r12973 | sikeda | 2017-01-01 07:51:17 +0100 (dim. 01 janv. 2017) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/AUTHORS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/check_locales.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_test_ldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_shared_repository.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_sympa_password.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/CSV.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Informix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/ODBC.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle/St.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTML/FormatText.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLDecorator.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLSanitizer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListOpt.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin/FixEncoding.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Collection.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/add.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/confirm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/del.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/distribute.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/finished.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/get.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_remind.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/help.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/index.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/info.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/last.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/lists.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/modindex.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/reject.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/remind.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/review.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/stats.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/subscribe.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/unknown.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/verify.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/which.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP/Transport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoForward.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAuth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAutomatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessBounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessTemplate.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ResendArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAlarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuthOwner.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToEditor.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToMailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformDigestFinal.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Automatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest/Collection.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Held.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Incoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Moderation.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Ticket.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/SMIME.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Topic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.h
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/utf8.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/utf8.h
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am

[-release] Updating copyright notices.
r12972 | sikeda | 2016-12-21 05:36:27 +0100 (mer. 21 déc. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm

[bug][#11014] [Comitted by M. Deranek] SQLite: While upgrading Sympa by "sympa.pl --upgrade", upgrading proceduce may fail complaining about non-existent indexes.  Fixed by skipping non-existing indexes and tables to be removed.

r12971 | sikeda | 2016-12-21 04:41:05 +0100 (mer. 21 déc. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug][#11019][Confirmed by O. Salaün] (Injected by r12310) When bouncers_level*.notification in list config is "listmaster", task_manager.pl crashes due to typo.

r12970 | sikeda | 2016-12-21 02:37:48 +0100 (mer. 21 déc. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[bug][#11024] [Reported by S. Hornburg, LinuXia Systems] An "obsoleted" list parameter header_list is saved in list config as garbage.  Fixed by removing useless default value.

r12969 | sikeda | 2016-11-05 04:24:11 +0100 (sam. 05 nov. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#10969] [Reported by M. Perini, Università degli Studi di Perugia]  In "Listing messages to moderate" page, "Distribute" action fails with error "ERROR (distribute) - Missing argument id|idspam", if it is done in the dialog shown by clicking "View" button.  Fixed by not opening new dialog but transiting confirmation page to choose message topics.

r12968 | sikeda | 2016-10-24 07:01:31 +0200 (lun. 24 oct. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm

[bug][#10968] [Submitted by S. Hornburg] Visibility settings in topics.conf were ignored.  Fixed by cheking topics_visibility scenario along with subtopics.

r12967 | lumineau | 2016-10-13 15:18:50 +0200 (jeu. 13 oct. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

fontawesome icon for restore identity button
r12966 | sikeda | 2016-10-09 08:44:59 +0200 (dim. 09 oct. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm

[bug] [Reported by A. Meaden, Univ of Kent and submitted by F. Lachapelle, Developpement Strategique Sophos Inc.] The database log does not record any messages that were successfully delivered to mailing lists.  Fixed by adding an appropriate call to db_log().

r12965 | sikeda | 2016-10-09 08:17:30 +0200 (dim. 09 oct. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sympa_toc.pod
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_shared_repository.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[feature] Separate executable upgrade_shared_repository.pl.  Ordinarily, it will be invoked automatically during upgrading process.

r12964 | sikeda | 2016-09-25 08:28:58 +0200 (dim. 25 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] viewmod: invoking add_frommod from modal dialog was impossible.  Fixed by giving appropriate parameters.

r12963 | sikeda | 2016-09-23 08:11:32 +0200 (ven. 23 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2

[-bug] viewlogs: An unavailable page number "first" would be removed.

r12962 | sikeda | 2016-09-16 06:33:34 +0200 (ven. 16 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[-dev] Use event handlers in sympa.js instead of embedded javascript code like "this.form.submit();".

r12961 | sikeda | 2016-09-15 14:29:13 +0200 (jeu. 15 sept. 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[dev] viewlogs: Consistent handling of items in dropdown boxes.
Improved javascript codes used for clearing / resubmitting forms.

r12960 | sikeda | 2016-09-15 05:39:55 +0200 (jeu. 15 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/docindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sigindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[dev] Deprecating toggle_selection() in sympa.js.  Event handler will be registered instead.  That function embedded in earlier archives will be invalidated.

r12959 | sikeda | 2016-09-14 08:38:08 +0200 (mer. 14 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug][Reported by A. Gouaux] Exclusion table can not be updated when a user is deleted.  Because family_exclusion column is a primary key in exclusion_table but may not have implicit default.  Fixed by assigning an empty value to such field explicitly.

r12958 | sikeda | 2016-09-14 03:58:06 +0200 (mer. 14 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] A typo: Excessive spaces in hash key.  And tidying.

r12957 | sikeda | 2016-09-11 07:20:48 +0200 (dim. 11 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] WWSympa: in AJAX mode, parameters fed to template might not be HTML-encoded properly.  Fixed by encoding them.

r12956 | sikeda | 2016-09-10 07:35:35 +0200 (sam. 10 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/sympa.wsdl

[bug] [Submitted by D. Stoye, Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin] A typo in sympa.wsdl broke SOAP interface.

r12955 | sikeda | 2016-09-10 07:24:11 +0200 (sam. 10 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm

[dev] dup_var() with complex data is very inefficient and makes response very slow.  Experimentally use Clone::clone().

r12954 | sikeda | 2016-09-03 07:05:21 +0200 (sam. 03 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] Removing functions no longer used in sympa.js, and a small copyedit.

r12953 | sikeda | 2016-09-03 06:54:28 +0200 (sam. 03 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewbounce.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[feature] WWSympa: Function to view messages (held messages, bounces and notifications) works, even if javascript is disabled.  As a result, almost all functions of web interface are available again in the environment without javascript.

r12952 | sikeda | 2016-09-03 05:06:36 +0200 (sam. 03 sept. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/add_request.tt2

[-bug] Tooltip in textarea may be treated as real text, if javascript is unavailable.  Fixed by using Foundation's tooltip widget.

r12951 | sikeda | 2016-08-31 16:19:39 +0200 (mer. 31 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[dev] Use Foundation reveal dialog for error dialog.  Close button will be loaded only when javascript is available.

r12950 | sikeda | 2016-08-31 16:11:52 +0200 (mer. 31 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2

[dev] edit_config: Use tooltip instead of javascript for description of parameters.

r12949 | sikeda | 2016-08-29 09:40:19 +0200 (lun. 29 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] (injected at r12934) viewbounce: attachments were not accessible.

r12948 | sikeda | 2016-08-28 11:34:39 +0200 (dim. 28 août 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Moderation.pm

[bug] WWSympa: viewbounce & viewmod: If the list name or the email address contains "+", incorrect web links to attachments are generated.
Fixed by encoding special characters in generated links.

r12947 | sikeda | 2016-08-26 12:40:05 +0200 (ven. 26 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[-bug] a typo in template.
r12946 | sikeda | 2016-08-25 06:09:21 +0200 (jeu. 25 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] Adding svn properties.
r12945 | sikeda | 2016-08-25 06:06:57 +0200 (jeu. 25 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] sympa.js: Removing unused functions.

r12944 | sikeda | 2016-08-25 03:20:38 +0200 (jeu. 25 août 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[-bug] (Correction of r12929) More fix partially adopting method used in the patch by FreeBSD ports.  Notes:
- ps(1) of *BSD didn't support -A option in the past, and shows full path name.  On some other platforms comm field i.e. truncated name of executable is shown (many Linux distro, Solaris, ...).
- grep(1) of FreeBSD at latest 2.0 is GNU grep supporting POSIX character classes.  It is not true on some other platforms.  And some platforms lacks egrep(1).

r12943 | sikeda | 2016-08-24 14:33:49 +0200 (mer. 24 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] Deprecating isNotEmpty() javascript function in sympa.js.

r12942 | sikeda | 2016-08-24 12:04:53 +0200 (mer. 24 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r12907,12941) tweaking archive names.
r12941 | sikeda | 2016-08-24 10:42:14 +0200 (mer. 24 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] (r12907) Also remove_arc no longer use javascript to confirm action.

r12940 | sikeda | 2016-08-23 10:59:01 +0200 (mar. 23 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] More copyedit.
r12939 | sikeda | 2016-08-23 05:20:14 +0200 (mar. 23 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] Copyedit.
r12938 | sikeda | 2016-08-22 14:14:12 +0200 (lun. 22 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-dev] Adding trivial translations.

r12937 | sikeda | 2016-08-22 11:46:09 +0200 (lun. 22 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[change] MICRO-CAL by Amroune Selim has retired.  Instead, jQuery UI Datepicker Widget is introduced.

r12936 | sikeda | 2016-08-22 07:36:58 +0200 (lun. 22 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] Small refactoring.  Moving javascript code to generate loading icon to sympa.js.

r12935 | sikeda | 2016-08-21 08:57:32 +0200 (dim. 21 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-dev] Removing functions no longer used.

r12934 | sikeda | 2016-08-21 08:56:00 +0200 (dim. 21 août 2016) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm

[change] WWSympa: Action URLs no longer may contain e-mail addresses in their path components.  For example:
  ...is no longer available;
  ...may be used ("%40" is the encoded form of "@").

Because, e-mail addresses can contain slashes ("/") while web servers cannot handle slashes in URL path appropriately: Query parameter would be better to be used.

r12933 | sikeda | 2016-08-20 06:59:48 +0200 (sam. 20 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] WWSympa: Fixed double-escaping on request_topic.

r12932 | sikeda | 2016-08-20 05:27:22 +0200 (sam. 20 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] WWSympa: Fixed double-escaping on modindex & latest_arc.  And copyedit.

r12931 | sikeda | 2016-08-19 09:13:37 +0200 (ven. 19 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Removing usage of unuseful escape_html_minimum().

r12930 | sikeda | 2016-08-18 05:11:37 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2

[-bug] Typo in a template: "fa-pull-left" should be "pull-left".

r12929 | sikeda | 2016-08-18 03:28:52 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[bug][#10866] [Reported by A. Bernstein, Electric Embers] At least on FreeBSD, init script cannot detect orphaned PID file: Such PIDs are treated as active.  Fixed by checking existence of process more strictly.

r12928 | sikeda | 2016-08-17 11:14:04 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/POTFILES.in

[dev] Removing an unused template.

r12927 | sikeda | 2016-08-17 11:10:45 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#6988] [Reported by D. Pritts, Internet2] Using cookie web_archive_spam_pr
otection, user is not redirected to their originally requested page.  Fixed by p
reserving path info the user initially specified.

r12926 | sikeda | 2016-08-16 13:59:49 +0200 (mar. 16 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm

[-dev] Updating documentation.
r12925 | sikeda | 2016-08-15 10:31:34 +0200 (lun. 15 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2

[-dev] (r12924) removing an unused template.
r12924 | sikeda | 2016-08-15 10:19:05 +0200 (lun. 15 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Copyedit.
r12923 | sikeda | 2016-08-15 09:49:21 +0200 (lun. 15 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] sigrequest: To prevent sniffing subscribers using signoff link, we always respond "We've sent you an email including a validation link" to anonymous user, but the email will be sent only if the user was really a subscriber.

r12922 | sikeda | 2016-08-14 09:48:59 +0200 (dim. 14 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] signoff: unauthnticated user cannot cancel signoff action.

r12921 | sikeda | 2016-08-11 04:25:10 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sigindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] (r12907) Also add, add_frommod, del and del_fromsig no longer use javascript to confirm action.  After all, any actions no longer use javascript to confirm action!

ToDo: Regression tests.

r12920 | sikeda | 2016-08-10 10:33:33 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r12907) Also remove_template and rt_delete no longer use javascript to confirm action.

r12919 | sikeda | 2016-08-10 09:35:44 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Refactoring.  Adding rt_create, rt_delete, rt_edit, rt_setdefault and rt_update actions which are separated from manage_template action.

r12918 | sikeda | 2016-08-09 09:13:15 +0200 (mar. 09 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists_categories.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sympa_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] Copyedit.
r12917 | sikeda | 2016-08-09 07:16:31 +0200 (mar. 09 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2

[-dev] Copyedit.
r12916 | sikeda | 2016-08-09 07:13:33 +0200 (mar. 09 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r12907) Also remind and rename_list no longer uses javascript to confirm action.

r12915 | sikeda | 2016-08-08 11:17:56 +0200 (lun. 08 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r12907) Also d_admin/delete, close_list and restore_list no longer uses javascript to confirm action.

r12914 | sikeda | 2016-08-07 06:00:36 +0200 (dim. 07 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/POTFILES.in

[-dev] Updating POTFILES.
r12913 | sikeda | 2016-08-07 05:27:03 +0200 (dim. 07 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_sympa_password.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLSanitizer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin/FixEncoding.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoForward.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAuth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessBounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ResendArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Moderation.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Perltidy'ing using perltidy-20121207.

r12912 | sikeda | 2016-08-07 03:55:26 +0200 (dim. 07 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/configure.ac

[-feature] Bump up version of smtpc to 1.0.
r12911 | sikeda | 2016-08-07 03:45:50 +0200 (dim. 07 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/nginx-wwsympa.servicein

[bug] nginx with systemd: If SCRIPT_FILENAME CGI environment variable is set, wwsympa service will terminate when wwsympa.fcgi is updated.  Fixed by adding "Restart=always" option to unit file.

r12910 | sikeda | 2016-08-07 03:17:10 +0200 (dim. 07 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2

[-dev] Copyediting templates.

r12909 | sikeda | 2016-08-07 03:12:17 +0200 (dim. 07 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] (r12907) Also arc_delete no longer uses javascript to confirm action.

r12908 | sikeda | 2016-08-06 12:56:55 +0200 (sam. 06 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] Due to IE6/IE7 bugs, multiple <button> elements in single form would not be used.  Use <input type="submit"> elements instead.

r12907 | sikeda | 2016-08-05 15:43:31 +0200 (ven. 05 août 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/confirm_action.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[bug] [Reported by several listmasters] WWSympa: Link prefetch feature by some browsers may fetch "Unsubscribe" link off the stage so that the users may unsubscribe themselves unconsciously.  "Subscribe" and "Delete" (file) links are alike.

Fixed by adding a step to demand confirmation: Blocked action is stored in session, user is brought to confirmation page and, if user confirms, the action will be processed.

r12906 | sikeda | 2016-08-05 09:00:45 +0200 (ven. 05 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2

[-dev] (r12905) More fix on style.

r12905 | sikeda | 2016-08-03 11:34:30 +0200 (mer. 03 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Uniform menu items on shared document pages.

r12904 | sikeda | 2016-08-01 12:47:39 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[-dev] Show links to full path of parent folders in shared document pages.

r12903 | sikeda | 2016-08-01 06:51:09 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Small copyedit.

r12902 | sikeda | 2016-08-01 03:56:01 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[bug] File names generated by some applications on Mac OS X (uploaded files, files in ZIP archive, ...) may not be shown correctly on other platforms: Accents are shown separately.  Fixed by applying Normalization Form C (NFC) to file names.

r12901 | sikeda | 2016-08-01 03:27:24 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Client charset for the name of uploaded files are also guessed.

r12900 | sikeda | 2016-08-01 02:44:44 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Copyedit.  Use IO::Handle handle given by CGI.

r12899 | sikeda | 2016-08-01 01:52:54 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[-dev] Adding legacy charsets for ru, uk and th.
r12898 | sikeda | 2016-07-31 12:50:40 +0200 (dim. 31 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-dev] Removing functions no longer used.

r12897 | sikeda | 2016-07-31 12:34:14 +0200 (dim. 31 juil. 2016) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Rewritten d_unzip.
Now it denys uploading if duplicate file or directory already exists.

Refactoring has mostly been FINISHED.  Cleanup and debugging will last.

r12896 | sikeda | 2016-07-31 12:28:01 +0200 (dim. 31 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[dev] Adding Sympa::Tools::Text::guessed_to_utf8() because Encode::Guess is not so useful.

r12895 | sikeda | 2016-07-30 09:02:10 +0200 (sam. 30 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Fixed a few typos, and copyedit.

r12894 | sikeda | 2016-07-30 09:00:09 +0200 (sam. 30 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[-dev] Adding Sympa::SharedDocument::valid_name().

r12893 | sikeda | 2016-07-30 05:56:25 +0200 (sam. 30 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] WWSympa: When a name of newly uploaded file in shared document repository is duplicate of exisiting file, uploading will no longer be confirmed.  Instead, a suffix (2), (3), ... will be added to name of the new file.

r12892 | sikeda | 2016-07-29 09:36:50 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Rewritten d_update (formerly d_savefile and d_overwrite).

r12891 | sikeda | 2016-07-27 10:50:50 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[-dev] Removing methods no longer used.

r12890 | sikeda | 2016-07-27 10:41:34 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Rewritten latest_d_read and rss/latest_d_read.

r12889 | sikeda | 2016-07-25 08:11:30 +0200 (lun. 25 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Rewritten d_describe, d_change_access and d_set_owner.

r12888 | sikeda | 2016-07-25 08:08:40 +0200 (lun. 25 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[dev] Adding save_description().

r12887 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 23:29:12 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Allowing empty node and passing correct path.
r12886 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 23:25:50 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[-dev] new() also may take allow_empty option.
r12885 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 11:57:31 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm

[-bug] When list is created, shared document repository is always created.  Fixed by commenting out the code creating repository.

r12884 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 11:55:30 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Rewritten d_admin.
r12883 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 11:54:25 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[dev] Adding create(), delete() and restore().
r12882 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 09:18:32 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Rewritten d_editfile.

r12881 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 08:05:04 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[-dev] get_shared_size() and get_arc_size() in Sympa::List were deprecated.  Use get_size() methods in Sympa::SharedDocument and Sympa::Archive.

r12880 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 07:48:43 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[-dev] Adding allow_empty and content options.
r12879 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 04:18:07 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Rewritten d_create_child (formerly d_create_dir).

r12878 | sikeda | 2016-07-24 04:15:54 +0200 (dim. 24 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[dev] Adding create_child().

r12877 | sikeda | 2016-07-23 05:10:16 +0200 (sam. 23 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Rewritten d_reject_shared, d_install_shared, d_delete, d_control, d_properties and d_rename.

r12876 | sikeda | 2016-07-23 04:54:46 +0200 (sam. 23 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[dev] Adding rename().
r12875 | sikeda | 2016-07-23 04:47:12 +0200 (sam. 23 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[-dev] Typo.
r12874 | sikeda | 2016-07-22 07:09:49 +0200 (ven. 22 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[dev] Sympa::SharedDocument: Adding count_children(), install(), rmdir() and unlink().

r12873 | sikeda | 2016-07-20 03:33:30 +0200 (mer. 20 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/docindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] docindex: Check if shared repository exists.

r12872 | sikeda | 2016-07-19 23:05:55 +0200 (mar. 19 juil. 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/docindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[dev] Starting refactoring.  The code will be unstable for a while.
- Rwritten d_read and docindex to use Sympa::SharedDocument OO.

r12871 | sikeda | 2016-07-19 07:48:11 +0200 (mar. 19 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[dev] Slightly big refactoring.  Now Sympa::SharedDocument provides OO interface.

r12870 | david.verdin | 2016-07-13 18:21:29 +0200 (mer. 13 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] End of quick fix, extended to all functions in shared documents.
r12869 | david.verdin | 2016-07-12 17:29:13 +0200 (mar. 12 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[-bug] Stupid quick fix: when _urlfunc is called on a string containing an URL, the '/' characters are URL-encoded, thus breaking URLS. Fixed by adding a dumb substitution regexp at the end of the sub. I know pretty well this is ugly. I just don't have the time to do better right now.
r12868 | david.verdin | 2016-07-12 11:59:12 +0200 (mar. 12 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-buf] Fixing the fix: I was reencoding fuill path instead of each file independently.
r12867 | david.verdin | 2016-07-12 10:45:29 +0200 (mar. 12 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] When reading the shared documents, file names were not converted from the URL form to the local storage form, leading to errors when downloading files containing spaces or special characters.
r12866 | sikeda | 2016-07-10 05:35:46 +0200 (dim. 10 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Removing some modules no longer used: tools, SDM.

r12865 | sikeda | 2016-07-10 05:31:29 +0200 (dim. 10 juil. 2016) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Removing some templates no longer used:

r12864 | sikeda | 2016-07-10 04:35:26 +0200 (dim. 10 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-dev] (r12859) Now CSSs are updated when template or configuration is changed.

r12863 | sikeda | 2016-07-08 02:54:27 +0200 (ven. 08 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/including_lists.tt2

[-dev] Updating including_lists.tt2: Respecting visibility etc.

r12862 | david.verdin | 2016-07-07 16:26:42 +0200 (jeu. 07 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/including_lists.tt2

[feature] Adding the template to visualize the lists of lists including the current list.
r12861 | david.verdin | 2016-07-07 16:25:31 +0200 (jeu. 07 juil. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[dev] Updating catalogues.
r12860 | sikeda | 2016-07-07 10:49:49 +0200 (jeu. 07 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ja/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ko/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-CN/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-TW/css.tt2

[dev] Adding @charset rule to CSS.  Removing unnecessary comments and tt2 directives.

r12859 | sikeda | 2016-07-07 10:46:54 +0200 (jeu. 07 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_ui.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[dev] Custom CSS and CSS per language are no longer embedded in HTML; now they are separate CSS file.  New function Sympa::Tools::WWW::get_css_url() gives their URL including hash key to distingush updated CSS.

r12858 | sikeda | 2016-07-05 05:12:03 +0200 (mar. 05 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[bug] sympa.pl --purge_list didn't purge list in the family: It was marked family_closed.  Fixed by really purging such list.

r12857 | sikeda | 2016-07-04 10:09:09 +0200 (lun. 04 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/add.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/del.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/subscribe.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[bug][#5976] [Reported by I. Vindenes, Universitetet i Oslo] Users can subscribe to a pending list even if allow_subscribe_if_pending parameter is set to off.

r12856 | sikeda | 2016-07-03 13:48:40 +0200 (dim. 03 juil. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po

[-dev] (r12849) Trivial changes in catalog.

r12855 | sikeda | 2016-06-30 15:14:58 +0200 (jeu. 30 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[bug] WWSympa: Color picker in skinsedit page did not support devices with touch panel.  Fixed by handling appropriate browser events.  Confirmed by recent version of Safari on iOS at least.

r12854 | sikeda | 2016-06-30 14:55:01 +0200 (jeu. 30 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[dev] Use jQuery interface to handle mouse events.

r12853 | sikeda | 2016-06-29 08:06:57 +0200 (mer. 29 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[bug] WWSympa: Color picker in skinsedit page did not work sane.  Fixed by calculating right metrics.  Confirmed by recent version of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

r12852 | sikeda | 2016-06-26 09:25:36 +0200 (dim. 26 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r12849) do_css() is no longer used.

r12851 | sikeda | 2016-06-24 10:02:03 +0200 (ven. 24 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/web_help.pot

[-bug] (r12850) Trivial change in catalog.

r12850 | sikeda | 2016-06-24 09:59:43 +0200 (ven. 24 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2

[-bug] wwsympa/help/listconfig: Unlikely syntax of GET command.

r12849 | sikeda | 2016-06-23 10:44:49 +0200 (jeu. 23 juin 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-change] Current version of WWSympa automatically generates CSS if it is missing or out of date.  Removed several logic and description assuming it may not be automatically generated.

Note: Translation catalog would be updated.

r12848 | sikeda | 2016-06-23 05:34:27 +0200 (jeu. 23 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.c

[bug][#10808] [Reported by X. Bachelot] Suppressing some warnings by C compiler at build time.

r12847 | sikeda | 2016-06-21 10:37:42 +0200 (mar. 21 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoForward.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Copyedit: Use get_id() and get_address() instead of get_list_id() and get_list_address() methods of Sympa::List.

r12846 | sikeda | 2016-06-20 05:17:09 +0200 (lun. 20 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoForward.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[dev] Use Sympa::get_address() to generate robot addresses (sympa, sympa-request and listmaster).  Internal configuration keys 'sympa' and 'request' are obsoleted.

r12845 | sikeda | 2016-06-19 06:21:59 +0200 (dim. 19 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm

[-bug] Suppress "Use of uninitialized value" warnings.

r12844 | sikeda | 2016-06-19 02:52:32 +0200 (dim. 19 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm

[-bug] Suppress warnings in remove_dir() using File::Find::finddepth().

r12843 | sikeda | 2016-06-19 01:04:23 +0200 (dim. 19 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-bug] sympa_wizard.pl --check: Texts on console badly aligned.  Fixed by padding texts using pad() instead of printf().

r12842 | sikeda | 2016-06-19 01:00:41 +0200 (dim. 19 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Tools::Text::pad().

r12841 | sikeda | 2016-06-18 02:10:34 +0200 (sam. 18 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-bug] Least required version was not specified for DBD::CSV.  Assign 0.22 which is earliest version confirmed to work by now.

r12839 | sympa-authors | 2016-06-17 16:54:07 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.16
r12838 | sikeda | 2016-06-13 08:47:41 +0200 (lun. 13 juin 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-bug] Missing optional DBD::CSV in module list.
r12837 | david.verdin | 2016-06-10 18:01:43 +0200 (ven. 10 juin 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[bug] When upgrading from versions older thant 5.0, upgrade would fail some steps because the call to List::new did not use the domain name.
r12836 | sikeda | 2016-06-10 11:09:02 +0200 (ven. 10 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/nginx-sympasoap.servicein
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/nginx-wwsympa.servicein

[-bug] Unit files for nginx services won't work due to incorrect interpolation.

r12835 | sikeda | 2016-06-10 11:04:51 +0200 (ven. 10 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[-bug] A few typos and redundant definitions in sympa.spec.

r12834 | sikeda | 2016-06-09 08:31:45 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-bug] Mail-DKIM 0.37 looks working sane, despine many "uninitialized" warnings.  As some distributions (e.g. RHEL/CentOS 6) provides this version, required version would be decreased from 0.39 to 0.37.

r12833 | sikeda | 2016-06-08 10:30:27 +0200 (mer. 08 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/add.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/del.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-bug] Held subscription / signoff requests won't be removed when a request is approved using web interface.

r12832 | sikeda | 2016-06-07 05:55:53 +0200 (mar. 07 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] (r12831) Copyedit.

r12831 | sikeda | 2016-06-07 05:17:51 +0200 (mar. 07 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[bug] [Submitted by X. Bachelot] Older version of Locale::Messages is available on several distributions (e.g. RHEL/CentOS 6/7), while Sympa requires 1.22 or later.  The patch tests the Locale::Message version and falls back to gettext_pp if the version is too old.

r12830 | sikeda | 2016-06-04 09:37:13 +0200 (sam. 04 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-bug] Let "sympa_wizard.pl --display" omit internal parameters.

r12829 | sikeda | 2016-06-04 05:04:18 +0200 (sam. 04 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] (r12827) More badly named parameters.

r12828 | sikeda | 2016-06-04 01:16:25 +0200 (sam. 04 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] WWSympa/edit_list_request: If a parameter is paragraph, is allowed multiple occurrence and has no values, an empty entry is shown but default values won't be set to its items.  Fixed by adding logic to set defaults in the case parameter has no values.

r12827 | david.verdin | 2016-06-03 17:52:34 +0200 (ven. 03 juin 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][Reported by P. Kissman, Commonwealth of Massachusetts] The subindex page did not allow to actually accept/reject subscriptions. This was because of a badly named parameter passed to the templates.
r12826 | sikeda | 2016-06-03 05:34:18 +0200 (ven. 03 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_ui.tt2

[-change] css_ie.tt2 was removed.  html5shiv works better.

r12825 | sikeda | 2016-06-02 06:16:03 +0200 (jeu. 02 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Copyedit.

r12824 | sikeda | 2016-06-02 05:54:25 +0200 (jeu. 02 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] (r12814) Parameter name aliases in edit_list.conf would be resolved.

r12823 | sikeda | 2016-06-02 05:52:40 +0200 (jeu. 02 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/edit_list.conf

[-dev] (r12810) Updating edit_list.conf.

r12822 | sikeda | 2016-06-01 14:51:40 +0200 (mer. 01 juin 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] Some modules were separated from libwww-perl 6.00 but kept dependencies.

r12821 | sikeda | 2016-06-01 11:15:15 +0200 (mer. 01 juin 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm

[bug] PostgreSQL: With DBD::Pg 3.x, non-ASCII inputs are broken.
DBD::Pg 3.x needs "utf8 flags" for text parameters of queries, even if pg_enable_utf8 option is disabled.  As a workaround, now parameters fed to queries will be decoded to Unicode strings.  This fix is experimental.

r12820 | sikeda | 2016-05-31 07:41:24 +0200 (mar. 31 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm

[-bug] WWSympa: arcsearch can fail to search "this sentence".  Fixed by replacing ' ' in search query with '\s+'.

r12819 | sikeda | 2016-05-31 05:46:12 +0200 (mar. 31 mai 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm

[bug] WWSympa: arcsearch crashes if a search key word contains "'" and search area includes "Body".
Fixed by escaping search key words appropriately.

r12818 | sikeda | 2016-05-30 08:41:58 +0200 (lun. 30 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa-bounce.servicein

[-bug] Insignificant typo.
r12817 | sikeda | 2016-05-30 08:29:59 +0200 (lun. 30 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug] [Reported by several listmasters] Sympa_wizard.pl crashes if sympa.conf do never include valid parameters.  Fixed by initializing hashref appropriately.

r12816 | sikeda | 2016-05-29 05:06:07 +0200 (dim. 29 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_ui.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[-bug] If javascript is disabled, loading notice and spinner image are always shown.  Fixed by rendering notice and image using javascript.

r12815 | sikeda | 2016-05-28 08:47:42 +0200 (sam. 28 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_test_ldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/add.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/confirm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/del.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/distribute.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/finished.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/get.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_remind.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/help.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/index.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/info.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/last.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/lists.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/modindex.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/reject.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/remind.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/review.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/stats.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/subscribe.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/unknown.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/verify.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/which.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[dev] perltidy'ing.

r12814 | sikeda | 2016-05-28 08:26:52 +0200 (sam. 28 mai 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm

[-change] %Sympa::ListDef::alias was deprecated.  'obsolete' elements in \%pinfo would be used.

ToDo: Regression tests.

r12813 | sikeda | 2016-05-28 05:59:17 +0200 (sam. 28 mai 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.servicein

[bug] [Reported by P. Camps, Univ. Montpellier 2] On rebooting, Sympa cannot be started by systemd units, because database service may not have been started always.
Improved sympa.service by ensuring other daemons will be started after invocation of sympa_msg.pl.  Note that this fix does not solve starting order of database service and Sympa: sympa.service should be customized if necessary.

r12812 | david.verdin | 2016-05-26 18:01:23 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm

[bug] A test ont the number of effected rows displayed an error when updating a user. Fixed by removing this test - which was useless as, if the query fails, an error is raised already.
r12811 | sikeda | 2016-05-25 11:06:35 +0200 (mer. 25 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] typo.

r12810 | sikeda | 2016-05-23 10:53:13 +0200 (lun. 23 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[change] 'include_sympa_list' parameter obsoletes 'include_list' parameter in list config and named data sources.  Older one may still be used and mapped to newer one internally.

r12809 | sikeda | 2016-05-23 10:48:38 +0200 (lun. 23 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[dev] Copyedit reducing redundant parameters for several internal routines.

r12808 | sikeda | 2016-05-21 23:19:41 +0200 (sam. 21 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] (r12772) both use_tls and use_ssl were not recognized by named data_sources.

r12807 | sikeda | 2016-05-21 03:03:23 +0200 (sam. 21 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[feature] WWSympa: "including_lists" page to get lists including particular lists.  This page is accessible only by list owners and listmasters.

r12806 | david.verdin | 2016-05-19 17:11:23 +0200 (jeu. 19 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessModeration.pm

[change][REported by J.P. Barrière, ENIT] Now when a message is successfully moderated, a DSN is sent to the original author.
r12805 | sikeda | 2016-05-19 05:11:34 +0200 (jeu. 19 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[feature] Now looping by include_list settings can be detected.  Inclusion is skipped if a setting will cause looping.

r12804 | sikeda | 2016-05-17 10:12:23 +0200 (mar. 17 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] inclusion_table will be updated when inclusion really succeeded.

r12803 | sikeda | 2016-05-17 07:23:56 +0200 (mar. 17 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm

[-dev] Introducing Sympa::Tools::Data::sort_uniq().
r12802 | sikeda | 2016-05-15 06:41:43 +0200 (dim. 15 mai 2016) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[dev] (r12800) 
- Maintain inclusion_table when the list is renamed or purged.
- Close List and Rename List buttons will not shown when the list is included.

ToDo: Add including_lists page.

r12801 | sikeda | 2016-05-15 04:49:32 +0200 (dim. 15 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm

[-bug] Typo.
r12800 | sikeda | 2016-05-14 11:04:47 +0200 (sam. 14 mai 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[bug] [Reported by S. Rich, Duke univ.] Close List operation cause timeout on web interface.  Because Sympa scans all lists to ensure that any lists do never include the list to be closed.
Fixed by introducing new DB table 'inclusion_table' to cache 'include_list' configuration of lists.  The new table will be created and filled automatically during upgrade process.

r12799 | sikeda | 2016-05-14 10:49:30 +0200 (sam. 14 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAuth.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessReserved.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Auth.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Reserved.pm

[dev] (reverting r12776,12777) Sympa::Spool::Reserved & Sympa::Spindle::ProcessReserved were withdrawn.  They are a bit complicated.

r12798 | sikeda | 2016-05-13 07:19:57 +0200 (ven. 13 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] do_rss_request(): Unuseful scenario evaluation when list context is not specified.

r12796 | sikeda | 2016-05-13 06:42:31 +0200 (ven. 13 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] Copyedit.

r12795 | sikeda | 2016-05-13 05:14:38 +0200 (ven. 13 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[svn] Merging other changes from sympa-6.1-branch.

r12783 | david.verdin | 2016-05-12 10:58:40 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r12795

[feature][Submitted by S. Hornburg, linuxia.de] emit command name and newline when dying in sympa_wizard.pl
r12782 | david.verdin | 2016-05-12 10:58:02 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r12795

[feature][Submitted by S. Hornburg, linuxia.de] add batch and display modes to sympa_wizard.pl.
r12793 | sympa-authors | 2016-05-12 16:32:17 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.15
r12792 | david.verdin | 2016-05-12 15:47:43 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sympa_menu.tt2

[change] The feedback link was mis-interpreted by end users with their local helpdesk link. Now this link is visible by listmasters only (the one whose advice interest the Sympa developers).
r12789 | sikeda | 2016-05-12 14:15:50 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[svn] Merging a change from sympa-6.1-branch.

r12785 | david.verdin | 2016-05-12 11:04:44 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r12789

[change][Submitted by E. Bouthenot, openics] Disable email notification 'css updated' on each upgrade
r12788 | sympa-authors | 2016-05-12 11:52:46 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12787 | sympa-authors | 2016-05-12 11:46:03 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12786 | sympa-authors | 2016-05-12 11:18:20 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12778 | sikeda | 2016-05-12 07:57:34 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessReserved.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Reserved.pm

[-dev] Adding svn keywords
r12777 | sikeda | 2016-05-12 07:48:44 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAuth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Auth.pm

[-dev] Copyedit.
r12776 | sikeda | 2016-05-12 07:45:55 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessReserved.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Reserved.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spool::Reserved & Sympa::Spindle::ProcessReserved to reserve and process requests, such as delayed closing/purging of lists.

r12773 | sikeda | 2016-05-08 04:39:47 +0200 (dim. 08 mai 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/add.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/confirm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/del.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/distribute.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/finished.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/get.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_remind.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/help.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/index.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/info.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/last.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/lists.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/modindex.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/reject.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/remind.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/review.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/stats.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/subscribe.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/unknown.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/verify.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/which.pm

[-dev] Copyedit documentation.
r12772 | sikeda | 2016-04-29 05:50:17 +0200 (ven. 29 avril 2016) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_test_ldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListOpt.pm

[change] New parameter "use_tls" for LDAP settings in list config, datasources and auth.conf.  Obsoleted parameters "use_ssl" and "use_start_tls" still can be used.

"use_tls" takes one of following values corresponding to old ones:
- "starttls" : use_ssl=0, use_start_tls=1.
- "ldaps"    : use_ssl=1, use_start_tls=0.
- "none"     : TLS/SSL is disabled.

[feature] Now STARTTLS may be enabled in LDAP datasource configuration of lists along with LDAPS.

r12771 | sikeda | 2016-04-29 04:09:59 +0200 (ven. 29 avril 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[-dev] Adding documentation a bit.

r12770 | sikeda | 2016-04-29 03:44:59 +0200 (ven. 29 avril 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[-bug] ListDef: Implicit file_format didn't include synonyms; parameter name alias didn't work, along with subparameter names in paragraph.

r12769 | sikeda | 2016-04-28 10:28:06 +0200 (jeu. 28 avril 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals/Workflow.pod
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Collection.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm

[-dev] Copyedit.

r12768 | sikeda | 2016-04-24 17:04:32 +0200 (dim. 24 avril 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_remind.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm

[dev] Using Sympa::Spindle::ProcessRequest in global_set & global_signoff.

r12767 | sikeda | 2016-04-11 12:59:30 +0200 (lun. 11 avril 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Collection.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessRequest.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessMessage.pm:12764)

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Request::Collection & Sympa::Spindle::ProcessRequest to process requests dilectly.

r12766 | sikeda | 2016-04-09 09:58:51 +0200 (sam. 09 avril 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/review.pm

[-dev] Won't sync datasources unless the list has them.

r12765 | sympa-authors | 2016-04-01 09:36:11 +0200 (ven. 01 avril 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12764 | sikeda | 2016-03-31 17:52:46 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/css/foundation.css
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/css/foundation.min.css
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/css/normalize.css
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.abide.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.accordion.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.alert.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.clearing.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.dropdown.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.equalizer.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.interchange.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.joyride.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.magellan.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.offcanvas.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.orbit.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.reveal.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.slider.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.tab.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.tooltip.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.topbar.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/foundation.min.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/vendor/fastclick.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/vendor/jquery.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/vendor/modernizr.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/foundation/js/vendor/placeholder.js

[dev] Updating Foundation from 5.3.3 to 5.5.3.

r12763 | sympa-authors | 2016-03-31 17:19:11 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12762 | sympa-authors | 2016-03-31 17:14:13 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12761 | sympa-authors | 2016-03-31 16:06:23 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12760 | sympa-authors | 2016-03-31 15:57:01 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12759 | sikeda | 2016-03-29 05:22:28 +0200 (mar. 29 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am

[-dev] insignificant typos.
r12758 | sikeda | 2016-03-28 11:19:31 +0200 (lun. 28 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am

[-bug] With automake earlier than 1.11, init script and/or unit files may be installed into root directory if they are disabled buy configure options.

r12757 | sikeda | 2016-03-28 06:44:39 +0200 (lun. 28 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[dev] Updating sympa.spec to support Systemd unit files.

r12756 | sikeda | 2016-03-28 06:43:51 +0200 (lun. 28 mars 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/nginx-sympasoap.servicein
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/nginx-wwsympa.servicein
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa-archive.servicein
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa-bounce.servicein
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa-outgoing.servicein
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa-task.servicein
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa-tmpfiles.confin
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.servicein

[feature] [experimental] configure can take an option "--with-unitsdir=DIR" to install Systemd unit files.  It would be used with "--without-initdir" not to install System V init scripts.

If specified, five unit files will be installed.  A few more unit files to suppor nginx environment are provided but they are not installed automatically.

r12755 | sikeda | 2016-03-28 06:31:56 +0200 (lun. 28 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/META.json.pl

[-dev] Improving META.json adding configure, build, test and develop dependencies.

r12754 | sikeda | 2016-03-28 06:25:35 +0200 (lun. 28 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler.pm

[-dev] adding svn prop.

r12753 | sikeda | 2016-03-27 09:44:19 +0200 (dim. 27 mars 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals/Workflow.pod
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/add.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/confirm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/del.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/distribute.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/finished.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/get.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_remind.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/help.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/index.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/info.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/last.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/lists.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/modindex.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/reject.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/remind.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/review.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/stats.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/subscribe.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/unknown.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/verify.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/which.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuthOwner.pm

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Request::Handler to be base class of request handlers.

ToDo: Regression test.

r12752 | sikeda | 2016-03-26 01:53:30 +0100 (sam. 26 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-dev] Make sure that sender of request is assigned.

r12751 | sikeda | 2016-03-24 14:16:57 +0100 (jeu. 24 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/auth.pm

[-dev] More strict checking on authenticated command: email along with context and action should match.

r12750 | sikeda | 2016-03-24 13:46:09 +0100 (jeu. 24 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm

[change] Now the DSN (error message) sent by Sympa has address <sympa-request@host> as "From:" field instead of <sympa@host>.  This change also will avoid looping between command addresses of two Sympa servers.

r12749 | sikeda | 2016-03-24 05:39:15 +0100 (jeu. 24 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm

[-change] (r12748) DSN would be ignored only when it was sent to command addresses.  Some users might want to accept DSNs as regular posts.

r12748 | david.verdin | 2016-03-23 14:14:20 +0100 (mer. 23 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm

[bug] If a message without command is sent to the sympa@domain.tld address, a DSN is issued telling that the command could not be processed. If the return path to the original mail is a sympa@anydomain.tld, then the two Sympa processes will send themselves DSN in a messenging loop. The message is finally discarded by the loop prevention regexp but, due to the dyssymetry between both servers state, DSN will still be regenerated, re-igniting the loop. Fixed by testing whether a message in msg spool is a DSN report or not. As this spool is not supposed to treat any DSN, we can safely move such messages to bad.
r12747 | sikeda | 2016-03-23 05:28:16 +0100 (mer. 23 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuth.pm

[-dev] Give appropriate command lines in notification messages.

r12746 | sikeda | 2016-03-21 07:39:29 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuth.pm

[-dev] Give appropriate command line in command report.

r12745 | sikeda | 2016-03-21 05:26:26 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Reordering documentation.

r12744 | sikeda | 2016-03-21 05:13:59 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2

[-dev] (r12743) Updating some mail templates.

r12743 | sikeda | 2016-03-21 05:13:01 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals/Workflow.pod
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuthOwner.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[change] Authentication key used by mail commands are no longer reusable.  It will be randomly generated.
Note that the keys generated by earlier releases are no longer available.

r12742 | sikeda | 2016-03-21 05:06:15 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm

[-dev] Adding entries cmd_format and ctx_class to command definition.

r12741 | sikeda | 2016-03-21 05:02:25 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAuth.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessHeld.pm:12728)

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ProcessAuth to process the request in Sympa::Spool::Auth spool.

r12740 | sikeda | 2016-03-21 04:56:50 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm

[dev] Make Sympa::Spool be able to marshal keyauth, the short authentication key.

r12739 | sikeda | 2016-03-21 04:55:40 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm

[dev] Make Sympa::Request be able to sertialize any requests.

r12738 | sikeda | 2016-03-21 03:14:26 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/add.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/confirm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/del.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/distribute.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/get.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/help.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/index.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/info.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/last.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/lists.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/modindex.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/reject.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/review.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/set.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/signoff.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/stats.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/which.pm

[-dev] Copyedit: request handlers should return true (success) or undef (other).

r12737 | sikeda | 2016-03-19 23:41:09 +0100 (sam. 19 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/delivery_status_notification.tt2

[-bug] DSN sent by Sympa should have X-Loop: field.

r12736 | sikeda | 2016-03-14 04:11:02 +0100 (lun. 14 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2

[bug][#10448] [Reported by A. Casado, Univ. of Almeria] If the user is not owner of any lists, "Copy an existing list" page on web interface is empty.  Fixed by changing template not to show unusable menu.

r12735 | sikeda | 2016-03-13 13:50:31 +0100 (dim. 13 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm

[bug] INVITE command is accepted even if invited user is not really allowed to subscribe the list.  Fixed by appropriately checking privilege of target user.

r12734 | sikeda | 2016-03-13 04:31:09 +0100 (dim. 13 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[feature] Unsubscription requests forwarded to owner can be approved or rejected using web interface.

r12733 | sikeda | 2016-03-12 23:44:21 +0100 (sam. 12 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/docindex.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2:12728)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] Page for moderation of shared documents has been separated from modindex page.

r12732 | sikeda | 2016-03-12 08:20:43 +0100 (sam. 12 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug][#10453] [Reported by A. Meaden, Univ. of Kent & submitted by C. Kerlin, Florida Atlantic Univ.] include_remote_file ignores user name and password.  Fixed by assigning appropriate credential.

r12731 | sikeda | 2016-03-12 07:01:52 +0100 (sam. 12 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer/Website.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1P.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer/Website.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Website.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm

[-dev] Updating ext/.

r12730 | sikeda | 2016-03-12 07:00:39 +0100 (sam. 12 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] get_url(): the "remote" mode is never used and withdrawn.

r12729 | sikeda | 2016-03-12 06:31:37 +0100 (sam. 12 mars 2016) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLSanitizer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[*change] WWSympa does no longer respect HTTP request header fields noticing the request was forwarded ("X-Forwarded-Host:" etc.).  In particular cases, you may require adjusting configuration.

- Now wwsympa_url parameter defines the URL publicly accessed by users.
- Contrarily http_host and cookie_domain parameters indicate the URI and/or domain which are locally recognized by wwsympa, i.e taken form HTTP_HOST ("Host:" filed) and REQUEST_URI CGI environments.
- "Localtion:" response field sent by wwsympa to cause redirection also gives local URL.

If requests sent from users to wwsympa are rewritten by intermediate server(s), you should make sure that wwsympa server and rewriting server(s) are appropriately configured.  For example when the server is placed behind some sort of reverse-proxy including Apache mod_proxy (with ProxyPass), nginx (using proxy_pass) and squid (in accelerator mode).  Note that not all reverse-proxies rewrite requests.  For example, Pound does never rewrite requests by default.

If it is not the case, existing configuration need not changing.

r12728 | david.verdin | 2016-03-10 17:31:02 +0100 (jeu. 10 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm

[bug] logs displayed the wrong number of STMP sessions when a message was accepted, because the location where it is possible to count such sessions has changed. Fixed by making Sympa::Bulk::store return a reference to a hash containg its previous data along with the number of sessions to be created.
r12727 | sikeda | 2016-03-10 09:56:50 +0100 (jeu. 10 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Sympa::get_url(): Rejecting malformed inputs.

r12726 | sikeda | 2016-03-09 05:01:24 +0100 (mer. 09 mars 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/automatic_bounce_management.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_biggest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists_categories.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/my.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sympa_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[bug] If the list name contains "+", incorrect web links are generated in service messages and web interface.
Fixed by encoding special characters using new "url_abs" and "url_rel" template

r12725 | sikeda | 2016-03-09 04:14:29 +0100 (mer. 09 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/automatic_bounce_management.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2

[-dev] Adding SVN keyword to mail_tt2 templates.

r12724 | sikeda | 2016-03-08 06:45:25 +0100 (mar. 08 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/info.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-dev] Use Sympa::get_url() to generate some list URLs.

r12723 | sikeda | 2016-03-06 07:09:14 +0100 (dim. 06 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Small addition in documentation.

r12722 | sikeda | 2016-03-06 03:43:54 +0100 (dim. 06 mars 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] Now [% path_cgi %] template variable respects "wwsympa_url" configuration parameter.  Previously it was taken from CGI environment variable.

In almost all cases this change will not affect anything, however, if web interface started generating incorrect links, please make sure that the parameter is defined correctly.

r12721 | sikeda | 2016-03-06 03:25:40 +0100 (dim. 06 mars 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Tools::Text::weburl() and Sympa::get_url() to construct web URLs.
Sympa::get_url() supports four modes: default, omit, remote and local.  See documentation.

r12720 | lumineau | 2016-03-04 15:28:21 +0100 (ven. 04 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2

[bug] correction of calendar week first day
r12719 | david.verdin | 2016-03-04 10:15:47 +0100 (ven. 04 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Fixing all calls to  Sympa::Report::reject_report_web in whic a user argumment was an email instead of a user object.
r12718 | david.verdin | 2016-03-03 18:26:48 +0100 (jeu. 03 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] When changing email address in user's preferences, wwsympa.fcgi would crash because the user passed to reject_report_web was an email address instead of a User object. Fixed by passing a User object. FIXME : all calls to reject_report_web using a user should be checked. Alternate solution: create a Sympa::User object if needed in Message::Template. This adds additional dependency to this module, though, and also increases the testing difficulty (creating a user object requires database access).
r12717 | sikeda | 2016-03-02 10:51:27 +0100 (mer. 02 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] WWSympa: arcsearch_id fails if target message-ID contains slash (/).

r12716 | lumineau | 2016-03-01 11:16:10 +0100 (mar. 01 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change] css buttons alignment in messages moderate form in reveal modal
r12715 | lumineau | 2016-03-01 09:39:32 +0100 (mar. 01 mars 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[bug] css gap correction for sso login button
r12714 | sikeda | 2016-03-01 04:27:01 +0100 (mar. 01 mars 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_ui.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-change] Alternative stylesheets (print.css, fullPage.css and print-preview.css) are no longer generated / updated.  They were never used.

r12713 | sikeda | 2016-02-27 09:28:10 +0100 (sam. 27 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[-dev] Copyedit on documentation.

r12711 | sympa-authors | 2016-02-26 17:32:58 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.14
r12710 | sympa-authors | 2016-02-26 17:14:05 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12709 | sympa-authors | 2016-02-26 17:11:14 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12708 | sympa-authors | 2016-02-26 16:32:45 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12707 | sympa-authors | 2016-02-26 16:29:06 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12706 | sikeda | 2016-02-26 09:45:25 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[-dev] escape_url() was deprecated.

r12705 | sikeda | 2016-02-26 09:17:34 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/xgettext.pl

[-dev] Now xgettext.pl recognizes chomping flags in any cases.

r12704 | sikeda | 2016-02-26 09:06:10 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Removing parameters no longer used.

r12703 | sikeda | 2016-02-26 09:03:30 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2

[-bug] Use [%|mailto%] template filter to get correct mailto: URLs on web interface.

r12702 | sikeda | 2016-02-26 05:19:17 +0100 (ven. 26 févr. 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/delivery_status_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] If the list name contains "+", incorrect "mailto:" links are generated in service messages.
Fixed by encoding special characters using new "mailtourl" template filter.

r12701 | sikeda | 2016-02-25 03:48:13 +0100 (jeu. 25 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-change] Use [%|mailto()%] and [%|obfuscate()%] template filters to generate protected email links, instead of generating such fragments by internal functions.

r12700 | sikeda | 2016-02-25 03:33:11 +0100 (jeu. 25 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-bug] Correct package name "URI" for URI::Escape.
r12699 | sikeda | 2016-02-25 03:19:16 +0100 (jeu. 25 févr. 2016) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[-feature] Template filters [%|mailto%] and [%|mailtourl%] are introduced.

They use new functions encode_uri() and mailtourl() in Sympa::Tools::Text.

r12698 | sikeda | 2016-02-25 02:38:31 +0100 (jeu. 25 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLDecorator.pm

[-dev] Fixing broken initialization.
r12697 | david.verdin | 2016-02-24 15:09:38 +0100 (mer. 24 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in

[bug] Sympa SOAP server crashed because Sympa::Alarm module was not loaded.
r12696 | david.verdin | 2016-02-24 14:29:15 +0100 (mer. 24 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_ui.tt2

[change] Adding version number in CSS URL to ensure stylesheet reloading when changing version.
r12695 | david.verdin | 2016-02-24 14:27:19 +0100 (mer. 24 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[dev] Updated catalogues.
r12694 | sikeda | 2016-02-23 09:49:56 +0100 (mar. 23 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] Updating module info.

r12693 | sikeda | 2016-02-22 15:23:37 +0100 (lun. 22 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLDecorator.pm

[-dev] (r12689) Refine code of Sympa::HTMLDecorator.

r12692 | sikeda | 2016-02-21 09:12:30 +0100 (dim. 21 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm

[-dev] Cleanup source.

r12691 | sikeda | 2016-02-21 09:07:12 +0100 (dim. 21 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm

[-bug] (r12690) Even if -addressmodifycode was disabled, cached $AddressModify in .mhonarc.db won't be cleared.  As a workaround, force clear it by overwriting.

r12690 | sikeda | 2016-02-21 04:27:38 +0100 (dim. 21 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/my.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm

[bug][#6987] [Reported by D. Pritts, Internet2] Changing web_archive_spam_protection did not update spam protection mode on past archives.  Fixed by applying spam protection at the time of display, not when archives were created / rebuilt.

r12689 | sikeda | 2016-02-21 04:14:34 +0100 (dim. 21 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLDecorator.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::HTMLDecorator class and [%|obfuscate%] template filter to transform HTML, i.e. email obfuscation.

r12688 | sikeda | 2016-02-20 00:52:17 +0100 (sam. 20 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLSanitizer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[-dev] Introducing Sympa::Tools::Text::decode_html() and Sympa::Tools::Text::encode_html().

r12687 | sikeda | 2016-02-17 04:02:24 +0100 (mer. 17 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#8570] [Reported by A. Epstein, Cornell Univ.] <base> element in web output should be eliminated, because it will mess reverse proxy and so on.  Fixed by making partial URIs to be redirected to base URI.

r12686 | sikeda | 2016-02-16 10:02:23 +0100 (mar. 16 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[-bug] help/faq page was not translated.  Fixed by assigning gettext domain using computed value instead of static map.

r12685 | sikeda | 2016-02-16 09:17:32 +0100 (mar. 16 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Moderation.pm

[bug] WWSympa: Cannot view attachements in bounce messages and moderated messages.  Fixed by correcting inappropriate relative URL paths.

r12684 | sikeda | 2016-02-16 05:09:47 +0100 (mar. 16 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Moderation.pm

[-dev] Non-English word "attachement".

r12683 | sikeda | 2016-02-15 05:21:07 +0100 (lun. 15 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2

[bug] Home submenu with top_menu mode was not rendered correctly.  Fixed by updating CSS.

r12682 | sikeda | 2016-02-13 08:00:49 +0100 (sam. 13 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/compile_modules.t

[-dev] Workaround to suppress warnings on INIT block during "make check".

r12681 | sikeda | 2016-02-13 07:28:49 +0100 (sam. 13 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm

[-change] Proc::ProcessTable is no longer used.

r12680 | sikeda | 2016-02-13 07:24:50 +0100 (sam. 13 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAutomatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessBounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[feature] Now daemons capture SIGCHLD signal so that defunct child processes (sendmail) will be reaped faster.

r12679 | sikeda | 2016-02-13 05:39:29 +0100 (sam. 13 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[dev] Deprecating SDM.pm.

r12678 | sikeda | 2016-02-13 04:23:59 +0100 (sam. 13 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/VOOTProvider.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm

[-dev] Updates in ext/.

r12677 | sikeda | 2016-02-13 04:22:57 +0100 (sam. 13 févr. 2016) | 33 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_sympa_password.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin/FixEncoding.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/get.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/last.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessBounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ResendArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformDigestFinal.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Topic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Renaming several functions:

Old name                            New name
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Sympa::Auth::password_fingerprint   Sympa::User::password_fingerprint
Sympa::Tools::WWW::_load_mime_types Conf::_load_mime_types
Sympa::Tools::WWW::get_mime_type    Conf::get_mime_type
tools::add_in_blacklist             _add_in_blacklist in wwsympa.fcgi
tools::addrencode                   Sympa::Tools::Text::addrencode
tools::clean_msg_id                 Sympa::Tools::Text::canonic_message_id
tools::escape_chars                 Sympa::Tools::Text::escape_chars
tools::escape_docname               Sympa::SharedDocument::escape_docname
tools::escape_html                  Sympa::Tools::WWW::escape_html_minimum
tools::escape_quote                 Sympa::Template::_escape_quote
tools::escape_url                   Sympa::Tools::Text::escape_url
tools::escape_xml                   Sympa::Template::_escape_xml
tools::eval_in_time                 Sympa::Process::eval_in_time
tools::get_list_params              Sympa::Robot::list_params
tools::get_message_id               Sympa::unique_message_id
tools::lang2charset                 Conf::lang2charset
tools::load_edit_list_conf          Sympa::List::_load_edit_list_conf
tools::qdecode_filename             Sympa::Tools::Text::qdecode_filename
tools::qencode_filename             Sympa::Tools::Text::qencode_filename
tools::qencode_hierarchy            Sympa::Tools::File::qencode_hierarchy
tools::unescape_chars               Sympa::Tools::Text::unescape_chars
tools::unescape_html                Sympa::Tools::WWW::unescape_html_minimum
tools::valid_email                  Sympa::Tools::Text::valid_email 
----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

As a result, tools.pm was deprecated.

A few dependency loop among modules are reduced.

r12675 | sympa-authors | 2016-02-12 17:18:40 +0100 (ven. 12 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.13
r12674 | sympa-authors | 2016-02-12 17:12:17 +0100 (ven. 12 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12673 | sympa-authors | 2016-02-12 17:06:56 +0100 (ven. 12 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12672 | david.verdin | 2016-02-05 17:28:35 +0100 (ven. 05 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm

[bug] Test in Sympa::User::moveto sub made email change fail even though it was actually succesful. This is due to the fact that ->rows will most of the time return 0 in case of multiples virtual hosts. Fixed by getting rid of the rows test and counting on the result of do-prepared_query to check whether the query succeeded or not. The number of rows affected should not be a clue because it will be zero for all virtual hosts if the user does not exist. This should be checked before trying to change email address.
r12671 | david.verdin | 2016-02-05 16:47:13 +0100 (ven. 05 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Password validation is not used anymore when adding a new user, because such addition is made using a temporary password that might not comply to password validation rules. Actually the temporary password will never be used because user need to define their password themselves the first time they login, using a one time ticket. So they are more temporary placholders in the database than temporary passwords.
r12670 | david.verdin | 2016-02-05 16:35:02 +0100 (ven. 05 févr. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm

[bug][Reported by S. Rich, Univ. Duke] A typo in Admin.pm made the --change_user_email sympa command to fail.
r12669 | sikeda | 2016-02-05 09:50:28 +0100 (ven. 05 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[-bug] Removing excessive </div> tags.

r12668 | sikeda | 2016-02-05 09:49:03 +0100 (ven. 05 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2

[-bug] <fieldset> elements in table are not allowed, and execpected vertical spacing is inserted at least with Firefox.

r12667 | sikeda | 2016-02-05 07:37:46 +0100 (ven. 05 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm

[bug] [Reported by S. Rich, Duke univ.] sympa.pl --change_user_email fails due to typo in source.

r12666 | sikeda | 2016-02-05 04:36:43 +0100 (ven. 05 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals.podpl
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/add.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/confirm.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/del.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/distribute.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/finished.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/get.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_remind.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_set.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/global_signoff.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/help.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/index.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/info.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/invite.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/last.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/lists.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/modindex.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/reject.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/remind.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/review.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/set.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/signoff.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/stats.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/subscribe.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/unknown.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/verify.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Handler/which.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm:12664)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm

[dev] Introducing classes to handle requests: Sympa::Request::Handler::<action>.

r12665 | sikeda | 2016-02-05 04:29:39 +0100 (ven. 05 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2

[-bug] Fixing ugry line wrapping.

r12664 | sikeda | 2016-02-04 04:15:16 +0100 (jeu. 04 févr. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm

[-dev] Copyedit.  Sync tt2 entry names in code to process requests with those in WWSympa. 

r12663 | sikeda | 2016-01-31 08:26:17 +0100 (dim. 31 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/delivery_status_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-feature] DSN will be returned if message bound for sympa robot does never contain commands.

r12662 | sikeda | 2016-01-31 05:12:44 +0100 (dim. 31 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals/Workflow.pod
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuthOwner.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToRequest.pm:12661)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToRequest.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Auth.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Request.pm:12647)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-change] Renaming Sympa::Spool::Request to Sympa::Spool::Auth.

r12661 | sikeda | 2016-01-31 04:00:06 +0100 (dim. 31 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToRequest.pm

[-dev] Copyedit.  Sync code to process requests with those in WWSympa and SOAP server.

r12660 | sikeda | 2016-01-29 09:04:01 +0100 (ven. 29 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm

[-dev] Copyedit.

r12659 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-28 18:35:38 +0100 (jeu. 28 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12658 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-28 18:30:51 +0100 (jeu. 28 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12657 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-28 17:36:17 +0100 (jeu. 28 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12656 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-28 17:30:05 +0100 (jeu. 28 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12655 | david.verdin | 2016-01-28 16:58:57 +0100 (jeu. 28 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Downloading the list certificate from the web interface returned an error because an obsoleted sub was used to build the file name.
r12654 | sikeda | 2016-01-28 15:58:49 +0100 (jeu. 28 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Perltidy'ing.

r12653 | sikeda | 2016-01-28 15:45:37 +0100 (jeu. 28 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToRequest.pm

[dev: Adding documentations.

r12652 | sikeda | 2016-01-28 09:47:34 +0100 (jeu. 28 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm

[-dev] Copyedits.

r12651 | sikeda | 2016-01-27 06:01:05 +0100 (mer. 27 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm

[-dev] Use template to show max_list_members_exceeded error.

r12650 | sikeda | 2016-01-26 09:21:02 +0100 (mar. 26 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToRequest.pm

[dev] Sympa::Report::*_report_cmd() are deprecated.  Instead, use stash of spindle to keep command reports.

r12649 | sikeda | 2016-01-26 09:08:36 +0100 (mar. 26 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm

[-dev] Sympa::Spindle: stash feature, internal storage for general purpose.

r12648 | sikeda | 2016-01-25 09:21:44 +0100 (lun. 25 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/perlcriticrc

[-dev] Adding cyclomatic complexity tests to authorcheck, experimentary, with relatively higher threshold.

r12647 | sikeda | 2016-01-25 09:18:12 +0100 (lun. 25 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Request.pm

[-dev] Copyedits.

r12646 | sikeda | 2016-01-25 05:24:09 +0100 (lun. 25 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am

[-dev] Adding omitted template to Makefile.

r12645 | sikeda | 2016-01-25 05:12:19 +0100 (lun. 25 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals/Workflow.pod
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAuth.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm:12644)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToRequest.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm:12644)

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ToAuth and Sympa::Spindle::ToRequest to hold requests.

r12644 | sikeda | 2016-01-24 11:12:54 +0100 (dim. 24 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeRequest.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm:12643)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DispatchRequest.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm:12643)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessMessage.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::AuthorizeRequest and Sympa::Spindle::DispatchRequest to process requests from users.  Sympa::Commands was deprecated.

r12643 | sikeda | 2016-01-24 04:17:00 +0100 (dim. 24 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessMessage.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring: Gather redundant codes in Sympa::Commands.

r12642 | sikeda | 2016-01-23 09:37:42 +0100 (sam. 23 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring: Splitting global_remind, global_set and global_signoff from remind, set and signoff, respectively.

r12641 | lumineau | 2016-01-22 16:36:55 +0100 (ven. 22 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2

[bug] Correction of javascript for disapeared top-bar-dropdown menu on input lost focus
r12640 | david.verdin | 2016-01-19 18:13:52 +0100 (mar. 19 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][Introduced in rev. 11267][Reported by V. Juloux, EPHE] The test of avatar's file size was inverted; consequently, files respecting the size limit were rejected for size limit reasons.
r12639 | sikeda | 2016-01-19 10:33:28 +0100 (mar. 19 janv. 2016) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sigindex.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subindex.tt2:12635)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-feature] Now moderated unsubscription requests are stored into spool for moderation.
ToDo: Tests on web interface, and modification on some templates.

r12638 | sikeda | 2016-01-18 09:54:57 +0100 (lun. 18 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[-change] Some commands (STATS, GET, LAST and INDEX) were allowed execution by any scenario results except "reject".  Now scenario should return "do_it" result explicitly.

r12637 | sikeda | 2016-01-18 07:50:24 +0100 (lun. 18 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CommandDef.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm:12635)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request/Message.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm:12635)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessMessage.pm

[dev] Refactoring.  Splitting Sympa::CommandDef & Sympa::Request::Message from Sympa::Commands & Sympa::Spindle::DoCommand.

r12636 | sikeda | 2016-01-18 03:14:18 +0100 (lun. 18 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[-dev] Typos.
r12635 | sikeda | 2016-01-17 03:02:41 +0100 (dim. 17 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring.  Split _do_command() to _load_requests() and _execute_request().

r12634 | sikeda | 2016-01-16 08:06:23 +0100 (sam. 16 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[-bug] rpmbuild using sympa.spec fails with Fedora 22 or later.

r12633 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-15 17:05:33 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12632 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-15 17:00:22 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12631 | david.verdin | 2016-01-15 16:21:17 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists_categories.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] Displaying lists by categories is now a specific action, accessible through Sympa main menu, instead of a part of the default home page.
r12630 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-15 12:02:21 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sympa_menu.tt2

[dev] In new skin, list families menu is displayed only if the user actually ownd a family.
r12629 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-14 18:14:42 +0100 (jeu. 14 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12628 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-14 18:08:47 +0100 (jeu. 14 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12627 | sikeda | 2016-01-13 09:49:54 +0100 (mer. 13 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/aside_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_ui.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/header.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_faq.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sympa_menu.tt2

[-dev] Adding svn properties to web_tt2 templates.

r12626 | lumineau | 2016-01-12 16:39:23 +0100 (mar. 12 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sympa_menu.tt2

[bug] top comment modification
r12625 | lumineau | 2016-01-12 16:36:57 +0100 (mar. 12 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_faq.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sympa_menu.tt2

[change] top menu reorganisation (search and support)
r12624 | lumineau | 2016-01-12 16:35:27 +0100 (mar. 12 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change]css modifications for major reorganisation of homepage submenu
r12623 | lumineau | 2016-01-12 16:34:29 +0100 (mar. 12 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2

[change]major reorganisation of homepage submenu
r12622 | lumineau | 2016-01-12 16:32:53 +0100 (mar. 12 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/my.tt2

[change] delete end useless >
r12621 | sikeda | 2016-01-11 03:23:02 +0100 (lun. 11 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm

[dev] Refactoring.  Use Sympa::Request object to process commands.

r12620 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-06 11:32:30 +0100 (mer. 06 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12619 | sympa-authors | 2016-01-06 11:26:58 +0100 (mer. 06 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12618 | lumineau | 2016-01-04 17:20:44 +0100 (lun. 04 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[change] modification of aside menu structure and class divider color
r12617 | lumineau | 2016-01-04 16:21:34 +0100 (lun. 04 janv. 2016) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/my.tt2

[change] new look for my lists page
r12616 | sikeda | 2016-01-03 02:39:57 +0100 (dim. 03 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm

[bug] Tests in code using a few regexps were invalid due to typos.  These also produce "Unescaped left brace in regex" deprecation warnings many, many times with Perl 5.22 or later.

r12615 | sikeda | 2016-01-02 15:18:34 +0100 (sam. 02 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm

[dev] Introducing new regexp Sympa::Regexps::addrspec to prevent unexpected grouping.

r12614 | sikeda | 2016-01-02 05:50:50 +0100 (sam. 02 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring.  Suppressing redundant parameters for reject_report_cmd() and notice_report_cmd().

r12613 | sikeda | 2016-01-02 04:31:15 +0100 (sam. 02 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring.  Parameterize arguments of compute_auth() and request_auth().

r12612 | sikeda | 2016-01-01 02:48:29 +0100 (ven. 01 janv. 2016) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/AUTHORS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/check_locales.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_test_ldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_sympa_password.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/CSV.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Informix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/ODBC.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle/St.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTML/FormatText.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLSanitizer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListOpt.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin/FixEncoding.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP/Transport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoForward.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAutomatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessBounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessTemplate.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ResendArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAlarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToEditor.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToMailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformDigestFinal.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Automatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest/Collection.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Held.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Incoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Moderation.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Ticket.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/SMIME.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Topic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.h
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/utf8.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/utf8.h
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am

[-release] Updating copyright notices.

r12611 | sikeda | 2015-12-31 07:38:32 +0100 (jeu. 31 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[bug] If UNSUBSCRIBE command with an email parameter not the same as sender is sent and "unsubscribe" scenario returns value "request_auth(sender)", an invalid auth key will be sent back to the sender.  Fixed by generating auth key using right parameter.

r12610 | sikeda | 2015-12-29 10:54:43 +0100 (mar. 29 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[bug] REVIEW command cannot handle the result "request_auth" returned by review scenario.

r12609 | sikeda | 2015-12-29 09:37:17 +0100 (mar. 29 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[-dev] Copyedit.

r12608 | sikeda | 2015-12-29 06:06:39 +0100 (mar. 29 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[-bug] Command report notifying auth failure includes an untranslated English word.

r12607 | sikeda | 2015-12-28 02:24:39 +0100 (lun. 28 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] Key 'sender' given to Sympa::Request instance was renamed to 'email'.

r12606 | sikeda | 2015-12-26 03:44:52 +0100 (sam. 26 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Ticket.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Sympa::Session::purge_old_tickets() was renamed to Sympa::Ticket::purge_old_tickets().

r12605 | sikeda | 2015-12-20 23:13:44 +0100 (dim. 20 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm

[-dev] Tiny fix.
r12604 | sikeda | 2015-12-20 10:42:10 +0100 (dim. 20 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals/Workflow.pod
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals.podpl

[change] [Notice contributors] Logic to handle messages in processes of Sympa has been highly refactored.  See the documentation Sympa::Internals::Workflow for overview.

r12603 | sikeda | 2015-12-20 07:41:07 +0100 (dim. 20 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListOpt.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessTemplate.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAlarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToEditor.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToMailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformDigestFinal.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Ticket.pm

[dev] Adding documentation.

r12602 | sikeda | 2015-12-20 06:24:08 +0100 (dim. 20 déc. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToAlarm.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToMailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[dev] Now functions to send messages in Sympa package use Sympa::Spindle::ProcessTemplate.  Sympa::Spindle::ToAlarm and Sympa::Spindle::ToMailer claesses were added.

After all, most of dependency loops among Sympa internal modules are dissolved.

r12601 | sikeda | 2015-12-20 06:20:14 +0100 (dim. 20 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[dev] Now Sympa::List::send_probe_to_user() uses Sympa::Spindle::ProcessTemplate to send probe messages to users.

r12600 | sikeda | 2015-12-20 06:17:12 +0100 (dim. 20 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessDigest.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformDigestFinal.pm

[dev] Now Sympa::Spindle::ProcessDigest uses Sympa::Spindle::ProcessTemplate to distribute formatted digest messages.  Sympa::Spindle::TransformDigestFinal was added.

r12599 | sikeda | 2015-12-20 06:12:55 +0100 (dim. 20 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessTemplate.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToOutgoing.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ProcessTemplate and Sympa::Spindle::ToOutgoing to send messages generated from template.

r12598 | sikeda | 2015-12-20 01:41:46 +0100 (dim. 20 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-dev] Suppress warning on redefined variable.

r12597 | sikeda | 2015-12-19 06:32:36 +0100 (sam. 19 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer/Website.pm

[-dev] Updating ext/

r12596 | sikeda | 2015-12-19 06:19:41 +0100 (sam. 19 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Ticket.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm:12593)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[dev] Small refactoring.  New package Sympa::Ticket to handle one-time tickets.

r12595 | sikeda | 2015-12-18 14:39:53 +0100 (ven. 18 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListOpt.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm:12593)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[dev] Small refactoring.  Sympa::List::get_option_title() was moved to Sympa::ListOpt::get_title().

r12594 | sikeda | 2015-12-15 11:53:14 +0100 (mar. 15 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm

[-bug] Resending message in archive may be prohibited if the user does not subscribe to a topic.

r12593 | sikeda | 2015-12-15 11:37:23 +0100 (mar. 15 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Template.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm:12589)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToEditor.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[dev] Separating Sympa::Message::Template from Sympa::Message.

r12592 | lumineau | 2015-12-15 11:32:21 +0100 (mar. 15 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change] title and table td font-size reduction
r12591 | sikeda | 2015-12-14 09:16:19 +0100 (lun. 14 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessArchive.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/StoreArchive.pm:12589)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessDigest.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/SendDigest.pm:12590)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/SendDigest.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/StoreArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-change] Sympa::Spindle::SendDigest and Sympa::Spindle::StoreArchive are renamed to Sympa::Spindle::ProcessDigest and Sympa::Spindle::ProcessArchive respectively for consistent naming.

r12590 | sikeda | 2015-12-14 04:59:20 +0100 (lun. 14 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAutomatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/SendDigest.pm

[-dev] Obsoleting Sympa::Spindle::_spools().

r12589 | sikeda | 2015-12-14 00:11:44 +0100 (lun. 14 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring.  Suppress dependency loop in Sympa::List and a few others.

r12588 | sikeda | 2015-12-13 06:53:14 +0100 (dim. 13 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm

[-dev] Removing subroutines no longer used, and small copyedit.

r12587 | sikeda | 2015-12-13 04:08:13 +0100 (dim. 13 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/delivery_status_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2

[-dev] Removing obsoleted entries from message_report.tt2, and add entries to delivery_status_notification.tt2.

r12586 | sikeda | 2015-12-13 04:06:58 +0100 (dim. 13 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToEditor.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm

[-dev] Using Sympa::sene_file() instead of Sympa::Report::notice_report_msg().

r12585 | sikeda | 2015-12-12 06:52:07 +0100 (sam. 12 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2

[-dev] Moving plugin interface from message_report.tt2 to user_notification.tt2.

r12584 | sikeda | 2015-12-12 06:50:42 +0100 (sam. 12 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm

[-dev] Fix a wrapper function in ext packages.

r12583 | sikeda | 2015-12-12 06:12:56 +0100 (sam. 12 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/delivery_status_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoForward.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAutomatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessModeration.pm

[change] If distribution of a message is rejected or fails, delivery status notification (DSN) instead of normal report will be sent by Sympa.  This behavior may mitigate backscattering caused by unwanted situation (virus, storm of spam, system trouble, ...).

r12582 | sikeda | 2015-12-12 03:07:29 +0100 (sam. 12 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[-change] CONFIRM, DISTRIBUTE and REJECT no longer send separate error message when held message was not found in spool.

r12581 | sikeda | 2015-12-10 10:01:29 +0100 (jeu. 10 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ResendArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm

[-dev] perltidy'ing.
r12580 | sikeda | 2015-12-10 09:30:13 +0100 (jeu. 10 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] <sympa> address was set as envelope sender of the message sent from web to individual user(s).  Fixed by setting <sympa-request> address instead.

r12579 | sikeda | 2015-12-10 09:21:40 +0100 (jeu. 10 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ResendArchive.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessHeld.pm:12571)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformOutgoing.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ResendArchive class to resend messages in archive to user.

r12578 | sikeda | 2015-12-10 05:50:20 +0100 (jeu. 10 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm

[-dev] Refactoring.  Sympa::Message::decorate() was obsoleted.  Sympa::Message::test_personalize() was moved to Sympa::Spindle::AuthorizeMessage::_test_personalize() only where it is used.

r12577 | sikeda | 2015-12-09 08:55:01 +0100 (mer. 09 déc. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm

[bug] If an incoming message is encrypted, certificates of list members exist and any of them are invalid, message distribution by bulk.pl aborts and part of list members does not receive any messages.
Fixed by replacing outgoing messages with error messages if re-encryption by bulk.pl fails.

r12576 | sikeda | 2015-12-08 12:56:43 +0100 (mar. 08 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] Insignificant correction of module lists.

r12575 | sikeda | 2015-12-08 12:06:09 +0100 (mar. 08 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessBounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/StoreArchive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Constructors of Sympa::Tracking and Sympa::Archive may take argument as plain hash pairs.

r12574 | sikeda | 2015-12-08 07:26:43 +0100 (mar. 08 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToArchive.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm:12566)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToDigest.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm:12566)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToList.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm:12566)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformIncoming.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm:12566)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/TransformOutgoing.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm:12566)

[dev] Splitting Sympa::Spindle::DistributeMessage to five classes: Sympa::Spindle::TransformIncoming,Sympa::Spindle::ToArchive,Sympa::Spindle::TransformOutgoing,Sympa::Spindle::ToDigest, Sympa::Spindle::ToList.

r12573 | lumineau | 2015-12-07 16:03:31 +0100 (lun. 07 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2

[change] Complete reorganization of message moderation interface, with action icons and modals, otherwise improve alert messages presentation and lisibility
r12572 | lumineau | 2015-12-07 16:03:11 +0100 (lun. 07 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2

[change] delete paragrah tag
r12571 | lumineau | 2015-12-07 15:16:31 +0100 (lun. 07 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change] titles font-size unit modification (rem to em)
r12570 | lumineau | 2015-12-07 12:14:39 +0100 (lun. 07 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2

[change] custumize info message 
r12569 | lumineau | 2015-12-07 12:12:56 +0100 (lun. 07 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2

[change] add info message when no closed or pending lists
r12568 | lumineau | 2015-12-07 11:24:02 +0100 (lun. 07 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[bug] fix alert-box info color, and *-centered foundation class margin-left
r12567 | sikeda | 2015-12-07 09:01:24 +0100 (lun. 07 déc. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2

[bug] If send scenario returns result "editor" (forwading to editor without validation key), notification sent to editor does not include original message.
Fixed by correcting moderate.tt2 mail template.

r12566 | sikeda | 2015-12-06 11:35:24 +0100 (dim. 06 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/SendDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToEditor.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm

[-dev] perltidy'ing.
r12565 | sikeda | 2015-12-06 11:20:55 +0100 (dim. 06 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/SendDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToEditor.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToHeld.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm

[-feature] Log the time taken to process each message in more precisely, by 10 miliseconds.

r12564 | sikeda | 2015-12-06 09:59:09 +0100 (dim. 06 déc. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToEditor.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm:12563)

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ToEditor to forward incoming messages to editors.

ToDo: Careful tests.

r12563 | sikeda | 2015-12-06 09:55:53 +0100 (dim. 06 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToHeld.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm:12560)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ToModeration.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm:12560)

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ToHeld and Sympa::Spindle::ToModeration to forward messages to held and moderation spools.

r12562 | sikeda | 2015-12-06 07:15:01 +0100 (dim. 06 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/delivery_status_notification.tt2

[-dev] Adding DSN with status 5.3.0 for other delivery failure.

r12561 | sikeda | 2015-12-06 05:19:16 +0100 (dim. 06 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessModeration.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessHeld.pm:12559)

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ProcessModeration class to distribute or reject messages by editor.

r12560 | sikeda | 2015-12-06 05:11:41 +0100 (dim. 06 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DistributeMessage.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm:12552)

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::DistributeMessage class to distribute authorized messages to list archive, digest and list members.

r12559 | sikeda | 2015-12-06 04:49:03 +0100 (dim. 06 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessHeld.pm

[-dev] Copyedit in POD.
r12558 | sikeda | 2015-12-05 07:54:34 +0100 (sam. 05 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessHeld.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ProcessHeld class to confirm messages held in confirmation ("auth") spool.  CONFIRM command uses it.

r12557 | sikeda | 2015-12-05 00:32:48 +0100 (sam. 05 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/AuthorizeMessage.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm:12554)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] Separating Sympa::Spindle::AuthorizeMessage from Sympa::Spindle::DoMessage.

r12556 | lumineau | 2015-12-04 15:58:29 +0100 (ven. 04 déc. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

Correction of disapeared top-bar login dropdown menu on input lost focus
r12555 | sikeda | 2015-12-02 14:09:43 +0100 (mer. 02 déc. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/delivery_status_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring.  send_dsn() no longer requires {listname} and {recipient} parameters.  And entire message instead of header part may be attached excluding in case that it is potentially unsafe: too large, contains malware, ...

ToDo: reject_report_msg() in Sympa::Report would be replaced with send_dsn().

r12554 | sikeda | 2015-12-01 10:17:45 +0100 (mar. 01 déc. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm

[-dev] Copyedit.  Removing unused variables etc.

r12553 | sikeda | 2015-11-30 09:38:39 +0100 (lun. 30 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-bug] Small fix.  Hardcoded listmaster addresses were saved.

r12552 | sikeda | 2015-11-30 05:28:05 +0100 (lun. 30 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Sympa::List::get_list_address() is merged into Sympa::get_address().

r12551 | sikeda | 2015-11-29 23:46:21 +0100 (dim. 29 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm

[bug] Loop prevention of the messages bound for administrators (listmaster, owner or editor) using "X-Loop:" field does not work.  Fixed by comparing the field with correct administrator address.

r12550 | sikeda | 2015-11-29 01:51:12 +0100 (dim. 29 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev][-bug] Use volatile attribute {xsequence} of message object to keep updated x-sequence.

r12549 | sikeda | 2015-11-28 10:20:30 +0100 (sam. 28 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Cleanup module list.

r12548 | sikeda | 2015-11-28 09:33:32 +0100 (sam. 28 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm

[-bug] authorization_reject response will not be sent if result of scenario evaluation includes nonexisting template.

r12547 | sikeda | 2015-11-28 08:44:43 +0100 (sam. 28 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[-bug] Separate error message should not be returned to command with unknown list.

r12546 | sikeda | 2015-11-27 10:24:52 +0100 (ven. 27 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm

[-dev] Removing unused code.

r12545 | sikeda | 2015-11-26 04:32:26 +0100 (jeu. 26 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm

[-dev] Insignificant typo in code.

r12544 | sikeda | 2015-11-26 04:29:42 +0100 (jeu. 26 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/SendDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm

[-dev] Introducing twist() in Sympa::Spindle.

r12543 | sikeda | 2015-11-26 04:28:30 +0100 (jeu. 26 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/StoreArchive.pm

[-dev] _twist() no longer uses $handle.

r12542 | sikeda | 2015-11-25 10:04:10 +0100 (mer. 25 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Cleanup module list.

r12541 | sikeda | 2015-11-25 09:39:10 +0100 (mer. 25 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm

[-dev] (r12727) Small more fixes.

r12540 | lumineau | 2015-11-24 16:05:27 +0100 (mar. 24 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2

[bug] List members table correction, end table tag wasn't at the correct place
r12539 | lumineau | 2015-11-24 16:03:50 +0100 (mar. 24 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change] Global font-size reduction
r12538 | sikeda | 2015-11-24 14:42:50 +0100 (mar. 24 nov. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[bug] [Reported by S. Hatteberg & suggested by S. Shipway] "none" or other value can not be specified to ca_verify parameter of LDAP datasource, though it became required as of Sympa 6.2.
Fixed by adding new "ca_verify" defaulting "required" to corresponding config paragraphs.

r12537 | sikeda | 2015-11-24 05:06:50 +0100 (mar. 24 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[-dev] Insignificant fixes in PODs.

r12536 | sikeda | 2015-11-24 04:59:28 +0100 (mar. 24 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Suppress use of global %main::options.

r12535 | lumineau | 2015-11-23 16:11:04 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2

[change] optimization of message info view
r12534 | lumineau | 2015-11-23 15:36:07 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2

[change] medium-centered for alert-info
r12533 | lumineau | 2015-11-23 15:25:49 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2

[change] global page settings and message info when no list members
r12532 | lumineau | 2015-11-23 15:21:19 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[change] alert-box info size for small screens
r12531 | lumineau | 2015-11-23 15:20:31 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

select[name=size] to  60px
r12530 | lumineau | 2015-11-23 14:41:05 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[change] global page settings, message when no bouncing members (bounce_rate=0), and responsive class deleted for table because of th rowspan
r12529 | lumineau | 2015-11-23 11:18:12 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[change] h3 title tag replaced by h2 tag
r12528 | sikeda | 2015-11-23 07:57:08 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/StoreArchive.pm

[-dev] perltidy'ing.

r12527 | sikeda | 2015-11-23 07:11:50 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoCommand.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm:12526)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoForward.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm:12526)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/DoMessage.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm:12526)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Split Sympa::Spindle::ProcessIncoming class into it and new three classes: Sympa::Spindle::DoCommand, Sympa::Spindle::DoForward and Sympa::Spindle::DoMessage.

r12526 | sikeda | 2015-11-23 01:31:04 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessIncoming.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in:12525)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ProcessIncoming class to define workflow to process messages in incoming spool.

r12525 | sikeda | 2015-11-23 00:49:22 +0100 (lun. 23 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-bug] SMTP logging was enabled even if log_smtp in robot.conf is "off".

r12524 | sikeda | 2015-11-22 12:01:51 +0100 (dim. 22 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-dev] Refactoring.  Cleaning several unuseful local variables etc.

r12523 | sikeda | 2015-11-21 03:11:19 +0100 (sam. 21 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sympa_toc.pod
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm

[-dev] Small fixes in documentation.
r12522 | sikeda | 2015-11-21 03:10:22 +0100 (sam. 21 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessOutgoing.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in:12518)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ProcessOutgoing class to define workflow to process messages in outgoing spool.

r12521 | lumineau | 2015-11-20 09:49:59 +0100 (ven. 20 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[bug] new correction of uncolored dropdown menu menu below form element
r12520 | lumineau | 2015-11-19 14:18:56 +0100 (jeu. 19 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[bug] correction of uncolored dropdown menu menu below form element
r12519 | sikeda | 2015-11-19 14:09:16 +0100 (jeu. 19 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm

[-dev] (r12514) Reverting redundant fix.

r12518 | sikeda | 2015-11-19 13:59:44 +0100 (jeu. 19 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Introducing daemonize() method and {detached} attribute to Sympa::Process.

r12516 | sympa-authors | 2015-11-18 13:59:58 +0100 (mer. 18 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.12
r12515 | sympa-authors | 2015-11-18 12:01:27 +0100 (mer. 18 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12514 | sympa-authors | 2015-11-18 11:53:24 +0100 (mer. 18 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12513 | sikeda | 2015-11-17 12:26:10 +0100 (mar. 17 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-dev] Introducing {generation} attribute of Sympa::Process object instead of $daemon_usage global variable.

r12512 | sikeda | 2015-11-15 07:19:17 +0100 (dim. 15 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAutomatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessBounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/StoreArchive.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Sympa::Tools::Daemon has been merged to Sympa::Process.

r12511 | sikeda | 2015-11-15 00:30:48 +0100 (dim. 15 nov. 2015) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Managee child PIDs by single point, {children} attribute of Sympa::Process instance.
By this change, number of children (slave bulks and sendmail processes) will be estimated properly.  And Proc::ProcessTable module may no longer be required.

ToDo: Use of SIGCHLD handler might be considered.

r12510 | sikeda | 2015-11-14 06:03:44 +0100 (sam. 14 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Process.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm:12509)

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Process to provide instance handling process itself.

r12509 | sikeda | 2015-11-14 00:09:28 +0100 (sam. 14 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring.  Removing unnecessary internal attribute.

r12508 | lumineau | 2015-11-13 14:03:51 +0100 (ven. 13 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2

[bug] End </a> tag was missing on Review link
r12507 | lumineau | 2015-11-13 11:10:08 +0100 (ven. 13 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change] clean css table rules commented
r12506 | lumineau | 2015-11-12 17:03:55 +0100 (jeu. 12 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2

[change] delete div and br tags
r12505 | lumineau | 2015-11-12 11:40:26 +0100 (jeu. 12 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

[change] Improve role view in top bar menu and aside menu
r12504 | lumineau | 2015-11-12 10:07:11 +0100 (jeu. 12 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[bug] correction of responsive table script bug, by adding 2 css rules
r12503 | sikeda | 2015-11-11 05:31:05 +0100 (mer. 11 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-bug] While outgoing spool is empty, terminated slave bulk processes are not reaped.

r12502 | lumineau | 2015-11-10 11:06:00 +0100 (mar. 10 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change] delete #noticeMSG rule because it's not used any more
r12501 | lumineau | 2015-11-10 11:01:58 +0100 (mar. 10 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2

[change] replace div tag with noticeMSG id by p tag with alert-box info class
r12500 | sikeda | 2015-11-10 06:57:43 +0100 (mar. 10 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_Password.t

[dev] Adding a few test cases for Sympa::Tools::Password.

r12499 | sikeda | 2015-11-10 06:28:04 +0100 (mar. 10 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] Rename tools::password_validation() to Sympa::Tools::Password::password_validation().

r12498 | sikeda | 2015-11-10 05:42:51 +0100 (mar. 10 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug] Password validation does not work due to a typo.

r12497 | lumineau | 2015-11-09 17:33:09 +0100 (lun. 09 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change] sidebar menu background hover
r12496 | lumineau | 2015-11-09 16:51:47 +0100 (lun. 09 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sympa_menu.tt2

[change] improve sidebar lisibility with background color on title menu and complete active class on sympa menu
r12495 | sikeda | 2015-11-07 23:28:49 +0100 (sam. 07 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAutomatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in

[-dev] Suppress usage of %main::options in internal module.

r12494 | lumineau | 2015-11-06 17:18:11 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2

list options menu rearranged
r12493 | lumineau | 2015-11-06 16:19:01 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/aside_menu.tt2

replace section tag by menu tag
r12492 | sikeda | 2015-11-06 13:13:50 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subindex.tt2

[-dev] (r12491) Recomitting a change at r12462.

r12491 | lumineau | 2015-11-06 10:40:15 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subindex.tt2

moderation and subscription page rearranged with info message when there are no documents or no messages or no subscriptions in place of empty table
r12490 | lumineau | 2015-11-06 10:33:11 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/notice.tt2

subscribe notice message chnaged from info to success
r12489 | sikeda | 2015-11-06 10:09:38 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2015) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[dev] Updating dependent CPAN modules.
- Email::Simple is no longer used.
- Net::DNS may not be mandatory: It is used only by DKIM and DKIM protection features.
- Bump down required version of DateTime::TimeZone.  DateTime 0.41 bundled in RHEL/CentOS 5 includes it and requires 0.59 or later.

r12488 | lumineau | 2015-11-06 09:36:23 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2

moderate icon action replaced
r12487 | lumineau | 2015-11-06 09:23:59 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2

new table view for shared with icons actions
r12485 | sympa-authors | 2015-11-05 15:14:40 +0100 (jeu. 05 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.11
r12484 | sympa-authors | 2015-11-05 15:07:05 +0100 (jeu. 05 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12483 | sympa-authors | 2015-11-05 15:03:15 +0100 (jeu. 05 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12482 | sikeda | 2015-11-05 14:23:35 +0100 (jeu. 05 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm

[dev] Adding doc.

r12481 | david.verdin | 2015-11-05 11:53:51 +0100 (jeu. 05 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-change] Updating minimal XML::LibXML version.
r12480 | david.verdin | 2015-11-05 11:53:16 +0100 (jeu. 05 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[dev] Updating i18n catalogues with code changes.
r12479 | lumineau | 2015-11-05 11:34:00 +0100 (jeu. 05 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

improve edit and view icon size
r12478 | sikeda | 2015-11-05 11:04:22 +0100 (jeu. 05 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAutomatic.pm

[bug] Logging invocation of sendmail is not disabled even if log_smtp parameter is "off".

r12476 | sympa-authors | 2015-11-04 15:43:24 +0100 (mer. 04 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.10
r12475 | sikeda | 2015-11-04 14:36:45 +0100 (mer. 04 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessAutomatic.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in:12459)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ProcessAutomatic class to define workflow to process messages in automatic list creation spool.

r12474 | sikeda | 2015-11-03 11:15:30 +0100 (mar. 03 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/ProcessBounce.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in:12461)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Spindle::ProcessBounce class to define workflow to process bounces and notifications.

r12473 | sikeda | 2015-11-03 11:00:13 +0100 (mar. 03 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

[-bug] Typos in notification message.
r12472 | lumineau | 2015-11-03 09:54:34 +0100 (mar. 03 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2

shared modifications for a little bit more usability
r12471 | sikeda | 2015-11-03 09:00:45 +0100 (mar. 03 nov. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/StoreArchive.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in:12461)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Spindle::StoreArchive class to define workflow to store archives.

r12470 | sikeda | 2015-11-03 08:07:54 +0100 (mar. 03 nov. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/SendDigest.pm

[-dev] Typo.
r12469 | sikeda | 2015-10-26 14:33:54 +0100 (lun. 26 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle/SendDigest.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spindle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spindle::SendDigest class to define workflow to distribute digests, and its super-class Sympa::Spindle.

r12468 | sikeda | 2015-10-25 04:52:12 +0100 (dim. 25 oct. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[bug][#9850] Database logging fails on rare occations.  This is because primary key of logs_table is not sufficiently unique.
Fixed by dropping primary key.  Table structure will be upgraded automatically during upgrade process.  Additionally, upgrade table will also keep subsecond part of logging date.

r12467 | sikeda | 2015-10-25 04:44:38 +0100 (dim. 25 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm

[-dev] Adding docs.

r12466 | sikeda | 2015-10-25 04:36:40 +0100 (dim. 25 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm

[-dev] Introducing Sympa::Tools::Time::gettimeofday().

r12465 | sikeda | 2015-10-25 02:51:37 +0100 (dim. 25 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm

[-dev] perltidy'ing.

r12464 | sikeda | 2015-10-25 02:56:29 +0200 (dim. 25 oct. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Topic.pm

[bug] If message topics feature is enabled and a message has message-ID containing "/" character, such message cannot be tagged topics.
Fixed by escaping filesystem-unsafe characters in message-ID.

r12463 | sikeda | 2015-10-25 02:30:47 +0200 (dim. 25 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Topic.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm:12462)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Topic class to encapsulate process tagging message topics.

r12462 | sikeda | 2015-10-23 14:44:33 +0200 (ven. 23 oct. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Request.pm

[bug] If a user submits subscription requests to a list multiple times, owner can see the last one in moderation page, but when she approves it, the first one will be chosen.  As a result, custom attribute of subscribed user may be differ from that owner has chosen.
Fixed by assigning unique key to each subscription request.  To make this fix, format of files in subscribe spool (queuesubscribe) were changed: Older format will be migrated during upgrading process (sympa.pl --upgrade).

r12461 | sikeda | 2015-10-23 01:09:07 +0200 (ven. 23 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] [#10072] [Reported by S. Algarotti] A typo in error messsage.

r12460 | sikeda | 2015-10-22 06:50:50 +0200 (jeu. 22 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2

[-dev] Ephemeral notices are not always shown at forefront: They are hidden by tiles on home page.  Fixed by moving inclusion of notice.tt2 after ${action}.tt2.

r12459 | sikeda | 2015-10-21 15:42:26 +0200 (mer. 21 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Refactoring.  send_notify_to_user() is moved from Sympa::List to Sympa package.

r12458 | lumineau | 2015-10-20 17:27:18 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/notice.tt2

customize notice and errors design
r12457 | lumineau | 2015-10-20 16:59:12 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2

scrolling top button implementation
r12456 | lumineau | 2015-10-20 16:33:30 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/header.tt2

replace section tag by menu tag
r12455 | lumineau | 2015-10-20 16:24:54 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2

replace images by fontawesome icons in info.tt2
r12454 | lumineau | 2015-10-20 14:34:13 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

my list icon modification
r12453 | lumineau | 2015-10-20 14:30:44 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2

remove unecessary div class block
r12452 | lumineau | 2015-10-20 14:27:36 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2

remove unecessary div html comments
r12451 | lumineau | 2015-10-20 14:14:41 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

space added between main nav and titles
r12450 | lumineau | 2015-10-20 13:45:48 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/stats.tt2

title level modified
r12449 | lumineau | 2015-10-19 16:53:07 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2

replace section tag by menu tag
r12448 | lumineau | 2015-10-19 16:43:22 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_list_request.tt2

remove unnecessary div tag
r12447 | lumineau | 2015-10-19 16:34:30 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_user.tt2

add user icon and delete first sentence (same as caption)
r12446 | sikeda | 2015-10-19 15:49:54 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm

[-dev] (r12388) More strict check to determine if glob pattern is valid.

r12445 | sikeda | 2015-10-19 13:17:50 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] When an anonymous user (user who has not logged in) selects "subscribe" menu specifying e-mail address, fake message "a message containing an validation link was sent" is shown and message is not really sent, even if the e-mail had been already subscribed.  Previously, user was notified that they are already subscribed.

The new behavior will prevent using "subscriber" menu to sniff subscribers.

r12444 | sikeda | 2015-10-18 06:18:27 +0200 (dim. 18 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/parse_templates.t

[-dev] Also check if task model files are parsable.

r12443 | sikeda | 2015-10-17 10:10:45 +0200 (sam. 17 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] small fix.

r12442 | sikeda | 2015-10-17 08:32:03 +0200 (sam. 17 oct. 2015) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.
- Now Sympa::List::update_list_member() allows plain hash as options.
- It no longer updates user_table.
- encoding/decoding custom attribute occurs in it.
and a few other insignificant fixes.

r12441 | sikeda | 2015-10-17 08:01:01 +0200 (sam. 17 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] Typos.

r12440 | sikeda | 2015-10-17 01:39:50 +0200 (sam. 17 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm

[-dev] Reordering POD.

r12439 | sikeda | 2015-10-17 01:31:22 +0200 (sam. 17 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm

[-dev] Sympa::Tools::File no longer depends on Sympa::Log.  Alternatively, errno will be set on failed operation.

r12438 | sikeda | 2015-10-16 06:02:05 +0200 (ven. 16 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/parse_templates.t

[-dev] Test: Also check if sympa.wsdl is well-formed.

r12437 | sikeda | 2015-10-15 10:13:38 +0200 (jeu. 15 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Request.pm

[-dev] Typo.

r12436 | sikeda | 2015-10-15 07:31:57 +0200 (jeu. 15 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Typos.

r12435 | sikeda | 2015-10-14 14:21:04 +0200 (mer. 14 oct. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Request.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Request.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Held.pm:12419)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spool::Requset class for spool keeping requests waiting for moderation and Sympa::Request class to represent requests.
Additionally, file names have to be "date,listname@domain_authkey,email,action".  Older format will be upgraded during upgrading process.

r12434 | sikeda | 2015-10-14 10:12:22 +0200 (mer. 14 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[-dev] Removing unused parameter name.

r12433 | sikeda | 2015-10-14 06:58:06 +0200 (mer. 14 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_Text.t

[dev] New functions decode_filesystem_safe() and encode_filesystem_safe() in Sympa::Tools::Text.  Since they give more consistent result and are safer, they may be used instead of escape_chars(), qencode_filename() and so on in the future.

r12432 | sikeda | 2015-10-14 05:19:46 +0200 (mer. 14 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_Text.t

[-dev] Adding testcases for Sympa::Tools::Text.

r12430 | sympa-authors | 2015-10-13 15:26:38 +0200 (mar. 13 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.9
r12429 | david.verdin | 2015-10-13 15:18:47 +0200 (mar. 13 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] When using LDAP 1 or 2 levels  queries in owner_includes, include failed because the full incl source was passed instead of the MD5 sum, leading to a failed prepared statement.
r12428 | sympa-authors | 2015-10-13 13:51:28 +0200 (mar. 13 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12427 | sympa-authors | 2015-10-13 13:42:48 +0200 (mar. 13 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/web_help.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12426 | sikeda | 2015-10-12 02:12:27 +0200 (lun. 12 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[dev] tools::get_canonical_email() and tools::clean_email() are deprecated.  Use Sympa::Tools::Text::canonic_email() instead.

r12425 | sikeda | 2015-10-11 12:26:02 +0200 (dim. 11 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm

[-dev] Insignificant typos.

r12424 | sikeda | 2015-10-10 10:55:50 +0200 (sam. 10 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_file.t

[-dev] perltidy'ing.

r12423 | sikeda | 2015-10-10 10:52:43 +0200 (sam. 10 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_file.t

[bug] "make check" run by root fails.  Fixed by taking care of super-user privileges.

r12422 | sikeda | 2015-10-10 04:51:28 +0200 (sam. 10 oct. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm

[dev] set_file_permissions() can't set owner to root.  I feel this behavior is safe and in sense.  To make sure, I let it die when root is given.

If anyone has objection, please change it to allow root (and root group).

r12421 | sikeda | 2015-10-10 04:10:27 +0200 (sam. 10 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm

[-dev] Glob pattern was broken by "l" modifier in marshal format.

r12420 | sympa-authors | 2015-10-09 16:18:32 +0200 (ven. 09 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12419 | sikeda | 2015-10-09 11:22:22 +0200 (ven. 09 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-dev] Suppress a few warnings on uninitialized value.

r12418 | david.verdin | 2015-10-09 11:02:07 +0200 (ven. 09 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug] Some parameters could not take the value '0' (and were then set to their default value) because a test about whether the parameter was set in config relied on a true value instead of a defined value.
r12417 | david.verdin | 2015-10-09 09:49:26 +0200 (ven. 09 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[dev] Updating catalogues.
r12416 | sikeda | 2015-10-08 17:00:39 +0200 (jeu. 08 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm

[-dev] Refactoring.  createXMLCustomAttribute() and ParseCustomAttribute() in Sympa::List are moved to encode_custom_attribute() and decode_custom_attribute() in Sympa::Tools::Data.

r12415 | sikeda | 2015-10-08 09:38:09 +0200 (jeu. 08 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-bug] Typo.

r12414 | sikeda | 2015-10-06 15:50:08 +0200 (mar. 06 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm

[-bug] When reading a named filter failed, notification sent to owner is hard to read.  Fixed by introducing new "bad_named_filter" notification type.

r12413 | sikeda | 2015-10-06 07:14:52 +0200 (mar. 06 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-bug] When an instance of family is closed, notification sent to owner is hard to read.

r12412 | david.verdin | 2015-10-05 17:15:50 +0200 (lun. 05 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] When using sql queries in oxner_includes, it failed because the fulle incl source was passed insetead of the MD5 sum, leading to a failed prepared statement.
r12411 | sikeda | 2015-10-05 16:54:44 +0200 (lun. 05 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-dev] Introducing "css_update_failed" type for mail_tt2/listmater_notification.tt2.

r12410 | sikeda | 2015-10-05 11:37:50 +0200 (lun. 05 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-change] Removing send_notify_to_listmaster() calls during loading site or robot config.  Because, when they were called, starting or reloading daemon(s) can fail.

r12409 | sikeda | 2015-10-05 10:36:06 +0200 (lun. 05 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Typo.

r12408 | sikeda | 2015-10-05 10:13:50 +0200 (lun. 05 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-change] Check if all the directories defined site-wide are not the same.

r12407 | sikeda | 2015-10-05 08:50:15 +0200 (lun. 05 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-dev] Don't check path of openssl because it is no longer required.

r12406 | sikeda | 2015-10-04 09:47:49 +0200 (dim. 04 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Automatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Held.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Incoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Moderation.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm

[-dev] Copyedit of documentation.

r12405 | sikeda | 2015-10-04 05:45:20 +0200 (dim. 04 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-dev] Removing file no longer needed.

r12404 | sikeda | 2015-10-04 05:43:41 +0200 (dim. 04 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/parse_templates.t
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tt2

[-dev] Suppress some warnings during test.

r12403 | sikeda | 2015-10-04 05:38:58 +0200 (dim. 04 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2

[-bug] Typo in web_tt2/help_admin.tt2.

r12402 | sikeda | 2015-10-04 04:33:25 +0200 (dim. 04 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/delivery_status_notification.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/dsn.tt2:12397)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/dsn.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-change] mail_tt2/dsn.tt2 was renamed to mail_tt2/delivery_status_notification.tt2.

r12401 | sikeda | 2015-10-04 04:00:24 +0200 (dim. 04 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] Refactoring.  Moved get_templates_list() and get_template_path() in tools.pm to Sympa::Tools::WWW.

r12400 | sikeda | 2015-10-04 03:06:25 +0200 (dim. 04 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] Malformed subdirectories in template paths which are not proper language tag are listed in ls_template page.

r12399 | sikeda | 2015-10-04 01:38:45 +0200 (dim. 04 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] On set_pending_list_request page, config and info files are inserted without escaping.  Fixed by giving escaped contents.

r12398 | sikeda | 2015-10-03 18:29:58 +0200 (sam. 03 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-syntax.t (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-syntax.t:12392)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-syntax.t

[dev][Suggested by G. Desvernay, Ecole Centrale Marseille] POD syntax error may terminate build process.  Ficed by making checking of POD syntax obliged at the time of "make dist".

r12397 | sikeda | 2015-10-03 18:07:52 +0200 (sam. 03 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Moderation.pm

[-bug] Fixed a POD syntax error which breaks building process.

r12395 | sympa-authors | 2015-10-02 23:18:03 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.8
r12394 | sikeda | 2015-10-02 15:11:05 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/parse_templates.t

[-dev] Copyedit.

r12393 | sikeda | 2015-10-02 14:57:34 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/parse_templates.t
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tt2/config

[dev] Adding t/parse_templates.t to check if bundled templates are parsable.

r12392 | sikeda | 2015-10-02 09:05:16 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-change] Use clean_delay_queuemod parameter of each list to remove expired messages in moderation spool.

r12391 | sikeda | 2015-10-02 08:29:55 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] Removing unnecessary upgrading work.

r12390 | sikeda | 2015-10-02 08:04:27 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] Use mod2html.pl to generate HTML view of moderated messages during upgrading process.

r12389 | sikeda | 2015-10-02 07:41:11 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Moderation.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Held.pm:12379)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spool::Moderation class for spool keeping messages waiting for moderation.
Additionally, file names have to be "listname@domain_authkey": "listname_authkey" is no longer allowed.  Older format will be upgraded during upgrading process.

r12388 | sikeda | 2015-10-02 07:30:41 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Held.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm

[dev] Adding build_glob_pattern() and size() method, and no_lock option for next() to Sympa::Spool.

r12387 | sikeda | 2015-10-01 10:20:53 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2

[-bug] (injected at r12310) Notification to owners failed to be sent because of typo in default template.

r12386 | sikeda | 2015-10-01 09:45:16 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[-dev] (r12335) ephemeral messages are a difficult to read.

r12385 | sikeda | 2015-10-01 05:57:16 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm

[bug] If "View last bounce" in editsubscriber page or "mail tracking" is clicked, earlier bounces or notification may be shown instead of the last ones.
Fixed by clearling older HTML view when a new bounce overwrites earlier one.

r12384 | sikeda | 2015-10-01 05:04:53 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-dev] Removing unused subroutines.

r12383 | sikeda | 2015-09-29 07:34:19 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] (r12376) More fix.

r12382 | sikeda | 2015-09-27 10:08:17 +0200 (dim. 27 sept. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[bug][Reported by T. Fillmore and S. Shipway] URL path to bundled Raleway font is incorrect, and HTTP server responds 404 Not Found many times.  Fixed by passing static_content_url parameter to css.tt2 when it is parsed.

r12381 | sikeda | 2015-09-27 07:17:30 +0200 (dim. 27 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sympa_toc.pod
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[feature] Let's start with sympa_toc(1) manual page to get overview of documentation on Sympa.

r12380 | sikeda | 2015-09-26 12:09:17 +0200 (sam. 26 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] (doc) Adding description of sympa-milter to CAVEAT section.

r12379 | sikeda | 2015-09-26 04:30:56 +0200 (sam. 26 sept. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Held.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm:12374)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[dev] Introducing Sympa::Spool::Held class for spool keeping messages waiting for confirmation.
Additionally, file names have to be "listname@domain_authkey": "listname_authkey" is no longer allowed.  Older format will be upgraded during upgrading process.

r12377 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-25 10:54:51 +0200 (ven. 25 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.7
r12376 | sikeda | 2015-09-25 04:22:40 +0200 (ven. 25 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[bug] (Introduced on 6.2.4) Tracking does not work, and automatic removal of subscribers using welcome or remind probe does not work.  Fixed typo in the code by which bounce addresses could not be parsed properly.

r12375 | sikeda | 2015-09-24 06:38:49 +0200 (jeu. 24 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest.pm

[-dev] Use the time in metadata for {time} property of digest spool.

r12373 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-22 12:03:43 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.6
r12372 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-22 11:36:11 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12371 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-22 11:28:10 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12370 | david.verdin | 2015-09-22 11:19:36 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug][Reported by I. Foulhouze, INRA] Review page did not display the lists's subscribers because the query to retrieve subscribers from the database did not use a correct field name.
r12369 | david.verdin | 2015-09-22 11:12:33 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

[bug][Reported by N. Samus] When using several SSO services, Sympa stackes them into a drop down menu. The resulting menu was very long and badly colored.
r12368 | sikeda | 2015-09-22 07:41:12 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] (r12363) Quarantined digest messages, if any, would also be expired.

r12367 | sikeda | 2015-09-22 04:39:33 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[-dev] Sympa supports Clam AntiVirus.

r12366 | sikeda | 2015-09-22 02:28:23 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] Typo.

r12365 | sikeda | 2015-09-21 12:57:18 +0200 (lun. 21 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[-dev] Fixed descriptions of some parameters depending on specific platform.

r12364 | sikeda | 2015-09-21 12:29:55 +0200 (lun. 21 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in

[-dev] Updating module lists.

r12363 | sikeda | 2015-09-21 12:26:26 +0200 (lun. 21 sept. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest/Collection.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm:12359)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Digest.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm:12359)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Spool::Digest and Sympa::Spool::Digest::Collection for digest spools.

ToDo: Careful tests.

r12362 | sikeda | 2015-09-21 04:00:37 +0200 (lun. 21 sept. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] List aliases derived from slightly older release of Sympa, prior to 5.2b, may not have domain part in parameter of queue program, and messages sent to such aliases are rejected.  Fixed by assigning appropriate domain.

Note: In the future release, domain part may be mandatory.

r12361 | sikeda | 2015-09-20 16:41:18 +0200 (dim. 20 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c

[-dev] Now sympa.conf is placed in /etc/sympa/ by default.

r12360 | sikeda | 2015-09-20 02:38:02 +0200 (dim. 20 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#10016] compose_mail: Even when use_html_editor is set to 1, sent message has "text/plain" content-type.

r12359 | sikeda | 2015-09-14 07:52:58 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Automatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Incoming.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Now Sympa::Spool is the base class of spool subclasses.

r12358 | sikeda | 2015-09-12 09:03:17 +0200 (sam. 12 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Bounce.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Incoming.pm:12356)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Spool::Bounce class for bounce spool.

r12357 | sikeda | 2015-09-12 08:24:28 +0200 (sam. 12 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-bug] Insignificant typos.

r12356 | sikeda | 2015-09-12 08:08:31 +0200 (sam. 12 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Automatic.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Incoming.pm

[-bug] Typo in log message.

r12355 | sikeda | 2015-09-12 07:44:50 +0200 (sam. 12 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Automatic.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Incoming.pm:12354)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Spool::Automatic class for list creation (automatic) spool.

r12354 | sikeda | 2015-09-12 07:20:37 +0200 (sam. 12 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Incoming.pm

[-bug] Cannot make incoming (msg) and archive (outgoing) spools group-writable.  Fixed by changing default mode from 755 to 775.

r12353 | sikeda | 2015-09-12 02:29:56 +0200 (sam. 12 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] (r12352) Updating/adding some translation IDs.

r12352 | sikeda | 2015-09-12 02:26:49 +0200 (sam. 12 sept. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[feature][#10005][Proposed by Y. Baouch, univ. of Colorado] New dmarc_protection.phrase parameter values "list_for_email" and "list_for_name" to give the from field "List (on behalf of SENDER) <munged_email>".

This will solve the problem reported by several listmasters: If DMARC protection feature munges originator field, the many mail client caches such address by replaced display name, and misleadingly associates the list address with the name of sender.

r12351 | sikeda | 2015-09-12 01:25:17 +0200 (sam. 12 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring on the logic to determine display name and comment for DMARC protection.

r12349 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-10 14:56:11 +0200 (jeu. 10 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.5
r12348 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-10 13:35:03 +0200 (jeu. 10 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12347 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-10 12:15:45 +0200 (jeu. 10 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12346 | sikeda | 2015-09-08 16:10:49 +0200 (mar. 08 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.1.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.c

[-dev] Now smtpc can use inet socket (TCP) for LMTP connection.

r12345 | sikeda | 2015-09-06 11:21:57 +0200 (dim. 06 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Incoming.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm:12339)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Introducing Sympa::Spool::Incoming class for incoming (msg) spool.

r12344 | sikeda | 2015-09-06 09:02:37 +0200 (dim. 06 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] Now temporary files used to parse messages are stored in the directory specified by tmpdir parameter.  Until 6.2beta, temporary files were stored in system temporary directory (/tmp) and occasional disk full occurred.  During 6.2 to 6.2.4, temporary files were stored in-core and excessive memory was consumed.

r12343 | sikeda | 2015-09-06 05:20:29 +0200 (dim. 06 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] Suppress spurious warnings.

r12342 | sikeda | 2015-09-06 03:23:54 +0200 (dim. 06 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[bug][Reported by U. Buhvestov, Tartu Tamme Gymnasium] "sympa" alias prepared for earlier version of Sympa may not have domain part in argument of queue program.  Sympa rejects messages sent to such alias with error "robot * undefined".  Fixed by assigning default domain.

r12341 | sikeda | 2015-09-03 05:46:21 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] If target user of "Impersonate another user" action is also robot-listmaster, and if this action is performed again, email of original user is overwritten.

r12340 | sikeda | 2015-09-03 05:12:34 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#10003] [Reported by S. Hatteberg, Universitetet i Oslo] WWSympa: Robot listmaster can get global listmaster privileges using "Impersonate another User" function.  Fixed by checking if target user is the super-listmaster.

r12338 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-01 17:49:13 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.4
r12337 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-01 17:44:50 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12336 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-01 17:38:49 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12335 | david.verdin | 2015-09-01 17:25:00 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change][Submitted by O. Lumineau, RENATER] Several improvments in CSS.
[bug][Reported by J-M. MArtins Da Cruz, Mines Paristech] Display bug in Pending and deleted lists page.

r12334 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-01 16:34:09 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12333 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-01 16:27:06 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12332 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-01 15:19:18 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12331 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-01 11:47:30 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12330 | sympa-authors | 2015-09-01 11:44:24 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12329 | sikeda | 2015-08-29 05:53:12 +0200 (sam. 29 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[-bug] Commands: CONFIRM cannot be quiet.

r12328 | sikeda | 2015-08-29 04:20:16 +0200 (sam. 29 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-change] When no editors nor owners with "mail" reception mode were not defined, moderation requests on shared documents were not sent to anyone.  Now in such situation, all editors or (if no editors are defined) owners are notified.

r12327 | sikeda | 2015-08-28 16:55:23 +0200 (ven. 28 août 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-change] Now "Auto-Submitted:" field in auto-generated messages by Sympa do never have "auto-forwarded" keyword but "auto-generated".  It applys to message compilations sent as digest, and notifications to editors to forward moderated posts.

Background: The "auto-forwarded" keyword was proposed by I-D draft-palme-autosub but was not adopted by RFC 3834.

r12326 | sikeda | 2015-08-28 07:42:23 +0200 (ven. 28 août 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] [Reported by S. Rich, Duke univ.] If "send" scenario returns the result "editor", message will not be forwarded to the editors.

This bug was injected during 6.2alpha.

r12325 | sikeda | 2015-08-26 16:41:12 +0200 (mer. 26 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-dev] (r12322) Typo.

r12324 | sikeda | 2015-08-25 10:51:46 +0200 (mar. 25 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] (r12322) If ARF is malformed, it should be forwarded to listmaster, the manual says.

r12323 | sikeda | 2015-08-23 10:52:10 +0200 (dim. 23 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[feature] Now bounced.pl can analyze RFC 6533 Internationalized Delivery Status and Disposition Notifications.

r12322 | sikeda | 2015-08-23 10:00:16 +0200 (dim. 23 août 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  bounced.pl was mostly rewritten.  Several bugs and questionable behaviors are fixed.  And now, ARF (Email Feedback Reports, RFC 5965) support works.

ToDo: Careful tests.

r12321 | sikeda | 2015-08-22 10:00:58 +0200 (sam. 22 août 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] (r12320) Now exact number and size of messages including digests are added to stats file.

More known bug: stats file is not locked and some information may be lost.

r12320 | sikeda | 2015-08-22 06:38:32 +0200 (sam. 22 août 2015) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug][#9998] [Submitted by A. Berenstein, Electric Embers] The number of messages sent in list "stats" file is updated as if the message were sent to the list's total subscribers, including suspended members and so on.
Note: the number of bytes sent is still incorrect, because it looks a bit difficult to calculate sizes of various reception modes, summary, txt and so on.

Contributed patch is modified for 6.2.

r12319 | sikeda | 2015-08-20 16:38:54 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.1.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.c

[-feature] Now smtpc issues ORCPT parameters.

r12318 | sympa-authors | 2015-08-18 17:22:11 +0200 (mar. 18 août 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12317 | sympa-authors | 2015-08-18 17:15:56 +0200 (mar. 18 août 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12316 | sympa-authors | 2015-08-18 15:50:27 +0200 (mar. 18 août 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12315 | sikeda | 2015-08-17 10:22:15 +0200 (lun. 17 août 2015) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm

[bug] Flaw in bounce processing including tracking feature.
- Messages bound for bounce addresses may be stored into bounce/ directory, even if they are related to the e-mail not subscribing to the list.  The directory may be filled in by unwanted messages.
- Only envelope IDs in DSN messages are considered but original recipients are not.  As a result, attacker can easily overwrite tracking database by using messages with arbitrary envelope IDs.

Those problems are mitigated by checking if both original recipient and (in case of tracking) envelope ID are valid, then rejecting unknown emails/IDs.

r12314 | sikeda | 2015-08-17 05:18:00 +0200 (lun. 17 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] If tracking is enabled, non-VERP bounces cause spurious err logs "Not able to fill database with notification data".

r12313 | sikeda | 2015-08-16 03:11:15 +0200 (dim. 16 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] wwsympa: do_search() did not find resembling members appropriately.

r12312 | sikeda | 2015-08-13 09:26:11 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/ODBC.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[dev] get_substring_clause() abstract method of Sympa::DatabaseDriver is deprecated.  Sorting by "domain" in review page will be performed in special manner.

r12311 | sikeda | 2015-08-10 12:03:12 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] Typo.
r12310 | sikeda | 2015-08-10 11:06:10 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Now new methods get_admins(), get_admins_email() and is_admin() are used to get information of list owners and editors.

r12309 | sikeda | 2015-08-10 07:49:14 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

[-feature] i18n'ed notification to listmaster on web_tt2_error.

r12308 | sikeda | 2015-08-09 11:26:31 +0200 (dim. 09 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

[-feature] Detailed and i18n'ed notification to listmaster on failure of list member inclusion.

r12307 | sikeda | 2015-08-09 06:49:13 +0200 (dim. 09 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-feature] A bit more precise logging for the messages created by Sympa::Message::new_from_template().

r12306 | sikeda | 2015-08-09 06:35:57 +0200 (dim. 09 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-bug] Template parse errors were not logged properly.

r12305 | sikeda | 2015-08-08 10:34:25 +0200 (sam. 08 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] If member_include parameter is set, its contents are copied to include_users_* parameters.  Fixed by operating on the copy of that parameter.

r12304 | sikeda | 2015-08-05 11:10:58 +0200 (mer. 05 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-dev] Removing useless calls for ciphersaber_installed().

r12303 | sikeda | 2015-08-05 06:21:22 +0200 (mer. 05 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_sympa_password.pl.in

[bug] [Reported by S. Rich, Duke Univ.] upgrade_sympa_password.pl cannot decrypt passwords in the database properly, because it initialize cipher object before getting "cookie" parameter.

r12302 | sikeda | 2015-08-04 16:22:38 +0200 (mar. 04 août 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-bug] If a list has datasource(s) to include list subscribers, anytime list review page is shown, a notice "The list of list members have been built/updated." is is shown, but in most times subscribers have not been updated.  Fixed by showing notice only when subscribers are really updated.

Additionally, whenever inclusion of subscriber fails, now error is reported in logs.

r12301 | sikeda | 2015-08-04 11:00:54 +0200 (mar. 04 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[-bug] edit_list_request: Removing astonishing auto-submission feature.

r12300 | sikeda | 2015-08-01 05:51:42 +0200 (sam. 01 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm

[dev] Warning issued from inside of Sympa::Log::syslog() would contain caller's information.

r12299 | sikeda | 2015-08-01 05:36:59 +0200 (sam. 01 août 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] Suppress several spurious warnings.

r12298 | sikeda | 2015-07-31 06:19:31 +0200 (ven. 31 juil. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm

[dev] Removing credit to Marc-Search in arcsearch.tt2.
And moving it to POD in Sympa::Marc::Search.

r12297 | sikeda | 2015-07-31 05:18:13 +0200 (ven. 31 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm

[-bug] Suppress several warnings on uninitialized value.

r12296 | sikeda | 2015-07-30 09:17:09 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[-bug] Broken markup in arcsearch.tt2

r12295 | sikeda | 2015-07-29 05:03:26 +0200 (mer. 29 juil. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[bug] sympa_msg.pl will be crashed by messages with empty body (messages consist only of header).

Though this bug had been found during 6.2alpha (r11232), it was fixed imperfectly.

r12294 | sikeda | 2015-07-26 07:06:29 +0200 (dim. 26 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[-dev] Refactoring: Sympa::Robot::is_listmaster() was moved to Sympa::is_listmaster().

r12293 | sikeda | 2015-07-26 05:58:33 +0200 (dim. 26 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm

[-bug] If a robot.conf has listmaster parameter with no valid addresses, use configuration in sympa.conf.

r12292 | sikeda | 2015-07-26 05:37:09 +0200 (dim. 26 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Small refactoring: New Sympa::get_listmasters_email() to get valid addresses of listmasters.

r12291 | sikeda | 2015-07-26 01:53:31 +0200 (dim. 26 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Small copyedit.

r12290 | sikeda | 2015-07-22 16:25:42 +0200 (mer. 22 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm

[-feature] SDM: New overridable method Sympa::DatabaseDriver::optional_modules() to load optional modules safely.

r12289 | sikeda | 2015-07-22 11:15:45 +0200 (mer. 22 juil. 2015) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_test_ldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm

[-bug] Proper error handling on LDAP driver.
If IO::Socket::SSL is missing, connection with SSL/STARTTLS will be aborted.

More known bug: Net::LDAP prior to 0.65 will crash by IPv6 access, if both IO::Socket::IP and IO::Socket::INET6 are missing.

r12288 | sikeda | 2015-07-20 15:13:12 +0200 (lun. 20 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/fixme-todo.t
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/fixme.t

[-dev] Adding checks on FIXME and TODO to authorchecks (under xt/).

r12286 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-16 17:47:40 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.3
r12285 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-16 17:45:16 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12284 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-16 17:38:48 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12283 | david.verdin | 2015-07-16 17:23:17 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] All include parameters are not pâragraphs. Consequently, Sympa crashed when trying to check incl->{use_ssl} parameters when the parameter was not a paragraph, because the incl variable was not a hash. Fixed by checking whether the parameter is a ref and a hash.
r12282 | sikeda | 2015-07-16 05:28:49 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] Inclusion of member/owner/editor using LDAP with SSL did not work.  Fixed by adding CA certificate defined in sympa.conf (cafile and/or capath) to filter definition when database is opened.

r12281 | sikeda | 2015-07-16 05:08:35 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[-dev] Typos.

r12280 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-15 15:32:47 +0200 (mer. 15 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12279 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-15 15:25:38 +0200 (mer. 15 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12278 | sikeda | 2015-07-15 09:13:06 +0200 (mer. 15 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] small perltidy'ing.

r12277 | sikeda | 2015-07-14 05:10:20 +0200 (mar. 14 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/dsn.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-bug] Virus alert could not show correct sender of original messages.

r12276 | sikeda | 2015-07-13 15:23:35 +0200 (lun. 13 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[bug] [Reported by J. Kirkland] Messages sent by Sympa robot uses list owner addresses and so on by default.  They should be "sympa" addresses.  This bug was injected by commit r10223.

r12275 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-10 16:56:48 +0200 (ven. 10 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12274 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-10 16:25:01 +0200 (ven. 10 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12273 | sikeda | 2015-07-09 14:34:39 +0200 (jeu. 09 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-bug] [Reported by A. Rodriguez, Univ. de Almeria] Missing dependency on Sys::Syslog.

r12272 | sikeda | 2015-07-08 10:51:19 +0200 (mer. 08 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[-bug] Margins at top and/or bottom of some form widgets aren't colored.

r12271 | sikeda | 2015-07-07 11:55:12 +0200 (mar. 07 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_list.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/which.tt2

[-dev] Dropping unused template sources.

r12270 | sikeda | 2015-07-07 05:45:16 +0200 (mar. 07 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/aside_menu.tt2

[-dev] (r12263) More fix on inconsistent styles.

r12269 | sikeda | 2015-07-07 05:01:49 +0200 (mar. 07 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[-dev] (r12265) Fixed inconsistent changes on r12265.

r12268 | sikeda | 2015-07-06 12:36:38 +0200 (lun. 06 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2

[-bug] typo.

r12267 | sikeda | 2015-07-06 06:34:04 +0200 (lun. 06 juil. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/configure.ac

[bug] [Reported by B. Eliassen] "make" fails with Solaris, again.
Fixed by taking care of additional libraries.  This fix probably may work with Solaris 8 or later.

r12266 | sikeda | 2015-07-06 06:20:52 +0200 (lun. 06 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[-bug] A typo in code.

r12265 | sikeda | 2015-07-06 05:20:24 +0200 (lun. 06 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[-bug] Web interface: Long lines in dropdown protrude into left margin.

r12264 | sikeda | 2015-07-05 01:08:02 +0200 (dim. 05 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.c

[-dev] Some insignificant typos.

r12263 | sikeda | 2015-07-01 17:15:10 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/aside_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[bug] WWSympa: On mobile mode, List Options Menu was not shown (at least by Safari on iOS).

r12261 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-01 15:43:46 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.2
r12260 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-01 14:45:51 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/edit_list.conf

[change] Hiding include_<datasource>_ca parameters to owners by default.
r12259 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-01 14:19:08 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12258 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-01 14:12:14 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12257 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-01 13:55:43 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12256 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-01 13:48:57 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12255 | sympa-authors | 2015-07-01 12:26:34 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12254 | david.verdin | 2015-07-01 11:52:52 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug][Reported by J.L. Marrion, univ. Louvain] when testing if list admins needed to be synced, all the test cases returned true because the test was badly formed. Alose removed optional_sync_admin option which was never used.
r12253 | david.verdin | 2015-07-01 11:51:02 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[dev] configure.ac was not updated automatically when 6.2.1 was tagged.
r12252 | sikeda | 2015-07-01 10:28:39 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[-dev] Indentation.

r12251 | sikeda | 2015-07-01 10:04:14 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[-bug] Insignificant typos in template.

r12250 | sikeda | 2015-06-30 05:17:40 +0200 (mar. 30 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.c

[bug] "make" fails on Solaris.  A variable name conflicted with a predefined preprocessor macro.

r12249 | sikeda | 2015-06-28 01:58:24 +0200 (dim. 28 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/aside_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[-bug] Restoring hidden "Top of Page" and "Skip to Content." links for browsers not supporting CSS.

r12248 | sikeda | 2015-06-22 12:01:40 +0200 (lun. 22 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2

[-change] search_list form would be shown in search result.

r12247 | sikeda | 2015-06-22 11:59:36 +0200 (lun. 22 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] When the user submits search_list form without filter parameter, error dialog is shown: It seems not really error.  Instead, search form would be shown silently.

r12246 | sikeda | 2015-06-22 11:56:33 +0200 (lun. 22 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_list_request.tt2

[-bug] Typo.

r12245 | sikeda | 2015-06-22 07:59:11 +0200 (lun. 22 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2

[-feature] Capitalize initials in list of lists.

r12244 | sikeda | 2015-06-22 00:09:20 +0200 (lun. 22 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2

[-bug] Updating Font Awesome to 4.3.0 so that "fa-pulse" animation will work as expected.

r12243 | sikeda | 2015-06-20 05:41:46 +0200 (sam. 20 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[-bug] "Admin" link in list menu is activated even if the user is not owner nor editor.  Hide it if it is not the case.

r12242 | sikeda | 2015-06-20 05:37:47 +0200 (sam. 20 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[-bug] Restoring link to review page and inactive link to archive which are disabled on author's site.

r12241 | sikeda | 2015-06-20 05:34:12 +0200 (sam. 20 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2

[-bug] Escaping potentially harmful strings in template.

r12240 | sikeda | 2015-06-20 05:32:00 +0200 (sam. 20 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2

[-dev] Removing unused code in template.

r12239 | sikeda | 2015-06-20 05:30:17 +0200 (sam. 20 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2

[-dev] Removing unused code in template.

r12238 | sikeda | 2015-06-20 02:23:45 +0200 (sam. 20 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/META.json.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-bug] CGI::Fast is no longer included in Perl core as of Perl 5.22.  Contrary, it is included in core of earlier Perl and dependency on FCGI is not enforced.  Specified dependency on both packages.

r12237 | sikeda | 2015-06-19 10:09:42 +0200 (ven. 19 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2

[-bug] Typo.
r12236 | sikeda | 2015-06-19 05:53:58 +0200 (ven. 19 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_biggest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/show_sessions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[-change] "summary" attribute of <table> element was deprecated by HTML5.  Use <caption> instead.

r12235 | sikeda | 2015-06-19 05:31:21 +0200 (ven. 19 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2

[-bug] "alt" attribute is not allowed in <input> element.  User "title" attribute instead.

r12234 | sikeda | 2015-06-19 05:28:27 +0200 (ven. 19 juin 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[-change] <acronym> element was obsoleted.  Use <abbr> instead.
As this element is embedded in translation catalog, it is replaced by template parser. 

r12233 | sikeda | 2015-06-19 05:19:35 +0200 (ven. 19 juin 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_ui.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[-bug] When CSS is disabled, "Please wait..." notice is always shown.  Fixed by adding the notice using CSS content attribute.
Additionally, now the notice is wrapped by <div> instead of <h1> not to break document outline.

r12232 | sikeda | 2015-06-19 05:08:40 +0200 (ven. 19 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[-bug] HTML syntax error in a template.

r12231 | sikeda | 2015-06-18 08:24:10 +0200 (jeu. 18 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_suspend.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2

[-bug] Warnings by HTML validation: Some errors in templates.

r12229 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-17 17:44:09 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS

[-release]Preparing version 6.2.1
r12228 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-17 17:33:19 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12227 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-17 17:27:04 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12226 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-17 17:16:39 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12225 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-17 17:02:31 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12224 | sikeda | 2015-06-17 15:29:15 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/header.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2

[-bug] Warnings by HTML validation: Some errors in templates.

r12223 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-17 11:56:13 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12222 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-17 11:49:41 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12221 | david.verdin | 2015-06-17 11:40:20 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2

[change] Making the text inviting to log in in the home page change according to where the login form is supposed to be, depending on the top_menu TT2 variable value.
r12220 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-16 11:41:22 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12219 | sikeda | 2015-06-16 11:31:42 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[-change] When mobile mode (with screen width narrower than 640px) is enabled, hide unavailable items in indices of list-of-lists.

r12218 | sikeda | 2015-06-16 11:26:55 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[dev] Now WAI-ARIA landmark roles are put into HTML sources because they are the part of HTML5.  Hack by js was removed.

r12217 | sikeda | 2015-06-16 11:22:39 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[dev] Swapping radiobox and its label to put formar before latter.

NOTE that this ordering can be controversial: See bug[#9735].

r12216 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-16 11:12:41 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12215 | sikeda | 2015-06-16 08:56:58 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2

[bug] d_control: Owner is not shown correctly.

r12214 | sikeda | 2015-06-16 08:32:26 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[bug] Shared folders: File icons were not shown due to a typo in code.

r12213 | sikeda | 2015-06-16 07:57:50 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[-dev] Updating tt2_error and crash page templates.

r12212 | sikeda | 2015-06-16 07:56:19 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2

[-bug] Though I don't know why, jqPlot can't be put before Foundation.

r12211 | sikeda | 2015-06-15 17:20:03 +0200 (lun. 15 juin 2015) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2

[-bug] Several bug fixes and enhancement on user options in list menu:
- Gecos of global user was shown instead of gecos on each list.
- Listmaster was always shown as privileged owner.
- Icon to show the highest privilege of user on each list.
- Picture of user is shown, if available.

r12210 | sikeda | 2015-06-15 17:01:09 +0200 (lun. 15 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/aside_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/header.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2

[-dev] Adding new translation ids.

r12209 | sikeda | 2015-06-15 11:12:27 +0200 (lun. 15 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2

[-dev] Typos.

r12208 | sikeda | 2015-06-15 09:04:45 +0200 (lun. 15 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2

[-dev] Typos in templates.

r12207 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 07:59:31 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2

[-bug] Submit button just after select widget is put on wrong place.

r12206 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 07:56:40 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ja/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ko/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-CN/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-TW/css.tt2

[-dev] Updating per-locale CSSs.

r12205 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 06:12:17 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[-bug] Part of options in multiple selection widget are hidden so that users can be misled which is/are selected.  Fixed by expanding height to the number of options.

NOTE: List of checkboxes may be preferred: See bug [#9725] reported by Y. Baouchi.

r12204 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 05:58:58 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/head_ui.tt2

[-bug] Bug in Foundation: Height of <select> widget with multiple selection shrinks.  Added workaround to head_ui.tt2.

r12203 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 05:55:28 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2

[-bug] In home page, User preferences tile is broken: cookey delay dropdown box is empty.  As a workaround, replace content of this tile with a "Go" button.

r12202 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 02:35:47 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2

[-bug] Skin contains code specific to the site of author.

r12201 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 01:55:26 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[-bug] insignificant errors in templates.

r12200 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 01:51:00 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

[-bug] Roles were shown incorrectly in loginbanner.tt2 and list_panel.tt2.

r12199 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 01:46:26 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewbounce.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2

[bug] Restoring past changes omitted by new skin.

ToDo: Test.

r12198 | sikeda | 2015-06-14 00:06:21 +0200 (dim. 14 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.1.in

[-bug] smtpc.1: Correcting several typos and adding clarification.

r12197 | sikeda | 2015-06-13 20:36:07 +0200 (sam. 13 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] If the user is listmaster of the host with large number of lists, loading create_list_request page will slow down.  Fixed by not getting all lists but only owned lists.

r12196 | sikeda | 2015-06-13 06:20:14 +0200 (sam. 13 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer.js
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.js

[-dev] Dropping unused js files.
r12195 | david.verdin | 2015-06-12 17:47:25 +0200 (ven. 12 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[bug][Fixed by O. Lumineau, RENATER] The calendar javascript popup appeared with a bad style.
r12194 | david.verdin | 2015-06-12 17:43:33 +0200 (ven. 12 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug] Reported by P. Grzesina, univ. Regina] The CAS button was not showed because the cas_number value in conf was never updated.
r12193 | david.verdin | 2015-06-12 17:38:15 +0200 (ven. 12 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2

[bug][Reported by P. Grzesina, univ. Regina] While retrieving updated web skin, an old version of lists.tt2 had been restored, breaking selection by first letter in the lists index.
r12192 | david.verdin | 2015-06-12 17:21:24 +0200 (ven. 12 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug][Reported by D. Lalot, univ. Aix Marseille] When a list is at 100 % erro, nobody receives the message, and nobody was warned that the message had been lost. Fixed by warning the message sender, the list owners and the listmaster when the bounce rate is at 100%.
r12191 | sikeda | 2015-06-12 08:37:18 +0200 (ven. 12 juin 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am

[bug] "make install" fails when install(1) omitting directory arguments.

r12190 | david.verdin | 2015-06-11 15:08:01 +0200 (jeu. 11 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2

[bug] Fixing bad link having hard-coded sympa string.
r12189 | david.verdin | 2015-06-11 13:45:38 +0200 (jeu. 11 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc.tt2

[-bug] arc.tt2 new version had been broken when retrieving updated skin.
r12187 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-10 18:22:56 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2
r12186 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-10 17:37:28 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12185 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-10 17:31:04 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12184 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-10 16:53:50 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12183 | sympa-authors | 2015-06-10 16:46:52 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/af.po
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   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12182 | david.verdin | 2015-06-10 16:09:55 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
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   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-flickr.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-forrst.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-foursquare.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-game-center.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-github.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-google-plus.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-hacker-news.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-hi5.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-instagram.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-joomla.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-lastfm.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-linkedin.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-medium.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-myspace.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-orkut.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-path.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-picasa.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-pinterest.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-rdio.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-reddit.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-skillshare.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-skype.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-smashing-mag.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-snapchat.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-spotify.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-squidoo.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-stack-overflow.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-steam.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-stumbleupon.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-treehouse.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-tumblr.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-twitter.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-vimeo.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-windows.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-xbox.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-yahoo.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-yelp.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-youtube.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-zerply.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-social-zurb.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-sound.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-star.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-stop.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-strikethrough.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-subscript.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-superscript.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-tablet-landscape.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-tablet-portrait.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-target-two.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-target.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-telephone-accessible.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-telephone.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-text-color.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-thumbnails.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-ticket.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-torso-business.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-torso-female.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-torso.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-torsos-all-female.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-torsos-all.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-torsos-female-male.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-torsos-male-female.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-torsos.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-trash.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-trees.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-trophy.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-underline.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-universal-access.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-unlink.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-unlock.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-upload-cloud.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-upload.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-usb.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-video.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-volume-none.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-volume-strike.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-volume.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-web.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-wheelchair.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-widget.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-wrench.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-x-circle.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-x.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-yen.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-zoom-in.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/fonts/foundation-icons/svgs/fi-zoom-out.svg

[change][Submitted by O. Lumineau, RENATER] Improved web skin with responsive design and several skins bug fixes. You'll note that the Sympa top menu is back. For those of you who preferred the original Massey side menu, you can switch the menu position by simply editing the main.tt2 template. At the beginning, you'll see this: [% top_menu = 1 %]. Simply set this variable value to 0 and the menu will go back on the side and clear up the top window area.
r12181 | sympa-authors | 2015-05-29 16:47:58 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12180 | sikeda | 2015-05-22 10:45:52 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2015) | 17 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/configure.gnu
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[change] (r12172) Move $sbindir/smtpc to $libexecdir/sympa_smtpc and restrict access permission only to sympa user.  Below is revised commit log message.


[feature] [experimental] sympa_smtpc is the mail submission program aiming to be an alternative to sendmail(1) utility with smaller footprint (Note that this program needs SMTP/LMTP server relaying submitted messages).

It also supports some SMTP extensions several clones of sendmail (and partly original one) have not been supported:
- DSN extension - As of Sympa 6.2, message tracking feature requires it.
- SMTPUTF8 extension - As of planned Sympa 7.0, email address internationalization (EAI) feature presumes it.

To use sympa_smtpc as replacement of sendmail, add sympa.conf the lines:
  sendmail      /path/to/sympa_smtpc
  sendmail_args --esmtp <host name of relaying server>
or with LMTP server:
  sendmail      /path/to/sympa_smtpc
  sendmail_args --lmtp <socket path of relaying server>

r12175 | sikeda | 2015-05-19 17:42:36 +0200 (mar. 19 mai 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_sympa_password.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Use Sympa::DatabaseManager instead of SDM.

ToDo: Sympa::List still uses SDM.

r12174 | sikeda | 2015-05-19 17:38:01 +0200 (mar. 19 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[feature] (addition to r12172) If you don't wish to install smtpc utility, use "--disable-smtpc" configure option.

r12173 | sikeda | 2015-05-19 17:34:15 +0200 (mar. 19 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/configure.ac
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.1
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.1.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.1:12172)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/utf8.c

[dev] smtpc: Fixisng several bugs, and refactoring.

r12172 | sikeda | 2015-05-17 11:43:43 +0200 (dim. 17 mai 2015) | 13 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/configure.ac
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/m4
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/m4/ac_func_snprintf.m4
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.1
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/smtpc.c
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.c
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/sockstr.h
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/utf8.c
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/smtpc/utf8.h

[feature] [experimental] "smtpc" is a command line utility aiming to be an alternative to sendmail(1) utility and its clones with smaller footprint. (Note that this utility needs SMTP/LMTP server realying submitted messages).

It also supports some SMTP extensions several clones (and partly original one) have not been supported:
- DSN extension - As of Sympa 6.2, message tracking feature requires it.
- SMTPUTF8 extension - As of planned Sympa 7.0, email address internalization (eai) feature presumes it.

To use smtpc as replacement of sendmail, add sympa.conf the lines:
  sendmail      /path/to/smtpc
  sendmail_args --esmtp <host name of relaying server>
or with LMTP server:
  sendmail      /path/to/smtpc
  sendmail_args --lmtp <socket path of relaying server>

r12171 | sikeda | 2015-05-16 00:19:12 +0200 (sam. 16 mai 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-bug] [Reported by T. Dunnington] A bug preventing Sympa from running with multiple virtual hosts.
Another bug on fc() feature was fixed in different manner: See r12082.

r12170 | sikeda | 2015-05-14 16:15:43 +0200 (jeu. 14 mai 2015) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[bug] [Reported by R. Klorese, QueerNet] Despite that posts to the list are protected against DMARC aggressive policy, messages sent to owners or editors of the list are not.  Now such messages will also be protected.
More known bug: Messages sent to listmaster would also be protected.

ToDo: Test.

r12169 | sikeda | 2015-05-14 05:18:02 +0200 (jeu. 14 mai 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] If an inclusion setting (*.incl) is malformed, task_manager.pl running sync_include task crashes.
Fixed by checking if *.incl file is successfully parsed.

r12168 | sikeda | 2015-05-14 05:10:36 +0200 (jeu. 14 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm

[-bug] Suppress warning on uninitialized value.

r12167 | sikeda | 2015-05-09 07:15:38 +0200 (sam. 09 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature] Preparing manpages wwsympa(8) and sympa_soap_server(8).

r12166 | sikeda | 2015-05-08 18:04:58 +0200 (ven. 08 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/perlcriticrc

[dev] Author check: Apply themes to Perl::Critic to eliminate relatively unimprtant (or misleading) checks.

r12165 | sikeda | 2015-05-08 12:40:10 +0200 (ven. 08 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/critic.t
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/perlcriticrc
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/critic.t (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/critic.t:12164)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/perlcriticrc (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/perlcriticrc:12164)

[-dev] Moving critic.t from t/ into xt/.

r12164 | sikeda | 2015-05-08 11:43:45 +0200 (ven. 08 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/critic.t (de /trunk/t/critic.t:10971)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/perlcriticrc (de /trunk/t/perlcriticrc:10971)

[svn] Retrieving one more test from trunk.

r10971 | rousse | 2014-06-14 17:05:29 +0200 (sam. 14 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/t/critic.t
   A /trunk/t/perlcriticrc
Fision via : r12164

[dev] initial import
r12163 | sikeda | 2015-05-08 04:58:03 +0200 (ven. 08 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-bug] Common misspelling in documentation.

r12162 | sikeda | 2015-05-08 04:46:38 +0200 (ven. 08 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-spelling.t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-syntax.t

[-dev] Authorcheck covering all PODs.

r12161 | sikeda | 2015-05-08 03:18:41 +0200 (ven. 08 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am

[dev] Sources of section 5 manual pages may be *.podin (simple replacement) or *.podpl (complex formatting using Perl).

r12160 | sikeda | 2015-05-07 10:10:14 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[-bug] A few more typos in documentation.

r12159 | sikeda | 2015-05-07 06:56:54 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/INSTALL
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[-change] sympa.pdf is no longer bundled in source distribution: See Reference Manual on the web: <https://www.sympa.org/manual/>.

r12158 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 16:49:01 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[-dev] Some corrections in documentation.
r12157 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 16:24:27 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] Sympa::Template: "escape_xml" filter is equvalent of standard "xml" filter provided by Template-Toolkit.  Obsolete it.
Note that Template-Toolkit 2.21 or later is required.

r12156 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 05:01:26 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-bug] (r12154) Don't use $(mkdir_p) nor $(MKDIR_P): Former is obsoleted and latter seems not supported by automake prior to 1.10.  Use "$(INSTALL) -d" instead.

r12155 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 04:22:56 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am

[-dev] Make building process a bit silent.

r12154 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 04:20:59 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am

[-bug] Use "$(INSTALL)" instead of "install" and "$(MKDIR_P)" instead of "$(mkdir_p)".

r12153 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 04:16:53 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am

[-change] list_aliases.tt2 is no longer included in distribution.

r12152 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 03:02:01 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[-dev] --with option to enable optional packages.

r12151 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 02:34:08 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 16 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[feature] Source tarball will be distributed with sympa.spec file.  It provides alternative way to build Sympa software on platforms adopting RPM package management system.

In place of "configure; make; make install", you can do:
1. rpmbuild -tb sympa-X.X.tar.gz
2. Install dependent packages.
3. rpm --install sympa-X.X-1.xxxx.rpm

At once installation succeeded, you can upgrade it by doing:
1. rpmbuild -tb sympa-Y.Y.tar.gz
2. rpm --upgrade sympa-Y.Y-1.xxxx.rpm
3. sympa.pl --upgrade

- rpmbuild package has to be installed.
- Dependent packages are not always provided on your platform.  You might want to add appropriate third-party repositories.

r12150 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 02:07:29 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals.podpl

[-change] Sympa/Constants.pm is no longer included in distribution.  Sympa/Internals.pod will be included.

r12149 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 02:04:11 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug] sympa.conf should be writable by sympa user and should not be world-readable.  Because it may be edited via web interface, and it contains secure "cookie" parameter.  This file generated by initial "make install" was owned by installing user (root) and was world readable.  Fixed by make sympa_wizard.pl to set appropriate umask and makefile to set owner.

r12148 | sikeda | 2015-05-06 01:52:51 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm

[-dev] Typo.  I don't know why it had been working...

r12147 | sikeda | 2015-05-04 02:20:29 +0200 (lun. 04 mai 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[-change] sympa.spec: $libexecdir/sympa is solely used for queue programs, cgi programs and their setuid wrappers.
Previously, $libexecdir was used for queue programs and execcgidir under $libdir was used for cgi.  Recent FHS recommends to choose one of lib and libexec.

r12146 | sikeda | 2015-05-04 01:20:24 +0200 (lun. 04 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[-dev] Typo in sympa.spec.

r12145 | sikeda | 2015-05-04 01:19:15 +0200 (lun. 04 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-bug] Required test data were not included in distribution.

r12144 | sikeda | 2015-05-04 01:17:21 +0200 (lun. 04 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/LockedFile.t

[-bug] A test fails when exit() was given a multiple of 256 as argument.

r12143 | sikeda | 2015-05-03 07:38:44 +0200 (dim. 03 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/POTFILES.in

[-dev] Removing obsoleted file from POTFILES.in.

r12142 | sikeda | 2015-05-03 07:28:04 +0200 (dim. 03 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] Reordering POD in source.

r12141 | sikeda | 2015-05-03 07:22:46 +0200 (dim. 03 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sympa.conf.podpl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sympa_database.podpl

[-dev] Refactoring pod sources: Template pods were moved to <DATA> section.

r12140 | sikeda | 2015-05-03 05:56:15 +0200 (dim. 03 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Note: Now install process by make will generate manpage for only the modules having "=head1 NAME" section.

r12139 | sikeda | 2015-05-03 05:52:36 +0200 (dim. 03 mai 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Internals.podpl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-feature] Adding Sympa::Internals(3) manual page to list all internal modules of Sympa.

r12138 | sikeda | 2015-05-02 05:56:52 +0200 (sam. 02 mai 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Moving Sympa::List::lowercase_field() to sympa.pl only where that is used.
r12137 | sikeda | 2015-05-02 05:25:33 +0200 (sam. 02 mai 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Checking if additional subscriber field has enum type were specific to MySQL.  Fixed by using generalized method.

