should send Ws.
- rule rl_reset (rg_reset);
- if (cfg_verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: rl_reset", cur_cycle);
- $display (" %m");
- end
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1) begin
- xactors_from_Ms [mi].reset;
+ Vector #(tn_num_M, FIFOF #(Tuple2 #(Bool, Bit #(log_ns)))) // FIFO of Sj
+ v_f_W_Sj <- replicateM (mkFIFOF);
- v_f_wr_sjs [mi].clear;
- v_f_wd_tasks [mi].clear;
- v_rg_wd_beat_count [mi] <= 0;
+ // For wild writes (addr does not map to any Sj), this FIFO records
+ // info to consume the write-burst and then respond with error.
+ // TODO: per-Mi FIFOs would add concurrency.
- v_f_wr_err_info [mi].clear;
+ FIFOF #(Tuple3 #(Bit #(log_nm), // Mi of current AWCHAN req
+ Bit #(wd_id_M), // AWID to reflect into BID
+ Bit #(wd_user))) // AWUSER to reflect into BUSER
+ f_W_wild <- mkFIFOF;
- v_f_rd_sjs [mi].clear;
+ // ----------------
+ // Read-respose merge control
- v_f_rd_err_info [mi].clear;
- end
+ // For "simultaneous" RCHAN responses from Sj1 and Sj2 to the same
+ // Mi, the two bursts must not interleave. Each Sj must "own" Mi
+ // for its full burst.
- for (Integer sj = 0; sj < num_S; sj = sj + 1) begin
- xactors_to_Ss [sj].reset;
- v_f_wr_mis [sj].clear;
- v_f_rd_mis [sj].clear;
- v_rg_r_beat_count [sj] <= 0;
- end
- rg_reset <= False;
- endrule
+ Vector #(tn_num_M, Reg #(Maybe #(Bit #(log_ns))))
+ v_rg_M_RCHAN_owners <- replicateM (mkReg (tagged Invalid));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Predicates to check if Mi has transaction for Sj
+ // The expression (s_num == fromInteger (sj)) is dodgy when num_S == 1
+ // because it's a Bit#(0) comparision; so special case 'num_S == 1'
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Predicates to check if M I has transaction for S J
function Bool fv_mi_has_wr_for_sj (Integer mi, Integer sj);
- let addr = xactors_from_Ms [mi].o_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
+ let addr = v_ifc_M [mi].o_AW.first.awaddr;
match { .legal, .s_num } = fn_addr_to_S_num (addr);
return (legal
&& ( (num_S == 1)
|| (s_num == fromInteger (sj))));
- function Bool fv_mi_has_wr_for_none (Integer mi);
- let addr = xactors_from_Ms [mi].o_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
- match { .legal, ._ } = fn_addr_to_S_num (addr);
- return (! legal);
- endfunction
function Bool fv_mi_has_rd_for_sj (Integer mi, Integer sj);
- let addr = xactors_from_Ms [mi].o_rd_addr.first.araddr;
+ let addr = v_ifc_M [mi].o_AR.first.araddr;
match { .legal, .s_num } = fn_addr_to_S_num (addr);
return (legal
&& ( (num_S == 1)
|| (s_num == fromInteger (sj))));
+ function Bool fv_mi_has_wr_for_none (Integer mi);
+ let addr = v_ifc_M [mi].o_AW.first.awaddr;
+ match { .legal, ._ } = fn_addr_to_S_num (addr);
+ return (! legal);
+ endfunction
function Bool fv_mi_has_rd_for_none (Integer mi);
- let addr = xactors_from_Ms [mi].o_rd_addr.first.araddr;
+ let addr = v_ifc_M [mi].o_AR.first.araddr;
match { .legal, ._ } = fn_addr_to_S_num (addr);
return (! legal);
// ================================================================
- // Wr requests (AW, W and B channels)
+ // BEHAVIOR: AWCHAN (write-requests)
- // Wr requests to legal Ss (AW channel)
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1)
- for (Integer sj = 0; sj < num_S; sj = sj + 1)
+ Rules all_rules = emptyRules;
- rule rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S (fv_mi_has_wr_for_sj (mi, sj));
- // Move the AW transaction
- AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_Ms [mi].o_wr_addr);
- xactors_to_Ss [sj].i_wr_addr.enq (a);
- // Enqueue a task for the W channel
- v_f_wd_tasks [mi].enq (tuple2 (fromInteger (sj), a.awlen));
- // Book-keeping
- v_f_wr_mis [sj].enq (fromInteger (mi));
- v_f_wr_sjs [mi].enq (fromInteger (sj));
- if (cfg_verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S: m%0d -> s%0d", cur_cycle, mi, sj);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" ", fshow (a));
- end
- endrule
- // Wr requests to non-existent S (AW channel)
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1)
- rule rl_wr_xaction_no_such_S (fv_mi_has_wr_for_none (mi));
- AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_Ms [mi].o_wr_addr);
- // Special value 'num_S' (not a legal sj) means "no such S"
- v_f_wr_sjs [mi].enq (fromInteger (num_S));
- v_f_wr_err_info [mi].enq (tuple2 (a.awid, a.awuser));
- // Enqueue a task for the W channel (must consume the write-data burst)
- v_f_wd_tasks [mi].enq (tuple2 (fromInteger (num_S), a.awlen));
- $display ("%0d: ERROR: rl_wr_xaction_no_such_S: m%0d -> ?", cur_cycle, mi);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" ", fshow (a));
- endrule
- // Wr data (W channel)
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1)
- // Handle W channel burst
- // Invariant: v_rg_wd_beat_count == 0 between bursts
- // Note: awlen is encoded as 0..255 for burst lengths of 1..256
- rule rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S_data (v_f_wd_tasks [mi].first matches {.sj, .awlen});
- AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user) d <- pop_o (xactors_from_Ms [mi].o_wr_data);
- // If sj is a legal S, send it the data beat, else drop it.
- if (sj < fromInteger (num_S))
- xactors_to_Ss [sj].i_wr_data.enq (d);
- if (cfg_verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S_data: m%0d -> s%0d, beat %0d/%0d",
- cur_cycle, mi, sj, v_rg_wd_beat_count [mi], awlen);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" ", fshow (d));
- end
- if (v_rg_wd_beat_count [mi] == awlen) begin
- // End of burst
- v_f_wd_tasks [mi].deq;
- v_rg_wd_beat_count [mi] <= 0;
- // Simulation-only assertion-check (no action, just display assertion failure)
- // Final beat must have WLAST = 1
- // Rely on S (which should also see this error) to return error response
- if (! (d.wlast)) begin
- $display ("%0d: ERROR: rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S_data: m%0d -> s%0d",
- cur_cycle, mi, sj);
- $display (" WLAST not set on final data beat (awlen = %0d)", awlen);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" ", fshow (d));
- end
- end
- else
- v_rg_wd_beat_count [mi] <= v_rg_wd_beat_count [mi] + 1;
- endrule
- // Wr responses from Ss to Ms (B channel)
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1)
+ // AW legal addrs
+ for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1) begin
for (Integer sj = 0; sj < num_S; sj = sj + 1)
- rule rl_wr_resp_S_to_M ( (v_f_wr_mis [sj].first == fromInteger (mi))
- && (v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (sj)));
- v_f_wr_mis [sj].deq;
- v_f_wr_sjs [mi].deq;
- AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user) b <- pop_o (xactors_to_Ss [sj].o_wr_resp);
- xactors_from_Ms [mi].i_wr_resp.enq (b);
- if (cfg_verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: rl_wr_resp_S_to_M: m%0d <- s%0d",
- cur_cycle, mi, sj);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" ", fshow (b));
- end
- endrule
- // Wr error responses to Ms (B channel)
- // v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first has value num_S (illegal value)
- // v_f_wr_err_info [mi].first contains request fields 'awid' and 'awuser'
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1)
- rule rl_wr_resp_err_to_M (v_f_wr_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (num_S));
- v_f_wr_sjs [mi].deq;
- v_f_wr_err_info [mi].deq;
- match { .awid, .awuser } = v_f_wr_err_info [mi].first;
- let b = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: awid,
- bresp: axi4_resp_decerr,
- buser: awuser};
- xactors_from_Ms [mi].i_wr_resp.enq (b);
- if (cfg_verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: rl_wr_resp_err_to_M: m%0d <- err", cur_cycle, mi);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" ", fshow (b));
- end
- endrule
+ all_rules =
+ rJoinDescendingUrgency (
+ all_rules,
+ rules
+ rule rl_AW (fv_mi_has_wr_for_sj (mi, sj));
+ // Forward the AW transaction
+ let aw_in <- pop_o (v_ifc_M [mi].o_AW);
+ let awid_S = { aw_in.awid, fromInteger (mi) };
+ let aw_out = fn_change_AW_id (aw_in, awid_S);
+ v_ifc_S [sj].i_AW.enq (aw_out);
+ // Enqueue mi->sj control info for W channel
+ v_f_W_Sj [mi].enq (tuple2 (True, fromInteger (sj)));
+ v_f_W_Mi [sj].enq (fromInteger (mi));
+ if (verbosity > 0) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Fabric: AW m%0d -> s%0d", mi, sj);
+ $display (" ", fshow (aw_in));
+ end
+ endrule
+ endrules);
+ // AW wild addrs (awaddr does not map to any Sj)
+ all_rules =
+ rJoinDescendingUrgency (
+ all_rules,
+ rules
+ rule rl_AW_wild (fv_mi_has_wr_for_none (mi));
+ let aw_in <- pop_o (v_ifc_M [mi].o_AW);
+ // Enqueue mi->sj control info for W channel
+ v_f_W_Sj [mi].enq (tuple2 (False, ?));
+ f_W_wild.enq (tuple3 (fromInteger (mi), aw_in.awid, aw_in.awuser));
+ if (verbosity > 0) begin
+ $display ("ERROR: AXI4_Fabric: AW m%0d -> wild", mi);
+ $display (" ", fshow (aw_in));
+ end
+ endrule
+ endrules);
+ end
// ================================================================
- // Rd requests (AR and R channels)
+ // BEHAVIOR: WCHAN (write-data)
- // Rd requests to legal Ss (AR channel)
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1)
+ // W normal
+ for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1) begin
for (Integer sj = 0; sj < num_S; sj = sj + 1)
+ all_rules =
+ rJoinDescendingUrgency (
+ all_rules,
+ rules
+ // W channel (with bursts)
+ // Invariant: v_rg_wd_beat_count == 0 between bursts
+ // Note: awlen encodes burst lengths of 1..256 as 0..255
+ rule rl_W ((v_f_W_Mi [sj].first == fromInteger (mi))
+ && tpl_1 (v_f_W_Sj [mi].first)
+ && (tpl_2 (v_f_W_Sj [mi].first) == fromInteger (sj)));
+ // Forward the W
+ let w <- pop_o (v_ifc_M [mi].o_W);
+ v_ifc_S [sj].i_W.enq (w);
+ if (verbosity > 0) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Fabric: W m%0d -> s%0d", mi, sj);
+ $display (" ", fshow (w));
+ end
+ if (w.wlast) begin
+ // End of burst; dequeue the control info
+ v_f_W_Mi [sj].deq;
+ v_f_W_Sj [mi].deq;
+ end
+ endrule
+ endrules);
+ // W for wild addrs
+ all_rules =
+ rJoinDescendingUrgency (
+ all_rules,
+ rules
+ rule rl_W_wild (tpl_1 (f_W_wild.first) == fromInteger (mi)
+ && (! tpl_1 (v_f_W_Sj [mi].first)));
+ match { .mi, .bid, .buser } = f_W_wild.first;
+ // Consume the W and drop it
+ let w <- pop_o (v_ifc_M [mi].o_W);
+ if (verbosity > 0) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Fabric: W m%0d -> WILD", mi);
+ $display (" ", fshow (w));
+ end
- rule rl_rd_xaction_M_to_S (fv_mi_has_rd_for_sj (mi, sj));
- AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_Ms [mi].o_rd_addr);
- xactors_to_Ss [sj].i_rd_addr.enq (a);
- v_f_rd_mis [sj].enq (tuple2 (fromInteger (mi), a.arlen));
- v_f_rd_sjs [mi].enq (fromInteger (sj));
- if (cfg_verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: rl_rd_xaction_M_to_S: m%0d -> s%0d",
- cur_cycle, mi, sj);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" ", fshow (a));
- end
- endrule
- // Rd requests to non-existent S (AR channel)
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1)
- rule rl_rd_xaction_no_such_S (fv_mi_has_rd_for_none (mi));
- AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) a <- pop_o (xactors_from_Ms [mi].o_rd_addr);
+ if (w.wlast) begin
+ // End of burst; dequeue the control info
+ f_W_wild.deq;
+ v_f_W_Sj [mi].deq;
- v_f_rd_sjs [mi].enq (fromInteger (num_S));
- v_f_rd_err_info [mi].enq (tuple3 (a.arlen, a.arid, a.aruser));
+ // Send error response to Mi
+ let b = AXI4_B {bid: bid,
+ bresp: axi4_resp_decerr,
+ buser: buser};
+ v_ifc_M [mi].i_B.enq (b);
+ end
+ endrule
+ endrules);
+ end
- $display ("%0d: ERROR: rl_rd_xaction_no_such_S: m%0d -> ?", cur_cycle, mi);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" ", fshow (a));
- endrule
+ // ================================================================
+ // BEHAVIOR: BCHAN (write-responses)
+ // Wr responses from Ss to Ms
+ for (Integer sj = 0; sj < num_S; sj = sj + 1)
+ all_rules =
+ rJoinDescendingUrgency (
+ all_rules,
+ rules
+ rule rl_B;
+ // Incoming BCHAN response
+ AXI4_B #(wd_id_S, wd_user) b_in <- pop_o (v_ifc_S [sj].o_B);
+ // Extract mi and bid_M from incoming bid_S
+ Bit #(wd_id_S) bid_S = b_in.bid;
+ Bit #(log_nm) mi = truncate (bid_S);
+ Bit #(wd_id_M) bid_M = truncateLSB (bid_S);
+ // Replace bid_S with bid_M in BCHAN response, send to mi
+ AXI4_B #(wd_id_M, wd_user) b_out = fn_change_B_id (b_in, bid_M);
+ v_ifc_M [mi].i_B.enq (b_out);
+ if (verbosity > 0) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Fabric: B m%0d <- s%0d", mi, sj);
+ $display (" ", fshow (b_out));
+ end
+ endrule
+ endrules);
- // Rd responses from Ss to Ms (R channel)
+ // ================================================================
+ // ARCHAN (read requests)
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1)
+ // Legal addrs
+ for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1) begin
for (Integer sj = 0; sj < num_S; sj = sj + 1)
- rule rl_rd_resp_S_to_M (v_f_rd_mis [sj].first matches { .mi2, .arlen }
- &&& (mi2 == fromInteger (mi))
- &&& (v_f_rd_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (sj)));
- AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user) r <- pop_o (xactors_to_Ss [sj].o_rd_data);
- if (v_rg_r_beat_count [sj] == arlen) begin
- // Final beat of burst
- v_f_rd_mis [sj].deq;
- v_f_rd_sjs [mi].deq;
- v_rg_r_beat_count [sj] <= 0;
- // Assertion-check
- // Final beat must have RLAST = 1
- // If not, and if RRESP is OK, set RRESP to AXI4_RESP_SLVERR
- if ((r.rresp == axi4_resp_okay) && (! (r.rlast))) begin
- r.rresp = axi4_resp_slverr;
- $display ("%0d: ERROR: rl_rd_resp_S_to_M: m%0d <- s%0d",
- cur_cycle, mi, sj);
- $display (" RLAST not set on final data beat (arlen = %0d)", arlen);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" ", fshow (r));
+ all_rules =
+ rJoinDescendingUrgency (
+ all_rules,
+ rules
+ rule rl_AR (fv_mi_has_rd_for_sj (mi, sj));
+ let ar_in <- pop_o (v_ifc_M [mi].o_AR);
+ let arid_S = { ar_in.arid, fromInteger (mi) };
+ let ar_out = fn_change_AR_id (ar_in, arid_S);
+ v_ifc_S [sj].i_AR.enq (ar_out);
+ if (verbosity > 0) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Fabric: AR m%0d -> s%0d", mi, sj);
+ $display (" ", fshow (ar_in));
+ end
+ endrule
+ endrules);
+ all_rules =
+ rJoinDescendingUrgency (
+ all_rules,
+ rules
+ // Wild addr (araddr does not map to any Sj)
+ rule rl_AR_wild (fv_mi_has_rd_for_none (mi));
+ let ar <- pop_o (v_ifc_M [mi].o_AR);
+ let r = AXI4_R {rid: ar.arid,
+ rdata: ?,
+ rresp: axi4_resp_decerr,
+ rlast: True,
+ ruser: ar.aruser};
+ v_ifc_M [mi].i_R.enq (r);
+ if (verbosity > 0) begin
+ $display ("ERROR: AR m%0d -> WILD", mi);
+ $display (" ", fshow (ar));
- end
- else
- v_rg_r_beat_count [sj] <= v_rg_r_beat_count [sj] + 1;
- xactors_from_Ms [mi].i_rd_data.enq (r);
- if (cfg_verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: rl_rd_resp_S_to_M: m%0d <- s%0d",
- cur_cycle, mi, sj);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" r: ", fshow (r));
- end
- endrule
- // Rd error responses to Ms (R channel)
- // v_f_rd_sjs [mi].first has value num_S (illegal value)
- // v_f_rd_err_info [mi].first contains request fields: 'arlen', 'arid', 'aruser'
- for (Integer mi = 0; mi < num_M; mi = mi + 1)
- rule rl_rd_resp_err_to_M (v_f_rd_sjs [mi].first == fromInteger (num_S));
- match { .arlen, .arid, .aruser } = v_f_rd_err_info [mi].first;
- Bit #(wd_data) data = 0;
- let r = AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: arid,
- rdata: data,
- rresp: axi4_resp_decerr,
- rlast: (v_rg_r_err_beat_count [mi] == arlen),
- ruser: aruser};
- xactors_from_Ms [mi].i_rd_data.enq (r);
- if (v_rg_r_err_beat_count [mi] == arlen) begin
- // Last beat of burst
- v_f_rd_sjs [mi].deq;
- v_f_rd_err_info [mi].deq;
- v_rg_r_err_beat_count [mi] <= 0;
- end
- else
- v_rg_r_err_beat_count [mi] <= v_rg_r_err_beat_count [mi] + 1;
- if (cfg_verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: rl_rd_resp_err_to_M: m%0d <- err",
- cur_cycle, mi);
- $display (" %m");
- $display (" r: ", fshow (r));
- end
- endrule
+ endrule
+ endrules);
+ end
// ================================================================
- function AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) f1 (Integer j)
- = xactors_from_Ms [j].axi_side;
- function AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) f2 (Integer j)
- = xactors_to_Ss [j].axi_side;
+ // RCHAN (read responses)
+ for (Integer sj = 0; sj < num_S; sj = sj + 1)
+ all_rules =
+ rJoinDescendingUrgency (
+ all_rules,
+ rules
+ rule rl_R;
+ AXI4_R #(wd_id_S, wd_data, wd_user)
+ r_in = v_ifc_S [sj].o_R.first;
+ // Check if we already own Mi or if Mi is free (no owner)
+ Bit #(log_nm) mi = truncate (r_in.rid);
+ Bool we_own = False;
+ if (v_rg_M_RCHAN_owners [mi] matches tagged Invalid)
+ we_own = True;
+ else if (v_rg_M_RCHAN_owners [mi] matches tagged Valid .sj2
+ &&& (sj2 == fromInteger (sj)))
+ we_own = True;
+ if (we_own) begin
+ // Forward the R response
+ v_ifc_S [sj].o_R.deq;
+ Bit #(wd_id_S) rid_S = r_in.rid;
+ Bit #(wd_id_M) rid_M = truncateLSB (rid_S);
+ let r_M = fn_change_R_id (r_in, rid_M);
+ v_ifc_M [mi].i_R.enq (r_M);
+ // Release ownership of Mi RCHAN on last beat
+ if (r_in.rlast)
+ v_rg_M_RCHAN_owners [mi] <= tagged Invalid;
+ else
+ // Record ownership for rest of beats
+ v_rg_M_RCHAN_owners [mi] <= tagged Valid (fromInteger (sj));
+ if (verbosity > 0) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Fabric: R m%0d <- s%0d", mi, sj);
+ $display (" ", fshow (r_M));
+ end
+ end
+ endrule
+ endrules);
- method Action reset () if (! rg_reset);
- rg_reset <= True;
- endmethod
+ addRules (all_rules);
- method Action set_verbosity (Bit #(4) verbosity);
- cfg_verbosity <= verbosity;
- endmethod
+ // ****************************************************************
- interface v_from_Ms = genWith (f1);
- interface v_to_Ss = genWith (f2);
+ // Empty
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
endpackage: AXI4_Fabric
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Gate.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Gate.bsv
index 27b38c9..dc199a0 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Gate.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Gate.bsv
@@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// Author: Rishiyur S. Nikhil
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_Gate;
// ================================================================
-// This package defines an AXI4-M-to-AXI4-S 'gate' module,
-// that either allows or blocks the 5 AXI4 buses,
-// depending on a Bool 'enable' input.
+// This package defines a 'gate' module connecting an ifc_M to an ifc_S.
+// When driving method 'm_enable(True)' it passes AXI4 traffic through.
+// When driving method 'm_enable(False)' it blocks AXI4 traffic.
+// Can be used to control authorized access to an AXI4 connection.
// ================================================================
// Bluespec library imports
-import Vector :: *;
-import FIFOF :: *;
+import Vector :: *;
+import FIFOF :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import GetPut_Aux :: *;
@@ -29,17 +31,16 @@ import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
import AXI4_Types :: *;
// ================================================================
-// The interface for the gate module
-interface AXI4_Gate_IFC #(numeric type wd_id_t,
- numeric type wd_addr_t,
- numeric type wd_data_t,
- numeric type wd_user_t);
- // From M
- interface AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_data_t, wd_user_t) axi4_S;
- // To S
- interface AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_data_t, wd_user_t) axi4_M;
+Integer verbosity = 0;
+// ================================================================
+// The interface for the gate module
+interface AXI4_Gate_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_data,
+ numeric type wd_user);
// Enable control signal. Continuously driven with Bool arg.
(* always_ready, always_enabled *)
method Action m_enable (Bool enabled);
@@ -47,139 +48,123 @@ endinterface
// ================================================================
// The Gate module
+// The Bool parameter: False: just block traffic; True: gen AXI4 err response
-Integer verbosity = 0;
-module mkAXI4_Gate
- #(Bool respond_with_err) // False: block traffic; True: respond with err
- (AXI4_Gate_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_data_t, wd_user_t));
- // ----------------
- // Transactor facing M
- AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_data_t, wd_user_t)
- xactor_from_M <- mkAXI4_S_Xactor;
- // Transactor facing S
- AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_data_t, wd_user_t)
- xactor_to_S <- mkAXI4_M_Xactor;
+module mkAXI4_Gated_Buffer #(Bool respond_with_err,
+ AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_M,
+ AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_S)
+ (AXI4_Gate_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
Reg #(Bool) rg_enabled <- mkReg (False);
Reg #(Bool) rg_enabled_prev <- mkReg (False);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ================================================================
// ----------------
// When gate is enabled: pass-through everything M-to-S and S-to-M
- rule rl_wr_addr (rg_enabled);
- let wra <- pop_o (xactor_from_M.o_wr_addr);
- xactor_to_S.i_wr_addr.enq (wra);
+ rule rl_AW (rg_enabled);
+ let wra <- pop_o (ifc_M.o_AW);
+ ifc_S.i_AW.enq (wra);
- rule rl_wr_data (rg_enabled);
- let wrd <- pop_o (xactor_from_M.o_wr_data);
- xactor_to_S.i_wr_data.enq (wrd);
+ rule rl_W (rg_enabled);
+ let wrd <- pop_o (ifc_M.o_W);
+ ifc_S.i_W.enq (wrd);
- rule rl_wr_resp (rg_enabled);
- let wrr <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_wr_resp);
- xactor_from_M.i_wr_resp.enq (wrr);
+ rule rl_B (rg_enabled);
+ let wrr <- pop_o (ifc_S.o_B);
+ ifc_M.i_B.enq (wrr);
- rule rl_rd_addr (rg_enabled);
- let rda <- pop_o (xactor_from_M.o_rd_addr);
- xactor_to_S.i_rd_addr.enq (rda);
+ rule rl_AR (rg_enabled);
+ let rda <- pop_o (ifc_M.o_AR);
+ ifc_S.i_AR.enq (rda);
- rule rl_rd_data (rg_enabled);
- let rdd <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_rd_data);
- xactor_from_M.i_rd_data.enq (rdd);
+ rule rl_R (rg_enabled);
+ let rdd <- pop_o (ifc_S.o_R);
+ ifc_M.i_R.enq (rdd);
// ----------------
// When gate is disabled: return error responses to M;
// don't send anything to S or expect anything from S.
- rule rl_wr_addr_disabled (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
- let wra <- pop_o (xactor_from_M.o_wr_addr);
- let wrr = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: wra.awid,
- bresp: axi4_resp_slverr,
- buser: wra.awuser};
- xactor_from_M.i_wr_resp.enq (wrr);
- $display ("WARNING: rl_wr_addr_disabled: rec'd wr request from M when gate disabled.");
- $display (" ", fshow (wra));
- $display (" Returning error response.");
- $display (" %0d: %m", cur_cycle);
+ rule rl_AW_disabled (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
+ let aw <- pop_o (ifc_M.o_AW);
+ let b = AXI4_B {bid: aw.awid,
+ bresp: axi4_resp_slverr,
+ buser: aw.awuser};
+ ifc_M.i_B.enq (b);
+ $display ("WARNING: rl_AW_disabled: rec'd wr request from M when gate disabled.");
+ $display (" ", fshow (aw));
+ $display (" %0d: Returning error response.", cur_cycle);
- rule rl_wr_data_disabled (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
- let wrd <- pop_o (xactor_from_M.o_wr_data);
+ rule rl_W_disabled (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
+ let w <- pop_o (ifc_M.o_W);
// Discard the data
- rule rl_wr_resp_disabled_drain_S (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
- let wrr <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_wr_resp);
- $display ("WARNING: rl_wr_resp_disabled: rec'd wr resp from S when gate disabled; ignoring");
- $display (" (there couldn't have been a request)");
- $display (" %0d: %m", cur_cycle);
+ rule rl_B_disabled_drain_S (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
+ let b <- pop_o (ifc_S.o_B);
+ $display ("WARNING: rl_B_disabled: rec'd wr resp from S when gate disabled; ignoring");
+ $display (" %0d: (there couldn't have been a request)", cur_cycle);
Reg #(Bit #(9)) rg_rd_burst_len <- mkRegU;
- rule rl_rd_addr_disabled (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
- let rda = xactor_from_M.o_rd_addr.first;
+ rule rl_AR_disabled (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
+ let ar = ifc_M.o_AR.first;
// Pop this request only after sending burst responses
// Note: AXI4 decodes burst len = arlen + 1
- rg_rd_burst_len <= zeroExtend (rda.arlen) + 1;
+ rg_rd_burst_len <= zeroExtend (ar.arlen) + 1;
$display ("WARNING: rl_rd_addr_disabled: rec'd rd request from M when gate disabled.");
- $display (" ", fshow (rda));
- $display (" Returning error response.");
- $display (" %0d: %m", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" ", fshow (ar));
+ $display (" %0d: Returning error response.", cur_cycle);
// Send burst of responses
- rule rl_rd_data_disabled_burst_resps (respond_with_err
- && (! rg_enabled)
- && (rg_rd_burst_len != 0));
- let rda = xactor_from_M.o_rd_addr.first;
- Bit #(wd_data_t) rdata = ?;
- let rdd = AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rda.arid,
- rresp: axi4_resp_slverr,
- rdata: rdata,
- rlast: (rg_rd_burst_len == 1),
- ruser: rda.aruser};
- xactor_from_M.i_rd_data.enq (rdd);
- if (rdd.rlast)
+ rule rl_R_disabled_burst_resps (respond_with_err
+ && (! rg_enabled)
+ && (rg_rd_burst_len != 0));
+ let ar = ifc_M.o_AR.first;
+ Bit #(wd_data) rdata = ?;
+ let r = AXI4_R {rid: ar.arid,
+ rresp: axi4_resp_slverr,
+ rdata: rdata,
+ rlast: (rg_rd_burst_len == 1),
+ ruser: ar.aruser};
+ ifc_M.i_R.enq (r);
+ if (r.rlast)
// Consume the request
- xactor_from_M.o_rd_addr.deq;
+ ifc_M.o_AR.deq;
rg_rd_burst_len <= rg_rd_burst_len - 1;
- rule rl_rd_data_disabled_drain_S (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
- let rdd <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_rd_data);
- $display ("WARNING: rl_rd_data_disabled: rec'd rd resp from S when gate disabled; ignoring");
- $display (" (there couldn't have been a request)");
- $display (" %0d: %m", cur_cycle);
+ rule rl_R_disabled_drain_S (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
+ let r <- pop_o (ifc_S.o_R);
+ $display ("WARNING: rl_R_disabled: rec'd rd resp from S when gate disabled; ignoring");
+ $display (" %0d: (there couldn't have been a request)", cur_cycle);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ================================================================
- interface axi4_S = xactor_from_M.axi_side;
- interface axi4_M = xactor_to_S .axi_side;
method Action m_enable (Bool enabled);
if (enabled && (! rg_enabled) && (verbosity != 0))
- $display ("%0d: %m: AXI4 ENABLING", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4 ENABLING", cur_cycle);
else if ((! enabled) && rg_enabled && (verbosity != 0))
- $display ("%0d: %m: AXI4 DISABLING", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4 DISABLING", cur_cycle);
rg_enabled <= enabled;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Mem_Model.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Mem_Model.bsv
index 43c0914..6630d35 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Mem_Model.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Mem_Model.bsv
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: Rishiyur S. Nikhil
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_Mem_Model;
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
// A memory-model to be used as an S on an AXI4 bus.
-// Only partical functionality; will be gradually improved over time.
+// Only partial functionality; to be gradually improved over time.
// Current status:
// Address and Data bus widths: 64b
// Bursts: 'fixed' and 'incr' only
@@ -15,10 +15,9 @@ package AXI4_Mem_Model;
// Strobes: Not yet handled
// memory size: See 'mem_size_word64' definition below
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
// Exports
-export AXI4_Mem_Model_IFC (..);
export mkAXI4_Mem_Model;
// ================================================================
@@ -30,184 +29,296 @@ import GetPut :: *;
import ClientServer :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
-import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import GetPut_Aux :: *;
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
// ================================================================
// Project imports
-import AXI4_Types :: *;
-// ================================================================
+import AXI4_Types :: *;
-interface AXI4_Mem_Model_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
+// ****************************************************************
+// Simulation verbosity during simulation on stdout for this package (edit as desired)
+// 0: quiet
+// 1: show transactions, brief
+// 2: show transactions, full AXI4 structs
- method Action init (Bit #(wd_addr) addr_map_base, Bit #(wd_addr) addr_map_lim);
+Integer verbosity = 0;
- interface AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) s_ifc;
+// ****************************************************************
+typedef enum { STATE_INIT_0, STATE_INIT_1, STATE_RUNNING } State
+deriving (Bits, Eq, FShow);
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
-Integer mem_size_word64 = 'h100_0000; // 16M x 64b words = 128MiB
-function Bool fn_addr_ok (Bit #(64) base, Bit #(64) lim, Bit #(64) addr, AXI4_Size size);
- let aligned = fn_addr_is_aligned (addr, size);
- let in_range = ((base <= addr) && (addr < lim));
- return (aligned && in_range);
-// ----------------
-module mkAXI4_Mem_Model (AXI4_Mem_Model_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- provisos (NumAlias #(wd_addr, 64),
- NumAlias #(wd_data, 64));
+// "Memory words" (MW) are same bitwidth as AXI4 data bus (wd_data)
+module mkAXI4_Mem_Model #(Integer id, // Use unique ids for each instance
+ Bit #(wd_addr) addr_base, // byte addr
+ Bit #(wd_addr) addr_lim, // byte addr
+ Bool init_zero,
+ Bool init_with_memhex,
+ String memhex_filename,
+ AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_M)
+ (Empty)
+ provisos (Div #(wd_data, 8, wd_data_B), // see comments on provisos below
+ Log #(wd_data_B, wd_ix_B_in_MW),
+ Add #(wd_addrMW, wd_ix_B_in_MW, wd_addr),
+ Add #(_, 8, wd_addrMW),
+ Mul #(wd_data_B, 8, wd_data));
- // 0 = quiet; 1 = show mem transactions
- Integer verbosity = 1;
+ // ================================================================
+ // Derived constants (some are computed in provisos above)
+ // See provisos above for computation of these numeric types:
+ // wd_data_B: data width in bytes
+ // wd_ix_B_in_MW: bitwidth of index of a byte in a memword
+ // wd_addrMW: bitwidth of address of a memword
+ // Integer values thereof
+ Integer i_wd_data_B = valueOf (wd_data_B);
+ Integer i_wd_ix_B_in_MW = valueOf (wd_ix_B_in_MW);
+ // memword addr of first memword
+ Bit #(wd_addrMW) addrMW_base = truncate (addr_base >> i_wd_ix_B_in_MW);
+ // Byte address of byte 0 in first memword
+ Bit #(wd_addr) addr_base_0 = zeroExtend (addrMW_base) << i_wd_ix_B_in_MW;
+ // Number of mem words
+ Bit #(wd_addrMW) num_MW = truncate ((addr_lim - addr_base_0 - 1 + fromInteger (i_wd_data_B))
+ >> i_wd_ix_B_in_MW);
+ // memword addr just beyond the last memword
+ Bit #(wd_addrMW) addrMW_lim = addrMW_base + num_MW;
+ // Memory is modeled as a RegFile where each word is full AXI4 data width (wd_data)
+ // and indexed by memword addrs
+ RegFile #(Bit #(wd_addrMW), Bit #(wd_data))
+ regfile <- (init_with_memhex
+ ? mkRegFileLoad (memhex_filename, addrMW_base, addrMW_lim - 1)
+ : mkRegFile ( addrMW_base, addrMW_lim - 1));
+ Reg #(State) rg_state <- mkReg (STATE_INIT_0);
+ // ----------------
+ // Check well-formedness of an AXI4 request
+ function ActionValue #(Bool) fav_is_well_formed (Bit #(wd_addr) addr,
+ Bit #(wd_addrMW) addrMW,
+ AXI4_Len axlen,
+ AXI4_Size axsize,
+ AXI4_Burst axburst);
+ actionvalue
+ // Check axsize legal for data bus width
+ Bool ok = True;
+ Bit #(11) size_b = { fv_AXI4_Size_to_num_bytes (axsize), 3'h0 };
+ if (size_b > fromInteger (valueOf (wd_data))) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: ERROR: axsize > wd_data", id);
+ $display (" axsize: %0h (= %d bits)", axsize, size_b);
+ $display (" wd_data: %0d", valueOf (wd_data));
+ ok = False;
+ end
+ // Check address is not below addr_base
+ if (addr < addr_base) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: ERROR: addr < addr_base", id);
+ $display (" addr: 0x%0h", addr);
+ $display (" addr_base: 0x%0h", addr_base);
+ ok = False;
+ end
+ // Check address is not beyond last memory word
+ if (addrMW >= addrMW_lim) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: ERROR: access beyond mem limit", id);
+ $display (" addr_lim: 0x%0h", addr_lim);
+ ok = False;
+ end
+ // Check that burst mode is supported
+ if (axburst == axburst_wrap) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: ERROR: axburst = wrap; not supported yet.", id);
+ ok = False;
+ end
+ return ok;
+ endactionvalue
+ endfunction
+ // ****************************************************************
+ rule rl_init (rg_state == STATE_INIT_0);
+ $display ("================================");
+ $display ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: initialization", id);
+ if (addr_base >= addr_lim) begin
+ $display (" ERROR: init: addr_base >= addr_lim", id);
+ $display (" addr_base 0x%0h", addr_base);
+ $display (" addr_lim 0x%0h", addr_lim);
+ $finish (1);
+ end
- Reg #(Bool) rg_initialized <- mkReg (False);
+ // Check legal wd_data (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, or 1024 bits)
+ // i.e., exactly one bit should be set in wd[10:3]
+ Bit #(11) wd = fromInteger (valueOf (wd_data)); // checks wd_data <= 11'h7FF
+ if ((countOnes (wd) != 1) || ((wd & 'b111) != 0)) begin
+ $display (" ERROR: wd_addr should be 8,16,32,...,1024", id);
+ $display (" addr_base 0x%0h", addr_base);
+ $display (" addr_lim 0x%0h", addr_lim);
+ $finish (1);
+ end
- Reg #(Bit #(wd_addr)) rg_addr_map_base <- mkRegU;
- Reg #(Bit #(wd_addr)) rg_addr_map_lim <- mkRegU;
+ $display (" addr_base: 0x%0h addr_lim: 0x%0h (byte addrs)",
+ addr_base, addr_lim);
+ $display (" addrMW_base:0x%0h addrMW_lim:0x%0h (word addrs)",
+ addrMW_base, addrMW_lim);
+ $display (" AXI4 params: wd_id:%0d wd_addr:%0d wd_data:%0d wd_user:%0d",
+ valueOf (wd_id), valueOf (wd_addr),
+ valueOf (wd_data), valueOf (wd_user));
+ $display (" Memory contains %0d words, each wd_data bits (%0d bytes) wide",
+ num_MW, i_wd_data_B);
+ if (init_zero) begin
+ $display (" Zeroing memory");
+ rg_state <= STATE_INIT_1;
+ end
+ else begin
+ if (init_with_memhex)
+ $display (" Loading from memhex file %s: ", memhex_filename);
+ else
+ $display (" Memory contents not initialized");
+ rg_state <= STATE_RUNNING;
+ end
+ $display ("================================");
+ endrule
- AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) xactor <- mkAXI4_S_Xactor;
+ // Iterate through memory, writing zeroes
+ Reg #(Bit #(wd_addrMW)) rg_addrMW <- mkReg (addrMW_base);
- RegFile #(Bit #(wd_addr), Bit #(wd_data)) rf <- mkRegFile (0, fromInteger (mem_size_word64));
+ rule rl_init_mem (rg_state == STATE_INIT_1);
+ regfile.upd (rg_addrMW, 0);
+ if (rg_addrMW != (addrMW_lim - 1))
+ rg_addrMW <= rg_addrMW + 1;
+ else begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: zero'd memory", id);
+ rg_state <= STATE_RUNNING;
+ end
+ endrule
// ================================================================
// Read requests
- // TODO: does a bad addr return 'burst-len' err responses or just 1?
+ // TODO: on a bad addr (or other error), does AXI4 specs say to return 'burst-len'
+ // err responses or just one?
- Reg #(Bit #(8)) rg_rd_beat <- mkReg (0);
+ Reg #(Bit #(8)) rg_R_beat <- mkReg (0);
// Recv request on RD_ADDR bus
// Send burst responses on RD_DATA bus
- rule rl_read (rg_initialized);
- let rd_addr = xactor.o_rd_addr.first;
- let rf_index = ((rd_addr.araddr - rg_addr_map_base) >> 3);
- if (rd_addr.arburst == axburst_incr)
- rf_index = rf_index + zeroExtend (rg_rd_beat);
- let last = (rg_rd_beat == rd_addr.arlen);
+ rule rl_AR (rg_state == STATE_RUNNING);
+ let ar = ifc_M.o_AR.first;
+ Bit #(wd_addrMW) addrMW = truncateLSB (ar.araddr);
+ if (ar.arburst == axburst_incr)
+ addrMW = addrMW + zeroExtend (rg_R_beat);
+ Bool ok <- fav_is_well_formed (ar.araddr, addrMW, ar.arlen, ar.arsize, ar.arburst);
+ if (! ok) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: ERROR: AR is not well-formed", id);
+ $display (" ", fshow_AR (ar));
+ end
- let addr_ok = fn_addr_ok (rg_addr_map_base, rg_addr_map_lim, rd_addr.araddr, rd_addr.arsize);
+ let last = (rg_R_beat == ar.arlen);
- let data = (addr_ok ? rf.sub (rf_index) : 0);
+ let data = (ok ? regfile.sub (addrMW) : 0);
- AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)
- rd_data = AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rd_addr.arid,
- rdata: data,
- rresp: (addr_ok ? axi4_resp_okay : axi4_resp_slverr),
- rlast: last,
- ruser: rd_addr.aruser};
- xactor.i_rd_data.enq (rd_data);
+ AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)
+ r = AXI4_R {rid: ar.arid,
+ rdata: data,
+ rresp: (ok ? axi4_resp_okay : axi4_resp_slverr),
+ rlast: last,
+ ruser: ar.aruser};
+ ifc_M.i_R.enq (r);
if (last) begin
- xactor.o_rd_addr.deq;
- rg_rd_beat <= 0;
+ ifc_M.o_AR.deq;
+ rg_R_beat <= 0;
- rg_rd_beat <= rg_rd_beat + 1;
+ rg_R_beat <= rg_R_beat + 1;
if (verbosity != 0) begin
- $write ("%0d: %m.rl_read: ", cur_cycle);
- $write (fshow_Rd_Addr (rd_addr));
- $write (fshow_Rd_Data (rd_data));
- if (addr_ok)
- $display (" beat %0d rf_index 0x%0h", rg_rd_beat, rf_index);
- else
- $display (" beat 0x%0h BAD ADDR", rg_rd_beat);
+ $display ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: rl_AR", id);
+ $display (" ", fshow_AR (ar));
+ $display (" ", fshow_R (r));
+ $display (" memword addr 0x%0h beat %0d ", addrMW, rg_R_beat);
// ================================================================
// Write requests
- Reg #(Bit #(8)) rg_wr_beat <- mkReg (0);
+ Reg #(Bit #(8)) rg_W_beat <- mkReg (0);
- // Recv request on WR_ADDR bus and burst data on WR_DATA bus,
- // send final response on WR_RESP bus
- rule rl_write (rg_initialized);
- let wr_addr = xactor.o_wr_addr.first;
- let wr_data <- pop_o (xactor.o_wr_data);
- let rf_index = ((wr_addr.awaddr - rg_addr_map_base) >> 3);
- if (wr_addr.awburst == axburst_incr)
- rf_index = rf_index + zeroExtend (rg_wr_beat);
- let last = (rg_wr_beat == wr_addr.awlen);
+ // Recv request on AW bus and burst data on W bus,
+ // send final response on B bus
+ rule rl_AW_W (rg_state == STATE_RUNNING);
+ let aw = ifc_M.o_AW.first;
+ let w <- pop_o (ifc_M.o_W);
- let addr_ok = fn_addr_ok (rg_addr_map_base, rg_addr_map_lim, wr_addr.awaddr, wr_addr.awsize);
+ Bit #(wd_addrMW) addrMW = truncateLSB (aw.awaddr);
+ if (aw.awburst == axburst_incr)
+ addrMW = addrMW + zeroExtend (rg_W_beat);
- if (addr_ok)
- rf.upd (rf_index, wr_data.wdata);
+ Bool ok <- fav_is_well_formed (aw.awaddr, addrMW, aw.awlen, aw.awsize, aw.awburst);
- if (verbosity != 0) begin
- $write ("%0d: %m.rl_write: ", cur_cycle);
- $write (fshow_Wr_Data (wr_data));
- $write (" ", fshow_Wr_Addr (wr_addr));
- if (addr_ok)
- $display (" beat %0d rf_index %0h", rg_wr_beat, rf_index);
- else
- $display (" beat %0d BAD ADDR", rg_wr_beat);
+ if (! ok) begin
+ $display ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: ERROR: AW is not well-formed", id);
+ $display (" ", fshow_AW (aw));
+ end
+ let last = (rg_W_beat == aw.awlen);
+ Bit #(wd_data) mask = fn_strb_to_bitmask (w.wstrb);
+ // Read-modify-write the memword using AXI4 memword and strobe
+ if (ok) begin
+ let old_mw = regfile.sub (addrMW);
+ let new_mw = (old_mw & (~ mask)) | (w.wdata & mask);
+ regfile.upd (addrMW, new_mw);
if (last) begin
- AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user) wr_resp = ?;
- wr_resp = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: wr_addr.awid,
- bresp: (addr_ok ? axi4_resp_okay : axi4_resp_slverr),
- buser: wr_addr.awuser};
- xactor.i_wr_resp.enq (wr_resp);
- xactor.o_wr_addr.deq;
- rg_wr_beat <= 0;
+ AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user) b = AXI4_B {bid: aw.awid,
+ bresp: (ok ? axi4_resp_okay
+ : axi4_resp_slverr),
+ buser: aw.awuser};
+ ifc_M.i_B.enq (b);
+ ifc_M.o_AW.deq;
+ rg_W_beat <= 0;
if (verbosity != 0)
- $display (" ", fshow_Wr_Resp (wr_resp));
+ $display (" ", fshow_B (b));
- rg_wr_beat <= rg_wr_beat + 1;
+ rg_W_beat <= rg_W_beat + 1;
+ if (verbosity != 0) begin
+ $write ("AXI4_Mem_Model[%0d]: rl_AW_W", id);
+ $display (" ", fshow_AW (aw));
+ $display (" ", fshow_W (w));
+ $display (" memword addr 0x%0h beat %0d ", addrMW, rg_W_beat);
+ end
- // ================================================================
+ // ****************************************************************
- method Action init (Bit #(wd_addr) addr_map_base, Bit #(wd_addr) addr_map_lim);
- if (addr_map_base [2:0] != 3'b0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.init: ERROR: unaligned addr_map_base 0x%0h", cur_cycle, addr_map_base);
- else if (addr_map_lim [2:0] != 3'b0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.init: ERROR: unaligned addr_map_lim 0x%0h", cur_cycle, addr_map_lim);
- else if (addr_map_lim <= addr_map_base)
- $display ("%0d: %m.init: ERROR: addr_map_base 0x%0h > addr_map_lim 0x%0h",
- cur_cycle,
- addr_map_base,
- addr_map_lim);
- else if ((addr_map_lim - addr_map_base) > fromInteger (mem_size_word64 * 8))
- $display ("%0d: %m.init: ERROR: mem size (base 0x%0h, lim 0x%0h) > max (0x%0h)",
- cur_cycle,
- addr_map_base,
- addr_map_lim,
- fromInteger (mem_size_word64 * 8));
- else begin
- xactor.reset;
- rg_addr_map_base <= addr_map_base;
- rg_addr_map_lim <= addr_map_lim;
- rg_initialized <= True;
- $display ("%0d: %m.init: addr_map_base 0x%0h, addr_map_lim 0x%0h",
- cur_cycle,
- addr_map_base,
- addr_map_lim);
- end
- endmethod
- interface s_ifc = xactor.axi_side;
+ // Empty
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Types.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Types.bsv
index f9b2ca3..536c6a3 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Types.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Types.bsv
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_Types;
// ================================================================
// Facilities for ARM AXI4, consisting of 5 independent channels:
-// Write Address, Write Data, Write Response, Read Address and Read Data
+// AW (write address), W (write data), B (write response)
+// AR (read address), R (read data)
// Ref: ARM document:
// AMBA AXI and ACE Protocol Specification
@@ -15,27 +17,25 @@ package AXI4_Types;
// ARM IHI 0022E (ID022613)
// Issue E, 22 Feb 2013
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
// BSV library imports
import FIFOF :: *;
import Connectable :: *;
+import Vector :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
import EdgeFIFOFs :: *;
// ****************************************************************
// ****************************************************************
-// Section: RTL-level interfaces
+// Section: Basic bus and bus-field types
// ****************************************************************
// ****************************************************************
-// ================================================================
-// Fixed-width AXI4 buses
// ----------------
// AxLen: burst length (# of transfers in a transaction)
// Burst_Length = AxLEN[7:0] + 1 (1..256)
@@ -58,7 +58,17 @@ AXI4_Size axsize_64 = 3'b_110;
AXI4_Size axsize_128 = 3'b_111;
function Bit #(8) fv_AXI4_Size_to_num_bytes (AXI4_Size axi4_size);
- return (1 << axi4_size);
+ return (case (axi4_size)
+ axsize_1: 1;
+ axsize_2: 2;
+ axsize_4: 4;
+ axsize_8: 8;
+ axsize_16: 16;
+ axsize_32: 32;
+ axsize_64: 64;
+ axsize_128: 128;
+ default: 0; // Bogus
+ endcase);
function AXI4_Size fv_num_bytes_to_AXI4_Size (Bit #(8) num_bytes);
@@ -75,6 +85,17 @@ function AXI4_Size fv_num_bytes_to_AXI4_Size (Bit #(8) num_bytes);
+function Bool fn_addr_is_aligned (Bit #(wd_addr) addr, AXI4_Size size);
+ return ( (size == axsize_1)
+ || ((size == axsize_2) && (addr [0] == 1'b0))
+ || ((size == axsize_4) && (addr [1:0] == 2'b0))
+ || ((size == axsize_8) && (addr [2:0] == 3'b0))
+ || ((size == axsize_16) && (addr [3:0] == 4'b0))
+ || ((size == axsize_32) && (addr [4:0] == 5'b0))
+ || ((size == axsize_64) && (addr [5:0] == 6'b0))
+ || ((size == axsize_128) && (addr [6:0] == 7'b0)));
// ----------------
// AxBURST Burst type
@@ -154,467 +175,26 @@ AXI4_Resp axi4_resp_exokay = 2'b_01;
AXI4_Resp axi4_resp_slverr = 2'b_10;
AXI4_Resp axi4_resp_decerr = 2'b_11;
-// ================================================================
-// Function to check address-alignment
-function Bool fn_addr_is_aligned (Bit #(wd_addr) addr, AXI4_Size size);
- return ( (size == axsize_1)
- || ((size == axsize_2) && (addr [0] == 1'b0))
- || ((size == axsize_4) && (addr [1:0] == 2'b0))
- || ((size == axsize_8) && (addr [2:0] == 3'b0))
- || ((size == axsize_16) && (addr [3:0] == 4'b0))
- || ((size == axsize_32) && (addr [4:0] == 5'b0))
- || ((size == axsize_64) && (addr [5:0] == 6'b0))
- || ((size == axsize_128) && (addr [6:0] == 7'b0)));
-// ================================================================
-// These are the signal-level interfaces for an AXI4 M.
-// The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog,
-// we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec.
-interface AXI4_M_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
- // ----------------
- // Wr Addr channel
- (* always_ready, result="awvalid" *) method Bool m_awvalid; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awid" *) method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awaddr" *) method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awlen" *) method Bit #(8) m_awlen; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awsize" *) method AXI4_Size m_awsize; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awburst" *) method Bit #(2) m_awburst; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awlock" *) method Bit #(1) m_awlock; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awcache" *) method Bit #(4) m_awcache; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awprot" *) method Bit #(3) m_awprot; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awqos" *) method Bit #(4) m_awqos; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awregion" *) method Bit #(4) m_awregion; // out
- (* always_ready, result="awuser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser; // out
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix="" *)
- method Action m_awready ((* port="awready" *) Bool awready); // in
- // ----------------
- // Wr Data channel
- (* always_ready, result="wvalid" *) method Bool m_wvalid; // out
- (* always_ready, result="wdata" *) method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata; // out
- (* always_ready, result="wstrb" *) method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb; // out
- (* always_ready, result="wlast" *) method Bool m_wlast; // out
- (* always_ready, result="wuser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser; // out
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
- method Action m_wready ((* port="wready" *) Bool wready); // in
- // ----------------
- // Wr Response channel
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
- method Action m_bvalid ((* port="bvalid" *) Bool bvalid, // in
- (* port="bid" *) Bit #(wd_id) bid, // in
- (* port="bresp" *) Bit #(2) bresp, // in
- (* port="buser" *) Bit #(wd_user) buser); // in
- (* always_ready, prefix = "", result="bready" *)
- method Bool m_bready; // out
- // ----------------
- // Rd Addr channel
- (* always_ready, result="arvalid" *) method Bool m_arvalid; // out
- (* always_ready, result="arid" *) method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid; // out
- (* always_ready, result="araddr" *) method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr; // out
- (* always_ready, result="arlen" *) method Bit #(8) m_arlen; // out
- (* always_ready, result="arsize" *) method AXI4_Size m_arsize; // out
- (* always_ready, result="arburst" *) method Bit #(2) m_arburst; // out
- (* always_ready, result="arlock" *) method Bit #(1) m_arlock; // out
- (* always_ready, result="arcache" *) method Bit #(4) m_arcache; // out
- (* always_ready, result="arprot" *) method Bit #(3) m_arprot; // out
- (* always_ready, result="arqos" *) method Bit #(4) m_arqos; // out
- (* always_ready, result="arregion" *) method Bit #(4) m_arregion; // out
- (* always_ready, result="aruser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser; // out
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix="" *)
- method Action m_arready ((* port="arready" *) Bool arready); // in
- // ----------------
- // Rd Data channel
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
- method Action m_rvalid ((* port="rvalid" *) Bool rvalid, // in
- (* port="rid" *) Bit #(wd_id) rid, // in
- (* port="rdata" *) Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in
- (* port="rresp" *) Bit #(2) rresp, // in
- (* port="rlast" *) Bool rlast, // in
- (* port="ruser" *) Bit #(wd_user) ruser); // in
- (* always_ready, result="rready" *)
- method Bool m_rready; // out
-endinterface: AXI4_M_IFC
-// ================================================================
-// These are the signal-level interfaces for an AXI4-Lite S.
-// The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog,
-// we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec.