ToDo: ENUM data type is not portalbe (at least SQLite does not support it).  It would be better to define custom field types (including possible values) by configuration of Sympa.

r12136 | sikeda | 2015-05-01 11:31:49 +0200 (ven. 01 mai 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_test_ldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_sympa_password.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Perltidy'ing sources.
r12135 | sikeda | 2015-05-01 11:14:28 +0200 (ven. 01 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sympa_database.podpl

[-feature] Adding sympa_database(5) manpage.

r12134 | sikeda | 2015-05-01 10:46:41 +0200 (ven. 01 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sympa.conf.podpl

[-feature] Adding sympa.conf(5) manual page.

r12133 | sikeda | 2015-05-01 06:39:09 +0200 (ven. 01 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm

[-dev] Suppress duplicate method names in logs.

r12132 | sikeda | 2015-05-01 06:17:21 +0200 (ven. 01 mai 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm

[change] Now "ca_verify none" must be specified explicitly to disable certificate verification in LDAP data sources and LDAP authentication service including cas and generic_sso.

Background: Earlier releases of IO::Socket::SSL would fallback SSL_verify_mode to SSL_VERIFY_NONE when there are no usable CAfile nor CApath.  However, recent releases won't: They simply deny connection.  As a workaround, make ca_file or ca_path parameter mandatory unless "none" is explicitly assigned to ca_verify parameter (its default is "optional").

r12131 | sikeda | 2015-05-01 06:04:23 +0200 (ven. 01 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[feature] Authentication methods ldap, cas and generic_sso support full feature of LDAPS and LDAP/STARTSSL.  These additional parameters may be put in auth.conf: use_start_ssl, ssl_ciphers, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ca_verify, ca_path, ca_file.

r12130 | sikeda | 2015-05-01 05:46:53 +0200 (ven. 01 mai 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_test_ldap.pl.in

[-dev] Small fix: --suffix may have empty value.
r12129 | sikeda | 2015-05-01 04:05:50 +0200 (ven. 01 mai 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_test_ldap.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testldap.pl.in:12113)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testldap.pl.in

[change] testldap.pl was renamed to sympa_test_ldap.pl and uses LDAP database driver.

r12128 | sikeda | 2015-05-01 03:50:17 +0200 (ven. 01 mai 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm

[-dev] Removing unused module: tt2.pm.
r12127 | david.verdin | 2015-04-30 18:01:59 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[change] Making urlize_min_size definable at the virtual host level.
r12126 | david.verdin | 2015-04-30 18:00:37 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm

[bug] When renaming a list, digest spool was not renamed.
r12125 | sikeda | 2015-04-30 09:15:35 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-change] Net::LDAP >= 0.40 is required to use ldaps: scheme.
r12124 | sikeda | 2015-04-30 05:51:07 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-dev] Removing unused modules: Bounce, Challenge, Log, Sympa::Template::Compat.

r12123 | sikeda | 2015-04-30 05:26:46 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewbounce.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-dev] Small fixes: Don't use additional include_path to include HTML messages.

r12122 | sikeda | 2015-04-30 02:51:30 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Now MIME::Parser will be used only by Sympa::Message.

r12121 | sikeda | 2015-04-29 05:02:50 +0200 (mer. 29 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[dev] More refactoring on archive.

r12120 | sikeda | 2015-04-29 02:06:33 +0200 (mer. 29 avril 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] If signoff action failed, WWSympa crashes.
Fixed by removing a hash dereference on scalar.

r12119 | sikeda | 2015-04-29 01:43:38 +0200 (mer. 29 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-bug] bad/ directory of bounce spool was not created.

r12118 | sikeda | 2015-04-29 01:37:27 +0200 (mer. 29 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-dev] Adding Sympa::Tracking manpage.
r12117 | sikeda | 2015-04-29 01:32:24 +0200 (mer. 29 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am

[-dev] Correct svn properties of Makefiles.

r12116 | sikeda | 2015-04-29 01:25:18 +0200 (mer. 29 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[-bug] More misspellings in documentation.
r12115 | sikeda | 2015-04-26 09:29:03 +0200 (dim. 26 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Corrects on documentation.

r12114 | sikeda | 2015-04-25 09:49:19 +0200 (sam. 25 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-bug] Now parsing the messages will never generate temporary files.

r12113 | sikeda | 2015-04-23 06:27:00 +0200 (jeu. 23 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-dev] Calls to get_header_field() in wwsympa.fcgi are replaced by get_server_name() and get_http_host() in Sympa::Tools::WWW.

r12112 | sikeda | 2015-04-21 16:31:40 +0200 (mar. 21 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Typo.
r12111 | sikeda | 2015-04-21 15:46:07 +0200 (mar. 21 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] Suppress warnings on uninitialized value.

r12110 | sikeda | 2015-04-07 13:58:37 +0200 (mar. 07 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-feature] Data inclusion file (data_sources/*.incl) may have "name" parameter to describe datasource.

r12109 | sikeda | 2015-04-06 14:44:17 +0200 (lun. 06 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-bug] Increase log level during upgrade process to let user get what is done.

r12108 | sikeda | 2015-04-06 06:27:38 +0200 (lun. 06 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2

[-bug] If the text was edited using textarea, extra newlines are added.  Fixed by not allowing no newlines between textarea tags and content.

r12107 | sikeda | 2015-04-06 05:50:18 +0200 (lun. 06 avril 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm

[-bug] When the single message for moderation or bounce management was converted, useless link was shown in the bottom of formatted messsage.
New mhonarc variable $with_tslice$ to enable TSLICE elements and $with_powered_by$ to enable "Archive powered by" section are introduced: they are disabled by convert_single_message().

r12106 | sikeda | 2015-04-06 05:44:43 +0200 (lun. 06 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2

[-bug] If bounce status could not detected, empty parentheses is shown.  Show "Unknown" instead.

r12105 | sikeda | 2015-04-06 05:42:33 +0200 (lun. 06 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] Suppress warnings on uninitialized value.

r12104 | sikeda | 2015-04-05 12:56:43 +0200 (dim. 05 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[-bug] Suppress warnings on uninitialized value.
r12103 | sikeda | 2015-04-05 11:46:17 +0200 (dim. 05 avril 2015) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2

[-feature] Now bounce messages will be shown using AJAX.
When JavaScript is disabled, legacy action will be taken.

Known bug: Rendering depends on stylesheet: If it is disabled, unwanted texts will be shown.

r12102 | sikeda | 2015-04-05 06:47:25 +0200 (dim. 05 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r12101 | sikeda | 2015-04-05 06:42:14 +0200 (dim. 05 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2

[-dev] Including moderated messages safer.

r12100 | sikeda | 2015-04-05 06:40:04 +0200 (dim. 05 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewbounce.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-feature] Now bounce messages are formatted when they are requested.

r12099 | sikeda | 2015-04-04 18:21:18 +0200 (sam. 04 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2

[-bug] Duplicated id MainMenuLinks would be changed to class MainMenu.

r12098 | sikeda | 2015-04-04 08:01:12 +0200 (sam. 04 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[feature] (r12097) Typo.
r12097 | sikeda | 2015-04-04 07:34:20 +0200 (sam. 04 avril 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[feature] [experimental] Adding langmark roles to regions of the page.  These may improve experience with browsers supporting WAI-ARIA.
cf. http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/roles

r12096 | sikeda | 2015-04-04 05:49:02 +0200 (sam. 04 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] get_list_list_tpl() was moved from tools to Sympa::Tools::WWW package.

r12095 | sikeda | 2015-04-04 04:27:23 +0200 (sam. 04 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[-bug] creater_list_request: removing astonishing auto-submission feature.

r12094 | david.verdin | 2015-04-03 18:03:34 +0200 (ven. 03 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug][Submitted by P. Grzesina, univ. Regina] When CAS was enabled, if you weren't already authenticated against CAS, the browser would go into a redirect loop when you went to Sympa. If you were authenticated, Sympa would not get the user information.
r12093 | sikeda | 2015-04-03 11:48:15 +0200 (ven. 03 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/confidential/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[change] Format of create list templates was changed.  comment.tt2 may have title line.  "title.gettext" and "title.<lang>" are allowed.  Customized templates for earlier releases should be modified.

r12092 | david.verdin | 2015-04-02 15:30:14 +0200 (jeu. 02 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Missing @other_include_path for RSS too.
r12091 | sikeda | 2015-04-02 12:18:17 +0200 (jeu. 02 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] Template parse errors were not loged.
r12090 | sikeda | 2015-04-02 11:23:45 +0200 (jeu. 02 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] ajax was broken: aditional include_path was omited.

r12089 | sikeda | 2015-04-02 10:11:06 +0200 (jeu. 02 avril 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_user_options.tt2

[-bug] One more misspelling.
r12088 | sikeda | 2015-04-02 05:57:59 +0200 (jeu. 02 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_suspend.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] Misspellings in templates, messages and comments of sources.

r12087 | sikeda | 2015-04-01 18:28:47 +0200 (mer. 01 avril 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2

[bug][#9735][Reported by Y. Baouchi, Univ. of Colorado] In the screen, label should precede to checkbox.  If it was not, "quiet" checkbox is read first by screen readers and user doesn't know what the checkbox is related to.  So they have to continue on, find a label "quiet" then go back to the checkbox to check it if desired.

Note: mhonarc-ressources.tt2 was changed: Past archives can need to be rebuilt.

r12086 | sikeda | 2015-04-01 18:20:31 +0200 (mer. 01 avril 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2

[bug][#9740][Reported by Y. Baouchi, Univ. of Colorado] Character should be read by its name, for example "number sign" instead of "#".  Latter may often not be read properly by e.g. screen readers.

Also in a few other templates, using "#" as abbreviation of the word "number" is inappropriate.

r12085 | sikeda | 2015-04-01 18:16:15 +0200 (mer. 01 avril 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/footer.tt2

[bug][#9727][Reported by Y. Baouchi, Univ. of Colorado] Missing alt attribute in <img> element.

r12084 | sikeda | 2015-04-01 10:26:06 +0200 (mer. 01 avril 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm

[-dev] Use alloptions to get user email from LDAP.
Known bug: Alternative email(s) taken from LDAP are never used: alternative_email_attribute parameter is useless.

r12083 | sikeda | 2015-03-31 15:15:57 +0200 (mar. 31 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[-dev] Added a few documentation on Sympa::Tools::Text.

r12082 | sikeda | 2015-03-30 17:37:00 +0200 (lun. 30 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm

[-bug] A typo may crash Sympa with Perl 5.16.0, because fc() feature was not enabled.

r12081 | sikeda | 2015-03-30 16:24:37 +0200 (lun. 30 mars 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm

[bug] LDAP authentication fails to get email.  The "alloptions" feature of Net::LDAP::Entry returns an array of hashrefs, not of scalars.
As a quick fix, alloptions was disabled, while it is desired.

r12080 | sikeda | 2015-03-29 00:47:27 +0100 (dim. 29 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Refactoring.  archive_send() and archive_send_last() in Sympa::List are merged into getfile() and last() in Sympa::Commands, respectively.

r12079 | sikeda | 2015-03-28 23:35:01 +0100 (sam. 28 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-change] Now LAST email command retrieves most recent message in archive and sympa.pl no longer stores $listdir/archives/last_message file.

r12078 | sikeda | 2015-03-26 16:48:13 +0100 (jeu. 26 mars 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[bug] INDEX mail command returned wrong dates and sizes of archives.
Fixed by getting them of arctxt directories.  Additionally, now sizes are shown in kilobytes.

r12077 | sikeda | 2015-03-24 17:22:50 +0100 (mar. 24 mars 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Sympa::Archive is now a class.  Messages fetched will be locked to prevent access by multiple processes.
Several methods was introduced: See POD of Sympa::Archive.

r12076 | sikeda | 2015-03-22 15:23:56 +0100 (dim. 22 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r12075 | sikeda | 2015-03-17 12:47:35 +0100 (mar. 17 mars 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[change] Format of messages in archiving spool ("outgoing" spool) are changed.  By this change, messages will be handled safer and archiving will be done a bit faster.

Messages in the spool with older format will be automatically migrated during upgrading process.

r12074 | sikeda | 2015-03-17 11:00:17 +0100 (mar. 17 mars 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am

[change] create_db script for Oracle was dropped.
Use sympa.pl --health_check instead.

r12073 | sikeda | 2015-03-17 10:56:51 +0100 (mar. 17 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Sybase

[-bug] create_db.Sybase was broken.

r12072 | sikeda | 2015-03-16 11:35:34 +0100 (lun. 16 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] A few daemons won't log on caught signal.

r12071 | sikeda | 2015-03-16 07:14:29 +0100 (lun. 16 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm

[-bug] Oracle: If sequence already exists, adding auto-increment trigger fails.  Fixed by checking existence of sequence.
r12070 | sikeda | 2015-03-15 04:02:54 +0100 (dim. 15 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] (r12066) Fix notification_table during upgrade process.

r12069 | sikeda | 2015-03-15 01:17:42 +0100 (dim. 15 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] Messages in bulk spool already distributed sometimes are not removed.  Such garbage would be removed by task.

r12068 | sikeda | 2015-03-15 01:04:06 +0100 (dim. 15 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm

[-bug] If file vanishes during execution of get_mtime(), this function returns undef.  This behavior may cause some spurious warnings.

r12067 | sikeda | 2015-03-14 10:47:54 +0100 (sam. 14 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm

[-dev] Suppress warnings on uninitialized value.

r12066 | sikeda | 2015-03-14 10:34:20 +0100 (sam. 14 mars 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm

[-bug] Long field name such as "arrival_date_epoch_notification" can be denied by database server: For example, Oracle limits length to be upto 30 characters by default.
"arrival_date_epoch_notification" was renamed to "arrival_epoch_notification".

r12065 | sikeda | 2015-03-14 10:27:11 +0100 (sam. 14 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm

[feature] Now Oracle driver can update database structure automatically.

r12064 | sikeda | 2015-03-14 03:46:37 +0100 (sam. 14 mars 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[bug] A few bugs on email command processing:
- Long lines folded by flowed format (RFC 3676) were not handled correctly.
- mesaddressed_commands feature checked encoded body.

r12063 | sikeda | 2015-03-14 03:15:38 +0100 (sam. 14 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] Typo in comment.
r12061 | sympa-authors | 2015-03-13 15:16:04 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2b.9
r12060 | david.verdin | 2015-03-13 15:13:07 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[svn] Updating catalogues.
r12059 | david.verdin | 2015-03-13 14:38:02 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Sympa would issue an error when trying to edit access control to a file in the shared repository. This was due to a mismatch in parameters between list owenrs and document owners.
r12058 | david.verdin | 2015-03-13 14:09:01 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug][Reported by P. Grzesina, univ. of Regina] Sympa issued errors when trying to setupe a CAS server for SSO login. This was due to Sympa setting a hash value to scalar and then trying to use this value as a hash ref. Fixed by deleting affectation to scalar value - which is immediately changed to a hash anyway.
r12057 | sympa-authors | 2015-03-13 11:09:39 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12056 | sikeda | 2015-03-13 10:51:40 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-dev] Small refactoring: cookie_changed() was moved from tools to Conf.

r12055 | sikeda | 2015-03-13 10:37:42 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[bug] wwsympa and sympa/health_check did not check change of "cookie" parameter.

r12054 | sympa-authors | 2015-03-13 10:27:01 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r12053 | david.verdin | 2015-03-13 10:08:17 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[bug] Additional list menu links had vanished when setting up the new skin.
r12052 | sikeda | 2015-03-13 07:12:04 +0100 (ven. 13 mars 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[bug] (probably fixes bug[#6204]) task_manager.pl sometimes ignores signal to shutdown it.  If there are large number of lists, calling get_lists() can take long time and the process cannot deal with TERM signal.
Now get_lists() checks HUP, INT and TERM signals and returns immediately when signal is raised.  As a side effect of this fix, get_lists() may return undef.

r12051 | sikeda | 2015-03-12 10:37:02 +0100 (jeu. 12 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_sympa_password.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[dev] Updating documentation.

r12050 | sikeda | 2015-03-12 04:14:03 +0100 (jeu. 12 mars 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm

[feature] Now Oracle driver can check database structure.

However, you still must update structure manually.

r12049 | sikeda | 2015-03-11 13:08:44 +0100 (mer. 11 mars 2015) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:12048)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] These functions were moved to new Sympa::Spool module:
- split_listname
- unmarshal_metadata
- marshal_metadata
- store_spool
This change may help merger work with trunk.

Additionally, tools::save_to_bad() was moved to archived.pl only in which it is used.

r12048 | sikeda | 2015-03-11 11:40:16 +0100 (mer. 11 mars 2015) | 13 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:12038)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] These functions were moved to new Sympa module:
- best_language
- compute_auth
- get_search_path
- get_supported_languages
- request_auth
- search_fullpath
- send_dsn
- send_file
- send_notify_to_listmaster

This change may help merger work with trunk.

r12047 | sikeda | 2015-03-11 10:41:12 +0100 (mer. 11 mars 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[bug] If multiple instances of sympa_msg.pl are running, i.e. incoming_max_count parameter is greater than 1, adding information to stat_table occasionally fails.  Probably because forked instances can share random seed used to generate primary key.
Fixed by removing id_stat field from stat_table: It was not used anyway.

r12046 | sikeda | 2015-03-10 06:14:05 +0100 (mar. 10 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm

[dev] Updating documentation.

r12045 | sikeda | 2015-03-09 10:32:57 +0100 (lun. 09 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Suppress warnings on "uninitialized value in numeric eq/ne".

r12044 | sikeda | 2015-03-09 02:55:47 +0100 (lun. 09 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm

[-bug] Typo.

r12043 | sikeda | 2015-03-08 08:30:27 +0100 (dim. 08 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[-bug] Several typos in POD.
r12042 | sikeda | 2015-03-08 06:54:47 +0100 (dim. 08 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/ODBC.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Sympa::DatabaseDescription::db_struct() was obsoleted; function to translate SQL field types was moved to translate_type() method of each driver class.

r12041 | sikeda | 2015-03-08 06:45:34 +0100 (dim. 08 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm

[-bug] SQLite: Failed to drop primary key.  Fixed by trying alternative pattern to update table.

r12040 | sikeda | 2015-03-08 04:50:51 +0100 (dim. 08 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm

[-bug] Typo.
r12039 | sikeda | 2015-03-08 04:09:49 +0100 (dim. 08 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-dev] tt2.pm is no longer used.
r12038 | sikeda | 2015-03-08 04:06:09 +0100 (dim. 08 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/ODBC.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP/Transport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/SMIME.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Now Sympa::Log is used instead of Log; Log is no longer used.

r12037 | sikeda | 2015-03-07 11:57:25 +0100 (sam. 07 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in

[dev] Use Sympa::Template instead of tt2.

r12036 | sikeda | 2015-03-07 10:24:53 +0100 (sam. 07 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-bug] Inappropriate option.
r12035 | sikeda | 2015-03-07 05:01:57 +0100 (sam. 07 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-bug] If updating CSS required, multiple processes updated it.  Fixed by locking target file in advance.

r12034 | sikeda | 2015-03-07 04:09:31 +0100 (sam. 07 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-change] Updating CSS may occur on startup of WWSympa instead of everytime loading config.

r12033 | sikeda | 2015-03-07 03:08:17 +0100 (sam. 07 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/VOOTProvider.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm

[dev] Fix codes under ext/ to use Sympa::Log.

r12032 | sikeda | 2015-03-07 03:06:36 +0100 (sam. 07 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in

[dev] Now all executables use Sympa::Log instead of Log.

r12030 | sympa-authors | 2015-03-06 17:50:11 +0100 (ven. 06 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2b.8
r12029 | david.verdin | 2015-03-06 17:36:54 +0100 (ven. 06 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] Impoving the details given to user when errors are reported to him.
r12028 | david.verdin | 2015-03-06 17:22:50 +0100 (ven. 06 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Refactoring: using the newly created Sympa::List->get_next_bouncing_list_member() in wwsympa.fcgi, as this code is now used twice.
r12027 | david.verdin | 2015-03-06 17:19:15 +0100 (ven. 06 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] When displaying user errors; errors were displayed even if the user was not concerned by the error. Fixed by getting the actual user data.
r12026 | david.verdin | 2015-03-06 17:17:36 +0100 (ven. 06 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2

[feature] News about list activities and potential user errors are displayed at the home page.
r12025 | david.verdin | 2015-03-06 12:19:35 +0100 (ven. 06 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[bug] When upgrading from pre-beta version, archives parameters are renamed. The upgrade process crashed on mail_access sub-parameters because they were set as a string instead of as a scenario. Simply setting them as a hash containing a 'name' entry whose value was the scenarion name was not enough: it led to totally messed up archive parameters. Finally fixed by loading the mail_access scenario to initialize the mail_access sub-parameter.

r12024 | sikeda | 2015-03-06 12:08:57 +0100 (ven. 06 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Now executables under sbindir use Sympa::Log instead of Log.

r12023 | sikeda | 2015-03-06 11:40:22 +0100 (ven. 06 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Stats aggregation was moved from purge_logs_table() in task_manager.pl to Sympa::Log::aggregate_stat().

r12022 | sikeda | 2015-03-05 12:47:30 +0100 (jeu. 05 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Suppress warnings on uninitialized value.
r12021 | sikeda | 2015-03-05 12:17:35 +0100 (jeu. 05 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[dev] (r12001, r12015) After all, as id_counter field is not useful, remove it by allowing table with no primary key.

r12020 | sikeda | 2015-03-04 15:14:35 +0100 (mer. 04 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm

[-dev] correction of several documentations.

r12018 | sympa-authors | 2015-03-04 11:41:04 +0100 (mer. 04 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2b.7
r12017 | sympa-authors | 2015-03-04 11:33:08 +0100 (mer. 04 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r12016 | sympa-authors | 2015-03-04 11:09:16 +0100 (mer. 04 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[svn] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r12015 | david.verdin | 2015-03-04 10:33:56 +0100 (mer. 04 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[-dev] Restoring previous key for stat_counter_table. The composed primary key proposed breaks upgrade for previous install, which don't necessary match the constraints defined by this key.
r12014 | sikeda | 2015-03-04 09:33:06 +0100 (mer. 04 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm

[-dev] tt2::escape_*() were moved to tools package.

r12013 | sikeda | 2015-03-04 09:06:52 +0100 (mer. 04 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm

[-dev] Now wwsympa uses Sympa::Template instead of tt2.

r12012 | sikeda | 2015-03-02 15:47:06 +0100 (lun. 02 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-feature] New site parameter stats_expiration_period to specify months that elapse before statistics are expired.

r12011 | sikeda | 2015-03-02 13:23:49 +0100 (lun. 02 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm

[dev] Sympa::Template::Compat tt2 providor class was removed because it was not really used.  _translate() subroutine was moved into tpl2tt2.pl only where it is used.

r12010 | sikeda | 2015-03-02 13:12:45 +0100 (lun. 02 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm:12000)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm

[dev] tt2 was renamed to Sympa::Template and it became class.

r12009 | sikeda | 2015-03-02 09:11:10 +0100 (lun. 02 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] Suppress warning on uninitialized value, and prevent possible crash.
r12008 | sikeda | 2015-03-02 05:54:55 +0100 (lun. 02 mars 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Global variable %main::options no longer is referred by Log module.  Instead, {log_to_stderr} property of Sympa::Log instance would be set.

As a side work, set_log_level() was obsoleted and {level} property will be used.

r12007 | sikeda | 2015-03-02 04:05:05 +0100 (lun. 02 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Typo.
r12006 | sikeda | 2015-03-02 03:18:31 +0100 (lun. 02 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] (r12001) Typo.
r12005 | sikeda | 2015-03-01 13:26:05 +0100 (dim. 01 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm:12003)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[dev] Log was renamed to Sympa::Log and became singleton class.

r12004 | sikeda | 2015-03-01 09:51:09 +0100 (dim. 01 mars 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[change] If you upgrade from Sympa 6.2a or 6.2b, statistics are cleared, because older information is no longer usable.

r12003 | sikeda | 2015-03-01 07:38:45 +0100 (dim. 01 mars 2015) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-change] Tags in stat_table and stat_counter_table to determine operations were changed.  Currently thare are following tags.

Statistics by each list:
add_or_subscribe, arc, auto_del, d_create_dir, d_create_file, d_delete, d_upload, del, reject, send_mail, signoff.
Statistics by each robot:
close_list, copy_list, create_list, list_rejected, login, logout, restore_list

Content of these tables added by Sympa prior to 6.2b.6 will be useless.

ToDo: Test.

r12002 | sikeda | 2015-03-01 05:50:30 +0100 (dim. 01 mars 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] Typo.
r12001 | sikeda | 2015-03-01 04:43:58 +0100 (dim. 01 mars 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[dev] Process to aggregate stat logs became more efficient by using database queries.
Additionally, removed several unused columns and indices in database.

r11999 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-27 16:40:54 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2b.6
r11998 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-27 16:08:39 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11997 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-27 15:42:36 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11996 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-27 14:43:05 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11995 | david.verdin | 2015-02-27 13:41:56 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm

[change] When scenario debug log is activated, the scenario file used is also logged.
r11994 | david.verdin | 2015-02-27 11:12:55 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm

[bug] When instantiating a family, Sympa would crash if no list is found in the XML file. Preventing it by setting the list of lists to create as an empty list. Having an empty XML file can be a reasonnable (yet crude) mean to close all lists in a family.
r11993 | david.verdin | 2015-02-27 10:49:55 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Getting rid of undefined values warnings by using tests.
r11992 | david.verdin | 2015-02-27 10:48:02 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm

[-bug] Getting rid of undefined values warnings by using tests.
r11991 | sikeda | 2015-02-27 10:33:22 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.charset.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/charset.conf.podin (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.charset.in:11989)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[-change] README.charset is renamed/moved to charset.conf(5) manual page.

r11990 | sikeda | 2015-02-27 09:48:21 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm

[-dev] typos.

r11989 | david.verdin | 2015-02-26 18:37:45 +0100 (jeu. 26 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm

[bug] Several bugs made family instantiation crash sympa.
r11988 | david.verdin | 2015-02-26 18:35:37 +0100 (jeu. 26 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] When using DB list cache, all lists would be returned when queryinf the lists from a family, leading to the possibility that ALL lists not belonging to a family would be closed if close_unkown option was used.
r11987 | david.verdin | 2015-02-26 18:32:28 +0100 (jeu. 26 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] If occurrence is undefined in parameter definition, a warning will be issued. Fixing it by testing occurrence definition.
r11986 | sikeda | 2015-02-26 05:38:14 +0100 (jeu. 26 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/ldap_alias_manager.conf

[-dev] (r11985) Updating default ldap_alias_manager.conf.
r11985 | sikeda | 2015-02-26 05:31:38 +0100 (jeu. 26 févr. 2015) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in

[change] Default cryptographic protocol of LDAP over SSL/TLS became TLSv1.  Note that SSLv2 and SSLv3 are no longer recommended due to their weakness.

- List config: The default of "ssl_version" parameters in "include_ldap" paragraph and so on became "tlsv1".
- ldap_alias_manager.pl: New parameter "ldap_ssl_version" to specify protocol version which defaults to "tlsv1" was introduced.  On earlier releases it was fixed to "sslv3".

r11983 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-25 17:21:36 +0100 (mer. 25 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2b.5
r11982 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-25 17:09:07 +0100 (mer. 25 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11981 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-25 17:02:42 +0100 (mer. 25 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nn_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11980 | sikeda | 2015-02-24 16:43:40 +0100 (mar. 24 févr. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[bug][#9665] [Reported by L. Einarsen, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet] Invalid SSL_version "tls" specified in include_ldap_query.  Recent versions of IO::Socket::SSL (though it is not explicitly documented that which version changed the syntax) accepts "tlsv1" and so on.
Fixed by treating "tls" as synonim of "tlsv1".  Additionally, "tlsv1_1" and "tlsv1_2" are also supported now.

r11979 | sikeda | 2015-02-24 07:44:01 +0100 (mar. 24 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] Statistics: Some action weren't recorded correctly and were omitted.  Fixed by correcting typos.

r11978 | sikeda | 2015-02-23 12:29:21 +0100 (lun. 23 févr. 2015) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[change] A few service names in system log and database logs were changed.  Now they are taken from the name of each program:
- sympa_automatic.pl : "sympa_automatic" (formerley "sympa")
- sympa_msg.pl : "sympa_msg" (formerly "sympa")
- sympa_soap_server.fcgi : "sympasoap" (formerly "soap")

ToDo: sympa_soap_server.fcgi would be renamed.

r11977 | sikeda | 2015-02-23 10:36:47 +0100 (lun. 23 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] Suppress warning on uninitialized value.

r11976 | sikeda | 2015-02-22 13:09:05 +0100 (dim. 22 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[-dev] Drop inappropriate use of clean_msg_id().

r11975 | sikeda | 2015-02-22 13:05:38 +0100 (dim. 22 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[-bug] typo.
r11974 | sikeda | 2015-02-22 11:56:53 +0100 (dim. 22 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[dev] 'logs_failed' listmaster notification will be sent only when openlog() fails, in other words at the time of startup.  Withdraw it and warn() to stderr instead.

r11973 | sikeda | 2015-02-22 11:36:15 +0100 (dim. 22 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Log::fatal_err() was deprecated; Log::db_log_del() was moved to _db_log_del() in task_manager.pl.

r11972 | sikeda | 2015-02-22 11:06:25 +0100 (dim. 22 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] Removed unneccessary 'client' and 'daemon' parameters for Log::db_log(), Log::db_stat_log() etc.  Public function get_daemon_name() was obsoleted.

r11971 | sikeda | 2015-02-22 08:04:02 +0100 (dim. 22 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] (r11970) Copyedit.
r11970 | sikeda | 2015-02-22 05:30:30 +0100 (dim. 22 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[change] Now digest spool will keep messages as separate files by each, instead of accumulating messages in single file with RFC934 format.  This change is desirable because messages may be locked and handled safely.

r11969 | sikeda | 2015-02-20 06:40:12 +0100 (ven. 20 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[feature] [experimental] Multiple instances of sympa_msg.pl, daemon processing incoming message spool, may be run.  Multiplicity is controlled by "incoming_max_count" config parameter: By default single instance will run.

r11968 | sikeda | 2015-02-19 10:02:17 +0100 (jeu. 19 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-bug] SPOOLDIR/expire is no longer used but is created during installation.

r11967 | sikeda | 2015-02-18 14:57:36 +0100 (mer. 18 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am

[-bug] Ashamed typo.

r11966 | sikeda | 2015-02-17 14:29:29 +0100 (mar. 17 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] messages in incoming spools would be sorted by mtime of each file not by name of each file.  This change will avoid situation that many messages for one list prevent processing on relatively little messages for other lists.

r11965 | sikeda | 2015-02-17 02:57:51 +0100 (mar. 17 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-dev] author check scripts would belong to noinst_ prefix.

r11964 | sikeda | 2015-02-16 16:12:22 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-coverage.t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-spelling.t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-syntax.t

[-dev] fixing svn properties.
r11963 | sikeda | 2015-02-16 16:06:06 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/META.json.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-coverage.t
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-spelling.t
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-syntax.t
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-coverage.t (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-coverage.t:11962)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-spelling.t (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-spelling.t:11962)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/xt/pod-syntax.t (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-syntax.t:11962)

[dev] Moved tests on PODs to xt/ for tests interested by authors.  The tests under xt/ will be invoked by "make authorcheck".

r11962 | sikeda | 2015-02-16 15:31:12 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-coverage.t (de /trunk/t/pod-coverage.t:10505)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-spelling.t (de /trunk/t/pod-spelling.t:10505)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pod-syntax.t (de /trunk/t/pod-syntax.t:10505)

[svn] Retrieving several cleanups and additions from trunk.

r10517 | rousse | 2014-04-01 19:08:16 +0200 (mar. 01 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Message.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] reformat documentation
r10511 | rousse | 2014-03-31 17:05:51 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] kill check for obsolete interface
r10509 | rousse | 2014-03-31 17:01:46 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] fix a few POD spelling issues
r10508 | rousse | 2014-03-31 17:00:18 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] revert commit #10503, I didn't checked its content carefully enough
r10506 | rousse | 2014-03-31 16:53:22 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] oops
r10505 | rousse | 2014-03-31 16:42:47 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/t/pod-coverage.t
   A /trunk/t/pod-spelling.t
   A /trunk/t/pod-syntax.t
Fision via : r11962

[dev] initial import
r10504 | rousse | 2014-03-31 16:42:32 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] fix a few POD syntax issues
r10503 | rousse | 2014-03-31 16:38:16 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] fix a few spelling issues
r10502 | rousse | 2014-03-31 16:07:05 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] kill code marked as unused
r10501 | rousse | 2014-03-31 15:59:52 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] document the constructor parameters list
r10500 | rousse | 2014-03-31 15:50:06 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] enforce more consistant variable names: '' for class name, '%params' for parameters'
r10499 | rousse | 2014-03-31 15:46:01 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/SQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11962

[dev] switch to a plain hash-based parameters interface for Sympa::Message constructor
r10494 | rousse | 2014-03-31 14:55:23 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] no need for a specific method here, as subclasses can override constructor as well
r10493 | rousse | 2014-03-31 14:45:46 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] kill compatibility with previous interface, uneeded anymore
r10492 | rousse | 2014-03-31 14:43:45 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log/Syslog.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] keep those variables private
r10491 | rousse | 2014-03-31 14:42:58 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r11962

[dev] keep log message filtering in Sympa::Log::Syslog only
r10489 | rousse | 2014-03-31 14:28:57 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log/Syslog.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11962

[dev] move set_daemon() to get_daemon_name(), in Sympa::Tools::Daemon package
r10487 | rousse | 2014-03-31 14:13:14 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] turn is_a_crawler() to a private function in Sympa::Session
r10485 | rousse | 2014-03-31 14:08:07 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log/Database.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/File/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/File.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Cookie.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
Fision via : r11962

[dev] kill unused variables

r11961 | sikeda | 2015-02-15 14:38:03 +0100 (dim. 15 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[-dev] Removing unneccessary <br/>.

r11960 | sikeda | 2015-02-14 07:48:18 +0100 (sam. 14 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[-bug] Broken layout of a few pages.

r11959 | sikeda | 2015-02-14 07:45:53 +0100 (sam. 14 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2

[-bug] Unknown field "Distribution ended at:"
r11957 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-13 18:07:08 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2b.4
r11956 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-13 18:03:59 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11955 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-13 17:57:10 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11954 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-13 17:43:08 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11953 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-13 17:36:36 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11952 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-13 17:20:46 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11951 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-13 17:13:55 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11950 | david.verdin | 2015-02-13 12:17:38 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/SMIME.pm

[-bug] When only one email address was set in subjectAltName, address ended up prefixed with a single dot. Fixed by enhancing regular expression.
r11949 | david.verdin | 2015-02-13 12:07:41 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/SMIME.pm

[bug] Crypt::OpenSSL::X509->email has a bug: when email comes from subjectAltName certificate field, it return the whole field as a string. Consequently, if several addresses are defined in this field, it returns address1@domain.tldaddress2@domain.tld... Fixed by explicitely parsing subjectAltName before deciding how to set the email. A bug report has been made to the module maintainer: https://github.com/dsully/perl-crypt-openssl-x509/issues/40
r11948 | sikeda | 2015-02-13 05:30:36 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-bug] Malformed message will be handled as ordinary message without context.

r11947 | sikeda | 2015-02-13 02:15:46 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] non-critical typos.
r11946 | david.verdin | 2015-02-12 18:25:12 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug] In some cases, module install would fall in a recursive infintie llop. It was because we first called CAPN::Shell::make, then force or test, then only install. It looks like make would not actually install dependencies, but only build them. Consequently, dependencies reuired to build a module would never be available forerequire, leading to the infinite loop. Fixed by simply skipping all the make, force and test to directly go to the install call. It performs make and test anyway.
r11945 | sikeda | 2015-02-12 00:15:29 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm

[-dev] typo, possiblly not critical.
r11944 | sikeda | 2015-02-11 07:42:51 +0100 (mer. 11 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r11943 | sikeda | 2015-02-11 06:50:19 +0100 (mer. 11 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[dev] Make Sympa::List::may_do() obsoleted.
r11942 | sikeda | 2015-02-11 06:45:02 +0100 (mer. 11 févr. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/archive_mail_access.closed (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/access_web_archive.closed:11920)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/archive_mail_access.owner (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/access_web_archive.owner:11920)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/archive_mail_access.private (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/access_web_archive.private:11920)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/archive_mail_access.public (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/access_web_archive.public:11920)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[bug] Blacklist was not applied to GET, INDEX and LAST email commands.

New scenario archive_mail_access (archive.mail_access in list config) is intrduced, and it will perform authorization.

r11941 | sikeda | 2015-02-10 09:43:09 +0100 (mar. 10 févr. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Inclusion: When the result by LDAP query includes an entry not having wished email attribute, an err message 'Skip badly formed email address: ""' was logged.  Fixed by simply ignoring such entries.

As a side work several copyedit.

r11940 | sikeda | 2015-02-10 06:43:12 +0100 (mar. 10 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-dev] unify format of the log when message object is picked from spool or generated from template.
r11939 | sikeda | 2015-02-10 06:39:19 +0100 (mar. 10 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] Sympa::Message::new_from_template() logs message ID and unique ID of the messages.

r11938 | sikeda | 2015-02-09 17:01:31 +0100 (lun. 09 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2

[-bug] Concealed owners and moderators were shown on list menu.

r11937 | sikeda | 2015-02-09 08:27:43 +0100 (lun. 09 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-dev] Suppress warnings on uninitialized value, and kill a few unused variables.
r11936 | sikeda | 2015-02-08 15:35:21 +0100 (dim. 08 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Sybase

[-bug] (r11920) Updating database creation scripts.
r11935 | sikeda | 2015-02-08 02:45:45 +0100 (dim. 08 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r11934 | sikeda | 2015-02-08 02:29:53 +0100 (dim. 08 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[dev] Updating several documentation.
r11933 | sikeda | 2015-02-08 01:56:54 +0100 (dim. 08 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-dev] Added ConfDef.pm to dependency of sympa.spec and META.json.
r11932 | sikeda | 2015-02-08 01:03:39 +0100 (dim. 08 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] (r11921) If db_type has been defined in sympa.conf, take mandatory DBD module from it.
r11931 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 23:35:41 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] mark tools::by_date obsoleted.
r11930 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 11:07:06 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-change] Sympa scanned msg spool everytime seeking the next message to process.  The change made Sympa a bit lazy: Each message is processed not according to priority, except that messages with lower priority than those already found in spool are skipped.  It will sometimes ignore priority but will make scanning a bit more efficient.

r11929 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 07:00:25 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/crl_update.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/eval_bouncers.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/expire_bounce.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/process_bouncers.weekly.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/purge_logs_table.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/purge_one_time_ticket_table.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/purge_orphan_bounces.monthly.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/purge_session_table.daily.task
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/purge_spools.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/purge_tables.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models/purge_user_table.monthly.task

[-dev] Added task file for purge_spools task.

r11928 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 06:46:02 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r11927 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 06:42:40 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] bad/msg and bad/pct subdirectories in bulk spool were removed periodically, and old files under viewmail_dir were not removed.

r11926 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 04:17:29 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in

[-bug] sympa_automatic.pl scans spool so frequently, otoh bounce.pl sleeps so frequently.  Make them sleep only when spools are known to be empty.
ToDo: Fix archived.pl and sympa_msg.pl, too.

r11925 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 04:13:29 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[-bug] return statement at top-level.
r11924 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 03:22:53 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] The "bad" subdirectory in automatic spool was removed periodically.  Fixed by excluding "bad" from paths to be removed.

r11923 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 03:15:56 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-feature] New global task model purge_spools_task, running daily by default, to expire old messages in spools.

r11922 | sikeda | 2015-02-07 00:13:51 +0100 (sam. 07 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] Suppress "uninitialized value" warning.
r11921 | sikeda | 2015-02-06 04:30:26 +0100 (ven. 06 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-feature] sympa_wizard.pl asks which RDBMS will be used for core database.

r11920 | david.verdin | 2015-02-05 18:50:19 +0100 (jeu. 05 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] Stat for mail sending had disappeared.
r11919 | david.verdin | 2015-02-05 18:48:32 +0100 (jeu. 05 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[bug] DBD::mysql module was mandatory. It should not.
r11918 | sikeda | 2015-02-04 15:45:53 +0100 (mer. 04 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[-dev] (r11912,11915) "ps -A" by Solaris chops command names to be up to 8 characters.
r11917 | david.verdin | 2015-02-04 14:09:04 +0100 (mer. 04 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in

[dev] Error in pod.
r11916 | sikeda | 2015-02-04 13:49:34 +0100 (mer. 04 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-dev] Mostly cosmetic changes.

r11915 | sikeda | 2015-02-04 10:07:36 +0100 (mer. 04 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in

[-dev] (r11912) "ps -A" on GNU/Linux chops command name up to 15 characters.

r11914 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-03 18:07:42 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[bug] Bad defaults and examples were set for the http_host parameter: it must not start by http:// or https://. Protocol is irrelevant. Only the domain part is usefull.
r11913 | sympa-authors | 2015-02-03 17:24:58 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[dev] Removing /p modifier that appeared in perl 5.10.
r11912 | sikeda | 2015-02-03 13:42:47 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.generic
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_automatic.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in:11903)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_msg.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in:11903)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[change] sympa.pl was splitted to three programs: sympa.pl command-line utility, sympa_msg.pl daemon and sympa_automatic.pl daemon.

r11911 | etiennemeleard | 2015-02-03 11:14:15 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm

[-change] Allow to define a datasource without password (allowed by DBI, Sympa should not enforce password by itself).

r11910 | etiennemeleard | 2015-02-03 11:11:58 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[bug] Fix "constant" getter to satisfy "strict subs".

r11909 | sikeda | 2015-02-02 14:20:23 +0100 (lun. 02 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm

[-dev] Suppress "uninitialized value" warnings.

r11908 | sikeda | 2015-02-01 13:24:09 +0100 (dim. 01 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Bounce.pm was merged into bouncde.pl, as former was used only by latter.

r11907 | sikeda | 2015-02-01 08:54:34 +0100 (dim. 01 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] Though it is rare, parsing DSN/MDN/ARF may fail.  Notification fields "are defined according to the rules of RFC 822, the same conventions for continuation lines and comments apply" (RFC3464).  Fixed by parsing each fields block in notification using MIME::Head constructor.

r11906 | sikeda | 2015-02-01 07:00:09 +0100 (dim. 01 févr. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[dev] bounced.pl: Use Sympa::Message and Sympa::LockedFile objects instead of using filehandle simply.

r11905 | sikeda | 2015-01-31 08:49:44 +0100 (sam. 31 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer/Website.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/VOOTProvider.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/ListSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Website.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm

[dev] Fix Markov's contribution according to recent reordering/refactoring.
ToDo: Make it work.

r11904 | sikeda | 2015-01-31 06:07:25 +0100 (sam. 31 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] purge_orphan_bounces task removed SDN/MDN referred by tracking feature.
r11902 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-30 14:25:49 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2b.3
r11901 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-30 12:09:38 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11900 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-30 12:03:25 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11899 | sikeda | 2015-01-30 07:04:42 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] purge_user_table task was inefficient.  It performs large number of SQL queries on the site managing many lists.  Fixed by accessing database directly and performing single query instead of recurring over all lists.
Database structure was changed: last_active_date_user field was added.

r11898 | sikeda | 2015-01-30 05:21:06 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2015) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[bug] Default robot was ignored and its lists won't be processed in some cases,
if no virtual robot setting with the same domain as default robot.

- --change_user_email omits lists in default robot.
- List tasks in default robot aren't loaded. 
- purge_user_table task: Users subscribing only to the lists in default robot will be purged.

r11897 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-29 17:37:05 +0100 (jeu. 29 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11896 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-29 17:30:46 +0100 (jeu. 29 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11895 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-29 17:11:02 +0100 (jeu. 29 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11894 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-29 17:04:45 +0100 (jeu. 29 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11893 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-29 16:46:48 +0100 (jeu. 29 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[dev] Getting rid of faulty msg-id in po files.
r11892 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-28 10:15:57 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11891 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-28 10:09:28 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11890 | sikeda | 2015-01-28 08:00:56 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/xgettext.pl

[-dev] Now xgettext.pl supports extended chomping flags in tt2.
r11889 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-27 18:12:11 +0100 (mar. 27 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11888 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-27 18:05:37 +0100 (mar. 27 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11887 | sikeda | 2015-01-26 09:38:24 +0100 (lun. 26 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] Upgrade notification_table which no longer keeps DSN/MDN.  Keep them in bounce directories.

r11886 | sikeda | 2015-01-26 09:07:11 +0100 (lun. 26 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Supurious err message "Failed to parse XML data: Empty Stream" by showing subscription requests without custom attribute.

r11885 | sikeda | 2015-01-26 03:07:29 +0100 (lun. 26 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle

[-dev] (r11882) typo.
r11884 | sikeda | 2015-01-25 13:13:33 +0100 (dim. 25 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am

[bug][Reported by B. Eliassen] An option given to install(1) terminates installation.  This utility at least of Solaris needs the space between "-m" and argument.

r11883 | sikeda | 2015-01-25 09:40:09 +0100 (dim. 25 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm

[-dev] Renamed db_init_notification_table() function to register() method.

r11882 | sikeda | 2015-01-25 06:49:39 +0100 (dim. 25 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Sybase

[dev] Updating database creation scripts for Oracle and Sybase.
r11881 | sikeda | 2015-01-25 06:48:15 +0100 (dim. 25 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am

[change] create_db scripts for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite were dropped.
Use sympa.pl --health_check instead.

r11880 | sikeda | 2015-01-25 06:46:06 +0100 (dim. 25 janv. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[change] Tracking: DSN and MDN are no longer stored into database table: They are stored into bounce directory by each list.

Additionally, notifications may be shown in separate viewbounce page, instead of loading all notifications at the time of showing tracking index page.

r11879 | sikeda | 2015-01-24 11:00:40 +0100 (sam. 24 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am

[-bug] Missing file modernizr.custom.js to be distributed/installed.
r11878 | sikeda | 2015-01-24 04:54:48 +0100 (sam. 24 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm

[-feature] Tracking: Arrival date of notification is localised.
Database structure was changed: arrival_date_epoch_notification field was added.

r11877 | sikeda | 2015-01-24 03:57:12 +0100 (sam. 24 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[bug] Postfix: If tracking feature is enabled, distribution of messages will be denied when Envelope-Id is "10" to "99".  Postfix (2.3 or later) clone of sendmail interprets -V option with two characters as -XV option and rejects it because argument is incorrect.
Fixed by padding "0" to make length of envid at least eight.

r11876 | sikeda | 2015-01-22 15:30:21 +0100 (jeu. 22 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Adding reverse link to the message tracked.
And added a few translation strings.
r11875 | sikeda | 2015-01-21 16:58:17 +0100 (mer. 21 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Reconnecting database properly when sympa.pl receives HUP signal or bulk.pl forks slave processes.
r11874 | sikeda | 2015-01-21 16:10:42 +0100 (mer. 21 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring.
And added description that SDM was obsoleted.
r11873 | sikeda | 2015-01-20 15:16:48 +0100 (mar. 20 janv. 2015) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[dev] Refactoring:
- SDM: reconnect_options if withdrawn.  Instead, once connection for core database succeeded, it will be marked as "persistent", using Sympa::Database::set_persistent() method.
- Sympa::DatabaseManager creates singleton instance of Sympa::Database class for core database which is connected to persistent connection.
ToDo: Revoke SDM module.

r11872 | sikeda | 2015-01-19 15:28:17 +0100 (lun. 19 janv. 2015) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/CSV.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/ODBC.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm:11855)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring on SDM:
- SDM::probe_db() was moved to Sympa::DatabaseManager::probe_db().
- SDM::data_structure_uptodate() was moved to Conf::data_structure_uptodate().
- Functions specific to database manager were moved from Databasedriver.
- Removed functions never used.
ToDo: Prevent direct access to $SDM::db_source.
ToDo: Careful tests.

r11871 | etiennemeleard | 2015-01-19 14:19:45 +0100 (lun. 19 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm

[-bug] Fix log message to include scenario name

r11870 | etiennemeleard | 2015-01-19 13:55:36 +0100 (lun. 19 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2

[-bug] Fix modindex popup, move styles to css.

r11869 | etiennemeleard | 2015-01-19 13:38:09 +0100 (lun. 19 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-change] Move responsive script outside of template

r11868 | etiennemeleard | 2015-01-19 13:36:46 +0100 (lun. 19 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2

[-change][-bug] Use font-awesome icon and fix responsive script, update said script to use jquery (TODO : move in sympa.js)

r11867 | etiennemeleard | 2015-01-19 13:34:56 +0100 (lun. 19 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/css
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/FontAwesome.otf
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/modernizr.custom.js

[-change] Add font-awesome icon set (license checked, OFL/MIT) and modernizr script to web externals

r11866 | sikeda | 2015-01-19 03:31:23 +0100 (lun. 19 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-bug] Moderation notice in info page of the list is hidden in a few seconds.  Fixed by separating noticeMsg and ephemeralMsg classes.

r11865 | sikeda | 2015-01-19 03:05:43 +0100 (lun. 19 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] typo.
r11864 | sikeda | 2015-01-18 10:02:56 +0100 (dim. 18 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2

[-dev] login menu also shows the name of user.
r11863 | sikeda | 2015-01-18 10:00:25 +0100 (dim. 18 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] WWSympa: When TT2 parse error occurs and tt2_error.tt2 has error again, no content is sent and HTTP server will report error status (e.g. 503 with nginx).
To prevent such situation, wrap PROCESS directives in this template with TRY...CATCH.  The same measure is taken for crash.tt2.

r11862 | sikeda | 2015-01-18 06:49:55 +0100 (dim. 18 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

[-bug] email box in login form occasionally hung out of navigation area.  Fixed by forcing its width to be "100%".
r11861 | sikeda | 2015-01-18 06:45:42 +0100 (dim. 18 janv. 2015) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/my.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] End of tweaks for new skin.
- Bulk suspending/unsubscribing feature was withdrawn for the present.
- Added items to suspend/resume subscription to suboptions form.
ToDo: Owner would be able to view suspension status in editsubscriber page.

r11860 | sikeda | 2015-01-17 12:49:35 +0100 (sam. 17 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] Template-Toolkit >= 2.15 is required to use "greedy" chomping flag "~".
r11859 | sikeda | 2015-01-17 11:32:46 +0100 (sam. 17 janv. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer.js
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.barRenderer.min.js
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.canvasAxisTickRenderer.min.js (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer.js:11855)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.canvasTextRenderer.min.js (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.js:11855)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.min.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jquery.jqplot.css
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jquery.jqplot.min.js

[-dev] Repairing stats feature.
- jquery.jqplot was updated to jquery.jqplot.1.0.8r1250: Works with jquery 1.9 or later.
- "deleted by admin" graph was not shown.

r11858 | sikeda | 2015-01-17 10:30:45 +0100 (sam. 17 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2

[-dev] Forgotten change.
r11857 | sikeda | 2015-01-17 10:23:01 +0100 (sam. 17 janv. 2015) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/my.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Repairing templates:
- lists.tt2 could not show lists.
- info.tt2 did not show notice for pure editor (non-owner editor).
- On lists.tt2 with selected topics (category), "All" link resets selection.
- Restore stats menu item.
- RSS menu is hidden by default.
- Adding a few translation strings.

r11856 | sikeda | 2015-01-17 09:29:19 +0100 (sam. 17 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-bug] WWSympa: Bugs on CSS color picker.  pageCoords() got sum of client offset of all ancestors.  Use getBoundingClientRect() instead.
ToDo: This fix seems to work on Chrome, but not to work on IE11.

r11854 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-16 17:27:07 +0100 (ven. 16 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2b.2
r11853 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-16 17:22:19 +0100 (ven. 16 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11852 | sikeda | 2015-01-16 17:19:44 +0100 (ven. 16 janv. 2015) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/pref.tt2

[-dev] Starting to repair new skin.
- login_menu.tt2: Show roles by three criteria: listmaster, any of admin and subscriber.
- If sso is used, password would not need to be changed.

r11851 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-16 17:16:09 +0100 (ven. 16 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11850 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-16 17:00:20 +0100 (ven. 16 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11849 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-16 16:24:33 +0100 (ven. 16 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11848 | david.verdin | 2015-01-16 14:35:45 +0100 (ven. 16 janv. 2015) | 12 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[*change] Improved upgrade process:
- Now CSS files and colors are automatically forced to be defaulted to Sympa default values
- templates are reinitialized to match the new Sympa skin

The following files and directories are copies:
- sympa.conf
- robot.conf
- web_tt2 for etc and each robot

Users should see how their customization can be reinserted into the new Sympa skin.

r11847 | david.verdin | 2015-01-15 15:41:43 +0100 (jeu. 15 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] Lists typed with upper-case by end users were considered as not existing on the server. This was because the name typed by the user was compared to the list folder name, which iw always lower-cased. Fixed by lower-casing the list name before creating a new List object.

r11846 | sikeda | 2015-01-15 05:15:17 +0100 (jeu. 15 janv. 2015) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ajax.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/auto_signoff.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/automatic_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/automatic_lists_management_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/button_footer.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/button_header.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ca.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/change_email.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/change_email_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/close_list.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/dumpvars.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/family_signoff.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/family_signoff_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/family_signoff_request2.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_biggest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_faqadmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_faquser.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_introduction.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_mail_commands.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_sendmsg.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_shared.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_suspend.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lca.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_button_footer.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_button_header.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/login.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/maintenance.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/my.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/remove_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/requestpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_list.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/show_cert.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/show_sessions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ticket.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewbounce.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2

[-dev] Cosmetic changes on web templates.
- Repair svn properties.
- Indentation.
- Handle inline <label> element propeerly.
- suboptions.tt2: Restore picture_upload form.
- Some missing translation strings.

r11841 | david.verdin | 2015-01-12 15:43:31 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS

[dev] Updated NEWS file with correct release date.
r11840 | david.verdin | 2015-01-12 15:42:19 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS

[dev] Updated NEWS file.
r11839 | david.verdin | 2015-01-12 15:41:43 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[dev]Updated catalogues.
r11838 | sikeda | 2015-01-12 05:59:12 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2015) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/my.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2:11837)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] WWSympa: /sympa/suspend_request page was replaced with /sympa/my, more appropriate name.

Known bugs:
- Bulk suspending/resuming subscription won't work.
- Inclusion from external sources is not considered.
- Lack of feature to change subscription options in each list: Suspending/resuming, reception mode, visibility in review page, display name (a.k.a. gecos).

r11837 | sikeda | 2015-01-11 10:40:28 +0100 (dim. 11 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2

[-dev] Parameterise static_content_url (/static-sympa by default).

r11836 | sikeda | 2015-01-11 10:39:21 +0100 (dim. 11 janv. 2015) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-feature] WWSympa automatically detects content language if possible.
- If the user sets language in session, it is used.
- Else if the user logged in, user's setting is used.
- Otherwise WWSympa negotiates content language according to Accept-Language: HTTP request header field.
- After all, lang parameter value of current context (list, robot or site) will be used.

r11835 | sikeda | 2015-01-11 08:51:33 +0100 (dim. 11 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu.tt2

[-dev] create_list_request and suspend_request seem to need loading banner.
And a typo.

r11834 | sikeda | 2015-01-11 08:49:10 +0100 (dim. 11 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[-change] wwsympa: TT2 variables get_which, get_which_owner and get_which_editor are deprecated.  They were set in most cases even if they would not be used.

r11833 | sikeda | 2015-01-11 03:19:07 +0100 (dim. 11 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2

[-dev] wwsympa/lists page shows only section of each initial letter, if javascript is enabled.

r11832 | sikeda | 2015-01-10 17:47:23 +0100 (sam. 10 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ja/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ko/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-CN/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-TW/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] Removing unneccessary codes in CSS/HTML and added missing translation strings.
r11830 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-09 13:31:51 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2b.1
r11829 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-09 10:03:19 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11828 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-09 09:57:03 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11827 | sikeda | 2015-01-09 08:46:33 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/view_template.tt2

[-dev] Restore neutral CSS class to select fonts so that exotic language names will be rendered properly.

r11826 | sikeda | 2015-01-09 08:43:19 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_list.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2

[-dev] fixes: web_archive.access scenario was renamed to archive.web_access; restore optdesc() for reception mode.

r11825 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-08 23:40:18 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11824 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-08 23:34:14 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11823 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-08 17:42:05 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11822 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-08 17:35:56 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11821 | david.verdin | 2015-01-08 17:25:28 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[dev] Previous color parameters are wiped out when installing Sympa. This way, the web interface will not be messed up when the new skin is deployed.
r11820 | david.verdin | 2015-01-08 17:22:55 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po

[dev] Updated catalogues.
r11819 | sikeda | 2015-01-08 15:47:16 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[-dev] (r11815) More fix.
r11818 | sikeda | 2015-01-08 15:09:39 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/view_template.tt2

[-dev] (r11806) The last fixes!
- Withdrawn LanguageNeutral CSS class.
- Restore opedesc function to display titles of configuration optopns.
- Add lang and xml:lang attributes to display language names better.
- A few addition of translation strings.

r11817 | sikeda | 2015-01-08 13:43:47 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[-dev] (r11806) Missing or inproper translation strings in templates.

r11816 | sikeda | 2015-01-08 12:48:45 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[dev] (r11806) Update crash.tt2 and tt2_error.tt2, too.

r11815 | david.verdin | 2015-01-08 12:21:18 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[-bug] File format regexp was not correct for the lang parameter. It excluded langs with country specification, looking like 'en-US'.
r11814 | david.verdin | 2015-01-08 11:57:01 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[dev] Updating default colors to match new skin.
r11813 | david.verdin | 2015-01-08 11:46:39 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] The default domain may be treated as a virtual host, i.e. having its own robot directory.
r11812 | sikeda | 2015-01-08 09:59:53 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ja/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ko/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-CN/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-TW/css.tt2

[dev] (r11806) Update locale-specific CSSes to be suitable for new skin.

r11811 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-07 18:36:40 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11810 | sympa-authors | 2015-01-07 18:28:47 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11809 | david.verdin | 2015-01-07 18:14:49 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[dev] Restoring switch from list creation to list copy.
r11808 | david.verdin | 2015-01-07 18:14:17 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2

[dev] Restoring list of lists by topics on the home page.
r11807 | david.verdin | 2015-01-07 18:13:12 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po

[dev] Updated catalogues.
r11806 | david.verdin | 2015-01-07 17:28:50 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_list.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/search_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/title.tt2

[feature][Submitted by P. Rynhart, univ. Massey] A new Sympa skin, more modern, partly responsive.
r11805 | sikeda | 2015-01-07 13:59:02 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm

[dev] probe_db() will skip database upgrading process according to implementation level of each database driver.
Currently drivers for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite are fully implemented.

r11804 | sikeda | 2015-01-07 06:21:42 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2015) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_sympa_password.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in:11797)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[change] "sympa.pl --md5_encode_password" was obsoleted: Use upgrade_sympa_password.pl instead.
Additionally, crypt_passwd.pl for earlier releases was deprecated.

r11803 | sikeda | 2015-01-06 06:13:37 +0100 (mar. 06 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] Kill useless global variables $SDM::use_db and $Sympa::List::use_db.
r11802 | sikeda | 2015-01-05 13:50:24 +0100 (lun. 05 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] Net::LDAP 0.27 or later supports multiple alternative hosts by itself.

r11801 | sikeda | 2015-01-05 05:19:03 +0100 (lun. 05 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Database.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/SQL.pm:11800)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/LDAP.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm:11797)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/SQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Database_LDAP.t (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Datasource_LDAP.t:11792)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Datasource_LDAP.t

[dev] Refactoring: Sympa::Datasource::SQL and Sympa::Datasource::LDAP are merged and became Sympa::Database.  Code specific to LDAP is moved to Sympa::DatabaseDriver::LDAP.

r11800 | sikeda | 2015-01-03 04:12:58 +0100 (sam. 03 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/CSV.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Informix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/ODBC.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/SQL.pm

[dev] Refactoring on SQL drivers: Processing specific to each RDBMS were moved to each driver module.

r11799 | sikeda | 2015-01-03 03:43:47 +0100 (sam. 03 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/SQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring: Now SQL datasource recognizes db_host, db_options, db_user and db_passwd but not host, connect_options, user and passwd.

r11798 | sikeda | 2015-01-03 02:01:09 +0100 (sam. 03 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/samples/Makefile.am

[-dev] Removing redundant Makefile.am.
r11797 | sikeda | 2015-01-02 13:04:00 +0100 (ven. 02 janv. 2015) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/AUTHORS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/samples/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/check_locales.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Informix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/ODBC.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle/St.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/SQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTML/FormatText.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLSanitizer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin/FixEncoding.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP/Transport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/SMIME.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/aliaswrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/virtualwrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am

[-release] Updating copyright notices.
r11796 | sikeda | 2015-01-01 11:16:05 +0100 (jeu. 01 janv. 2015) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] missing_dbd listmaster notification also should skip database access.

r11795 | sikeda | 2014-12-31 02:31:03 +0100 (mer. 31 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Suppressing some warnings on uninitialized value.

r11794 | sikeda | 2014-12-30 19:56:19 +0100 (mar. 30 déc. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm

[change] Now "host" parameter of the LDAP datasource in list config may include URLs (ldap, ldaps and ldapi) along with hostnames.
So "port" and "use_ssl" parameters would be obsoleted.

Changes on code: host parameter of the LDAP datasource is checked by multiple_host_or_url regexp instead of multiple_host_with_port regexp; constructor of Sympa::Datasource::LDAP recognizes bind_dn and bind_password parameters; and as side effects, several cosmetic changes in sources are made.

r11793 | sikeda | 2014-12-30 17:55:05 +0100 (mar. 30 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] typo.
r11792 | sikeda | 2014-12-25 16:42:26 +0100 (jeu. 25 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Datasource_LDAP.t

[-dev] Repairing svn properties.
r11791 | sikeda | 2014-12-25 16:15:30 +0100 (jeu. 25 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm:11790)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/SQL.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm:11790)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LDAP.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Datasource_LDAP.t (de /trunk/t/Datasource_LDAP.t:11119)

[svn] Retrieving several modifications from trunk.

r11177 | rousse | 2014-07-18 13:09:09 +0200 (ven. 18 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/Datasource_LDAP.t
Fision via : r11791

[dev] additional live tests
r11125 | rousse | 2014-07-04 17:58:24 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
Fision via : r11791

[dev] document another default value
r11123 | rousse | 2014-07-04 17:54:58 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
Fision via : r11791

[dev] kill unused options variable
r11121 | rousse | 2014-07-04 17:46:38 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
Fision via : r11791

[dev] drop unused async attribute
r11119 | rousse | 2014-07-04 17:43:44 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/t/Datasource_LDAP.t
Fision via : r11791

[dev] initial import
r11118 | rousse | 2014-07-04 17:27:04 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
Fision via : r11791

[dev] kill incorrect log message
r11116 | rousse | 2014-07-04 17:24:53 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
Fision via : r11791

[dev] handle default values in constructor
r11115 | rousse | 2014-07-04 17:24:11 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
Fision via : r11791

[dev] no reason to assume /etc/ssl is a valuable default for CA path, especially as it might interferce with cafile argument
r11114 | rousse | 2014-07-04 17:23:11 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm
Fision via : r11791

[dev] much simpler to read
r11108 | rousse | 2014-07-04 16:45:49 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r11791

[dev] turn the only function from Sympa::LDAP as a private function of Sympa::Scenario, and kill this confusing module
r11101 | rousse | 2014-07-04 14:36:13 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/LDAP.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm:11070)
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/SQL.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm:11070)
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r11791

[dev] rename Sympa::SQLSource to Sympa::Datasource::SQL and Sympa::LDAPSource to Sympa::Datasource::LDAP
r11790 | sikeda | 2014-12-21 13:23:12 +0100 (dim. 21 déc. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm

[-dev] Sympa::Regexps::listname should not contain max length.
Length would be checked when new list is created or list is renamed.

r11789 | sikeda | 2014-12-20 05:00:58 +0100 (sam. 20 déc. 2014) | 14 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/confidential/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/edit_list.conf
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[*change] Changes of list config parameters on archiving.
* New parameter "process_archive" controls archiving.
The default is "off": To enable archiving, it must be set to "on" explicitly.  OTOH even if archiving is disabled by setting it "off", past archives will be kept and accessible according to access settings.

* Renamed parameters.
web_archive.access to archive.web_access;
archive.access to archive.mail_access;
web_archive.quota to archive.quota;
web_archive,max_month to archive.max_month.

Though config files of exisiting lists will be updated during upgrading process, listmasters are highly recommended to check new configuration.
Customized scenarios, list creation templeates and edit_list.conf will never be upgraded automatically.  They should be modified manually, if neccessary.

r11788 | sikeda | 2014-12-20 03:35:54 +0100 (sam. 20 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Suppress several "uninitialized value" warnings.
r11787 | david.verdin | 2014-12-18 16:46:36 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[feature] New list parameter: 'member_include'. This parameters allows to defined .incl files to include list members, the same way it is done for list admins. This grants extended flexibility in datasources, allowing list owners to tweak their own data sources without accessing to the actual details of the query made to gather email addresses.

r11786 | sikeda | 2014-12-18 02:38:09 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] (r11785) Filter topics more exactly (e.g. if the topics "sympa" and "sympathique" coexist).

r11785 | david.verdin | 2014-12-17 17:12:35 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] Sympa would never return the correct list of lists when using topics filter because of commas between percentage signs and the topics name.
r11784 | david.verdin | 2014-12-17 15:30:26 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] Getting rid of 'use of uninitialized values in split' errors when computing the data source id.
r11782 | sympa-authors | 2014-12-17 14:44:27 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.43
r11781 | sympa-authors | 2014-12-17 14:35:19 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11780 | sympa-authors | 2014-12-17 14:28:10 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11777 | sikeda | 2014-12-17 01:46:19 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm

[-dev] kill some unused methods.

r11776 | sikeda | 2014-12-16 17:22:23 +0100 (mar. 16 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] SQLSource::fetch() is deprecated.  Use tools::eval_in_time() and fetchall_arrayref().

r11775 | sikeda | 2014-12-16 08:42:51 +0100 (mar. 16 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) SQL search filter was broken: It used obsoleted SQLSource::query() and used SQLSource::fetch() withuout timeout.  Use do_prepared_query() and fetchall_arrayref() instead.

r11774 | sikeda | 2014-12-15 13:56:35 +0100 (lun. 15 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm

[-dev] LongReadLen of Oracle and Sybase no longer need depending on max_size.

r11773 | sikeda | 2014-12-14 03:08:38 +0100 (dim. 14 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[svn] merging a few modifications on trunk.

r10484 | rousse | 2014-03-31 13:05:32 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/File/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Cookie.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
Fision via : r11773

[dev] enforce full strict pragma usage

The regexp in Sympa::Spool::File::Message may be inadequate, tough.

r10457 | rousse | 2014-03-20 09:32:28 +0100 (jeu. 20 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
Fision via : r11773

[dev] kill direct circular dependency between Sympa::List and Sympa::Message: second argument of this method is never used
r11772 | sikeda | 2014-12-13 10:49:02 +0100 (sam. 13 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Remove task models crl_update_task and chk_cert_expiration_task which were not fully implemented and were disabled.

r11771 | sikeda | 2014-12-13 02:05:58 +0100 (sam. 13 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-bug][-change] MIME::Charset->new() can crash if the charset is not known and Sympa::Crash is loaded.  Update dependency to include fixed version of MIME::Charset.

r11770 | sikeda | 2014-12-13 01:02:45 +0100 (sam. 13 déc. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] If gecos attribute is specified for LDAP datasources, inclusion fails.
Fixed by correcting typos to use arrayrefs instead of arrays.

r11769 | david.verdin | 2014-12-12 10:53:16 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am

[-bug] automatic_bounce_management.tt2 file was not installed during make install, thus leading to empy messages being sent when executing the process_bouncers task.

r11768 | david.verdin | 2014-12-12 10:51:45 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po

[-dev] Updated catalogues.

r11767 | sympa-authors | 2014-12-11 09:35:15 +0100 (jeu. 11 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11766 | sikeda | 2014-12-11 04:06:00 +0100 (jeu. 11 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug][#5930] wwsympa: load_cert() should provide file name with extension for certificate.  Several browsers ignore content type of downloaded certificates.

r11765 | sikeda | 2014-12-11 01:52:58 +0100 (jeu. 11 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm

[-dev] (r11762) typo.
r11764 | sikeda | 2014-12-10 17:10:22 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/removed.tt2

[-dev] reuse existing translation.
r11763 | sympa-authors | 2014-12-10 16:26:57 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11762 | sikeda | 2014-12-10 16:21:32 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm

[-dev] Avoid a race condition on bulk spool.

r11761 | david.verdin | 2014-12-10 15:07:53 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] List of lists filtered by topics/subtopics would return the whole list of lists because a reference to a has was passed to List::get_lists to provide options instead of a hash.

r11760 | david.verdin | 2014-12-10 14:45:05 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[bug] AthenticateAndRun was liable to the same bug as fixed in r11757. Fixed the same way.

r11759 | david.verdin | 2014-12-10 14:42:02 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in

[-bug] upgrade_send_spool.pl would fail because we tried to open a directory using open instead of opendir.

r11758 | david.verdin | 2014-12-10 14:40:45 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po

[dev] Updated catalogues.
r11757 | david.verdin | 2014-12-10 14:40:09 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-bug] Sympa SOAP server would crash when using AuthenticateRemoteAppAndrun because it tried to join an undefined reference to an array for logging purpose (this sub has no parameters). Fixed by making logs conditional.

r11756 | sikeda | 2014-12-10 13:23:02 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] Incorrect In-Reply-To: head in the messages composed by WWSympa mailer.

r11755 | sikeda | 2014-12-06 09:18:42 +0100 (sam. 06 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-bug] Problems of DMARC protection: It breaks archived messages; resent messages via WWSympa mailer won't be protected.  Fixed by making protection to occur at the time of bulk sending.

r11754 | sikeda | 2014-12-06 02:18:00 +0100 (sam. 06 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug][#5805] When archived messages are resent via WWSympa mailer, several header fields were not modified nor added: Reply-To:, List-* and so on.

r11753 | sikeda | 2014-12-06 00:59:20 +0100 (sam. 06 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) Wrong Archived-At: field for anonymized messages.  Content of Message-Id: field should be used instead of original message ID {message_id}.

r11752 | sikeda | 2014-12-06 00:36:17 +0100 (sam. 06 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Now Net::DNS is mandatory.  No need to check its existence.

r11751 | sikeda | 2014-12-05 09:35:19 +0100 (ven. 05 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] (r11539) typo.

r11750 | sikeda | 2014-12-04 14:33:02 +0100 (jeu. 04 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[-bug] (r11748) typo.

r11749 | sikeda | 2014-12-04 04:40:15 +0100 (jeu. 04 déc. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/removed.tt2

[bug][#7245] When a list owner deletes a user, a message suggesting that unsubscription was due to automatic process is sent.
Fixed by removing a phrase "probably because we received non-delivery reports for your address" in removed.tt2 template.

r11748 | sikeda | 2014-12-03 04:51:03 +0100 (mer. 03 déc. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[bug][#9578][Reported by M. Howe, univ. of Oxford] viewlogs with date range does not work.  Fixed by allowing any non-alphanumeric characters as separator.

And, now viewlogs supports date formats YY*MM*DD and YYYY*MM*DD along with previous DD*MM*YYYY.  Note that the format MM*DD*YYYY is not supported.

r11746 | sympa-authors | 2014-12-02 14:38:15 +0100 (mar. 02 déc. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.42
r11745 | etiennemeleard | 2014-12-02 10:40:51 +0100 (mar. 02 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] Change list config page input values encoding so that only quotes are escaped, previously applied tools::escape_html broke parameters with < or > symbols in their values, only converting quotes is enough since the values are always set as inputs' value attributes.

r11744 | etiennemeleard | 2014-12-02 10:38:11 +0100 (mar. 02 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-change][-dev] Rename list inclusion filtering variable "date" to "subscription_date" to avoid conflicting with TT2 plugin date which can be usefull in this context. Also improve logging when applying filter.

r11743 | etiennemeleard | 2014-12-02 09:57:10 +0100 (mar. 02 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Improve error handling when applying filters on included lists

r11742 | sikeda | 2014-12-02 09:21:21 +0100 (mar. 02 déc. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-dev] Suppress meaningless error message "NOT ID PART in the bounce"
and a few spurious warnings.  And lowercasing recipient addresses in the bounce messages.

r11741 | sikeda | 2014-12-02 02:48:57 +0100 (mar. 02 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] (r11740) Perl prior to 5.10.0 don't support named capture '(?<NAME>...)'.

r11740 | etiennemeleard | 2014-12-01 17:35:40 +0100 (lun. 01 déc. 2014) | 61 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[feature] Add filtering capabilities to list inclusion.

This allows to include criteria-based subsets of other lists.

include_list parameter value can now be like :

<listname> filter <filter_condition>

filter_condition is a TT2-compatible condition expression, it inherits
current potential subscriber properties such as email, gecos,
custom_attributes ... Tests like isSubscriberOf, isEditorOf and
isOwnerOf are also available.

Test examples :

  - include_list foo filter email.match('@bar.tld$')
		Includes members from list "foo" whose email domain is "bar.tld"
  - include_list foo filter isSubscriberOf('bar')
		Includes members from list "foo" who are also subscribed to
		list "bar"
  - include_list foo filter reception == 'mail' and not gecos
		Includes members from list "foo" who have their reception mode
		set to mail and no gecos

Available variables are (they represent the subscriber from the included list) :

  - email
  - gecos
  - bounce (last bounce info, see manual)
  - bounce_score (see manual)
  - bounce_address (see manual)
  - reception (reception mode)
  - topics
  - visibility (conceal, noconceal or empty)
  - date (first subscription date, as a unix timestamp)
  - update_date (last metadata update date, as a unix timestamp)
  - subscribed (1 if manually subscribed)
  - included (1 if included from one or more datasources)
  - id (datasources ids)
  - custom_attributes (as a hash)
  - ca (alias to custom_attributes)
  - suspend (1 if subscription is suspended)
  - startdate (subscription suspension start date, as a unix timestamp)
  - enddate (subscription suspension end date if provided, as a unix timestamp)

Datasource synced custom attributes are available the same way as user defined ones.

Additionnal fields defined in configuration parameter db_additional_subscriber_fields
are also made available.

The additionnal methods are :

  - isSubscriberOf(<listname>)
  - isEditorOf(<listname>)
  - isOwnerOf(<listname>)

r11739 | sikeda | 2014-12-01 06:29:32 +0100 (lun. 01 déc. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] duplicated field "filter".
Fixed by renaming it in search_list form to "filter_list".
r11738 | sikeda | 2014-11-30 05:37:42 +0100 (dim. 30 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[-dev] isNotEmpty was broken: It would check if the value of element IS NOT empty.
r11737 | sikeda | 2014-11-30 05:27:31 +0100 (dim. 30 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2

[-bug] Now "search" find users using partial matching on email addresses and display name of users.  Match using regexp is obsoleted.
r11736 | sikeda | 2014-11-30 05:07:27 +0100 (dim. 30 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2

[-bug] Subscriber table is broken by row of bouncing user.
r11735 | sikeda | 2014-11-30 02:18:52 +0100 (dim. 30 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] Suppress a spurious warning on uninitialized value.
r11734 | sikeda | 2014-11-29 12:18:52 +0100 (sam. 29 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2

[-bug][#5784] Two <label> elements have the same "for" attribute value.

r11733 | sikeda | 2014-11-29 10:28:50 +0100 (sam. 29 nov. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Deprecating Log::fatal_err().  Because it may be used very limited situations: It will be used at top-level; It blocks if initial database connection fails.

Instead, simply use "die sprintf".

r11732 | sikeda | 2014-11-29 05:23:56 +0100 (sam. 29 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] doc: Restore --sync_list_db option.
r11731 | sikeda | 2014-11-27 14:30:28 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle/St.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin/FixEncoding.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[-dev] Repairing svn properties.
r11730 | sikeda | 2014-11-27 06:32:40 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in

[-dev] Correcting critical typos, and some improvements of upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.
- Skip locked packets.
- Confirm migration of each packet.

r11729 | sikeda | 2014-11-26 13:01:25 +0100 (mer. 26 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-dev] (r11715) Forgotten change between 6.1 and 6.2.

r11727 | sympa-authors | 2014-11-26 10:01:34 +0100 (mer. 26 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.41
r11726 | sikeda | 2014-11-26 09:41:04 +0100 (mer. 26 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm

[dev] Completed documentation of several modules.
r11725 | sikeda | 2014-11-26 06:05:40 +0100 (mer. 26 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] Update descriptions of a few modules.
r11724 | sikeda | 2014-11-26 03:16:06 +0100 (mer. 26 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] (r11712) Take undefined cookie parameter as empty value.
r11723 | sympa-authors | 2014-11-25 18:44:06 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11722 | sympa-authors | 2014-11-25 18:36:07 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11721 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 18:25:17 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] Dumb fix: the cookie parameter does not exist anymore, so calling tools::cookie_changed() would issue an 'uninitialized value' error in STDERR at Sympa startup.
Fixed by testing whether this parameter exists in config, just in case. This parameter, along with any pre-existing subs related to reversible password encryption have been removed from the 7.0 branch. We can live with it in 6.2.


r11720 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 18:17:19 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in

 [-bug] sympa.pl for automatic lists was never stopped, due to the discrepancy between its pid name and its process name. Added an exception in the init script to take that into account.

r11719 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 17:51:11 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-bug] info command in SOAP would return a hash NOT contained in an array. this was not conform to the WSDL and made sympa_soap_client.pl to return an error. Fixed by returning the result in an array (of one element, dumb but conform).

r11718 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 17:34:20 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] purge_logs_table would return undef if no data were found to aggregate. This is actually a likely behaviour if nothing happens. Return 1 instead.

r11717 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 16:04:43 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[-feature] Improved logs for archived.pl: Don't throw an error when the archives directory does not exist while rebuilding and log when rebuild process is over.

r11716 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 15:44:22 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm

[-bug] When rebuilding the archives, the input and output file names were passed incompletely (only the name of the files were passed, not their full path). This made rebuilding fail. Fixed by concatenating the directory to the file names.

r11715 | sikeda | 2014-11-25 15:43:24 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[feature] [Submitted by S. Shipway, Univ. of Auckland] Adding new functions to SympaSOAP: getDetails, setDetails, getCustom and setCustom.

The patch was for Sympa 6.1 then a bit modified for Sympa 6.2.

r11714 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 14:32:35 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[-bug] Bad caal to qdecode_filename made Sympa fail to load the shared documents.

r11713 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 14:27:14 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin

[dev] Ingoring files generated during install in the svn.

r11712 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 14:21:14 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature] Increasing user options when browsing the list of lists.
r11711 | david.verdin | 2014-11-25 14:16:59 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] LDAP custom attributes sources were never taken into account because the subs dedicated to these sources were never called.

r11710 | sikeda | 2014-11-25 05:27:07 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] When pending list is purged by listmaster, the message "LISTNAME: unknown list" is shown.

r11709 | sikeda | 2014-11-25 04:32:49 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Spool/Archive.pm

[dev] Preparing new module for archive spool.  This will be available on next beta.

r11708 | sikeda | 2014-11-25 04:30:00 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] suppress spurios warnings.
r11707 | sikeda | 2014-11-24 05:35:34 +0100 (lun. 24 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] More i18n outputs by sympa_wizard.pl.

r11706 | sikeda | 2014-11-23 01:50:39 +0100 (dim. 23 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin/FixEncoding.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[-dev] perltidy'ing.
r11705 | sikeda | 2014-11-23 00:41:59 +0100 (dim. 23 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r11704 | sikeda | 2014-11-22 05:21:14 +0100 (sam. 22 nov. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm

[-dev] Merge PlainDigest module to Sympa::Message.
plain_body_as_string() was renamed to get_plaindigest_body().

r10445 | rousse | 2014-03-18 16:22:29 +0100 (mar. 18 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Message.pm
Fision via : r11704

[dev] move function in Sympa::Tools::Message, and stop abusing OO-syntax

r11703 | sikeda | 2014-11-22 02:57:13 +0100 (sam. 22 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] Corrections and reorganization of doc.
r11702 | sikeda | 2014-11-22 01:47:12 +0100 (sam. 22 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] fix translation id.
r11701 | david.verdin | 2014-11-19 15:59:49 +0100 (mer. 19 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in

[dev] Adding a test to prevent 'uninitialized value' error.
r11700 | sikeda | 2014-11-19 14:04:27 +0100 (mer. 19 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r11699) Redirect outputs by subprograms of sympa_newaliases.
r11699 | sikeda | 2014-11-19 13:42:47 +0100 (mer. 19 nov. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm

[-dev] Alternative to r11698 (system() doesn't recognize redirection).
Simply remove dup'ing STDOUT and STDERR.  Because output by former is never used and by latter gives almost redundant information to exit codes, anyway they no longer are required.

r11698 | etiennemeleard | 2014-11-19 10:56:26 +0100 (mer. 19 nov. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm

[bug] Don't do STDOUT/STDERR dupping when calling alias manager, use multi-arguments system call with output redirection instead.

When running under web server (web interface, soap) CGI ties STDOUT and STDERR with FGCI::Stream and override "open", leading to either a syntax error or a Carp::croak (see FCGI.pm) depending on version of FCGI.

Multi-arguments call to system avoids having to redirect STDOUT/STDERR in code and is safer than original single string call with concatenated/sprintf'ed command.

r11697 | sikeda | 2014-11-19 04:19:06 +0100 (mer. 19 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] Adding trivial dependency.
r11696 | sikeda | 2014-11-19 04:03:18 +0100 (mer. 19 nov. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm

[-dev] Use HTML::Entities::encode_entities() instead of tools::enscape_html(): Latter looks buggy.

ToDo: wwsympa.fcgi still using escape_html() and unescape_html() would be fixed.

r11695 | david.verdin | 2014-11-18 16:02:56 +0100 (mar. 18 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/icons/arc.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/icons/config.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/icons/datasources.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/icons/new_list.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/icons/search.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/icons/spinner.gif
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/icons/subscribe.png

[-bug] A typo in a hash parameter prevented sympa to correctly resolve the location of list creation templates.
r11694 | etiennemeleard | 2014-11-18 14:33:38 +0100 (mar. 18 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature][-bug] Adding list searching standalone page (for new template, work in progress). Add strict ownership checking when getting list of matching lists.

r11693 | etiennemeleard | 2014-11-18 14:32:09 +0100 (mar. 18 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Dont cache ownership in am_i if inherited from listmaster status. Caching it led to getting a positive ownership for non-owner listmasters even when using strict testing as long as non-strict testing was run beforhand.

r11692 | etiennemeleard | 2014-11-18 14:28:17 +0100 (mar. 18 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm

[-bug] Fix method call, was breaking tt2 variables dumping.

r11691 | sikeda | 2014-11-17 02:42:38 +0100 (lun. 17 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modification from sympa-6.1-branch.
r11690 | david.verdin | 2014-11-14 16:38:25 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11691

[bug][Submitted by B. Marchal, univ. Lorraine] the loop_prevention_regex parameter was never taken into account. This was due to a o modifier in the regexp which resulted in the regexp being set at compile time and never changed after. Fixed by removing this modifier.
r11676 | sikeda | 2014-11-11 09:47:52 +0100 (mar. 11 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm

[-feature] Files in automatic spool with older format created by sympa-milter 0.6 or earlier (<family_name>.<date>.<rand>) will be renamed to compatible format (<localpart>@<domainpart>.<date>.<rand>) during upgrade process.

r11675 | sikeda | 2014-11-11 09:43:38 +0100 (mar. 11 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-change] Messages in automatic spool had been checked by antivirus and so on twice, before and after when they are stored in main spool.  Now they will be stored in main spool without further checks.

r11674 | sikeda | 2014-11-10 10:38:16 +0100 (lun. 10 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] (pre-bneta fix) Messages in automatic spool were decrypted and re-stored into incoming spool.  Store original messages.
r11673 | sikeda | 2014-11-10 10:34:31 +0100 (lun. 10 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Non-critical typos.
r11672 | sikeda | 2014-11-10 07:23:45 +0100 (lun. 10 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] (pre-beta fix) Could not process -owner, -editor etc. addresses of automatic lists.

r11671 | sikeda | 2014-11-09 04:10:27 +0100 (dim. 09 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Non-critical fixes in documentation.
r11670 | sikeda | 2014-11-09 03:38:01 +0100 (dim. 09 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Copyedit: separate logic between creation and master.
r11669 | sikeda | 2014-11-09 03:26:42 +0100 (dim. 09 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] reject_mail_from_automates_feature should be available only if message is in List context.
r11668 | sikeda | 2014-11-09 02:55:04 +0100 (dim. 09 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm

[-bug] If list_check_smtp is disabled, list with same address with listmaster can be created.

r11667 | sikeda | 2014-11-09 01:55:08 +0100 (dim. 09 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Copyedit: reducing big loop.
r11666 | sikeda | 2014-11-08 04:51:25 +0100 (sam. 08 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Ensure child successfully forked.
r11665 | sikeda | 2014-11-07 09:56:39 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[-dev] Improving logging failure of sendmail.

r11664 | sikeda | 2014-11-07 08:57:58 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.generic
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[change] sympa.pl distribution mode was withdrawn.
- distribution spool will not be used anymore.
- The --service option of sympa.pl was deprecated.
- The distribution daemon and command processing daemon were removed.
- The creation daemon will be forked from sympa.pl main daemon if automatic_list_feature configuration option is "on".
- The distribution_mode configuration option was deprecated.

r11655 | etiennemeleard | 2014-11-06 18:41:23 +0100 (jeu. 06 nov. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js:11654)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/images/ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jquery-ui.css
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jquery-ui.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/jquery.js
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/external/sympa.js
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[change] Update jquery version, add jquery ui, starts updating javascript to use more modern features.

r11654 | sikeda | 2014-11-06 09:48:22 +0100 (jeu. 06 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] List::move_message() was deprecated: it can be unsafe.  Use store_spool() instead.

r11653 | sikeda | 2014-11-06 08:24:50 +0100 (jeu. 06 nov. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-change][-bug] If sympa.pl is run with --service=process_command option, DKIM signature will never be added.  Because process_command mode stores messages to be distributed into distribution spool without adding shelved actions.
Deprecats process_command mode and distribution spool will no longer be used.

ToDo: Split sympa.pl into multiple daemons dedicated for list message processing, list creation and digest distribution, respectively.

r11652 | sikeda | 2014-11-06 00:23:07 +0100 (jeu. 06 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Reverting r11637: Files by familyqueue can mistakenly be ignored.
r11637 | sikeda | 2014-11-05 12:49:01 +0100 (mer. 05 nov. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Ignore files in automatic spool with older format.

r11608 | sikeda | 2014-11-04 07:21:49 +0100 (mar. 04 nov. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[-dev] Messages in auth spool and moderation spool should have valid list context.
r11607 | etiennemeleard | 2014-11-03 18:11:43 +0100 (lun. 03 nov. 2014) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[change] New automatic lists handling logic so that file naming is more consistent and milter and familyqueue behave the same way.

Now the sendmail milter MUST put serialized messages in files respecting the usual format (<final_list_with_domain>.<timestamp>.<pid>), file proccessing then becomes simpler.

tools::unmarshal_metadata don't fail if listname doesn't exist, this is left to main::proccess_message logic.

Patch will be submitted to the milter author to add a configuration switch enabling the new behavior in sympa-milter.conf -> <general> :

file_prefix				list # Value defaults to "family" which is the old behavior

r11606 | sikeda | 2014-10-31 10:24:50 +0100 (ven. 31 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] (con'd r11604) Format of file names stored in spool are different between familyqueue and sympa-milter.  To keep compatibility, list name, family name and robot would be taken from X-Sympa-* pseudo-header fileds.

r11605 | sikeda | 2014-10-31 03:54:29 +0100 (ven. 31 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) If messages were sent by WWSympa web mailer, message topics won't be taken from subject.

r11604 | etiennemeleard | 2014-10-30 17:10:51 +0100 (jeu. 30 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] Fix automatic families message handling (file name was not parsed correctly and not enough data was provided for file moving)

r11603 | etiennemeleard | 2014-10-30 17:09:01 +0100 (jeu. 30 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Fix type testing

r11602 | etiennemeleard | 2014-10-30 17:07:22 +0100 (jeu. 30 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm

[-change] Make families template files parsing failure more verbose.

r11601 | sikeda | 2014-10-30 05:26:50 +0100 (jeu. 30 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] (r11587) Corrected misuse of $CHILD_ERROR and $ERRNO.
r11600 | sikeda | 2014-10-29 13:37:05 +0100 (mer. 29 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[-bug] (r11587) To prevent crash due to SIGPIPE from child, this signal should be ignored.
r11599 | sikeda | 2014-10-28 15:29:34 +0100 (mar. 28 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTMLSanitizer.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11594)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Refactoring.  Now sanitize_html(), sanitize_html_file() and sanitize_var() are the methods of the new class Sympa::HTMLSanitizer.

r11598 | sikeda | 2014-10-28 07:30:43 +0100 (mar. 28 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[-dev] Removing redundant Makefiles.
r11597 | sikeda | 2014-10-28 07:29:41 +0100 (mar. 28 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/POTFILES.in

[-dev] (r11596) missing change in POTFILES.in.
r11596 | sikeda | 2014-10-28 03:23:20 +0100 (mar. 28 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/digestplain.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2:11584)

[change] mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2 was renamed to mail_tt2/digestplain.tt2.
r11595 | sikeda | 2014-10-28 03:19:36 +0100 (mar. 28 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug][#6477] Digest and summary messages should include List-* header fields to provide information about archive, unsubscribe and so on.

r11594 | sikeda | 2014-10-27 04:26:28 +0100 (lun. 27 oct. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug] cid URLs in archived messages were omitted.  As a result, MHonArc treated multipart/related HTML messages just as if simple multipart.

Fixed by overwriting HTML::StripScripts::validate_src_attribute() method.

r11593 | sikeda | 2014-10-26 06:18:43 +0100 (dim. 26 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] Adding omitted mandatory module File::Path.
r11592 | sikeda | 2014-10-26 02:38:30 +0100 (dim. 26 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) When a bulk packet was quarantined, corrsponding message was not saved.

r11591 | sikeda | 2014-10-26 02:36:03 +0200 (dim. 26 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[-dev] Small refactoring.  Mailer::_get_sendmail_handle() was merged into Mailer::store().

r11590 | sikeda | 2014-10-26 02:08:04 +0200 (dim. 26 oct. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] sympa.pl and upgrade_send_spool.pl would lock mesaages in msg and automatic spools.
ToDo: would lock messages in digest spool, too.

r11589 | sikeda | 2014-10-25 15:28:04 +0200 (sam. 25 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] List::get_cookie() and List::get_max_size() are obsoleted.

r11588 | sikeda | 2014-10-25 12:03:26 +0200 (sam. 25 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Moving List::send_notify_to_listmaster() to tools package.

r11587 | sikeda | 2014-10-25 04:18:02 +0200 (sam. 25 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[bug][#9555] [Reported by M. Howe, Univ. of Oxford] bulk.pl or sympa.pl will crash if sendmail failed to accept messages, e.g. insufficient space for spool.  Fixed by making Sympa::Mailer::store() to check status of close().

r11586 | sikeda | 2014-10-25 02:28:15 +0200 (sam. 25 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] Moving List::compute_auth() and List::request_auth() to tools package.
r11585 | etiennemeleard | 2014-10-24 15:49:38 +0200 (ven. 24 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[-bug] Fix wrong default datatype that was breaking logging when purging lists.

r11584 | etiennemeleard | 2014-10-24 10:39:24 +0200 (ven. 24 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] Remove unused, unexpected args causing task_manager to break.

r11583 | sikeda | 2014-10-23 06:26:25 +0200 (jeu. 23 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle

[-dev] (r11556) Remomving obsoleted tables from database creation script.
r11582 | sikeda | 2014-10-23 05:56:44 +0200 (jeu. 23 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) Sometimes people can test whether data will be correctly used on a merged message before sending it to the list.  So if the user sends message to themselves via WWSympa, header/footer may be added and personalization may be applied.

r11581 | sikeda | 2014-10-22 13:35:03 +0200 (mer. 22 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-dev] Now obsoleted options abort configure script.
r11580 | sikeda | 2014-10-22 13:13:30 +0200 (mer. 22 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am

[-change] Omit slightly outdated README.postfix.
r11579 | sikeda | 2014-10-22 12:29:17 +0200 (mer. 22 oct. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] Topics for message bodies in signed messages can't be detected by Sympa.
Check if message has multipart/signed content and strip signature before seeking topics.

ToDo: Should support application/pkcs7-mime format too.

r11578 | sikeda | 2014-10-22 11:16:39 +0200 (mer. 22 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[-dev] Copyedits and correction of non-fatal typos.
r11577 | sikeda | 2014-10-21 14:49:17 +0200 (mar. 21 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[-dev] kill unused code.
r11576 | sikeda | 2014-10-21 14:14:14 +0200 (mar. 21 oct. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] maxsmtp, sendmail and sendmail_args are site-wide parameters, cannot be set by each robot.
As a side work, Sympa::Mailer instance may have {redundancy} attribute to control process redundancy, used by bulk.pl.

r11575 | sikeda | 2014-10-21 07:37:18 +0200 (mar. 21 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[-dev] typo.
r11574 | sikeda | 2014-10-21 07:05:42 +0200 (mar. 21 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm

[-dev] Create spool directory when spool object is instantiated.
r11573 | sikeda | 2014-10-21 03:32:36 +0200 (mar. 21 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] PostgreSQL does not support BETWEEN operator on strings, and anyway it is optimized to comparison expressions.  Use numeric comparison instead.
r11572 | sikeda | 2014-10-21 03:19:38 +0200 (mar. 21 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Use generic date format for logging.
r11571 | sikeda | 2014-10-20 14:38:00 +0200 (lun. 20 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r11556) Now Sympa::Bulk would be instantiated.
r11570 | sikeda | 2014-10-20 08:44:57 +0200 (lun. 20 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) context help won't work.
r11569 | sikeda | 2014-10-20 08:02:50 +0200 (lun. 20 oct. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) Stacked listmaster notifications failed to be sent if there are multiple listmasters and/or operation is no_db/restore_db.
As a side work, Sympa::Alarm is now the singleton class.

r11568 | sikeda | 2014-10-20 07:46:29 +0200 (lun. 20 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/admin.tt2

[-bug][#9516] [Reported by M. Howe, Univ. of Oxford] "Logs" link in admin.tt2 points to invalid URL.

r11567 | sikeda | 2014-10-19 02:35:33 +0200 (dim. 19 oct. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_bulk_spool.pl.in

[dev] (con'd r11556) upgrade_bulk_spool.pl to migrate messages/packets in bulkspool_table and bulkmailer_table into new bulk spool.

Not yet tested enough.

r11566 | sikeda | 2014-10-18 04:16:09 +0200 (sam. 18 oct. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] Adding documentation.
As a side work, there_is_too_much_remaining_packets() was renamed to too_much_remaining_packets().

r11565 | sikeda | 2014-10-18 02:07:21 +0200 (sam. 18 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r11563 | sikeda | 2014-10-17 09:17:36 +0200 (ven. 17 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r11565

[bug][#9542] [Submitted by M. Howe, Univ. of Oxford] SympaSOAP does not validate added addresses.

r11562 | sikeda | 2014-10-17 03:34:08 +0200 (ven. 17 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r11565

[-bug][#9548][Submitted by M. Howe, Univ. of Oxford] do_del only logs single address successfully removed, even if multiple addresses are specified.

r11564 | sikeda | 2014-10-18 01:38:39 +0200 (sam. 18 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] (con'd r11556) Splitting bulk spool to bulk/msg for serialized messages and bulk/pct for recipients (packet) so that both space and speed are improved.

r11561 | sikeda | 2014-10-16 12:56:38 +0200 (jeu. 16 oct. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Daemon would die if fork fails.  Exception is slaves of bulk.pl: continue working with successful children.

Side work: Uniform logging at startup and termination of daemons.

r11560 | sikeda | 2014-10-16 12:44:44 +0200 (jeu. 16 oct. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[-bug] Once SDM::db_disconnect() is called, call to SDM::do_query() crashes program.  This situation may occur on slave processes of bulk.pl.
Fixed by checking if DB handle of $db_source is available.

r11559 | sikeda | 2014-10-16 00:24:41 +0200 (jeu. 16 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm

[-dev] (r11556) may crash due to illegal file name.
r11558 | sikeda | 2014-10-15 06:24:48 +0200 (mer. 15 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm

[-bug][#7813] Unuseful fork by bounced.  Bounce::rfc1891 parses multipart messages forking for each part.  Instead, use bodyhandle to get contents.

r11557 | sikeda | 2014-10-14 08:43:51 +0200 (mar. 14 oct. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Some modifications on alias_manager.pl:
- Don't use EXPLDIR which will be overridden by home parameter.  Instead, use PIDDIR for location of lock file.
- Use Sympa::LockedFile insted of flock().
- Use gettext_strftime() instead of POSIX::strftime().

r11556 | sikeda | 2014-10-14 01:03:35 +0200 (mar. 14 oct. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[*change] Spool for bulk sending no longer depends on database tables: It based on filesystem.
Packets and messages stored in database by earlier version of Sympa should be migrated using update_bulk_spool.pl utility.

r11555 | sikeda | 2014-10-13 02:30:20 +0200 (lun. 13 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-dev] Some typos in configure.
r11554 | sikeda | 2014-10-13 00:46:10 +0200 (lun. 13 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[-dev] remove wwsympa.conf in some descriptions.
r11553 | sikeda | 2014-10-12 01:57:53 +0200 (dim. 12 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[bug][#6749] Sending is not always specified in the logs.  Now logging is done when the messages are really sent to sendmail.

r11552 | sikeda | 2014-10-11 13:33:28 +0200 (sam. 11 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[-dev] Restores check on _SC_ARG_MAX limitation.

r11551 | sikeda | 2014-10-11 07:41:50 +0200 (sam. 11 oct. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Sympa::Mailer::send_message() (formerly mail::sending()) was deprecated.
Use Sympa::Mailer::store() to send directly or Sympa::Bulk::store() to store bulk immediately.  Exception is Sympa::Alarm::store(): $Sympa::Alarm::use_bulk controls whether send or store.

Added documentation.

r11550 | sikeda | 2014-10-11 06:21:13 +0200 (sam. 11 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] New Sympa::Mailer::store() to store messages to sendmail.
r11549 | sikeda | 2014-10-11 02:04:14 +0200 (sam. 11 oct. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm:11548)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[svn] (con'd r10649) Retrieving layout changes done on trunk, mostly finished.
Changes not yet merged look to need big refactoring.

Exception: Sympa::Mailer is the singleton class: global variables are not used.

r10563 | rousse | 2014-05-07 14:09:44 +0200 (mer. 07 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
Fision via : r11549

[dev] fix expected class name
r10561 | rousse | 2014-05-07 13:53:37 +0200 (mer. 07 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
Fision via : r11549

[dev] fix expected class name
r10560 | rousse | 2014-05-07 13:52:32 +0200 (mer. 07 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
Fision via : r11549

[dev] send_message is a method now, not a function
r10556 | rousse | 2014-05-07 13:33:31 +0200 (mer. 07 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
Fision via : r11549

[dev] reformat documentation
r10533 | sikeda | 2014-04-08 16:54:54 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   R /trunk/po/sympa/Makefile.in.in (de /trunk/po/sympa/Makefile.in.in:10531)
   R /trunk/po/web_help/Makefile.in.in (de /trunk/po/web_help/Makefile.in.in:10531)
   R /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in (de /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in:10531)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm:10531)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm:10531)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm:10531)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Message.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Message.pm:10531)
   M /trunk/t/Language.t
   A /trunk/t/locale (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/locale:10529)
   A /trunk/t/stub (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/stub:10529)
Fision via : r11549

[svn] Retrieving several modifications/additions from sympa-6.2-branch by request.

r10370 | rousse | 2014-03-06 09:46:16 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/Language.t
Fision via : r11549, r10533

[dev] factorize test values
r10527 | rousse | 2014-04-02 19:53:37 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[dev] drop deprecation comments
r10526 | rousse | 2014-04-02 19:52:03 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[dev] no need to store max_args for each instance, it is constant
r10525 | rousse | 2014-04-02 19:51:11 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[dev] no need pass the spool itself, it is never used, and no need for a dedicated accessor, as it can be passed to the constructor directly

r10524 | rousse | 2014-04-02 19:42:48 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] use lexical variables for file handles
r10523 | rousse | 2014-04-02 19:34:35 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[dev] use transient lexical variables for file descriptors with the forked SMTP child
r10522 | rousse | 2014-04-02 19:20:01 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm

[dev] but safefork() isn't...
r10521 | rousse | 2014-04-02 19:18:45 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] get_sendmail_handle is actually used outside Sympa::Mailer
r10520 | rousse | 2014-04-02 19:16:45 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mailer.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm:10519)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] rename Sympa::Mail package to Sympa::Mailer, and turn it into a class

Each binary now has to create a global mailer instance, and ensure it is visible from everywhere else as $main::mailer.

r10519 | rousse | 2014-04-02 18:34:45 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm

[dev] merge _sendto() into distribute_message(), as it isn't used anywhere else

r10518 | rousse | 2014-04-02 18:05:45 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] rename functions for sake of clarity:
- mail_message() is now distribute_message()
- mail_foward() is now forward_message()
- sending() is now send_message()
- sendto() is now _sendto()
- smpto() is now _get_sendmail_handle()

r10488 | rousse | 2014-03-31 14:18:54 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm

[dev] more readable construct, dropping doubtful advice for end-user to modify hardcoded values in Sympa's code

r10482 | rousse | 2014-03-31 13:03:24 +0200 (lun. 31 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in

[dev] kill useless statement, this is not a module
r11544 | sikeda | 2014-10-09 15:20:44 +0200 (jeu. 09 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] Now URL of icons are located under robot-specific paths determined by static_content_url parameter.
r10474 | rousse | 2014-03-24 19:52:00 +0100 (lun. 24 mars 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r11544

[dev] move get_icon() and get_mime_type() function into Sympa::Tools::WWW, as
they are used by Sympa::SharedDocument, and reuse get_mime_type() in
Sympa::Message, using lazy loading to read them from configuration files.

r11543 | sikeda | 2014-10-09 09:58:59 +0200 (jeu. 09 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-dev] Adding manpages.
r11542 | sikeda | 2014-10-09 09:47:22 +0200 (jeu. 09 oct. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorODBC.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Informix.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorInformix.pm:11511)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm:11541)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/ODBC.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorODBC.pm:11541)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle:11511)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle/St.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm:11541)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/PostgreSQL.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm:11541)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm:11541)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm:11541)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm:11541)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[svn] (con'd r10649) Retrieving layout changes done on trunk (#4 of #3/3).

Exception: Didn't replace excape_regexp() with quotemeta() but with s///.

r11258 | rousse | 2014-07-28 16:55:17 +0200 (lun. 28 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator:11254)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/MySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Oracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Postgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/SQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver/Sybase.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDriver.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator.pm:11254)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/SQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
Fision via : r11542

[dev] rename DBManipulator to DatabaseDriver, more explicit, and more consistant with DatabaseDescription and DatabaseManager

r10473 | rousse | 2014-03-24 18:18:15 +0100 (lun. 24 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm
Fision via : r11542

[dev] move most functions used both by wwsympa and Sympa::SharedDocument to Sympa::Tools::WWW
r10466 | rousse | 2014-03-21 11:28:44 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r11542

[dev] move safefork() function in Sympa::Mail, as it is the only package using it
r10465 | rousse | 2014-03-21 11:26:30 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r11542

[dev] move lower_version() function in Sympa::Upgrade, as it is the only package using it
r10464 | rousse | 2014-03-21 11:23:57 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r11542

[dev] no need to reinvent quotemeta builtin function
r10461 | rousse | 2014-03-21 11:16:13 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator/MySQL.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm:10449)
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator/Oracle.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm:10449)
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator/Postgres.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm:10449)
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator/SQLite.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm:10449)
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator/Sybase.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm:10449)
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulator.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm:10449)
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r11542

[dev] dbmanipulator packages reorganisation:

Sympa::DBManipulatorDefault  is now Sympa::DBManipulator
Sympa::DBManipulatorMySQL    is now Sympa::DBManipulator::MySQL
Sympa::DBManipulatorOracle   is now Sympa::DBManipulator::Oracle
Sympa::DBManipulatorPostgres is now Sympa::DBManipulator::Postgres
Sympa::DBManipulatorSybase   is now Sympa::DBManipulator::Sybase
Sympa::DBManipulatorSQLite   is now Sympa::DBManipulator::SQLite

r10456 | rousse | 2014-03-20 09:30:49 +0100 (jeu. 20 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Cookie.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11542

[dev] kill useless md5_fingerprint function, and enforce consistent usage of Digest::MD5
r11541 | sikeda | 2014-10-08 14:48:48 +0200 (mer. 08 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorODBC.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm

[-dev] DBManipulator: Added documentation and removed redundant inline comments.
r11540 | sikeda | 2014-10-08 09:55:45 +0200 (mer. 08 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm

[-dev] DBManipulator: get_limit_clause() is deprecated: It is no longer used.

r11539 | sikeda | 2014-10-08 09:47:07 +0200 (mer. 08 oct. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] Oracle: Review page cannot be paginated.
Several RDBMSs don't support nonstandard OFFSET clause, OTOH some others don't support standard ROW_NUMBER function.  Instead, fetch unneccessary rows and discard them.

List::get_first_list_member(): "rows" parameter was deprecated.

r11538 | sikeda | 2014-10-08 05:09:44 +0200 (mer. 08 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-change] List::get_first_list_admin(): Deprecated "rows" and "offset" parameters.  Those are never used.

r11537 | sikeda | 2014-10-08 05:00:45 +0200 (mer. 08 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm

[bug] Oracle: Messages in bulk spool won't be processed in order.  Because rownum is assigned before applying ORDER BY clause, random packets were locked and fetched.  Fixed by not using rownum, LIMIT and so on but fetching the top row and finalizing statement handle immediately.

r11533 | sikeda | 2014-10-06 17:57:54 +0200 (lun. 06 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-feature] (r11530) Typo in commit log: See also FR#8442 on SourcesUp.
r11530 | sikeda | 2014-10-06 17:49:33 +0200 (lun. 06 oct. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorODBC.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm:11511)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm

[-feature][under development] ODBC support: Though it does currently not work because of lacking neccessary interface, stub codes are provided for future development.

See also FR#8422 on SourcesUp.

r11526 | sikeda | 2014-10-06 15:45:23 +0200 (lun. 06 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[-bug] SDM: Failure of detection or creation of primary keys and indexes were ignored.

r11517 | sikeda | 2014-10-06 10:06:56 +0200 (lun. 06 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm

[-dev] Oracle: probe_db() checks primary key but updating is currently disabled.

r11516 | sikeda | 2014-10-06 07:24:26 +0200 (lun. 06 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle

[-dev] (r11406) Auto-generated database creation script for Oracle: Index were not created.

r11515 | sikeda | 2014-10-06 07:22:53 +0200 (lun. 06 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm

[-dev] (r11514) fixed: close filehandle before renaming.
r11514 | sikeda | 2014-10-05 23:11:05 +0200 (dim. 05 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm

[-dev] LockedFile: Added extend() and rename() methods.
r11513 | sikeda | 2014-10-05 17:47:26 +0200 (dim. 05 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-dev] dmarc_protection_mode robot/site parameter can load junk.
r11512 | sikeda | 2014-10-05 13:34:37 +0200 (dim. 05 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm

[-dev] merge List::send_msg() to List::distribute_msg(): former is called only by latter.
r11511 | sikeda | 2014-10-05 06:49:22 +0200 (dim. 05 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-change] DBD-Oracle at least 1.02 looks required, since this version fixed 64kB limitation with OCI 7.  Although I have not confirmed.

r11510 | sikeda | 2014-10-05 06:24:47 +0200 (dim. 05 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] When the user posts to list and/or sender via WWSympa, privilege was not checked.
r11509 | sikeda | 2014-10-05 06:14:00 +0200 (dim. 05 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) do_send_mai;: sendmailtolist mode always sends only to list.
r11508 | sikeda | 2014-10-05 04:32:25 +0200 (dim. 05 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) files in automatic spool were ignored.
r11507 | sikeda | 2014-10-05 00:59:16 +0200 (dim. 05 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-change] "not_me" reception mode checks sender determined by sender_headers parameter.  Previously only From: header field was checked.

r11506 | sikeda | 2014-10-05 00:35:09 +0200 (dim. 05 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] If users' reception mode are "html", "text" or "urlize", and if any of such users don't have user certificate, encryption is failed and no messages are sent.

r11505 | sikeda | 2014-10-04 08:42:08 +0200 (sam. 04 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) When merge_feature is on, resent message in archive from WWSympa won't be personalized.
r11504 | sikeda | 2014-10-04 07:18:04 +0200 (sam. 04 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) Resent message in archive won't be re-encrypted even if it was stored as encrypted original form.

r11503 | sikeda | 2014-10-04 05:22:05 +0200 (sam. 04 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm

[-dev] Typo.
r11502 | sikeda | 2014-10-04 02:40:14 +0200 (sam. 04 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm

[-bug] DBI: rows() just after query is available only on non-SELECT queries.  Don't use it to check number of results of SELECT queries.

r11501 | sikeda | 2014-10-03 08:37:40 +0200 (ven. 03 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[-dev] Update module lists.
r11500 | sikeda | 2014-10-03 08:36:58 +0200 (ven. 03 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm

[-bug] Typo in SQL statement.
r11499 | sikeda | 2014-10-03 08:36:11 +0200 (ven. 03 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] Oracle does not support LIMIT.  Instead, fetch only one row and finalize statement handle.

r11498 | sikeda | 2014-10-03 08:21:32 +0200 (ven. 03 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] _decorate_parts() generated header/footer parts as MIME::Body::File instead of MIME::Body::InCore. 

r11497 | sikeda | 2014-10-03 08:18:35 +0200 (ven. 03 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] unmarshal_metadata() should fail if context is not robot/site and list is unknown.

r11496 | sikeda | 2014-10-03 03:10:27 +0200 (ven. 03 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] Suppress supurious warnings.

r11492 | sikeda | 2014-10-02 09:59:12 +0200 (jeu. 02 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm

[-dev] Kill unused codes.

r11489 | sikeda | 2014-10-02 09:56:53 +0200 (jeu. 02 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm

[-bug] SQLite: Upgrading database structure, conversion between timestamp and number is not obvious (former used by sympa-6.0).  So convert explicitly.

r11486 | sikeda | 2014-10-02 09:54:08 +0200 (jeu. 02 oct. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle/St.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm

[dev] End of half measures for Oracle to release of 6.2b.1.
- Now is_autoinc() works.
- Now get_primary_keys() works, though it is currently not used.
- Added utf8 tweaks on fetchall_arraref() and fetchall_hashref().
- Use ORACLE_HOME in database creation script instead of real example.
  (It runs only with bash, anyway).

r11482 | sikeda | 2014-10-02 03:26:37 +0200 (jeu. 02 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Copyedit.  Context may be the object other than List in the future.
r11481 | david.verdin | 2014-10-01 16:08:52 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] Sympa would crash while trying to send a digest to a non existing list. Fixed by testing whether the uinmarshalled data allowed Sympa to create a list object.
r11480 | david.verdin | 2014-10-01 11:13:08 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] Fixed bad call to valid_robot that made Sympa automatic crash
r11479 | sikeda | 2014-10-01 08:56:49 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) On urlize mode, attached message/rfc822 parts are altered before they are saved.  To avoid this, re-parse message with extract_nested_messages(0) and get new entity.

r11478 | sikeda | 2014-10-01 04:03:39 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[-dev] Update sympa.spec.pl:
- Move sympa.conf to %{_sysconfdir}/sympa/.
- List optional packages being commented-out.

r11477 | sikeda | 2014-10-01 03:57:13 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/META.json.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-feature][experimental] Add META.json to distribution.  It can be useful to install dependent CPAN modules using such as cpanminus.

r11476 | sikeda | 2014-10-01 03:43:51 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] (partially reverted r11475) sympa_wizard.pl should not check ownership of confdir so that sympa.conf may be generated at initial install (e.g. under DESTDIR by rpmbuild).

r11475 | etiennemeleard | 2014-09-30 18:19:40 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[*change] Default config location is now /etc/sympa/ (or $sysconfig/sympa/) instead of /etc/. This solves the problem of config file lock creation being denied when trying to read the binary version of the config file at startup. WARNING : to upgrade the config location one MUST run sympa.pl --upgrade_config_location before any other upgrading operation.

r11474 | sikeda | 2014-09-30 10:32:31 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[-dev] Other typos and fixes on Oracle.
- float type is treated as number internally.  Use number.
- Data dictionary returns uppercase names of table, column etc.

r11473 | sikeda | 2014-09-30 10:29:30 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-bug] (r11470) add it to distribution.
r11472 | sikeda | 2014-09-30 08:00:45 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm

[-dev] Oracle trys to update fields and fails.  At present it does not support auto-update.
r11471 | sikeda | 2014-09-30 07:56:39 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm

[-dev] PostgreSQL: Suppress suprious warnings.
r11470 | sikeda | 2014-09-30 05:03:07 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle/St.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm

[bug] Oracle: If NLS_LANG environment variable is properly set with charset AL32UTF8 (or UTF8), DBD::Oracle treats character values as Unicode, i.e. "utf8 flags" are set.  This behavior is not desirable for Sympa.

Sympa::DBManipulatorOracle::St overrides functions of DBI statement handle object to reset utf8 flags.

r11433 | sikeda | 2014-09-29 10:38:59 +0200 (lun. 29 sept. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] Oracle:
- "date" in SQL is reserved word.  Enclose them by "...".
- UNIX_TIMESTAMP() and FROM_UNIXTIME() are not supported.
- get_fields() did not work.  SHOW FIELDS statement is not supported.  Check data dictionary.
- is_autoinc() did not work.  Check dicrionary to make sure that trigger exists.
- probe_db() does not work.  Skip it at the present.

r11432 | sikeda | 2014-09-29 09:58:30 +0200 (lun. 29 sept. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle

[-bug] (con'd r11406) Auto-generated database creation script for Oracle has bug: pk_notification was not auto-increment field.

Use sequence and trigger to handle auto-increment.  Trigger is named "trg_<field name>" to determine field.

r11431 | sikeda | 2014-09-29 07:02:48 +0200 (lun. 29 sept. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[-bug] (con'd r11406) Auto-generated database creation script for Oracle has bugs:
- Constraints were omitted.
- tinyint is not supported.  Use number.

r11430 | sikeda | 2014-09-26 06:58:56 +0200 (ven. 26 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[bug][#6162] [Reported by T. Retout] When creating a list with a name longer than 50 characters, the validation process allows this, but creation fails or list name is truncated.  Fixed by checking length before creation.

r11429 | sikeda | 2014-09-25 08:41:36 +0200 (jeu. 25 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent modification from sympa-6.1-branch.
r11428 | david.verdin | 2014-09-24 16:49:09 +0200 (mer. 24 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r11429

[bug] When checking misaddressed commands in subject, the command length was not taken into account. Any message whose subjects started with unsubscribe, signoff or subscribe would be rejectd. Fixed by forcing test to match only if the subject contains two words exactly, including the command. We might miss wom better form subscribe commands but will have very less false positive.

r11426 | sikeda | 2014-09-24 05:30:37 +0200 (mer. 24 sept. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Use CID URLs for attachments in newsletter.
Fix: If URL is not accessible, WWSympa crashes.

r11422 | sikeda | 2014-09-23 04:11:07 +0200 (mar. 23 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[-dev] Mark possiblly unused parameter.
r11421 | sikeda | 2014-09-23 04:09:38 +0200 (mar. 23 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] When an encrypted message is held for moderation and any of editors don't have user certificate, other editors with valid certificate also won't receive one time tickets.  Instead of aborting notification, if encryption failed, attach error message generated from x509-user-cert-missing template.

r11420 | sikeda | 2014-09-23 03:37:23 +0200 (mar. 23 sept. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-bug] When a crypted message needs confirmation by sender, it was stored in its decrypted form. This led Sympa to (optionally request moderation and) further send an unencrypted form to all subscribers. Fixed by enforcing storage in spool of encrypted form, then make Command.pm check crypting then a confirm command is issued.

See also r11404.

r11411 | sikeda | 2014-09-21 06:38:06 +0200 (dim. 21 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am

[-bug] (pre-beta fix; r10529, r11395) remove language-specific css.tt2 installed by earlier version.
r11410 | sikeda | 2014-09-21 01:29:13 +0200 (dim. 21 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) Name of parameter: "message disposition notification" (MDN) is correct.

r11409 | sikeda | 2014-09-21 01:14:05 +0200 (dim. 21 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/dsn.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-feature] antivirus_notify parameter may be "delivery_status" to send delivery status notifycation to envelope sender of the message, instead of sending notification to originator of the message (in case of "sender").

r11408 | sikeda | 2014-09-21 01:10:02 +0200 (dim. 21 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] JSON::XS is not used at the present.  VOOT feature requires it.
r11407 | sikeda | 2014-09-20 13:44:40 +0200 (sam. 20 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/edit_list.conf
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin/FixEncoding.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message/Plugin.pm

[feature][experimental] Sympa::Message::Plugin providing hook mechanism to intervene in processing by Sympa.  Each hook may modify messages or may break ordinary processing. 

r11406 | sikeda | 2014-09-20 04:08:33 +0200 (sam. 20 sept. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle

[-bug] Auto-generated database creation script for Oracle has bugs:
- `...` in here document will be executed by shell.
- Server Manager style comments (#) were used: It no longer will be supported by Oracle 9i or later.  Use ANSI style comments (-- ).
- Here document was not closed by "!".

r11405 | sikeda | 2014-09-20 02:04:29 +0200 (sam. 20 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] (r11404) Copyedit.  Should not access to internal attribute.
r11404 | david.verdin | 2014-09-19 17:33:09 +0200 (ven. 19 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] When a crypted message was moderated, it was stored in its decrypted form. This led Sympa to further send an unencrypted form to all subscribers. Fixed by enforcing storage in spool of encrypted form, then makje Command.pm check crypting chen a distribute command is issued.

r11403 | sikeda | 2014-09-19 06:27:47 +0200 (ven. 19 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] (r10659) Specify earlier version for DateTime::TimeZone.  perl-DateTime of RHEL6 includes DateTime::TimeZone 1.08.

r11402 | sikeda | 2014-09-19 06:03:21 +0200 (ven. 19 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (con'd r10225) No longer restrict format of "filter" parameter.

r11401 | david.verdin | 2014-09-18 16:25:25 +0200 (jeu. 18 sept. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-bug] Crypted messages arrived with an empty body due to the regexp splitting the body and the headers of encrypted message. This regexp tested the whole message as string against (\A|\n)\r?\n. This lead to the beginning of body (berfore the body) be retrieved in $body_string variable. Fixed by removing test against \A, levaing only \n\r?\n which is enough to split headers and body.

r11400 | david.verdin | 2014-09-18 16:20:28 +0200 (jeu. 18 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po

[dev] Updating catalogues.
r11397 | sympa-authors | 2014-09-17 17:13:07 +0200 (mer. 17 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r11396 | sympa-authors | 2014-09-17 17:06:08 +0200 (mer. 17 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r11395 | sikeda | 2014-09-17 14:27:26 +0200 (mer. 17 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[-dev] (con'd r10529, finished) Switch defaults of language parameters to language tag.

r11394 | sikeda | 2014-09-17 10:11:51 +0200 (mer. 17 sept. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/charset.conf
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ja (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ja_JP:11380)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ja/css.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ja_JP
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ko (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ko_KR:11380)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ko/css.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/ko_KR
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-CN (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh_CN:11380)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-CN/css.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-TW (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh_TW:11380)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh-TW/css.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh_CN
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/zh_TW

[dev] (con'd r10529) Switch from POSIX locale names to language tags in charset.conf and language subdirectories of web_tt2.
Changes are made only on distributed files: Olders names in installed contents are still available.

r11393 | sikeda | 2014-09-17 10:05:09 +0200 (mer. 17 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm

[-dev] (r11091) typos.
r11392 | sikeda | 2014-09-16 23:46:42 +0200 (mar. 16 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-dev] Suppress spurious warning.
r11388 | sikeda | 2014-09-16 14:36:30 +0200 (mar. 16 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Updating module lists.
r11387 | sikeda | 2014-09-16 10:34:24 +0200 (mar. 16 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] List::set_status_error_config() no longer takes redundant argument.

r11386 | sikeda | 2014-09-16 09:33:34 +0200 (mar. 16 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-dev] Suppress spurios warning.
r11385 | sikeda | 2014-09-16 09:29:39 +0200 (mar. 16 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r11384) Eliminate unknown sort keys.
r11384 | sikeda | 2014-09-16 09:05:09 +0200 (mar. 16 sept. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#9243][Submitted by M. Howe, Univ. of Oxford] Sorting for viewlogs is broken.  It tries to sort on the non-existent 'email' field.

Patch was modified a bit.

r11383 | sikeda | 2014-09-16 06:55:46 +0200 (mar. 16 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] (r11381) typo.
r11382 | sikeda | 2014-09-16 03:16:42 +0200 (mar. 16 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] (fixing r10306) Display name was not displayed.
r11381 | sikeda | 2014-09-15 15:27:17 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-change] Now antivirus configuration may be overridden per virtual hosts.

r11380 | etiennemeleard | 2014-09-15 12:53:59 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm

[-bug] Fix listmaster check to reflect new location
r11379 | sikeda | 2014-09-15 12:16:27 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] "warning" (or "warn") level is no longer used by Log::do_log().
r11378 | sikeda | 2014-09-15 06:56:41 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

[-bug] Database structure updated notification was folded.
r11377 | sikeda | 2014-09-15 05:19:24 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm

[-change] send_confirm_to_editor(), send_confirm_to_sender(), reject_report_msg(), notice_report_msg(), send_report_cmd(): Set delivery dates of messages sent by robot the future date to ensure 1 second will be elapsed since last message, instead of inserting sleep(1).

r11376 | sikeda | 2014-09-15 00:36:38 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Adding new field tag_bulkmailer to tag the last packet.
- If this field is Null, such row was stored by earlier release and it should be upgraded.

TODO: Tool to upgrade packets by earlier release.

r11375 | sikeda | 2014-09-14 06:18:22 +0200 (dim. 14 sept. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mime.types
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-change] If mime.types is not found in confdir, use one in default directory.
Additionally, update mime.types in distribution with that of current HEAD in trunk of Apache HTTP Server.

r11374 | sikeda | 2014-09-14 05:36:51 +0200 (dim. 14 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] tools::md5_fingerprint() was deprecated.  Use Digest::MD5::md5_hex() directly.
r11373 | sikeda | 2014-09-14 04:17:55 +0200 (dim. 14 sept. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring on Sympa::Bulk::store() and Sympa::Mail::sending().
- Now Sympa::Bulk::store() returns messagekey instead of "1" when it succeeded.
- Return-Path of outbound messages will be taken from {envelope_sender} attribute of the message object.
- Priority of them will be taken from {priority} item.
- {date} item is used for delivery date.
- use_bulk flag for Sympa::Mail::sending() was deprecated.  Sympa::Bulk::store() would be called directly.

r11372 | sikeda | 2014-09-14 02:15:20 +0200 (dim. 14 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] More documentation.
r11371 | sikeda | 2014-09-13 07:26:15 +0200 (sam. 13 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] (r11336) typo.
r11370 | sikeda | 2014-09-13 05:27:57 +0200 (sam. 13 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[dev] Adding documentation for Sympa::Alarm and Sympa::Message.
r11367 | sikeda | 2014-09-12 15:34:08 +0200 (ven. 12 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] Now tools::send_file always uses bulk spool.
r11363 | sikeda | 2014-09-12 07:45:27 +0200 (ven. 12 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/LockedFile.t

[-dev] New Sympa::LockedFile::last_error() and Sympa::LockedFile::unlink().
r11358 | etiennemeleard | 2014-09-10 14:31:51 +0200 (mer. 10 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in

[-bug] Set soap server to map correct urn to handling module (was trying to load sympasoap.pm when using dynamic mode).
r11357 | sikeda | 2014-09-10 07:43:24 +0200 (mer. 10 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/dsn.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] (reverting r11302) Withdrawing the feature to check if decrypted messages can be encrypted or to send DSN.  My misunderstanding.

r11355 | sikeda | 2014-09-09 15:05:58 +0200 (mar. 09 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm

[-dev] Reformating source.
r11354 | sikeda | 2014-09-08 09:54:23 +0200 (lun. 08 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Sympa::Message::_urlize_parts() no longer uses temporary files.

r11353 | sikeda | 2014-09-08 07:29:18 +0200 (lun. 08 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: tools::virus_infected() was moved to Sympa::Message::check_virus_infection() method.
r11352 | sikeda | 2014-09-08 06:51:16 +0200 (lun. 08 sept. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Refactoring:
- Now tools::_split_mail() simply walks around all leaves of MIME structure, decodes and dumps them.
- MIME::Head::recommended_filename() of MIME-tools >= 5.501 can return Unicode value (with "utf8 flag" on).
- Copyedit on virus_infected().

r11351 | sikeda | 2014-09-08 05:27:36 +0200 (lun. 08 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-dev] (r11273) typo.
r11350 | sikeda | 2014-09-07 14:00:33 +0200 (dim. 07 sept. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring:
- tools::as_singlepart() was moved to internal function Sympa::Message::_as_singlepart().
- New method Sympa::Message::get_plain_body() to get decoded content of plain/text part.
- tools::decode_header() was renamed to Sympa::Message::get_decoded_header() and it became taking only Sympa::Message instance as argument.

r11349 | sikeda | 2014-09-06 08:18:03 +0200 (sam. 06 sept. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] X-Sympa-To: pseudo-header field is no longer used by spools (however, support for this field by Sympa::Message is kept because it may be used by bulk spool later).  Anyway, this filed in incoming messages will be ignored.

Side work:
- Renamed List::send_to_editor() to send_confirm_to_editor().
- Renamed List::send_auth() to send_confirm_to_sender().
They would be moved to Pipeline package for incoming messages later.

r11348 | sikeda | 2014-09-06 07:38:00 +0200 (sam. 06 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm

[dev] Arguments in traceback will be formatted in the same manner as Log::do_log().

r11347 | sikeda | 2014-09-06 05:15:06 +0200 (sam. 06 sept. 2014) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Refatoring on moderation/confirmation requests:
- authkey/modkey will be assigned when messages are held in auth/mod spools.
- "smtp" method (scenario returns "editor" status) no longer needs modkey or one time ticket.
- Attachmets in requests are no longer taken from files: tt2::allow_absolute_path() is no longer required.
- Use auto-generated values for message IDs and boundaries of requests.

Known bug: At once the message is held, confirmed/approved message won't be encrypted even if it was originally encrypted.

r11345 | sikeda | 2014-09-03 05:08:16 +0200 (mer. 03 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/POTFILES.in

[-dev] forgotten update of POTFILES.in.
r11344 | sikeda | 2014-09-03 04:58:55 +0200 (mer. 03 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11343)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[svn] (con'd r10649) Retrieving layout changes done on trunk (#3 of #3/3).

r10455 | rousse | 2014-03-20 09:29:59 +0100 (jeu. 20 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
Fision via : r11344

[dev] drop yet other static list of foreign function used
r10443 | rousse | 2014-03-18 15:09:05 +0100 (mar. 18 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
Fision via : r11344

[dev] drop inconsistent and merely out-of-date list of other functions used in
function documentation: that's safer to read actual code than to rely on an hardcoded list

r10430 | rousse | 2014-03-14 13:18:00 +0100 (ven. 14 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Password.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm:10429)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11344

[dev] isolate Password-related functions in Sympa::Tools::Password
r10429 | rousse | 2014-03-14 13:05:02 +0100 (ven. 14 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r11344

[dev] kill no longer used get_filename() function
r10428 | rousse | 2014-03-14 13:04:27 +0100 (ven. 14 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
Fision via : r11344

[dev] use sound variable name for list object, and use get_filename() method
instead of old get_filename() function

r10427 | rousse | 2014-03-14 13:03:22 +0100 (ven. 14 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
Fision via : r11344

[dev] typo
r10424 | rousse | 2014-03-14 09:29:32 +0100 (ven. 14 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/CookieLib.pm
Fision via : r11344

[dev] kill unused functions
r11343 | sikeda | 2014-09-02 07:35:36 +0200 (mar. 02 sept. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent changes from sympa-6.1-branch.
r11341 | sikeda | 2014-09-02 07:08:40 +0200 (mar. 02 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r11343

[bug] [Reported by M. Goebel, Eastern Michigan Univ.] Typos at several places in List.pm may crash Sympa.

r11335 | sikeda | 2014-08-27 14:37:14 +0200 (mer. 27 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r11343

[-bug] A typo not to show version number in template.  It affects only to result of HELP command, though.

r11334 | sikeda | 2014-08-27 03:17:32 +0200 (mer. 27 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r11343

[-bug][#9413] [Submitted by G. Younger, Newcastle Univ.] Spurious "Use of uninitialized value" warnings in SympaSession.pm.

r11333 | sikeda | 2014-08-25 03:44:14 +0200 (lun. 25 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   R /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc:11244)
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/del.ownerdkim (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/del.ownerdkim:11331)
Fision via : r11343

[svn] Backporting a change from sympa-6.2-branch.
r11328 | sikeda | 2014-08-19 09:51:32 +0200 (mar. 19 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r11343

[svn] Backporting a bug fix from sympa-6.2-branch.
r11272 | sikeda | 2014-07-29 17:19:43 +0200 (mar. 29 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r11343

[svn] Backporting a fix from sympa-6.2-branch.
r11245 | sikeda | 2014-07-27 03:57:48 +0200 (dim. 27 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r11343

[svn] Backporting a few fixes from sympa-6.2-branch.
r11342 | sikeda | 2014-09-02 07:26:31 +0200 (mar. 02 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CookieLib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Merging Sympa::CookieLib to Sympa::Session, and deprecating some unused functions.

r11340 | sikeda | 2014-09-01 14:51:33 +0200 (lun. 01 sept. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Deprecating a few functions in Sympa::Tools::File which are used only once by each.

As a side work, Sympa::Message::new_from_template() no longer takes empty string ("") as $tpl parameter.

r11339 | sikeda | 2014-09-01 00:05:51 +0200 (lun. 01 sept. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_time.t

[-dev] tools::adate() is used only once, and there may be no problem replacing with POSIX::strftime().

r11338 | sikeda | 2014-08-31 08:55:04 +0200 (dim. 31 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/POTFILES.in

[-dev] (r11337) typo.

r11337 | sikeda | 2014-08-31 08:45:45 +0200 (dim. 31 août 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP/Transport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11336)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11336)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11336)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11336)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11336)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm:11336)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_data.t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_file.t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_time.t

[svn] (con'd r10649) Retrieving layout changes done on trunk (#2 of #3/3).

Exception: tools::save_to_bad() is kept.

r10423 | rousse | 2014-03-14 09:24:55 +0100 (ven. 14 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/WWW.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Wwslib.pm:10417)
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Wwslib.pm
Fision via : r11337

[dev] rename Sympa::Wwslib to Sympa::Tools::WWW, for consistency with other
similar packages

r10420 | rousse | 2014-03-13 19:10:46 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/compile_executables.t
Fision via : r11337

[dev] test alias wrappers too
r10418 | rousse | 2014-03-13 19:07:14 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TimeUtils.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
Fision via : r11337

[dev] transfer the only used function to Sympa::Tools::Time, enforcing space
usage for indentation, and kill Sympa::TimeUtils

r10417 | rousse | 2014-03-13 19:05:31 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Wwslib.pm
Fision via : r11337

[dev] kill unused functions and variables
r10416 | rousse | 2014-03-13 14:10:59 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Wwslib.pm
Fision via : r11337

[dev] kill redundant implementation of load_mime_types
r10415 | rousse | 2014-03-13 14:08:39 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm:10411)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r11337

[dev] isolate Text-related functions in Sympa::Tools::Text

Additional encoding-related functions left in Sympa::Tools would probably be
good candidate too.

r10411 | rousse | 2014-03-13 09:13:27 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log/Database.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm:10409)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r11337

[dev] isolate Time-related functions in Sympa::Tools::Time
r10409 | rousse | 2014-03-12 20:15:49 +0100 (mer. 12 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Daemon.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm:10405)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r11337

[dev] isolate daemon-related functions in Sympa::Tools::Daemon
r10408 | rousse | 2014-03-12 20:15:00 +0100 (mer. 12 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
Fision via : r11337

[dev] forgotten in commit #10405
r10406 | rousse | 2014-03-12 09:49:52 +0100 (mer. 12 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11337

[dev] drop references to VOOT support, the corresponding modules have been removed from the source tree
r10405 | rousse | 2014-03-12 09:47:24 +0100 (mer. 12 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ClassicSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11337

[dev] isolate file-related functions in Sympa::Tools::File
r10404 | rousse | 2014-03-12 09:46:42 +0100 (mer. 12 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r11337

[dev] fix package name
r10403 | rousse | 2014-03-11 18:20:30 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
Fision via : r11337

[dev] forgotten in previous commit
r10402 | rousse | 2014-03-11 18:09:32 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log/Database.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Data.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm:10395)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11337

[dev] isolate data structure related functions in Sympa::Tools::Data
r10395 | rousse | 2014-03-11 12:25:51 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r11337

[dev] kill unused functions
r11336 | sikeda | 2014-08-30 07:06:05 +0200 (sam. 30 août 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/automatic_bounce_management.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2:11316)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Alarm.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm:11332)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: New package Sympa::Alarm to manage spool on memorty for listmaster notification.
- Sympa::Alarm::flush() to flush or purge the spool was separated from send_notify_to_listmaster().
- send_notify_to_listmaster() now takes context (site ('*'), robot, List) as the first argument.
- As a side work, mail_tt2/automatic_bounce_management.tt2 was separated from listmaster_notification.tt2 and listowner_notification.tt2.

r11332 | sikeda | 2014-08-24 05:10:10 +0200 (dim. 24 août 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: merging send_file() and send_global_file().
Now send_file() was moved to tools.pm and will take list OR robot as parameter.
Exception is new method send_probe_to_user() to send welcome and remind messages using VERP.

As a side work, {shelved}{tracking} attribute of messages can be "w" or "r" by which bulk.pl generates VERP sender of messages stored by send_probe_to_user().

r11331 | sikeda | 2014-08-24 04:11:23 +0200 (dim. 24 août 2014) | 14 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari/del.ownerdkim

[feature] New scenarios to check DKIM signature are added:
- add.authdkim
- add.ownerdkim
- del.authdkim
- del.ownerdkim
- remind.listmasterdkim
- remind.ownerdkim
- send.editordkim
- subscribe.authdkim
- subscribe.auth_notifydkim
- subscribe.auth_ownerdkim
- unsubscribe.authdkim
- unsubscribe.auth_notifydkim

r11330 | sikeda | 2014-08-23 14:00:48 +0200 (sam. 23 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev][-bug] If personalization or S/MIME encryption is enabled, VERP is always enabled.
r11329 | sikeda | 2014-08-21 06:09:17 +0200 (jeu. 21 août 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] Fixed several bugs on do_send_mail() of WWSympa.
- Subject was not encoded.
- Newsletter: "text/plain" header was added.
- Plain text: charset was fixed to utf-8.

Known bug not yet fixed: UTF-8 is assumed for the source of newsletter: If they encoded by other charset, content will be broken.

r11327 | sikeda | 2014-08-19 09:42:10 +0200 (mar. 19 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[bug] When dkim_add_signature_to parameter contains "list", DKIM signature won't be added.  A typo has been corrected.

r11326 | sikeda | 2014-08-19 05:34:49 +0200 (mar. 19 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r11325) typo.
r11325 | sikeda | 2014-08-18 15:54:26 +0200 (lun. 18 août 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/upgrade_send_spool.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11322)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[change] Now messages sent via WWSympa will be stored in bulk spool, directly if they are outbound messages.  On earlier releases outbound messages were injected in msg spool with special checksum.

A program upgrade_send_spool.pl to migrate messages with old format is proveded.

r11324 | sikeda | 2014-08-18 09:42:12 +0200 (lun. 18 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] Suppress a few warnings.

r11323 | sikeda | 2014-08-17 23:48:49 +0200 (dim. 17 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Commands sent via WWSympa are injected in msg spool with "md5" authentication level, by setting {md5_check} attribute as true.

r11322 | sikeda | 2014-08-17 15:26:52 +0200 (dim. 17 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] (con'd r11321) temporary files will have unique names across hosts.
r11321 | sikeda | 2014-08-17 06:04:59 +0200 (dim. 17 août 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Now command messages sent via WWSympa will be injected into msg spool directly.  New function tools::store_spool() is used.

ToDo: Message posted by user via WWSympa would be injected into msg spool (if it is bound for list) or bulk spool (if it is bound fro the user).
ToDo: send_spool feature should be obsoleted.

r11320 | sikeda | 2014-08-17 05:55:53 +0200 (dim. 17 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-change] Files in msg spool may have "extension" separated by comma (,).  It may increase uniqueness of file name.  e.g. "sympa@dom.ain.1234567890.4321,5382".

r11319 | sikeda | 2014-08-17 02:32:10 +0200 (dim. 17 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Sympa::Tools::DKIM::verifier() was merged into Sympa::Message::check_dkim_signature().

r11318 | sikeda | 2014-08-17 00:29:20 +0200 (dim. 17 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] (r11317) typo.
r11317 | sikeda | 2014-08-16 23:40:24 +0200 (sam. 16 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11316)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/SMIME.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:11316)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_SMIME.t

[svn] (con'd r10649) Retrieving layout changes done on trunk (#1 of #3/3).

r10392 | rousse | 2014-03-10 19:27:24 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/DKIM.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm:10391)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r11317

[dev] isolate DKIM-related functions in Sympa::Tools::DKIM
r10391 | rousse | 2014-03-10 17:18:10 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/SMIME.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm:10386)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r11317

[dev] isolate SMIME-related functions in Sympa::Tools::SMIME
r10390 | rousse | 2014-03-10 16:58:53 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
Fision via : r11317

[dev] fix various compilation issues
r10384 | rousse | 2014-03-10 16:03:40 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11317

[dev] fix yet another syntax error introduced in commit #10295
r10383 | rousse | 2014-03-10 16:02:03 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
Fision via : r11317

[dev] kill unused references to DB_File
r10371 | rousse | 2014-03-06 09:47:30 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/LockedFile.t
Fision via : r11317

[dev] enforce spaces for indentation
r10359 | rousse | 2014-03-05 09:13:56 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
Fision via : r11317

[dev] use all available tests
r10358 | rousse | 2014-03-05 09:12:00 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
Fision via : r11317

[dev] fix yet another package renaming issue
r11316 | sikeda | 2014-08-16 10:28:26 +0200 (sam. 16 août 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LDAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[svn] Retrieving modifications about naming of system variable from trunk.

Exception: Log::do_log() uses "%m" format string instead of $ERRNO parameter.

r10348 | rousse | 2014-03-03 18:16:59 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
Fision via : r11316

[dev] use new locking API
r10314 | rousse | 2014-02-28 17:23:04 +0100 (ven. 28 févr. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ClassicSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/KeySpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TimeUtils.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r11316

[dev] use plain english names for magic variables

$] has not been replaced, because $OLD_PERL_VERSION seem to be missing in at
least perl 5.18.2

r11315 | sikeda | 2014-08-16 06:07:46 +0200 (sam. 16 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] Suppress unuseful log messages.
r11314 | sikeda | 2014-08-16 05:51:48 +0200 (sam. 16 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] If DKIM setting is incompleted but private key exists, err message to warn DKIM parameter is not defined by each time message is distributed.

r11313 | sikeda | 2014-08-16 04:09:05 +0200 (sam. 16 août 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[change] Messages forwarded to listmaster, owner or editor, and archived messages resent by user, will be added or modified header fields such as Sender:.  Thus, messages will be forwarded safely.

Known bug: Existing DKIM signature depending on those header fields may be broken.

r11312 | sikeda | 2014-08-16 00:38:04 +0200 (sam. 16 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm

[-dev] (r11304) typo.
r11311 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 09:32:33 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[change] Messages forwarded to listmater, owner or editor, and archived messages resent by user, no longer have "Auto-Submitted: auto-forwarded" header field.
The "auto-forwarded" keyword was once proposed by draft-palme-autosub-01, however withdrawn by rev.02 of this I-D and have not been registered by IANA:

r11310 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 08:11:54 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl

[-dev] (con'd r11309) removing requirement of openssl from sympa.spec.
r11309 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 08:03:06 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_SMIME.t

[change] openssl(1) utility is no longer required.  Instead, a few CPAN modules are required to use S/MIME or SSL features:
- Crypt::SMIME
- Crypt::OpenSSL::X509
The parameter "openssl" in sympa.conf was obsoleted.

Note that p12topem.pl still needs openssl: To make it work, PATH environment variable should be set appropriately.

r11308 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 07:38:40 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[dev] (r11307) typo.
r11307 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 07:28:44 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-feature] Use CPAN module to sign, verify, encrypt or decrypt messages instead of invoking openssl.
Crypt::SMIME 0.15 or later is required.

r11306 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 07:25:36 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] (con'd r11304) reverting mistaken commit.
r11305 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 07:23:24 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm

[-dev] (con'd r11304) Mistaken commit.

r11304 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 07:22:20 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Now recipients are splitted by Sympa::Bulk::get_recipient_tabs_by_domain() called by Sympa::Bulk::store().  Sympa::Mail::mail_message() is moved to Sympa::List::_mail_message() as a private subroutine of Sympa::List::distribute_msg()/send_msg().

Careful tests are required.

r11303 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 07:05:02 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] typo.
r11302 | sikeda | 2014-08-15 03:12:28 +0200 (ven. 15 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/dsn.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Decrypted messages will be checked if they can be encrypted.  If they can not, reject them and send DSN.

r11301 | sikeda | 2014-08-14 08:02:05 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Now envelope sender (return-path) of outgoing messages need not be stored into bulkmailer table.
- $message->{envelope_sender} will be modified by Sympa::Mail::sending() and included into serialized message content.
- As a result, returnpath_bulkmailer column is no longer used.

ToDo: Migration of {envelope_sender} attribute during upgrade.
ToDo: Switch bulk spool from DB table to filesystem.

r11300 | sikeda | 2014-08-14 06:45:43 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Now original message ID of messages need not be stored into bulkmailer and bulkspool tables.
- $message->{message_id} is encoded into serialized message content.
- As a result, messageid_bulkmailer and messageid_bulkspool columns are no longer used.

ToDo: Migration of {message_id} attribute during upgrade.

r11299 | sikeda | 2014-08-14 03:43:55 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2014) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm

[-bug] Message distribution fails when tracking feature is enabled with Postfix MTA.  Because Postfix clone of sendmail command doesn't allow "-V envid" but "-Venvid".

Postfix 2.3 or later is required to use tracking feature.
Recent versions of Sendmail and Courier also supports it.
Exim and qmail seem not to be supported.

Additionally, options given to sendmail command will be terminated by "--" (double hyphen) to handle recipient addresses begining with "-".  This feature is available on Sendmail V8 or later and clones of it (at least Courier, exim, Postfix and qmail).

r11298 | sikeda | 2014-08-13 13:14:45 +0200 (mer. 13 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Suppress redundant parameters of some functions.
r11297 | sikeda | 2014-08-13 11:55:10 +0200 (mer. 13 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_file.t

[-dev] temporarily disabled tests failing due to ambiguous feature.
r11296 | sikeda | 2014-08-13 08:01:41 +0200 (mer. 13 août 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Now S/MIME signing and encryption will be done by bulk.pl.
- $message->{shelved}{smime_sign} & $message->{shelved}{smime_encrypt} attributes are set to indicate signing/encryption are required.
- Messages are checked if encryption is possible on all recipients before they are stored into bulk spool.
- As a side effect, messages sent by robots will be signed if keys are available.

Known issue: This feature won't be applied to the messages stored into bulk spool before upgrading.

r11295 | sikeda | 2014-08-12 17:27:17 +0200 (mar. 12 août 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Now "verp" and "tracking" flags need not be stored into bulkmailer table.
- $message->{shelved}{tracking} attribute is set to indicate tracking is required.  Possible values are "verp", "dsn", "mdn" and "dsn+mdn".
- As a result, verp_bulkmailer and tracking_bulkmailer columns are no longer used.

ToDo: Migration of {shelved}{tracking} attributes during upgrade.

r11294 | sikeda | 2014-08-12 16:42:53 +0200 (mar. 12 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm

[-bug] SQLite: unfinished statement handle locks database.

r11293 | sikeda | 2014-08-12 12:38:41 +0200 (mar. 12 août 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm

[-bug] Several RDBMSs (at least PostgreSQL and SQLite) don't have CONCAT() function.  Don't use it.

N.B. On "||" operator: MySQL treats it as logical OR.

r11292 | sikeda | 2014-08-12 11:53:12 +0200 (mar. 12 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_SMIME.t

[-dev] Skip several tests if optional module lacks.
r11290 | sikeda | 2014-08-11 09:02:44 +0200 (lun. 11 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_SMIME.t

[-dev] A few corrections.
r11289 | sikeda | 2014-08-11 06:57:18 +0200 (lun. 11 août 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Now "merge" flag need not be stored into bulkmailer table.
- $message->{shelved}{merge} attribute is set to indicate personalization is required.
- As a result, merge_bulkmailer columns is no longer used.

ToDo: Migration of {shelved}{merge} attributes during upgrade.

r11288 | sikeda | 2014-08-10 14:52:20 +0200 (dim. 10 août 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Now DKIM parameters are retrieved by bulk.pl: they need not be stored into bulkspool table.
- $message->{shelved} attribute is set to indicate DKIM signing is required, instead of passing DKIM parameters.
- As a result, dkim_*_bulkspool columns are no longer used.

ToDo: Migration of {shelved}{dkim_sign} attributes during upgrade.

r11287 | sikeda | 2014-08-10 09:03:45 +0200 (dim. 10 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm

[-dev] Suppress unuseful log messages on unvalid DKIM signature.
r11286 | sikeda | 2014-08-10 03:50:15 +0200 (dim. 10 août 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Sympa::Mail::mail_file() is deprecated; instead, use Sympa::Message->new_from_template() and Sympa::Mail::sending().

Known bug:
Command messages sent via wwsympa.fcgi by users don't have sufficient authentication level.  "md5" level is required.

r11285 | sikeda | 2014-08-06 15:58:22 +0200 (mer. 06 août 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Use Crypt::SMIME instead of openssl to decrypt, encrypt or sign the messages.