-interface AXI4_S_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
- // Wr Addr channel
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
- method Action m_awvalid ((* port="awvalid" *) Bool awvalid, // in
- (* port="awid" *) Bit #(wd_id) awid, // in
- (* port="awaddr" *) Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr, // in
- (* port="awlen" *) Bit #(8) awlen, // in
- (* port="awsize" *) AXI4_Size awsize, // in
- (* port="awburst" *) Bit #(2) awburst, // in
- (* port="awlock" *) Bit #(1) awlock, // in
- (* port="awcache" *) Bit #(4) awcache, // in
- (* port="awprot" *) Bit #(3) awprot, // in
- (* port="awqos" *) Bit #(4) awqos, // in
- (* port="awregion" *) Bit #(4) awregion, // in
- (* port="awuser" *) Bit #(wd_user) awuser); // in
- (* always_ready, result="awready" *)
- method Bool m_awready; // out
- // Wr Data channel
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
- method Action m_wvalid ((* port="wvalid" *) Bool wvalid, // in
- (* port="wdata" *) Bit #(wd_data) wdata, // in
- (* port="wstrb" *) Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data,8)) wstrb, // in
- (* port="wlast" *) Bool wlast, // in
- (* port="wuser" *) Bit #(wd_user) wuser); // in
- (* always_ready, result="wready" *)
- method Bool m_wready; // out
- // Wr Response channel
- (* always_ready, result="bvalid" *) method Bool m_bvalid; // out
- (* always_ready, result="bid" *) method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid; // out
- (* always_ready, result="bresp" *) method Bit #(2) m_bresp; // out
- (* always_ready, result="buser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser; // out
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix="" *)
- method Action m_bready ((* port="bready" *) Bool bready); // in
- // Rd Addr channel
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix = "" *)
- method Action m_arvalid ((* port="arvalid" *) Bool arvalid, // in
- (* port="arid" *) Bit #(wd_id) arid, // in
- (* port="araddr" *) Bit #(wd_addr) araddr, // in
- (* port="arlen" *) Bit #(8) arlen, // in
- (* port="arsize" *) AXI4_Size arsize, // in
- (* port="arburst" *) Bit #(2) arburst, // in
- (* port="arlock" *) Bit #(1) arlock, // in
- (* port="arcache" *) Bit #(4) arcache, // in
- (* port="arprot" *) Bit #(3) arprot, // in
- (* port="arqos" *) Bit #(4) arqos, // in
- (* port="arregion" *) Bit #(4) arregion, // in
- (* port="aruser" *) Bit #(wd_user) aruser); // in
- (* always_ready, result="arready" *)
- method Bool m_arready; // out
- // Rd Data channel
- (* always_ready, result="rvalid" *) method Bool m_rvalid; // out
- (* always_ready, result="rid" *) method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid; // out
- (* always_ready, result="rdata" *) method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata; // out
- (* always_ready, result="rresp" *) method Bit #(2) m_rresp; // out
- (* always_ready, result="rlast" *) method Bool m_rlast; // out
- (* always_ready, result="ruser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser; // out
- (* always_ready, always_enabled, prefix="" *)
- method Action m_rready ((* port="rready" *) Bool rready); // in
-endinterface: AXI4_S_IFC
-// ================================================================
-// Connecting signal-level interfaces
-instance Connectable #(AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user),
- AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
- module mkConnection #(AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axim,
- AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axis)
- (Empty);
- (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
- rule rl_wr_addr_channel;
- axis.m_awvalid (axim.m_awvalid,
- axim.m_awid,
- axim.m_awaddr,
- axim.m_awlen,
- axim.m_awsize,
- axim.m_awburst,
- axim.m_awlock,
- axim.m_awcache,
- axim.m_awprot,
- axim.m_awqos,
- axim.m_awregion,
- axim.m_awuser);
- axim.m_awready (axis.m_awready);
- endrule
- (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
- rule rl_wr_data_channel;
- axis.m_wvalid (axim.m_wvalid,
- axim.m_wdata,
- axim.m_wstrb,
- axim.m_wlast,
- axim.m_wuser);
- axim.m_wready (axis.m_wready);
- endrule
- (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
- rule rl_wr_response_channel;
- axim.m_bvalid (axis.m_bvalid,
- axis.m_bid,
- axis.m_bresp,
- axis.m_buser);
- axis.m_bready (axim.m_bready);
- endrule
- (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
- rule rl_rd_addr_channel;
- axis.m_arvalid (axim.m_arvalid,
- axim.m_arid,
- axim.m_araddr,
- axim.m_arlen,
- axim.m_arsize,
- axim.m_arburst,
- axim.m_arlock,
- axim.m_arcache,
- axim.m_arprot,
- axim.m_arqos,
- axim.m_arregion,
- axim.m_aruser);
- axim.m_arready (axis.m_arready);
- endrule
- (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
- rule rl_rd_data_channel;
- axim.m_rvalid (axis.m_rvalid,
- axis.m_rid,
- axis.m_rdata,
- axis.m_rresp,
- axis.m_rlast,
- axis.m_ruser);
- axis.m_rready (axim.m_rready);
- endrule
- endmodule
-// ================================================================
-// AXI4 dummy M: never produces requests, never accepts responses
-AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- dummy_AXI4_M_ifc = interface AXI4_M_IFC
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Bool m_awvalid = False; // out
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = ?; // out
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = ?; // out
- method Bit #(8) m_awlen = ?; // out
- method AXI4_Size m_awsize = ?; // out
- method Bit #(2) m_awburst = ?; // out
- method Bit #(1) m_awlock = ?; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_awcache = ?; // out
- method Bit #(3) m_awprot = ?; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_awqos = ?; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_awregion = ?; // out
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = ?; // out
- method Action m_awready (Bool awready) = noAction; // in
- // Wr Data channel
- method Bool m_wvalid = False; // out
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = ?; // out
- method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = ?; // out
- method Bool m_wlast = ?; // out
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = ?; // out
- method Action m_wready (Bool wready) = noAction; // in
- // Wr Response channel
- method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid, // in
- Bit #(wd_id) bid, // in
- Bit #(2) bresp, // in
- Bit #(wd_user) buser); // in
- noAction;
- endmethod
- method Bool m_bready = False; // out
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Bool m_arvalid = False; // out
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = ?; // out
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = ?; // out
- method Bit #(8) m_arlen = ?; // out
- method AXI4_Size m_arsize = ?; // out
- method Bit #(2) m_arburst = ?; // out
- method Bit #(1) m_arlock = ?; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_arcache = ?; // out
- method Bit #(3) m_arprot = ?; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_arqos = ?; // out
- method Bit #(4) m_arregion = ?; // out
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = ?; // out
- method Action m_arready (Bool arready) = noAction; // in
- // Rd Data channel
- method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid, // in
- Bit #(wd_id) rid, // in
- Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in
- Bit #(2) rresp, // in
- Bool rlast, // in
- Bit #(wd_user) ruser); // in
- noAction;
- endmethod
- method Bool m_rready = False; // out
- endinterface;
+// ----------------
+// Expand the AXI4 'wstrb' field into a bit-mask
-// ================================================================
-// AXI4 dummy S: never accepts requests, never produces responses
-AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- dummy_AXI4_S_ifc = interface AXI4_S_IFC
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) awid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
- Bit #(8) awlen,
- AXI4_Size awsize,
- Bit #(2) awburst,
- Bit #(1) awlock,
- Bit #(4) awcache,
- Bit #(3) awprot,
- Bit #(4) awqos,
- Bit #(4) awregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
- noAction;
- endmethod
- method Bool m_awready;
- return False;
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
- Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
- Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
- Bool wlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
- noAction;
- endmethod
- method Bool m_wready;
- return False;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Bool m_bvalid;
- return False;
- endmethod
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid;
- return ?;
- endmethod
- method Bit #(2) m_bresp;
- return 0;
- endmethod
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser;
- return ?;
- endmethod
- method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
- noAction;
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) arid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
- Bit #(8) arlen,
- AXI4_Size arsize,
- Bit #(2) arburst,
- Bit #(1) arlock,
- Bit #(4) arcache,
- Bit #(3) arprot,
- Bit #(4) arqos,
- Bit #(4) arregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
- noAction;
- endmethod
- method Bool m_arready;
- return False;
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Bool m_rvalid;
- return False;
- endmethod
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid;
- return 0;
- endmethod
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata;
- return 0;
- endmethod
- method Bit #(2) m_rresp;
- return 0;
- endmethod
- method Bool m_rlast;
- return True;
- endmethod
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser;
- return ?;
- endmethod
- method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
- noAction;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
+function Bit #(wd_data) fn_strb_to_bitmask (Bit #(wd_data_B) strb)
+ provisos (Mul #(wd_data_B, 8, wd_data));
-// ****************************************************************
-// ****************************************************************
-// Section: Higher-level FIFO-like interfaces and transactors
-// ****************************************************************
-// ****************************************************************
-// ================================================================
-// Help function: fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I
-// In the modules below, we use a crg_full and a rg_data to represent a fifo.
-// These functions convert these to FIFOF_I and FIFOF_O interfaces.
-function FIFOF_I #(t) fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (Reg #(Bool) rg_full, Reg #(t) rg_data);
- return interface FIFOF_I;
- method Action enq (t x) if (! rg_full);
- rg_full <= True;
- rg_data <= x;
- endmethod
- method Bool notFull;
- return (! rg_full);
- endmethod
- endinterface;
+ function Bit #(8) fn_bit_to_byte (Integer j);
+ return ((strb [j] == 1'b0) ? 0 : 'hFF);
+ endfunction
-function FIFOF_O #(t) fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (Reg #(Bool) rg_full, Reg #(t) rg_data);
- return interface FIFOF_O;
- method t first () if (rg_full);
- return rg_data;
- endmethod
- method Action deq () if (rg_full);
- rg_full <= False;
- endmethod
- method notEmpty;
- return rg_full;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
+ begin
+ Vector #(wd_Data_B, Bit #(8)) v_bytes = genWith (fn_bit_to_byte);
+ return pack (v_bytes);
+ end
// ================================================================
-// Higher-level types for payloads (rather than just bits)
+// AR,R,AW,W,B struct types
-// Write Address channel
+// AW channel (Write Address)
typedef struct {
Bit #(wd_id) awid;
@@ -628,33 +208,33 @@ typedef struct {
Bit #(4) awqos;
Bit #(4) awregion;
Bit #(wd_user) awuser;
- } AXI4_Wr_Addr #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_user)
+ } AXI4_AW #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_user)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
-// Write Data channel
+// W channel (Write Data)
typedef struct {
Bit #(wd_data) wdata;
Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb;
Bool wlast;
Bit #(wd_user) wuser;
- } AXI4_Wr_Data #(numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user)
+ } AXI4_W #(numeric type wd_data,
+ numeric type wd_user)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
-// Write Response channel
+// B channel (Write Response)
typedef struct {
Bit #(wd_id) bid;
Bit #(2) bresp;
Bit #(wd_user) buser;
- } AXI4_Wr_Resp #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_user)
+ } AXI4_B #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_user)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
-// Read Address channel
+// AR channel (Read Address)
typedef struct {
Bit #(wd_id) arid;
@@ -668,12 +248,12 @@ typedef struct {
Bit #(4) arqos;
Bit #(4) arregion;
Bit #(wd_user) aruser;
- } AXI4_Rd_Addr #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_user)
+ } AXI4_AR #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_user)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
-// Read Data channel
+// R channel (Read Data))
typedef struct {
Bit #(wd_id) rid;
@@ -681,11 +261,71 @@ typedef struct {
Bit #(2) rresp;
Bool rlast;
Bit #(wd_user) ruser;
- } AXI4_Rd_Data #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user)
+ } AXI4_R #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_data,
+ numeric type wd_user)
deriving (Bits, FShow);
+// ================================================================
+// The following functions change ID (possibly to different width).
+// These are used in interconnect fabrics to 'push' extra id bits on
+// M->S request traffic and 'pop' those bits in S->M response traffic.
+// The extra bits specify to which M a response should be sent.
+function AXI4_AW #(wd_id_out, wd_addr, wd_user)
+ fn_change_AW_id (AXI4_AW #(wd_id_in, wd_addr, wd_user) aw_in,
+ Bit #(wd_id_out) awid_out);
+ let aw_out = AXI4_AW {awid: awid_out,
+ awaddr: aw_in.awaddr,
+ awlen: aw_in.awlen,
+ awsize: aw_in.awsize,
+ awburst: aw_in.awburst,
+ awlock: aw_in.awlock,
+ awcache: aw_in.awcache,
+ awprot: aw_in.awprot,
+ awqos: aw_in.awqos,
+ awregion: aw_in.awregion,
+ awuser: aw_in.awuser};
+ return aw_out;
+function AXI4_B #(wd_id_out, wd_user)
+ fn_change_B_id (AXI4_B #(wd_id_in, wd_user) b_in,
+ Bit #(wd_id_out) bid_out);
+ let b_out = AXI4_B {bid: bid_out,
+ bresp: b_in.bresp,
+ buser: b_in.buser};
+ return b_out;
+function AXI4_AR #(wd_id_out, wd_addr, wd_user)
+ fn_change_AR_id (AXI4_AR #(wd_id_in, wd_addr, wd_user) ar_in,
+ Bit #(wd_id_out) arid_out);
+ let ar_out = AXI4_AR {arid: arid_out,
+ araddr: ar_in.araddr,
+ arlen: ar_in.arlen,
+ arsize: ar_in.arsize,
+ arburst: ar_in.arburst,
+ arlock: ar_in.arlock,
+ arcache: ar_in.arcache,
+ arprot: ar_in.arprot,
+ arqos: ar_in.arqos,
+ arregion: ar_in.arregion,
+ aruser: ar_in.aruser};
+ return ar_out;
+function AXI4_R #(wd_id_out, wd_data, wd_user)
+ fn_change_R_id (AXI4_R #(wd_id_in, wd_data, wd_user) r_in,
+ Bit #(wd_id_out) rid_out);
+ let r_out = AXI4_R {rid: rid_out,
+ rdata: r_in.rdata,
+ rresp: r_in.rresp,
+ rlast: r_in.rlast,
+ ruser: r_in.ruser};
+ return r_out;
// ================================================================
// The following are specialized 'fshow' functions for AXI4 bus
// payloads: the most common fields, and more compact.
@@ -723,781 +363,184 @@ endfunction
// ----------------
-function Fmt fshow_Wr_Addr (AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) x);
- Fmt result = ($format ("{awaddr:%0h,", x.awaddr)
- + $format ("awlen:%0d", x.awlen)
- + $format (",")
+function Fmt fshow_AW (AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) x);
+ Fmt result = ($format ("AW{id:%0h addr:%0h", x.awid, x.awaddr)
+ + $format (" len:%0d", x.awlen)
+ + $format (" ")
+ fshow_AXI4_Size (x.awsize)
- + $format (",")
+ + $format (" ")
+ fshow_AXI4_Burst (x.awburst)
- + $format ("}"));
+ + $format (" user:%0h ..}", x.awuser));
return result;
-function Fmt fshow_Wr_Data (AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user) x);
- let result = ($format ("{wdata:%0h,wstrb:%0h", x.wdata, x.wstrb)
- + (x.wlast ? $format (",wlast") : $format (",.."))
- + $format ("}"));
+function Fmt fshow_W (AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user) x);
+ let result = ($format ("W{data:%0h strb:%0h", x.wdata, x.wstrb)
+ + (x.wlast ? $format (" last") : $format (""))
+ + $format (" user:%0h ..}", x.wuser));
return result;
-function Fmt fshow_Wr_Resp (AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user) x);
- Fmt result = ($format ("{bresp:")
+function Fmt fshow_B (AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user) x);
+ Fmt result = ($format ("B{id:%0h resp:", x.bid)
+ fshow_AXI4_Resp (x.bresp)
- + $format ("}"));
+ + $format (" user:%0h ..}", x.buser));
return result;
-function Fmt fshow_Rd_Addr (AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) x);
- Fmt result = ($format ("{araddr:%0h", x.araddr)
- + $format (",arlen:%0d", x.arlen)
- + $format (",")
+function Fmt fshow_AR (AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user) x);
+ Fmt result = ($format ("AR{id:%0h addr:%0h", x.arid, x.araddr)
+ + $format (" len:%0d", x.arlen)
+ + $format (" ")
+ fshow_AXI4_Size (x.arsize)
- + $format (",")
+ + $format (" ")
+ fshow_AXI4_Burst (x.arburst)
- + $format ("}"));
+ + $format (" user:%0h ..}", x.aruser));
return result;
-function Fmt fshow_Rd_Data (AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user) x);
- Fmt result = ($format ("{rresp:")
+function Fmt fshow_R (AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user) x);
+ Fmt result = ($format ("R{id%0h resp:", x.rid)
+ fshow_AXI4_Resp (x.rresp)
- + $format (",rdata:%0h", x.rdata)
- + (x.rlast ? $format (",rlast") : $format (",.."))
- + $format ("}"));
+ + $format (" data:%0h", x.rdata)
+ + (x.rlast ? $format (" last") : $format (""))
+ + $format (" user:%0h ..}", x.ruser));
return result;
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
+// Section: Higher-level FIFO-like interfaces and transactors
+// ****************************************************************
+// ****************************************************************
// ================================================================
-// AXI4 buffer
+// AXI4 interfaces with BSV FIFO sub-interfaces for each channel
+// (instead of RTL ready/valid signaling)
// ----------------
-// Server-side interface accepts requests and yields responses
+// M interface with FIFOs
-interface AXI4_Server_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
+interface AXI4_M_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_data,
+ numeric type wd_user);
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) i_wr_addr;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) i_wr_data;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) o_wr_resp;
+ interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) o_AW;
+ interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user)) o_W;
+ interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user)) i_B;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) i_rd_addr;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) o_rd_data;
+ interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) o_AR;
+ interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) i_R;
// ----------------
-// Client-side interface yields requests and accepts responses
+// S interface with FIFOs
-interface AXI4_Client_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
+interface AXI4_S_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_data,
+ numeric type wd_user);
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) o_wr_addr;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) o_wr_data;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) i_wr_resp;
+ interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) i_AW;
+ interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user)) i_W;
+ interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user)) o_B;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) o_rd_addr;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) i_rd_data;
+ interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) i_AR;
+ interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) o_R;
// ----------------
-// A Buffer has a server-side and a client-side, and a reset
+// Connecting AXI4_M_IFC and AXI4_S_IFC
+instance Connectable #(AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user),
+ AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
+ module mkConnection #(AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) m,
+ AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) s) (Empty);
+ mkConnection (m.o_AW, s.i_AW);
+ mkConnection (m.o_W, s.i_W);
+ mkConnection (m.i_B, s.o_B);
+ mkConnection (m.o_AR, s.i_AR);
+ mkConnection (m.i_R, s.o_R);
+ endmodule
+// ================================================================
+// Interface of an AXI4 buffer with FIFO-like interfaces on both sides
interface AXI4_Buffer_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
numeric type wd_addr,
numeric type wd_data,
numeric type wd_user);
- method Action reset;
- interface AXI4_Server_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) server_side;
- interface AXI4_Client_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) client_side;
+ // Facing upstream
+ interface AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_S;
+ // Facing downstream
+ interface AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) ifc_M;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// The following two modules differ only in using mkFIFOF or
+// mkM_EdgeFIFOF internally.
+// Note: we can't write a single module parameterized by the internal
+// FIFOs because mkFIFOF is instantiated at different types.
module mkAXI4_Buffer (AXI4_Buffer_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_wr_data <- mkFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkFIFOF;
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_AW <- mkFIFOF;
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_W <- mkFIFOF;
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_B <- mkFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkFIFOF;
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_AR <- mkFIFOF;
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_R <- mkFIFOF;
- method Action reset;
- f_wr_addr.clear;
- f_wr_data.clear;
- f_wr_resp.clear;
+ interface AXI4_M_IFC ifc_M;
+ interface o_AW = to_FIFOF_O (f_AW);
+ interface o_W = to_FIFOF_O (f_W);
+ interface i_B = to_FIFOF_I (f_B);
- f_rd_addr.clear;
- f_rd_data.clear;
- endmethod
- interface AXI4_Server_IFC server_side;
- interface i_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_addr);
- interface i_wr_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_data);
- interface o_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_resp);
- interface i_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_addr);
- interface o_rd_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_data);
+ interface o_AR = to_FIFOF_O (f_AR);
+ interface i_R = to_FIFOF_I (f_R);
- interface AXI4_Client_IFC client_side;
- interface o_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_addr);
- interface o_wr_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_data);
- interface i_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_resp);
+ interface AXI4_S_IFC ifc_S;
+ interface i_AW = to_FIFOF_I (f_AW);
+ interface i_W = to_FIFOF_I (f_W);
+ interface o_B = to_FIFOF_O (f_B);
- interface o_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_addr);
- interface i_rd_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_data);
+ interface i_AR = to_FIFOF_I (f_AR);
+ interface o_R = to_FIFOF_O (f_R);
module mkAXI4_Buffer_2 (AXI4_Buffer_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkM_EdgeFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_wr_data <- mkM_EdgeFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkS_EdgeFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkM_EdgeFIFOF;
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkS_EdgeFIFOF;
- method Action reset;
- f_wr_addr.clear;
- f_wr_data.clear;
- f_wr_resp.clear;
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_AW <- mkM_EdgeFIFOF;
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_W #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_W <- mkM_EdgeFIFOF;
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_B #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_B <- mkS_EdgeFIFOF;
- f_rd_addr.clear;
- f_rd_data.clear;
- endmethod
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_AR #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_AR <- mkM_EdgeFIFOF;
+ FIFOF #(AXI4_R #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_R <- mkS_EdgeFIFOF;
- interface AXI4_Server_IFC server_side;
- interface i_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_addr);
- interface i_wr_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_data);
- interface o_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_resp);
+ interface AXI4_M_IFC ifc_M;
+ interface o_AW = to_FIFOF_O (f_AW);
+ interface o_W = to_FIFOF_O (f_W);
+ interface i_B = to_FIFOF_I (f_B);
- interface i_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_addr);
- interface o_rd_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_data);
+ interface o_AR = to_FIFOF_O (f_AR);
+ interface i_R = to_FIFOF_I (f_R);
- interface AXI4_Client_IFC client_side;
- interface o_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_addr);
- interface o_wr_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_data);
- interface i_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_resp);
+ interface AXI4_S_IFC ifc_S;
+ interface i_AW = to_FIFOF_I (f_AW);
+ interface i_W = to_FIFOF_I (f_W);
+ interface o_B = to_FIFOF_O (f_B);
- interface o_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_addr);
- interface i_rd_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_data);
+ interface i_AR = to_FIFOF_I (f_AR);
+ interface o_R = to_FIFOF_O (f_R);
-// ================================================================
-// M transactor interface
-interface AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
- method Action reset;
- // AXI side
- interface AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side;
- // FIFOF side
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) i_wr_addr;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) i_wr_data;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) o_wr_resp;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) i_rd_addr;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) o_rd_data;
-endinterface: AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// M transactor
-// This version uses FIFOFs for total decoupling.
-module mkAXI4_M_Xactor (AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
- Bool unguarded = True;
- Bool guarded = False;
- // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_wr_data <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- method Action reset;
- f_wr_addr.clear;
- f_wr_data.clear;
- f_wr_resp.clear;
- f_rd_addr.clear;
- f_rd_data.clear;
- endmethod
- // AXI side
- interface axi_side = interface AXI4_M_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Bool m_awvalid = f_wr_addr.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = f_wr_addr.first.awid;
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = f_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_awlen = f_wr_addr.first.awlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_awsize = f_wr_addr.first.awsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_awburst = f_wr_addr.first.awburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_awlock = f_wr_addr.first.awlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_awcache = f_wr_addr.first.awcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_awprot = f_wr_addr.first.awprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_awqos = f_wr_addr.first.awqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_awregion = f_wr_addr.first.awregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = f_wr_addr.first.awuser;
- method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
- if (f_wr_addr.notEmpty && awready) f_wr_addr.deq;
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Bool m_wvalid = f_wr_data.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = f_wr_data.first.wdata;
- method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = f_wr_data.first.wstrb;
- method Bool m_wlast = f_wr_data.first.wlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = f_wr_data.first.wuser;
- method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
- if (f_wr_data.notEmpty && wready) f_wr_data.deq;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) bid,
- Bit #(2) bresp,
- Bit #(wd_user) buser);
- if (bvalid && f_wr_resp.notFull)
- f_wr_resp.enq (AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: bid,
- bresp: bresp,
- buser: buser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_bready;
- return f_wr_resp.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Bool m_arvalid = f_rd_addr.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = f_rd_addr.first.arid;
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = f_rd_addr.first.araddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_arlen = f_rd_addr.first.arlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_arsize = f_rd_addr.first.arsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_arburst = f_rd_addr.first.arburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_arlock = f_rd_addr.first.arlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_arcache = f_rd_addr.first.arcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_arprot = f_rd_addr.first.arprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_arqos = f_rd_addr.first.arqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_arregion = f_rd_addr.first.arregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = f_rd_addr.first.aruser;
- method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
- if (f_rd_addr.notEmpty && arready) f_rd_addr.deq;
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid, // in
- Bit #(wd_id) rid, // in
- Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in
- Bit #(2) rresp, // in
- Bool rlast, // in
- Bit #(wd_user) ruser); // in
- if (rvalid && f_rd_data.notFull)
- f_rd_data.enq (AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rid,
- rdata: rdata,
- rresp: rresp,
- rlast: rlast,
- ruser: ruser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_rready;
- return f_rd_data.notFull;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- // FIFOF side
- interface i_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_addr);
- interface i_wr_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_data);
- interface o_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_resp);
- interface i_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_addr);
- interface o_rd_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_data);
-endmodule: mkAXI4_M_Xactor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// M transactor
-// This version uses crgs and regs instead of FIFOFs.
-// This uses 1/2 the resources, but introduces scheduling dependencies.
-module mkAXI4_M_Xactor_2 (AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
- // Each crg_full, rg_data pair below represents a 1-element fifo.
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_addr_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) rg_wr_addr <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_data_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) rg_wr_data <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_resp_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) rg_wr_resp <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_rd_addr_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) rg_rd_addr <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_rd_data_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) rg_rd_data <- mkRegU;
- // The following CReg port indexes specify the relative scheduling of:
- // {first,deq,notEmpty} {enq,notFull} clear
- // TODO: 'deq/enq/clear = 1/2/0' is unusual, but eliminates a
- // scheduling cycle in Piccolo's DCache. Normally should be 0/1/2.
- Integer port_deq = 1;
- Integer port_enq = 2;
- Integer port_clear = 0;
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- method Action reset;
- crg_wr_addr_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_wr_data_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_wr_resp_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_rd_addr_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_rd_data_full [port_clear] <= False;
- endmethod
- // AXI side
- interface axi_side = interface AXI4_M_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Bool m_awvalid = crg_wr_addr_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = rg_wr_addr.awid;
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = rg_wr_addr.awaddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_awlen = rg_wr_addr.awlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_awsize = rg_wr_addr.awsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_awburst = rg_wr_addr.awburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_awlock = rg_wr_addr.awlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_awcache = rg_wr_addr.awcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_awprot = rg_wr_addr.awprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_awqos = rg_wr_addr.awqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_awregion = rg_wr_addr.awregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = rg_wr_addr.awuser;
- method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
- if (crg_wr_addr_full [port_deq] && awready)
- crg_wr_addr_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Bool m_wvalid = crg_wr_data_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = rg_wr_data.wdata;
- method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = rg_wr_data.wstrb;
- method Bool m_wlast = rg_wr_data.wlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = rg_wr_data.wuser;
- method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
- if (crg_wr_data_full [port_deq] && wready)
- crg_wr_data_full [port_deq] <= False;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) bid,
- Bit #(2) bresp,
- Bit #(wd_user) buser);
- if (bvalid && (! (crg_wr_resp_full [port_enq]))) begin
- crg_wr_resp_full [port_enq] <= True;
- rg_wr_resp <= AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: bid,
- bresp: bresp,
- buser: buser};
- end
- endmethod
- method Bool m_bready;
- return (! (crg_wr_resp_full [port_enq]));
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Bool m_arvalid = crg_rd_addr_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = rg_rd_addr.arid;
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = rg_rd_addr.araddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_arlen = rg_rd_addr.arlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_arsize = rg_rd_addr.arsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_arburst = rg_rd_addr.arburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_arlock = rg_rd_addr.arlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_arcache = rg_rd_addr.arcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_arprot = rg_rd_addr.arprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_arqos = rg_rd_addr.arqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_arregion = rg_rd_addr.arregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = rg_rd_addr.aruser;
- method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
- if (crg_rd_addr_full [port_deq] && arready)
- crg_rd_addr_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) rid,
- Bit #(wd_data) rdata,
- Bit #(2) rresp,
- Bool rlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) ruser);
- if (rvalid && (! (crg_rd_data_full [port_enq])))
- crg_rd_data_full [port_enq] <= True;
- rg_rd_data <= (AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rid,
- rdata: rdata,
- rresp: rresp,
- rlast: rlast,
- ruser: ruser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_rready;
- return (! (crg_rd_data_full [port_enq]));
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- // FIFOF side
- interface i_wr_addr = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_wr_addr_full [port_enq], rg_wr_addr);
- interface i_wr_data = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_wr_data_full [port_enq], rg_wr_data);
- interface o_wr_resp = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_wr_resp_full [port_deq], rg_wr_resp);
- interface i_rd_addr = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_rd_addr_full [port_enq], rg_rd_addr);
- interface o_rd_data = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_rd_data_full [port_deq], rg_rd_data);
-endmodule: mkAXI4_M_Xactor_2
-// ================================================================
-// S transactor interface
-interface AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_addr,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
- method Action reset;
- // AXI side
- interface AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side;
- // FIFOF side
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) o_wr_addr;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) o_wr_data;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) i_wr_resp;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) o_rd_addr;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) i_rd_data;
-endinterface: AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// S transactor
-// This version uses FIFOFs for total decoupling.
-module mkAXI4_S_Xactor (AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
- Bool unguarded = True;
- Bool guarded = False;
- // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_wr_data <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- method Action reset;
- f_wr_addr.clear;
- f_wr_data.clear;
- f_wr_resp.clear;
- f_rd_addr.clear;
- f_rd_data.clear;
- endmethod
- // AXI side
- interface axi_side = interface AXI4_S_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) awid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
- Bit #(8) awlen,
- AXI4_Size awsize,
- Bit #(2) awburst,
- Bit #(1) awlock,
- Bit #(4) awcache,
- Bit #(3) awprot,
- Bit #(4) awqos,
- Bit #(4) awregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
- if (awvalid && f_wr_addr.notFull)
- f_wr_addr.enq (AXI4_Wr_Addr {awid: awid,
- awaddr: awaddr,
- awlen: awlen,
- awsize: awsize,
- awburst: awburst,
- awlock: awlock,
- awcache: awcache,
- awprot: awprot,
- awqos: awqos,
- awregion: awregion,
- awuser: awuser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_awready;
- return f_wr_addr.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
- Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
- Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
- Bool wlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
- if (wvalid && f_wr_data.notFull)
- f_wr_data.enq (AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: wdata,
- wstrb: wstrb,
- wlast: wlast,
- wuser: wuser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_wready;
- return f_wr_data.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Bool m_bvalid = f_wr_resp.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid = f_wr_resp.first.bid;
- method Bit #(2) m_bresp = f_wr_resp.first.bresp;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = f_wr_resp.first.buser;
- method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
- if (bready && f_wr_resp.notEmpty)
- f_wr_resp.deq;
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) arid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
- Bit #(8) arlen,
- AXI4_Size arsize,
- Bit #(2) arburst,
- Bit #(1) arlock,
- Bit #(4) arcache,
- Bit #(3) arprot,
- Bit #(4) arqos,
- Bit #(4) arregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
- if (arvalid && f_rd_addr.notFull)
- f_rd_addr.enq (AXI4_Rd_Addr {arid: arid,
- araddr: araddr,
- arlen: arlen,
- arsize: arsize,
- arburst: arburst,
- arlock: arlock,
- arcache: arcache,
- arprot: arprot,
- arqos: arqos,
- arregion: arregion,
- aruser: aruser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_arready;
- return f_rd_addr.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Bool m_rvalid = f_rd_data.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid = f_rd_data.first.rid;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = f_rd_data.first.rdata;
- method Bit #(2) m_rresp = f_rd_data.first.rresp;
- method Bool m_rlast = f_rd_data.first.rlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = f_rd_data.first.ruser;
- method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
- if (rready && f_rd_data.notEmpty)
- f_rd_data.deq;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- // FIFOF side
- interface o_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_addr);
- interface o_wr_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_data);
- interface i_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_resp);
- interface o_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_addr);
- interface i_rd_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_data);
-endmodule: mkAXI4_S_Xactor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// S transactor
-// This version uses crgs and regs instead of FIFOFs.
-// This uses 1/2 the resources, but introduces scheduling dependencies.
-module mkAXI4_S_Xactor_2 (AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user));
- // Each crg_full, rg_data pair below represents a 1-element fifo.
- // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_addr_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) rg_wr_addr <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_data_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) rg_wr_data <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_resp_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) rg_wr_resp <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_rd_addr_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)) rg_rd_addr <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_rd_data_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) rg_rd_data <- mkRegU;
- // The following CReg port indexes specify the relative scheduling of:
- // {first,deq,notEmpty} {enq,notFull} clear
- Integer port_deq = 0;
- Integer port_enq = 1;
- Integer port_clear = 2;
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- method Action reset;
- crg_wr_addr_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_wr_data_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_wr_resp_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_rd_addr_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_rd_data_full [port_clear] <= False;
- endmethod
- // AXI side
- interface axi_side = interface AXI4_S_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) awid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
- Bit #(8) awlen,
- AXI4_Size awsize,
- Bit #(2) awburst,
- Bit #(1) awlock,
- Bit #(4) awcache,
- Bit #(3) awprot,
- Bit #(4) awqos,
- Bit #(4) awregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
- if (awvalid && (! crg_wr_addr_full [port_enq])) begin
- crg_wr_addr_full [port_enq] <= True; // enq
- rg_wr_addr <= AXI4_Wr_Addr {awid: awid,
- awaddr: awaddr,
- awlen: awlen,
- awsize: awsize,
- awburst: awburst,
- awlock: awlock,
- awcache: awcache,
- awprot: awprot,
- awqos: awqos,
- awregion: awregion,
- awuser: awuser};
- end
- endmethod
- method Bool m_awready;
- return (! crg_wr_addr_full [port_enq]);
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
- Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
- Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
- Bool wlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
- if (wvalid && (! crg_wr_data_full [port_enq])) begin
- crg_wr_data_full [port_enq] <= True; // enq
- rg_wr_data <= AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: wdata,
- wstrb: wstrb,
- wlast: wlast,
- wuser: wuser};
- end
- endmethod
- method Bool m_wready;
- return (! crg_wr_data_full [port_enq]);
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Bool m_bvalid = crg_wr_resp_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid = rg_wr_resp.bid;
- method Bit #(2) m_bresp = rg_wr_resp.bresp;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = rg_wr_resp.buser;
- method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
- if (bready && crg_wr_resp_full [port_deq])
- crg_wr_resp_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) arid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
- Bit #(8) arlen,
- AXI4_Size arsize,
- Bit #(2) arburst,
- Bit #(1) arlock,
- Bit #(4) arcache,
- Bit #(3) arprot,
- Bit #(4) arqos,
- Bit #(4) arregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
- if (arvalid && (! crg_rd_addr_full [port_enq])) begin
- crg_rd_addr_full [port_enq] <= True; // enq
- rg_rd_addr <= AXI4_Rd_Addr {arid: arid,
- araddr: araddr,
- arlen: arlen,
- arsize: arsize,
- arburst: arburst,
- arlock: arlock,
- arcache: arcache,
- arprot: arprot,
- arqos: arqos,
- arregion: arregion,
- aruser: aruser};
- end
- endmethod
- method Bool m_arready;
- return (! crg_rd_addr_full [port_enq]);
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Bool m_rvalid = crg_rd_data_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid = rg_rd_data.rid;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = rg_rd_data.rdata;
- method Bit #(2) m_rresp = rg_rd_data.rresp;
- method Bool m_rlast = rg_rd_data.rlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = rg_rd_data.ruser;
- method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
- if (rready && crg_rd_data_full [port_deq])
- crg_rd_data_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- // FIFOF side
- interface o_wr_addr = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_wr_addr_full [port_deq], rg_wr_addr);
- interface o_wr_data = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_wr_data_full [port_deq], rg_wr_data);
- interface i_wr_resp = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_wr_resp_full [port_enq], rg_wr_resp);
- interface o_rd_addr = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_rd_addr_full [port_deq], rg_rd_addr);
- interface i_rd_data = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_rd_data_full [port_enq], rg_rd_data);
-endmodule: mkAXI4_S_Xactor_2
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Widener.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Widener.bsv
index bd51bbe..e189ed4 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Widener.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Widener.bsv
@@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_Widener;
-// ================================================================
-// This package defines an AXI4-S-to-AXI4-M 'widener' module.
+// ****************************************************************
+// This package defines an AXI4-S-to-AXI4-M 'data widener' module.
+// The module arguments are an M interface from upstream and an S
+// interface to downstream.
// The interfaces facing S and M differ in data-bus width
// The S-side data bus is wider than the M-side by some multiple.
-// The primary function is data-bus re-alignment due to widening.
+// The primary function here is data-bus re-alignment due to widening.
// NOTE: Does not support bursts yet (which would need reshaping the
-// data beats, strobes, burst lengh, etc.)
+// data beats, strobes, burst length, etc.)
+// Use AXI4_Deburster in front, if needed.
+// ****************************************************************
+export mkAXI4_Widener;
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
// Bluespec library imports
import Vector :: *;
@@ -23,60 +31,43 @@ import SpecialFIFOs :: *;
import ConfigReg :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import GetPut_Aux :: *;
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
-// ================================================================
+// ----------------
// Project imports
-import AXI4_Types :: *;
+import AXI4_Types :: *;
-// ================================================================
-// The interface for the widener module
+// ****************************************************************
+// Simulation verbosity during simulation on stdout for this package (edit as desired)
+// 0: quiet
+// 1: display rules
-interface AXI4_Widener_IFC #(numeric type wd_id_t,
- numeric type wd_addr_t,
- numeric type m_wd_data_t, // narrower
- numeric type s_wd_data_t, // wider
- numeric type wd_user_t);
- // From M
- interface AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, m_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) from_M;
- // To S
- interface AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, s_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) to_S;
+Integer verbosity = 0;
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
// The Widener module
-module mkAXI4_Widener (AXI4_Widener_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, m_wd_data_t, s_wd_data_t, wd_user_t))
+module mkAXI4_Widener #(AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, m_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) ifc_M,
+ AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, s_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) ifc_S)
+ (Empty)
provisos (Mul #(8, m_wd_bytes_t, m_wd_data_t),
Div #(m_wd_data_t, 8, m_wd_bytes_t),
Mul #(8, s_wd_bytes_t, s_wd_data_t),
Div #(s_wd_data_t, 8, s_wd_bytes_t),
- Add #(m_wd_data_t, __a, s_wd_data_t), // m_wd_data <= s_wd_data ("widening")
- Add #(m_wd_bytes_t, __b, s_wd_bytes_t), // m_wd_bytes <= s_wd_bytes ("widening")
+ Add #(m_wd_data_t, __a, s_wd_data_t), // m_wd_data <= s_wd_data ("widening")
+ Add #(m_wd_bytes_t, __b, s_wd_bytes_t), // m_wd_bytes <= s_wd_bytes ("widening")
Log #(m_wd_bytes_t, log2_m_wd_bytes_t),
Log #(s_wd_bytes_t, log2_s_wd_bytes_t),
NumAlias #(word_index_t, TSub #(s_wd_bytes_t, m_wd_bytes_t)));
- // 0 quiet; 1: display rules
- Integer verbosity = 0;
Integer log2_m_wd_bytes = valueOf (log2_m_wd_bytes_t);
Integer log2_s_wd_bytes = valueOf (log2_s_wd_bytes_t);
- // ----------------
- // Transactor facing M
- AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, m_wd_data_t, wd_user_t)
- xactor_from_M <- mkAXI4_S_Xactor;
- // Transactor facing S
- AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, s_wd_data_t, wd_user_t)
- xactor_to_S <- mkAXI4_M_Xactor;
// size covers latency to mem read response
FIFOF #(Bit #(wd_addr_t)) f_araddrs <- mkSizedFIFOF (8);
@@ -111,96 +102,95 @@ module mkAXI4_Widener (AXI4_Widener_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, m_wd_data_t, s_wd_
// ----------------
- // Wr requests (AW and W channels)
+ // AW and W channels (write requests)
- rule rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S;
- AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_user_t) m_wra <- pop_o (xactor_from_M.o_wr_addr);
- AXI4_Wr_Data #(m_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) m_wrd <- pop_o (xactor_from_M.o_wr_data);
+ rule rl_AW_W;
+ AXI4_AW #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_user_t) m_aw <- pop_o (ifc_M.o_AW);
+ AXI4_W #(m_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) m_w <- pop_o (ifc_M.o_W);
- let s_wra = m_wra;
+ let s_aw = m_aw;
- match { .s_wdata, .s_wstrb} = fv_align_to_wider (m_wra.awaddr, m_wrd.wdata, m_wrd.wstrb);
- AXI4_Wr_Data #(s_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) s_wrd = AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: s_wdata,
- wstrb: s_wstrb,
- wlast: m_wrd.wlast,
- wuser: m_wrd.wuser};
+ match { .s_wdata, .s_wstrb} = fv_align_to_wider (m_aw.awaddr, m_w.wdata, m_w.wstrb);
+ AXI4_W #(s_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) s_w = AXI4_W {wdata: s_wdata,
+ wstrb: s_wstrb,
+ wlast: m_w.wlast,
+ wuser: m_w.wuser};
// Send to S
- xactor_to_S.i_wr_addr.enq (s_wra);
- xactor_to_S.i_wr_data.enq (s_wrd);
+ ifc_S.i_AW.enq (s_aw);
+ ifc_S.i_W.enq (s_w);
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m:AXI4_Widener.rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S: m -> s", cur_cycle);
- $display (" m_wra : ", fshow (m_wra));
- $display (" m_wrd: ", fshow (m_wrd));
- $display (" s_wrd: ", fshow (s_wrd));
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_Widener.rl_AW_W: m -> s", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" m_aw : ", fshow (m_aw));
+ $display (" m_w: ", fshow (m_w));
+ $display (" s_w: ", fshow (s_w));
- endrule: rl_wr_xaction_M_to_S
+ endrule
// ----------------
- // Wr responses (B channel): just pass through as-is.
+ // B channel (write responses): just pass through as-is.
- rule rl_wr_resp_S_to_M;
- AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id_t, wd_user_t) s_wrr <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_wr_resp);
- let m_wrr = s_wrr;
- xactor_from_M.i_wr_resp.enq (m_wrr);
+ rule rl_B;
+ AXI4_B #(wd_id_t, wd_user_t) s_b <- pop_o (ifc_S.o_B);
+ let m_b = s_b;
+ ifc_M.i_B.enq (m_b);
if (verbosity > 1) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Widener.rl_wr_resp_S_to_M: m <- s", cur_cycle);
- $display (" s_wrr: ", fshow (s_wrr));
- $display (" m_wrr: ", fshow (m_wrr));
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_Widener.rl_B: m <- s", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" s_b: ", fshow (s_b));
+ $display (" m_b: ", fshow (m_b));
// ----------------
- // Rd requests (AR channel); just pass it through, as-is
+ // AR channel (read requests); just pass it through, as-is
// but remember the addr in order to align the data response.
- rule rl_rd_xaction_M_to_S;
- AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_user_t) m_rda <- pop_o (xactor_from_M.o_rd_addr);
- let s_rda = m_rda;
- xactor_to_S.i_rd_addr.enq (s_rda);
+ rule rl_AR;
+ AXI4_AR #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_user_t) m_ar <- pop_o (ifc_M.o_AR);
+ let s_ar = m_ar;
+ ifc_S.i_AR.enq (s_ar);
- f_araddrs.enq (m_rda.araddr);
+ f_araddrs.enq (m_ar.araddr);
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Widener.rl_rd_xaction_M_to_S: m -> s", cur_cycle);
- $display (" m_rda: ", fshow (m_rda));
- $display (" s_rda: ", fshow (s_rda));
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_Widener.rl_AR: m -> s", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" m_ar: ", fshow (m_ar));
+ $display (" s_ar: ", fshow (s_ar));
- endrule: rl_rd_xaction_M_to_S
+ endrule
// ----------------
- // Rd responses
+ // R channel (read responses)
- rule rl_rd_resp_S_to_M;
- AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id_t, s_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) s_rdd <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_rd_data);
+ rule rl_R;
+ AXI4_R #(wd_id_t, s_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) s_r <- pop_o (ifc_S.o_R);
let araddr <- pop (f_araddrs);
- let m_rdata = fv_align_to_narrower (araddr, s_rdd.rdata);
- AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id_t, m_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) m_rdd = AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: s_rdd.rid,
- rdata: m_rdata,
- rresp: s_rdd.rresp,
- rlast: s_rdd.rlast,
- ruser: s_rdd.ruser};
- xactor_from_M.i_rd_data.enq (m_rdd);
+ let m_rdata = fv_align_to_narrower (araddr, s_r.rdata);
+ AXI4_R #(wd_id_t, m_wd_data_t, wd_user_t) m_r = AXI4_R {rid: s_r.rid,
+ rdata: m_rdata,
+ rresp: s_r.rresp,
+ rlast: s_r.rlast,
+ ruser: s_r.ruser};
+ ifc_M.i_R.enq (m_r);
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m::AXI4_Widener.rl_rd_resp_S_to_M: m <- s", cur_cycle);
- $display (" s_rdd: ", fshow (s_rdd));
- $display (" m_rdd: ", fshow (m_rdd));
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_Widener.rl_R: m <- s", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" s_r: ", fshow (s_r));
+ $display (" m_r: ", fshow (m_r));
- endrule: rl_rd_resp_S_to_M
+ endrule
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ // ================================================================
- interface from_M = xactor_from_M.axi_side;
- interface to_S = xactor_to_S.axi_side;
+ // Empty
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
endpackage: AXI4_Widener
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Xactors.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Xactors.bsv
deleted file mode 100644
index 6389b75..0000000
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_Xactors.bsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2022 University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
-// Copyright (c) 2022 Bluespec, Inc.
-// Authors: U.Cambridge CL -> Joe Stoy -> Rishiyur Nikhil
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-package AXI4_Xactors;
-// ================================================================
-// These are M and S transactors for AXI4, i.e., converters between
-// BSV FIFO-like interfaces (flow-controlled)
-// ARM AXI4 signals (ready/valid protocol)
-// ================================================================
-// BSV library imports
-// None
-// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
-import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
-// ----------------
-// Local imports
-import AXI4_Types :: *;
-// ================================================================
-// Typeclass to convert
-// normal FIFO_I and FIFO_O interfaces
-// to unguarded FIFO_I and FIFO_O interfaces.
-typeclass ToUnguarded #(type a);
- module mkUnguarded #(a x)(a);
-instance ToUnguarded #(FIFOF_I #(a))
- provisos (Bits#(a, __));
- module mkUnguarded #(FIFOF_I #(a) ifc)(FIFOF_I #(a));
- let enqWire <- mkRWire;
- rule warnDoEnq (isValid(enqWire.wget) && !ifc.notFull);
- $display("WARNING: enqing into an already full FIFOF_I");
- $finish(0);
- endrule
- rule doEnq (isValid(enqWire.wget));
- ifc.enq(enqWire.wget.Valid);
- endrule
- return interface FIFOF_I;
- method notFull = ifc.notFull;
- method enq = enqWire.wset;
- endinterface;
- endmodule
-instance ToUnguarded #(FIFOF_O #(a))
- provisos (Bits#(a, _));
- module mkUnguarded#(FIFOF_O #(a) ifc)(FIFOF_O#(a));
- let firstWire <- mkDWire(unpack(0));
- let deqWire <- mkPulseWire;
- rule setFirst; firstWire <= ifc.first; endrule
- rule warnDoDeq (deqWire && !ifc.notEmpty);
- $display("WARNING: deqing from empty FIFOF_O");
- $finish(0);
- endrule
- rule doDeq (deqWire && ifc.notEmpty);
- ifc.deq;
- endrule
- return interface FIFOF_O;
- method notEmpty = ifc.notEmpty;
- method first = firstWire;
- method deq = deqWire.send;
- endinterface;
- endmodule
-// ================================================================
-// M transactor
-// Arguments aw, w, b, ar and r are the standard five AXI4 channels, as normal FIFOFs.
-// Returns ARM-signalling interface.
-module mkAXI4_Xactor_M_3
- #(aw_t aw, w_t w, b_t b, ar_t ar, r_t r)
- (AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- provisos (To_FIFOF_IO #(aw_t, AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(w_t, AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(b_t, AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(ar_t, AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(r_t, AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)));
- // For each argument FIFOF, unguard the ARM-signalling side.
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user))
- f_wr_addr <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (aw));
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user))
- f_wr_data <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (w));
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user))
- f_wr_resp <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (b));
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user))
- f_rd_addr <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (ar));
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user))
- f_rd_data <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (r));
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // INTERFACE (ARM signals)
- return interface AXI4_M_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Bool m_awvalid = f_wr_addr.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = f_wr_addr.first.awid;
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = f_wr_addr.first.awaddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_awlen = f_wr_addr.first.awlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_awsize = f_wr_addr.first.awsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_awburst = f_wr_addr.first.awburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_awlock = f_wr_addr.first.awlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_awcache = f_wr_addr.first.awcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_awprot = f_wr_addr.first.awprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_awqos = f_wr_addr.first.awqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_awregion = f_wr_addr.first.awregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = f_wr_addr.first.awuser;
- method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
- if (f_wr_addr.notEmpty && awready) f_wr_addr.deq;
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Bool m_wvalid = f_wr_data.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = f_wr_data.first.wdata;
- method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = f_wr_data.first.wstrb;
- method Bool m_wlast = f_wr_data.first.wlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = f_wr_data.first.wuser;
- method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
- if (f_wr_data.notEmpty && wready) f_wr_data.deq;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) bid,
- Bit #(2) bresp,
- Bit #(wd_user) buser);
- if (bvalid && f_wr_resp.notFull)
- f_wr_resp.enq (AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: bid,
- bresp: bresp,
- buser: buser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_bready;
- return f_wr_resp.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Bool m_arvalid = f_rd_addr.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = f_rd_addr.first.arid;
- method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = f_rd_addr.first.araddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_arlen = f_rd_addr.first.arlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_arsize = f_rd_addr.first.arsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_arburst = f_rd_addr.first.arburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_arlock = f_rd_addr.first.arlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_arcache = f_rd_addr.first.arcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_arprot = f_rd_addr.first.arprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_arqos = f_rd_addr.first.arqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_arregion = f_rd_addr.first.arregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = f_rd_addr.first.aruser;
- method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
- if (f_rd_addr.notEmpty && arready) f_rd_addr.deq;
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid, // in
- Bit #(wd_id) rid, // in
- Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in
- Bit #(2) rresp, // in
- Bool rlast, // in
- Bit #(wd_user) ruser); // in
- if (rvalid && f_rd_data.notFull)
- f_rd_data.enq (AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rid,
- rdata: rdata,
- rresp: rresp,
- rlast: rlast,
- ruser: ruser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_rready;
- return f_rd_data.notFull;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
-endmodule: mkAXI4_Xactor_M_3
-// ================================================================
-// S transactor
-// Arguments aw, w, b, ar and r are the standard five AXI4 channels, as normal FIFOFs.
-// Returns ARM-signalling interface.
-module mkAXI4_Xactor_S_3
- #(aw_t aw, w_t w, b_t b, ar_t ar, r_t r)
- (AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
- provisos (To_FIFOF_IO #(aw_t, AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(w_t, AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(b_t, AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(ar_t, AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user)),
- To_FIFOF_IO #(r_t, AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)));
- // For each argument FIFOF, unguard the ARM-signalling side.
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user))
- f_wr_addr <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (aw));
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data, wd_user))
- f_wr_data <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (w));
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user))
- f_wr_resp <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (b));
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_user))
- f_rd_addr <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_I (ar));
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user))
- f_rd_data <- mkUnguarded (to_FIFOF_O (r));
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // INTERFACE (ARM signals)
- return interface AXI4_S_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) awid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr,
- Bit #(8) awlen,
- AXI4_Size awsize,
- Bit #(2) awburst,
- Bit #(1) awlock,
- Bit #(4) awcache,
- Bit #(3) awprot,
- Bit #(4) awqos,
- Bit #(4) awregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
- if (awvalid && f_wr_addr.notFull)
- f_wr_addr.enq (AXI4_Wr_Addr {awid: awid,
- awaddr: awaddr,
- awlen: awlen,
- awsize: awsize,
- awburst: awburst,
- awlock: awlock,
- awcache: awcache,
- awprot: awprot,
- awqos: awqos,
- awregion: awregion,
- awuser: awuser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_awready;
- return f_wr_addr.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
- Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
- Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
- Bool wlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
- if (wvalid && f_wr_data.notFull)
- f_wr_data.enq (AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: wdata,
- wstrb: wstrb,
- wlast: wlast,
- wuser: wuser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_wready;
- return f_wr_data.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Bool m_bvalid = f_wr_resp.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid = f_wr_resp.first.bid;
- method Bit #(2) m_bresp = f_wr_resp.first.bresp;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = f_wr_resp.first.buser;
- method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
- if (bready && f_wr_resp.notEmpty)
- f_wr_resp.deq;
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) arid,
- Bit #(wd_addr) araddr,
- Bit #(8) arlen,
- AXI4_Size arsize,
- Bit #(2) arburst,
- Bit #(1) arlock,
- Bit #(4) arcache,
- Bit #(3) arprot,
- Bit #(4) arqos,
- Bit #(4) arregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
- if (arvalid && f_rd_addr.notFull)
- f_rd_addr.enq (AXI4_Rd_Addr {arid: arid,
- araddr: araddr,
- arlen: arlen,
- arsize: arsize,
- arburst: arburst,
- arlock: arlock,
- arcache: arcache,
- arprot: arprot,
- arqos: arqos,
- arregion: arregion,
- aruser: aruser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_arready;
- return f_rd_addr.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Bool m_rvalid = f_rd_data.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid = f_rd_data.first.rid;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = f_rd_data.first.rdata;
- method Bit #(2) m_rresp = f_rd_data.first.rresp;
- method Bool m_rlast = f_rd_data.first.rlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = f_rd_data.first.ruser;
- method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
- if (rready && f_rd_data.notEmpty)
- f_rd_data.deq;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
-endmodule: mkAXI4_Xactor_S_3
-// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LD.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LD.bsv
index 365dfa6..c47817d 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LD.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LD.bsv
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021 Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// Author: Rishiyur S. Nikhil
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_to_LD;
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Vector :: *;
import FIFOF :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ Integer verbosity = 0;
// Loads: Module
module mkAXI4_to_LD
- #(FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_user_t)) o_rd_addr,
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id_t, wd_axi_data_t, wd_user_t)) i_rd_data)
+ #(FIFOF_O #(AXI4_AR #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_user_t)) o_rd_addr,
+ FIFOF_I #(AXI4_R #(wd_id_t, wd_axi_data_t, wd_user_t)) i_rd_data)
(AXI4_to_LD_IFC #(wd_addr_t, wd_ldst_data_t))
provisos (Add #(a__, 8, wd_addr_t),
@@ -157,10 +157,11 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
Bit #(wd_addr_t) addr_axi_bus_lo = fn_addr_to_NAPOT (araddr,
fromInteger (wdB_axi_data_I));
// Bytelane of araddr on AXI data
- Bit #(8) addr_bytelane = fn_addr_to_axi_data_bytelane (araddr, wdB_axi_data_I);
+ Bit #(8) addr_bytelane = fn_addr_to_axi_data_bytelane (araddr, wdB_axi_data_I);
// ARSIZE specifies a NAPOT window around araddr, ...