ToDo: verify should also be performed by this CPAN module.

r11284 | sikeda | 2014-08-06 09:39:29 +0200 (mer. 06 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_SMIME.t

[-dev] Skip some tests when openssl is not installed.
r11283 | sikeda | 2014-08-04 14:46:22 +0200 (lun. 04 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Refactoring: aggregate {list}, {robot} and site items in metadata of Message info {context}.

r11282 | sikeda | 2014-08-04 02:48:01 +0200 (lun. 04 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in

[-dev] Adding man page for mod2html.pl.

r11281 | sikeda | 2014-08-03 09:41:20 +0200 (dim. 03 août 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] (con'd r11280) Lazily load Crypt::CipherSaber, too.

r11280 | sikeda | 2014-08-03 09:05:56 +0200 (dim. 03 août 2014) | 13 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_SMIME.t

[dev] Refactoring and changes, mainly about S/MIME processing:
- Optional modules are lazily loaded with "eval 'use MODULE'" in BEGIN phase, and be checked availability testing $MODULE::VERSION variable which all modern CPAN modules will have.
- tools::smime_parse_cert(): Now it takes arguments with plain hash instead of hashref.
- tools::smime_find_keys(): Now it takes context (Sympa::List or site) instead of directory.
- List::get_cert() returns scalar instead of array.
- Use Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 instead of openssl to parse certificates.
- Use list-style open() to open pipes.

- Certificates and keys for sympa and/or listmaster should be able to be prepared per robots;
- and they should be placed in $robot->{etc}, instead of "$robot->{home}/sympa".
- Use any CPAN module instead of "openssl pkcs7" to extract certificates in signed messages.

r11279 | sikeda | 2014-08-03 08:24:55 +0200 (dim. 03 août 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Use "open '|-', LIST" to open pipe.

ToDo: Use Crypt::OpenSSL::PKCS12 instead of openssl, though recent version of this module is broken.

r11278 | sikeda | 2014-08-03 07:50:27 +0200 (dim. 03 août 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] Removing redudant codes.
r11277 | sikeda | 2014-08-03 07:33:22 +0200 (dim. 03 août 2014) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring/improving task_manager.
- chk_cert_expiration(): Use Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 instead of openssl to parse certificates.
- update_crl(): Use LWP::UserAgent instead of wget to get CRLs.

- openssl is still used to parse CRLs: Currently Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 cannot parse CRLs.
- Verify revokation of certificates according to CRLs.
- Tasks above have not been enabled.

r11276 | sikeda | 2014-07-31 16:12:11 +0200 (jeu. 31 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP/Transport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Perltidy-ing.
r11275 | sikeda | 2014-07-31 15:26:04 +0200 (jeu. 31 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r11273) typos.
r11274 | sikeda | 2014-07-31 11:40:48 +0200 (jeu. 31 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/POTFILES.in

[-dev] Updating POTFILES.in.
r11273 | sikeda | 2014-07-31 11:27:10 +0200 (jeu. 31 juil. 2014) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CookieLib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm:11268)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Marc (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc:11272)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Marc.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm:11272)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP/Transport.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm:11272)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm:11272)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[svn] (con'd r10649) Retrieving layout changes done on trunk (#2/3).
- Several functions in List were moved to Robot.
- SympaTransport was renamed to Sympa::SOAP::Transport.

Following files won't be renamed at present:
  Log.pm, SDM.pm, tools.pm, tt2.pm, wwslib.pm

r10349 | rousse | 2014-03-03 18:17:25 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Lock.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] no longer used
r10345 | rousse | 2014-03-03 16:12:49 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] fix yet more package renaming issues...
r10344 | rousse | 2014-03-03 16:02:32 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] fix compilation
r10342 | rousse | 2014-03-03 15:52:15 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ClassicSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/KeySpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/t/Language.t
Fision via : r11273

[dev] fix yet more package renaming issues...
r10339 | rousse | 2014-03-03 14:20:38 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] yet another package renaming corrections
r10338 | rousse | 2014-03-03 14:20:18 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] fix syntax errors introduced in commit #10296
r10337 | rousse | 2014-03-03 14:17:42 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] fix remaining syntax errors introduced in commit #10295
r10334 | rousse | 2014-03-03 13:51:29 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] forgotten in previous commit
r10333 | rousse | 2014-03-03 13:46:05 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] additional package renaming corrections
r10317 | sikeda | 2014-03-01 02:46:28 +0100 (sam. 01 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   R /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in (de /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in:10316)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm:10316)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm:10316)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm:10316)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm:10316)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm:10316)
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm:10266)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm:10316)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm:10316)
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   A /trunk/t/LockedFile.t (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/LockedFile.t:10316)
Fision via : r11273

[svn] Retrieving changes on Sympa::LockedFile from sympa-6.2-branch.
r10313 | rousse | 2014-02-28 17:19:49 +0100 (ven. 28 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /trunk/t/Language.t
Fision via : r11273

[dev] additional package renaming corrections
r10296 | rousse | 2014-02-24 19:57:18 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/CookieLib.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Marc.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TimeUtils.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] drop obsolete &function() syntax for function calls
r10295 | rousse | 2014-02-24 17:57:33 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ClassicSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/CookieLib.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] enforce direct object syntax only
r10294 | rousse | 2014-02-24 17:22:36 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ClassicSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] fix various package renaming issues
r10292 | rousse | 2014-02-24 17:12:52 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] use LWP::UserAgent directly

UserAgent doesn't implement anything useful, and just overrides LWP::UserAgent.
HTTP authentication isn't functional, and requires reworking to extract
authentication realm.

r10291 | rousse | 2014-02-24 17:04:35 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/User.pm:10287)
   D /trunk/src/lib/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/wwslib.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename User package to Sympa::User
r10290 | rousse | 2014-02-24 17:01:01 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm:10287)
   D /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename Upgrade package to Sympa::Upgrade
r10288 | rousse | 2014-02-24 16:51:23 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm:10271)
   D /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename tracking package to Sympa::Tracking
r10286 | rousse | 2014-02-24 16:46:20 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TimeUtils.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm:10269)
   D /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename time_utils package to Sympa::TimeUtils
r10283 | rousse | 2014-02-24 16:37:25 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm:10273)
   D /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename Task package to Sympa::Task
r10282 | rousse | 2014-02-24 16:33:49 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Transport.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm:10277)
   D /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename Sympa::Transport package to Sympa::Transport, and ensure consistency between module and package name
r10278 | rousse | 2014-02-24 16:21:01 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm:10277)
   D /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename sympasoap package to Sympa::SOAP
r10277 | rousse | 2014-02-24 16:17:36 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/CookieLib.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm:10273)
   D /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename Sympa::Session package to Sympa::Session
r10275 | rousse | 2014-02-24 16:14:01 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm:10273)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename SQLSource package to Sympa::SQLSource
r10272 | rousse | 2014-02-24 15:54:26 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm:10270)
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename SharedDocument package to Sympa::SharedDocument
r10270 | rousse | 2014-02-24 15:44:34 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm:10269)
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename Scenario package to Sympa::Scenario
r10265 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:58:00 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/KeySpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm:10253)
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaspoolClassic.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename Robot package to Sympa::Robot
r10264 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:51:37 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/report.pm:10255)
   D /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename report package to Sympa::Report
r10263 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:45:33 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] fix module name
r10262 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:44:27 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm:10248)
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename PlainDigest package to Sympa::PlainDigest
r10261 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:40:08 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/moddef.pm:10247)
   D /trunk/src/lib/moddef.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename moddef package to Sympa::ModDef
r10259 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:25:50 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm:10255)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaspoolClassic.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] really rename Message package to Sympa::Message
r10258 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:19:15 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm:10256)
   D /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r11273

[dev] really rename mail package to Sympa::Mail
r10257 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:17:06 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/lib/Marc
   D /trunk/src/lib/Marc.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Marc (de /trunk/src/lib/Marc:10247)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Marc.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Marc.pm:10247)
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename Marc and Marc::Search packages to Sympa::Marc and Sympa::Marc::Search
r10256 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:12:27 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename mail package to Sympa::Mail
r10253 | rousse | 2014-02-17 17:01:56 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   D /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/List.pm:10252)
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r11273

[dev] rename List package to Sympa::List
r11271 | sikeda | 2014-07-29 17:14:29 +0200 (mar. 29 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[-bug] Crypt::OpenSSL::X509 was missing in module list.

r11270 | sikeda | 2014-07-29 13:11:38 +0200 (mar. 29 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm

[dev] Deprecated Sympa::Family::get_family_lists() and Sympa::Family::get_hash_family_lists().  Use List::get_lists($family) instead.
r11269 | sikeda | 2014-07-29 12:53:13 +0200 (mar. 29 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Improvement of list searching functions by wwsympa:
- do_search_list carrys out case-insensitive substring match with name and/or subject of lists, being aware Unicode foldcase.
- do_get_inactive_lists ignores family_closed lists along with closed lists.

r11268 | sikeda | 2014-07-29 05:24:36 +0200 (mar. 29 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] List::check_list_authz() is obsoleted: It is identical to Scenario::request_action().  As a side work, Scenario::check_auth() takes List, robot or site as parameter.

r11267 | sikeda | 2014-07-29 01:30:24 +0200 (mar. 29 juil. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Eliminate "pictures_path" & "pictures_url" derived robot parameters.
- Obsoleted tools::pictures_filename(): Use the new $list->find_picture_filenames().
- Obsoleted tools::make_pictures_url(): Use the new $list->find_picture_url().
- New: $list->find_picture_paths(), $list->get_picture_path() and $list->get_picture_url().

As a side work, pictures_max_size parameters now may be configured per robots.

r11255 | sikeda | 2014-07-28 16:15:46 +0200 (lun. 28 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] (con'd r11129) Limit result of get_which() according to your_lists_size parameter so that memory and time will be reduced.

r11254 | sikeda | 2014-07-28 09:53:42 +0200 (lun. 28 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] New Message::dup() to clone Message instance.  Don't use Storable::dclone() because {list} attributes should be multiton instnace and must not be cloned.

r11253 | sikeda | 2014-07-28 08:09:36 +0200 (lun. 28 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] Cleanup.
- Updating use list.
- Message: naming serialized data as $serialized.

r11252 | sikeda | 2014-07-28 07:58:19 +0200 (lun. 28 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Kill global variable $is_signed.
r11251 | sikeda | 2014-07-28 04:43:47 +0200 (lun. 28 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm

[dev] Digest: re-encode messages only for plaindigest.  As a result, messages included in mimedigest won't be altered.

r11250 | sikeda | 2014-07-27 10:44:31 +0200 (dim. 27 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Cosmetic: perltidy-ing.
r11249 | sikeda | 2014-07-27 10:23:35 +0200 (dim. 27 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[dev] Don't use `...` operators, open($fh, "|$cmd"), open($fh, "$cmd|") nor system("string").  Instead, open($fh, "|-", @cmd) and so on.  In this way, bugs caused by shell metacharacters will be prevented.

As a side effect, DKIM private key no longer be saved into temporary file.

r11248 | sikeda | 2014-07-27 10:15:36 +0200 (dim. 27 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-dev] Messages in MIME digest contained pseudo-headers (X-Sympa-*).
r11247 | sikeda | 2014-07-27 09:10:49 +0200 (dim. 27 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[dev] Now messages to be archived will be cleaned on-memory: No temporary files won't be created.

ToDo: Rebuilding archive would be refactored in same way.

r11246 | sikeda | 2014-07-27 08:35:37 +0200 (dim. 27 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev] typo.
r11244 | sikeda | 2014-07-27 03:35:43 +0200 (dim. 27 juil. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-bug] Removed ineffective -rand option fed to openssl.  Despite documents of OpenSSL describes, it has no effect.  That's why LibreSSL deprecated this option:

r11243 | sikeda | 2014-07-27 03:22:40 +0200 (dim. 27 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev] typo.
r11242 | sikeda | 2014-07-27 03:21:09 +0200 (dim. 27 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev] renaming {msg} to {_entity_cache}.
r11241 | sikeda | 2014-07-26 11:52:12 +0200 (sam. 26 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm

[-dev] Not use backquotes to quote names in SQL.
r11240 | sikeda | 2014-07-26 11:38:41 +0200 (sam. 26 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm

[-dev] use names $self as subject of instance methods.
Message::clean_html() no longer takes redundant argument $robot.
r11239 | sikeda | 2014-07-26 10:02:04 +0200 (sam. 26 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[bug] Could not check S/MIME signature if the message was encrypted.  An S/MIME message may be nested either as "encrypted then signed" or as "signed then encrypted", however we didn't check latter case.

r11238 | sikeda | 2014-07-26 09:32:24 +0200 (sam. 26 juil. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Now messages only in msg spool would be decrypted; those in other spools are assumed being already decrypted (or failing decription).  Exception is "outgoing" (archive) spool: It may contain original messages if archive_crypted_msg parameter is "original"; also, wwsympa::do_send_me() and List::archive_send_last() should decrypt messages before sending them.
As a side effect, Message->new() no longer takes noxsympato parameter.  Now messages are always stored into spools in "serialized" form (with prepended X-Sympa-*: pseudo-header fields) and deserialized by Message->new().

Issue: Is it allowable that decrypted messages are stored into spools?

r11237 | sikeda | 2014-07-26 08:38:32 +0200 (sam. 26 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm

[-dev] Cosmetic changes: using fully-qualified function names and not using &function forms.
r11236 | sikeda | 2014-07-26 06:55:22 +0200 (sam. 26 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in

[dev] Updating mod2html.pl.  Though 6.2a.32 or earlier stored HTML view into modqueue, now dedicated directory specified by viewmail_dir parameter is used.

ToDo: Upgrade would call mod2html.pl instead of using redundant code.

r11235 | david.verdin | 2014-07-25 15:31:43 +0200 (ven. 25 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev]Bad call to do_log
r11234 | sikeda | 2014-07-25 12:20:24 +0200 (ven. 25 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm

[dev] Fixing confirmation of distribution via mail.

r11233 | david.verdin | 2014-07-25 11:03:57 +0200 (ven. 25 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[dev] Fixing archiving for signed / crypted messages.
r11232 | sikeda | 2014-07-24 18:03:04 +0200 (jeu. 24 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev] {_body} attribute of Message object can be undefined.  Won't abort in such case.
r11231 | sikeda | 2014-07-24 16:55:40 +0200 (jeu. 24 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-bug] According to RFC 4871, new DKIM-Signature header field should not be appended to header but be prepended.

r11230 | sikeda | 2014-07-24 16:42:02 +0200 (jeu. 24 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r11229 | sikeda | 2014-07-24 09:18:15 +0200 (jeu. 24 juil. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[bug] DKIM signatures become ineffective even if messages are altered.
This is caused by refolding of  base64 and quoted-printable contents: Signatures are kept.  Fixed by keeping original content if MIME structure were not really changed.

n.b. Though I previously compared binary form using Storable::freeze, this method was incompetent.  Now MIME::Entity::as_string is used.

r11228 | sikeda | 2014-07-24 07:16:58 +0200 (jeu. 24 juil. 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring:
- Moved tools::remove_invalid_dkim_signature() to Message::remove_invalid_dkim_signature() which alters Message object itself.
- Moved tools::dkim_sign() to Message::dkim_sign() which alters Message object itself.
- Message::personalize() skip processing message if it's encrypted or signed.
- bulk.pl processes Message object instead of stringified messages.

r11227 | sikeda | 2014-07-24 02:21:48 +0200 (jeu. 24 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Move tools::smime_sign() to Message::smime_sign(), and now it alters Message object itself.

r11226 | sikeda | 2014-07-23 15:23:08 +0200 (mer. 23 juil. 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Some cleanups:
- Moved %openssl_errors from tools to Message.
- Now Message::new() returns message even if no sender found.
- Message::check_smime_sign() checks if smime-type parameter is "signed-data".
and several copyedits.

r11225 | sikeda | 2014-07-23 10:12:02 +0200 (mer. 23 juil. 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev] Refactoring and fixes:
- Now smime_decrypt() set {smime_*} attributes of Message object itself.
- Fix broken check_smime_signature(): When message has been decrypted, use {orig_msg_as_string}.
- Coding: use $self as subject of instance methods.
- Suppress "Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//)" warnings.

r11224 | sikeda | 2014-07-23 06:15:13 +0200 (mer. 23 juil. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring: Moved tools::smime_sign_check() to Message::check_smime_signature(), and made it to set {smime_*} attributes of Message object itself.
And now, since this method will be called only by sympa.pl, it no longer called from inside of constructor.

r11223 | sikeda | 2014-07-22 15:17:20 +0200 (mar. 22 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2

[-bug] ticket URL contains %0a.  Additionally, suppressed exceeding newlines.
r11222 | david.verdin | 2014-07-22 11:19:21 +0200 (mar. 22 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[dev] Updated catalogues at install time.
r11219 | sikeda | 2014-07-22 10:16:04 +0200 (mar. 22 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Refactoring: rename tools::smime_decrypt() to Message::smime_decrypt().

r11214 | sikeda | 2014-07-21 12:03:07 +0200 (lun. 21 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Refactoring: rename tools::smime_encrypt() to Message::smime_encrypt(), and now it modify message itself.

r11213 | sikeda | 2014-07-21 07:03:52 +0200 (lun. 21 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Tools_SMIME.t (de /trunk/t/Tools_SMIME.t:11096)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/pki (de /trunk/t/pki:11064)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/samples (de /trunk/t/samples:11049)

[svn] Retrieving addition of a unittest from trunk.

r11096 | rousse | 2014-07-03 19:59:31 +0200 (jeu. 03 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/t/Tools_SMIME.t
Fision via : r11213

[dev] test suite for Sympa::Tools::SMIME
r11064 | rousse | 2014-06-23 17:57:22 +0200 (lun. 23 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/t/pki
   A /trunk/t/pki/cnf
   A /trunk/t/pki/cnf/ca.cnf
   A /trunk/t/pki/cnf/rousse.cnf
   A /trunk/t/pki/crt
   A /trunk/t/pki/crt/ca.pem
   A /trunk/t/pki/crt/rousse.pem
   A /trunk/t/pki/key
   A /trunk/t/pki/key/ca.pem
   A /trunk/t/pki/key/rousse_nopassword.pem
   A /trunk/t/pki/key/rousse_password.pem
Fision via : r11213

[dev] test PKI import
r11212 | sikeda | 2014-07-21 02:59:41 +0200 (lun. 21 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] (con'd r11167) Stringified message returned by Message::as_string() now contains Return-Path: pseudo-header field, because it is useful for moderation etc.  Conversely, such field should be removed when the message is passed to sendmail command: Some implementations won't strip it automatically.

Issue: May messages in MIME digest contain original Return-Path:?

r11211 | sikeda | 2014-07-20 14:59:50 +0200 (dim. 20 juil. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[bug] Messages attached to system messages, such as moderation notifications, were altered.  As a result, for example, editors could not verify signature in attached messages.
This was caused by that attachments were always parsed and stringified again.  Now stringified attachments won't be parsed anymore.

r11210 | sikeda | 2014-07-20 14:49:50 +0200 (dim. 20 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Typo.
r11209 | sikeda | 2014-07-20 08:22:13 +0200 (dim. 20 juil. 2014) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Refactoring Message module: Preventing breakage of message contents by re-encoding MIME.
- The {msg} item of Message object does no longer represent actual content: Original string representation will be kept as far as possible.
- {msg_as_string} was splitted to {_head} (MIME::Head entity) and {_body} (body as string).  Accessors are head(), header_as_string(), body_as_string() and as_string().
- For now don't access to {msg}, {_head} and {_body} items directly: Use as_entity() and methods above.
- add_header(), delete_header() or replace_header() should be used to modify {_head}.  get_header() may be used to get header fields (only at the top level of structure).
- {orig_msg} item was replaced by {orig_msg_as_string} to prevent reencoding, too.
- To get message ID, sender and so on, use items {message_id}, {sender} and so on of objects, not using get_header() etc.
- See also POD.

ToDo: Some components (probably bulk.pl etc.) still reencode contents.

r11208 | sikeda | 2014-07-19 09:24:22 +0200 (sam. 19 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] skip "bad" directory in spool.
r11173 | sikeda | 2014-07-18 10:27:22 +0200 (ven. 18 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-feature] tools::password_validation(): validation results may be i18n'ed.
r11172 | sikeda | 2014-07-18 09:32:25 +0200 (ven. 18 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r11155 | sikeda | 2014-07-12 06:39:54 +0200 (sam. 12 juil. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r11172

[dev] (r11154) Some fixes (partly on style) and improvement.
- Added Japanese translation.
- The parameter password_validation was not optional.
- Data::Password module was not optional because it was loaded at startup.  Use eval{require} instead of use.
- @Data::Password::DICTIONARIES would grow by each call of password_validation.
- Swtich feature and exported names wouldn't be used.

r11154 | sikeda | 2014-07-12 05:31:32 +0200 (sam. 12 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r11172

[feature][#9306] [Submitted by Evoltech, Riseup] Better password validation.
When the user requests change of password via WWSympa or SympaSOAP, new password may be checked its strength.
New parameter password_validation may be used to customize policy of password validation.  See help text of the parameter for more details.

r11171 | david.verdin | 2014-07-17 17:14:42 +0200 (jeu. 17 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] Fixing bugs that made sympa.pl crash when distributing a crypted message. This was due to a useless decrypting when sending the message to final receipient. Decrypting is useless because Sympa sends the message, so we already know what's in the message at this point - and no further scenario evaluation will be done.
r11170 | david.verdin | 2014-07-17 17:04:27 +0200 (jeu. 17 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po

[dev] Updated catalogues.
r11169 | david.verdin | 2014-07-17 11:26:57 +0200 (jeu. 17 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[dev] Typo
r11168 | david.verdin | 2014-07-17 11:26:18 +0200 (jeu. 17 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[dev]Updated translations
r11167 | sikeda | 2014-07-17 03:42:30 +0200 (jeu. 17 juil. 2014) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Starting refactoring to correct behavior on message processing.
- X-Sympa-*: header fields are stripped at first of message parsing.  They will no longer included into outgoing messages.
- Conversely, new Message::to_string() adds header fields above at the top of serialized messages.
- Message::new() now takes string and metadata as argument: MIME::Entity instance, "message_in_spool" hashref and filename are omitted.
- Tentative Message::new_from_file() is a wrapper of above.  It may be removed when refactoring will completed.
- New tools::unmarshal_metadata() to explode metadata from file name of spooled message.  This uses new tools::split_listname() utility function to analyze list identifiers.
- sympa ::DoFile() was renamed to process_message() and takes Message as argument.
- Message::check_param_status() and Message::check_dkim_signature() are separated from Message::new(), because they are needed by incoming messages (in "msg" queue).  ToDo: decrypt() and check_smime_Signature() should be also handled in the same way.
- mail::mail_file() changed its prototype.  ToDo: this would be splitted into Message::new_from_template() and mail::sending().

r11166 | sikeda | 2014-07-16 08:55:27 +0200 (mer. 16 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] typo.
r11165 | sikeda | 2014-07-16 08:48:02 +0200 (mer. 16 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[dev] typo.
r11164 | sikeda | 2014-07-16 08:40:37 +0200 (mer. 16 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] typo.
r11163 | sikeda | 2014-07-15 14:02:47 +0200 (mar. 15 juil. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[-bug] The reception time in queued file names in msg queue were ignored.
Use this time as the delivery date inserted into bulk_table unless delivery_date parameter is not defined.

r11162 | sikeda | 2014-07-15 03:47:56 +0200 (mar. 15 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[-dev] removing a dead code.
r11161 | sikeda | 2014-07-14 14:26:49 +0200 (lun. 14 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[dev] Getting back reception_date_bulkmailer field: Now it has double type to get precise date/time of storage into bulk spool.

r11160 | sikeda | 2014-07-13 10:21:12 +0200 (dim. 13 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[change] (r11007, r11158) Again, file extensions of lock files are changed from ".lock" to ",lock" (comma and "lock"), because names including full stop can conflict with domain parts.  Temporary files created by Sympa::LockedFile are also renamed in similar way.

r11159 | sikeda | 2014-07-13 09:57:30 +0200 (dim. 13 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm

[-dev] Use LOCK_?? constants defined by File::NFSLock itself.  Those defined by Fcntl are not portable.

r11158 | sikeda | 2014-07-13 08:39:59 +0200 (dim. 13 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/LockedFile.t

[-change] Separate extensions in file names related to lock with "," to avoid confusion with domain parts.  Additionally, such file names are ensured that they contain substring ",lock".

r11156 | sikeda | 2014-07-13 05:07:34 +0200 (dim. 13 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_time.t

[dev] Adding tests on daylight saving.
r11153 | sikeda | 2014-07-11 16:06:20 +0200 (ven. 11 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm

[-dev] (rev. r11150) We won't use exported names but fully-qualified names.

r11151 | sympa-authors | 2014-07-11 15:58:33 +0200 (ven. 11 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.40
r11150 | david.verdin | 2014-07-11 15:33:30 +0200 (ven. 11 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm

[-bug] Adding explicit import from Fnctl to prevent 'Bareword Fnctl::... not allowed while strict subs in use' error.
r11149 | sikeda | 2014-07-11 07:40:41 +0200 (ven. 11 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-dev] (r11133) Small refactoring.

r11148 | sikeda | 2014-07-11 06:21:57 +0200 (ven. 11 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/sympa.js

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r11147 | sikeda | 2014-07-11 05:36:47 +0200 (ven. 11 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
Fision via : r11148

[bug][#9270] [Submitted by A. Bezverkhyy] Fixing buggy getElementById behavior on IE8/9.

r11144 | sikeda | 2014-07-09 16:43:57 +0200 (mer. 09 juil. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r11148

[bug][#9328][Submitted by F. Angebault] Back button prints an error "Webpage has expired" on IE9.
On IE9, "Cache-Control: no-cache" HTTP response is treated as never keep content.  Alternatively, "Cache-Control: max-age=0" may be used: This workaround may not affect to other browsers.  For more details see item #9328 in bug tracker.

r11136 | sikeda | 2014-07-08 09:46:30 +0200 (mar. 08 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r11148

[bug][#9326] [Submitted by M. Howe, Univ. of Oxford] Search conditions in scenario of text filter were not excaped.  Several characters in condition such as ".", "+" were treated as regexp metacharacter then search gave unexpected result or simlpy failed.

r11135 | sikeda | 2014-07-08 09:02:46 +0200 (mar. 08 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r11148

[-bug] Check existence of parameter of expression [list->parameter] in scenario.
r11134 | sikeda | 2014-07-08 08:36:20 +0200 (mar. 08 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r11148

[bug][#9300] [Sumitted by M. Howe, Univ. of Oxford] Sympa crashes if a list config does not have web_archive paragraph.

In such case $list->{admin}{web_archive} may be an arrayref.  If program accesses to this element as hashref, it will die with "Not a hash reference".  Fixed by checking if the element is hashref.

r11133 | sikeda | 2014-07-08 07:51:56 +0200 (mar. 08 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r11148

[bug][#9262] [Originally submitted by Evoltech, Riseup] Prevent special list addresses from being added as list owner address.

Check owner addresses to be added and reject ones falling under any of owner, return path etc. of the list.  Patch was modified to check also VERP (bounce+) address pattern and suffixes in list_check_suffixes parameter.

r11132 | sikeda | 2014-07-08 05:23:07 +0200 (mar. 08 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
Fision via : r11148

[bug][#9256] [Submitted by F. Angebault] "Manage your subscriptions" help page is only partially translated.

r11146 | sikeda | 2014-07-11 05:21:56 +0200 (ven. 11 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[bug][#9034][Reported by D. Fournier, CNRS CRIC] Scenario: verify_netmask doesn't support IPv6.  Use Net::CIDR instead of Net::Netmask to support it.

r11145 | sikeda | 2014-07-11 04:13:45 +0200 (ven. 11 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[feature] Now "mhonarc" may be configured per robot.

r11143 | sikeda | 2014-07-09 11:16:54 +0200 (mer. 09 juil. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Scalar::Util with XS is mandatory.
The pure-perl version of Scalar::Util::looks_like_number() was unstable.  To force using XS version, check existence of List::Util::XS provided by Scalar-List-Utils 1.20 or later.

r11142 | sikeda | 2014-07-09 06:01:33 +0200 (mer. 09 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_time.t

[-dev] typo.
r11141 | sikeda | 2014-07-09 05:57:11 +0200 (mer. 09 juil. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_time.t

[-bug] (r10731) Use zone name ("Europe/Paris") instead of abbreviated code ("CEST-2").  Latter sometimes won't take account of daylight saving.

Note: Since not all Unix-like systems adopt Olson's zoneinfo, zone name is not portable.

r11140 | sikeda | 2014-07-09 05:34:12 +0200 (mer. 09 juil. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm

[dev] Sort packet in bulkmailer_table by delivery_date, not reception_date (the time packet was stored).

r11139 | sympa-authors | 2014-07-08 12:04:14 +0200 (mar. 08 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po

[dev]Committing updated translations.
r11137 | sympa-authors | 2014-07-08 12:02:04 +0200 (mar. 08 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.39
r11131 | sikeda | 2014-07-07 10:43:17 +0200 (lun. 07 juil. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] If SCRIPT_FILENAME CGI environment variable is not set (this is possible on nginx), wwsympa.fcgi crashes.
Check SCRIPT_FILENAME only when it is set.

r11130 | sikeda | 2014-07-06 07:45:48 +0200 (dim. 06 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (con'd r11129) Add subtitle to lists page.
r11129 | sikeda | 2014-07-06 07:36:06 +0200 (dim. 06 juil. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm

[feature] Limit the number of lists in "Your lists" menu.  New robot parameter "your_lists_size" defines the number: 0 means none listed; negative means unlimited number (this is previous behavior).  Default is 10.
It will make pages be loaded faster, e.g. when the system administrator is the admin of almost all lists.

r11128 | sikeda | 2014-07-06 06:11:26 +0200 (dim. 06 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[-dev] Check existence of parameter of expression [list->parameter] in scenario.
r11127 | sikeda | 2014-07-06 06:03:19 +0200 (dim. 06 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm

[-dev] Suppress non-critical warning.
r11126 | sikeda | 2014-07-05 12:09:51 +0200 (sam. 05 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[dev] For virtual hosts, the sympa addresses were not correctly set in service message.
r11094 | sikeda | 2014-07-02 11:04:43 +0200 (mer. 02 juil. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm

[svn] Retrieving latest modification from sympa-6.1-branch.
r11070 | etiennemeleard | 2014-06-24 12:00:53 +0200 (mar. 24 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r11094

[-feature] Propagate choosen list descriptors (name, template, description ...) so that they can be used in create_list scenarios.

r11069 | etiennemeleard | 2014-06-24 11:59:01 +0200 (mar. 24 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r11094

[feature] Now CustomCondition can set the action to take (do_it, reject ...) by setting $_, this allows for complex, single-module CustomConditions.

r11009 | sikeda | 2014-06-18 09:54:30 +0200 (mer. 18 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
Fision via : r11094

[bug] When lock_method is "nfs", Lock files in the spool are removed.
Fixed by skipping files with ".lock" or ".NFSLock" extension.

r11093 | sikeda | 2014-06-29 10:23:52 +0200 (dim. 29 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[dev] Added PODs to several modules.
r11092 | sikeda | 2014-06-29 08:47:25 +0200 (dim. 29 juin 2014) | 15 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Now List::get_lists() can handle complex query.
- Sympa::Family object can be taken as the first argument.
- Changed $options argument from hashref to hash pairs.
- List subject and so on matches case-insensitively.
- 'filter_query' options was renamed to 'filter'.
- 'order' and 'limit' options are added.
- 'use_files' option is deprecated.  Use 'reload_config' instead.

- List::get_which() became a thin wrapper of get_lists().
- List::get_lists_db() and List::get_which_db() were deprecated.
- Structure of list_table was changed.  Especially, creation_epoch_list is no longer dateteme but int(11), UNIX time.

ToDo: Sync value of total_list field with $list->{total}.

r11091 | sikeda | 2014-06-28 06:15:11 +0200 (sam. 28 juin 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/POTFILES.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm:11066)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm:11068)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm:11066)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm:11082)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Config_XML.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/CookieLib.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorInformix.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm:11088)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm:11086)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTML
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/HTML/FormatText.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm:11075)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LDAP.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm:11088)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm:11088)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[svn] (con'd r10649) Retrieving layout changes done on trunk (#1/3).
- HTML::myFormatText was renamed to Sympa::HTML::FormatText.
- Keep Sympa::DBManipulatorInformix.

Bounce.pm and Conf.pm are not renamed at present.

r10252 | rousse | 2014-02-17 16:57:20 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/listdef.pm:10247)
   D /trunk/src/lib/listdef.pm
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename listdef package to Sympa::listdef
r10251 | rousse | 2014-02-17 16:53:32 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   D /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm:10247)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename LDAPSource package to Sympa::LDAPSource
r10250 | rousse | 2014-02-17 16:50:49 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAP.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm:10247)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Ldap package to Sympa::LDAP
r10248 | rousse | 2014-02-17 16:47:15 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   D /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/HTML/MyFormatText.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm:10247)
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Language package to Sympa::Language
r10221 | rousse | 2014-02-10 18:24:39 +0100 (lun. 10 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/HTML
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/HTML/MyFormatText.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm:10217)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename HTML::myFormatText package to Sympa::HTML::MyFormatText
r10220 | rousse | 2014-02-10 18:22:29 +0100 (lun. 10 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
Fision via : r11091

[dev] kill local HTML::myFormatText package definition
r10219 | rousse | 2014-02-10 18:16:33 +0100 (lun. 10 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Fetch.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm:10217)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Fetch package to Sympa::Fetch
r10218 | rousse | 2014-02-10 18:14:30 +0100 (lun. 10 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   D /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm:10217)
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Family package to Sympa::Family
r10188 | rousse | 2014-01-20 17:27:09 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm:10183)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename DBManipulatorSybase package to Sympa::DBManipulatorSybase
r10187 | rousse | 2014-01-20 17:25:35 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm:10183)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename DBManipulatorSQLite package to Sympa::DBManipulatorSQLite
r10186 | rousse | 2014-01-20 17:22:00 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm:10183)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename DBManipulatorPostgres package to Sympa::DBManipulatorPostgres
r10185 | rousse | 2014-01-20 17:19:53 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm:10183)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename DBManipulatorOracle package to Sympa::DBManipulatorOracle
r10184 | rousse | 2014-01-20 17:17:45 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm:10183)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename DBManipulatorMySQL package to Sympa::DBManipulatorMySQL
r10183 | rousse | 2014-01-20 17:12:59 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm:10168)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename DBManipulatorDefault package to Sympa::DBManipulatorDefault
r10182 | rousse | 2014-01-20 17:06:56 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm:10168)
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Datasource package to Sympa::Datasource
r10181 | rousse | 2014-01-20 17:02:12 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/CookieLib.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/cookielib.pm:10168)
   D /trunk/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/wwslib.pm
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename cookielib package to Sympa::CookieLib
r10180 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:58:48 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Config_XML.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm:10168)
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Config_XML package to Sympa::Config_XML
r10179 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:54:19 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ConfDef.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm:10168)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename confdef package to Sympa::ConfDef
r10178 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:46:15 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r11091

[dev] fix wrong namespace
r10176 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:36:24 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   D /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm:10172)
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Commands package to Sympa::Commands
r10175 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:31:11 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm:10168)
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Bulk package to Sympa::Bulk
r10173 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:25:45 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   D /trunk/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Auth.pm:10168)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Auth package to Sympa::Auth
r10172 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:18:49 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   D /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm:10168)
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename Archive package to Sympa::Archive
r10171 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:11:43 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
Fision via : r11091

[dev] no need to use own package namespace here
r10170 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:09:08 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11091

[dev] don't forget to change function namespaces too
r10169 | rousse | 2014-01-20 16:03:15 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm:10168)
   D /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r11091

[dev] rename admin package to Sympa::Admin
r11090 | sikeda | 2014-06-28 05:50:43 +0200 (sam. 28 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r11089 | sikeda | 2014-06-28 05:30:23 +0200 (sam. 28 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-dev] (r11083) more fixes.
r11088 | sikeda | 2014-06-27 17:28:25 +0200 (ven. 27 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd 10739) Suppress one more.
r11087 | sikeda | 2014-06-27 16:14:25 +0200 (ven. 27 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r11086 | sikeda | 2014-06-27 15:43:08 +0200 (ven. 27 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm

[-dev] New Family::get_families() obsoleting Family::get_available_families().
r11085 | sikeda | 2014-06-27 14:56:50 +0200 (ven. 27 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] (r11083) more typo.
r11084 | sikeda | 2014-06-27 14:48:27 +0200 (ven. 27 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] (r11083) typo.
r11083 | sikeda | 2014-06-27 14:11:52 +0200 (ven. 27 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] During subscription to family list, exclusion_table cannot update correctly.  Fixed by inserting a dummy value "family:<listname>" into list_exclustion column.

ToDo: Deletion of family entry from exclusion_table().
r11082 | sikeda | 2014-06-27 13:43:24 +0200 (ven. 27 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] Scenario: accessessing nonexistent robot parameters.  Check if parameters are really exist.
r11081 | sikeda | 2014-06-27 13:30:24 +0200 (ven. 27 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-dev] Prevent ghost entries in @confdef::params.
r11075 | sikeda | 2014-06-25 08:32:43 +0200 (mer. 25 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm

[-dev] Suppress redundant $robot arguments: It may be derived from $list arguments.
r11068 | sikeda | 2014-06-24 09:18:40 +0200 (mar. 24 juin 2014) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[feature] Behavior of one time ticket lock-out is configurable.
Two new robot parameters were introduced:
* one_time_ticket_lockout:
  - "one_time" won't allow access again.  This is previous behavior.
  - "remote_addr" will lock the ticket on remote address accessed at first time.
  - "open" will never lock-out tickets.
* one_time_ticket_lifetime:
  Duration before ticket expires.  Default is "2d", previous hardcoded value.

r11067 | sikeda | 2014-06-24 09:15:44 +0200 (mar. 24 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/LockedFile.t

[-dev] (con'd r11007) Updating tests.
r11062 | sikeda | 2014-06-23 16:25:44 +0200 (lun. 23 juin 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.pl (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.in:11054)

[feature] sympa.spec with required package list up-to-date is generated at the time of "make dist".

sympa.spec.in was replaced with sympa.spec.pl which outputs spec file.

r11047 | sikeda | 2014-06-20 06:32:16 +0200 (ven. 20 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r10739) Suppress more.
r11046 | sikeda | 2014-06-20 05:40:57 +0200 (ven. 20 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm

[-dev] typo.
r11045 | sikeda | 2014-06-20 05:28:09 +0200 (ven. 20 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm

[-bug] SQLite: Everytime database structure is updated, autoincrement field is altered by dropping then adding primary key.
Because _get_field_type() returned "integer" instead of "integer PRIMARY KEY" for autoincrement field.

r11042 | sikeda | 2014-06-19 16:06:54 +0200 (jeu. 19 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm

[-bug] SQLite: Newly created table has a field "temporary INT", because SQLite does not support "DROP COLUMN".
Omit this field during copying table when another field is added.

r11041 | sikeda | 2014-06-19 16:03:20 +0200 (jeu. 19 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[-bug] SDM::add_field() sets primary key only when it is single primary key of the table.
Though it will fail if primary key has already existed, such behavior is considered to be appropriate.

r11025 | sikeda | 2014-06-19 08:06:46 +0200 (jeu. 19 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[dev] Removing tables related to OAuth: Their definitions are moved under ext/.
r11024 | sikeda | 2014-06-19 05:21:09 +0200 (jeu. 19 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2

[-bug] Reduced excessive newlines in message_report.tt2.
r11011 | sikeda | 2014-06-18 14:46:11 +0200 (mer. 18 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r10739) Suppress once more.

r11010 | sikeda | 2014-06-18 10:38:54 +0200 (mer. 18 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r10739) Suppress a few more.
r11008 | sikeda | 2014-06-18 09:36:25 +0200 (mer. 18 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[bug] Lock files in the spool are removed.
Fixed by skipping files with ".LOCK" extension.

r11007 | sikeda | 2014-06-18 09:30:17 +0200 (mer. 18 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm

[change] File extension of lock files are changed from ".lock" to ".LOCK", because lowercase name can conflict with domain part in the future.

r11001 | sikeda | 2014-06-18 07:55:56 +0200 (mer. 18 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[feature] Now sympa.pl discards (ignores) messages without message ID (Message-Id: header field).  Such messages will cause several troubles.

r11000 | sikeda | 2014-06-18 06:17:59 +0200 (mer. 18 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-dev] Cleanup.  $list->{mtime} was renamed its key to $list->{_mtime} and it is now hashref.

r10999 | sikeda | 2014-06-18 05:42:31 +0200 (mer. 18 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm

[-bug] In plain digest, replacement of attachment always contains excessive ":".  It is due to that, when alt attribute is undefined, encode_utf8() returns "", not undef.
r10987 | sikeda | 2014-06-16 15:51:40 +0200 (lun. 16 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-bug] Append newline at end of the reformatted text part.  Lack of such newline may trouble a few MUAs.
r10980 | sikeda | 2014-06-16 11:47:32 +0200 (lun. 16 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-change] Modified summary.tt2 to avoid exceeding empty lines.
r10979 | sikeda | 2014-06-16 10:39:22 +0200 (lun. 16 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-feature] sympa.pl: Added new option --send_digest to send out digest immediately.  If --keep_digest is also specified, stored digest will not be removed (digest will be sent again later).

r10978 | sikeda | 2014-06-16 10:25:25 +0200 (lun. 16 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2

[-bug] Message-ID in each message compiled into digest plain was not message ID but serial number.
r10977 | sikeda | 2014-06-16 10:21:13 +0200 (lun. 16 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[-bug] When multiple messages are added into archive, they are not sorted.
r10976 | sikeda | 2014-06-15 07:17:18 +0200 (dim. 15 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] Domain can be missing in the result of tools::get_message_id().
r10975 | sikeda | 2014-06-15 04:55:02 +0200 (dim. 15 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[dev] Dprecating merge_msg() & merge_data().
r10974 | sikeda | 2014-06-15 02:13:46 +0200 (dim. 15 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm

[dev] tt2::parse_tt2() does not output error log anymore.  By this change, tt2 module became independent from Log module.

r10973 | sikeda | 2014-06-15 01:53:15 +0200 (dim. 15 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-bug] (con'd r10942, r10966) test_personalize() won't check messages if no subscribers with sending mode.
Make this function be always check available modes of list using senders as recipient.

r10972 | sikeda | 2014-06-15 01:47:20 +0200 (dim. 15 juin 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[-dev] (con'd r10960) Corrections.
- Added dsn.tt2 to default/Makefile.am.
- Allow site context on bulk sending.

r10966 | sikeda | 2014-06-14 14:37:39 +0200 (sam. 14 juin 2014) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[bug][#8497][Reported by S. Shipway, Univ. of Auckland] If mailmerge TT2 processing fails, a blank email is distributed.

- wwsympa/send_mail: Roughly test personalization before the message is sent.
- sympa::DoMessage: Test personalization and if it failed, reject message and send DSN.
- bulk: If personalization failed during bulk processing, abort and inform it to listmaster.

ToDo: Mark failed bulk packet as "bad" and keep it.

r10960 | sikeda | 2014-06-14 11:20:24 +0200 (sam. 14 juin 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/dsn.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2:10944)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[dev] New List::send_dsn() to send DSN with null envelope sender.

ToDo: Change sympa.pl to send DSN.

r10958 | sikeda | 2014-06-14 05:54:33 +0200 (sam. 14 juin 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-feature] To get message topics, perform Unicode-aware case-insensitive match using fc() and index() instead of using regexps.

As a side-work,
- Message::get_header() is added.
- Now List::automatic_tag() and List::compute_topic() take Message instance as arguments.

r10945 | sikeda | 2014-06-13 16:08:49 +0200 (ven. 13 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10944 | david.verdin | 2014-06-13 15:17:23 +0200 (ven. 13 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10945

[bug] A missing dollar sign made sympa.pl crash when an automatic lst could not be created.
r10911 | david.verdin | 2014-06-10 17:11:25 +0200 (mar. 10 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10945

[bug] When parameter dkim_signature_apply_on contained the value 'dkim_authenticated_messages', DKIM signing was used even for unsigned messages or messages containing an unvalid DKIM signature. Fixed by testing that DKIM verification passed before deciding if we need to add a DKIM signature.

r10943 | sikeda | 2014-06-13 14:00:40 +0200 (ven. 13 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[-bug] syslog() in Sys::Syslog <= 0.07 which are bundled in Perl <= 5.8.7 pass $message to sprintf() even when no arguments are given.  As a workaround, always pass format string '%s' along with $message.

r10942 | sikeda | 2014-06-13 13:57:31 +0200 (ven. 13 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[dev] New Message::test_personalize() to check if messages sent to all subscribers of a list can be successfully personalized.
r10932 | sikeda | 2014-06-13 00:03:35 +0200 (ven. 13 juin 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[bug] Bodies of urlized parts were raw UTF-8.  Made them be encoded by correct charset and transfer-encoding.
As a side effect:
- Added Message::as_string().
- Moved mail::reformat_message() to Message::reformat_utf8_message().
- mail::fix_parts() now became internal function Message::_fix_utf8_parts().
- Simplified mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2.

r10931 | sikeda | 2014-06-12 15:17:04 +0200 (jeu. 12 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev] Removing unneccessary codes and updating module lists.
r10926 | sikeda | 2014-06-12 12:16:22 +0200 (jeu. 12 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[bug] urlize mode alters parts recursively, that is, parts like attached signed messages will be broken.  Get back to behavior on 6.1, altering only top-most level.

r10925 | sikeda | 2014-06-12 11:47:36 +0200 (jeu. 12 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[bug] Body of urlized part may be double-encoded.
On MIME-tools 5.501 or later, MIME::Head::recommended_filename() returns Unicode values ("utf8 flag" set).  Fixed by encoding them to UTF-8.

r10924 | sikeda | 2014-06-12 11:25:46 +0200 (jeu. 12 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev] reformatting.
r10915 | sikeda | 2014-06-11 15:58:49 +0200 (mer. 11 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[dev] decorate_message(), formerly List::add_parts() or Message::add_parts(), was renamed to _decorate_parts() as a module-internal function.
As side effects, variable names $part were replaced with $entity.

r10914 | sikeda | 2014-06-11 15:18:43 +0200 (mer. 11 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Remove protection by eval {} which swallows all fatal errors.
r10913 | sikeda | 2014-06-11 15:15:25 +0200 (mer. 11 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Don't terminate argument of die() with newline.
r10912 | sikeda | 2014-06-11 06:42:52 +0200 (mer. 11 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[dev] Refactoring.  Moved a part of List::send_msg() to Message::prepare_message_according_to_mode(); Moved List::add_parts() to Message::decorate_parts() (notice renamed).

r10910 | sikeda | 2014-06-10 16:49:35 +0200 (mar. 10 juin 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] Refactoring: New List::get_recipients_per_mode() and List::get_digest_recipients_per_mode() as separate subs.

As a side effect:
List::send_msg_digest() was renamed to distribute_digest().
List::send_msg() and List::restore_suspended_subscription() are changed their calling conventions.

r10909 | sikeda | 2014-06-10 16:08:43 +0200 (mar. 10 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev] Added Message::get_id().
r10908 | sikeda | 2014-06-10 15:02:14 +0200 (mar. 10 juin 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm

[-bug] Mail command "SET <list> NOT_ME" was not supported.

ToDo: Merge this feature info suspend feature.

r10907 | sikeda | 2014-06-09 14:58:11 +0200 (lun. 09 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[-dev] Cleaning POD.
r10906 | sikeda | 2014-06-08 13:42:04 +0200 (dim. 08 juin 2014) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[dev] Move merge_msg() and merge_data() from Bulk to Message module.

Side effect: Added new methods to Message module:
- personalize()
- personalize_text()
- as_entity()
- set_entity().
and now Message instances have {message_id} attribute.

r10905 | sikeda | 2014-06-08 09:22:11 +0200 (dim. 08 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-change] Made legacy_character_support_feature & log_socket_type be editable.
r10904 | sikeda | 2014-06-08 08:51:28 +0200 (dim. 08 juin 2014) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] If footer_type is "append" and header/footer include characters beyond charset of target part, they are not appended.  Fixed as:
- On text/plain, fallback to UTF-8.
- On text/html, use HTML entity.  Because charset metadata in original body is difficult to change.

Other fixes:
- text/plain: Add newline at end of footer as neccessity.
- text/html: Header/footer will be inserted inside of <body> element.

r10903 | sikeda | 2014-06-08 02:39:24 +0200 (dim. 08 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10878 | david.verdin | 2014-06-06 18:06:45 +0200 (ven. 06 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10903

[-bug] Removing call to DAta::Dumper, useless and making message sending to fail.
r10876 | david.verdin | 2014-06-06 17:52:05 +0200 (ven. 06 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10903

[-bug] Fixing typo: missing right curly bracket.
r10875 | david.verdin | 2014-06-06 17:44:04 +0200 (ven. 06 juin 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10903

[bug] Various problems related to DMARC:
1- dmarc_protection_mode was not correctly taken as default for lists configuration because it was not split into an array by Conf.pm. Fixed in main and robot config.
2- Net::DNS can now be considered mandatory. Added to the module dependencies as such with the latest packaged version for RHEL 6.
3- Added debug and error logs while addressing DMARc issues.

r10902 | sikeda | 2014-06-08 02:07:51 +0200 (dim. 08 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent fixes from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10860 | david.verdin | 2014-06-06 11:33:42 +0200 (ven. 06 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r10902

[bug][#7318][Fixed by V. Bonamy, univ. Rouen] When usingUTF-8 encoded data, data were twice encoded before being setn by the SOAP server. Fixed by decoding from UTF-8 any text data.

r10858 | david.verdin | 2014-06-06 10:58:13 +0200 (ven. 06 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
Fision via : r10902

[bug] Scenarios were not evaluated for DKIM auth level, because DKIM signature was found invalifd. This was due - again - by the usage of MIME::Entity::as_string to store the message as string. Fixed by simply storing the raw data from message file instead of using this sub.

r10827 | david.verdin | 2014-06-04 15:14:25 +0200 (mer. 04 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r10902

[bug] DKIM parameterswere not correctly loaded and dkim_signer_domain parameter was not correctly defaulted to the list service domain.

r10728 | sikeda | 2014-05-24 16:02:36 +0200 (sam. 24 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10902

[-dev] fixed non-fatal obsoleted syntax.
r10727 | sikeda | 2014-05-24 16:00:56 +0200 (sam. 24 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10902

[bug] Fixed typos broke ldap_alias_manager.pl.
r10725 | sikeda | 2014-05-24 02:49:31 +0200 (sam. 24 mai 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10902

[bug] WWSympa may crash due to unknown subroutine when:
- Anonymous user accesses to $wwsympa_url/signoff/LIST/EMAIL, i.e. specifying email but not logging-in.
- User does not exist in user_table.

This causes because wwslib::init_passwd() called in wwsympa.fcgi doesn't have qualified name.  Use qualified name and do fix another logical bug on unknown variable.

r10713 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 11:18:40 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10902

[svn] Backport bug fix from sympa-6.2-branch.
r10901 | sikeda | 2014-06-08 01:46:09 +0200 (dim. 08 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm

[-dev] Encode is a mandatory module.
r10900 | sikeda | 2014-06-08 00:26:55 +0200 (dim. 08 juin 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] Each components has --help/--log_level|--version options.

ToDo: Refactoring.

r10899 | sikeda | 2014-06-08 00:18:53 +0200 (dim. 08 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r10897) also bulk.pl.
r10898 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 23:15:59 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[-dev] (r10891) typo.
r10897 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 15:52:52 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[feature] "sympa.pl --health_check" checks config files, database connection and structure, and data structure version.  It is invoked at first time in sympa init script and reports errors if any.
Instead, daemons such as sympa.pl no longer check database structure nor data version.

r10896 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 10:04:35 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-feature] Added sympa.pl --export_list
r10895 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 09:47:12 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Now usage is fully shown by pod2usage().
r10894 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 07:03:53 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] Only privileged users can run sympa.pl --help|--version.  They were processed after loading config, database detection etc.
r10893 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 06:33:54 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-dev] Added a manpage.
r10892 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 06:31:03 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Crash.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm:10849)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-feature] Separate module Sympa::Crash to register crash handler.

Known issue: On wwsympa.fcgi, handler seems to be cleared after INIT.

r10891 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 06:27:40 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[-bug] fetch() may not catch timeout if __DIE__ handler is overwritten.
r10890 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 04:38:34 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r10889 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 03:09:39 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Do die in case of critical system errors instead of Log::fatal_err() so that backtrace will be shown.

r10888 | sikeda | 2014-06-07 02:07:48 +0200 (sam. 07 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Use tools::get_mtime() instead of (stat)[9] to compare time of files.

r10862 | david.verdin | 2014-06-06 11:44:52 +0200 (ven. 06 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm

[-bug] Retrieving SOAP UTF-8 bug fix from branch 6.1, rev 10830.

r10857 | sikeda | 2014-06-06 05:41:23 +0200 (ven. 06 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_file.t

[dev] Adding new function tools::get_mtime() which returns sufficiently small value if the file is not found or is not readable.

r10856 | sikeda | 2014-06-06 03:10:35 +0200 (ven. 06 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] (r10826) typo.
r10855 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 23:30:35 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[-dev] typo.
r10854 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 23:22:44 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-feature] Daemons refer additional module search path specified by SYMPALIB environment variable.  And all daemons supports --config/-f command line option.

r10853 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 17:02:35 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Normalize log messages for wwsympa/fcgi.
r10852 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 16:36:01 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] wwslog() failed to format log: excessive parenthese added.

r10849 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 15:29:17 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Normalize log messages (except in wwsympa.fcgi).
- Use sprintf format instead of string interpolation: Latter is potentially insecure.
- Function/method names in messages are removed because they are automatically prepended by Log::do?log().
- Otheer cosmetic issues.

r10847 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 14:00:09 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.in

[-dev] Update sympa.spec.in except on requirement list.
r10846 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 13:56:33 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-dev] Repair dist list in Makefile.
r10845 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 13:55:15 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-feature] Daemons will terminate safely when they catch SIGINT.  Useful for foreground mode.

Known bug: bounced.pl does not support foreground mode.

r10844 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 13:41:13 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-dev] (con'd r10748,10768) Also suppress redundant log entries about send_notify_to_user().
r10843 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 13:32:39 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm

[-bug] typo.
r10842 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 13:29:29 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r10739) Suppress yet more.
r10841 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 13:23:25 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm

[-bug] Stop MHonArc warning "Unrecognized variable" yyyy & mois.
r10840 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 13:20:18 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] tools::a_is_older_than_b() logs error everytime one of files does not exist.
Silently return undef in such cases.

r10839 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 13:15:05 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] queue files in msg spool are not sorted by date.
r10838 | sikeda | 2014-06-05 13:12:07 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm

[-bug] typo.
r10830 | david.verdin | 2014-06-05 10:50:30 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] Retrieving bug fix from r10829 in 6.1 branch.

r10829 | david.verdin | 2014-06-05 10:42:35 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r10830

[bug] When using DKIM, both DKIM and S/MIME signatures were broken. This was due to the usage of MIME::Entity->as_string that rewrapped the message body to 60 columns - thus changing the character string of the message body and probably also the \015\12 end of line required to get valid DKIM signatures. Fixed by storing the message body fed to Mail::DKIM and concatenating it to the new headers containing the DKIM signature.

r10826 | david.verdin | 2014-06-04 12:14:06 +0200 (mer. 04 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] Retrieving fix from [r10825] in 6.1 branch.

r10825 | david.verdin | 2014-06-04 12:05:05 +0200 (mer. 04 juin 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10826

[bug] When using binary cache for list configs, if the main config (sympa.conf or wwsympa.conf) was changed, binary cache were still used. Problem: These bainary cache contain default values taken from main config. If these values were changed in main config, they were not updated in binary cache. Fixed by testing the last modification time for sympa.conf and wwsympa.conf against the binary_cache last update time.

r10787 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-28 17:46:16 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10786 | sikeda | 2014-05-28 17:28:18 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Complete package use lists of each sources and fixed typos found during that work.  Additionally, don't use Carp as less as possible: use die/warn.
r10447 | rousse | 2014-03-18 16:42:45 +0100 (mar. 18 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r10786

[bug] revert commit #10446, my mistake
r10446 | rousse | 2014-03-18 16:41:07 +0100 (mar. 18 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r10786

[dev] enforce strict pragma
r10785 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-28 17:23:57 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10784 | sikeda | 2014-05-28 17:07:16 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.perltidy

[-dev] Some corrections and additions.
r10783 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-28 16:34:36 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10782 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-28 15:39:42 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10781 | sikeda | 2014-05-28 13:27:17 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] (r10776) fixed injected bug.

r10776 | sikeda | 2014-05-28 10:06:02 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[bug] log_smtp parameter and --mail command line option have no effect.  There are two reasons:
- Since sympa.pl sets the flag to log SMTP before robot context is determined, flag is always cleared.
- bulk.pl doesn't set that flag in the first place.

As a side effect, bulk.pl became using per-robot log_smtp settings.

r10770 | sikeda | 2014-05-27 10:53:16 +0200 (mar. 27 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[-bug] a quoted value "'0'" was passed as numric to sprintf in SDM::do_query().  Fortunately it was not fatal, it seems the good reason to use SDM::do_prepared_query().
r10769 | sikeda | 2014-05-27 10:08:09 +0200 (mar. 27 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-dev] (fix r10750) correct injected bug.
r10768 | sikeda | 2014-05-27 03:39:22 +0200 (mar. 27 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r10748) Also suppress redundant log entries noticing error in List::send_notify_to_owner() and List::send_notify_to_editor().

r10767 | sikeda | 2014-05-27 03:36:50 +0200 (mar. 27 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc.pm

[bug] Undefined function message() and wwslog() may crash WWSympa.
r10766 | sikeda | 2014-05-27 03:26:08 +0200 (mar. 27 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] Added List::get_id().
r10765 | sikeda | 2014-05-27 00:20:16 +0200 (mar. 27 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[-dev] auto_increment checking is always logged.  Stop it.
r10751 | sikeda | 2014-05-26 16:52:48 +0200 (lun. 26 mai 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] send_file() overwrites cached list member info.
'date' and 'update_date' are changed to formatted ones in-place multiple times.
As a workaround, create a copy of user info and then modify it.

ToDo: Perform formatting on uppermost levels such as on tt2 parsing.

r10750 | sikeda | 2014-05-26 15:59:11 +0200 (lun. 26 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] Factorize columns of subscriber_table.  Use List::_list_member_cols() instead of listing all columns of the table in each SQL statement.
r10749 | sikeda | 2014-05-26 13:59:18 +0200 (lun. 26 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] (con'd r10739) Suppress a bit more.
r10748 | sikeda | 2014-05-26 10:43:35 +0200 (lun. 26 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Suppress redundant log entries noticing error in List::send_notify_to_listmaster().

r10747 | sikeda | 2014-05-26 09:48:58 +0200 (lun. 26 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-dev] List::get_family() no longer outputs redundant logs.
r10746 | sikeda | 2014-05-26 09:30:38 +0200 (lun. 26 mai 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[dev] Improvement to Log::do_log().
- Log::do_log() can handle object arguments.  If a parameter value is blessed and implements method named get_id(), its result is used.
- 'err' log outputs simple tracebak but line numbers and sub routine names were lagged.  Fixed.
- Logs will be output to STDERR while syslog has not been setup.  So, Log::do_log() may be used instead of "print STDERR" in Conf.pm.

As a side effect, wwsympa::wwslog() slides into Log::do_log() not consuming call stack.

r10745 | sikeda | 2014-05-26 06:28:24 +0200 (lun. 26 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] (con'd r10739)  Suppress more.

r10744 | sikeda | 2014-05-26 04:41:22 +0200 (lun. 26 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm

[-dev] typo.
r10743 | sikeda | 2014-05-26 00:31:25 +0200 (lun. 26 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] typo.
r10742 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 16:37:37 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r10739) Suppress more.
r10741 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 12:59:44 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[-dev] Use of $Carp::CarpLevel is not recommended.
r10740 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 09:06:45 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r10739) suppress more.
r10739 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 07:51:16 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Suppress most of runtime warnings.

r10738 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 05:10:16 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_data.t

[-feature] New utility function tools::smart_eq() to compare scalars.
r10736 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 04:11:23 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_time.t

[-svn] (r10735) Correct tests too.
r10735 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 04:08:33 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[svn] Retrieving a modification from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10734 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 03:50:44 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r10735

[-bug] tools::date_conv() ignored hour part.
r10731 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 03:05:32 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_time.t

[-dev] Fix time zone during testis on time-related functions().

Other known problem:
date_conv('2012y') does not get expected result '1325372400' but '1325368800' on my computer.

r10730 | sikeda | 2014-05-25 02:30:48 +0200 (dim. 25 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_data.t (de /trunk/t/tools_data.t:10421)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_file.t (de /trunk/t/tools_file.t:10421)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/tools_time.t (de /trunk/t/tools_time.t:10421)

[svn] Retrieving some recent additions on unittests from trunk.
r10637 | rousse | 2014-05-19 17:01:20 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/tools_time.t
Fision via : r10730

[dev] kill parse_time() function tests
r10611 | rousse | 2014-05-14 09:15:53 +0200 (mer. 14 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/tools_data.t
Fision via : r10730

[dev] workaround hash randomization effects
r10421 | rousse | 2014-03-13 19:14:19 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/t/tools_data.t
   A /trunk/t/tools_file.t
   A /trunk/t/tools_time.t
Fision via : r10730

[dev] reintroduce a first set of unit tests from sympa-cleanup branch for new Sympa::Tools::* packages
r10729 | sikeda | 2014-05-24 16:07:38 +0200 (sam. 24 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] A cosmetic change.
r10726 | sikeda | 2014-05-24 07:18:18 +0200 (sam. 24 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[-dev] eliminate unuseful information from traceback.
r10724 | sikeda | 2014-05-24 01:49:31 +0200 (sam. 24 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.charset
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.charset.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.charset:10722)

[-dev] Replace paths described in README.charset.

r10723 | sikeda | 2014-05-24 01:05:15 +0200 (sam. 24 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.config

[dev] Made doc/README* and doc/dot.perltidyrc to be installed into $docdir, and removed README.config which is redundant to etc_README.

r10143 | rousse | 2014-01-13 14:36:10 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/doc/README.config
Fision via : r10723

[dev] drop README.config, no need to duplicate sympa guide content
r10722 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 17:59:19 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.perltidy
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/dot.perltidyrc

[-feature] Bundling .perltidyrc and description on it.
r10721 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 17:25:50 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 29 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/add-lang.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/check_locales.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/xgettext.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Sympa/Extractor.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arcrepair.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/find_missing_messages.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[*change] Reformatting Perl sources using perltidy,
except: src/lib/Challenge.pm, src/lib/WebAgent.pm and files under ext/.
Additionally reparing long comment lines.

Used configuration for perltidy (.perltidyrc) is approximately:
------------ >8 ------------ >8 ------------ >8 ------------
# Differences from PBP are marked *.
-bar   # Opening brace always on right (* no)
-bbt=1 # Medium block brace tightness
-bt=2  # Strong brace tightness (* 1)
-ce    # Cuddled else (* no)
-cti=0 # No extra indentation for closing brackets
-i=4   # Indent level is 4 cols
-ci=4  # Continuation indent is 4 cols
-l=78  # Max line witdh is 78 cols
-nolc  # Don't outdent long comments (* -olc)
-nolq  # Don't outdent long quoted strings
-nsbl  # No opening sub brace on new line (* -sbl)
-nsfs  # No space before semicolons
-pt=2  # Strong parenthesis tightness (* 1)
-sbcp='#' # Don't format non-static block comments automatically (* '##')
-sbt=2 # Strong square bracket tightness (* 1)
-se    # Errors to STDERR
#-st   # Output to STDOUT
-vt=2  # Maximal vertical tightness
-wba="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & >= < = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x="
# Break after all operators
------------ 8< ------------ 8< ------------ 8< ------------

r10162 | sikeda | 2014-01-17 17:21:26 +0100 (ven. 17 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/po/sympa/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaspoolClassic.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/listdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10721

[dev] Repaired long comment lines.
r10161 | sikeda | 2014-01-17 17:01:01 +0100 (ven. 17 janv. 2014) | 28 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/po/sympa/check_locales.pl
   M /trunk/po/sympa/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/arcrepair.pl
   M /trunk/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/find_missing_messages.pl
   M /trunk/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/KeySpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Messagespool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SubscribeSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaspoolClassic.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/listdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/moddef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10721

[dev] Reformatting Perl sources using perltidy,
except: src/lib/Challenge.pm, src/lib/time_utils.pm, src/lib/WebAgent.pm
and files under ext/.

Used configuration for perltidy (.perltidyrc):

# Differences from PBP are marked *.
-bar   # Opening brace always on right (* no)
-bbt=1 # Medium block brace tightness
-bt=2  # Strong brace tightness (* 1)
-ce    # Cuddled else (* no)
-cti=0 # No extra indentation for closing brackets
-i=4   # Indent level is 4 cols
-ci=4  # Continuation indent is 4 cols
-l=78  # Max line witdh is 78 cols
-nolq  # Don't outdent long quoted strings
-nolc  # Don't outdent long comments (* -olc)
-nsbl  # No opening sub brace on new line (* -sbl)
-nsfs  # No space before semicolons
-pt=2  # Strong parenthesis tightness (* 1)
-sbt=2 # Strong square bracket tightness (* 1)
-se    # Errors to STDERR
#-st   # Output to STDOUT
-vt=2  # Maximal vertical tightness
-wba="% + - * / x != == >= <= =~ !~ < > | & >= < = **= += *= &= <<= &&= -= /= |= >>= ||= .= %= ^= x="
# Break after all operators

r10719 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-23 17:12:57 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.38
r10718 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 14:52:54 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[-dev] Fixed broken method calls by r10697.

r10716 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-23 11:45:20 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.37
r10715 | david.verdin | 2014-05-23 11:40:26 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po

[-release] Tagging version 6.2a.36
r10712 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 11:13:07 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug]  con'd r10709) more fixes.
r10711 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-23 10:47:33 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10710 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 10:37:29 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2/review.tt2

[-bug] (con'd r10709) more fixes.
r10709 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 10:26:33 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[bug] Fixed several misspellings of the word "occurrence(s)" in sources.

r10708 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 10:12:52 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] French spelling in English messages and variable names: "receipient" and "adresse".

*NOTE*: On bulkmailer_table, a column is named "recEipients_bulkmailer"; it should not be changed.

r10707 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 09:30:11 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[-dev] spelling fix: "Ldap" to "LDAP".
r10706 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 09:27:27 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Won't use exported symbols anymore, and use "base" pragma instead of "our @ISA" magic variable.

r10387 | rousse | 2014-03-10 16:38:22 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/HTML/MyFormatText.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/KeySpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/MessageSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SubscribeSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Transport.pm
Fision via : r10706

[dev] enforce usage of base pragma for inheritance

Exception: Sympa::Transport relies on SOAP::Transport::HTTP::FCGI package, which
is actually contained by SOAP/Transport/HTTP.pm module

r10382 | rousse | 2014-03-10 15:57:46 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ClassicSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/HTML/MyFormatText.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log/Database.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log/Syslog.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r10706

[dev] stop exporting symbols outside current package, and always use
fully-qualified symbol name

r10703 | sikeda | 2014-05-23 05:02:52 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in

[-dev] (con'd r10699) Kill more indirect method calls.

r10702 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-22 18:38:10 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10701 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-22 18:17:02 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10699 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 17:31:06 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Won't use indirect method calls such as "new Class()".  Use "Class->new()" insead.

r10698 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-22 17:03:33 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10697 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 16:23:55 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Normalize function calls.
- Use "fn()" instead of "&fn" or "&fn()".
- Use fully-qualified name "PKG::fn" instead of exported "fn".

These changes are also to make current branch be more sync in trunk.

r10451 | rousse | 2014-03-19 09:30:58 +0100 (mer. 19 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log/Database.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Log/Syslog.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Cookie.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/File.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Text.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools/Time.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10697

[dev] second round of import cleanup: enforce consistant usage of fully-qualified function names

r10449 | rousse | 2014-03-18 20:11:38 +0100 (mar. 18 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/ClassicSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/KeySpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/MessageSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SOAP.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Session.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Spool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SubscribeSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Transport.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10697

[dev] first attempt to cleanup import list: load pragma first, then external packages, then Sympa packages, sorted alphabetically

r10448 | rousse | 2014-03-18 16:43:05 +0100 (mar. 18 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
Fision via : r10697

[dev] enforce strict pragma
r10696 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 16:03:53 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[-dev] Remove useless subroutine prototype.
r10695 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 15:25:36 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Replace tools::get_regexp() with Sympa::Regexps constants.
r10694 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 15:21:48 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm

[-dev] Compile regexps in Sympa::Regexps so that syntaxes are ensured to be correct at compilation time.

r10693 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 15:04:17 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-dev] Fixed obsoleted functions moved from Upgrade to SDM.

r10692 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 11:22:36 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-dev] typo.
r10691 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 11:05:51 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arcrepair.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Enforcing "strict" and "warnings" pragma to all sources.
Fixed compilation errors and warnings exposed by this change.
Additionally, removed unused modules from each source.

r10690 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 10:55:06 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-feature] Add section 3 manual pages generated from PODs in some modules.
Section is (3Sympa) to avoid conflict with other softwares.

Anyway, precise documentation is encouraged.

r10687 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 08:59:46 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/Makefile.in.in

[-dev] typo.
r10683 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 07:23:47 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/Makefile.in.in

[-dev] typo.
r10682 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 06:38:52 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot

[-dev] (fixed r10665) restoring broken sympa.pot.
r10681 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 06:31:05 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm

[-dev] typo.
r10680 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 06:29:39 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/xgettext.pl

[-bug] xgettext.pl missed gettext ID under several complex contexts.
r10679 | sikeda | 2014-05-22 05:18:45 +0200 (jeu. 22 mai 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/Makefile.in.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/add-lang.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/Makefile.in.in

[dev] gettext earlier than 0.18 won't support --lang option.
Alternatively, add a script add-lang.pl to maintain "Language:" field.

r10674 | david.verdin | 2014-05-21 17:39:34 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/Makefile.in.in

[dev] Getting rid of --lang= options (unsupported in RHEL5).

r10673 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 15:54:01 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] (r10671) PODs organization.
r10672 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 15:33:45 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in

[-dev] (r10671) typo.
r10671 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 15:23:43 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in

[-feature] Daemons and a few support utilities have their docmentation with POD format.  Manual pages will be generated from them during installation.

doc/man8/ directory for separate POD was removed.

r10670 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 14:33:47 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am

[dev] (r10649) Some executables will keep earlier location.
- On trunk, sympa_soap_client.pl was moved to $bindir but it is kept in $scriptdir.
- alias_manager.pl in $sbindir; ldap_alias_manager.pl and mysql_alias_manager.pl in $scriptdir.  They are located there for compatibility with 6.1. 

r10669 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 14:28:11 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/LINGUAS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/LINGUAS

[-feature] Add en_US catalogs to LINGUAS.
"en" has become an alias of "C" locale.  "en_US" represents actual human language, English in US.

r10668 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 14:23:11 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/Makefile.in.in

[-bug] (r10649) catalogs are not updated.
r10667 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 14:19:04 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-bug] (r10649) initial sympa.conf is not generated.
r10666 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 14:09:38 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[-dev] broken gettext ID.
r10665 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-21 13:01:59 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10664 | david.verdin | 2014-05-21 11:31:24 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Removing "my" pragma that redefined the global "$param" hash reference.

r10663 | david.verdin | 2014-05-21 11:30:22 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po

[dev] Committing updated catalogues.

r10662 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 08:57:40 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-dev] (con'd r10660) added a test to distribution.
r10661 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 08:51:22 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[dev] Use Sympa::Regexps instead of tools::get_regexp() to avoid dependency loop.

r10660 | sikeda | 2014-05-21 08:49:10 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Regexps.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm:10659)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Regexps.t

[-feature] Separating collection of regexps in tools.pm as a new module Sympa::Regexps.
"Sympa::Regexps::<type>" would be used instead of (a bit slower) "tools::get_regexp(type)".

r10659 | david.verdin | 2014-05-20 17:27:41 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm

[dev] Adding DateTime::TimeZone to the dependencies as this module is needed by DateTime::Format::Mail and not automatically installed by CPAN.
Note : The version defined id the latest available in RHEL 5... ;)

r10658 | sikeda | 2014-05-20 16:53:23 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/find_missing_messages.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in

[svn] Retrieving more cosmetic fixes from trunk.
r10168 | rousse | 2014-01-20 15:57:32 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/find_missing_messages.pl
   M /trunk/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/KeySpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Messagespool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SubscribeSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaspoolClassic.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/listdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/moddef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/t/Language.t
Fision via : r10658

[dev] drop textwidth setting from vim modeline, too much invasive
r10164 | rousse | 2014-01-20 15:29:03 +0100 (lun. 20 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /trunk/src/libexec/aliaswrapper.c
   M /trunk/src/libexec/familyqueue.c
   M /trunk/src/libexec/queue.c
   M /trunk/src/libexec/virtualwrapper.c
Fision via : r10658

[dev] C sources deserve a standard file header (svn keyword + copyright assignement) too
r10657 | david.verdin | 2014-05-20 16:41:21 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am

[dev] Commenting man?_MANS variables in Makefile.am to let Sympa be installed until POD comments are available.

r10653 | sikeda | 2014-05-20 15:17:13 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/time_utils.pm

[-dev] Removed more unused modules.
r10652 | sikeda | 2014-05-20 15:12:28 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/OAuthProvider.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/VOOTConsumer.pm
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/VOOTProvider.pm

[-dev] Removed unused some modules.
r10651 | sikeda | 2014-05-20 15:04:40 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am

[svn] Retrieving more fixes from trunk.
r10160 | sikeda | 2014-01-17 15:19:40 +0100 (ven. 17 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10651

[-dev] fixed error during merge.
r10156 | rousse | 2014-01-13 19:41:19 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/libexec/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/sbin/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10651

[dev] man pages are generated from generated scripts, not from sources
r10650 | sikeda | 2014-05-20 14:39:47 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mkinstalldirs
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/find_missing_messages.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/aliaswrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/virtualwrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www

[svn] Retrieving several changes from trunk.
r10155 | rousse | 2014-01-13 19:39:03 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sbin/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10650

[dev] fix missing line continuation
r10154 | rousse | 2014-01-13 17:43:01 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/mkinstalldirs
Fision via : r10650

[dev] remove autotools helper script from repository
r10152 | rousse | 2014-01-13 17:05:56 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/find_missing_messages.pl
   M /trunk/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/KeySpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Messagespool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SubscribeSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaspoolClassic.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/listdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10650

[dev] enforce uniform file header

r10151 | rousse | 2014-01-13 16:36:08 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaspoolClassic.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
Fision via : r10650

[dev] enforce uniform end of file for perl modules
r10150 | rousse | 2014-01-13 16:24:32 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r10650

[dev] drop useless package SOAP::XMLSchema1999::Serializer, containing only commented code
r10148 | rousse | 2014-01-13 16:13:47 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testldap.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/BounceMessage.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/KeySpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Marc.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Messagespool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SubscribeSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaspoolClassic.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskInstruction.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/TaskSpool.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/User.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/listdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/moddef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/aliaswrapper.c
   M /trunk/src/libexec/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/libexec/familyqueue.c
   M /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/libexec/queue.c
   M /trunk/src/libexec/virtualwrapper.c
   M /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10650

[dev] enforce uniform svn properties for all source files

svn:eol-style set to native
svn:keywords set to Id

r10147 | rousse | 2014-01-13 16:05:43 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi
Fision via : r10650

[dev] directory forgotten in commit #*10144
r10144 | rousse | 2014-01-13 15:52:59 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/default
   M /trunk/po
   M /trunk/po/sympa
   M /trunk/po/web_help
   M /trunk/src
   M /trunk/src/bin
   M /trunk/src/libexec
   M /trunk/src/sbin
   M /trunk/t
   M /trunk/www
Fision via : r10650

[dev] update svn:ignore property
r10649 | sikeda | 2014-05-20 10:04:44 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/README.charset
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/auth.conf (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/auth.conf:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/ca-bundle.crt (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/ca-bundle.crt:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/charset.conf (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/charset.conf:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/crawlers_detection.conf (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/crawlers_detection.conf:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list.conf (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list.conf:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/create_list_templates (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/edit_list.conf (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/edit_list.conf:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/global_task_models (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/global_task_models:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/ldap_alias_entry.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/ldap_alias_entry.tt2:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/ldap_alias_manager.conf (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/ldap_alias_manager.conf:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/list_aliases.tt2.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/list_task_models (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/list_task_models:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mail_tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/mime.types (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/mime.types:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/nrcpt_by_domain.conf (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/nrcpt_by_domain.conf:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/scenari (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/sympa.wsdl (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa.wsdl:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/topics.conf (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/topics.conf:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/default/web_tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2:10631)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.charset (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/README.charset:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.config (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/README:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/README.postfix (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/README.postfix:10631)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sample
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/samples (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sample:10631)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/samples/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/samples/families (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/families:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/samples/sampleClient.php (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sampleClient.php:10631)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/LINGUAS
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makevars
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/POTFILES.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/af.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/check_locales.pl
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eo.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/io.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nn_NO.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/remove-potcdate.sin
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/rm.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/LINGUAS (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/LINGUAS:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/Makefile.in.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makefile.in.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/Makevars (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makevars:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/POTFILES.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/POTFILES.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/af.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/af.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ar.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/bg.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/br.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ca.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/check_locales.pl (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/check_locales.pl:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/cs.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/de.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/el.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/en_US.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eo.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eo.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/es.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/et.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/eu.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fi.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/fr.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/gl.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/hu.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/id.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/io.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/io.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/it.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ja.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ko.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/la.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ml.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nb_NO.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nl.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/nn_NO.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nn_NO.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/oc.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pl.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/pt_BR.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/remove-potcdate.sin (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/remove-potcdate.sin:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/rm.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/rm.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ro.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/ru.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sv.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/sympa.pot (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/terminology.pot (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/terminology.pot:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/tr.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/vi.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/xgettext.pl (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/xgettext.pl:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_CN.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa/zh_TW.po (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po:10631)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/terminology.pot
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa:10631)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/Makevars
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/web_help/POTFILES.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/xgettext.pl
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/README.postfix
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/aliaswrapper.c
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/arcrepair.pl (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/arcrepair.pl:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Oracle (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle:10648)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Pg (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg:10648)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.SQLite (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite:10648)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.Sybase (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase:10648)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/create_db.mysql (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql:10648)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/find_missing_messages.pl (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/find_missing_messages.pl:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testldap.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in:10631)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Makefile.am:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in:10631)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/README
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/auth.conf
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/ca-bundle.crt
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/charset.conf
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/crawlers_detection.conf
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list.conf
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/families
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/global_task_models
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/ldap_alias_entry.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/ldap_alias_manager.conf
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/list_task_models
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/nrcpt_by_domain.conf
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/arcrepair.pl
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/find_missing_messages.pl
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/js
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/topics.conf
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Auth.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bounce.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Challenge.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Challenge.pm:10631)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Marc:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Marc.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Marc.pm:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaSession.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/SympaTransport.pm:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/cookielib.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/sympasoap.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/wwslib.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/aliaswrapper.c (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/aliaswrapper.c:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/bouncequeue.c (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bouncequeue.c:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/familyqueue.c (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/familyqueue.c:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/queue.c (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/queue.c:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/libexec/virtualwrapper.c (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/virtualwrapper.c:10631)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/queue.c
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/archived.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_newaliases.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in:10631)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/virtualwrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/compile_executables.t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/compile_modules.t
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am:10631)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/icons (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/icons:10631)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/icons/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/js:10631)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/www/js/tinymce

[svn] Retrieving layout changes done on trunk.  Exceptions:
- sympa_wizard.pl.in is placed in sbindir to keep compatibility with 6.1.
- aliaswrapper.c and virtualwrapper.c are no longer built.
- sympa_newaliases.pl.in and sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c are added in sbindir and libexecdir.

r10145 | rousse | 2014-01-13 16:01:52 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in
Fision via : r10649

[dev] no need for executable bit
r10123 | rousse | 2014-01-02 17:48:17 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/doc/sample
   A /trunk/doc/samples (de /trunk/doc/sample:10122)
Fision via : r10649

[dev] rename doc/sample to doc/samples: they are several samples
r10122 | rousse | 2014-01-02 17:47:05 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/doc/sample/families (de /trunk/src/etc/families:10116)
   D /trunk/src/etc/families
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move family exemple files under doc/sample
r10121 | rousse | 2014-01-02 17:40:49 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
Fision via : r10649

[dev] simplification: no need for a makefile in sample subdirecty
r10120 | rousse | 2014-01-02 17:40:42 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] simplification: no need for a makefile in sample subdirecty
r10119 | rousse | 2014-01-02 17:36:49 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sample/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] cleanup files list, and add sampleClient.php
r10117 | rousse | 2014-01-02 17:20:16 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/default/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/default/mail_tt2 (de /trunk/default/templates/mail:10116)
   D /trunk/default/templates
   A /trunk/default/web_tt2 (de /trunk/default/templates/web:10112)
   D /trunk/default/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/po/sympa/POTFILES.in
   M /trunk/po/web_help/POTFILES.in
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move templates files back:
- default/templates/mail -> default/mail_tt2
- default/templates/web -> default/web_tt2

This simplify installation process, and allows to get rid of two useless
configure variables (webtemplatedir and mailtemplatedir)

r10116 | rousse | 2014-01-02 17:01:13 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa/POTFILES.in
Fision via : r10649

[dev] drop obsolete comment
r10115 | rousse | 2014-01-02 16:58:58 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/default/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/default/templates/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/default/templates/mail/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/default/templates/web/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] simplification: no need to makefiles in templates subdirectories
r10114 | rousse | 2014-01-02 16:53:34 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa/POTFILES.in
   M /trunk/po/web_help/POTFILES.in
Fision via : r10649

[dev] update files location
r10113 | rousse | 2014-01-02 16:34:27 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/default/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/default/templates/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/po/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/cgi/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] add forgotten makefiles
r10112 | rousse | 2014-01-02 16:27:42 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   A /trunk/default/templates
   A /trunk/default/templates/mail (de /trunk/mail_tt2:10105)
   A /trunk/default/templates/web (de /trunk/web_tt2:10105)
   D /trunk/mail_tt2
   D /trunk/web_tt2
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move all templates under default/templates
r10111 | rousse | 2014-01-02 16:21:01 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] fix list of distributed files
r10110 | rousse | 2014-01-02 16:15:25 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/README.charset
   A /trunk/doc/README.charset (de /trunk/README.charset:10105)
   A /trunk/doc/README.config (de /trunk/src/etc/README_etc:10105)
   A /trunk/doc/README.postfix (de /trunk/src/README.postfix:10105)
   D /trunk/src/README.postfix
   D /trunk/src/etc/README
   D /trunk/src/etc/README_etc
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move various README files into doc directory
r10109 | rousse | 2014-01-02 16:09:49 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa/Makevars
   M /trunk/po/web_help/Makevars
Fision via : r10649

[dev] fix some translation variables:
- copyright holder is now renater
- perl code files use utf-8

r10108 | rousse | 2014-01-02 16:06:30 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   A /trunk/po/web_help (de /trunk/po-wwsympa:10105)
   M /trunk/po/web_help/Makevars
   D /trunk/po-wwsympa
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move web_help catalog translation files under po/web_help
r10107 | rousse | 2014-01-02 16:04:17 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   D /trunk/po/LINGUAS
   D /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   D /trunk/po/Makevars
   D /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   D /trunk/po/af.po
   D /trunk/po/ar.po
   D /trunk/po/bg.po
   D /trunk/po/br.po
   D /trunk/po/ca.po
   D /trunk/po/check_locales.pl
   D /trunk/po/cs.po
   D /trunk/po/de.po
   D /trunk/po/el.po
   D /trunk/po/en.po
   D /trunk/po/es.po
   D /trunk/po/et.po
   D /trunk/po/eu.po
   D /trunk/po/fi.po
   D /trunk/po/fr.po
   D /trunk/po/gl.po
   D /trunk/po/hu.po
   D /trunk/po/id.po
   D /trunk/po/it.po
   D /trunk/po/ja.po
   D /trunk/po/ko.po
   D /trunk/po/la.po
   D /trunk/po/ml.po
   D /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   D /trunk/po/nl.po
   D /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   D /trunk/po/oc.po
   D /trunk/po/pl.po
   D /trunk/po/pt.po
   D /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   D /trunk/po/remove-potcdate.sin
   D /trunk/po/ro.po
   D /trunk/po/ru.po
   D /trunk/po/sv.po
   A /trunk/po/sympa
   A /trunk/po/sympa/LINGUAS (de /trunk/po/LINGUAS:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/Makefile.in.in (de /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/Makevars (de /trunk/po/Makevars:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/POTFILES.in (de /trunk/po/POTFILES.in:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/af.po (de /trunk/po/af.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/ar.po (de /trunk/po/ar.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/bg.po (de /trunk/po/bg.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/br.po (de /trunk/po/br.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/ca.po (de /trunk/po/ca.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/check_locales.pl (de /trunk/po/check_locales.pl:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/cs.po (de /trunk/po/cs.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/de.po (de /trunk/po/de.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/el.po (de /trunk/po/el.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/en.po (de /trunk/po/en.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/es.po (de /trunk/po/es.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/et.po (de /trunk/po/et.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/eu.po (de /trunk/po/eu.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/fi.po (de /trunk/po/fi.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/fr.po (de /trunk/po/fr.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/gl.po (de /trunk/po/gl.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/hu.po (de /trunk/po/hu.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/id.po (de /trunk/po/id.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/it.po (de /trunk/po/it.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/ja.po (de /trunk/po/ja.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/ko.po (de /trunk/po/ko.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/la.po (de /trunk/po/la.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/ml.po (de /trunk/po/ml.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/nb_NO.po (de /trunk/po/nb_NO.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/nl.po (de /trunk/po/nl.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/nn_NO.po (de /trunk/po/nn_NO.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/oc.po (de /trunk/po/oc.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/pl.po (de /trunk/po/pl.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/pt.po (de /trunk/po/pt.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/pt_BR.po (de /trunk/po/pt_BR.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/remove-potcdate.sin (de /trunk/po/remove-potcdate.sin:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/ro.po (de /trunk/po/ro.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/ru.po (de /trunk/po/ru.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/sv.po (de /trunk/po/sv.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/sympa.pot (de /trunk/po/sympa.pot:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/terminology.pot (de /trunk/po/terminology.pot:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/tr.po (de /trunk/po/tr.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/vi.po (de /trunk/po/vi.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/xgettext.pl (de /trunk/po/xgettext.pl:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/zh_CN.po (de /trunk/po/zh_CN.po:10105)
   A /trunk/po/sympa/zh_TW.po (de /trunk/po/zh_TW.po:10105)
   D /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   D /trunk/po/terminology.pot
   D /trunk/po/tr.po
   D /trunk/po/vi.po
   D /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   D /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   D /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move sympa catalog translation files under po/sympa
r10106 | rousse | 2014-01-02 15:48:53 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/soap
   D /trunk/wwsympa
Fision via : r10649

[dev] drop now empty directories
r10105 | rousse | 2014-01-02 15:48:17 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/INSTALL
   D /trunk/wwsympa/README
Fision via : r10649

[dev] drop useless and almost empty doc files

r10104 | rousse | 2014-01-02 15:46:36 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/doc/sample/sampleClient.php (de /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php:10096)
   D /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move sample php file under doc/sample
r10103 | rousse | 2014-01-02 15:45:29 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   A /trunk/default
   A /trunk/default/auth.conf (de /trunk/src/etc/auth.conf:10096)
   A /trunk/default/ca-bundle.crt (de /trunk/src/etc/ca-bundle.crt:10096)
   A /trunk/default/charset.conf (de /trunk/src/etc/charset.conf:10096)
   A /trunk/default/crawlers_detection.conf (de /trunk/src/etc/crawlers_detection.conf:10096)
   A /trunk/default/create_list.conf (de /trunk/src/etc/create_list.conf:10096)
   A /trunk/default/create_list_templates (de /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates:10096)
   A /trunk/default/edit_list.conf (de /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf:10096)
   A /trunk/default/global_task_models (de /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models:10096)
   A /trunk/default/ldap_alias_entry.tt2 (de /trunk/src/etc/ldap_alias_entry.tt2:10096)
   A /trunk/default/ldap_alias_manager.conf (de /trunk/src/etc/ldap_alias_manager.conf:10096)
   A /trunk/default/list_aliases.tt2.in (de /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2.in:10096)
   A /trunk/default/list_task_models (de /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models:10096)
   A /trunk/default/mhonarc-ressources.tt2 (de /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2:10096)
   A /trunk/default/mime.types (de /trunk/wwsympa/mime.types:10096)
   A /trunk/default/nrcpt_by_domain.conf (de /trunk/src/etc/nrcpt_by_domain.conf:10096)
   A /trunk/default/scenari (de /trunk/src/etc/scenari:10096)
   A /trunk/default/sympa.wsdl (de /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl:10096)
   A /trunk/default/topics.conf (de /trunk/src/etc/topics.conf:10096)
   D /trunk/soap/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/etc/auth.conf
   D /trunk/src/etc/ca-bundle.crt
   D /trunk/src/etc/charset.conf
   D /trunk/src/etc/crawlers_detection.conf
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list.conf
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates
   D /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   D /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models
   D /trunk/src/etc/ldap_alias_entry.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/ldap_alias_manager.conf
   D /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2.in
   D /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models
   D /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/nrcpt_by_domain.conf
   D /trunk/src/etc/scenari
   D /trunk/src/etc/topics.conf
   D /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/wwsympa/mime.types
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move every default configuration file under default directory
r10102 | rousse | 2014-01-02 15:43:53 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] add forgotten www subdirectory
r10101 | rousse | 2014-01-02 15:42:37 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] drop man page generation rules
r10100 | rousse | 2014-01-02 15:42:19 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/bin/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/libexec/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/sbin/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] add forgotten makefiles

r10098 | rousse | 2014-01-02 13:26:40 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   A /trunk/www/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/www/icons/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/www/js/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] merge subdirectory makefiles into a single one
r10097 | rousse | 2014-01-02 13:22:07 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/js
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons
   A /trunk/www
   A /trunk/www/icons (de /trunk/wwsympa/icons:10085)
   M /trunk/www/icons/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/www/js (de /trunk/src/etc/script/js:10096)
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move all web static files under www
r10096 | rousse | 2014-01-02 13:17:18 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce
Fision via : r10649

[dev] don't ship a private, obsolete, and vulnerable version of tinymce
r10095 | rousse | 2014-01-02 13:10:26 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/bin
   A /trunk/src/bin/arc2webarc.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/arcrepair.pl (de /trunk/src/etc/script/arcrepair.pl:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/create_db.Oracle (de /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/create_db.Pg (de /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/create_db.SQLite (de /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/create_db.Sybase (de /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/create_db.mysql (de /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/crypt_passwd.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/find_missing_messages.pl (de /trunk/src/etc/script/find_missing_messages.pl:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/init_comment.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/mod2html.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/p12topem.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/sympa_soap_client.pl.in (de /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/sympa_wizard.pl.in (de /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/testldap.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/testlogs.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/bin/tpl2tt2.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in:10085)
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/arcrepair.pl
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/find_missing_messages.pl
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move all sympa ponctual usage scripts under src/bin
r10094 | rousse | 2014-01-02 12:53:42 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c
   D /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/familyqueue.c
   A /trunk/src/libexec
   A /trunk/src/libexec/alias_manager.pl.in (de /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/libexec/aliaswrapper.c (de /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c:10085)
   A /trunk/src/libexec/bouncequeue.c (de /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c:10085)
   A /trunk/src/libexec/familyqueue.c (de /trunk/src/familyqueue.c:10085)
   A /trunk/src/libexec/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/libexec/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/libexec/queue.c (de /trunk/src/queue.c:10085)
   A /trunk/src/libexec/virtualwrapper.c (de /trunk/src/virtualwrapper.c:10085)
   D /trunk/src/queue.c
   D /trunk/src/virtualwrapper.c
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move wrappers and alias managers under src/libexec
r10093 | rousse | 2014-01-02 12:41:56 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] cleanup: drop useless variable
r10092 | rousse | 2014-01-02 12:41:23 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] cleanup: enforce lexical ordering
r10091 | rousse | 2014-01-02 12:37:02 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
Fision via : r10649

[dev] update files location
r10090 | rousse | 2014-01-02 12:35:38 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   A /trunk/src/sbin
   A /trunk/src/sbin/archived.pl.in (de /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/sbin/bounced.pl.in (de /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/sbin/bulk.pl.in (de /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/sbin/sympa.pl.in (de /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in:10085)
   A /trunk/src/sbin/task_manager.pl.in (de /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in:10085)
   D /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   D /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   D /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move all sympa daemons under src/sbin
r10089 | rousse | 2014-01-02 12:27:29 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
Fision via : r10649

[dev] update files location
r10088 | rousse | 2014-01-02 12:26:38 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   D /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/SympaTransport.pm (de /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm:10085)
   A /trunk/src/lib/sympasoap.pm (de /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm:10085)
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move forgotten soap interface perl modules in the src/lib directory
r10087 | rousse | 2014-01-02 12:24:52 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   D /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   A /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c (de /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c:10085)
   A /trunk/src/cgi/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in (de /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in:10085)
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move soap interface cgi files under src/cgi
r10086 | rousse | 2014-01-02 12:14:12 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/cgi
   A /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c (de /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c:10085)
   A /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in (de /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in:10085)
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move wwwsympa cgi files under src/cgi
r10085 | rousse | 2014-01-02 10:16:17 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   A /trunk/src/lib/Auth.pm (de /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm:10083)
   A /trunk/src/lib/Challenge.pm (de /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm:10083)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/Marc (de /trunk/wwsympa/Marc:10083)
   A /trunk/src/lib/Marc.pm (de /trunk/wwsympa/Marc.pm:10083)
   A /trunk/src/lib/SharedDocument.pm (de /trunk/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm:10083)
   A /trunk/src/lib/SympaSession.pm (de /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm:10083)
   A /trunk/src/lib/cookielib.pm (de /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm:10083)
   A /trunk/src/lib/wwslib.pm (de /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm:10083)
   D /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   D /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/wwsympa/Marc
   D /trunk/wwsympa/Marc.pm
   D /trunk/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   D /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   D /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
Fision via : r10649

[dev] move all perl modules in the same src/lib directory
r10084 | rousse | 2014-01-02 10:09:01 +0100 (jeu. 02 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10649

[dev] drop references to Voot and OAuth files not existing anymore
r10648 | sikeda | 2014-05-19 22:39:11 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10468 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-21 11:48:20 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r10648

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.20
r10467 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-21 11:41:36 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10459 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-21 10:38:12 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10458 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-21 10:16:33 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/io.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nn_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/io.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nn_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10410 | sikeda | 2014-03-13 04:18:39 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/io.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nn_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/rm.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/io.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nn_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature] Committing recent translations from Pootle

r10210 | sympa-authors | 2014-02-05 15:08:16 +0100 (mer. 05 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r10648

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.19
r10209 | sympa-authors | 2014-02-05 14:57:35 +0100 (mer. 05 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10208 | sympa-authors | 2014-02-05 14:37:01 +0100 (mer. 05 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/io.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/io.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10197 | sympa-authors | 2014-01-24 14:10:05 +0100 (ven. 24 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r10648

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.18
r10196 | sympa-authors | 2014-01-24 13:54:33 +0100 (ven. 24 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10195 | sympa-authors | 2014-01-24 13:32:45 +0100 (ven. 24 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10128 | sikeda | 2014-01-06 04:21:43 +0100 (lun. 06 janv. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r10648

[-bug] (reverted r10070) withdrawing partial fix which make things worse.
It would rather be postponed.

r10082 | david.verdin | 2013-12-31 12:05:40 +0100 (mar. 31 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/queue.c
Fision via : r10648

[dev] Reverting revision [#10043] which broke the queue programs (no mails were put in spools anymore).

r10080 | sympa-authors | 2013-12-30 15:42:37 +0100 (lun. 30 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10079 | sympa-authors | 2013-12-30 15:26:01 +0100 (lun. 30 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10078 | sympa-authors | 2013-12-30 15:11:58 +0100 (lun. 30 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10077 | sympa-authors | 2013-12-30 14:28:58 +0100 (lun. 30 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10070 | sikeda | 2013-12-29 03:56:08 +0100 (dim. 29 déc. 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r10648

[bug] tools::get_filename() has been ignoring symbolic links.  Because "-r" file test operator returns false on symlinks.  Expand symlink paths by Cwd::abs_path() then test them by -r.

This will be a part of fixes for bug #7383.

r10043 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 09:00:49 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/queue.c
Fision via : r10648

[-bug] src/*queue.c: Suppress C compiler warnings

r10003 | sikeda | 2013-12-18 11:50:26 +0100 (mer. 18 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r10648

[-dev] (con'd r9995, r9996) typos.

r9999 | sikeda | 2013-12-16 16:58:19 +0100 (lun. 16 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10648

[dev] Reordered site/robot config parameters in confdef.pm.

r9996 | sikeda | 2013-12-14 10:15:25 +0100 (sam. 14 déc. 2013) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r10648

[dev] some fixes to r9995.
- Takes care of db types other than mysql & SQLite.
- Restored update_db_field_types no-auto case (l.1391-1396).
- Indentation fixes.

Needs tests.

r9995 | sikeda | 2013-12-14 10:07:27 +0100 (sam. 14 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r10648

[*bug][debian#642464] [Originally submitted by E Bouthenot, Debian Project] Initial installation or upgrade with SQLite fails.
cf. <http://bugs.debian.org/642464>

r9981 | sympa-authors | 2013-12-05 15:54:44 +0100 (jeu. 05 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r9980 | sympa-authors | 2013-12-05 15:30:39 +0100 (jeu. 05 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r8595 | sympa-authors | 2013-02-05 15:57:24 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r10648

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.17
r7961 | sympa-authors | 2012-11-16 15:41:56 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r10648

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.16
r7960 | sympa-authors | 2012-11-16 15:20:25 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7959 | sympa-authors | 2012-11-16 15:03:19 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7957 | sympa-authors | 2012-11-16 12:20:24 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7956 | sympa-authors | 2012-11-16 12:03:21 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7922 | sympa-authors | 2012-11-07 15:43:09 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7921 | sympa-authors | 2012-11-07 15:24:48 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7920 | sympa-authors | 2012-11-07 15:05:28 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7918 | sympa-authors | 2012-11-07 12:03:03 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r10648

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10631 | sikeda | 2014-05-19 14:31:58 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10550 | sikeda | 2014-04-27 15:07:36 +0200 (dim. 27 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10631

[-dev] (con'd r10541) Several new features contributed by S. Shipway.
And a few cleanups.
r10630 | sikeda | 2014-05-19 13:41:48 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po

[-bug] Fixing newline problems in a few catalogs.
r10629 | sikeda | 2014-05-19 06:57:38 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Language.pm

[-dev] (r10623) Finished work to switch from Language to Sympa::Language.
r10628 | sikeda | 2014-05-19 06:49:40 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/show_sessions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r10623) Kill unneccessary dependencies on Sympa::Language.

ToDo: Formatting Unix time values as native date would be done in templates on demand.

r10627 | sikeda | 2014-05-19 06:14:31 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r10623) Changes to switch from old-style locale to language tag.

r10626 | sikeda | 2014-05-19 06:11:27 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 14 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[feature] i18n titles in configuration.
- title.<lang> lines in scenario files are available again, though this feature was broken for a while.
- Now topics.conf recognizes "title.gettext" lines.
- scenario, task and topics.conf recognize "title" line for default title.

[-dev] (r10623) Canonicalize incoming language codes to language tags from old-style locale names:
- lang value in user_table
- title.<lang> line in scenario files
- title.<lang> line in task files
- title.<lang> line in topics.conf
- lang names in charset.conf
- lang parameters of list config, robot.conf and sympa.conf
Note that canonicalization will be done internally so that existing config must not be changed.

r10625 | sikeda | 2014-05-19 05:37:06 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (r10623) Change naming & calling converntions.
r10624 | sikeda | 2014-05-19 05:34:43 +0200 (lun. 19 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] (r10623) Change naming & calling converntions.
r10623 | sikeda | 2014-05-16 17:04:11 +0200 (ven. 16 mai 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-dev] Starting work to switch from Language to Sympa::Language.
See the log of r10529 on details.

r10622 | sikeda | 2014-05-16 15:53:44 +0200 (ven. 16 mai 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm

[dev] (con'd r10608) Got back maketext().  $textdomain argument was added.
Other cleanups: removed redundant code between dgettext() and gettext().

r10621 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-16 15:02:12 +0200 (ven. 16 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10620 | sympa-authors | 2014-05-16 14:12:00 +0200 (ven. 16 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/io.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10619 | sikeda | 2014-05-16 11:51:31 +0200 (ven. 16 mai 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug] tt2::maketext(): Numeric values are occasionally interpolated using inproper format: In many regions period (full stop) is not used for decimal point.
Made tools::sanitize_var() not to modify numeric values.

r10618 | sikeda | 2014-05-15 08:06:28 +0200 (jeu. 15 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm

[dev] force strict pragma to Commands.pm.
r10617 | sikeda | 2014-05-14 17:44:18 +0200 (mer. 14 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[feature] Now outputs by WWSympa have HTML5 document type definitions.

r10616 | sikeda | 2014-05-14 17:17:07 +0200 (mer. 14 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[change] Give tt2_error.tt2 the same layout with main page.

r10615 | sikeda | 2014-05-14 16:15:10 +0200 (mer. 14 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/xgettext.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm

[dev] (con'd r10608) more changes.

r10608 | sikeda | 2014-05-13 15:17:55 +0200 (mar. 13 mai 2014) | 20 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/xgettext.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Language.t

[dev] Rewriting Sympa::Language.
- Now Sympa::Language is singleton class.  Get instance using Sympa::Language->instance().
- Changed names of functions.
  CanonicLang     => canonic_lang
  ImplicatedLangs => implicated_langs
  Lang2Locale     => lang2locale
  Lang2Locale_old => lang2oldlocale (ex. Lang2Locale() in Language package)
  NegotiateLang   => negotiate_lang
- Changed names of methods (formerly functions).
  PushLang        => push_lang
  PopLang         => pop_lang (allows multiple arguments)
  SetLang         => set_lang (ditto)
  GetLangName     => native_name (optional argment was deprecated)
  GetLang         => get_lang
  sympa_dgettext  => dgettext
- Added a new method gettext_sprintf().  It will be extracted by po/xgettext.pl.
- Now POSIX locale will be set at inside of gettext_sprintf() and gettext_strftime().  Native strftime(), sprintf() etc. won't be affected by set_lang().
- maketext() was deprecated.
- GetCharset() was deprecated.  Use tools::lang2charset().

r10607 | sikeda | 2014-05-13 15:06:00 +0200 (mar. 13 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in

[-dev] cosmetic changes.
r10606 | sikeda | 2014-05-13 08:25:13 +0200 (mar. 13 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-change] Creates more directories in etcdir during installation: custom_conditions and data_sources.

r10605 | sikeda | 2014-05-13 08:22:07 +0200 (mar. 13 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm

[-dev] Removing redundant codes.

r10604 | sikeda | 2014-05-13 08:20:44 +0200 (mar. 13 mai 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] tools::get_filename() and tools::make_tt2_include_path() are renamed to tools::search_fullpath() and tools::get_search_path().  Since they have new calling convention, they are given new names.

As a side effect, Scenario::search() no longer takes both $robot and $list arguments.

r10587 | sikeda | 2014-05-11 13:44:37 +0200 (dim. 11 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm

[-bug] Commands::info(): title of scenarios were taken only from "title.gettext" lines.  Use get_current_title().

r10586 | sikeda | 2014-05-11 13:37:08 +0200 (dim. 11 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] new Scenario::get_current_title() to get i18n'ed title of scenarios.  It trys on "title.gettext", "title.<LANG>" then "title" lines in scenarios.

r10585 | sikeda | 2014-05-10 04:19:39 +0200 (sam. 10 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] obsoleting Language::GetCharset(): tools::lang2charset() should be used instead.  As a result, Language no longer depends on Conf.

r10584 | sikeda | 2014-05-09 09:04:36 +0200 (ven. 09 mai 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm

[dev] Language::maketext() was used only in tt2::maketext().  Merge former into latter.
Language::maketext() is obsoleted.

r10583 | sikeda | 2014-05-08 06:11:21 +0200 (jeu. 08 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm

[-dev] Uniform headers in sources.
r10582 | sikeda | 2014-05-08 06:06:19 +0200 (jeu. 08 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm

[-bug] broken gettext ID.
r10555 | david.verdin | 2014-05-07 12:05:55 +0200 (mer. 07 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm

[-bug] User attributes were not correctly parsed in Sympa::User::get_global_user. This was due to the change in wwsympa.fcgi.in not reported in this sub. In addition, the cating od $user->{attributes} from string to a hash led wwsympa.fcgi to crash.

r10554 | sikeda | 2014-05-07 10:18:22 +0200 (mer. 07 mai 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ListDef.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm:10546)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Separating list parameter definition to Sympa::ListDef package.
- $::pinfo is obsoleted.  Parameter definition should be got by tools::get_list_params($domain) as necessary.
- List::_apply_defaults() was deprecated.
- Use "fake list" (blessed hashref containing parameter values) to check constraint by the family.

r10553 | sikeda | 2014-05-07 09:56:07 +0200 (mer. 07 mai 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm

[dev] Removed unncessary Log::do_log() calls: LockedFile became independent from Log module.

r10552 | sikeda | 2014-05-07 09:27:33 +0200 (mer. 07 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] typos.
r10551 | sikeda | 2014-05-07 09:08:49 +0200 (mer. 07 mai 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] typo.
r10549 | sikeda | 2014-04-22 15:46:55 +0200 (mar. 22 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Language.t

[-dev] unneccessary @INC.
r10548 | sikeda | 2014-04-21 08:07:10 +0200 (lun. 21 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/ModDef.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in:10545)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[dev] Sympa::ModDef module defining CPAN modules has been separated from sympa_wizard.pl.

r10547 | sikeda | 2014-04-21 07:39:17 +0200 (lun. 21 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-dev] drop modules no longer used.

r10546 | sikeda | 2014-04-16 11:38:11 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10545 | sikeda | 2014-04-16 06:53:31 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10546

[-dev] (con'd r10541,10543) typo.
r10544 | sikeda | 2014-04-16 06:15:23 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10546

[-dev] (con'd r10541,10543) typo.
r10543 | sikeda | 2014-04-16 06:07:36 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10546

[dev] (con'd r10541) i18n concern:
- Added description for parameter values.
- Apply MIME encoding to anonymous From: header field.
Note that dmarc_protection.mail was renamed to dmarc_protection.other_email.

r10542 | sikeda | 2014-04-16 06:03:20 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r10546

[dev] Now tools::addrencode() can take optional "comment" argument.

r10541 | sikeda | 2014-04-15 13:39:01 +0200 (mar. 15 avril 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10546

[feature] [Submitted by S. Shipway, Univ. of Auckland] Workaround for aggressive DMARC policy such as yahoo.com.  The patch adds option #3 of this DMARC FAQ: http://dmarc.org/faq.html#s_3
- New list config paragraph "dmarc_protection" to munge "From:" header and put original header content erc. into comment.

r10540 | sikeda | 2014-04-13 10:56:51 +0200 (dim. 13 avril 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r10546

[change] New parameters for merged messages.
"part.description", "part.disposition", "part.encoding" and "part.type" may be used for each part of input messages.  These are all-lowercase (except "part.description").

r10539 | sikeda | 2014-04-13 10:10:44 +0200 (dim. 13 avril 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10546

[bug] If cache_list_db is "on" and list_table is empty, all users in user_table except listmaster will be purged.
To prevent information loss, made purge_user_table task not to use list_table cache.

r10538 | sikeda | 2014-04-12 10:05:43 +0200 (sam. 12 avril 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r10546

[bug][#7289][Reported by D Launay, RENATER] Signed mail body are altered.  Fixed by making following functions not to alter such parts:
- Bulk::merge_msg()
- List::_append_parts()

Backported from sympa-6.2-branch.

r10537 | sikeda | 2014-04-10 16:10:01 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/css.tt2
Fision via : r10546

[-change] Added new font-families to locale-specific CSS template.

r10536 | sikeda | 2014-04-10 16:08:22 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r10546

[-change] Give times of sessions precision to second.

r10535 | sikeda | 2014-04-10 15:50:12 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r10546

[bug][#9105] [Originally submitted by M. Howe, Univ. of Oxford] Session for multiple robots sharing same cookie domain is broken.
Fixed injected bug by fix for bug #6180: the sessions were limited to each virtual robot at the first access.  The patch was modified a bit.

r10534 | sikeda | 2014-04-09 06:22:11 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Language.t

[-bug] (con'd r10529, 10531) ImplicatedLang(): "super" language may override "sub" langauges when multiple arguments are given.  Make them to appear after.

r10532 | sikeda | 2014-04-08 10:33:05 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Language.t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/LockedFile.t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/compile_executables.t
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/compile_modules.t

[svn] Retrieving some recent modifications on unittests from trunk.

r10419 | rousse | 2014-03-13 19:09:14 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/Language.t
   M /trunk/t/LockedFile.t
   M /trunk/t/compile_executables.t
   M /trunk/t/compile_modules.t
Fision via : r10532

[dev] fix modelines
r10372 | rousse | 2014-03-06 10:06:46 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/LockedFile.t
Fision via : r10532

[dev] enforce plain english names usage for magic variables
r10369 | rousse | 2014-03-06 09:45:36 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/LockedFile.t
Fision via : r10532

[dev] enforce strict and warnings pragmas
r10360 | rousse | 2014-03-05 09:15:54 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/Language.t
   M /trunk/t/LockedFile.t
   M /trunk/t/compile_modules.t
Fision via : r10532

[dev] enforce consistent headers and svn properties

r10531 | sikeda | 2014-04-08 06:20:13 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm

[-dev] More cleanup.
bindtextdomain(), textdomain() and bind_textdomain_codeset() may be executed at once.  '_charset_' and '_encoding_' is now returns fixed value. etc.

r10530 | sikeda | 2014-04-07 10:32:53 +0200 (lun. 07 avril 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] Partially reverted r10529: Sympa::Language has not been incorpolated into software yet.  Only unit test is possible.

r10529 | sikeda | 2014-04-07 10:29:14 +0200 (lun. 07 avril 2014) | 18 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Language.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Language.pm:10481)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/Language.t
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/locale
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/locale/cs
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/sympa.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/web_help.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/locale/zh_TW
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/sympa.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/stub
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/stub/Sympa
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/stub/Sympa/Constants.pm

[change] Sympa::Language, rewriting of Language module to handle i18n.
The new module is committed for purpose of unit test.

Coming features:
- Language/locale contexts are identified by IETF language tags defined by RFC 5646 (BCP 47).  Older style "locale" by earlier releases would be canonicalized.
- System locale is not absolutely nessessary to add a new language: gettext catalog is required.
- If appropriate POSIX locale is not installed, gettext_strftime() emulates POSIX::strftime(): names of days, months etc. will be taken from catalog.
- Content negotiation used by HTTP 1.1 was implemented.

Internal changes:
- "Language:" field in PO header became mandatory to determine actually selected catalog.  Modified po/Makefile.in.in to run msgcat, msgen or msgmerge with --lang option.
- Dependent libintl-perl (Locale::Messages) requires 1.22 (virtually 1.23) or later to use locale-independent gettext_dumb feature.
- Default language context is fixed to "en" and no longer retrieved implicitly from site config (charset.conf).  $Language::default_lang was deprecated.

- Added unittest t/Language.t and several test data.
- Added test stub module for Sympa::Constants.

r10528 | sikeda | 2014-04-05 15:19:49 +0200 (sam. 05 avril 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] (con'd 10302) Date::Parse generates spurious result in several cases.  Use DateTime::Format::Mail instead.
Additionally, use Date::Format::strftime() which can generate more RFC-compliant result to format locale-independent dates in mail/HTTP headers.

r10480 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-26 15:40:56 +0100 (mer. 26 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.35
r10479 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-26 14:31:19 +0100 (mer. 26 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10478 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-26 13:40:52 +0100 (mer. 26 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r10477 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-26 11:53:10 +0100 (mer. 26 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po

[dev]Adding missing catalogues.
r10476 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-26 11:47:38 +0100 (mer. 26 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/io.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eo.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/io.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r10471 | sympa-authors | 2014-03-21 17:59:06 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.34
r10470 | david.verdin | 2014-03-21 17:48:02 +0100 (ven. 21 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[dev] Back to version alpah. We'll switch to beta once we have finished alpha testing.

r10454 | sikeda | 2014-03-20 09:00:30 +0100 (jeu. 20 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.

r10453 | sikeda | 2014-03-20 08:46:59 +0100 (jeu. 20 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10454

[-bug] Locale::Messages 1.16 or earlier does not have its own $VERSION variable.  Check the version of Locale::TextDomain instead.

r10452 | sikeda | 2014-03-20 08:39:18 +0100 (jeu. 20 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10454

[-bug] a typo in message.

r10441 | sikeda | 2014-03-18 03:22:04 +0100 (mar. 18 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r10454

[bug] Obsoleted parameter filesystem_encoding was not recognized during upgrade from the releases earlier than 5.3b.3.  Fixed bug introduced in r5656 with Conf::Conf::Ignored_Conf.

r10450 | sikeda | 2014-03-19 09:23:40 +0100 (mer. 19 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] (con'd r10436) more calling convention fixes.
r10442 | sikeda | 2014-03-18 05:35:08 +0100 (mar. 18 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] (con'd r10266) Remove unused functions tools::lock() and tools::unlock().

r10440 | sikeda | 2014-03-17 09:25:22 +0100 (lun. 17 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/compile_executables.t

[-dev] Added important_changes.pl to target of t/compile_executables.t
r10439 | sikeda | 2014-03-17 09:11:35 +0100 (lun. 17 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/xgettext.pl

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) Raw "&" characters were used in POD.

r10438 | sikeda | 2014-03-17 09:07:51 +0100 (lun. 17 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) Spurious null function prototypes.

r10437 | sikeda | 2014-03-17 05:15:09 +0100 (lun. 17 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] nonfatal typo.
r10436 | sikeda | 2014-03-16 01:46:19 +0100 (dim. 16 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] merge a recent fix for calling convention on trunk.
r10386 | rousse | 2014-03-10 16:23:58 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/cgi/wwsympa.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Site_r.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Tools.pm
Fision via : r10436

[dev] enforce consistant syntax for gettext_strftime() usage:
- explicit parenthesis
- no need for list context

r10435 | sikeda | 2014-03-16 01:39:08 +0100 (dim. 16 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-dev] "make check" may be run with TEST_FILES parameter to select required unittests.
r10434 | sikeda | 2014-03-16 01:37:39 +0100 (dim. 16 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm

[-dev] lacked module definitions
r10433 | sikeda | 2014-03-16 00:51:14 +0100 (dim. 16 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] typos.
r10432 | sikeda | 2014-03-15 08:46:15 +0100 (sam. 15 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2

[-bug] html_editor: Update example to those of TinyMCE 4.
Note that HTML composer is still buggy.
r10431 | sikeda | 2014-03-15 07:36:51 +0100 (sam. 15 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] (pre-beta fix) Log::fatal_error() won't work when configuration has not been loaded.  Use croak sprintf() or printf STDERR instead.

r10422 | sikeda | 2014-03-14 04:35:50 +0100 (ven. 14 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10377 | sikeda | 2014-03-08 00:51:42 +0100 (sam. 08 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
Fision via : r10422

[bug] sympa_newaliases fails to update aliases for virtual robot.
Conf::load_conf() won't load robot config if no_db option is true.  As a result, No virtual robots were recognized.

r10414 | sikeda | 2014-03-13 13:48:13 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) Make --with(out)-smrshdir and --with(out)-initdir to work correctly.

r10413 | sikeda | 2014-03-13 13:24:04 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[-bug] (pre-beta fix) HTTP_HOST environment variable is not usual in Web environment.  Use GATEWAY_INTERFACE instead.

r10412 | sikeda | 2014-03-13 13:20:19 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[-bug] Unimplemented slot 'connected' was checked.

r10407 | sikeda | 2014-03-12 15:31:46 +0100 (mer. 12 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[-bug] typo.
r10401 | sikeda | 2014-03-11 17:24:53 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/compile_executables.t (de /trunk/t/compile_executables.t:10388)

[svn] Retrieving an addition of unittest from trunk.

r10389 | rousse | 2014-03-10 16:58:35 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/t/compile_executables.t
Fision via : r10401

[dev] hardcode list of perl CGI executables, as using extension doesn't allow to differentiate from native wrappers
r10388 | rousse | 2014-03-10 16:53:21 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/t/compile_executables.t
Fision via : r10401

[dev] add executables compilation test
r10400 | sikeda | 2014-03-11 16:55:29 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Fix ugry formatting of traceback.

r10399 | sikeda | 2014-03-11 16:38:02 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] typo.
r10398 | sikeda | 2014-03-11 16:35:58 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug] (pre-beta fix) fc() was not available with Perl >= 5.16.

r10397 | sikeda | 2014-03-11 14:51:37 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Corrected typos.

r10396 | sikeda | 2014-03-11 13:36:33 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[-dev] Correct code broken by merge.

r10394 | sikeda | 2014-03-11 08:22:08 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[bug] (pre-beta fix) messagekey field of bulkspool_table would be text.  There are no use to change it to auto-increment type.

Note: bulkspool_table is planned to move file spool.

r10393 | sikeda | 2014-03-11 04:28:06 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/crash.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2:10363)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Show traceback when the process crashed.  May be useful to investigate abnormal termination.

r10381 | sikeda | 2014-03-10 10:42:28 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm

[-dev] typo.
r10380 | sikeda | 2014-03-10 09:28:13 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[bug] (pre-beta fix) SDM::probe_db() didn't set proper field type on auto-increment fields.
Incorrect access to %db_struct miss field types specific to DBMS, and try to add a spurious field named 'fields'.

r10379 | sikeda | 2014-03-08 15:09:54 +0100 (sam. 08 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in

[-dev] Change source encoding to UTF-8.
r10378 | sikeda | 2014-03-08 09:32:15 +0100 (sam. 08 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in

[-bug] bulk.pl: Signed messages may have duplicate headers.
Use split to get original message body instead of regex substitution.

r10376 | sikeda | 2014-03-07 04:03:39 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in

[-bug] crypt_passwd.pl: Suppress warning "Invalid conversion in sprintf: "%'"".

r10375 | sikeda | 2014-03-06 15:40:58 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[dev] Bump up version to 6.2b.1.

r10374 | sikeda | 2014-03-06 15:24:54 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] Kill SDM::db_get_handler().  DBD db handle should not be used directly.

r10373 | sikeda | 2014-03-06 10:40:24 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[bug] sympa.pl and other daemons crash when database access is gone, instead of keeping retry.

Now SDM::check_db_connect() keeps retry unless 'just_try' option is given.  As a result, when db connection is gone (or not available):
- SDM::db_get_handler() returns immediately.
- SDM::probe_db(), SDM::quote(), SDM::do_prepared_query() and SDM::do_query() stall while connection is restored.

- SDM::check_db_connect() should be used instead of SDM::connect_sympa_database() to wait for connection safely.
- SDM::db_get_handler() is not recommented.  DB handler should not be used directly.

r10368 | sikeda | 2014-03-06 07:39:48 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm

[-dev] SDM::do_disconnect() won't log error when DB handle had not been opened.
r10367 | sikeda | 2014-03-06 07:02:29 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[-bug] viewlogs: cannot filter logs by client IP which was ignored due to typo.
r10366 | sikeda | 2014-03-06 05:33:30 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/compile_modules.t

[-dev] (con'd r10363) Simplify unitttest script presuming "make check" will be invoked from the top of source tree.
r10365 | sikeda | 2014-03-05 14:57:34 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-bug] (con'd r10236) Default values for parameters formerly belong to wwsympa.conf aren't loaded.

r10364 | sikeda | 2014-03-05 13:35:48 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10355 | sikeda | 2014-03-05 05:58:57 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r10364

[bug] wwsympa/send_mail: Duplicate Message-ID: header field.
do_send_mail() feeds mail_file() a Message-ID as 'headers' parameter, but mail_file() didn't check it.

r10363 | sikeda | 2014-03-05 13:27:25 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/compile_modules.t (de /trunk/t/compile_modules.t:10315)

[svn] Retrieving an addition of unittest from trunk.
r10315 | rousse | 2014-02-28 17:23:24 +0100 (ven. 28 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/t/compile_modules.t
Fision via : r10363

[dev] initial import
r10362 | sikeda | 2014-03-05 13:24:56 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm

[-bug] typos in module name to used.
r10354 | sikeda | 2014-03-05 04:07:55 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] (con'd r10323) typo.
r10353 | sikeda | 2014-03-04 16:14:15 +0100 (mar. 04 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-bug] (con'd r10323) Earlier format of moderation queue file name would be supported.
r10352 | sikeda | 2014-03-04 12:37:52 +0100 (mar. 04 mars 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-bug] (con'd r10323, r10351) When viewmail directory was created, intermediate directories weren't set propoer owner and group.
Use File::Path::mkpath() instead of tools::mkdir_all() to get actually created directory.
Note: Some distributions of Perl bundle File::Path 1.x which won't provide new interfaces make_path() etc.

r10351 | sikeda | 2014-03-04 10:15:48 +0100 (mar. 04 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-bug] (con'd r10323) Create HTML view from messages in moderation queue during upgrade process.

r10350 | sikeda | 2014-03-04 07:17:38 +0100 (mar. 04 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-change] (con'd r10347) sympa_wizard will set tentative default of listmaster parameter.

r10347 | sikeda | 2014-03-03 17:05:33 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[change] Now listmater_email parameter doesn't have the default.  It should be defined explicitly.
r10346 | sikeda | 2014-03-03 16:27:26 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-change] sympa_wizard.pl --create will output default values commented-out.
Otherwise, users may stick to default values of some past releases.

r10340 | sikeda | 2014-03-03 14:21:11 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug][-change] viewmail_dir was defined as directory under $expldir by default: It could conflict with existing list.  Change the default as under $spooldir.

r10332 | sikeda | 2014-03-03 09:04:01 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am

[feature] configure: New option --with-smrshdir (or --without-smrshdir) to install (or not to install) symbolic links to queue programs for Sendmail smrsh.  Default is to install them into SYSCONDIR/smrsh.

r10331 | sikeda | 2014-03-03 08:01:37 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2

[-dev] fixed several typos and unnecessary spaces in gettext IDs.

r10330 | sikeda | 2014-03-03 07:59:50 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makefile.in.in

[dev] Added files under etc/ to search gettext IDs.

r10329 | sikeda | 2014-03-03 07:57:39 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/xgettext.pl

[dev] Allows keys gettext_id etc. without quotes.

r10328 | sikeda | 2014-03-03 04:43:46 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] removed unuseful code.
r10327 | sikeda | 2014-03-03 04:41:28 +0100 (lun. 03 mars 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] serveradmin/edit_config page and sympa_wizard are internationalized.
- confdef: keys of 'query' & 'advice' in @confdef::params were changed to 'gettext_id' & 'gettext_comment', 'title' to 'gettext_id', to sync style with %listdef::pinfo;
- sympa_wizard: keys of 'usage' and 'prerequisites' in %cpan_modules were changed to 'gettext_id' & 'gettext_comment'.

r10326 | sikeda | 2014-03-02 08:04:44 +0100 (dim. 02 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/xgettext.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature] gettextized comment in list parameter info.  'comment' items of each parameter are renamed to 'gettext_comment' that would be translated using gettext.

r10325 | sikeda | 2014-03-02 07:32:43 +0100 (dim. 02 mars 2014) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] Some list parameters are marked 'obsolete' since they are not used:
* archive.priod
* bounce.halt_rate
* dkim.header_list
* account
wwsympa.fcgi: On edit_list page, skip obsoleted components of structured parameters.
ToDo: obsoleted components also would not be load/saved (List.pm).

r10324 | sikeda | 2014-03-02 07:21:28 +0100 (dim. 02 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[change] Custom subject tag will be encoded by the charset encoding original subject as much as possible.  Because some MUAs cannot handle encoded headers containing encoded-words encoded by multiple charsets by each.

r10323 | sikeda | 2014-03-02 06:30:51 +0100 (dim. 02 mars 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] viewmod only shows message source.
- Generate HTML view of moderated messages in dedicated directory specified by viewmail_dir parameter.
- Avoid using trivial TT2 tag which gives attackers a chance to execute arabitrary TT2 directives: Use new Archive::convert_single_message() to generate non-trivial tags.
- Archive::convert_single_msg_2_html() and archived.pl::get_tag() was deprecated.

r7090 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-19 17:55:52 +0200 (jeu. 19 mai 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-spool/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/etc/script/js/sympa.js
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-spool/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-spool/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-spool/web_tt2/viewspool_message.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-spool/web_tt2/viewspool_message_dump.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-spool/web_tt2/viewspool_message_remove.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-spool/web_tt2/viewspools.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-spool/wwsympa/mime.types
   M /branches/sympa-spool/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10323

[dev] viewspools is ok. viewspools message only show message source because of a bug

r10322 | sikeda | 2014-03-02 06:27:51 +0100 (dim. 02 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/mime.types

[-feature] Added .docx extension for MS Word to mime.types.
r10321 | sikeda | 2014-03-01 14:35:17 +0100 (sam. 01 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] New "html_editor_url" robot parameter (formerly "html_editor_file" at 6.2a).  The parameter may specify full URL, absolute URL path _or_ relative URL path under static_content_url.

r10320 | sikeda | 2014-03-01 14:06:28 +0100 (sam. 01 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Message
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/LockedFile.t

[-dev] (con'd r10310) useless strict ad warnings pragmas.
r10319 | sikeda | 2014-03-01 09:10:46 +0100 (sam. 01 mars 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[-bug] next(): limitation to row did not work
r10318 | sikeda | 2014-03-01 08:21:47 +0100 (sam. 01 mars 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2

[-dev] javascript.tt2: modified i18n'ed strings for names of days & months to suppress redundant translated entries.

r10316 | sikeda | 2014-02-28 23:47:31 +0100 (ven. 28 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] (con'd r10266) remove_pid() and get_pids_in_pid_file() also should lock PID files.

r10312 | sikeda | 2014-02-28 12:36:36 +0100 (ven. 28 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] (con'd r10266) List::get_first_*()/get_next_*() no longer requires file lock: DB lock is good enough.  BTW List::sync_include*() no longer need really creating $listdir/include files: Pure lock ('+') is good enough.

r10311 | sikeda | 2014-02-28 09:03:17 +0100 (ven. 28 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-dev] typos.

r10310 | sikeda | 2014-02-28 07:16:50 +0100 (ven. 28 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/LockedFile.t

[dev] Added test harness for unit tests under t/.  Since olver versions of automake won't support such as LOG_DRIVER, Test::Harness will be used instead.

r10309 | sikeda | 2014-02-28 04:34:14 +0100 (ven. 28 févr. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[bug][#7289][Reported by D Launay, RENATER] Signed mail body are altered.  Fixed by making following functions not to alter such parts:
- Bulk::merge_msg()
- List::_append_parts()

r10308 | sikeda | 2014-02-27 08:08:20 +0100 (jeu. 27 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.
r10307 | sikeda | 2014-02-27 07:46:40 +0100 (jeu. 27 févr. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r10308

[bug] Mail merge: Parameters taken from mail headers may be overwritten by ones of each subpart.
Initialize $data->{'headers'} only once at calling Bulk::merge_msg().

r10304 | sikeda | 2014-02-26 06:02:32 +0100 (mer. 26 févr. 2014) | 36 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10308

[-change] Updating default of anonymous_header_fields.

List of header fields included in default (* were added):

Authentication-Results:         RFC7001 *
DKIM-Signature:                 RFC6376 (DomainKeys)
Disposition-Notification-To:    RFC3798 (MDN)
Injection-Info:                 RFC5536 (Netnews) *
Organisation:                   non-standard *
Organization:                   RFC5536 (Netnews) 
Original-Recipient:             RFC3798 (MDN) *
Originator:                     non-standard (Netnews) *
Path:                           RFC5536 (Netnews) *
Received:                       RFC5322
Received-SPF:                   RFC4408 (SPF) *
Reply-To:                       RFC5322
Resent-Reply-To:                RFC5322 *
Return-Receipt-To:              non-standard *
X-Envelope-From:                non-standard
X-Envelope-To:                  non-standard
X-Sender:                       non-standard
X-X-Sender:                     non-standard

n.b. "non-standard" fields are listed in I-D

These were omitted because they will be always overridden by Sympa:


r10303 | sikeda | 2014-02-26 06:00:23 +0100 (mer. 26 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10308

[-change] List::distribute_msg(): When the header field is removed or replaced, corresponding Resent-*: fields will be removed to override information provided by forwarders.

r10298 | sikeda | 2014-02-25 09:37:51 +0100 (mar. 25 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10308

[-bug] (con'd r10297) typo.
r10297 | sikeda | 2014-02-25 09:09:35 +0100 (mar. 25 févr. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10308

[bug] Distributed messages may have duplicate content of some header fields, i.e. Errors-To:, Precedence: and Sender: (and From: and Message-ID: when anonymous_sender is enabled).  Several content filtering systems will take off the score for such messages.
Make sure that the fields will be overwritten by List::distribute_msg().

r10306 | sikeda | 2014-02-26 09:43:33 +0100 (mer. 26 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[*feature] Added "Add subscriber" button to modindex page if the sender is not subscribed.  It may be useful because users need not know about SUB command and sympa command address.  The buttons appear only when Web user is the list owner.

r10305 | sikeda | 2014-02-26 09:42:12 +0100 (mer. 26 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[dev] Message: new attribute "gecos" for display-name of sender.
r10302 | sikeda | 2014-02-26 04:49:34 +0100 (mer. 26 févr. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] wwsympa/do_latest_arc: Use Date::Parse::str2date() to decode Date: hea
der field.
- New mandatory CPAN module TimeDate.
- time_utils.pm borrowed from MHonArc will retire.

r10301 | sikeda | 2014-02-26 04:26:30 +0100 (mer. 26 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-dev] create $(modulesdir)/Sympa/Template/Plugin directory during installation.

r10300 | sikeda | 2014-02-26 04:24:22 +0100 (mer. 26 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-dev] (con'd r10269) adding Sympa/User.pm to src/lib/Makefile.am

r10299 | etiennemeleard | 2014-02-25 12:51:35 +0100 (mar. 25 févr. 2014) | 15 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Introducing template plugins

This feature allows to package code to be used in templates.

It enables foreign data integration in Sympa's UI and emails, user
specific UI enhancement and much more !

Integrating user targeted data retreived through a call to a webservice
becomes possible in a simple way, automatically adding info from a
database to outgoing emails as well !

Further details here : https://www.sympa.org/manual/templates_plugins

r10269 | sikeda | 2014-02-23 12:33:58 +0100 (dim. 23 févr. 2014) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/User.pm (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm:10266)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Separating Sympa::User class to handle global users from List package.
- List::XXX_global_user() have been obsoleted.  Functions of Sympa::User may be used, and new methods would be better to be used:
  delete_global_user()  -> $user->expire()
  get_global_user()     -> Sympa::User->new()
  get_all_global_user() -> Sympa::User::get_users()
  update_global_user()  -> $user->save()
  add_global_user()     -> $user->save()
  And $user->moveto()

r10268 | sikeda | 2014-02-23 12:20:57 +0100 (dim. 23 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm

[-dev] (con'd 10266) Sympa::LockedFile::open(): Special mode "+" for pure locking (not to open target file).

r10267 | sikeda | 2014-02-19 05:50:02 +0100 (mer. 19 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.

r10246 | sikeda | 2014-02-17 09:32:14 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r10267

[-feature] Additional localised "Re:" prefixes in subject.
"Antw:" (Dutch), "Απ:", "Σχετ:" (Greek), "Odp:" (Polish) and "YNT:" (Turkish).

r10242 | sikeda | 2014-02-16 03:58:47 +0100 (dim. 16 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10267

[-bug][#9042] typo in error code for report::reject_report_web().

r10266 | sikeda | 2014-02-19 05:16:45 +0100 (mer. 19 févr. 2014) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/LockedFile.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/t/LockedFile.t

[change] New Sympa::LockedFile replacing Lock.
Sympa::LockedFile is full rewrite of Lock.  It will carry out lock & open / close & unlock at once.  flock() will never be used: File::NFSLock will be entirely used.

- File::NFSLock is mandatory.
- An unit test LockedFile.t was added but it may not work at present.

r10247 | sikeda | 2014-02-17 09:34:07 +0100 (lun. 17 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] (con'd r10245) typo.

r10245 | sikeda | 2014-02-16 06:09:13 +0100 (dim. 16 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Refactoring.  Language::GetSupportedLanguages() was moved to tools::get_supported_languages().  Dependency loop between Language & Conf was solved.

r10244 | sikeda | 2014-02-16 05:00:33 +0100 (dim. 16 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[feature] Now sympa_wizard.pl detects encoding of the console automatically.  Optional Encode-Locale module is required.

r10243 | sikeda | 2014-02-16 04:34:09 +0100 (dim. 16 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug] sympa_wizard.pl --create dies when any of CPAN modules had not been installed.  Check if modules can be loaded at first.  And in case, try to fallback to Text::Wrap.

r10241 | sikeda | 2014-02-16 01:37:39 +0100 (dim. 16 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/archived.pod.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.in

[-dev] (con'd r10237) Removing references to wwsympa.conf in PODs and sympa.spec.

r10240 | sikeda | 2014-02-15 06:30:35 +0100 (sam. 15 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.generic
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[-dev] (con'd r10237) Sympa init script no longer quits when wwsympa.conf is not found.

r10239 | sikeda | 2014-02-15 05:49:03 +0100 (sam. 15 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in

[-bug] sympa.pl: Thease parameters tried to refer vhost values but they cat not be robot-specific: sleep, loop_command_sampling_delay, loop_command_max, loop_command_decrese_factor, misaddressed_commands.

r7927 | sikeda | 2012-11-09 13:06:25 +0100 (ven. 09 nov. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r10239

[-dev] tools::send_crash_report(): use i18nized date.

r7865 | sikeda | 2012-11-02 07:20:10 +0100 (ven. 02 nov. 2012) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/Makefile.am
   M /branches/db_list_cache/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/User.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/spooler.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10239

[dev] Upgrade.pm: migrate wwsympa.conf to sympa.conf.
- Makefile.am: no longer create wwsympa.conf.
- sympa_wizard.pl: --create argument disallows "wwsympa.conf" option.

[-bug] confdef.pm: removed duplicated entries.

r7807 | sikeda | 2012-10-26 11:05:41 +0200 (ven. 26 oct. 2012) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/spooler.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10239

[*feature] Now wwsympa.conf is optional.  When it exists, its content overrides sympa.conf settings (along with possible defaults, even if the file is empty).

[feature] On all executables, location of sympa.conf may be specified by command line "--config" option, SYMPA_CONFIG environment variable or compile-time default (in this priority).  wwsympa.conf may be specified by SYMPA_WWSCONFIG env. var. or default.
*Exception*: sympa_wizard.pl always uses compile-time defaults.

[dev] All "$wwsconf->{'paramname'}" in sources has been replaced with "Conf->paramname".
[dev] New Conf::get_sympa_conf() and Conf::get_wwsympa_conf() to get config file paths.  They are also called from inside Conf::load().

r7794 | sikeda | 2012-10-24 08:04:56 +0200 (mer. 24 oct. 2012) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10239

[dev] Move wwslib::load_config() to Conf::load_wwsconf() so that dependencies to wwslib are reduced.
[dev] Accessors for global/default config parameters as class methods.
"&Conf::get_robot_conf('*', 'paramname')" were replaced with "Conf->paramname".
Not yet tested.

ToDo: "$Conf::Conf{'paramname'}" and "$wwsconf->{'paramname'}" might be replaced to "Conf->paramname", too.

r10238 | sikeda | 2014-02-15 05:29:01 +0100 (sam. 15 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[-dev] tools::send_crash_report(): use i18nized date.

r10237 | sikeda | 2014-02-15 05:04:25 +0100 (sam. 15 févr. 2014) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[*change] wwsympa.conf will no longer be used: it would be migrated to sympa.conf.
- Makefile.am: no longer create wwsympa.conf during installation.
- sympa_wizard.pl: --create argument disallows "wwsympa.conf" option.
- Upgrade.pm: migrate wwsympa.conf during upgrade process.
- wwslib::load_config() were renamed to Conf::_load_wwsconf().

Note: Run "sympa.pl --upgrade" to migrate wwsympa.conf into sympa.conf.

r10236 | sikeda | 2014-02-13 16:22:48 +0100 (jeu. 13 févr. 2014) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Now wwsympa.conf is optional.  When it exists, its content overrides sympa.conf settings (along with possible defaults, even if the file is empty).
This is a part of work to migrate wwsympa.conf into sympa.conf.

- All "$wwsconf->{'paramname'}" in sources has been replaced with "$Conf::Conf{'paramname'}".
- On all executables, location of sympa.conf may be specified by command line "--config" option, SYMPA_CONFIG environment variable or compile-time default (in this priority).  wwsympa.conf may be specified by SYMPA_WWSCONFIG env. var. or default.
-- *Exception*: sympa_wizard.pl always uses compile-time defaults.
- Move wwslib::load_config() to Conf::_load_wwsconf() so that dependencies to wwslib are reduced.

r10235 | sikeda | 2014-02-12 09:16:43 +0100 (mer. 12 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[dev] SDM: Double type should be explicitly bound for mysql & Pg.  SQLite binds double type to real.  Not yet tested by Oracle & Sybase.

r10234 | sikeda | 2014-02-12 05:17:53 +0100 (mer. 12 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-dev] (con'd r10227) typos.

r10233 | sikeda | 2014-02-12 04:41:49 +0100 (mer. 12 févr. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug][#7459][Originally submitted by Mitar] SDM/PostgreSQL: probe_db() scanned tables only in "public" schema, therefore, tables in user schema and so on were omitted.
Getting available schemas in search_path then use it, instead of the workaround on 6.1.

Note: PostgreSQL 7.4 or later is required to use array support of DBD::Pg >= 2.00.  PostgreSQL 7.3.x and earlier are no longer supported.

r10232 | sikeda | 2014-02-12 04:27:10 +0100 (mer. 12 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm

[dev] PostgreSQL: Auto-update of database structure fails because conversion between timestamp and integer is not obvious.  Recreate column and convert values by date_part() function.

r10231 | sikeda | 2014-02-11 10:57:33 +0100 (mar. 11 févr. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] SDM/others: Minor typos.
Repaired mergeinfo.

r7756 | sikeda | 2012-10-16 17:32:22 +0200 (mar. 16 oct. 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10231

[dev] SQLite: portalbe immediate transaction.  Set "sqlite_use_immediate_transaction" attribute.  DBD::SQLite 1.31 or later is required.
Tested by DBD::SQLite 1.33 and SQLite 3.7.7.

(I misunderstood: SELECT etc. should not acquire "immediate" locks --- it causes deadlock.)

r7746 | sikeda | 2012-10-16 08:08:50 +0200 (mar. 16 oct. 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r10231

[dev] SQLite: To prevent "database is locked" error on slightly busy systems, acquire "immediate" lock on each query so that they wait for the other locks.  All queries including "SELECT" need to acquire lock in this manner.

ToDo: Add config parameter to tune "busy_timeout" SQLite configuration (defaults to be 5000 ms) to allow longer database lock timeout.

r7735 | sikeda | 2012-10-15 16:50:44 +0200 (lun. 15 oct. 2012) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
Fision via : r10231

[dev] SQLite: update_db_field_types "auto" feature.
SQLite won't support many standard SQL features.  So, when table structure (primary keys, column types) will be changed, copy table contents to new structure.  Older tables will be saved as table with unique suffixes.  Some SDM manipulator features still lack: DROP COLUMN does not work, and so on.

[dev] SDM::probe_db(): check only tables defined in database description.
tables defined by user will be intact.

r7715 | sikeda | 2012-10-13 13:46:50 +0200 (sam. 13 oct. 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10231

[dev] New SDM::AS_BLOB() to bind BLOB parameters by SDM::do_prepared_query().
Tested by PostgreSQL 9.1, not yet by SQLite & Oracle.
[-dev] tidied some SQL statements.

r7708 | sikeda | 2012-10-11 14:58:29 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2012) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10231

[dev] Fix on SDM PostgreSQL manipulator.
PostgreSQL does not have 'ALTER TABLE ... DROP PRIMARY KEY'.  Instead, get a name of constraint then drop it.
[dev] updated definition of list_table on create_db.Pg.
[-dev] wwsympa crashes if update of session was (temporarily) failed.  Create new session object instead of untied hash.
[-dev] cosmetic concern: Now SDM::do_query() and SDM::do_prepared_query() normalize whitespaces in the query strings.  Multiline query can be used more safely.

r10230 | sikeda | 2014-02-11 10:53:46 +0100 (mar. 11 févr. 2014) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[dev] SDM/SQLite: Added update_db_field_types "auto" feature and improve robustness.
- SQLite won't support many standard SQL features.  So, when table structure (primary keys, column types) will be changed, copy table contents to new structure.  Older tables will be saved as table with unique suffixes.  Some SDM manipulator features still lack: DROP COLUMN does not work, and so on.
- To prevent "database is locked" error on slightly busy systems, Set "sqlite_use_immediate_transaction" attribute to acquire "immediate" lock on each query so that they wait for the other locks.  Some queries need to acquire lock in this manner.

Note: SQLite 2 or earlier is no longer supported.  Users may have to migrate database to SQLite3.

DBD::SQLite 1.31 or later is required.  Tested by DBD::SQLite 1.33 and SQLite 3.7.7.
ToDo: Add config parameter to tune "busy_timeout" SQLite configuration (defaults to be 5000 ms) to allow longer database lock timeout.

r10229 | sikeda | 2014-02-11 10:51:20 +0100 (mar. 11 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm

[bug] SDM/PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL does not have 'ALTER TABLE ... DROP PRIMARY KEY'.  Instead, get a name of constraint then drop it.

r10228 | sikeda | 2014-02-11 10:49:47 +0100 (mar. 11 févr. 2014) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[dev] Enhancements on SDM.
- SDM::probe_db(): check only tables defined in database description.  Tables defined by user will be intact.
- Cosmetic concern: Now SDM::do_query() and SDM::do_prepared_query() normalize whitespaces in the query strings.  Multiline query can be used more safely.
- New SDM::AS_BLOB() to bind BLOB parameters by SDM::do_prepared_query().  Tested by PostgreSQL 9.1 and SQLite 3, not yet by Oracle.

r10227 | sikeda | 2014-02-11 09:41:34 +0100 (mar. 11 févr. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] Now list address or URLs on header fields would be computed by following methods:
get_list_address([OPTS]), get_bounce_address(), get_list_id(), add_list_header(OPTS).

r7639 | sikeda | 2012-10-02 16:37:57 +0200 (mar. 02 oct. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10227

[dev] Now list address or URLs on header fields would be computed by following methods:
get_list_address([OPTS]), get_bounce_address(), get_list_id(), add_list_header(OPTS).

r10226 | sikeda | 2014-02-11 06:57:31 +0100 (mar. 11 févr. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch

[-svn] repaired mergeinfo.
r7951 | sikeda | 2012-11-15 06:39:33 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
Fision via : r10226

[-feature] Adjust format of plain digests as RFC 1153.
- Only plain/text part.  Any text/html plain digest format are not defined.
- Charset conversion on plain/text parts would be useful for legacy MUAs.  HTML parts may be UTF-8 since contemporary renderers can process them.

r7925 | sikeda | 2012-11-08 17:36:23 +0100 (jeu. 08 nov. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
Fision via : r10226

[bug] web_tt2: "for" attributes of several "label" elements did not refer proper widgets.

r7812 | sikeda | 2012-10-29 08:06:04 +0100 (lun. 29 oct. 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/index_archive.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/listmaster_groupednotifications.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/User.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10226

[feature] email_gecos parameter will be encoded properly.
- Encode email_gecos and gecos parameters using tools::addrrencode().
- A bit more readable display-name encoded with new 'DISPNAME' feature by current MIME::EncWords.
- Dependency: requires MIME::EncWords >= 1.012 & MIME::Charset >= 1.008.2.

r7760 | sikeda | 2012-10-18 08:53:30 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/AUTHORS
   M /branches/db_list_cache/README
   M /branches/db_list_cache/doc/man8/sympa.pod
Fision via : r10226

[-dev] more encoding fixes.  ChangeLog & NEWS are not touched.

r7759 | sikeda | 2012-10-18 06:19:42 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2012) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/doc/man8/archived.pod.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/crash.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10226

[dev] Fixed encoding of sources to UTF-8.  Some notes ---
- Comments in the sources should be written using UTF-8, not ISO-8859-1, EUC-JP or others.
- Perl literals must not contain non-ASCII: They must be escaped, e.g. "\xE9".
- In PODs, E<xx> escapes should be used if at all possible.  Note that it can not be used in verbatim (indented) paragraphs: use UTF-8.
- It is recommended that subversion commands (checkout, update etc.) are run under UTF-8 locales to freed coders from encoding mess: RCS revision tags such as $Date: 2017-03-12 19:58:55 +0900 (日, 12  3月 2017) $ can contain localised texts.  Or, "C" locale may be used.

[-dev] Some fixes on crash.tt2

r7613 | sikeda | 2012-09-21 11:44:13 +0200 (ven. 21 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
Fision via : r10226

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.2.

r7607 | sikeda | 2012-09-20 04:18:41 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10226

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.2.

r7603 | sikeda | 2012-09-15 15:41:53 +0200 (sam. 15 sept. 2012) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r10226, r7607

[*bug] Encoding issues on list creation.
- If list template config.tt2 contains non-ASCII strings, they are double-encoded.
- If list creation XML contains non-ASCII strings, they are double-encoded.

Note: Now Config_XML::getHash() returns encoded values, not utf8-flagged values.  So '>:utf8' layer should not be used.

r7599 | sikeda | 2012-09-14 04:56:58 +0200 (ven. 14 sept. 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10226, r7607

[-bug] Some spurious warning output to STDERR.

mod_fcgid: stderr: Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at /usr/share/sympa/default/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2 line 30.
mod_fcgid: stderr: Argument "" isn't numeric in sprintf at /usr/lib64/perl5/Sys/Syslog.pm line XXX.

r7598 | sikeda | 2012-09-13 10:39:00 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r10226, r7607

[-bug] DBI error message is output to STDERR.
For example, if db_list_cache parameter is "on", a message "mod_fcgid: stderr: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Duplicate entry 'xxx' for key 'PRIMARY'" is shown on HTTPd error log, everytime list config is changed.  It is not really failure.
Set default 'PrintError' parameter of DBI handle to be false.

r7605 | sikeda | 2012-09-16 05:17:58 +0200 (dim. 16 sept. 2012) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Perform Unicode-aware case-insensitive match using fc() and index() instead of using regexp.

Perl 5.16.0 and later have built-in fc().
For earlier Perl Unicode::CaseFold will be used.
Since Perl 5.8.0 won't support it, lc() will be used instead.

r7604 | sikeda | 2012-09-15 16:13:17 +0200 (sam. 15 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.2.

r7602 | sikeda | 2012-09-15 05:05:07 +0200 (sam. 15 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[-bug] typo.

r7597 | sikeda | 2012-09-12 18:11:13 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/db_list_cache/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] corrected some typos.

r10225 | sikeda | 2014-02-11 06:35:32 +0100 (mar. 11 févr. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Perform Unicode-aware case-insensitive match using fc() and index() instead of using regexp.

Note: Perl 5.16.0 and later have built-in fc().  For earlier Perl Unicode::CaseFold will be used.  Since Perl 5.8.0 won't support it, lc() will be used instead.

r10224 | sikeda | 2014-02-11 06:27:05 +0100 (mar. 11 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] corrected some typos.

r10223 | sikeda | 2014-02-11 06:15:12 +0100 (mar. 11 févr. 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/index_archive.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_groupednotifications.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[feature] Display name in From: header field of message sent by sympa will be encoded properly.
- "email_gecos" parameter during alpha releases was renamed to "gecos".
- Encodes display name (taken from gecos parameters) using tools::addrrencode().

Note: MIME::EncWords >= 1.012 & MIME::Charset >= 1.008.2 are required to use 'DISPNAME' feature by current MIME::EncWords.

r10217 | sikeda | 2014-02-10 15:12:09 +0100 (lun. 10 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm

[-dev] Degrading by merge.

r10216 | sikeda | 2014-02-10 05:13:32 +0100 (lun. 10 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am

[-dev] Create $sysconfdir/custom_actions/ directory at installation time.

r10215 | sikeda | 2014-02-10 05:07:42 +0100 (lun. 10 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/etc_README (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/etc_README:10204)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eo.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eo.po:10204)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/io.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/io.po:10204)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/rm.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/rm.po:10204)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/LINGUAS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eo.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eo.po:10204)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/io.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/io.po:10204)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/rm.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/rm.po:10204)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/README_etc
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_faquser.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.

r10214 | sikeda | 2014-02-09 08:22:07 +0100 (dim. 09 févr. 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
Fision via : r10215

[bug] On rebuilt archives, src attributes of HTML elements may be removed.  Because Message::clean_html() was given Message object of message without X-Sympa-To: pseudo header.  Give robot argument to this method.

- Following methods/functions require the argument of Robot object: Archive::clean_archived_message(), Archive::clean_archive_directory(), Message::clean_html(), tools::sanitize_html(), tools::sanitize_html_file() and tools::sanitize_var().
- archived.pl: Now mhonarc will be given arguments with per-robot value of wwsympa_url parameter instead of site-default value.

r10213 | sikeda | 2014-02-09 03:09:36 +0100 (dim. 09 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10215

[-bug] Spurious warnings "Argument "" isn't numeric in sprintf" and "Missing argument in sprintf".

r10212 | sikeda | 2014-02-08 13:42:24 +0100 (sam. 08 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r10215

[bug][#9039][Reported by J. Moutinho] wwsympa: signoff crashes.  wwsympa/signoff/somelistname dies with "Cannot quote a reference" error, since mail::mail_file() may take List object as 'list' item in $data argument.  List along with HASH would be concerned.

r10207 | david.verdin | 2014-02-04 16:37:03 +0100 (mar. 04 févr. 2014) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
Fision via : r10215

[*change] Two new database fields appeared in this version and a field was modified.
- The new fields are prev_id_session (varchar(30)) and refresh_date_session (int(11)). they are located in the session_table  table.
- The modified field is dkim_privatekey_bulkspool and is located in the bulkspool_table table. Its length went from varchar(1000) to varchar(2000).
Sympa install using MySQL and SQLite backends will have no trouble at all, as the database structure is updated by Sympa.
However, if you use Postgres, Oracle or Sybase, please have a look (respectively) at the create_db.Pg, create_db.Oracle or create_db.Sybase to check the definition of those fields. Please update your database structure before running Sympa.

r10206 | david.verdin | 2014-02-04 16:23:34 +0100 (mar. 04 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
Fision via : r10215

[change] Changing length of DKIM private key in database to ensure database creation scripts will be updated.

r10205 | david.verdin | 2014-02-04 11:40:27 +0100 (mar. 04 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
Fision via : r10215

[bug] new session fields (prev_id_session and refresh_date_session) were not declared in DatabaseDescription.pm. Consequently, they were not used in create_db_script.* update.

r10204 | sikeda | 2014-02-03 13:58:42 +0100 (lun. 03 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
Fision via : r10215

[-dev] Some typos and minor bugs due to undefined variables.

r10203 | sikeda | 2014-02-03 13:34:37 +0100 (lun. 03 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
Fision via : r10215

[-dev] Refactoring to make succeeding fixes easy.

r10202 | sikeda | 2014-02-01 09:09:24 +0100 (sam. 01 févr. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eo.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/io.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/rm.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/LINGUAS
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eo.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/io.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/rm.po
Fision via : r10215

[-dev] Added Catalan translation of online help to distribution.  Added initial catalog files for Espreranto (eo), Ido (io) and Romansh (rm).

r10201 | sikeda | 2014-01-31 09:17:34 +0100 (ven. 31 janv. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_faquser.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
Fision via : r10215

[-bug] wwsympa: A link to function "sendpasswd" which is no longer used.
Fixed that link in help/faquser page and translation catalogs.
Additionally, %action_type in Log.pm did not contain entry for "requestpasswd".

r10200 | sikeda | 2014-01-29 09:58:07 +0100 (mer. 29 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/etc_README (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/README_etc:10199)
   D /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/README_etc
Fision via : r10215

[-change] Create subdirectories in $(sysconfdir) at installation time, and add description on usage of this directory.

r10199 | sikeda | 2014-01-28 15:48:21 +0100 (mar. 28 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch.

r10194 | david.verdin | 2014-01-24 12:02:50 +0100 (ven. 24 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r10199

[bug] In scenarios, the field [msg->spam_status] was never taken into account because the message objects fields were not made available to scenarios. Fixed by adding a new test in Scenario::request_action. Now any Message field can be accessed in scenarios.

r10193 | david.verdin | 2014-01-23 15:07:50 +0100 (jeu. 23 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10199

[change] Now the list of files parsed (in addition to config.tt2) when instantiating a family are defined in a new (sympa.conf and robot.conf parameter called 'parsed_family_files'. This parameter must contain a comma-separated list of file names. If these files exist, with the '.tt2' extension in a family, they will be parsed and added to the list directory. The default value of the parameter is 'message.footer,message.header,message.footer.mime,message.header.mime,info'.
r10192 | sikeda | 2014-01-23 08:11:45 +0100 (jeu. 23 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/sympa.spec.in
Fision via : r10199

[-bug] (con'd r10159) Fix sympa.spec, too.

r10191 | sikeda | 2014-01-23 08:10:23 +0100 (jeu. 23 janv. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10199

[-bug] (More fix to r10159) There may not be write access under $(DESTDIR).
Write previous_sympa_version under $(top_srcdir) instead.

r10163 | sikeda | 2014-01-19 01:30:36 +0100 (dim. 19 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10199

[bug] Mail-DKIM < 0.39 depended on Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum.  Updates dependency.

r10159 | david.verdin | 2014-01-15 15:22:13 +0100 (mer. 15 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10199

[bug] Ugly fix for make install bug: the important_changes.pl script was not correctly executed at the end of make install. Indeed, the Makefile.am "importantchanges" macro checked for the previous version number in Sympa binaries AFTER this version number had been substituted with the NEW version number. Then, previous and current version numbers had always the same values. None of the -sometimes vital- informations supposed to be displayed by this script were tehrefore displayed. The ugliness of the fix resides here: I stored the previous version number in a temporary file during the make and read it (then delete the file) during make install.

r10158 | sikeda | 2014-01-15 05:23:07 +0100 (mer. 15 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10199

[-change] (con'd r9989, r10004) sympa.pl: make_alias_file will make multiple files by each sendmail_aliases path.

r10142 | sikeda | 2014-01-13 06:50:26 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[-dev] Degrading by merge.
r10141 | sikeda | 2014-01-13 03:47:45 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/js/Makefile.am

[svn] Retrieving a fix from sympa-cleanup branch.
TinyMCE is no longer shepped.

r8159 | rousse | 2012-12-11 11:39:04 +0100 (mar. 11 déc. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-cleanup/src/www/js/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-cleanup/src/www/js/tinymce
Fision via : r10141

[dev] no need to ship tinymce, as decided collectively
r10140 | sikeda | 2014-01-12 12:59:23 +0100 (dim. 12 janv. 2014) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving modificatrions from sympa-spool branch, note that
DB spool feature was excluded.

r7650 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-03 17:34:56 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-spool
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10140

[dev] Fixing the task_manager.pl who kept creating new tasks forever.

r7641 | david.verdin | 2012-10-03 10:42:30 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10140, r7650

[-bug] changing regexp modified in [#7564] which caused file uploads to crash wwsympa.fcgi. Fixed by double escaping antislashes in regexp declaration.

r7636 | david.verdin | 2012-10-02 10:45:04 +0200 (mar. 02 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
Fision via : r10140, r7650

[change] Now the family_exclusion field is part of the exclusion_table primary_key. This allows users to be excluded from several families.
r7627 | sikeda | 2012-09-29 02:09:35 +0200 (sam. 29 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] More typos.

r7638 | david.verdin | 2012-10-02 10:47:48 +0200 (mar. 02 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/task_manager.pl.in

[change] Now the family_exclusion field is part of the exclusion_table primary_key. This allows users to be excluded from several families.
r7626 | david.verdin | 2012-09-28 17:08:03 +0200 (ven. 28 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/spooler.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Fixing a lot of bugs introduces by the time threshold between the writing of the original code and now.

r7210 | david.verdin | 2011-09-15 17:29:17 +0200 (jeu. 15 sept. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-spool/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Removing development traces
r7203 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-31 10:30:30 +0200 (mer. 31 août 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-spool/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-spool/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev]  in form create_list_request provide the full list of list for copy to the listmaster 

r7202 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-31 10:28:38 +0200 (mer. 31 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Log.pm

[dev] bug

r7199 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-30 09:48:01 +0200 (mar. 30 août 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/spooler.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-spool/src/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] Now database are documented in databaseDescription.pm . A new script (not part of the distribution) is used to make database documentation on sympa.org

r10139 | sikeda | 2014-01-12 08:11:12 +0100 (dim. 12 janv. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider/tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider/tt2/oauth_authorize.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/oauth_authorize.tt2:10137)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider/tt2/oauth_check.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/oauth_check.tt2:10137)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/oauth_authorize.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/oauth_check.tt2

[-dev] Moving templates for OAuth into ext/.

Note: oauth_check.tt2 seems no longer used, but keep it for a while.

r10138 | sikeda | 2014-01-12 04:33:44 +0100 (dim. 12 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Degrading by merge.
r10137 | sikeda | 2014-01-11 11:40:33 +0100 (sam. 11 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-dev] Degressions by merge.

r10136 | sikeda | 2014-01-11 11:19:19 +0100 (sam. 11 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/confidential
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.confidential (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.confidential:8465)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_management_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch (#5 / 5).

r10008 | sikeda | 2013-12-20 09:29:35 +0100 (ven. 20 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/confidential/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
Fision via : r10136

[-bug][#8450] (con'd) more fixes.

r10007 | sikeda | 2013-12-19 15:11:46 +0100 (jeu. 19 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/confidential/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
Fision via : r10136

[bug][#8450] web_tt2: "for" attributes of several "label" elements did not refer proper widgets.

r8465 | david.verdin | 2013-01-22 13:18:20 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_management_request.tt2
Fision via : r10136

[bug][Submitted by M. Overmeer, overmeer.net] Typo in a string prevented the family from being displayed.

r8463 | david.verdin | 2013-01-22 11:18:33 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10136

[bug] Modifiying error when visibility bypass is prevented. Switching from "list unknown" to "authorization reject" which is less confuding.

r8457 | sikeda | 2013-01-19 02:59:19 +0100 (sam. 19 janv. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
Fision via : r10136

[-bug] Use as_string() instead of confusing "".
r8456 | sikeda | 2013-01-19 02:54:40 +0100 (sam. 19 janv. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
Fision via : r10136

[-bug] reverted r8450: tt2->error() is actually an object.  Enclosing "" stringifys it.
r8453 | david.verdin | 2013-01-18 16:17:05 +0100 (ven. 18 janv. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10136

[-bug] Adding a test to prevent wwsympa.fcgi from crashing when prevent_visibility_bypass is called out of list context.

r8452 | david.verdin | 2013-01-18 16:04:55 +0100 (ven. 18 janv. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r10136

[dev] Removing development traces.

r8451 | david.verdin | 2013-01-18 15:52:26 +0100 (ven. 18 janv. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/confidential
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/confidential/comment.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/confidential/config.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.confidential
Fision via : r10136

[feature] New "confidential" list model. These lists are used for groups who don't want any publicity around their activities; All possible restrictions are applied to prevent unauthorized users to know these lists exist and to learn anything about them.

r8450 | david.verdin | 2013-01-18 15:50:16 +0100 (ven. 18 janv. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
Fision via : r10136

[-bug] Removed useless double quote around a variable name in a Log::do_log statement.

r8449 | david.verdin | 2013-01-18 15:49:31 +0100 (ven. 18 janv. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10136

[bug] For lists which should not be visible to users, some actions still displayed the list side menus, granting informations regarding the list: number of users and identity of list owners and moderators. Fixed by short-cutting some parts of the code to prevent this display when an action is attempted. If privileges for an action are not granted and the list should not be visible to the user who requested them, the user is redirected to the main home page and list is decalred as "not found". In addition, subscribe and sigrequest will not display a form to unauthenticated users if, respectively, subscribe or unsubscribe scenarios are set to "closed", i.e.: any subscription or unsubscription request would be rejected.

r7965 | david.verdin | 2012-11-19 10:41:47 +0100 (lun. 19 nov. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
Fision via : r10136

[bug][#8569][Submitted by T. Merritt, univ. Arizona] archived.pl did not systematically reaped the sendmail processes it created. Fixed by calling mail::reaper at the end of each loop.

r7955 | david.verdin | 2012-11-16 11:39:25 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
Fision via : r10136

[bug][Reported by O. Germes and M. Thomas, univ. Rennes 1] When compiling a plain digest, attachments are subsituted by character strings indicating that there were attachments in the message. Any text part is converted to plain text and folded into 78 column text. Teh selection of parts to fold or to replace by text is based on the "Content-Type:" header of a part. In some cases (such as messages sent from opengroupware, for example) binary attachments are embedded in text/plain parts with a "content-disposition" header with value "attachment". Such parts should be substitued by replacement text but, as their Content-Type is "text/plain", Sympa tried to fold them to 78 columns. This led to a very long loop because the Text::Linefold module splits strings to be folded with special characters that your everyday PDF file contains thousands times. Fixed by testing, when dealing with a text/plain part, the value of the "content-disposition:" header. It if contains "attachment", the part is treated as a binary-content part.

r7917 | david.verdin | 2012-11-06 18:22:36 +0100 (mar. 06 nov. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
Fision via : r10136

[bug][#8852][Submitted by F. Périchon, univ. Lille 2] Ldap authentication failed in wwsympa with recent version of Convert-ASN1. Starting with version 0.25, Convert-ASN1 package has a 'use strict'. Ldap attrs were passed as a string in a ldap search call in wwsympa/Auth.pm thus making LDAP authentication fail. Fixed by passing attrs as an array, even when only one attribute is retrieved.
r10135 | sikeda | 2014-01-11 05:16:23 +0100 (sam. 11 janv. 2014) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-dev] Now functions of Log package won't be exported
so that qualified names should be used:
Log::fatal_err(), Log::do_openlog(), Log::do_log().

r10134 | sikeda | 2014-01-10 13:46:00 +0100 (ven. 10 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/AUTHORS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sample/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/stats_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/check_locales.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/aliaswrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/confidential
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/js/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/virtualwrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch (#4 / 5).

r10129 | david.verdin | 2014-01-08 11:47:10 +0100 (mer. 08 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10134

[change] Custom vars values can take any character string as values (previously, spaces were forbidden).

r10127 | sikeda | 2014-01-05 16:07:59 +0100 (dim. 05 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/stats_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/nav.tt2
Fision via : r10134

[-dev] More i18n'ed messages.
r10126 | sikeda | 2014-01-05 03:26:34 +0100 (dim. 05 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10134

[-dev] (con'd r10076) Uniform subroutine names: "do_<action>".
r10125 | sikeda | 2014-01-05 03:24:17 +0100 (dim. 05 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10134

[-bug] (con'd r10076) WWSympa crashes if user accesses a function with subroutine undefined.
r10124 | sikeda | 2014-01-05 03:11:42 +0100 (dim. 05 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10134

[-bug] (con'd r10076) remove duplicated keys in hash definitions.
r10083 | sikeda | 2014-01-01 01:12:12 +0100 (mer. 01 janv. 2014) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/AUTHORS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/sample/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/check_locales.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/aliaswrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/virtualwrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10134

[dev] Updating copyright notices.
r10133 | sikeda | 2014-01-10 12:44:57 +0100 (ven. 10 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/xgettext.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/confidential (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/confidential:10076)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/js/sympa.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/get_biggest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP:10076)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/css.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/css.tt2:10076)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR:10076)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR/css.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR/css.tt2:10076)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN:10076)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN/css.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN/css.tt2:10076)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW:10076)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW/css.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW/css.tt2:10076)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch (#3 / 5).

r10076 | sikeda | 2013-12-30 03:51:08 +0100 (lun. 30 déc. 2013) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[*bug] wwsympa: Non-privileged users can access to some restricted functions.
- Any users can access to skinsedit function and execute it.
- The remove_template function won't check argument.
These are due to typos in some tables (hashes) defining functions.

In addition, there are a few ineffective definitions in the tables.

r10075 | sikeda | 2013-12-30 03:00:24 +0100 (lun. 30 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] inconsostent <div class="block">.
r10074 | sikeda | 2013-12-29 11:08:18 +0100 (dim. 29 déc. 2013) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[feature] i18n of options for list parameters and subscriber options.
- Options on edit_list page are shown by i18n'ed titles.
- Only listmasters can view real config values.
- Subscriber options on review pages, command results, subscriber option pages and so on are shown by i17n'ed titles (along with real option values).

r10073 | sikeda | 2013-12-29 10:22:16 +0100 (dim. 29 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-change] Fix vertical-align attribute of <select> element as "top".
r10072 | sikeda | 2013-12-29 10:14:14 +0100 (dim. 29 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] (con'd r10024) typo.
r10071 | sikeda | 2013-12-29 05:58:19 +0100 (dim. 29 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] (con'd r10069) inappropriate change.
r10069 | sikeda | 2013-12-29 03:51:40 +0100 (dim. 29 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-feature] wwsympa::do_review_family(): i18n'ized date.

r10068 | sikeda | 2013-12-29 03:49:43 +0100 (dim. 29 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-feature] Show list status "family_closed" or "config_error" on list panel.
r10067 | sikeda | 2013-12-28 07:00:56 +0100 (sam. 28 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[bug] [#7819] Creation of list is notified to super listmasters even if it belongs to virtual robot.

r10066 | sikeda | 2013-12-28 02:47:37 +0100 (sam. 28 déc. 2013) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] wwsympa: Clicking search button without search keywords shows "missing filter (key_word)" error box, it is not really error.
As a workaround, check keyword box and prevent submission by javaScript: This is not an exact solution.

Note that search on past archives won't be updated unless they are rebuilt.

[-bug] Similarly on skinedit: empty color number or value leads user to empty page.  As workaround, "test" button will be disabled.

r10065 | sikeda | 2013-12-27 12:57:36 +0100 (ven. 27 déc. 2013) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] wwsympa/skinsedit: custom colors did not shohwn.
Because a UI parameter 'custom_color' no longer used was referred.
[change] custom colors along with configured colors are shown during testing colors.
[-bug] Color picker did not update position in color chart.

Improved javascript.js:chooseColorNumber() to update position.

r10064 | sikeda | 2013-12-27 12:03:50 +0100 (ven. 27 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] "title" attribute should be used for <input> element.
r10063 | sikeda | 2013-12-27 11:39:00 +0100 (ven. 27 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[bug] MHonArc 2.6.18 should be used to avoid vulnerabilities.
cf. CVE-2010-4524, CVE-2010-1677.

r10062 | sikeda | 2013-12-27 05:02:16 +0100 (ven. 27 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] (con'd r10051) also save and restore absolute_path flag.

r10061 | sikeda | 2013-12-26 08:44:10 +0100 (jeu. 26 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] small fix.
r10060 | sikeda | 2013-12-26 06:21:03 +0100 (jeu. 26 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[bug] [#8506] [Reported by P. Zsigmond, Univ. of British Columbia] background-color of table cells are defined inconsistent.

r10059 | sikeda | 2013-12-26 05:53:15 +0100 (jeu. 26 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-feature] i18n'ed css_updated listmaster notification.
r10058 | sikeda | 2013-12-26 05:48:43 +0100 (jeu. 26 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-feature] (con'd r10051, r10056) wwsympa/serveradmin: per-language distrib templates is viewable.  Additionally, Language names are shown instead of locale names.

r10057 | sikeda | 2013-12-25 11:22:49 +0100 (mer. 25 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] (con'd r10056) More improvement.  Elements with LanguageNeutral class would have lang/xml:lang attributes so that renderers may be able to choose proper font variants.

r10056 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 15:49:07 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] language boxes would better to be shown by universal fonts.  e.g. Russian & Greek language names are displayed ugrily if they are rendered by East Asian fonts.

r10055 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 15:40:35 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] possible typo.
r10054 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 15:30:11 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] Added "lagn" and "xml:lang" attributes to <html> elements.
New Language::LanguageTag() function.

r10053 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 14:54:30 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/title.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] logo style was moved from inline style in title.tt2 to separate style in css.tt2.  It may be needed for direction-flipping in near future, to support left-to-right writing systems (e.g. Arabic).

r10052 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 14:34:23 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW/css.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] typo.
r10051 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 14:19:50 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ja_JP/css.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ko_KR/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/zh_CN/css.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/zh_TW/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[*feature] Per-language css.tt2 will override any portion of main css, not fully replacing it.  So they may be used for locale-specific customization.
Background: Default css.tt2 specifies the font families covering Western scripts (Latin, Cyrillic, ...).  East Asian users may prefer consistent font family supporting Western along with Eastern scripts (Han, Hangul, ...).

r10050 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 14:15:35 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] whitespace normalization.
r10049 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 14:13:21 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[bug] Several fixes on style sheets (CCS).
- Fixed broken css.tt2: Special characters were replaced by entities.
- Tune metrics of some items so that pages may be shown properly by most of modern browsers.
- Added some workaround for IE bugs, though they are not bugs of Sympa.
  Now IE 7 or later more or less correctly render.  Note: IE 6 or earlier is not.

r10048 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 07:55:55 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[-feature] If the module CPAN is not installed, sympa_wizard.pl --check does never try to install modules.

r10047 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 07:26:23 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] DBD::ODBC is not checked by sympa_wizard.pl --check.
Remove unused variables %opt_CPAN and %opt_features and use %cpan_modules.

r10046 | sikeda | 2013-12-24 07:18:24 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] typo / change in package names. 
- DB_File is correct.
- Msql-Mysql-modules is no longer used.

r10045 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 09:18:58 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] update address for bugreport (Authors, is it proper?)
r10044 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 09:05:26 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/xgettext.pl
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] po/xgettext.pl: Missed catalogue entries with spaces inside parenthese of gettext() calls.

r10042 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 08:42:50 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] Messages generated from templates should have Message-Id field.

r10041 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 08:30:43 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] Some MTAs decorate To: field of DSN as "mailbox <address>".  Pick address only.

r10040 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 07:59:13 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] Updated CPAN module dependencies:
- Mail::Address was omitted.
- Locale::TextDomain would be better to Local::Messages.

r10039 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 07:44:13 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status
Fision via : r10133

[change] (con'd r10038) Limit the header fields to be checked by scenarios.
- In spam_status scenario, last occurrences of X-Spam-status and so on will be checked, since others are not trustworthy.
- Also, the last X-sender field would be checked.
  n.b. I doubt if this field is trustworthy, though.
- In send scenario, first occurrences of Content-Type and so on will be checked, since they must appear only at once.

r10038 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 07:37:18 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 13 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r10133

[feature][bug][#8581][Reported by M. Ferrante] Scenari: Inconsistent handling of header fields in rule conditions.

New features:
- "[msg_header->field][index]" returns the value of particular field.  Index may be negative.
- "[msg_header->field]" still returns list of field values, additionally, ordering will be preserved.

- Conditions is_listmaster, is_owner, is_editor and is_subscriber can handle multiple values.
- They also parse arguments as header field values to get address parts.

Tests needed.

r10037 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 05:59:49 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] label emement related to widget.
r10036 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 03:32:20 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] label emements related to widgets.
r10035 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 03:27:14 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-change] Change "Logs" tab to "System log" to avoid confusion with action logs.

r10034 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 03:22:30 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] (con'd 10027) Update dependency MIME-EncWords to 1.014 which may not break UTF-16 headers.
r10033 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 03:19:01 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] typo in package name.
r10032 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 02:27:57 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r10133

[dev] removed meaningless use of MIME::WordDecoder.

Note: MIME::WordDecoder had been almost obsoleted.  Use MIME::EncWords if neccessary.

r10031 | sikeda | 2013-12-23 02:18:22 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r10133

[dev] Use CGI::Cookie constructor to make SOAP cookie.
The "max-age" feature requires CGI >= 3.51.

r10030 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 07:43:50 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10133

[bug][#7840][Reported by P. Freyhult] Attribute values in ldap_2level_query must be escaped.

r10029 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 07:17:09 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r10133

[bug] mail::fix_part(): Newline "\n" in text/plain body should be normalized to "\r\n" if content-transfer-encoding is BASE64.

r10028 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 06:59:15 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
Fision via : r10133

[bug] (con'd 10027) Message::fix_html_part() breaks texts encoded by several charsets such as UTF-16.  Convert parts always except their charset is UTF-8 or US-ASCII.

r10027 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 06:54:33 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[bug] Sympa may be crashed by the UTF-16 texts without BOM.  It is due to a feature of Encode module.
Update MIME-Charset to 1.010 to prevent crash.
ToDo: Workaround for modules such as MHonArc, StripScripts not supporting UTF-16.

r10026 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 06:14:50 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] inconsistent notifications about 'automatic_list_creation_failed'.

r10025 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 05:45:48 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
Fision via : r10133

[change] [bug] [#7059] pidfile site parameters should be obsoleted.
As PID file paths are fixed during configure and included in init script, those parameters are not usable.

r10024 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 03:29:41 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] wwsympa/compose_mail: description about TT2 interpolation was shown even if merege_feature is not on.

r10023 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 02:56:42 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] "Unknown command @echo" till "make install"

r10022 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 02:08:34 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[bug][#7564] grammatical error in mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2

r10021 | sikeda | 2013-12-22 02:06:02 +0100 (dim. 22 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r10133

[bug] [#8558] Too short DKIM database field.
Expaned dkim_privatekey_spool from 1000 to 2000 o, though, I don't know whether it is enough.

r10020 | sikeda | 2013-12-21 07:52:18 +0100 (sam. 21 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] needless printf/sprintf
r10019 | sikeda | 2013-12-21 07:05:06 +0100 (sam. 21 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] (con'd r9974, r10000) didn't work without Crypt-CipherSaber.
r10018 | sikeda | 2013-12-21 04:30:14 +0100 (sam. 21 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[svn] Incorporating a few bug fixes from sympa-cleanup branch.
r8297 | rousse | 2012-12-18 12:42:56 +0100 (mar. 18 déc. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Datasource/SQL.pm
Fision via : r10133, r10018

[dev] DBI is a mandatory module, no need to load it conditionally
r8295 | rousse | 2012-12-18 12:39:53 +0100 (mar. 18 déc. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-cleanup/src/sbin/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10133, r10018

[bug] FCGI is actually optional
r10017 | sikeda | 2013-12-21 03:16:03 +0100 (sam. 21 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] do not remove CR as newline.  Newline sequences may be LF, CRLF _or_ CR.  Removing CR may miss newlines on some clients.

r10016 | sikeda | 2013-12-21 02:50:14 +0100 (sam. 21 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r10133

[bug] Bulk::next(): failure of locking spool may not be detected.
DBI::execute() returns undef on errors, not -1.

r10015 | sikeda | 2013-12-21 02:30:16 +0100 (sam. 21 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] sympa_packet_priority parameters became robot parameters.  They were defined as site-wide parameters.

r10014 | sikeda | 2013-12-21 02:27:35 +0100 (sam. 21 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] Takes care of deprecated parameters.
Add them to %confdef::old_params and %old_params in wwslib::load_config().

r10013 | sikeda | 2013-12-21 02:12:54 +0100 (sam. 21 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r10133

[-dev] suppress warnings
r10012 | sikeda | 2013-12-20 17:52:49 +0100 (ven. 20 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] Reduce "Subroutine dup redefined at wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm line ..." warning.  Won't use POSIX::strftime() but Language::gettext_strftime().

r10011 | sikeda | 2013-12-20 17:43:51 +0100 (ven. 20 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] typo.
r10010 | sikeda | 2013-12-20 17:30:52 +0100 (ven. 20 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-feature] Adjust format of plain digests as RFC 1153.

r10009 | sikeda | 2013-12-20 17:29:57 +0100 (ven. 20 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] Digest footer was included in MIME digest as if it was a proper message.
Moved it to outside of multipart/digest part.

r10006 | sikeda | 2013-12-19 09:49:04 +0100 (jeu. 19 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[dev] Insert spaces after commas of parameter items in viewlogs page so that they can be wrapped.

r10005 | sikeda | 2013-12-19 09:29:06 +0100 (jeu. 19 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10133

[bug] DB log can contain the value of secure parameter "cookie".  It should be removed from argument.

r10004 | sikeda | 2013-12-19 09:20:16 +0100 (jeu. 19 déc. 2013) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[dev] (con'd r9989) Made parameters for alias_manager/sympa_newaliases be overridable by each robot.
- sendmail_aliases
- aliases_program
- aliases_db_type

r10002 | sikeda | 2013-12-18 11:47:12 +0100 (mer. 18 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] (con'd r9989) Some newaliases utilities e.g. with Postfix cannot take arguments.

r10001 | sikeda | 2013-12-18 04:28:39 +0100 (mer. 18 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] (con'd 9998) default_shared_quota must be optional.

r10000 | sikeda | 2013-12-18 04:23:40 +0100 (mer. 18 déc. 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r10133

[-bug] (con'd r9974) encrypted cookie won't work on 32-bit architecture.

Simplified cookie generation and decryption processes.

r10132 | sikeda | 2014-01-09 11:06:56 +0100 (jeu. 09 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[dev] Reordered site/robot config parameters in confdef.pm.

r10131 | sikeda | 2014-01-09 10:34:10 +0100 (jeu. 09 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c:9998)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in:9998)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch (#2 / 5).

r9998 | sikeda | 2013-12-16 16:47:04 +0100 (lun. 16 déc. 2013) | 23 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10131

[-bug] Fixed some inconsistent definitions in confdef.


- Null default values are forbidden: set "optional" flags.
- "queuedistribute" had no default.  Added it.
- Made these can be overridden by robot.conf:
- "archive_default_index" should be editable.
- typo in default of "clean_delay_tmpdir".
- Synced query and advice items with trunk.

More known bugs:

- These parameters should be able to be overridden by robot.conf:
- This can NOT be overridden by robot.conf:

r9997 | sikeda | 2013-12-15 06:01:07 +0100 (dim. 15 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10131

[dev] removed duplicated entries and added missing ones of @confdef::params.
r9994 | sikeda | 2013-12-14 03:05:57 +0100 (sam. 14 déc. 2013) | 24 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
Fision via : r10131

[bug] Some wwsympa.conf parameters are not defined in @confdef::params, and some are redundantly defined their defaults in wwslib::load_config().

- These were added to @confdef::params:
- This was removed:
  robots (wwsympa.conf parameter)
- Let wwslib::load_conf() get defaults from @confdef::params.

More known bugs:
- This inconsistently refers both wwsympa.conf and sympa.conf/robot.conf:
- This refers sympa.conf/robot.conf by default and wwsympa.conf:
- These refers sympa.conf/robot.conf, though they are defined as wwsympa.conf

r9993 | sikeda | 2013-12-14 02:41:44 +0100 (sam. 14 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10131

[-bug] archive_default_index should be limited to be "thrd" or "mail".

r9992 | sikeda | 2013-12-13 16:37:35 +0100 (ven. 13 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10131

[-change][Submitted by S Hornburg via Debian Project] Disable default of db_port parameter which was applicable to MySQL only.
r9991 | sikeda | 2013-12-13 16:27:46 +0100 (ven. 13 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10131

[-change] Obsolete "localedir" site parameter which is never used.

r9990 | sikeda | 2013-12-11 17:21:29 +0100 (mer. 11 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10131

[-dev] rules for sympa_newaliases(1) manpage.

r9989 | sikeda | 2013-12-10 13:19:49 +0100 (mar. 10 déc. 2013) | 18 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_newaliases-wrapper.c
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_newaliases.pl.in
Fision via : r10131

[*change] Now alias maintenance utilities other than newaliases may be used without special configure options nor patch to alias_manager.pl.

- aliaswrapper and virtualwrapper were deprecated and replaced with
- New alias management program sympa_newaliases.pl which will typically be
  called by alias_manager.pl via sympa_newaliases-wrapper.
- New site configuration parameters aliases_db_type and aliases_program
  will control behaviour of alias database maintenance.
- configure script:
  - Options --with-sendmail_aliases and --with-virtual_aliases were
    deprecated.  Use --with-aliases_file instead.
  - New options --with-makemap and --with-postalias, along with
    options --with-newaliases and --with-postmap are available.
  - Option --with-postmap_arg was removed.
- Alias managers can handle postmap/makemap style maps (delimited by
  whitespace), not only newaliases style maps (delimited by colon).

r9988 | david.verdin | 2013-12-06 17:37:06 +0100 (ven. 06 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10131

[bug] When sending a crypted message, it was possible that very few users would have provided their certificate to the list. In such a situation, if either all the the non VERP receipients array of receipients was empty, the message was not sent at all (the message distribution was stopped and the non VERP receipients were not distributed). Fixed by checking the number of receipients for each situation and issuing an info in the logs but without stopping the overall distribution.

r9987 | david.verdin | 2013-12-06 17:32:45 +0100 (ven. 06 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r10131

[-change] Improved logs in mail.pm.

r9986 | sikeda | 2013-12-06 13:35:02 +0100 (ven. 06 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10131

[-bug] wwsympa crashes if update of session was (temporarily) failed.  Create new session object instead of untied hash.

r9985 | david.verdin | 2013-12-06 11:14:49 +0100 (ven. 06 déc. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r10131

[bug][Reported by S. Shipway, univ. Auckland] When merge was activated on a list, Sympa would merge even signed messages. Signed messages should not be altered in any way, so merge is deactivated when such a message is sent to a list.
Note that an alternate solution would be to remove the incoming signature and make the list sign the message, if it has a certificate. This solution should be investigated in later versions of Sympa.

r9984 | sikeda | 2013-12-06 10:23:44 +0100 (ven. 06 déc. 2013) | 14 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r10131

[bug][#7688] Supplemental Unicode characters beyond BMP can't be used on MySQL.

As of MySQL 5.5.3, text types supported UTF-8 characters with 4 octets
(a.k.a. utf8mb4).  By them, additional characters such as CJK ideographs used
in persons' names can be used.

Change: Try to set 'utf8mb4' then 'utf8' as client-side character set.

- Server also must enable utf8mb4, or supplemental characters will be ignored
  silently.  Add "character-set-server=utf8mb4" line to my.cnf.
- Tables must be defined with "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4" option, or run
  "ALTER TABLE" queries to change default character sets of preexisting tables.

r9983 | sikeda | 2013-12-06 07:42:48 +0100 (ven. 06 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r10131

[-bug][#8983] (con'd r9978) typo.
r9982 | david.verdin | 2013-12-05 18:02:45 +0100 (jeu. 05 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r10131

[bug] When DKIM was activated, removing invalid DKIM signatures would break S/MIME signature.

r10130 | sikeda | 2014-01-08 16:58:39 +0100 (mer. 08 janv. 2014) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/AUTHORS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/COPYING
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/README
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/archived.pod.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/sympa.pod
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/man8/sympa.pod.in (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/sympa.pod.in:9979)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sample/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/POTFILES.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/check_locales.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/aliaswrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/info.conceal (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/info.conceal:9979)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/virtualwrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2:9979)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_faquser.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving recent modifications from sympa-6.1-branch (#1 / 5).

r9979 | sikeda | 2013-12-02 09:32:18 +0100 (lun. 02 déc. 2013) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10130

[dev] (con'd from r9966, r9976) Updated advice for sender_headers parameter.

- Omit "Envelope-From" (I couldn't find reference to it) and "X-Sender" (it is not always same as envelope sender).
- Add "X-Envelope-From" as an example.

r9978 | sikeda | 2013-12-02 06:18:51 +0100 (lun. 02 déc. 2013) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8983] MySQL: session charset is cleared.

connect() sets "mysql_auto_reconnect" driver attribute to true when the processes are running under mod_perl or CGI environment so that ping() will always succeed and then "SET NAMES utf8" will be skipped.

Fixed by resetting that attribute as soon as connect() succeeded.

r9977 | sikeda | 2013-12-01 01:04:59 +0100 (dim. 01 déc. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
Fision via : r10130

[-bug] typos in sources
r9976 | sikeda | 2013-11-30 14:17:35 +0100 (sam. 30 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10130

[dev] (con'd from r9966) Made default value of "sender_headers" parameter to include minimal set, i.e. "From".  Added documentation about other possible options.

r9975 | sikeda | 2013-11-30 02:41:50 +0100 (sam. 30 nov. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r10130

[-bug] useless tests.
r9974 | sikeda | 2013-11-30 01:23:01 +0100 (sam. 30 nov. 2013) | 12 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#6180][#6979][#7079][#8056] Web session will be broken by nearly simultaneous multiple HTTP requests, such as browsing an archive page with a few images.

- Database change is needed.
- Optional Crypt-CipherSaber is needed to use encrypted cookie feature.

- Made transition between session IDs not to occur on each access; they occur with interval specified by cookie_refresh parameter.
- Made raw session ID not to be disposed to clients; encrypted IDs changed by each request are used for cookie values.

The first point prevents session to be broken, while it slightly weakens against the replay attack.  The second point keeps inpredictability of session cookies.

r9973 | sikeda | 2013-11-30 00:58:47 +0100 (sam. 30 nov. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[dev] Reverted r9970.
r9972 | david.verdin | 2013-11-29 17:42:41 +0100 (ven. 29 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r10130

[change] Now 'message.footer','message.header','message.footer.mime','message.header.mime','info' files are updated in existing lists when a family is instantiated. note that it will overwrite any other customization.

r9971 | david.verdin | 2013-11-29 16:35:44 +0100 (ven. 29 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8684][Reported by D. Fournier, CNRS] In some cases - such as changing a user email address through the Sympa admin > Users web interface - the email value was not set in the "update" config paragraph, leading to logs stating: 'Missing key "email" in param "update" in...'.

r9970 | sikeda | 2013-11-29 15:35:22 +0100 (ven. 29 nov. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#6180] [Tentative workaround] Session breaks after viewing HTML from archives which references attachments.
Although it can be broken by unintantional double-clicking, it is slightly effective workaround.

r9969 | sikeda | 2013-11-29 14:49:13 +0100 (ven. 29 nov. 2013) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/AUTHORS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/README
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_arc.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_faquser.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[dev] Fixed encoding of sources to UTF-8.  Some notes ---
- Comments in the sources should be written using UTF-8, not ISO-8859-1, EUC-JP or others.
- Perl literals must not contain non-ASCII: They must be escaped, e.g. "\xE9".
- In PODs, E<xxx> escapes should be used if at all possible.  Note that it can not be used in verbatim (indented) paragraphs: use UTF-8.
- It is recommended that subversion commands (checkout, update etc.) are run under UTF-8 locales to freed coders from encoding mess: RCS revision tags such as $Date: 2017-03-12 19:58:55 +0900 (日, 12  3月 2017) $ can contain localised texts.  Or, "C" locale may be used.

r9968 | sikeda | 2013-11-29 14:36:40 +0100 (ven. 29 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
Fision via : r10130

[-bug] language code of Czech is "cs".

r9967 | david.verdin | 2013-11-28 17:53:50 +0100 (jeu. 28 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/exclusion_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
Fision via : r10130

[-feature] Refactoring templates to have possibilities to restore subscription from exclusion tables in the review page.

r9966 | sikeda | 2013-11-28 17:05:52 +0100 (jeu. 28 nov. 2013) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r10130

[feature] New site config parameter "sender_headers" to specify header fields by which message sender is detected.
This is a enhancement to S. Shipway's improvement.

RFC: What is the reasonable default for this parameter?

r9965 | sikeda | 2013-11-28 16:59:15 +0100 (jeu. 28 nov. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
Fision via : r10130

[dev] Make detection of envelope sender more secure
r9964 | sikeda | 2013-11-28 16:57:26 +0100 (jeu. 28 nov. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
Fision via : r10130

[-dev] small refactoring
r9963 | david.verdin | 2013-11-27 17:42:40 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[feature][Reported by so many listmasters we lost the count] Exclusion table was just a display of the users excluded. list owners could not do anything to restore subscriptions;
This page is now a form, similar to the review page, which allows to restore users subscriptions.

r9962 | david.verdin | 2013-11-27 16:32:34 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8895][Reported by F. Périchon] Users included from data sources can unsubscribe from a list provided the "unsusbscribe" scenario allows them. Unsubscription worked well, but when re-subscribing to the list, both the listmasters and the users received an error; this was because the user counter was not increased when re-including a subscriber. Fixed by changing the test and increase the counter when just removing someone from the exclusion table.

r9961 | david.verdin | 2013-11-27 16:04:23 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8712][Reported by L. Didry, CIRIL] In the main admin edition page, the database password was displayed as clear text. repalced by a series of stars.

r9960 | david.verdin | 2013-11-27 15:49:15 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8711][Submitted by a nice anonymous contributor aka "Luke"] When using NFS lock, timeout and stale_lock_timeout were inverted and the timout value was increased.

r9959 | david.verdin | 2013-11-27 15:35:38 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r10130

[feature][Submitted by S. Shipway, univ. Auckland] When mail merge is activated, new parameters can be used, taken from the mail headers:
- subject
- x-originating-ip
- message-id
- date
- x-original-to
- from
- to
- thread-topic
- content-type

r9958 | sympa-authors | 2013-11-27 14:55:15 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
Fision via : r10130

[-change][submitted by S. Shipway, univ. Auckland] Updated templates so that new policy regarding subscribers and mesage moderation is taken into account.

r9957 | sympa-authors | 2013-11-27 14:53:08 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
Fision via : r10130

[-change] Removed lca references and "quiet" checked as default.

r9956 | david.verdin | 2013-11-27 14:30:41 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
Fision via : r10130

[feature][Submitted by S; shipway, univ. Auckland] Added quick access links in the review page to reach all users whoses emails start with a given letter.

r9955 | david.verdin | 2013-11-27 13:39:52 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r10130

[feature][Submitted by S. Shipway, univ. Auckland] ODBC is now supported for email data sources.

r9954 | david.verdin | 2013-11-27 13:26:57 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
Fision via : r10130

[change][Submitted by S. shipway, univ. Auckland] When Sympa receives a mail without 'From' field, it tries to find the sender by parsing the 'Envelope-From', 'X-Sender' and 'return-Path' fields before giving up and moving the message to bad.

r9953 | david.verdin | 2013-11-27 11:39:01 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2013) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[change][Submitted by S. Shipway, univ. Auckland] several changes in privilegs to ease everyday lists moderation:
- Owners and lismasters can moderate messages and shared repository
- Editors can moderate subscriptions
- 'del' and 'add' sceanrios are evaluated to make their result available in each page.

r9952 | sikeda | 2013-11-20 05:05:48 +0100 (mer. 20 nov. 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8916][Reported by Adam Bernstein, Electric Embers] wwsympa/search: Date is not displayed in human readable form in "other similar subscribers" results.

Format date and update_date fields in tt2 parameters.

r9951 | david.verdin | 2013-11-06 17:44:00 +0100 (mer. 06 nov. 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10130

[feature] Now you can define a "scenari" directory in the lists family directory. These scenarii will be available for lists instantiated from this family.
The "scenari" directory must be put directly in the family directory, not in the overall "families" directory. For example, if you want to define scenarii specific to the "staff" family, you must define a scenari directory in the /home/sympa/etc/families/staff/ directory. Not in /home/sympa/etc/families/.

r9950 | david.verdin | 2013-10-25 16:48:10 +0200 (ven. 25 oct. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[bug][Submitted by P. Aepli, univ. Genève] r9946 and r9949 fixes were not enough to fix multivalued attributes problem with Shibboleth. Philippe found the duplicated test and additional concatenation that were still causing problem.

r9949 | david.verdin | 2013-10-25 16:25:40 +0200 (ven. 25 oct. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[-bug] Error in attribute separator usage, interpolated as a variable. fixed by replacing interpolation by concatenation.

r9948 | david.verdin | 2013-10-25 16:24:18 +0200 (ven. 25 oct. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][Reported by Ö. Sahin, univ.Lyon 2] When List::new sub was called, sync_include_admin was systematically executed, except when specifically stated. If using a lot of owenr and editor datasources, this resulted in large amount of queries to these datasources when seraching lists or displaying the list of lists. This is now modulated. When calling get_lists, calling sync_include_admin is now optional and executed if the limits of the 'ttl' and 'ditribution_ttl' parameters are not exceeded.

r9947 | david.verdin | 2013-10-25 11:19:23 +0200 (ven. 25 oct. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10130

[-bug] Typo.

r9946 | david.verdin | 2013-10-25 11:13:48 +0200 (ven. 25 oct. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[bug][Reported by P. Aepli, univ. Genève] Multi-valued parameters obtained from Shibboleth IdP were badly parsed. This as due to the fact that Sympa stored additional parameters under the form: "key1=value1;key2=value2;etc." As Shibboleth uses semi-columns to separate values in multivalued attributes, values were misinterpreted as new - empy - attributes. Fixed by separating keys and values by totally unlikely strings.

r9457 | david.verdin | 2013-07-04 14:11:22 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/info.conceal (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/info.conceal:9456)
Fision via : r10130

[bug] The "info.conceal" scenario was neither packaged nor installed. 

r9456 | david.verdin | 2013-07-04 14:04:41 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/info.conceal
Fision via : r10130, r9457

[bug] The "info.conceal" scenario was neither packaged nor installed.

r9425 | sikeda | 2013-06-29 10:21:55 +0200 (sam. 29 juin 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10130

[-bug] List::_append_parts(): It should not try to append header/footer to all parts of multipart/mixed and multipart/related, because secondary parts of these types would be "attachment"; On multipart/alternative all parts should be tried.
Additionally, header/footer will be HTML-escaped if body type is text/html. 

r9424 | sikeda | 2013-06-28 02:42:53 +0200 (ven. 28 juin 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10130

[-bug] headers append to message body are given additional newline.
r9420 | sikeda | 2013-06-27 08:24:05 +0200 (jeu. 27 juin 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10130

[-dev] cosmetic changes.
r9419 | david.verdin | 2013-06-26 09:34:29 +0200 (mer. 26 juin 2013) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug] When adding footers, nothing appeared in the mail received by subscribers in the following condition:
- footer_type was set to "append"
- the mail was multipart/html
This was due to the footer being added to the text/plain part only. Now it is added to the text/teml part as well.

r9226 | sikeda | 2013-05-09 06:40:53 +0200 (jeu. 09 mai 2013) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8466][#8468][Initially Submitted by Marton J., Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem] Oracle cannot handle messages as long type.
* DBI::Oracle has a default setting of LongReadLen=80.  As a result, driver does not fetch a record in bulkspool_table containing a long column that have value longer than 80 characters.
* DBI::Oracle raises error if messages larger than approximately 2600 o (4000 o in base64 encoding) was sent.


- Original patch was for Sympa 6.0.1; it was rewritten for sympa-6.1-branch.
  * Set $dbh->{'LongReadLen'} to be max_size * 2.
  * Give SQL the messages as bound parameters to avoid long text literals.
  * Rewritten patch also includes support for Sybase which needs similar concern.

r9217 | sikeda | 2013-05-07 14:27:08 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8628][Submitted by Marton J., Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem] Inproper connection pool-handling: database user is not taken into account.

Modified patch was applied.

r9216 | sikeda | 2013-05-07 14:21:03 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
Fision via : r10130

[dev] On Oracle, "long" field should be the last column of table, or
succeeding columns allow only sequencial access.

r9214 | sikeda | 2013-05-07 06:17:15 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8629][Submitted by Marton J., BME, Hungary] Oracle date writer formula was broken: after noon, 1 day is added.

r9207 | sikeda | 2013-05-02 04:04:31 +0200 (jeu. 02 mai 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8669] create_db.SQLite is not uptodate.
r9189 | sikeda | 2013-04-25 13:53:00 +0200 (jeu. 25 avril 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r10130

[*bug] If merge_feature is on, whole or part of subscribers can be disposed by including "[% to %]" into messages.

Fixed by removing 'receipients' item of bulk packets from the parameter passed to Bulk::merge_msg().

r9180 | sympa-authors | 2013-04-24 09:40:22 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa.wsdl
Fision via : r10130

[bug] [for backward compatibility] Soap which response format differs from wsdl, changing the wsdl in order to keep existing clients working
r9178 | sikeda | 2013-04-24 08:32:42 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#7318] Encoding problem on sympasoap.
UTF-8 strings were encoded twice as latin-1 strings.

r9131 | sikeda | 2013-04-18 05:32:56 +0200 (jeu. 18 avril 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8662][Reported by A. Bernstein, Electric Embers] wwsympa: arcsearch crashes on non-UTF-8 bytes in HTML, with error "Malformed UTF-8 character (fatal)".

Marc::Search uses Unicode internally to utilize case-insensitive match.  Fixed by replacing ":utf8" input layer with ":encoding(utf8)", since former won't really check inputs.

r9125 | sikeda | 2013-04-17 10:40:29 +0200 (mer. 17 avril 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/sample/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/check_locales.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/aliaswrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/virtualwrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[dev] Replace street address of FSF with URL of description on license.

r9124 | sikeda | 2013-04-17 05:51:29 +0200 (mer. 17 avril 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8661][Reported by Y. Rouillard, INRA] Lock::remove_lock() doesn't properly destroy Lock object.
Clear entire lock entry not only filehandle of it.

r9104 | sikeda | 2013-04-16 14:54:37 +0200 (mar. 16 avril 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#7459][Submitted by Mitar] Tables in PostgreSQL user schema are not detected during upgrade process.

r9082 | sikeda | 2013-04-10 14:41:16 +0200 (mer. 10 avril 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/COPYING
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/sample/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/aliaswrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/WebAgent.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/virtualwrapper.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10130

[bug][#8066] [Submitted by X. Bachelot] FSF had moved.

r9058 | sikeda | 2013-04-08 06:45:50 +0200 (lun. 08 avril 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10130

[bug] [#7825] [Reported by D. Marant, Université Lille 1] spam_status scenario has no effect for messages sent to command addresses.
Fixed  a typo in sympa::DoCommand(). 

r9055 | sikeda | 2013-04-06 09:00:30 +0200 (sam. 06 avril 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug] [#7526] [Submitted by Evili del Rio] SQL Filters always return false.
Thouogh what SQLSource::fetch() returns may be arrayref of references to array of rows, it was treated as an arrayref of rows.

r9041 | sikeda | 2013-04-04 17:25:09 +0200 (jeu. 04 avril 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/POTFILES.in
Fision via : r10130

[bug] [#7457] A file "wwsympa/Challemge.pm" missing in distribution was referred during undating sympa.pot.

r9030 | sikeda | 2013-04-03 11:18:36 +0200 (mer. 03 avril 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10130

[-bug] typo.

r9029 | sikeda | 2013-04-03 11:16:20 +0200 (mer. 03 avril 2013) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/archived.pod.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in
   D /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/sympa.pod
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/sympa.pod.in (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/man8/sympa.pod:9026)
Fision via : r10130

[bug] [#8650] pod2man fails with non-ASCII characters in POD.
Partially backported from 6.2-branch: Use E<...> for non-ASCII letters so that
POD sources contain only ASCII.
In conjunction corrected several descriptions out-of-date.

r9027 | sikeda | 2013-04-03 06:37:18 +0200 (mer. 03 avril 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
Fision via : r10130

[bug] [#8658] [Submitted by Marc Schütz] Suppress compiler warnings.
- In sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c & wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c, main() are lacking return.  Instead, returns the result of exec() if it failed.
- Some syscalls were not accompanied by relevant headers.  They are added.

r8988 | sympa-authors | 2013-03-27 10:59:23 +0100 (mer. 27 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
Fision via : r10130

[bug] Fixed bad call to logging facility, was making processes crash
r10081 | david.verdin | 2013-12-30 17:07:17 +0100 (lun. 30 déc. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/DEVEL.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/DEVEL.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/ChangeLog (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/ChangeLog:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/Makefile.PL (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/Makefile.PL:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/examples (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/examples:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/examples/voot (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/examples/voot:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/lib (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/Renater.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/Renater.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/t (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/t:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/t/10surfnet.t (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/t/10surfnet.t:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/t/20renater.t (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/t/20renater.t:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/xt (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/xt:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/NetVOOT/xt/99pod.t (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/xt/99pod.t:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer/Upgrade.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer/Upgrade.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer/Website.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer/Website.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/VOOTProvider.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/VOOTProvider.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1P.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1P.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth2C (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth2C/lib (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer/Upgrade.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer/Upgrade.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer/Website.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer/Website.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/ListSource.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/ListSource.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/README (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/README:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/MANIFEST (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/MANIFEST:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Consumer.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Consumer.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Renater.pod (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Renater.pod:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/SURFconext.pod (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/SURFconext.pod:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Website.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Website.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/help_editlist_voot.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/help_editlist_voot.tt2:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/list_menu_opensocial.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/list_menu_opensocial.tt2:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/message_report_voot_failed.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/message_report_voot_failed.tt2:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/sync_include_voot_failed.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/sync_include_voot_failed.tt2:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/xt (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/xt:9097)
   R /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ext/VOOT/xt/99pod.t (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/xt/99pod.t:9097)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature][Submitted by M. Overmeer, overmeer.net, funded and led by Surfnet, http://www.surfnet.nl] Full VOOT 2.0 protocol support. VOOT is an opensocial subset to manage group membership. fulle details on this IETF draft here: http://openvoot.org/voot-2.0.html. This feature enables Sympa to be both group provider and consumer in the VOOT protocol. VOOT in Sympa uses both Oauth 1.0 and 2.0 for authorization from and to a peer in the VOOT protocol.

r9097 | markov | 2013-04-15 16:59:00 +0200 (lun. 15 avril 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/SURFconext.pod
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Website.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2:9007)
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/message_report_voot_failed.tt2
   R /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2:9008)
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/tt2/sync_include_voot_failed.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/sync_include_voot_failed.tt2:9031)
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev]pluggable report:: and VOOT error handling

r9052 | markov | 2013-04-05 16:07:07 +0200 (ven. 05 avril 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev] improve user experience of edit_list/data_source (a lot)  Plus various small accidental left-overs

r9031 | markov | 2013-04-03 14:52:14 +0200 (mer. 03 avril 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer/Upgrade.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer/Website.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1C/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1P.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer/Upgrade.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer/Website.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2C/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Consumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/ListSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Consumer.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Website.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/sync_include_voot_failed.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
Fision via : r10081

[dev] Plugin even nicer: split Website off.  svn problems with OAuth[12]C

r9012 | markov | 2013-04-01 13:26:34 +0200 (lun. 01 avril 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r10081

[bug] failed to copy list at creation: "Cannot modify lvalue"

r9009 | markov | 2013-03-31 23:19:15 +0200 (dim. 31 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/ListSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Consumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
Fision via : r10081

[dev] documentation improvements

r9008 | markov | 2013-03-31 21:39:56 +0200 (dim. 31 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/DEVEL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/Renater.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/VOOTProvider.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/VOOTProvider.pm:8940)
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1P.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/ListSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/ListSource
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/ListSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/List.pm
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/VOOTConsumer.pm
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/VOOTProvider.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/listdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev] voot/oauth2/surfconext is working!

r9005 | markov | 2013-03-30 11:49:33 +0100 (sam. 30 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/DEVEL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/Renater.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1P/lib/Sympa/OAuth1P.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1.pm:8996)
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Consumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/SURFconext.pod
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev] oauth2//surfconext working.  Improving group selection interface

r8996 | markov | 2013-03-28 18:29:22 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/ChangeLog (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/ChangeLog:8949)
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/Makefile.PL (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/Makefile.PL:8949)
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/examples (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/examples:8949)
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/Renater.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/t (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/t:8949)
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/xt
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/xt/99pod.t (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/xt/99pod.t:8949)
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Store.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2/lib/Sympa/OAuth2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/README
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Consumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/SURFconext.pod
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
Fision via : r10081

[dev] unifying oauth1 and oauth2 validation.

r8994 | markov | 2013-03-28 12:04:36 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/MANIFEST
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/Makefile.PL
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/PODTAIL.txt
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/examples
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/t
Fision via : r10081

[dev] move stuff from Sympa::VOOT to Net::VOOT, where it belongs

r8993 | markov | 2013-03-28 11:46:44 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/DEVEL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev] missed a file

r8992 | markov | 2013-03-28 11:44:23 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Upgrade.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2/lib
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2/lib/Sympa
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2/lib/Sympa/OAuth2
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Store.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2/lib/Sympa/OAuth2/Upgrade.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth2/lib/Sympa/OAuth2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev] start OAuth2 support

r8991 | markov | 2013-03-28 10:42:41 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Renater.pod
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/SURFconext.pod
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
Fision via : r10081

[dev] add user documentation, first attempt.

r8989 | markov | 2013-03-28 00:59:40 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/Renater.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Store.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/Consumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev] a days work, getting somewhere

r8985 | markov | 2013-03-26 18:06:45 +0100 (mar. 26 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev] various minor fixes to make the fcgi run

r8981 | markov | 2013-03-26 16:54:27 +0100 (mar. 26 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev] make table creation and upgrades pluggable per component

r8980 | markov | 2013-03-26 13:28:38 +0100 (mar. 26 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/VOOTConsumer.pm
Fision via : r10081

[dev] major cleanup of ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer.pm

r8979 | markov | 2013-03-26 11:57:13 +0100 (mar. 26 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Consumer.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm:8949)
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Util.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm
Fision via : r10081

[dev] more rewrite of Sympa/OAuth1/Provider.pm to learn from the code

r8975 | markov | 2013-03-25 17:44:27 +0100 (lun. 25 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/help_editlist_voot.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
Fision via : r10081

[dev][#][surfnet] make help_editlist pluggable.

r8973 | markov | 2013-03-25 15:49:05 +0100 (lun. 25 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/listdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev][#][surfnet] make listdef.pm pluggable (really simple!)

r8972 | markov | 2013-03-25 14:55:07 +0100 (lun. 25 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/list_menu_opensocial.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
Fision via : r10081

[dev][#][surfnet] forgot file for list_menu

r8969 | markov | 2013-03-25 14:37:15 +0100 (lun. 25 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[svn][#][surfnet] make list_menu pluggable

r8967 | markov | 2013-03-25 12:55:02 +0100 (lun. 25 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/ListSource/VOOT.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2:8940)
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT/web_tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2:8940)
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/VOOTConsumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/web_tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev][#][surfnet] plugin templates as well

r8951 | markov | 2013-03-22 10:19:06 +0100 (ven. 22 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/OAuth1.pm:8949)
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/OAuth1.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev][#][surfnet] make plugin-manager itself pluggable (=optional)

r8949 | markov | 2013-03-21 16:17:57 +0100 (jeu. 21 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/Renater.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT/SURFconext.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/NetVOOT/lib/Net/VOOT.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/OAuth1/lib/Sympa/OAuth1/Provider.pm (de /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/OAuthProvider.pm:8940)
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin/Manager.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/Plugin/lib/Sympa/Plugin.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/README
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/ChangeLog
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/MANIFEST
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/Makefile.PL
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/PODTAIL.txt
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/examples
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/examples/voot
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/ListSource
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/ListSource/VOOT.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/ListSource.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/OAuth1.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/lib/Sympa/VOOT.pm
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/t
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/t/10surfnet.t
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/t/20renater.t
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/xt
   A /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/ext/VOOT/xt/99pod.t
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm
   D /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/OAuthProvider.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/src/lib/VOOTConsumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-voot-rewrite/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081

[dev][#][surfnet] Make VOOT really pluggable by adding small plugin framework.

r8889 | sikeda | 2013-03-17 07:38:29 +0100 (dim. 17 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-dev] command line tools: check database connection any exit if it fail
r8888 | sikeda | 2013-03-16 12:04:53 +0100 (sam. 16 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] wwsympa: $param->{'locale'} is not always set.  Get locale from $param->{'lang'}.

r8880 | sikeda | 2013-03-15 05:02:47 +0100 (ven. 15 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] "Unknown command @echo" till "make install"
r8879 | sikeda | 2013-03-15 04:59:42 +0100 (ven. 15 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/listdef.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-dev] small fixes on property definitions.

r8878 | sikeda | 2013-03-15 04:57:53 +0100 (ven. 15 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/viewspools.tt2
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-dev] i18n'ed some messages

r8865 | sympa-authors | 2013-03-13 15:05:27 +0100 (mer. 13 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[bug] Rebuild soap url to robot hash even if configuration is loaded from binary file as it is not stored elsewhere
r8864 | sympa-authors | 2013-03-13 15:03:25 +0100 (mer. 13 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[bug] Get trusted application configuration from global conf path since it is not robot dependent
r8863 | sympa-authors | 2013-03-13 15:00:29 +0100 (mer. 13 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Site.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[bug] Trusted applications config was not available through accessors
r8862 | sympa-authors | 2013-03-13 14:58:43 +0100 (mer. 13 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[bug] Code failed due to srict ref usage
r8861 | sikeda | 2013-03-13 04:46:08 +0100 (mer. 13 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[dev] Use SDM::check_db_connect() instead of SDM::connect_sympa_database() to wait for connection safely.

r8859 | sympa-authors | 2013-03-13 00:16:06 +0100 (mer. 13 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.33
r8858 | david.verdin | 2013-03-12 23:39:46 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] Upgrade anomaly: Both authkey and html view for moderated messages were not migrated during upgrade, leading to empy messages in the HTML view and the impossibility to moderate messages.

r8857 | david.verdin | 2013-03-12 22:19:31 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympaspool.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[dev] Upgrade anomalies:
- queueoutgoing was queuebounce was spelled bouncequeue
- outgoing spool files were ignored because they didn't match a regular expression
- subscrtiption requests were not properly moved to spools: gecos and custom attributes could not be parsed.

r8856 | david.verdin | 2013-03-12 22:17:01 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] wwsympa.fcgi would die when requesting subscription with custom attributes because of an attempt to cats the custom attribute name as a site parameter.

r8855 | david.verdin | 2013-03-12 21:10:53 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] Even with the --upgrade option, sympa.pl did no longer upgrade the database structure.

r8854 | david.verdin | 2013-03-12 21:08:01 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] Sympa processes could die when using SDM::do_prepared_query, because connection was not tested.

r8853 | sikeda | 2013-03-12 16:21:13 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-dev] removed codes to dump data structure for debugging purpose
r8852 | sikeda | 2013-03-12 16:02:28 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/listdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[bug] some English misspelling in codes and comments.

r8851 | sympa-authors | 2013-03-12 15:35:41 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r8850 | sympa-authors | 2013-03-12 15:14:41 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r8849 | david.verdin | 2013-03-12 13:24:14 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] Sympa would die when an automatic list creation request was refused because trying to get header from an uninitialized variable. Alos improved logs when list creation is not granted.

r8848 | david.verdin | 2013-03-12 12:05:43 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-dev] removing development traces.

r8847 | david.verdin | 2013-03-12 12:05:20 +0100 (mar. 12 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[dev] Sympa would die when handling topics because trying to interpret undef reference as array reference.

r8823 | sikeda | 2013-03-11 04:31:10 +0100 (lun. 11 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[feature] alias_manager can handle postmap/makemap style maps (delimited by whitespace), not only newaliases style maps (delimited by colon).

r8822 | sikeda | 2013-03-09 00:32:11 +0100 (sam. 09 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-dev] let's name rebot id ("domain") as $robot_id and Robot object as $robot.

r8821 | david.verdin | 2013-03-08 13:13:39 +0100 (ven. 08 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/INSTALL
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[dev] Reverting rev. 8810

r8820 | sikeda | 2013-03-08 11:08:26 +0100 (ven. 08 mars 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] wwsympa: $Conf::Conf is no longer returns appropriate set of robot config.
Replace it with new function get_safe_robot_conf().

r8819 | sikeda | 2013-03-08 04:26:17 +0100 (ven. 08 mars 2013) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Site.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] wwsympa/serveradmin/vhosts: main domain is shown despite it does not have robot.conf.  Filter robots by etc attribute.
[-feature] In vhosts page title of robot is shown instead of "domain".
[dev] New Site/Robot method fullconfig() as safer alternative to Site->robots_confg()->{robot_id}.

r8818 | sikeda | 2013-03-08 04:20:55 +0100 (ven. 08 mars 2013) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] skinedit: empty color number or value leads user to empty page.
As workaround, "test" button is disabled using javascript.

r8817 | david.verdin | 2013-03-07 18:33:45 +0100 (jeu. 07 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[dev] When a signed message was sent to list owners, signature was broken. This was because as the message was forwarded, headers were added and the message as string regenerated using as_string method. This messes up newlines and thus breaks signature. Fixed by modifying Message:set_message_as_string. Now, if the message is signed, only the new headers are taken into account.

r8816 | sikeda | 2013-03-07 16:24:18 +0100 (jeu. 07 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[dev] retrieve latest modifications from sympa-6.1-branch (except i18n catalog).

r8708 | sympa-authors | 2013-02-20 11:52:47 +0100 (mer. 20 févr. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
Fision via : r10081, r8949, r8816

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r8707 | sympa-authors | 2013-02-20 11:36:19 +0100 (mer. 20 févr. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
Fision via : r10081, r8949, r8816

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r8706 | sympa-authors | 2013-02-20 11:23:10 +0100 (mer. 20 févr. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
Fision via : r10081, r8949, r8816

[bug] Fixed typo in error message
r8593 | sympa-authors | 2013-02-05 15:22:23 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
Fision via : r10081, r8949, r8816

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r8590 | sympa-authors | 2013-02-05 15:04:23 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
Fision via : r10081, r8949, r8816

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r8588 | sympa-authors | 2013-02-05 10:58:04 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
Fision via : r10081, r8949, r8816

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r8587 | sympa-authors | 2013-02-05 10:39:34 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2013) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
Fision via : r10081, r8949, r8816

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r8485 | david.verdin | 2013-01-24 14:38:37 +0100 (jeu. 24 janv. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949, r8816

[-bug] wwsympa::prevent_visibility_bypass would crash when called in off-list context.

r8482 | david.verdin | 2013-01-23 17:02:58 +0100 (mer. 23 janv. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r10081, r8949, r8816

[-bug] Forgot to add send.confidential in Makefile.am

r8815 | sikeda | 2013-03-07 15:57:31 +0100 (jeu. 07 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/spooler.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-dev] cosmetic: run perltidy.

r8814 | sikeda | 2013-03-07 15:16:23 +0100 (jeu. 07 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/spooler.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] unqualified Log::fatal_err() crashes daemons.

r8813 | sikeda | 2013-03-07 15:14:55 +0100 (jeu. 07 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-feature] i18n'ed css_updated listmaster notification.

r8812 | sikeda | 2013-03-07 15:13:15 +0100 (jeu. 07 mars 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r10081, r8949

[-bug] web_tt2/css.tt2: eliminated duplicating properties.

r9944 | david.verdin | 2013-10-24 16:31:08 +0200 (jeu. 24 oct. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch-new:9943)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch-new

[svn] Renaming branch sympa-6.2-branch-new to sympa-6.2-branch to start working on branch 6.2 with the 7678 revision.

r9939 | david.verdin | 2013-10-24 16:08:23 +0200 (jeu. 24 oct. 2013) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch-new (de /branches/sympa-6.2-branch:7678)

[svn] Creating branch for 6.2 coming release, based on previos 7678 revision of the 6.2 branch.

r7677 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-05 10:18:44 +0200 (ven. 05 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.32
r7676 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 18:41:06 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7675 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 18:17:34 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7674 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 17:59:35 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7673 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 17:41:18 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7671 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 17:23:36 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.31
r7669 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 17:19:12 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po

[svn] Retrieving modifications due to the last 6.1 tag.
r7667 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 16:52:39 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7669

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.15
r7666 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 16:46:11 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
Fision via : r7669

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7665 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 16:29:26 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
Fision via : r7669

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7663 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 16:14:49 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7669

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7660 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 15:56:15 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/af.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7669

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7657 | david.verdin | 2012-10-04 15:08:47 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
Fision via : r7669

[change] Reverting commit [7636]. This change could have lead to exclusion preventions by Sympa. Family does not have to be part of the key to allow multiple family unsubscritption as a dummy list name is given when family unsubscribing.
r7661 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-04 16:09:34 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/news.tt2

[-bug] Getting rif of 'Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>) at /usr/local/sympa-dv/default/web_tt2/news.tt2' errors.

r7658 | david.verdin | 2012-10-04 15:10:07 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[change] Reverting commit [7637]. This change could have lead to exclusion preventions by Sympa. Family does not have to be part of the key to allow multiple family unsubscritption as a dummy list name is given when family unsubscribing.
r7651 | david.verdin | 2012-10-03 17:40:03 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fix from branch 6.1.
r7643 | david.verdin | 2012-10-03 11:06:30 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
Fision via : r7651

[bug] When a user achieved to request a message deletion from archives without having the proper rights, archived.pl crashed because a return undef was then used outside a function context. Fixed by replacing it by a "next".

r7645 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-03 16:52:22 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.30
r7644 | etiennemeleard | 2012-10-03 16:40:34 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm

[feature] The soap server now exposes full review with owners, editors and gecos to list masters and list owners.

r7642 | david.verdin | 2012-10-03 10:44:06 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.2
r7637 | david.verdin | 2012-10-02 10:46:32 +0200 (mar. 02 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[change] Now the family_exclusion field is part of the exclusion_table primary_key. This allows users to be excluded from several families.
r7630 | sympa-authors | 2012-10-01 11:38:49 +0200 (lun. 01 oct. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.29
r7624 | david.verdin | 2012-09-28 10:34:27 +0200 (ven. 28 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/home.tt2

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.
r7619 | sikeda | 2012-09-25 05:55:05 +0200 (mar. 25 sept. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7624

[bug] 'host' list parameter were used to determine robots.
(Correction might be incomplete...)

r7616 | sikeda | 2012-09-23 01:17:21 +0200 (dim. 23 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/home.tt2
Fision via : r7624

[-bug] typo in web tt2 template.

r7623 | david.verdin | 2012-09-28 10:20:03 +0200 (ven. 28 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[-feature] Adding a debug log to specify which included scenario could not be read.
r7621 | david.verdin | 2012-09-26 18:13:21 +0200 (mer. 26 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[bug] Some Sympa processes could die when calling SQLSource::disconnect() because "self->{'dbh'}" Could be undefined at the time the sub was called. Fixed by checking that the obejct existst and is defined before trying to use it.

r7620 | david.verdin | 2012-09-26 17:59:34 +0200 (mer. 26 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[bug] When using include.<action>.header in list configurations, the blacklist was not taken into account before the implicitely included scenario. This was due to the blacklist rule being added at the top of the rules stack BEFORE the include scenario was prepended to this stack. Fixed by adding the blacklist rule only after the include rules have been added.

r7614 | david.verdin | 2012-09-21 18:23:42 +0200 (ven. 21 sept. 2012) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[feature] Widely extended logs when the log_module parameter is activated with the value 'scenario': all scenario results are evaluated.
Remember that extended logs can be limited by the IP or the email of the user, using the 'log_condition' parameter.
[*change] log_module and log_condition are now declared in sympa.conf instead of wwsympa.conf
Remember these parameters syntax:
log_module: can take the value "scenario"
log condition: takes a character string as value. The form is "ip=<an.ip>,email=<an_email>". You can pu ip alone, email alone or both, with the comma-separated form.

r7612 | david.verdin | 2012-09-20 17:00:20 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[change] Lowering the log level of message in 'get_list_member_no_object' stating that a user was not found in the list members. this is a normal behaviour and should not issue a log in normal circumstances.
r7611 | david.verdin | 2012-09-20 16:57:38 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[bug] Errors in the ticket creation queries led the one time ticket to be sent without a valid ticket number.
r7610 | david.verdin | 2012-09-20 16:56:14 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[bug] the bulkspool_table table had the future structure (with spools in DB) thus making it uncompatible with the current state of the code.
r7609 | david.verdin | 2012-09-20 16:05:58 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[-bug] Typo in the bulkspool_table name (was shortly named 'bulkspool').
r7606 | david.verdin | 2012-09-19 09:31:37 +0200 (mer. 19 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.1.
r7601 | sympa-authors | 2012-09-14 16:56:37 +0200 (ven. 14 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[change] Now DatabaseDescription.pm contains the full description of teh database, including comments and field position in tables.

r7596 | etiennemeleard | 2012-09-12 17:06:06 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2012) | 47 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Enhancing the custom_action functionnality :
Custom actions are used to run specific code and/or display user defined templates.

They can be executed in list or global context (it is up to you to decide what to do in both cases).

You can create a <your_action>.pm module under etc/custom_actions or etc/<robot>/custom_actions (<your_action>_plugin package) with a "process" sub to add custom processing.
In list context you can also create it under expl(/<robot>)?/<list>/custom_actions.

You can also create a <your_action>.tt2 file at the same place to display your template. You don't need the <head/> section or the <body/> tag.
The HTML code in <your_action>.tt2 can make use of the parameters this way: [% cap.1 %] for param1, [% cap.2 %] for param, and so on.
If the module is not defined the template is displayed.

You can even have a robot-common <your_action>.pm module with a specific <your_action>.tt2 for each robot as the file (.pm or .tt2) is conducted in this order :
  - expl/<robot>/<list>/custom_actions (if list context and robot support)
  - expl/<list>/custom_actions (if list context and no robot support)
  - etc/<robot>/custom_actions (if robot support)
  - etc/custom_actions

Your custom action is reachable using URL:
  - http://your-sympa-server-root-url/ca/your_action/param2/param2/param3/... in global context
  - http://your-sympa-server-root-url/lca/your_action/listname/param2/param2/param3/... in list context

The module process sub receive @cap entries as arguments (the List object is prepended to the argument list in list context).

The module process sub return value can be either :
	1 to parse and display the custom action related tt2
	<a global action name> to display its template
	ca:<other_custom_action> to parse and display another custom action related tt2
	a hash which entries will override $param ones, in case "custom_action" or "next_action" are present they act as described above.

Example : (etc/custom_actions/foo.pm

package foo_plugin;

sub process {
	my $arg = shift;
	return 'info' if(ref($arg) eq 'List'); # Show list info page if in list context
	return 'ca:bar' if($arg eq 'bar'); # Show bar custom action tt2 if first arg is "bar"
	return {name => 'John'} if($arg eq 'barbar'); # Show foo.tt2 (own tt2) after putting "John" under the key "name" in $param
	return {name => 'John', next_action => 'review'} if($arg eq 'barbarbar'); # Same thing, but showing review page
	return 1; # Just showing own tt2 (foo.tt2)


r7593 | etiennemeleard | 2012-09-12 09:19:50 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2

[-change] Tidying the review page a bit.

r7591 | sympa-authors | 2012-09-11 14:56:32 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.28
r7590 | sympa-authors | 2012-09-11 13:52:35 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7589 | sympa-authors | 2012-09-11 13:34:08 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7588 | sympa-authors | 2012-09-11 12:20:13 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7587 | sympa-authors | 2012-09-11 11:59:46 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7586 | david.verdin | 2012-09-11 11:49:27 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] Fixing i18n string
r7585 | etiennemeleard | 2012-09-11 11:33:08 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2

[change] Adding/updating links to quickly edit owners and editors from list panel

r7584 | etiennemeleard | 2012-09-11 11:23:43 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[-bug] Restoring changes that where lost when updating local svn

r7583 | etiennemeleard | 2012-09-11 10:36:14 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/nav.tt2

[change] Moving the "Customising" link from main list admin to list config sub section as list related text files are in a way list configuration parameters as well.

r7582 | david.verdin | 2012-09-10 18:10:34 +0200 (lun. 10 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] Fixing i18n string
r7581 | sympa-authors | 2012-09-10 17:58:27 +0200 (lun. 10 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7580 | sympa-authors | 2012-09-10 16:38:42 +0200 (lun. 10 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7579 | david.verdin | 2012-09-10 16:05:09 +0200 (lun. 10 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/LINGUAS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po:7578)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/LINGUAS
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po:7578)
   D /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/show_sessions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.
r7577 | david.verdin | 2012-09-07 16:16:18 +0200 (ven. 07 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[change] When an error occurs when creating a list through the web interface, the user stays on the list creation page with her previously filled list description still present.
r7576 | david.verdin | 2012-09-07 16:14:50 +0200 (ven. 07 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r7579

[change] Now Sympa prevents users from creating a list whose local part of email address would be the local part used by sympa for mail commands.
r7574 | sikeda | 2012-09-07 12:06:09 +0200 (ven. 07 sept. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[-feature] Workaround for font-twitching by Internet Explorer 8 against some sites.
cf. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/cc288325%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

r7573 | sikeda | 2012-09-06 04:42:23 +0200 (jeu. 06 sept. 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[bug][Reported by R. Tassoni, National Library of Australia] Requests for new password with email address containing an apostrophe, SQL queries fail.

[-bug] To: field of password notification message is empty if user have not logged in to Sympa yet.

r7567 | sikeda | 2012-08-30 09:43:12 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[-bug] Some actions (logout etc.) lead users home page, even if default_home parameter is set 'lists'.
Now default_home is used in almost all cases.

r7566 | sikeda | 2012-08-30 09:34:21 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
Fision via : r7579

[-bug] a bit inconsistent text decoration.

r7565 | sikeda | 2012-08-29 04:28:09 +0200 (mer. 29 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[-feature] Hide uneditable items on per-list editfile page.

r7564 | sikeda | 2012-08-28 06:57:29 +0200 (mar. 28 août 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[bug][#6956] Uploading file is refused if any disallowed characters appear in its directory part.
Relaxed regexps to allow any characters before / or \.

r7563 | sikeda | 2012-08-28 03:28:09 +0200 (mar. 28 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[bug][#8462][Reported by S. Thomas] arcsearch_id can not find message if Message-ID contains a hyphen ("-")

r7562 | sikeda | 2012-08-24 08:34:16 +0200 (ven. 24 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7579

[-bug] Improved handling of mime message header/footer.

r7561 | sikeda | 2012-08-24 08:24:52 +0200 (ven. 24 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7579

[bug][#8456][Submitted by P Vandry] message headers and footers should not have filenames.

r7560 | sikeda | 2012-08-23 07:09:14 +0200 (jeu. 23 août 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7579

[bug][#8458][Reported by K. Clair] sympa.pl distribute dies if $msg->bodyhandle is undefined.
Corrected typo in List.pm.

r7559 | sikeda | 2012-08-10 06:56:53 +0200 (ven. 10 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
Fision via : r7579

[-bug] tagged items not translated.

r7558 | sikeda | 2012-08-09 12:37:53 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7579

[-bug] When user(s) are successfully added, a message "err List::delete_subscription_request() No pending subscription was found for users ..." is logged.  It is not an error. Change loglevel from err to debug2.
[-bug] A message "err List::parseCustomAttribute() Failed to parse XML data" is logged for the users not having custom attributes.

r7557 | sikeda | 2012-08-09 11:56:33 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[bug] list_check_smtp parameter was not robot-conscious.
Give $robot parameters to admin::list_check_smtp().

r7556 | sikeda | 2012-08-09 11:49:40 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
Fision via : r7579

[-bug] tagged items not translated.

r7555 | sikeda | 2012-08-08 07:55:54 +0200 (mer. 08 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/show_sessions.tt2
Fision via : r7579

[-bug] tagged items not translated.

r7554 | sikeda | 2012-08-07 04:38:16 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[-feature] Changes on "Mailing lists categories" section of home page: If topics.conf contains only one topic with key "other", link to lists page is shown; topic argument 'topicsless' or 'other' means 'lists with topic "other" or without topics'.

r7553 | sikeda | 2012-08-06 09:22:06 +0200 (lun. 06 août 2012) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
Fision via : r7579

[-feature] If only one list template is available, it will be selected on list_creation_request page.

[-feature] If topics.conf contains only one topic with key "other", topics field won't be shown on list_creation_request page.
Moreover, if topics.conf already contains "other" topic, it won't be shown twice.

r7552 | sikeda | 2012-08-06 09:12:35 +0200 (lun. 06 août 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
Fision via : r7579

[-bug] Details of TT2 parse error did not logged.
Stringify Template::Exception object using overloaded "".

r7551 | sikeda | 2012-08-04 12:02:48 +0200 (sam. 04 août 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r7579

[bug][#8451][Reported by R. Manola, UFES, Brazil] bulkmailer_table column "receipients_bulkmailer" too small.
On Oracle, Pg or Sybase, if list of recipients exceeds 500 octets in its length, bulk mailer fails to store packet due to VARCHAR(500) column.  On mysql, the limit of TEXT column is 2^16 octets.  SQLite seems not to have such limitations.

[bug] ARG_MAX checking did not consider entire command line arguments.

r7544 | sikeda | 2012-07-31 08:58:01 +0200 (mar. 31 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[bug][#8449][Submitted by A. Bernstein, Electric Embers] subrequest and sigrequest accept invalid email addresses.

r7535 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-27 15:38:17 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7579

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.14
r7534 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-27 15:30:43 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
Fision via : r7579

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7533 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-27 15:13:43 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
Fision via : r7579

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7532 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-27 13:57:24 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
Fision via : r7579

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7531 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-27 13:40:56 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
Fision via : r7579

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7530 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-27 13:21:50 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
Fision via : r7579

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7529 | david.verdin | 2012-07-27 13:07:54 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/LINGUAS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/LINGUAS
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en.po
   D /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7579

[change] Now the English locale is the - more general - 'en' instead of 'en_US', saving people the need to install the en_Us if they don't use it.
r7575 | david.verdin | 2012-09-07 16:12:29 +0200 (ven. 07 sept. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po

[svn]Committing updated translations
r7572 | etiennemeleard | 2012-09-04 10:15:19 +0200 (mar. 04 sept. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_groupednotifications.tt2

[-bug] Fixed weird message when grouping listmaster notifications with just one notification.

r7570 | sympa-authors | 2012-08-30 17:58:23 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.27
r7569 | etiennemeleard | 2012-08-30 17:27:22 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Corrected do_copy_list so that it will lead to error message in case of copy error.

r7568 | etiennemeleard | 2012-08-30 16:54:58 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Fixed listmaster notification grouping. Notification stack was not checked in fcgi and incorrectly cleaned. Added calls to send all stacked messages upon process shutdown.

r7549 | david.verdin | 2012-07-31 18:02:48 +0200 (mar. 31 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[svn] Updating i18n files.
r7541 | david.verdin | 2012-07-30 16:40:30 +0200 (lun. 30 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[change] Now the bulk master will fork slave bulks only if the number of UNLOCKED remaining packets exceeds the threshold defined in 'bulk_fork_threshold' sympa.conf parameter.

r7540 | david.verdin | 2012-07-30 15:59:47 +0200 (lun. 30 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] An insert query in bounced.pl did not use the same number of fields and values. This led to the inclusion failure. Fixed.

r7538 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-30 15:14:00 +0200 (lun. 30 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.26
r7537 | david.verdin | 2012-07-30 15:00:17 +0200 (lun. 30 juil. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in

[bug] The bulk.pl processes were not logging in the right spool/tmp/<pid>.stderr file. There was a shift due to the saring of the filehadle to STDERR between the master bulk and the slaves bulks.
Fixed by removing the opening of the filehandle to STDERR from the write_pid funwtion and putting it in a different sub called direct_stderr_to_file.

r7528 | david.verdin | 2012-07-26 11:56:36 +0200 (jeu. 26 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[svn] Committing updated database creation scripts.
r7527 | david.verdin | 2012-07-26 11:55:06 +0200 (jeu. 26 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn]Retrieving the latest modifications from branch 6.1
r7526 | sikeda | 2012-07-26 08:16:52 +0200 (jeu. 26 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7527

[bug][#6931][Reported by D. Pritts, Internet2] On the review page for the list without any subscribers, a message "ERROR (review) - List has no subscribers" is shown.  It is not an error.

r7524 | david.verdin | 2012-07-25 15:45:02 +0200 (mer. 25 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
Fision via : r7527

[dev] Adding a first version of DatabaseDescription.pm that is needed to update the database creation scripts. Will be later used in the SDM framework of the 6.2.

r7523 | david.verdin | 2012-07-25 15:43:41 +0200 (mer. 25 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
Fision via : r7527

[bug] Updating database creation scripts with correct indexes definition.

r7525 | david.verdin | 2012-07-25 15:47:34 +0200 (mer. 25 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[change] Now SQLite fields corresponding to booleans or timestamps are defined as plain numeric.
r7522 | david.verdin | 2012-07-25 11:44:02 +0200 (mer. 25 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2

[-bug] Removing a test in javascript.tt2 that broke the javascript files parsing. This is a short term fix. We need to generalize the jquery usage and carefully load approrpiate functions relatively to the context.
r7521 | david.verdin | 2012-07-25 11:42:21 +0200 (mer. 25 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[svn] Comitting updated translations
r7519 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-24 16:41:34 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.25
r7518 | david.verdin | 2012-07-24 16:35:20 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2012) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[*change] The arc_path wwsympa.conf parameter can now be defined at the robot level. If you want to use this feature, follow these steps:
1- stop archived.pl
2- move the robot archives to the location specified in the arc_path robot parameter
3- restart wwsympa.fcgi
4- start archived.pl

r7517 | david.verdin | 2012-07-24 14:17:34 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug] the wwsympa.conf file was not loaded in Conf.pm, thus disabling the main config defaults for virtaul hosts. fixed by loading this file at the beginning of the module.
r7516 | david.verdin | 2012-07-24 13:22:10 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Fixing troubles appeared when merging from 6.1 branch.
r7515 | david.verdin | 2012-07-24 12:01:51 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Removing merge (r 7513) from 6.1 branch from wwsympa.fcgi.in. The merge was done badly and deleted a lot of the latest developments. We now need to redo the merge manually through patches. Rats.
r7514 | david.verdin | 2012-07-24 11:20:28 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn]Retrieiving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.
r7512 | sikeda | 2012-07-24 10:52:37 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r7514

[-bug] Substring "[...]" in subject line is removed.  Use more precise $tag_regexp.
[-feature] Multiple "Re:" munged by some MUAs ("Re^2", "Re*2", "Re**2" & "Re[2]") is taken account by "Re:" munging feature.

r7511 | sikeda | 2012-07-24 08:17:33 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7514

[feature] Now WWSympa responds with "404 Not Found" status code, instead of sending notification to listmaster, if any random pages under /sympa/help/ are requested.

Added new option 'has_header' for tt2::parse_tt2() to prepend newline to page body so that TT2 parse error can be handled before all HTTP headers have been sent.

r7513 | david.verdin | 2012-07-24 11:19:25 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/js/sympa.js
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_introduction.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn]Retrieiving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.
r7509 | david.verdin | 2012-07-23 13:00:44 +0200 (lun. 23 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r7513

[bug] User firendly automatic lists were not robot-enabled. Fixed.
r7507 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-20 17:21:44 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7513

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.13
r7506 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-20 17:18:30 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7513

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7505 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-20 16:59:13 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7513

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7504 | david.verdin | 2012-07-20 16:44:49 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7513

[svn] Reversing the reversion to version 6.1.11
r7503 | david.verdin | 2012-07-20 16:42:05 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7513

[svn] reverting to version 6.1.11
r7502 | david.verdin | 2012-07-20 16:40:58 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7513

[svn] Committing lost updates
r7498 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-20 16:02:51 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7513

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7490 | sikeda | 2012-07-19 12:07:15 +0200 (jeu. 19 juil. 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_introduction.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
Fision via : r7513

[change] Some fixes on help ---
- web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2: Removed non-existing visibility scenari (private and semipublic).
- web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2: changed link to translation FAQ.
- web_tt2/help_introduction.tt2, web_tt2/help_admin.tt2: Removed dead links to example of charters.

r7489 | sikeda | 2012-07-19 11:41:50 +0200 (jeu. 19 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7513

[feature] By default, arcsearch (simple) searches in current month and in the previous non-empty one.

r7488 | sikeda | 2012-07-19 07:07:50 +0200 (jeu. 19 juil. 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r7513

[feature] Revived "Re:" munging.  cf. Feature Request #1044.
- Supports "Re:" and its equivalents: "AW:" (de); "НА:" (ru etc.); "Re:" (en, la etc.); "Rif:" (it); "SV:" (da, sv); "VS:" (fi).  Additionally, command in subject with them can be recognized.
- Multiple "Re:" and its equivalents in case of "Subject: AW: Re: quelque chose" will be truncated .
- custom_subject will be placed at beginning of subject in case of "Subject: Another was Re: [list] Something".

r7480 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-17 11:54:30 +0200 (mar. 17 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r7513

[bug][#8425][Reported by Steve Shipway] List table was not populated upon command line list creation.

r7479 | sikeda | 2012-07-17 07:50:31 +0200 (mar. 17 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r7513

[*bug][#7733][Submitted by A. Bernstein, Electric Embers] SOAP 'add' function resets subscriber's password

r7478 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-16 18:22:22 +0200 (lun. 16 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7513

[bug] Fixed list log search date regexp to accept dashes and removed admin notice if no list logs found (which can occur if no match).

r7477 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-16 18:13:16 +0200 (lun. 16 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7513

[bug][#1254][Reported by Olivier Duval] List logs page did not behave as expected, sorting failed and selecting a message to trace ended with a javascript error.

r7476 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-16 15:42:41 +0200 (lun. 16 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
Fision via : r7513

[bug][#1130][Reported by Serge Aumont] Blockquote HTML tag had no margin, thus citation blocks in web archives were not always highlighted.

r7475 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-16 15:16:44 +0200 (lun. 16 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7513

[bug][#1031][Reported by Emmanuel Eyer] Lists remained in memory cache after purge in processes, so if a new list was created with the same name it "inherited" some outdated parameters, especially param_constraint entries when using list famillies. Also the list table was not purged.

r7469 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-12 14:42:13 +0200 (jeu. 12 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7513

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7468 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-12 14:24:19 +0200 (jeu. 12 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7513

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7453 | sikeda | 2012-07-10 05:07:41 +0200 (mar. 10 juil. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/Makefile.am
Fision via : r7513

[bug][#7690] If Sympa has been installed and if "make install" with DESTDIR argument is run for another version of Sympa source, sympa.conf & wwsympa.conf are created using defaults for installed version.
Create temporary sympa_wizard.pl referring confdef.pm under source tree.

r7451 | sikeda | 2012-07-06 11:21:24 +0200 (ven. 06 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7513

[-bug] Corrected minor typos

r7510 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-23 14:25:59 +0200 (lun. 23 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] gecos attr name was not optionnal in ldap/ldap2 source config

r7501 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-20 16:38:33 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 16 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_groupednotifications.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in

[feature] Listmaster notifications can now be grouped.

If, for a specific robot, several notifications are issued within a short period
of time with the same operation code only the first ones are sent, the next ones
are stacked. The stacking ends when no notifications are issued anymore, or when
the first one is too old. All the stacked notifications are then sent as attachments
of a single message.

Internal settings :
  - Stack if more than 3 notifications with the same operation code are issued
    for the same robot
  - Send stacked notifications if no new one satisfying the condition above was
    received for more than 30 seconds
  - Send stacked notifications if the oldest one was issued more than 60 seconds ago

r7499 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-20 16:24:22 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/VOOTConsumer.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/VOOTProvider.pm

[bug] VOOTConsumer didn't getting well formed JSON led to process death due to the use of Carp::croak in JSON::XS module
[bug] Process could die if JSON::XS module failed to encode responses to JSON in VOOTProvider due to the use of Carp::croak
[bug] Getting HTTP response's "code" instead of non existing "status" in OAuthConsumer

r7496 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-20 14:46:24 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.24
r7495 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-20 14:35:42 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7494 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-20 14:15:00 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7493 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-20 11:51:40 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7492 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-20 11:33:14 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7491 | david.verdin | 2012-07-20 11:13:49 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[dev] Fixing problems when loading virtual hosts config.

r7487 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-18 17:12:16 +0200 (mer. 18 juil. 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm

[feature][#8116][Submitted by Jean-Hugues Belpois] Added a progressbar to list family instantiation.
[bug] Fixed dumb list table insert/update workflow that was generating useless errors.
[-bug] Added some linefeeds to family instantiation report.

r7486 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-18 14:38:47 +0200 (mer. 18 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature][#8318][Submitted by Dominique Fournier] Subscriber search results aren't limited anymore when using a @domain search mask. "similar subscribers" results do not repeat the found subscribers anymore and are limited to 50 results.

r7485 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-18 13:45:28 +0200 (mer. 18 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/get_biggest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature][#8338][Submitted by Dominique Marant] Added a "view lists sorted by subscriber count" functionnality to sympa admin.

r7484 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-18 13:31:37 +0200 (mer. 18 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[svn] Fixing problems that appeared after merging latest modifications from branch 6.1.

r7483 | etiennemeleard | 2012-07-18 12:55:02 +0200 (mer. 18 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[feature][#1119][#8403][#8413][#8414][Submitted by Patrick von der Hagen, Renan Manola and Steve Shipway] sql, ldap and ldap2 user inclusions now handles gecos. It uses 2nd returned column for sql and 2nd given attribute for ldap (comma separated).

r7482 | david.verdin | 2012-07-17 16:31:50 +0200 (mar. 17 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[dev] Fixing dumb error making Sympa to crash at startup if no robot is installed.
r7481 | david.verdin | 2012-07-17 16:19:34 +0200 (mar. 17 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[dev] More verbose STDERR printouts when conf loading fails.
r7473 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-16 13:58:10 +0200 (lun. 16 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.23
r7472 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-16 11:41:38 +0200 (lun. 16 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[svn] Committing updated translations with the latest code modifications.
r7471 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-16 10:59:53 +0200 (lun. 16 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7470 | david.verdin | 2012-07-13 16:03:35 +0200 (ven. 13 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Making sure Sympa will not start when the config have problems.

r7466 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-11 17:40:33 +0200 (mer. 11 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.22
r7465 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-11 17:23:29 +0200 (mer. 11 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7464 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-11 16:55:48 +0200 (mer. 11 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7463 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-11 16:40:18 +0200 (mer. 11 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7462 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-11 16:05:08 +0200 (mer. 11 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7461 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-11 15:48:26 +0200 (mer. 11 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7460 | david.verdin | 2012-07-11 11:21:19 +0200 (mer. 11 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] The automatic list families loading was done by directly casting the result &Conf::get_parameters, which led wwsympa to crash when no automatic list was dfined.

r7459 | david.verdin | 2012-07-11 11:19:38 +0200 (mer. 11 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-change] conf paramters hash presentation.

r7458 | david.verdin | 2012-07-11 11:17:55 +0200 (mer. 11 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po

[svn] Updating translations
r7456 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-10 14:24:15 +0200 (mar. 10 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.21
r7455 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-10 13:16:48 +0200 (mar. 10 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7454 | sympa-authors | 2012-07-10 12:58:27 +0200 (mar. 10 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7452 | david.verdin | 2012-07-06 14:20:58 +0200 (ven. 06 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.
r7449 | sikeda | 2012-07-06 06:33:47 +0200 (ven. 06 juil. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r7452

[*bug][#8400][Submitted by M. Deranek] Issue #3 (#2 was solved): On SQLite, fields with 'NOT NULL' constraint won't be added so upgrade process will fail.
Workaround is to assign DEFAULT value 0 or "" to such fields.

r7450 | david.verdin | 2012-07-06 11:17:41 +0200 (ven. 06 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.family_owner (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.family_owner:7448)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists.tt2:7448)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_management_request.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_management_request.tt2:7448)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2:7448)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/family_signoff.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/family_signoff.tt2:7448)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/family_signoff_request.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/family_signoff_request.tt2:7448)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/family_signoff_request2.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/family_signoff_request2.tt2:7448)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.

r7448 | david.verdin | 2012-07-05 16:45:37 +0200 (jeu. 05 juil. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.family_owner (de /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.family_owner:7447)
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists.tt2 (de /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/automatic_lists.tt2:7447)
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_management_request.tt2 (de /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/automatic_lists_management_request.tt2:7447)
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2 (de /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2:7447)
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/family_signoff.tt2 (de /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/family_signoff.tt2:7447)
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/family_signoff_request.tt2 (de /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/family_signoff_request.tt2:7447)
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/family_signoff_request2.tt2 (de /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/family_signoff_request2.tt2:7447)
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450

[feature][Requested and funded by the CNRS] Automatic lists can now be manipulated through the sympa web interface, in a "user friendly" form. This is merely a web layer around the general autmatic lists feature. This feature is fully documented here: https://www.sympa.org/manual_6.2/user_friendly_autolists
Additionnally, it is now possible to unsubscribe to all the lists of a given family in two clicks.

r7447 | david.verdin | 2012-07-05 16:31:25 +0200 (jeu. 05 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/ChangeLog
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/NEWS
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/configure.ac
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/doc/sample/config.include
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/LINGUAS
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ar.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/bg.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/br.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ca.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/cs.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/de.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/el.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/es.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/et.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/eu.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/fi.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/fr.po
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/gl.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po:7446)
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/hu.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/id.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/it.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ja.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ko.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/la.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ml.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/nl.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/oc.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/pl.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/pt.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ro.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ru.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/sv.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/tr.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/vi.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/POTFILES.in
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/gl.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/gl.po:7446)
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/soap/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/help_suspend.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_suspend.tt2:7446)
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.1.

r7443 | sikeda | 2012-07-04 11:24:59 +0200 (mer. 04 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug][#8400][Submitted by M. Deranek] Issue #1: On SQLite, data types should be normalized.  Otherwise, upgrade process will fail.

r7442 | david.verdin | 2012-07-03 16:28:56 +0200 (mar. 03 juil. 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug] The "dkim_header_list" sympa.conf parameter and "dkim > header_list" list parameter are in fact unapplicable using the Mail::DKIM module. This doesn't allow the list of headers to be modified. Consequently, anybody using these parameters could find the DKIM signature to be broken because the list of signed headers in the "h" tag of the DKIM signature would not match the actual headers used to compute the signature. Fixed by obsoleting this parameter.
In addition, the algorithm computing the signature now use $dkim->PRINT instead of $dkim->load. Indeed, the load function computing time grows exponentially relatively to the message size; this is not the case when using PRINT directly.

r7441 | sikeda | 2012-07-03 06:03:50 +0200 (mar. 03 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug][#8417][Reported by Nicolas Vigier, hupstream] "Authentication help" link is empty if authentication_info_url is set.

r7440 | sikeda | 2012-07-02 09:27:01 +0200 (lun. 02 juil. 2012) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug] Correct some meaningless or harmful printf/sprintf.
This fix is incomplete.  Completed one should be done on 6.2.x.
- [#7020] "load certificate" may go wrong in encrypted mailing lists
[-bug] src/lib/mail.pm: format "%m" is not portable.  Use "%s" with stringified $!.
[-bug] wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in: Content-Disposition HTTP header field did not have main value "attachment".

r7439 | sikeda | 2012-06-28 05:27:44 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][#7540][Submitted by J.M. Kubeck, univ. J.F. Champollion] Sympa generates two cookies.  Always use cookie_domain parameter instead 'localhost'.

r7438 | sikeda | 2012-06-28 05:16:43 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-change] reverted r7424.

r7437 | sikeda | 2012-06-27 11:36:35 +0200 (mer. 27 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][#8377] Subscriber pictures not shown when email contains any punctuations.
Now Archive::load_html_message() returns metadata with punctuations decoded.

r7436 | sikeda | 2012-06-27 11:26:32 +0200 (mer. 27 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug][#7649][#8115] "Use of uninitialized value" warning by RHEL6 Sys::Syslog.

r7435 | sikeda | 2012-06-27 03:58:49 +0200 (mer. 27 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug][#8197] Harmless "err List::get_subscriber() Unable to retrieve information from database for user" logs.  do_log() statement was removed.

r7434 | sikeda | 2012-06-25 09:33:43 +0200 (lun. 25 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug][#8317] Wrong duration for cookies.
Correct duration of "1 week" and add "30 days" for backword compatibility.

r7433 | sikeda | 2012-06-23 10:48:56 +0200 (sam. 23 juin 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][#7444][Submitted by A. Bernstein, Electric Embers] very long Message-id will break do_send_me() and do_view_source().

Commited a bit improved patch.

r7432 | sikeda | 2012-06-23 09:50:34 +0200 (sam. 23 juin 2012) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug][#3918] HTML tags escaped in search results.
Improved Marc::Search:
- Now it also gives rich text information.
  arcsearch template was modified so that it would build HTML text from
  that information.
- Strip HTML tags in the file generated from HTML message.
  Entity references are also unescaped.
- Texts are handled as Unicode instead binary text to perform
  case-insensitive match on non-ASCII characters.

r7431 | sikeda | 2012-06-22 11:34:23 +0200 (ven. 22 juin 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug] script was broken by MHonArc
r7430 | sikeda | 2012-06-22 10:54:17 +0200 (ven. 22 juin 2012) | 13 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug] Fixed some bugs on arcsearch.
- Submission to arcsearch with empty key_word causes "Missing argument
  key_word" error then takes user to empty page.
  Workaround is to check key_word by JavaScript.  To enable it, archives
  must be reconstructed.
- Escaped key_word is shown in search result and form entry.
- The key_word with some characters (<>\\\*\$) causes "syntax_errors" error
  then takes user to empty page.
  Now these characters are also allowed.
- Subjects in search result were decoded twice.
- arcsearch_id could not search message-ID containing regexp metacharacters.
  Now regexp metacharacters are properly escaped.

r7428 | sikeda | 2012-06-21 04:46:45 +0200 (jeu. 21 juin 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][#8042] 'To' e-mail address(es) of 'list_created' or 'list_rejected' notification sent to listmaster(s) can be "encoded" due to line length.
Disabled mime-encoding of 'To' header by mail::mail_file(), because this function will be given not addr-spec but email, and because mime-encoding of structured header should be done with special function such as tools::addrencode().

n.b. These notifications to listmaster would like to be compiled into 'listmaster_notification' template.

r7427 | sikeda | 2012-06-19 15:32:48 +0200 (mar. 19 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][Reported by F.P. Goncharov via Debian Project] Sympa must create MySQL database & tables with charset utf8 instead default latin1.
cf. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=574646

r7426 | sikeda | 2012-06-19 07:02:29 +0200 (mar. 19 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug] correct start_time.

r7425 | sikeda | 2012-06-19 06:47:32 +0200 (mar. 19 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] HTTP Date & Last-Modified headers are not RFC-compliant, and strftime format %z is not portable.  Modify format and use GMT.
[-bug] Format of start_date & last_login_date are not gettext'ized.

r7424 | sikeda | 2012-06-18 11:13:25 +0200 (lun. 18 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] If 'cookie_domain' parameter is 'localhost' (default), when cookie was expired or HTTPd was restarted, user's cookie jar repeatedly sends session cookie with older session ID.
Destroy cookie with default domain (no domain parameter) before sending new session id with explicit domain.

r7423 | sikeda | 2012-06-17 03:18:28 +0200 (dim. 17 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][By E. Bouthenot, Debian Project] Properly fix CVE-2012-2352.

r7422 | sikeda | 2012-06-17 02:02:09 +0200 (dim. 17 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug] Corrected typos.
And removed ineffective code in src/sympa.pl.in.

r7421 | sikeda | 2012-06-16 01:30:26 +0200 (sam. 16 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] Headers in S/MIME encrypted/decrypted/signed messages are broken.

r7420 | sikeda | 2012-06-16 01:21:43 +0200 (sam. 16 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][Submitted by Mitar] static_content_url was not robot-specific.

r7419 | sikeda | 2012-06-14 12:04:52 +0200 (jeu. 14 juin 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug] mail::send_file() did not complement Date header.
As a result, a message posted from WWSympa were archived as the newest
messages when archive was reconstructed, and so on.

r7417 | sikeda | 2012-06-12 10:34:15 +0200 (mar. 12 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][#8378] Uploading subscriber pictures with uppercase extension does not work

r7412 | sikeda | 2012-06-05 07:09:25 +0200 (mar. 05 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug][#8291][Reported by Heaton Anselm, Netuxo] --md5_encode_password does not take case sensitivity in account.
Use Auth::password_fingerprint() instead of tools::md5_fingerprint().

r7410 | sikeda | 2012-06-02 04:32:42 +0200 (sam. 02 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug] fix in r7387 was not effective.  Fixed again.
Decode headers to UTF-8 with new function tools::decode_header which always returns scalar.  To ensure value of head->get() is scalar, assign it to scalar variable then use it in other expressions.

r7409 | sikeda | 2012-06-01 10:05:22 +0200 (ven. 01 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug] When message files or templates are edited, newline is added at end of them.  Removed newline just before end tag of <textarea>: confirmed by Firefox and Safari.

r7408 | sikeda | 2012-06-01 04:06:46 +0200 (ven. 01 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] Appended message header/footer cause "mojibake".  Encode header/footer by charset of body parts.

r7405 | sikeda | 2012-05-31 03:38:21 +0200 (jeu. 31 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] Save charset info of urlized part.

r7388 | sikeda | 2012-05-25 05:47:28 +0200 (ven. 25 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug] additional fixes
r7387 | sikeda | 2012-05-24 16:11:30 +0200 (jeu. 24 mai 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug] MIME::Head::get() returns multiple (or zero) values in array context.  It caused various problems on Sympa. For example, decoded subjects became 'Charset' when subject header did really not exist.  Explicitly specify index argument to get() method to force scalar context in array.

Note: Not assume that specific headers occur only once: RFC*822 allows multiple occurrance of some headers (To, CC, ...) and malformed messages may have another multiple headers.

r7386 | sikeda | 2012-05-24 14:58:22 +0200 (jeu. 24 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][#8029] sympa.pl or wwsympa will crash when they handle malformed messages, multipart but with no valid parts.  Instead of accessing each part by array indices, iterate over (possiblly empty) array of parts.

r7380 | sikeda | 2012-05-23 08:02:56 +0200 (mer. 23 mai 2012) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] Mail commands in message body were not decoded.  Detect charset of body then convert it to UTF-8.

Additionally, 7-bit charset detection is improved to choose nearly compatible one of unsupported charset (for example, Mac OS X Lion with ja locale occasionally uses "ISO-2022-JP-2" which has not been supported by any CPAN modules).

r7379 | sikeda | 2012-05-17 06:17:38 +0200 (jeu. 17 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/POTFILES.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug] scan catalogue on help_suspend.tt2.

r7377 | david.verdin | 2012-05-16 16:47:34 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug] create_db scripts updated. Any user updating from versions below 6.1.9 AND using Postgres, Sybase or Oracle as Sympa backend MUST have a look at these scripts and update their database structure according to them BEFORE running sympa.pl --upgrade. MySQL and SQLite will upgrade automatically.

r7373 | sikeda | 2012-05-15 04:13:35 +0200 (mar. 15 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-change] removed "legs of snake" check on regexp.

r7372 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-14 09:56:10 +0200 (lun. 14 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][Submitted by X. Bachelot] Configure option "--with-staticdir" was broken.

r7371 | sikeda | 2012-05-12 05:41:06 +0200 (sam. 12 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][#8047] sympa.pl may crash if (a) argument of an 'equal' condition were given argument with regexp metacharacter; (b) any of 'match' conditions contain malformed regexp.  Changes are (a) use case-folded comparison instead of regexp; (b) trap fatal error by eval{}.  Moreover, (c) prevent evaluating match with potentially harmful regexp.

r7368 | david.verdin | 2012-05-11 16:54:45 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[dev] Updating i18n catalogues
r7367 | david.verdin | 2012-05-11 16:53:28 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[change] Removing mandatory NOT NULL references from most of the fields in list_table table
r7363 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-11 11:27:30 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.11
r7360 | david.verdin | 2012-05-11 11:13:28 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[svn] Retrieving latest modification from 6.0 branch.
r7359 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-11 11:12:19 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447, r7360

[dev] Updating repository metadata.

r7208 | david.verdin | 2011-09-05 16:15:52 +0200 (lun. 05 sept. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447, r7360, r7359

[bug][Submitted by R. di Cosmo] When installing Sympa, if configure was used with the --enable-fsh option, then the lists directory was incorrectly set.
r7358 | david.verdin | 2012-05-11 11:00:52 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447, r7360

[bug] Fixing a potential security issue related to archives
r7357 | david.verdin | 2012-05-11 10:52:10 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] When upgrading from 6.1.9 to 6.1.10 the db list cache was not initialized, due to a badly defined upgrade test. fixed by raising the version number tested.
r7356 | david.verdin | 2012-05-11 10:50:31 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] A removed question mark in the regexp evaluating scenario rules would break some scenario evaluations.
r7355 | david.verdin | 2012-05-11 10:49:27 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/LINGUAS
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[dev] Adding the supoprt of Galician for Makefile
r7354 | david.verdin | 2012-05-11 10:18:42 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/gl.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[dev] Adding i18n catalogues for Galician.

r7352 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-10 16:25:59 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.10
r7351 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-10 15:48:46 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7350 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-10 15:34:52 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7349 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-10 12:33:45 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7348 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-10 12:19:50 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7347 | david.verdin | 2012-05-10 11:55:17 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] In some cases, scenario evaluation would fail due to a question mark having been insterted in the scenario rule evaluation regexp. Fixed by removing this question mark.

r7346 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-10 11:52:14 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7345 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-10 11:38:21 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7344 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-09 16:42:04 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7343 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-09 16:25:56 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7342 | david.verdin | 2012-05-09 14:55:38 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[change][Reported by E. Duval, CGT] In edit_list.conf, the "info" key controlled both the info list parameter and the info file. Now, when one needs to control the edition of the info parameter, one will use the key "info" in edit_list.conf. If one needs to control the edition of the info file, one will use the key "info.file" in the edit_list.conf.

r7341 | david.verdin | 2012-05-09 11:12:45 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[feature][Submitted by X. Bachelot] New configure option available: --with-staticdir. this option allows admins to specify the location of the static data directory. this directory is used for data that don't need to be parsed by Sympa at each web request, e.g. CSS, icons, etc.

r7340 | david.verdin | 2012-05-09 09:11:18 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][Submitted by E. Bouthenot] In version 5.14.2 of Perl, wwsympa.fcgi execution would trigger a segfault, for exemple when creating a one time ticket. this was due to the perl '-U' option being used in the wwsympa shebang. fixed by removing it from the shebang and using C functions in the C wrapper to change the real user and group ids.

r7339 | sikeda | 2012-05-09 06:27:57 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][#8331] StripScripts breaks HTML parts with 7-bit charset in messages.

r7338 | sikeda | 2012-05-08 04:14:31 +0200 (mar. 08 mai 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug] Clean-up patch from Riseup (done, probably):
- --sync_list_db for individual list did not work.
- Possible loss of cache: instead of getting count of row then doing INSERT, try INSERT then UPDATE.
- Eliminated MySQL-specific syntaxes.

r7337 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-03 15:25:46 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7336 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-03 15:09:38 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7335 | david.verdin | 2012-05-03 11:27:12 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[change] Now lists are cached in database at upgrade time.

r7334 | david.verdin | 2012-04-24 15:12:12 +0200 (mar. 24 avril 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][Reported by O.J. Makela, CSC] When an error was found in a config file, the log message reporting this error was not correctly displaid, due to an incorrect number of parameters in the sprintf call and to the paragraph line not being chomped before being sprinted in the log.

r7333 | sikeda | 2012-04-20 17:58:06 +0200 (ven. 20 avril 2012) | 13 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[dev] Refactored db_list_cache codes.
Now option argument of List::get_lists() may have these additional items:
- { 'use_files' => 1 }
  Overriding db_list_cache parameter, always uses filesystem under
  list_data/ to get lists.
- { 'filter_query' => [ keys => vals, ... ] }
  Filter with list profiles.  When any of items specified by keys
  (separated by "|") have any of values specified by vals (ditto), condition
  by that pair is satisfied.  Returns lists satisfying all conditions of
  query.  Currently available keys are: name, robot, status, subject and
  web_archive (1 or 0).
More coprehensive cache mechanism wish to be implemented on future release.

r7332 | sikeda | 2012-04-20 04:14:47 +0200 (ven. 20 avril 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-change]Cosmetic change.
r7331 | etiennemeleard | 2012-04-19 17:44:06 +0200 (jeu. 19 avril 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] Bulk daemon was sometimes dying unexpectedly when local database went away then was available again. This was caused by 2 things. The first one was a wrong way to managed the pid file, ending in multiple whitespaces beeing inserted randomly between pids. The second one was an error in the database connexion managment ending in loosing the reference to the right SQLSource object.
r7330 | etiennemeleard | 2012-04-19 17:38:34 +0200 (jeu. 19 avril 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] List cache disabling was ignored id List::get_lists, lists were always fetched from database, even if list cache table was empty or outdated.
r7329 | sikeda | 2012-04-19 17:08:08 +0200 (jeu. 19 avril 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug][Reported by Thierry Caillet]lists aren't appear on lists page and so on when db_list_page parameter is off. 
[-change] Now value of db_list_cache parameter is either on or off; value '0' means undef on confdef.pm.
[-change] SQLite does not have TRUNCATE TABLE.  Use DELETE FROM.
[-change] RLIKE is MySQL specific.  Instead, filter list of whole lists with regexp match.

r7328 | sikeda | 2012-04-18 04:05:34 +0200 (mer. 18 avril 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_suspend.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2:7326)
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[change][Submitted by S. Ikeda]Move subscription management documentation to the help.

r7327 | sikeda | 2012-04-17 05:59:10 +0200 (mar. 17 avril 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/sample/config.include
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*change] [Submitted by S. Ikeda] 'user_data_source' list parameter is obsoleted; only 'include2' was its available value.

r7326 | sikeda | 2012-04-17 04:33:47 +0200 (mar. 17 avril 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[feature] Search on list review page allows case-insensitive match for non-ASCII letters.

r7324 | sikeda | 2012-04-16 11:56:43 +0200 (lun. 16 avril 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-bug] typo.

r7323 | david.verdin | 2012-04-13 13:43:19 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2012) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[feature] If the follwing files are defined in the family directory, they are parsed and installed for each list in the family:
  - message.footer.tt2 (parsed as message.footer)
  - message.header.tt2 (parsed as message.header)
  - message.footer.mime.tt2 (parsed as message.footer.mime)
  - message.header.mime.tt2 (parsed as message.header.mime)
  - info.tt2 (parsed as info)
For now, these files are parsed at list creation only. Later improvments will allow these files to be recreated when a list is reinstantiated.

r7306 | david.verdin | 2012-03-22 16:58:36 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447, r7323

[feature] Now if a family defined the following files, they are parsed when a list is created and produce the actual files used by Sympa.

r7322 | david.verdin | 2012-04-12 17:21:53 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug] When renaming a list, the directories containing the HTML version of messages to be moderated where not renamed. The editors sould therefore not see the message content in the moderation page. fixed by parsing files starting with a dot and by adding a the regexps to test these directories name.

r7321 | etiennemeleard | 2012-04-11 17:43:51 +0200 (mer. 11 avril 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*feature][Patch from Riseup] Adding a database cache of several list config values. This cache allows to speed up list searches, pending lists page and such. To set up the cache after the upgrade run the following command : sympa.pl --sync_list_db

r7320 | david.verdin | 2012-04-05 15:25:38 +0200 (jeu. 05 avril 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[dev] removing stupid copy/paste artefact.
r7319 | david.verdin | 2012-04-05 15:22:29 +0200 (jeu. 05 avril 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[*bug][Submitted by M. Woloszyn, univ. Silesia] When the "reply_to' parameter had the values "sender" for field "value" and "forced" for field "apply", some MUA (Outlook and Thunderbird) did not reply to the message sender but to the list. this was due to the reply-to header being left undef in that case. fixed by forcing the field value to the email original sender.

r7312 | etiennemeleard | 2012-04-02 15:37:06 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/edit_list.conf
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[change] Removing default config hidding default_user_options config options to list owners.

r7309 | david.verdin | 2012-03-22 18:10:43 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[bug][Submitted by O. Lacroix, CIRIL] When using a MySQL backend, sorting addresse by domain wouls not work due to double quotes in the SQL query around the keyword "dom". This lead to a bad usage of the nrcpt parameter. Fixed by removing the double quotes.

r7308 | david.verdin | 2012-03-22 17:42:17 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[dev] Removing some inactive code.

r7304 | sympa-authors | 2012-03-21 17:42:58 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.9
r7303 | sympa-authors | 2012-03-21 17:39:45 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7302 | sympa-authors | 2012-03-21 17:25:28 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7447

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7307 | david.verdin | 2012-03-22 16:59:27 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/family_signoff_request.tt2
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Improving messages used in user interface for family unsubscription.

r7301 | david.verdin | 2012-03-20 13:05:37 +0100 (mar. 20 mars 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/family_signoff.tt2
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/family_signoff_request.tt2
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/family_signoff_request2.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Implemented the functionnality of family unsubscription using one time tickets.

r7300 | david.verdin | 2012-03-19 17:08:57 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Now the exclude function tests a new column: family. If the family to which a list belongs is named in this column, the user is excluded even if she is not specifically excluded from this particular list.

r7295 | david.verdin | 2012-03-09 12:00:14 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from the 6.1 branch
r7294 | david.verdin | 2012-03-09 11:57:33 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7295

[bug] the exclusion table was not robot-aware, thus potentially leading to mutliple unsubscriptions if several lists having the same local part were present in several robots. Fixed by adding a "robot_exclusion" column to the exclusion table. this column will be automatically filled when upgrading Sympa.

r7293 | david.verdin | 2012-02-17 16:11:27 +0100 (ven. 17 févr. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/Makefile.am
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.family_owner
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Online automatic list creation is now controled by "automatic_list_creation" scenario. Added a new scenarion based on list subscription to a list of "family owners".

r7292 | david.verdin | 2012-02-16 16:57:37 +0100 (jeu. 16 févr. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Generalizing the automatic list names definition to be able to maintain a generic config.tt2 for all the families.

r7291 | david.verdin | 2012-02-14 17:52:41 +0100 (mar. 14 févr. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Online automatic lists fully operational with multiple families.

r7290 | david.verdin | 2012-02-14 17:18:51 +0100 (mar. 14 févr. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] the online automatic lists features can now support multiple lists families.

r7272 | david.verdin | 2012-01-16 10:52:40 +0100 (lun. 16 janv. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Fixing a bug that prevented the List object to be properly instantiated after submitting the automatic_list_request form.

r7271 | david.verdin | 2012-01-13 17:17:03 +0100 (ven. 13 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/menu.tt2
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Added a main menu link to the automatic lists interface.
r7270 | david.verdin | 2012-01-12 17:36:24 +0100 (jeu. 12 janv. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Automatic lists are now created using the web interface.
Still needs to handle permissions correctly and to provide a reasonnable config.tt2 file.

r7269 | david.verdin | 2012-01-12 15:35:27 +0100 (jeu. 12 janv. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Refactoring. Moving automatic list creation into a Family instance method.

r7268 | david.verdin | 2012-01-11 17:36:59 +0100 (mer. 11 janv. 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/automatic_lists.tt2
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/automatic_lists_management_request.tt2
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists/web_tt2/automatic_lists_request.tt2
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[dev] Now the automatic lists are defined in the automatic_lists_description.conf file and their name constituted using an online form.
Still have to trigger the list creation id needed.

r7267 | david.verdin | 2012-01-09 17:04:00 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/ChangeLog
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/NEWS
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/configure.ac
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ar.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/bg.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/br.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ca.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/cs.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/de.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/el.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/es.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/et.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/eu.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/fi.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/fr.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/hu.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/id.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/it.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ja.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ko.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/la.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ml.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/nl.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/oc.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/pl.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/pt.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ro.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/ru.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/sv.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/tr.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/vi.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/userfriendly-autolists/src/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[svn] Keeping dev branch in sync with the stabilization branch.
r7266 | david.verdin | 2012-01-09 16:59:14 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[-bug] revision 7261 introduced a bug preventing new lists from having their admins correctly initialized. Reverting this correction and trying to obtain the same result with a slight modification in task_manager.pl

r7264 | sympa-authors | 2012-01-09 13:21:43 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.8
r7263 | sympa-authors | 2012-01-09 11:53:13 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7262 | sympa-authors | 2012-01-09 11:25:34 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7261 | david.verdin | 2012-01-09 10:29:37 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[bug][Reported by J.H. Belpois, univ. Brest] When a lot of lists used inclusions for their members, displaying the list of lists could lead an error 500. This was due to attempts to include list ADMINS even though they were not included from external sources. These attempts led to the creation of write locks (include_admins.lock) that, beyond a certain number of lists, led to automatic collisions with read locks used when gathering the admins mail addresses. After a certain number of collisions, the web request timed out. Fixed by quitting the skipping the admin sync when no admin source is defined.
r7260 | david.verdin | 2012-01-09 10:18:08 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[svn] Updating the ChangLog
r7259 | sympa-authors | 2012-01-06 16:32:39 +0100 (ven. 06 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7258 | sympa-authors | 2012-01-06 15:57:54 +0100 (ven. 06 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7257 | sympa-authors | 2012-01-06 14:55:18 +0100 (ven. 06 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7256 | sympa-authors | 2012-01-06 14:41:25 +0100 (ven. 06 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7255 | sympa-authors | 2012-01-06 10:53:38 +0100 (ven. 06 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7254 | sympa-authors | 2012-01-05 17:53:29 +0100 (jeu. 05 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[bug][Submitted by P. Vandry, TZoNE.ORG] The VERP return path was never correctly set due to a bad variable initialization.
r7252 | david.verdin | 2012-01-05 16:26:03 +0100 (jeu. 05 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[svn] Committing updated metadata
r7209 | david.verdin | 2011-09-05 17:06:16 +0200 (lun. 05 sept. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267, r7252

[bug][Submitted by R. di Cosmo] When installing Sympa, if configure was used with the --enable-fsh option, then the lists directory was incorrectly set.
r6706 | serge.aumont | 2010-10-13 10:46:06 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267, r7252

[bug] CAS auth problem, reported by Vincent Bonamy

r7251 | david.verdin | 2011-12-14 13:27:44 +0100 (mer. 14 déc. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r7450, r7448, r7267

[bug][#8094][Submitted by A. Piper, univ. Marburg] In some contexts, using the unsubscription UL
r7250 | david.verdin | 2011-11-30 17:27:26 +0100 (mer. 30 nov. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/userfriendly-autolists (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch:7249)
Fision via : r7450, r7448

[svn] Creating a branch for the work on the user friendly automatic lists management.

r7446 | david.verdin | 2012-07-05 16:15:58 +0200 (jeu. 05 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[svn] Fixing problems that appeared after merging latest modifications from branch 6.2.

r7445 | david.verdin | 2012-07-05 13:41:53 +0200 (jeu. 05 juil. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/POTFILES.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.

r7444 | david.verdin | 2012-07-04 16:19:06 +0200 (mer. 04 juil. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[*change]Now the bulk master daemon checks its actual children processes, compare the pid found to the list of children it created. If some children died, the listmaster is notified and new children are created to reach the maximum allowed number of processes. This functionnalityt introduces a new dependency to the Proc::ProcessTable module. In addition, Sympa processes put a lock on pid files when changing its content. This prevents multiple instannces process from failing to write to the pid file.
r7429 | david.verdin | 2012-06-21 11:06:37 +0200 (jeu. 21 juin 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[bug] help_suspend.tt2 was not install by make install, because it was not referenced in Makefile.am.
r7418 | david.verdin | 2012-06-13 10:49:08 +0200 (mer. 13 juin 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in

[bug] A call to get_next_user and get_first_user remained in the task_manager, causing it to crash. Fixed by replacing them with get_next_list_member and get_first_list_member.
r7416 | david.verdin | 2012-06-07 12:41:52 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in

[change] Now bulk master daemon checks the number of packets to send at its first loop, preventing it from trying to send packets before forking. This will speed up the distribution process if the bulk starts when a lot of packets are already waiting to be sent.

r7415 | david.verdin | 2012-06-07 12:10:27 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[change] Now a lock is put on pid file before modifying them. This will prevent conflicts when a Sympa process can run in multiple instances.

r7414 | david.verdin | 2012-06-07 11:39:18 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] Making the modules used by VOOT optional.
[feature] New "voot_feature" sympa.conf paramter. Default value is "off". If set to "on", enables the VOOT feature.

r7413 | david.verdin | 2012-06-07 11:34:37 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm

[change] Now the "new" function in Lock.pm systematically give ownership of the ".lock" files to the Sympa user to prevent lock modification impossibility due to write permission denial.

r7411 | etiennemeleard | 2012-06-04 11:13:26 +0200 (lun. 04 juin 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] Incoherent cached/returned values when getting list member info broke subscription.

r7407 | david.verdin | 2012-05-31 13:06:47 +0200 (jeu. 31 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] the get_list_member function did not return undef when a user was not found in the database, leading to the situation where any address was considered to be already subscribed.

r7406 | david.verdin | 2012-05-31 13:04:33 +0200 (jeu. 31 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po

[svn] Updating i18n catalogues.

r7403 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-30 16:36:09 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.20
r7402 | david.verdin | 2012-05-30 16:32:55 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[change] When a user did not exist in database, trying to retrieve information would lead to a log indicating that it was not possible to retrieve informations about the user in the database. Though true, this message could lead admins to think that connection to the databdase was faulty. Now, the messages clearly distinguish the cases when the database had troubles and when the query did not return any records.

r7401 | david.verdin | 2012-05-30 15:31:41 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] merge with version 6.1 had led to the reintroduction of the "get_*_user" instead  of "get_*_list_member".

r7400 | david.verdin | 2012-05-30 14:08:27 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] Fixed a problem in external datasources for SQL and LDAP, due to merge with the 6.1.
[bug] Got rid of the "Failed to parse custom attributes" errors by checking whether the parsing was actually successful or not.

r7398 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-30 09:37:18 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.19
r7397 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-29 17:16:28 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7396 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-29 17:00:11 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7395 | david.verdin | 2012-05-29 16:35:53 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-bug] Some multi-valued parameters were badly defined, using, as a split charater, a comma stuck to a white space. This lead Sympa to misinterpret lists not using spaces after a comme. Fixed by removing the white space in the split_cchar definition sub-parameter. Also fixed an error in log during upgrade process.

r7393 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-29 14:36:30 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.18
r7392 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-29 14:34:01 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7391 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-29 14:14:38 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7389 | david.verdin | 2012-05-29 10:08:54 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Fixing syntax errors consecutive to a big merge.
r7385 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-24 14:29:04 +0200 (jeu. 24 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7384 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-24 14:12:51 +0200 (jeu. 24 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7383 | david.verdin | 2012-05-24 14:04:07 +0200 (jeu. 24 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[dev] Comitting latests translations from pootle
r7382 | david.verdin | 2012-05-24 12:07:50 +0200 (jeu. 24 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po

[svn]Updating i18n catalogues
r7381 | etiennemeleard | 2012-05-24 10:54:33 +0200 (jeu. 24 mai 2012) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in

[change] Task manager now aggregates stats starting from oldest non-processed stat_table entry,
not form 1 year ago like before, in normal use this avoid thousand of useless requests (2 per hour over 1 year,
even if there is nothing to process) but still allows processing of stats if the task_manager was stopped for more than 1 day.

r7378 | david.verdin | 2012-05-16 16:48:47 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[dev] Sorting database creation scripts alphabetically.
r7376 | david.verdin | 2012-05-16 16:06:21 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[dev] Adding support of list_table and latest modifications in exclusion_table structure to the 6.2 branch.

r7375 | david.verdin | 2012-05-16 15:49:33 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[dev] Getting rid temporarily of the "enum" type for PG databases.

r7374 | david.verdin | 2012-05-16 15:28:51 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/doc/sample/config.include
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/LINGUAS
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/gl.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/gl.po:7372)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/gl.po (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/gl.po:7372)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_suspend.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_suspend.tt2:7372)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.1.

r7369 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-11 16:56:02 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.16
r7366 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-11 16:53:08 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7365 | sympa-authors | 2012-05-11 16:36:27 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7325 | etiennemeleard | 2012-04-16 16:13:10 +0200 (lun. 16 avril 2012) | 16 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2

[*feature] Adding a datasource config parameter to disable sync include when in specified time ranges.
Ranges are described as a space separated list of time periods.
A time period consists in 2 times separated by an hyphen.
A time can be either just the hours digits or also hours and minutes if separated by a colon.
Examples of time periods :

As a bonus the big pinfo list parameter description hash gets a new indentation for increased readability.

r7117 | ogoryi | 2011-06-10 15:03:02 +0200 (ven. 10 juin 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-yohann/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7325

[feature]Provisioning custom attributes from external data sources. Two new functions in List.pm : include_ca_sql and sync_include_ca. The first, do the request from external sql sources. Then it permits to reference custom attributes with email. At the end of the function, we call createXMLCustomAttribute. Sync_include_ca scans the different external sources, and calls include_ca_sql.
r7066 | ogoryi | 2011-04-19 09:13:01 +0200 (mar. 19 avril 2011) | 29 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-yohann/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/stage-yohann/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/stage-yohann/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/stage-yohann/web_tt2/review.tt2
Fision via : r7325

[feature][#6089]There is now, four new params in a config list :Starthour,Startminute,Endhour,
There are implements in SQLSources, LDAPSources and LDPA2levelSources. With this params, you can 
enter a period of time wich disable the syncronization.

There are use in a new function, in "Datasoutce.pm" : "is_allowed_to_sync", which return 1 if the
 syncronization is allowed, or 0 if it is not. With this function, you can start your period of n
o syncronization the current day, and finish it, the next day.

Then, this function is called in the function "_load_list_members_from_include" in "List.pm"
Firstly, we check if the current id was present in the hash of old_subscribers* (it corresponds a
t the subscribers before the syncronization).
This permit to know if it's a new subscribers, OR if there is changing in the configuration list.
Next, we check if it's allowed to syncronize or not :
If it is : we can add new subscribers and update the others.
It it is not : we make an array with subscribers who are excluded.

To finish, in sync_include, we check if there are exclusions. 
If it is the case :
Feed the new_subscribers hash with users previously subscribed with data sources not used because
 we were not in the period of
time during which synchronization is allowed. This will prevent these users from being unsubscrib

*The hash of old_subscribers (wich is returned)is create in a new function "get_list_of_sources_i
This function is called in parameters in the function "_load_list_members_from_include".

r7057 | david.verdin | 2011-04-04 10:38:01 +0200 (lun. 04 avril 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/stage-yohann (de /trunk:7056)
Fision via : r7325

[svn]Creating branch for Yohann training period
r7317 | sympa-authors | 2012-04-04 16:04:44 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.15
r7316 | sympa-authors | 2012-04-04 15:54:56 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7315 | sympa-authors | 2012-04-04 15:38:06 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7314 | etiennemeleard | 2012-04-04 15:17:16 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/OAuthProvider.pm

[svn] Fetching latest fixes

r7313 | etiennemeleard | 2012-04-04 15:12:12 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2012) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/OAuthProvider.pm
Fision via : r7314

[bug] Fixed table name in OAuth provider module.

r7311 | etiennemeleard | 2012-03-28 15:44:29 +0200 (mer. 28 mars 2012) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm:7310)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/OAuthProvider.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/OAuthProvider.pm:7310)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/VOOTConsumer.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/VOOTConsumer.pm:7310)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/VOOTProvider.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/VOOTProvider.pm:7310)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/oauth_authorize.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/oauth_authorize.tt2:7310)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/oauth_check.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/oauth_check.tt2:7310)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2:7310)
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2:7310)
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Adding OAuth/VOOT provider/consumer capabilities.

VOOT is a Opensocial/OAuth based group membership sharing protocol.

It allows to easily synchronize external groups with any Sympa list using Opensocial requests.

It also allows to include members from an external Opensocial capable group manager in a list.