- Bit #(8) wdB_szwindow_B = fv_AXI4_Size_to_num_bytes (rd_addr_S.arsize);
+ Bit #(8) wdB_szwindow_B = fv_AXI4_Size_to_num_bytes (rd_addr_S.arsize);
// Address of NAPOT ARSIZE window containing araddr
Bit #(wd_addr_t) addr_szwindow_lo = fn_addr_to_NAPOT (araddr, wdB_szwindow_B);
@@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
rule rl_start_xaction (rg_state == STATE_IDLE);
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
@@ -309,7 +310,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
Bool illegal_req = False;
if (wdB_szwindow_B > fromInteger (wdB_axi_data_I)) begin
if (verbosity == 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
$display (" ERROR: illegal AXI4 request");
$display (" awsize 0x%0h bytes > axi data bus width 0x%0h bytes",
wdB_szwindow_B, wdB_axi_data_I);
@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
if (rd_addr_S.arlen != 0) begin
if (verbosity == 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
$display (" ERROR: illegal AXI4 request");
$display (" arlen 0x%0h; only arlen 0 (1-beat bursts) supported",
@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
rule rl_next_slice (rg_state == STATE_SLICE);
if (verbosity > 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_next_slice", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_next_slice", cur_cycle);
Bit #(8) bytelane_slice_lo = rg_bytelane_slice_lo;
Bit #(8) bytelane_slice_hi = rg_bytelane_slice_lo + fromInteger (wdB_ldst_data_I - 1);
@@ -371,7 +372,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
rule rl_partial (rg_state == STATE_PARTIAL);
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_partial", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_partial", cur_cycle);
$display (" rg_bytelane_hi..lo [%0h..%0h] rg_bytelane_slice_lo %0h",
rg_bytelane_hi, rg_bytelane_lo, rg_bytelane_slice_lo);
@@ -400,7 +401,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
rule rl_finish_req (rg_state == STATE_FINISH_REQ);
if (verbosity > 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_finish_ld_req", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_finish_ld_req", cur_cycle);
f_ld_rsp_info.enq (tuple2 (RSP_DONE, ?)); // 'done' sentinel
f_axi_rsp_info.enq (tuple3 (False, rd_addr_S.arid, rd_addr_S.aruser));
@@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
rg_v_slice <= v_slice;
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_handle_ld_rsp: err = %0h data %0h", cur_cycle,
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_handle_ld_rsp: err = %0h data %0h", cur_cycle,
err, ld_data);
$display (" ShiftInAtN slice %016h; new v_slice", slice);
fa_show_v_slices (v_slice);
@@ -450,7 +451,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
rg_remaining_slices <= rg_remaining_slices - 1;
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_handle_ld_slice_ignore: skipping slice", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_handle_ld_slice_ignore: skipping slice", cur_cycle);
$display (" new v_slice");
fa_show_v_slices (v_slice);
@@ -464,7 +465,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
rg_remaining_slices <= rg_remaining_slices - 1;
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_send_axi_response; shift only; new v_slice", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_send_axi_response; shift only; new v_slice", cur_cycle);
fa_show_v_slices (v_slice);
@@ -477,21 +478,21 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
Bit #(wd_axi_data_t) rdata = pack (rg_v_slice);
- let rd_data_S = AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rid,
- rresp: ((illegal_req || rg_cumulative_err)
- ? axi4_resp_slverr
- : axi4_resp_okay),
- rdata: rdata,
- ruser: ruser,
- rlast: True};
+ let rd_data_S = AXI4_R {rid: rid,
+ rresp: ((illegal_req || rg_cumulative_err)
+ ? axi4_resp_slverr
+ : axi4_resp_okay),
+ rdata: rdata,
+ ruser: ruser,
+ rlast: True};
i_rd_data.enq (rd_data_S);
// Get ready for next axi transaction
rg_remaining_slices <= fromInteger (slices_per_axi_data_I);
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_send_axi_response", cur_cycle);
- $display (" AXI4_Rd_Data rid %0h rresp %0h rlast %0d ruser %0h",
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_send_axi_response", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" AXI4_R rid %0h rresp %0h rlast %0d ruser %0h",
rd_data_S.rid, rd_data_S.rresp, rd_data_S.rlast, rd_data_S.ruser);
fa_show_v_slices (rg_v_slice);
@@ -506,7 +507,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_LD
rule rl_illegal_req (rg_state == STATE_ILLEGAL_REQ);
if (verbosity > 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_LD:rl_illegal_req", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_LD:rl_illegal_req", cur_cycle);
f_ld_rsp_info.enq (tuple2 (RSP_DONE, ?));
f_axi_rsp_info.enq (tuple3 (True, rd_addr_S.arid, rd_addr_S.aruser));
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LDST.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LDST.bsv
index 4ed8514..83de7cb 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LDST.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LDST.bsv
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021 Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
-// Author: Rishiyur S. Nikhil
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_to_LDST;
// ================================================================
// This package defines module mkAXI4_to_LDST and its interface.
-// The axi4_S sub-interface is an AXI4 subordinate for single (not burst) transactions.
-// The ldst_M sub-interface is a simple memory Load/Store interface where
-// - the op is LB, LH, LW, LD, SB, SH, SW, SD
-// for loads/stores of bytes (8b), halfwords (16b), words (32b), doublewords (64b),
-// but only up to the ldst_M data bus width
+// The module's argment is an AXI4_M_IFC from some upstream M.
+// It does not accept bursts (use a Deburster in front, if needed).
+// The module's interface has 4 FIFOs for LO/ST requests and responses.
+// Load and store requests
+// - have a width (B/H/W/D) for 1/2/4/8 bytes (but limited to wd_axi_data)
// - addresses are properly aligned (lsbs are 0 for H, 00 for W and 000 for D)
// - data are always in LSBS no matter the address (unlike AXI4's lane-alignment)
-// - The axi4_S data bus width must be >= ldst_M bus width
+// - wd_axi_dat must be >= wd_ldst_data
// - This module 'slices' the axi4_S data (width wd_axi_data)
// into slices of width wd_ldst_data for the load/store data bus.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ package AXI4_to_LDST;
// NAPOT naturally aligned power of two
// wd_... width in bits
// wdB_... width in bytes
-// wd_..._t width as a type (numeric kind)
+// wd_... width as a type (numeric kind)
// wd_..._I width as an Integer value
// wd_..._B width as a Bit #(n) value
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ package AXI4_to_LDST;
// slices_per_axi_data number of wd_ldst_data slices in wd_axi_data
// szwindow NAPOT window of size specified by AWSIZE, containing AWADDR
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
export ldst_b, ldst_h, ldst_w, ldst_d;
export AXI4_to_LDST_IFC (..);
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ import Vector :: *;
import FIFOF :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
@@ -59,83 +59,71 @@ import AXI4_to_LDST_utils :: *;
import AXI4_to_LD :: *;
import AXI4_to_ST :: *;
-// ================================================================
+// ****************************************************************
// The interface for the module
-interface AXI4_to_LDST_IFC #(numeric type wd_id_t,
- numeric type wd_addr_t,
- numeric type wd_axi_data_t,
- numeric type wd_user_t,
- numeric type wd_ldst_data_t);
- interface AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_axi_data_t, wd_user_t)
- axi4_S;
+interface AXI4_to_LDST_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
+ numeric type wd_addr,
+ numeric type wd_axi_data,
+ numeric type wd_user,
+ numeric type wd_ldst_data);
// Stores
- interface FIFOF_O #(Tuple3 #(Bit #(2), // width B/H/W/D
- Bit #(wd_addr_t), // addr
- Bit #(wd_ldst_data_t))) // wdata
+ interface FIFOF_O #(Tuple3 #(Bit #(2), // width B/H/W/D
+ Bit #(wd_addr), // addr
+ Bit #(wd_ldst_data))) // wdata
interface FIFOF_I #(Bool) // True <=> err
// Loads
- interface FIFOF_O #(Tuple2 #(Bit #(2), // width B/H/W/D
- Bit #(wd_addr_t))) // addr
+ interface FIFOF_O #(Tuple2 #(Bit #(2), // width B/H/W/D
+ Bit #(wd_addr))) // addr
interface FIFOF_I #(Tuple2 #(Bool, // True <=> err
- Bit #(wd_ldst_data_t))) // rdata
+ Bit #(wd_ldst_data))) // rdata
// ================================================================
// The module (uses separate modules, below, for Load and Store, respectively
-module mkAXI4_to_LDST (AXI4_to_LDST_IFC #(wd_id_t,
- wd_addr_t,
- wd_axi_data_t,
- wd_user_t,
- wd_ldst_data_t))
+module mkAXI4_to_LDST #(AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_axi_data, wd_user) ifc_M)
+ (AXI4_to_LDST_IFC #(wd_id,
+ wd_addr,
+ wd_axi_data,
+ wd_user,
+ wd_ldst_data))
- provisos (Add #(a__, 8, wd_addr_t),
+ provisos (Add #(a__, 8, wd_addr),
- Mul #(wd_ldst_data_t, slices_per_axi_data_t, wd_axi_data_t),
+ Mul #(wd_ldst_data, slices_per_axi_data, wd_axi_data),
- Mul #(wdB_axi_data_t, 8, wd_axi_data_t),
+ Mul #(wdB_axi_data, 8, wd_axi_data),
// bsc demands this next proviso though it seems redundant
// (maybe not redundant due to integer div?)
- Div #(wd_axi_data_t, 8, wdB_axi_data_t),
+ Div #(wd_axi_data, 8, wdB_axi_data),
- Mul #(wdB_ldst_data_t, 8, wd_ldst_data_t),
+ Mul #(wdB_ldst_data, 8, wd_ldst_data),
// Redundant, but bsc doesn't work it out
- Mul #(wdB_ldst_data_t, slices_per_axi_data_t, wdB_axi_data_t),
+ Mul #(wdB_ldst_data, slices_per_axi_data, wdB_axi_data),
- Add #(b__, TLog #(TAdd #(1, wdB_ldst_data_t)), 8)
+ Add #(b__, TLog #(TAdd #(1, wdB_ldst_data)), 8)
- // Transactor for axi4_S
- AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_axi_data_t, wd_user_t)
- axi4_S_xactor <- mkAXI4_S_Xactor;
// Store converter
- AXI4_to_ST_IFC #(wd_addr_t, wd_ldst_data_t)
- st_ifc <- mkAXI4_to_ST (axi4_S_xactor.o_wr_addr,
- axi4_S_xactor.o_wr_data,
- axi4_S_xactor.i_wr_resp);
+ AXI4_to_ST_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_ldst_data)
+ st_ifc <- mkAXI4_to_ST (ifc_M.o_AW, ifc_M.o_W, ifc_M.i_B);
// Load converter
- AXI4_to_LD_IFC #(wd_addr_t, wd_ldst_data_t)
- ld_ifc <- mkAXI4_to_LD (axi4_S_xactor.o_rd_addr,
- axi4_S_xactor.i_rd_data);
+ AXI4_to_LD_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_ldst_data)
+ ld_ifc <- mkAXI4_to_LD (ifc_M.o_AR, ifc_M.i_R);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
- interface axi4_S = axi4_S_xactor.axi_side;
interface st_reqs = st_ifc.reqs;
interface st_rsps = st_ifc.rsps;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LDST_utils.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LDST_utils.bsv
index 4fb6252..11da26c 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LDST_utils.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_LDST_utils.bsv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021 Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// Author: Rishiyur S. Nikhil
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_ST.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_ST.bsv
index 64072b6..95ce357 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_ST.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI4_to_ST.bsv
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021 Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
-// Author: Rishiyur S. Nikhil
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Rishiyur S. Nikhil and Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package AXI4_to_ST;
@@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ import Vector :: *;
import FIFOF :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
@@ -67,9 +66,9 @@ Integer verbosity = 0;
// Module
module mkAXI4_to_ST
- #(FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_user_t)) o_wr_addr,
- FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_axi_data_t, wd_user_t)) o_wr_data,
- FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id_t, wd_user_t)) i_wr_resp)
+ #(FIFOF_O #(AXI4_AW #(wd_id_t, wd_addr_t, wd_user_t)) o_wr_addr,
+ FIFOF_O #(AXI4_W #(wd_axi_data_t, wd_user_t)) o_wr_data,
+ FIFOF_I #(AXI4_B #(wd_id_t, wd_user_t)) i_wr_resp)
(AXI4_to_ST_IFC #(wd_addr_t, wd_ldst_data_t))
provisos (Add #(a__, 8, wd_addr_t),
@@ -160,10 +159,11 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
Bit #(wd_addr_t) addr_axi_bus_lo = fn_addr_to_NAPOT (awaddr,
fromInteger (wdB_axi_data_I));
// Bytelane of awaddr on AXI data
- Bit #(8) addr_bytelane = fn_addr_to_axi_data_bytelane (awaddr, wdB_axi_data_I);
+ Bit #(8) addr_bytelane = fn_addr_to_axi_data_bytelane (awaddr, wdB_axi_data_I);
// AWSIZE specifies a NAPOT window around awaddr, ...
- Bit #(8) wdB_szwindow_B = fv_AXI4_Size_to_num_bytes (wr_addr_S.awsize);
+ Bit #(8) wdB_szwindow_B = fv_AXI4_Size_to_num_bytes (wr_addr_S.awsize);
// Address of NAPOT AWSIZE window containing awaddr
Bit #(wd_addr_t) addr_szwindow_lo = fn_addr_to_NAPOT (awaddr, wdB_szwindow_B);
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
rule rl_start_xaction (rg_state == STATE_IDLE);
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
Bool illegal_req = False;
if (wdB_szwindow_B > fromInteger (wdB_axi_data_I)) begin
if (verbosity == 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
$display (" ERROR: illegal AXI4 request");
$display (" awsize 0x%0h bytes > axi data bus width 0x%0h bytes",
wdB_szwindow_B, wdB_axi_data_I);
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
if (wr_addr_S.awlen != 0) begin
if (verbosity == 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
$display (" ERROR: illegal AXI4 request");
$display (" awlen 0x%0h; only awlen 0 (1-beat bursts) supported",
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
if (! wr_data_S.wlast) begin
if (verbosity == 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_start_xaction ================", cur_cycle);
$display (" ERROR: illegal AXI4 request");
$display (" wlast != 1; only 1-beat bursts supported");
illegal_req = True;
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
rule rl_next_slice (rg_state == STATE_SLICE);
if (verbosity > 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_next_slice", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_next_slice", cur_cycle);
Vector #(slices_per_axi_data_t,
Bit #(wd_ldst_data_t)) v_slice = rg_v_slice;
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
rule rl_partial (rg_state == STATE_PARTIAL);
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_partial", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_partial", cur_cycle);
$display (" rg_slice %0h rg_bytelane_hi..lo [%0h..%0h] rg_bytelane_slice_lo %0h",
rg_slice, rg_bytelane_hi, rg_bytelane_lo, rg_bytelane_slice_lo);
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
rule rl_finish_req (rg_state == STATE_FINISH_REQ);
if (verbosity > 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_finish_req", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_finish_req", cur_cycle);
f_st_rsp_info.enq (1); // 'done' sentinel
f_axi_rsp_info.enq (tuple3 (False, wr_addr_S.awid, wr_addr_S.awuser));
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
rg_cumulative_err <= (rg_cumulative_err || err);
if (verbosity > 0)
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_handle_st_rsps: err = %0d", cur_cycle, err);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_handle_st_rsps: err = %0d", cur_cycle, err);
// ----------------
@@ -472,15 +472,15 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
match { .illegal_req, .bid, .buser } = f_axi_rsp_info.first;
- let wr_resp_S = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: bid,
- bresp: ((illegal_req || rg_cumulative_err)
- ? axi4_resp_slverr
- : axi4_resp_okay),
- buser: buser};
+ let wr_resp_S = AXI4_B {bid: bid,
+ bresp: ((illegal_req || rg_cumulative_err)
+ ? axi4_resp_slverr
+ : axi4_resp_okay),
+ buser: buser};
i_wr_resp.enq (wr_resp_S);
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_send_axi_response", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_send_axi_response", cur_cycle);
$display (" ", fshow (wr_resp_S));
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ module mkAXI4_to_ST
rule rl_illegal_req (rg_state == STATE_ILLEGAL_REQ);
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $write ("%0d: %m.AXI4_to_ST:rl_illegal_req: rg_discard_count = %0h",
+ $write ("%0d: AXI4_to_ST:rl_illegal_req: rg_discard_count = %0h",
cur_cycle, rg_discard_count);
if (rg_discard_count == 0) $write (" (last)");
$display ("");
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/Makefile b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/Makefile
index 8f7df88..06be1fe 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/Makefile
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/Makefile
@@ -8,28 +8,25 @@ LIBNAME=AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4
# and defines the install target
include ../../common.mk
-# Requires files in Misc
+# Requires files in Misc and Utils
BSCFLAGS += -p $(BUILDDIR)/../../Misc:+
+BSCFLAGS += -p $(BUILDDIR)/../Utils:+
.PHONY: build
+ $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Types.bsv
+ $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_BSV_RTL.bsv
+ $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Mem_Model.bsv
+ $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_to_LD.bsv
+ $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_to_LDST.bsv
+ $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_to_LDST_utils.bsv
+ $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_to_ST.bsv
$(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Addr_Translator.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_ClockCrossing.bsv
$(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Clock_Crossers.bsv
$(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Deburster.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Extra_Xactors.bsv
$(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Fabric.bsv
$(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Gate.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Mem_Model.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Types.bsv
$(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Widener.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_Xactors.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_to_LD.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_to_LDST.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_to_LDST_utils.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_to_ST.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI_SyncBuffer.bsv
- $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXI4_DDR_Model.bsv
.PHONY: clean full_clean
clean full_clean:
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/README_AXI4.adoc b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/README_AXI4.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aee1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/README_AXI4.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+= About `bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4`
+:revnumber: v1.00
+:revdate: 2024-12-09
+:imagesdir: Doc/Figs
+:toclevels: 3
+:toc-title: Contents
+:keywords: Bluespec, B-Lang, BSV, BH, AMBA, ARM AXI, AXI4, AXI4-Lite, AXI4-Stream
+// ================================================================
+Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved +
+Copyright (C) 2024 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+// ================================================================
+Pleae see README in parent directory
+for general introduction and about compiling/building/testing.
+This directory describes AXI4 facilities, including type definitions,
+cross-bar switches, connectors, clock-crossers, and edge-transactors
+to connect the B-Lang world to existing RTL (e.g., external AMBA IP).
+These source codes may import other `bsv-contrib` libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your _bsc_ compiler paths:
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/Misc/
+// ================================================================
+== General
+Many of these modules take an upstream `AXI4_M_IFC` and/or a
+downstream `AXI4_S_IFC` as a module parameter. Thus, the actual FIFO
+buffers producing these interfaces are external, allowing a choice of
+buffering alternatives.
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4_Types.bsv`
+This is a key file used by all the others. Defines:
+* Basic bus and field payload types and structs for AW, W, B, AR, R,
+ some help-functions and display-formatting functions
+* M and S interface types, their connections, and dummy tie-offs
+* AXI4 Buffers with different kinds of internal FIFOs
+Everything is parameterized on wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user (bit
+widths of corresponding buses).
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4_Fabric.bsv`
+NOTE: Needs _bsc_ `-aggressive-conditions` flag (else may deadlock).
+Defines a module for a crossbar switch from a vector of Ms to a vector of Ss.
+Parameterized on number of Ms and Ss (`num_M` and `num_S`) and AXI4
+bus bitwidths (`wd_id`, `wd_addr`, `wd_data`, `wd_user`).
+Also paramterized by function `fn_addr_to_S_num()` which decides which
+S (if any) services which address (used to route transactions from an
+M to the appropriate S).
+The vector-of-Ms and vector-of-Ss are module parameters, so all
+buffering decisions are external to this module.
+Arbitration is statically decided, based on the index of an M or S in
+the input vectors:
+* For simultaneously arriving requests from two Ms for a common S, the
+ lower-indexed M wins.
+* For simultaneously arriving responses from two Ss for a common M,
+ the lower-indexed S wins.
+Limitation: Corresponding field-widths are kept identical across AW,
+W, B, AR and R. Technically, the `awwidth` and `arwidth` could
+differ; `awid`, `bid`, `arid`, `rid` could differ; all the `user`
+fields could differ, etc., but we have chosen not to make separate
+parameters for all these. Please make your own modified variant of
+this code if you need such capability.
+ testing/bsc.contrib/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/Test_AXI4_Fabric.bsv
+for an example of instantiating an `AXI4_Fabric` and connecting it to Ms and Ss.
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4_Mem_Model.bsv`
+Module that takes an M interface parameter and attaches a memory model
+to it. Parameterized by module-id, base address and address limit,
+and all the AXI4 bus widths. Optionally zeroes out memory after
+reset. In simulation, can load a memhex file to initialize memory.
+Implements the memory using a B-Lang `RegFile`, so this is technically
+synthesizable to hardware, although `RegFile` is not a good choice for
+anything other than small memories.
+// ================================================================
+== Misc.
+=== `AXI4_Addr_Translator.bsv`
+Functions to transform an M interface into another M, and an S into
+another S, simply adding/subtracting a given address-delta to incoming
+=== `AXI4_Deburster.bsv`
+Module that attaches to S interface parameter (downstream) and itself
+offers another S interface (upstream). A burst transaction from the
+upstream side is converted into individual (non-burst) transactions on
+the downstream side.
+=== `AXI4_Widener.bsv`
+Module which connects an M and an S interface paramter. The data
+width on S is some power-of-2 multiple of the data width on M.
+=== `AXI4_Gate.bsv`
+Module which connects an M and an S interface parameter. A method in
+the module interface controls whether traffic flows between M and S or
+is blocked. Can be used to for authenticated access.
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4_to_LDST.bsv`
+Module which takes an M interface (upstream), and whose interface is a
+pair of FIFOs representing an simple "store" request/response
+interface and a pair of FIFOs representing an ordinary "load"
+request/response interface. Data on the simple interfaces are
+LSB-aligned (not lane-aligned like in AXI).
+Internal help-packages:
+* `AXI4_to_LD.bsv`
+* `AXI4_to_ST.bsv`
+* `AXI4_to_LDST_utils.bsv`
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4_Clock_Crossers.bsv`
+Facilities for taking an AXI4 bus across a clock- and/or reset-domain
+boundary. Effectively an AXI4 buffer where the upstream and
+downstream sides have different clocks and resets.
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4_BSV_RTL.bsv`
+Defines RTL-level interfaces `AXI4_RTL_M_IFC` and `AXI4_RTL_M_IFC`
+(AMBA AXI bus names, ready-valid signals), `mkConnection` to connect
+them in a one-liner, dummy M and S interfaces (tie-offs), and buffers
+to connect B-Lang-style interfaces to RTL-style interfaces (B-Lang M
+to RTL S, and RTL B-Lang to B-Lang S).
+// ================================================================
+== Unit tests
+There are some unit tests in:
+ bsc-contrib/testing/bsc.contrib/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/Test_*.bsv
+The conventions for unit tests are described in more detail in the
+README in the parent directory
+// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/README_AXI4.html b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/README_AXI4.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f332a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/README_AXI4.html
@@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
+About bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4
Copyright © 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+Copyright © 2024 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Pleae see README in parent directory
+(adoc ,html )
+for general introduction and about compiling/building/testing.
This directory describes AXI4 facilities, including type definitions,
+cross-bar switches, connectors, clock-crossers, and edge-transactors
+to connect the B-Lang world to existing RTL (e.g., external AMBA IP).
These source codes may import other bsv-contrib
libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your bsc compiler paths:
1. General
Many of these modules take an upstream AXI4_M_IFC
and/or a
+downstream AXI4_S_IFC
as a module parameter. Thus, the actual FIFO
+buffers producing these interfaces are external, allowing a choice of
+buffering alternatives.
2. AXI4_Types.bsv
This is a key file used by all the others. Defines:
+Basic bus and field payload types and structs for AW, W, B, AR, R,
+some help-functions and display-formatting functions
+M and S interface types, their connections, and dummy tie-offs
+AXI4 Buffers with different kinds of internal FIFOs
Everything is parameterized on wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user (bit
+widths of corresponding buses).
3. AXI4_Fabric.bsv
+Needs bsc -aggressive-conditions
flag (else may deadlock).
Defines a module for a crossbar switch from a vector of Ms to a vector of Ss.
Parameterized on number of Ms and Ss (num_M
and num_S
) and AXI4
+bus bitwidths (wd_id
, wd_addr
, wd_data
, wd_user
Also paramterized by function fn_addr_to_S_num()
which decides which
+S (if any) services which address (used to route transactions from an
+M to the appropriate S).
The vector-of-Ms and vector-of-Ss are module parameters, so all
+buffering decisions are external to this module.
Arbitration is statically decided, based on the index of an M or S in
+the input vectors:
+For simultaneously arriving requests from two Ms for a common S, the
+lower-indexed M wins.
+For simultaneously arriving responses from two Ss for a common M,
+the lower-indexed S wins.
Limitation: Corresponding field-widths are kept identical across AW,
+W, B, AR and R. Technically, the awwidth
and arwidth
+differ; awid
, bid
, arid
, rid
could differ; all the user
+fields could differ, etc., but we have chosen not to make separate
+parameters for all these. Please make your own modified variant of
+this code if you need such capability.
for an example of instantiating an AXI4_Fabric
and connecting it to Ms and Ss.
4. AXI4_Mem_Model.bsv
Module that takes an M interface parameter and attaches a memory model
+to it. Parameterized by module-id, base address and address limit,
+and all the AXI4 bus widths. Optionally zeroes out memory after
+reset. In simulation, can load a memhex file to initialize memory.
Implements the memory using a B-Lang RegFile
, so this is technically
+synthesizable to hardware, although RegFile
is not a good choice for
+anything other than small memories.
5. Misc.
5.1. AXI4_Addr_Translator.bsv
Functions to transform an M interface into another M, and an S into
+another S, simply adding/subtracting a given address-delta to incoming
5.2. AXI4_Deburster.bsv
Module that attaches to S interface parameter (downstream) and itself
+offers another S interface (upstream). A burst transaction from the
+upstream side is converted into individual (non-burst) transactions on
+the downstream side.
5.3. AXI4_Widener.bsv
Module which connects an M and an S interface paramter. The data
+width on S is some power-of-2 multiple of the data width on M.
5.4. AXI4_Gate.bsv
Module which connects an M and an S interface parameter. A method in
+the module interface controls whether traffic flows between M and S or
+is blocked. Can be used to for authenticated access.
6. AXI4_to_LDST.bsv
Module which takes an M interface (upstream), and whose interface is a
+pair of FIFOs representing an simple "store" request/response
+interface and a pair of FIFOs representing an ordinary "load"
+request/response interface. Data on the simple interfaces are
+LSB-aligned (not lane-aligned like in AXI).
Internal help-packages:
7. AXI4_Clock_Crossers.bsv
Facilities for taking an AXI4 bus across a clock- and/or reset-domain
+boundary. Effectively an AXI4 buffer where the upstream and
+downstream sides have different clocks and resets.
8. AXI4_BSV_RTL.bsv
Defines RTL-level interfaces AXI4_RTL_M_IFC
+(AMBA AXI bus names, ready-valid signals), mkConnection
to connect
+them in a one-liner, dummy M and S interfaces (tie-offs), and buffers
+to connect B-Lang-style interfaces to RTL-style interfaces (B-Lang M
+to RTL S, and RTL B-Lang to B-Lang S).