For more information on VOOT, see : https://github.com/andreassolberg/voot/wiki/Protocol

r7299 | etiennemeleard | 2012-03-16 10:54:11 +0100 (ven. 16 mars 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
Fision via : r7311

[bug] Malformed spool file caused parsing error and thus sympa.pl crash, adding test to skip message if so.
r7298 | etiennemeleard | 2012-03-13 15:52:31 +0100 (mar. 13 mars 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r7311

[-bug] Fixing wrong regexp breaking bounce code in complexWhich response.
r7297 | etiennemeleard | 2012-03-13 15:40:51 +0100 (mar. 13 mars 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
Fision via : r7311

[-bug] Fixing wrong data type breaking bounce code in complexWhich response.
r7296 | etiennemeleard | 2012-03-13 14:54:00 +0100 (mar. 13 mars 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r7311

[-feature] Adding bounce score to complexWitch SOAP response.
r7275 | etiennemeleard | 2012-01-26 15:47:06 +0100 (jeu. 26 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
Fision via : r7311

[bug] Fixed example subjet in default invite template
r7274 | david.verdin | 2012-01-18 17:18:44 +0100 (mer. 18 janv. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7311

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.2.

r7248 | etiennemeleard | 2011-11-14 10:40:56 +0100 (lun. 14 nov. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r7311, r7274

[bug][#7424] Excluding then restoring (eg manually subscribing) an included member resulted in member being included and subscribed at the same time.
r7211 | david.verdin | 2011-09-29 09:22:19 +0200 (jeu. 29 sept. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/summary.tt2

[bug][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] The summary.tt2 template contained a wrap TT2 command that caused the URL to be broken. Fixed by moving this command around parts of the message that don't contain URLs.
r7223 | sikeda | 2011-10-07 04:16:24 +0200 (ven. 07 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-bug] SOAP::Lite 0.712.5 seems not really to exist. 0.712 may be a fixed version.

r7222 | sikeda | 2011-10-07 03:06:29 +0200 (ven. 07 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm

[-bug] a typo in previous commit.

r7215 | david.verdin | 2011-10-05 08:42:02 +0200 (mer. 05 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm

[bug][Reported and boldly tested by O. Menkens] In perl, when the real and effective uids of a sccript are different, the tainted mode is activated. This caused mod_fcgid to issue a lot of "Insecure dependency" errors in the Apache logs. Fixed by untainting the variables causing these errors.

r7246 | david.verdin | 2011-10-19 14:55:02 +0200 (mer. 19 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[-bug] Adding missing primary key for oauthprovider_nonces_table. (Also adding an 's' to 'nonce' in the table name).

r7244 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-17 16:45:59 +0200 (lun. 17 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm

[-change] More verbose log when encountering an OAuth error
r7243 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-13 13:00:47 +0200 (jeu. 13 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/VOOTProvider.pm

[feature] Add scenari controlled support for VOOT getGroupMembers endpoint
r7242 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-13 12:59:13 +0200 (jeu. 13 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/OAuthProvider.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/oauth_authorize.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Users could be redirected directly to oauth_authorization_ok action causing them to silently accept data sharing
r7241 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-13 12:54:48 +0200 (jeu. 13 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[change] Set table name accordingly to uses
r7240 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-12 17:02:11 +0200 (mer. 12 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] OAuth/VOOT providers related actions
r7239 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-12 17:01:15 +0200 (mer. 12 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am

[feature] makefile for OAuthProvider and VOOTProvider
r7238 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-12 17:00:14 +0200 (mer. 12 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/web_tt2/oauth_authorize.tt2

[feature] Interface for OAuthProvider
r7237 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-12 16:58:56 +0200 (mer. 12 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/lib/VOOTProvider.pm

[feature] VOOTProvider helper
r7236 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-12 16:57:59 +0200 (mer. 12 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[feature] Database definition for OAuthProvider
r7235 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-12 16:56:58 +0200 (mer. 12 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/lib/OAuthProvider.pm

[feature] OAuthProvider helper
r7232 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-10 12:32:50 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2

[feature] VOOT include type with outdated OAuth token report
r7231 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-10 12:31:58 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[feature] Link in the list menu to access opensocial features
r7230 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-10 12:28:47 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Integration of OAuth/VOOT consumers in wwsympa
r7229 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-10 12:27:36 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[feature] web TT2 makefile update to add VOOT templates
r7228 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-10 12:26:42 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/select_voot_groups_request.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/select_voot_provider_request.tt2

[feature] VOOT consumer templates
r7227 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-10 12:25:46 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/oauth_check.tt2

[feature] OAuth consumer checker template
r7226 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-10 12:24:17 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/VOOTConsumer.pm

[feature] VOOT consumer
r7225 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-10 12:23:30 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[feature] OAuth consumer datatable description
r7224 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-10 12:22:13 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/lib/OAuthConsumer.pm

[feature] OAuth consumer
r7216 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-06 08:53:30 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[bug] Found some erroneous &Log::&Log::do_log calls, changed them to simple &Log::do_log
r7214 | etiennemeleard | 2011-10-03 17:04:07 +0200 (lun. 03 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Topic select (create_list) did not re-select item properly in case of subtopic selected when submit error (missing field ...)
r7212 | david.verdin | 2011-09-30 10:40:27 +0200 (ven. 30 sept. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.
r7207 | david.verdin | 2011-09-05 15:33:26 +0200 (lun. 05 sept. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest mosifications from branch 6.2
r7205 | david.verdin | 2011-09-05 14:03:51 +0200 (lun. 05 sept. 2011) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r7207

[bug] When using the SOAP server, if the lists subjects or gecos
fields included UTF-8 characters. The response content-length header was
smaller than the real character count in the response document, thus,
clients created too small buffers to process the XML document and validation
of said document failed. This issue was due to the fact that libwww is counting characters instead of bytes.
Fixed by upgrading to the latest version of SOAP::Lite.

r7197 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-25 16:47:57 +0200 (jeu. 25 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7207

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.7
r7196 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-25 16:22:12 +0200 (jeu. 25 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r7207

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7195 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-25 16:06:27 +0200 (jeu. 25 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7207

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7194 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-25 15:53:20 +0200 (jeu. 25 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r7207

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7152 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-27 16:06:32 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
Fision via : r7207

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7151 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-27 15:56:39 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
Fision via : r7207

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7310 | david.verdin | 2012-03-23 16:50:16 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[dev] Cosmetic modifications in the code
r7289 | david.verdin | 2012-02-03 17:32:26 +0100 (ven. 03 févr. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm

[-change] Now the rename_list function moves stats as well as other list data.

r7287 | sympa-authors | 2012-02-03 15:11:34 +0100 (ven. 03 févr. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.14
r7286 | sympa-authors | 2012-02-03 15:09:46 +0100 (ven. 03 févr. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7285 | sympa-authors | 2012-02-03 14:53:01 +0100 (ven. 03 févr. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7284 | david.verdin | 2012-02-02 17:11:24 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po

[svn]Submitting updated Japanese catalogue
r7283 | david.verdin | 2012-02-02 17:10:58 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] The test to verify that the custom attributes were correctly parsed was wrong and returned false even if the ca were correctly loaded. Fixed by testing the umber of keyx in the hash. If the parsing succeeded, it MUST contain at least one key for the root XML element.

r7281 | sympa-authors | 2012-02-02 16:28:43 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.13
r7280 | sympa-authors | 2012-02-02 16:17:23 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7279 | sympa-authors | 2012-02-02 16:02:47 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7278 | david.verdin | 2012-02-02 15:54:59 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm

[bug] bounces and archives were note moved when a list was renamed, du to a bad usage of test on  the list name.

r7277 | david.verdin | 2012-02-02 15:09:05 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm

[change] Replacing usage of the "rename" function by "File::Copy::move". this is more likely to work on different systems.

r7276 | david.verdin | 2012-02-01 15:37:02 +0100 (mer. 01 févr. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/web_tt2/title.tt2

[bug] The maililng list service title was no longer displayed in the web interface.

r7273 | david.verdin | 2012-01-18 16:51:57 +0100 (mer. 18 janv. 2012) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from 6.1 branch.

r7253 | david.verdin | 2012-01-05 17:28:53 +0100 (jeu. 05 janv. 2012) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[change] Now queries are cached once prepared to save database workload.
r7249 | sympa-authors | 2011-11-15 16:02:27 +0100 (mar. 15 nov. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug][#7424] Excluding then restoring (eg manually subscribing) an included member resulted in member being included and subscribed at the same time.
r7247 | david.verdin | 2011-10-20 14:50:25 +0200 (jeu. 20 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] A regexp test was badly done, leading to remote_file datasource to fail for each line of the remote file.

r7245 | david.verdin | 2011-10-19 13:31:47 +0200 (mer. 19 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] Removing useless and dangerous incrementation of an hour
r7234 | david.verdin | 2011-10-11 11:47:37 +0200 (mar. 11 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[change] Removed the systematic ping when performing a query to the database. The connection check is now done only if a quyery fails, the query is then resubmitted.

r7233 | david.verdin | 2011-10-10 16:17:23 +0200 (lun. 10 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[svn] retrienving latest modifications from 6.1 branch
r7221 | olivier.salaun | 2011-10-06 17:03:10 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-change]added precise log message for custom attributes parsing errors

r7220 | olivier.salaun | 2011-10-06 16:24:23 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm

[-bug]prevent error logs "Unable to retrieve information from database for user " while running sympasoap::which()

r7219 | sympa-authors | 2011-10-06 16:18:04 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[change]Making the email subparameter of the update parameter optional to get rid of useless errors when loading the config.
r7218 | olivier.salaun | 2011-10-06 15:08:47 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in

[bug]wwsympa.fcgi failed to execute alias_manager.pl as user 'sympa'. Running the system command made us loose the Effecive UID of the process. Nom forcing the real UID to the value of the effective UID.

r7217 | olivier.salaun | 2011-10-06 14:48:12 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug]wwsympa.fcgi failed to execute alias_manager.pl as user 'sympa'. Running the system command made us loose the Effective UID of the process. Nom forcing the real UID to the value of the effective UID.

r7213 | olivier.salaun | 2011-09-30 11:07:21 +0200 (ven. 30 sept. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm

[change] changed code to collect error messages from alias manager

r7206 | david.verdin | 2011-09-05 15:28:59 +0200 (lun. 05 sept. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.1

r7204 | olivier.salaun | 2011-09-01 16:56:01 +0200 (jeu. 01 sept. 2011) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly

[change] ***** scenarios using the editorkey action needs to be adapted to work with the new code. You should remove rules o
f type "is_editor() md5 -> do_it" to prevent message from editor sent throught the web "Post" function to escape from the mo
deration process. This change is required because web posted messages now REALLY are considered to have the "md5" authentica
tion method.

r7201 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-30 17:54:44 +0200 (mar. 30 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] new --change_user_email for sympa.pl. It allows to change a user email address in all virtual robots with a single command

r7200 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-30 17:12:02 +0200 (mar. 30 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in

[-change]reordered sympa.pl command line arguments

r7192 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-24 18:55:10 +0200 (mer. 24 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.12
r7191 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-24 18:53:20 +0200 (mer. 24 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7190 | david.verdin | 2011-08-24 18:33:47 +0200 (mer. 24 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm

[bug] In Message::new, when a MIME entity was passed as argument, the "file" parameter was used instead of the "mimeentity" parameter. It lead to the creation of empty Message objects.

r7189 | david.verdin | 2011-08-24 18:31:47 +0200 (mer. 24 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-change] Cosmetic changes to List.pm. Also, now we test that the message object is defined before testing its class.

r7188 | david.verdin | 2011-08-24 18:29:39 +0200 (mer. 24 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm

[-change] The validity of the message object is now tested at the beginning of mail::mail_message function. This function accepts Message objects only as parameter and MUST return undef if anything else is passed.

r7187 | david.verdin | 2011-08-24 18:27:05 +0200 (mer. 24 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[bug] Bulk::store is supposed to return an undefined value is the message storing went well. Until now, it didn't return anything at the end of the function. Making it return true explicitely to prevent any surprise.

r7185 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-23 14:09:45 +0200 (mar. 23 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.11
r7184 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-23 14:02:35 +0200 (mar. 23 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7183 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-23 13:52:29 +0200 (mar. 23 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7182 | david.verdin | 2011-08-23 13:43:00 +0200 (mar. 23 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] functions from Log.pm are no longer exported. Therefore, they can't be called in the local namespace of the caller and must always be prefixed by 'Log::'.

r7181 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-12 13:38:41 +0200 (ven. 12 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/soap/SympaTransport.pm

[-bug]SOAP server could not set the SYMPA_ROBOT correctly. No more use defined function because entries of $Conf::Conf{'robot_by_soap_url'} seem to be defined but empty

r7180 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-11 15:59:15 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-change]remove warning at processes startup "Conf::_set_listmasters_entry(): Defaulting to the main server listmasters"

r7179 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-11 15:54:54 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[bug]Fixed bug introduced in revision 7045 : variable name was sympa_piddir instead of sympapiddir

r7177 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-11 14:48:21 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.10
r7176 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-11 14:38:38 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7175 | sympa-authors | 2011-08-11 14:25:49 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7174 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-11 11:45:54 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2011) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po

[change]fi moderation message when topics are required:
 - keep the standard Subject
 - don't refer to the viewmod web page, it does not allow tagging
 - added attached message
 - made spam-related string localized

r7173 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-10 17:21:02 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/sympa.pl.in

[-bug]Prevent useless error messages in sympa.pl about unknown list and unknown robot. This happens because we try to find out if a mail in the spool is a list message or a service message for a person. Now using 'just_try' options for List::new() and Conf::valir_robot().

r7172 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-10 14:43:12 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature]Added stack traces to log level 'err'

r7171 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-10 14:42:32 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Log.pm

[feature]Added stack traces to log entries when log level is 'err'

r7170 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-10 13:34:21 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug]Fix bug introduced in revision 7044: include_file and include_remote_file no more allowed gecos. Code has been fixed, also running &tools::clean_email() refore &tools:valid_email(). 
Also added a check of $sth in get_global_user()

r7169 | olivier.salaun | 2011-08-09 17:23:27 +0200 (mar. 09 août 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[-bug]include_sql_query would fail with DBD not being one of Oracle, Sybase, mysql, SQLite, Pg. It even makes Sympa processes die with the folllowing error message: "Can't call method "connect" on an undefined value at /home/sympa/bin/List.pm line 7838". Fixed SQLSource::new() to use the DBManipulatorDefault + prevent dying of processes.

r7167 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-29 16:42:24 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.9
r7166 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-29 16:35:56 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7165 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-29 16:23:16 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7164 | david.verdin | 2011-07-29 15:56:51 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[change] In the parameters config definition, the empty default values were replaced by a mention stating that the parameter is optional. That way, it won't be written automatically in the config.

r7162 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-28 14:22:18 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.8
r7161 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-28 14:13:49 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7160 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-28 14:03:10 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7159 | david.verdin | 2011-07-28 13:55:30 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.2-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] Fixing bad parameter definition, making Sympa to fail starting when optional parameters were missing.
r7158 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-28 08:37:49 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.2-branch (de /trunk:7157)

[-release]Creating branch for version 6.2a.7
r7156 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-28 08:37:42 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.7
r7155 | david.verdin | 2011-07-27 16:31:22 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

[svn] Updating NEWS file
r7154 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-27 16:24:59 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7153 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-27 16:13:58 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7150 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-27 15:49:04 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7149 | david.verdin | 2011-07-27 15:41:23 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po

[svn] retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch
r7140 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-20 18:37:40 +0200 (mer. 20 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7149

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.6
r7139 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-20 18:05:52 +0200 (mer. 20 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
Fision via : r7149

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7138 | sympa-authors | 2011-07-20 17:55:24 +0200 (mer. 20 juil. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
Fision via : r7149

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7148 | david.verdin | 2011-07-27 14:56:48 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[-change] Getting rid oaf a useless hash.

r7147 | david.verdin | 2011-07-27 14:46:41 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[-change] A way better change in inheritance handling than in rev 7146. Now SQLSource inherit Datasource and is the moother class of DBManipulatorDefault. This way, we get rid of the superclass juming previously used.
SQLsource objects are cast as DBManipulator* objects at the end of the constructor, et voila!

r7146 | david.verdin | 2011-07-27 13:42:45 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[-bug] When using several RDBMS, the RDBMS type was set for all the SQLSource to the last db type used. Now, any time we want to use the SQLSource object, we check that it has the right superclass. This is not the best solution: we should change the object model so that the definition of the superclass would remain contingentedbe restrained to the instance.

r7145 | david.verdin | 2011-07-26 17:37:59 +0200 (mar. 26 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] fixing a lot of bugs introduced while refactoring.

r7144 | david.verdin | 2011-07-26 13:57:43 +0200 (mar. 26 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[feature] Full support of automatic database upgrade for PostgreSQL.

r7143 | david.verdin | 2011-07-22 17:44:12 +0200 (ven. 22 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm

[dev] WIP: Adding Postgresql-specific funtions for DB upgrade.

r7142 | david.verdin | 2011-07-21 15:52:15 +0200 (jeu. 21 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm

[change] When no listmaster is defined for a robot, the main server listmasters are the default listmasters.

r7137 | david.verdin | 2011-07-15 17:41:11 +0200 (ven. 15 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[svn] Fixing problem appeared duriong the merge with 6.1 version.

r7136 | david.verdin | 2011-07-15 17:19:47 +0200 (ven. 15 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from the stable branch (6.1).

r7135 | david.verdin | 2011-07-15 16:33:38 +0200 (ven. 15 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7136

[bug][Reported by J.C. granger, INRA] In the "Manage your subscriptions" page, list members could unsubscribe from list where unsubscription was closed. Fixed by checking authorization scenarios.

r7134 | david.verdin | 2011-07-15 15:33:07 +0200 (ven. 15 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7136

[dev] Refactoring: moving web report functions out of the wwsympa.fcgi::unsubscribe function.

r7133 | david.verdin | 2011-07-15 11:17:42 +0200 (ven. 15 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7136

[dev] Refactoring. Moving the unsubscription authorization control and operation out of the "do_signoff" sub to make it available to other functions.

r7132 | david.verdin | 2011-07-13 16:41:58 +0200 (mer. 13 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7136

[bug][Reported by F. Gadin, univ. La Rochelle] The code in wwsympa used the - deprecated - way of testing hash emptiness. Fixed by removing the "defined" pragma when testing whether the has contains a defined value.

r7131 | david.verdin | 2011-07-08 17:23:53 +0200 (ven. 08 juil. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r7136

[bug] In some cases, sympa.pl would reach 100% CPU while processing a message. Fixed by updating the way the text is wrapped when a message is constituted.

r7124 | sikeda | 2011-06-18 06:00:27 +0200 (sam. 18 juin 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
Fision via : r7136

[bug][#7055][Submitted by Andras Bendzsak] email with RFC5322-incompliant mailbox quoted by MTA such as Postfix messes archive browsing.  Backported from trunk.

r7123 | sikeda | 2011-06-18 05:12:09 +0200 (sam. 18 juin 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7136

[-bug][#6985][Submitted by Dan Pritts] rebuilding archive 'will complete soon' rather than 'completed' immediately. 

r7122 | sikeda | 2011-06-18 04:17:17 +0200 (sam. 18 juin 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r7136

[-bug][#6974][Submitted by Dan Pritts] successful install_aliases() would log to 'info' rather than 'err'.

r7119 | sikeda | 2011-06-16 05:05:30 +0200 (jeu. 16 juin 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
Fision via : r7136

[bug] filehandle was not closed.  Backport from trunk.

r7115 | sympa-authors | 2011-06-06 10:40:30 +0200 (lun. 06 juin 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r7136

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.5
r7114 | sympa-authors | 2011-06-06 09:28:17 +0200 (lun. 06 juin 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7113 | sympa-authors | 2011-06-06 09:18:33 +0200 (lun. 06 juin 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7112 | sympa-authors | 2011-06-06 09:02:43 +0200 (lun. 06 juin 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7111 | sympa-authors | 2011-06-06 08:52:37 +0200 (lun. 06 juin 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7108 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-31 13:28:39 +0200 (mar. 31 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7107 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-31 13:23:37 +0200 (mar. 31 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7106 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-26 16:22:26 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7105 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-26 16:17:19 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7104 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-26 15:27:49 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7103 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-26 15:19:50 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r7136

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7059 | david.verdin | 2011-04-06 09:31:37 +0200 (mer. 06 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r7136

[bug][Reported by V. Carpier, AC Réunion (but seriously, he was in the CRU before!)] SympaSession.pm caused "fetch without execute" errors to be issued into the Apache error logs. This was due to a second call to "fetchrow_hashref" after all the lines had already been fetched, and the statement handler subsequently finished. Fixed by including result fetching into a loop.

r7058 | david.verdin | 2011-04-05 15:13:00 +0200 (mar. 05 avril 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
Fision via : r7136

[svn] Updating i18n catalogues
r7055 | sympa-authors | 2011-04-01 14:07:20 +0200 (ven. 01 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r7136

[bug] reported by gauthier Catteau Message-ID may be longer than 100 chars and so they may result in a SQL error.

r7019 | david.verdin | 2011-02-10 11:07:02 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r7136

[bug][#7521][Submitted by E. del Rio] Explicit incldes in scenarios did not longer work because the rules using them did not have an authentification method. Fixed by adding them to the scenario list as soon as they are found in the main scenario body.

r7014 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-02 16:36:47 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7136

[change][#7071]CGI.pm changes environment variable names ('-' => '_')
While using generic_sso, declared environment variable names needs to be transformed accordingly

r7012 | david.verdin | 2011-02-02 16:30:21 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r7136

[bug][Reported by J.C. Vergerolles, univ. Bordeaux 2] Some DBD, such as DBD-Oracle, issue croak statements when the connexion can't be established. This lead to sympa crashing just beacuse the database is unreachable. Fixed putting each database connection attempt in an eval block. If the connection fails, Sympa retries to connect if asked or simply returns undef after logging.

r7011 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-02 15:31:39 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7136

[bug][#7071][reported by I.Krzysztof]While using generic_sso, allow other characters for the 'netid_http_header'parameter (including hyphen).

r7010 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-02 15:29:24 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7136

[bug][#7070]Login with generic_sso failed when 'force_email_verify' was enabled
The problem was due to the user password no more stored in the user DB. Usage of password to validate the user email address has been replaced with one-time tickets.

r7009 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-02 15:28:39 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7136

[bug][#5989][submited by A.Bendzsak] change_email web feature did not updae the netidmap_table. Now it does.

r7008 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-02 15:28:05 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
Fision via : r7136

[bug][#3049][reported by L. Foucher, IUT P. Sabatier] CAS authentication failed when Sympa web server was behind an HTTP reverse proxy. The URL of the service passed to the CAS server was incorrect. Now using get_header_field() that can use 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' env variable if set.

r7110 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-31 16:01:48 +0200 (mar. 31 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7109 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-31 15:50:35 +0200 (mar. 31 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7101 | david.verdin | 2011-05-26 10:42:23 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] Added a correction to the correction previously reported by Soji Ikeda for bug [#7689]. Thanks again Soji!

r7100 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-24 17:35:07 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7099 | david.verdin | 2011-05-24 17:21:55 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2

[-bug] Fix tt2 i18n: Some localization contained [% GET %] tags only, thus leading to an attempt to translate the TT2 tag. Fixed by removing the translations: These strings need to be translated in the code, because they are just parameters for the TT2.
r7098 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-24 16:31:39 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7097 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-24 16:23:13 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7096 | david.verdin | 2011-05-24 16:12:13 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] Fix a character string breaking gettext tools in confdef.pm.

r7095 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-24 15:24:37 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7094 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-24 14:59:31 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7093 | david.verdin | 2011-05-23 15:15:28 +0200 (lun. 23 mai 2011) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[change][#7689][Submitted by S. Ikeda] Several improvments in the sympa_wizard.pl and default parameters handling:
* Duplicated entries in confdef.pm were removed.
* Parameters definitions were sorted according to Sympa.org site documentaion.
* parameter ``domain'' and ``wwsympa_url'' are allocated values when sympa_wzard.pl is run.
* Some parameters were not found in Sympa 6.2 online documentation:
  * list_check_helo
  * bulk_sleep
 They are now listed at and after ``Tag based spam filtering'' category.
* Enhancement: sympa_wizard.pl create_configuration() was i18n'ized.
* Some parameter defaults are differ between confdef.pm and online doc. pictures_feature, automatic_list_creation, misaddressed_commands_regexp, remove_headers, list_check_suffixes, process_bouncers_task, session_table_ttl. 

r7088 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-11 09:26:42 +0200 (mer. 11 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.6
r7087 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-11 09:20:39 +0200 (mer. 11 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fi.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7086 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-11 09:19:20 +0200 (mer. 11 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7083 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-10 17:18:56 +0200 (mar. 10 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.5
r7082 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-10 17:16:55 +0200 (mar. 10 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7081 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-10 17:14:48 +0200 (mar. 10 mai 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7079 | sympa-authors | 2011-05-10 16:57:47 +0200 (mar. 10 mai 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/AUTHORS
   M /trunk/COPYING
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/.latex2html-init
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in
   M /trunk/doc/man8/archived.pod.in
   M /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.pod
   M /trunk/doc/sample/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/sample/README
   M /trunk/doc/sample/config.digest
   M /trunk/doc/sample/config.include
   M /trunk/doc/sample/config.moderation
   M /trunk/doc/sample/config.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/doc/sample/config.public
   M /trunk/doc/sample/employees.ldap
   M /trunk/doc/sample/robot.conf
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/config
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/info
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/message.footer
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/doc/sample/trusted_applications.conf
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/bye.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/d_reject_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/index_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/stats_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/check_locales.pl
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in

[svn] Removing the svn:eol-style property on all files. This property doesn't seem to be really used and can prevent us from committing.

r7076 | david.verdin | 2011-05-10 16:32:51 +0200 (mar. 10 mai 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[-feature] Finished factorizing high level functions for database upgrade. Improved index checking: verifying the fields indexed are correct.

r7075 | david.verdin | 2011-05-09 16:17:04 +0200 (lun. 09 mai 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] Fixed troubles with index verification. Added code comments.

r7074 | david.verdin | 2011-05-06 17:25:21 +0200 (ven. 06 mai 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[-change] finished refactoring of Upgrade::probe_db. Next step: moving the remaining SQLite-specific queries to DBManipulatorSQLite.pm and create test the new functionning with PG and Oracle.

r7073 | david.verdin | 2011-04-21 11:53:46 +0200 (jeu. 21 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[feature] Added a hook in the list_menu.tt2 web template. This allows you to create a template called "additional_list_menu_links.tt2". If the template is present in the relevant web_tt2 directory (either list, robot or server), its content will be added at the bottom of the list_menu panel.

r7072 | david.verdin | 2011-04-21 10:40:42 +0200 (jeu. 21 avril 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

[-bug] max_list_members was still editable to non privileged owners
r7071 | sympa-authors | 2011-04-20 14:18:36 +0200 (mer. 20 avril 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7070 | david.verdin | 2011-04-20 14:14:54 +0200 (mer. 20 avril 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2

[-change] Adding a description of the stats page
r7069 | sympa-authors | 2011-04-20 13:46:51 +0200 (mer. 20 avril 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r7068 | sympa-authors | 2011-04-20 13:43:36 +0200 (mer. 20 avril 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r7067 | david.verdin | 2011-04-19 17:03:39 +0200 (mar. 19 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] The maximum number of users for a list can now be limited. This number is set using the new "max_list_members" list parameter. If set to 0 (default), the number of users is not limited. The default value for this list parameter is the new sympa.conf parameter "default_max_list_members".

r7065 | david.verdin | 2011-04-15 16:26:51 +0200 (ven. 15 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2

[-feature] Improving stats rendering.

r7064 | david.verdin | 2011-04-15 16:15:33 +0200 (ven. 15 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature] Now the data displayed in the graphs are on a regular time scale.

r7063 | david.verdin | 2011-04-14 17:03:34 +0200 (jeu. 14 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Improved stats display: data are agregated for each day and all the available data are diaplyed in charts.

r7061 | david.verdin | 2011-04-13 13:54:48 +0200 (mer. 13 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-bug] Removing the mess with the "force_reload" parameter which would have caused troubles understanding when we use binary cahce or not.

r7060 | david.verdin | 2011-04-13 13:47:49 +0200 (mer. 13 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[change] The binary cache for the main configs are removed during the upgrade. This way, new default values will be applied even on the binary cache.

r7056 | david.verdin | 2011-04-01 14:55:37 +0200 (ven. 01 avril 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm

[bug] reported by gauthier Catteau Message-ID may be longer than 100 chars and so they may result in a SQL error.

r7054 | david.verdin | 2011-03-31 16:15:13 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2

[bug] That stat_counter_table was never created and the agregation query had an error; Consequently, stats were never agregated.

r7049 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-28 08:48:58 +0200 (lun. 28 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] Make favicon_url and email_gecos sympa.conf parameters optional

r7048 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-25 16:41:35 +0100 (ven. 25 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] adding a comment

r7047 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-25 16:29:18 +0100 (ven. 25 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#6609][reported by V.Mathieu, univ Nancy2]Now preventing list closure if it is included by another list

r7046 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-25 15:07:17 +0100 (ven. 25 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature][#6631][requested by O.Lumineau]Per-robot favicon URL

r7045 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-25 11:08:32 +0100 (ven. 25 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[change][#6722][D.Pritts, Internet2]modify init script to have all configure variables defined at top of script

r7044 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-24 16:21:56 +0100 (jeu. 24 mars 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2

[bug][#7384][requested by A.Bernstein]inclusion should exclude badly formed addresses
Also fixed a bug in List::get_exclusion() since last SDM module development

r7043 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-24 14:25:01 +0100 (jeu. 24 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2

[-change][#7390][A.Bernstein]cosmetic: remove the "private information" title from info.tt2

r7042 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-24 14:19:09 +0100 (jeu. 24 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature][#7394][A.Bernstein]the test-to-me function on Post page should return with same data

r7041 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-24 13:57:27 +0100 (jeu. 24 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[-feature][#7396][A.Bernstein]enhanced list_menu.tt2 with member status (subscribed or not)

r7040 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-24 13:45:54 +0100 (jeu. 24 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2

[feature][#7395][A.Bernstein]reorganized and enhanced list_panel.tt2

r7039 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-24 13:29:31 +0100 (jeu. 24 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2

[feature][#7515][S.Ikeda]i18n-ize Edit robot config page

r7038 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-23 16:51:51 +0100 (mer. 23 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-change][#7643][M.Anderson, Riseup] Provide return code information for internal server error messages

r7037 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-23 16:35:35 +0100 (mer. 23 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/index_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[feature][#3802][submited by P.Crandall, U.Chicago] SYMPA gecos used in service messages is no more hard-coded. New 'email_gecos' sympa.conf parameter.

r7035 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-21 16:00:20 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[feature][#6492]Provide expiration of in-memory msgid_table. 2 new sympa.conf parameters : msgid_table_cleanup_frequency msgid_table_cleanup_ttl

r7034 | sympa-authors | 2011-03-18 10:06:00 +0100 (ven. 18 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_introduction.tt2

[-bug]Remove links to obsolete list owner charter templates

r7033 | olivier.salaun | 2011-03-17 17:20:47 +0100 (jeu. 17 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] Prevent "List::get_list_member() Unable to retrieve information from database for user xx" while running subindex

r7031 | david.verdin | 2011-03-02 18:48:21 +0100 (mer. 02 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Now the code allowing to add or update fields definition in the database is stored in a dedicated module for MySQL and Postgres.

r7030 | david.verdin | 2011-03-02 18:05:06 +0100 (mer. 02 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm

[dev] Finished factorizing the code related to fields list retrieval.

r7029 | david.verdin | 2011-03-02 17:27:42 +0100 (mer. 02 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm

[dev] Factorizing the code related to table creations and fields list retrieval in the database.

r7028 | david.verdin | 2011-03-02 16:54:52 +0100 (mer. 02 mars 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[dev] Committing work in progress about factorizing RDMS-specific upgrade code into RDBMS-dedicated modules.

r7027 | david.verdin | 2011-03-01 11:59:16 +0100 (mar. 01 mars 2011) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/SDM.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/SympaDatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] Refactoring : All the code related to database and LDAP access was refactored. Main changes: 
	- new module SDM.pm : handles all the connection and access to the Sympa database. Now querying the Sympa database anywhere in the code can be done by calling: '&SDM::do_query($statement, @variables). all the connections, errors, statement preparation and executions are handled in the SDM module.
	- SQLSource and LDAPSource MUST now be manipulated through instances. the usage of class methods have been removed, because, with the exception of the Sympa database, all the usages are related to non-resident connections, so there is no usage of class instances and variables.

r7024 | serge.aumont | 2011-02-18 15:54:41 +0100 (ven. 18 févr. 2011) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] Internal changes Message object is used in all subroutine from sympa.pl to Bulk::store and used by bulk.pl
[change] Message submitted from web interface are still written in msg spool, but when sympa.pl process them it does not need to send them to himself. Now sympa.pl can run on a serveur without MTA
[bug] ssmime signature of message with attachement are not altered now
[bug] message submitted from web interface using authenticated http session are processed by sympa.pl with 'md5' authentication level.

r7023 | david.verdin | 2011-02-17 10:55:47 +0100 (jeu. 17 févr. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorDefault.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/DefaultDBManipulator.pm

[dev] Renaming the default database manipulation module.
r7022 | david.verdin | 2011-02-11 18:20:58 +0100 (ven. 11 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/DefaultDBManipulator.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am

[change] DBManipulator* modules now inherit from a generic class called DefaultDBManipulator. This class will implement all the required functions in MySQL syntax. Therefore, functions in DBManipulator* files will only be needed if the corresponding RDBMS has a specific behaviour.

r7021 | david.verdin | 2011-02-11 17:45:01 +0100 (ven. 11 févr. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorInformix.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorMySQL.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorOracle.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorPostgres.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSQLite.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/DBManipulatorSybase.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SympaDatabaseManager.pm

[change] Factorizing: creating the DBManipulator*.pm modules. These modules contain the code specific to each RDBMS Sympa supports. The inherit from the generic class DataSource. Anytime Sympa tries to access data in an SQL database, it must create a SQLSource object with, in argument, a hash containing the connexion parameters. All the database manipulations are subsequently done through this generic object, not having to take into account any RDBMS specificity.
Also added the "SympaDatabaseManager.pm" module which is specialized in manipulating the Sympa database: upgrade, connexion, version checking, etc.

r7020 | serge.aumont | 2011-02-10 15:24:24 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] Now Message object is used from sympa.pl down to mail::sending 

r7018 | david.verdin | 2011-02-08 15:06:55 +0100 (mar. 08 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-change] Removing useless functions in upgrade.pm

r7017 | david.verdin | 2011-02-08 15:00:06 +0100 (mar. 08 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/lib/SympaDatabaseManager.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[change] All the code realted to database management in Upgrade.pm was moved to a new module: SympaDatabaseManager.pm

r7016 | david.verdin | 2011-02-07 16:00:31 +0100 (lun. 07 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] Refactoring: Changing the way the inheritance is implemented for Datasource, SQLSource and LDAPSource: the two latter now inherit from the first one using @ISA arrays. They are directly called in the code when creating a new db handler instead of calling new Datasource().

r7015 | david.verdin | 2011-02-02 16:50:25 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in

[bug] When using merge feature, the merge was don only once, with the first user picked. The message was then sent to all users with the first user's data. Fixed by reinitializing the message object with the original message at each merge loop.

r7013 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-02 16:34:16 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[change][#7071]CGI.pm changes environment variable names ('-' => '_')
While using generic_sso, declared environment variable names needs to be transformed accordingly

r7007 | david.verdin | 2011-02-02 15:26:18 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   A /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/DatabaseDescription.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[change] The database description is moved to a dedicated "DatabaseDescription.pm" module to improve code lisibility and orthogonality.

r7006 | david.verdin | 2011-02-02 15:24:18 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm

[-change] Adding the flag 'nofatal' when opening log to prevent the croak signal issuing if the connection to syslog can't be established.
r7005 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-02 15:22:49 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug]While using generic_sso, allow other characters for the 'netid_http_header'parameter (including hyphen).

r7004 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-02 15:08:57 +0100 (mer. 02 févr. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#7070]Login with generic_sso failed when 'force_email_verify' was enabled
The problem was due to the user password no more stored in the user DB. Usage of password to validate the user email address has been replaced with one-time tickets.

r7003 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-01 16:10:07 +0100 (mar. 01 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#5989][submited by A.Bendzsak] change_email web feature did not updae the netidmap_table. Now it does.

r7002 | olivier.salaun | 2011-02-01 12:16:31 +0100 (mar. 01 févr. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[bug][#3049][reported by L. Foucher, IUT P. Sabatier] CAS authentication failed when Sympa web server was behind an HTTP reverse proxy. The URL of the service passed to the CAS server was incorrect. Now using get_header_field() that can use 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST' env variable if set.

r7001 | olivier.salaun | 2011-01-31 17:51:07 +0100 (lun. 31 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/auth.conf
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] New 'auth_service_friendly_name' in auth.conf CAS paragraph. This allows to set a display name for the CAS server, without the constraints that 'auth_service_name' entry has ([\w\-\.]).

r7000 | david.verdin | 2011-01-31 11:27:45 +0100 (lun. 31 janv. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Now the sympa.conf, wwsympa.conf and robot.conf are cached in binary form (e.g. sympa.conf.bin). This speeds up that startup process.
[change] Full refactoring of Conf.pm to better distinguish conf/robot loading. First step towards robot-independant and on-the-fly config loading, and also wwsympa.cnf and sympa.conf merge.

r6957 | david.verdin | 2011-01-07 10:28:19 +0100 (ven. 07 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[bug] The trusted_applications were not correctly loaded. Fixed by taking into account the particularities of the trusted_applications.conf file.

r6929 | david.verdin | 2010-12-07 12:06:15 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Adding lock to read and write operations on bin config files to handle - hypothetic - concurrent access.

r6928 | david.verdin | 2010-12-07 11:43:25 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Removing dumb incrementation of authentification systems numbering.

r6927 | david.verdin | 2010-12-07 11:31:24 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Adapting the authentification systems numbers to increment the number. This was not done anymore because each robot is now loaded independently.

r6926 | david.verdin | 2010-12-07 09:15:48 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Fix: 'host' parameter had a "default" field in confdef.pm, but its value was "undef, thus unvalidating said default. Fixed by making it optional. The mandatory parameter is domain. Also changed the place where the defaults are set to execute it before we infer parameter values.

r6925 | david.verdin | 2010-12-07 08:47:59 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Fixing the "robot" entry for the lmain robot to keep only robot-aware parameters.

r6924 | david.verdin | 2010-12-07 08:16:30 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Fixing the secondary configuration files loading.

r6922 | david.verdin | 2010-12-06 13:21:59 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Moving the loading of secondary configuration files (auth.conf, nrcpt_by_domain.conf, crawlers_detection.conf, charset.conf) out of main config loading to make sure these are reloaded even when using binary cache.

r6921 | david.verdin | 2010-12-06 12:53:54 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Commenting STDOUT logs. Keeping them just in case.

r6920 | david.verdin | 2010-12-06 12:42:03 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Moving sympa.conf.bin saving code in order to save only if the file was reloaded.

r6919 | david.verdin | 2010-12-06 12:20:08 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Forcing robot.conf reloading when sympa.conf has been reloaded.

r6918 | david.verdin | 2010-12-06 12:08:08 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Moving robot.conf.bin saving code in order to save it only if the source file was reloaded.

r6916 | david.verdin | 2010-12-06 11:44:42 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Now sympa.conf and robot.conf are automatically cached in a binary form. These binaries are used instead of the source config if the source have not changed since the last config loading.

r6915 | david.verdin | 2010-12-03 16:25:09 +0100 (ven. 03 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] The sympa main config and the robot.conf files are now stored as binary. the binary files are loaded if they are newer than the source files.

r6914 | david.verdin | 2010-12-03 11:55:30 +0100 (ven. 03 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Fixing indentations.

r6807 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 17:03:17 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Removing dead code.

r6806 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 17:00:52 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Moved usage of the "_replace_file_value_by_db_value" in the right places in the code.

r6805 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 16:52:48 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Factorizing db parameter retrieval in a dedicated sub.

r6804 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 16:28:51 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Moving functions to group low level functions together.

r6803 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 16:16:14 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] The main 'soap_url' parameter - used as default by all robots - was initialized in the "load_robots' sub instead of the '_infer_server_specific_parameter' sub. Code moved.

r6802 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 16:09:42 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Putting auth.conf loading in the load-robots() sub.

r6801 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 16:05:14 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Gathering some more parameter treatments in the server specific parameter treatment sub. Also put all the code related to the custom parameters in a specific sub.

r6800 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 15:45:16 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Moving secondary file loading at the server level into _infer_server_specific_parameter_values().

r6799 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 15:30:40 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] fixed bas storage of the first occurrence of a custom_robot_parameter. Fixed also a missing initialization of the "robot_name" parameter, used to compute some parameter values. Fixed bad indentations.

r6798 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 14:55:41 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Removing redundant main conf definitions that are already done in _infer_robot_parameter_values.

r6797 | david.verdin | 2010-11-26 14:36:49 +0100 (ven. 26 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Gathering parameter post -treatment in server-specific and robot-specific function. also improved the STDERR outputs to specify from which subs the errors were issued.

r6795 | david.verdin | 2010-11-25 16:35:37 +0100 (jeu. 25 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Extending the usage of "_set_listmasters_entry" to the main config. Also moved some variables modifiactions prior to loading the robots to have correctly set defaults.

r6794 | david.verdin | 2010-11-25 15:42:28 +0100 (jeu. 25 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Factorizing the analysis of the listmaster parameter in a dedicated function.

r6793 | david.verdin | 2010-11-25 11:12:46 +0100 (jeu. 25 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Getting rid of the last calls to Conf::Conf, replaced by Conf::get_robot_conf.

r6792 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 16:09:40 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Factorizing all the configuration initialization operations for robots into a dedicated sub: "_load_single_robot_config".

r6791 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 15:31:29 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Factorizing robot.conf loading code to use generic sub _load_config_file_to_hash.

r6790 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 14:01:21 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[bug] when Conf::load() was called with the "no_db" parameter set to 1, the robots configuration were not loaded.

r6789 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 13:59:22 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Desambiguation of a variable name : the hash "valid_robot_key_words" was used to store the name of parameters that can be defined at the robot level and those who can be stored in database. There is no reason why these two informations should be related and it led to misunderstanding of the purpose of this hash. Fixed by creating the hash "db_storable_parameters".

r6788 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 13:29:16 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Updating indentations and regrouping similar operations in Conf::load.

r6787 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 12:35:29 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Refactoring. Removed the temporary variable "%config". The variable used is now directly "%Conf" from the start to the end of the configuration loading.

r6786 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 12:22:08 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Two refactoring in one commit: Factorized the code that checks:
- that the modules required by config settings are installed
- that the mandatory parameters which have no default values have a defined value in the config file
These two opertaions are now in a dedicated function.

r6785 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 09:16:33 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Factorizing hard coded parameters treatment in a dedicated sub.

r6784 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 08:16:35 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Moving more particular parameter values to a dedicated function.

r6783 | david.verdin | 2010-11-24 08:08:34 +0100 (mer. 24 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Refactoring parameter exception values handling into a dedicated sub.

r6782 | david.verdin | 2010-11-23 17:15:53 +0100 (mar. 23 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Factorizing the portion of code that checks whether a parameter is defined in the list of allowed Sympa parameters into the "_detect_unknown_parameters_in_config" function.

r6781 | david.verdin | 2010-11-23 16:59:02 +0100 (mar. 23 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Removing redundant operations to set default values for the spool directories.

r6780 | david.verdin | 2010-11-23 16:46:15 +0100 (mar. 23 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Replacing the complex - and sybillin - variable "%o" which contained both parameter values and data regarding line numbers in files by a %config variable which contains config only.

r6779 | david.verdin | 2010-11-23 15:50:28 +0100 (mar. 23 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Desambiguation of the generally used "$config" variable. When it designates a path to a configuration file, the name was changed to "$config_file".

r6778 | david.verdin | 2010-11-23 15:35:36 +0100 (mar. 23 nov. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Change in comments.
r6777 | david.verdin | 2010-11-23 15:18:49 +0100 (mar. 23 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Refactoring: enrichment of the _load_config_file_to_hash sub. It now returns three entries: the number of errors, a hash with the config and a hash with config and the line numbers.

r6776 | david.verdin | 2010-11-23 14:26:11 +0100 (mar. 23 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[bug] When moving the config to database, the "robot.txt" file was used instead of "robot.conf". The "sympa.pl --conf2db" command always failed for virtual hosts.

r6775 | david.verdin | 2010-11-23 14:21:35 +0100 (mar. 23 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Suppression of the "load_config_file" function to factorize. This function was redundant with the newly created "_load_config_file_to_hash" and less complete.

r6774 | david.verdin | 2010-11-23 11:25:13 +0100 (mar. 23 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[dev] Factorizing the functions related to robot keywords validation in a dedicated function.

r6773 | david.verdin | 2010-11-22 14:28:10 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r7000

[svn] Committing the developments relative to the binary config that were initiated in the trunk.

r6772 | david.verdin | 2010-11-22 14:27:00 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/config-bin-dev-branch (de /trunk:6767)
Fision via : r7000

[svn] Creating branch for binary config developmentµ. With the right revision this time.

r6998 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-26 15:22:23 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.4
r6997 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-26 15:17:29 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6996 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-26 15:00:06 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6995 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-26 14:50:58 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6994 | david.verdin | 2011-01-26 10:15:01 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.1.

r6991 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-21 09:04:56 +0100 (ven. 21 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6994

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.4
r6990 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-21 08:24:08 +0100 (ven. 21 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
Fision via : r6994

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6989 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-21 08:19:10 +0100 (ven. 21 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
Fision via : r6994

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6988 | david.verdin | 2011-01-20 15:13:06 +0100 (jeu. 20 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7423][Reported by M. Larchet, univ. Nancy 2] The CGI::Cookie.pm module issues a warning when trying to parse an empty cookie. This led to overwhelming warning logs in Apache error_log. Fixed by not trying to parse an empty cookie and directly return undef, which would have happenned anyway because the needed cookie is obviously not here in such a situation.

r6987 | david.verdin | 2011-01-19 16:49:57 +0100 (mer. 19 janv. 2011) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6994

[bug][Reported by M. Larchet, univ. Nancy 2, M.Lièvre, Orange and L. Grégoire, ENSEEIHT] Owners trying to access the list config edition form, section "Sending/receiving setup" when:
1- No digest parameter was defined in the config file and
2- they had only read access to the digest parameter
were being displayed an empty page. this was due to a faulty population of this parameter. Fixed by affecting a "type = enum" value to the parameter hash.

r6986 | david.verdin | 2011-01-19 10:40:48 +0100 (mer. 19 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6994

[change][Submitted by M. Lievre, Orange] Adding detailed informations to the get_inactive_lists page of the web interface.
r6985 | david.verdin | 2011-01-19 10:40:10 +0100 (mer. 19 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6994

[-feature] Committing updated i18n catalogues
r6984 | david.verdin | 2011-01-18 16:37:16 +0100 (mar. 18 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7372][Reported by L. Breuil] Upgrading to 6.1.3 broke Sympa startup when using SQLite, because Sympa tried to use the CHANGE query, which is unavailable in SQLite. Short term fixed by not trying to change database fields with SQLite. The automatic upgrade of database will be completely rewritten with version 6.2.

r6982 | david.verdin | 2011-01-18 16:05:02 +0100 (mar. 18 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7376][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] If you narrowed your browser window or zoomed the text size enough that the row of admin tabs had to wrap to a new line, the entire contents of the editsubscriber.tt2 page would shift off to the right side of the browser. What was left behind under the admin tabs was just a blank box. Fixed by enclosing the whole editsubscriber.tt2 file content with <div class="block"></div>.

r6981 | david.verdin | 2011-01-18 15:56:37 +0100 (mar. 18 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7391][Reported by A. Bernstein, electricemebers.net] The homepage file was not copied when renaming a list.

r6980 | david.verdin | 2011-01-18 15:38:45 +0100 (mar. 18 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6994

[change][#7392][Submitteb by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] Some MUA and the web page sending option in Sympa use Multipart/related content-type. In this case, the footer was not appended to messages.

r6978 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 16:56:28 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7409]The template in user_notification.tt2 for the sigrequest action was missing the $list parameter, so the $list.name variable came out blank in the resulting message to user. Fixed by adding the parameter to the $tt2_param list.

r6977 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 16:45:04 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7410][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] In List::send_file(), there were certain times when the sender value was getting set to the recipient when it shouldn't be. Fixed by checking that the sender field has not been previously set before affecting the $who var to ist value.

r6976 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 16:06:11 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7411][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] After editing a subscriber's options (do_set()), a list owner was returned to the suboptions page by default (if previous_action wasn't populated), which porduced an error message if the owner happenned to not be subscribed to the list. Fixed by redirecting to the list's info page instead.

r6974 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 14:42:27 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7412][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers] At the end of do_reviewbouncing(), the $param->{'size'} setting was taken from $in{'size'}. ItI should actually be set to $size, which is equal to $in{'size'} if it's provided or else defaults to the wwsconf setting if not. This created an error under some conditions.

r6973 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 13:52:29 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7417][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] Some outdated MUA, like Eudora, use an uncommon MIME type called text/enriched, which provides formatting without HTML. Such a proprietary formatting is not worth a special develmopment - ragarding what is possible with HTML, so we treat it now as text/plain.

r6972 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 12:14:13 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r6994

[change][#7420][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] When a message is rejected because it exceeds the maximum allowed size for a list, the report now provides informations regarding the size of the mesage, the maximum allowed size for this list and a technical notice regarding attachments.

r6971 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 11:13:46 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7421][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] The message displayed on the web when attempting to create a list which already exists was incorrect, due to a call to a call to reject_report_web() using the wrong error condition.

r6970 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 09:08:43 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
Fision via : r6994

[bug][Reported by L. Breuil] Fixing two typos in the create_db.SQLite script.

r6969 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 09:02:54 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6994

[-feature] Updating i18n catalogues.

r6968 | david.verdin | 2011-01-17 09:02:10 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6994

[change] On list created through the web interface, if the list name contains higher case letters, they are lower cased to prevent any later inconsistencies in data describing the list. The user is warned about it.
r6943 | david.verdin | 2010-12-10 16:21:56 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#7356][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] a space between two auth methods in scenario (e.g. smtp, md5 instead of smtp,md5) caused the second authentication method to be ignored. Fixed by changing the regexp responsible of scenraio rules extraction.

r6811 | sympa-authors | 2010-11-30 13:26:07 +0100 (mar. 30 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6994

[dev] Test 2.

r6810 | sympa-authors | 2010-11-30 13:25:34 +0100 (mar. 30 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6994

[dev] Test.

r6765 | david.verdin | 2010-11-18 16:19:45 +0100 (jeu. 18 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r6994

[bug][Reported by J. Arnoux, infomaniak.ch] When a message was rejected because its size exceeded the allowed quotas, it was forwarded with the rejection report message. It made no sense because rejection based on the size is there to prevent the circulation of too large files. In addiotion, very large messages caused Sympa to hang on the reprot generation, doing nothing without crashing.

r6763 | david.verdin | 2010-11-17 15:49:31 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
Fision via : r6994

[bug][#6747][Reported by D. Pritts, Internet2] A call to send_notify_to_listmaster was done using a non existing error_code. Fixed by creating a dedicated error code to be sued when bounce related errors occur.

r6993 | serge.aumont | 2011-01-24 11:54:59 +0100 (lun. 24 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-change] suuport of autoinc for mysql upgrade

r6983 | serge.aumont | 2011-01-18 16:31:25 +0100 (mar. 18 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2

[bug] pref action must not propose change password if logged with sso

r6979 | serge.aumont | 2011-01-18 11:43:32 +0100 (mar. 18 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[bug]  Fix parser error where sympa.pl create a lot of temporary messages in expl dir. This bug was introduced in revision 6505 of Bulk.pm

r6975 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-17 15:13:15 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[feature] add support of postgresql in automatic upgrade process

r6966 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-12 15:54:34 +0100 (mer. 12 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.3
r6965 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-12 15:50:30 +0100 (mer. 12 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6964 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-12 15:41:31 +0100 (mer. 12 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6963 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-11 16:45:52 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6962 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-11 16:43:13 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6961 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-11 16:18:42 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6960 | sympa-authors | 2011-01-11 16:17:20 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6959 | david.verdin | 2011-01-11 16:10:55 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2011) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] It is now possible, when sending an HTML newsletter through the web interface, to upload a local file from the computer instead of using an URL.

r6958 | david.verdin | 2011-01-11 12:24:34 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2011) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] Factorizing the file uploading and HTML page sending code.
r6956 | serge.aumont | 2011-01-06 09:30:56 +0100 (jeu. 06 janv. 2011) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[change] Patch from Adam Bernstein to always set Reply-To header

r6950 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-23 16:10:12 +0100 (jeu. 23 déc. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[change] database structure is described in Sympa::Constants.
[change] db creation script are produced by an authors only script part of the tools involved for new version creation. They should not be edited anymore by developpers 

r6949 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-23 11:39:55 +0100 (jeu. 23 déc. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] fix incorrect multiple footer message 

r6948 | serge.aumont | 2010-12-20 17:19:47 +0100 (lun. 20 déc. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/js/sympa.js

[bug] fix a toggleDivDisplay used in moderation because of a bug in IE

r6947 | serge.aumont | 2010-12-20 10:43:50 +0100 (lun. 20 déc. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in

[change] new entry in notification  table for expiration of notification records. retention period is controle by a new list parameter (tracking/retention_period) with a default in robot;conf : tracking_default_retention_pediod. Job is performed by task_manager (purge_tables task)

r6946 | david.verdin | 2010-12-17 15:37:49 +0100 (ven. 17 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] HTML only reception mode was never used due to a typo in the regular expression.

r6945 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-16 10:09:47 +0100 (jeu. 16 déc. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] tracking::remove_message_by_id don't need file handle as parameter

r6944 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-15 16:35:46 +0100 (mer. 15 déc. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/tracking.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/tracking.private
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] tracking is now controled by a scenario (default is tracking.owner)

r6942 | david.verdin | 2010-12-10 16:09:38 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[bug][#7356][Submitted by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] a space between two auth methods in scenario (e.g. smtp, md5 instead of smtp,md5) caused the second authentication method to be ignored. Fixed by changing the regexp responsible of scenraio rules extraction.

r6941 | david.verdin | 2010-12-09 16:21:06 +0100 (jeu. 09 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] In the moderation interface, trying to read an attachment led to an error because the context within which the attachment is read is no longer viewmod, but modindex. Fixed by specifying to mhonarc an attchment url root and a relative basedir.

r6939 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-07 23:22:18 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.2
r6938 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-07 23:14:27 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6937 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-07 23:13:47 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6936 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-07 23:10:41 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ru.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6934 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-07 22:53:58 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.1
r6933 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-07 22:47:30 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6932 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-07 22:46:46 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6931 | david.verdin | 2010-12-07 22:34:30 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm

[bug] For some reason, the merge parameter was not initialized nor transferred to 'sending' function in the 'sendto' sub.
r6930 | david.verdin | 2010-12-07 16:26:20 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in

[bug] xgettext.pl did not have the right to be executed.
r6838 | david.verdin | 2010-12-01 15:08:56 +0100 (mer. 01 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/config-bin-dev-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
Fision via : r6930

[bug] xgettext.pl had not the x bit by default. Ensuring that this bit is set anytime we try to use this script.

r6923 | serge.aumont | 2010-12-06 14:05:16 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[bug] notification table is now created with an autoincrement primary key when running sympa.pl --upgrade . STILL database creation script do NOT include it.  

r6917 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-06 11:54:00 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[bug] Add mysql notification_table description. Still not complete because of a autoincrement index.

r6913 | serge.aumont | 2010-12-03 11:21:58 +0100 (ven. 03 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2

[bug] fix hardcoded hostname in ajax URL

r6912 | david.verdin | 2010-12-03 10:46:34 +0100 (ven. 03 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/js/Makefile.am

[bug] The tinymce library was not included in the distribution. Fixed by adding its name to the "EXTRA_DIR" variable.

r6911 | david.verdin | 2010-12-03 10:45:20 +0100 (ven. 03 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-bug] The sympa wizard was not checking that the mandatory Email::Simple CPAN module was installed.

r6910 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-02 18:00:31 +0100 (jeu. 02 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2

[bug] Fixed TT2 format bug introduced in revision 6610

r6909 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-02 17:42:07 +0100 (jeu. 02 déc. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] Renaming of List::get_ressembling_subscribers_no_object() was not properly done

r6908 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-02 16:35:50 +0100 (jeu. 02 déc. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Fixed bug while calling Log::db_log(), now taking a hash as parameter. 
Calls to web_db_log() should also be cleaned to remove unrequired parameters.

r6907 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-02 15:14:19 +0100 (jeu. 02 déc. 2010) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[bug]Fixed bug in List::send_msg() : Can't call method "get_topic" on an undefined value at /home/sympa/bin/List.pm
Also added checks to detect errors.
Removed traces

r6886 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-01 17:15:04 +0100 (mer. 01 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-release]Preparing version 6.2a.0
r6885 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-01 17:13:30 +0100 (mer. 01 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6884 | sympa-authors | 2010-12-01 17:12:40 +0100 (mer. 01 déc. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6833 | serge.aumont | 2010-11-30 16:59:26 +0100 (mar. 30 nov. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] 'closed' and 'expired' tickets can be used is a preexisting session include the same email as email defined in the ticket definition. Now users can reuse a ticket by using back browser button without being punished by an "allready used ticket" error message.

r6809 | david.verdin | 2010-11-29 09:11:14 +0100 (lun. 29 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[svn] Going back to 6.1.3 to let Serge test the versionning tools.

r6808 | david.verdin | 2010-11-29 09:09:47 +0100 (lun. 29 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po

[svn] Committing latest translations.

r6796 | serge.aumont | 2010-11-25 16:40:21 +0100 (jeu. 25 nov. 2010) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/js/sympa.js
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/web_tt2/ajax.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/modform.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] New spam related feature : the robot parameter "reporting_spam_script_path" is the path an external script dedicated to signal undetected spam. If set, list editor can tag message in moderation spool. Then they are piped to this external script (see contribs repository to have arf and imap examples).

In addition the list moderation web interface is renewed, the viewmod action is now an ajax feature in the modindex page. javascript is used to make display more simple and contextualized.

Ajax is introduced in wwsympa;fcgi (internal is similar to rss feature. grepa ajax and modindex and viewmod action are good example. 

r6769 | david.verdin | 2010-11-19 12:13:44 +0100 (ven. 19 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[dev] Creating low level functions necessary to use binary server config files.

r6768 | david.verdin | 2010-11-19 12:10:12 +0100 (ven. 19 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[dev] Removing development traces.

r6767 | david.verdin | 2010-11-19 11:59:01 +0100 (ven. 19 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[dev] Refactoring: Moved all the Conf.pm code used to read config files i a dedicated function.

r6766 | david.verdin | 2010-11-19 11:54:29 +0100 (ven. 19 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po

[svn] Merging translations.

r6764 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-17 15:50:01 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] renaming subroutines in List.pm:
* _load_users_include2 => _load_list_members_from_include
* _save_users_file => _save_list_members_file
* modifying_msg_topic_for_subscribers() => modifying_msg_topic_for_list_members
* _save_admin_file => _save_list_config_file
* select_subscribers_for_topic => select_list_members_for_topic
* update_admin_user => update_list_admin
* update_user => update_list_member
* update_user_db => update_global_user

r6762 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-17 15:05:13 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] remove dead code in List::load() and remove _load_users_include() completely

r6761 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-17 14:59:49 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 15 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] renaming subs in List.pm:
* get_next_user => get_next_list_member
* get_ressembling_subscribers_no_object => get_ressembling_list_member_no_object
* get_subscriber => get_list_member
* get_subscriber_no_object => get_list_member_no_object
* get_user_db => get_global_user
* is_user => is_list_member
* is_user_db => is_global_user
* _load_admin_file => _load_list_config_file
* _load_admin_users_config => _load_list_admin_from_config
* _load_admin_users_include => _load_list_admin_from_include
* _load_users => _load_list_members
* _load_users_file => _load_list_members_file

r6760 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-17 14:19:20 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[dev] remove dead code List::get_subscriber_by_bounce_address()

r6759 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-17 14:17:05 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] Renaming subroutines in List.pm :
* get_next_user => get_next_list_member
* get_ressembling_subscribers_no_object => get_ressembling_list_member_no_object
* get_subscriber => get_list_member

r6758 | david.verdin | 2010-11-17 11:17:58 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.

r6757 | david.verdin | 2010-11-17 11:11:53 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status
Fision via : r6758

[bug][#7076][Reported by D. Pritts, Internet2] The default antispam scenario included the following regexp test on the X-Spam-Status header: /yes/. this was true for any antispam engine using the expression "bayes". fixed by changing the regexp to /^\s*yes/.

r6756 | david.verdin | 2010-11-17 09:05:44 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
Fision via : r6758

[bug][#6744][Submitted by D. Pritts, Internet2] bounced log message misspelled bounce_path as bounce-path.

r6755 | david.verdin | 2010-11-17 08:58:29 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6758

[bug][#6883][Submitted by S. Ikeda]* Topics tagging did not work properly on encoded subject and on message body using charset other than US-ASCII or UTF-8.
* case-ignore match was available only on Latin letters without accents.

r6754 | david.verdin | 2010-11-17 08:50:52 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
Fision via : r6758

[bug][#7015][Submitted by S. Ikeda] In some distributions (RHEL 5 for example) File::temp package conflicts with OS-bundled perl. Users need then to install the package manually. Errors are then triggers when using NFS. Fixed by calliong explcitely the "new" sub when creating a File::NFS object.

r6753 | david.verdin | 2010-11-17 08:32:52 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
Fision via : r6758

[change][#6847][Submitted by S. Ikeda] The sympa init script now actually waits for the dameon to be stopped (up to 20 seconds) prior to issuing a status message (failed or success).

r6752 | david.verdin | 2010-11-17 08:23:05 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r6758

[bug][#7003][Submitted by S. Ikeda] Bodies of service messages were encoded by list character set, diregarding the actual receipient lanquage preferences. Fixed by testing user preferences prior to set the message charset.

r6751 | david.verdin | 2010-11-17 08:09:14 +0100 (mer. 17 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
Fision via : r6758

[bug][#6385][#6396][#7029][Submitted by S. Ikeda] Messages containing a subject with illegal charset crashed sympa.pl. Fixed by verifying that decoding is possible before doing it and leaving otherwise the subject unchanged.

r6749 | david.verdin | 2010-11-16 17:23:46 +0100 (mar. 16 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6758

[bug][#6530][Submitted by S. Ikeda]If you chose in WWSympa to have the digest for a list go out only on, say, Saturday, it would instead go out on Sunday. There was a mismatch somewhere between the days of the week referenced by WWSympa and by sympa.pl. Fixed by replacing the call to "localtime" by a call to "gmtime". See explanations by A. Berstein in the follwing URL for details: https://sourcesup.cru.fr/tracker/?group_id=23&atid=167&func=detail&aid=6530

r6745 | david.verdin | 2010-11-16 16:48:52 +0100 (mar. 16 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r6758

[bug][#7301][Submitted by S. Ikeda] sympa.conf and cookies.history contain confidential information. Access to them should be restricted. Fixed by making Sympa set their access permissions to 740.

r6742 | david.verdin | 2010-11-16 15:09:46 +0100 (mar. 16 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6758

[svn] Comitting updated translations.

r6750 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-16 17:50:13 +0100 (mar. 16 nov. 2010) | 14 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] renamed List.pm subroutines :
* add_admin_user => add_list_admin
* delete_admin_all => delete_all_list_admin
* delete_admin_user => delete_list_admin
* find_subscriber_by_pattern_no_object => find_list_member_by_pattern_no_object
* get_admin_user => get_list_admin
* get_all_user_db => get_all_global_user
* get_first_admin_user => get_first_list_admin
* get_first_bouncing_user => get_first_bouncing_list_member
* get_first_user => get_first_list_member
* get_next_admin_user => get_next_list_admin
* get_next_bouncing_user => get_next_bouncing_list_member

r6748 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-16 17:01:16 +0100 (mar. 16 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] renamed List::delete_user_picture() to delete_list_member_picture()

r6747 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-16 16:53:27 +0100 (mar. 16 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] renamed List::delete_user_db() to delete_global_user()

r6746 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-16 16:50:22 +0100 (mar. 16 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] renamed List::delete-user() to delete_list_member()

r6744 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-16 16:42:36 +0100 (mar. 16 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] rename subroutine List::add_user_db() to add_global_user()

r6743 | olivier.salaun | 2010-11-16 16:31:34 +0100 (mar. 16 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] renamed List::add_user() to List::add_list_member()

r6741 | david.verdin | 2010-11-15 14:48:14 +0100 (lun. 15 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.1.

r6739 | sympa-authors | 2010-11-15 11:22:06 +0100 (lun. 15 nov. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6741

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.3
r6738 | sympa-authors | 2010-11-15 11:15:08 +0100 (lun. 15 nov. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6741

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6737 | david.verdin | 2010-11-15 11:11:27 +0100 (lun. 15 nov. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6741

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.
r6736 | david.verdin | 2010-11-15 11:09:44 +0100 (lun. 15 nov. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6741

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6735 | david.verdin | 2010-11-15 10:27:45 +0100 (lun. 15 nov. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
Fision via : r6741

[*bug] [Reported by N. Matthies] Since revision 6168, when a user logged in using LDAP with an email address, if this address was returned by the LDAP server, the user was authentified with this address. Some administrators prefer to force the usage of canonical addresses. If you want to let userssubscribers use the address they used logged in with, set the value of the new wwsympa.fcgi parameter "ldap_force_canonical_email" to '0'.

r6734 | sympa-authors | 2010-11-10 13:26:18 +0100 (mer. 10 nov. 2010) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r6741

[bug][#4452][C.Hastie, S.Ikeda] Issue: handling of different character sets in PlainDigest.pm was poor. Messages were assumed to be in ascii, iso-8859-1 or a closely related character set, and if they were not all characters above \x80 were dumped to provide crude, lossy iso-8859-1 output.updated PlainDigest.pm which normalises all parts to UTF-8.
Cleanup from Soji :
- don't bother trying to find path to lynx unless use_lynx is true 
- anchor content-type test strings to end of string to avoid picking up malformed headers as per bug 3702 
- local Text::Wrap variables - moved repeated code to get charset into sub _getCharset 
- added use of MIME::Charset to check charset aliases 

r6733 | david.verdin | 2010-11-09 16:54:18 +0100 (mar. 09 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r6741

[bug] Fixing a rule problme with Stripscript.

r6732 | david.verdin | 2010-11-09 16:52:52 +0100 (mar. 09 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
Fision via : r6741

[bug] Plain text message lost linebreaks in the web archives. This was due to the text/plain parts in mesasges were handled by Stripscript. Fixed by only handluing test/html parts with Stripscripts.

r6731 | david.verdin | 2010-11-09 16:50:47 +0100 (mar. 09 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6741

[svn] Updating translations.

r6730 | serge.aumont | 2010-11-05 16:03:36 +0100 (ven. 05 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
Fision via : r6741

[bug] more fix to createdb.mysql this one reported by Sungmo Ahn

r6729 | david.verdin | 2010-11-05 12:42:48 +0100 (ven. 05 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.

r6727 | sympa-authors | 2010-11-05 11:40:58 +0100 (ven. 05 nov. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6729

[-release]Preparing version 6.1.2
r6726 | sympa-authors | 2010-11-05 11:37:39 +0100 (ven. 05 nov. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6729

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6724 | serge.aumont | 2010-11-05 08:24:34 +0100 (ven. 05 nov. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
Fision via : r6729

[bug] Fixe from Bob Wood in create_db script for mysql

r6723 | olivier.salaun | 2010-10-27 17:14:54 +0200 (mer. 27 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6729

[bug] While using "merge_feature on", bulk.pl would die if the processed mail's encoding was either not defined or unknown to the Encode perl module. The error message in STDERR was: "Unknown encoding '' at /home/sympa/bin/Bulk.pm line 283".

r6722 | olivier.salaun | 2010-10-27 14:45:51 +0200 (mer. 27 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6729

[-change] qualify calls to MIME::WordDecoder::unmime()

r6721 | serge.aumont | 2010-10-25 17:48:01 +0200 (lun. 25 oct. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6729

[bug] fix In-reply-to:<> header that make thread display in mutt or mozilla eroneous  (reported by Peter Schober  univie.ac.at

r6720 | olivier.salaun | 2010-10-22 11:00:41 +0200 (ven. 22 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6729

[release] renaming 6.1 to 6.1.1

r6719 | serge.aumont | 2010-10-22 09:36:28 +0200 (ven. 22 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r6729

[bug] insert a sleep in fork loop to prevent bulkpid file corruption

r6718 | olivier.salaun | 2010-10-21 17:13:04 +0200 (jeu. 21 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6729

[-release] minor fixes

r6717 | sympa-authors | 2010-10-21 16:07:23 +0200 (jeu. 21 oct. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
Fision via : r6729

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6716 | sympa-authors | 2010-10-18 15:29:34 +0200 (lun. 18 oct. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r6729

[bug] prevent bulk exiting because of a corupted pid file. More bug fix is needed in this area to prevent pidfile to be erased by access conflict 

r6714 | sympa-authors | 2010-10-13 17:05:30 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6729

[-release]Preparing version 6.1
r6713 | sympa-authors | 2010-10-13 15:57:09 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6729

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6712 | sympa-authors | 2010-10-13 15:56:21 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
Fision via : r6729

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6711 | sympa-authors | 2010-10-13 15:23:39 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6729

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6710 | serge.aumont | 2010-10-13 14:59:26 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6729

[bug] more about CAS bug reported by Vincent Bonamy

r6707 | serge.aumont | 2010-10-13 10:48:49 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6729

[bug] CAS auth bug, reported by Vincent Bonamy

r6703 | david.verdin | 2010-10-08 15:25:15 +0200 (ven. 08 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/POTFILES.in
Fision via : r6729

[bug][Submitted by G. Rousse, INRIA]This patch fix the list of source files with extractable strings, avoiding an error when running 'autoreconf' from svn checkout because generated files don't exist at this stage.

r6702 | david.verdin | 2010-10-01 16:02:48 +0200 (ven. 01 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
Fision via : r6729

[feature] When a message is archived or when the archives are rebuilt, the files produced by archived have any HTML they contain escaped by HTML::StripScript. the original message files are left unchanged.

r6701 | david.verdin | 2010-09-24 11:08:28 +0200 (ven. 24 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r6729

[bug] The 'custom_robot_parameter' was considered mandatory, making Sympa to fail starting when it was not set. Fixed by specifying that it is optional.

r6699 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-22 10:39:30 +0200 (mer. 22 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6729

[-release]Preparing version 6.1b.7
r6698 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-22 09:10:29 +0200 (mer. 22 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6729

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6697 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-22 09:09:32 +0200 (mer. 22 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6729

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6696 | david.verdin | 2010-09-22 09:02:43 +0200 (mer. 22 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
Fision via : r6729

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.0 branch.

r6693 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-20 18:08:52 +0200 (lun. 20 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6729, r6696

[-release]Preparing version 6.0.6
r6692 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-20 18:07:15 +0200 (lun. 20 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6729, r6696

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6691 | david.verdin | 2010-09-20 18:02:38 +0200 (lun. 20 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6729, r6696

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.
r6690 | david.verdin | 2010-09-20 17:52:15 +0200 (lun. 20 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6729, r6696

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6689 | david.verdin | 2010-09-20 17:13:12 +0200 (lun. 20 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6729, r6696

[-svn] Fixing version number.
r6686 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-17 16:00:45 +0200 (ven. 17 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6729, r6696

[-release]Preparing version 6.0.6
r6685 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-17 15:56:14 +0200 (ven. 17 sept. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6729, r6696

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6695 | david.verdin | 2010-09-21 14:11:11 +0200 (mar. 21 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6729

[bug] Double quotes around field names in "order by" SQL clauses caused said order to have no effect. fixed by removing the double quotes for all supported RDBMS. It looks like none of them uses such a syntax.

r6684 | david.verdin | 2010-09-17 15:28:06 +0200 (ven. 17 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
Fision via : r6729

[bug] HTML pages sent through the web interface arrived with an empty body. this was due to a bad variable intialization in the reformat_message sub in mail.pm. This var is now initialized and the problem vanished.

r6709 | serge.aumont | 2010-10-13 12:18:43 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug]  more about CAS bug from Vincent Bonamy

r6708 | serge.aumont | 2010-10-13 10:54:52 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] CAS auth bug, patch reported by Vincent Bonamy

r6705 | david.verdin | 2010-10-08 16:14:08 +0200 (ven. 08 oct. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[change][Submitetd by G. Rousse, INRIA] Replaces all occurences of 'host' parameter in sympa code with 'domain', to avoid the need of two distinct variables.

r6704 | david.verdin | 2010-10-08 16:06:47 +0200 (ven. 08 oct. 2010) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[change][Submitted by G. Rousse, INRIA] More consistency between the description of various configuration parameters:
- initial uppercase
- no ending dot
- no initial article
- emphasis on parameter nature (directory, file or url)
- consistent syntax for list of available values
- consistent wording

Also fixes a few typos.

r6683 | merlin | 2010-09-15 15:27:48 +0200 (mer. 15 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-feature]Introduction of a function (multi_db) that populate %db_struct for all the supported RDBMS.

r6682 | david.verdin | 2010-09-10 12:20:07 +0200 (ven. 10 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from 6.1 branch.

r6681 | david.verdin | 2010-09-10 12:18:55 +0200 (ven. 10 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6682

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from 6.0 branch.

r6680 | david.verdin | 2010-09-10 12:17:57 +0200 (ven. 10 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6682, r6681

[bug] In some - difficult to precisely describe - configurations, sessions could be messed due to an inner cache of cookie environement variable, either in Apache of perl. Fixed by force-blanking this variable as soon as we affect it to a session.

r6679 | david.verdin | 2010-09-10 12:13:11 +0200 (ven. 10 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
Fision via : r6682, r6681

[svn] Comitting mergeinfo.

r6677 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-10 12:03:33 +0200 (ven. 10 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r6682, r6681

[-bug] Incorrect use of == instead of eq operator 

r6678 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-10 12:05:21 +0200 (ven. 10 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r6682

[-bug] Incorrect use of == instead of eq operator 

r6675 | serge.aumont | 2010-09-08 17:05:44 +0200 (mer. 08 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r6682

[-bug] Suppress duplicated session trouble.

r6674 | david.verdin | 2010-09-08 16:34:31 +0200 (mer. 08 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6682

[change] Restoring use of HTML::Stripscript module for XSS protection.

r6676 | sympa-authors | 2010-09-10 11:59:45 +0200 (ven. 10 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] Incorrect use of == instead of eq operator

r6673 | merlin | 2010-09-08 11:06:16 +0200 (mer. 08 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[-feature]Introduction of a function (create_db_script) that creates the "create_db.xxx" scripts necessary to create the Sympa database. That's four usage of the "create" word in the preceding sentence. Anyway, this provides the basis for single database structure definition and a first step towards automatic creation and upgrade for all the supported RDBMS.

r6672 | david.verdin | 2010-09-08 10:14:35 +0200 (mer. 08 sept. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[feature] It is now possible to have parameter with multiple values. This allows for example to have as much custom_robot_parameter instances as needed.

r6670 | david.verdin | 2010-09-02 11:46:39 +0200 (jeu. 02 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.1.

r6669 | david.verdin | 2010-09-02 11:40:22 +0200 (jeu. 02 sept. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6670

[feature] You can now define a single custom parameter at the robot level, using the new parameter custom_robot_parameter. The format for it is: "parame_name ; param_value". See https://www.sympa.org/manual_6.1/conf-parameters/part1#custom_robot_parameter for details.

r6668 | david.verdin | 2010-08-31 18:14:01 +0200 (mar. 31 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6670

[change] Now custom actions can accpet an infinite number of parameters. These are stored in an array accessible in TT2 through the name "cap".

r6667 | david.verdin | 2010-08-30 17:51:04 +0200 (lun. 30 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Fixed typos appeared during the recent merge that made the processes crash.

r6666 | david.verdin | 2010-08-26 18:02:25 +0200 (jeu. 26 août 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from Sympa 6.1 branch.
r6665 | david.verdin | 2010-08-26 18:00:13 +0200 (jeu. 26 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6666

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from the sympa-6.0 branch.

r6664 | sympa-authors | 2010-08-26 11:31:57 +0200 (jeu. 26 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6666, r6665

[bug][Submitted by T. Koczka] The post form in the web interface sent messages with empty bodies due to the modification introduced in http://sourcesup.cru.fr/scm/viewvc.php/branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in?root=sympa&r1=6572&r2=6571&pathrev=6572. In the case of the plain text messages created by the post interface, there was no line drop between the headers and the body. The latter was then ignored. Fixed by adding a new line in the text plain message specific code.

r6663 | david.verdin | 2010-08-25 17:45:40 +0200 (mer. 25 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] Any time stats data were aggregated, the connection to the database was recreated. removed the useless recreation.

r6662 | david.verdin | 2010-08-25 11:44:33 +0200 (mer. 25 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.1.

r6661 | david.verdin | 2010-08-25 11:42:39 +0200 (mer. 25 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
Fision via : r6662

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.0

r6659 | david.verdin | 2010-08-25 11:39:28 +0200 (mer. 25 août 2010) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
Fision via : r6662, r6661

[bug][Submitted by O. Wild, UC Davis] "/etc/init.d/sympa status" was
reporting that the bulk process had died and left the pidfile behind. The
real issue was that multiple bulk processes were running, and the pid
file had multiple pids listed in it.

r6660 | david.verdin | 2010-08-25 11:42:00 +0200 (mer. 25 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
Fision via : r6662

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations.

r6658 | david.verdin | 2010-08-24 16:59:44 +0200 (mar. 24 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/README.charset
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/web_tt2/ca.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ca.tt2:6657)
   A /trunk/web_tt2/lca.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/lca.tt2:6657)
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from the 6.1 branch.

r6655 | sympa-authors | 2010-08-23 15:53:52 +0200 (lun. 23 août 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6658

[-release]Preparing version 6.1b.6
r6654 | sympa-authors | 2010-08-23 15:41:45 +0200 (lun. 23 août 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6658

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6653 | sympa-authors | 2010-08-23 15:40:47 +0200 (lun. 23 août 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6658

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6652 | david.verdin | 2010-08-23 12:06:45 +0200 (lun. 23 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6658

[svn] Introducing the 6.1b.5 tag that was absent from the configure.ac for some reason.

r6651 | david.verdin | 2010-08-23 12:06:07 +0200 (lun. 23 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/ca.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/lca.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[feature] It is now possible to create Custom actions at the list or robot level. These custom actions allow you to create new pages in the Sympa web interface. for now, you can only display informations using this method. any post treatment (such as form submission) must be handled outside of Sympa. See https://www.sympa.org/manual_6.1/customizing#custom_actions for more details.

r6650 | david.verdin | 2010-08-20 12:18:05 +0200 (ven. 20 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6658

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from branch 6.0.

r6649 | david.verdin | 2010-08-19 17:47:33 +0200 (jeu. 19 août 2010) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6658, r6650

[change][Submitted by G. Rousse, INRIA] Several improvments in configure.ac:
- changed the minimal version of autoconf to 2.60
- factorization of the section regarding the FSH/non FSH alternative.

r6648 | david.verdin | 2010-08-19 11:55:41 +0200 (jeu. 19 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6658

[svn]Retrieving latest modifications from stable branch.

r6644 | david.verdin | 2010-08-17 09:20:51 +0200 (mar. 17 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r6658

[-bug] Reintroduction of an old bug made some messages to be lost.

r6643 | david.verdin | 2010-08-17 09:20:12 +0200 (mar. 17 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
Fision via : r6658

[-bug] A typo in a variable name made sympa_soap_client.pl to crash.

r6639 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-11 14:28:58 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6658

[-change]Cancel change at revision 6627. pdf_DATA target requires autoconf 2.60

r6638 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-11 14:28:42 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6658

[-change]Cancel change at revision 6627. pdf_DATA target requires autoconf 2.60

r6636 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-11 14:24:28 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6658

[change] Cancel change with revision 6627. Can't rely on configure 2.60, not available for RHE 5.5

r6629 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-06 17:03:54 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6855][S.Ikeda] Samples were installed under / and sympa.pdf was not installed. Added missing docdir def in configure.ac + AC_PREREQ(2.60)

r6628 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-06 17:03:37 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/doc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6855][S.Ikeda] Samples were installed under / and sympa.pdf was not installed. Added missing docdir def in configure.ac + AC_PREREQ(2.60)

r6625 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-06 16:03:52 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6658

[bug][O.Lacroix, CIRIL] ./configure --help was not consistant with the directory defaults. Changed the help message for the following options : --with-expldir, --with-spooldir, --with-scriptdir, --with-modulesdir
***** piddir default changed from PREFIX/var to /var

r6624 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-06 16:03:27 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6658

[bug][O.Lacroix, CIRIL] ./configure --help was not consistant with the directory defaults. Changed the help message for the following options : --with-expldir, --with-spooldir, --with-scriptdir, --with-modulesdir
***** piddir default changed from PREFIX/var to /var

r6619 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-30 16:57:20 +0200 (ven. 30 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#7053][D.Pritts, Internet2] Listmaster notification for renaming was wrong - got "list copied" notification instead.

r6615 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-30 10:39:18 +0200 (ven. 30 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug] Previously only default distributed css.tt2 was used to generate CSS files in static_content/. Now also checking customized css.tt2.

r6613 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 17:52:01 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6879][reported by A.Koshokin, Intel] Fixed the BASE HTML tag. The base previously was the archive directory, now setting it to the archive message. 
Bug description: NAME anchors within HTML archived messages were broken.

r6612 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 17:51:38 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6879][reported by A.Koshokin, Intel] Fixed the BASE HTML tag. The base previously was the archive directory, now setting it to the archive message. 
Bug description: NAME anchors within HTML archived messages were broken.

r6607 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 13:55:46 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#7038][reported by D.Pritts, Internet2] Prevent duplicate entry error in Bulk::store(). This error occured while sending duplicate service messages (same content to the same user). The listmaster is no more notified, but the second instance of the message is still not sent; this should be fixed.

r6606 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 13:53:23 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#7038][reported by D.Pritts, Internet2] Prevent duplicate entry error in Bulk::store(). This error occured while sending duplicate service messages (same content to the same user). The listmaster is no more notified, but the second instance of the message is still not sent; this should be fixed.

r6601 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-28 11:59:26 +0200 (mer. 28 juil. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug] To field was not set while sending the sendpasswd service message.
This bug was introduced in revision 5150.

r6600 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-28 11:58:41 +0200 (mer. 28 juil. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug] To field was not set while sending the sendpasswd service message.
This bug was introduced in revision 5150.

r6594 | david.verdin | 2010-07-07 17:03:15 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6658

[svn]Committing updated translations.

r6589 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-06 16:12:24 +0200 (mar. 06 juil. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6658

[-release]Preparing version 6.0.5
r6588 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-06 16:10:41 +0200 (mar. 06 juil. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6658

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6587 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-06 16:09:52 +0200 (mar. 06 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6658

[svn]Committing updated catalogues.

r6585 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-05 16:41:40 +0200 (lun. 05 juil. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r6658

[-release]Preparing version 6.0.4
r6584 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-05 16:38:22 +0200 (lun. 05 juil. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6658

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6583 | david.verdin | 2010-07-05 16:36:27 +0200 (lun. 05 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6658

[-svn] Back to 6.0.3 for retagging.

r6581 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-05 15:38:37 +0200 (lun. 05 juil. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6658

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6580 | david.verdin | 2010-07-05 15:31:25 +0200 (lun. 05 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug] The debug4 log facility does not exist. Replacing its occurences with debug3.

r6578 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-05 12:12:13 +0200 (lun. 05 juil. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6658

[-release]Preparing version 6.0.4
r6577 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-05 12:08:19 +0200 (lun. 05 juil. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
Fision via : r6658

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6575 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-29 16:06:14 +0200 (mar. 29 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6984] Fixed bug introduced in revision 6376 <https://sourcesup.cru.fr/scm/viewvc.php/trunk/src/lib/List.pm?root=sympa&r1=6375&r2=6376>. 

r6573 | david.verdin | 2010-06-29 13:06:21 +0200 (mar. 29 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/README.charset
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from branch 6.0.

r6572 | david.verdin | 2010-06-29 13:02:28 +0200 (mar. 29 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug] An extra "\n" appended to the "From:" field caused HTML message to be trimmed from their headers and consequently treated as plain text. This caused HTML messages to arrive as a plain text messages starting by SMTP headers.

r6570 | serge.aumont | 2010-06-29 10:27:31 +0200 (mar. 29 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug] fix verp rate 0% case where Sympa do not send messages to subscriber with bounces 

r6569 | serge.aumont | 2010-06-29 10:26:58 +0200 (mar. 29 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug] fix verp rate 0% case where Sympa do not send messages to subscriber with bounces 

r6568 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-25 09:16:31 +0200 (ven. 25 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/README.charset
Fision via : r6658

[-bug][#7000] [S.Ikeda] Path in README.charset

r6567 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-24 16:32:15 +0200 (jeu. 24 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r6658

[-bug] Alarm in fetch() was not disabled within the eval

r6565 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-24 16:25:44 +0200 (jeu. 24 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
Fision via : r6658

[-bug][#6996] [reported by A.Bendzsak] "set_fetch_timeout" is not exported by the LDAPSource module error.

r6563 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-22 15:32:07 +0200 (mar. 22 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug]Encoding in body of web composed messages was broken. Now require version 1.03 of HTML::StripScripts::Parser

r6561 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-22 13:26:08 +0200 (mar. 22 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug] Functions rename_list and change_email could not be run by a robot listmater. Added missing $robot parameter to List::is_listmaster() calls

r6559 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-22 09:48:56 +0200 (mar. 22 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug] merge with 6.0 branch to report some bug fixes

r6558 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-22 09:40:48 +0200 (mar. 22 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6802] [T.Berry, NASA] Remove duplicate code + variable declared twice

r6557 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-22 09:39:58 +0200 (mar. 22 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
Fision via : r6658

[-bug][#6803] [D.Pritts, Internet2] Fixed silent failure in Archive::list()

r6556 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 18:01:01 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[-bug] fixed of couple of inprecise regular expressions

r6555 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:58:56 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6842] [S.Ikeda] /help/editlist does not show title of parameters

r6554 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:58:24 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6853] [reported by A.Stephens, univ Bristol] Remote data sources could stall task manager and kill sympa.pl. We have added a timeout while running the SQL query (for include_sql_query sources). The timeout value can be configured at the list level (sql_fetch_timeout) with a sympa.conf default (default_sql_fetch_timeout) parameter).

r6553 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:57:23 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6432] [reported by D.Black, cacert.org] S/MIME signature could not be verified while using certificates with alternate email addresses.

r6552 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:56:54 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r6658

[-bug] cafile and capath sympa.conf parameter are optional

r6551 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:56:15 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6901][reported by D.Black] tools::smime_decrypt() could make sympa.pl process crash. 

r6550 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:55:41 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
Fision via : r6658

[-bug][#6911][reported by D.Pritts] wrong string for popup.

r6549 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:55:12 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6658

[-bug][#6916][S.Dukachev] Three empty gettext_id fields

r6548 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:54:18 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug][S.Ikeda][#3779] Comma in gecos caused invalid From: in Web posting. New tools::addrencode() for proper encoding of From: SMTP header field according to RFC5322.

r6546 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:46:09 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#4106][reported by M.Larchet] Shared documents could not get manipulated. This was due to changes in the algorithm of MIME::EncWords::encode_mimewords() function (chars -_+! no more Q-encoded). The problem started with version 1.010 of MIME::EncWords. The fix consists in a massive renaming of shared files (according to new algorithm) during sympa.pl --upgrade.

r6545 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:43:57 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#4106][reported by M.Larchet] Shared documents could not get manipulated. This was due to changes in the algorithm of MIME::EncWords::encode_mimewords() function (chars -_+! no more Q-encoded). The problem started with version 1.010 of MIME::EncWords. The fix consists in a massive renaming of shared files (according to new algorithm) during sympa.pl --upgrade.

r6544 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:31:29 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r6658

[feature][#6693] [requested by R.Sharshenov] New "reject_mail_from_automates_feature" list parameter allows to disable the detection (and rejection) of mails from automates. This detection is based on the From header field as well as the Auto-Submitted header field. A default behavior can be defined in sympa.conf.

r6543 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:25:06 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#3984] [submitted by S.Kristoffersen] Restored code to add Auto-Submitted SMTP header field. mail::mail_file() does not set this header when 'not_auto_submitted' is set, ie when wwsympa sends commands to sympa.pl through the msg/ spool.

r6542 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:23:44 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#6513] [Landry Breuil] Fix errors in apache error log (Use of uninitialized value in sprintf) when debug is enabled

r6541 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:15:58 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
Fision via : r6658

[bug][#3881] [Michael Quintero] code to handle Groupwise 7 bounces

r6657 | david.verdin | 2010-08-24 16:25:35 +0200 (mar. 24 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/js/Makefile.am

[bug][Reported by S. ikeda] $DESTDIR variable was not used when js files were installed.

r6646 | serge.aumont | 2010-08-19 10:32:08 +0200 (jeu. 19 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm

[bug] fix internal error while sending encrypted message (reported by Reinhold Nagel)

r6645 | serge.aumont | 2010-08-17 10:50:14 +0200 (mar. 17 août 2010) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/js/sympa.js
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/tracking.pm (de /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/tracking.pm:6597)
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/tracking.tt2 (de /branches/ximf-consolidation/web_tt2/tracking.tt2:6597)
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[*feature] Tracking feature : a great contrib from French army DGA Information Superiority (Guillaume Colotte and laurent Cailleux)
The tracking feature is a way to request DSN or DSN + MDN when sending a message to each subscribers. In that case, Sympa (bounced.pl) collect both DSN and MDN and store them in a new table "notification_table". Them, for each message, the list owner can display which subscribers has displayed, received or not received the message. This can be used for some important list where list owner need to collect the proof of reception or display of each message. This page is accessible via archive (button "tracking").
This feature is controled by 2 list parameters see "tracking" paragraph in "edit list config"/bounce .

 See : http://www.sympa.org/manual/bounces#message_tracking and http://www.sympa.org/manual_6.1/parameters-bounces#tracking 

r6597 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-13 15:03:15 +0200 (mar. 13 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6645

[change] clean traces

r6596 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-13 13:43:48 +0200 (mar. 13 juil. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
Fision via : r6645

[dev] introduce tracking by DSN or MDN by list config

r6595 | sympa-authors | 2010-07-12 14:56:31 +0200 (lun. 12 juil. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
Fision via : r6645

[dev] mail_table is removed (upgrade.pm end ceration script are not up to date). Subscription option is displayed. 

r6576 | serge.aumont | 2010-06-30 09:05:40 +0200 (mer. 30 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
Fision via : r6645

[dev] version with full feature but still need a lot of modification.

r6571 | serge.aumont | 2010-06-29 10:47:24 +0200 (mar. 29 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6645

[dev] one more step in order to cleanup this code

r6533 | serge.aumont | 2010-06-16 17:19:21 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/mail.pm
   A /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/lib/tracking.pm
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/ximf-consolidation/web_tt2/tracking.tt2
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/ximf-consolidation/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6645

[dev] first step including template tracking page. A lot of code was cleaned, still a lot to clean !

r6495 | serge.aumont | 2010-06-14 10:08:56 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/ximf-consolidation (de /trunk:6494)
Fision via : r6645

[svn] make a copy for prepartion of XIMF integration

r6642 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-13 11:23:37 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm

[bug][#7019][Submitted by R.Nagel, Fraunhofer] Bug introduced in revision 5488 : mail::sendto() gets $rcpt as a ref to an array of arrays (ref to an array previously). Symptom: sympa.pl would reject S/MIME encrypted emails with error message "List::send_msg, could not send message to distribute".
Fixed mail::sendto() and improved error handling.

r6641 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-13 11:15:58 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#7058] change_email no more fails if list includes another local list
Also fixed a bug introduced in revision 6634: incorrect call to db_log()

r6640 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-13 10:27:56 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in

[-bug]fix bug introduced in revision 6634 : using 0x20007471 instead of &TIOCNOTTY for ioctl()

r6637 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-11 14:28:16 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am

[-change]Cancel change at revision 6627. pdf_DATA target requires autoconf 2.60

r6635 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-11 14:23:44 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[change] Cancel change with revision 6627. Can't rely on configure 2.60, not available for RHE 5.5

r6634 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-11 10:58:09 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] a couple of fixes reported by perl -cw

r6633 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-11 09:29:22 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] rename List::close() to List::close_list() to prevent ambiguous calls to CORE::close

r6632 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-11 09:24:39 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[-change]rename Family::close() to Family::close_family() to prevent ambiguous calls to CORE::close

r6631 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-10 17:41:14 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm

[-bug] fixed preparation of SQL statement in update_subscriber_msg_send()

r6630 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-10 15:58:32 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2010) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[bug][#4452][C.Hastie, S.Ikeda] Issue: handling of different character sets in PlainDigest.pm was poor. Messages were assumed to be in ascii, iso-8859-1 or a closely related character set, and if they were not all characters above \x80 were dumped to provide crude, lossy iso-8859-1 output.updated PlainDigest.pm which normalises all parts to UTF-8.
Cleanup from Soji :
- don't bother trying to find path to lynx unless use_lynx is true 
- anchor content-type test strings to end of string to avoid picking up malformed headers as per bug 3702 
- local Text::Wrap variables - moved repeated code to get charset into sub _getCharset 
- added use of MIME::Charset to check charset aliases 

r6627 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-06 17:02:57 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am

[bug][#6855][S.Ikeda] Samples were installed under / and sympa.pdf was not installed. Added missing docdir def in configure.ac + AC_PREREQ(2.60)

r6626 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-06 16:29:34 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2010) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/ldap_alias_entry.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/ldap_alias_manager.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in

[bug][O.Lacroix, CIRIL]Fixed a couple of things with ldap_alias_manager :
 - list-owner alias now using return_path_suffix configuration parameter
 - adding postfix parameters for transport

r6623 | olivier.salaun | 2010-08-06 16:02:40 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[bug][O.Lacroix, CIRIL] ./configure --help was not consistant with the directory defaults. Changed the help message for the following options : --with-expldir, --with-spooldir, --with-scriptdir, --with-modulesdir
***** piddir default changed from PREFIX/var to /var

r6622 | sympa-authors | 2010-08-03 09:13:49 +0200 (mar. 03 août 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[bug] rest of css bug correction for "archive message actions block"

r6621 | lumineau | 2010-08-02 16:38:15 +0200 (lun. 02 août 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2

[bug] Modification to have list subject visible

r6620 | lumineau | 2010-08-02 16:16:44 +0200 (lun. 02 août 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[bug] CSS modification, class noborder applied to <ul id="MainMenuLinks>

r6618 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-30 16:56:42 +0200 (ven. 30 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm

[bug][#7053][D.Pritts, Internet2] Listmaster notification for renaming was wrong - got "list copied" notification instead.

r6617 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-30 16:30:20 +0200 (ven. 30 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-bug][#7054][M.Denarek] Make Text::Wrap mandatory.

r6616 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-30 11:22:30 +0200 (ven. 30 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[bug][suggested by O.Lacroix, CIRIL] While sympa adds a Sender: SMTP header field, it should remove any existing one before to prevent messages with multiple Sender: header fields. 'Sender' is now part of the default 'remove_headers' parameter.

r6614 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-30 10:38:42 +0200 (ven. 30 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug] Previously only default distributed css.tt2 was used to generate CSS files in static_content/. Now also checking customized css.tt2.

r6611 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 17:50:54 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#6879][reported by A.Koshokin, Intel] Fixed the BASE HTML tag. The base previously was the archive directory, now setting it to the archive message. 
Bug description: NAME anchors within HTML archived messages were broken.

r6610 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 15:36:03 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tt2

[bug][#7034][reported by P.Polinghorne, Brunel univ] create list templates did not include owner_include entries.

r6609 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 15:04:11 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[-bug][#7035][reported by P.Pokinghorne, Brunel Univ] removed dead code

r6608 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 14:57:41 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[change][#7037][T.Berry, NASA] Making the loop detection logging more detailed

r6605 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 13:47:53 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[bug][#7038][reported by D.Pritts, Internet2] Prevent duplicate entry error in Bulk::store(). This error occured while sending duplicate service messages (same content to the same user). The listmaster is no more notified, but the second instance of the message is still not sent; this should be fixed.

r6604 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 09:44:30 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[bug][#7042][A.Dominguez, Yaco] Syntax error in mysql DB creation script

r6603 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 09:30:45 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[-bug][#7043][A.Bendzsak] Style change in web archive : remove border

r6602 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-29 09:14:56 +0200 (jeu. 29 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[bug][#7044][Soji Ikeda] Ignore signature in command mail

r6599 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-28 11:56:45 +0200 (mer. 28 juil. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] To field was not set while sending the sendpasswd service message.
This bug was introduced in revision 5150.

r6598 | olivier.salaun | 2010-07-28 11:04:59 +0200 (mer. 28 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] just a typo

r6593 | david.verdin | 2010-07-07 15:30:13 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] The wwsympa config did not use the parameter definition in confdef.pm. Consequently, we needed to define new parameters in wwslib.pm whereas the parameters defined in confdef could only be used in sympa.conf even if the key "file" had the correct value. Fixed by replacing all the hard coded parameters declarations in wwslib.pm by a parsing of the data contained in confdef.pm. Also added the missing parameters to wwslib.pm.

r6592 | david.verdin | 2010-07-07 09:42:01 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] wwsympa.fcgi opens logs as soon as the sympa.conf is loaded. It increases the data that can be gathered in logs about the startup process.

r6591 | david.verdin | 2010-07-07 09:27:13 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2010) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
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   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/themes/simple/skins/o2k7/ui.css
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_popup.js
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_src.js
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/utils
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/utils/editable_selects.js
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/utils/form_utils.js
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/utils/mctabs.js
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/utils/validate.js
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] It is now possible to use a WYSIWYG editor in the "post" section of the web interface. Three new wwsympa.conf parameters handle this feature : 
- use_html_editor: if set to '1' Sympa will use the HTML editor defined by the two other parameters.
- html_editor_file: the path to the main script used to launch the HTML editor. This path is relative to the <static_content>/js directory.
- html_editor_init: the javascript excerpt that enables and configures the WYSIWYG HTML editor.
[change] Tiny_mce is now distributed with Sympa.
[change] The javascript used by sympa are now all located in the "js" subdirectory of the static content directory and accessed through the static content URL.

r6574 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-29 16:05:10 +0200 (mar. 29 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[bug][#6984] Fixed bug introduced in revision 6376 <https://sourcesup.cru.fr/scm/viewvc.php/trunk/src/lib/List.pm?root=sympa&r1=6375&r2=6376>. 

r6566 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-24 16:31:46 +0200 (jeu. 24 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[-bug] Alarm in fetch() was not disabled within the eval

r6564 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-24 16:23:36 +0200 (jeu. 24 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm

[-bug][#6996] [reported by A.Bendzsak] "set_fetch_timeout" is not exported by the LDAPSource module error.

r6562 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-22 15:30:21 +0200 (mar. 22 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug]Encoding in body of web composed messages was broken. Now require version 1.03 of HTML::StripScripts::Parser
r6560 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-22 13:21:45 +0200 (mar. 22 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Functions rename_list and change_email could not be run by a robot listmater. Added missing $robot parameter to List::is_listmaster() calls

r6547 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-21 17:47:25 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] restored line lost in revision 6528

r6540 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-18 18:17:39 +0200 (ven. 18 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm

[bug][#6802] [T.Berry, NASA] Remove duplicate code + variable declared twice

r6539 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-18 18:06:52 +0200 (ven. 18 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm

[-bug][#6803] [D.Pritts, Internet2] Fixed silent failure in Archive::list()

r6538 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-18 17:55:04 +0200 (ven. 18 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] fixed of couple of inprecise regular expressions

r6537 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-18 17:33:41 +0200 (ven. 18 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#6842] [S.Ikeda] /help/editlist does not show title of parameters

r6536 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-18 15:31:53 +0200 (ven. 18 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[bug][#6853] [reported by A.Stephens, univ Bristol] Remote data sources could stall task manager and kill sympa.pl. We have added a timeout while running the SQL query (for include_sql_query sources). The timeout value can be configured at the list level (sql_fetch_timeout) with a sympa.conf default (default_sql_fetch_timeout) parameter).
r6535 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-18 10:23:34 +0200 (ven. 18 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug][#6432] [reported by D.Black, cacert.org] S/MIME signature could not be verified while using certificates with alternate email addresses.

r6534 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-17 09:21:33 +0200 (jeu. 17 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] cafile and capath sympa.conf parameter are optional

r6532 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-16 16:45:55 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug][#6901][reported by D.Black] tools::smime_decrypt() could make sympa.pl process crash. 

r6531 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-16 16:21:40 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po

[-bug][#6911][reported by D.Pritts] wrong string for popup.

r6530 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-16 16:10:21 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug][#6916][S.Dukachev] Three empty gettext_id fields

r6529 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-16 15:48:01 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][S.Ikeda][#3779] Comma in gecos caused invalid From: in Web posting. New tools::addrencode() for proper encoding of From: SMTP header field according to RFC5322.

r6528 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-16 15:04:53 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#4106][reported by M.Larchet] Shared documents could not get manipulated. This was due to changes in the algorithm of MIME::EncWords::encode_mimewords() function (chars -_+! no more Q-encoded). The problem started with version 1.010 of MIME::EncWords. The fix consists in a massive renaming of shared files (according to new algorithm) during sympa.pl --upgrade.

r6527 | david.verdin | 2010-06-16 10:41:13 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/news.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2

[-feature] Improving presentation of the news area of the home page. The "color_3" parameter is attributed to this area's background.

r6526 | david.verdin | 2010-06-16 10:17:23 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js/sympa.js

[svn] Versionning new file sympa.js. This file contains all the home made Sympa javascript.

r6525 | david.verdin | 2010-06-16 10:16:19 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/news.tt2

[-bug] Improving formulations in the news template.

r6524 | david.verdin | 2010-06-16 09:02:16 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] When logging out, the personnlized menu with administration tasks and user errors remained displayed. Fixed by checking that there is an authenticated session existing before displaying these data.

r6523 | david.verdin | 2010-06-16 08:40:52 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/js/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Now all the javascript functions in Sympa are gathered in sht "sympa.js" file, that will be accessed through the static_content URL. Je javascript.tt2 file only contains javascript files import and variable initializations.

r6522 | david.verdin | 2010-06-15 18:46:15 +0200 (mar. 15 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/js
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/js/Makefile.am

[feature] Now Sympa is distributed with a version of jquery and a few plugins we need. These scripts are available in the static_content "js" subdirectory and accessed through the static_content.'/js' URL.

r6521 | david.verdin | 2010-06-15 17:28:31 +0200 (mar. 15 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

[feature][requested by D. Pritts, internet2] Replaced the "quiet" checkbox by an "add quietly" button in the review form. this will save users the pain to check the checkbox before submitting the form if they want the add to be silent.

r6520 | david.verdin | 2010-06-15 15:58:11 +0200 (mar. 15 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.

r6517 | david.verdin | 2010-06-15 11:17:30 +0200 (mar. 15 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6520

[bug] Quick fix to avoid problems with the shared if people update their MIME::Encode module.

r6519 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-15 14:00:08 +0200 (mar. 15 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[-dev] $is_crypted variable never used

r6518 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-15 13:31:11 +0200 (mar. 15 juin 2010) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[feature][#6693] [requested by R.Sharshenov] New "reject_mail_from_automates_feature" list parameter allows to disable the
 detection (and rejection) of mails from automates. This detection is based on the From header field as well as the Auto-S
ubmitted header field. A default behavior can be defined in sympa.conf.

r6516 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-15 10:57:32 +0200 (mar. 15 juin 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][#3984] [submitted by S.Kristoffersen] Restored code to add Auto-Submitted SMTP header field. mail::mail_file() does 
not set this header when 'not_auto_submitted' is set, ie when wwsympa sends commands to sympa.pl through the msg/ spool.

r6515 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 18:56:12 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2

[svn] retrieving latest modifications from 6.1 branch.

r6514 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 18:53:37 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
Fision via : r6515

[feature] Now details about each virtual host are displayed in the virtual hosts section of the server admin.

r6513 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 18:15:41 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
Fision via : r6515

[feature][#6930][Requested by D. Pritts, internet2] On each table containing a checkbox at the start of each line, we replaced the "X" header with a link that toggles the selection.

r6512 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 18:04:28 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from the 6.0 and 6.1 branches.

r6510 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 18:00:33 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6512

[bug] The spam_status.x-spam-status scenario was never copied during install because it was not specified in the Makefile.am.

r6509 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 17:31:38 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6512

[bug][#6904][Submitted by T. Berry, NASA] The _load_admin_file sub did not ut a lock on the config file before opening it. If another process was writing it at the same time, the function found the file to be empty, and put the list in error config. Fixed by adding a lock an removing it once the config is loaded.

r6508 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-14 17:25:16 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6512

[bug][#6904][Submitted by T. Berry, NASA] The _load_admin_file sub did not ut a lock on the config file before opening it. If another process was writing it at the same time, the function found the file to be empty, and put the list in error config. Fixed by adding a lock an removing it once the config is loaded.

r6511 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 18:02:39 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2

[feature][#6930][Requested by D. Pritts, internet2] On each table containing a checkbox at the start of each line, we replaced the "X" header with a link that toggle selection.

r6507 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-14 15:57:20 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm

[bug][#6513] [Landry Breuil] Fix errors in apache error log (Use of uninitialized value in sprintf) when debug is enabled

r6506 | olivier.salaun | 2010-06-14 14:24:36 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Bounce.pm

[bug][#3881] [Michael Quintero] code to handle Groupwise 7 bounces

r6505 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 12:23:52 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 22 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/js (de /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js:6504)
   R /trunk/src/etc/script/js/Makefile.am (de /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/Makefile.am:6504)
   R /trunk/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer.js (de /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer.js:6504)
   R /trunk/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.js (de /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.js:6504)
   R /trunk/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.barRenderer.min.js (de /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.barRenderer.min.js:6504)
   R /trunk/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.min.js (de /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.min.js:6504)
   R /trunk/src/etc/script/js/jquery.jqplot.css (de /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jquery.jqplot.css:6504)
   R /trunk/src/etc/script/js/jquery.jqplot.min.js (de /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jquery.jqplot.min.js:6504)
   R /trunk/src/etc/script/js/jquery.js (de /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jquery.js:6504)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/news.tt2 (de /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/news.tt2:6504)
   M /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[*feature][Submitted by W. Roquet] Stats feature. Now Sympa stores data whenever one of the following event occurs:
	- a message is sent to a list;
	- a user subscribed to a list;
	- a user unsubscribed from a list;
	- a user is added to a list by another user;
	- a user is removed from a list by another user;
	- a user is removed from a list by the automatic bounce management;
	- a file is uploaded to the shared directory;
	- a file is deleted from the shared;
	- a message to a lsit is rejected in moderation;
	- a user logs in to the web interface;
	- a user logs out;
	- a list is created;
	- a list is deleted;
	- a list is restored;
	- a human user (not a harvester) hit a page.
These data are regularly aggregated by the task_manager, in order to make them anonymous and to have easily displayable data.
The aggregated data are available to users, owners and listmaster in their respective interfaces. Only relevant data are presented. They are disiplayed in graphs to help people see trends and activity peaks.
For now, only the data regarding mail sending are actually presented, due to development deadline, but the other data will  be added soon.
To be able to diaplsy these graphs, you must enable the static_content URL. In addition, the stats are accessible through the web interface, so if you customized your web templates, you must update them to include the links and template processing.

r6504 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 11:57:43 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william
   M /branches/branche-william/ChangeLog
   M /branches/branche-william/NEWS
   M /branches/branche-william/configure.ac
   M /branches/branche-william/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/branche-william/po/ar.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/bg.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/br.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/ca.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/cs.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/de.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/el.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/es.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/et.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/eu.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/fi.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/fr.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/hu.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/id.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/it.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/ja.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/ko.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/la.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/ml.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/nl.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/oc.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/pl.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/pt.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/ro.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/ru.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/sv.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/branche-william/po/tr.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/vi.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /branches/branche-william/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/branche-william/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/branche-william/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/branche-william/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status (de /trunk/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status:6503)
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/branche-william/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/queue.c
   M /branches/branche-william/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/auto_signoff.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/auto_signoff.tt2:6503)
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6505

[svn] Synchronising with the development trunk.

r6500 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-14 11:10:48 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6505, r6504

[-release]Preparing version 6.1b.4
r6499 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-14 11:07:13 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6505, r6504

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6498 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-14 11:05:52 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
Fision via : r6505, r6504

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6497 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-14 10:55:35 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
Fision via : r6505, r6504

[bug] Invalid log facility for some logs in Lock.pm. It looks like we can't go below debug3.

r6496 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-14 10:44:44 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6505, r6504

[bug][#6937][#6907][#6915][Reported by S. Dukachev, A. Gouaux and A. Michon (in order of apparition)] The query used to store packets in the bulk_mailer table did enclose interger values between quotes, which is not correct. In addition, it obfuscated the problem that the '$merge' parameter was sometimes undefined. This led to trying to submit an insert query containg a value '' for an integer field. Fixed by suppressing quotes for integer values and ensuring that the $merge variable has a value set.

r6494 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-10 11:01:33 +0200 (jeu. 10 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6505, r6504

[bug][Reported by P. Evans] The edit_config.tt2 file was not installed during the "make isntall" because it was nt declared in the Makefile.am.

r6490 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-09 11:46:00 +0200 (mer. 09 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/queue.c
Fision via : r6505

[bug][#6912][Submitted by S. Ikeda]When queue, queuebounce or queueautomatic parameter was not defined in sympa.conf, queue, bouncequeue or familyqueue referred unallocated memory instead of using value given by configure.

r6489 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-09 08:51:54 +0200 (mer. 09 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6505

[bug] Previous versions of the Q-encoder were not completely faithfull to the Q-encoding spec. It changed , but some files in the shared still have the former encoding. Added escaping to avoid to say that a file does not exist just because the encoding canons changed.

r6484 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-07 11:42:29 +0200 (lun. 07 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6505

[-release]Preparing version 6.1b.3
r6483 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-07 11:16:57 +0200 (lun. 07 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6482 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-07 11:15:33 +0200 (lun. 07 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6481 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-07 11:07:55 +0200 (lun. 07 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
Fision via : r6505

[bug][Reported by A. Michon, IBCP and A. Gouaux] In the create_db.* scripts, some of the name of the fields related to DKIM were uncorrect, leading bulk.pl to fail starting. These names are now correct.

r6480 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-04 15:39:35 +0200 (ven. 04 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
Fision via : r6505

[change] Increasing the log level in Lock subfunctions. These were polluting the logs when a process was set in debug mode.

r6479 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-04 15:14:10 +0200 (ven. 04 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
Fision via : r6505

[bug][reported by A. Michon, IBCP] A typo in create_db.Pg caused the db creation query to fail.

r6477 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-03 16:30:31 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r6505

[-release]Preparing version 6.1b.2
r6476 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-03 16:24:50 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6475 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-03 16:23:22 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6473 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-03 16:19:01 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6505

[-release]Preparing version 6.0.3
r6472 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-03 16:16:49 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6471 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-03 16:03:59 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/auto_signoff.tt2
Fision via : r6505

[-feature] Forgot to add the auto_signoff.tt2 file.

r6470 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-03 15:57:07 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r6505

[bug][Reported by O. Germes, univ. Rennes1] The upper case "O" in "Oracle" caused the task_manager.pl to be unable to synchronize datasources. This is a quick fix that reverts the patch for bug [#6603].

r6468 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-02 18:37:51 +0200 (mer. 02 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6505

[feature] Retrieved from development server the feature that allows to add auto_signoff links at the bottom of list messages.

r6465 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-31 17:33:01 +0200 (lun. 31 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r6505

[bug][submitted by G. rousse, INRIA] Spool directories created in Conf.pm didn't have ownership set, meaning they belonged to root.root, preventing sympa to create new content therein, preventing sympa.pl to start.

r6464 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-31 17:29:09 +0200 (lun. 31 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6505

[-change] Updating Sympa translations.

r6463 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-31 16:08:59 +0200 (lun. 31 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r6505

[bug][Reported by S. Bosquin, Ejinov] A bad variable name seemed to have appeared just before the version tag, making bulk.pl to fail starting. Fixed by giving the right name to this variable.

r6460 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-28 11:58:47 +0200 (ven. 28 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6505

[-release]Preparing version 6.0.2
r6459 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-28 11:48:42 +0200 (ven. 28 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6457 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-27 18:00:32 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r6505

[-release]Preparing version 6.1b.1
r6456 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-27 17:58:17 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6455 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-27 17:44:03 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6453 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-27 15:39:05 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r6505

[bug][#6835][Submitted by S. Hornburg, linuxia.de] SQLite 3 upgrades failed to work because the table names retrieved from $dbh->tables look like that: "main"."user_table"

r6452 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-27 15:33:10 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r6505

[bug][#6835][Submitted by S. Hornburg, linuxia.de] SQLite 3 upgrades failed to work because the table names retrieved from $dbh->tables look like that: "main"."user_table"

r6450 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-26 17:49:40 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6505

[-release]Preparing version 6.1b.1
r6449 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-26 17:21:43 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6448 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-26 17:20:21 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6447 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-26 17:02:24 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r6446 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-26 17:01:37 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
Fision via : r6505

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r6445 | david.verdin | 2010-05-25 14:45:50 +0200 (mar. 25 mai 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6505

[bug] Dan Pritts fix https://sourcesup.cru.fr/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=6839&group_id=23&atid=167

r6436 | serge.aumont | 2010-05-18 08:26:36 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6505

[bug] Dan Pritts fix https://sourcesup.cru.fr/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=6839&group_id=23&atid=167

r6491 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-09 11:50:02 +0200 (mer. 09 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/familyqueue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/queue.c
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from 6.0 branch.

r6237 | celar | 2009-09-25 14:04:38 +0200 (ven. 25 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-ximf/Module_Correlation_Install.tar.gz

[feature][#6][Reported by G. COLOTTE] Correlation Developpements : ajout d'une archive contenant les instructions d'installation et de la documentation concernant le module de correlation
r6226 | celar | 2009-09-22 16:12:30 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/lib/correlation.pm
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in

[feature][#5][Reported by G. COLOTTE] Correlation : modification des logs
r6225 | celar | 2009-09-21 15:56:41 +0200 (lun. 21 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/bulk.pl.in
   A /branches/sympa-ximf/src/etc/script/create_db_correlation.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/lib/correlation.pm
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature][#4][Reported by G. COLOTTE] Correlation Developpement; modification de l'interface d'administration, activation de la correlation par listes
r6214 | celar | 2009-09-16 15:29:53 +0200 (mer. 16 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/lib/mail.pm

[feature][#3][Reported by G. COLOTTE] Developpements Correlation; modification des parametres d'envoi de mail pour permettre les demandes de dsn et utilisation de l'envid ;fichier mail.pm
r6213 | celar | 2009-09-16 15:08:50 +0200 (mer. 16 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/bulk.pl.in

[feature][#2][Reported by G. COLOTTE] Developpements Correlation; modification du fichier bulk.pl
r6212 | celar | 2009-09-16 12:10:37 +0200 (mer. 16 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-ximf/src/lib/correlation.pm
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-ximf/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature][#1][Reported by G. COLOTTE] Developpements Correlation; ajout du fichier correlation.pm
r6055 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-05 10:25:04 +0200 (mer. 05 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-ximf (de /trunk:6054)

[change]  Init of sympa-ximf branch from trunk

r6433 | david.verdin | 2010-05-12 17:18:12 +0200 (mer. 12 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/Makefile.in.in

[change] Improved English translation handling retrieved from version 6.0.

r6432 | david.verdin | 2010-05-12 17:17:27 +0200 (mer. 12 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/bulk.pl.in

[svn] retrieving latest bug fixes from 6.0 branch.

r6431 | david.verdin | 2010-05-12 16:57:55 +0200 (mer. 12 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/bulk.pl.in

[bug] When a packet was found which corresponded to no message in the spool table, then an empty message was sent anyway. Should such a case arise again, the packet would be deleted.

r6424 | david.verdin | 2010-05-03 18:41:00 +0200 (lun. 03 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po

[svn] Retrieving up to date English translation.

r6423 | david.verdin | 2010-05-03 18:32:52 +0200 (lun. 03 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/Makefile.in.in

[change] Updated the make rules for i18N to update the English catalogue withou loosing customization.

r6421 | david.verdin | 2010-04-27 09:25:31 +0200 (mar. 27 avril 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] Reverting a part of revision #6227. This lead to datasources loosing all their subscribers when using a single datasource and the synchronizing failed.

r6420 | david.verdin | 2010-04-27 09:23:55 +0200 (mar. 27 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] Reverting a part of revision #6227. This lead to datasources loosing all their subscribers when using a single datasource and the synchronizing failed.

r6417 | david.verdin | 2010-04-26 18:24:01 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/home.tt2

[-bug] Removed a useless -and ugly- <li> tag.

r6416 | david.verdin | 2010-04-26 18:18:43 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] When calling send_notify_to_owner, the '$param' parameter was used as a hash, wihout checking first that it was actually a hash. in some cases though, such as in set_status_family_closed(), it was a ref to an array. This caused Sympa to crach with a "Can't coerce array into a hash" error. Fixed by moving the bad line in the hash-specific part of the sub.

r6409 | david.verdin | 2010-04-14 16:56:44 +0200 (mer. 14 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/home.tt2

[-bug] Removed a useless -and ugly- <li> tag.

r6407 | david.verdin | 2010-04-07 17:52:46 +0200 (mer. 07 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status (de /trunk/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status:6406)

[-feature] Committing forgottne scenarion used for antispam protection.

r6399 | david.verdin | 2010-04-02 16:03:20 +0200 (ven. 02 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po

[-change] reorganized english catalogue.

r6398 | david.verdin | 2010-04-02 15:19:40 +0200 (ven. 02 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po

[-feature] Fixing bad translations.

r6397 | david.verdin | 2010-04-02 14:55:50 +0200 (ven. 02 avril 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.
r6396 | david.verdin | 2010-04-02 14:53:56 +0200 (ven. 02 avril 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6395 | david.verdin | 2010-04-02 14:53:23 +0200 (ven. 02 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2

[-change] fixed weird English formulations before leaving it to be transalted.

r6394 | david.verdin | 2010-03-31 17:49:52 +0200 (mer. 31 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/Makefile.in.in

[-bug] *.new.po files were not removed after the make.

r6393 | david.verdin | 2010-03-31 12:00:10 +0200 (mer. 31 mars 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6392 | david.verdin | 2010-03-31 09:04:38 +0200 (mer. 31 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/configure.ac

[svn] Updating the Sympa version number.

r6391 | david.verdin | 2010-03-31 09:02:39 +0200 (mer. 31 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.1-branch (de /trunk:6390)

[svn] Creating the branch for Sympa 6.1 stabilization.

r6418 | david.verdin | 2010-04-26 18:24:55 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] When calling send_notify_to_owner, the '$param' parameter was used as a hash, wihout checking first that it was actually a hash. in some cases though, such as in set_status_family_closed(), it was a ref to an array. This caused Sympa to crach with a "Can't coerce array into a hash" error. Fixed by moving the bad line in the hash-specific part of the sub.

r6503 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-14 11:46:29 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature] Some last minute changes had not been committed.

r6493 | david.verdin | 2010-06-09 16:21:18 +0200 (mer. 09 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/Makefile.am
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer.js
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer.js
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.barRenderer.min.js
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.min.js
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jquery.jqplot.css
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jquery.jqplot.min.js
   A /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/js/jquery.js
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] the stats regarding email sending by each list can now be displayed as graphs.

r6469 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-03 09:18:36 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev]now is displayed on the web interface :mail sending per hour, subscriptions, unsubscriptions, bounces, and subscribers deleted by admin. 

r6467 | sympa-authors | 2010-06-02 14:10:33 +0200 (mer. 02 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] new field in the list menu of the web interface. Now, list owners can go to the statistics menu of their lists.

r6462 | sympa-authors | 2010-05-31 09:31:12 +0200 (lun. 31 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/task_manager.pl.in

[dev] agregation data is now working with the task_manager, using the function purge_logs_table. Data is agregated hour to hour until between the last agregation date and the exection date of the new task.

r6443 | david.verdin | 2010-05-21 11:34:23 +0200 (ven. 21 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[dev] new field added in susbscriber_table, to count for each user, the number of messages send to a list.

r6442 | david.verdin | 2010-05-19 15:43:06 +0200 (mer. 19 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Log.pm

[bug]i have just deleted the trace logs in my subroutines.

r6441 | david.verdin | 2010-05-19 15:30:51 +0200 (mer. 19 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Log.pm

[dev] aggregation is working for send_mail, still in progress for the others data.

r6439 | david.verdin | 2010-05-19 11:14:24 +0200 (mer. 19 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/task_manager.pl.in

[feature] two new subroutines in Log.pm : aggregate_data and deal_data, these function transfers data from stat_table, treat them and store them in stat_counter_table. This is a first version, not already operational, but it works.

r6429 | david.verdin | 2010-05-10 16:29:10 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/branche-william/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[feature] now stat table is written in database creation scripts, and add in stat table the field "read_stat", used for the future, to display stat in sympa web interface

r6428 | david.verdin | 2010-05-10 11:55:37 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] stat table ready to run, all data we need to store are ok.

r6411 | david.verdin | 2010-04-16 10:13:04 +0200 (ven. 16 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/news.tt2

[-bug]a little bug of a end </div>, in the homepage is fixed.

r6410 | william | 2010-04-15 09:16:17 +0200 (jeu. 15 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/news.tt2

[feature]new template created, the administration news and the errors of the useare now displayed on the homepage.

r6408 | david.verdin | 2010-04-14 14:47:36 +0200 (mer. 14 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature]now, the administration news(new message, new subscriptions or new shared docs to moderate) and the user errors (bounces) are displayed one the homepage.

r6405 | david.verdin | 2010-04-06 15:41:01 +0200 (mar. 06 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature][Submitted by O. Salaün, CRU] Now personnalized information are available to owners and moderators as they log in. Data regarding the messages, subscriptions and shared documents to moderate are displayed. this still needs ironing but is a godd start. It's  up to William to make it beautiful.

r6404 | david.verdin | 2010-04-06 15:02:13 +0200 (mar. 06 avril 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Reverting abusive commit.
r6403 | david.verdin | 2010-04-06 14:43:18 +0200 (mar. 06 avril 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/po/cs.po

[svn] Weird modifications of the Czech catalogue in the course of installing a development server.
r6402 | david.verdin | 2010-04-06 14:35:15 +0200 (mar. 06 avril 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-william/po/cs.po
   M /branches/branche-william/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/branche-william/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Weird modifications of the Czech catalogue in the course of installing a development server.
r6401 | william | 2010-04-06 10:55:22 +0200 (mar. 06 avril 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/branche-william (de /trunk:6400)

[svn] Creating a branch for William work on stats.
r6502 | david.verdin | 2010-06-14 11:30:16 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from 6.1 branch.

r6492 | david.verdin | 2010-06-09 11:53:29 +0200 (mer. 09 juin 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/familyqueue.c
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/queue.c
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/web_tt2/auto_signoff.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-6.1-branch/web_tt2/auto_signoff.tt2:6491)
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] retrieving latest modifications from Sympa 6.1 stabilization branch.

r6444 | olivier.salaun | 2010-05-24 09:13:58 +0200 (lun. 24 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2

[bug] to prevent error "Argument "" isn't numeric in numeric gt (>)" when no custom attribute is defined for a list

r6438 | david.verdin | 2010-05-19 09:18:03 +0200 (mer. 19 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   D /trunk/Module_Correlation_Install.tar.gz
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db_correlation.mysql
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   D /trunk/src/lib/correlation.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Bam! Back to pre-XIMF era to let Serge use whatever the magical tar.gz we found can contain.

r6437 | serge.aumont | 2010-05-18 10:41:11 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   A /trunk/Module_Correlation_Install.tar.gz (de /branches/sympa-ximf/Module_Correlation_Install.tar.gz:6436)
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db_correlation.mysql (de /branches/sympa-ximf/src/etc/script/create_db_correlation.mysql:6436)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/correlation.pm (de /branches/sympa-ximf/src/lib/correlation.pm:6436)
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Merge of trunk with sympa-ximf branche UNTESTED

r6435 | serge.aumont | 2010-05-18 08:24:22 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Dan Pritts fix https://sourcesup.cru.fr/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=6839&group_id=23&atid=167

r6434 | david.verdin | 2010-05-12 17:19:53 +0200 (mer. 12 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in

[svn] retrieving lmatest modifications from 6.1 branch.

r6430 | olivier.salaun | 2010-05-10 18:01:44 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] while running sync_include(), remove members before adding new ones. This will prevent duplicate entries issues will members that were added with an incorrect email address including 8bit chars (having the same primary key).

r6427 | serge.aumont | 2010-05-07 09:03:34 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in

[bug] ARC filehandle never closed. patch from Philip Crandall

r6426 | serge.aumont | 2010-05-05 11:17:29 +0200 (mer. 05 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[bug] Remove default db_port because DBI uses the default port for each DBMS correctly. Patch from Stefan Hornburg 

r6425 | serge.aumont | 2010-05-05 10:46:50 +0200 (mer. 05 mai 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] SMTP-checking of list may send HELO host name with port number. Patch from  Soji IKEDA

r6422 | david.verdin | 2010-04-27 09:26:08 +0200 (mar. 27 avril 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] Reverting a part of revision #6227. This lead to datasources loosing all their subscribers when using a single datasource and the synchronizing failed.

r6419 | david.verdin | 2010-04-26 18:36:22 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2

[svn] retrieving latest modifications and bug fixes from the 6.1 stabilization branch.

r6415 | olivier.salaun | 2010-04-26 14:55:41 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2010) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[bug] Changed template to prevent the regular web_tt2_error mail notices for messages that include a From header with double quotes (");

Now using the mhonarc :J flag to escape any quote. Also replaced "" with '' in the TT2 condition.

r6414 | david.verdin | 2010-04-26 13:04:22 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2

[change] css improvement in list of lists for admin commands list view

r6413 | serge.aumont | 2010-04-22 10:33:29 +0200 (jeu. 22 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] reported by Reinhold Nagel solve improper loading of certs by user brower. 

r6412 | serge.aumont | 2010-04-21 16:52:04 +0200 (mer. 21 avril 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status

[-bug] Fix incorrect regexp for x-spam-status header check

r6406 | serge.aumont | 2010-04-07 17:32:57 +0200 (mer. 07 avril 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/spam_status.x-spam-status

[-feature] Committing forgottne scenarion used for antispam protection.
r6390 | david.verdin | 2010-03-31 08:57:10 +0200 (mer. 31 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[-bug] The web_tt2 Makefile did not include the new subscriber_table.tt2 template when performing install.

r6382 | david.verdin | 2010-03-29 17:57:45 +0200 (lun. 29 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Integrating latest bug fixes.

r6381 | david.verdin | 2010-03-29 17:33:39 +0200 (lun. 29 mars 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Submitted by S. Ikeda] When bulk_max_count was increased, some message packets were processed more than once. Fixed to check that a packet is really not locked before trying to send it and using a prepared statement to quicken lock process.

r6379 | david.verdin | 2010-03-29 14:39:19 +0200 (lun. 29 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Submitted by M. Brethous, Orange FT Group] When a file was used as datasource for subscribers inclusion, no test was done on the data found in the file. This led to 100% CPU usage when, for example, a very large excel file was used instead of a normal text file - a likely error when sources are handled by list owners. Fixed by cancelling inclusion when no valid email is found in the 50 first non empty lines of the source file.

r6378 | david.verdin | 2010-03-29 12:09:18 +0200 (lun. 29 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6382

[-bug] The regexp for emails was retrieved from tools.pm for each lines of a remote email source file. Fixed by moving the retrieval out of the file parsing loop.

r6377 | david.verdin | 2010-03-29 11:58:14 +0200 (lun. 29 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6382

[-bug] The regext for emails was retrieved from tools.pm for each lines of an email source file. Fixed by moving the retrieval out of the file parsing loop.

r6372 | david.verdin | 2010-03-18 09:57:36 +0100 (jeu. 18 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
Fision via : r6382

[-bug][Reported by G. Pech, Atosorigin] Wrong comment in bulk.pl

r6371 | david.verdin | 2010-03-17 17:55:25 +0100 (mer. 17 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6382

[bug] Fix a bug reported by K Clair (riseup) and Thomas Berry (nasa) : no purge where done in bulk_spool_table.

r6370 | david.verdin | 2010-03-16 11:10:34 +0100 (mar. 16 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Submitted by R. ANDERSSON] With older version of DBD::Mysql, bulk.pl happened to die with an "Out of memory!" cry. Fixed by increasing the version to the oldest fixing this problem. See http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=19453 for more details.

r6364 | david.verdin | 2010-03-08 15:40:27 +0100 (lun. 08 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
Fision via : r6382

[-svn] Adding tmp to the ignore list.

r6363 | david.verdin | 2010-03-08 12:13:24 +0100 (lun. 08 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Submitted by T. Berry, NASA] Some SQL statements with Sybase failed when the actual backend was Microsoft SQL Server 2005 sp3. This was due to a double quote in the definition of a constant breaking the query. Fixed by replacing double quotes by slash-escaped simple quotes.

r6362 | david.verdin | 2010-03-03 12:15:29 +0100 (mer. 03 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Log.pm
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Submitted by P. DiCamillo, univ. Brown] Using Oracle 10, the logs for the list were never displayed in the web interface. This was due to Oracle returning 0 to function $sth->rows, before any row are fetched. fixed by first trying to fetch rows before counting the number of rows.

r6358 | david.verdin | 2010-02-08 15:34:11 +0100 (lun. 08 févr. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Reported by M. anderson, riseup.net] changed the minimal version of Time::hires to the older which doesn't seem to have any problem with the "time()" function.

r6354 | david.verdin | 2010-01-20 17:15:14 +0100 (mer. 20 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
Fision via : r6382

[-bug] Unfuzzy welcome message in home.tt2.

r6353 | david.verdin | 2010-01-20 16:03:27 +0100 (mer. 20 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po
Fision via : r6382

[svn]Ignoring "*.new.po" files.

r6352 | david.verdin | 2010-01-20 11:30:20 +0100 (mer. 20 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/home.tt2
Fision via : r6382

[-bug] Restoring home welcome message in all languages.

r6351 | david.verdin | 2010-01-20 11:02:34 +0100 (mer. 20 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/home.tt2
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Reported by M. deranek, slonko.net] Removed inheritance of a faulty message with the sympa email address in it.

r6350 | david.verdin | 2010-01-18 12:30:35 +0100 (lun. 18 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Reported by P. Polkinghorne, Brunel univ.] The message displayed at the end of the "make install" didn't make it clear that the Perl modules checking must be done before any other upgrade or setting operation.

r6349 | david.verdin | 2010-01-15 16:05:01 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Submitted by K. Maneva-Jakimoska, univ. Montclair] when a user had set her name, she could not delete it. the only was to set it as ' '. fixed by setting it to undef if no value is provided by the form.

r6348 | david.verdin | 2010-01-15 14:38:38 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Reported by Q. Brown, univ. Simmons] Sympa misinterpreted a header added by the puremessage antispam engine when no from was present in a bounce file. this lead to huge filenames for bad bounces and overwhlmingly large logs.
fixed by testing the validity of what is considered a "From" header in Bounce.pm before setting the fomr field with this value.

r6347 | david.verdin | 2010-01-15 12:49:14 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Submitted by R. Pinson] When a cutsom_subject was used AND the user added the tag herself AND The subject was a multi-line subject, then only the first line of the subject was kept in the final messgage. Fixed by changing the way Wympa catches the non-funtional (subject message and "Re:") part of the subject.

r6346 | david.verdin | 2010-01-15 11:58:27 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Submitted by K. clair, when no user was bouncing in a list, trying to access to the bounces review lead to a cryptic error : "No page 1". Fixed by checking if there are more than 0 bounces before issuing an error.

r6345 | david.verdin | 2010-01-15 11:55:18 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r6382

[-bug] A removed comment lead anys script using Upgrade.pm to fail.

r6344 | david.verdin | 2010-01-15 10:57:04 +0100 (ven. 15 janv. 2010) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r6382

[bug][Reproted by M. Deranek, slonko.net] Upgrade.pm had three problems :
- a test used the wrong DBD name for SQLite, leading to a part of the upgrade bein ignored,
- we tried to update the primary key, which is impossible in SQLite,
- we used the xrong syntax to update the indexes.
Fixed by removing the primary key update attempts and fixing the syntax.

r6343 | david.verdin | 2010-01-14 14:36:23 +0100 (jeu. 14 janv. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
Fision via : r6382

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6380 | david.verdin | 2010-03-29 14:50:39 +0200 (lun. 29 mars 2010) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[change] spam_status message property is now evaluated from a scial scenario spam_status. This scenario accept ham, spam and unsure as result. This replace the antisspam_header_name antispam_tag_header_spam_regexp 
antispam_tag_header_ham_regexp .  

r6376 | serge.aumont | 2010-03-26 17:01:15 +0100 (ven. 26 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[-bug] fix a bug for using [list->address] as a var in scenario

r6375 | serge.aumont | 2010-03-25 08:14:36 +0100 (jeu. 25 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-feature] Now list object address is set in list properties. In scenari you can use [list->address] (idem in templates)

r6374 | serge.aumont | 2010-03-24 16:05:46 +0100 (mer. 24 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] security fix : block login submitted with any http method but POST. (security audit vuln #5)

r6373 | serge.aumont | 2010-03-18 13:57:49 +0100 (jeu. 18 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

[feature] Now soap complexWhich service include subscribers information about bounce

r6369 | serge.aumont | 2010-03-16 09:05:56 +0100 (mar. 16 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

[-change] move picture upload form at the end of the review page.

r6368 | serge.aumont | 2010-03-16 09:02:57 +0100 (mar. 16 mars 2010) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/subscriber_table.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

feature] search form in review page return similar emails In order to help list owner when some one unsubscribe with an adress that is not exactly on the subscriber list, the notification is sent with a ticket for that search.
[feature] As main listmaster, you can edit config. The feature is now limited to show the parameters documentation and value but it can be used to change values and save them in database just by editing editconfig.tt2 in order to remove an always false condition 
[feature] sympa.pl --conf2db load in database sympa.conf, wwsympa.conf and robot.conf

r6367 | david.verdin | 2010-03-15 16:00:52 +0100 (lun. 15 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-change] group DKIM parameters as a config section

r6366 | david.verdin | 2010-03-15 15:55:01 +0100 (lun. 15 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/edit_config.tt2

[bug] missing template for config editor

r6365 | david.verdin | 2010-03-12 14:49:48 +0100 (ven. 12 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change][Submitted by S. Ikeda] Line wrapping is now enabled for both European and non European languages.

r6361 | david.verdin | 2010-03-03 08:25:58 +0100 (mer. 03 mars 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[-bug] erported by Tim Berry, remove sympa start script reference to sympa-distribute.pl

r6360 | david.verdin | 2010-02-25 08:10:00 +0100 (jeu. 25 févr. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in

[bug] fix incorrect check of date format that block 2010 messages (reported by Omen Wild  (ucdavis.edu)

r6359 | serge.aumont | 2010-02-22 11:30:27 +0100 (lun. 22 févr. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase

[bug]  fix missing conf_table in Sybase creation script.

r6357 | serge.aumont | 2010-02-03 09:23:55 +0100 (mer. 03 févr. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Now shared document can't be read or edited unless list is open. This is a security fix

r6356 | serge.aumont | 2010-02-03 09:16:48 +0100 (mer. 03 févr. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[change] change database structure in order to store nimber of wrong login attempts

r6355 | david.verdin | 2010-01-26 17:11:03 +0100 (mar. 26 janv. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] max_wrong_password robot parameter (default 19) now Sympa block account after this number of wrong account submition is reached. Needed to block brut force attack. 

r6342 | david.verdin | 2010-01-14 14:23:59 +0100 (jeu. 14 janv. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.
r6341 | david.verdin | 2010-01-14 14:20:43 +0100 (jeu. 14 janv. 2010) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6340 | david.verdin | 2010-01-14 14:03:37 +0100 (jeu. 14 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes fomr Sympa 6.0 branch.

r6339 | olivier.salaun | 2010-01-14 09:52:24 +0100 (jeu. 14 janv. 2010) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r6340

[#6603][M.Deranek] [bug] Fixed a few places when SQLite backend is referred as just 'sqlite' whereas it should be 'SQLite'. Same for 'Pg' vs 'pg'. As far as I can see those names are base on the name of DBD module and I guess we want to stick to that..

Consequences might be :
 - lock issues in the bulk Database tables with Oracle and Sybase
 - character encoding issues in Oracle databases

r6338 | david.verdin | 2010-01-13 17:31:43 +0100 (mer. 13 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Reported by J. Bazik, Brown University] When the 'sendmail_aliases' parameter was set to 'none', a file named 'none' was still created in the list_data directory. Fixed by testing the value of this parameter before creating the file.

r6337 | david.verdin | 2010-01-13 17:02:06 +0100 (mer. 13 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Lock.pm
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Reported by J. Bazik, Brown University] In the subroutine Lock::_lock_nfs, if File::NFSLock failed, the else clause attempted to close a filehandle that was never set. Fixed by removing this closing attempt.

r6336 | david.verdin | 2010-01-13 14:53:27 +0100 (mer. 13 janv. 2010) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6340

[bug] During the make isntall, the Makefile used a line tha ttested the existence of the data_structure.version file in the sympa subdirectory of etc. If the file did not exist, then it was created. Problems:
1- this directory was never created.
2- it was never used : in other places of the code, the actual location used was etc, not etc/sympa.

fixed by removing any allusion to htis subdirectory.

r6335 | david.verdin | 2010-01-13 11:49:00 +0100 (mer. 13 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Reported by M. Deranek, slonko.net] While running configure, the option "--with-localedir" could be used, but a warning was issued, stating that this option was obsolete. But the replacement option proposed (--localedir) was invalid. Fixed by deleting this warning message and the overall documentation in configure. Same problem fixed with the pair "--with-docdir"/"--docdir".

r6334 | david.verdin | 2010-01-13 09:18:54 +0100 (mer. 13 janv. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Submitted by M. Deranke, slonko.net] The upgrade process failed with SQLite, because DBD::SQLite >= 1.26_02 returns the table names prefixed with "main".
Fixed by changing the regular expression used to normalize the table names.

r6333 | david.verdin | 2010-01-12 17:01:19 +0100 (mar. 12 janv. 2010) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg]When accessing the "Compose message" page from an archive by selecting "sender", "list" or "both" with the radio buttons, the selected destination address appeared next to two buttons: "Send to the list" and "Send to me".
"Send to the list" actually sent the message to the selected destination address, which was *not* necessarily always the list.
Fixed by changing the button label to "Send to selected receipient" whenever the selected destination address is not the list address.

r6330 | david.verdin | 2010-01-07 17:37:57 +0100 (jeu. 07 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6340

[bug] Avoid to print a sybillin message when no bounces exist. If nothing exist, just go on and display a page with no entries.

r6328 | david.verdin | 2010-01-07 17:34:36 +0100 (jeu. 07 janv. 2010) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Submitted by F. Lachapelle, Inverse] If the db_type is set to Oracle and db_port is specified in the main configuration file, than the port would appear two times in the connection string.
Fixed by removing useless isolated port insertion in the connect string, as it is done for any connection in a central place.

r6327 | olivier.salaun | 2010-01-07 17:34:16 +0100 (jeu. 07 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r6340

[-change] prevent encoded shared filenames from being split (folded). Now using the MaxLineLen option.

r6324 | olivier.salaun | 2010-01-07 17:24:19 +0100 (jeu. 07 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r6340

[bug][reported by F.Fareneau, univ Valenciennes] shared documents/folders names were badly encoded while using Encode >= 2.19. The issue was related to a low level subroutine (Encode::MIME::Header::_encode_q()) that slightly changed its API (expecting unicode instead of bytes parameter). Now using MIME::EncWords::encode_mimewords() instead.

r6322 | olivier.salaun | 2010-01-07 15:54:02 +0100 (jeu. 07 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
Fision via : r6340

[bug][#6552] [Soji IKEDA] Wwsympa would stall while loading session data including metacharacters. Existing code (tools::string_2_hash()) would loop on a regular expression match. Patch also escapes ``"'' characters.

r6321 | olivier.salaun | 2010-01-04 09:23:28 +0100 (lun. 04 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r6340

[-change]remove unused 'cookie_cas_expire' parameter default

r6314 | david.verdin | 2009-12-09 18:00:27 +0100 (mer. 09 déc. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6340

[-svn] Change version to 6.0.1.

r6310 | david.verdin | 2009-12-09 11:47:15 +0100 (mer. 09 déc. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6340

[-svn]Preparing versrion 6.0.1

r6309 | david.verdin | 2009-12-09 11:28:05 +0100 (mer. 09 déc. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6340

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.
r6308 | david.verdin | 2009-12-09 11:26:51 +0100 (mer. 09 déc. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
Fision via : r6340

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6307 | david.verdin | 2009-12-08 16:09:08 +0100 (mar. 08 déc. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Submitted by Wen Si] "date" is a reserved keywork with Oracle. Fixed by replacing all the occurrences of "AS date" by "AS \"date\".

r6306 | david.verdin | 2009-12-07 10:48:31 +0100 (lun. 07 déc. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6340

[feature][Submitted by Marcin Woloszyn, Silesian univ. of Poland] Updated polish translation.

r6305 | david.verdin | 2009-11-27 16:09:17 +0100 (ven. 27 nov. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Submitted by T. Bellempois, ENS Lyon] In case of CAS error, wwsympa.fcgi crached, becaus it was calling a subroutine in the module CAS, which doesn't exist in Sympa, instead of AuthCAS.

r6304 | david.verdin | 2009-11-27 10:09:44 +0100 (ven. 27 nov. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Reported by P. Maes, univ. Louvain] The report sent to the listmaster wehn a user cloned a list said "<newlistname> was cloned as <newlistname>". the old listname was not used.

r6303 | david.verdin | 2009-11-20 15:40:56 +0100 (ven. 20 nov. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa.pl.in
Fision via : r6340

[bug][Submitted by H. Moa] Some message could cause a sympa.pl crash. Fixed by embedding the dangerous part of the code in an eval statement.

r6332 | olivier.salaun | 2010-01-08 15:59:24 +0100 (ven. 08 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in

[bug]Fixed a bug that prevented authentication while using authenticateAndRun()

r6331 | david.verdin | 2010-01-08 13:47:21 +0100 (ven. 08 janv. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[change] css modification to put login button on the right side

r6329 | olivier.salaun | 2010-01-07 17:36:59 +0100 (jeu. 07 janv. 2010) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[-change] prevent encoded shared filenames from being split (folded). Now using the MaxLineLen option.

r6326 | david.verdin | 2010-01-07 17:28:54 +0100 (jeu. 07 janv. 2010) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm

[bug][Submùitted by F. Lachapelle, Inverse] If the db_type is set to Oracle and db_port is specified in the main configuration file, than the port would appear two times in the connection string.
Fixed by removing useless isolated port insertion in the connect string, as it is done for any connection in a central place.

r6325 | olivier.salaun | 2010-01-07 17:24:52 +0100 (jeu. 07 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug][reported by F.Fareneau, univ Valenciennes] shared documents/folders names were badly encoded while using Encode >= 2.19. The issue was related to a low level subroutine (Encode::MIME::Header::_encode_q()) that slightly changed its API (expecting unicode instead of bytes parameter). Now using MIME::EncWords::encode_mimewords() instead.

r6323 | olivier.salaun | 2010-01-07 15:55:12 +0100 (jeu. 07 janv. 2010) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug][#6552] [Soji IKEDA] Wwsympa would stall while loading session data including metacharacters. Existing code (tools::string_2_hash()) would loop on a regular expression match. Patch also escapes ``"'' characters.

r6320 | olivier.salaun | 2009-12-23 10:41:43 +0100 (mer. 23 déc. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm

[-change]renamed the $facility parameter to $level

r6319 | olivier.salaun | 2009-12-23 10:39:11 +0100 (mer. 23 déc. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm

[#1049][feature] Added the log level to log entries. It should be easier to detect errors versus debug in the logs
r6318 | olivier.salaun | 2009-12-22 17:41:54 +0100 (mar. 22 déc. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-change]remove unused 'cookie_cas_expire' parameter default

r6317 | olivier.salaun | 2009-12-21 09:08:56 +0100 (lun. 21 déc. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Moved the wwsympa::do_rename_list() code to admin::rename_list().
Added a new feature to sympa.pl : sympa.pl --rename_list=listname\@dom --new_listname=newlistname --newrobot=newrobot

r6302 | david.verdin | 2009-11-20 15:40:51 +0100 (ven. 20 nov. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[bug][Submitted by H. Moa] Some message could cause a sympa.pl crash. Fixed by embedding the dangerous part of the code in an eval statement.

r6300 | david.verdin | 2009-11-09 17:57:47 +0100 (lun. 09 nov. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] Users received the same message multiple times. This was due to a problem in the VERP provisionning. When filling the array containing the users for which VERP will be used, Sympa add to sources of users : a certain rate of all the users and all the users that have a high bounce rate already. for each reception mode, Sympa provisions VERP users this way. the problem was the following: for each reception mode, Sympa used the list of users using the default distribution mode instead of the list of users using the specific distribution mode currently treated. this lead to the addition, to the list of bouncing users of each reception mode, the list of users selected to receive the message in VERP for normal reception mode instead of the high bouncers for this reception mode. fixed by using an aray variable regarding the kind of reception mode currently treated.

r6297 | david.verdin | 2009-11-06 14:55:35 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2

[-bug] Retrieving bug fixes from 6.0 branch.

r6289 | david.verdin | 2009-10-27 10:34:37 +0100 (mar. 27 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6297

[change][Submitted by G. rousse, INRIA] Check command path (both for postmap and newaliases) only if explicitely given by user, otherwise it revert to default values.

r6287 | david.verdin | 2009-10-26 09:39:28 +0100 (lun. 26 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
Fision via : r6297

[-feature] Updating Russian translation.

r6286 | david.verdin | 2009-10-21 15:19:48 +0200 (mer. 21 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in
Fision via : r6297

[bug][Reported by A. Schieber, AMUE] tt2.pl was still called by tpl2tt2.pl, though the former has been renamed to tt2.pm.

r6285 | david.verdin | 2009-10-21 10:06:08 +0200 (mer. 21 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6297

[bug] Existence of a postfix command was tested in the configure step. failing to find such a command caused the configure to stop. As postfix is not mandatory, such a behaviour is a bug. Fixed by removing the postfix command check.

r6284 | david.verdin | 2009-10-21 09:23:04 +0200 (mer. 21 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6297

[bug][Submitted by G. rousse, INRIA] $< is not portable in non-default rules

r6282 | david.verdin | 2009-10-20 17:52:10 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6297

[bug][Submitted by G. Rousse, INRIA] Verifies in detail that the newaliases commnd exists and is executable by Sympa.

r6281 | david.verdin | 2009-10-20 13:10:51 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6297

[-feature] Updating catalogues that were not properly reinitialized.
r6280 | david.verdin | 2009-10-20 13:06:02 +0200 (mar. 20 oct. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
Fision via : r6297

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6279 | david.verdin | 2009-10-19 18:28:35 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
Fision via : r6297

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.
r6278 | david.verdin | 2009-10-19 17:59:08 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6297

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6277 | david.verdin | 2009-10-19 17:54:53 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
Fision via : r6297

[-change] Updating i18n catalogues with the latest changes in Sympa.
r6276 | david.verdin | 2009-10-19 17:49:38 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
Fision via : r6297

[bug][#6467][Submitted by S. Dukachev, mfitness.ru] A message in the web interface was not embraced with internationalization tags. Then it did not appear in the catalogues.

r6275 | david.verdin | 2009-10-19 10:51:28 +0200 (lun. 19 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
Fision via : r6297

[change] Updating internationalization catalogues : fully translated Franche and German, fixed templates with faulty i18n sequances.

r6274 | david.verdin | 2009-10-15 16:46:57 +0200 (jeu. 15 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
Fision via : r6297

[change][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Karlsruhe] Updated german translations.

r6272 | olivier.salaun | 2009-10-08 17:48:03 +0200 (jeu. 08 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r6297

[-bug] fixed wrong log facility

r6296 | david.verdin | 2009-11-06 14:29:18 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.
r6295 | david.verdin | 2009-11-06 14:27:25 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6294 | david.verdin | 2009-11-06 14:27:01 +0100 (ven. 06 nov. 2009) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm

[feature] two new fields in the database :
- messageid_bulkspool in bulkspool_table
- messageid_bulkmailer in bulkmailer_table
These fields both contain the value of the "Message-ID" SMTP header for each message -or packet - to be sent. This allows more reliable logs about the treatment of messages all along the distribution chain.

r6293 | david.verdin | 2009-11-05 14:32:39 +0100 (jeu. 05 nov. 2009) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug] When parsing a message to merge or verifying DKIM signature, a MIME::Parser object was created and the message parsed into a MIME::Entity. The output of the parser was not set to core, so it used its default: the filesystem. It led to the creation of a lots of files in the expl directory, that were never removed. Fixed by adding the line :


after the call:

my $parser = new MIME::Parser;

r6292 | david.verdin | 2009-11-04 15:41:12 +0100 (mer. 04 nov. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in

[bug] bulk.pl exited when it could not remove the packet it had juste sent. It now only issue an error messge in the logs.

r6291 | david.verdin | 2009-10-27 18:11:22 +0100 (mar. 27 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] Urlize messages charset was nor properly set. Consequently, bulk crashed when trying to merge the message. In addition, a faulty var name caused Sympa to try to send the originla message instead of the urlized message.

r6290 | david.verdin | 2009-10-27 18:06:41 +0100 (mar. 27 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[bug] Messages were tagged multiple times as last.

r6288 | david.verdin | 2009-10-26 11:47:48 +0100 (lun. 26 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] fixed a pod comment.

r6273 | olivier.salaun | 2009-10-09 16:19:04 +0200 (ven. 09 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2

[-change] adding more information to the authorization reject message ; user might be subscribed with a different email address

r6271 | olivier.salaun | 2009-10-08 17:16:33 +0200 (jeu. 08 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2

[bug] fixed bug introduced in revision 6187. Sympa.pl would send empty command reports with a "Failed to parse command_report.tt2 : Template::Exception" error in its log file

r6270 | olivier.salaun | 2009-10-06 09:35:36 +0200 (mar. 06 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in

[-bug] fixed wrong log facility

r6269 | olivier.salaun | 2009-10-05 14:01:22 +0200 (lun. 05 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] Fixed bug introduced in revision 5998. web signoff did not recognize authenticated users.

r6268 | olivier.salaun | 2009-10-02 09:45:35 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] better log for unknown sso service_id in logout

r6267 | serge.aumont | 2009-10-02 09:06:16 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-bug] dkim_apply_signature_on is a ref not an array

r6266 | serge.aumont | 2009-10-02 08:41:41 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[-bug] default DKIM_aply_signature_on should be empty if DKIM_feature is off

r6265 | serge.aumont | 2009-10-02 08:10:50 +0200 (ven. 02 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-change] merge feature parameter moved from group other to group sending

r6264 | david.verdin | 2009-10-01 18:34:20 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in

[bug] When merge was not activated, Messages were not initialized, leading to empty messages.

r6262 | serge.aumont | 2009-10-01 16:04:53 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[bug] remove usage of fingerprint authentication token 

r6261 | serge.aumont | 2009-10-01 14:51:12 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2

[-bug] minor text change

r6260 | david.verdin | 2009-10-01 14:46:27 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2

[bug] remove some coin coin style text

r6259 | david.verdin | 2009-10-01 13:19:44 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

[-svn] Completing the NEWS file with the DKIM summary.
r6258 | david.verdin | 2009-10-01 01:39:14 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-feature] Preparing version 6.1b.1
r6257 | david.verdin | 2009-10-01 01:10:18 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[svn] Retrieving version release information from branch 6.0.

r6255 | david.verdin | 2009-10-01 00:59:24 +0200 (jeu. 01 oct. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6257

[-feature] Preparing version 6.0 stable.

r6254 | david.verdin | 2009-09-30 16:30:08 +0200 (mer. 30 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
Fision via : r6257

[-bug] The definition of the "msgcat" command was missing.

r6253 | david.verdin | 2009-09-30 16:26:43 +0200 (mer. 30 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature] Updating the Sympa catalogue templates with the latest Sympa developments.
r6252 | david.verdin | 2009-09-30 15:56:28 +0200 (mer. 30 sept. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/po/LINGUAS
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

[feature] Restoring the export and clean-po Makefile directives. This is mandatory to maintaint the several translations of Sympa, though it never needs to be used by Sympa users.

r6250 | david.verdin | 2009-09-30 15:35:22 +0200 (mer. 30 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/xgettext.pl
Fision via : r6252

[feature] Restoring the export and clean-po Makefile directives. This is mandatory to maintaint the several translations of Sympa, though it never needs to be used by Sympa users.

r6249 | david.verdin | 2009-09-30 15:32:26 +0200 (mer. 30 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
Fision via : r6252

[-feature] Updating the Sympa catalogue templates with the latest Sympa developments.

r6248 | david.verdin | 2009-09-30 15:30:34 +0200 (mer. 30 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6252

[-feature] Updating the latest translations with the latest Sympa developments.

r6247 | david.verdin | 2009-09-29 18:20:54 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/LINGUAS
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   A /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/la.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6252

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.
r6246 | david.verdin | 2009-09-29 17:43:17 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
Fision via : r6252

[-feature] Retrieving the pootle specific part of the i18n catalogues.

r6245 | david.verdin | 2009-09-29 17:41:14 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ca.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ko.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ml.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
Fision via : r6252

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6251 | david.verdin | 2009-09-30 15:49:51 +0200 (mer. 30 sept. 2009) | 66 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[svn] Retrieving clean translation from 6.0 branch.
-Cette ligne, et les suivantes ci-dessous, seront ignorées--

M    po/ar.po
M    po/bg.po
M    po/br.po
M    po/ca.po
M    po/cs.po
M    po/de.po
M    po/el.po
M    po/en_US.po
M    po/es.po
M    po/et.po
M    po/eu.po
M    po/fi.po
M    po/fr.po
M    po/hu.po
M    po/id.po
M    po/it.po
M    po/ja.po
M    po/ko.po
M    po/ml.po
M    po/nb_NO.po
M    po/nl.po
M    po/oc.po
M    po/pl.po
M    po/pt_BR.po
M    po/pt.po
M    po/ro.po
M    po/ru.po
M    po/sv.po
M    po/sympa.pot
M    po/tr.po
M    po/vi.po
M    po/zh_CN.po
M    po/zh_TW.po
M    po-wwsympa/ar.po
M    po-wwsympa/bg.po
M    po-wwsympa/br.po
M    po-wwsympa/cs.po
M    po-wwsympa/de.po
M    po-wwsympa/el.po
M    po-wwsympa/en_US.po
M    po-wwsympa/es.po
M    po-wwsympa/et.po
M    po-wwsympa/eu.po
M    po-wwsympa/fi.po
M    po-wwsympa/fr.po
M    po-wwsympa/hu.po
M    po-wwsympa/id.po
M    po-wwsympa/it.po
M    po-wwsympa/ja.po
M    po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
M    po-wwsympa/nl.po
M    po-wwsympa/oc.po
M    po-wwsympa/pl.po
M    po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
M    po-wwsympa/pt.po
M    po-wwsympa/ro.po
M    po-wwsympa/ru.po
M    po-wwsympa/sv.po
M    po-wwsympa/tr.po
M    po-wwsympa/vi.po
M    po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
M    po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

r6244 | serge.aumont | 2009-09-29 15:08:02 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[change] DKIM-Signature is removed for anonymous lists

r6243 | serge.aumont | 2009-09-29 15:04:14 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[change]  bulk remove DKIM-Signature if invalid

r6242 | david.verdin | 2009-09-29 14:15:29 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.
r6241 | david.verdin | 2009-09-29 12:15:05 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] Removing escaped double quote that made the getext tools fail.

r6240 | david.verdin | 2009-09-29 11:56:31 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   A /trunk/po/la.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   A /trunk/po-wwsympa/la.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r6239 | david.verdin | 2009-09-29 11:36:55 +0200 (mar. 29 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] Forgot to dereference an array ref. this caused the array to be unreadable when trying to create the packets.

r6238 | david.verdin | 2009-09-28 17:22:08 +0200 (lun. 28 sept. 2009) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] Now bulk.pl logs when the last packet is sent, being a VERP or non VERP packet.
[change] Is is now possible to enable topics chen the reception mode is 'mail', 'notice', 'not_me', 'txt', 'html' or 'urlize'.

r6236 | david.verdin | 2009-09-25 10:11:21 +0200 (ven. 25 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from branch 6.0.

r6232 | david.verdin | 2009-09-23 18:03:12 +0200 (mer. 23 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6236

[svn]Preparing version 6.0b.4.

r6231 | david.verdin | 2009-09-23 17:44:53 +0200 (mer. 23 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6236

[change][#6438][Reported by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg]When the list homepage of a list was empty, displaying the info in lieu of it resulted in displaying a text without any linebreaks, as they have no meaning in HTML. fixed by replacing linebreaks with <br/> tags when this happens.

r6230 | david.verdin | 2009-09-23 17:27:11 +0200 (mer. 23 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6236

[bug][#6435][Reported by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] no control was made on the email provided when changing identity in the admin area. Fixed by using the email regexp on the incoming email parameter.

r6229 | david.verdin | 2009-09-23 16:59:54 +0200 (mer. 23 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
Fision via : r6236

[change] Updating the online help for color parameters according to the new CSS.

r6228 | david.verdin | 2009-09-23 10:56:52 +0200 (mer. 23 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/notice.tt2
Fision via : r6236

[change] When notifying a successful action in the web interface, the full interface was unusable before a user clicked a validation button. Nos, the notification doesn't prevent users from clicking other links or button in the interface. It is also smaller, though visible.

r6227 | david.verdin | 2009-09-22 17:04:15 +0200 (mar. 22 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6236

[change][Reported by P. Maes, univ. Louvain] When using several user data sources, if one source failed the whole synchronization aborted. Now Sympa keeps one synchronizing all the data sources, and a mail is sent to the listmaster, in which all the sources for which an error was encountered are listed. no error is diplayed to the list owner.

r6235 | david.verdin | 2009-09-25 10:08:45 +0200 (ven. 25 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po

[-change] Committing updated translations.

r6234 | david.verdin | 2009-09-25 10:08:04 +0200 (ven. 25 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[svn] Retrieving List.pm of rev 6194 which was working correctly.

r6224 | david.verdin | 2009-09-18 16:07:29 +0200 (ven. 18 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from the Sympa 6.0 branch.

r6223 | david.verdin | 2009-09-18 16:04:08 +0200 (ven. 18 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6224

[bug][Reported by M. Walts, univ. of the Pacific][solution by G. Rousse, INRIA] Default scenarios were not installed on Solaris 10 x64/x86, because the regular expression used to do it in the Makefile used the "+" sign which is not available in POSIX. replaced it by "*" fixed the problem.

r6222 | david.verdin | 2009-09-18 15:48:22 +0200 (ven. 18 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r6224

[bug][Reported by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] In the "match" scenario condition, if the regexp was empty, the condition returuned true. So if the regexp contained a list variable that was not set for that list, the condition returned true. Logically, norhing matches an empty regexp, so if the rexep is empty (not white space, really empty) then the condition now return false.

r6221 | david.verdin | 2009-09-18 15:14:55 +0200 (ven. 18 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6224

[bug][Reported by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] In the mulitple add form, if a a usbscriber address was preceded by empty spaces, it was ignored. Fixed by ignoring leading white spaces in that form.

r6220 | david.verdin | 2009-09-18 14:46:54 +0200 (ven. 18 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6224

[bug][Submitted by M. Waltz, univ. univ. of the Pacific] The reception_date_bulkmailer field's value was set to an integer value when storing a packet, htough it is an integer field. This led PostGReSQL to refuse to sotre the packets. Fixed by restricting thi value to its integer part.

r6219 | david.verdin | 2009-09-18 11:00:22 +0200 (ven. 18 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
Fision via : r6224