9. Unit tests
There are some unit tests in:
The conventions for unit tests are described in more detail in the
+README in the parent directory
+(adoc ,html ).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Clock_Crossers.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Clock_Crossers.bsv
index 4992ec0..895d672 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Clock_Crossers.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Clock_Crossers.bsv
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Clocks :: *;
import Connectable :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import GetPut_Aux :: *;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
// ================================================================
// Project imports
-import AXI_SyncBuffer :: *;
+import AXIx_SyncBuffer :: *;
import AXI4L_Types :: *;
import AXI4L_Xactors :: *;
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ module mkAXI4L_S_Clock_Crosser
axi4L_M_xactor <- mkAXI4L_M_Xactor (clocked_by clk1, reset_by rst1);
// Syncbuffer between transactors
- AXI_SyncBuffer_IFC #(AXI4L_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user),
- AXI4L_Wr_Data #(wd_data),
- AXI4L_Wr_Resp #(wd_user),
- AXI4L_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user),
- AXI4L_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user))
- axi4L_syncbuf <- mkAXI_SyncBuffer (depth, clk2, rst2, clk1, rst1);
+ AXIx_SyncBuffer_IFC #(AXI4L_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user),
+ AXI4L_Wr_Data #(wd_data),
+ AXI4L_Wr_Resp #(wd_user),
+ AXI4L_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user),
+ AXI4L_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user))
+ axi4L_syncbuf <- mkAXIx_SyncBuffer (depth, clk2, rst2, clk1, rst1);
// Transactor with ifc2
AXI4L_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
@@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ module mkAXI4L_M_Clock_Crosser
axi4L_S_xactor <- mkAXI4L_S_Xactor (clocked_by clk1, reset_by rst1);
// Syncbuffer between transactors
- AXI_SyncBuffer_IFC #(AXI4L_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user),
- AXI4L_Wr_Data #(wd_data),
- AXI4L_Wr_Resp #(wd_user),
- AXI4L_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user),
- AXI4L_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user))
- axi4L_syncbuf <- mkAXI_SyncBuffer (depth, clk1, rst1, clk2, rst2);
+ AXIx_SyncBuffer_IFC #(AXI4L_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user),
+ AXI4L_Wr_Data #(wd_data),
+ AXI4L_Wr_Resp #(wd_user),
+ AXI4L_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user),
+ AXI4L_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user))
+ axi4L_syncbuf <- mkAXIx_SyncBuffer (depth, clk1, rst1, clk2, rst2);
// Transactor with ifc2
AXI4L_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Fabric.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Fabric.bsv
index b7a7cf0..a1c2122 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Fabric.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Fabric.bsv
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import SpecialFIFOs :: *;
import ConfigReg :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Gate.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Gate.bsv
index a9e1bcc..1852d6b 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Gate.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Gate.bsv
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Vector :: *;
import FIFOF :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import GetPut_Aux :: *;
@@ -111,8 +111,7 @@ module mkAXI4L_Gate
$display ("WARNING: rl_wr_addr_disabled: rec'd wr request from M when gate disabled.");
$display (" ", fshow (wra));
- $display (" Returning error response.");
- $display (" %0d: %m", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" %0d: Returning error response.", cur_cycle);
rule rl_wr_data_disabled (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
@@ -123,8 +122,7 @@ module mkAXI4L_Gate
rule rl_wr_resp_disabled_drain_S (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
let wrr <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_wr_resp);
$display ("WARNING: rl_wr_resp_disabled: rec'd wr resp from S when gate disabled; ignoring");
- $display (" (there couldn't have been a request)");
- $display (" %0d: %m", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" %0d: (there couldn't have been a request)", cur_cycle);
rule rl_rd_addr_disabled (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
@@ -136,15 +134,13 @@ module mkAXI4L_Gate
$display ("WARNING: rl_rd_addr_disabled: rec'd rd request from M when gate disabled.");
$display (" ", fshow (rda));
- $display (" Returning error response.");
- $display (" %0d: %m", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" %0d: Returning error response.", cur_cycle);
rule rl_rd_data_disabled_drain_S (respond_with_err && (! rg_enabled));
let rdd <- pop_o (xactor_to_S.o_rd_data);
$display ("WARNING: rl_rd_data_disabled: rec'd rd resp from S when gate disabled; ignoring");
- $display (" (there couldn't have been a request)");
- $display (" %0d: %m", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" %0d: (there couldn't have been a request)", cur_cycle);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -155,9 +151,9 @@ module mkAXI4L_Gate
method Action m_enable (Bool enabled);
if (enabled && (! rg_enabled) && (verbosity != 0))
- $display ("%0d: %m: AXI4L ENABLING", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4L ENABLING", cur_cycle);
else if ((! enabled) && rg_enabled && (verbosity != 0))
- $display ("%0d: %m: AXI4L DISABLING", cur_cycle);
+ $display ("%0d: AXI4L DISABLING", cur_cycle);
rg_enabled <= enabled;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Types.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Types.bsv
index a1a2213..e90ccc0 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Types.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Types.bsv
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ import Connectable :: *;
import BUtils :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
import EdgeFIFOFs :: *;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Xactors.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Xactors.bsv
index 0cc0b32..7b885b4 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Xactors.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/AXI4L_Xactors.bsv
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ package AXI4L_Xactors;
// None
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/Makefile b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/Makefile
index c81dd29..fda37ce 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/Makefile
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/Makefile
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ LIBNAME=AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite
# and defines the install target
include ../../common.mk
-# Requires files in Misc and AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4
-BSCFLAGS += -p $(BUILDDIR)/../../Misc:$(BUILDDIR)/../../AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4:+
+# Requires files in Misc and Utils
+BSCFLAGS += -p $(BUILDDIR)/../../Misc:+
+BSCFLAGS += -p $(BUILDDIR)/../Utils:+
.PHONY: build
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/README_AXI4L.adoc b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/README_AXI4L.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8ef8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/README_AXI4L.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+= About `bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite`
+:revnumber: v1.00
+:revdate: 2024-12-07
+:imagesdir: ../Doc/Figs
+:toclevels: 3
+:toc-title: Contents
+:keywords: Bluespec, B-Lang, BSV, BH, AMBA, ARM AXI, AXI4, AXI4-Lite, AXI4-Stream
+// ================================================================
+Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved +
+Copyright (C) 2024-2025 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+// ================================================================
+Pleae see README in parent directory
+for general introduction and about compiling/building/testing.
+This directory describes AXI4-Lite facilities, including type definitions,
+cross-bar switches, connectors, clock-crossers, and edge-transactors
+to connect the B-Lang world to existing RTL (e.g., external AMBA IP).
+These source codes may import other `bsv-contrib` libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your _bsc_ compiler paths:
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/Misc/
+// ================================================================
+image::IMG_Under_Construction.png[align="left", width=100]
+The packages in this directory can be used as-is, but are expected to
+be restructured to be more like their AXI4 siblings (more consistent
+naming, clean separation of B-Lang-style and RTL-style, etc.)
+This documentation will be updated after that restructuring.
+// ================================================================
+== General
+Many of these modules take an upstream `AXI4L_M_IFC` and/or a
+downstream `AXI4L_S_IFC` as a module parameter. Thus, the actual FIFO
+buffers producing these interfaces are external, allowing a choice of
+buffering alternatives.
+All these have a 'user' field which is not standard in AXI4-Lite (same
+role as 'user' in AXI4), which can be left unused, and/or set to width
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4_Lite_Types.bsv`
+Definitions for AXI4_Lite bus types, M and S interfaces, connections
+between Ms and Ss, dummy M and S tie-offs, and transactors to provide
+higher-level FIFO-like interfaces to drive Ms and Ss.
+Everything is parameterizd on width of address, data and user buses.
+Note: some aspects of these definitions may seem a bit verbose and
+messy; that is not typical of BSV code, but is true here because it is
+meant to interface to hand-written Verilog, so we need to provide
+precise control on interface signal names and protocols that are
+required by the Verilog side. Pure BSV code can be an order of
+magnitude more compact.
+Everything is parameterized on wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user.
+== `AXI4_Lite_Fabric.bsv`
+NOTE: Needs _bsc_ `-aggressive-conditions` flag (else will deadlock).
+Definition for interface and module for an num_M x num_S crossbar
+switch with AXI4-Lite interfaces.
+This is also an example of how, within BSV code, we don't worry about
+the details of AXI4-Lite signalling. We just instantiate the
+transactors defined in AXI4_Lite_Types.bsv, and then work only with
+simple, FIFO-like interfaces.
+Everything is parameterized on num_M, num_S, wd_addr, wd_data,
+// ================================================================
+== Clock-crossers, other transactors
+(... To be written ...)
+// ================================================================
+== Unit tests
+There are some unit tests in:
+ bsc-contrib/testing/bsc.contrib/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/Test_*.bsv
+The conventions for unit tests are described in more detail in the
+README in the parent directory
+// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/README_AXI4L.html b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/README_AXI4L.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37e9765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite/README_AXI4L.html
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+About bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Lite
Copyright © 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+Copyright © 2024-2025 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Pleae see README in parent directory
+(adoc ,html )
+for general introduction and about compiling/building/testing.
This directory describes AXI4-Lite facilities, including type definitions,
+cross-bar switches, connectors, clock-crossers, and edge-transactors
+to connect the B-Lang world to existing RTL (e.g., external AMBA IP).
These source codes may import other bsv-contrib
libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your bsc compiler paths:
The packages in this directory can be used as-is, but are expected to
+be restructured to be more like their AXI4 siblings (more consistent
+naming, clean separation of B-Lang-style and RTL-style, etc.)
This documentation will be updated after that restructuring.
1. General
Many of these modules take an upstream AXI4L_M_IFC
and/or a
+downstream AXI4L_S_IFC
as a module parameter. Thus, the actual FIFO
+buffers producing these interfaces are external, allowing a choice of
+buffering alternatives.
All these have a 'user' field which is not standard in AXI4-Lite (same
+role as 'user' in AXI4), which can be left unused, and/or set to width
2. AXI4_Lite_Types.bsv
Definitions for AXI4_Lite bus types, M and S interfaces, connections
+between Ms and Ss, dummy M and S tie-offs, and transactors to provide
+higher-level FIFO-like interfaces to drive Ms and Ss.
Everything is parameterizd on width of address, data and user buses.
Note: some aspects of these definitions may seem a bit verbose and
+messy; that is not typical of BSV code, but is true here because it is
+meant to interface to hand-written Verilog, so we need to provide
+precise control on interface signal names and protocols that are
+required by the Verilog side. Pure BSV code can be an order of
+magnitude more compact.
Everything is parameterized on wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user.
3. AXI4_Lite_Fabric.bsv
+Needs bsc -aggressive-conditions
flag (else will deadlock).
Definition for interface and module for an num_M x num_S crossbar
+switch with AXI4-Lite interfaces.
This is also an example of how, within BSV code, we don’t worry about
+the details of AXI4-Lite signalling. We just instantiate the
+transactors defined in AXI4_Lite_Types.bsv, and then work only with
+simple, FIFO-like interfaces.
Everything is parameterized on num_M, num_S, wd_addr, wd_data,
4. Clock-crossers, other transactors
5. Unit tests
There are some unit tests in:
The conventions for unit tests are described in more detail in the
+README in the parent directory
+(adoc ,html ).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/AXI4_Stream.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/AXI4_Stream.bsv
index 3087585..933b090 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/AXI4_Stream.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/AXI4_Stream.bsv
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import FIFOF :: *;
import Connectable :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
import EdgeFIFOFs :: *;
@@ -303,477 +303,6 @@ module mkAXI4_Stream_S_Xactor (AXI4_Stream_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_dat
interface o_stream = to_FIFOF_O (f_data);
endmodule: mkAXI4_Stream_S_Xactor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// M transactor
-// This version uses crgs and regs instead of FIFOFs.
-// This uses 1/2 the resources, but introduces scheduling dependencies.
-module mkAXI4_M_Xactor_2 (AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_data, wd_user));
- // Each crg_full, rg_data pair below represents a 1-element fifo.
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_addr_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_user)) rg_wr_addr <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_data_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) rg_wr_data <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_resp_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) rg_wr_resp <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_rd_addr_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_user)) rg_rd_addr <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_rd_data_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) rg_rd_data <- mkRegU;
- // The following CReg port indexes specify the relative scheduling of:
- // {first,deq,notEmpty} {enq,notFull} clear
- // TODO: 'deq/enq/clear = 1/2/0' is unusual, but eliminates a
- // scheduling cycle in Piccolo's DCache. Normally should be 0/1/2.
- Integer port_deq = 1;
- Integer port_enq = 2;
- Integer port_clear = 0;
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- method Action reset;
- crg_wr_addr_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_wr_data_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_wr_resp_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_rd_addr_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_rd_data_full [port_clear] <= False;
- endmethod
- // AXI side
- interface axi_side = interface AXI4_M_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Bool m_awvalid = crg_wr_addr_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_awid = rg_wr_addr.awid;
- method Bit #(wd_dest) m_awaddr = rg_wr_addr.awaddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_awlen = rg_wr_addr.awlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_awsize = rg_wr_addr.awsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_awburst = rg_wr_addr.awburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_awlock = rg_wr_addr.awlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_awcache = rg_wr_addr.awcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_awprot = rg_wr_addr.awprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_awqos = rg_wr_addr.awqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_awregion = rg_wr_addr.awregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = rg_wr_addr.awuser;
- method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
- if (crg_wr_addr_full [port_deq] && awready)
- crg_wr_addr_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Bool m_wvalid = crg_wr_data_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_wid = rg_wr_data.wid;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = rg_wr_data.wdata;
- method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = rg_wr_data.wstrb;
- method Bool m_wlast = rg_wr_data.wlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_wuser = rg_wr_data.wuser;
- method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
- if (crg_wr_data_full [port_deq] && wready)
- crg_wr_data_full [port_deq] <= False;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) bid,
- Bit #(2) bresp,
- Bit #(wd_user) buser);
- if (bvalid && (! (crg_wr_resp_full [port_enq]))) begin
- crg_wr_resp_full [port_enq] <= True;
- rg_wr_resp <= AXI4_Wr_Resp {bid: bid,
- bresp: bresp,
- buser: buser};
- end
- endmethod
- method Bool m_bready;
- return (! (crg_wr_resp_full [port_enq]));
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Bool m_arvalid = crg_rd_addr_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_arid = rg_rd_addr.arid;
- method Bit #(wd_dest) m_araddr = rg_rd_addr.araddr;
- method Bit #(8) m_arlen = rg_rd_addr.arlen;
- method AXI4_Size m_arsize = rg_rd_addr.arsize;
- method Bit #(2) m_arburst = rg_rd_addr.arburst;
- method Bit #(1) m_arlock = rg_rd_addr.arlock;
- method Bit #(4) m_arcache = rg_rd_addr.arcache;
- method Bit #(3) m_arprot = rg_rd_addr.arprot;
- method Bit #(4) m_arqos = rg_rd_addr.arqos;
- method Bit #(4) m_arregion = rg_rd_addr.arregion;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = rg_rd_addr.aruser;
- method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
- if (crg_rd_addr_full [port_deq] && arready)
- crg_rd_addr_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) rid,
- Bit #(wd_data) rdata,
- Bit #(2) rresp,
- Bool rlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) ruser);
- if (rvalid && (! (crg_rd_data_full [port_enq])))
- crg_rd_data_full [port_enq] <= True;
- rg_rd_data <= (AXI4_Rd_Data {rid: rid,
- rdata: rdata,
- rresp: rresp,
- rlast: rlast,
- ruser: ruser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_rready;
- return (! (crg_rd_data_full [port_enq]));
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- // FIFOF side
- interface i_wr_addr = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_wr_addr_full [port_enq], rg_wr_addr);
- interface i_wr_data = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_wr_data_full [port_enq], rg_wr_data);
- interface o_wr_resp = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_wr_resp_full [port_deq], rg_wr_resp);
- interface i_rd_addr = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_rd_addr_full [port_enq], rg_rd_addr);
- interface o_rd_data = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_rd_data_full [port_deq], rg_rd_data);
-endmodule: mkAXI4_M_Xactor_2
-// ================================================================
-// S transactor interface
-interface AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(numeric type wd_id,
- numeric type wd_dest,
- numeric type wd_data,
- numeric type wd_user);
- method Action reset;
- // AXI side
- interface AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side;
- // FIFOF side
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_user)) o_wr_addr;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) o_wr_data;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) i_wr_resp;
- interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_user)) o_rd_addr;
- interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) i_rd_data;
-endinterface: AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// S transactor
-// This version uses FIFOFs for total decoupling.
-module mkAXI4_S_Xactor (AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_data, wd_user));
- Bool unguarded = True;
- Bool guarded = False;
- // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_wr_data <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded);
- FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- method Action reset;
- f_wr_addr.clear;
- f_wr_data.clear;
- f_wr_resp.clear;
- f_rd_addr.clear;
- f_rd_data.clear;
- endmethod
- // AXI side
- interface axi_side = interface AXI4_S_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) awid,
- Bit #(wd_dest) awaddr,
- Bit #(8) awlen,
- AXI4_Size awsize,
- Bit #(2) awburst,
- Bit #(1) awlock,
- Bit #(4) awcache,
- Bit #(3) awprot,
- Bit #(4) awqos,
- Bit #(4) awregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
- if (awvalid && f_wr_addr.notFull)
- f_wr_addr.enq (AXI4_Wr_Addr {awid: awid,
- awaddr: awaddr,
- awlen: awlen,
- awsize: awsize,
- awburst: awburst,
- awlock: awlock,
- awcache: awcache,
- awprot: awprot,
- awqos: awqos,
- awregion: awregion,
- awuser: awuser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_awready;
- return f_wr_addr.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) wid,
- Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
- it #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
- Bool wlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
- if (wvalid && f_wr_data.notFull)
- f_wr_data.enq (AXI4_Wr_Data {wid: wid,
- wdata: wdata,
- wstrb: wstrb,
- wlast: wlast,
- wuser: wuser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_wready;
- return f_wr_data.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Bool m_bvalid = f_wr_resp.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid = f_wr_resp.first.bid;
- method Bit #(2) m_bresp = f_wr_resp.first.bresp;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = f_wr_resp.first.buser;
- method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
- if (bready && f_wr_resp.notEmpty)
- f_wr_resp.deq;
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) arid,
- Bit #(wd_dest) araddr,
- Bit #(8) arlen,
- AXI4_Size arsize,
- Bit #(2) arburst,
- Bit #(1) arlock,
- Bit #(4) arcache,
- Bit #(3) arprot,
- Bit #(4) arqos,
- Bit #(4) arregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
- if (arvalid && f_rd_addr.notFull)
- f_rd_addr.enq (AXI4_Rd_Addr {arid: arid,
- araddr: araddr,
- arlen: arlen,
- arsize: arsize,
- arburst: arburst,
- arlock: arlock,
- arcache: arcache,
- arprot: arprot,
- arqos: arqos,
- arregion: arregion,
- aruser: aruser});
- endmethod
- method Bool m_arready;
- return f_rd_addr.notFull;
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Bool m_rvalid = f_rd_data.notEmpty;
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid = f_rd_data.first.rid;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = f_rd_data.first.rdata;
- method Bit #(2) m_rresp = f_rd_data.first.rresp;
- method Bool m_rlast = f_rd_data.first.rlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = f_rd_data.first.ruser;
- method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
- if (rready && f_rd_data.notEmpty)
- f_rd_data.deq;
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- // FIFOF side
- interface o_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_addr);
- interface o_wr_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_data);
- interface i_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_resp);
- interface o_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_addr);
- interface i_rd_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_data);
-endmodule: mkAXI4_S_Xactor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// S transactor
-// This version uses crgs and regs instead of FIFOFs.
-// This uses 1/2 the resources, but introduces scheduling dependencies.
-module mkAXI4_S_Xactor_2 (AXI4_S_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_data, wd_user));
- // Each crg_full, rg_data pair below represents a 1-element fifo.
- // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_addr_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_user)) rg_wr_addr <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_data_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) rg_wr_data <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_wr_resp_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_id, wd_user)) rg_wr_resp <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_rd_addr_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id, wd_dest, wd_user)) rg_rd_addr <- mkRegU;
- Array #(Reg #(Bool)) crg_rd_data_full <- mkCReg (3, False);
- Reg #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_id, wd_data, wd_user)) rg_rd_data <- mkRegU;
- // The following CReg port indexes specify the relative scheduling of:
- // {first,deq,notEmpty} {enq,notFull} clear
- Integer port_deq = 0;
- Integer port_enq = 1;
- Integer port_clear = 2;
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- method Action reset;
- crg_wr_addr_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_wr_data_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_wr_resp_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_rd_addr_full [port_clear] <= False;
- crg_rd_data_full [port_clear] <= False;
- endmethod
- // AXI side
- interface axi_side = interface AXI4_S_IFC;
- // Wr Addr channel
- method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) awid,
- Bit #(wd_dest) awaddr,
- Bit #(8) awlen,
- AXI4_Size awsize,
- Bit #(2) awburst,
- Bit #(1) awlock,
- Bit #(4) awcache,
- Bit #(3) awprot,
- Bit #(4) awqos,
- Bit #(4) awregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) awuser);
- if (awvalid && (! crg_wr_addr_full [port_enq])) begin
- crg_wr_addr_full [port_enq] <= True; // enq
- rg_wr_addr <= AXI4_Wr_Addr {awid: awid,
- awaddr: awaddr,
- awlen: awlen,
- awsize: awsize,
- awburst: awburst,
- awlock: awlock,
- awcache: awcache,
- awprot: awprot,
- awqos: awqos,
- awregion: awregion,
- awuser: awuser};
- end
- endmethod
- method Bool m_awready;
- return (! crg_wr_addr_full [port_enq]);
- endmethod
- // Wr Data channel
- method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) wid,
- Bit #(wd_data) wdata,
- Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb,
- Bool wlast,
- Bit #(wd_user) wuser);
- if (wvalid && (! crg_wr_data_full [port_enq])) begin
- crg_wr_data_full [port_enq] <= True; // enq
- rg_wr_data <= AXI4_Wr_Data {wid: wid,
- wdata: wdata,
- wstrb: wstrb,
- wlast: wlast,
- wuser: wuser};
- end
- endmethod
- method Bool m_wready;
- return (! crg_wr_data_full [port_enq]);
- endmethod
- // Wr Response channel
- method Bool m_bvalid = crg_wr_resp_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_bid = rg_wr_resp.bid;
- method Bit #(2) m_bresp = rg_wr_resp.bresp;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = rg_wr_resp.buser;
- method Action m_bready (Bool bready);
- if (bready && crg_wr_resp_full [port_deq])
- crg_wr_resp_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
- endmethod
- // Rd Addr channel
- method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid,
- Bit #(wd_id) arid,
- Bit #(wd_dest) araddr,
- Bit #(8) arlen,
- AXI4_Size arsize,
- Bit #(2) arburst,
- Bit #(1) arlock,
- Bit #(4) arcache,
- Bit #(3) arprot,
- Bit #(4) arqos,
- Bit #(4) arregion,
- Bit #(wd_user) aruser);
- if (arvalid && (! crg_rd_addr_full [port_enq])) begin
- crg_rd_addr_full [port_enq] <= True; // enq
- rg_rd_addr <= AXI4_Rd_Addr {arid: arid,
- araddr: araddr,
- arlen: arlen,
- arsize: arsize,
- arburst: arburst,
- arlock: arlock,
- arcache: arcache,
- arprot: arprot,
- arqos: arqos,
- arregion: arregion,
- aruser: aruser};
- end
- endmethod
- method Bool m_arready;
- return (! crg_rd_addr_full [port_enq]);
- endmethod
- // Rd Data channel
- method Bool m_rvalid = crg_rd_data_full [port_deq];
- method Bit #(wd_id) m_rid = rg_rd_data.rid;
- method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = rg_rd_data.rdata;
- method Bit #(2) m_rresp = rg_rd_data.rresp;
- method Bool m_rlast = rg_rd_data.rlast;
- method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = rg_rd_data.ruser;
- method Action m_rready (Bool rready);
- if (rready && crg_rd_data_full [port_deq])
- crg_rd_data_full [port_deq] <= False; // deq
- endmethod
- endinterface;
- // FIFOF side
- interface o_wr_addr = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_wr_addr_full [port_deq], rg_wr_addr);
- interface o_wr_data = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_wr_data_full [port_deq], rg_wr_data);
- interface i_wr_resp = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_wr_resp_full [port_enq], rg_wr_resp);
- interface o_rd_addr = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_O (crg_rd_addr_full [port_deq], rg_rd_addr);
- interface i_rd_data = fn_crg_and_rg_to_FIFOF_I (crg_rd_data_full [port_enq], rg_rd_data);
-endmodule: mkAXI4_S_Xactor_2
// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/README_AXI4S.adoc b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/README_AXI4S.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8e61bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/README_AXI4S.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+= About `bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream`
+:revnumber: v1.00
+:revdate: 2024-12-07
+:imagesdir: ../Doc/Figs
+:toclevels: 3
+:toc-title: Contents
+:keywords: Bluespec, B-Lang, BSV, BH, AMBA, ARM AXI, AXI4, AXI4-Lite, AXI4-Stream
+// ================================================================
+Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved +
+Copyright (C) 2024-2025 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+// ================================================================
+Pleae see README in parent directory
+for general introduction and about compiling/building/testing.
+This directory describes AXI4-Stream facilities.
+These source codes may import other `bsv-contrib` libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your _bsc_ compiler paths:
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/Misc/
+// ================================================================
+image::IMG_Under_Construction.png[align="left", width=100]
+The packages in this directory can be used as-is, but are expected to
+be restructured to be more like their AXI4 siblings (more consistent
+naming, clean separation of B-Lang-style and RTL-style, etc.)
+This documentation will be updated after that restructuring.
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4_Stream.bsv`
+(... To be written ...)
+// ================================================================
+== Unit tests
+Unit tests will be found in:
+ bsc-contrib/testing/bsc.contrib/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/Test_*.bsv
+The conventions for unit tests are described in more detail in the
+README in the parent directory
+// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/README_AXI4S.html b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/README_AXI4S.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0350f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream/README_AXI4S.html
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+About bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4_Stream
Copyright © 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+Copyright © 2024-2025 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Pleae see README in parent directory
+(adoc ,html )
+for general introduction and about compiling/building/testing.
This directory describes AXI4-Stream facilities.
These source codes may import other bsv-contrib
libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your bsc compiler paths:
The packages in this directory can be used as-is, but are expected to
+be restructured to be more like their AXI4 siblings (more consistent
+naming, clean separation of B-Lang-style and RTL-style, etc.)
This documentation will be updated after that restructuring.