[change][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] In the list creation form, suppress the display of the files name withour a comment.tt2. Get also rid of useless <dl/> tags. The whole page is now translatable.

r6218 | david.verdin | 2009-09-18 10:48:28 +0200 (ven. 18 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6224

[bug][Reported by S. Lorenz, univ. Karlsruhe] If an owner or editor of a list was registered with one ore more large capitals in her address, the change_email function did not change the address for that list. Fixed by lowercasnig the addresses when comparing them.

r6217 | david.verdin | 2009-09-18 10:34:06 +0200 (ven. 18 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6224

[-bug] The "To:" field was not set in the SMTP headers in the change email request notifications.

r6216 | david.verdin | 2009-09-18 10:31:46 +0200 (ven. 18 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6224

[bug] When a user already connected on the web interface used a one time ticket based on another address than the one she was connected with, the identity was not changed in the session. It lead to the impossibility to actually change its user email address. Now the session email is defined using the email of the one time ticket, whatever was previously set in the current session.

r6215 | david.verdin | 2009-09-17 14:01:29 +0200 (jeu. 17 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6224

[bug][Reported by M. Waltz, univ. univ. of the Pacific] When the verp value was not defined, it resulted in the value used when storing a packet into database to be an empty value. PostgreSQL refuses to store an integer with an empty value. Fixed by forcing the value of the VERP field to '0' when it is given undefined to the Bulk::store function.

r6210 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 17:51:53 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6224

[svn] Repreparing Sympa 6.0b.3

r6208 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 17:42:00 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r6224

[bug][#6425][Reported by S. Rijnhart, milieudefensie.nl] The spool directories not often used were automatically deleted because CleanSpool was sometimes called on the spool root directory instead of one the actual spools.This was due to the automatic spool being initialized as the spool root directory. Therefore, the sympa.pl automatic cleaning was called on the root directory and all its too old subdirectories were deleted.
Fixed by giving its right value to this spool (and to the digest spool too, by the way).

r6207 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 17:27:13 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
Fision via : r6224

[bug][#6400][Submitted by A. Bendzsak] There was a typo in sympasoap;pm making it use authorization.tt2 instead of authorization_reject.tt2.

r6202 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 16:39:36 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6224

[svn] Preparing version 6.0b.3

r6201 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 16:00:52 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6224

[-svn] Preparing version 6.0 stable.

r6200 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 11:54:30 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r6224

[-bug] Retrieving revision 6193 from the trunk. Also fixing a typo.

r6199 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 11:52:46 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
Fision via : r6224

[bug] http_host was not set by default in syma.conf, making the sympa wizard to fail starting.

r6198 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 11:52:08 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6224

- Improving the last install message to help people know what command is required to have a running Sympa.
- Restoring usage of list_data instead of expl. Updating the NEWS file to reflect this change.
- Restoring the localedir definition in non FHS context to avoid i18n directories to be scattered in the root directory.

r6195 | olivier.salaun | 2009-09-08 14:03:05 +0200 (mar. 08 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r6224

[-change] explain why Time-HiRes is required

r6206 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 16:52:43 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[svn] Retrieving modification due to the Sympa 6.0b.3 version tagging.

r6205 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 16:51:57 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[svn] Retrieving change from the Sympa 6.0 branch.

r6204 | david.verdin | 2009-09-14 16:50:51 +0200 (lun. 14 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-svn] resolving branch management conflict.

r6197 | olivier.salaun | 2009-09-08 16:12:50 +0200 (mar. 08 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] remove "hard" dependencies for Mail::DKIM module

r6194 | olivier.salaun | 2009-09-08 13:58:59 +0200 (mar. 08 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[bug][#3047][reported by N.Chipaux, Mandriva] Some service messages sent by Sympa would use an unappropriate language (did not match the user language). This issue happened whenever a message was sent to more than one reciepient; the first user's language was used for the following ones. Fixed List::send_file() and List::send_global_file(): now duplicating the 'context' parameter to prevent changes of the original data structure.

r6193 | david.verdin | 2009-09-07 18:31:43 +0200 (lun. 07 sept. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[bug] http_host was not set by default in syma.conf, making the sympa wizard to fail starting.

r6192 | david.verdin | 2009-09-07 18:16:41 +0200 (lun. 07 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-bug] Restoring the localedir definition in non FHS context to avoid i18n directories to be scattered in the root directory.

r6191 | david.verdin | 2009-09-07 16:23:54 +0200 (lun. 07 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-bug][Submitted by G. Rousse, INRIA] AC_PROG_SED macro appears with the 2.60 version of autoconf. this a little too high for some OS (RHEL 5 for example). Replacing it with a more general macro.

r6190 | david.verdin | 2009-09-07 15:34:21 +0200 (lun. 07 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from the Sympa-6.0 branch.

r6189 | david.verdin | 2009-09-07 15:31:35 +0200 (lun. 07 sept. 2009) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6190

[bug][Submitted by G. rousse, INRIA]
- Make sure that directories exist before trying to copy files into them
- Copy i18n catalogues into standard directories instead of dedicated location
- Remove modification of $datadir. Replaced by defaultdir redefinition.
- gives explicit ownership of pid dir to Sympa by adding the "sympa" subdirectory.

r6185 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 15:08:02 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Scenario.pm
Fision via : r6190

[bug][Submitted by P. Maes, univ. Louvain] On some servers, the 'is_bcc' condition failed event though the message sent was not a BCC. Fixed by moving the code setting the BCC state to another place in the module.
r6181 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:38:05 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
Fision via : r6190

[-svn] Deleting svn-merginfo property
r6176 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:27:47 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in
Fision via : r6190

[-svn]Deleting svn:merginfo property.

r6001 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 16:54:54 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/branche-julien (de /trunk:6000)
Fision via : r6190, r6176

[svn] creating new branch for Julien's summer of code!

r5980 | david.verdin | 2009-07-22 15:28:29 +0200 (mer. 22 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6190

[svn] Retrieving latest modifications from the trunk.

r5968 | rousse | 2009-07-16 22:57:38 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec.in

[bug] fix configure invocation, and some file paths
r5965 | david.verdin | 2009-07-13 11:01:07 +0200 (lun. 13 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup:5957)

[-svn] Recreating Guillaume's branch to the state it was just after a resynchronization with the trunk.

r5957 | david.verdin | 2009-07-10 16:36:00 +0200 (ven. 10 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/INSTALL
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/NEWS
   R /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/check_perl_modules.pl (de /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl:5956)
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/vi.po
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz (de /trunk/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz:5956)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/css.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2:5956)
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/icons
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] Reporting latest changes from trunk to autotools-cleanup.

r5873 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-09 18:07:51 +0200 (mar. 09 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup (de /trunk:5872)

[change] Sync Of Guillaume's branch with trunk

r5811 | rousse | 2009-05-26 22:30:03 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec:5808)

[change] make spec file a template file, to have version automatically substituted, drop most post-install stuff excepted user/group creation, and use FHS setup
r6175 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:11:11 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in

[-svn] Experiments regarding svn merginfo property.

r6188 | david.verdin | 2009-09-07 14:55:37 +0200 (lun. 07 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am

[svn] Retrieving latest commits from Guillaume Rousse in the autotools-cleanup branch.

r6182 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:38:49 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec.in
Fision via : r6188

[-svn] Deleting svn-merginfo property
r6163 | rousse | 2009-09-01 20:58:27 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
Fision via : r6188

[change] use silent rules by default
r6158 | rousse | 2009-08-30 12:56:13 +0200 (dim. 30 août 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6188

[change] use INSTALL variable
r6157 | rousse | 2009-08-30 12:54:22 +0200 (dim. 30 août 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6188

[bug] using LN_S variable still requires -f flag
r6156 | rousse | 2009-08-30 12:50:39 +0200 (dim. 30 août 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/web_tt2/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6188

[change] check for a working ln program, and use it where needed
r6155 | rousse | 2009-08-30 12:45:05 +0200 (dim. 30 août 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6188

[change] silent pod2man custom generation rule
r6154 | rousse | 2009-08-30 12:44:41 +0200 (dim. 30 août 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
Fision via : r6188

[change] check for pod2man presence, and abort if not found
r6153 | rousse | 2009-08-30 12:39:41 +0200 (dim. 30 août 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6188

[change] silent sed-based custom generations rules
r6152 | rousse | 2009-08-30 12:33:23 +0200 (dim. 30 août 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6188

[change] use configure to check sed program
r6151 | rousse | 2009-08-30 12:24:24 +0200 (dim. 30 août 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
Fision via : r6188

[change] use automake silent rules, if available (need automake >= 1.11)
r6009 | rousse | 2009-07-23 23:11:36 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t/scripts.t
Fision via : r6188

[change] add scripts test
r6008 | rousse | 2009-07-23 22:15:46 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t/podfiles.t
Fision via : r6188

[change] add pod files test
r6007 | rousse | 2009-07-23 22:15:25 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t/modules.t
Fision via : r6188

[change] set executable property
r5991 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 14:22:33 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz
Fision via : r6188

[svn] Removing the Sympa tar.gz file. It's a generated archive.

r6187 | david.verdin | 2009-09-07 12:47:35 +0200 (lun. 07 sept. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.authdkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/add.authdkim:6186)
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.ownerdkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/add.ownerdkim:6186)
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.authdkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/del.authdkim:6186)
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmasterdkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmasterdkim:6186)
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.ownerdkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/remind.ownerdkim:6186)
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editordkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.editordkim:6186)
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notifydkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notifydkim:6186)
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_ownerdkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_ownerdkim:6186)
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.authdkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.authdkim:6186)
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.identified
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notify
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notifydkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notifydkim:6186)
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.authdkim (de /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.authdkim:6186)
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/nav.tt2

[svn] Reintegrating and closing branch sympa-dkim. this is the end of the side development of the DKIM feature for Sympa. DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE THE COMMIT LOGS FROM THAT BRACNH TO THE NEWS FILE BEFORE RELEASING THE NEXT VERSION.

r6186 | david.verdin | 2009-09-07 11:52:06 +0200 (lun. 07 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/review.tt2
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2:6185)
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2:6185)
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r6187

[svn] Synchronizing DKIM with the trunk before reintegrating this branch to the main development trunk.

r6180 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:33:29 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
Fision via : r6187, r6186

[-svn] Deleting svn-merginfo property
r6054 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-04 15:21:47 +0200 (mar. 04 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in
Fision via : r6187, r6186

[-bug] [reported by Niklas Matthies] bindir instead of sampledir

r6051 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-03 17:50:46 +0200 (lun. 03 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in
Fision via : r6187, r6186

[change] [proposed by Jpse-Marcio Martins] no more check the OSYTE, check if functions file exists instead

r6098 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 10:26:28 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/families/sample-auto/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/change_email_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/requestpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[change][Submitted by M.Warkus, Uni Marburg, Germany] fixing many German translations as well as typography errors.
r6029 | david.verdin | 2009-07-29 16:31:25 +0200 (mer. 29 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in

[-svn] Committing merge metadata.

r6023 | david.verdin | 2009-07-28 14:54:25 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in

[bug] Sympa doesn't complain anymore chen an optional paramater is missing in robot.conf.

r6020 | olivier.salaun | 2009-07-28 11:42:47 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][submitted bu M. Deranek, slonko.net] A missing semi-colon made wizard.pl to fail installing correctly Cosntants.pm 
on some systems.

r6006 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 17:53:58 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in

[svn] Reporting the correction from revision 6005.

r6004 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 17:05:17 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in

[svn] Some references to the 't' directory remained.

r6178 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:32:03 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/sympa.spec.in

[-svn] Deleting svn-merginfo property
r6162 | david.verdin | 2009-09-01 17:34:30 +0200 (mar. 01 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien
   M /branches/branche-julien/INSTALL
   M /branches/branche-julien/Makefile.am
   M /branches/branche-julien/NEWS
   D /branches/branche-julien/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /branches/branche-julien/configure.ac
   M /branches/branche-julien/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/po/POTFILES.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/po/de.po
   M /branches/branche-julien/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/branche-julien/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/families/sample-auto/config.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   D /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/CAS.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/change_email_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/requestpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Synchornizing Julien development branch with the trunk.

r6148 | david.verdin | 2009-08-28 14:05:32 +0200 (ven. 28 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
Fision via : r6162

[bug] Fixed a typo in the sympa_soap_client.pl command line tool that prevented the service parameters to be used.

r6072 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-07 15:51:26 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-change] just formating of Perl code

r6064 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-06 10:41:26 +0200 (jeu. 06 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am

[-bug] fixed a typo

r6056 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-05 15:14:45 +0200 (mer. 05 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS

[-change] Add stars ('*') in front of the --enable-fhs option

r6052 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-04 08:38:41 +0200 (mar. 04 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[bug] syntaxe error reported by Pascal Maes

r6144 | david.verdin | 2009-08-26 12:03:02 +0200 (mer. 26 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[bug][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] The call to Net::LDAP get_value() broke the LDAP authentication. Fixed by reverting the 6130 revision.

r6138 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 15:51:20 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac

***** [change] default value for localstatedir changes from $prefix/var to /var. This change should make upgrade easier for sympa 5.x and previous

r6136 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 15:27:03 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in

[feature] add new features to soap client : add,del,subscribe,signoff

r6134 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 14:19:05 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in

[-bug] remove the -w perl option

r6132 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 14:17:56 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[-bug] fix a couple of perl warnings (duplicate variables and sub definitions)

r6130 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 11:58:37 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[-bug] incorrect call to Net::LDAP get_value() ; alloptions being incorrectly used

r6128 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 16:11:41 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] remove dead code about ISO639_language

r6126 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 15:59:40 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] remove unused code (related to RFC822_date)

r6124 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 15:03:31 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-change] No need to remove installed AuthCAS.pm since previous module was CAS.pm.

r6122 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 10:21:51 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/INSTALL

[-bug] change instructions to build configure : autoreconf -i instead of aclocal;autoconf;automake

r6120 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 09:37:52 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/INSTALL

[-change] gettext-devel not required to install from tar.gz

r6118 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 09:32:40 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/POTFILES.in

[-change] update POTFILES.in

r6115 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-17 18:08:08 +0200 (lun. 17 août 2009) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change]Changes to the cpan installation process :
 - Mail::Internet and MIME::Lite modules not directly required
 - fix calls to install_module()
 - added informations about prerequisites
 - generalized the 'usage' entry for each module
 - added an introduction to warn the user about the length/nature of the process

r6113 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-17 15:28:49 +0200 (lun. 17 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-change] adding the prerequisites_policy for CPAN install

r6111 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 17:47:17 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[change]gathering all informations about CPAN modules in a single hash.
Also removed some modules that are no more used.

r6109 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 17:12:11 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[-change] remove ref to CAS.pm

r6108 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 16:43:53 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[svn] undo latest uncomplete changes

r6106 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 16:34:59 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[change] check_perl_modules.pl now replaced with sympa_wizard.pl --check

r6104 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 16:12:02 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/CAS.pm

[change] use a standard AuthCAS module instead of CAS.pm

r6102 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 15:12:03 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-change] disable incativity_timeout to prevent CPAN modules installation failure. Also lowered verbosity of installation processes. Decreased the interaction with the user while asking for prerequisites (from 135 to 76 questions).

r6100 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 13:42:35 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-change] extending the CPAN inactivity_timeout.
A short inactivity_timeout may make some CPAN module installation fail.

r6096 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 09:24:26 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am

[-bug] Error "Can't locate Version.pm in @INC" during make install if first install. No more require old module Versioin.pm

r6094 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 16:16:17 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am

[-bug] important_changes.pl was run at "make install" time, even no upgrade was performed. Fixed the path to Sympa::Constants.pm

r6092 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 16:04:00 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Makefile.am

[change] AuthCAS module used to be distributed with Sympa. Since Sympa 6, it is a standalone CPAN module. The module still has the same name, therefore old installed versions of the module need to be removed

r6090 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 15:45:00 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug] Installed MHonArc version was not properly detected

r6088 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 15:08:56 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug]Can't do $module->require() since we no more require the UNIVERSAl::require module. Replaced with eval "require $module".
Error message : Can't locate object method "require" via package "XX" at /home/sympa/bin/sympa_wizard.pl line 515

r6075 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-07 17:03:24 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

***** [change][#6190][Submitted by P.Crandall, univ Chicago] custom inputs, set in create_list, are now clearly prefixed in the create_list_request.tt2 HTML form. Prefix is 'custom_input.'

r6086 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 11:52:35 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Extended the format of the generic_sso paragraph in auth.conf.
Added two new parameters :
  - http_header_list : allows to explicitely list HTTP header fields that should be cached in sympa user_table. 
  - http_header_value_separator : user attributes may be multi-valued (including the user email address. This parameter defines the values separator ; defualt is ';' (adapted for Shibboleth)

r6082 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-10 13:52:19 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am

[bug][Submitted by M.Deranek] On a multi core system, installdir & installconfig targets can run in parallel. Added a dependency between these targets.

r6150 | jourdan | 2009-08-28 15:29:31 +0200 (ven. 28 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature] Translation of commentaries in English in javascript.tt2. Page manage your subscriptions: Suspend / Resume subscriptions functional adn unsubscribe functional.

r6143 | jourdan | 2009-08-26 10:55:41 +0200 (mer. 26 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/review.tt2
   A /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature]Exclude users. Beware, that this feature is different from the blacklist. Exclusion makes sense when a list is based on external data sources, thanks to exclusion, a user can unsubscribe (or being removed by list owner) even though he should be included via an external data source. Users get into the exclusion table, through the standard unsubscribe / delete functions. They get off the exclusion table with the standard subscribe / add functions. Adding of the table 'exclusion_table'.

r6142 | jourdan | 2009-08-26 10:48:41 +0200 (mer. 26 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2

[feature] Change of value for the 'Restart' button (it was 'ReStart').

r6081 | jourdan | 2009-08-10 11:47:13 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien
   M /branches/branche-julien/Makefile.am
   M /branches/branche-julien/configure.ac
   M /branches/branche-julien/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Merge trunk to branche-julien

r6070 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-07 15:13:47 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/List.pm
Fision via : r6081

[bug] Missing "use WebAgent" directive since recent reorganization of code (revision 5939).
Error: Sympa.pl would die while running List::_include_users_remote_file() with error "Can't locate object method "new" via package "WebAgent" at
/home/sympa/bin/List.pm line 7505."

r6068 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-07 11:27:57 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug][#6380][Reported by M.Warkus, Philipps-Univ. Marburg] Added a line break to written PID files.
Without the linebreak, the init script failed to check process status on OS without /etc/init.d/functions

r6067 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-06 11:28:49 +0200 (jeu. 06 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug] [Reported by M.Warkus] remove_dir() subroutine (used to remove web archives of closed lists) did expect the path to include a minimum of 4 slashes '/'. This limitation was introduced in revision 2108.
Removed this limitation.

r6066 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-06 11:03:18 +0200 (jeu. 06 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am

[bug] [Reported by N.Matties] bad arguments to important-changes.pl (missing =)
Related error : Option previous requires an argument

r6059 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-05 16:15:23 +0200 (mer. 05 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac

[bug] Fix typo introduced in recent commit.
Related error: ./configure: line 1851: syntax error near unexpected token `foreign'

r6057 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-05 15:17:07 +0200 (mer. 05 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in

[change][Suggested by G.Rousse] removed 'check-macro-version' Makefile target to avoid the "*** warning: gettext infrastructure mismatch: using a Makefile.in.in from gettext version 0.17 but the autoconf macros are from gettext version @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" error.
The check can be safely removed because very few macros are used

r6080 | jourdan | 2009-08-10 11:37:48 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2

[svn] Update the suspend feature. Add help.

r6078 | jourdan | 2009-08-10 10:38:05 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Remove the column "number of weeks". Adding comments.

r6077 | jourdan | 2009-08-07 17:10:17 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[feature] Add the calendar in javascript for all the field of date

r6076 | jourdan | 2009-08-07 17:09:17 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Adding functionality: "suspension of membership." The user can suspend his subscription to the lists that he subscribes. For a finite length or not. Added a calendar in javascript to select a date.

r6048 | jourdan | 2009-08-03 12:16:59 +0200 (lun. 03 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien
   M /branches/branche-julien/ChangeLog
   M /branches/branche-julien/Makefile.am
   M /branches/branche-julien/NEWS
   M /branches/branche-julien/configure.ac
   M /branches/branche-julien/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/po/de.po
   M /branches/branche-julien/po/fr.po
   M /branches/branche-julien/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/help_shared.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Merge with the trunk

r6044 | david.verdin | 2009-07-31 17:11:47 +0200 (ven. 31 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
Fision via : r6048

[-change] updating the ChangeLog file.

r6043 | david.verdin | 2009-07-31 17:10:42 +0200 (ven. 31 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6048

[-bug] Typo: Wrote "fsh" instead of "fhs". Fixed.

r6042 | david.verdin | 2009-07-31 16:13:04 +0200 (ven. 31 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6048

[-feature] Preparing Sympa 6.0b.2 (the real true end).

r6041 | david.verdin | 2009-07-31 15:55:07 +0200 (ven. 31 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6048

[-bug] The 'etc' directory was not created at install time as no file is located  there by default. Creation forced during the make install and all rights granted to the Sympa user.

r6040 | david.verdin | 2009-07-31 15:13:35 +0200 (ven. 31 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6048

[change] Sympa supports two kinds of fuiles hierarchies. The historical one, where by default all is gathered in the Sympa directry, and also the FSH recommended hierarchy. Now if the '--enable-fsh' configure option is set, Sympa is installed according to the FSH. Otherwise, it is installed using the historical paths.

r6039 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 15:05:05 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6048

[-feature] Preparing version 6.0b.2 (the end).

r6038 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 14:59:53 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
Fision via : r6048

[bug] Removing useless warning when the 'file' parameter is not indicated in the confdef.pm parameter definition. This 'file' parameter is used only when we want to write a value by default in the config file. Otherwise default value will be used.

r6037 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 14:42:38 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
Fision via : r6048

[bug] --modulesdir-- placeholder was badly spelled in ldap_alias_manager.pl, cauing it not to be replaced by its real value at install time.

r6036 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 14:20:35 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/NEWS
Fision via : r6048

[-feature] Preparing Sympa 6.0b.2

r6035 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 10:40:07 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
Fision via : r6048

[svn] Updated SVN properties (merge and ignore).

r6034 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 10:37:32 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac
Fision via : r6048

[-change] changing the version number to 6.0b.2.

r6033 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 10:36:18 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
Fision via : r6048

[bug][Submitted by M. deranek, slonko.net] SQLite suport was broken in Sympa, due to syntax errors.
[change][Submitted by M. deranek, slonko.net] The character string fields in Sympa are represented as TEXT fields only, the only type making sense in SQLite.

r6032 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 10:33:15 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
Fision via : r6048

[change][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] Updated German translation and numerous typos fixed in the catalogues.

r6031 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 10:29:42 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Bulk.pm
Fision via : r6048

[bug][Reported by Wen Si] A query in the Bulk.pm module was using MySQL-specific SQL orders. This caused Oracle (and probably Sybase too) to fail to lock packets in database. Fixed by splitting the query into a selection followed by an update, and by tweeking it on the base of the RDBMS used.

r6030 | david.verdin | 2009-07-30 10:29:10 +0200 (jeu. 30 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am
Fision via : r6048

[bug] fixing message after install that indicated to launch sympa.pl instead of sympa_wizard.pl.

r6027 | david.verdin | 2009-07-28 17:49:28 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/lib/Conf.pm

[svn] Reporting r6026 from trunk: [Submitted by M. Warkus, univ.Marburg] Inverted test caused the config not to be loaded.

r6011 | david.verdin | 2009-07-24 12:32:06 +0200 (ven. 24 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/bulk.pl.in

[-bug] A variable was still defined without "my" in "use strict" context.

r6002 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 17:03:19 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/Makefile.am
   M /branches/branche-julien/configure.ac

[svn] Some references to the 't' directory remained.

r5993 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 14:23:23 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz

[svn] Removing the Sympa tar.gz file. It's a generated archive.

r6021 | david.verdin | 2009-07-28 13:50:28 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/configure.ac

[bug][Reported by N. Matthies] It looks like some "general_task_models" and "task_models" directory still installed in the etc directory. These directory are not used anymore. this was due to a command in Makefile.am installing  "non  writable directories". these directories were all isntalled in a separate part of the install process, using their normal names and location.
[*change] The directory in which all the default configuration files and directories is installed is now "default", under the root installation directory. In the previous release, it was share/sympa/default. You should remove this directory now to avoid confusion.

r6017 | david.verdin | 2009-07-28 09:29:45 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/Makefile.am

[bug][submitted bu M. Deranek, slonko.net] A missing semi-colon made wizard.pl to fail installing correctly Cosntants.pm on some systems.

r6015 | david.verdin | 2009-07-24 16:08:32 +0200 (ven. 24 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/src/task_manager.pl.in

[bug][Reported by N. Matthies] The task manager failed to process the eval_bouncers and purge_orphan_bounces tasks because the corresponding functions did not return 1. It cause the manager to conclude there had been an error.

r6013 | david.verdin | 2009-07-24 12:34:14 +0200 (ven. 24 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po

[change][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] Updated German translations.

r6012 | david.verdin | 2009-07-24 12:33:30 +0200 (ven. 24 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/help_shared.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/help_user.tt2

[bug][Submitted by M. WArkus, univ. Marburg] Fixed typos in templates.

r6046 | david.verdin | 2009-08-03 09:44:37 +0200 (lun. 03 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/branche-julien/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Updated changes to the branch with the trunk sympa-Julien. Adding fields in the table subscriber_table. Adding an interface for the suspension of subscription and creation of methods in WWSympa.fcgi.in and List.pm to manage functionality.

r6018 | jourdan | 2009-07-28 09:36:04 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   A /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/branche-julien/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Adding interface to suspend subscribes. Adding actions that correspond in the differents files 

r6010 | jourdan | 2009-07-24 11:19:35 +0200 (ven. 24 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/branche-julien/src/bulk.pl.in

[svn] Integrating latest bug fixes from the trunk.
r6165 | david.verdin | 2009-09-03 11:52:38 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2

[change][Submitted by M. Warkus] Lists for which no message was ever sent will display a user friendly message instead "January 1 1970".

r5989 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 13:56:46 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/ChangeLog
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/important_changes.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa (de /trunk/po-wwsympa:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/LINGUAS (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/LINGUAS:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/Makevars (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makevars:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/POTFILES.in (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/POTFILES.in:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/af.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/af.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/ar.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/bg.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/br.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/ca.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/ca.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/cs.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/de.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/el.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/en_US.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/es.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/et.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/eu.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/fi.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/fr.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/hu.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/id.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/it.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/ja.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/ko.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/ko.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/ml.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/ml.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/nl.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/nn_NO.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/nn_NO.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/oc.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/pl.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/pt.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/remove-potcdate.sin (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/remove-potcdate.sin:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/ro.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/ru.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/sv.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/tr.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/vi.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po-wwsympa/zh_TW.po (de /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_TW.po:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/set_symlinks.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Archive.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Bulk.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/CAS.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Commands.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Conf.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Config_XML.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Datasource.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Family.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Fetch.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/LDAPSource.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Language.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Ldap.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/List.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Lock.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Log.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Makefile.am
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Message.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/PlainDigest.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/SQLSource.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Scenario.pm
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Sympa (de /trunk/src/Sympa:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Sympa/Extractor.pm (de /trunk/src/Sympa/Extractor.pm:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/TODO
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Task.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Upgrade.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Version.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/admin.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/alias_manager.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/alias_manager.pl.in (de /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl.in:5988)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/bouncequeue.c
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/bulk.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/bulk.pl.in (de /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in:5988)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/Makefile.am (de /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2.in (de /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2.in:5988)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/sample
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in:5988)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/sympa.generic
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/sympa.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/testldap.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in (de /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in:5988)
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib (de /trunk/src/lib:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Archive.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Bulk.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/CAS.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/CAS.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Commands.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Conf.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Config_XML.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Datasource.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Family.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Fetch.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/HTML (de /trunk/src/lib/HTML:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Language.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Ldap.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/List.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/List.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Lock.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Log.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Makefile.am (de /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Message.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Robot.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/SQLSource.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Scenario.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Sympa (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Sympa/Template (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Task.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/Upgrade.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/WebAgent.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/WebAgent.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/admin.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/confdef.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/mail.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/report.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/report.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/time_utils.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/tools.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm:5988)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/lib/tt2.pm (de /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/mail.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/queue.c
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/report.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/sympa.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/sympa.pl.in (de /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in (de /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/task_manager.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/task_manager.pl.in (de /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in:5988)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/time_utils.pl
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/tools.pl
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/tt2.pl
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/subst.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz (de /trunk/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz:5988)
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/sympa.spec.in (de /trunk/sympa.spec.in:5988)

[svn] Merging all the latest trunk modifications back to the Julien's development branch.

r5985 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 09:42:40 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-6.0-branch (de /trunk:5984)

[svn] Recreating the Sympa 6.0 stabilisation branch.

r5994 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 15:36:09 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/INSTALL
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/Makefile.am
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/NEWS
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/check_perl_modules.pl (de /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/configure.ac
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/Makefile.am
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/man8
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in (de /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in:5993)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/man8/archived.pod
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/man8/archived.pod.in (de /trunk/doc/man8/archived.pod.in:5993)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/man8/bounced.pod
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in (de /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in:5993)
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample (de /trunk/doc/sample:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/Makefile.am (de /trunk/doc/sample/Makefile.am:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/README (de /trunk/doc/sample/README:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/config.digest (de /trunk/doc/sample/config.digest:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/config.include (de /trunk/doc/sample/config.include:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/config.moderation (de /trunk/doc/sample/config.moderation:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/config.privateorpublickey (de /trunk/doc/sample/config.privateorpublickey:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/config.public (de /trunk/doc/sample/config.public:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/employees.ldap (de /trunk/doc/sample/employees.ldap:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/robot.conf (de /trunk/doc/sample/robot.conf:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/test (de /trunk/doc/sample/test:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/test/config (de /trunk/doc/sample/test/config:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/test/info (de /trunk/doc/sample/test/info:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/test/message.footer (de /trunk/doc/sample/test/message.footer:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/test/web_tt2 (de /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2 (de /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2:5993)
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/doc/sample/trusted_applications.conf (de /trunk/doc/sample/trusted_applications.conf:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/mail_tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/LINGUAS (de /trunk/po/LINGUAS:5993)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/Makefile
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/Makefile.in.in (de /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in:5993)
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/Makevars (de /trunk/po/Makevars:5993)
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/POTFILES.in (de /trunk/po/POTFILES.in:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/ar.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/bg.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/br.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/ca.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/check_locales.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/cs.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/de.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/el.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/es.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/et.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/eu.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/fi.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/fr.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/hu.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/id.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/it.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/ja.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/ko.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/ml.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/nb_NO.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/nl.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/oc.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/pl.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/pt.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/pt_BR.po
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/remove-potcdate.sin (de /trunk/po/remove-potcdate.sin:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/ro.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/ru.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/sv.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/tr.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/vi.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help.pot
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_af.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_ar.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_bg.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_br.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_ca.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_cs.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_de.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_el.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_en_US.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_es.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_et.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_eu.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_fi.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_fr.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_hu.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_id.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_it.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_ja.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_ko.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_ml.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_nl.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_oc.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_pl.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_pt.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_ro.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_ru.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_sv.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_tr.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_vi.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   R /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/xgettext.pl (de /trunk/po/xgettext.pl:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/po/zh_TW.po
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/soap
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/soap/sampleClient.php
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/soap/sympa.wsdl
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in (de /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in:5993)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in (de /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/css.tt2
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/Bounce.pm (de /trunk/wwsympa/Bounce.pm:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/Marc.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/archived.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/archived.pl.in (de /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in:5993)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in (de /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/icons
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am (de /trunk/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am:5993)
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/icons/favicon_sympa.png (de /trunk/wwsympa/icons/favicon_sympa.png:5993)
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in (de /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in:5993)
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa_sudo_wrapper.pl

[svn] End reintegrating trunk bug fixes into the Julien's development branch.

r6170 | david.verdin | 2009-09-03 17:35:06 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2

[bug][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] Sympa doesn't seem to handle cortrectly [loc] and [helploc] tags in the same file.

r6169 | serge.aumont | 2009-09-03 16:22:42 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] return to the user target page after authentication even if using shibb

r6167 | david.verdin | 2009-09-03 12:23:11 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[bug][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] When a user logged in, using LDAP, by providing an email address, if this email was not the first one in the LDAP email attribute, then the uiser was not logged with the address she provided but with the default address found in the LDAP directory. Now, if an email is provided and the login is successful ,the user is logged in with the email she provided.

r6183 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:40:09 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/sympa.spec.in

[-svn] Deleting svn-merginfo property
r6166 | serge.aumont | 2009-09-03 12:16:46 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/INSTALL
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po/POTFILES.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] fix empty message distribution bug, remove traces, ready to close dkim branch

r6160 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-31 16:18:04 +0200 (lun. 31 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/edit_list.conf

[dev][change]  edit_list.conf hidde DKIM parameters to list owners. Site who use a custom edit_list.conf file should update it

r6159 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-31 15:47:34 +0200 (lun. 31 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/nav.tt2

[dev] list parameter related to DKIM are now in a new section for list configuration

r6147 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-28 12:01:06 +0200 (ven. 28 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/add.authdkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/add.ownerdkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.listmaster
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.public
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/del.authdkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmasterdkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/remind.ownerdkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.editordkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notifydkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_ownerdkim
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.authdkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_notify
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.identified
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.noconceal
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notify
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notifydkim
   A /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.authdkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/visibility.noconceal
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa.pl.in

[dev]  DKIM authentication level is recognized for any action

r6146 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-27 08:40:55 +0200 (jeu. 27 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Now mail::DKIM is optional

r6141 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-25 13:59:25 +0200 (mar. 25 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-dkim/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/families/sample-auto/config.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.public
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   D /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/CAS.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/sympa.spec.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/change_email_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/requestpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[dev] dkim as a new auth method for action send

r6117 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-18 15:21:19 +0200 (mar. 18 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa.pl.in

[dev] Introducing parameters to control which message must be signed. 

r6085 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-11 10:00:33 +0200 (mar. 11 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] Dkim second step, signing messages for subscribers

r6079 | serge.aumont | 2009-08-10 11:08:08 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm

[dev] First version where bulk apply dkim signature to most services messages

r6049 | david.verdin | 2009-08-03 15:17:35 +0200 (lun. 03 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/NEWS
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/sympa.spec.in

[change] merge la feature merge avce le trunk.  Introduit par la même les changements courrant de la branche DKIM.

r6028 | david.verdin | 2009-07-29 13:54:54 +0200 (mer. 29 juil. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-dkim
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-dkim/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change] dkim parameter definition and database bulk_spool table extention

r6016 | david.verdin | 2009-07-27 09:38:55 +0200 (lun. 27 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-dkim (de /trunk:6015)

[svn] Creating a branch for DKIM feature development.

r6184 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:57:30 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2 (de /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/show_exclude.tt2:6180)
   A /trunk/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2 (de /branches/branche-julien/web_tt2/suspend_request.tt2:6180)
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-feature] Retrieving all the work done by Julien Jourdan. DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE COMMIT COMMENTS FROM BRANCH https://svn.cru.fr/sympa/branches/branche-julien INTO THE RELEASE NOTES.

r6179 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:32:54 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2

[-svn] Deleting svn-merginfo property
r6177 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:30:09 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-svn] Deleting svn:mergeinof property.

r6174 | david.verdin | 2009-09-04 14:10:46 +0200 (ven. 04 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-svn] Experiments regarding svn merginfo property.

r6173 | david.verdin | 2009-09-03 18:03:11 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2

[svn] Restauration of svn:merginfo property failed.

r6172 | david.verdin | 2009-09-03 18:02:22 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2

[-svn] Testing the restauration of the merginfo properties.

r6171 | david.verdin | 2009-09-03 17:36:51 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from the 6.0 branch.

r6168 | david.verdin | 2009-09-03 12:25:43 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[bug][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] When a user logged in, using LDAP, by providing an email address, if this email was not the first one in the LDAP email attribute, then the uiser was not logged with the address she provided but with the default address found in the LDAP directory. Now, if an email is provided and the login is successful ,the user is logged in with the email she provided.

r6164 | david.verdin | 2009-09-03 11:49:29 +0200 (jeu. 03 sept. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2

[change][Submitted by M. Warkus] Lists for which no message was ever sent will display a user friendly message instead "January 1 1970".

r6161 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-31 17:41:00 +0200 (lun. 31 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-change] document usage for Time::HiRes

r6149 | david.verdin | 2009-08-28 14:06:46 +0200 (ven. 28 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[bug] Fixed a typo in the sympa_soap_client.pl command line tool that prevented the service parameters to be used.

r6145 | david.verdin | 2009-08-26 12:43:00 +0200 (mer. 26 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[-svn] Merging latest bug fixes from Sympa 6.0 branch.

r6139 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 15:52:03 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

***** [change] default value for localstatedir changes from $prefix/var to /var. This change should make upgrade easier for sympa 5.x and previous

r6137 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 15:35:21 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[feature] add new features to soap client : add,del,subscribe,signoff

r6135 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 14:19:27 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-bug] remove the -w perl option

r6133 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 14:18:29 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[-bug] fix a couple of perl warnings (duplicate variables and sub definitions)

r6131 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-21 12:01:15 +0200 (ven. 21 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[-bug] incorrect call to Net::LDAP get_value() ; alloptions being incorrectly used

r6129 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 16:12:50 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] remove dead code about ISO639_language

r6127 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 16:00:06 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-change] remove unused code (related to RFC822_date)

r6125 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 15:04:07 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-change] No need to remove installed AuthCAS.pm since previous module was CAS.pm

r6123 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 10:22:10 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-bug] change instructions to build configure : autoreconf -i instead of aclocal;autoconf;automake

r6121 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 09:38:14 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-change] gettext-devel not required to install from tar.gz

r6119 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-20 09:33:19 +0200 (jeu. 20 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-change] update POTFILES.in

r6116 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-17 18:08:53 +0200 (lun. 17 août 2009) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change]Changes to the cpan installation process :
 - Mail::Internet and MIME::Lite modules not directly required
 - fix calls to install_module()
 - added informations about prerequisites
 - generalized the 'usage' entry for each module
 - added an introduction to warn the user about the length/nature of the process

r6114 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-17 15:29:33 +0200 (lun. 17 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-change] adding the prerequisites_policy for CPAN install

r6112 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 17:52:46 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[change]gathering all informations about CPAN modules in a single hash.
Also removed some modules that are no more used.

r6110 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 17:13:07 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-change] remove ref to CAS.pm

r6107 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 16:37:36 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   D /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[change] check_perl_modules.pl now replaced with sympa_wizard.pl --check

r6105 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 16:12:38 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   D /trunk/src/lib/CAS.pm
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[change] use a standard AuthCAS module instead of CAS.pm

r6103 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 15:12:28 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-change] disable incativity_timeout to prevent CPAN modules installation failure. Also lowered verbosity of installation processes. Decreased the interaction with the user while asking for prerequisites (from 135 to 76 questions).

r6101 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 13:43:02 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-change] extending the CPAN inactivity_timeout.
A short inactivity_timeout may make some CPAN module installation fail.

r6099 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 10:31:02 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/src/etc/families/sample-auto/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/change_email_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/requestpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[change][Submitted by M.Warkus, Uni Marburg, Germany] fixing many German translations as well as typography errors.

r6097 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-13 09:25:24 +0200 (jeu. 13 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-bug] Error "Can't locate Version.pm in @INC" during make install if first install. No more require old module Versioin.pm

r6095 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 16:16:45 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-bug] important_changes.pl was run at "make install" time, even no upgrade was performed. Fixed the path to Sympa::Constants.pm

r6093 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 16:04:30 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[change] AuthCAS module used to be distributed with Sympa. Since Sympa 6, it is a standalone CPAN module. The module still has the same name, therefore old installed versions of the module need to be removed

r6091 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 15:46:12 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[bug] Installed MHonArc version was not properly detected

r6089 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 15:09:34 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[bug]Can't do $module->require() since we no more require the UNIVERSAl::require module. Replaced with eval "require $module".
Error message : Can't locate object method "require" via package "XX" at /home/sympa/bin/sympa_wizard.pl line 515

r6087 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-12 11:53:23 +0200 (mer. 12 août 2009) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature] Extended the format of the generic_sso paragraph in auth.conf.
Added two new parameters :
  - http_header_list : allows to explicitely list HTTP header fields that should be cached in sympa user_table. 
  - http_header_value_separator : user attributes may be multi-valued (including the user email address. This parameter defines the values separator ; defualt is ';' (adapted for Shibboleth)

r6084 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-10 13:57:31 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

***** [change][#6190][Submitted by P.Crandall, univ Chicago] custom inputs, set in create_list, are now clearly prefixed i
n the create_list_request.tt2 HTML form. Prefix is 'custom_input.'

r6083 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-10 13:53:37 +0200 (lun. 10 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[bug][Submitted by M.Deranek] On a multi core system, installdir & installconfig targets can run in parallel. Added a dependency between these targets.

r6074 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-07 16:15:22 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[change][#6022][Submited by Soji Ikeda] Text::Wrap module worked only with languages with word separator (space). New module Text::LineFold supports most languages.

r6073 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-07 15:54:00 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-change] just formating of Perl code

r6071 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-07 15:14:41 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[bug] Missing "use WebAgent" directive since recent reorganization of code (revision 5939).
Error: Sympa.pl would die while running List::_include_users_remote_file() with error "Can't locate object method "new" via package "WebAgent" at
/home/sympa/bin/List.pm line 7505."

r6069 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-07 11:29:29 +0200 (ven. 07 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[bug][#6380][Reported by M.Warkus, Philipps-Univ. Marburg] Added a line break to written PID files.
Without the linebreak, the init script failed to check process status on OS without /etc/init.d/functions

r6065 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-06 10:41:54 +0200 (jeu. 06 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[-bug] fixed a typo

r6060 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-05 16:16:45 +0200 (mer. 05 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[bug] Fix typo introduced in recent commit.
Related error: ./configure: line 1851: syntax error near unexpected token `foreign'

r6058 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-05 15:48:30 +0200 (mer. 05 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[change][Suggested by G.Rousse] removed 'check-macro-version' Makefile target to avoid the "*** warning: gettext infrastructure mismatch: using a Makefile.in.in from gettext version 0.17 but the autoconf macros are from gettext version @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@" error.
The check can be safely removed because very few macros are used

r6053 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-04 15:19:59 +0200 (mar. 04 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-bug] [reported by Niklas Matthies] bindir instead of sampledir

r6050 | olivier.salaun | 2009-08-03 17:48:16 +0200 (lun. 03 août 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in

[change] [proposed by Jpse-Marcio Martins] no more check the OSYTE, check if functions file exists instead

r6047 | david.verdin | 2009-08-03 10:45:04 +0200 (lun. 03 août 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[feature] now merge is controled by a list|robot paremeter : merge_feature on|off

r6045 | david.verdin | 2009-07-31 17:51:07 +0200 (ven. 31 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[svn] Merging the latest bug fixes from the Sympa 6.0 branch.

r6026 | david.verdin | 2009-07-28 16:42:21 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ.Marburg] Inverted test caused the config not to be loaded.

r6025 | david.verdin | 2009-07-28 15:19:54 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[svn] Retrieving latest bug fixes from the Sympa 6.0 stabilization branch.

r6024 | david.verdin | 2009-07-28 14:57:25 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[bug] The last install message didn't tell to launch sympa_wizzard.pl but sympa.pl.

r6022 | david.verdin | 2009-07-28 14:32:39 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[bug] Now Sympa don't complain about optional robot parameters without definition in sympa;conf and wwsympa.conf. Sympa now stop because of required robot parameters without value (minimum a default).  

r6019 | olivier.salaun | 2009-07-28 11:30:31 +0200 (mar. 28 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] [reported by N.Matthies] Added notice when user preferences have been updated

r6014 | david.verdin | 2009-07-24 12:41:06 +0200 (ven. 24 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user.tt2

[bug][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] Reporting commits 6012 and 6013 from the 6.0 branch: german translation and fixed typos in webhelp.

r6005 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 17:40:10 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in

[bug] bulk.pl now uses the "use strict" pragma. Some variables were not properly defined.

r6003 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 17:04:16 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[svn] Some references to the 't' directory remained.

r5998 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 16:49:20 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[feature][Submitted by J. jourdan] Messages parsing; custom attributes can be now used as parameters for TT2 tags in messages distributed by Sympa. This adds notably the possibility to add authenticated unsubscribe URL to message footers.

r5997 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 16:41:56 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/nav.tt2
Fision via : r5998

[svn] nav.tt2 still had the old content.

r5996 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 16:37:38 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
Fision via : r5998

[svn] deleting wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.

r5995 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 16:32:56 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in
Fision via : r5998

[svn] reporting forgotten modification by Julien back to its repository.

r5986 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 10:35:49 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-6.0-branch/t
Fision via : r5998

[svn] removing useless t directory.

r5953 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:45:01 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2:5921)
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa-6.0a.14.tar.gz
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t/modules.t
Fision via : r5998

[change] first tests introduction: check all perl modules load correctly
r5955 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:59:07 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pm

[change] never import POSIX symbols globally, only import needed functions
r5954 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:45:37 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa-6.0a.14.tar.gz

[bug] ooops, why did this get added ?
r5952 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:43:08 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2

[change] now a generated file
r5951 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:41:55 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/Makefile.am

[change] switch to local substitution model, before installation
r5950 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:40:45 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm

[bug] load tools module at runtime
r5949 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:40:05 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Challenge.pm

[bug] fix typo
r5948 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:39:43 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Challenge.pm

[change] drop var strictures, way too many undefined variables (FIXME!)
r5947 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:35:01 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Challenge.pm

[bug] fix typo
r5946 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:33:07 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Marc.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[change] same cleanup as src/lib directory
r5945 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:23:57 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/admin.pm

[change] consistant syntax for ensuring a true value is returned when loading module
r5944 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:20:35 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm

[change] always load Encode at compile time, it's a core module
r5943 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:19:35 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm

[change] Fetch is a sympa module, no need to delay loading at runtime
r5942 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:17:48 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/CAS.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/report.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tt2.pm

[change] consistant package header:
- pragma
- generic perl modules
- sympa perl modules
- package variables

r5941 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:10:31 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/confdef.pm

[change] no need for Exporter when export list is empty
r5940 | rousse | 2009-07-02 21:01:17 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am

[change] add new modules
r5939 | rousse | 2009-07-02 20:59:53 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/HTML
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Robot.pm
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/WebAgent.pm

[change] one unique package per module
r5938 | rousse | 2009-07-02 20:54:35 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Commands.pm

[change] use consistant syntax for ISA and EXPORT
r5937 | rousse | 2009-07-02 20:52:58 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/mail.pm

[change] import Exporter at compile time
r5936 | rousse | 2009-07-02 20:49:45 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/CAS.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/mail.pm

[change] ISA, EXPORT & co are package variables, not lexical ones
r5935 | rousse | 2009-07-02 20:47:01 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[change] no need for Exporter when export list is empty
r5934 | rousse | 2009-07-02 20:43:53 +0200 (jeu. 02 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tt2.pm

[change] no need for Exporter when export list is empty
r5933 | rousse | 2009-07-01 23:05:19 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/sympa
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/sympa.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/sympa:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/testldap.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/testldap.pl:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl:5921)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl:5921)

[change] switch to a local substitution model, before installation
r5932 | rousse | 2009-07-01 22:34:07 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in

[bug] use wwsympa configuration file substitution target directly
r5931 | rousse | 2009-07-01 22:33:43 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/Makefile.am

[bug] drop useless substitutions rules, add missing ones
r5930 | rousse | 2009-07-01 22:29:00 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod:5929)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/archived.pod
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/archived.pod.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/archived.pod:5929)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/bounced.pod
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/bounced.pod:5929)

[change] switch to local substitution model, prior installation
r5979 | david.verdin | 2009-07-22 15:09:06 +0200 (mer. 22 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am

[bug][Reported by N. Matthies] The static content directory didn't have the good ownership (sympa.sympa). this was due to this directory being created and the ownership never changed after.

r5978 | david.verdin | 2009-07-22 15:07:47 +0200 (mer. 22 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac

[bug] localedir configure variable was not initialized when performing a fresh install of Sympa.

r5977 | david.verdin | 2009-07-22 15:05:56 +0200 (mer. 22 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in

[bug][Reported by N. Matthies] A typo in the ARCDIR constant name led to badly defined archives directory name.

r5976 | david.verdin | 2009-07-22 15:04:46 +0200 (mer. 22 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/confdef.pm

[bug][Reported by N. Matthies] The default value of most of the 'queue*' parameters being set to 'undef', these parameters were initialized with an empty default value in sympa.conf, making sympa crash at startup.

r5971 | rousse | 2009-07-16 23:14:46 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am

[bug] in case of FHS installation, sysconfdir is a shared path, don't install stuff directly there
r5970 | rousse | 2009-07-16 23:10:34 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am

[change] don't run the wizard automatically at installation time, it break non-interactive installation (package building, testing, etc...), but display informations for the use
r5969 | rousse | 2009-07-16 22:59:15 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2009) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac

[bug] fix some paths for FHS-compliant installation:
- no need to redeclare standard localedir variable
- localstatedir is a shared path, nothing can be installed directly there

r5815 | rousse | 2009-05-26 22:51:07 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am

[change] distribute README.charset also
r5814 | rousse | 2009-05-26 22:46:06 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug] fix typos
r5813 | rousse | 2009-05-26 22:30:45 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am

[change] distribute sympa.spec and sympa.spec.in
r5812 | rousse | 2009-05-26 22:30:29 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac

[change] create sympa.spec at configure time
r5810 | rousse | 2009-05-26 22:28:48 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/Makefile.in.in

[bug] update xgettext args, as executables have been renamed
r5809 | rousse | 2009-05-26 22:28:14 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/POTFILES.in

[bug] update files list, as executables have been renamed
r5803 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:54:26 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Template
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tt2.pm

[change] ship Sympa::Template::Compat in its own file
r5802 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:48:43 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am

[bug] fix various distribution bugs
r5801 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:34:43 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in

[bug] fix trailing space
r5800 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:31:16 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/POTFILES.in

[bug] Version.pm doesn't exists anymore
r5799 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:30:10 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/task_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] as modulesdir is configurable, modules are not mandatorily installed in default location
r5798 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:23:12 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/archived.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[change] use Sympa::Constants
r5797 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:17:05 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[change] modules don't need to know other modules locations, only executable does
r5796 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:12:59 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/archived.pl.in

[change] use Sympa::Constants instead of Version.pm
r5795 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:05:40 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac

[change] rename defaultdir to default
r5794 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:04:30 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Version.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tt2.pm

[change] use Sympa::Constants everywhere, and drop useless Version.pm
r5793 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:02:48 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in

[change] more constants
r5792 | rousse | 2009-05-22 14:01:26 +0200 (ven. 22 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am

[change] set static content, bounce and archive directories in FHS-compliant locations only for new install, and keep original locations for upgrade
r5791 | rousse | 2009-05-21 22:16:54 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/task_manager.pl.in

[change] use Sympa::Constants
r5790 | rousse | 2009-05-21 22:16:15 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in

[change] add two missing constants
r5789 | rousse | 2009-05-21 19:04:13 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl:5777)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi:5776)

[change] performs substitutions at build time, not after installation
r5788 | rousse | 2009-05-21 19:00:16 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/archived.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/archived.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/archived.pl:5774)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounced.pl:5775)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi:5761)

[change] performs substitutions at build time, not after installation
r5787 | rousse | 2009-05-21 18:21:01 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/alias_manager.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa.pl.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/task_manager.pl.in

[bug] old perl libraries have been converted to modules
r5786 | rousse | 2009-05-21 18:10:03 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Makefile.am

[change] add individual dependencies between each script and its source file
r5785 | rousse | 2009-05-21 18:04:59 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/alias_manager.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/alias_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/alias_manager.pl:5761)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/bulk.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/bulk.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/bulk.pl:5761)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa.pl:5761)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa_wizard.pl:5761)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/task_manager.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/task_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/task_manager.pl:5761)

[change] performs substitutions at build time, not after installation
r5784 | rousse | 2009-05-21 17:56:18 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in

[change] perform all substitution in a single perl module
r5783 | rousse | 2009-05-21 17:55:32 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in

[change] no need for PERL5LIB var, we're not using any perl module
r5782 | rousse | 2009-05-21 17:54:59 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/Makefile.in.in

[change] no need for PERL5LIB var, we're not using any perl module
r5781 | rousse | 2009-05-21 17:54:04 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/POTFILES.in

[bug] update POTFILES list
r5780 | rousse | 2009-05-21 17:16:22 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/Makefile.in.in

[bug] perl modules have changed location in repository
r5779 | rousse | 2009-05-21 17:14:44 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in

[change] no need to generate a file list, they are given directly to xgettext through shell expansion
r5778 | rousse | 2009-05-21 17:11:07 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/xgettext.pl

[bug] ooops, it's still used...
r5777 | rousse | 2009-05-21 17:01:31 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl

[change] use herein document for usage
r5776 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:58:28 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi

[bug] old perl libraries have been converted to modules
r5775 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:46:14 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Bounce.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl:5761)
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[change] convert bounce-lib.pl to Bounce.pm
r5774 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:41:08 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[bug] old perl libraries have been converted to modules
r5773 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:38:36 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am

[bug] add forgotten Makefile.am
r5772 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:38:15 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/time_utils.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/time_utils.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/time_utils.pl:5768)

[change] convert time_utils.pl in time_utils.pm
r5771 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:36:12 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tt2.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tt2.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tt2.pl:5768)

[change] convert tt2.pl in tt2.pm
r5770 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:33:41 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/mail.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pl
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pl:5769)

[change] convert tools.pl in tools.pm
r5769 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:27:02 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pl

[change] no need for shellbang, this is a perl module
r5768 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:23:23 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Archive.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Bulk.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/CAS.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Commands.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Conf.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Config_XML.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Datasource.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Family.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Fetch.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/LDAPSource.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Language.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Ldap.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/List.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Lock.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Log.pm
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Message.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/PlainDigest.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/SQLSource.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Scenario.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Task.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Upgrade.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Version.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/admin.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/confdef.pm
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Archive.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Archive.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Bulk.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Bulk.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/CAS.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/CAS.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Commands.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Commands.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Conf.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Conf.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Config_XML.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Config_XML.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Datasource.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Datasource.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Family.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Family.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Fetch.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Fetch.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/LDAPSource.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Language.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Language.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Ldap.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Ldap.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/List.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Lock.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Lock.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Log.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Log.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Message.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Message.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/PlainDigest.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/SQLSource.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/SQLSource.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Scenario.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Scenario.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Task.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Task.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Upgrade.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Upgrade.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Version.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Version.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/admin.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/admin.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/confdef.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/confdef.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/mail.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/mail.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/report.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/report.pm:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/time_utils.pl (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/time_utils.pl:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pl (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/tools.pl:5761)
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tt2.pl (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/tt2.pl:5761)
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/mail.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/report.pm
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/time_utils.pl
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/tools.pl
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/tt2.pl

[change] change location of perl modules in archive
r5767 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:14:47 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   A /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am

[change] don't forget to install icons
r5766 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:07:46 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/Makefile.am

[change] create bounce and archive directories under spooldir, not under prefix
r5765 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:02:29 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/xgettext.pl

[change] drop obsoletes custom xgettext.pl script
r5764 | rousse | 2009-05-21 16:02:06 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   D /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwsympa_sudo_wrapper.pl

[change] drop obsoletes sudo wrapper
r5763 | rousse | 2009-05-21 15:59:37 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac

[change] use FHS compliant setup on new install, and keep old setup for upgrade, according to the presence of /etc/sympa.conf file
r5762 | rousse | 2009-05-21 14:56:18 +0200 (jeu. 21 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/configure.ac

[change] useless, all builtin variables are automatically substituted already
r5990 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 14:21:59 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz

[svn] Removing the Sympa tar.gz file. It's a generated archive.

r5973 | jourdan | 2009-07-20 12:29:52 +0200 (lun. 20 juil. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/List.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/bulk.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/tools.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] Merge OK : Customizing messages and management of the encoding.
r5849 | jourdan | 2009-06-03 16:07:47 +0200 (mer. 03 juin 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/gestion_encodage

[feature] Create a program that handles the encoding of messages.
r5808 | jourdan | 2009-05-26 15:27:08 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/src/tools.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] improvement and factorizing of code in Bulk.pl

r5806 | jourdan | 2009-05-26 11:03:18 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/stage-julien-branche
   A /branches/stage-julien-mailmerge-branche (de /branches/stage-julien-branche:5805)

[-change] renaming Julien branch

r5804 | jourdan | 2009-05-26 10:58:05 +0200 (mar. 26 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/bulk.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2

[feature] Foctorizing code in bulk + adding help context to compose_mail.tt2 (no wysiwyg editor yet)

r5755 | jourdan | 2009-05-19 16:30:26 +0200 (mar. 19 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/List.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/bulk.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/mail.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] Customzing message work with custom_attribute. Epreuvage works too. The task is carried out at 80%, To do : unsubscribe
r5743 | jourdan | 2009-05-15 15:48:03 +0200 (ven. 15 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/bulk.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/mail.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/sympa.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] Customizing of messages work. Email, robot, civility, name, surname, and so on. If the custom_attributes are set in the list. Send to me doesn't workfor the moment.
r5740 | jourdan | 2009-05-14 17:22:50 +0200 (jeu. 14 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/List.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/bulk.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/mail.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/tools.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/tt2.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] Customizing messages (Merge) in progress : 80%. Problem of interpretation in WWSympa. Works for email and robot.
r5685 | jourdan | 2009-04-30 11:55:48 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/ChangeLog

[-change] Updating ChangeLog
r5684 | david.verdin | 2009-04-30 11:15:34 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/List.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/mail.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] The user can send an html page to a list.
She can also test its message by sending it to herself.

r5679 | david.verdin | 2009-04-28 16:52:11 +0200 (mar. 28 avril 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   A /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2:5678)
   A /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/nav.tt2 (de /trunk/web_tt2/nav.tt2:5678)
   A /branches/stage-julien-branche/wwsympa/icons/logo_sympa.png (de /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo_sympa.png:5678)
   A /branches/stage-julien-branche/wwsympa/icons/top.png (de /trunk/wwsympa/icons/top.png:5678)

[change] Apply last trunk version
r5678 | david.verdin | 2009-04-28 16:49:11 +0200 (mar. 28 avril 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/stage-julien-branche/README.charset (de /trunk/README.charset:5675)

[-change] add README.charset
r5677 | david.verdin | 2009-04-28 16:47:14 +0200 (mar. 28 avril 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/Bulk.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/Conf.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/Language.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/bulk.pl
   A /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/etc/charset.conf (de /trunk/src/etc/charset.conf:5675)
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/src/mail.pm
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/create_list.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/help.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /branches/stage-julien-branche/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[change] Apply last trunk version
r5669 | david.verdin | 2009-04-23 11:34:04 +0200 (jeu. 23 avril 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/stage-julien-branche (de /trunk:5668)

[-change] recreating a branch for Julien
r5992 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 14:22:41 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz

[svn] Removing the Sympa tar.gz file. It's a generated archive.

r5988 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 10:38:50 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/t

[svn] removing useless t directory.

r5987 | david.verdin | 2009-07-23 10:38:20 +0200 (jeu. 23 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   M /trunk/t

[svn] Merging modifications from 6.0 branch.

r5981 | david.verdin | 2009-07-22 15:59:40 +0200 (mer. 22 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[svn] Retrieving latest developments from Guillaume's branch.

r5975 | david.verdin | 2009-07-21 15:30:49 +0200 (mar. 21 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8
   M /trunk/src/etc
   M /trunk/src/etc/script

[svn] Ignoring generated files.

r5974 | david.verdin | 2009-07-21 15:15:50 +0200 (mar. 21 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] Need to import Robot.pm now that it is in a dedicated directory.

r5967 | david.verdin | 2009-07-16 18:21:05 +0200 (jeu. 16 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in

[bug][Reported by N. Matthies] Typo in ARCDIR constant declaration.

r5966 | david.verdin | 2009-07-13 11:30:07 +0200 (lun. 13 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug][Reported by N. Matthies] Net::NetMask was not listed as a required module, though it is used by Scenario.pm.

r5958 | david.verdin | 2009-07-10 16:44:46 +0200 (ven. 10 juil. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod
   A /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod.in:5957)
   D /trunk/doc/man8/archived.pod
   A /trunk/doc/man8/archived.pod.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/archived.pod.in:5957)
   D /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.pod
   A /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/man8/bounced.pod.in:5957)
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2.in:5957)
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/sympa.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/testldap.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/testldap.pl.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl.in:5957)
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl.in:5957)
   M /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/CAS.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/HTML (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/HTML:5957)
   R /trunk/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/HTML/myFormatText.pm:5957)
   M /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/Robot.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Robot.pm:5957)
   M /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib/WebAgent.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/WebAgent.pm:5957)
   M /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in
   A /trunk/t (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t:5957)
   R /trunk/t/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t/Makefile.am:5957)
   R /trunk/t/modules.t (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/t/modules.t:5957)
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Bounce.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[-feature] Reintegrating the latest changes in sympa-autotools-cleanup branch.

r5956 | lumineau | 2009-07-10 10:10:56 +0200 (ven. 10 juil. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

[-change] css changes for archives and list of lists, top.png path fixed

r5929 | david.verdin | 2009-07-01 11:15:26 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[bug][Reported by P. Maes, univ. Louvain] chown user.group doesn't work under Solaris. Making two separate calls to chown user then chgrp group instead.

r5928 | david.verdin | 2009-07-01 09:30:57 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm

[bug][Reported by A. Suter, crox.net] "0" character was not allowed in md5 encoded passwords. Changed regular expression to allow it.

r5927 | david.verdin | 2009-07-01 09:28:41 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk

[-change] Ignoring sympa.spec (generated file).

r5926 | david.verdin | 2009-07-01 09:17:53 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/sympa.spec

[-bug][Reported by G. Rousse, INRIA] sympa.spec is a generated file. Removing it from the subversion repository.

r5925 | david.verdin | 2009-07-01 09:01:06 +0200 (mer. 01 juil. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am

[bug][Reported by P. Maes, univ. Louvain] The Sun command sed doesn't support the option "-i". Removing this option.

r5924 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-30 17:59:49 +0200 (mar. 30 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] while performing multiple add, the target email was not logged in db_logs

r5923 | david.verdin | 2009-06-30 12:39:24 +0200 (mar. 30 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug][Reported by Wen Si] Single value and single instance list parameters value could not be removed using the web interface. fixed by *not* going directly to the next parameter in do_edit_list when such a parameter is found empty.

r5922 | david.verdin | 2009-06-30 11:16:06 +0200 (mar. 30 juin 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug][Reported by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] When using the default robot, wwsympa.conf parameters were not taken into account, only the default values set in confdef.pm. The value could only be set in sympa.conf. This was due to the load_robots function which initialized the config with default values and sympa.conf values and then lokked for customized values for virtual hosts only. Fixed by replacing default values by their equivalent in wwsympa.conf when found.

r5921 | david.verdin | 2009-06-29 09:31:27 +0200 (lun. 29 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[bug][Reported by W. Si] An update statement ended with an "order by" clause, which is forbidden in Oracle. Actually, there is no valid reason to have an "order by" clause in such a query, so it was removed.

r5920 | david.verdin | 2009-06-29 08:42:28 +0200 (lun. 29 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[bug][Submitted by D. Ayre, univ. E. Carr, Vancouver] A missing comma in create_db.mysql made the creation script fail with an SQL error.

r5919 | david.verdin | 2009-06-26 15:03:33 +0200 (ven. 26 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk

[-change] Changing svn:ignore property.

r5918 | david.verdin | 2009-06-25 13:53:24 +0200 (jeu. 25 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po

[change][Submitted by M. Warkus, univ. Marburg] Updated German translation.

r5917 | david.verdin | 2009-06-23 15:24:45 +0200 (mar. 23 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

[change][Submitted by P. Maes, univ. Louvain] Removing URL from internationalization messages. Leavinf them had no sense, as an URL won't be translated, and any change in the layout (such as putting the URL in another line) would break the translation key. Fixed by putting the URL out of the i18n string.

r5915 | david.verdin | 2009-06-22 15:48:47 +0200 (lun. 22 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2

[change][Submitted by P. Maes, univ. Louvain] The one time ticket URL was incluided in the internationalization message. It had no sense, as an URL won't be translated, and any change in the layout (such as putting the URL in another line) would break the translation key. Fixed by putting the URL out of the i18n string.

r5914 | david.verdin | 2009-06-19 16:21:25 +0200 (ven. 19 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug][Reported by P. Maes, univ. Louvain] Net::Netmask CPAN module was not chacked by the Sympa wizard, though it is required.

r5913 | david.verdin | 2009-06-19 16:13:36 +0200 (ven. 19 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[change] Now ttl and distribution_ttl list parameters take their defaults in default_ttl and default_distribution_ttl sympa.conf parameters.

r5912 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-18 17:55:55 +0200 (jeu. 18 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[change] define longer period for default values of cleandelay_xx parameters

r5911 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-18 17:15:36 +0200 (jeu. 18 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2

[feature] add instruction on the compose_mail page to suggest that users can also use their favourite mail client

r5910 | david.verdin | 2009-06-18 17:01:09 +0200 (jeu. 18 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa
   M /trunk/soap
   M /trunk/src
   M /trunk/src/lib
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa
   M /trunk/wwsympa
   M /trunk/wwsympa/icons

[-change] Ignoring new files generated during the build process.

r5909 | david.verdin | 2009-06-18 16:55:55 +0200 (jeu. 18 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in

[-change] Improving bulk's log messages.

r5908 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-17 09:30:21 +0200 (mer. 17 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[-change] adding comments about remove_pid()

r5906 | david.verdin | 2009-06-16 16:54:34 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz

[-change] Updating the tar.gz for Sympa 6.0b.

r5903 | david.verdin | 2009-06-16 16:26:15 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz

[-feature] Committing the tar.gz for version 6.0b.

r5902 | david.verdin | 2009-06-16 16:24:50 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2

[-bug] Non variable-based definition of the path to the static content directory. REplaced hard-coded path by [% icons_url %] variable.

r5901 | david.verdin | 2009-06-16 15:26:50 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[-bug] css_ie.tt2 file was not installed, making wwsympa.fcgi to fail starting.

r5900 | david.verdin | 2009-06-16 14:39:21 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

[bug] The "important_changes.pl" script was not launched. also took into account the fact that the version was previously stored in Version.pm

r5899 | david.verdin | 2009-06-16 14:36:21 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[bug] The VERSION constant was not used in wwsympa.fcgi.

r5898 | david.verdin | 2009-06-16 14:30:15 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po

[-change] Updated translations.

r5897 | david.verdin | 2009-06-16 14:29:22 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po

[-change] Updated translations.

r5896 | david.verdin | 2009-06-16 13:27:32 +0200 (mar. 16 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

[-change] Updating the NEWS file.

r5895 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-12 16:59:31 +0200 (ven. 12 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz

[-bug] using staticdir instead of expldir/static_content as default

r5894 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-11 17:17:24 +0200 (jeu. 11 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/sympa-6.0a.14.tar.gz
   A /trunk/sympa-6.0b.tar.gz
   M /trunk/sympa.spec

[change] preparinf 6.0b

r5893 | lumineau | 2009-06-11 17:14:05 +0200 (jeu. 11 juin 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2

[-change] function choosecolornumber in javascript.tt2

r5892 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-11 17:10:43 +0200 (jeu. 11 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

[-change] NEWS file presentation

r5891 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-11 16:57:58 +0200 (jeu. 11 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

[-change] sorted bug fixes

r5890 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-11 16:10:29 +0200 (jeu. 11 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

[-change] updated NEWS

r5889 | serge.aumont | 2009-06-11 12:01:02 +0200 (jeu. 11 juin 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

[-change] preparing 6.0a

r5888 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-11 08:57:09 +0200 (jeu. 11 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[feature] preparing Sympa 6.0b

r5887 | serge.aumont | 2009-06-10 18:04:28 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[-bug] ciphersaber is not required anymore but optionnal

r5886 | lumineau | 2009-06-10 17:23:13 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

[-change] little correction in main.tt2

r5885 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-10 16:29:29 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   A /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[-change] restore check-perl-modules.pl because sympa-wizard.pl --check is still buggy

r5884 | lumineau | 2009-06-10 16:10:58 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

[-change] css and loginbanner.tt2 modifications 

r5883 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-10 15:35:19 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

[change] new dependency regarding gettext-devel

r5882 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-10 15:15:32 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/sympa-6.0a.14.tar.gz

[change] updating the tar.gz

r5881 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-10 14:45:04 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[change] [Submitted by G.Rousse, INRIA] check_perl_modules.pl now replaced with sympa_wizard.pl --check
All recent changes in check_perl_modules.pl have been reported in sympa_wizard.pl

r5880 | lumineau | 2009-06-10 13:44:47 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/css_ie.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

[-change] css modifications for different internet explorer versions compatibilities

r5879 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-10 13:41:20 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] bounce_path value was incorrect with and additional '/bounce' token

r5878 | serge.aumont | 2009-06-10 13:31:32 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am

[bug] - bad commit repair

r5877 | serge.aumont | 2009-06-10 12:12:01 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[bug] remove Net::LDAP::Server as a required module, this will come soon but not now ! 

r5876 | serge.aumont | 2009-06-10 12:03:23 +0200 (mer. 10 juin 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[bug] various undefine constant and problems with the wizard

r5875 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-09 21:27:08 +0200 (mar. 09 juin 2009) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm

[bug][Submitted by M. Adams, Cypress Interactive] Message stored in msg/ spool by sympa_soap_s
erver or wwsympa.fcgi might have escaped characters (%xx) altered. The printf call has been re
placed with print.
Bug was introduced in revision 5488

r5874 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-09 19:33:08 +0200 (mar. 09 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/man8/archived.pod
   M /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.pod
   M /trunk/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/sympa.spec.in

[-bug] fix references to sympa.conf and wwsympa.conf : located in confdir, not in sysconfdir

r5871 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-09 18:00:19 +0200 (mar. 09 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[change] version 1.4 of AuthCAS now required

r5870 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-09 17:53:11 +0200 (mar. 09 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] don't use UNIVERSAL::require to check installed modules, it's not part of standard library

r5869 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-09 17:50:40 +0200 (mar. 09 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] AuthCas module is only needed if authentication actually uses it

r5868 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-09 17:45:26 +0200 (mar. 09 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[change] [G. Rousse, INRIA] no need to require File::NFSLock twice

r5867 | david.verdin | 2009-06-09 17:28:12 +0200 (mar. 09 juin 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in

[bug] --foreground option now block the fork

r5866 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-08 18:11:28 +0200 (lun. 08 juin 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] tools::get_filename() subroutine would not search configuration file in the /home/sympa/etc/ directory.
Added the missing slash

r5865 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-08 14:50:42 +0200 (lun. 08 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   A /trunk/sympa-6.0a.14.tar.gz
   M /trunk/sympa.spec

[feature] preparing sympa-6.0a.14

r5860 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-05 17:10:11 +0200 (ven. 05 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2

[change] replace listmaster email address with the generic address listmaster@domain

r5859 | david.verdin | 2009-06-05 16:06:04 +0200 (ven. 05 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[-bug] Accidental copy/paste in the code removed.

r5858 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-05 15:22:24 +0200 (ven. 05 juin 2009) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[-change] main change : disconnect from DB before the fork to prevent use of broken DB handler.
Other changes :
  * indent code
  * add comments
  * add error check for Bulk::remove

r5857 | david.verdin | 2009-06-05 14:50:43 +0200 (ven. 05 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in

[feature] Reactivating the Sympa configuration wizard at first install, based on Guillaume Rousse work.

r5856 | david.verdin | 2009-06-05 11:57:40 +0200 (ven. 05 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] task_manager failet to start if, in List.pm, tools.pm was imported using "use tools". It works if we use "require (Sympa::Constants::MODULEDIR.'/tools.pm')" instead. This is a quick fix for the beta. We must have find out why it fails before releasing the stable version.

r5855 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-05 08:41:29 +0200 (ven. 05 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[-bug] incorrect access to array led to error "Can't use string ("2") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs""

r5854 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-04 12:10:45 +0200 (jeu. 04 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am

[-bug] perform the chmod 4755 after chown and chgrp otherwise SetUID bit is lost

r5853 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-04 11:50:47 +0200 (jeu. 04 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm

[bug] [Reported by JP. Barriere] AuthCAS perl module is now made optional because it is no more distributed with Sympa tarball

r5852 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-04 11:31:26 +0200 (jeu. 04 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-bug] [Submitted by G. Rousse] only set new default values for builtin variables if they are currently set to default values. Otherwise one could not redefine the standard directory locations for libexec and sbin

r5850 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-03 16:55:42 +0200 (mer. 03 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/TODO

[-change] remove alo TODO file

r5848 | david.verdin | 2009-06-03 15:26:50 +0200 (mer. 03 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl

[bug] Replacing usage of <module.pl> by its standard usage <module> in 'use' pragmas.

r5847 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-02 17:20:32 +0200 (mar. 02 juin 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] typo

r5846 | olivier.salaun | 2009-06-02 16:58:55 +0200 (mar. 02 juin 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm

[-bug] incorrect log facility 'debug2 ' ; removed the trailing space.
This error probably lead to the "syslog: invalid level/facility: debug2" error

r5845 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-29 18:05:55 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[-bug] adding the "forgotten" file that were no more installed (unknown files for new Makefiles)

r5844 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-29 17:43:02 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-bug] add missing AC_SUBST for confdir

r5843 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-29 14:55:19 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-change] updated all AS_HELP_STRING with new defaults. Those defaults are the one in use for new installations ; other defaults apply while performing an upgrade (/etc/sympa.conf detected).
Now using the same syntax as the standard HELP strings 'bla bla [default]'

r5842 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-29 13:32:48 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-change] restoring the confdir option to define where Sympa main config files are searched

r5841 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-29 11:44:46 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl

[-bug] fix comment that still refered to $pkgdatadir

r5840 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-29 11:01:33 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] remove Ctrl character in wwsympa.fcgi to prevent it to be considered a binary file

r5839 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-29 09:51:29 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] add missing http_host parameter + make static_content_path vhost wide

r5838 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-29 09:47:34 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[bug] fixed bug introduced in revision 5656 with Conf::Conf::Conf

r5837 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-29 09:38:19 +0200 (ven. 29 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm

[bug]fix SQL query to prevent mutual bulk locking

r5836 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-28 17:21:50 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm

[-bug] missing directives for ISA/EXPORT

r5835 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-28 17:16:08 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] missing directives for ISA/EXPORT

r5834 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-28 17:13:13 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sample/Makefile.am

[-bug] fix Makefile.am according to template renaming

r5833 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-28 16:23:15 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Bounce.pm

[-bug] [Submitted by M.Adams] missing "our" caused error "Global symbol "@EXPORT" requires explicit package name "

r5832 | david.verdin | 2009-05-28 14:55:16 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

[bug] use [% icons_url %] for favicon and sympa logo

r5831 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-28 11:28:59 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-bug] spooldir, staticdir, arcdir and bouncedir shoud not be located under expldir but under localstatedir.
Also renamed renamed expl/ to list_data/ to make it more meaningful for new installers

r5830 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-28 11:05:14 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm

[-bug] incorrect path for arc_path

r5829 | lumineau | 2009-05-28 10:04:37 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

[-change] main.tt2 and css.tt2 for error and notice messages without javascript

r5828 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-28 09:34:55 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2
   A /trunk/doc/sample/test/web_tt2/welcome.tt2 (de /trunk/doc/sample/test/welcome.tpl:5827)
   D /trunk/doc/sample/test/welcome.tpl

[bug] turn the old template into a TT2

r5827 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-28 09:33:08 +0200 (jeu. 28 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test/welcome.tpl

[bug] turn this old sample template to the "new" TT2 format

r5826 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 18:30:26 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm

[-bug] replace remaining --var-- with Sympa::Constrants constants

r5825 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 18:18:08 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

[-bug] fixing the "use lib" path, now using modulesdir instead of pkgdatadir/lib

r5824 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 17:56:29 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl.in

[-change] remove unuseful gettext() call

r5823 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 17:55:15 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in

[-change] removed unuseful gettext() call

r5822 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 17:45:26 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] replace --VAR-- instances with Sympa::Constants constants
Also fixed paths refering to --pkddatadir-- instead of --defaultdir--.
Also fixed the code to look for sympa.wsdl in different locations (site, robot, etc)

r5821 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 17:29:28 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in

[-bug] replace require directives with use directives

r5820 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 16:47:26 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in

[-bug] no more export variables to prevent conficts with file descriptor names in other modules (example: CONFIG). The export was not required because references to constants are explicit (include Sympa::Constants prefix).

r5819 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 16:44:09 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm
   M /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm

[-bug] Bring back variable definitions in tt2.pm

r5818 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 16:43:37 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm

[-bug] fix typo

r5817 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 11:51:41 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/sympa.spec

[-bug] Default for libexecdir should not be /etc/smrsh because smrsh is too specific

r5816 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-27 11:14:41 +0200 (mer. 27 mai 2009) | 12 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   R /trunk/po/xgettext.pl (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/xgettext.pl:5808)
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   A /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl.in:5808)
   D /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   A /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi.in:5808)
   D /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   D /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   D /trunk/src/CAS.pm
   D /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   D /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   D /trunk/src/Config_XML.pm
   D /trunk/src/Datasource.pm
   D /trunk/src/Family.pm
   D /trunk/src/Fetch.pm
   D /trunk/src/LDAPSource.pm
   D /trunk/src/Language.pm
   D /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   D /trunk/src/List.pm
   D /trunk/src/Lock.pm
   D /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/src/Message.pm
   D /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm
   D /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm
   D /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   D /trunk/src/Task.pm
   D /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   D /trunk/src/Version.pm
   D /trunk/src/admin.pm
   D /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   A /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/alias_manager.pl.in:5808)
   D /trunk/src/bulk.pl
   A /trunk/src/bulk.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/bulk.pl.in:5808)
   D /trunk/src/confdef.pm
   A /trunk/src/lib (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Archive.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Archive.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Bulk.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Bulk.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/CAS.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/CAS.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Commands.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Commands.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Conf.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Conf.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Config_XML.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Config_XML.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Datasource.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Datasource.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Family.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Family.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Fetch.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Fetch.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/LDAPSource.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Language.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Language.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Ldap.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Ldap.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/List.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/List.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Lock.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Lock.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Log.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Log.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Makefile.am:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Message.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Message.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/PlainDigest.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/SQLSource.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/SQLSource.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Scenario.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Scenario.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Constants.pm.in:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Template:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Sympa/Template/Compat.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Task.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Task.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/Upgrade.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/Upgrade.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/admin.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/admin.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/confdef.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/confdef.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/mail.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/mail.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/report.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/report.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/time_utils.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/time_utils.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/tools.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tools.pm:5808)
   R /trunk/src/lib/tt2.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/lib/tt2.pm:5808)
   D /trunk/src/mail.pm
   D /trunk/src/report.pm
   D /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   A /trunk/src/sympa.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa.pl.in:5808)
   D /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   A /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/sympa_wizard.pl.in:5808)
   D /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   A /trunk/src/task_manager.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/task_manager.pl.in:5808)
   D /trunk/src/time_utils.pl
   D /trunk/src/tools.pl
   D /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   A /trunk/sympa.spec.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec.in:5815)
   A /trunk/wwsympa/Bounce.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/Bounce.pm:5808)
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   D /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/archived.pl.in:5808)
   D /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/bounced.pl.in:5808)
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/icons/Makefile.am:5808)
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi.in:5808)
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa_sudo_wrapper.pl

[feature][Submitted by G.Rousse, INRIA]All changes are related to the installation process:
 - some fixes to the recent autotools reorganization
 - no more use the FHS organization when upgrading Sympa
 - remove obsolete sudo wrapper
 - change location of perl modules in src/lib/
 - rename perl modules with the .pm file extension
 - replace --VAR-- substitution with a Constans.pm perl module
 - perform --VAR-- substitution at make time, no more at install time
 - defaultdir directory (old bin/etc/) renamed default/
 - remove Version.pm module (now using Constans.pm)
 - turn SPEC file into a template, to have version automatically substituted, drop most post-install stuff excepted user/group creation, and use FHS setup

r5761 | lumineau | 2009-05-20 16:54:47 +0200 (mer. 20 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2

[-change] error.tt2 and notice.tt2 button value

r5758 | lumineau | 2009-05-20 16:13:00 +0200 (mer. 20 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

[-change] css.tt2 and main.tt2 for error messages

r5757 | lumineau | 2009-05-20 10:51:10 +0200 (mer. 20 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[-change] edit_list_request.tt2 minor correction

r5756 | lumineau | 2009-05-19 18:27:26 +0200 (mar. 19 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[-change] correction of class listtitle in css.tt2

r5754 | david.verdin | 2009-05-19 16:05:50 +0200 (mar. 19 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] just to prevent redirection to un empty URL. This should never happen but ...

r5753 | david.verdin | 2009-05-19 15:10:23 +0200 (mar. 19 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in

[bug] fixe a syntax error (remove a comment)

r5752 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-18 16:17:24 +0200 (lun. 18 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[change] run the CPAN module installer if one module does not return 1. 
This change of behavior was required for Term::ProgressBar

r5751 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-18 15:09:23 +0200 (lun. 18 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am

[-bug] using $scriptdir instead of $datadir/sympa/bin

r5750 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-18 15:07:39 +0200 (lun. 18 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am

[-bug] using $modulesdir instead of $datadir/sympa/lib

r5749 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-18 15:06:21 +0200 (lun. 18 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am

[-bug] using $modulesdir instead of $datadir/sympa/lib

r5748 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-18 14:35:01 +0200 (lun. 18 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am

[-bug] using $modulesdir instead of $datadir/sympa/lib

r5747 | david.verdin | 2009-05-18 13:17:43 +0200 (lun. 18 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

[bug] fux syntax bug

r5746 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-18 13:09:48 +0200 (lun. 18 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am

[-bug] using $scriptdir instead of hard-coded $datadir/sympa/bin

r5745 | david.verdin | 2009-05-18 12:10:33 +0200 (lun. 18 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[feature] new sympa.pl options in order to recode shared document files in order to solve charset slag 

r5744 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-18 11:25:13 +0200 (lun. 18 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am

[-bug] using $(defaultdir) variable instead of $(datadir)/sympa/etc

r5742 | serge.aumont | 2009-05-15 09:35:53 +0200 (ven. 15 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2

[bug] restaure proper version of this template which must use "subaction" input value

r5741 | serge.aumont | 2009-05-15 08:41:05 +0200 (ven. 15 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[bug] add Email::Date::Format as required

r5739 | lumineau | 2009-05-13 18:00:26 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

[-change] main.tt2 correction (top.png link)

r5738 | lumineau | 2009-05-13 17:55:37 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/nav.tt2

[-change] nav.tt2 correction

r5737 | lumineau | 2009-05-13 17:12:45 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[-change] css.tt2, archive calendar margin

r5736 | lumineau | 2009-05-13 17:06:43 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[-change] css.tt2 archive calendar colors

r5735 | lumineau | 2009-05-13 16:21:17 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/favicon_sympa.png

[-change] css.tt2 and template iles modificaitons for archives, sympa favicon add-in

r5733 | david.verdin | 2009-05-13 10:58:08 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

[-feature] Preparing version 6.0a.13.
Le 13 ? Ça va nous porter le chkoumoune...

r5732 | david.verdin | 2009-05-13 10:57:08 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl

[change] Effective maxsmtp used by bulk corresponds to the defined maxsmtp divided by the max_bulk_count parameter value. This avoids having an SMTP server overwhelmed by STMP requests.

r5731 | david.verdin | 2009-05-13 09:43:34 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature] Committing translations updated according to the new code.

r5730 | david.verdin | 2009-05-13 09:24:08 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in

[-bug] Removing error messages for gettext macro versions that aren't taken into account.

r5729 | david.verdin | 2009-05-13 09:21:26 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in

[-bug] Removing error messages for gettext macro versions that aren't taken into account.

r5728 | david.verdin | 2009-05-13 08:13:46 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/af.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ca.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ko.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ml.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_TW.po

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.
r5727 | david.verdin | 2009-05-13 08:12:06 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[bug] Short term fix: we must be able to update internatiobnalisation catalogues, even though there is a work in progress to improve the usage of xgettext. Reverting to previous commands.

r5726 | david.verdin | 2009-05-13 08:08:40 +0200 (mer. 13 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in

[bug] Short term fix: we must be able to update internatiobnalisation catalogues, even though there is a work in progress to improve the usage of xgettext. Reverting to previous commands.

r5725 | olivier.salaun | 2009-05-12 16:27:47 +0200 (mar. 12 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change] now using the standard AuthCAS CPAN module instead of CAS.pm

r5724 | david.verdin | 2009-05-12 16:07:53 +0200 (mar. 12 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/POTFILES.in

[-change] Removinf reference to list_admin_menu.tt2 in the POTFILES.in files.

r5723 | david.verdin | 2009-05-12 15:56:26 +0200 (mar. 12 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl (de /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl:5687)

[-bug] restoring old check_perl_modules.pl

r5722 | david.verdin | 2009-05-12 15:55:15 +0200 (mar. 12 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[-bug]Removing check_perl_modules.pl disconnected from its history.

r5721 | david.verdin | 2009-05-12 12:19:02 +0200 (mar. 12 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in

[-bug] removing reference to parser.pl, no longer used.

r5720 | david.verdin | 2009-05-12 11:52:34 +0200 (mar. 12 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[-bug] Reinserting $DESTDIR that would otherwise miss to packagers. Sorry.

r5719 | david.verdin | 2009-05-12 11:51:59 +0200 (mar. 12 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/confdef.pm

[-bug] Bad default colors for the web interface.

r5718 | david.verdin | 2009-05-12 10:40:42 +0200 (mar. 12 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/POTFILES.in

[-bug] Web help strings can be found in all the web templates files, not only help files.

r5717 | david.verdin | 2009-05-12 10:39:45 +0200 (mar. 12 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/POTFILES.in

[change] Updating the files from which to extract translatables strings.

r5716 | david.verdin | 2009-05-11 16:32:19 +0200 (lun. 11 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[bug] Fix badly defined web_tt2 directory.

r5715 | david.verdin | 2009-05-11 16:25:01 +0200 (lun. 11 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile.am

[bug] Fixed badly defined path to web_tt2 directory.

r5714 | david.verdin | 2009-05-11 16:24:26 +0200 (lun. 11 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/confdef.pm

[bug] Fixed badly defined static_content_url.

r5713 | david.verdin | 2009-05-11 14:41:17 +0200 (lun. 11 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] Removing any reference to debug4 log facility. This doesn't seem to be recognized everywhere.

r5712 | david.verdin | 2009-05-11 14:15:26 +0200 (lun. 11 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[bug] An error while parsing templates caused malformed URL to be displayed in the mails sent by Sympa. This could cause the creation of *very* long strings instead of URL.

r5711 | lumineau | 2009-05-07 15:48:34 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[-change] css.tt2 modifications for browsers compatibilities

r5710 | david.verdin | 2009-05-07 15:39:34 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am

[-bug] bulk.pl was not copied to the sbin directory.

r5709 | david.verdin | 2009-05-07 15:39:01 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-bug] mail_tt2 and web_tt2 default location was not in the right directory. Sympa was unable to find them.

r5708 | david.verdin | 2009-05-07 15:37:36 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl

[-bug] bulk.pl did not use the new placeholders for lib directory (--LIBDIR-- instead of --pkgdatadir--/lib).

r5707 | david.verdin | 2009-05-07 15:36:14 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am

[-bug] Most recent task models were not copied to the install directory.

r5706 | david.verdin | 2009-05-07 14:41:36 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[-bug] The pid directory was not created if missing, making Sympa unable to create and remove pid files.

r5705 | david.verdin | 2009-05-07 14:40:35 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am

[-bug] The C wrappers for wwsympa.fcgi and sympa_soap_server.fcgi didn't have the S bit, due to an owner and group membership change after the rights were granted. Fixed by switching S bit definition and group/owner membership definition.

r5704 | david.verdin | 2009-05-07 14:38:30 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/confdef.pm

[-bug] Fixing bad default log facility for wwsympa.

r5703 | david.verdin | 2009-05-07 11:57:18 +0200 (jeu. 07 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2

[-change] css.tt2 modifications for browsers compatibilities

r5702 | david.verdin | 2009-05-06 18:11:04 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[-change] We still need to control that users have the right CPAN modules installed.

r5701 | david.verdin | 2009-05-06 17:09:12 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/sympa.spec

[-bug] fixing badly initialized parameter and undefined paths.

r5700 | david.verdin | 2009-05-06 11:10:12 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[bug][#5993][Submitted by B.C. Aasgaard, Univ. Oslo] Fix several erroros int Postgres database definition and usage in Sympa 6.

r5699 | david.verdin | 2009-05-06 11:01:28 +0200 (mer. 06 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm

[-bug] Useless path in the call to tt2.pl.

r5698 | david.verdin | 2009-05-05 17:53:22 +0200 (mar. 05 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[-change] css.tt2 and minor tt2 files modifications

r5697 | david.verdin | 2009-05-05 17:13:48 +0200 (mar. 05 mai 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/src/confdef.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[bug] Egg and bird problem: qympa_wizard.pl used Conf.pm, which needed some CPAN modules, and CPAN modules could be correctly installed only if the config was set. Fixed by separating the config parameters from the configuration module.
[change] created the confdef.pm module that only containd the hash describing the configuration parameters.

r5696 | david.verdin | 2009-05-05 16:00:05 +0200 (mar. 05 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

[bug] important_changes.pl tried to use new functionnalities from the Versiin.pm packages that had nt been implemented yet. Reverting to pevious program structure, except for data_structure.version file that seems to be handled by Makefile now.

r5695 | david.verdin | 2009-05-05 15:58:35 +0200 (mar. 05 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

[bug] Some lines of comments started without spaces, leading to a bad interpretation of version number.

r5694 | david.verdin | 2009-05-05 15:00:03 +0200 (mar. 05 mai 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2

[change] just modify some tags in tt2 files, and css in css.tt2

r5693 | david.verdin | 2009-04-30 15:30:40 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8
   M /trunk/doc/sample/test
   M /trunk/src
   M /trunk/src/Sympa
   M /trunk/src/etc/script

[-change] Updating svn:ignore properties to improve svn status lisibility.

r5692 | david.verdin | 2009-04-30 15:24:06 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/doc
   M /trunk/doc/sample
   M /trunk/mail_tt2
   M /trunk/po
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa
   M /trunk/soap
   M /trunk/src
   M /trunk/src/etc
   M /trunk/web_tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa

[-change] Updating svn:ignore properties to improve svn status readability.

r5691 | david.verdin | 2009-04-30 15:11:10 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am

[-bug] Removing installation declaration for no longer used module parser.pl.

r5690 | david.verdin | 2009-04-30 15:10:29 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am

[-feature] Adding new templates installation in the Makefile.am.

r5689 | david.verdin | 2009-04-30 14:56:34 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in
   M /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in

[bug] Incorporating latest modifications from autotools-cleanup branch.

r5688 | david.verdin | 2009-04-30 14:49:42 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   D /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/man8/archived.pod
   M /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.pod
   A /trunk/doc/sample (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/Makefile.am:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/README (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/README:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/config.digest (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/config.digest:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/config.include (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/config.include:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/config.moderation (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/config.moderation:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/config.privateorpublickey (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/config.privateorpublickey:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/config.public (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/config.public:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/employees.ldap (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/employees.ldap:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/robot.conf (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/robot.conf:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/test (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/test:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/test/config (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/test/config:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/test/info (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/test/info:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/test/message.footer (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/test/message.footer:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/test/welcome.tpl (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/test/welcome.tpl:5674)
   R /trunk/doc/sample/trusted_applications.conf (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/doc/sample/trusted_applications.conf:5674)
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile.am
   A /trunk/po/LINGUAS (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/LINGUAS:5674)
   D /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/Makefile.in.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/Makefile.in.in:5674)
   A /trunk/po/Makevars (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/Makevars:5674)
   A /trunk/po/POTFILES.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/POTFILES.in:5674)
   M /trunk/po/check_locales.pl
   A /trunk/po/remove-potcdate.sin (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po/remove-potcdate.sin:5674)
   D /trunk/po/web_help.pot
   D /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   D /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   A /trunk/po-wwsympa (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/LINGUAS (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/LINGUAS:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/Makefile.in.in:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/Makevars (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/Makevars:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/POTFILES.in (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/POTFILES.in:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/af.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/af.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/ar.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/ar.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/bg.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/bg.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/br.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/br.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/ca.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/ca.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/cs.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/cs.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/de.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/de.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/el.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/el.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/en_US.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/en_US.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/es.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/es.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/et.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/et.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/eu.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/eu.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/fi.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/fi.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/fr.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/fr.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/hu.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/hu.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/id.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/id.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/it.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/it.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/ja.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/ja.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/ko.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/ko.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/ml.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/ml.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/nb_NO.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/nl.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/nl.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/nn_NO.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/nn_NO.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/oc.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/oc.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/pl.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/pl.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/pt.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/pt_BR.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/remove-potcdate.sin (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/remove-potcdate.sin:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/ro.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/ro.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/ru.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/ru.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/sv.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/sv.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/tr.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/tr.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/vi.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/vi.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/web_help.pot:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/zh_CN.po:5674)
   R /trunk/po-wwsympa/zh_TW.po (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/po-wwsympa/zh_TW.po:5674)
   D /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   A /trunk/src/Sympa (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Sympa:5674)
   R /trunk/src/Sympa/Extractor.pm (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/Sympa/Extractor.pm:5674)
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/Version.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   A /trunk/src/etc/Makefile.am (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/src/etc/Makefile.am:5674)
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/sample
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.generic
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/queue.c
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   D /trunk/subst.pl
   A /trunk/sympa.spec (de /branches/sympa-autotools-cleanup/sympa.spec:5674)
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa_sudo_wrapper.pl

[*feature][Submitted by G. Rousse, INRIA] Complete reorganization of autotools usage in Sympa. Better conformance to the standard usage of these tools. The Sympa configuration parameter has also been rewritten into a single hash, providing a comprehensive and unique declaration structure for these parameters.

r5687 | david.verdin | 2009-04-30 14:29:10 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk

[-change] Ignoring tmp directory in SVN.

r5686 | david.verdin | 2009-04-30 14:23:53 +0200 (jeu. 30 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature][Submitted by J. Jourdan] Integrating the web page sender to the trunk.

r5682 | david.verdin | 2009-04-29 19:29:30 +0200 (mer. 29 avril 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] Activating submenus in the server admin interface. Direct access to skinsedit page.
[-change] The code positionning the templates parameters "main_robot" and "families" is nows factorized in a new sub "get_server_details" and used in several actions to have the full server admin submenu, whatever action we're in, as long as theyr are server admin related.

r5680 | david.verdin | 2009-04-29 17:59:22 +0200 (mer. 29 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk
   M /trunk/web_tt2

[-change] Ignoring *.oldtemplate files in Olivier's repository.

r5676 | david.verdin | 2009-04-28 16:36:44 +0200 (mar. 28 avril 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/menu_search.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/nav.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo_sympa.png
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/top.png

[change] adding the new files necessary to the new navigation mode in the list admin menu

r5675 | david.verdin | 2009-04-28 15:59:12 +0200 (mar. 28 avril 2009) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[*feature] sympa web interface completely revamped.
- new css
- new navigation menu through list admin menu
- miscellaneous modifications in templates
Warning : if you customize your own templates you may notice some mess in the page layout. In such a case compare your templates to the distributed version and report any difference to your own files...
Enjoy ! ;o)

r5674 | david.verdin | 2009-04-27 17:18:52 +0200 (lun. 27 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/README.charset
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[-bug] Legacy character support missed clear help file to precise the usage of 'legacy_character_support_feature'. Bug in the definition of this parameter that mad its definition mandatory. Fixed by leaving it facultative.

r5673 | david.verdin | 2009-04-27 16:56:54 +0200 (lun. 27 avril 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[change] Legacy character set support (submitted by S. Ikeda) is now enabled if the 'legacy_character_support_feature' sympa.conf parameter is set to on.
[feature] New parameter 'legacy_character_support_feature'. If set to 'on', legacy character support will be enabled, as discussed in https://listes.cru.fr/sympa/arc/sympa-dev/2006-09/msg00029.html and its follow-ups. Any other value or no definition at all disables the functionnality.

r5672 | david.verdin | 2009-04-27 16:44:19 +0200 (lun. 27 avril 2009) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/README.charset
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/charset.conf
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[feature][#5887][Submitted by S. Ikeda] A few years ago, Soji posted several patches to support legacy character set support for service messages.  See
https://listes.cru.fr/sympa/arc/sympa-dev/2006-09/msg00029.html and its follow-ups.
As this feature has been disabled temporarily, he decided to maintain it again.

r5671 | david.verdin | 2009-04-27 13:40:34 +0200 (lun. 27 avril 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[feature] Now bulk logs when a message is completely sent to users for which VERP is not used. Still need to do it for VERP sendings.
[change] priority_bulkmailer database field is now split into two fields: priority_message_bulkmailer and priority_packet_bulkmailer. This allows to define different priority for some packets. The use case is to give the last packet to be sent for a list a lower priority. this way, whichever bulk that sends this packet knows that it was the last one.

r5670 | david.verdin | 2009-04-24 11:22:01 +0200 (ven. 24 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[-bug] Bulk default pid name did not match bulk process name, thus preventing the sympa init script from checking its status. Fixed by changing default pid name.

r5667 | david.verdin | 2009-04-22 17:44:27 +0200 (mer. 22 avril 2009) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2

[feature] New parameter: bulk_sleep : the time a bulk process waits for when befor starting a new loop when it didn't find a packet to send.
[change] The bulk_ttl parameter is now named bulk_lazytime: it is the time a slave bulk process waits before terminating after its last packet sending.
[bug] Modified the sympa init script to be able to start and stop the bulk mailer.

r5666 | david.verdin | 2009-04-20 17:20:56 +0200 (lun. 20 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[-bug] Missed a test for fedora.

r5665 | david.verdin | 2009-04-20 17:15:51 +0200 (lun. 20 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[-bug] Missed a test for defining Fedora systems.

r5664 | david.verdin | 2009-04-20 15:02:33 +0200 (lun. 20 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[bug] Sympa start and stop script used the "status" command for system whose OSTYPE was 'linux-gnu'. These systems don't seem to have such a command.

r5662 | david.verdin | 2009-04-15 16:47:30 +0200 (mer. 15 avril 2009) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[feature] The bulk mailer is now separated into two different categories of processes: master and slave. When lauched, only one bulk mailer process runs : the master. If the number of packets to be sent grows too large, it forks to several slave processes, that will auto-destroy after some time. four parameters are used:

- bulk_fork_threshold	the number of waiting packets that, once reached, triggers the slaves creation

- bulk_max_count	the total number of bulk processes allowed.

- bulk_ttl		the time to live for slave processes (in seconds)

- bulk_wait_to_fork	the number of seconds that elapse before the master bulk process check if the number of packet is too large and slave creation is neccessary. Note the this check implies a query to the database.

r5661 | david.verdin | 2009-04-14 18:33:18 +0200 (mar. 14 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] A var name seemed to have been cropped. Fixed.

r5660 | david.verdin | 2009-04-14 17:35:54 +0200 (mar. 14 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[bug] Sympa was trying to use the database config before this database was created, at first startup. Fixed by forcing to load only the config file before probing the database structure.

r5659 | david.verdin | 2009-04-10 16:47:00 +0200 (ven. 10 avril 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change] Fixe incorrect return in purge_list action : now return to get_closed_lists
[bug] fixe incorrect requiered_privilege definition for purge_lists action

r5658 | david.verdin | 2009-04-10 16:45:22 +0200 (ven. 10 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2

[change] list_admin_menu.tt2 is not anymore usefull thank to new Sympa skin

r5657 | david.verdin | 2009-04-10 16:43:20 +0200 (ven. 10 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[change] change list_menu in order to never display admin menu but always display editor menu

r5656 | david.verdin | 2009-04-09 16:28:07 +0200 (jeu. 09 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[bug] improper reference to $Conf replaced bu $Conf::Conf

r5655 | david.verdin | 2009-04-09 13:23:43 +0200 (jeu. 09 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[bug] Missing library lead to uneffective sympa_wizard.pl

r5654 | david.verdin | 2009-04-08 17:00:48 +0200 (mer. 08 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[bug] Missing 'use List' pragma in Conf.pm.

r5653 | david.verdin | 2009-04-08 16:56:30 +0200 (mer. 08 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[bug] loading database conf for virtual robots

r5652 | david.verdin | 2009-04-08 09:34:58 +0200 (mer. 08 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] better error handling when creating a list with already exist

r5651 | david.verdin | 2009-04-08 09:15:36 +0200 (mer. 08 avril 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] Now http://server/sympa/<a valid listname> is redirect to http://server/sympa/info/<a valid listname> insteed of "unkown action" error 

r5650 | david.verdin | 2009-04-08 08:27:54 +0200 (mer. 08 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] Partial solution for incorrect redirection after login. This patch is not perfect because it does not clean Sympa from all previous way to do it.

r5649 | david.verdin | 2009-04-07 16:33:38 +0200 (mar. 07 avril 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] new table in order to store robot config parameters that can be edited inline. This feature is used for color edition in sympa admin/skinsedit

r5648 | david.verdin | 2009-04-07 14:15:27 +0200 (mar. 07 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[-bug] Improving the test that verifies that a message that must be forwarded is not a reference.

r5647 | david.verdin | 2009-04-06 14:37:31 +0200 (lun. 06 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[bug] Error in the status check for plain gnu-linux stystems.

r5643 | david.verdin | 2009-04-02 18:31:57 +0200 (jeu. 02 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] When notifying the listamaster that an owner had changed her/his mail address, the message was croped. Only on affected list nam was displayed instead of the full list. this was due to a bad parameter sending to the tté engine and to a bad syntax in TT2 FOREACH directive.

r5642 | david.verdin | 2009-04-02 16:11:57 +0200 (jeu. 02 avril 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][Reported by M.P. Laisne, Rennes Academy] email change through the user preferences in the web interface was our of order. This was due to a bad initialization of old and new email parameters. Fixed by using values associated to the ticket.

r5638 | david.verdin | 2009-03-30 15:30:53 +0200 (lun. 30 mars 2009) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[feature] Four new languages are now available by default in Sympa:
  - Bokmål (B. C. Aasgaard)
  - Polish (L. Zygmanski)
  - Finn (J.P. Paloposki)
  - Vietnamese (C. Siddall)
Thanks to the translators for their efforts!

r5632 | david.verdin | 2009-03-25 10:57:20 +0100 (mer. 25 mars 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2

[bug][#5905][Reported by A. Stephens, Bristol University] A [% list %] TT2 var was trailing after e return directive in javascript.

r5630 | david.verdin | 2009-03-23 15:00:23 +0100 (lun. 23 mars 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[change] Fixing a problem in custom archiver : now the custom archiver MUSt accept two parameters : list and filename. Both parameters are filled by archived.pl at execution time. wwsympa.conf must contain the absolute path to the custom archiver script if admins to use this feature.

r5629 | david.verdin | 2009-03-20 15:59:12 +0100 (ven. 20 mars 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[feature] new 'custom_archiver' parameter. allows to define a charcter string corresponding to a script that is excuted instead of mhonarc when archiving a message. This script must end with the argument for the message file to archive. example : "myscript.pl --file=".

r5628 | david.verdin | 2009-03-18 11:48:04 +0100 (mer. 18 mars 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[feature][#930][Submitted by S. Amrani, gendarmerie nationale] New scenario test : less_than. Allows to compare two values. Is true if the first one is less than the second one. Works with strings, too, if you like.

r5627 | david.verdin | 2009-03-17 16:26:01 +0100 (mar. 17 mars 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2

[bug] removinf uneffective sort in the attribute edition form.

r5625 | david.verdin | 2009-03-16 09:41:04 +0100 (lun. 16 mars 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][#5872][Submitted by H. Moa] When accessing an rss-feed for the shared files of a list upgraded from 5.2b, wwsympa entered a tight-loop, load went up to 100%, the webfrontend failed making the webserver reply with 500 and a single-processor system had to be rebooted. The list in question had no shared files. Fixed by checking that we don't use double slashes in the path to the shared directory.

r5614 | david.verdin | 2009-03-04 09:50:24 +0100 (mer. 04 mars 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm

[bug] fix a crash of bulk.pm when mysql is stoped

r5603 | david.verdin | 2009-02-25 09:14:25 +0100 (mer. 25 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[feature] Added a progress bar and progress informations to the 'sympa.pl --test_database_message_buffer' operation.

r5602 | david.verdin | 2009-02-24 11:09:25 +0100 (mar. 24 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature] Updating catalogues with latest Sympa modifications.

r5601 | david.verdin | 2009-02-24 11:05:32 +0100 (mar. 24 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.

r5600 | david.verdin | 2009-02-24 08:43:05 +0100 (mar. 24 févr. 2009) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[feature] now sympa.pl --test_database_message_buffer can be used in order to verify database capacity to store messages spool (dirty output a nicer is needed ;-)

r5570 | david.verdin | 2009-02-20 13:28:47 +0100 (ven. 20 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[bug] mail_forward was unable to use a message which was transfered as a simple string. Fixed by testing that the $msg param is not a ref.

r5568 | olivier.salaun | 2009-02-19 16:55:56 +0100 (jeu. 19 févr. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[bug] catch error if Bulk::store() fails and notify listmaster\n***** If you are using mysql, you should set the my.cnf 'max_allowed_packet' to reasonably high value ('32M' for example).\n***** This is required because Sympa now stores emails in its database and might reach the mysql limits for buffer size of SQL queries.
r5567 | olivier.salaun | 2009-02-19 16:50:51 +0100 (jeu. 19 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl

[-feature] Add a --mail option to bulk.pl

r5566 | olivier.salaun | 2009-02-19 16:50:22 +0100 (jeu. 19 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[bug] catch error if Bulk::store() fails and notify listmaster

r5564 | olivier.salaun | 2009-02-19 10:38:51 +0100 (jeu. 19 févr. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] client IP address was incorrect in message sent when a subscription ticket was created.
Also removed the date that was not set ; since it is not useful (date is the date of the mail)

r5557 | david.verdin | 2009-02-16 15:34:18 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

[bug][#5812] When duplicating a list, the list creation and update date, as well as creation email and serail number were written to the original file instead of the new file.

r5555 | david.verdin | 2009-02-16 14:30:24 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[bug][#5820][Reported by M. Jozsef, Budapest University of Technology and Economics] When fetching queries result into a hash, the case of each key string was unsure, as some RDMS could return higher cased field name, for example. This led to aparetnly empty queries result when trying to acces a lower case field value that had been returned with a higher case name. Fixed by systematically lowercasing the field name when fetching results in a hash.

r5545 | david.verdin | 2009-02-13 16:14:24 +0100 (ven. 13 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[bug] remove unused subroutine

r5518 | david.verdin | 2009-02-12 17:42:53 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[bug] version number

r5515 | david.verdin | 2009-02-12 17:30:38 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[bug] fix wrong priority managment

r5514 | david.verdin | 2009-02-12 16:52:14 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl

[change] bulk.pl now waits only 1 second between two loops of inactivity.

r5512 | david.verdin | 2009-02-12 15:58:50 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am

[bug] Removing install bug in installicons directive.

r5509 | david.verdin | 2009-02-12 15:40:10 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-feature] Preparing version 6.0a.10

r5508 | david.verdin | 2009-02-12 15:35:49 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am

[bug] DIR replaced DESTDIR in installicons directive. If DESTDIR is set, this leads to icons being installed in a default directory instead of DESTDIR.

r5507 | david.verdin | 2009-02-12 15:34:48 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl

[change] Removing pid file for bulk. allows to create as much bulk.pl processes as we need.

r5506 | david.verdin | 2009-02-12 15:22:07 +0100 (jeu. 12 févr. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm

[bug] encode/decode using base64 before storing a message in spool table. This prevent charset encoding dependence on database

r5504 | david.verdin | 2009-02-10 16:37:29 +0100 (mar. 10 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[-feature] Preparing version 6.0a.9.

r5503 | david.verdin | 2009-02-10 14:53:18 +0100 (mar. 10 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-change] Committing latest translations from Pootle.

r5502 | david.verdin | 2009-02-10 14:37:42 +0100 (mar. 10 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po

[-change] retrieving latest translation from pootle.

r5501 | david.verdin | 2009-02-10 14:26:09 +0100 (mar. 10 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bulk.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[change] sympa start script now launches, stops and gets status for bulk.pl. bulk.pl modified so that it can create and delete a pid file.

r5500 | david.verdin | 2009-02-10 13:48:21 +0100 (mar. 10 févr. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[feature] New delivery_time list parameter in order to make distribution at a specified time

r5492 | david.verdin | 2009-02-09 15:03:10 +0100 (lun. 09 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] syntax error in a reference to the in hash.

r5491 | david.verdin | 2009-02-09 11:28:17 +0100 (lun. 09 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[bug][Reported by Q. Ladonne, AMUE] The inclusion_notification_feature parameter value was tested when a remind command was issued, thus leading to an authorization deined for all the lists where this parameter was set to off (default value). This parameter is now used for add and delete notifications only.

r5490 | sympa-authors | 2009-02-06 15:57:19 +0100 (ven. 06 févr. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] Now temlpate of lists created using web interface can use any input from the create_list_request form referenced as [% custom_input.VARNAME %]

r5489 | david.verdin | 2009-02-05 17:46:28 +0100 (jeu. 05 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[feature] Added automatic upgrade script for the two new tables used by the bulk mailer. Also updated the database creation scripts for each supported RDMS.

r5488 | david.verdin | 2009-02-05 14:54:07 +0100 (jeu. 05 févr. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/Bulk.pm (de /branches/sympa-bulk/src/Bulk.pm:5487)
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   A /trunk/src/bulk.pl (de /branches/sympa-bulk/src/bulk.pl:5487)
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_tables.daily.task (de /branches/sympa-bulk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_tables.daily.task:5487)
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-change] Merging sympa-bulk branch and the main development trunk.

r5483 | david.verdin | 2009-02-03 13:45:36 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-feature] Preparing version 6.0a.8.

r5482 | olivier.salaun | 2009-02-03 13:27:39 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] now always using one-time tickets for subscriptions

r5481 | serge.aumont | 2009-02-03 10:42:53 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl

[bug] fix an old patch conflict...

r5480 | david.verdin | 2009-02-03 10:10:10 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] The 'inclusion_notification_feature' parameter was tested for add and del commands. This was wrong because users can always specify the "quiet" option if they like. Additionnally, the test presented errors in some occurences.

r5475 | david.verdin | 2009-02-02 17:49:52 +0100 (lun. 02 févr. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   D /trunk/src/bulk.pl
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[-bug] Undoing changes in revision 5474.
r5474 | david.verdin | 2009-02-02 17:24:57 +0100 (lun. 02 févr. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /branches/sympa-bulk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   A /trunk/src/Bulk.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   A /trunk/src/bulk.pl
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[feature] Committing all the work of Serge about the new bulk mailer.

r5473 | david.verdin | 2009-02-02 16:53:22 +0100 (lun. 02 févr. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change] removinf the --enable-secure option. wwsympa.fcgi is always run with th '-U' option.

r5471 | olivier.salaun | 2009-01-30 11:30:54 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php

[-change] add information about the password used

r5470 | olivier.salaun | 2009-01-30 11:10:53 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php

[change] now using the standard php-soap library instead of nusoap

r5469 | david.verdin | 2009-01-29 17:24:15 +0100 (jeu. 29 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2

[change] Make the logo of the web site floating, thus reducing the header's height, even with a big logo. The left menus are pushed down if the logo is really *too* big.

r5467 | david.verdin | 2009-01-29 15:05:37 +0100 (jeu. 29 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl (de /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl:5465)
   A /trunk/subst.pl (de /trunk/subst.pl:5465)

[-bug] Restoring dumb deletion.

r5466 | david.verdin | 2009-01-29 15:03:55 +0100 (jeu. 29 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   D /trunk/subst.pl

[-bug] Dumb file deletion.

r5460 | david.verdin | 2009-01-28 16:55:07 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

[-feature] Committing latest translations.

r5458 | david.verdin | 2009-01-28 16:43:18 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-feature] Preparing version 6.0a.7

r5457 | david.verdin | 2009-01-28 16:22:08 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature] Committing latest catalogues generated from Sympa source code.
r5456 | david.verdin | 2009-01-28 16:08:37 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[-bug] chainging bad parameter description.

r5455 | david.verdin | 2009-01-28 16:01:30 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature] Committing latest catalogues generated from Sympa source code.
r5454 | david.verdin | 2009-01-28 15:47:39 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po

[-feature] Integrating latest translations into Sympa.

r5453 | david.verdin | 2009-01-27 17:47:01 +0100 (mar. 27 janv. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] New parameter 'inclusion_notification_feature'. If its value is set to 'on', subscribers are notified when they are included in a list through an external datasource.
[change] We no longer use the visibility to manage this behaviour to avoid confusion for users and an overwhelming number of scenario evaluations.

r5452 | sympa-authors | 2009-01-23 14:22:06 +0100 (ven. 23 janv. 2009) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] solve a bug related to infinite redirection loop when using automatic redirection to CAS server
[change] now session id cookie is not renewed when using SSL. Renewal of session id cookie is a protection agains session hijacking. It is not usefull if session cookie is use only in a ssl session. Because this method may cause user to lost there session when they hit several links very quickly, we limit it to http.

r5451 | sympa-authors | 2009-01-22 13:24:24 +0100 (jeu. 22 janv. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change]  Now sympa_session cookie use secure flag if using https, always use httponly flag ; most navigator block javascript access to cookies with that flag. This is protection agains session hijacking. The javascript "check_cookie" is removed from Sympa.

r5449 | david.verdin | 2009-01-20 14:25:15 +0100 (mar. 20 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-feature] Preparing version 6.0a.6

r5448 | david.verdin | 2009-01-20 14:24:35 +0100 (mar. 20 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature] Saving updated translations.

r5447 | david.verdin | 2009-01-20 13:23:36 +0100 (mar. 20 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature] Retrieving latest translations from pootle.

r5443 | david.verdin | 2009-01-19 17:29:15 +0100 (lun. 19 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] HTML character escaping was made on reference on the main hash containing all the data, including list config. as a result, after execution of the first action, all the data were HTML escaped, including possible double quotes in SQL queries. Though never saved in the config file, these data were responsible for synchronisation problems. Fixed by using a copy of the $param hash for XSS protection and TT2 parsing.

r5441 | david.verdin | 2009-01-16 16:13:13 +0100 (ven. 16 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[bug][Reported by F. Perrichon, univ. Lille 2 and C. Zimmer, univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis] LDAP 2 level queries failed as soon as one of the queries failed during the second passe. Sympa now just issues a warning in the logs, specifying that a part of the second passe was not successful.

r5439 | david.verdin | 2009-01-16 16:08:25 +0100 (ven. 16 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[bug] Parameters units were not on the right line in the web edition page of the list configuration. Also removed spare "br/> tags.

r5438 | david.verdin | 2009-01-14 18:21:15 +0100 (mer. 14 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2

[bug] javascript notifiactions and controls were broken in the moderation page.

r5437 | david.verdin | 2009-01-14 09:13:14 +0100 (mer. 14 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

[feature] Making the antispam feature attributes virtual host scale enabled.

r5436 | david.verdin | 2009-01-13 09:47:48 +0100 (mar. 13 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] When a list was created, Sympa failed to display the liste activation page to listmaster if an info file didn't exist for this list. Fixed by testing the existence of this file, and, if it isn't found, displaying an informative message instead.

r5435 | david.verdin | 2009-01-12 18:19:43 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

[bug] error in creation email parameter when copying a list. List copy notification message updated.

r5434 | david.verdin | 2009-01-09 18:09:16 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] When editing the list config, any value transferred, even empty, was compared to the regexp used to validate the corresponding parameter. This produced errors when, for example, removing an owner by just deleting its email address. the gecos was then emptied by the validation process and after compared to a regexp in which the string had to contain at least one character. conclusion : it was impossible to remove an owner throught the web interface. fixed by testing existence of a parameter before testing its value against a regexp.

r5433 | olivier.salaun | 2009-01-09 09:39:17 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] while copying a list, do not consider the original 'info' file as mandatory

r5430 | david.verdin | 2009-01-07 16:33:17 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[bug] When removing the last data source by manual edition of the config file, the task manager didn't do the last synchronization needed to remove the last included subscribers. Fixed by checking if a data source still exist after each synchronization (instead of before).

r5428 | david.verdin | 2009-01-07 10:37:34 +0100 (mer. 07 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[bug] Restoring controls for sync_include task creations to avoid overwhelming number of task creations ins the spools.

r5426 | david.verdin | 2009-01-06 15:15:08 +0100 (mar. 06 janv. 2009) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][Reported by V. Mathieu, univ. Nancy 2] When deleting the last data source, the subscribers list was not correctly updated. Fixed by restoring a faulty test in wwsympa.fcgi.
r5425 | david.verdin | 2009-01-06 10:41:51 +0100 (mar. 06 janv. 2009) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][#5203][Reported by A. Bendzsák] Fix a bug in blacklist edition.

r5424 | sympa-authors | 2009-01-05 16:47:48 +0100 (lun. 05 janv. 2009) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl

[bug] fix a bug related to empty alias lines (context LDAP)

r5420 | david.verdin | 2008-12-19 12:31:19 +0100 (ven. 19 déc. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-feature] Preparing version 6.0a.5.

r5417 | david.verdin | 2008-12-19 12:14:17 +0100 (ven. 19 déc. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-change] retrieving updated translations from Pootle.

r5416 | david.verdin | 2008-12-19 11:53:11 +0100 (ven. 19 déc. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-change] Retrieving latest translations from Pootle.

r5415 | david.verdin | 2008-12-18 17:18:58 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[bug][#4786][Submitted by Charles Paul, evil-wire.org] Sympa did not build properly due to missing VERSION in /configure.ac

r5414 | david.verdin | 2008-12-18 17:14:21 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile.am

[bug][#4786][Submitted by Charles Paul, evil-wire.org] Sympa did not build properly, due to a typo in doc/man8/Makefile.

r5407 | david.verdin | 2008-12-17 18:01:29 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2008) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

[bug][#4577][Reported by F. Guilleux] the W3C gives recommendations for the use of GET and POST: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/whenToUseGet.html#checklist

Sympa was not fully compliant to these recommendations, leading for example to possible unwanted list deletion by administrators using prefetching tools. Fixed by replacing all the threatening GET requests by POST requests.

r5406 | olivier.salaun | 2008-12-12 11:04:24 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am

[bug][Reported by epsas@evil-wire.org]The installation was choking on a missing sympa.pdf file; Fixed by removing all references to this file and adding a link to the PDF file on the Sympa website.

r5403 | david.verdin | 2008-12-09 15:05:39 +0100 (mar. 09 déc. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[bug][#4672][Submitted by O. Menkens, Fraunhofer IAIS] Wrong error handling of LDAP searches caused Sympa to be unable to sychronize sources. Some attributes in the LDAP search were not correctly passed to the function.

r5402 | david.verdin | 2008-12-03 11:23:21 +0100 (mer. 03 déc. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][#4555] When a user connected to the Sympa web interface clicked on a ticket for the second time, she was issued an error message. As she was connected already, the normal evaluation of the authorization scenario should ensue, instead of simply refusing to execute it. This was fixed by evaluating the existence of the ticket. Now, Sympa behaves like this: If a non connected user clicks on a ticket link, if it is the first time the ticket is clicked, the user is connected using the email of the ticket context. If the ticket has been previously used, the user is not connected and an error is issued. If the user is connected already when she clicks the ticket, the action is executed, with the authorization being checked using the email the user was authentified with at the time she clicked the ticket.

r5401 | david.verdin | 2008-11-28 16:59:56 +0100 (ven. 28 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2

[bug] When using the multiple add form, it was difficult to create a list by copy / paste, because a javascript erased any data in the textarea on click event. Fixed by modifying said javascript.

r5399 | david.verdin | 2008-11-28 16:23:16 +0100 (ven. 28 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[bug][reported by T. Retout] SQL injection threat removed by using place holders instead of direct sprint in a query.

r5396 | david.verdin | 2008-11-25 17:34:39 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change] Notifications are now sent to users, for remind, add and del commands, only if the visibility is set to true for these users.
[feature] Notifications can now be sent to users included by external data sources, when they are added or removed from user list.

r5330 | david.verdin | 2008-11-18 16:10:29 +0100 (mar. 18 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][#4516] It was possible to manually remove all the list owners. This is now impossible by taking into account the minimal cardionality of complex list parameters.

r5329 | david.verdin | 2008-11-18 09:41:48 +0100 (mar. 18 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-change] Cosmetic commit: correcting indentations.

r5328 | david.verdin | 2008-11-18 09:16:49 +0100 (mar. 18 nov. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][#4437][Submitted by M. Keisler, mitsein.net] Sympa refused to save topics which contained dashes in their name, due to an excessively selective regexp. Consequently, it was showing lists with such topics as topicsless. Fixed by accepting dashes in their regexp. Topics can now contain any alphanumeric, plus '-' and '_'. That should be enough for most needs.

r5311 | david.verdin | 2008-11-14 16:54:56 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[bug][#4437][Reported by M. Keisler, mitsein.net] Sympa refused to save topics chich contained dashes in their name, due to an excessively selective regexp. Fixed by accepting dashes in theis regexp. Topics can now contain any alphanumeric, plus '-' and '_'. That should be enough for most needs.

r5310 | olivier.salaun | 2008-11-14 15:22:04 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk

[-change] ignore again.

r5309 | olivier.salaun | 2008-11-14 15:20:33 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8
   M /trunk/soap
   M /trunk/wwsympa

[-change]End of ignore list update.

r5308 | olivier.salaun | 2008-11-14 15:17:48 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc
   M /trunk/mail_tt2
   M /trunk/soap
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample
   M /trunk/src/etc/script
   M /trunk/web_tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa

[-change]Adding new ignore files.

r5307 | olivier.salaun | 2008-11-14 15:14:26 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src

[-feature] Added new ignore properties.

r5306 | david.verdin | 2008-11-14 14:43:49 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2

[-bug] Closing a tag in compose mail form.

r5305 | david.verdin | 2008-11-14 12:20:47 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk

[-change]Adding generated files to ignore list.

r5304 | david.verdin | 2008-11-14 12:19:58 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ticket.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[bug][#4555] When clicking a one-time ticket past the first time, users got an error, even if they were connected. Fixed by modifying the template so that a user logged in will have different messages according to what its connected status.

r5303 | david.verdin | 2008-11-14 09:25:29 +0100 (ven. 14 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[bug][#4559][Submitted by P. Brown, univ. Southern California] init script sympa was broken for Solaris. It used some syntaxes not supported by this OS' shell language.

r5294 | david.verdin | 2008-11-13 16:26:22 +0100 (jeu. 13 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[feature][#4645][Submitted by N. Bertrand, univ. Minnesota] Basic logs in debug don't issue the password unencrypted in the logs for function Auth::ldap_authentication. This way, this password won't be sent unencrypted to a possible syslog server.

r5210 | olivier.salaun | 2008-11-07 17:44:37 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[change][#1167] Recent versions of Oracle do support the AS clause

r5209 | olivier.salaun | 2008-11-07 17:43:51 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2

[-change][proposed by R.Touchais, U.Paris sud] remove reference to the service email address from the web homepage

r5205 | david.verdin | 2008-11-07 15:54:55 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[bug][#4544][Reported by T. Berry, JPL, NASA] When a mail set command failed, the mail report contained a faulty email address or no eamil address at all. Fixed by changing the var reference passed to the templates.

r5204 | david.verdin | 2008-11-07 14:35:51 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[bug][#4579][Reported by F. Guilleux, CRU] In the array of the bouncers management page, a header contained the statement "First bounce" instead "Last bounce".

r5203 | david.verdin | 2008-11-07 14:33:20 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

[-bug]Adding a missing linebreak.

r5202 | david.verdin | 2008-11-07 13:59:36 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-change] Récupération des dernières traductions.

r5201 | david.verdin | 2008-11-07 10:43:31 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po

[-change]Committing latest translations.

r5200 | david.verdin | 2008-11-07 09:42:58 +0100 (ven. 07 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[bug][reported by S. Bilbeau, univ. Rennes 1] For trusted applications, when declaring an application in trusted_applicaitons.conf, if the app name contained a higher case character, the application was not found, because Sympa compared the app name to its lower-cased version. Fixed by comparing two lower case strings, thus making the app name completely case insensitive for Sympa.

r5199 | david.verdin | 2008-11-06 16:32:28 +0100 (jeu. 06 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][#4605][Reported by F. Guilleux, CRU] Searching for a string containing some special characters provoked various errors. Fixed by escaping characters at the moment we use the search engine and not just when parising the characters.

r5198 | david.verdin | 2008-11-03 17:06:31 +0100 (lun. 03 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/button_footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/button_header.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/change_email.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/change_email_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/close_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/dumpvars.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_faqadmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_faquser.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_introduction.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_mail_commands.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_sendmsg.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_button_footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_button_header.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/maintenance.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remove_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/requestpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/show_cert.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/show_sessions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ticket.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewbounce.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2

[bug]Adding HTML comments in web templates to help users spotting which template is used for customizing purpose.

r5197 | david.verdin | 2008-11-03 16:19:22 +0100 (lun. 03 nov. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2

[bug]Adding HTML comments to help users find their way in the web templates.

r5196 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-29 11:25:15 +0100 (mer. 29 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] lowercase email address before running change_email

r5194 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-28 09:50:34 +0100 (mar. 28 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

[change] update Changelog for 6.0a.4

r5193 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-28 09:49:14 +0100 (mar. 28 oct. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/change_email.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/change_email_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/requestpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ticket.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change] Use homogenous terminology for authentication.
Also use one-time tickets for web signoff now

r5192 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-27 18:27:24 +0100 (lun. 27 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po

[change] update French terminology for login => connexioin

r5191 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-27 17:14:24 +0100 (lun. 27 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

[change] updated French translations

r5190 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-27 15:56:17 +0100 (lun. 27 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[change] Merged with POT file

r5189 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-27 15:54:00 +0100 (lun. 27 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[change] Get updates from pootle

r5188 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-27 15:50:04 +0100 (lun. 27 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/terminology.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[change] using better terminology concerning authentication

r5187 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-24 10:33:00 +0200 (ven. 24 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[change] regenerate pot and po files

r5186 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-24 10:21:23 +0200 (ven. 24 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

[change] adding export of the terminology.pot file

r5185 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-24 10:13:40 +0200 (ven. 24 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   A /trunk/po/terminology.pot
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po

[change] get updates from Pootle + add the terminology template

r5184 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-24 08:30:43 +0200 (ven. 24 oct. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/crosshairs.png
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/h.png
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/position.png
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/sv.png
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] New inline color editor (skin section from "sympa admin")

r5183 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-24 08:28:07 +0200 (ven. 24 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2

[bug] fix syntaxique bug

r5182 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-15 16:30:20 +0200 (mer. 15 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug]Add an appropriate error message whenever an identity provider does not provide the user email address, when using generic_sso authentication method.

r5180 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-14 16:26:05 +0200 (mar. 14 oct. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_logs_table.daily.task

[bug] 'logs_expiration_period' sympa.conf parameter was not loaded. As a result DB logs were expired every day.
Also added an error message if two virtual hosts use the same URL.

r5179 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-14 09:28:20 +0200 (mar. 14 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2

[bug] fixed form parameters

r5178 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-09 18:01:46 +0200 (jeu. 09 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[bug] While running sympa.pl --md5_encode_password, most MD5-encoded passwords were re-encoded because of a regexp error. Also fixed the Upgrade::md5_encode_password() code to skip empty passwords

r5177 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-08 10:02:42 +0200 (mer. 08 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile.am

[*change] [reported by Micah Anderson, Riseup] Micah reported problems with the use of $* instead of /m in the parser.pl module. It was a good oportunity to remove the old parser code that was used by the task_manager only. The task_manager now uses the TT2 parser. It forces us to change the task template format for structured variables : [x->y] should now be written [x.y].

r5176 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-08 10:02:23 +0200 (mer. 08 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/parser.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[*change] [reported by Micah Anderson, Riseup] Micah reported problems with the use of $* instead of /m in the parser.pl module. It was a good oportunity to remove the old parser code that was used by the task_manager only. The task_manager now uses the TT2 parser. It forces us to change the task template format for structured variables : [x->y] should now be written [x.y].

r5175 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-08 09:59:48 +0200 (mer. 08 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/sync_include.ttl.task
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[*change] [reported by Micah Anderson, Riseup] Micah reported problems with the use of $* instead of /m in the parser.pl module. It was a good oportunity to remove the old parser code that was used by the task_manager only. The task_manager now uses the TT2 parser. It forces us to change the task template format for structured variables : [x->y] should now be written [x.y].

r5173 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-07 18:00:27 +0200 (mar. 07 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[bug] [reported by Micah Anderson, Riseup] No more force $/ and $* variables. This had been introduced in 1999 to fix a bug on Solaris platform.

r5172 | sympa-authors | 2008-10-06 11:40:59 +0200 (lun. 06 oct. 2008) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[feature] When rejecting a message by email reject command, the message body is 
transmisted to the tt2 parser so it is now possible to print the message body in the
notification sent to the original message sender. The tt2 var to use is [editor_msg_body]

r5171 | sympa-authors | 2008-10-03 08:06:56 +0200 (ven. 03 oct. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

[feature] Thanks to Ryan Fox submit who submit  this patch for informix  external data source.

r5169 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-02 15:10:05 +0200 (jeu. 02 oct. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[bug][#4543] When multiple "ldap" entries were defined in the auth.conf file, only the first one was queried.
Also fixed a bug with the default scope being "base", now "sub".

r5168 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-02 15:02:23 +0200 (jeu. 02 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[feature] preparing 6.0a.3

r5167 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-02 15:01:12 +0200 (jeu. 02 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

[change] updated

r5166 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-02 11:45:47 +0200 (jeu. 02 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] fixed typo logued

r5163 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-01 15:06:11 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

[bug] fix misplaced </div>

r5160 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-01 11:28:27 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2

[bug] One string not tagged with [loc]

r5157 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-01 11:24:16 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2

[-bug] moved h2 to the right place

r5154 | olivier.salaun | 2008-10-01 11:20:06 +0200 (mer. 01 oct. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change] Allow access to modindex page even with empty spool. It allows to access the manage_template link

r5150 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-30 17:05:11 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2008) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/change_email.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/change_email_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] The change_email feature has been rewritten as follows :
  - using authenticating URLs to check the new user email (instead of collecting his password)
  - provide an equivalent listmaster feature to change a user's email address
  - check if user is included ; if so, notify the list owner
  - rename list member picture if he changes his member email address
Also removed old code for the following actions : change_identity, unify_email, record_email

New feature to define custom moderation rejection messages. 

r5149 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-30 16:59:06 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

[change] Completed French translations

r5148 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-30 15:13:48 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[change] Update POT and PO files

r5147 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-30 15:11:00 +0200 (mar. 30 sept. 2008) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po

[change] [Chernysh, Riseup collective] new Russian translations
r5146 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-25 11:49:10 +0200 (jeu. 25 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[-bug] ths --foreground option was not documented

r5143 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-18 13:49:22 +0200 (jeu. 18 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[-change] made duration_conv() more readable

r5142 | sympa-authors | 2008-09-16 08:06:42 +0200 (mar. 16 sept. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[bug] Remove check of client @IP because it may brake sessions while using several proxy or NAT or ...

r5140 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 16:20:01 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change] [submitted by Peter Langhans, univ Zurich] in create_list form, bring back the form if a parameter is missing

r5139 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 16:08:37 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[-bug] fixed typo for HTML::FormatText perl module

r5138 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 12:04:14 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-change] ran make pot;make update-po

r5137 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 11:36:49 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[-bug] </br> moved after units

r5136 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 11:25:05 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ja.po

[-bug] fixed duplicate entries

r5135 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 11:11:14 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature][proposed by Peter Langhans, univ Zurich] made units for list parameters translatable

r5134 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 11:03:08 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[change] ran "make pot ; make update-po"

r5133 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 10:47:50 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po

[change] downloaded translations from pootle.sympa.org

r5132 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 10:16:52 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] [submitted by Peter Langhans, univ Zurich] minor bugfix in check_list_authz() call

r5131 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 10:12:49 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] [submitted by Peter Langhans, univ Zurich] do not log any kind of password + fixed a typo in a return command

r5130 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 10:02:22 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2

[-bug] [submitted by Peter Langhans, univ Zurich] typo

r5129 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 10:00:16 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

[-bug] [submitted by Peter Langhans, univ Zurich] Using a better method to determine the UID

r5128 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-15 09:56:18 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

[-bug] [submitted by Peter Langhans, univ Zurich] initialize $msg_count

r5127 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-12 17:46:17 +0200 (ven. 12 sept. 2008) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

[bug] [submitted by Peter Langhans, univ Zurich] fixed oracl-related issues :
  * $parameter longer than 100 chars would make errors
  * "date" is a reserved keyword with Oracle

r5125 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-11 11:50:09 +0200 (jeu. 11 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[-change] remove strange POD comment

r5123 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-11 11:40:13 +0200 (jeu. 11 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[bug] [#4439] [#4440] [reported by O.Berger] security vulnerability which use a file in /tmp.

r5122 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-10 13:51:41 +0200 (mer. 10 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[-feature]added the file name in log when a message is confirmed

r5121 | sympa-authors | 2008-09-10 10:16:26 +0200 (mer. 10 sept. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2

[feature] add "toggle selection" button in list of closed lists

r5120 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-09 09:34:46 +0200 (mar. 09 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change]Now raising an error if alias_manager failed to install new aliases

r5118 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-05 16:58:54 +0200 (ven. 05 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[bug][#4453][reported by Chris Hastie] The PlainDigest.pm module is able to convert text/html message parts to text/plain. It requires modules HTML::TreeBuilder and HTML::FormatText to be installed.

r5117 | sympa-authors | 2008-09-03 08:59:33 +0200 (mer. 03 sept. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

[bug] Fix a bug related to copy list feature where the mandatory file "info" was not copied and also message.footer and message.header that are optional but should be duplicated when copying a list.

r5115 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-02 11:45:23 +0200 (mar. 02 sept. 2008) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private-https

[bug][B.Kosaras, AED-SATELLIFE]fixed typo in rejection reason
r5114 | olivier.salaun | 2008-09-02 09:31:38 +0200 (mar. 02 sept. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2

[-change] removed duplicated login form

r5112 | sympa-authors | 2008-08-25 10:38:57 +0200 (lun. 25 août 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[bug] Undo the change :  http://sourcesup.cru.fr/cgi/viewvc.cgi/trunk/src/mail.pm?r1=5064&r2=5071 because this block "QUIET DISTRIBUTE command message done from wwwsympa.fcgi so web moderation is out of order. This need a beter fix later.

r5111 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-14 17:13:48 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[bug][#4430] sote temporary files in Sympa's own tmp directory instead of /tmp to prevent symlink attacks

r5110 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-14 16:46:58 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change][#4430] Removed debug code

r5109 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-14 16:28:08 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2008) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl

[bug][Balazs Kosaras, AED-SATELLIFE] testlogs.pl would not work with non-default specified conf path
r5108 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-14 16:10:10 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm

[-change] added session Id renewal

r5107 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-14 16:09:11 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[-change] added session Id to log message

r5106 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-13 16:43:44 +0200 (mer. 13 août 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2 (de /branches/sympa-altemail/web_tt2/manage_template.tt2:5072)
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] Added a new function for the moderation of messages. On rejection of messages personalised messages can be created and saved and used to give more information as to why these messages were refused by the moderator.
(change] Extended web session management to store 'cas-server', 'sso-id', 'do_not_use_cas' and 'checked_csa' data in the session table instead of HTTP cookies (as it used to do). Also changed the SympaSession methods to have separate store() and renew() methods.

r5105 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-11 16:56:00 +0200 (lun. 11 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[feature] [Peter Hart] Added a new function for the moderation of messages. On rejection of messages personalised messages can be created and saved and used to give more information as to why these messages were refused by the moderator.

r5104 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-11 15:38:10 +0200 (lun. 11 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[-bug][Peter Hart] Fix typos

r5103 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-11 15:37:16 +0200 (lun. 11 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[-change] added dependency for Net::Netmask required for new verify_netmask() scenario condition

r5102 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-11 15:25:24 +0200 (lun. 11 août 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet

[feature] [Peter Hart] New scenario condition verify_netmask. exemple :  verify_netmask('')  (changes in intanet scenrii ar
e just comment because we don't have access to the local netmask of installation)

r5101 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-11 14:17:11 +0200 (lun. 11 août 2008) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/ldap_alias_entry.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/ldap_alias_manager.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl

[feature] [Roland Hopferwieser] Extended the ldap_alias_manager.pl to use template to create LDAP entries. Also added a simulation mode for debug purpose.
r5099 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-08 16:55:39 +0200 (ven. 08 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

[-change] add comments ; remove commented code

r5098 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-08 16:55:09 +0200 (ven. 08 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2

[-change] remove leading blank line

r5097 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-08 16:19:19 +0200 (ven. 08 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-change] small changes

r5096 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-08 16:06:46 +0200 (ven. 08 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po

[change] installed French translations from Pootle

r5095 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-08 16:05:38 +0200 (ven. 08 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user.tt2

[-bug] fix typos

r5094 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-08 15:08:21 +0200 (ven. 08 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[feature] added contextual help links whenever appropriate

r5093 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-08 14:51:36 +0200 (ven. 08 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[change] updates the .pot and .po files

r5092 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-08 14:45:45 +0200 (ven. 08 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po

[change] Include latest translations from pootle.sympa.org

r5091 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-07 11:44:32 +0200 (jeu. 07 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] Fixed bugs introduced by latest changes in edit_list actions

r5090 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-07 10:07:40 +0200 (jeu. 07 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] [#713] Now notifying new list owners/moderators.

r5089 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-06 17:52:34 +0200 (mer. 06 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] $owner_update and $editor_update variables were never set

r5088 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-06 17:33:45 +0200 (mer. 06 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2

[-bug] Fix TT2 error

r5087 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-06 17:10:32 +0200 (mer. 06 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2

[change] Added link to ML introduction ; also turned the content-type from multipart/alternative to text/plain

r5086 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-06 17:05:26 +0200 (mer. 06 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user.tt2

[-bug] Update the documentation according to the new password allocation scenario

r5084 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-06 14:27:01 +0200 (mer. 06 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] Default value for parameters like owner/visibility are now compliant with the default value defined in %List::pinfo.

r5083 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-06 11:28:56 +0200 (mer. 06 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[change] [#534] added more informations to the reviewbouncing page (bounce total, first bounce and last bounce date). Now printing "no score" when the bounce score could not be computed

r5080 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-05 17:42:29 +0200 (mar. 05 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[bug] INFO command failed to provide scenario titles since recent changes in Scenario code

r5079 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-04 14:38:52 +0200 (lun. 04 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_faquser.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ticket.tt2

[bug] removed references to old remindpasswd.tt2 template. Also adapted some of the documentation

r5078 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-04 14:25:49 +0200 (lun. 04 août 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] is the edit_list context, some unedited parameters were shown as edited. This has been fixed.
Also changed the style of edited entries.

r5075 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-01 15:23:13 +0200 (ven. 01 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] list owner was brought back to incorrect page after editsubscriber was performed. Fiwed management of previous _action variable

r5074 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-01 14:51:05 +0200 (ven. 01 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change] no more notify listmaster when arcsearch cannot find an archived message

r5073 | olivier.salaun | 2008-08-01 13:59:51 +0200 (ven. 01 août 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[-bug]Fixed previous changes : mail::mail_forward() did not set the auto-submitted header field

r5071 | olivier.salaun | 2008-07-31 17:33:12 +0200 (jeu. 31 juil. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[feature][#3984][requested by S.Kristoffersen, Univ. Oslo] Sympa is now setting the Auto-Submitted SMTP header field for messages it generates. It also prevents loops for incoming message that have this header field set.
See related draft http://www.tools.ietf.org/html/draft-palme-autosub-01

r5064 | olivier.salaun | 2008-07-04 14:04:04 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[-feature] Added initial comments from Soji Ikeda explaining the concerns about charset management.

r5058 | sympa-authors | 2008-06-17 11:37:00 +0200 (mar. 17 juin 2008) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] notify list creation and list copy to listmasters with one_time_ticket
[-bug] Fix notification of copy list

r5057 | serge.aumont | 2008-06-16 15:36:56 +0200 (lun. 16 juin 2008) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm

[feature] New sympa;conf parameters log_module and log_condition. log_module is used to activate logs for a specific module. 
Current version provide only logs for scenario . log_condition is used to controle in which case logs are applied. Both are multivaluated (list of values comma separated).
exemple : 
log_module scenario,smtp

log_condition ip=,email=foo@domain

log_module is not implemented for most modules. 'log_module smtp' should replace the option sympa.pl -m

r5056 | david.verdin | 2008-06-16 12:21:20 +0200 (lun. 16 juin 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[bug]When storing subscription requests, Sympa ignored subscription request if an user had already asked for a subscription, event if the new request was for another list. Fixed by checking the list name before searching previous subscription requests for the user.

r5055 | olivier.salaun | 2008-06-12 17:42:07 +0200 (jeu. 12 juin 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][#3917] Changing language after a search in the archives results in an
error. Now redirecting to 'arc' function instead

r5054 | olivier.salaun | 2008-06-12 17:41:13 +0200 (jeu. 12 juin 2008) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-change] changed description of the feature
No more use hidden parameter new_robot
Show the feature if user is list owner only

r5053 | serge.aumont | 2008-06-12 17:34:32 +0200 (jeu. 12 juin 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[bug] list File-Copy-RecursiveOK (0.36) a a new required cpan module

r5052 | serge.aumont | 2008-06-12 11:06:20 +0200 (jeu. 12 juin 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[bug] bettre display of large table 

r5051 | serge.aumont | 2008-06-12 08:14:27 +0200 (jeu. 12 juin 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

[feature] Show custom attributes as cells in the list members html table. Now it can be copy&paste in openoffice or exel. 

r5050 | serge.aumont | 2008-06-09 16:51:20 +0200 (lun. 09 juin 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] Use one time ticket method when notifying subscription request to list owners

r5049 | olivier.salaun | 2008-06-09 09:27:21 +0200 (lun. 09 juin 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Lock.pm

[-bug] Also import LOCK_UN symbol from Fcntl

r5047 | olivier.salaun | 2008-06-05 09:26:35 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Lock.pm

[bug][#3953] Lock.pm imports some constants from Fnctl module and used to redefine them. it resulted in warnings while running wwsympa.fcgi : "Prototype mismatch: sub Lock::LOCK_SH () vs none at /usr/share/sympa/lib/Lock.pm line 38. Constant subroutine LOCK_SH redefined at /usr/share/sympa/lib/Lock.pm line 38.". Removed duplicate definitions.

r5046 | olivier.salaun | 2008-06-05 09:14:10 +0200 (jeu. 05 juin 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] reveiewbouncing page was raising errors because bounce_total parameter was considered required

r5045 | sympa-authors | 2008-06-04 17:14:48 +0200 (mer. 04 juin 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[feature] A new way to create lists : creation list form allows now to clone a list as a new empty list, all config and customization are copied but not subscribers, archives and shared

r5044 | david.verdin | 2008-06-04 13:14:36 +0200 (mer. 04 juin 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2

[-bug]Uncomplete message in web template.

r5043 | sympa-authors | 2008-06-04 13:03:45 +0200 (mer. 04 juin 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug]When an user tried to subscribe to a list and (s)he hadn't an account on the server already, the server sent a message with a password for a new acount. Since we switched to not reversible password encoding, it is impossible to send such a message, resulting in new users receiving messages with an empty password. This message is now replaced with the sending of an authenticating URL.

r5042 | david.verdin | 2008-06-02 15:08:43 +0200 (lun. 02 juin 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug]When searching a list, the result were not displayed in the result window because the ordered list of lists was not passed to the TT2.

r5041 | david.verdin | 2008-05-30 14:22:10 +0200 (ven. 30 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.pdf

[-feature]Reintroducing the Sympa manual PDF file.

r5039 | sympa-authors | 2008-05-30 12:45:21 +0200 (ven. 30 mai 2008) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

[-feature]Preparing version 6.0a.2
r5038 | sympa-authors | 2008-05-30 12:26:18 +0200 (ven. 30 mai 2008) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

[-feature]Preparing version 6.0a.2
r5037 | sympa-authors | 2008-05-30 12:26:04 +0200 (ven. 30 mai 2008) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature]Committing updated catalogues from Pootle
r5036 | sympa-authors | 2008-05-30 12:23:26 +0200 (ven. 30 mai 2008) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r5035 | sympa-authors | 2008-05-30 12:17:36 +0200 (ven. 30 mai 2008) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po

[-feature]Committing latest translations from Pootle
r5034 | david.verdin | 2008-05-30 11:15:29 +0200 (ven. 30 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[-bug] A typo prevented made wwsympa fail to moderate messages.

r5033 | david.verdin | 2008-05-29 15:46:03 +0200 (jeu. 29 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2

[-bug] Typo in a message.

r5032 | david.verdin | 2008-05-29 15:03:56 +0200 (jeu. 29 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[bug] Passwords were lower-cased by default when compared to the password stored in the database. This was completely incompatible with the new password storage as a MD5 hash. Fixed by removing this lower-casing.

r5031 | david.verdin | 2008-05-29 10:39:56 +0200 (jeu. 29 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[bug]Escaping single quotes in emails when switching passwords to MD5.

r5029 | david.verdin | 2008-05-28 17:49:12 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-change]Changing version number from 5.5a.1 to 6.0a.1.

r5028 | david.verdin | 2008-05-28 17:47:05 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

[-change]Update Changelog and NEWS files.

r5026 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-28 17:01:50 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] web authentication using the generic_sso method was broken because session was not properly initialized

r5025 | david.verdin | 2008-05-28 16:09:22 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-feature] Updating translations

r5024 | david.verdin | 2008-05-28 16:02:43 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

[-feature]Retrieving translation from pootle server.

r5023 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-28 12:15:04 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2

[bug] login banner was shown even though no user_table entry was listed in auth.conf

r5022 | david.verdin | 2008-05-28 11:55:43 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

[-feature]Updating NEWS file

r5021 | david.verdin | 2008-05-28 11:45:26 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

[-change]Retrieving updated translations from pootle

r5020 | serge.aumont | 2008-05-28 11:25:46 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   D /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/renewpasswd.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/requestpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] Fix web pages in order to give appropriate messages when requesting first password or password renewal. 

r5019 | serge.aumont | 2008-05-28 10:17:40 +0200 (mer. 28 mai 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[bug] Fix incorrect password storage when crating a new user (add_user_db did not use password finger print as update_user_db does)

r5017 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-23 18:08:48 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2008) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

[change] Changes regarding SOAP session management :
 * SOAP session now uses the session DB table
 * session_id can be validated, checked, used in authenticateAndRun()
 * sympa_soap_client.pl has been extended : new --session_id option, new supported service --service=getUserEmailByCookie

r5016 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-23 09:06:02 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

[-change] remove test

r5015 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-23 08:44:39 +0200 (ven. 23 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

[-change]Test pre-commit hook

r5014 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 09:30:39 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[-change] changed version number to 5.5a.1

r5013 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 09:22:22 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile.am

[change] no more install sympa.pdf

r5012 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:22:29 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile files into Makefile.am. Added the list of Makefile files to create in configure.ac (via AC_CONFIG_FILES)

r5011 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:21:23 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile.am (de /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile:5010)

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile into a Makefile.am

r5010 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:20:57 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   A /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile.am (de /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile:5009)

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile into a Makefile.am

r5009 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:20:35 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile
   A /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile.am (de /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile:5008)

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile into a Makefile.am

r5008 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:20:11 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/doc/Makefile
   A /trunk/doc/Makefile.am (de /trunk/doc/Makefile:5007)

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile into a Makefile.am

r5007 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:19:54 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile
   A /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile.am (de /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile:5006)

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile into a Makefile.am

r5006 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:19:27 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/soap/Makefile
   A /trunk/soap/Makefile.am (de /trunk/soap/Makefile:5005)

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile into a Makefile.am

r5005 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:19:01 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile.am (de /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile:5004)

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile into a Makefile.am

r5004 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:18:33 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile.am (de /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile:5003)

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile into a Makefile.am

r5003 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-21 08:17:55 +0200 (mer. 21 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/Makefile.am (de /trunk/src/Makefile:5002)

[change] [G.Rousse, INRIA] Turned Makefile into a Makefile.am

r5002 | serge.aumont | 2008-05-20 17:22:01 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

[-feature] bettre subject in notification message for list creation

r5001 | serge.aumont | 2008-05-20 09:13:10 +0200 (mar. 20 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[bug] fix size limit of list name according to database definition (50)

r5000 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-16 17:27:51 +0200 (ven. 16 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[change] no more store unknown bounces in OTHER directories. They are now kept in a bad/ subdirectory in the bounce spool.

r4998 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-16 16:30:36 +0200 (ven. 16 mai 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[bug] [reported by H.Rousseau]: bounced.pl would fail to create files in OTHER/ if From contained incorrect chars. The bounced.pl process would loop on these files.
Now such bounce files are moved to the bad/ subdirectory.

r4996 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-16 13:26:10 +0200 (ven. 16 mai 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug] [#4022]: the anti-XSS mecanism HTML-escape outgoing parameters before web pages are parsed. This leads to quotes '"' replaced with &quot; while editing list parameters. This could break SQL queries for example.
The fix consists in unescaping HTML characters in edit_list function.

r4995 | olivier.salaun | 2008-05-13 10:46:30 +0200 (mar. 13 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[bug] [submitted by A.de Bignicourt, UREC] : fixed a charset problem with custom attributes

r4993 | david.verdin | 2008-05-05 16:06:21 +0200 (lun. 05 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2

[change] When subscribing to a list, the confirmation popup now shows up only if no custom attributes will be used; Otherwise, this would require that the user confirm twice : first in the popup, then in the custom attributes form; Also adapted the text displayed in the submission form to custom attributes.

r4985 | david.verdin | 2008-05-02 12:06:27 +0200 (ven. 02 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[bug][Reported by M. Kretchner, INRIA] It was impossible to remove a message from web archvives or to rebuild them. this was due to a regexp to prevent archived.pl from using dot-starting files added by some Linux distribution (as Gentoo). Fixed by extending the regexp.

r4983 | david.verdin | 2008-05-02 10:31:43 +0200 (ven. 02 mai 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[#3990][Submitted by A. Berstein, electricembers.net] The quiet option had been deactivated from the "reject" mail command.

r4982 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-30 17:46:24 +0200 (mer. 30 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[#3989][reported by M.Deranek][fix] using OPENSSL variable set by --with-openssl configure switch to initialize openssl sympa.conf variable via the sympa_wizard.pl script

r4981 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-30 17:21:48 +0200 (mer. 30 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[#3989][reported by M.Deranek][fix] No more require Net::SSLeay perl module. Using LWP::UserAgent instead

r4980 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-30 15:54:49 +0200 (mer. 30 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[fix] session variables were not listed in dump of variables. Now exporting them as a hashref

r4979 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-30 14:31:01 +0200 (mer. 30 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[fix] STDERR is no more directed to a file if process run in foreground

r4978 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-30 14:30:28 +0200 (mer. 30 avril 2008) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[#3919][reported by M.Denarek][fix] Error "missing locale parameter" would
happen whenever a notification is sent to the listmaster before the current
language et set. Now using the default language when set. Also initialized
the default language with 'en'.

r4977 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-25 16:21:50 +0200 (ven. 25 avril 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[fix] AC_HELP_STRING is obsolete, replaced with AS_HELP_STRING.
See http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf/manual/autoconf.html#index-AC_005fHELP_005fSTRING-1639

r4976 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-25 16:17:15 +0200 (ven. 25 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.ac
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.generic

[change][G.Rousse, INRIA][patch sympa-trunk-7-dont-search-for-shell.patch] : POSIX defines that /bin/sh is available on every OS, therefore it does not need to be defined via a variable

r4975 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-25 16:06:49 +0200 (ven. 25 avril 2008) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Copy_template failed when multiple directories had to be created
(mail_tt2/ll_CC for example). Now calling mkdir_all() from
Also fixed a type regarding authz errors handling

r4973 | david.verdin | 2008-04-17 08:48:06 +0200 (jeu. 17 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[Reported by M. Gorecka-Wolniewicz, Nicolaus Copernicus univ., Torun] In some cases, CAS logout didn't work, due to a value of "0" trnaformed into an empty string in the session cookie. Fixed by upgrading CGI version.

r4971 | david.verdin | 2008-04-16 11:27:36 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[#3957][Reported by O. Berger, Telecom & Management SudParis] When launching Sympa daemons (other than sympa.pl) with an unknown option, the daemon was still launched instead of failing to launch.

r4962 | david.verdin | 2008-04-11 11:38:27 +0200 (ven. 11 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bug][#3947][Reported by S. costard Univ. Haute Bretagne] In the case of CAS authentication, a CAS ticket was requested for any request in the web interface. Fixed by ensuring that the user email is attached to the session.

r4961 | david.verdin | 2008-04-10 17:15:31 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[Change][#3116][Reported by S. Hornburg, C. Cat and M. Deranek]Replacing usage of chmod and chown shell calls by the corresponding perl functions. Usage factorized in tools::_set_file_rights() function.

r4960 | david.verdin | 2008-04-10 14:54:51 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[#3116] Fix bad usage of ampersands in tools.pl.

r4959 | david.verdin | 2008-04-10 14:36:10 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Change][#3116][Reported by C. Cat] Adds a new function, tools::_set_file_rights(), that sets the ownership and mode for a file. Also fixed some bugs in the setting of owner and mode for SQLite support.

r4957 | david.verdin | 2008-04-10 11:26:49 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[change][Reported by L. Gentis, IUFM Lorraine]When updating a config file while the upgrade process, the "email" parameter value of the "update" paragraph was set to 'listmaster'. However, this value was validated against a regexp for emails. this produced an error log, as 'listmaster' is not a valid email address. Fixed by allowing 'listamster' and 'automatic' strings in this regexp. 'automatic will be used to designate updates done by processes instead of users.

r4956 | david.verdin | 2008-04-10 10:46:27 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[#3116]Error in bug fix (bad calls to getpwnam and getgrnam).

r4955 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-10 10:13:49 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

added --add-missing arg to automake call

r4954 | david.verdin | 2008-04-10 09:29:13 +0200 (jeu. 10 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[Change][#3116][Reported by S. Hornburg, and M. Deranek, slonko.net] Now Upgrade.pm uses chmod and chown perl functions to set the rights to the SQLite database directory.

r4953 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-09 11:31:32 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[change][G.Rousse, INRIA][patch sympa-trunk-9-use-ac_help_macro.patch] use AC_HELP_STRING macro

r4952 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-09 11:27:57 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[change][G.Rousse, INRIA][patch sympa-trunk-8-indent-configure-file.patch] Better indentation of directives

r4951 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-09 11:11:30 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[change][G.Rousse, INRIA][patch sympa-trunk-6-no-maintainer-mode.patch] Remove AM_MAINTAINER_MODE  to prevent automatic makefile rebuild/configure re-invocation

r4950 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-09 09:12:05 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.ac

[change][G.Rousse, INRIA][patch sympa-trunk-3-correct-autoconf-prolog-and-epilog.patch] Use the standard autoconf method to declare the software version, instead of using the .version file

r4949 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-09 09:11:47 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/.version

[change][G.Rousse, INRIA][patch sympa-trunk-3-correct-autoconf-prolog-and-epilog.patch] Use the standard autoconf method to declare the software version, instead of using the .version file

r4948 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-08 17:57:50 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/configure.ac (de /trunk/configure.in:4947)
   D /trunk/configure.in

[change][G.Rousse, INRIA][patch sympa-trunk-2-rename-autoconf-configuration-file.patch] Renamed configure.in to configure.ac to adopt new GNU naming convention

r4947 | olivier.salaun | 2008-04-08 17:52:43 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/Makefile.in
   D /trunk/aclocal.m4
   D /trunk/config.guess
   D /trunk/config.sub
   D /trunk/configure
   D /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.8
   D /trunk/doc/man8/archived.8
   D /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.8
   D /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8
   D /trunk/install-sh
   D /trunk/missing

[change][G.Rousse, INRIA] Remove automake and autoconf generated files

r4946 | david.verdin | 2008-04-08 17:31:34 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[bug][Submitted by M. deranek, slonko.net] The gentoo distribution generates files starting with dots. These files generated error messages from Sympa daemons using spools.

r4944 | david.verdin | 2008-04-08 15:19:06 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[bug][Submitted by W. Werner, Fraunhofer-Institut SIT] Message signature verification didn't work if user used different certificate for signing and encrypting AND didn't send both in each message, like Kmail does.

r4941 | david.verdin | 2008-04-08 15:06:28 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[bug][Submitted by W. Werner, Fraunhofer-Institut SIT] The path that Sympa used to look for encryption keys had '.enc' instead of a '@enc' in the file name.

r4939 | david.verdin | 2008-04-03 14:11:36 +0200 (jeu. 03 avril 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[#3915][Submitted by M. Deranek, slonko.net]Fix: inconsistency between Upgrade .pm and create_db.SQLite for custom_attribute_subscriber field.

r4937 | david.verdin | 2008-04-03 13:51:55 +0200 (jeu. 03 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite

[#3915][Submitted by M. Deranek, slonko.net]Fix: SQLite support was broken for the session table.

r4935 | david.verdin | 2008-04-02 09:18:31 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[Reported by O. Eyb]Fix: task_manager.pl didn't check that the bounces/OTHER direcory existed prior to clean it, leading to numerous logs from the CleanSpool function cliaming that it couldn't open this directory.

r4925 | david.verdin | 2008-04-01 11:52:05 +0200 (mar. 01 avril 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Reported by J.M. Beuken, univ. cat. Louvain] Fix: When copying a template through the web interface, HTML was not unescaped before writing the file. c onsequently, the file used to reload the page for template edition had escaped HTML. for critical files such as main.tt2 or title.tt2, this caused the web page diaply to choke on tt2 parse errors.

r4924 | david.verdin | 2008-03-28 11:48:51 +0100 (ven. 28 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Removing development traces.

r4923 | david.verdin | 2008-03-28 11:36:03 +0100 (ven. 28 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2

Fix: Bad layout of lists in the letter-ordered version. Plus making this page W3C compliant.

r4921 | david.verdin | 2008-03-28 11:11:56 +0100 (ven. 28 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Lock.pm

Increasing log levels in low level functions of Log.pm.

r4920 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-28 10:32:09 +0100 (ven. 28 mars 2008) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Alphabetical index of lists in lists action.

r4919 | david.verdin | 2008-03-27 17:42:32 +0100 (jeu. 27 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[#3898][Submitted by M. Keisler, mitsein.net] Fix: When checking perl version, Sympa was using human readable version notation (5.8.8 for example) instead of the format returned by $] (5.008008 for example).

r4910 | david.verdin | 2008-03-25 12:07:32 +0100 (mar. 25 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2

Change: Reorganize and rename lists administration button in the admin page.

r4907 | david.verdin | 2008-03-25 11:12:19 +0100 (mar. 25 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: When a bounce file could not be created, nothing was done, so at the next bounced.pl iteration, the faulty report was still present. In such a case, the bounce report is now moved to bad.

r4906 | david.verdin | 2008-03-25 11:10:11 +0100 (mar. 25 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Updated catalogues.

r4905 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-14 10:27:51 +0100 (ven. 14 mars 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Fix a bug related to the wrong type return when creating a list

r4904 | david.verdin | 2008-03-12 14:02:11 +0100 (mer. 12 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

New make command: "clean-po". Updates the PO catalogues but doesn't try to save strings that disappeared in this version.

r4902 | david.verdin | 2008-03-11 17:19:54 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Updating internationalization catalogues.

r4901 | david.verdin | 2008-03-11 17:04:52 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

Updating sympa.pot.

r4900 | david.verdin | 2008-03-11 17:04:06 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

Change: Now, when performing "make update-po", the catalogue file to update is temporarily saved to avoid losing strings from beta version when updating stable version, or vice-versa. Both updated and saved files are then merged.

r4899 | david.verdin | 2008-03-11 17:01:56 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: spam_status was badly tested.

r4898 | david.verdin | 2008-03-11 17:01:13 +0100 (mar. 11 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Re-de-activating XSS protection for HTML files in the shared, until a better solution is found.

r4897 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-10 15:52:54 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New view message source feature if is list owner when viewing archives

r4893 | david.verdin | 2008-03-07 11:41:22 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/setlang.tt2

The button to submit languages preference was not conform to the button global design. In addition, it must be hidden if javascript is enabled.

r4890 | olivier.salaun | 2008-03-07 10:16:10 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

removed spaces before ***** in NEWS file, so that the related information is correctly shown during the upgrade process

r4889 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-07 08:33:52 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

If a message is tagued as a spam and if it is to be moderated or rejected, do not send a report information to the message sender even if the scenario did not return 'quiet' directive

r4888 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-07 08:00:45 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2008) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Now message for moderation is not attached in the message sent to the moderator if tagued as spam.

r4887 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-07 07:59:46 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2

Apply javascript to confirm reject with notification for spam message

r4886 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-07 07:58:39 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2

In modindex page, an javascript confirm is requested when validating a set of messages containing one message tagued as spam

r4885 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-06 11:58:58 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2008) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Now archives by thread or by chronologie is a session attribute (and a user preference). 

This feature also fix a bug related to the way archives are cached by client. Now page are "static" for robots (as detected by SympaSession) and dynamic for any others.

r4878 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-05 14:51:55 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

 New button to toogle select/unselect all spams in modindex page

r4877 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-05 13:41:43 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2008) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Now if antispam_feature is configured, sympa robot will ignore incomming command messages if tagued as spam. 
By the same way, spam messages for listmaster, list-request and list-editor will be ignored.

Such messages are moved in spool bad and message-id is loggued.  

r4876 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-05 11:01:07 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2008) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/junk.png
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New propertie in object message : spam_status .  This feature is used in modindex (listing of message waiting for moderation) to show message tagued as spam.

4 new parameters :
      antispam_feature default off
      antispam_tag_header_name default X-Spam-Status 
      antispam_tag_header_spam_regexp default ^\s*Yes
      antispam_tag_header_ham_regexp default ^\s*No

If you change antispam_feature to value 'on' the other parameters default are compatible with spamassassin defaults.

r4875 | olivier.salaun | 2008-03-04 15:16:23 +0100 (mar. 04 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New structure %required_args defining required parameters, %required_privileges defines required privileges to run actions and new subroutine check_action_parameters() that does the checking. Removed 1200 lines of code in wwsympa.fcgi

r4874 | olivier.salaun | 2008-03-04 11:39:34 +0100 (mar. 04 mars 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

Fix: error log did not refer to the right variable

r4873 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-04 08:42:35 +0100 (mar. 04 mars 2008) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Fix wrong column name dat_one_time_ticket -> date_one_time_ticket

r4872 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-04 08:37:56 +0100 (mar. 04 mars 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Fix wrong column name in table one_table_ticket : status_addr_one_time_ticket must be replaced by status_one_time_ticket

r4869 | serge.aumont | 2008-03-04 08:16:29 +0100 (mar. 04 mars 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/ticket.tt2

New template

r4859 | david.verdin | 2008-02-29 12:05:26 +0100 (ven. 29 févr. 2008) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3790][Reported by R. Tassoni, National Library of Australia and T. Danel] Fix: When displaying a message to moderate in the web interface, if a document was attached to the message, the link to display the message lead to empty documents.
This was because we didn't take into account the fact that MHonArc put the file in a subdirectory.
Fixed by changing the kind of ergument file passed from scalar to vector.

r4858 | serge.aumont | 2008-02-29 11:37:00 +0100 (ven. 29 févr. 2008) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Fix bug related to the new cilumn las_login_date_user and last_login_host_user

r4857 | serge.aumont | 2008-02-28 12:09:33 +0100 (jeu. 28 févr. 2008) | 16 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_one_time_ticket_table.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

***** Replace storage of password with encryption by md5 fingerprint. This 
***** make remind password impossible. So now a one time ticket table is created
***** ticket are  sent by email as an authentication token. Ticket can be used 
***** for lost password, create account, moderation request . It should be
***** generalized to all operation that need a email chalenge.
***** sympa.pl --md5_encode_password change password encoding in the database using md5.So IT IS NOT REVERSIBLE,
***** so you should save the database (in a safe place to protect password) 

  -  new login method include now "last login from [HOST] at [date]" information  message
  -  new daily task to remove tickets older than 10d (task parameters in conf.pm): 
       - purge_one_time_ticket_table_task default daily
       - one_time_ticket_table_ttl default 10d

r4855 | david.verdin | 2008-02-27 15:02:52 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Fix: Upgrade process failed to spot version number due to new use of strict vars, and a character cas problem occured while parsing the database structure.

r4852 | olivier.salaun | 2008-02-13 16:04:53 +0100 (mer. 13 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

[M.Redinger]Change: reported problems with field names upper cased with Oracle. Now forcing lower cased field names.

r4851 | olivier.salaun | 2008-02-13 15:56:47 +0100 (mer. 13 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet

[#3744]Fix: [remote_addr] variable might not be available for a scenario. [env->remote_addr] should be used instead

r4850 | olivier.salaun | 2008-02-13 14:15:20 +0100 (mer. 13 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[reported by S.Kristoffersen] Fix: The default value for wwsympa_url paramater was still http_host/wws. It has been changed to http_host/sympa

r4849 | olivier.salaun | 2008-02-13 10:18:15 +0100 (mer. 13 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: create_list notification failed if listname contained uppercased chars

r4848 | olivier.salaun | 2008-02-12 17:52:34 +0100 (mar. 12 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm

Remove trace

r4847 | olivier.salaun | 2008-02-12 15:14:23 +0100 (mar. 12 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

Fix: user could get logged out if he subscribed to the RSS feed. Now we skip session management in RSS context

r4845 | david.verdin | 2008-02-08 18:05:22 +0100 (ven. 08 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#1809][Reported by P. von der Hagen, univ. Karlsruhe] Fix: Files in the shared directory with regexp special characters could not be renamed. Fixed by using "\Q" escape signal at the beginning of the regexp (s/\Q$strtofind/strtosubst/).

r4843 | david.verdin | 2008-02-08 16:39:58 +0100 (ven. 08 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Lock.pm

Removing development traces.

r4841 | david.verdin | 2008-02-08 16:22:51 +0100 (ven. 08 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

Fix: "$rss" used instead of "$action eq 'rss'".

r4839 | david.verdin | 2008-02-08 16:12:35 +0100 (ven. 08 févr. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Lock.pm

[#3229][#3237][#3518][Reported by T. Berry, NASA and D. Lalot, univ. Aix-Marseille] Fix: Lock failed when two processes were reading the same file, then one of them switched to write mode. It could then modify the file while the other process was reading, leading to uncomplete informations gathered from reading. Fixed by changing behaviour: Now if a process wants to switch to or from write mode, it first release the file lock at the filesystem level, then tries to put a new one. this way, switching to write mode is controlled by the filesystem.

r4838 | serge.aumont | 2008-02-07 17:02:34 +0100 (jeu. 07 févr. 2008) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix a bug related to session lost when RSS access comes from the same browser as web browser.

r4837 | david.verdin | 2008-02-07 10:30:01 +0100 (jeu. 07 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3721][Submitted by M.Keisler, mitsein.net] Fix: Misleading comment in List.pm

r4836 | david.verdin | 2008-02-06 16:19:28 +0100 (mer. 06 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3719][Reported by O. Berger, INT] Fix: Used List object insted of list name to display list name in logs.

r4835 | david.verdin | 2008-02-06 14:12:56 +0100 (mer. 06 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm

[#3702][Reported by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] [CORRECTION TO THE PREVIOUS REVISION (4834)] Fix: Some malformed headers caused Sympa to crash by calling a method on an undefined MIME::Entity object. Fixed by testing the definition of this object before calling the method.

r4834 | david.verdin | 2008-02-06 13:57:00 +0100 (mer. 06 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm

[#3702][Reported by A. Bernstein, electricembers.net] Fix: Some malformed headers caused Sympa to crash by calling a method on an undefined MIME::Entity::head object. Fixed by testing the definition of this object before calling the method.

r4833 | david.verdin | 2008-02-06 12:28:42 +0100 (mer. 06 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3713][Reported by A. Bernstein, evil-wire.org]Fix: Call to functions in the Storage CPAN module could lead to Sympa processes dying because these functions could issue "croak" message. Fixed by enclosing these call into eval{} blocks.

r4832 | david.verdin | 2008-02-06 10:32:32 +0100 (mer. 06 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3719][Submitted by O. Berger, INT] Fix: A parameter was missing in logs, leading to uncomplete log message.

r4831 | david.verdin | 2008-02-06 09:19:09 +0100 (mer. 06 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Changed 'warning' log level to 'notice' in order to be coherent with the rest of the application.

r4830 | david.verdin | 2008-02-05 17:03:42 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg

[Reported by S. Kristoffersen, univ. Oslo] Fix: Missing "DROP TABLE session_table;" line in Pg creation script.

r4829 | david.verdin | 2008-02-05 16:43:49 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg

[Reported by S. Kristoffersen, univ. Oslo] Fix: Field id_session in table session_table had the type "int4" which was too small for the size of session id. Fixed by changing type to int8.

r4828 | david.verdin | 2008-02-05 15:49:12 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3479]Fix: http://listes.mydomain.fr/sympa/dump/mylist/light returned an error if authentication was required and not satisfied.
Now Sympa asks for authentification instead.

r4827 | david.verdin | 2008-02-05 12:11:02 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

bug # 3554 finally closed: content incorporated in a feature request.
Removing preparatory works.

r4826 | david.verdin | 2008-02-05 11:46:36 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Preparing code for resolving bug #3554.

r4825 | david.verdin | 2008-02-04 17:40:06 +0100 (lun. 04 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Remove traces.

r4824 | david.verdin | 2008-02-04 16:42:16 +0100 (lun. 04 févr. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3596]Fix: "spam_protection" list parameter was not used. Just the robot parameter value.

r4823 | david.verdin | 2008-02-04 15:17:07 +0100 (lun. 04 févr. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/report.pm

[#3636] Fix: When accepting multiple subscription requests, the list of pending subscription was not updated. This was due to two loops over email addresses one the one hand and over files on the other hand which were embedded in the wrong order, causing only the first file to be parsed.
Change: when an authorized subscription request is received, if the sender is subscribed already, the request is rejected.

r4820 | david.verdin | 2008-01-31 12:10:43 +0100 (jeu. 31 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing version 5.4b.1

r4819 | david.verdin | 2008-01-30 18:28:31 +0100 (mer. 30 janv. 2008) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Five new languages supported in Sympa:
Almost complete:
- Korean: Mark Smith and Kang Tae-Hee (HP)
- Simplified Chinese: Mark Smith and Xun Yan (HP)
- Tradional Chinese: Mark Smith (HP)
Still partial but on good way:
- Russian: Chernysh
- Catalan: Jordi Deu-Pons

r4818 | david.verdin | 2008-01-30 18:14:54 +0100 (mer. 30 janv. 2008) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Committing catalogues updated with new pot file.

r4817 | david.verdin | 2008-01-30 18:10:56 +0100 (mer. 30 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

We need the -U options for perl, having activated the "enable-secure" option or not. We will always give the bit s to wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi, having or not activated the "enable-secure" option.

r4816 | david.verdin | 2008-01-30 17:50:03 +0100 (mer. 30 janv. 2008) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   A /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Introducing works from HP's Open Source Review Board:
- Korean full support: Mark Smith and Kang Tae-Hee
- Simplified Chinese full support: Mark Smith and Xun Yan
- Tradional Chinese full support: Mark Smith and iconv ;)

r4815 | david.verdin | 2008-01-30 17:39:06 +0100 (mer. 30 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po

Committing latest translations.

r4814 | david.verdin | 2008-01-22 16:55:07 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2

[#3683][Submitted by S. Kristoffersen, univ. Oslo] Fix: A carriage return in compose_mail.tt2 inserted a blank line into the text area in which the mails were composed.

r4813 | david.verdin | 2008-01-22 16:30:14 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Reported by C. desmoulins and J. Beretta, Orange] Change: During an LDAP include, we didn't check if an email address was present several times, leading to a database field "include_sources_subscriber" containing the LDAP source id as many times as the address had been found. Fixed by preventing an address to be taken into account if it has been met already in the LDAP query result set.

r4812 | david.verdin | 2008-01-22 15:26:28 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Datasource.pm

Fix: In a review, data sources name were not displayed because they were searched by comparing a MD5 hash on their parameters to the value stored in the database. As for complex datasources, these description were stored in hash, the order of the parameters was not fixed, leadinf to different values of MD5 for the same data sources. Fixed by sorting the hashes according to the hash keys, storing the result into an array and computing the MD5 with the array.

r4811 | david.verdin | 2008-01-22 12:23:21 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/add_request.tt2

multiple_add : a JS to clear textarea on click

r4810 | david.verdin | 2008-01-22 11:32:11 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Missing carriage returns.

r4809 | david.verdin | 2008-01-22 11:08:52 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2

Removed useless ">" character.

r4808 | david.verdin | 2008-01-18 16:04:47 +0100 (ven. 18 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: Switching log level of tools:sanitize_var to debug4 instead of debug3. Faaaaaaaar too much logs generated otherwise.

r4807 | david.verdin | 2008-01-18 15:06:26 +0100 (ven. 18 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: Sympa didn't check that a "bad/" spool existed prior to cleaning it, leading to useless attempt to open said directory. Now, the "bad/" spool existence is tested before calling tools::CleanSpool().

r4806 | david.verdin | 2008-01-18 14:15:00 +0100 (ven. 18 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2

Fix: All the radio buttons in the form used by the "set_log_level" action didn't share the same control name, thus preventing the web client from expliting them as a set of buttons. This prevented the value from being correctly processed.

r4805 | david.verdin | 2008-01-17 17:24:59 +0100 (jeu. 17 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[#3662][Submitted by J. Kirkland, westover.org] Change: Message headers can now be used by any scenario. Admin can use, for example, match([msg_header-><HeaderName>],/someregexp/)       smtp      -> do_it in a scenario, for any message header.

r4803 | david.verdin | 2008-01-15 15:48:13 +0100 (mar. 15 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2

[#3032][Submitted by J. Kirkland] Fix: It was impossible to copy a template through wwsympa to a language-specific directory because the lang was no passe as argument to Sympa. Fixed by modifying the template.

r4802 | david.verdin | 2008-01-15 13:52:12 +0100 (mar. 15 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Reported by C. Andrews, Boston College] Fix: ampersand character was forbidden in email addresses though it is authorized by the RFC 2822.

r4801 | david.verdin | 2008-01-15 13:22:05 +0100 (mar. 15 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[#3253][Reported by P. Ferrari, riseup.net] Fix: When all editors and owners have set their reception mode to "nomail", a message is sent to all of them instead of generating an internal server error and sendinf a message to listmaster.

r4800 | david.verdin | 2008-01-14 16:04:41 +0100 (lun. 14 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3661][Reported by S. Kristofferesen, univ. Oslo] Fix: In-Reply-To header did not follow rfc2822 format: opening '<' and closing '>' were missing.

r4799 | david.verdin | 2008-01-14 11:41:43 +0100 (lun. 14 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3109] Fix: When an user requests a subscription more than once, spare requests are ignored. That way, subscription requests appear only once in the moderation panel and the list owner receive only one message.

r4798 | david.verdin | 2008-01-14 10:36:04 +0100 (lun. 14 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Task.pm

[Reported by M. Deranek, slonko.net] Change: task_manager now ignores files whose name starts with a dot in the spool directory. this done to avoid errors in distributions (such as gentoo) which add doted (system) files in the file system.

r4797 | olivier.salaun | 2008-01-09 10:03:07 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: lismaster was notified about listowner email changes, even when user is not listowner. Added a condition to the notification

r4796 | david.verdin | 2008-01-09 09:06:55 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3611][Reported by A. Berstein, electricembers.net] Change: Adds a "Precedence:" field with value "bulk" in addition to the preexisting one with the value "list" to let MS exchange autoresponders ignore mails from Sympa.

r4795 | david.verdin | 2008-01-09 09:01:55 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

Fix : improper use of "%s" in template.

r4794 | david.verdin | 2008-01-09 08:17:13 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[#3643][Submitted by S. Kristoffersen, univ. Oslo] Fix: wrong description of SQLite driver in perl module verification.

r4791 | david.verdin | 2008-01-07 16:39:23 +0100 (lun. 07 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

Preparing version 5.4a.10 (missing sessions update).

r4790 | olivier.salaun | 2008-01-07 16:25:58 +0100 (lun. 07 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Fix: changes to introduce "use strict" broke the parsing of tasks

r4789 | serge.aumont | 2008-01-07 15:27:27 +0100 (lun. 07 janv. 2008) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Reduce SQL queries for sessions. Don't exist if new session abort.
Also renew the cookie (a random used as session_id) so it make session hijacking much more difficult.

r4787 | david.verdin | 2008-01-07 14:49:12 +0100 (lun. 07 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

Preparing version 5.4a.9

r4786 | david.verdin | 2008-01-07 14:48:25 +0100 (lun. 07 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Integrating internationalization catalogues modified according to the latest developments.

r4785 | david.verdin | 2008-01-07 14:05:19 +0100 (lun. 07 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/nn_NO.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_nn_NO.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[Requested by B.C. Aasgaard, Oslo univ.] Added new Norvegian (nn_NO) to version control.

r4784 | david.verdin | 2008-01-07 13:57:19 +0100 (lun. 07 janv. 2008) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po

Updated translations.

r4783 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-24 09:06:50 +0100 (lun. 24 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by B.Thale, Motorola] New feature: keep the 'nomenu' attribute from page to page. Note that the nomenu attribute is lost whenever the user hits a button that uses POST. A better implementation would require the nomenu attribute to be attached to the user session.

r4781 | david.verdin | 2007-12-20 15:10:44 +0100 (jeu. 20 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[Reported by M Bouissou] Fix: Command "quit" was ignored in mail commands. This was due to the correction of bug fix in Rev 3548: "Commands starting with 'qui' would be skipped, including QUIET". Fixed by removing comments and changing the regexp to match lines containing 'quit', 'stop', 'end' or '-' ONLY.

r4778 | david.verdin | 2007-12-20 14:38:31 +0100 (jeu. 20 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2

[Reported by M. Bouissou] Fix: Invite message suggested to reply to the message to accept to subscribe to a list. this led to an answer with "unknown command" error. Fixed by removinf this message and giving an answer address and an appropriate subject string for people who couldn't hit the "mailto" link.

r4776 | david.verdin | 2007-12-20 10:34:29 +0100 (jeu. 20 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

[#798] Fix: When selecting a scenario, a duplicate scenario was proposed, one being the default. The default is now hidden.

r4775 | david.verdin | 2007-12-19 16:57:06 +0100 (mer. 19 déc. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3528][Reported by D. Lalot, univ. Aix-Marseille] Fix: A list created by family instantiation without "config_changes" file in its directory would be set to status "error_config". Now, if the file is missing we assume that no changes occur. We still set the list in status error_config if the file exists but can't be opened.
**Same behaviour implemented with the file "param_constraint.conf".**

r4774 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-19 16:22:54 +0100 (mer. 19 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/Version.pm
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Generalize "use strict vars"

r4772 | david.verdin | 2007-12-19 15:47:07 +0100 (mer. 19 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm

[Reported by D. Lalot, univ. Aix-Marseille] Fix: Opening xML files when instantiating families would make Sympa crash under Debian Etch. Fixed by switching "<:utf8" opening mode to "<:raw".

r4771 | david.verdin | 2007-12-19 13:17:06 +0100 (mer. 19 déc. 2007) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#2989][Reported by J.C. Delepine, univ. Picardie]
- Fix: When reply_to_header add the following values:
   - apply forced
   - value all
The archives still offered to reply either to the sender or to the list (and not to both!).
- Change: If "apply" has the value "forced", then a single "reply" button is available, without nay choice. The reply is sent to the addresses specified by "value". Otherwise, the user has three choices: reply to sender, to list or to both.
- Change: web mail composer is now able to send messages to several recipients.

r4770 | david.verdin | 2007-12-17 16:00:23 +0100 (lun. 17 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3537] Change: In web archives, sets a "Last-Modified" HTTP header to prevent frequent web-harvesting.

r4769 | serge.aumont | 2007-12-17 14:06:37 +0100 (lun. 17 déc. 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add custom button in main menu by config 

r4768 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-14 17:42:15 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[#1287] Fix: ADD commands are now rejected if user is already member. This will prevent multiple welcome messages to be sent.

r4767 | david.verdin | 2007-12-14 17:36:08 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

[#3136][Submitted by G. Haverkamp and M. Deranek, slonko.net] eval in SQLSource.pm would prevent correct SQLite use in Sympa. Removing the eval semm to fix the problem.

r4766 | david.verdin | 2007-12-14 17:03:13 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   A /trunk/wwsympa/Challenge.pm
   D /trunk/wwsympa/chalenge.pm

[#3502] "Challenge" was typed "chalenge" in the file name, in the comments, parameters and subroutines in chalenge.pm and in Conf.pm parameters. This has been corrected (including the capital "C").

r4765 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-14 16:57:28 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/mail_tt2/archive.tt2

Removed unused TT2

r4764 | david.verdin | 2007-12-14 16:49:46 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[#3149, Reported by D. Mayo, Univ. Bath] Fix: init.d script was broken on Solaris 10. Fixed by forcing value of ${OSTYPE} to 'SunOS' when `uname -s` returns 'solaris*'.

r4763 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-14 16:39:27 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/report.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#1085] Fix: standardized the way to refer to a list name in message_report.tt2 and listmaster_notification.tt2. The standard way is [% list.name %]

r4762 | david.verdin | 2007-12-14 16:12:21 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[#3234] Fix: Bounces in spool/bounce/OTHER/ were never cleaned up. Cleaning is now intergrated into the "expire_bounce" task, and the existence duration of such bounces is ruled by a new parameter : clean_delay_queueother.

r4761 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-14 14:44:28 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3397] Fix: while running change_email(), don't try to update the member in DB if new email address is already member of the list.

r4760 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-14 14:27:56 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#2222] Fix: RSS feeds for web archives and shared documents are only proposed if access to these contents is available and public. This is required because RSS does not provide authentication methods.

r4759 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-14 13:47:17 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#1498] [T.Berry, NASA] Fix: resetbounce required 'del' privilege ; now only checking that user is list owner.

r4758 | david.verdin | 2007-12-14 11:54:47 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3272][Reported by M. Anderson, riseup.net] Fix: In some cases still to elucidate, the "verp_rate" parameter trailing percent sign disappears before being use. This would mak sympa crash. We now return undef if this parameter hasn't the right structure.

r4757 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-14 11:45:05 +0100 (ven. 14 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fixed do_log call

r4755 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-13 17:50:10 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#1174]Change: default_user_options now applies to included list members. Sympa now ignore most user attributes coming from the original data source (date, update_date, reception, visibility). It make sence to adopt this behavior because these data were set in another list's context and should not be inherited in the new list.

r4754 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-13 16:42:04 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: restore usage of -U perl option because it is still required with the C wrapper

r4753 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-13 16:27:24 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4752 | david.verdin | 2007-12-13 15:47:33 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[#3072] [Reported by C.Fournier, ITOP] Fix: Accessibility problems and non conformance to W3C in some places in the web interface.

r4751 | david.verdin | 2007-12-13 14:33:38 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: In bounced.pl, when we couldn't open a file, we rename it with a "BAD-" prefix instead of copying them into the "bad" directory.

r4750 | david.verdin | 2007-12-13 14:18:47 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl

[Submitted by M. Quintero, North Central College, Naperville, IL] Fix: Bounces from Postfix were not always properly spotted due to a bad identification of the postfix bounce message. Fixed by extending the regexp to match a new kind of message.

r4749 | david.verdin | 2007-12-13 14:08:41 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: bounce and archive "bad" directories weren't automatically cleaned. Adds two parameters, 'clean_delay_queuebounce' and 'clean_delay_queueoutgoing' to set cleaning delay. Adds 'clean_delay_tmpdir', too, which was missing.

r4748 | david.verdin | 2007-12-13 12:11:23 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[Reported by M. Anderson, riseup.net] Fix: Sympa didn't support ARF format correctly. errors were thrown when Original-Rcpt-To field was missing, though this field is optional. We now separate two steps of control: the Feedback-Type field value control and the Original-Rcpt-To field value control.

r4747 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-13 11:54:45 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/ldap_alias_manager.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[#3357][P.Baumgart, British Telecom]New feature: LDAP alias manager is now LDAPS enabled and can be configured via a separate configuration file.
We've also added a new 'alias_manager' sympa.conf parameter that allows to use such alternate mail aliases management scripts.

r4746 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-13 11:18:42 +0100 (jeu. 13 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/vrobot.txt

Remove old todo list

r4745 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-12 16:19:46 +0100 (mer. 12 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: no more require "-U" option to wwsympa.fcgi and sympa_soap_server.fcgi because we hace C wrappers or Sudo

r4744 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-12 11:55:18 +0100 (mer. 12 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3219][Charles Paul, evil-wire.org] Change: Optimizations to List::get_list and List::get_which. List::get_lists() calls from List::get_which() now only load lists of interest, ie those that were determined by querying the subscriber_table DB table.

r4742 | david.verdin | 2007-12-11 17:19:30 +0100 (mar. 11 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Generalising the use of "bad" directory for bounces messages. Listmaster is not systematically sent a notification, but faulty bounces are always moved to the "bad" directory.

r4741 | david.verdin | 2007-12-11 16:50:38 +0100 (mar. 11 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Change: When a problem occurs while handling a bounce, the message is saved to a "spool/bounce/bad" directory.

r4740 | david.verdin | 2007-12-11 16:49:30 +0100 (mar. 11 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Change: factorizing save_to_bad() in tools.pl

r4739 | david.verdin | 2007-12-11 15:19:20 +0100 (mar. 11 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Change: Sympa now copie any message whose archiving failed into the "spool/outgoin/bad" directory (and notify listmaster).

r4738 | david.verdin | 2007-12-10 15:24:24 +0100 (lun. 10 déc. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[#3388] Change: If archived.pl can't create the list archive directory when archiving the first message, a notification is set to the listmaster, and the message is saved to spool/outgoing/bad.

r4737 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-10 11:43:33 +0100 (lun. 10 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

[#3550] Change: Changed the SQLSource module to keep track of existing DB handler and their status. The new code allows to save connect() if $dbh already exists. It also allows to prevent multiple "DB connectoin" notifications to be sent to the listmaster ; only the first one is sent.

r4736 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-07 17:10:21 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

Change: The Dump button is now proposed to list owners only

r4735 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-07 16:54:39 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2

[#3041]Fix: adapt the error message if no list is concerned.

r4734 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-07 16:33:07 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3466]Fix: Could no more change user's email from the preference page.

r4733 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-07 16:12:37 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3541] The code and web templates have been changed to still provide the list of topics, even though the default_home is set to 'lists'.

r4731 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-07 14:01:00 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list.conf

[#1497][reported by S.Peterson, ListPilot.com]Bug fix: the format of create_list;conf file was incorrectly documented

r4729 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-07 11:19:08 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: some Sympa processes did not initialize the List.pm cache between 2 requests. It could lead to false responses from these processes that still used the cache in memory.

r4728 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-07 10:39:31 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

Change the INSTALL file to refer to the new wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi

r4727 | david.verdin | 2007-12-06 15:33:30 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3520][Submitted by C. Paul, evil-wire.org] Change: New parameter in sympa.conf: "allow_subscribe_if_pending". Default value is "on". If set to "off", it is forbidden to add subscribers (through wwsympa) to a list whose status is different from "open".

r4726 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-06 14:40:34 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

Don't mention edito and subscriber in the default edit_list.conf file because it's not implemented

r4725 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-06 14:39:55 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Add better error handling to INVITE command

r4724 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-06 14:39:35 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add () to get_owners_email() call

r4722 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-06 14:04:36 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2

[#2959] [proposed by  Luoh Ren-Shan] Fix: escape sensible chars in RSS title

r4720 | david.verdin | 2007-12-06 11:06:59 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

[#3137][Reported by M. Walther, Sun] Fix: error in SQL request for web logs visualization. "GROUP BY" was used instead of "ORDER BY".

r4719 | david.verdin | 2007-12-05 17:51:22 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Now wwsympa switches to maintenance mode if not run under the right user id. It quits the maintenace mode as soon as the user id is the good one.

r4718 | david.verdin | 2007-12-05 16:37:14 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile
   A /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi.c

***** C wrapper now for sympa_soap_server. We definitely disabled the setuid solution to run sympa_soap_server.fcgi. If the script you used in your web server configuration was sympa_soap_server.fcgi (to whom you had attributed the "S" bit) you MUST change your Apache configuration so that the script you use becomes sympa_soap_server-wrapper.fcgi instead of sympa_soap_server.fcgi.

r4717 | david.verdin | 2007-12-05 15:41:43 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi.c

***** New C wrapper. We definitely disabled the setuid solution to run wwsympa.fcgi. If the script you used in your web server configuration was wwsympa.fcgi (to whom you had attributed the "S" bit) you MUST change your Apache configuration so that the script you use becomes wwsympa-wrapper.fcgi instead of wwsympa.fcgi.

r4716 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-05 15:35:26 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Remove trace

r4715 | david.verdin | 2007-12-05 12:21:35 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm

Change: Now, in scenari using SMTP header fields, if a message exists, the value of the header is defaulted to an empty strings if it is empty or missing.

r4713 | david.verdin | 2007-12-03 17:09:39 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help.pot
   M /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Preparing version 5.4a.8

r4712 | david.verdin | 2007-12-03 17:00:27 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/ml.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po

Updating translations.

r4711 | david.verdin | 2007-12-03 16:57:21 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

Fix: lists were indented too much in admin menu.

r4710 | david.verdin | 2007-12-03 14:25:47 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

End of custom_vars reintroduction: now taken into account in the web templates.

r4709 | olivier.salaun | 2007-12-03 12:20:43 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: user pictures are now showed (if available) in the web archives. Pictures are showed to authenticated users only, to prevent web harvesters to get them.

r4708 | david.verdin | 2007-11-30 17:25:34 +0100 (ven. 30 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm

Fix: Custom vars were not used in scenario...

r4707 | david.verdin | 2007-11-30 15:33:05 +0100 (ven. 30 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm

Feature: custom_vars. Users can define custom parameters in lists and use them in scenarios and mail templates.

r4706 | olivier.salaun | 2007-11-30 14:15:48 +0100 (ven. 30 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: sympa was not able to create missing picture directory in a recursive way

r4705 | olivier.salaun | 2007-11-30 14:14:21 +0100 (ven. 30 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Change default value for pictures_feature to 'on'

r4704 | david.verdin | 2007-11-29 17:08:25 +0100 (jeu. 29 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po

Starting to ignore mo files in version control.

r4703 | david.verdin | 2007-11-29 17:06:21 +0100 (jeu. 29 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Finishing to add Malayalam to version control.

r4702 | david.verdin | 2007-11-29 16:42:46 +0100 (jeu. 29 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ca.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/id.po
   M /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po

Updating with newest translations.

r4701 | david.verdin | 2007-11-29 16:42:18 +0100 (jeu. 29 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/po/ml.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_ml.po

Adding Malayalam to version control.

r4700 | david.verdin | 2007-11-28 18:09:05 +0100 (mer. 28 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/ca.po
   A /trunk/po/id.po
   A /trunk/po/ko.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_ca.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_id.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_ko.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2

Adding Catalan, Indonesian and Korean to Sympa (also some updates for web help in Spanish and German).

r4698 | david.verdin | 2007-11-27 11:11:46 +0100 (mar. 27 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Preparing version 5.4a.7

r4697 | david.verdin | 2007-11-27 10:58:00 +0100 (mar. 27 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po

Updating translations.

r4694 | olivier.salaun | 2007-11-26 09:42:51 +0100 (lun. 26 nov. 2007) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

[requested by S.Carmody, Internet2] New features: new
'remove_outgoing_headers' sympa.conf and list parameter. This parameter
allows to define a list of SMTP header fields that should be removed before
a message is distributed to list members. Thus it even makes it possible to
remove the header fields that Sympa sets.
The existing 'remove_headers' can now be set in a list config file.
New 'ignore_x_no_archive_header_feature' sympa.conf parameter ; if set to
'on', x-no-archive SMTP header field is ignored if found in an incoming
message (sympa will archive the message).

r4693 | david.verdin | 2007-11-15 14:38:40 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: do_log() was called inside package Robot -wht is this package doing inside List.pm, by the way ? - without specifying to search it in the package "Log".

r4692 | david.verdin | 2007-11-14 17:34:21 +0100 (mer. 14 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile

Change: Modifying Makefile so that it doesn't try to copy the - now removed - fr_FR template directory.

r4691 | david.verdin | 2007-11-14 17:24:49 +0100 (mer. 14 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help.pot
   A /trunk/po/web_help_af.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_ar.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_bg.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_br.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_cs.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_de.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_el.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_en_US.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_es.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_et.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_eu.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_fi.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_fr.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_hu.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_it.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_ja.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_nb_NO.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_nl.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_oc.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_pl.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_pt.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_pt_BR.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_ro.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_ru.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_sv.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_tr.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_vi.po
   A /trunk/po/web_help_zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   D /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_faqadmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_faquser.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_introduction.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_mail_commands.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_sendmsg.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user_options.tt2

Change: online help is now internationalized. Use [%helploc%] tags anywhere in the code to create strings that will be located in web_help.po catalogue.

r4690 | david.verdin | 2007-11-14 16:02:51 +0100 (mer. 14 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Updating catalogues prior to integrate web_help catalogues.

r4689 | david.verdin | 2007-11-12 10:42:41 +0100 (lun. 12 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

info files couldn't display HTML.

r4688 | olivier.salaun | 2007-11-08 11:29:38 +0100 (jeu. 08 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: make wwsympa.fcgi process die if $session object can't be created

r4686 | olivier.salaun | 2007-11-07 15:45:21 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[#3499][reported  by R.Morvan] Fix: prevent sympa.pl to crash while processing malformed multipart command message.  Error message is "Can't call method "effective_type" on an undefined value".
Now tools::as_singlepart() does not recurse with an undefined $msg parameter.

r4685 | david.verdin | 2007-11-05 14:00:09 +0100 (lun. 05 nov. 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Change: Character strings in po files are now sorted following thier order of apparition in the files.
First step through separation of web help and user interface.
Also deactivated Maketext -> Gettext conversion which caused brackets to be escaped in the strings to translate.

r4684 | david.verdin | 2007-11-05 13:30:47 +0100 (lun. 05 nov. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Updated translations.

r4683 | david.verdin | 2007-10-24 16:36:34 +0200 (mer. 24 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

Removing useless traces.

r4681 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-23 11:56:25 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

Update changelog

r4679 | david.verdin | 2007-10-22 17:01:22 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

spool files with letters in the last (6 characters) part can now contain letters.

r4678 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 17:00:38 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix custom attributes submission: user had previously to provide custom twice

r4677 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 15:56:58 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

added () for better emacs highlighting

r4673 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 15:04:50 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2

Print the custom attributes comment on the subscription page

r4672 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 14:44:38 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Allow 'listmaster' value for list parameters creation, latest_instantiation and update

r4670 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 14:31:46 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2

Preparing version 5.4a?6

r4669 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 14:14:15 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/af.po
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Update after "make pot"

r4668 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 14:10:46 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Update translations

r4667 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 14:05:42 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Added the provided custom attributes to the subscription request message sent to the list owner

r4666 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 12:21:33 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix for custom_attributes: when adding members through the web interface, custom attributes were lost. This was due to subrequests removed in spool before user was added. Now perform subreuest spool cleanup later.

r4665 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 11:44:06 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2

Changed field size for custom attributes

r4664 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 11:41:21 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

removed traces

r4663 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 11:37:58 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixed custom_attribute feature: no more error message when user is redirected to the subscription form

r4662 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 10:50:33 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Fixes for custom_attribute feature: renamed custom_attribute DB field to custom_attribute_subscriber ; change mysql DB field tpe to "text" ; now using eval to parse the XML data

r4661 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-22 10:14:19 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

No more use eval() to parse XML

r4660 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-19 17:40:41 +0200 (ven. 19 oct. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixed some bugs of custom_attributes management: now allow multi-lined content for "text" custom attributes. Also escape dangerous XML characters.
A character encoding issue remains : 8bit characters are considered ISO for some strange reason...

r4659 | david.verdin | 2007-10-19 09:29:56 +0200 (ven. 19 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Wrong language code used for Czech.

r4658 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-18 17:48:09 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2

Complete previous patch: hide owners/editors from INFO result if visibility is set to conceal

r4657 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-18 17:36:20 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3235][requested by T.Berry, NASA]New feature: allow list owners and editors to set a visibility option. If set to 'conceal', the person is not listed in the list panel. This new option also applies to owner_include and editor_include parameters.

r4656 | david.verdin | 2007-10-18 16:15:15 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/af.po
   A /trunk/po/vi.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Added Vietnamese and Afrikaans.

r4655 | david.verdin | 2007-10-18 14:42:41 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

do_log() bug fix.

r4654 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-18 11:07:59 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: removed List::is_shared_open() subroutine. Added a List::get_shared_status() subroutine

r4652 | david.verdin | 2007-10-17 15:40:27 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

Creating version 5.4a.5

r4651 | david.verdin | 2007-10-17 15:31:32 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2

Fix: removed useless parameter.

r4649 | david.verdin | 2007-10-17 13:24:43 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2

[Submitted by M. Gaudet, EHESS] Fix: The text area for blacklists was only three rows high as soon as the list contained too much addresses.

r4648 | david.verdin | 2007-10-17 11:51:05 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/br.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Change: String to translate in catalogues are now sorted according to the file which they were found in, not alphabetical order. This is an attempt te present the most useful strings firts. All catalogues updated to follow this behaviour.

r4647 | david.verdin | 2007-10-17 11:08:23 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po

Updated translations.

r4645 | david.verdin | 2007-10-15 11:53:42 +0200 (lun. 15 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2

[#3385][Submitted by P. von der Hagen, univ. Karlsruhe] Typo in a message.

r4644 | david.verdin | 2007-10-15 10:19:31 +0200 (lun. 15 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Updated language configuration for ar and br.

r4643 | david.verdin | 2007-10-15 10:16:49 +0200 (lun. 15 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ar.po

Updated arabic translations.

r4642 | david.verdin | 2007-10-12 14:46:01 +0200 (ven. 12 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Disabling XSS control on HTML files in shared directory until HTML-StripScripts-Parser configuration is clarified.

r4641 | david.verdin | 2007-10-11 18:19:20 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/po/ar.po
   A /trunk/po/br.po

Adding arabis and briton languages

r4640 | david.verdin | 2007-10-11 18:18:16 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Updating languages

r4639 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-11 18:16:44 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/edit_attributes.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[A.de Bignicourt]New feature: Custom user attributes
This feature allows the use of per list custom user attributes. Once defined by the list owner, a form will be presented to new list members on the subscription web page. These custom attributes are either optional or mandatory. The list owner will then see the provided user information while taking the subscription decision. Custom attributes can later be viewed from the review page and editsubscriber page. Custom attributes are stored in a dedicated field of the subscriber_table DB table, as XML data.

r4637 | david.verdin | 2007-10-11 11:14:17 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3377] Fix: in messages composed in wwsympa, URL would be cut after their 80 first characters and a carriage return inserted, thus breaking the URL.

r4636 | david.verdin | 2007-10-11 11:09:16 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3334, #3308][reported by C.Peck, wm.edu and D. Stefano]Fix: dump of bouncers would only return the first 25 entries.

r4635 | david.verdin | 2007-10-09 09:53:37 +0200 (mar. 09 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3182][Reported by G. Bouteille, univ. Rennes 1 and J.H. Belpois, univ. Brest] Fix: When instantiating a family with list containing an include_sql_query paragraph, new parameters appeared in the paragraph (db_user, db_host, db_psswd). This was because we used to pass a ref to the hash containing list config values to functions which added values to this hash. We now pass a copy of this hash, temporary values are then never added to the hash finally saved.

r4634 | david.verdin | 2007-10-04 17:13:22 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3298][Reported by A. Ma and S. Ikeda] Fix: Sympa would add a "Re:" to each reply, leading to possibly very long chains of "Re:" in messages subjects.

r4633 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-04 14:33:09 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm

Fixed the scenario parsing regular expression that did not allow to have a regexp parameter to the match() condition that included a single character

r4632 | david.verdin | 2007-10-03 15:39:08 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#787][Reported by W. Werner,Fraunhofer SIT] Fix: Two versions of the send_msg() function existed in List.pm. removed the oldest one.

r4631 | david.verdin | 2007-10-03 14:16:46 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[#3305][Reported by M. Deranek, slonko.net] Upgrade would fail for SQLite databases due to a request containing a MySQL-specific assertion.
The test of primary keys and indexes is sppressed for SQLite, due to the lack of a simple way to test tables columns in this RDBMS.

r4630 | david.verdin | 2007-10-03 14:05:27 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

[#3136] [#3319] [Reported by G. Haverkamp and M. Deranek] Fix: Support of SQLite was broken.

r4628 | david.verdin | 2007-10-03 09:58:10 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3363][Reported by M. Deranek, slonko.net] The HTML document date was set to 1 jan 1970 instead of current date, causing some browser to be unable to unlog because they seem to compare cookie date to document date for expiration purpose.

r4627 | david.verdin | 2007-10-03 08:56:52 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

Fix: When a new Lock object is created, we didn't check that the object tcreation had succeeded. On one occasion, it made task-manager to crash. Now, if the object isn't defined after the "new" invocation, the functions return undef.

r4626 | david.verdin | 2007-10-02 18:03:48 +0200 (mar. 02 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Change: If logs fail, the listmaster receives a message.

r4625 | olivier.salaun | 2007-10-02 17:43:44 +0200 (mar. 02 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by C.Wolfhugel] Fix: email addresses containing the '/' character was not properly URI-unescaped, for example with the editsubscriber function

r4624 | david.verdin | 2007-10-02 16:22:17 +0200 (mar. 02 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: Sympa no longer crashes when logs are not available.

r4623 | david.verdin | 2007-10-02 14:54:38 +0200 (mar. 02 oct. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[change] Improved XSS protection. Sympa logo not escaped anymore, non escaped parameters and XSS treatment moved to wwsympa.fcgi.

r4621 | olivier.salaun | 2007-09-28 10:26:02 +0200 (ven. 28 sept. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: require MIME-Tools 5.423. Actually only versions 5.421 and 5.422 would create problems, because the API of MIME::Entity::body() changed. 
This would make sympa.pl process die with error "Can't use string ("0") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs""

r4619 | serge.aumont | 2007-09-27 08:21:32 +0200 (jeu. 27 sept. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

reverse a test about parameters completion in createlist. (reported by Olivier Berger)

r4618 | olivier.salaun | 2007-09-25 16:28:03 +0200 (mar. 25 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: perform post-install check of CPAN modules. If install failed, first try to force the tests, then suggest a manual install

r4616 | david.verdin | 2007-09-25 11:20:11 +0200 (mar. 25 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing Sympa 5.4a.4

r4615 | david.verdin | 2007-09-24 11:16:07 +0200 (lun. 24 sept. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: changes of scenario from the admin web interface did not seem to work because the 'selected' attributes were cumulated 
in %Scenario::all_scenarios. Now only pass the required scenario attributes (name and web_title) to the TT2 web parser.

r4614 | david.verdin | 2007-09-24 11:15:38 +0200 (lun. 24 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

Added comment

r4613 | david.verdin | 2007-09-21 16:08:23 +0200 (ven. 21 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm

[#3306][Reported by C. Andrews, boston College] The List::verify resolution of the true test would be applied for all custom conditions that have "true", "any" or "all" in them. Fix: Checks that condiotn starts and ends with the serached condition name.

r4612 | david.verdin | 2007-09-21 14:51:33 +0200 (ven. 21 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/chalenge.pm

Removing various development traces.

r4611 | david.verdin | 2007-09-20 17:48:42 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Feature: Added "trace" log facility to facilitate development messages insertion, visualization and deletion.

r4609 | david.verdin | 2007-09-20 17:13:56 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: info and config files were not properly encoded when a list was created using the web or SOAP. fixed by adding the declaration of origin in create_list_old call and then testing this value to know how to handle encoding.

r4608 | david.verdin | 2007-09-20 16:43:58 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: XSS protection: Any output web parameter is filtered to avoid creation of XSS vector.
Change:Additionnaly, any HTML file put in the shared directory is filtered using StripScripts.
Change:HTML::StripScripts::Parser CPAN module is now mandatory.

r4607 | serge.aumont | 2007-09-19 08:42:33 +0200 (mer. 19 sept. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

remove unwanted traces

r4606 | serge.aumont | 2007-09-19 08:15:11 +0200 (mer. 19 sept. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Remove dev traces

r4605 | david.verdin | 2007-09-18 17:05:57 +0200 (mar. 18 sept. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Session object is now included in $param hash.
Fix: Changing password and email address was no longer possible in WWSympa.

r4604 | serge.aumont | 2007-09-17 15:23:51 +0200 (lun. 17 sept. 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

fix location of db_connect

r4603 | david.verdin | 2007-09-17 11:14:07 +0200 (lun. 17 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Remove non validated change.

r4602 | david.verdin | 2007-09-17 11:12:04 +0200 (lun. 17 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Removed commented code.

r4601 | david.verdin | 2007-09-14 09:31:50 +0200 (ven. 14 sept. 2007) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/crawlers_detection.conf
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Now session from crawlers are stored in sessiontable. Crawler detection is controled by /etc/crawlers_detection.conf. 

Currently this file only list user_agent strings. In the futur it could detect crawlers by ip adress and later we could detect crawlers by analysing automatically the session table

r4599 | david.verdin | 2007-09-13 17:12:14 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[#3183][] Fix: Trusted application name check was case sensitive, xhreas it is not supposed to be the case. Fixed by lowercasing comparison in remote_app_check_password().

r4597 | david.verdin | 2007-09-13 16:23:22 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[#3269][Submitted by J. Östman, Helsinki univ. of technology] Fix: sympa would take the LANGUAGE environment variable as its default instead of its lang parameter value, because this is Gettext default behaviour.

r4596 | david.verdin | 2007-09-13 16:14:09 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Reinstantiating the XSS regexp protection.

r4595 | david.verdin | 2007-09-13 15:41:37 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[requested by JM.Martins da Cruz] Added X-Sympa-To and X-Family-To header fields to those header that should be removed by Sympa for outgoing mails

r4594 | david.verdin | 2007-09-13 12:24:26 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: make the 'body' parameter required while composing a message. This is especially usefull because the XSS code may erase the body parameter.

r4593 | david.verdin | 2007-09-13 11:24:03 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2

[Change:] Moved the search list form to the top of the Sympa home page.

r4592 | david.verdin | 2007-09-11 17:34:07 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Change] icons are now included in the sympa static content directory. Consequently, the "--with-iconsdir" configure option and the "icons_url" wwsympa.conf parameter are no longer used. The default path to icons is now {sympa home}/static_content/icons and the default icons URL is http://host/icons/.

r4591 | david.verdin | 2007-09-10 17:37:11 +0200 (lun. 10 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl

[#3271][Reported by M. Anderson, riseup.net] Fix: "$/" value was changed in several places without using a proper "local" operator to prevent system-wide field seperator contamination.

r4590 | serge.aumont | 2007-09-06 12:10:19 +0200 (jeu. 06 sept. 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

Fix purge_session_table task : it mandatory to remove unused session because many bots do not manage http cookies

r4589 | serge.aumont | 2007-09-04 13:45:40 +0200 (mar. 04 sept. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix a bug related to subroutine verify who moved from List.pm to Scenario.pm

r4588 | olivier.salaun | 2007-09-03 14:20:01 +0200 (lun. 03 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Revert previous change

r4587 | olivier.salaun | 2007-09-03 14:16:04 +0200 (lun. 03 sept. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: prevent CSS updates problems if no css file exists

r4586 | david.verdin | 2007-08-31 18:23:16 +0200 (ven. 31 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: new try to improve XSS control. Now, in areas where HTML is not allowed, the parameters is tested against W3C compliant tags and attributes, or attributes containing javascript.

r4585 | david.verdin | 2007-08-30 15:00:53 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: refined Simple XSS filter. Don't ding on simple "<" only, but on <script, <meta and <fdfds javascript:

r4584 | david.verdin | 2007-08-30 14:23:49 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: Removed too restrictive XSS filter parameters.

r4583 | david.verdin | 2007-08-30 12:46:45 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: allow "input" and "style" tags in the content of XSS-filtered parameter.

r4582 | david.verdin | 2007-08-30 12:45:42 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Performs anti-XSS control regarding the context in which a parameter is being edited.

r4581 | david.verdin | 2007-08-30 10:44:56 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Web archive search is now performed by default in the whole archive instead of just the current month.

r4580 | david.verdin | 2007-08-30 08:26:25 +0200 (jeu. 30 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Removed useless tests.

r4579 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-29 16:39:57 +0200 (mer. 29 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

Changed the algorithm to compute session ids

r4578 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-29 16:22:11 +0200 (mer. 29 août 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Changes: added indexs on email column in both admin_table and subscriber_table. Also changed the order of column in CREATE
 INDEX directives.

r4577 | david.verdin | 2007-08-29 16:09:37 +0200 (mer. 29 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Removed bugs in XSS filter regexp.

r4575 | serge.aumont | 2007-08-28 14:20:07 +0200 (mar. 28 août 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm

taskmanager remove anonymous sessions if older then anonymous_session_table Sympa conf parameter

r4574 | david.verdin | 2007-08-28 11:16:13 +0200 (mar. 28 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: robot-specific 'static_content_path' parameter was never used to build 'css_path' parameter value.

r4573 | serge.aumont | 2007-08-27 13:54:01 +0200 (lun. 27 août 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   A /trunk/wwsympa/chalenge.pm

Change sympa.conf paremeter from session_expiration_period to session_table-ttl
Create chalenge.pm 

r4572 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-27 12:07:14 +0200 (lun. 27 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[reported by Alaxa]Fix: rebuild() subroutine did not include code to create index file if missing

r4571 | serge.aumont | 2007-08-27 10:24:57 +0200 (lun. 27 août 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

. fix arc protection by "I am not a spammeur" form
. store review page size in user_table and session_table

r4570 | david.verdin | 2007-08-24 15:39:02 +0200 (ven. 24 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Removed bug in XSS protection preventing any character string containing "60" or "3c" from being typed.

r4568 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-23 10:40:53 +0200 (jeu. 23 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Change "use strict" into "use strict vars" to prevent "Can't use string xx as a subroutine ref while strict refs" error

r4567 | serge.aumont | 2007-08-23 09:29:16 +0200 (jeu. 23 août 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Fix session_table creation and description for upgrade

r4566 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-22 16:44:04 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm

Fix: better handling of unknown authorization scenarios

r4565 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-22 16:36:20 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: prevent SympaSession::new() to be run if in maintenance mode.

r4564 | serge.aumont | 2007-08-22 11:25:29 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/KNOWNBUGS

Remove an old unsued file KNOWNBUGS

r4562 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-22 10:03:00 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by C.Peck, wm.edu]Fix: dump of bouncers would only return the first 25 entries

r4561 | serge.aumont | 2007-08-22 09:03:49 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix description of new table session_table for upgrade process
More test and logs in SympaSession::store

r4560 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-21 16:45:32 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Y.Blusseau]Fix: complete previous patch to enable include_remote_file for admin.

r4559 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-21 16:44:46 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[M.Massar, univ Kaiserslautern] New feature: Sympa is now able to get the Email in SubjAltName. As I was not able to fi
nd the mentioned patch to mod_ssl to get SSL_CLIENT_S_EMAIL exported, I wrote another patch based on SSL_CLIENT_CERT fr
om "SSLOptions +ExportCertData". REAPPLY the patch that had been removed.

r4558 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-21 16:43:44 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Y.Blusseau] Fix: include_remote_file feature was not supported to include owners or editors.

r4557 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-21 16:42:59 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Y.Blusseau]Fix: $include_file was altered before _load_include_admin_user_file() calls.

r4556 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-21 16:42:12 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: missing ',' in check_list_authz() call. The change_email action could therefore never succeed.

r4555 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-21 16:41:24 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl

[reported by R.Levo, J.Hopkins university] Fix: some rfc1891 compliant bounces were not correctly parsed, whenever the 
"Status" line included the status code + additional comments. The regular expression has been extended.

r4553 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-21 16:31:21 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Added $charset to do_log()

r4551 | david.verdin | 2007-08-21 14:20:50 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version

5.4a3 (first test with sessionning)

r4550 | serge.aumont | 2007-08-20 15:19:23 +0200 (lun. 20 août 2007) | 16 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_session_table.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   A /trunk/web_tt2/dumpvars.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/show_sessions.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   A /trunk/wwsympa/SympaSession.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Introduction of http session in ordre to replace a lot of cookies, for better user interface and security.
  -new table session_table
  -new module SympaSession.pm
  -new features 
    - from admin page set log level for the current session
    - from admin page list active sessions
    - from admin page change user email identity
  -new task to purge old sessions from table (inactive delay to remove session is set by the sympa.conf parameter session_expiration_period (defaul 1 month)
  -session start at first hit usually with an anonymous user. The session continue when the user logging. 
  -cookie lang replaced by a session parameter
  -cookie sympa-user removed
TODO : introduce user pref based obn session for review page length and archive thread/chrono view . Need to introduce a structure data varchar column in user_table


r4548 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-20 10:29:16 +0200 (lun. 20 août 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

[reported by O.Berger, INT] Fix: typo in List::store_susbscription_request() would make sympa_soap_server.fcgi die while receiving a subscription request with moderated subscription.
The "use strict" pragma has been added and many other typos have been fixed.

r4546 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-17 16:56:03 +0200 (ven. 17 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[reported by C.Peck, William and Mary university]Fix: Upgrade process could make subscribers unsubscribeable. The subscribed_subscriber DB field was first set to 1 but then turned into 0 (because of an old enum2int problem). Changed the order of the upgrade processes.

r4538 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-10 17:04:34 +0200 (ven. 10 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Change: css_url default value is now static_content/css/current_robot. This make it possible to set a single Apache Alias directive for static_content, shared by all virtual hosts.

r4536 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-10 15:41:49 +0200 (ven. 10 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[A.Hicks, Persistent Objects] Fix: css_url and css_path are not being set from the main config if they do not exist in the robot config as they are being set before the static_content_* checks

r4534 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-09 17:01:09 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: 'send_me' feature was broken because of an incorrect regexp on 'month' parameter

r4532 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-09 16:38:44 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[reported by J.M.Martins de Cruz] Fix: incorrect Language::SetLang() calls while migrating create_list_templates and families to UTF-8

r4530 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-09 16:05:14 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle

[reported by F.Lachapelle, Sophos]Fix: incorrect index name

r4528 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-09 15:10:36 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

[#3229][reported by T.Berry, NASA] Fix: Sympa did not perform a lock before list config file was created/updated. This could leed to corrupted config files

r4527 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-09 12:17:45 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: optimization to skip some code in List::load()

r4526 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-09 10:47:23 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[suggested by T.Berry, NASA] Changed the process identifier in the logs from (message) to (distribute)

r4523 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 17:28:42 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: no more use the buggy regexp $tools::regexp{'html-free'}. It would regexp any string containing '60' or '3c'

r4521 | david.verdin | 2007-08-07 15:52:48 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/check_locales.pl
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[reported by JG.Pailloncy, O.Girard and JMM. da Cruz] Fix: setlocale() failed on FreeBSD because locales syntax were not standard (ll_CC.ISO8859-N instead of ll_CC.ISO-8859-N). Now using utf-8 as encoding, thus solving the problem. Also changed the algorithm used by check_locales.pl to be the same as Language::SetLang()

r4518 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 13:52:05 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm

Fix: remove trace

r4515 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 13:49:36 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4514 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 13:48:11 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: (related to latest scenario changes) [listname] variable could not be evaluated while verifying a scenario rule

r4510 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 11:17:19 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4509 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 11:14:21 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: missing trailing ';'

r4508 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 11:13:15 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: missing trailing ';'

r4506 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 10:55:15 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 5.4a.2

r4505 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 10:38:23 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Scenario.pm

Fix: scenario cache was not used

r4504 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-07 09:39:47 +0200 (mar. 07 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/Scenario.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: new Scenario.pm module. The way autorization are loaded has changed : they are now stored in a central place, ie a single copy of a scenario is stored if 2 lists use it. This should make the sympa processes consume less memory when running lots of lists. The scenario are now reloaded whenever they change on disk, except for operations that require good performances (like the 'lists' command). Inclusion of third party scenarios is now performed at evaluation time (in request_action()) and not while loading the scenario as it used to be. 

r4503 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-03 14:29:31 +0200 (ven. 03 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: give up the pre-load of lists using get_lists()

r4502 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-03 14:15:58 +0200 (ven. 03 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: added a new Robot package inside List.pm. Also optimized List::get_lists() to cache the results within a session and prevent multiple browsing of the expl/ directory

r4501 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-03 10:23:58 +0200 (ven. 03 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: removed some obsolete code since user_data_source now has a single value

r4500 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-03 10:00:52 +0200 (ven. 03 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: removed obsolete List::save() subroutine and calls to it

r4499 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-03 09:48:34 +0200 (ven. 03 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: merging any value of user_data_source to 'include2'. This change should help simplifying and optimizing the code. Later the user_data_source parameter could be removed.

r4497 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-01 17:48:26 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 5.4a.1

r4496 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-01 15:51:55 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: optimizations to lower the List::new() calls and perform locks on list config files only if reloading is required

r4495 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-01 14:30:13 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/subst.pl

Change: optimizations to save most calls to do_log()

r4494 | olivier.salaun | 2007-08-01 13:16:45 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Change: check the $end variable before processing each task, thus making a kill -TERM more quickly processed

r4493 | olivier.salaun | 2007-07-31 17:51:29 +0200 (mar. 31 juil. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Add missing ';'

r4492 | olivier.salaun | 2007-07-31 16:50:44 +0200 (mar. 31 juil. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Added a get_log_level() sub

r4491 | olivier.salaun | 2007-07-31 16:47:41 +0200 (mar. 31 juil. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: turned $log_level into a class variable

r4490 | olivier.salaun | 2007-07-31 16:18:53 +0200 (mar. 31 juil. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Optimized do_log to return earlier if log_level is low

r4489 | olivier.salaun | 2007-07-31 16:18:28 +0200 (mar. 31 juil. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4487 | olivier.salaun | 2007-07-30 15:16:34 +0200 (lun. 30 juil. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixed log to remove regexp parameter

r4486 | olivier.salaun | 2007-07-30 15:07:26 +0200 (lun. 30 juil. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Alessio] Fix: a security problem would allow a user to directly access arctxt/* files or .mhonarc.db files. A %in_negative_regexp hash has been added to define forbidden expressions in parameters. XSS-related code has also been changed.

r4485 | david.verdin | 2007-07-03 19:48:18 +0200 (mar. 03 juil. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#2960][Reported by L. Ren-Shan] Fix: First attempt at XSS prevention. Now prevents such intrusions in the web interface.

r4484 | david.verdin | 2007-07-02 11:50:22 +0200 (lun. 02 juil. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: sympa_soap_client.pl now takes into account the "--service" and "--service_parameter" arguments for "play_soap()" function.

r4482 | david.verdin | 2007-06-29 17:26:04 +0200 (ven. 29 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

Fix: config files generated by instantiate_family were not UTF-8 but ISO. Now opening files as UTF-8.

r4481 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-28 17:20:57 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Fix: use 'warning' log level instead of 'warn'

r4480 | david.verdin | 2007-06-28 10:41:26 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Feature: removes "sync_include" task when a synchronization is triggered by another event than task processing.
Feature: review actions on list using includes trigger a user's list synchronization.

r4478 | david.verdin | 2007-06-26 18:08:40 +0200 (mar. 26 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Feature: When sending a message, Sympa now checks whether the last include is older than ttl OR distribute_ttl if this one is defined. If it is, sychronization is done.

r4477 | david.verdin | 2007-06-26 17:29:21 +0200 (mar. 26 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Feature: Added distribution_ttl parameter which will be used when an action should check if a sync_include is needed prior to be executed.

r4475 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-26 16:19:47 +0200 (mar. 26 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Sympa requires Perl 5.8 (for encoding features)

r4473 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-26 16:10:04 +0200 (mar. 26 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

Updated install instructions

r4470 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-26 15:34:07 +0200 (mar. 26 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

Updated Changelog

r4469 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-26 15:20:24 +0200 (mar. 26 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: now set List::use_db in Upgrade::Probe_db() and List::check_db_connect() to prevent "Sympa not setup for DBI" errors.

r4466 | david.verdin | 2007-06-20 17:22:35 +0200 (mer. 20 juin 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Added the following comment :
This test's purpose is to ensure that we are presented the right cookie. In addition, we avoid the following problem: if the cookie is composed of digits only ([0-9]) AND it starts with at least one zero character, it is treated as a number and the leading zeros are ignored. When tested against checksum, it is not the same character string as the leading zeros are missing. We add a number comparison to avoid it. Example: 00785136 becomes 785136.

r4464 | david.verdin | 2007-06-20 17:00:40 +0200 (mer. 20 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Fix: Yet another ( better ) solution to remove the forged cookie problem.

r4462 | david.verdin | 2007-06-20 16:08:16 +0200 (mer. 20 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Fix: Avoid potentially forged cookie from SOAP client.

r4460 | david.verdin | 2007-06-20 14:32:01 +0200 (mer. 20 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

[Reported by P. David, univ. Strasbourg] Fix: In some very rare occurences, the session identifier would be constituted of decimal numbers only AND start with at least one "0" (zero) character. In this case, this string was considered a number by sympasoap.pm and the zero removed, thus shortening - and invalidating - the id. This would prevent the user from being authorized to see pages in the wiki.

r4457 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-20 09:30:50 +0200 (mer. 20 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[reported by S.Hornburg] Change: remove unuseful dependency for Crypt::OpenSSL::X50 perl module. It was introduced in revision 3754.

r4456 | david.verdin | 2007-06-19 16:34:37 +0200 (mar. 19 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[#3142][submitted by Y. BLUSSEAU] Fix: A typo made the stop() command fail to remove tasks.

r4454 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-19 15:39:49 +0200 (mar. 19 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[#2931][A.GAVARA, INPL Nancy] Fix: CAS authentication would fail because http was used instead of https. Fixed get_my_url() to use HTTPS environment variable instead of SSL_PROTOCOL and SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION.

r4451 | david.verdin | 2007-06-13 09:53:35 +0200 (mer. 13 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing new version 5.3.2

r4450 | david.verdin | 2007-06-13 09:27:06 +0200 (mer. 13 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Updated PO catalogues.

r4449 | david.verdin | 2007-06-13 09:17:39 +0200 (mer. 13 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po

Updated translations.

r4448 | david.verdin | 2007-06-12 14:42:47 +0200 (mar. 12 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/back.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/begin.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/binary.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/down.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/end.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/folder.open.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/folder.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/image2.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/left.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/link.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/locked.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo-s-lock.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo-s.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/movie.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/right.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/sound1.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/text.png
   R /trunk/wwsympa/icons/unknown.png

[#1758] [reported by E.Koblinger, uhulunux.hu]Fix: CVS2SVN migration made all PNG images 1 byte shorter.

r4446 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-12 11:38:01 +0200 (mar. 12 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

Fix: while granting DB privileges, db_user was not quoted. It could lead to errors if db_user contained special caracters ('-' for example).

r4444 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-12 11:35:14 +0200 (mar. 12 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: logic for setting 'keep_trying' option to SQLSource::connect() was upside down. As a result, initial DB creation could not happen.

r4442 | david.verdin | 2007-06-08 12:34:46 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[#3126][Reported by E. Koblinger, uhulinux.hu] Removed "keepspace" option from MIME options to avoid inclusion of useless "&nbsp;" sequences.

r4441 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-06 19:06:47 +0200 (mer. 06 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2

[reported by R.Touchais] No more refer to a URL on the front page

r4440 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-06 18:16:52 +0200 (mer. 06 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[#3132]Fix: updated the message regarding unreachable database. RDBMS is now mandatory.

r4438 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-06 10:59:57 +0200 (mer. 06 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

[R.Touchais, U.Paris Sud] Fix: orguments to arc2webarc.pl were ignored

r4437 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-05 11:15:09 +0200 (mar. 05 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[#3115] Fix: typo in error message

r4430 | david.verdin | 2007-06-04 13:16:10 +0200 (lun. 04 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing version 5.3.1

r4429 | david.verdin | 2007-06-04 11:23:05 +0200 (lun. 04 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Updated magyar translation. Also regenerated po files to be sure thay are up-to-date.

r4428 | david.verdin | 2007-06-04 09:50:48 +0200 (lun. 04 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

[#3110][reported by E. Koblinger, uhulinux.hu] "sympa-static" was used instead of "static-sympa" in the INSTALL file.

r4427 | david.verdin | 2007-06-04 09:46:35 +0200 (lun. 04 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

[#3108] [reported by E. Koblinger, uhulinux.hu] Inverts order between "<meta charset.../>" and "<title/>" tags in order to prevent misinterpretation of title in case of loading lags.

r4425 | olivier.salaun | 2007-06-01 17:01:55 +0200 (ven. 01 juin 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[#3107][E.Koblinger, uhulinux] Fix: DBI 1.48 is required by use of selectall_hashref()

r4420 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-31 10:34:15 +0200 (jeu. 31 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile
   D /trunk/doc/auto
   D /trunk/doc/html
   D /trunk/doc/html.sty
   D /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons
   D /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl
   D /trunk/doc/pocket.tex
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   D /trunk/doc/treesed

Documentation is now only in PDF format. It is extracted from the sympa.org wiki

r4417 | david.verdin | 2007-05-30 11:12:59 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Avoiding subscriber vanishing when updating from older Sympa version. Modified version number control to be sure to include any version likely to have neither "included_subscriber" nor "subscribed_subscriber" set.

r4413 | david.verdin | 2007-05-30 09:47:53 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Modified infos for version 5.3

r4412 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-25 14:41:54 +0200 (ven. 25 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

Change: replaced the "magic authentication" with the SSO service name, defined in auth.conf

r4411 | david.verdin | 2007-05-25 13:39:56 +0200 (ven. 25 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

probe_db() now updates primary key only if it is not fair to its definition in Sympa. This prevents us from removing and recreating perfectly compliant primary keys anytime the function is called.

r4410 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-24 18:05:21 +0200 (jeu. 24 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#3097] Change: moved the code that remove SMTP header fields (defined by the remove_headers parameter) before the archiving code.

r4409 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-24 15:21:54 +0200 (jeu. 24 mai 2007) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

[reported by T.Berry, NASA] Fix: empty Subject field were replaced with
'Charset'. This seems to be a MIME::EncWords::decode_mimewords() bug.
Also fixed problems with custom subject parsing that was still using the old

r4407 | david.verdin | 2007-05-22 16:15:53 +0200 (mar. 22 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Added missing informations in Changelog and NEWS.

r4405 | david.verdin | 2007-05-22 14:03:59 +0200 (mar. 22 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Updated to verdion 5.3

r4404 | david.verdin | 2007-05-22 13:53:04 +0200 (mar. 22 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po

Fix: Somes "\n" string in translations were generating fatal errors during install.

r4403 | david.verdin | 2007-05-21 12:28:41 +0200 (lun. 21 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/eu.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Updated sympa.pot and then PO files

r4402 | david.verdin | 2007-05-21 12:20:57 +0200 (lun. 21 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po

Updated several translations from pootle. Main changes are found in Spanish, Italian and Occitan.

r4401 | david.verdin | 2007-05-21 12:02:33 +0200 (lun. 21 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po

[submitted by Prof. P.E.M. Almeida] Updated brazilian translation.

r4399 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-15 14:01:14 +0200 (mar. 15 mai 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/familyqueue.c
   M /trunk/src/queue.c

[#2945][D.Jahnke-Zumbusch] Fix: queue, bouncequeue and familiqueue scripts were removing the first "From xx" line found even though it was not part of SMTP headers. This caused problems with Postif if the 'F' flag was not set in master.cf, because postfix would not add the expected "From xx" Header field to the delivered message.

The code has been fixed to look for the "From xx" in the first line of the message only.

r4398 | david.verdin | 2007-05-15 10:44:47 +0200 (mar. 15 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[#3086 Submitted by S. Hornburg, linuxia.de] Fix: When Sympa failed to create a template object, the last system error was displayed instead of the last Template error.

r4397 | david.verdin | 2007-05-09 18:07:37 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Change : During upgrade process, if an existing primary key is incomplete, it is completed.

r4396 | david.verdin | 2007-05-09 17:12:34 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Fix: Found new index names to remove from previous installs.

r4392 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-09 15:20:09 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by L.Sousa, univ do Algarve] Change: don't print the list_menu if info scenario forbid access to list info.

r4391 | david.verdin | 2007-05-09 14:58:13 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Fix: A problem between 5.0 MySQL (in test environment) and 4.1 MySQL (in production) : MySQL 4.1 doesn't support "WHERE" clauses in "SHOW" statements.

r4389 | david.verdin | 2007-05-04 12:13:27 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[Reported by T. Davis, Metaphor studios] Fix: Useless warnings regarding PRIMARY KEY and INDEX at upgrade no longer appear.
[Reported by X. Moghrabi, Objectweb] Fix: Former indexes are removed if necessary to avoid double indexing of primary keys.

r4388 | david.verdin | 2007-05-04 10:51:01 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Just added some comments.

r4387 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-03 16:35:59 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

Fix: an error occurred during upgrade caused by a List object being considered an array ("coercing array into hash").

r4386 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-02 17:52:19 +0200 (mer. 02 mai 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3074] Fix: Could not list templates for a given list.
Also fixed a presentation problems (columns were shifted)

r4385 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-02 17:04:45 +0200 (mer. 02 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[#3075]Fix: file were renamed with a parasite '\'

r4384 | david.verdin | 2007-05-02 14:15:13 +0200 (mer. 02 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Submitted by M. Gaudet, EHESS] Fix: Encoding problems when upgrading from versions of pre-all-UTF-8 era. config files were saved into UTF-8 without character conversion which messed list subjects and some admin values.

r4383 | olivier.salaun | 2007-05-02 09:41:32 +0200 (mer. 02 mai 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Fix: some files (sympa.conf, wwsympa.conf, robot.conf) were not converted to UTF-8

r4382 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-27 18:11:16 +0200 (ven. 27 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: don't create list task if list status is not 'open'.

r4381 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-27 12:19:05 +0200 (ven. 27 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[requested by S.Amrani, Gendarmerie Nationale] Change: probe_db() would previously alter DB field format if different from the expected format. Now accept fields with a size larger than expected.

r4380 | david.verdin | 2007-04-27 09:46:07 +0200 (ven. 27 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[Reported by M. Gaudet, EHESS] Resolves encoding problems for lists' info files when upgrading from version 4.1.5 in lists where no 'filesystem_encoding' parameter was set.

r4379 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-26 16:54:39 +0200 (jeu. 26 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[proposed by P.Schober, Univ Vienna] New feature: added logout feature to generic_sso. This required adding a new sympa_sso_id HTTP cookie to keep track of which SSO was used to login. Also reorganized the cookielib subroutines.

r4378 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-26 12:06:03 +0200 (jeu. 26 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Definition of a default LDAP port (389) for include_ldap_xxx was leeding Sympa to use 389 port for LDAPS (instead of 636 port)

r4376 | david.verdin | 2007-04-25 17:02:40 +0200 (mer. 25 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[deb#418836][Reported by O. Berger, INT] Fix: SHOW FIELDS failed while upgrading. Now removing the dbname part in the tables() return value.

r4375 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-25 09:46:19 +0200 (mer. 25 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[T.Berry, NASA] Fix: "Undefined subroutine &Task::list_tasks called at /usr/local/jpl/msg/list/sympa/bin/List.pm line 12333". The new version of List::purge() uses Task::list_tasks() subroutine but a "use Task" pragma is missing in List.pm.

r4373 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-23 17:03:45 +0200 (lun. 23 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Error "Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference" while processing digests. Fixed the parameter loading procedure to handle correctly defaults (structured parameter with no default in subentries)

r4372 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-23 17:01:08 +0200 (lun. 23 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Set log level to 'err' when required

r4238 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-23 13:36:27 +0200 (lun. 23 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Move log entry to debug

r4236 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-23 12:59:03 +0200 (lun. 23 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/.version
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 5.3b.5

r4235 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-20 16:51:01 +0200 (ven. 20 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Added SQL query to error log

r4234 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-20 16:38:24 +0200 (ven. 20 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[reported by L.Garnier, CNRS] Fix: complete locale ID for Basque is eu_ES

r4233 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-20 13:54:05 +0200 (ven. 20 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c
   M /trunk/src/virtualwrapper.c

[reported by L.Garnier, CNRS] Fix: added missing include of stdlib.h

r4232 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-20 12:16:26 +0200 (ven. 20 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile

[reported by L.Garnier, CNRS] Removed ref to old load_subscribers.pl script

r4231 | david.verdin | 2007-04-18 17:51:58 +0200 (mer. 18 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[#3013][submitted by P. Timmons, Ec. Polytechnique Montreal] Fix : The button "toggle selection" did not trigger its action and produced a javascript error instead. Plus added some pod documentation.

r4230 | david.verdin | 2007-04-18 12:13:59 +0200 (mer. 18 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[#2975]Fix: removed a '{' in excess at the end of file which would cause two javascript errors at each page loading ("Selector expected. Invalid rule set ignored." and "unexpected end of file while looking for closing } of an invalid rule set."). Leaving IE proprietary "zoom" property. Must be useful in some way.

r4229 | david.verdin | 2007-04-18 11:05:33 +0200 (mer. 18 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#3012][submitted by P. Timmons, Ec. Polytechnique Montreal] Fix: Robot listmaster couldn't edit scenarios due to the $robot parameter not being called by is_listmaster() function in do_dump_scenario().

r4228 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-18 09:26:44 +0200 (mer. 18 avril 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: archived.pl would die while processing a message for an unknown list.
Error message : "Can't call method "get_list_id" on unblessed reference at
/home/sympa/bin/archived.pl line 526."

r4227 | david.verdin | 2007-04-16 11:28:17 +0200 (lun. 16 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Feature: Startup script now works with Slackware distributions.

r4226 | david.verdin | 2007-04-16 10:41:06 +0200 (lun. 16 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Added pod documentation and various comments.

r4225 | david.verdin | 2007-04-06 10:35:44 +0200 (ven. 06 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[#724] Fix: max_size parameter can now be used in robot.conf

r4224 | david.verdin | 2007-04-04 17:08:40 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

[#1325][#2969] [submitted by *both* O. Duval and O. Berger (INT Evry)] Fix: topics parameter wasn't used while creating a list with SOAP.

r4223 | olivier.salaun | 2007-04-03 17:36:58 +0200 (mar. 03 avril 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: wwsympa.fcgi would die when a ZIP archive was uploaded (d_unzip). Added the missing parameter to &tools::qencode_hi

r4222 | david.verdin | 2007-04-03 09:19:22 +0200 (mar. 03 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2

[Reported by T. Berry, Nasa] Fixed a few typos in the web gui and in console messages.

r4221 | david.verdin | 2007-04-02 17:55:06 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[#1241][reported by G. Donnini, Univ. Milano] Conf.pm didn't load tools.pl

r4220 | david.verdin | 2007-04-02 16:43:31 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#1661][submitted by S. Peterson, listpilot.com] Added possibility to mention lists topics in the list of lists page.

r4219 | david.verdin | 2007-04-02 15:59:03 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[#1464][submitted by S. Ikeda] [patch sympa-MAIN-20070103-escape_url.patch] Fix: Some MUAs aren't able to decode ``%40'' (escaped ``@'') in e-mail address of mailto: URL, or take ``@'' in query component for a delimiter to separate URL from the rest.

r4218 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-30 15:05:58 +0200 (ven. 30 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/LDAPSource.pm

[#934] [reported by A.Powers, DigiPen] New feature: added support for start_tls().

r4217 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-30 14:58:59 +0200 (ven. 30 mars 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

[#1222] [submitted by G.Donnini, Univ Milano] Fix: check DB connectivity in

r4216 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-30 14:45:20 +0200 (ven. 30 mars 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[submitted by S.Amrani, Gendarmerie Nationale] New feature: made the family
instanciation process quiet (required when run from a crontab). New sympa.pl
options : --quiet and --close_unknown

r4215 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-30 14:42:00 +0200 (ven. 30 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/README
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/robot.conf

Fix: no more install empty sample for sympa.conf. Install sample robot.conf

r4214 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-30 14:40:02 +0200 (ven. 30 mars 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by S.Amrani, Gend.Nationale] Change: Specify the searched
attribute 1.1 (the DN) in List::search()

r4213 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-30 14:19:37 +0200 (ven. 30 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2

[#1381] Malformed To: header fields. Removed the gecos to prevent this problem

r4212 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-30 14:17:06 +0200 (ven. 30 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2

 [#1381] Malformed To: header fields. Removed the gecos to prevent this problem

r4211 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-30 14:12:28 +0200 (ven. 30 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[#931] removed calls to report::reject_report_web() in these modules

r4210 | david.verdin | 2007-03-30 14:02:11 +0200 (ven. 30 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[#931] missing "use report" pragma preventing logs from being written.

r4209 | david.verdin | 2007-03-29 15:03:51 +0200 (jeu. 29 mars 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#2957] Fix: Stored Encode::from_to() return value (string length) instead of string value in info file at list creation time.
Feature: more pod comments added.

r4208 | david.verdin | 2007-03-28 17:45:54 +0200 (mer. 28 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2

Fix: Modified the "view translation" button in the server administration page to redirect user to pootle.sympa.org instead of the former Sympa action.

r4207 | david.verdin | 2007-03-28 17:28:15 +0200 (mer. 28 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2

Feature: Added color_* parameters usage in the skin administration page.

r4206 | david.verdin | 2007-03-28 14:58:37 +0200 (mer. 28 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/button_header.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_button_header.tt2

Removed the last occurences of *_color parameters.

r4205 | david.verdin | 2007-03-27 14:11:49 +0200 (mar. 27 mars 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

[#2930][Reported by T. Berry, Nasa] Fix: do_log sub don't apply Encode::from_to() function to reference variables anymore.
(Addition to Rev. 4204 where a development test remained).

r4204 | david.verdin | 2007-03-27 13:59:18 +0200 (mar. 27 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

[#2930][Reported by T. Berry, Nasa] Fix: do_log sub don't apply Encode::from_to() function to reference variables anymore.

r4203 | david.verdin | 2007-03-27 13:53:13 +0200 (mar. 27 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

Added pod comments to Message.pm

r4202 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-27 09:46:35 +0200 (mar. 27 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Let user run sympa.pl --help even if upgrade is needed

r4201 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-23 14:49:39 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Univ. Rennes 1] Fix: Prevent problems with URLS containing
'//'. It would break navigations that uses relative URLs. 

r4200 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-23 14:47:57 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: added calling subroutine ref to log entries.

r4199 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-23 14:18:09 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm

[reported by T.Berry, Nasa] [fixed by S.Amrani, Gendarmerie nationale] Fix:
automatic list creation failure was incorrectly handled and message could be

r4198 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-23 12:14:30 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Lock.pm

[#2930][reported by T.Berry, Nasa] Fix: sympa processes would print binary
data to the TTY. It was due to a File Handler variable that was logged. 
Also fixed a bug related to file unlocking.

r4197 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-23 12:06:18 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Task.pm

[#2940] [reported by T.Berry, Nasa] Fix: remove list-related task when
purging a closed list

r4196 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-23 11:56:11 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2

[#2933] [fixed by R.Gilbert, Univ Sheffield] Fix: missing white space in
validation URL

r4195 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-23 11:34:23 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[#2932] [reported by R.Gilbert, Univ Sheffield] Change: Use listmaster as
default in List::send_notify_to_owner(), in case no owner is defined.

r4194 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-22 10:54:54 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[#1075] : Default values for parameter 'reply_to_header' are now correctly loaded.

r4193 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-19 16:19:04 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/NEWS

Indicates to use MySQL version>=4.1, in order to be able to execute the directive "SET NAMES utf8".

r4192 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-19 15:26:39 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix [#985]: Hide "update" button whenever no parameter can be edited in the current page

r4191 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-19 12:24:10 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/.version

Add missing file

r4190 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-19 10:53:17 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2007) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/LDAPSource.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: [reported by R.Caldwelr, Franklin university] wwsympa::is_ldap_user()
would not use provided bind_dn and bind_password.
Change: New LDAPSource module to gather all LDAP-related code. Currently
only connect() and disconnect() have been implemented.
Change: removed obsolete export_list() functions (+related)

r4189 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-19 10:46:58 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

Fixed description of the module

r4188 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-14 16:42:47 +0100 (mer. 14 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

Fixed comment

r4187 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-14 16:42:14 +0100 (mer. 14 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Fixed path to sympa.pl

r4185 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-13 15:40:55 +0100 (mar. 13 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 5.3b.4 another time

r4184 | david.verdin | 2007-03-09 16:52:06 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: Error "Column count doesn't match value count at row 1" while inserting data in the logs table. Prevent integer format problems

r4183 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-05 09:15:28 +0100 (lun. 05 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

preparing 5.3a.4

r4182 | olivier.salaun | 2007-03-04 11:41:19 +0100 (dim. 04 mars 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Removed filesystem_encoding parameter from the wizard

r4180 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-26 11:34:56 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Added upgrade instructions at the end of "make install"

r4179 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-26 11:20:05 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 5.3b.4

r4178 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-23 16:43:22 +0100 (ven. 23 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: sympa.pl processes dedicated to message distribution or automatic list creation would not remove their pid file properly

r4177 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-23 11:44:45 +0100 (ven. 23 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Added log for standard bounce processing

r4176 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-23 11:40:13 +0100 (ven. 23 févr. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: increase entropy for logs table ID.
It was required to prevent "duplicate entries" errors.

r4175 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-22 11:18:48 +0100 (jeu. 22 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: allow \n for "dump" parameter, required for mutliple add

r4174 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-22 11:03:29 +0100 (jeu. 22 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/mysql_alias_manager.pl

[Bea, Cartables.net] NEw feature: added an alias_manager that is MySQL enabled.

r4173 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-21 17:50:32 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: list owner could view db logs of other lists.
Changed the feature so that only the current list logs can be viewed. Also simplified the code. Fixed the resize feature. The sortby feature is still buggy

r4172 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-19 16:26:05 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

Added sync_include after list creation/update (family context)

r4171 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-19 14:53:55 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm

Remove traces

r4170 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-19 14:38:45 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

Changes: trigger a sync_include after list creation/update
Also made list topics problems non blocking

r4169 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-19 11:28:09 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: arcsearch would crash wwsympa process if provided a search expression with both invalid expression and \n, because tools::escape_regexp() does not apply on multi-line.
Changed the allowed regexp for wwsympa incoming parameters to forbid \n in most of them.

r4168 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-08 14:19:27 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Fix: replaced the '.date' extension of backup files with '@date' to prevent problems with scenario files.

r4165 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-07 17:53:45 +0100 (mer. 07 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: set the charset to UTF-8 while attaching a header / footer

r4164 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-07 15:29:29 +0100 (mer. 07 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Homeapge files also needed to be UTF8 converted

r4162 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-07 15:04:49 +0100 (mer. 07 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fi.po

Fix: `msgid' and `msgstr' entries do not both end with '\n'

r4161 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-07 14:58:22 +0100 (mer. 07 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

preparing 5.3b.3

r4160 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-07 14:56:27 +0100 (mer. 07 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Preparing 5.3b.3

r4159 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-07 14:23:45 +0100 (mer. 07 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Updates from pootle

r4158 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-06 17:36:27 +0100 (mar. 06 févr. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Changes: extended the migration script to UTF8 for all configuration files.
filesystem_encoding parameter is no more supported.

r4153 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-05 16:42:03 +0100 (lun. 05 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4152 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-05 15:59:07 +0100 (lun. 05 févr. 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[ID 1500][S.Ikeda] Change: converting mail templates to UTF8.
The script has been integrated into Upgrade.pm and has been extended to
convert other configuration files

r4151 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-05 15:55:42 +0100 (lun. 05 févr. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Change: made UTF-8 the default charset

r4150 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-05 15:54:15 +0100 (lun. 05 févr. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/bye.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/d_reject_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/index_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/stats_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2

Change: all service messages are now UTF8
Also made the templates structure simpler

r4149 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-05 15:52:20 +0100 (lun. 05 févr. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: db_logs were expired too early (parameter expressed in days instead of

r4148 | olivier.salaun | 2007-02-05 15:50:49 +0100 (lun. 05 févr. 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: trigger sync_include before distributing a message to a list, unless
it was performed during the last 5 min.
Fix: $self->{'last_sync'} was never loaded

r4147 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-31 18:11:27 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2

[requested by C.Andrews, Boston College] Added an error message for list creation failure.
It is required when an existing listname has been used ; we cannot get the error diagnostic from admin::create_list_old() though

r4146 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-31 09:52:30 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm

Fix: wwsympa might die with error "Cannot decode string with wide characters".
Now opening archives as bytes (not utf8) to prevent decoding

r4145 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-30 17:34:10 +0100 (mar. 30 janv. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: don't redirect stderr to a file if process runs in foreground.
Also changed the owner of the ;stderr file

r4144 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-30 17:16:01 +0100 (mar. 30 janv. 2007) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm

Fix: arcsearch_id would fail on some messages.
Marc::Search expectes mhonarc to add X-Subject data to generated HTML files. Some examples were found with X-Subject value split among 2 lines.
Marc::Search::search() is now able to parse split X-Subject entries.

r4143 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-29 17:37:29 +0100 (lun. 29 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Change order

r4142 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-29 10:15:08 +0100 (lun. 29 janv. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

New feature: STDERR of daemons is redirected to a file. If process crashes,
next process started will detect the failure and send a notice to listmaster.

r4141 | serge.aumont | 2007-01-26 13:20:06 +0100 (ven. 26 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Remove scenario traces

r4140 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-26 12:05:20 +0100 (ven. 26 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: 'include' mode is now obsolete. Now performing a mapping while to 'include2' while loading the parameter.

r4139 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-26 11:55:43 +0100 (ven. 26 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: debug mode would not work with task_manager.pl, archived.pl and bounced.pl

r4138 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-26 11:48:45 +0100 (ven. 26 janv. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by F.Lachapelle] Fix: sync_include tasks were created for all lists, including those with no external data sources
The List::has_include_data_source() subroutine has been fixed to correctly check owner_include

r4137 | serge.aumont | 2007-01-24 16:14:49 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

remove authentication request for do_tag_topic_by_sender and do_request_topic, autehntication is done because of the md5 key of the message.

r4136 | serge.aumont | 2007-01-24 11:46:42 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Internal error with message that can't be parsed solved in request_topic action.

r4135 | serge.aumont | 2007-01-23 18:18:46 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

incorrect var definition (msg_topic and mederation)

r4133 | serge.aumont | 2007-01-23 17:56:33 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New value possible for msg_topic_required to adpat it both for moderated list and un moderated lists

r4132 | serge.aumont | 2007-01-23 17:52:16 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

submit form when changing a scenario name

r4130 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-23 12:13:36 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: escape_regexp would not work.
This would break arcsearch_id used in RSS context

r4129 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-22 16:13:33 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Fix: Some service messages (moderation, topics tagging and reminder) delegated by wwsympa to sympa.pl would have missing X-Sympa-From header field.
Now setting a default value for the return-path in mail.pm

r4128 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-22 16:09:39 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4127 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-22 16:09:25 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

updated POs with POT

r4126 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-22 16:09:03 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/pl.po

Merged translations with POT file

r4125 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-19 16:29:46 +0100 (ven. 19 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Added a parameter check in mail::sending()

r4124 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-19 15:15:32 +0100 (ven. 19 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/pl.po

[Lukasz Zygmanski] Updated Polish translations

r4123 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-17 17:04:35 +0100 (mer. 17 janv. 2007) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Fix: Renamed 'msg' parameter to 'msg_path' in moderate.tt2.
Take 'spool' parameter into account (for 'modindex' template) in the reformat_message() process

r4122 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-17 17:02:40 +0100 (mer. 17 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8


r4121 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-17 15:41:25 +0100 (mer. 17 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2

Fix: X-Attach header field was not set for tha message/rfc822 parts. As a result attached messages encoding was corrupted.

r4120 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-16 15:47:01 +0100 (mar. 16 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_admin.tt2

Fixed encoding, now set to utf-8

r4119 | olivier.salaun | 2007-01-15 14:26:45 +0100 (lun. 15 janv. 2007) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2

[reported by O.Lacroix] Fix type for transfert_encoding

r4117 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-29 17:19:22 +0100 (ven. 29 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4116 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-29 10:37:30 +0100 (ven. 29 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: extend tools::escape_regexp ; use it in 2 more subroutines

r4115 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-29 10:33:47 +0100 (ven. 29 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: added "use strict" to tools.pl

r4114 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 16:51:07 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Added the status of the list to the listpanel if closed or pending

r4113 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 16:11:56 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[ID 160] Fixed case

r4112 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 15:37:10 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[ID 106] Change: after unsubscription, no more bring the user back to the list page. He might not be allowed to see the info page.

r4111 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 15:10:49 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[ID 106] Change: after unsubscribing, a user is directed to the service home page (instead of the list info page)

r4110 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 15:01:37 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[ID 117][reported by M.Bernard, univ St.Etienne] Fix: user initial passwords were not crypted when subscribed by list owners. Moved encrypting logic to lower layers.

r4109 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 13:51:36 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Lock.pm

Changed debug2 log calls with debug

r4108 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 12:05:38 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Added a warning about filesystem_encoding during the upgrade process

r4107 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 11:58:57 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in


r4106 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 11:57:20 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Change: rebuilding the admin_table while upgrading  to prevent "duplicate entries" errors

r4105 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 11:34:34 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by E.Beliveau] made the user lang available in the editsubscriber page

r4104 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 10:45:02 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Use tools::escape::regexp() in do_arc_search_id()

r4103 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 10:44:27 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Also escape '*' in regexp

r4102 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-28 10:41:15 +0100 (jeu. 28 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Added '!' and '\' to escaped sequences in regexp

r4101 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-22 17:24:50 +0100 (ven. 22 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: missing '\'s ; sympa.pl would die with error "Unmatched [ in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/[ <-- HERE / at - line 4."

r4100 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-22 17:05:02 +0100 (ven. 22 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Lock.pm

[ID 435] [patch provided by Moriwaka] New feature: added support for NFS locking, using File::NFSLock perl module. A new 'lock_method' sympa.conf parameter can be set to 'nfs'.

r4099 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-22 16:03:12 +0100 (ven. 22 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Now lock 'stats' file

r4098 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-22 15:39:52 +0100 (ven. 22 déc. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/Lock.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Changes: reorganized the file locking procedures. A new perl module does the locking.
Now also perform lock on list 'config' files.

r4097 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-21 10:10:01 +0100 (jeu. 21 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/mail_tt2/Makefile
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile

[requested by S.Hornburg] Fix: Debian packaging requires that symbolic links are not absolute links because of DESTDIR use.

r4096 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-20 14:49:57 +0100 (mer. 20 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Added header fields to the urlize part

r4095 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-20 14:49:37 +0100 (mer. 20 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4094 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-19 15:17:06 +0100 (mar. 19 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2

[ID 13] no more use sympa-request reply address

r4093 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-19 11:57:00 +0100 (mar. 19 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2

[ID 444] [requested by A.Lund, Uninnett] New feature: added "toggle" button in moderation page

r4092 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-18 17:25:54 +0100 (lun. 18 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2

Better sentence

r4091 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-12 16:45:47 +0100 (mar. 12 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[G.Youger, Univ Newcastle] Fix: archive template was inappropriate for email addresses that include an apostrophe (').

r4090 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-12 14:48:46 +0100 (mar. 12 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Removed dead code (encyrpt_password() and decrypt_password() were duplicated)

r4089 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-12 14:45:50 +0100 (mar. 12 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Moved log at the right place ; about password allocation

r4088 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-12 14:29:45 +0100 (mar. 12 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Fix typo

r4087 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-12 13:43:13 +0100 (mar. 12 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/eu.po

Update, based on POT file

r4086 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-12 13:42:35 +0100 (mar. 12 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/eu.po

[Piarres Beobide]Strarting Basque translation

r4085 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-11 11:48:49 +0100 (lun. 11 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[S.Ikeda] [ID 1396] Fix: A bug relating this patch: ASCII-only subjects are unfolded then can become one long line.

r4084 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-11 11:01:40 +0100 (lun. 11 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

Updated POT file

r4083 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-11 10:50:55 +0100 (lun. 11 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[S.Ikeda] [ID 1393] Fix: added more translatable items to mhonarc-resources.tt2

r4082 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-11 10:41:08 +0100 (lun. 11 déc. 2006) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[S.Ikeda] [ID 1396] Fix: Body or subject header were occationally empty.
Reproduced by: Sympa CVS HEAD with Encode 2.08.
Not reproduced by: Sympa CVS HEAD with Encode 2.12, 2.18.

- Body of service message is removed at all when its source contains non-UTF-8-compliant sequence.
- Subject body of distributed message is removed when original subject contains unencoded non-ASCII sequence.

It may be caused by a bug in Encode module, RT#8872:

r4081 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-08 17:49:44 +0100 (ven. 08 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2

Change: moved "contact owners" link into the list_panel

r4080 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-08 15:33:37 +0100 (ven. 08 déc. 2006) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Sympa would fail encoding mail subjects that were not originaly encoded. The bug only appeared while using custom_subject.
MUA should encode mail subject but don't all do it (home-made scripts or user agents like Eudora 6). In such situations Sympa should
either leave the subject uncoded OR encode it. Encoding such header fields is not an easy job because we don't know what encoding was used
by the mail client.

r4079 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-08 15:09:39 +0100 (ven. 08 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

[O.Lacroix, Ciril] Fixed a few French typos

r4078 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-07 17:30:26 +0100 (jeu. 07 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

Fix: set SQL client preference regarding character encoding to UTF8. Otherwise we can't determine how data got from SQL is encoded.

r4075 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-07 14:28:26 +0100 (jeu. 07 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4074 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-05 13:36:19 +0100 (mar. 05 déc. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: New tools::escape_regexp() subroutine.
Now escaping topics keywords before searching messages

r4073 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-04 14:04:15 +0100 (lun. 04 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fixes: topics related, remove unuseful error logs ; contact owners if no owner was defined

r4072 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-04 13:26:16 +0100 (lun. 04 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[J.Schmalenbach, Barrett] Fix: empty 'get_subscriber' when removing a list member

r4071 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-01 15:57:57 +0100 (ven. 01 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

Fix: use filesystem_encoding when creating new list config and info files

r4070 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-01 09:31:12 +0100 (ven. 01 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_listconfig.tt2

Fix link to help/admin

r4069 | olivier.salaun | 2006-12-01 09:21:52 +0100 (ven. 01 déc. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ja.po

[S.Ikeda] Updated Japanese catalog

r4068 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-30 17:35:49 +0100 (jeu. 30 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

Updated with new date formats

r4067 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-30 17:34:17 +0100 (jeu. 30 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

Chnage: add date comment if locdt

r4066 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-30 16:51:49 +0100 (jeu. 30 nov. 2006) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[ID 1338][S.Ikeda] New feature: A new filter [%|locdt()%] is added for TT2 templates to format date/time according to language context.  It takes a format string to be gettext'ized as main argument, and an extra argument representing date/time.  MHonArc resource file
was modified so that it may generate output including this filter spec as nessessity.

Note that this spec will be available for newly-updated archives.  To apply this improvement to all past archives, it is nessessary that all archives are rebuilt.

r4065 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-30 14:10:05 +0100 (jeu. 30 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

Updated with date format entries

r4064 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-30 14:09:47 +0100 (jeu. 30 nov. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

Changes: restored collecting of date format entries
Added a developer comment about date formats for translators

r4062 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-29 17:41:34 +0100 (mer. 29 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: renamed dgettext() to sympa_dgettext() to prevent conflicts with the orignal one

r4061 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-29 17:31:48 +0100 (mer. 29 nov. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: moved calls to Encode::from_to() deaper in the subroutine to prevent unneeded calls.
Otherwise this could degrade performences

r4060 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-29 15:58:42 +0100 (mer. 29 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_faqadmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_faquser.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_introduction.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_mail_commands.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_sendmsg.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_user.tt2

Fix: recoded all files to UTF-8

r4059 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-29 14:57:22 +0100 (mer. 29 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing sympa 5.3b.1

r4058 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-29 11:42:12 +0100 (mer. 29 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm

[requested by E.Beliveau] New feature: allow folded lines in ldap filters (using '\')

r4057 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-29 11:38:58 +0100 (mer. 29 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot


r4056 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-29 11:02:39 +0100 (mer. 29 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remove_arc.tt2

Fixed typo

r4055 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-28 16:06:01 +0100 (mar. 28 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

Change: added add_expression() subroutine to ease changes of sort order in the future

r4054 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-28 14:10:51 +0100 (mar. 28 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Updated missing translations

r4053 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-28 14:06:20 +0100 (mar. 28 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2

removed isolated 'or'

r4052 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-28 14:04:45 +0100 (mar. 28 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2


r4051 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-28 13:45:29 +0100 (mar. 28 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Remove tests

r4050 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-28 11:03:32 +0100 (mar. 28 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

Missing tagged string

r4049 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-28 10:48:28 +0100 (mar. 28 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Updated POT and PO files

r4048 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-28 10:46:04 +0100 (mar. 28 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

Fix: Date formats should not be collected to build sympa.pot

r4047 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-27 17:01:19 +0100 (lun. 27 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4046 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-27 17:00:35 +0100 (lun. 27 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po

Updated POT and PO files

r4045 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-27 10:06:05 +0100 (lun. 27 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Added code to determine the current template full path in maketext()

r4044 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-24 14:25:03 +0100 (ven. 24 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Prepare code to split catalog into many (mail_user, mail_admin, web_user,web_admin,web_help)

r4043 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-24 09:40:14 +0100 (ven. 24 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

[reported by J.Schmalenbach] Fix: qualify send_notify_to_listmaster() call

r4042 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-23 17:59:34 +0100 (jeu. 23 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Change: renamed vignette ti avatar

r4041 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-23 17:04:03 +0100 (jeu. 23 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Updated French translations

r4040 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-23 15:07:27 +0100 (jeu. 23 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

Fixed a few strings

r4039 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-23 15:07:01 +0100 (jeu. 23 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: files in the msg/ spool were processed according to the file name (abbb before zbbb). now use the date as the sort criteria

r4038 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-23 09:39:47 +0100 (jeu. 23 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: call to close() from purge()

r4037 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-22 15:28:36 +0100 (mer. 22 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   D /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Change: remove Chinese/Taiwan catalog that was out of date and could not be transformed to UTF-8

r4036 | serge.aumont | 2006-11-22 15:17:20 +0100 (mer. 22 nov. 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

purge_list now try to remove aliases

r4035 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-22 15:06:35 +0100 (mer. 22 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ru.po

Merged PO filed with POT

r4034 | serge.aumont | 2006-11-22 15:02:29 +0100 (mer. 22 nov. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.pod
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

new Sympa.pl option : sympa.pl --purge_list <list>@<robot>

r4033 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-22 14:59:10 +0100 (mer. 22 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/bg.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   A /trunk/po/ru.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Updated translations from Rosetta ; added Russian and Bulgarian PO files

r4032 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-22 13:48:23 +0100 (mer. 22 nov. 2006) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/bye.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/d_reject_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/index_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/stats_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Change: no more use encoding defined in PO files to determine charset for messages.
We now use the charsets defined in Language.pm instead.
We now use [% charset %] in mail_tt2 files and &Language::GetCharset() in the code
These changes will make it easier to mode all PO files to UTF-8

r4031 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-22 13:45:40 +0100 (mer. 22 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r4030 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-22 10:28:54 +0100 (mer. 22 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2

Fix: RSS feed encoding was incorrect

r4029 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-21 17:53:57 +0100 (mar. 21 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Change: Skip transcoding if filesystem_encoding is not defined

r4028 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-21 17:53:15 +0100 (mar. 21 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Fixed incorrect d_read scenario

r4027 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-21 17:27:09 +0100 (mar. 21 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: shift all wwsympa outgoing parameters to utf8 if they were Perl unicode

r4026 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-21 15:44:20 +0100 (mar. 21 nov. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: when encoding shared filenames, tranform the qencoded strings from Unicode to uf-8.
This is required otherwise output HTML mixes encodings and breaks all encoded strings

r4025 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-21 12:01:03 +0100 (mar. 21 nov. 2006) | 26 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/topics.conf
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[ID 1271][S.Ikeda] [patch sympa-MAIN-20061118-unicode_to_utf8.patch]
Change: changes have been made to switch from Perl Unicode to UTF-8:
- read raw config files then to convert them to UTF-8.
- change Language::gettext()'s output from Unicode to UTF-8.
- remove Template::Directive::OUTPUT hack (see src/tt2.pl).
- disable PerlIO layer on wwsympa.fcgi.

- Message headers should be decoded to UTF-8 for templates.
- Following functions accept Unicode string so that they determine
  appropriate charset / encoding:
- Log content should be encoded to be filesystem encoding.
- Shared file names should be handled by UTF-8.
- Miscelaneous:
- Perl module updates (for bug fixes).
- Now topics.conf may also be encoded to UTF-8.
- HTTP Date: header should be formatted by neutral locale.
- Archive subjects had been encoded to UTF-8 by MHonArc.

Other changes :
  - Perl module updates (for bug fixes).
  - Now topics.conf may also be encoded to UTF-8.
  - HTTP Date: header should be formatted by neutral locale.
  - Archive subjects had been encoded to UTF-8 by MHonArc.

r4024 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-21 10:47:57 +0100 (mar. 21 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Fix: Incorrect handling of empty header fields, could result in duplicate header fields

r4023 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-17 11:19:07 +0100 (ven. 17 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl

[BugID 1262][O.Duval] Fix: missing sections in Binding for add, del and closeList

r4022 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-16 12:11:15 +0100 (jeu. 16 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 285][reported by M.Verove, Atos Origin]Fix: no more allow password reminder if regexp doesn't match user email

r4021 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-16 11:19:10 +0100 (jeu. 16 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: replaced install with 3 operations make, test and install

r4020 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-16 10:47:33 +0100 (jeu. 16 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Fix: inactivity_timeout was not set

r4019 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-15 14:00:29 +0100 (mer. 15 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help.tt2

Fixed buggy template (merge problem + ^M)

r4018 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-15 10:44:36 +0100 (mer. 15 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po

Based on sympa.pot

r4017 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-15 10:38:33 +0100 (mer. 15 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2

Fix: removed one [% END %]

r4016 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-14 17:47:29 +0100 (mar. 14 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2

[reported by R.Cadwell] Fix: "forgot password" and "first password" buttons were shown regardless of auth.conf

r4015 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-14 14:06:59 +0100 (mar. 14 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po

Update: revision from Jill Gemmill have been reported down to templates. en_US.po has been reset (with sympa.pot)

r4014 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-14 12:03:26 +0100 (mar. 14 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_arc.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_faqadmin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_faquser.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_introduction.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_listconfig.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_mail_commands.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_sendmsg.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_shared.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_user.tt2

[V.Paitrault, CRU] New feature: translated online user/admin help to English

r4013 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-14 12:00:03 +0100 (mar. 14 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[V.Paitrault, CRU]Fixed a few problems with CSS and online help

r4012 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-14 11:34:08 +0100 (mar. 14 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_faqadmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_faquser.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_mail_commands.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_user.tt2

[V.Paitrault, CRU] Updated online help

r4011 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-14 10:31:34 +0100 (mar. 14 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/etc/script/load_subscribers.pl
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/load_subscribers.pl

Removed obsolete script

r4010 | olivier.salaun | 2006-11-13 15:41:00 +0100 (lun. 13 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[A.Zamboni, Univ Strasbourg] Fix: sort by subscriber name failed with Pg

r4009 | serge.aumont | 2006-11-07 15:44:28 +0100 (mar. 07 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

Fix missing form input attribut 'multiple'. Because of this bug parameter digest and avalaible_user_option may habe been corrupted

r4008 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-06 14:15:35 +0100 (lun. 06 nov. 2006) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

[Soji Ikeda] Modification on xgettext.pl aims to pick up format arguments  of
gettext_strftime, a new function introduced by remainder of the
patch, and to take it into PO catalogs.  It may recognize following
patterns in Perl sources ---

    gettext_strftime "FORMAT", ARRAY...
    gettext_strftime("FORMAT", ARRAY...)

r4007 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-06 14:11:20 +0100 (lun. 06 nov. 2006) | 41 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[Soji Ikeda] Fix: Some paths of message processing in Sympa can't recognize
Unicode strings.  At least MIME::Parser::parse_data() and
Template::proccess(): these methods occationalily break
strings containing Unicode characters.

My mail_utf8 patch expects the behavior as following ---

Sub-messages to be attached (into digests, moderation
notices etc.) will passed to mail::reformat_message()
separately then attached to reformatted parent message
again.  As a result, sub-messages won't be broken.  Since
they won't cause mixture of Unicode string (parent message
generated by tt2::parse_tt2()) and byte string (sub-messages).

Note: For compatibility with old style, data passed to
mail::reformat_message() already includes sub-message(s).  Then:
- When a part has an `X-Sympa-Attach:' header field for
internal use, new style, mail::reformat_message() attaches
raw sub-message to reformatted parent message again;
- When a part doesn't have any `X-Sympa-Attach:' header
fields, sub-messages generated by [% INSERT %] directive(s)
in the template will be used.
See src/mail.pm hunk #4.

More Note: Latter behavior above will give expected result
only if contents of sub-messages are US-ASCII or ISO-8859-1.
In other cases customized templates (if any) should be
modified so that they have appropriate `X-Sympa-Attach:'
header fileds.

Sub-messages are gathered from template context paramenters.
  See src/mail.pm hunk #1.

Other trivial fixes:
  mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2 hunk #1
  src/Commands.pm: informations of list in INFO message will
be translated.
  src/mail.pm hunk #5: fallback to UTF-8 when locale of user
was not same as that of list.

r4005 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-06 11:01:45 +0100 (lun. 06 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r4004 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-06 10:59:56 +0100 (lun. 06 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

release 5.3a.10

r4003 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-06 09:47:24 +0100 (lun. 06 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Rephrased openssl documentation

r4002 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-06 09:29:06 +0100 (lun. 06 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Escape '&' first in do_arcsearch_id(), otherwise - is double-escaped

r4001 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-03 17:08:43 +0100 (ven. 03 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: arcsearch_id would fail if message-id contained '&' because mhonarc encodes it in HTML messages.

r4000 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-03 16:17:44 +0100 (ven. 03 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[S.Ikeda] Fix: strftime() accepts/returns a string encoded by charset that is determined by current system locale. Therefore date strings needed to be decoded according to current charset.

r3999 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-03 15:57:57 +0100 (ven. 03 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/report.pm

Fix: related to latest changes ; sympa.pl would die if message body is empty

r3998 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-03 15:22:48 +0100 (ven. 03 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

print error message if include_remote_file failed

r3997 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-03 15:11:25 +0100 (ven. 03 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Fix typo: == instead og eq

r3996 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-03 14:43:20 +0100 (ven. 03 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/close_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remove_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Fix: applied revisions from Jill Gemmill to templates

r3995 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-03 12:03:41 +0100 (ven. 03 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by S.Peterson] Extended available parameters for search filters

r3994 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-03 09:45:33 +0100 (ven. 03 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

finishing 5.3a.10

r3993 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-03 09:39:15 +0100 (ven. 03 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[S.Ikeda] Fix: restore FB_CROAK to preserve data if operation fails

r3992 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-02 17:28:13 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: load topics.conf using filesystem_encoding

r3991 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-02 17:25:51 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Restore previous code

r3990 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-02 17:22:12 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Change: regenerate all config.bin files while upgrading ; required for character encoding problems

r3989 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-02 15:35:59 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

New feature: arc2webarc.pl can use an input directory containing individual messages files

r3988 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-02 12:47:01 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Fix: Removed code from S.Ideka because created some encoding problems with list subjects pinted on the web interface

r3987 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-02 11:49:13 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/topics.conf

Turned topics;conf into utf-8

r3986 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-02 11:02:18 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

preparing 5.3a.10

r3985 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-02 10:42:18 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2

[S.Ikeda] Fix: made some fixes to documentation and templates :
 - TeX file: Some non-ASCII charcters and a few typos are fixed.
 - Templates: Some mail headers won't be encoded.  Translatable items are added.

r3984 | sympa-authors | 2006-11-02 09:48:52 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Added db_log for bouncing welcome

r3983 | serge.aumont | 2006-11-02 08:25:25 +0100 (jeu. 02 nov. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

better ddefinition of getUserEmailByCookieRequest parameters

r3982 | serge.aumont | 2006-10-30 15:37:20 +0100 (lun. 30 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl

Fix bug in wsdl

r3981 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-30 14:34:18 +0100 (lun. 30 oct. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm

Fix: No more decode X-Subject from web archives ; they are already decoded
WWSympa.fcgi would die with the following error : "MIME::Words: unexpected case"

r3980 | olivier.salaun | 2006-10-27 18:08:20 +0200 (ven. 27 oct. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/bye.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2

Changes: reported changes in en_US.po (updated by Jill Gemmil) to templates.
Work is half-done.

r3979 | olivier.salaun | 2006-10-27 16:44:30 +0200 (ven. 27 oct. 2006) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[S.Ikeda] Fixes: type for suggest_encoding() subroutine ; better UTF-8
management with TT2.
Patches: sympa-MAIN-20061021-mail_encoding_fix1.patch +

r3978 | olivier.salaun | 2006-10-27 16:35:47 +0200 (ven. 27 oct. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[S.Amrani, Gend. Nationale] Change: added 'automatic_listname' variable to
scenario context.

r3977 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-27 09:11:35 +0200 (ven. 27 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/check_locales.pl

Fix: missing word

r3976 | serge.aumont | 2006-10-24 10:34:18 +0200 (mar. 24 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

new soap method getUserEmailByCookie

r3975 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-24 10:05:29 +0200 (mar. 24 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fixed documentation

r3974 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-23 16:36:45 +0200 (lun. 23 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/report.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[requested by W.Howard] New feature: original_msg is now available in msg reports

r3973 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-23 13:45:17 +0200 (lun. 23 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

Add informations about the news static-sympa Alias to create

r3972 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-20 12:16:48 +0200 (ven. 20 oct. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[reported by Soji Ikeda] Fix: Japanese was incorrectly encoded in the list of languages.
Also changed the way gettext() handles parameters to prevent unwanted modifications

r3971 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-19 17:50:50 +0200 (jeu. 19 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r3970 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-19 17:18:41 +0200 (jeu. 19 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[reported by Soji Ikeda] Fix: mail_file() subroutine incorrectly detecting folded header fields.

r3969 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-19 17:11:25 +0200 (jeu. 19 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r3968 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-19 17:10:21 +0200 (jeu. 19 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

Fix: now only Q-encoding the gecos, not the To email address

r3967 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-19 17:06:57 +0200 (jeu. 19 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2

Fix: To header field now also Q-encoded

r3966 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-19 15:54:25 +0200 (jeu. 19 oct. 2006) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Fix: changed moderateur to moderateur
r3965 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-19 15:44:43 +0200 (jeu. 19 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ja.po

[Soji Ikeda] Change: PO file is now EUC-JP encoded

r3964 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-19 10:55:12 +0200 (jeu. 19 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2

Fixed typo

r3961 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-19 10:34:37 +0200 (jeu. 19 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2

[S.Amrani, Gend. Nationale] Fix typos ; related to accessibility work

r3959 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-18 12:07:46 +0200 (mer. 18 oct. 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[Soji Ikeda] Changes: Sympa now uses new Perl modules MIME::Charset and
MIME::EncWords to encode characters. These modules are alternatives for
MIME::Words with better handling of multibyte charsets.

r3958 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-18 11:29:06 +0200 (mer. 18 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: do_log() would modify parameters by reference, now using an intermediate variable to preserve original parameters from being decoded

r3957 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-18 11:23:29 +0200 (mer. 18 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po

Fixed language name

r3956 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-17 14:06:17 +0200 (mar. 17 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Added reject,quiet documentation

r3955 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-17 10:41:31 +0200 (mar. 17 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Removed fuzzy tag

r3954 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-17 09:10:19 +0200 (mar. 17 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[S.Amrani] Fixed example for automatic lists

r3952 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-16 16:36:54 +0200 (lun. 16 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2

[Reported by M.Larchet, Univ Nancy 2] Fix: subject of confirmation message was localized

r3950 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-16 16:22:33 +0200 (lun. 16 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[BugID 1102][reported by R.Roessner] Fix: sympa_wizard.pl failed because of a typo

r3949 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-16 15:29:01 +0200 (lun. 16 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2

Updated PO files

r3948 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-16 15:25:38 +0200 (lun. 16 oct. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: could not edit message.header and message.footer from the admin web interface
The tools::get_filename() sub did not return the right structure ; it should return an empty array if expected

r3947 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-16 10:41:33 +0200 (lun. 16 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Direct inclusion of the Encode module

r3946 | serge.aumont | 2006-10-13 08:15:33 +0200 (ven. 13 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

remove logs that include password !

r3945 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-12 17:15:34 +0200 (jeu. 12 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po

[J.B.Gemmill, Univ. Alabama at Birmingham] Changes: Revised version of English translations.

r3944 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-12 15:14:56 +0200 (jeu. 12 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Reported by P.Farmer] Fix: topics tagging was not proposed from the "Post" page.

r3942 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-12 14:57:06 +0200 (jeu. 12 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

insist on the new upgrade procedure

r3941 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-12 14:17:13 +0200 (jeu. 12 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

Minor fix

r3940 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-12 13:53:55 +0200 (jeu. 12 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4

Updated Makefiles

r3939 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-12 12:14:52 +0200 (jeu. 12 oct. 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: q-encoding of shared documents filenames has been fixed :
 - Encode::Guess now uses list lang
 - prevent problems with Encode (words) ; now using lower layer subroutine

r3938 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-12 11:58:32 +0200 (jeu. 12 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fixed typo

r3937 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-11 17:14:02 +0200 (mer. 11 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2

Reapply patch lost while merging Accessibility to main branch

r3936 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-10 16:51:30 +0200 (mar. 10 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm

Fix: if installing older version, nothing to do

r3935 | serge.aumont | 2006-10-10 15:43:22 +0200 (mar. 10 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl

fix wrong wsdl XML definition

r3934 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-10 14:24:19 +0200 (mar. 10 oct. 2006) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/families
   A /trunk/src/etc/families/sample-auto
   A /trunk/src/etc/families/sample-auto/config.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/families/sample-auto/param_constraint.conf
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.listmaster
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/automatic_list_creation.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa
   A /trunk/src/familyqueue.c
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[S.Amrani, Gend.Nationale] New feature: automatic list creation
This new feature allows to trigger list creation when a message is sent for the list. The set
of "possible" lists is defined by a generic mail alias and a list family. New sympa.conf parameter
include : automatic_list_feature, automatic_list_creation, automatic_list_removal,
          pidfile_creation, queueautomatic, clean_delay_queueautomatic
A new familiqueue.c binary file is provided.
The list creation job is performed by a sympa.pl process that forks.
Check the documentation for more informations.

r3929 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-06 09:46:29 +0200 (ven. 06 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 5.3a.9

r3927 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-06 09:11:31 +0200 (ven. 06 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2

Changed the bug tracking URL to a more stable URL

r3925 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-05 10:06:17 +0200 (jeu. 05 oct. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[BugID 1071][reported by F.Guilleux, CRU] Fix: response to message confirmation did not include listname.
Incorrect $which variable was used.

r3924 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-03 17:18:14 +0200 (mar. 03 oct. 2006) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[S.Amrani, Gend.Nationale] New feature: Custom scenario conditions
You can use a Perl package of your own to evaluate a custom scenario condition.
The scenario condition will look like this :
  CustomCondition::my_custom_condition([sender],[list->name],[list->total])      smtp,smime,md5    -> do_it

r3923 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-03 16:18:55 +0200 (mar. 03 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[S.Amrani, Gend. Nationale] Fix: errors were not properly raised if an error occured while performing a scenario search()

r3922 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-03 14:12:40 +0200 (mar. 03 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Added libxml 2 as a requirement for Sympa

r3920 | sympa-authors | 2006-10-03 13:14:31 +0200 (mar. 03 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[BugID 792] Fix: bug in tools.pl prevents per family customization of scenarios, mail_tt2 and web_tt2

r3917 | serge.aumont | 2006-10-02 17:36:11 +0200 (lun. 02 oct. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

fix : incorrect &doforward

r3916 | olivier.salaun | 2006-09-29 17:49:10 +0200 (ven. 29 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/Upgrade.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: sympa.pl --upgrade is now the only way to upgrade Sympa data structure

r3915 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-29 14:47:01 +0200 (ven. 29 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r3914 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-29 14:30:21 +0200 (ven. 29 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

Aded examples for family TT2 customization

r3913 | serge.aumont | 2006-09-29 11:40:23 +0200 (ven. 29 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Now bounced recognize Abuse Report Feedback format (ARF). In order to use it, you just need to create a new alias to redirect message from ARF loop (mainly AOL) to bounced according to the documentation (section bounces)

r3912 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-26 15:18:39 +0200 (mar. 26 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Completed doc

r3911 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-26 15:18:23 +0200 (mar. 26 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

Fixed the quote() subroutine

r3910 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-26 13:36:46 +0200 (mar. 26 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r3909 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-26 12:08:06 +0200 (mar. 26 sept. 2006) | 12 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[S.Amrani, Gendarmerie Nationale] New feature: SQL named filters
Listmasters can now define SQL search conditions in authorization scenarios such as :
  "search(example.sql, [sender])      smtp,smime,md5    -> do_it"
Here is the example.sql named filter :
	db_type		mysql
	db_name		people
	db_host		dbserver.rennes1.fr
	db_user		sympa
	db_passwd	pw_sympa_mysqluser
	statement	SELECT count(*) as c FROM users WHERE mail=[sender] AND EmployeeType='PROFESSOR' AND department='mathematics'

r3908 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-26 11:16:33 +0200 (mar. 26 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: 'host' robot.conf parameter was not well supported. It is now the default value for the list 'host' parameter.

r3907 | serge.aumont | 2006-09-25 16:50:16 +0200 (lun. 25 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/change_email.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/show_cert.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

**** Include work from A Brard for accessibility in dev branch . A lot of TT2 changes, may break local customization

r3901 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-20 11:56:59 +0200 (mer. 20 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: don't raise an error if no blacklist.txt file was found

r3900 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-20 11:48:44 +0200 (mer. 20 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix previous change

r3899 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-20 11:11:21 +0200 (mer. 20 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix: no $action var available because scenario is not evaluated in distribute()

r3898 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-20 10:37:11 +0200 (mer. 20 sept. 2006) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by P.Maes, Universit� Louvain] Fix: Sympa would improperly detect a loop if the same message is sent to 2 lists with same local part. Now added list robot to %msgid_table keys.
r3897 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-20 10:23:32 +0200 (mer. 20 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Datasource.pm

[S.Amrani] Complete previous patch

r3896 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-19 16:22:27 +0200 (mar. 19 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/Datasource.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/SQLSource.pm

[S.Amrani, gendarmerie Nationale] Changes: new Datasource.pm and SQLSource.pm modules that should contain all DB access subroutines. An LDAPSource.pm module should be created later.

r3895 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-19 14:52:14 +0200 (mar. 19 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Completed documentation for owner_include

r3894 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-15 17:25:57 +0200 (ven. 15 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[reported by D.Lamballais, IRISA] Fix: moderator was no more notified after message rejection

r3893 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-15 15:35:54 +0200 (ven. 15 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Complete doc related to bounce scores

r3892 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-15 15:06:56 +0200 (ven. 15 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Complete documentation about scenarios

r3889 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-14 17:51:35 +0200 (jeu. 14 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[S.Amrani, Gend. Nationale] Fix: incorrectly closed file handle

r3888 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-13 16:03:14 +0200 (mer. 13 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix previous changes

r3887 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-13 14:42:18 +0200 (mer. 13 sept. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: prevent recursive loop when DB connection failed :
db_connect > send_notify_to_listmaster > send_global_file > get_user_db > db_connect

r3886 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-11 10:29:00 +0200 (lun. 11 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Change: new "charset parameter" to mail::mail_file()

r3885 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-11 10:26:58 +0200 (lun. 11 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Added documentation about i18n

r3884 | serge.aumont | 2006-09-07 17:22:26 +0200 (jeu. 07 sept. 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

closeList as a new soap service

r3883 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-07 17:21:44 +0200 (jeu. 07 sept. 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

CloseList as a new soap service

r3882 | serge.aumont | 2006-09-06 17:14:05 +0200 (mer. 06 sept. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.8
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add documentation for soap server (list of services)

r3881 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-06 17:13:13 +0200 (mer. 06 sept. 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

New soap service : add and del

r3880 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-06 15:25:02 +0200 (mer. 06 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: renamed lists are set to pending status but listmaster was not notified

r3878 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-06 11:31:36 +0200 (mer. 06 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Preparing 5.3a.8

r3877 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-05 13:36:46 +0200 (mar. 05 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: now Q-encoding shared filenames to prevent problems with 8bit filenames. This is required because readdir does not do Unicode.

r3876 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-01 14:46:59 +0200 (ven. 01 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: check the suggested charset from Encode::Guess before decoding incoming parameters. The Encode::Guess module would sometimes gives fancy advices...

r3875 | sympa-authors | 2006-09-01 14:38:02 +0200 (ven. 01 sept. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Do not recode while saving uploaded files

r3874 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-31 14:28:17 +0200 (jeu. 31 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

[reported by R.Bourges]Fix: removing one quote

r3873 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-31 11:30:47 +0200 (jeu. 31 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: encoding problems with shared document names. Now encoding incoming parameters to filesystem_encoding when action relates to the shared. Also using Encode::Guess now.

r3872 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-30 15:34:52 +0200 (mer. 30 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: archgives attachement were no more accessible

r3871 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-30 10:58:16 +0200 (mer. 30 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: select correct encoding while loading info or homepage files.

r3870 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-30 09:23:10 +0200 (mer. 30 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: use filesystem encoding to read or write templates

r3869 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-30 09:22:33 +0200 (mer. 30 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r3868 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-29 16:24:51 +0200 (mar. 29 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: use subscriber gecos instead of user gecos when posting a message from the web

r3867 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-29 14:16:21 +0200 (mar. 29 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl

[A.Gavara, INPL Nancy] [ID 953] Fix: added missing -owner aliases ; fixed $tt2_include_path construction

r3866 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-29 13:25:36 +0200 (mar. 29 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: sort archives directories before expiring ; otherwise latest months might expire.

r3865 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-29 11:49:14 +0200 (mar. 29 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Added comment

r3864 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-29 11:07:36 +0200 (mar. 29 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl


r3863 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-28 17:48:51 +0200 (lun. 28 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[S.Amrani, Gendarmerie Nat.] Fix: typo

r3862 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-28 15:57:44 +0200 (lun. 28 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Complete doc about VERP

r3861 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-25 18:06:24 +0200 (ven. 25 août 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

[reported by D.Ghent, UMBC] [ID 927]Fix: arc2webarc.pl failed with big lists (lots of messages) because all messages were stored in memory.
Now process one log file at a time.

r3860 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-25 17:26:54 +0200 (ven. 25 août 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by S.Amrani, Gendarmerie Nat.] Fix: After editing a subscriber email, the list owner might get a "not subscribed to list" error.
The bug happened because the do_set() is used by both list members and list owners. Wwsympa now used the previous_action information to bring the user back to the right page.

r3859 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-25 17:01:31 +0200 (ven. 25 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Previous patch did not save list config

r3858 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-25 15:57:47 +0200 (ven. 25 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by M.Ward] [ID 935] Change: When renaming a list, custom_subject is not updated with the new list name

r3856 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-25 15:12:10 +0200 (ven. 25 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by P.Von Der Hagen, Karlsruhe Univ.] [ID 876] Fix:  sympa sends message "topics have changed" when owner is changed

r3854 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-25 14:06:26 +0200 (ven. 25 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2

[reported by P.Von Der Hagen, Karlsruhe Univ.] [ID 878] Fix: used incorrect variable in mail report

r3853 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-25 10:03:58 +0200 (ven. 25 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Now check if robot.conf has required read-access ; otherwise notify listmaster

r3852 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-25 09:38:52 +0200 (ven. 25 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fixed regexp for ssl_ciphers

r3851 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-25 09:11:55 +0200 (ven. 25 août 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[S.Amrani, Gendarmerie Nat.] New feature: alias management can now be disabled.
You should set the 'sendmail_aliases' parameter to 'none'

r3849 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-24 17:05:36 +0200 (jeu. 24 août 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

***** Change: config.bin files are no more used unless the new cache_list_config sympa.conf parameter
***** is set to 'binary_file'. This mode is only usefull if you manage lots of lists (1000+) to
***** have a faster startup of processes.

r3848 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-24 15:54:40 +0200 (jeu. 24 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm

Fix: open archive files as utf-8

r3847 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-23 09:30:31 +0200 (mer. 23 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Updated S/MIME documentation

r3846 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-22 11:37:40 +0200 (mar. 22 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: Prevent that 2 processes perform checks at the same time...

r3844 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-21 15:37:52 +0200 (lun. 21 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

preparing 5.3a.7

r3839 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-11 17:33:43 +0200 (ven. 11 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by O.Germes, Univ Rennes 1] Added checks to determine if a message is addressed to an unknown robot

r3838 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-11 16:41:55 +0200 (ven. 11 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

The documentation did not mention the "host" robot.conf parameter

r3837 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-11 15:28:04 +0200 (ven. 11 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Fixed filesystem_encoding param definition and created an i18n category in the wizard

r3836 | olivier.salaun | 2006-08-11 14:30:54 +0200 (ven. 11 août 2006) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

***** Changes: web pages are now utf-8 encoded, as well as mhonarc HTML
***** archives that can now mix different character sets within a single
***** web archive. Sympa now uses perl's I/O layer to encode/decode characters.
***** The web_recode_to parameter is now obsolete ; the new
***** filesystem_encoding parameter allows you defining how the configuration
***** files are encoded on disk. A new mhonarc-ressources.tt2 file is provided
***** and should replace any custom one.

r3834 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-10 11:13:22 +0200 (jeu. 10 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: make the static CSS world-readable

r3833 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-10 11:02:44 +0200 (jeu. 10 août 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: incorrect handling of css_path.
Default value would not apply ; directories would be created with wrong mode

r3832 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-10 10:33:17 +0200 (jeu. 10 août 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by S.Amrani, Gendarmerie Nat.] Fix: sympa.pl would die when processing a message for unknownlist-request.
The error message was : "Can't modify non-lvalue subroutine call"
Fixed a buggy call to chomp.

r3831 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-08 17:55:33 +0200 (mar. 08 août 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

***** Change: default for css_path is now relative to static_content_path.
***** CSS files are now AUTOMATICALLY updated by sympa.pl if a new css.tt2 has been installed.

r3830 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-08 14:07:58 +0200 (mar. 08 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_introduction.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_listconfig.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_user.tt2

[V.Paitrault, Univ Rennes 2] New feature: online user documentation has been completed

r3829 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-07 17:03:51 +0200 (lun. 07 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

[A.Brard] Fix: incorrect handling of pictures with IE. Now apply hover on the link instead of the image.

r3823 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-04 18:12:40 +0200 (ven. 04 août 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[requested by P.Farmer, ZVENO] [ID 828] Change: on OS X 10.3 scripts can't change their real UID.
Now checking that the UID change succeeded.

r3822 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-04 18:12:39 +0200 (ven. 04 août 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[requested by P.Farmer, ZVENO] [ID 828] Change: on OS X 10.3 scripts can't change their real UID.
Now checking that the UID change succeeded.

r3821 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-04 16:47:16 +0200 (ven. 04 août 2006) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[A.Bernstein] [ID 898] Fix: Numerous bugs in mhonarc-ressources.tt2 for thread view
When viewing an archive in threaded order, the first/previous/next/last buttons all return incorrectly to chronological
view.  This happens because the line in the mhonarc-ressources.tt2 that creates these buttons is an exact copy of the
one from the chronological view section, with "PREVPGLINK" and "NEXTPGLINK" instead of

r3820 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-04 16:36:54 +0200 (ven. 04 août 2006) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2

[A.Bernstein] [ID 899] Fix: Minor bugs and cosmetic improvements in archive search results
1. In the presentation of search results in the archive, the listing of parameters that was used for the search is incorrect
because of various typos in the arcsearch.tt2 file.

2. Search results are hard to read because messages blend together, so I've made minor changes (making them list elements),
and also added some linebreaks and removed some confusing feedback (the "Results" lines at the bottom).

r3819 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-04 16:22:05 +0200 (ven. 04 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2

[A.Bernstein] [ID 900] Change: Cosmetic reorganization of the archive advanced search page

r3818 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-04 16:21:20 +0200 (ven. 04 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r3817 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-04 16:04:04 +0200 (ven. 04 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix typo

r3816 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-04 09:03:14 +0200 (ven. 04 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Warn about default CSS only if css_path was defined

r3815 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-04 08:34:44 +0200 (ven. 04 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Rephrased the digest-related explanations

r3814 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-03 15:32:05 +0200 (jeu. 03 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po

Fixed charset and other metadata

r3813 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-03 14:58:28 +0200 (jeu. 03 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Added comments about the requirements on the aliases file

r3812 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-03 14:50:51 +0200 (jeu. 03 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Changed call to send_notofy_to_owner to use updated message

r3811 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-03 14:45:00 +0200 (jeu. 03 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: connection to DB would fail

r3810 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-03 14:21:01 +0200 (jeu. 03 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2

Fixed typo

r3809 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-03 11:50:09 +0200 (jeu. 03 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: incorrect calls to List::db_connect()

r3803 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-03 09:24:23 +0200 (jeu. 03 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

preparing 5.3a.5

r3802 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-03 09:24:04 +0200 (jeu. 03 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Removed logs about pictures removal

r3801 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-03 09:23:19 +0200 (jeu. 03 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2

Removed wrapping

r3800 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-02 16:34:02 +0200 (mer. 02 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2

[proposed by P.van der Hagen] Fix: wrap is non HTML-standard ; setting it to "off"

r3799 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-02 16:13:42 +0200 (mer. 02 août 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2

[reported by W.Werner, Fraunhofer] Fix: When using x509 list certificates, reply-to would be forced to list-request.
Added a reply-to header field to the send_auth.tt2 template

r3797 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-02 15:56:22 +0200 (mer. 02 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[reported by P.Bricourt, Mongueurs] Fix: still refering to idp_netimap DB field

r3796 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-02 15:55:27 +0200 (mer. 02 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[A.Bernstein] [ID 901] Change: List owners are now able to edit subscriber's visibility

r3795 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-02 12:04:29 +0200 (mer. 02 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2

[A.Bernstein] New feature: Subscribers can now edit their gecos on a list

r3794 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-02 09:48:51 +0200 (mer. 02 août 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by J.Abbott, univ Duke] Fix: sending a mail from the web archives would raise an error if the mail subject contained unusual characters.
The subject regexp has been extended.

r3793 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-01 17:51:13 +0200 (mar. 01 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

New feature: now provide archives mass-deletion also from the threaded page

r3792 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-01 16:51:23 +0200 (mar. 01 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2

[reported by P.von der Hagen, univ. Karlsruhe] Fix: removed the wrapping in textarea

r3791 | sympa-authors | 2006-08-01 15:45:14 +0200 (mar. 01 août 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[A.Bernstein] [ID 905] Change: The threaded view is more useful if you can see the date of each message in the list.  This requires both adding the date field to a few lines in mhonarc-ressources.tt2 and adding two new resources that weren't customized at all before.

r3790 | sympa-authors | 2006-07-31 15:10:45 +0200 (lun. 31 juil. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Fix: use sympa.pot as the default en_US.po

r3789 | sympa-authors | 2006-07-31 14:24:16 +0200 (lun. 31 juil. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by V.Nilsen] Fix: links to archives month from calendar were broken. Now clean up the arc_file parameter

r3788 | sympa-authors | 2006-07-31 11:07:29 +0200 (lun. 31 juil. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Use $in{'uploaded_file'} to have regexp rules applied

r3787 | sympa-authors | 2006-07-03 16:58:59 +0200 (lun. 03 juil. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2

fix a bug with blacklist

r3786 | sympa-authors | 2006-07-03 16:58:22 +0200 (lun. 03 juil. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix a bug with blacklist

r3785 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-30 17:54:54 +0200 (ven. 30 juin 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_logs_table.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/viewlogs.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Adrien Brard] New feature: DB logs
Each operations theat changes the status of messages/subscriptions/list config is now logged in a structured DB entry. Both listmasters and listowners can search this events DB using the Sympa web interface.

r3784 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-30 13:40:47 +0200 (ven. 30 juin 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: attachement were not accessible though web archives
Made the last arc_file parameter multiple (using the @ notation) and changed the associated regexp

r3783 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-30 11:48:09 +0200 (ven. 30 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_faqadmin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_faquser.tt2

Added missing FAQ web templates

r3782 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-30 11:43:20 +0200 (ven. 30 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl


r3780 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-30 11:23:35 +0200 (ven. 30 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

fix blacklist usage when first usage from moderation interface.

r3779 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-30 09:36:48 +0200 (ven. 30 juin 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: bounced.pl dies with error "undefined subroutine Auth::md5passwd()"
Renamed the subroutine md5_fingerprint and moves it to tools.pl

r3775 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-26 16:39:14 +0200 (lun. 26 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

Fixed colspan

r3774 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-26 15:50:31 +0200 (lun. 26 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/picture_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2

Added a picture upload feature to the review page

r3773 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-26 14:32:30 +0200 (lun. 26 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixed a few things related to the blacklist feature

r3772 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-26 12:01:50 +0200 (lun. 26 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/blacklist.tt2

Added missing template

r3766 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-20 17:45:18 +0200 (mar. 20 juin 2006) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes related to the new pictures feature :
- the 'pictures_feature' robot parameter is now considered a default for the list
- added the feature to appropriate list templates
- changed the order of review page columns
- documented how to setup an Alias for static_content
- added static_content path and url to the wizard

r3765 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-20 17:08:13 +0200 (mar. 20 juin 2006) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes related to the new pictures feature :
 - changed default sympa umask
 - fixed virtual robot parameter definition
 - added chmod while creating dir/files
 - changed explanation in editsubscriber page
 - translated to french

r3764 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-19 10:58:35 +0200 (lun. 19 juin 2006) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New organization of users pictures. Picturees are stores in a directory named "pictures" which is a
sub directory of 'static_contennt_path' . static_contennt_path is a parameter that can be specified
in robot.conf or sympa.conf. pictures must be served by apache under static_content_url.