2. Unit tests
Unit tests will be found in:
The conventions for unit tests are described in more detail in the
+README in the parent directory
+(adoc ,html ).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter.bsv
index e13c275..4db5422 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter.bsv
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import FIFOF :: *;
import SpecialFIFOs :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import GetPut_Aux :: *;
@@ -27,9 +27,10 @@ import GetPut_Aux :: *;
// ================================================================
// Project imports
-import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
-import AXI4L_Types :: *;
-import AXI4_Types :: *;
+import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
+import AXI4L_Types :: *;
+import AXI4_Types :: *;
+import AXI4_BSV_RTL :: *;
// ================================================================
// The interface for the adapter module
@@ -56,10 +57,10 @@ interface AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr_AXI4L_S,
wd_user_AXI4L_S) ifc_AXI4L_S;
// AXI4 M side
- interface AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id_AXI4_M,
- wd_addr_AXI4_M,
- wd_data_AXI4_M,
- wd_user_AXI4_M) ifc_AXI4_M;
+ interface AXI4_RTL_M_IFC #(wd_id_AXI4_M,
+ wd_addr_AXI4_M,
+ wd_data_AXI4_M,
+ wd_user_AXI4_M) ifc_AXI4_M;
// ================================================================
@@ -96,10 +97,10 @@ module mkAXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter (AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter_IFC #(wd_addr_AXI4
wd_user_AXI4L_S) xactor_AXI4L_S <- mkAXI4L_S_Xactor;
// AXI4 M transactor
- AXI4_M_Xactor_IFC #(wd_id_AXI4_M,
- wd_addr_AXI4_M,
- wd_data_AXI4_M,
- wd_user_AXI4_M) xactor_AXI4_M <- mkAXI4_M_Xactor;
+ AXI4_BSV_to_RTL_IFC #(wd_id_AXI4_M,
+ wd_addr_AXI4_M,
+ wd_data_AXI4_M,
+ wd_user_AXI4_M) xactor_AXI4_M <- mkAXI4_BSV_to_RTL;
// ================================================================
@@ -107,26 +108,26 @@ module mkAXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter (AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter_IFC #(wd_addr_AXI4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Write requests (Write Address and Write Data channels)
- rule rl_wr_addr_data;
- let awaddr_AXI4L <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4L_S.o_wr_addr);
- let wdata_AXI4L <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4L_S.o_wr_data);
+ rule rl_AW_W;
+ let aw_AXI4L <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4L_S.o_wr_addr);
+ let w_AXI4L <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4L_S.o_wr_data);
Bit #(wd_id_AXI4_M) id_AXI4 = 1;
- Bit #(wd_addr_AXI4_M) addr_AXI4 = zeroExtend (awaddr_AXI4L.awaddr);
- Bit #(wd_user_AXI4_M) user_AXI4 = zeroExtend (awaddr_AXI4L.awuser);
- AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_id_AXI4_M, wd_addr_AXI4_M, wd_user_AXI4_M)
- awaddr_AXI4 = AXI4_Wr_Addr {awid: id_AXI4,
- awaddr: addr_AXI4,
- awlen: 0, // AXI4 encoding for "1 beat"
- awsize: axsize_4,
- awburst: axburst_fixed,
- awlock: axlock_normal,
- awcache: awcache_dev_nonbuf,
- awprot: awaddr_AXI4L.awprot,
- awqos: 0,
- awregion: 0,
- awuser: user_AXI4};
+ Bit #(wd_addr_AXI4_M) addr_AXI4 = zeroExtend (aw_AXI4L.awaddr);
+ Bit #(wd_user_AXI4_M) user_AXI4 = zeroExtend (aw_AXI4L.awuser);
+ AXI4_AW #(wd_id_AXI4_M, wd_addr_AXI4_M, wd_user_AXI4_M)
+ aw_AXI4 = AXI4_AW {awid: id_AXI4,
+ awaddr: addr_AXI4,
+ awlen: 0, // AXI4 encoding for "1 beat"
+ awsize: axsize_4,
+ awburst: axburst_fixed,
+ awlock: axlock_normal,
+ awcache: awcache_dev_nonbuf,
+ awprot: aw_AXI4L.awprot,
+ awqos: 0,
+ awregion: 0,
+ awuser: user_AXI4};
// Lane-align wdata for the wider AXI4
@@ -135,47 +136,47 @@ module mkAXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter (AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter_IFC #(wd_addr_AXI4
Integer hi = valueOf (addr_index_M_t) - 1;
Integer lo = valueOf (addr_index_S_t);
- Bit #(index_width_t) index = awaddr_AXI4L.awaddr [hi:lo];
- v_data [index] = wdata_AXI4L.wdata;
- v_strb [index] = wdata_AXI4L.wstrb;
+ Bit #(index_width_t) index = aw_AXI4L.awaddr [hi:lo];
+ v_data [index] = w_AXI4L.wdata;
+ v_strb [index] = w_AXI4L.wstrb;
- AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data_AXI4_M, wd_user_AXI4_M)
- wdata_AXI4 = AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: pack (v_data),
- wstrb: pack (v_strb),
- wlast: True,
- wuser: user_AXI4};
+ AXI4_W #(wd_data_AXI4_M, wd_user_AXI4_M)
+ w_AXI4 = AXI4_W {wdata: pack (v_data),
+ wstrb: pack (v_strb),
+ wlast: True,
+ wuser: user_AXI4};
- xactor_AXI4_M.i_wr_addr.enq (awaddr_AXI4);
- xactor_AXI4_M.i_wr_data.enq (wdata_AXI4);
+ xactor_AXI4_M.ifc_S.i_AW.enq (aw_AXI4);
+ xactor_AXI4_M.ifc_S.i_W.enq (w_AXI4);
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.rl_wr_addr_data:", cur_cycle);
- $display (" ", fshow (awaddr_AXI4L));
- $display (" ==> ", fshow (awaddr_AXI4));
- $display (" ", fshow (wdata_AXI4));
- $display (" ==> ", fshow (wdata_AXI4));
+ $display ("%0d: rl_AW_W:", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" ", fshow (aw_AXI4L));
+ $display (" ==> ", fshow (aw_AXI4));
+ $display (" ", fshow (w_AXI4));
+ $display (" ==> ", fshow (w_AXI4));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Write responses (Write Data channel)
+ // B channel (write responses)
- rule rl_wr_resp;
- let wr_resp_AXI4 <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4_M.o_wr_resp);
+ rule rl_B;
+ let b_AXI4 <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4_M.ifc_S.o_B);
- Bit #(wd_user_AXI4L_S) user = truncate (wr_resp_AXI4.buser);
+ Bit #(wd_user_AXI4L_S) user = truncate (b_AXI4.buser);
AXI4L_Wr_Resp #(wd_user_AXI4L_S)
- wr_resp_AXI4L = AXI4L_Wr_Resp {bresp: unpack (wr_resp_AXI4.bresp),
- buser: user};
- xactor_AXI4L_S.i_wr_resp.enq (wr_resp_AXI4L);
+ b_AXI4L = AXI4L_Wr_Resp {bresp: unpack (b_AXI4.bresp),
+ buser: user};
+ xactor_AXI4L_S.i_wr_resp.enq (b_AXI4L);
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.rl_wr_resp:", cur_cycle);
- $display (" ", fshow (wr_resp_AXI4));
- $display (" ==> ", fshow (wr_resp_AXI4L));
+ $display ("%0d: rl_B:", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" ", fshow (b_AXI4));
+ $display (" ==> ", fshow (b_AXI4L));
@@ -188,69 +189,69 @@ module mkAXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter (AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter_IFC #(wd_addr_AXI4
// ----------------
- rule rl_rd_addr;
- let araddr_AXI4L <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4L_S.o_rd_addr);
+ rule rl_AR;
+ let ar_AXI4L <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4L_S.o_rd_addr);
Bit #(wd_id_AXI4_M) id_AXI4 = 1;
- Bit #(wd_addr_AXI4_M) addr_AXI4 = zeroExtend (araddr_AXI4L.araddr);
- Bit #(wd_user_AXI4_M) user_AXI4 = zeroExtend (araddr_AXI4L.aruser);
- AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_id_AXI4_M, wd_addr_AXI4_M, wd_user_AXI4_M)
- araddr_AXI4 = AXI4_Rd_Addr {arid: id_AXI4,
- araddr: addr_AXI4,
- arlen: 0, // AXI4 encoding for "1 beat"
- arsize: axsize_4,
- arburst: axburst_fixed,
- arlock: axlock_normal,
- arcache: arcache_dev_nonbuf,
- arprot: araddr_AXI4L.arprot,
- arqos: 0,
- arregion: 0,
- aruser: user_AXI4};
- xactor_AXI4_M.i_rd_addr.enq (araddr_AXI4);
+ Bit #(wd_addr_AXI4_M) addr_AXI4 = zeroExtend (ar_AXI4L.araddr);
+ Bit #(wd_user_AXI4_M) user_AXI4 = zeroExtend (ar_AXI4L.aruser);
+ AXI4_AR #(wd_id_AXI4_M, wd_addr_AXI4_M, wd_user_AXI4_M)
+ ar_AXI4 = AXI4_AR {arid: id_AXI4,
+ araddr: addr_AXI4,
+ arlen: 0, // AXI4 encoding for "1 beat"
+ arsize: axsize_4,
+ arburst: axburst_fixed,
+ arlock: axlock_normal,
+ arcache: arcache_dev_nonbuf,
+ arprot: ar_AXI4L.arprot,
+ arqos: 0,
+ arregion: 0,
+ aruser: user_AXI4};
+ xactor_AXI4_M.ifc_S.i_AR.enq (ar_AXI4);
// Remember addrs so returned data can properly lane-aligned
- f_rd_addrs.enq (araddr_AXI4L.araddr);
+ f_rd_addrs.enq (ar_AXI4L.araddr);
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.rl_rd_addr:", cur_cycle);
- $display (" ", fshow (araddr_AXI4L));
- $display (" ==> ", fshow (araddr_AXI4));
+ $display ("%0d: rl_AR:", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" ", fshow (ar_AXI4L));
+ $display (" ==> ", fshow (ar_AXI4));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Read responses (Read Data channel)
- rule rl_rd_data;
- let rd_data_AXI4 <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4_M.o_rd_data);
+ rule rl_R;
+ let r_AXI4 <- pop_o (xactor_AXI4_M.ifc_S.o_R);
let addr_AXI4L <- pop (f_rd_addrs);
// Lane-align rdata for the narrower AXI4L
- Vector #(expansion_t, Bit #(wd_data_AXI4L_S)) v_data = unpack (rd_data_AXI4.rdata);
+ Vector #(expansion_t, Bit #(wd_data_AXI4L_S)) v_data = unpack (r_AXI4.rdata);
Integer hi = valueOf (addr_index_M_t) - 1;
Integer lo = valueOf (addr_index_S_t);
Bit #(index_width_t) index = addr_AXI4L [hi:lo];
Bit #(wd_data_AXI4L_S) rdata_AXI4L = v_data [index];
- Bit #(wd_user_AXI4L_S) ruser_AXI4L = truncate (rd_data_AXI4.ruser);
+ Bit #(wd_user_AXI4L_S) ruser_AXI4L = truncate (r_AXI4.ruser);
AXI4L_Rd_Data #(wd_data_AXI4L_S, wd_user_AXI4L_S)
- rd_data_AXI4L = AXI4L_Rd_Data {rresp: unpack (rd_data_AXI4.rresp),
- rdata: rdata_AXI4L,
- ruser: ruser_AXI4L };
+ r_AXI4L = AXI4L_Rd_Data {rresp: unpack (r_AXI4.rresp),
+ rdata: rdata_AXI4L,
+ ruser: ruser_AXI4L };
- xactor_AXI4L_S.i_rd_data.enq (rd_data_AXI4L);
+ xactor_AXI4L_S.i_rd_data.enq (r_AXI4L);
// Debugging
if (verbosity > 0) begin
- $display ("%0d: %m.rl_rd_data:", cur_cycle);
- $display (" ", fshow (rd_data_AXI4));
- $display (" ==> ", fshow (rd_data_AXI4L));
+ $display ("%0d: rl_R:", cur_cycle);
+ $display (" ", fshow (r_AXI4));
+ $display (" ==> ", fshow (r_AXI4L));
@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ module mkAXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter (AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter_IFC #(wd_addr_AXI4
interface ifc_AXI4L_S = xactor_AXI4L_S.axi_side;
- interface ifc_AXI4_M = xactor_AXI4_M .axi_side;
+ interface ifc_AXI4_M = xactor_AXI4_M .rtl_M;
// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/AXI4_AXI4L_Adapters.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/AXI4_AXI4L_Adapters.bsv
index 213a4cd..8c28714 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/AXI4_AXI4L_Adapters.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/AXI4_AXI4L_Adapters.bsv
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2019 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ package AXI4_AXI4L_Adapters;
// ================================================================
// BSV library imports
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import FIFOF :: *;
import Connectable :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
import EdgeFIFOFs :: *;
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ import EdgeFIFOFs :: *;
// ================================================================
// Project imports
-import AXI4L_Types :: *;
-import AXI4_Types :: *;
+import AXI4L_Types :: *;
+import AXI4_Types :: *;
+import AXI4_BSV_RTL :: *;
// ================================================================
// Compute the encoding of AWSIZE/ARSIZE
@@ -55,12 +56,12 @@ endfunction
// ================================================================
-function AXI4_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- fn_AXI4L_M_IFC_to_AXI4_M_IFC
+function AXI4_RTL_M_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
(AXI4L_M_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi4L);
- interface AXI4_M_IFC;
+ interface AXI4_RTL_M_IFC;
// ----------------
// Wr Addr channel
@@ -151,8 +152,8 @@ endfunction
// Transformer to get AXI4L S interface from an AXI4 S interface
function AXI4L_S_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)
- fv_AXI4_S_IFC_to_AXI4L_S_IFC
- (AXI4_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi4);
+ (AXI4_RTL_S_IFC #(wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi4);
interface AXI4L_S_IFC;
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/README_AXI_Adapters.adoc b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/README_AXI_Adapters.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c3ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/README_AXI_Adapters.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+= About `bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters`
+:revnumber: v1.00
+:revdate: 2024-12-07
+:imagesdir: ../Doc/Figs
+:toclevels: 3
+:toc-title: Contents
+:keywords: Bluespec, B-Lang, BSV, BH, AMBA, ARM AXI, AXI4, AXI4-Lite, AXI4-Stream
+// ================================================================
+Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved +
+Copyright (C) 2024-2025 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+// ================================================================
+Pleae see README in parent directory
+for general introduction and about compiling/building/testing.
+This directory describes adapters between AXI4 and AXI4-Lite.
+These source codes may import other `bsv-contrib` libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your _bsc_ compiler paths:
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/Misc/
+These source codes may import other `bsv-contrib` libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your _bsc_ compiler paths:
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/
+ bsc-contrib/Libraries/Misc/
+// ================================================================
+image::IMG_Under_Construction.png[align="left", width=100]
+The packages in this directory can be used as-is, but are expected to
+be restructured to be more like their AXI4 siblings (more consistent
+naming, clean separation of B-Lang-style and RTL-style, etc.)
+This documentation will be updated after that restructuring.
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter.bsv`
+A module to bridge from an AXI4-Lite S to an AXI4 M.
+(... To be written ...)
+// ================================================================
+== `AXI4_AXI4_Lite_Adapters.bsv`
+(... To be written ...)
+// ================================================================
+== Unit tests
+Unit tests will be found in:
+ bsc-contrib/testing/bsc.contrib/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/Test_*.bsv
+The conventions for unit tests are described in more detail in the
+README in the parent directory
+// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/README_AXI_Adapters.html b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/README_AXI_Adapters.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfbb502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters/README_AXI_Adapters.html
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+About bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Adapters
Copyright © 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+Copyright © 2024-2025 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Pleae see README in parent directory
+(adoc ,html )
+for general introduction and about compiling/building/testing.
This directory describes adapters between AXI4 and AXI4-Lite.
These source codes may import other bsv-contrib
libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your bsc compiler paths:
These source codes may import other bsv-contrib
libraries; be sure
+they are visible in your bsc compiler paths:
The packages in this directory can be used as-is, but are expected to
+be restructured to be more like their AXI4 siblings (more consistent
+naming, clean separation of B-Lang-style and RTL-style, etc.)
This documentation will be updated after that restructuring.
1. AXI4L_S_to_AXI4_M_Adapter.bsv
A module to bridge from an AXI4-Lite S to an AXI4 M.
2. AXI4_AXI4_Lite_Adapters.bsv
3. Unit tests
Unit tests will be found in:
The conventions for unit tests are described in more detail in the
+README in the parent directory
+(adoc ,html ).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Doc/Figs/IMG_Under_Construction.png b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Doc/Figs/IMG_Under_Construction.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b4a346
Binary files /dev/null and b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Doc/Figs/IMG_Under_Construction.png differ
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Doc/Figs/RSN_2024-12-07.000.00.png b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Doc/Figs/RSN_2024-12-07.000.00.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb5785e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Doc/Figs/RSN_2024-12-07.000.00.png differ
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Makefile b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Makefile
index 3cd8328..76e66a7 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Makefile
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Makefile
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
# Enumerate all sub-dirs for recursive traversal
+ Utils \
AXI4 \
AXI4_Lite \
AXI4_Stream \
Adapters \
- Utils \
.PHONY: all
all: install
@@ -13,4 +12,3 @@ all: install
.PHONY: install clean full_clean
install clean full_clean:
$(foreach dir, $(BUILD_ORDER), $(MAKE) -C $(dir) $@ &&) true
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/README_AMBA_Fabrics.adoc b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/README_AMBA_Fabrics.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fad447e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/README_AMBA_Fabrics.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+= About `bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics`
+:revnumber: v1.00
+:revdate: 2024-12-07
+:imagesdir: Doc/Figs
+:toclevels: 3
+:toc-title: Contents
+:keywords: Bluespec, B-Lang, BSV, BH, AMBA, ARM AXI, AXI4, AXI4-Lite, AXI4-Stream
+// ================================================================
+Copyright (C) 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved +
+Copyright (C) 2024-2025 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+NOTE: AMBA, ARM AXI, AXI4, AXI4-Lite, AXI4-Stream are specifications
+by the company _ARM Limited_. The specs are open (no license required)
+and can be downloaded from
+https://www.arm.com/architecture/system-architectures/amba/amba-specifications[ARM's website].
+// ================================================================
+== Introduction
+This directory contains libraries for various AMBA resources (AXI4,
+AXI4-Lite, AXI4_Stream) including type definitions, cross-bar
+switches, connectors, clock-crossers, and edge-transactors to connect
+the B-Lang world to existing RTL (e.g., external AMBA IP).
+The source code is written in a B-Lang (BSV/BH/Bluespec Classic). The
+free and open-source _bsc_ compiler tool can be used to generate
+synthesizable Verilog (https://github.com/B-Lang-org/bsc[]).
+The origins of this code date at least as far back as 2018 inside
+https://bluespec.com[Bluespec, Inc.] The codes have evolved over time
+and various versions have been used and are still in use in numerous
+RISC-V CPUs and SoC designs at several universities and companies,
+including in commercialized ASICs. The codes were moved to this
+repository in November-December 2024.
+CAUTION: In moving these codes to this repository, they are being
+ further cleaned up, so there may be a short period of
+ instability. The cleanups to the `AXI4/` directory have been
+ completed; cleanups to `AXI4_Lite` and `AXI4_Stream`
+ directories are ongoing. We will remove this CAUTION when
+ that work is completed.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+=== Terminology:
+Since 2021 ARM has replaced the terms "Master" and "Slave" by
+"Manager" and "Subordinate", respectively; in this library we just use
+"M" and "S" for these concepts. An M sends requests (on AW, W, AR)
+and recieves responses (on B, R). An S recieves requests (on AW, W,
+AR) and sends responses (on B, R).
+In this library, identifiers use `AXI4` for AXI4 itsef, `AXI4L` for
+AXI4-Lite, and `AXI4S` for AXI4-Stream, three distinct parts of the
+AMBA AXI spec.
+// ================================================================
+== Principles
+=== Background on ARM AMBA AXI
+AXI4 and AXI4-Lite are specifications of buses, each with five
+independent "channels" (AW, W, B, AR, R).
+ARM's specs are described at the signal (RTL) level). Each channel
+has multiple sub-buses (e.g., awaddr, awsize, arlen, bresp, rdata,
+...) and is unidirectional (all sub-buses carry data in the same
+direction). Each channel is independently flow-controlled with a
+traditional handshake on two additional wires called `ready` (receiver
+to sender) and `valid` (sender-to-receiver). Please see "RTL view" in
+diagram below.
+For a write-transaction, the sender sends information on AW (address
+etc.) and W (data etc.), and receives a response on B (status etc.).
+For a read-transaction, the sender sends information on AR (address
+etc.) and receives a response on R (status, data, etc.).
+Please see ARM's specs for full details of the channels, sub-buses,
+ready-valid handshaking, and detailed semantics of transactions.
+=== B-Lang view vs. RTL view
+In BSV/BH/Bluespec Classic the natural way to do unidirectional
+flow-controlled communication is with FIFOs. Further, groups of
+related data values are naturally represented as "structs". Further,
+complex interfaces can contain sub-interfaces.
+Thus, AMBA AXI is represented in BSV as shown in "B-Lang view" in the
+diagram below. Each of the groups AW, W, B, AR, R is defined as a
+`struct` with fields corresponding to the sub-buses of the group.
+Each struct is communicated as a unit from sender to receiver with
+FIFO buffers. An M interface (`AXI4_M_IFC`) contains five
+sub-interfaces, each corresponding to one end of a FIFO ("enqueue" end
+or "dequeue" end). An S interface (`AXI4_S_IFC`) is the dual, using
+the opposite ends of FIFOs. A one-line `mkConnection` is sufficient
+to connect two such interfaces together.
+As long as one is working within a B-Lang, that is the complete story
+on bus representation. However, if it is necessary to connect to
+RTL-level AXI IP---Verilog/SystemVerilog buses, sub-buses, and
+ready-valid handshaking--- we provide two "transactors"
+`mkAXI4_BSV_to_RTL` (BSV M to RTL S) and `mkAXI4_RTL_to_BSV` (RTL M to
+BSV S) to perform the conversions. Each transactor has a B-Lang-view
+interface on one side and an RTL-view interface on the other side.
+These transactors are written in BSV, but when compiled by the _bsc_
+compiler, will produced RTL signals and logic with the correct signal
+names and ready-valid handshaking. Within B-Lang, a one-line
+`mkConnection` is sufficient to connect `AXI4_RTL_M_IFC` and
+`AXI4_RTL_S_IFC` interfaces.
+CAUTION: In these AXI4 resources, WRAP bursts are not supported.
+ Where bursts are supported, it generally assumes INCR
+ (incrementing) bursts or FIXED.
+// ================================================================
+== Directory structure and links to details
+The source tree for this library is:
+ bsc-contrib_RSN/
+ └── Libraries/
+ └── AMBA_Fabrics/
+ ├── README_AMBA_Fabrics.txt
+ ├── AXI4/
+ ├── AXI4_Lite/
+ ├── AXI4_Stream/
+ ├── Adapters/
+ ├── Utils/
+ └── Makefile
+The code in `AXI4` is a substantially cleaned up version of existing
+codes that have been used in a number of projects. The cleanup
+involved consistent naming, clean separation of B-Lang-view and
+RTL-view, externalizing of buffering choices, etc.
+The code in `AXI4_Lite`, `AXI4_Stream`, and `Adapters` are also
+snapshots of existing codes that have been used in a number of
+projects (and so they can be used, as-is), but they have not yet gone
+through the analogous cleanup, which is a work-in-progress.
+Please see READMEs in each directory for specifics of directory
+* AXI4 (link:AXI4/README_AXI4.adoc[adoc], link:AXI4/README_AXI4.html[html]),
+* AXI4_Lite (link:AXI4_Lite/README_AXI4L.adoc[adoc], link:AXI4_Lite/README_AXI4L.html[html]),
+* AXI4_Stream (link:AXI4_Stream/README_AXI4S.adoc[adoc], link:AXI4_Stream/README_AXI4S.html[html]),
+* Adapters (link:Adapters/README_AXI_Adapters.adoc[adoc], link:Adapters/README_AXI_Adapters.html[html]).
+// ================================================================
+== Compiling/Building/Testing
+You can compile these libraries from source using the _bsc_ compiler
+as part of your own compile/build flow, by making sure the files you
+need are in located in your _bsc_ compiler search path.
+NOTE: Some of these files require the `-aggressive-conditions` flag (else may deadlock).
+The Makefiles in this library can be used if you wish to pre-compile
+these files using the _bsc_ compiler, by doing:
+ $ make install
+This will invoke _bsc_ and place the resulting `.bo` files in:
+ bsc-contrib/inst/lib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/...
+There are several "unit tests" for this library located in:
+ bsc-contrib_RSN/
+ └── testing/
+ └── bsc.contrib/
+ ├── AMBA_Fabrics_AXI4/
+ ├── AMBA_Fabrics_AXI4_Lite/
+ ...
+Each directory, `Makefile`, script fragment (`foo.exp` file) and
+expected output (`foo.out.expected` file) is set up for the CI
+(Continuous Integration) flow that is run repeatedly for the _bsc_
+compiler. Please see the "How to Contribute to bsc-contrib" document
+link:../../doc/How_to_Contribute.html[html]) for details on this
+// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/README_AMBA_Fabrics.html b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/README_AMBA_Fabrics.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d05d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/README_AMBA_Fabrics.html
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+About bsc-contrib/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics
Copyright © 2017-2023 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
+Copyright © 2024-2025 B-Lang.org. All Rights Reserved
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+AMBA, ARM AXI, AXI4, AXI4-Lite, AXI4-Stream are specifications
+by the company ARM Limited . The specs are open (no license required)
+and can be downloaded from
+ARM’s website .
1. Introduction
This directory contains libraries for various AMBA resources (AXI4,
+AXI4-Lite, AXI4_Stream) including type definitions, cross-bar
+switches, connectors, clock-crossers, and edge-transactors to connect
+the B-Lang world to existing RTL (e.g., external AMBA IP).
The origins of this code date at least as far back as 2018 inside
+Bluespec, Inc. The codes have evolved over time
+and various versions have been used and are still in use in numerous
+RISC-V CPUs and SoC designs at several universities and companies,
+including in commercialized ASICs. The codes were moved to this
+repository in November-December 2024.
+In moving these codes to this repository, they are being
+ further cleaned up, so there may be a short period of
+ instability. The cleanups to the AXI4/
directory have been
+ completed; cleanups to AXI4_Lite
and AXI4_Stream
+ directories are ongoing. We will remove this CAUTION when
+ that work is completed.
1.1. Terminology:
Since 2021 ARM has replaced the terms "Master" and "Slave" by
+"Manager" and "Subordinate", respectively; in this library we just use
+"M" and "S" for these concepts. An M sends requests (on AW, W, AR)
+and recieves responses (on B, R). An S recieves requests (on AW, W,
+AR) and sends responses (on B, R).
In this library, identifiers use AXI4
for AXI4 itsef, AXI4L
+AXI4-Lite, and AXI4S
for AXI4-Stream, three distinct parts of the
+AMBA AXI spec.
2. Principles
2.1. Background on ARM AMBA AXI
AXI4 and AXI4-Lite are specifications of buses, each with five
+independent "channels" (AW, W, B, AR, R).
ARM’s specs are described at the signal (RTL) level). Each channel
+has multiple sub-buses (e.g., awaddr, awsize, arlen, bresp, rdata,
+…) and is unidirectional (all sub-buses carry data in the same
+direction). Each channel is independently flow-controlled with a
+traditional handshake on two additional wires called ready
+to sender) and valid
(sender-to-receiver). Please see "RTL view" in
+diagram below.
For a write-transaction, the sender sends information on AW (address
+etc.) and W (data etc.), and receives a response on B (status etc.).
+For a read-transaction, the sender sends information on AR (address
+etc.) and receives a response on R (status, data, etc.).
Please see ARM’s specs for full details of the channels, sub-buses,
+ready-valid handshaking, and detailed semantics of transactions.
2.2. B-Lang view vs. RTL view
In BSV/BH/Bluespec Classic the natural way to do unidirectional
+flow-controlled communication is with FIFOs. Further, groups of
+related data values are naturally represented as "structs". Further,
+complex interfaces can contain sub-interfaces.
Thus, AMBA AXI is represented in BSV as shown in "B-Lang view" in the
+diagram below. Each of the groups AW, W, B, AR, R is defined as a
with fields corresponding to the sub-buses of the group.
+Each struct is communicated as a unit from sender to receiver with
+FIFO buffers. An M interface (AXI4_M_IFC
) contains five
+sub-interfaces, each corresponding to one end of a FIFO ("enqueue" end
+or "dequeue" end). An S interface (AXI4_S_IFC
) is the dual, using
+the opposite ends of FIFOs. A one-line mkConnection
is sufficient
+to connect two such interfaces together.
As long as one is working within a B-Lang, that is the complete story
+on bus representation. However, if it is necessary to connect to
+RTL-level AXI IP---Verilog/SystemVerilog buses, sub-buses, and
+ready-valid handshaking--- we provide two "transactors"
(BSV M to RTL S) and mkAXI4_RTL_to_BSV
(RTL M to
+BSV S) to perform the conversions. Each transactor has a B-Lang-view
+interface on one side and an RTL-view interface on the other side.
+These transactors are written in BSV, but when compiled by the bsc
+compiler, will produced RTL signals and logic with the correct signal
+names and ready-valid handshaking. Within B-Lang, a one-line
is sufficient to connect AXI4_RTL_M_IFC
+In these AXI4 resources, WRAP bursts are not supported.
+ Where bursts are supported, it generally assumes INCR
+ (incrementing) bursts or FIXED.
3. Directory structure and links to details
The source tree for this library is:
+└── Libraries/
+ └── AMBA_Fabrics/
+ ├── README_AMBA_Fabrics.txt
+ ├── AXI4/
+ ├── AXI4_Lite/
+ ├── AXI4_Stream/
+ ├── Adapters/
+ ├── Utils/
+ └── Makefile
The code in AXI4
is a substantially cleaned up version of existing
+codes that have been used in a number of projects. The cleanup
+involved consistent naming, clean separation of B-Lang-view and
+RTL-view, externalizing of buffering choices, etc.
The code in AXI4_Lite
, AXI4_Stream
, and Adapters
are also
+snapshots of existing codes that have been used in a number of
+projects (and so they can be used, as-is), but they have not yet gone
+through the analogous cleanup, which is a work-in-progress.
Please see READMEs in each directory for specifics of directory
4. Compiling/Building/Testing
You can compile these libraries from source using the bsc compiler
+as part of your own compile/build flow, by making sure the files you
+need are in located in your bsc compiler search path.
+Some of these files require the -aggressive-conditions
flag (else may deadlock).
The Makefiles in this library can be used if you wish to pre-compile
+these files using the bsc compiler, by doing:
This will invoke bsc and place the resulting .bo
files in:
There are several "unit tests" for this library located in:
+└── testing/
+ └── bsc.contrib/
+ ├── AMBA_Fabrics_AXI4/
+ ├── AMBA_Fabrics_AXI4_Lite/
+ ...
Each directory, Makefile
, script fragment (foo.exp
file) and
+expected output (foo.out.expected
file) is set up for the CI
+(Continuous Integration) flow that is run repeatedly for the bsc
+compiler. Please see the "How to Contribute to bsc-contrib" document
+(adoc ,
+html ) for details on this
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/README_AMBA_Fabrics.txt b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/README_AMBA_Fabrics.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c7050f..0000000
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/README_AMBA_Fabrics.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
-SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-This directory contains B-Lang libraries for various AMBA resources
-(AXI4, AXI4-Lite, AXI4_Stream) including type definitions, cross-bar
-switches, connectors, clock-crossers, transactors to convert from
-BSV-internal connection idioms (FIFOs) to AMBA connection signalling,
-The source code is written in Bluespec BSV. The `bsc` compiler tool
-can be used to generate synthesizable Verilog.
-Some of these components have been used in numerous RISC-V CPUs and
-SoC designs at Bluespec, Inc.
-CAUTION: When using resources from this library, please examine the
- source code and check that it is fit for your purpose.
- The components here were added piecemeal, in an _ad hoc_ way,
- over a number of years, each component serving some specific
- immediate, narrow need. The whole library could do with a
- ground-up rewrite, including filling in many obvious missing
- components.
-CAUTION: In these resources, where bursts are supported, it generally
- assumes INCR (incrementing) bursts, not FIXED or WRAP.
-// ================================================================
-Since 2021 ARM has replaced the terms "Master" and "Slave" by
-"Manager" and "Subordinate", respectively; in this library we adopt
-this convention. Identifiers and file names use the abbreviated `M`
-and `S`.
-In this library, identifiers use `AXI4` for AXI4 itsef and `AXI4L` for
-// ================================================================
-The source tree for this library is:
- bsc-contrib_RSN/
- ├── Libraries
- │ ├── AMBA_Fabrics
- │ │ ├── AXI4
- │ │ ├── AXI4_Lite
- │ │ ├── AXI4_Stream
- │ │ ├── Adapters
- │ │ └── Utils
- ...
- └── testing
- └── bsc.contrib
- ├── AMBA_Fabrics_AXI4
- ├── AMBA_Fabrics_AXI4_Lite
- ...
-What follows is a quick tour.
-// ----------------
- All these have a 'user' field which is not standard in AXI4-Lite
- (same as 'user' in AXI4), which can be left unused, and/or set to
- width 0.
- AXI4_Lite_Types.bsv
- Definitions for AXI4_Lite bus types, M and S interfaces,
- connections between Ms and Ss, dummy M and S tie-offs, and
- transactors to provide higher-level FIFO-like interfaces to
- drive Ms and Ss.
- Everything is parameterizd on width of address, data and user buses.
- Note: some aspects of these definitions may seem a bit verbose
- and messy; that is not typical of BSV code, but is true here
- because it is meant to interface to hand-written Verilog, so
- we need to provide precise control on interface signal names
- and protocols that are required by the Verilog side. Pure BSV
- code can be an order of magnitude more compact.
- Everything is parameterized on wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user.
- Definition for interface and module for an num_M x num_S
- crossbar switch with AXI4-Lite interfaces.
- This is also an example of how, within BSV code, we don't
- worry about the details of AXI4-Lite signalling. We just
- instantiate the transactors defined in AXI4_Lite_Types.bsv,
- and then work only with simple, FIFO-like interfaces.
- Everything is parameterized on num_M, num_S, wd_addr, wd_data,
- wd_user.
-... clock-crossers, other transactors ...
-// ----------------
-Definitions for AXI4 bus types, M and S interfaces, connections
-between Ms and Ss, dummy M and S tie-offs, and transactors to provide
-higher-level FIFO-like interfaces to drive Ms and Ss.
-Everything is parameterized on wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user.
-Note: some aspects of these definitions may seem a bit verbose and
-messy; that is not typical of BSV code, but is true here because it is
-meant to interface to hand-written Verilog, so we need to provide
-precise control on interface signal names and protocols that are
-required by the Verilog side. Pure BSV code can be an order of
-magnitude more compact.
-Definition for interface and module for an num_M x num_S crossbar
-switch with AXI4 interfaces.
-This is also an example of how, within BSV code, we don't worry about
-the details of AXI4-Lite signalling. We just instantiate the
-transactors defined in AXI4_Lite_Types.bsv, and then work only with
-simple, FIFO-like interfaces.
-Everything is parameterized on num_M, num_S, wd_id, wd_addr, wd_data,
-A module that converts a slave that does not support AXI4 bursts into
-a slave that does support bursts.
-... clock-crossers, other transactors
-// ----------------
-A module to bridge from an AXI4L S to an AXI4 M.
-// ================================================================
-Some of these source codes import BSV resources in a sibling directory
- bsc-contrib/Libraries/Misc/
-// ================================================================
-Compiling, Building and Testing
-These are libraries, so you will normally be compiling selected files
-from here within some other project that uses these libraries.
-In `AXI4/Unit_Test/` and `AXI4_Lite/Unit_Test/` the source codes and
-Makefiles show examples of instantiating fabrics in testbenches and
-executing them.
-The Makefiles are set up to build both Bluesim and Verilator
-executables. In each case, the Makefile specifies two steps:
-compiling BSV source, and then linking into an executable.
-In the Verilator case, the compile step generates Verilog from BSV
-source. This Verilog can be used as Verilog AMBA IP in other Verilog
-or SystemVerilog projects.
-// ================================================================
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI_SyncBuffer.bsv b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/AXIx_SyncBuffer.bsv
similarity index 72%
rename from Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI_SyncBuffer.bsv
rename to Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/AXIx_SyncBuffer.bsv
index 007b391..439ea6b 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/AXI4/AXI_SyncBuffer.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/AXIx_SyncBuffer.bsv
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
-// Author: Rishiyur S. Nikhil
+// Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-package AXI_SyncBuffer;
+package AXIx_SyncBuffer;
// ================================================================
+// This package can be used for both AXI4 and AXI4L.
// This package defines a clock-domain-crossing buffer for an AXI bus
-// (parameterized, so can be used for AXI4 and AXI4 Lite).
-// The interfaces are FIFOF-like (not raw AXI4 signals).
-// The module merely contains 5 SyncFIFOs for each of the 5 AXI4 or
-// AXI4 Lite channels
+// The interfaces are FIFOF-like (not RTL-level AMBA signals).
+// The module merely contains 5 standard SyncFIFOs for each of the 5
+// AXI4 or AXI4 Lite channels.
// ================================================================
// Bluespec library imports
@@ -20,9 +19,8 @@ import Clocks :: *;
import Connectable :: *;
// ----------------
-// BSV additional libs
+// Bluespec misc. libs
-import Cur_Cycle :: *;
import GetPut_Aux :: *;
import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
@@ -32,9 +30,18 @@ import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
// -- none
// ================================================================
-// The interface for the fabric module
+// The AXIx_SyncBuffer interface.
+// Note: AXIx (not AXI4 or AXI4L) because it can be used for both
+interface AXIx_SyncBuffer_IFC #(type aw, type w, type b, type ar, type r);
+ interface AXIx_S_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r) from_M;
+ interface AXIx_M_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r) to_S;
+// ----------------
+// The interface for the SyncBuffer
-interface AXI_M_IFC #(type aw, type w, type b, type ar, type r);
+interface AXIx_M_IFC #(type aw, type w, type b, type ar, type r);
interface FIFOF_O #(aw) o_aw;
interface FIFOF_O #(w) o_w;
interface FIFOF_I #(b) i_b;
@@ -42,7 +49,7 @@ interface AXI_M_IFC #(type aw, type w, type b, type ar, type r);
interface FIFOF_I #(r) i_r;
-interface AXI_S_IFC #(type aw, type w, type b, type ar, type r);
+interface AXIx_S_IFC #(type aw, type w, type b, type ar, type r);
interface FIFOF_I #(aw) i_aw;
interface FIFOF_I #(w) i_w;
interface FIFOF_O #(b) o_b;
@@ -50,11 +57,11 @@ interface AXI_S_IFC #(type aw, type w, type b, type ar, type r);
interface FIFOF_O #(r) o_r;
-instance Connectable #(AXI_M_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r),
- AXI_S_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r));
+instance Connectable #(AXIx_M_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r),
+ AXIx_S_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r));
- module mkConnection #(AXI_M_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r) m,
- AXI_S_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r) s) (Empty);
+ module mkConnection #(AXIx_M_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r) m,
+ AXIx_S_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r) s) (Empty);
mkConnection (m.o_aw, s.i_aw);
mkConnection (m.o_w, s.i_w);
mkConnection (m.i_b, s.o_b);
@@ -63,22 +70,14 @@ instance Connectable #(AXI_M_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r),
-// ================================================================
-// The SyncBuffer interface
-interface AXI_SyncBuffer_IFC #(type aw, type w, type b, type ar, type r);
- interface AXI_S_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r) from_M;
- interface AXI_M_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r) to_S;
// ================================================================
// The SyncBuffer module
-// Implements an AXI (AXI4 or AXI4 Lite) clock-crossing
+// Implements an AXIx (AXI4 or AXI4 Lite) clock-crossing
-module mkAXI_SyncBuffer #(Integer depth,
+module mkAXIx_SyncBuffer #(Integer depth,
Clock sClkIn, Reset sRstIn,
Clock dClkIn, Reset dRstIn)
- (AXI_SyncBuffer_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r))
+ (AXIx_SyncBuffer_IFC #(aw, w, b, ar, r))
provisos (Bits #(aw, _size_aw_t),
Bits #(w, _size_w_t),
Bits #(b, _size_b_t),
@@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ module mkAXI_SyncBuffer #(Integer depth,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
- interface from_M = interface AXI_S_IFC;
+ interface from_M = interface AXIx_S_IFC;
interface FIFOF_I i_aw = syncFIFO_to_FIFOF_I (f_aw);
interface FIFOF_I i_w = syncFIFO_to_FIFOF_I (f_w);
interface FIFOF_O o_b = syncFIFO_to_FIFOF_O (f_b);
@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@ module mkAXI_SyncBuffer #(Integer depth,
interface FIFOF_O o_r = syncFIFO_to_FIFOF_O (f_r);
- interface to_S = interface AXI_M_IFC;
+ interface to_S = interface AXIx_M_IFC;
interface FIFOF_O o_aw = syncFIFO_to_FIFOF_O (f_aw);
interface FIFOF_O o_w = syncFIFO_to_FIFOF_O (f_w);
interface FIFOF_I i_b = syncFIFO_to_FIFOF_I (f_b);
diff --git a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/Makefile b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/Makefile
index 6f6654f..77387d2 100644
--- a/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/Makefile
+++ b/Libraries/AMBA_Fabrics/Utils/Makefile
@@ -8,9 +8,14 @@ LIBNAME=AMBA_Fabrics/Utils
# and defines the install target
include ../../common.mk
+# Requires files in Misc in Utils
+BSCFLAGS += -p $(BUILDDIR)/../../Misc:+
+BSCFLAGS += -p $(BUILDDIR)/../Utils:+
.PHONY: build
$(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) ByteLane.bsv
+ $(BSC) -u $(BSCFLAGS) AXIx_SyncBuffer.bsv
.PHONY: clean full_clean
clean full_clean:
diff --git a/Libraries/Misc/Cur_Cycle.bsv b/Libraries/Misc/Cur_Cycle.bsv
index 5f96131..d98a2ad 100644
--- a/Libraries/Misc/Cur_Cycle.bsv
+++ b/Libraries/Misc/Cur_Cycle.bsv
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ ActionValue #(Bit #(32)) cur_cycle = actionvalue
function Action fa_debug_show_location (Integer verbosity);
if (verbosity != 0) begin
- $display (" %m");
$write (" %0d: ", cur_cycle);
diff --git a/doc/How_to_Contribute.adoc b/doc/How_to_Contribute.adoc
index b66ff81..e689dd4 100644
--- a/doc/How_to_Contribute.adoc
+++ b/doc/How_to_Contribute.adoc
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
= How to Contribute to `bsc-contrib`
:revnumber: v1.03
-:revdate: 2024-11-21
+:revdate: 2024-12-09
// ================================================================
Let's assume you want to contribute a new library `MyContrib`. All
your B-Lang (BSV/BH) sources and documentation should be placed in a
-new sub-dir:
+new sub-directory:
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ If your BSV/BH code imports any Verilog, it should be placed in:
-If you also have unit-tests, they should be in a new sub-dir:
+If you also have unit tests, they should be in a new sub-directory:
@@ -31,12 +31,13 @@ Request (PR).
We suggest the following "flow":
-* On GitHub, create a FORK of the original `bsc-contrib` repo, under your own account.
+* On GitHub, create a FORK of the original `bsc-contrib` repository,
+ under your own account.
* Clone your FORK to your work area (laptop, desktop, ...).
* Create a new BRANCH in your clone of your FORK.
* In this new BRANCH (in your clone of your FORK), prepare your
contribution, including formatting, copyrights, licenses,
- build-and-install Makefiles and optional unit-tests. See the
+ build-and-install Makefiles and optional unit tests. See the
sections below for details.
* Commit your BRANCH.
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ We suggest the following "flow":
final commit on top of the most recent `bsc-contrib` commit.
* Push the commit from your clone up to your FORK.
-* From your FORK, create a PR for the original `bsc-contrib` repo.
+* From your FORK, create a PR for the original `bsc-contrib` repository.
// ================================================================
== Source text formatting
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ desired Copyright and License text. Example:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
You are responsible for specifying your preferred copyright and
-license text (but please remember that this is a public repo;
+license text (but please remember that this is a public repository;
everything here is expected to be free and open-source; anything here
should be freely usable in commercial products).
@@ -91,24 +92,25 @@ AsciiDoctor (`.adoc`) are automatically rendered by GitHub.
// ================================================================
== Makefiles for building and installing
-`make all` at the top level descends recursively into all sub-dirs of
-`Libraries` and `Verilog`. In a leaf-level library dir the Makefile
-contains a `build` target to compile source file(s) that are in that
-dir. The corresponding object files get copied into the installation
-directory (default `bsc-contrib/inst`). You can also specify other
-files to be copied (include files, config files, ...).
+`make all` at the top level descends recursively into all
+sub-directories of `Libraries` and `Verilog`. In a leaf-level library
+directory the `Makefile` contains a `build` target to compile source
+file(s) that are in that directory. The corresponding object files
+get copied into the installation directory (default
+`bsc-contrib/inst`). You can also specify other files to be copied
+(include files, config files, ...).
-If you added any files to the `Verilog/` dir, add those filenames to
-the `VERI_FILES` list in the `Verilog/Makefile`.
+If you added any files to the `Verilog/` directory, add those
+filenames to the `VERI_FILES` list in the `Verilog/Makefile`.
The top-level `make all` is performed for installation, but is also
repeated automatically during CI (continuous integration) to check
that it succeeds.
-NOTE: In the `Library` sub-dirs, this just compiles sources, it does
- not build executables. See separate "Unit Tests" section for
- building unit-test executables and running them. Those are also
- performed by CI.
+NOTE: In the `Library` sub-directories, this just compiles sources, it
+ does not build executables. See separate "Unit Tests" section
+ for building unit test executables and running them. Those are
+ also performed by CI.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -121,9 +123,9 @@ In the existing
add `MyContrib` to the `BUILD_ORDER` list in order to include your
contribution into the recursive descent.
-If `Libraries/MyContrib/` has sub-dirs, repeat the recursive pattern
-of `Libraries/Makefile` to enable recursive descent into each sub-dir,
-as needed. Example:
+If `Libraries/MyContrib/` has sub-directories, repeat the recursive
+pattern of `Libraries/Makefile` to enable recursive descent into each
+sub-directory, as needed. Example:
@@ -153,9 +155,9 @@ your copy (clone of fork) of `bsc-contrib`:
$ cd bsc-contrib // my clone of my fork
$ make all
-This should run the `make install` action on the whole repo, including
-compiling your sources in your newly added `MyContrib`, and installing
-the corresponding object files in:
+This should run the `make install` action on the whole repository,
+including compiling your sources in your newly added `MyContrib`, and
+installing the corresponding object files in:
@@ -166,29 +168,34 @@ You can optionally add unit tests for your library source files; these
unit tests are run automatically and repeatedly as part of CI
(Continuous Integration).
-NOTE: `bsc-contrib` 's unit-testing is performed as part of the main
+NOTE: `bsc-contrib` 's unit testing is performed as part of the main
`bsc` compiler's testing of standard libraries, using the same
- infrastructure. The infrastructure has more ways to configure
- testing than described in this section; please see the `bsc`
- repo for more details (https://github.com/B-Lang-org/bsc).
-Add your unit tests to `bsc-contrib/testing/bsc.contrib/`. You can
-study any of the existing unit tests in that directory for guidance.
+ infrastructure. The infrastructure has many more ways to
+ configure testing than the brief description here; please see
+ `testsuite/README.md` in the `bsc` repository for more details
+ (https://github.com/B-Lang-org/bsc).
+Add your unit tests to `bsc-contrib/testing/bsc.contrib/`. For
+guidance, you can study any of the existing unit tests in that
+directory or in `testsuite/` in the `bsc` compiler repository.
-* Add a sub-dir for a new set of unit-tests for the new library (it
- can have sub-dirs for more detailed structure):
+* Add a sub-directory for a new set of unit tests for the new library
+ (it can have sub-directories for more detailed structure):
-* In this dir:
+* In this directory:
+** There should be a `Makefile` that is just boilerplate; see any of
+ the other unit test directories for examples.
-** Each top-level test driver module should be in a file `Foo.bsv` or
- `Foo.bs`, and the module should be called `sysFoo`, with an `Empty`
- interface.
+** You can have multiple test programs. Each such top-level `Foo.bsv`
+ (or `Foo.bs`) should contain a top-level module `sysFoo` with an
+ `Empty` interface.
-** If the top-level file imports other support files (just for this
- test, not library files), they can be placed here, too.
+** If the top-level file imports other support source files (just for
+ this test, not library files), they can be placed here, too.
** Create a file `sysFoo.out.expected` containing output expected when
it is run.
@@ -200,6 +207,16 @@ If different output is expected from Bluesim vs. Verilog sim (e.g.,
*** for Bluesim: `sysFoo.c.out.expected`
*** for Verilog: `sysFoo.v.out.expected`
+** Finally, a file `foo.exp` contains a fragment of a "script" to be
+ run in this directory. It can invoke multiple tests in this
+ directory. Each test can be run in Bluesim or Verilog sim or both.
+ Again, see other existing unit tests for examples.
+For unit
+ tests included in the `.exp` file, try to keep the run-time short
+ (no more than about a minute) when run in iverilog, to limit the
+ overall run-time of CI (Continuous Integration).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
=== Running unit tests
@@ -208,7 +225,8 @@ Please run your tests before submitting a PR.
See the "Testing" section of the link:../README.md[README] in
`bsc-contrib` for information on how to run them (you have to copy
-`testing/bsc.contrib` into the `bsc` repo and run it there).
+`testing/bsc.contrib` from here into the `bsc` repository's
+`testsuite` directory and run it there).
NOTE: (Future restructuring plans) +
We would like unit tests for
@@ -217,6 +235,6 @@ NOTE: (Future restructuring plans) +
`testing/bsc.contrib/MyContrib`. The current structure exists
because it is derived from historical roots where `bsc-contrib`
's testing was done along with `bsc` 's testing using shared
- infrastructure in the `bsc` repo.
+ infrastructure in the `bsc` repository.
// ================================================================
diff --git a/doc/How_to_Contribute.html b/doc/How_to_Contribute.html
index ec4eef3..bf1025d 100644
--- a/doc/How_to_Contribute.html
+++ b/doc/How_to_Contribute.html
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
How to Contribute to bsc-contrib
version v1.03,
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
How to Contribute to bsc-contrib
Let’s assume you want to contribute a new library MyContrib
. All
your B-Lang (BSV/BH) sources and documentation should be placed in a
-new sub-dir:
+new sub-directory:
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
How to Contribute to bsc-contrib
If you also have unit-tests, they should be in a new sub-dir:
If you also have unit tests, they should be in a new sub-directory:
@@ -500,7 +500,8 @@
1. Logistics
-On GitHub, create a FORK of the original bsc-contrib
repo, under your own account.
+On GitHub, create a FORK of the original bsc-contrib
+under your own account.
Clone your FORK to your work area (laptop, desktop, …).
@@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ 1. Logistics
In this new BRANCH (in your clone of your FORK), prepare your
contribution, including formatting, copyrights, licenses,
-build-and-install Makefiles and optional unit-tests. See the
+build-and-install Makefiles and optional unit tests. See the
sections below for details.
@@ -527,7 +528,7 @@ 1. Logistics
Push the commit from your clone up to your FORK.
-From your FORK, create a PR for the original bsc-contrib
+From your FORK, create a PR for the original bsc-contrib
@@ -574,7 +575,7 @@
3. Copyright and License text
You are responsible for specifying your preferred copyright and
-license text (but please remember that this is a public repo;
+license text (but please remember that this is a public repository;
everything here is expected to be free and open-source; anything here
should be freely usable in commercial products).
@@ -606,16 +607,17 @@
5. Makefiles for building and installing
make all
at the top level descends recursively into all sub-dirs of
and Verilog
. In a leaf-level library dir the Makefile
-contains a build
target to compile source file(s) that are in that
-dir. The corresponding object files get copied into the installation
-directory (default bsc-contrib/inst
). You can also specify other
-files to be copied (include files, config files, …).
make all
at the top level descends recursively into all
+sub-directories of Libraries
and Verilog
. In a leaf-level library
+directory the Makefile
contains a build
target to compile source
+file(s) that are in that directory. The corresponding object files
+get copied into the installation directory (default
). You can also specify other files to be copied
+(include files, config files, …).
If you added any files to the Verilog/
dir, add those filenames to
list in the Verilog/Makefile
If you added any files to the Verilog/
directory, add those
+filenames to the VERI_FILES
list in the Verilog/Makefile
The top-level make all
is performed for installation, but is also
@@ -629,10 +631,10 @@
5. Makefiles for building and in
-In the Library
sub-dirs, this just compiles sources, it does
- not build executables. See separate "Unit Tests" section for
- building unit-test executables and running them. Those are also
- performed by CI.
+In the Library
sub-directories, this just compiles sources, it
+ does not build executables. See separate "Unit Tests" section
+ for building unit test executables and running them. Those are
+ also performed by CI.
@@ -652,9 +654,9 @@ 5.1. Setting u
contribution into the recursive descent.
If Libraries/MyContrib/
has sub-dirs, repeat the recursive pattern
-of Libraries/Makefile
to enable recursive descent into each sub-dir,
-as needed. Example:
If Libraries/MyContrib/
has sub-directories, repeat the recursive
+pattern of Libraries/Makefile
to enable recursive descent into each
+sub-directory, as needed. Example:
@@ -711,9 +713,9 @@
5.2. Running build-and-install
This should run the make install
action on the whole repo, including
-compiling your sources in your newly added MyContrib
, and installing
-the corresponding object files in:
This should run the make install
action on the whole repository,
+including compiling your sources in your newly added MyContrib
, and
+installing the corresponding object files in:
@@ -738,25 +740,27 @@
6. Optional Unit Tests
's unit-testing is performed as part of the main
's unit testing is performed as part of the main
compiler’s testing of standard libraries, using the same
- infrastructure. The infrastructure has more ways to configure
- testing than described in this section; please see the bsc
- repo for more details (https://github.com/B-Lang-org/bsc ).
+ infrastructure. The infrastructure has many more ways to
+ configure testing than the brief description here; please see
+ testsuite/README.md
in the bsc
repository for more details
+ (https://github.com/B-Lang-org/bsc ).
Add your unit tests to bsc-contrib/testing/bsc.contrib/
. You can
-study any of the existing unit tests in that directory for guidance.
Add your unit tests to bsc-contrib/testing/bsc.contrib/
. For
+guidance, you can study any of the existing unit tests in that
+directory or in testsuite/
in the bsc
compiler repository.
-Add a sub-dir for a new set of unit-tests for the new library (it
-can have sub-dirs for more detailed structure):
+Add a sub-directory for a new set of unit tests for the new library
+(it can have sub-directories for more detailed structure):
@@ -764,17 +768,21 @@
6. Optional Unit Tests
-In this dir:
+In this directory:
-Each top-level test driver module should be in a file Foo.bsv
, and the module should be called sysFoo
, with an Empty
+There should be a Makefile
that is just boilerplate; see any of
+the other unit test directories for examples.
-If the top-level file imports other support files (just for this
-test, not library files), they can be placed here, too.
+You can have multiple test programs. Each such top-level Foo.bsv
+(or Foo.bs
) should contain a top-level module sysFoo
with an
+If the top-level file imports other support source files (just for
+this test, not library files), they can be placed here, too.
Create a file sysFoo.out.expected
containing output expected when
@@ -795,6 +803,18 @@
6. Optional Unit Tests
+Finally, a file foo.exp
contains a fragment of a "script" to be
+run in this directory. It can invoke multiple tests in this
+directory. Each test can be run in Bluesim or Verilog sim or both.
+Again, see other existing unit tests for examples.
For unit
+ tests included in the .exp
file, try to keep the run-time short
+ (no more than about a minute) when run in iverilog, to limit the
+ overall run-time of CI (Continuous Integration).
@@ -808,7 +828,8 @@ 6.1. Running unit tests
See the "Testing" section of the README in
for information on how to run them (you have to copy
into the bsc
repo and run it there).
from here into the
directory and run it there).
@@ -824,7 +845,7 @@ 6.1. Running unit tests
. The current structure exists
because it is derived from historical roots where bsc-contrib
's testing was done along with bsc
's testing using shared
- infrastructure in the bsc
+ infrastructure in the bsc
@@ -836,7 +857,7 @@
6.1. Running unit tests