Pictures can be enabled with pictures_feature parameter in robot.conf (or sympa.conf) AND list config.

r3763 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-13 17:55:22 +0200 (mar. 13 juin 2006) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Subscribers pictures feature set. Contrib from Adrien Brard.

r3762 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-13 14:17:59 +0200 (mar. 13 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_admin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_arc.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_introduction.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_listconfig.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_mail_commands.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_sendmsg.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_shared.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/fr_FR/help_user.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Virginie Paitrault, Univ. Rennes 2] New user and admin web documentation. Currently in French only.

r3761 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-09 08:58:41 +0200 (ven. 09 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix trusted_applications bug while listing robots in serveradmin page

r3759 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-08 14:45:01 +0200 (jeu. 08 juin 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: language names were incorrectly encoded in drop-down web menu. The reason is that each language name is encoded with the associated charset.
We now use the Encode module (added to the list of required modules) to decode and encode the language name

r3758 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-08 14:41:43 +0200 (jeu. 08 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r3757 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-08 14:38:56 +0200 (jeu. 08 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: changed charset for English from us-ascii to utf-8

r3755 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-07 17:36:44 +0200 (mer. 07 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: raise an error if no msgid is provided to do_send_me()

r3754 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-07 16:15:19 +0200 (mer. 07 juin 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[M.Massar, univ Kaiserslautern] New feature: Sympa is now able to get the Email in SubjAltName.
As I was not able to find the mentioned patch to mod_ssl to get SSL_CLIENT_S_EMAIL exported, I wrote another patch based on SSL_CLIENT_CERT from "SSLOptions +ExportCertData"

r3753 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-06 17:57:08 +0200 (mar. 06 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix: use a better report when a message has been confirmed

r3748 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-06 16:20:37 +0200 (mar. 06 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

Preparing a 5.3a.3 before adding trombi feature

r3747 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-06 15:51:00 +0200 (mar. 06 juin 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[reported by P.Maes, Univ. Louvain] Fix: localization failed on Solaris. The native Solaris gettext libraries failed to use the appropriate .mo file.
We're now using the "Pure Perl" implementation of gettext

r3746 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-06 11:06:49 +0200 (mar. 06 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by P.Maes, Univ. Louvain] Don't use chown user.group that fails on Solaris. Run separate chown and chgrp commands instead

r3745 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-02 16:37:20 +0200 (ven. 02 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

[reported by V. Mathieu, Univ. Nancy2] [BugID 281] Fix: now decoding and encoding SOAP data to UTF-8

r3744 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-02 14:36:17 +0200 (ven. 02 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Added mysql_socket example

r3741 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-01 15:15:56 +0200 (jeu. 01 juin 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: report an error if a subscriber email is changed and the new address is already subscribed

r3740 | sympa-authors | 2006-06-01 11:51:23 +0200 (jeu. 01 juin 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: Now blacklist is available.
Only one new parameter : use_blacklist (sympa.conf) .
Include web interface for blacklist management.

r3738 | sympa-authors | 2006-05-30 13:26:30 +0200 (mar. 30 mai 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

Preparing 5.3a.2

r3737 | sympa-authors | 2006-05-29 17:05:44 +0200 (lun. 29 mai 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by A.Bernstein] Change: now scenario rules can apply on header fields that have multiple values

r3735 | sympa-authors | 2006-05-11 16:57:10 +0200 (jeu. 11 mai 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile
   M /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/trusted_applications.conf
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

New feature: list creation via SOAP. New trusted_applications.conf file that defines the trust relationship with SOAP clients.

r3734 | sympa-authors | 2006-05-11 14:29:14 +0200 (jeu. 11 mai 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Incorrect error message

r3732 | sympa-authors | 2006-05-05 11:48:10 +0200 (ven. 05 mai 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by JM.Bourdin, IUFM Dijon] Fix: visibility authorization scenario was not evaluated to compute the "your lists" box.

r3728 | sympa-authors | 2006-05-04 16:56:05 +0200 (jeu. 04 mai 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 750]Fix: include_sql_query requests would fail with Oracle.
Apparently the ->rows() method does not return the number of rows.
We now use fetchrow_arrayref() to get rows, thus allowing to differenciate an empty field an the last row.

r3727 | sympa-authors | 2006-05-04 10:04:28 +0200 (jeu. 04 mai 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New feature: notify listmaster if upgrade procedure failed

r3726 | sympa-authors | 2006-05-02 16:13:16 +0200 (mar. 02 mai 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl

Fix: analyze the 'Original-recipient' entries of message/delivery-status MIME parts

r3724 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-20 16:27:43 +0200 (jeu. 20 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: incorrect path returned by get_template_path()

r3723 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-20 16:20:06 +0200 (jeu. 20 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2

Fix: robot templates would not be printed correctly in ls_templates

r3722 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-20 09:40:02 +0200 (jeu. 20 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[proposed by E.Hood] Fix: now using $FROMADDRNAME$@$FROMADDRDOMAIN$ instead of $FROMADDR$. See https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/index.php?func=detailitem&item_id=11759

r3721 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-19 17:01:10 +0200 (mer. 19 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Added documentation for LDAPS features

r3720 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-19 16:45:21 +0200 (mer. 19 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

[reported by C.Peck, Univ William and Mary] Fix: on Solaris, chown does not like the '.' separator

r3718 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-19 15:47:58 +0200 (mer. 19 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Small changes

r3717 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-19 15:36:38 +0200 (mer. 19 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: shortcut for css to keep css working when in maintenance mode

r3713 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-19 15:19:05 +0200 (mer. 19 avril 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/task_manager.pl
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   A /trunk/web_tt2/maintenance.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 709] Fix: prevent any process to run before data structure have been updated.
This prevents "duplicate entries error" in DB tables

r3712 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-19 10:29:31 +0200 (mer. 19 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

changed default ssl version

r3711 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-19 10:28:49 +0200 (mer. 19 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/testldap.pl

New feature: testldap made LDAPS-aware

r3710 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-18 16:52:49 +0200 (mar. 18 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

Fix: Don't show bouncing status to other members

r3709 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-18 16:31:14 +0200 (mar. 18 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Added LDAPS support to include_ldap_xx

r3708 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-14 17:09:00 +0200 (ven. 14 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Remove traces

r3707 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-14 17:05:33 +0200 (ven. 14 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: template editor for the listmaster.

r3706 | olivier.salaun | 2006-04-14 09:32:35 +0200 (ven. 14 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Working on the templates editor

r3705 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-13 16:28:16 +0200 (jeu. 13 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: hide closed lists, even to listmasters

r3704 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-13 15:19:21 +0200 (jeu. 13 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by J.Beretta, France Telecom] Fix: a renamed list would keep its previous domain name

r3703 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-13 15:02:25 +0200 (jeu. 13 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[BugID 710] Tell the quota unit

r3702 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-13 11:50:51 +0200 (jeu. 13 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fixed incorrect log while dropping indexes

r3701 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-13 11:08:18 +0200 (jeu. 13 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_2-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Sympa now check if the DBD is available ; otherwise processes would die

r3695 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-12 10:42:04 +0200 (mer. 12 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 5.2 release

r3694 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-12 10:39:16 +0200 (mer. 12 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nb_NO.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r3693 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-11 17:33:27 +0200 (mar. 11 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

Added Dkim-signature to hidden SMTP header fields

r3692 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-11 15:58:03 +0200 (mar. 11 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Fetch.pm

Fix: Added Host: HTTP header to requests in get_https() and get_https2()

r3691 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-11 15:55:17 +0200 (mar. 11 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/CAS.pm

[BugID 694] Fix: CAS ticket validation fails due to virtualhost error

r3690 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-11 15:24:43 +0200 (mar. 11 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[J.Abbott, Duke Univ] New feature: added submition date to list of pending lists

r3689 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-11 15:23:18 +0200 (mar. 11 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r3688 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-11 15:22:40 +0200 (mar. 11 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Fixed typo

r3687 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-10 18:13:20 +0200 (lun. 10 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

[C.Peck, William and Mary univ ] Fix: replaced == with =

r3686 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-10 17:54:26 +0200 (lun. 10 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fix: reverse to previous version

r3685 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-10 17:33:35 +0200 (lun. 10 avril 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: if setlocale() failed, set environment variables.
This way installing locale packages should no more be required.

r3684 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-10 16:41:29 +0200 (lun. 10 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[reported by P.Maes, Univ. Louvain] Fix: locales would not work with Solaris. Solaris requires that POSIX::setlocale() is run before Locale::Messages::textdomain() and Messages::bindtextdomain()

r3683 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-07 14:36:11 +0200 (ven. 07 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl

[reported by P.Young, Ac. Creteil] Fix: bounce-lib would not analyse correctly som kind of message/delivery-status

r3682 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-05 11:53:00 +0200 (mer. 05 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 5.2 release

r3681 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-05 11:49:06 +0200 (mer. 05 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/po/nb_NO.po


r3680 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-05 11:37:07 +0200 (mer. 05 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[BugID 499] Fix: opendir without closedir

r3679 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-05 11:10:30 +0200 (mer. 05 avril 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 482] Fix: keep track of first accessed URL in 'referer' variable.
It is then possible to bring the user back to this URL at the end of the authentication process.

r3678 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-05 10:22:32 +0200 (mer. 05 avril 2006) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa_sudo_wrapper.pl

New feature :
*****	wwsympa.fcgi can use sudo instead of setuidperl
*****	You should run 'configure --enable-secure' and
*****	use wwsympa_sudo_wrapper.pl instead of wwsympa.fcgi

r3677 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 15:26:28 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2

Added links for translating, submitting a bug

r3676 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 14:55:51 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Extended list of supported languages

r3675 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 14:40:21 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 599] Fix: anguage dropdown displays names in wrong codeset

r3674 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 14:39:47 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/et.po

Added language name

r3673 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 14:33:27 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Better fix

r3672 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 14:31:14 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 570] Fix: after logout as listmaster, the "sympa admin"-tab is still shown

r3671 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 14:24:47 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r3670 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 14:22:28 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: use referer variable to bring user back to action after login was performed

r3669 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 14:19:11 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: better handling of previous action (using referer) when login is required

r3668 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 14:17:58 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2

Fix: multipart was broken

r3667 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 10:53:32 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2

Complete the notice regarding message tagging

r3666 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 10:42:16 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Fixed typo

r3665 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-04 10:30:14 +0200 (mar. 04 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: check that authkey parameter is provided in do_request_topic()

r3664 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-03 17:54:41 +0200 (lun. 03 avril 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 602] Fix: rebuild would remove index files.
New feature: now providing the index info to web templates ; used to provide the number of messages per month in the calendar

r3663 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-03 17:49:49 +0200 (lun. 03 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: using incorrect variable would cause error "Can't call method "set_status_error_config" on unblessed reference"

r3662 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-03 17:07:56 +0200 (lun. 03 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: using |= instead of ||=

r3661 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-03 14:25:44 +0200 (lun. 03 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: no more lowercase parameter value ; could make problems with some parameters

r3660 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-03 12:06:00 +0200 (lun. 03 avril 2006) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po

Updates: updated tranlations from Rosetta [A.Lund and J.Gunnar] Added Norwegian Bokmal (nb_NO.po)
r3659 | sympa-authors | 2006-04-03 11:42:33 +0200 (lun. 03 avril 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

Change: renamed target "merge" to "check"

r3658 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-31 17:23:44 +0200 (ven. 31 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

New feature: new "merge" target

r3657 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-31 14:12:13 +0200 (ven. 31 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[reported by A.Lund, Uninett] Fix: moderator received an unwanted notification when rejecting a message

r3656 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-31 13:48:49 +0200 (ven. 31 mars 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 664] [E.Rynes, Case Western Reserve University] Fix: The get_first_admin_user subroutine in Lists.pm does not free up the DB statement handle on a failed lookup.  This causes
the database (at least when using oracle) to run out of cursors when the number of lists is high.

r3655 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-31 13:40:04 +0200 (ven. 31 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

[ID 671] incompatible was miss spelled

r3653 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-30 14:50:18 +0200 (jeu. 30 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix typo: upgrade instead of upgrate

r3652 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-30 14:49:23 +0200 (jeu. 30 mars 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: cancel previous change to reload list config for each action. This behavior would require locking of config files.
New feature: sympa.pl --reload_list_config is provided to recreate config.bin files

r3651 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-29 12:21:55 +0200 (mer. 29 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[bugID 567] Change: if 'web_recode_to' is set, decode incoming parameters from this charset to perl's internal encoding (utf-8). This is required for CJK binary strings that can't be used in perl regexp.

r3650 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-29 12:11:01 +0200 (mer. 29 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2

Fix typo

r3649 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-29 12:00:22 +0200 (mer. 29 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r3648 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-29 12:00:01 +0200 (mer. 29 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r3647 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-29 11:29:19 +0200 (mer. 29 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r3646 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-29 11:20:56 +0200 (mer. 29 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2

Change: no more provide the listmaster email address ; refer to the web site instead

r3645 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-29 09:23:28 +0200 (mer. 29 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

 remove white spaces in listmaster conf parameter

r3644 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-28 09:45:26 +0200 (mar. 28 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: made 'creation' parameter optional, for list that were created before web creation was provided

r3643 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-27 16:52:34 +0200 (lun. 27 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing Sympa 5.2b.2

r3642 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-27 10:52:11 +0200 (lun. 27 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Renamed migrate to upgrade

r3641 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 18:01:01 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Updated doc

r3640 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 18:00:31 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New --migrate feature in sympa.pl

r3639 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 17:08:38 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2

[BugID 624] Fix: dotted instead of doted

r3638 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 17:06:27 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2

Fix: don't mention unsubscription if user is included

r3637 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 17:04:24 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changed logs

r3636 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 15:53:09 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[BugID 622] [reported bby A.Lund, Uninett] Fix: only list owners and messages authors could get an archived message resent

r3635 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 15:51:55 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: send db_updated notification only if the DB was updated

r3634 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 15:22:51 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fixed typo related to previous change

r3633 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 15:20:04 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 627] Fix: Encrypted mail don't work with split certificates

r3632 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 14:51:08 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: force the config reload for the current list

r3631 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 12:30:11 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r3630 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-24 12:27:16 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by T.Boutin] Fixed a typo in a scenario

r3629 | olivier.salaun | 2006-03-24 10:41:11 +0100 (ven. 24 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

Fix: removed references to old colors ; also extended use of CSS

r3628 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-23 10:31:05 +0100 (jeu. 23 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[ID 467] Notify the main listmaster when the DB structure has been updated

r3627 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-23 10:30:34 +0100 (jeu. 23 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r3626 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-22 18:00:29 +0100 (mer. 22 mars 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Listmaster can create or edit scenario with a scope limited to a list. access tothis feature from "dump scenario" buton in edit_list_request.

r3625 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-22 17:59:50 +0100 (mer. 22 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2

[BugID 545] Fix: XML-escape wired caracters in RSS feed

r3624 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-22 17:26:33 +0100 (mer. 22 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[ID 462] Fix: tmp and subscribe spools were never cleaned

r3623 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-22 10:33:20 +0100 (mer. 22 mars 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixe bug for view scenario source (listmaster only)

r3622 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-22 09:43:17 +0100 (mer. 22 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Fixed a typo

r3621 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-21 13:43:52 +0100 (mar. 21 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Remove traces

r3620 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-21 12:36:56 +0100 (mar. 21 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[J.Abbott, Duke University] New feature: added a new 'loop_prevention_regex' parameter

r3619 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-21 10:59:04 +0100 (mar. 21 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/queue.c

Change: replaced 'unsigned char' with 'char' to prevent warnings on FC4

r3618 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-20 15:38:18 +0100 (lun. 20 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/ldap_alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[F.Lachapelle] New feature: a LDAP-enabled version of alias_manager.pl is now distributed.

r3617 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-17 18:19:35 +0100 (ven. 17 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[reported by M.Paineau] New feature: Sympa.pl is now able to create missing sympa_aliases file (as defined by 'sendmail_aliases' sympa.conf parameter)

r3616 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-17 18:15:11 +0100 (ven. 17 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[M.Bouissou] Change: extend support to clamDscan

r3615 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-17 18:11:25 +0100 (ven. 17 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[N.Duboc] Change: now preserving attachments filenames in web archives

r3614 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-17 18:03:49 +0100 (ven. 17 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by G.Younger] Fix: keep track of the previous 'arc' action when authentication is requested

r3613 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-17 14:15:29 +0100 (ven. 17 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fixe S/MIME encryption : in case sender owne 2 certificats : one for encryption, one for signature. When looking for user cert should check also certificate filename with ".enc" extention.

r3611 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-17 11:20:50 +0100 (ven. 17 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

Fix: Recent changes in the template broke most actions (del, reset)

r3610 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-15 10:23:29 +0100 (mer. 15 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in


r3609 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-15 10:19:24 +0100 (mer. 15 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing Sympa 5.2b.1

r3608 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-15 10:18:47 +0100 (mer. 15 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/nrcpt_by_domain.conf
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Complete nrcpt_by_domain documentation

r3607 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-15 10:18:10 +0100 (mer. 15 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r3606 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-14 15:53:26 +0100 (mar. 14 mars 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.2month.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.yearly.task

Change: changed the behavior of REMIND tasks.
The task is first programmed and executed later

r3605 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-14 14:52:40 +0100 (mar. 14 mars 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Task.pm

Fix: task manager would not detect existing tasks and would recreate them.
This could lead to some tasks running in loop (remind for example)

r3604 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-14 14:46:31 +0100 (mar. 14 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/subst.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/search_user.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: The "search user" feature now has its own web template. It provides more information about the searched user and the ability to remove him from the list.

r3603 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-14 14:33:38 +0100 (mar. 14 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Updated the "upgrade" chapter

r3602 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-14 13:25:23 +0100 (mar. 14 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Fixed incorrect translation

r3601 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-13 10:57:12 +0100 (lun. 13 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

****** dump button should be printed as long as review is permitted (not only for owners)

r3600 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-10 13:04:03 +0100 (ven. 10 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: new required list tasks were not created by the task_manager. This only concerns Sympa 5.2b.

r3599 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-09 10:39:27 +0100 (jeu. 09 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: no error if user did not yet provide his email address to sendpasswd

r3598 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-08 17:39:09 +0100 (mer. 08 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Dropping and recreating INDEXES and PRIMARY KEYS

r3597 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-08 16:17:55 +0100 (mer. 08 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm

Fix: check if $msg->bodyhandle is defined before calling object methods

r3596 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-08 16:17:23 +0100 (mer. 08 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm


r3595 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-08 14:38:18 +0100 (mer. 08 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: removing a message was removing the whole month.

r3594 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-07 17:35:56 +0100 (mar. 07 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: when defining per robot auth.conf files, they would not be fully partitioned

r3593 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-07 16:38:18 +0100 (mar. 07 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[BugID 600] Change: Now using the same javascript to change page size in review and reviewbouncing

r3592 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-06 17:58:25 +0100 (lun. 06 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg

[reported by A.Lund] Change: field type changed from bit(1) to smallint to prevent SQL errors while updateing tables

r3591 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-06 17:42:08 +0100 (lun. 06 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Fix: type enum() was changed to int(1)

r3590 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-03 16:48:48 +0100 (ven. 03 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

New feature: nrcpt_by_domain.conf allows to control the number of recipients per SMTP session, depending on the destination domain

r3589 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-03 16:29:08 +0100 (ven. 03 mars 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Finilized the latest generic_sso extensions

r3588 | sympa-authors | 2006-03-01 16:52:22 +0100 (mer. 01 mars 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/get_archive.tt2

Missing file in first 5.2b

r3587 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-28 18:05:31 +0100 (mar. 28 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Unused parameter has been removed

r3586 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-28 17:44:59 +0100 (mar. 28 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/sendssopasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/sso_login.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[John-Paul Robinson] New feature: When using generic_sso, Sympa is now able to verify the user's email address when it is provided by the SSO. If no email is provided, the user is asked.

r3585 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-27 12:01:39 +0100 (lun. 27 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r3584 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-27 11:50:04 +0100 (lun. 27 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/img1.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/img2.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r3583 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-27 11:49:32 +0100 (lun. 27 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: incorrect 'gettext-id' made remind_task not translatable

r3582 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-27 09:49:30 +0100 (lun. 27 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Remove %s

r3581 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-24 17:18:08 +0100 (ven. 24 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Explain the process of moving to another server

r3580 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-24 17:03:54 +0100 (ven. 24 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Added documentation for list removal

r3579 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-24 15:37:54 +0100 (ven. 24 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/task_manager.pl
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by JC Delepine] Call List::probe_db() only from sympa.pl to prevent conflicts in the DB upgrade

r3577 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-24 14:01:01 +0100 (ven. 24 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.in


r3576 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-24 14:00:54 +0100 (ven. 24 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fixed access to latest message

r3575 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-24 14:00:27 +0100 (ven. 24 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r3574 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-24 13:59:06 +0100 (ven. 24 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[ID 528] Added a "Please hit enter" notice

r3573 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-23 14:38:45 +0100 (jeu. 23 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2

Fix: set the From to the robot email address

r3571 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-13 15:29:44 +0100 (lun. 13 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

preparing 5.2b

r3570 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-10 17:44:57 +0100 (ven. 10 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 537] [A.Bernstein] Change: Don't display Subscribe/Unsubscribe for not logged-in users, if closed

r3569 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-10 16:56:56 +0100 (ven. 10 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 538] [A.Bernstein] New feature: provide a dump for searched members or bouncing members

r3568 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-10 16:32:02 +0100 (ven. 10 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: incorrect call to list->dump

r3567 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-10 14:10:47 +0100 (ven. 10 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Change: message report now points to listowner

r3566 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-10 09:37:59 +0100 (ven. 10 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: some unqualified calls to reject_report_web()

r3565 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-09 16:20:14 +0100 (jeu. 09 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/man8/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile

[proposed by JC Delepine] chown not required

r3564 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-09 16:14:57 +0100 (jeu. 09 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

Change: old customized web templates are translated but should not be used because they will not fit the new CSS/XHTML web structure

r3563 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-09 16:02:20 +0100 (jeu. 09 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[BugID 597] Fix: use LOCALEDIR var instead of DIR/locale

r3562 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-09 14:44:02 +0100 (jeu. 09 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: no more call tag_topic if no topic was selected

r3560 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-08 14:26:00 +0100 (mer. 08 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm


r3559 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-08 10:58:29 +0100 (mer. 08 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2

Fix: some strings were not localized

r3558 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-08 10:49:52 +0100 (mer. 08 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2

Fix incorrect ADD command

r3557 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-08 09:22:35 +0100 (mer. 08 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: skip month without arctxt/ dir in archives

r3556 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-07 17:47:54 +0100 (mar. 07 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Move web_archive_spam_protection to the archives group

r3555 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-07 17:37:51 +0100 (mar. 07 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: added list domain to files in auth spool

r3554 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-07 17:11:11 +0100 (mar. 07 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: removal of old subdirectories in moderation spool did not work

r3553 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-07 16:53:39 +0100 (mar. 07 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: added list domain to filenames in moderation spool

r3552 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-07 09:56:44 +0100 (mar. 07 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: now cleaning up the message-id for use with summary reception mode

r3551 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-07 09:30:21 +0100 (mar. 07 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/report.pm

Fix: keep track of action in listmaster notice

r3550 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-06 17:03:05 +0100 (lun. 06 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: changed the error message if moderation failed ; no more notify listmaster

r3549 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-06 12:14:51 +0100 (lun. 06 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: failed distributing or rejecting more than 2 messages, because only first \0 was replaced with a ','

r3548 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-03 13:37:37 +0100 (ven. 03 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: commands  starting with 'qui' would be skipped, including QUIET.

r3547 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-03 13:36:58 +0100 (ven. 03 févr. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: now add a decent Message-id to moderate messages
Also group DISTRIBUTE or REJECT commands in a single message

r3546 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-03 10:25:44 +0100 (ven. 03 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Add a log entry when strting a mail processing

r3545 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-03 09:29:30 +0100 (ven. 03 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: change \0 into ',' before logging message IDs

r3544 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-02 17:42:44 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: incorrect message ID created by wwsympa

r3542 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-02 17:04:45 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[O.Lacroix] Fix: dashless var still had the dash

r3541 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-02 15:23:31 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Added message ids to distribute and reject log entries

r3540 | sympa-authors | 2006-02-02 14:55:21 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Changed translations

r3539 | olivier.salaun | 2006-02-02 14:10:35 +0100 (jeu. 02 févr. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix a few things about the SharedDocument

r3538 | olivier.salaun | 2006-01-31 16:21:48 +0100 (mar. 31 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New feature: new --sync_include sympa.pl option

r3537 | olivier.salaun | 2006-01-31 11:08:23 +0100 (mar. 31 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Fixed escape_url %20 instead of %%20

r3536 | olivier.salaun | 2006-01-31 10:39:29 +0100 (mar. 31 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: extend filter and key_word regexp to allow \s

r3535 | olivier.salaun | 2006-01-31 09:54:37 +0100 (mar. 31 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/TODO
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix moderation problems with the new SharedDocument

r3534 | olivier.salaun | 2006-01-31 09:53:12 +0100 (mar. 31 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/img1.png
   M /trunk/doc/html/img2.png
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node28.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node29.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node30.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node31.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps

Added missing HTML

r3533 | olivier.salaun | 2006-01-30 18:06:24 +0100 (lun. 30 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/README_etc

Added READMA_etc

r3532 | olivier.salaun | 2006-01-30 18:03:48 +0100 (lun. 30 janv. 2006) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/TODO
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt
   M /trunk/subst.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes :
installing a README in etc/ directory
creating arc/ and bounce/ directories at "make install" time
Replaced "virtual robot" with "virtual host" in documentation
Added instructions after the "make install"

r3531 | olivier.salaun | 2006-01-27 15:54:23 +0100 (ven. 27 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/TODO
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

*** empty log message ***

r3529 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-27 15:45:38 +0100 (ven. 27 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/stats_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/TODO
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Updated a few translatable strings

r3528 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-27 15:45:09 +0100 (ven. 27 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r3527 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-27 15:20:00 +0100 (ven. 27 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r3526 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-27 14:59:26 +0100 (ven. 27 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Updated translations

r3525 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-26 16:09:15 +0100 (jeu. 26 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Add some translations

r3524 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-26 10:38:19 +0100 (jeu. 26 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r3523 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-26 10:37:10 +0100 (jeu. 26 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

Fix log entries

r3522 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-26 09:28:02 +0100 (jeu. 26 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Fixed typo

r3521 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-25 18:01:49 +0100 (mer. 25 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: missing parameter to update_subscriber_bounce_history()

r3520 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-25 15:54:30 +0100 (mer. 25 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2

Separate login and sso_login forms

r3519 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-25 15:53:56 +0100 (mer. 25 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r3518 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-25 15:39:25 +0100 (mer. 25 janv. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: don't set cookies while performing a RSS request
Doing so would logout the current user

r3517 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-25 13:32:50 +0100 (mer. 25 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: no more use the default robot for list domain

r3516 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-25 12:07:56 +0100 (mer. 25 janv. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: VERP bounce files where removed ; moved the unlink() back to right place
This problem obviously appeared after the VERP patch was applied

r3515 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-25 10:57:13 +0100 (mer. 25 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Added VERP log

r3514 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-25 09:02:36 +0100 (mer. 25 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Small fix

r3513 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-25 08:21:30 +0100 (mer. 25 janv. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: "Can't call method "get_list_address" on an undefined value"
Now set an intermediate variable with list_address

r3512 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 17:47:47 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix: Can't locate object method "rcheck_list_authz"

r3511 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 17:18:07 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Remove xxxxx log entry

r3510 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 17:16:49 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: use sympa version

r3509 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 17:05:01 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Move trace to debug

r3508 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 17:00:31 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: incorrect log entry

r3507 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 16:34:29 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: messages were moved to distribute spool with incorrect filename

r3506 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 16:09:45 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: sympa.pl process dedicated to messages distribution did not use the right spool

r3505 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 14:48:53 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix previous changes: send_file() had been removed

r3504 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 14:12:55 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

complete previous changes

r3503 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 14:05:41 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

New feature: support obsolete parameters

r3502 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 13:47:37 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r3501 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-24 13:47:09 +0100 (mar. 24 janv. 2006) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: Sympa is now VERP enabled ; this includes the following changes:
  * new bounce_address_subscriber DB field
  * verp_rate list and global parameter

r3496 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-23 11:46:56 +0100 (lun. 23 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt

preparing 5.2a.3

r3495 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-23 11:34:29 +0100 (lun. 23 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2

[reported by G.Bouteille] Fix: no more propose 'restore list' to list owners

r3494 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-23 10:24:15 +0100 (lun. 23 janv. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 594] Fix: if urlized file had no file extension, the attach web action failed with the following error :
"file error - attach.tt2 not found"

r3493 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-23 09:31:44 +0100 (lun. 23 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: sympa.pl was sending messages to users in reception mode 'notice' though their reception mode was not 'notice'. This bug was probably introduced with the topics features.

r3492 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 17:15:05 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2

[BugID 594] Fix typo

r3491 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 17:11:15 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: Message.pm now fill msg_as_string

r3490 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 16:56:41 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r3489 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 16:41:01 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2

Change message

r3488 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 16:33:11 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 608] Fix:  If multiple edit_list.conf files exist, the first one loaded is always used for that domain

r3487 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 16:20:46 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[BugID 114] Fix: ignore SIGPIPE, to prevent sympa.pl crash

r3486 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 15:42:30 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 539] Fix: no more show closed lists to list owners

r3485 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 15:29:03 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Added documentation for include_sql_query / db_port

r3484 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 15:03:17 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 481] Fix: prevents crash if _save_stats_file() parameter has the wrong type

r3483 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 14:22:37 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Just to check it's no more considered binary

r3482 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 14:21:56 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: removed strange character that made CVS think the script was a binary file

r3481 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 14:05:54 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Removed a duplicate unlink()

r3480 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 14:03:35 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[BugID 545] Fix: using File:Copy instead of rename() for the --keepcopy option, because the keepcopy directory might be on a different filesystem

r3479 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-20 13:44:13 +0100 (ven. 20 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fix: prevents case problem with locale names

r3478 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-19 15:31:44 +0100 (jeu. 19 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[reported by H.Brunet] Fix: apache-ssl does not set SSL_PROTOCOL env variable but SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION instead

r3477 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-18 17:56:48 +0100 (mer. 18 janv. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: now report CAS authentication failures
Also fixed a bug related to recent auth_services changes

r3475 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-13 09:09:28 +0100 (ven. 13 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: 'your_lists' was empty just after the login

r3474 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-13 09:06:57 +0100 (ven. 13 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: first step to provide per-robot auth.conf

r3473 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-11 17:50:42 +0100 (mer. 11 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt


r3471 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-09 11:41:40 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[requested by F.Jammes] Fix: in auth.conf, allow white spaces in the list of hosts

r3470 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-09 09:17:55 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[F.Jammes] Fix: wrong variable used in do_log()

r3469 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-09 08:41:16 +0100 (lun. 09 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt


r3468 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-05 17:53:25 +0100 (jeu. 05 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt

Changes: include_list parameter can now refer to list@dom. Migrating existing list using include_list. Also adapted some scenario conditions to full vrobots

r3467 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-05 15:23:29 +0100 (jeu. 05 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: now use List::get_list_id() and List::get_list_address()

r3464 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-04 14:16:30 +0100 (mer. 04 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix some vrobot-related problems

r3461 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-03 16:56:23 +0100 (mar. 03 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt


r3460 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-03 16:46:30 +0100 (mar. 03 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/Task.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Introduced a new Task.pm module

r3459 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-03 11:08:16 +0100 (mar. 03 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt

Change: renamed bounce subdirectories

r3458 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-02 16:52:28 +0100 (lun. 02 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt

Change: using robot in tmpdir

r3457 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-02 15:52:00 +0100 (lun. 02 janv. 2006) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

***** Change: changed of enum datatypes requires DB field update (2 -> 1 AND 1 -> 0)
Fix: now use lower_version() instead of higher_version() because some code could be run twice

r3456 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-02 14:37:29 +0100 (lun. 02 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix recent changes

r3455 | sympa-authors | 2006-01-02 13:58:55 +0100 (lun. 02 janv. 2006) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Fix recent changes

r3454 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-30 09:44:00 +0100 (ven. 30 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 589] Fix: restore correct get_editors_email() subroutine

r3452 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-30 09:28:23 +0100 (ven. 30 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

[BugID 591] Fix typo iun which()

r3451 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-29 14:41:02 +0100 (jeu. 29 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

More information on additional DB fields

r3450 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-29 14:20:45 +0100 (jeu. 29 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Skip CAS authentication with RSS

r3448 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-28 17:31:36 +0100 (mer. 28 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by H.Brunet] Fix: moved the RSS code before the redirect_to code to prevent CAS redirection in RSS context

r3447 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-28 13:50:56 +0100 (mer. 28 déc. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by M.Schoeb] Fix: List::has_include_data_sources() did not check owner_include and editor_include.
Therefore sync_include task might not be created.

r3444 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-27 15:08:14 +0100 (mar. 27 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Add better error log for missing bounce dir

r3443 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-27 12:26:00 +0100 (mar. 27 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: If a robot parameter is missing from the comman line, then use the 'host' parameter

r3442 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-27 11:39:12 +0100 (mar. 27 déc. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: turned the mysql subscribed and included fields into int(1) to be compatible with other RDBMS
[reported by B.Riffle] Fix: no more use quoting in SQL queries with numeric fields

r3441 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-16 10:59:44 +0100 (ven. 16 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Change: restore mysql as the default RDBMS because SQLite does not provide an ALTER TABLME feature

r3440 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-12 13:49:17 +0100 (lun. 12 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by B.Riffle] Fix: treat subscribed_subscriber DB field as a numeric

r3439 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-12 09:42:22 +0100 (lun. 12 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/TODO

List of things that should be fixed

r3438 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-12 09:40:26 +0100 (lun. 12 déc. 2005) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes for full virtual robot support :
 * replaced list-related calls to request_action() with $list->check_list_authz()
 * added the robot to taskfiles
 * new wwsympa::check_authz() to avoid duplicate code in most subroutines

r3437 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-08 16:43:00 +0100 (jeu. 08 déc. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/vrobot.txt
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: Changed output List::get_lists() type
Also made web archives full Vrobot enabled

r3436 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-08 16:39:56 +0100 (jeu. 08 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Still referred to 'include' mode

r3435 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-02 11:59:11 +0100 (ven. 02 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

*** empty log message ***

r3434 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-02 11:58:45 +0100 (ven. 02 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/vrobot.txt

Development status for full virtual robot support

r3433 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-02 10:18:16 +0100 (ven. 02 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Made CipherSaber module required

r3432 | sympa-authors | 2005-12-01 10:57:43 +0100 (jeu. 01 déc. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

fix a bug in the scenario grammar

r3431 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-25 10:34:16 +0100 (ven. 25 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by A.Lund] Typo in parameter name sendmail_aliases

r3430 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-22 17:22:22 +0100 (mar. 22 nov. 2005) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/Makefile.in
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Changes related to sympa upgrade :
  * no more saving data_structure.version if verion did not change
  * adding a log "upgrading from x to y"
  * initialize the data_structure.version file if missing

r3429 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-22 14:57:21 +0100 (mar. 22 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

Fix: remove use of 'transparent' color ; it was interpreted as dark grey

r3428 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-21 14:49:13 +0100 (lun. 21 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Fix: don't try to stop sympa-distribute if no PID was found

r3427 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-21 14:42:13 +0100 (lun. 21 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

missing word

r3425 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-15 17:57:58 +0100 (mar. 15 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New feature: added number of subscribers to log when a message is sent

r3424 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-15 16:11:26 +0100 (mar. 15 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

[reported by JP Masse] Fix: swedish catalog was not compiled

r3423 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-14 12:09:24 +0100 (lun. 14 nov. 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: tools::lock() is now able to force the lock if the blocking lock was performed more than 20 minutes ago.
The PID is now written in the lockfile.
The number of attempts to lock is now different in a web context

r3422 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-09 11:27:40 +0100 (mer. 09 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[reported by J.Beretta] Fix: the '-modifybodyaddresses' option is only available since mhonarc 2.6.0

r3419 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-09 10:47:48 +0100 (mer. 09 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[proposed by J.Abbott] A better removal notice

r3418 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-02 13:10:53 +0100 (mer. 02 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Now use web_recode_to for the RSS feed

r3417 | sympa-authors | 2005-11-02 12:03:37 +0100 (mer. 02 nov. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix RSS feed ; URL for virtual robots was incorrect

r3414 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-31 11:37:41 +0100 (lun. 31 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 194] Fixed spelling errors

r3413 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-28 16:40:15 +0200 (ven. 28 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[BugID 498] Change: 'process_bouncers' task failed if no owner could be contacted ; no more return undef

r3412 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-28 16:12:54 +0200 (ven. 28 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 528] Fix: adding a pending subscriber failed if the user gecos contained a comma (',')

r3411 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-28 11:02:53 +0200 (ven. 28 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by J.Abbott] New feature: new return_path_suffix parameter in sympa.conf

r3410 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-27 17:56:00 +0200 (jeu. 27 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fied some RSS problems

r3409 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-27 17:54:06 +0200 (jeu. 27 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Update POT and PO files

r3404 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-27 11:55:28 +0200 (jeu. 27 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: web report structure was initialized after get_parameters() was run

r3403 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-27 11:08:11 +0200 (jeu. 27 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: escape some chars in regexp

r3402 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-27 11:03:39 +0200 (jeu. 27 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/report.pm

Fix: replace use of '|' with '||'

r3401 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-27 09:30:04 +0200 (jeu. 27 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by K.Moriwaka] Fix: restricted the acceptable set of characters for search expressions

r3400 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-26 16:53:40 +0200 (mer. 26 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 526] Fix: () and [] no more allowed in search expressions

r3399 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-26 10:53:02 +0200 (mer. 26 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: get_which() for listamster returned all non-include2 lists

r3398 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-25 14:48:48 +0200 (mar. 25 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/tt2.pl
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[BugID 522] Fix: escape quotes in javascript calls

r3396 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-25 13:34:10 +0200 (mar. 25 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: never go back to the search action after a del

r3394 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-24 12:11:51 +0200 (lun. 24 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Complete documentation about list creation

r3393 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-24 11:50:24 +0200 (lun. 24 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

[G.Bouteille] Change: which SOAP subroutine result now includes lists the user is admin of

r3392 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-24 11:48:38 +0200 (lun. 24 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

[BugID 516] Fix: lists and which used domain in list address instead of host

r3389 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-21 15:38:24 +0200 (ven. 21 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Change: new config.bin

r3388 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-21 14:22:36 +0200 (ven. 21 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: force config reload after the it was edited to cleanup some empty entries

r3387 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-21 14:12:53 +0200 (ven. 21 oct. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: new empty entries were added each time the user would reload the edit_list_request page.
Now working on a copy of list config data structure

r3386 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-21 13:40:35 +0200 (ven. 21 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

New remove_empty_entries() subroutine

r3385 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-20 18:01:49 +0200 (jeu. 20 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: yourlists was never provided

r3383 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-20 14:39:04 +0200 (jeu. 20 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by P.Mounier] Fix: incorrect RSS title ; syntax error while changing parameter in rss_request

r3382 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-20 12:23:44 +0200 (jeu. 20 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: archived.pl would die with a "Modification of non-creatable array value attempted" error while creating the index file

r3379 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-20 11:49:28 +0200 (jeu. 20 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/po/Makefile
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/sv.po
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[D.Nylander] New feature: sympa translated to Swedish

r3378 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-20 09:39:17 +0200 (jeu. 20 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by D.Jahnke] New feature: 'db_port' now available in include_sql_query paragraph

r3376 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-19 17:33:05 +0200 (mer. 19 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

Renamed "Subscribers" to "Review members"

r3373 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-19 16:42:59 +0200 (mer. 19 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[reported by A.Brugalle] Add a notification when a message is moved to the distribution spool

r3372 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-19 16:42:21 +0200 (mer. 19 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r3368 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-19 15:47:36 +0200 (mer. 19 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fix: try a setlocale() with locale.charset first

r3367 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-17 14:33:15 +0200 (lun. 17 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Rename buggy archives/log. files

r3364 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-14 17:51:56 +0200 (ven. 14 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po

[M.Redinger] Updated de.po

r3362 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-11 17:09:17 +0200 (mar. 11 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix previous patch using config.bin : problems while instantiating families

r3361 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-11 13:45:17 +0200 (mar. 11 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

Fix bug reported by Matthieu.Quenez (amue.fr)

r3360 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-11 08:54:50 +0200 (mar. 11 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2

Add a "manage subscribers" button in admin sub-menu

r3359 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-07 14:45:19 +0200 (ven. 07 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

[reported by O.Lacroix] One string not translatable

r3358 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-07 14:42:28 +0200 (ven. 07 oct. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[reported by O.Lacroix] Fix: failed to setlocale on HPUX ; now trying without dashes ('-').
Also fixed the setlocale(LC_TIME)

r3357 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-06 16:35:54 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[G.Bouteille] Fix: missing 'family_closed' parameter to close()

r3356 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-06 16:33:17 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[G.Bouteille] Fix: SetLang only if lang is available

r3355 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-06 16:31:37 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Change: setlang only if lang is available

r3353 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-06 15:56:05 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

New PushLang() and PopLang() subroutines

r3352 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-06 15:55:46 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r3351 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-06 15:52:35 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Update POT and PO files

r3350 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-06 15:12:50 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2

Fix: use exceptions, in case info file does not exist

r3349 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-06 12:18:59 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix preivous patch

r3348 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-06 11:47:17 +0200 (jeu. 06 oct. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New feature: load/save a binary version of the list config file on disk. This makes the List::load() calls much faster.
This was a major problem with sites hosting thousands of mailing lists

r3347 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-05 18:04:33 +0200 (mer. 05 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2

Fix: prevents a parser failure if info file was not found

r3346 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-05 16:57:51 +0200 (mer. 05 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: optimization : skip get_which() when either in a list context or while returning CSS

r3345 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-05 13:25:19 +0200 (mer. 05 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: robot_subscriber and robot_admin Db fields need to be 'NOT NULL'

r3344 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-05 13:21:50 +0200 (mer. 05 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix list task models

r3343 | sympa-authors | 2005-10-03 10:19:53 +0200 (lun. 03 oct. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugId 510] Fix buggy return

r3342 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-30 16:58:14 +0200 (ven. 30 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

[O.Lacroix] Fix: subscriber add form was shown regardless of owner privilege

r3341 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-30 16:46:36 +0200 (ven. 30 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

[O.Lacroix] [BugId 471] Fix

r3340 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-30 16:40:32 +0200 (ven. 30 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[BugId 509] Fix: remove duplicate remove_dir() subroutine

r3339 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-30 16:10:23 +0200 (ven. 30 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

[BugId 504] Fix: LOCALDIR was hardcoded

r3338 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-30 15:49:25 +0200 (ven. 30 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[proposed by G.Crompton] Fiw problems when using Sympa in a proxy context (virtual robot selection, navigation in web archives). WWSympa now uses the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER and HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST header fields if set

r3337 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-30 10:35:28 +0200 (ven. 30 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/index.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node1.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node10.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node11.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node12.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node13.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node14.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node15.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node16.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node17.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node18.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node19.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node2.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node20.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node21.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node22.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node23.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node24.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node25.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node26.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node27.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node3.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node4.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node5.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node6.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node7.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node8.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/node9.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/sympa.ps
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/sympa.tex
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by G.Crompton] complete vrobot documentation (expl subdirectory creation)

r3336 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-23 17:39:51 +0200 (ven. 23 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[BugID 502] Fix for i18n on FreeBSD

r3335 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-22 16:04:50 +0200 (jeu. 22 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 501] Fix: if family_name was set to an unknown family, wwsympa would die with the following error msg "Can't call method "check_param_constraint" on an undefined value at /var/sympa/bin/List.pm line 1728."

r3334 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-21 16:40:50 +0200 (mer. 21 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2

Change: in a working group, d_edit is private

r3333 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-21 10:24:17 +0200 (mer. 21 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

Change: suiperl not really required

r3331 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-14 14:28:21 +0200 (mer. 14 sept. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix usage of owners as default editors.
Also fixed the get_admin_user() SQL parameters

r3330 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-14 09:48:26 +0200 (mer. 14 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

move some logs to debug

r3329 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-13 17:52:57 +0200 (mar. 13 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by P.Maes] Fix: while including users from SQL, Sympa would stop at the first NULL row. Now going though all rows

r3328 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-08 16:52:27 +0200 (jeu. 08 sept. 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/setlang.tt2

 language select form is appear when available language is only 1

Fix bug 475

r3327 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-08 16:49:21 +0200 (jeu. 08 sept. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2

limit size of URL is removed.  Fix bug #432

r3326 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-08 16:14:06 +0200 (jeu. 08 sept. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

Solve identation problem in css see bug 0000464

r3325 | sympa-authors | 2005-09-07 14:19:55 +0200 (mer. 07 sept. 2005) | 16 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Now multiple remove in archive possible.
Fix a security bug related to the control of remove_arc authorization
Remove last mail in a month directory now also remove the month
  new list parameter in section web_archive : max_month # month
  directory that sympa keep. When creating a new month in that archive,
  it may remove some old ones.
Only one copy of message for archive. No more archiving in expl/list/arc
  dirctory : mail archive command now uses web_archive. Old list parameter
  section for archive still in use for access control.


r3324 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-23 12:54:56 +0200 (mar. 23 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2

part of bug 460 correction

r3323 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-23 12:05:56 +0200 (mar. 23 août 2005) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

fix bug 463 :

mhonarc template miss forward chronological link in message view.

And in message view, [chronological] link's class is ArcMenuLinksCurrentPage. It should be ArcMenuLinks.

r3322 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-23 11:51:57 +0200 (mar. 23 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

fix bug 462 : edit_list_request.tt2 contains unneed div block for hidden params, and browser displays blank boxes for them.

r3321 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-22 10:42:48 +0200 (lun. 22 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Typo http://www.sympa.org/sympa/in-the-future.html

r3320 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-19 16:44:43 +0200 (ven. 19 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 465] Fix: "contact owners" failed if protection mode was not javascript

r3318 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-19 10:36:41 +0200 (ven. 19 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 461] Fix: List::am_i() cache control had 2 blocks which returned before updating the cache

r3316 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 17:59:00 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: add robot to filenames in 'subscribe' spool

r3315 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 17:43:29 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: robot parameter required in List::new()

r3314 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 17:29:37 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm


r3313 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 17:01:29 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: allow creation of a list with same name in a different virtual robot

r3312 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 16:02:04 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite


r3311 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 14:25:52 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

***** CHange: indexes and primary keys have changed (robot added)
***** We should DROP previous indexes and ADD new ones

r3310 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 12:24:23 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: added robot to files in digest spool

r3309 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 11:03:14 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

[BugID 458] Fixed: removed invalid "

r3308 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 10:46:24 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/Makefile.in
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

Change: do not request user interaction in important_change if DESTDIR is set

r3307 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 10:11:17 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Added Estonian to supported languages

r3306 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 10:04:40 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po

[T.Kindsigo] Updated Estonian PO file

r3305 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-18 09:34:00 +0200 (jeu. 18 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

[requested by S.Hornburg] Change: never wait for user input while building a package (DESTDIR is set)

r3304 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-17 16:55:01 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: get_which() now returns List objects.
Also fixed previous changes

r3303 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-17 15:58:04 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: added robot to %list_cache

r3302 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-17 15:47:03 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: added robot parameter to List::new() calls

r3301 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-17 15:10:16 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Change: added robot parameter to List::new()

r3300 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-17 14:47:37 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: use the list domain instead of the list 'host' parameter

r3299 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-17 13:39:52 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Change: refer to robot when required

r3297 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-17 10:53:56 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: add robot parameter to all List::new() calls

r3296 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-17 09:56:22 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: full VR

r3295 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-17 09:39:11 +0200 (mer. 17 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: _include_users_list() has a new robot parameter

r3294 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-16 17:54:31 +0200 (mar. 16 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: added $robot to some List::new()

r3293 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-16 17:45:25 +0200 (mar. 16 août 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm

Change: added $robot key to %list_of_families.
get_family_lists() now returns a set of List objects

r3292 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-16 17:25:04 +0200 (mar. 16 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

Change: renamed "Review" to "Subscribers"

r3290 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-16 13:23:30 +0200 (mar. 16 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2

Change: now show the "Moderate" button if though there is no object awaiting moderation

r3288 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-16 12:05:08 +0200 (mar. 16 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Fix: did not look for default mime.types in the right directory

r3285 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-12 17:46:18 +0200 (ven. 12 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl

Change: started to add robot parameter to all List::new() calls

r3284 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-12 17:07:26 +0200 (ven. 12 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: adapted List::rename_list_db()

r3283 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-12 16:46:56 +0200 (ven. 12 août 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: updated all SQL related subroutines to use robot_subscriber and robot_admin.
Also added code to update the DB at startup in List::maintenance()

r3282 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-12 14:16:07 +0200 (ven. 12 août 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Change: New robot_subscriber and robot_admin DB fields.
Now also check fields type with SQLite.

r3281 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-12 12:33:58 +0200 (ven. 12 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: List::get_lists() now returns List objects

r3280 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-12 12:00:26 +0200 (ven. 12 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: List::dump() is now an object method

r3279 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-12 10:48:46 +0200 (ven. 12 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: List::new() : guess the robot if none was provided

r3278 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-12 10:45:27 +0200 (ven. 12 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: Changed structure of %list_of_lists

r3277 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-11 15:33:12 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2

[BugId 437] Fix: long list info text was displayed on one long line

r3276 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-11 14:58:18 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po

[G.Hargitai] Updates for  5.1 release

r3275 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-11 14:49:48 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: If setlocale() failed, print an error

r3274 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-11 14:41:41 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Fix: With SQLite, the database is created as 'root' ; now performing a chown on it

r3273 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-11 14:27:15 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile

Hide call to subst

r3272 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-11 12:05:30 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fix: when 'web_recode_to' is set, also change the 'charset'

r3270 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-11 11:35:55 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: rename old-style templates because the HTML structure is not compliant with new ones.
Also fixed previous feature (SQlite)

r3269 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-11 10:04:41 +0200 (jeu. 11 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix: remove unknown "rss_url" parameter

r3268 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-10 17:51:45 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[M.Redinger] Fix: on Solaris, the LANGUAGE environment variable should be set

r3267 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-10 17:27:32 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po

[K.Moriwaka] Update from Rosetta

r3265 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-10 17:20:45 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.SQLite
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[Id 446] New feature: Added support for an SQlite backend.A create_db.SQLite has been added. Sympa.pl is able to automatically create the database if none exists. SQLite is now the default 'db_type' in sympa.conf (SQlite drivers include the database engine itself, therefore nothing needs to be installed).

r3263 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-10 09:26:24 +0200 (mer. 10 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po

[M.Redinger] Update for next release

r3262 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-09 11:52:43 +0200 (mar. 09 août 2005) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/archive.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/authorization_reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/bye.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/command_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/d_reject_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/index_archive.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/message_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/request_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/send_auth.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/stats_report.tt2
   D /trunk/mail_tt2/subscriber_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/user_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/which.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /trunk/po/check_locales.pl
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.public_listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.editor
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private-https
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private-https
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.identified
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   A /trunk/src/report.pm
   D /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/change_email.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/request_topic.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Moved sympa-topics branch back on the trunc.
New features :
 * Message topics : List members can subscribe to one or more predefined message topics. They will only recieve those messages that have the appropriate tag. tagging can be performed by the message sender, moderators or in an automatic way.
 * Redesigned the message distribution subroutines. The new organization is described in a new section of the reference manual entitled "Internals"
 * Reorganisation of error reports (mail and web interface) to provide more precise error notification.

r3260 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-08 17:42:40 +0200 (lun. 08 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[reportes by P.Maes & M.Redinger] Fix: POSIX::setlocale() fails on Solaris ; setting LC_MESSAGES environment variable instead

r3259 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-08 15:10:07 +0200 (lun. 08 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2

[reported by M.Redinger] complete non-i18n strings

r3258 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-08 15:01:05 +0200 (lun. 08 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

Change: removed 20px UL left margin. Did not fit menus

r3254 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-08 11:07:21 +0200 (lun. 08 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

[BugID 451] Fix: print errors to STDERR

r3253 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-08 10:46:03 +0200 (lun. 08 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[BugID 453] Fix: removed colors in the table title ; IE compatibility issue

r3252 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-08 10:28:06 +0200 (lun. 08 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

[BugId 453] Fix: IE compatibility issue

r3249 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-05 10:01:25 +0200 (ven. 05 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugId 450] Fix: get_admin_user cache could mix editor and owner

r3239 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-04 15:46:19 +0200 (jeu. 04 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Preparing 5.1b.2

r3238 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-04 15:13:59 +0200 (jeu. 04 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Change: removed colors parameters

r3237 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-04 15:09:33 +0200 (jeu. 04 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix: still some references to templates/ and wws_templates/

r3234 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-04 14:51:09 +0200 (jeu. 04 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2

[reported by W.Waisse] Fix: fixed LINK tags ; removed NOBR tags

r3233 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-04 14:34:03 +0200 (jeu. 04 août 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[D.Lamballais] Fix: missing chomp ; incorrect split on file path.
The consequence of this bug : all tasks would fail ("Error while processing task..")

r3232 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-04 12:36:55 +0200 (jeu. 04 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

Fix printf

r3229 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-04 12:20:21 +0200 (jeu. 04 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

[reported by G.Bouteille] Fix: Sympa would still create olf templates/ and wws_templates/ directories

r3228 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-04 12:19:25 +0200 (jeu. 04 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2

made title translatable

r3227 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-04 12:18:56 +0200 (jeu. 04 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

New "roles and privileges" section

r3224 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-03 11:36:14 +0200 (mer. 03 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r3223 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-03 11:36:00 +0200 (mer. 03 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Complete translations

r3222 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-03 11:03:37 +0200 (mer. 03 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

[Moni] Fixed many mistakes

r3221 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-03 10:56:03 +0200 (mer. 03 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.closed
   D /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.owner

Removed unused scenario files

r3220 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-03 10:33:01 +0200 (mer. 03 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/oc.po

[Moni] Completed Occitan translations

r3219 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-03 09:50:06 +0200 (mer. 03 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 447] [E.Rynes] Fix:  If a multivalued list parameter is set to read only, then the web pages will display an extra, empty value

r3218 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 17:48:48 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fixed load_scenario_list()

r3217 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 15:26:10 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by JH.Belpois] Fix: load subscribers in DB if changing the user_data_source from file to include2

r3216 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 14:29:58 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New feature: clean buggy list config files at startup

r3215 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 12:01:32 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Further instruction for CPAN modules install

r3214 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 11:58:08 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in

Change: default iconsdir is now /var/www/icons

r3213 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 11:21:29 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2

Change: remove "rename list" from the edit_list submenu

r3212 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 10:56:36 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: limit the SQL queries when calling get_which(). Sympa would do run am_i() on every list the user is not owner of

r3211 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 09:50:00 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

Change: 20 latest RSS entries intead of 5

r3210 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 09:42:20 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Complete previous patch

r3209 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 09:40:31 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Provided wrong RSS urls (list parameter)

r3208 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-02 09:17:23 +0200 (mar. 02 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/your_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[A.Bernstein] New feature: subscriber's groups always listed in a box. Resized the menu box (+60px) ; removed the "your subscriptions ; new your_lists.tt2 template

r3207 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 15:41:04 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2

Fix: added line break after owner/editor

r3206 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 15:39:36 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

Fix: removed duplicate 'Info'

r3205 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 15:25:37 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Updates with reception modes

r3204 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 15:17:16 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Reception modes can now be translated on the web interface

r3203 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 14:36:11 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: prevent problems (RSS) if header fields are extracted as ARRAY

r3202 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 14:08:03 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Escape <> of data inserted in RSS feed

r3201 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 12:31:45 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2

Fix: item titles were not used because they must be single-lined

r3200 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 12:31:02 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: latest_arc instead of latest_archive

r3199 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 12:20:54 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Explain what 'listmaster' is used for

r3198 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 12:18:15 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Added a warning about the long installation process

r3195 | sympa-authors | 2005-08-01 11:17:38 +0200 (lun. 01 août 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2

Fix: latest_arc instead of latest_archive

r3194 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-29 16:59:53 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/img1.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/img2.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r3193 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-29 16:55:08 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New feature: new 'digest_max_size' list parameter. If a digest exceeds this limit, then multiple messages are sent.

r3192 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-29 14:20:49 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fixed error log

r3191 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-29 09:50:56 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

[reported by L.Ghys] Fix: reference to incorrect sympa.conf parameter 'sendmail_alias'

r3190 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-29 09:31:29 +0200 (ven. 29 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

[reported by JH.Belpois] Fix: owner and subject nodes no more mandatory (while updating a family)

r3189 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 17:03:04 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

[E.Rynes] Fix:  Multiple Hardcoded regexp strings for proper list name

r3188 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 15:23:39 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po

[V.Adamec] Fix: removed nonsense

r3187 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 14:20:06 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2

Change: reordered to match the admin menu order

r3186 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 13:56:10 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify

Renamed scenarios

r3185 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 12:28:29 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

[reported by JH. Belpois] Change: owner and subject XML nodes are no more mandatory while instantiating a family

r3183 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 11:39:28 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl


r3182 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 11:30:03 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: made error messages more precise while instantiating a family

r3181 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 11:21:38 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[V.Adamek] Fix: set LC_TIME in case it was already set

r3179 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 10:03:07 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Change: while prompting the user for a missing program wait for the user to strike a key

r3178 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 10:00:41 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/img1.png
   M /trunk/doc/html/img2.png
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r3176 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-28 09:30:23 +0200 (jeu. 28 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by S.Amrani & JH.Belpois] Fix: Sympa.pl would die while instantiating families with the following error : "free(): invalid pointer". Using parse_file() instead of parse_fh() seems to fix the problem.

r3175 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-27 17:13:09 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Revert previous change

r3174 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-27 17:08:41 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl


r3173 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-27 15:16:14 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/soap/sampleClient.php
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php

Fix: wsdl URL changed

r3172 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-27 14:07:14 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po

[V.Adamec] Update

r3171 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-27 10:56:24 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: cs.po now encoded in utf-8

r3168 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-27 10:51:48 +0200 (mer. 27 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

*** empty log message ***

r3167 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-26 17:22:22 +0200 (mar. 26 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

Fix charset

r3166 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-26 10:38:48 +0200 (mar. 26 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: DBI and DBD_mysql required

r3161 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-11 16:35:36 +0200 (lun. 11 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add information for list creation and family instantiation

r3160 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-11 15:25:21 +0200 (lun. 11 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

better error message for non valid input file

r3159 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-08 12:10:18 +0200 (ven. 08 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2

Rss template bug fixed

r3156 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-07 11:39:13 +0200 (jeu. 07 juil. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/web_tt2/copy_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2

make label in form unique

r3152 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-05 15:59:46 +0200 (mar. 05 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2

remove old table style

r3151 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-05 15:39:50 +0200 (mar. 05 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

Remove durty display on move over "info"

r3150 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-05 15:31:49 +0200 (mar. 05 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2

remove old table style

r3149 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-05 15:27:04 +0200 (mar. 05 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

fix missing ;

r3148 | sympa-authors | 2005-07-04 16:59:26 +0200 (lun. 04 juil. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/el.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   A /trunk/po/pt_BR.po
   A /trunk/po/tr.po
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Added PO files for Greek, Dutch, Portuguese (Brazil) and Turkish

r3143 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-29 17:42:33 +0200 (mer. 29 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[D.Chopard-Lallier] Fixed a typo

r3142 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-29 17:33:54 +0200 (mer. 29 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[D.Chopard-Lalier] Fix for Debian

r3141 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-29 12:08:58 +0200 (mer. 29 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Turned RSS links to input fields because no web browser handles them correctly

r3140 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-29 11:31:44 +0200 (mer. 29 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

Changed the UL indent

r3139 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-29 11:24:49 +0200 (mer. 29 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

Fix: restored the RSS chanel

r3138 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-29 11:15:18 +0200 (mer. 29 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

Fix: 'unsubscribe" button was not shown to anonymous users ; restored it

r3134 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-23 15:09:53 +0200 (jeu. 23 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[D.Chopard-Lallier] Fix: suse, not suze !

r3133 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-23 13:55:45 +0200 (jeu. 23 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

added Occitan to available lang

r3132 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-23 10:28:05 +0200 (jeu. 23 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm

Fix previous changes

r3131 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-23 10:24:48 +0200 (jeu. 23 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r3130 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-23 10:22:07 +0200 (jeu. 23 juin 2005) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix a few things regarding CSS installation :
* don't try to rename the previous css if none exists
* create the containing directory if required
* set appropriate privileges on the css file
* parse the css.tt2 at the robot level if it exists
* if the css file located at css_path is not installed yet, use sympa's dynamyc css

r3129 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-22 14:56:35 +0200 (mer. 22 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2

[M. Allaya] Fixes in templates and french translations

r3125 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-22 13:09:39 +0200 (mer. 22 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/oc.po

[M. Allaya] Updated

r3124 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-21 16:11:52 +0200 (mar. 21 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[M.Redinger] Fix: missing '%s' in string

r3123 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-21 15:55:12 +0200 (mar. 21 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm

[BugId 411] Change: use File::Copy::copy instead of rename() to allow traversing filesystems

r3121 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-21 15:32:40 +0200 (mar. 21 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[S.Amrani] Fix: incorrect condition for debian and suze

r3120 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-21 14:23:16 +0200 (mar. 21 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/button_header.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_button_header.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2

Fix: remore width: 100% (compatibility issues with IE6)

r3119 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-21 13:37:52 +0200 (mar. 21 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: List::get_subscription_requests() would return undef if one request was incorrect

r3118 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-21 10:47:48 +0200 (mar. 21 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2

Fix: incorrect number of messages awaiting moderation

r3117 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-21 10:44:54 +0200 (mar. 21 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

Add missing BR

r3116 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-21 10:32:30 +0200 (mar. 21 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r3113 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-20 11:53:28 +0200 (lun. 20 juin 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2

All theses tables use now CSS and new colors

r3112 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-20 11:29:34 +0200 (lun. 20 juin 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2

make the table with ccs style

r3109 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 17:12:48 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r3108 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 17:09:26 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

quiet was not translatable

r3107 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 17:05:40 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2


r3106 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 17:01:49 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

Remove the help div

r3105 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 16:55:13 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r3104 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 16:52:50 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2

Help not translatable

r3103 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 16:49:46 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r3102 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 16:49:14 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

r3101 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 16:48:40 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

Minor change

r3100 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 16:48:21 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot

*** empty log message ***

r3099 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 16:17:48 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

remove spaces around translation

r3098 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 15:29:02 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2

Fix: moderators did not appear in the list_panel

r3097 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 11:25:11 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Update Makefile.in

r3096 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-17 11:22:46 +0200 (ven. 17 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[BugId 431] Fix: USER and GROUP was not provided to the man Makefile

r3094 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-16 17:09:44 +0200 (jeu. 16 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

New chapter: running 2 sympa versions of a single server

r3091 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-16 16:20:53 +0200 (jeu. 16 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

Fix: missing CGIDIR in documentation

r3087 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-15 17:19:39 +0200 (mer. 15 juin 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[S.Amrani] Fix: the regexp run by search_list could make wwsympa.fcgi process die ; now using eval{}
Now escaping some more dangerous caracters.

r3086 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-15 14:28:58 +0200 (mer. 15 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugId 427] [reported by K/Moriwaka] Fix: sort by age did not work properly in web archives search engine

r3084 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-15 14:01:19 +0200 (mer. 15 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix URLs to listes.cru.fr

r3083 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-15 08:28:43 +0200 (mer. 15 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2

Fix html bug that make form inoperate

r3080 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-10 15:28:03 +0200 (ven. 10 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

Fix: remove utf-8 customization because it was always applied

r3079 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-10 15:26:42 +0200 (ven. 10 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2

Fix: replaced width: 100% with width: auto for IE6's sake

r3078 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-10 15:12:03 +0200 (ven. 10 juin 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: "restore shared" pointed to the wrong URL
Added aconfirmation request before closing the shared

r3076 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-10 09:48:51 +0200 (ven. 10 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle

[E.Rynes] Restored boolean constraints

r3075 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-10 09:44:05 +0200 (ven. 10 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle

[reported by I.Vecchia] Fix: Oracle 5 does not accept number(0,1) data type

r3074 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 17:30:25 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

Fix: changed the table width from 95% to auto because of IE6 problems

r3073 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 16:04:13 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: adapt the code to Perl's strange behavior regarding undefined values and '== 0' test

r3072 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 15:40:44 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: don't init owner cache entry if function tested was privileged_owner

r3071 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 15:30:53 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix am_i(): if check privileged_owner privilege ; return 1 if listmaster

r3070 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 15:05:13 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: make explicit tests of $db_which

r3069 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 14:47:21 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: also init am_i cache if listmaster

r3068 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 14:13:54 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: on which page, admin button was not shown if user was admin and member

r3067 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 11:25:23 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/etc/topics.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/topics.conf

[M.Redinger] Translated topics to German

r3066 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 11:23:39 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

 [M.Redinger] Fix: Some strings were not tagged as translatable

r3064 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 11:18:41 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po

[M.Redinger] Updated German translations

r3063 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-09 09:43:19 +0200 (jeu. 09 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle

[reported by Emr] Fix: incorrect enum types for Oracle

r3061 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-08 17:05:57 +0200 (mer. 08 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Made the init script compatible with Debian and Suze

r3060 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-08 16:39:22 +0200 (mer. 08 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[BugID 403] Fix: made init script compatible with OS X

r3057 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-08 13:41:42 +0200 (mer. 08 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po


r3056 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-08 13:41:36 +0200 (mer. 08 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ja.po

[K.Moriwaka] Update

r3053 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-08 11:16:24 +0200 (mer. 08 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/ja.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ja.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Updated POT and PO files after xgettext.pl fix

r3052 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-08 11:11:59 +0200 (mer. 08 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

[M.Redinger]Fix: xgettext.pl did not collect all gettext_id from List.pm

r3051 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-07 18:20:48 +0200 (mar. 07 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po

[M.Redinger] UIpdated German translations

r3049 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-07 18:10:04 +0200 (mar. 07 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po

[M.Redinger] Updated German translations

r3048 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-07 09:50:28 +0200 (mar. 07 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r3047 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-07 09:50:11 +0200 (mar. 07 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/ja.po

[K.Moriwaka] Update Japonese translations

r3046 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-06 12:08:00 +0200 (lun. 06 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[M.Redinger] Updated German translations

r3042 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-06 11:15:52 +0200 (lun. 06 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[K.Moriwaka] New translation to Japonese

r3038 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-06 10:41:21 +0200 (lun. 06 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/ja.po

[K.Moriwaka] New translation to Japonese

r3037 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-03 16:56:31 +0200 (ven. 03 juin 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

not a complete update. online editor template style incomplete now recognize lang subdirectories.

r3034 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-02 15:14:20 +0200 (jeu. 02 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

Fix: replace error_color with color_7

r3033 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-02 11:42:12 +0200 (jeu. 02 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: logo_html_definition variable was not available in templates

r3032 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-02 11:22:41 +0200 (jeu. 02 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: logo_html_definition parameter was not allowed at the site level

r3031 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-02 10:50:31 +0200 (jeu. 02 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Complete previous fix

r3030 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-02 10:45:38 +0200 (jeu. 02 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: css_url was not correctly initialize at a robot level

r3029 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-02 10:13:06 +0200 (jeu. 02 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Minor fix

r3028 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-01 17:26:47 +0200 (mer. 01 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

use << < > >> for first previous next and last button

r3027 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-01 16:39:43 +0200 (mer. 01 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

discution sur thread

r3026 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-01 16:26:36 +0200 (mer. 01 juin 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

fix color_1 bug in Conf.pm

r3025 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-01 15:59:25 +0200 (mer. 01 juin 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

 defaut for css_url fixed

r3024 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-01 14:02:27 +0200 (mer. 01 juin 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2

Now recognize nomenu var in main template

r3022 | sympa-authors | 2005-06-01 11:06:40 +0200 (mer. 01 juin 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2

[G. Bouteille] Add header fields top templates

r3020 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-31 14:41:37 +0200 (mar. 31 mai 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2

remove crasy help alternative text from list_menu

r3019 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-31 14:14:39 +0200 (mar. 31 mai 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

fix bug about rss prefix

r3018 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-31 13:42:22 +0200 (mar. 31 mai 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/rss_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

a new page rss_request in order to introduce RSS services.

r3017 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-30 16:20:21 +0200 (lun. 30 mai 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

escape < and > for view_topics

r3016 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-30 12:12:45 +0200 (lun. 30 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi

[S.Amrani] Fix: replace hard-coded path to Sympa libdir

r3015 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-30 11:47:39 +0200 (lun. 30 mai 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

implementing remove_template

r3008 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-27 16:26:06 +0200 (ven. 27 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 418] Fix:  Ldap search return code was not examined in _include_users_ldap()

r3007 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-27 14:08:59 +0200 (ven. 27 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: $rss variable was not reinitialized if in POST context. Wwsympa could provide RSS content instead of HTML content

r3006 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-27 14:06:35 +0200 (ven. 27 mai 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Now running List::get_which() at wwsympa startup to initialize %List::list_cache.
This prevents subsequent SQL queries in List::am_i() and List::is_user()

r3005 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-27 14:04:19 +0200 (ven. 27 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r2999 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-26 14:20:47 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/ls_templates.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

templates editor system (need action remove and an entry in sympa admin)

r2998 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-26 10:53:10 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by S.Amrani] Fix: for every web request, wwsympa was running List::probe_db() that performs a database structure checkup. Now using a lighter subroutine

r2997 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-26 10:02:32 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 406] Changes: wrapping lines to 80 characters when posting from the web interface.
Also moved the ^M removal to get_parameters()

r2996 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-26 09:57:56 +0200 (jeu. 26 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: check if no null while doing a ALTER TABLE

r2993 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-25 16:11:20 +0200 (mer. 25 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[requested by K.Moriwaka] Add utf-8 encoding options

r2991 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-25 11:59:30 +0200 (mer. 25 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/mail.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

[BugID 415) [Moriwaka] Fix: incorrect parameters to encode_mimewords() ; Sympa previously encoded every string in iso-8859-1

r2990 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-25 11:41:16 +0200 (mer. 25 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[valinux] Fix typo

r2989 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-24 17:27:39 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2

Fix: Missing [%|loc%]

r2988 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-24 17:17:37 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fix: Remove code required for a previous xgettext bug

r2987 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-24 16:51:31 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r2986 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-24 16:37:20 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2

[M. Allaya] Fixes

r2983 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-24 16:04:32 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   A /trunk/wwsympa/SharedDocument.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New SharedDocument.pm module to clean the shared documents code. Only used in new_d_read() now

r2982 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-24 16:03:39 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New update_db_field_types parameter to disable automatic DB changes

r2981 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-24 16:02:35 +0200 (mar. 24 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Extend dump_var()

r2976 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-23 18:03:21 +0200 (lun. 23 mai 2005) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   A /trunk/web_tt2/edit_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

first step for a template editor (action ls_templates and edit_template)

r2975 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-23 11:24:01 +0200 (lun. 23 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/oc.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[M. Allaya] New feature: first version of Sympa in Occitan

r2973 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-20 11:34:47 +0200 (ven. 20 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/img1.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/img2.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Doc related to the new update_db_field_types parameter

r2972 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-20 11:05:13 +0200 (ven. 20 mai 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Changes: Add doc to trigger Sympa authentication from another web app.
Also fixed previous changes

r2971 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-19 17:57:19 +0200 (jeu. 19 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po

Fix: remove \r characters

r2970 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-19 17:42:43 +0200 (jeu. 19 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po

fixes (\n and \r)

r2969 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-19 17:33:23 +0200 (jeu. 19 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/de.po

[W. Werner] Update:

r2966 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-18 15:38:35 +0200 (mer. 18 mai 2005) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2

In list menu :

Replace email from each owner/editor by gecos or local part of email.

Add a mailto to listname-request

r2965 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-18 14:44:46 +0200 (mer. 18 mai 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

introduce log_html_definition parameter

r2963 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-17 10:52:08 +0200 (mar. 17 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile

[reported by S.Amrani] Fix umask while installing man pages ; also reorganized Makefiles

r2962 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-13 17:38:49 +0200 (ven. 13 mai 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2

esthic changes for the pleasure of Olivier and Guenaelle

r2959 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-13 16:35:04 +0200 (ven. 13 mai 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/change_email.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2

adding class="MainMenuLinks" for all input type="submit"

r2958 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-13 11:56:27 +0200 (ven. 13 mai 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

list adresse and title now always on top of right side (not anymore on left side)

r2957 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-13 11:42:34 +0200 (ven. 13 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 393 & 409] Fix: adding custom_subject would break subject encoding

r2956 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-12 15:06:17 +0200 (jeu. 12 mai 2005) | 11 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

List.pm : new procedure get_subscription_request_count return the number of pending subscription

d_control.tt2, d_properties.tt2, d_read.tt2 : remove old crasy table

list_admin_menu.tt2 : sub-sub-menu for edit-list now in left layer
                      introduction of the Moderate sub menu

modindex.tt2 : change the table look according to other tables in Sympa

r2954 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-10 17:35:59 +0200 (mar. 10 mai 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

on change submit for page size

r2953 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-10 16:54:25 +0200 (mar. 10 mai 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2

Home : remove table
archive : make search menu width smaller

r2952 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-10 11:12:52 +0200 (mar. 10 mai 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2

show admin menu only in action admin

r2949 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-10 09:36:03 +0200 (mar. 10 mai 2005) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2

-Better position for button in archives
-suboption and setlang now conform (checked with w3c validator)
-preferences and your subscription now in login_menu

r2948 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-09 10:33:22 +0200 (lun. 09 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po

Fix headers

r2947 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-04 14:39:32 +0200 (mer. 04 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by S.Lalonde] Fix: regexp for email was too restrictive, not allowing uid

r2946 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-04 14:08:36 +0200 (mer. 04 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

New feature: add sanity check of incoming email address

r2945 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-04 09:11:13 +0200 (mer. 04 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2

[reported by O.Archer] some MUA require an empty line after mailto: URLs

r2943 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-03 17:53:46 +0200 (mar. 03 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/cs.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/de.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/en_US.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/es.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/et.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/fi.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/fr.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/hu.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/it.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/nl.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/pl.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/pt.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/ro.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/sympa.pot
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/zh_CN.po
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Fix: update incorrect strings in PO files ; mainly ending \n to remove in translations

r2942 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-03 17:37:39 +0200 (mar. 03 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

Fix: some multi-line strings were not properly added to sympa.pot. Therefore these translations were not available.

r2941 | sympa-authors | 2005-05-03 12:08:24 +0200 (mar. 03 mai 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: create sympa_dump files (when incorrect parameter format) in Sympa's own tmp dir instead of /tmp

r2940 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-29 17:04:36 +0200 (ven. 29 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Minor fix

r2936 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-29 17:00:27 +0200 (ven. 29 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/dump_scenario.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/list_admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/list_panel.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/setlang.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/skinsedit.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Update with CSS changes

r2935 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-28 08:19:51 +0200 (jeu. 28 avril 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

remove all reference to "cursor" to leave browser default in action.
except "cursor help".

r2929 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-26 14:40:57 +0200 (mar. 26 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

Fix: CAS authentication was not able to use ldap_bind_dn and ldap_bind_password

r2928 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-26 11:53:07 +0200 (mar. 26 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-5_0-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 402] [J.Dalbec] Fix: Sympa did not report failed LDAP binds

r2927 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-26 11:34:37 +0200 (mar. 26 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: try performing different setlocale() with $lang and with $locale.charset

r2926 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-26 11:33:11 +0200 (mar. 26 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: revert previous changes

r2925 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-26 11:15:09 +0200 (mar. 26 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r2916 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-22 10:38:28 +0200 (ven. 22 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 400] Fix: error mesage would be printed if user previously failed to login (previous_action problem)

r2914 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-21 12:09:34 +0200 (jeu. 21 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Users could set empty passwords (\s+)

r2912 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-20 17:18:48 +0200 (mer. 20 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/doc/html/img1.png
   M /trunk/doc/html/img2.png
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Update documentation and other files

r2911 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-20 16:59:55 +0200 (mer. 20 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 5.0

r2910 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-20 16:19:58 +0200 (mer. 20 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: made the "Failed to setlocale" error more explicit

r2907 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-20 16:18:21 +0200 (mer. 20 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/check_locales.pl

New feature: added a check of available locales (usefull for Debian) at make time

r2899 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-18 12:01:02 +0200 (lun. 18 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[reported by A.Bernstein] Fix: 'comma-separated' instead of 'colon-separated'

r2888 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-05 09:41:10 +0200 (mar. 05 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Precise log for distribute and reject

r2885 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-04 12:02:42 +0200 (lun. 04 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 5.0

r2884 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-04 11:19:33 +0200 (lun. 04 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2

[reported by P.Chevalier] Fix: failed to parse default welcome.tt2 if info file was not found

r2883 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-01 15:10:43 +0200 (ven. 01 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Fix typo

r2882 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-01 14:33:03 +0200 (ven. 01 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: related to previous fix

r2881 | sympa-authors | 2005-04-01 14:29:53 +0200 (ven. 01 avril 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by P.Young] Fix: add_user() failed if one entry could not be added. Replaced 'return undef' with 'next'

r2880 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-31 14:32:04 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[proposed by S.Ducoulombier] Change: base URL for viewmod and archives now uses the wwsympa_url parameter

r2879 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-31 11:04:34 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: sync_include tasks were removed just after they were created

r2878 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-31 10:58:56 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: skip empty parameters

r2877 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-31 09:58:02 +0200 (jeu. 31 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi

Fix previous change

r2875 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-30 16:14:19 +0200 (mer. 30 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi


r2874 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-30 16:12:49 +0200 (mer. 30 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: previous changes : probe_db MUST be run before defaults are defined because of user_data_source

r2872 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-30 14:00:26 +0200 (mer. 30 mars 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes : daemons should not start if database is not available.
Admin hash used to be undef if database was not available ; changed this behavior.
If list status is set to error_config, no more save the config to preserve list config file

r2871 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-30 10:54:07 +0200 (mer. 30 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

check family_name with defined (prevents entry to be created)

r2868 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-30 09:19:32 +0200 (mer. 30 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

Add more info about auth.conf changes

r2863 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-23 14:15:43 +0100 (mer. 23 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r2862 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-23 14:07:25 +0100 (mer. 23 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Use a standard error code

r2861 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-23 13:58:53 +0100 (mer. 23 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2


r2860 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-23 13:34:10 +0100 (mer. 23 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Update POT

r2856 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-21 11:11:36 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: Add a log entry when running a task ; do not execute a task if the associated parameter is no more defined

r2855 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-21 09:23:53 +0100 (lun. 21 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2

Change: most of service messages no more refer to user password

r2853 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-18 11:00:31 +0100 (ven. 18 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2

Change: document description is now a textarea

r2852 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-18 09:53:02 +0100 (ven. 18 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix; Check 'size' type in review ; prevent division by zero

r2850 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-17 10:23:54 +0100 (jeu. 17 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Allow web message composition, even for moderated lists

r2846 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-16 13:18:30 +0100 (mer. 16 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 394] Sympa died while calling MIME::Entity::remove_sig()

r2844 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-16 09:41:00 +0100 (mer. 16 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

Fix: missing %

r2835 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-15 11:08:36 +0100 (mar. 15 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Preparing Sympa 5.0b.2

r2834 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-15 11:08:16 +0100 (mar. 15 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2

[G.Hargitai] Update missing error and notice messages

r2833 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-15 10:32:55 +0100 (mar. 15 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/find_missing_messages.pl


r2831 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-14 12:07:20 +0100 (lun. 14 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Update PO and POT

r2830 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-14 11:53:50 +0100 (lun. 14 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/img1.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/img2.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node25.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node26.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node27.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r2829 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-14 10:38:51 +0100 (lun. 14 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

[BugID388] Made 'quiet' string translateable

r2828 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-11 17:55:01 +0100 (ven. 11 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 391]: Fix: wwsympa did not rise an error if user provided no password at login

r2827 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-11 16:11:20 +0100 (ven. 11 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: define the localedir before doig setlocale()

r2822 | sympa-authors | 2005-03-08 14:12:50 +0100 (mar. 08 mars 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/auth.conf

Fix exemple with eppn

r2817 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-28 14:34:56 +0100 (lun. 28 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/hu.po

[G.Hargitai] Update translations

r2816 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-28 14:04:54 +0100 (lun. 28 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/sample/auth.conf

Remove duplicate

r2815 | serge.aumont | 2005-02-23 10:16:52 +0100 (mer. 23 févr. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2

first CSS version

r2812 | serge.aumont | 2005-02-23 10:16:06 +0100 (mer. 23 févr. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/javascript.tt2

Header section javascript templete

r2809 | serge.aumont | 2005-02-23 10:15:11 +0100 (mer. 23 févr. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/css.tt2

cacading style sheet template

r2806 | serge.aumont | 2005-02-23 10:14:19 +0100 (mer. 23 févr. 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/login_menu.tt2

Template for login panel.

r2805 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 17:35:39 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2


r2804 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 17:35:11 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

RSS-related update

r2803 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 17:35:00 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Update RSS-related translations

r2802 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 17:28:17 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

Fix: allow dashes in [% END %] tags

r2801 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 17:12:58 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2

Fix previous changes

r2800 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 17:02:59 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[G.Bouteille] Changes: RSS related :
	* fixed various encoding problems
	* added a link, refering to RSS chanels, in HTML pages

r2799 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 16:02:57 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/img1.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/img1.png
   M /trunk/doc/html/img2.old
   M /trunk/doc/html/img2.png
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r2798 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 16:02:40 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix most broken '--'

r2797 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 14:44:41 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

update pot and po files

r2796 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 14:44:08 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r2795 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-16 14:19:29 +0100 (mer. 16 févr. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

[reported by M.Charlot] Fix: an additional \n was added to multiline entries.
These translations could not be used (not matched by gettext())

r2791 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-11 13:40:02 +0100 (ven. 11 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: allow comment.tt2 file (create_list context) be localized

r2790 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-11 12:04:18 +0100 (ven. 11 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[L.Kirsher] Change: Domainkey-signature is not printed in archives (too long)

r2789 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-10 16:45:39 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Update PO and POT files

r2788 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-10 15:57:56 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 299] Add number of messages awaiting moderation in moderate.tt2

r2787 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-10 15:44:34 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by H.Gabor]Change: Add message sender (msg_from) to the subject of the default moderate.tt2 template

r2786 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-10 15:43:35 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r2785 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-10 15:26:50 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Update POT and PO files

r2784 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-10 15:20:04 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

[reported by H.Gabor]Fix: translations in create_list templates were not collected

r2783 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-10 15:13:38 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2

[reported by H.Gabor]Fix: Help string was not tagged as translatable

r2782 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-10 15:13:05 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by H.Gabor] Fix: missing gettext_id entries

r2781 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-10 14:59:31 +0100 (jeu. 10 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by H.Gabor] Missing gettext_id for f_dir

r2778 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-08 14:05:14 +0100 (mar. 08 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: return to the get_pending_list page when a list has been installed

r2777 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-08 14:00:56 +0100 (mar. 08 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix previous changes

r2776 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-08 13:57:52 +0100 (mar. 08 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

Fix: remove the nowrap that could make the list menu use too much space

r2775 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-08 12:03:54 +0100 (mar. 08 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: when a list has been installed, go back to the get_pending_list page

r2774 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-07 14:53:33 +0100 (lun. 07 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2

[BugID 375] Fix: some input maxlength were too short

r2771 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-01 14:15:51 +0100 (mar. 01 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[reported by S.Ruberti] [BugID373] Fix: the task_manager created dummy remind tasks

r2770 | sympa-authors | 2005-02-01 14:13:12 +0100 (mar. 01 févr. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r2769 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-31 18:47:38 +0100 (lun. 31 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: search() subroutine is not restricted to LDAP filters

r2768 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-31 14:02:18 +0100 (lun. 31 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile
   M /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile

[C.Orteu]Fix: remove incorrect 'cd tt2' commands

r2767 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-28 10:41:45 +0100 (ven. 28 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm


r2766 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-27 14:20:14 +0100 (jeu. 27 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Fix: list of supported languages is reduced

r2765 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-27 12:05:31 +0100 (jeu. 27 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2

[D.Chopard-Lallier] Fix: missing ';'

r2762 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-27 11:02:40 +0100 (jeu. 27 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: command detection in messages failed

r2761 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-27 11:02:04 +0100 (jeu. 27 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: command detection in messages failed

r2759 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-26 17:13:20 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_button_header.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[P.Levesque]Changes: finish the xhtml compliance work

r2758 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-26 15:50:29 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Fix: changes to get mhonarc version

r2757 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-26 15:09:33 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: vars in notification from fatal_err() were not instanciated

r2756 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-26 14:59:14 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: Could not create tmp directory for antivirus if already exists

r2755 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-26 11:28:11 +0100 (mer. 26 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

[P.Haldane] Fix: typo for shared_doc.quota and web_archive.quota

r2754 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-24 09:42:51 +0100 (lun. 24 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 369] [A.Bernstein]: Change: check 'send' scenario to determine if 'Post' button is shown

r2753 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-24 09:09:55 +0100 (lun. 24 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Change default remind behavior because the remind task should be fixed

r2752 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-21 17:35:44 +0100 (ven. 21 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Fix: problem with RedHat ES and Archive:Zip

r2751 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-21 14:50:06 +0100 (ven. 21 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fix previous changes

r2750 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-21 13:49:34 +0100 (ven. 21 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fix previous changes

r2749 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-21 13:30:43 +0100 (ven. 21 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/queue.c

[M.Schulze] Fix: fix vulnerability to a buffer overflow. This could potentially lead to the execution of arbitrary code under the sympa user id.

r2748 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-21 12:14:29 +0100 (ven. 21 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: Allow '%' chars to be escaped in templates : %%

r2747 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-21 11:21:54 +0100 (ven. 21 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: remind messages (automatically sent by the task_manager) did not use appropriate variables (because current robot was not given)

r2746 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-19 14:42:27 +0100 (mer. 19 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

New default_remin_task parameter

r2745 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-19 14:34:32 +0100 (mer. 19 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: ste a default value for the remind_task list parameter

r2744 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-19 09:19:18 +0100 (mer. 19 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: incorrect syntax parameter for edit_list multiple parameters

r2743 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-17 12:13:21 +0100 (lun. 17 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Change: Remove all previously generated files when rebuilding web archives. Attachments used to be duplicated...

r2742 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-14 15:04:58 +0100 (ven. 14 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix previous changes

r2741 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-14 14:56:20 +0100 (ven. 14 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: urlize and attach function were not fully working

r2740 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-12 13:10:05 +0100 (mer. 12 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Allow '/' for topics

r2739 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-12 10:27:21 +0100 (mer. 12 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Reactivate syntaxic checks

r2737 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-12 09:36:06 +0100 (mer. 12 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r2736 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-12 09:35:07 +0100 (mer. 12 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: comment syntaxic checks

r2735 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-12 09:24:51 +0100 (mer. 12 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Allow ',gecos' in opending_email parameter

r2734 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 16:59:33 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: more simple regexp

r2733 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 16:37:18 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: allow uppercase for listnames

r2732 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 12:01:58 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing Sympa 5.0b.1

r2731 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 11:27:39 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: allow '\' in uploaded_file var

r2730 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 11:15:14 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: daemon_mode variable was not accessible from within Commands.pm.
Bug description : moderated / confirmed messages were moved to 'distribute' spool though 'distribution_mode' sympa.conf parameter was not set to 'fork'

r2729 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 10:23:08 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix 'to' regexp

r2728 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 10:19:53 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: incorrect regexp for 'to'

r2727 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 09:53:15 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: renamed parameter of arcsearch_id from 'key_word' to 'msgid'

r2726 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 09:41:59 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: allow '$' for message IDs

r2725 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-11 09:34:01 +0100 (mar. 11 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: missing regexp for 'uploaded_file'

r2724 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-10 15:46:31 +0100 (lun. 10 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: multiline search in incoming parameters

r2723 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-10 15:13:45 +0100 (lun. 10 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixed 'to' regexp

r2722 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-10 15:09:00 +0100 (lun. 10 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixed parameter checking

r2720 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-10 13:26:06 +0100 (lun. 10 janv. 2005) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

[P.Levesque]Changes: complete XHTML compliance work :
    - missing gettext tags
    - added <label> tags to forms
    - cosmetic adjustment of the Pref page
    - alignment and label tags added to the edit_list page
    - 'alt' tags replaced with 'title' tags when appropriate

r2719 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-10 12:17:51 +0100 (lun. 10 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

Fix: htmlize text/plain messages in archives, otherwise <> chars are not correctly printed

r2718 | serge.aumont | 2005-01-10 11:11:47 +0100 (lun. 10 janv. 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

fixe a bug where default deamon_usage never send message

r2717 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-10 11:07:22 +0100 (lun. 10 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: perform security checks on incoming parameters syntax

r2716 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-07 15:35:22 +0100 (ven. 07 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[H.Gabor] Fix: Postgresql does not support && and || ; replaced them with OR and AND

r2715 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-07 11:12:42 +0100 (ven. 07 janv. 2005) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Changes : 	* no more encode subject in smtp::sendto() because subject was not decoded
	  	* store decoded subject and charset in Message.pm
		* DoCommand parameter in now a Message object

r2714 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-06 15:40:11 +0100 (jeu. 06 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

Add keepspace to text/plain filter args

r2713 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-06 10:32:25 +0100 (jeu. 06 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_button_footer.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_button_header.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/login.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remove_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/show_cert.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewbounce.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2

[P.Levesque] made Sympa XHTML compliant

r2712 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-06 10:22:22 +0100 (jeu. 06 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS


r2711 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-05 17:37:41 +0100 (mer. 05 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: use tools::lock() and tools::unlock() for include_admin

r2710 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-05 17:03:51 +0100 (mer. 05 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

New feature: Upgrade chapter added

r2709 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-05 12:17:29 +0100 (mer. 05 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Remove previous HTML files

r2707 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-05 10:30:21 +0100 (mer. 05 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r2706 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-04 17:45:26 +0100 (mar. 04 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix previous changes

r2705 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-04 17:32:59 +0100 (mar. 04 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: remove HTML files before rebuilding archives

r2704 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-04 11:37:58 +0100 (mar. 04 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 5.0b

r2703 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-03 17:51:31 +0100 (lun. 03 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: web pages can be recoded to utf-8 (web_recode_to parameter) ; default is to use each language native charset (iso-xxx)

r2702 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-03 17:19:11 +0100 (lun. 03 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

Fix: really comment Mhonarc tag

r2701 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-03 15:41:54 +0100 (lun. 03 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: web pages are now converted to UTF-8

r2700 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-03 14:39:11 +0100 (lun. 03 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

Chqnge: decode message header fields

r2699 | sympa-authors | 2005-01-03 14:07:45 +0100 (lun. 03 janv. 2005) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: Remove .mhonarc.lck if required

r2698 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-20 10:23:55 +0100 (lun. 20 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix a bug while removing .mhonarc.db file

r2697 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-16 09:55:23 +0100 (jeu. 16 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Restore usefull line

r2696 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-16 09:30:56 +0100 (jeu. 16 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Remove unusefull line

r2695 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-16 09:28:51 +0100 (jeu. 16 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: latest-arc failed

r2694 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-15 17:30:26 +0100 (mer. 15 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: Newer version of MIME::Base64 required by MIME::Words

r2693 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 17:20:47 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Update POT ; sync PO with POT

r2692 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 17:00:34 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2


r2691 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 16:31:50 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Decode From field

r2690 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 16:21:02 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: decode subject header field

r2689 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 16:13:58 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2

Add documentation for RSS

r2688 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 16:05:14 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Update translations

r2687 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 15:59:09 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2


r2686 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 15:57:32 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2


r2685 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 15:53:30 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Updat POT ; sync PO files

r2684 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 15:21:17 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/time_utils.pl
   A /trunk/web_tt2/active_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/latest_arc.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/latest_d_read.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/latest_lists.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/rss.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[G.Bouteille] New feature: RSS channels are providing the following features :
	* latest messages in list archives
	* latest documents in web repository
	* latest created mailing lists
	* most active mailing lists

r2683 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 14:50:11 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r2682 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 14:44:41 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2


r2681 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 14:34:37 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: could not create URL in subdirectories

r2680 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 14:34:02 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r2679 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 12:05:14 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2


r2678 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-14 11:37:11 +0100 (mar. 14 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: now using a MD5 hash (based on cookie+listname) to set tags ion mhonarc-ressources

r2676 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 16:27:02 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 5.0a.1

r2675 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 15:29:35 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Add a sleep between stop and start

r2674 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 15:19:50 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Minor fix

r2673 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 14:27:38 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: mysqld needed to be reloaded after GRANT was run

r2672 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 12:21:27 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Chqnge: default wwsympa_url is set to /sympa (instead of /wws)

r2671 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 12:05:34 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

Update installation instructions

r2670 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 11:21:10 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2


r2669 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 11:06:22 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: auto-install mhonarc

r2668 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 10:35:49 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2


r2667 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-13 10:32:21 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Allow caching for archives (should prevent gfoogle looping in archives)

r2666 | serge.aumont | 2004-12-13 10:32:21 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private-https

new scenario thatrequire user x509 authentication

r2665 | serge.aumont | 2004-12-13 10:30:30 +0100 (lun. 13 déc. 2004) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private-https

New scenario that require X509 user authentication

r2664 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 17:03:35 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[BugID 343] Fixed documentation

r2663 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 16:48:04 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 346]Fix: hide passwords in the edit_list web form

r2662 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 16:16:43 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/queue.c

[BugID 347]Fix: queue.c and bouncequeue.c did not compile on HP-UX

r2661 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 15:55:59 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[BugID 351]Fix: 'db_env' was stored internally in the wrong format

r2660 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 15:42:58 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/help.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[O.Lacroix]New 'listmaster_email' and 'bounce_email_prefix' parameters in sympa.conf

r2659 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 14:27:18 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[R.Weeber] Add information about editor versus editorkey scenario actions

r2658 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 14:11:19 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[reported by S.Balmos] Fix: 'purge_orphan_bounces' task failed (and was reprogrammed) when no list exist

r2657 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 12:07:27 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Prevent errors if sync_include_admin() was tried on a non 'include2' list

r2656 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 12:04:31 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/d_properties.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[G.Bouteille] New features:
	+ New expert/user modes in the document repository
	+ Allow upload and unzipping of a ZIP file in the document repository

r2655 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 10:23:03 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.generic


r2654 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 09:49:51 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[M.Peltier] Add subtitle if defined in HTML TITLE

r2653 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-10 09:02:59 +0100 (ven. 10 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Remove some xxx trace :-)

r2652 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-09 15:10:25 +0100 (jeu. 09 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Add a Date: HTTP header field telling the mast update time of the HTML archive file (should prevent google looping in web archives)

r2651 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-09 14:33:49 +0100 (jeu. 09 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Added [%sender%] to mail templates

r2650 | serge.aumont | 2004-12-09 14:24:03 +0100 (jeu. 09 déc. 2004) | 16 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

New mode with two processus one dedicated for messages one dedicated for commands
 At start : use --service process_message to process only distribution
                --service process_command to process only command

 In sympa.conf : distribution_mode fork to make symap.pl fork and run two daemon.
                 distribution_mode single (default) to run as previous version.

This mode requiert more computer ressources but provide better priiority handling
and faster answer to commands.

Internal : new spool distribute where sympa distribute message with asking for
more auth nor editor validation.

r2649 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-09 13:38:42 +0100 (jeu. 09 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[M.PELTIER][BugID 354]Change: Added a noparse html tag ; page substitle is the archive message subject

r2648 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-09 13:02:27 +0100 (jeu. 09 déc. 2004) | 13 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[M.Peltier] [BugID 353]  mhonarc resources improvement (used TSLICE instead of Ref and Followup, HTML 4 conformance, ...) :
 Please find enclosed a patch for mhonarc-ressources.tt2 file made from revision 1.5 (dev CVS 2004/12/6).

- code cleaning
- fixed some HTML 4 conformance bugs
- fixed some presentation inconsistencies
- used TSLICE instead of "Reference and followup" at the end of message that is much more intuitive in my opinion.
- do not display the following message header: thread-*, User-agent, references, reply-to, User-agent, Mail-followup-to

See also:

r2647 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-09 11:18:43 +0100 (jeu. 09 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2


r2646 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-09 10:27:25 +0100 (jeu. 09 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm

Fix: failed to create lists with topic/subtopic

r2645 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-07 17:26:49 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r2644 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-07 17:26:27 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r2643 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-07 17:01:32 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2


r2642 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-07 16:31:51 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/hu.po

Sunc with POT file

r2641 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-07 16:31:23 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/hu.po

[H.Gabor] Updated

r2640 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-07 16:30:22 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Sync PO files with POT file

r2639 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-07 16:28:03 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot


r2638 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-07 16:21:38 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: addressmodify code passed as an argument because $AddressModify .mhonarc.db var was used inbstead of M2H_ADDRESSMODIFYCODE env var

r2637 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-07 10:04:17 +0100 (mar. 07 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r2635 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-06 12:12:43 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/NEWS


r2634 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-06 12:12:23 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

Fix: would prompt all historical changes if previous version was not found in NEWS

r2633 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-06 11:54:13 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Require XML-LibXML perl module

r2632 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-06 11:03:18 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing sympa 5.0a

r2631 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-06 11:01:25 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Change: remove .mhonarc/db before rebuilding archives

r2630 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-06 08:37:48 +0100 (lun. 06 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Fix 'subscribtion' typo

r2629 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-02 15:14:21 +0100 (jeu. 02 déc. 2004) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[G. Bouteille] Changes: some XML entries become optional
New feature: added 'source-parameters' entry in owner_include and editor_include parameters to include variables in data sources

r2628 | sympa-authors | 2004-12-02 11:05:16 +0100 (jeu. 02 déc. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Change: time is used as variable elements in tags to prevent message contents to be parsed

r2626 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-22 13:13:01 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: datasources did not appear after a search ; now use a common subroutine

r2624 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-22 10:54:17 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix: 'SIG *' failed ; only unsubscribed from the first list

r2623 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-22 10:12:43 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: failed saving config if list was not loaded in %list_of_lists

r2622 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-22 09:31:33 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix previous change

r2621 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-22 09:09:26 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: task_manager would die while running purge_user_table() if no editor/owner existed for the list (Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference)

r2620 | serge.aumont | 2004-11-22 08:48:23 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2004) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

New sympa.conf parameter : sendmail_aliases

r2619 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-22 08:28:33 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: lists in error_config status would return undef

r2618 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-22 08:27:53 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix SIG *

r2617 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-22 08:19:20 +0100 (lun. 22 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r2616 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-18 15:37:03 +0100 (jeu. 18 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[O.Lacroix] Change: notify listmasters of list creation/rejection

r2615 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-18 11:25:01 +0100 (jeu. 18 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[G. Donnini] Update of Italian translations

r2613 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-09 15:13:40 +0100 (mar. 09 nov. 2004) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Fix: replace attributes_user type from 'text' to 'varchar(255)'; could make an "out of memory problem"
Also uncommented admin_table creation

r2612 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-09 09:27:49 +0100 (mar. 09 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm


r2611 | sympa-authors | 2004-11-09 09:26:25 +0100 (mar. 09 nov. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New parameter --input_file

r2610 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-26 16:25:24 +0200 (mar. 26 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Config_XML.pm
   M /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[G. Bouteille]New feature: add features to families (--add_list, --modify_list, close_family)

r2609 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-26 14:58:15 +0200 (mar. 26 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

Fix: missing carriage returns

r2608 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-25 14:13:52 +0200 (lun. 25 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

[reported by J.Melot]Fix: in French 'Archives' is only used in the plural form

r2607 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-25 12:42:00 +0200 (lun. 25 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tt2

Fix: chomp lines

r2606 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-25 12:21:42 +0200 (lun. 25 oct. 2004) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/subscriber_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   A /trunk/src/Config_XML.pm
   A /trunk/src/Family.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/admin.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/review_family.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[G. Bouteille] New feature: 1st version of list families. List families make it possible to automatically create a set of mailing lists that share a common configuration template,
 a set of constraints, templates and authZ scenarios. Family instantiation requires an XML document that defines mailing lists.

r2605 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-25 12:21:33 +0200 (lun. 25 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2


r2604 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-25 12:19:17 +0200 (lun. 25 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/AUTHORS
   M /trunk/COPYING
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/KNOWNBUGS
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/README
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/config.guess
   M /trunk/config.sub
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/install-sh
   M /trunk/missing
   M /trunk/mkinstalldirs
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/subst.pl

[G. Bouteille] New feature : 1st version of list families. List families allow to automatically create a set a list that share common config templates, constraints, templates, authZ scenarios. Family instantiation requires an XML document that defines the mailing lists.

r2603 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-25 12:11:27 +0200 (lun. 25 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/AUTHORS
   M /trunk/COPYING
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/KNOWNBUGS
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/README
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/config.guess
   M /trunk/config.sub
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/install-sh
   M /trunk/missing
   M /trunk/mkinstalldirs
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/subst.pl

Force updates

r2602 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-25 12:05:40 +0200 (lun. 25 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

Reverse previous changes

r2601 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-18 11:24:28 +0200 (lun. 18 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: run a sync_include_admin at list creation time

r2600 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-15 11:57:56 +0200 (ven. 15 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2

Fix: incorrect TT2 directives

r2599 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-15 11:55:04 +0200 (ven. 15 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2


r2598 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-13 16:29:45 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2

[O.Lacroix] Fix: data source admin menu was restricted to listmasters

r2597 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-13 16:27:44 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Fix: Lang was not set correctly before parsing a template

r2595 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-13 14:52:23 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[G.Bouteille] Fix: check if $user is defined first. Otherwise wwsympa would create loops

r2594 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-13 14:04:42 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: lower case admin email addresses

r2593 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-13 12:23:22 +0200 (mer. 13 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: duplicate topics on the front page while changing the language

r2592 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-12 17:40:47 +0200 (mar. 12 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm


r2591 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-12 17:36:48 +0200 (mar. 12 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Fix: require LWP instead LWP::Agent

r2590 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-12 17:30:50 +0200 (mar. 12 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

preparing sympa 4.2b.5

r2589 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-12 17:24:24 +0200 (mar. 12 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[G.Bouteille]New feature: owners and moderators can be extracted from an external datasource. Data sources are gathered in a new 'data_sources' directory. Sympa manages a cache of data in a new 'admin_table' database table.

r2588 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-12 14:08:03 +0200 (mar. 12 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

Added include_remote_file

r2587 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-11 15:01:55 +0200 (lun. 11 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: prevent upload if no file was selected

r2586 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-11 13:27:29 +0200 (lun. 11 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: extend the generic_sso feature ; Sympa is now able to retrieve the user email address in a LDAP directory

r2585 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-11 10:40:22 +0200 (lun. 11 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

[reported by F.Fareneau] Fix: CAS login failed on the SOAP interface if robot was not the default one

r2584 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-08 16:53:14 +0200 (ven. 08 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/AuthN.pm
   A /trunk/src/Fetch.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Change: rename AuthN.pm to Fetch.pm

r2583 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-08 15:31:43 +0200 (ven. 08 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/AuthN.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

New feature: new include_remote_file list parameter

r2582 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-08 11:38:15 +0200 (ven. 08 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/AuthN.pm
   D /trunk/src/X509.pm

Change: X509 module renamed

r2581 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-07 10:50:43 +0200 (jeu. 07 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change log level

r2580 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-07 10:42:12 +0200 (jeu. 07 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/web_tt2/d_upload.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: upload of an existing file failed

r2579 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-06 10:54:25 +0200 (mer. 06 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Fix: typo

r2578 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-06 10:51:21 +0200 (mer. 06 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2

Fix: "shared web" was not localized

r2577 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-05 11:05:56 +0200 (mar. 05 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: could not save templates if mail_tt2/ directory did not exist

r2576 | sympa-authors | 2004-10-04 16:58:49 +0200 (lun. 04 oct. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/Makefile.in
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/config.guess
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/config.sub
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/config.guess
   M /trunk/config.sub

[BugID 336] Fix: regenerated config.sub and config.guess files

r2575 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-23 15:25:55 +0200 (jeu. 23 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Provide mhonarc web site url

r2574 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-23 15:20:14 +0200 (jeu. 23 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Change: check Perl first

r2573 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-23 15:11:30 +0200 (jeu. 23 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in

Check that msgfmt is available

r2572 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-23 14:57:47 +0200 (jeu. 23 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in

Fix: msgfmt is required

r2571 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-22 15:21:53 +0200 (mer. 22 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: build the list of topics after the lang was set

r2570 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-22 11:59:55 +0200 (mer. 22 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: ldap include removed previous data about the user (overwritten with defaults)

r2569 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-22 10:19:41 +0200 (mer. 22 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fix: Lang2Locale()

r2568 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-22 08:59:51 +0200 (mer. 22 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix include remote list using include2

r2567 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-21 14:58:20 +0200 (mar. 21 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: did not use language specific templates

r2566 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-21 14:38:14 +0200 (mar. 21 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: tt2 parser requires a ref to a scalar

r2565 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-21 12:04:44 +0200 (mar. 21 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

Fix: TT2 is not able to fill an arrayref

r2564 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-21 10:23:18 +0200 (mar. 21 sept. 2004) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Rename 'espace partage ' to 'espace documents'
r2563 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-21 09:34:39 +0200 (mar. 21 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm


r2562 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-17 10:36:49 +0200 (ven. 17 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

Fix: Sync button shown when appropriate

r2561 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-17 10:31:19 +0200 (ven. 17 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: add a "synchronize members with data sources" on the review page

r2560 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-17 09:29:43 +0200 (ven. 17 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: when data-source related parameters have been edited, sync_include is run (not delegated to the task_manager)

r2558 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-16 10:51:44 +0200 (jeu. 16 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: do not create tasks for lists that have no include data sources

r2557 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-14 17:33:09 +0200 (mar. 14 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

Change: do not allow list owners to change web arc quota

r2556 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-14 17:22:23 +0200 (mar. 14 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Change: make default_shared_quota a robot.conf param

r2555 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-14 17:11:41 +0200 (mar. 14 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

Change: shared quota is no more editable by list owners

r2554 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-14 16:06:02 +0200 (mar. 14 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by E.Hoppenot] Fix: moderators could not view concealed subscribers

r2553 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-13 09:34:41 +0200 (lun. 13 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po

Fix typo

r2551 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-10 10:39:37 +0200 (ven. 10 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by G.Ballard-Tremeer] Missing '@' in the postfix regexp example

r2550 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-10 10:34:55 +0200 (ven. 10 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r2549 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-09 17:18:36 +0200 (jeu. 09 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix default for archive_encrypted_message

r2547 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-09 15:07:17 +0200 (jeu. 09 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by E.Tinturier] Fix: SSO-related user attributes were not available in web template. There are now available in [% user.attributes %] hash. Also made environment variables in both web templates and scenarios.

r2544 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-08 10:30:59 +0200 (mer. 08 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   D /trunk/src/Survey.pm
   D /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_survey.owner
   D /trunk/web_tt2/edit_survey.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Revert changes applied to the wrong branch

r2543 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-07 17:47:05 +0200 (mar. 07 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/Survey.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_survey.owner
   A /trunk/web_tt2/edit_survey.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Apply Serge work

r2541 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-06 11:33:45 +0200 (lun. 06 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: no d_upload template defnied

r2540 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-03 13:51:29 +0200 (ven. 03 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2

Use exception to prevent errors if info could not be included

r2539 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-03 13:37:50 +0200 (ven. 03 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   A /trunk/web_tt2/tt2_error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: new error page if page could not be generated ; listmaster is notified

r2538 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-03 10:59:47 +0200 (ven. 03 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: check the UID at startup

r2537 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-02 17:41:32 +0200 (jeu. 02 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

Change: also search in etc/ and create_list_templates/ directories

r2535 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-02 17:07:17 +0200 (jeu. 02 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm

[BugID 330] Fix: errors "Insecure dependency in chdir while running setuid at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.1/File/Find.pm" while running a search in web archives

r2534 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-02 16:50:24 +0200 (jeu. 02 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r2533 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-01 17:11:23 +0200 (mer. 01 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

Fix: "Add" was not localized

r2532 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-01 09:26:25 +0200 (mer. 01 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Remove a trace

r2531 | sympa-authors | 2004-09-01 09:22:11 +0200 (mer. 01 sept. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Update documentation: missing details about include_sql_query

r2529 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-31 16:35:13 +0200 (mar. 31 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[bugID 328] Fix: while setting reception options or unsubscribing for all lists, skip hidden lists

r2528 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-31 15:48:38 +0200 (mar. 31 août 2004) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[reported by M.Bouissou] Fix: the bounce_score was not an integer.
This would generate an error with Sybase : "invalid input syntax for integer:"

r2527 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-31 10:37:43 +0200 (mar. 31 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: skip closed lists in active_lists

r2526 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-31 10:31:39 +0200 (mar. 31 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Incorrect call to List::purge()

r2525 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-30 17:33:52 +0200 (lun. 30 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2

Fix: hidden parameters were not correctly handled

r2524 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-30 17:13:43 +0200 (lun. 30 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Remove trace

r2523 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-30 17:13:12 +0200 (lun. 30 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: incomplete error message

r2521 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-13 17:24:10 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Update documentation for TT2 and PO

r2520 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-13 12:30:30 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps

Update doc

r2519 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-13 12:29:13 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Sympa 4.2b.3

r2518 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-13 11:12:50 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Allow aboslute path for d_editfile

r2517 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-13 10:35:36 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r2516 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-13 10:32:19 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2

string not localized

r2515 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-13 10:04:31 +0200 (ven. 13 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: allow localized templates. Now require a subdirecty in tt2 dir (Ex: mail_tt2/fr_FR/welcome.tt2)

r2514 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-12 17:03:18 +0200 (jeu. 12 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Fix: did not translate [INCLUDE 'fff'] directives

r2513 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-12 15:49:32 +0200 (jeu. 12 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

Change: also migrate localized templates

r2512 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-12 15:48:52 +0200 (jeu. 12 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2.~1.7.~

Remove old file

r2511 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-12 11:43:03 +0200 (jeu. 12 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

Fix: would not consider lists in include2 mode

r2510 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-12 11:22:11 +0200 (jeu. 12 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r2509 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-12 11:15:11 +0200 (jeu. 12 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Fix problem with spaces between encoded words (bug 5462 of MIME::Words)

r2508 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-12 11:00:05 +0200 (jeu. 12 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r2507 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-12 10:59:58 +0200 (jeu. 12 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

Templates location changed

r2506 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-12 09:14:05 +0200 (jeu. 12 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2

Fix: missing requester email address in list creation request

r2505 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-11 11:22:36 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm

Fix: remaining Msg() calls

r2504 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-11 10:50:29 +0200 (mer. 11 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: $separator could not be accessed outside tools.pl module

r2503 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 16:30:44 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Skip translator email address

r2502 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 16:20:57 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2

[reported by JEG] incorrect filename in removal warning

r2501 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 16:06:50 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl

Fix: remove path in inclusion directives ; rename .tpl to .tt2

r2500 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 15:07:30 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: extend the 'lang' parameter format

r2499 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 14:54:49 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Complete previous fix

r2498 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 14:40:05 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix preoblem with absolute path ref in templates

r2497 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 14:20:24 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix as_singlepart() ; would fail on signed messages

r2496 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 14:20:00 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Remove AppConfig

r2495 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 14:19:47 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r2494 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 12:15:50 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: Default for $virusfound was 'undef' (generating errors) ; changed default to '0'

r2493 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-10 09:32:06 +0200 (mar. 10 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: list languages now deduced fron 'supported_lang' sympa.conf param

r2492 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-09 17:50:59 +0200 (lun. 09 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl

New feature: Migrate templates to TT2 and rebuild web archives

r2491 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-09 16:24:00 +0200 (lun. 09 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   A /trunk/mail_tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/Makefile
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/bye.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/d_reject_shared.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/digest.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/global_remind.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/helpfile.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/info_report.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/invite.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/list_created.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/lists.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/moderate.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/modindex.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/reject.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/remind.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/removed.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/review.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/stats_report.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/subscriber_notification.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/summary.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/welcome.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   A /trunk/mail_tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   D /trunk/src/etc/tt2
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   A /trunk/web_tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/Makefile
   A /trunk/web_tt2/add_request.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/admin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/arc.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/button_footer.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/button_header.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/change_email.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/close_list.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/create_list.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/d_control.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/d_read.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/editfile.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/error.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_admin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/home.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/info.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/list_button_footer.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/list_button_header.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/list_menu.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/lists.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/login.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/main.tt2.~1.7.~
   A /trunk/web_tt2/menu.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/modindex.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/notice.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/pref.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/remove_arc.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/review.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/show_cert.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/stats.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/subindex.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/suboptions.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/subrequest.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/title.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/view_template.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/viewbounce.tt2
   A /trunk/web_tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   D /trunk/wwsympa/tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Move tt2 directories to the root directory ; rename tt2/ to mail_tt2/

r2490 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-09 11:47:58 +0200 (lun. 09 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/nls

Remove old NLS catalogues

r2489 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-09 10:43:31 +0200 (lun. 09 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/main.tt2

Fix "toggle selection"

r2488 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-09 10:03:56 +0200 (lun. 09 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixed rename_list

r2487 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-06 17:52:42 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix previous changes

r2486 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-06 17:41:13 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix previous change

r2485 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-06 15:57:57 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2004) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Fix: send_file failed from the SOAP server.
The parser did not recognize templates including SMTP header fields

r2484 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-06 12:30:37 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/error.tt2

Fix: incorrect TT2 format

r2483 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-06 11:59:17 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/bye.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/d_reject_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/invite.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/list_created.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/reject.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/remind.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/removed.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/stats_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/subscriber_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/change_email.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/close_list.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/create_list.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/login.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/remove_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/show_cert.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/stats.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/suboptions.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/subrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/title.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/viewmod.tt2

Change: replace [%|l%] with [%|loc%] (a bit more explicit)

r2482 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-06 11:21:42 +0200 (ven. 06 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/info.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/viewmod.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: no more allow (there are exceptions) inclusion of files with absolute path in TT2, now setting the INCLUDE_PATH

r2481 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-05 14:51:36 +0200 (jeu. 05 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates

Remove old web templates

r2480 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-05 14:15:31 +0200 (jeu. 05 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/auth.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/auth.conf

[reported by D.Lamballais] Fix

r2479 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-05 11:18:12 +0200 (jeu. 05 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/Conf.pm
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

[reported by D.Lamballais Fix: 'password_case' wwsympa.conf parameter was not used

r2478 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-05 09:31:42 +0200 (jeu. 05 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/templates

Removing old style templates

r2477 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-04 17:48:44 +0200 (mer. 04 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listeditor_notification.tt2

Missing template

r2476 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-04 17:26:04 +0200 (mer. 04 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/crl_update.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/eval_bouncers.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_orphan_bounces.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_user_table.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/expire.yearly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.2month.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.yearly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/sync_include.ttl.task
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: task titles can now refer to gettext entries

r2475 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-04 15:45:25 +0200 (mer. 04 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

No more import gettext from  Locale::Messages to prevent "Prototype mismatch" errors

r2474 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-03 17:26:36 +0200 (mar. 03 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2

[reported by Jeg] Fix: the viewmod page would propose a "reply to" and "send it back to..." buttons

r2473 | sympa-authors | 2004-08-03 16:56:26 +0200 (mar. 03 août 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/stats_report.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/home.tt2

[P.Levesque] Complete the XHTML convertion

r2467 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-09 16:37:33 +0200 (ven. 09 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

preparing 4.2b.2

r2466 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-09 15:43:38 +0200 (ven. 09 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/edit_list_request.tt2


r2465 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-09 14:16:26 +0200 (ven. 09 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by J.Koret] Fix an XSS vulnerability

r2464 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-09 14:06:24 +0200 (ven. 09 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch.tt2


r2463 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-09 14:02:19 +0200 (ven. 09 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch.tt2


r2462 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-08 17:12:41 +0200 (jeu. 08 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[L.Veillon] Fix: incorrectly handled Uvscan code 12

r2461 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-07 17:48:43 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

New feature: add stats on translation work

r2460 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-07 17:08:00 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: added 'supported_lang' parameter to restrict supported languages on the user interface

r2459 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-07 16:20:59 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[reported by J.Beretta] Fix: sympa would incorrectly change the MIME structure of multipart/alternative messages composed with Outlook.

r2458 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-07 11:56:45 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[BugID 305] Fix: Missing <> around Message-id when messages are posted from the web

r2457 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-07 10:53:45 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/add_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/button_footer.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/button_header.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/change_email.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/close_list.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/create_list.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_control.tt2

Change: [P.Levesque] Making the web interface XHTML

r2456 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-07 10:38:40 +0200 (mer. 07 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Indicate that msgcat parameter is no more supported

r2455 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-06 14:39:34 +0200 (mar. 06 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Change: replace NLS with LOCALE everywhere

r2454 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-06 11:29:28 +0200 (mar. 06 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: rfc2369_header_fields parameter edition incorrectly handled

r2453 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-05 16:21:19 +0200 (lun. 05 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile

Removed sample topics

r2452 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-05 10:15:16 +0200 (lun. 05 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: could not restore a list in include2 mode

r2451 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 16:07:14 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm


r2450 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 16:06:34 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Removed used variable

r2449 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 16:01:22 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   D /trunk/src/etc/sample/topics.fr.conf
   D /trunk/src/etc/sample/topics.hu.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/topics.conf

Update docs and sample to propose internationalized topics titles

r2448 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 15:44:27 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: make topics titles multi-lingual

r2447 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 15:41:05 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot


r2446 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 14:32:31 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl

Skip meta information

r2445 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 14:06:53 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/moderate.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/main.tt2

Replace meta information (_charset_,_encoding_)

r2444 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 12:00:08 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po


r2443 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 11:59:58 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl


r2442 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 11:41:10 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/hu.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

Updated PO files

r2441 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 11:40:03 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile

Printing the current PO filename

r2440 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 11:34:59 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/xgettext.pl


r2439 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 11:03:47 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   A /trunk/po/xgettext.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/xgettext.pl

Change: move xgettext.pl to po/ directory

r2438 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-02 10:45:18 +0200 (ven. 02 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/cs.po
   M /trunk/po/de.po
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/es.po
   M /trunk/po/et.po
   M /trunk/po/fi.po
   M /trunk/po/it.po
   M /trunk/po/nl.po
   M /trunk/po/pl.po
   M /trunk/po/pt.po
   M /trunk/po/ro.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   M /trunk/po/zh_TW.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: now use meta information from the PO headers (language, charset, encoding). Added a gettext() subroutine in Language to bypass gettext() if _xxx_ meta information are requested

r2437 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-01 16:24:41 +0200 (jeu. 01 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/global_remind.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/info_report.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/summary.tt2

Change: remove "old-style template emulation" in loops (foreach)

r2436 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-01 16:16:29 +0200 (jeu. 01 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/error.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/home.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/pref.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/suboptions.tt2

Change: remove "old-style template emulation" in loops (foreach)

r2435 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-01 15:35:24 +0200 (jeu. 01 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Remove unused subroutines

r2434 | sympa-authors | 2004-07-01 11:15:25 +0200 (jeu. 01 juil. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: allow 'title'lang' or 'title.gettext' in scenarios

r2433 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-30 18:15:34 +0200 (mer. 30 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: allow old-style scenario titles (title.lang)

r2432 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-30 17:42:02 +0200 (mer. 30 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl

Fix: script would fail on list object creation

r2430 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-30 16:30:31 +0200 (mer. 30 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: load-cert() failed with Mozilla because the content-type was forced to application/pkix-cert and the certificate was in PEM format. Now convert it to DER

r2429 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-30 14:44:05 +0200 (mer. 30 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix the load_cert subroutine

r2427 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-29 17:51:04 +0200 (mar. 29 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: do not create 'sync_include' tasks if lists status is not 'open'.

r2426 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-29 16:39:53 +0200 (mar. 29 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   D /trunk/src/tt2native.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: merge tt2.pl and tt2native.pl ; rename parse_tpl() subroutine

r2425 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-25 17:29:01 +0200 (ven. 25 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/hu.po

Sync with sympa.pot

r2424 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-25 12:01:06 +0200 (ven. 25 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/parse_translation.pl

Remove old module for translations

r2423 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-25 10:42:17 +0200 (ven. 25 juin 2004) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: task_manager could previously be stuck on an include.lock file (when list had no subscriber).
Changes :
	- lock is release in List::get_first_user() if list has zero subscriber
	- move lock/unlock code to tools.pl
	- no more perform a blocking lock ; iterate 10 times (with increasing delay) instead

r2422 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-24 15:55:03 +0200 (jeu. 24 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Change: archives were not properly TT2 parsed. Content of mhonarc-ressources uses different TT2 tags ( (-% and %-) ). Inclusion of files with absolute/relative path should not be allowed for security reasons. Email addresses in message body and also spam-protected now.

r2421 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-24 10:11:19 +0200 (jeu. 24 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

Add references to the LDAP-enabled alias_manager

r2420 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-24 08:25:03 +0200 (jeu. 24 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

Show the config file name if errors

r2419 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-23 15:19:32 +0200 (mer. 23 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   D /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   A /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Rename mhonarc-ressources to mhonarc-ressources.tt2

r2418 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-23 12:17:23 +0200 (mer. 23 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: no more refer to NLS for "Sympa <%s>"

r2417 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-23 12:03:34 +0200 (mer. 23 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: mime-version no more refers to NLS

r2416 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-23 10:46:54 +0200 (mer. 23 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r2415 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-23 10:40:09 +0200 (mer. 23 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot


r2414 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-23 10:37:12 +0200 (mer. 23 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.editor
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

Update a few strings

r2413 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-23 09:46:19 +0200 (mer. 23 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add a note on virtual robots

r2412 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-22 10:48:53 +0200 (mar. 22 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 301] Fix: do_arc_delete() subroutine was inadvertently removed (while introducing SOAP features)

r2411 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-21 17:39:08 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2


r2407 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-21 09:04:10 +0200 (lun. 21 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Precise that Sympa requires a sendmail compatible binary

r2406 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-16 17:25:56 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Using error_message() subroutine where it is not defined

r2405 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-16 14:31:48 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Y.Edelist] Fix: wwsympa would log a warning if Net::LDAP was not installed, even though it was not used : "Unable to use LDAP library, Net::LDAP required,install perl-ldap (CPAN) first"

r2404 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-16 09:41:22 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: restore d_edit privilege to document authors in the shared

r2403 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-16 09:22:30 +0200 (mer. 16 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: sympa.pl dies if it was given unknown options

r2402 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-15 11:55:02 +0200 (mar. 15 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 295] Fix:  "Internal Server Error" while accessing to modindex

r2401 | sympa-authors | 2004-06-15 10:13:57 +0200 (mar. 15 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Update: document the 6th field of stats file

r2400 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-14 15:26:38 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2004) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

security issue : close a pending list then restore it make the list open even if the list owner is not authorized. Fixed.

r2399 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-14 14:54:46 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

Fix: new include_xxx parameters should be hidden for owners

r2398 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-14 14:39:19 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/Makefile.in
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/configure
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure


r2397 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-14 14:29:17 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/configure.in
   M /trunk/configure.in

[reported by L.Veillon] [O.Lacroix] Fix: incorrect AC_ARG_WITH

r2396 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-14 11:18:01 +0200 (lun. 14 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 294] Fix: replacing [msg_header] in scenario files

r2395 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-04 17:16:13 +0200 (ven. 04 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2


r2394 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-04 17:03:14 +0200 (ven. 04 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot


r2393 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-04 17:00:38 +0200 (ven. 04 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2


r2392 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-04 16:52:22 +0200 (ven. 04 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2


r2391 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-04 11:03:20 +0200 (ven. 04 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/orphan_killer.pl

Remove the script that has been replaced by the 'purge_user-table' task

r2390 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-04 10:58:16 +0200 (ven. 04 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

New feature: check that queuebounce and bounce_path parameters are not the same

r2389 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-03 18:05:40 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add documentation for bind parameters in LDAP filters

r2388 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-03 18:01:13 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add doc for purge_user_table task

r2387 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-03 17:29:47 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: when in debug mode, log entries were not printed

r2386 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-03 17:03:38 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[reported by O. Lacroix] Change: previously made too many trials for safefork()

r2385 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-03 14:53:53 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm

[requested by P.Garnier] New feature: allow non-anonymous bind in LDAP filters

r2384 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-03 11:58:52 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by P.Maes] Fix: list creation request message could not be sent (foo-owner User Unknown) because Return-path address was not yet created

r2383 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-03 11:12:52 +0200 (jeu. 03 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add "Logging in as listmaster" section

r2382 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-02 16:26:38 +0200 (mer. 02 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2


r2381 | olivier.salaun | 2004-06-02 16:21:18 +0200 (mer. 02 juin 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2


r2380 | olivier.salaun | 2004-05-27 17:28:53 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2

Change: default behavior of search engine will search in messages subjects

r2379 | olivier.salaun | 2004-05-27 17:23:02 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm

[requested by R.Marchand] Fix: decode Subject and From while searching in archives

r2378 | olivier.salaun | 2004-05-27 17:16:22 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

Remove text encoding to UTF8

r2377 | salaun | 2004-05-27 14:41:10 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources


r2376 | salaun | 2004-05-27 14:37:51 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

empty line removed

r2375 | salaun | 2004-05-27 14:31:43 +0200 (jeu. 27 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by P.Garnier] New feature: allow non-anonymous bind in LDAP filters

r2374 | salaun | 2004-05-26 17:49:17 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2

Add details about the "z" priority

r2373 | salaun | 2004-05-26 16:37:46 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2


r2372 | salaun | 2004-05-26 16:31:44 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_user_options.fr.tpl

Merge long lines

r2371 | salaun | 2004-05-26 16:05:13 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: notify listmaster if antivirus check failed

r2370 | salaun | 2004-05-26 16:02:19 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/en_US.po
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot


r2369 | salaun | 2004-05-26 16:02:01 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2

Merge long line

r2368 | salaun | 2004-05-26 13:59:51 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2

Merge long line

r2367 | salaun | 2004-05-26 13:50:56 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/helpfile.tt2


r2366 | salaun | 2004-05-26 13:25:18 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/helpfile.tt2

Missing parameter

r2365 | salaun | 2004-05-26 10:56:35 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2

Merge lines

r2364 | salaun | 2004-05-26 10:54:50 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/helpfile.tt2

Remove Expire-related commands from helpfile

r2363 | salaun | 2004-05-26 10:42:54 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/helpfile.tt2


r2362 | salaun | 2004-05-26 09:38:28 +0200 (mer. 26 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/rename_list_request.tt2

missing question mark

r2361 | salaun | 2004-05-25 16:14:54 +0200 (mar. 25 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/helpfile.tt2

Change: merge long lines

r2360 | salaun | 2004-05-25 15:44:51 +0200 (mar. 25 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2

Change: merge broken lines

r2359 | salaun | 2004-05-25 10:25:36 +0200 (mar. 25 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: notify listmaster if antivirus check failed ; keep message as BAD

r2358 | salaun | 2004-05-25 10:23:49 +0200 (mar. 25 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2


r2357 | salaun | 2004-05-25 10:10:05 +0200 (mar. 25 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Remove comments

r2356 | salaun | 2004-05-19 09:40:22 +0200 (mer. 19 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   M /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/remove_arc.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2

Make expressions easier to translate

r2355 | salaun | 2004-05-18 15:35:34 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Complete previous removal

r2354 | salaun | 2004-05-18 15:33:49 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Remove view_translation and translate actions

r2353 | salaun | 2004-05-18 15:14:23 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/translate.tt2
   D /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/view_translations.tt2

Remove old translation-related templates and actions

r2352 | salaun | 2004-05-18 15:10:13 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/title.tt2

Fix: Tag missing translatable strings

r2351 | salaun | 2004-05-18 11:30:00 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/removed.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/subscriber_notification.tt2

Fixed tt2 files

r2350 | salaun | 2004-05-18 11:21:55 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2

Apply a few changes to nls on the main tronc

r2349 | salaun | 2004-05-18 10:56:30 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by V. Mathieu] Fix: incorrectly handled multiple enum parameters in edit_list

r2348 | salaun | 2004-05-18 10:51:20 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/notice.tt2


r2347 | salaun | 2004-05-18 09:33:49 +0200 (mar. 18 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Use old-style title.us

r2346 | salaun | 2004-05-17 18:17:53 +0200 (lun. 17 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: skip old-style scenario titles

r2345 | salaun | 2004-05-17 14:49:32 +0200 (lun. 17 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by O.Lacroix &  C.Nahaboo] Move subject tagging upward to have homogenous tagging in web archives

r2344 | salaun | 2004-05-14 17:56:26 +0200 (ven. 14 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_control.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_read.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/editfile.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/error.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_inactive_lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_admin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/list_menu.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/lists.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/main.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/modindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/notice.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/remove_arc.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/rename_list_request.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/review.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/subindex.tt2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/translate.tt2

Apply previous changes to the main trunc

r2343 | salaun | 2004-05-14 14:28:20 +0200 (ven. 14 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/d_install_shared.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/d_reject_shared.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest_plain.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/helpfile.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/subscriber_notification.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/urlized_part.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/welcome.tt2
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2

Apply previous changes to the main trunc

r2342 | salaun | 2004-05-14 14:11:18 +0200 (ven. 14 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Add a log entry if confirmed message could not be distributed

r2341 | salaun | 2004-05-14 11:23:50 +0200 (ven. 14 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret

Apply previous changes to the main trunc

r2340 | salaun | 2004-05-14 10:36:25 +0200 (ven. 14 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: check Sympa access to capath and cafile if defined

r2339 | salaun | 2004-05-12 17:17:30 +0200 (mer. 12 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by L.Kirsher] New feature: add user gecos to From: field when for messages composed on the web interface

r2338 | salaun | 2004-05-10 12:03:14 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/hu.po

[S. Vizi] Update of Hungarian translations

r2337 | salaun | 2004-05-10 11:52:53 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Prevent empty selected weekday for digest

r2336 | salaun | 2004-05-10 11:39:42 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Fix: use &POSIX::LC_ALL instead of LC_MESSAGE

r2335 | salaun | 2004-05-10 11:11:20 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

TT2-related changes

r2334 | salaun | 2004-05-10 10:53:23 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

Replace templates with tt2

r2333 | salaun | 2004-05-10 10:53:22 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80

Replace tpl with tt2

r2332 | salaun | 2004-05-10 10:47:23 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Replaced templates with tt2

r2331 | salaun | 2004-05-10 10:44:45 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/README.postfix

Replace tpl with tt2

r2330 | salaun | 2004-05-10 10:40:08 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Replace .tpl with .tt2

r2329 | salaun | 2004-05-10 10:36:48 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Replace .tpl with .tt2

r2328 | salaun | 2004-05-10 10:30:07 +0200 (lun. 10 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Replace templates/ with tt2/

r2327 | salaun | 2004-05-07 17:11:42 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

Updated for TT2

r2326 | salaun | 2004-05-07 16:59:20 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po


r2325 | salaun | 2004-05-07 16:55:20 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment.tt2
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment.tt2
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

comment files replaced by comment.tt2

r2324 | salaun | 2004-05-07 16:26:04 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tpl
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tpl
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/config.tpl
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tpl
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tpl
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tpl
   D /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tpl

Removing old tpl files

r2323 | salaun | 2004-05-07 16:23:39 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tpl
   D /trunk/src/msg.pl

Removed files

r2322 | salaun | 2004-05-07 16:23:30 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment

Update comment files for TT2

r2321 | salaun | 2004-05-07 15:56:47 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_read.tt2

Fix: missing '%'

r2320 | salaun | 2004-05-07 15:35:28 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2


r2319 | salaun | 2004-05-07 14:48:07 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Remove LoadLang() calls

r2318 | salaun | 2004-05-07 14:46:25 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Remove LoadLang() call

r2317 | salaun | 2004-05-07 14:44:52 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Including Language.pm

r2316 | salaun | 2004-05-07 14:39:22 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Replace parser.pl

r2315 | salaun | 2004-05-07 14:38:42 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

parser.pl no more installed

r2314 | salaun | 2004-05-07 14:36:35 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi

replace parser.pl with tt2native.pl

r2313 | salaun | 2004-05-07 14:33:10 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Replace title_id entries with gettext_id

r2312 | salaun | 2004-05-07 14:18:39 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix previous change

r2311 | salaun | 2004-05-07 14:10:21 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Use parameter name if no title is defined

r2310 | salaun | 2004-05-07 11:53:03 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/po/fr.po
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm


r2309 | salaun | 2004-05-07 11:51:55 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm

Replace Msg() calls with gettext()

r2308 | salaun | 2004-05-07 11:18:13 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

Replace Msg() calls with gettext()

r2307 | salaun | 2004-05-07 11:10:09 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Replace Msg() calls with gettext()

r2306 | salaun | 2004-05-07 10:02:13 +0200 (ven. 07 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/welcome.tt2

Change: info path

r2305 | salaun | 2004-05-06 17:50:43 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/tt2/welcome.tt2

Fix: missing '%'

r2304 | salaun | 2004-05-06 17:48:04 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix duplicates introduced by patch command

r2303 | salaun | 2004-05-06 17:28:05 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: missing parenthesis

r2302 | salaun | 2004-05-06 17:24:40 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix duplicates introduced by patch command

r2301 | salaun | 2004-05-06 17:17:11 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix duplicates introduced by patch command

r2300 | salaun | 2004-05-06 16:54:28 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile


r2299 | salaun | 2004-05-06 16:47:59 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in


r2298 | salaun | 2004-05-06 16:47:40 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

Change: tt2 files are one level above

r2297 | salaun | 2004-05-06 16:17:50 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: Checking for Locale::TextDomain version instead of Locale::Messages because $VERSION was not defined

r2296 | salaun | 2004-05-06 16:07:04 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.public_listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.editor
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.identified
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret

Update for TT2

r2295 | salaun | 2004-05-06 15:14:13 +0200 (jeu. 06 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Updates for TT2

r2294 | salaun | 2004-05-05 18:00:11 +0200 (mer. 05 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile

Update for TT2

r2293 | salaun | 2004-05-05 17:05:57 +0200 (mer. 05 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Update for TT2

r2292 | salaun | 2004-05-05 16:58:46 +0200 (mer. 05 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

Update with TT2 changes

r2291 | salaun | 2004-05-05 16:47:10 +0200 (mer. 05 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/config.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/tpl2tt2.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/xgettext.pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/bye.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/certif_warning.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/digest.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/expire_deletion.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/expire_warning1.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/expire_warning2.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/global_remind.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/helpfile.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/info_report.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/invite.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/list_created.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/list_rejected.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/list_unknown.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listmaster_notification.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/listowner_notification.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/lists.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/moderate.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/modindex.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/reject.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/remind.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/removed.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/review.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/sendpasswd.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/stats_report.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/summary.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/welcome.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/x509-user-cert-missing.tt2
   A /trunk/src/etc/tt2/your_infected_msg.tt2
   A /trunk/src/tt2.pl
   A /trunk/src/tt2native.pl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/add_request.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/admin.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/admin_menu.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc_manage.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arc_protect.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/arcsearch_form.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/button_footer.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/button_header.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/change_email.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/choosepasswd.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/close_list.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/compose_mail.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/create_list.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/create_list_request.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_control.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_editfile.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/d_read.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/edit_list_request.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/editfile.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/editsubscriber.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/error.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_closed_lists.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_latest_lists.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/get_pending_lists.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_admin.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editfile.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_editlist.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/help_user_options.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/home.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/info.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/install_pending_list.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/list_button_footer.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/list_button_header.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/list_menu.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/lists.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/login.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/loginbanner.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/loginrequest.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/main.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/menu.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/modindex.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/notice.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/pref.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/remindpasswd.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/remove_arc.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/review.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/reviewbouncing.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/scenario_test.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/serveradmin.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/set_pending_list_request.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/show_cert.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/sigrequest.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/stats.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/subindex.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/suboptions.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/subrequest.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/title.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/translate.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/view_template.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/view_translations.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/viewbounce.tt2
   A /trunk/wwsympa/tt2/viewmod.tt2

Add TT2-related files

r2290 | salaun | 2004-05-05 16:07:36 +0200 (mer. 05 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/po
   A /trunk/po/Makefile
   A /trunk/po/cs.po
   A /trunk/po/de.po
   A /trunk/po/en_US.po
   A /trunk/po/es.po
   A /trunk/po/et.po
   A /trunk/po/fi.po
   A /trunk/po/fr.po
   A /trunk/po/hu.po
   A /trunk/po/it.po
   A /trunk/po/nl.po
   A /trunk/po/pl.po
   A /trunk/po/pt.po
   A /trunk/po/ro.po
   A /trunk/po/sympa.pot
   A /trunk/po/zh_CN.po
   A /trunk/po/zh_TW.po

New PO files + Makefile

r2288 | salaun | 2004-05-05 14:22:39 +0200 (mer. 05 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix previous changes

r2287 | salaun | 2004-05-05 10:59:19 +0200 (mer. 05 mai 2004) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Now always set 'subscribed' DB field, whatever the user_data_source is.
New feature: Store a data_structure_version file in etc/ to determine what changes need to be done to the DB.
Set 'subscribed' DB field if version < 4.2a

r2286 | salaun | 2004-05-04 16:55:25 +0200 (mar. 04 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: set 'subscribed' to 1 if neither subscribed nor included is set

r2285 | salaun | 2004-05-04 11:09:26 +0200 (mar. 04 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

preparing 4.2b.1

r2284 | salaun | 2004-05-03 17:37:43 +0200 (lun. 03 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: notify user that the config will be updated soon when user_data_source changed from anything to 'include2'

r2283 | salaun | 2004-05-03 15:31:06 +0200 (lun. 03 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix previous change

r2282 | salaun | 2004-05-03 15:29:35 +0200 (lun. 03 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Complete previous change

r2281 | salaun | 2004-05-03 15:27:59 +0200 (lun. 03 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

********* Changed default for 'user_data_source' ('file' => 'include2')

r2280 | salaun | 2004-05-03 15:07:08 +0200 (lun. 03 mai 2004) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/PlainDigest.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/digest_plain.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/helpfile.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/digest_plain.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editlist.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_user_options.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editlist.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_user_options.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 260] [C.Hastie] New feature: add an extra reception option : "digestplain".
The 'digestplain' reception option generates a digest of messages in a plain text format.
All attachments are stripped out.

r2277 | salaun | 2004-05-03 11:35:18 +0200 (lun. 03 mai 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/digest.us.tpl

[C.Hastie] Changed encoding of the table of content part to 8bit

r2276 | salaun | 2004-04-30 17:02:06 +0200 (ven. 30 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[bugID 115] Fix: missing newline after mail headers in command reports

r2275 | salaun | 2004-04-30 15:52:58 +0200 (ven. 30 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/remove_arc.us.tpl


r2274 | salaun | 2004-04-30 14:03:22 +0200 (ven. 30 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: previously created ML directory directly in expl/ directory if robot was also the default host.

r2273 | salaun | 2004-04-30 12:00:27 +0200 (ven. 30 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by O.LACROIX] Change: notify all listowners, even if reception is nomail

r2272 | salaun | 2004-04-30 11:52:32 +0200 (ven. 30 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[O.Lacroix] Fix: failed to remove list directory (while purging) becaude finddepth() used to chdir. rmdir() failed with 'device busy' error

r2271 | salaun | 2004-04-30 11:44:38 +0200 (ven. 30 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_admin.fr.tpl

[O.Lacroix] Fix: missing accented chars

r2270 | salaun | 2004-04-30 09:07:10 +0200 (ven. 30 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add list directory path to error log

r2269 | salaun | 2004-04-28 17:15:16 +0200 (mer. 28 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by mwk] Fix: escape single quotes in archives search engine (could cause a 500 error)

r2267 | salaun | 2004-04-28 10:41:12 +0200 (mer. 28 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: an empty document to moderate (sympauser) would appear if there was nor shared space

r2266 | salaun | 2004-04-28 10:39:43 +0200 (mer. 28 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/modindex.fr.tpl

Fix encoding

r2265 | salaun | 2004-04-26 15:51:38 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl

Fix template structure

r2264 | salaun | 2004-04-26 15:38:18 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl

removal unused </TD>

r2263 | salaun | 2004-04-26 15:11:06 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listeditor_notification.fr.tpl

Fixed a typo

r2262 | salaun | 2004-04-26 14:44:18 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

Preparing 4.2a

r2259 | salaun | 2004-04-26 13:56:05 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Change: move the log message (no msg_count) to debug

r2258 | salaun | 2004-04-26 11:42:33 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

[BugID 152] Fix: UMASK was not set when installing web templates

r2257 | salaun | 2004-04-26 11:34:45 +0200 (lun. 26 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

[BugID 205] Fix: wws_templates/ directory was installed with wrong permissions

r2256 | salaun | 2004-04-22 17:49:10 +0200 (jeu. 22 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: Do not warn/remove boucing members that are included

r2255 | salaun | 2004-04-21 11:54:38 +0200 (mer. 21 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by V.Mathieu] Fix include_ldap_2level example

r2254 | salaun | 2004-04-20 18:05:53 +0200 (mar. 20 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Change: removing task files for unknown/closed lists

r2253 | salaun | 2004-04-20 11:41:33 +0200 (mar. 20 avril 2004) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by O.Thalmann] Fix: total of subscribers was not uptodate just after a DEL or ADD operation.
Added 'nocache' option to the call to _load_total_db() in get_first_user()

r2252 | salaun | 2004-04-20 09:51:09 +0200 (mar. 20 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: badly commented List::db_log() calls

r2251 | salaun | 2004-04-19 18:05:21 +0200 (lun. 19 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: badly commented List::db_log() calls

r2250 | salaun | 2004-04-19 15:23:52 +0200 (lun. 19 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/sympa.pl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by V.Mathieu] Fix: Ldap.pm was not loaded in sympa_soap_server.fcgi

r2249 | salaun | 2004-04-19 15:07:42 +0200 (lun. 19 avril 2004) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[reported by V.Mathieu] Change: FCGI 0.67 is required for the SOAP server.
Corresponding error message : Can't locate object method "BINMODE" via package "FCGI::Stream"

r2248 | salaun | 2004-04-19 14:56:59 +0200 (lun. 19 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/index.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node1.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node10.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node11.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node12.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node13.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node14.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node15.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node16.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node17.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node18.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node19.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node2.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node20.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node21.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node22.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node23.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node24.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node3.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node4.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node5.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node6.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node7.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node8.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/node9.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/sympa.ps
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/sympa.tex
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by V.Mathieu] Fix a few SOAP-related typos

r2247 | salaun | 2004-04-19 09:03:51 +0200 (lun. 19 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/.core.swp
   D /trunk/src/.core.swp

removal of .core.swp

r2246 | salaun | 2004-04-08 10:51:40 +0200 (jeu. 08 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Wrong comment for parse_tpl

r2245 | salaun | 2004-04-06 09:19:00 +0200 (mar. 06 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Details for make_alias_file

r2244 | salaun | 2004-04-06 09:03:09 +0200 (mar. 06 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

fix bug : sympa.pl --make_alias_file must not create alias for list where list status is not 'open'

r2243 | salaun | 2004-04-05 17:52:06 +0200 (lun. 05 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.editor
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/d_install_shared.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/d_reject_shared.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listeditor_notification.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/d_install_shared.us.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/d_reject_shared.us.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listeditor_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_editfile.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_install_shared.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_upload.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_admin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/modindex.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/notice.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_control.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_editfile.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_install_shared.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_upload.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_admin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/modindex.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/notice.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Gwenaelle Bouteille] New features: added document moderation (in the document repository) and other shared-related work

r2242 | salaun | 2004-04-05 13:50:42 +0200 (lun. 05 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tpl

Change: set privileges for read/edit the shared

r2241 | salaun | 2004-04-02 10:45:39 +0200 (ven. 02 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[L. Labat] Fix: Antivirus check would fail under some circumstances (Unable to open xxx). BODY filehandle was never closed

r2240 | salaun | 2004-04-02 09:22:11 +0200 (ven. 02 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/nls/README
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/nls/cz.msg
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/nls/us.msg
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/global_task_models/crl_update.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/global_task_models/eval_bouncers.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/global_task_models/expire_bounce.daily.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/global_task_models/process_bouncers.weekly.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_orphan_bounces.monthly.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_user_table.monthly.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/list_task_models/expire.yearly.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.2month.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.monthly.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.yearly.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/list_task_models/sync_include.ttl.task
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.editor
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.identified
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/cz/bye.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/cz/info_report.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/us/certif_warning.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/us/expire_warning1.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/us/expire_warning2.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/us/listowner_notification.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/us/remind.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/etc/templates/us/your_infected_msg.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arc.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arcsearch.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/compose_mail.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_control.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_editfile.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_read.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/edit_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/editfile.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/editsubscriber.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/error.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/get_pending_lists.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help_editfile.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help_editlist.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/home.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/list_menu.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/lists.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/loginbanner.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/menu.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/notice.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/pref.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/remindpasswd.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/remove_arc.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/scenario_test.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/serveradmin.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/set_pending_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/show_cert.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/sigrequest.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/suboptions.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/subrequest.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/view_translations.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/viewmod.cz.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc_manage.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editlist.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/translate.us.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/README
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/crl_update.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/eval_bouncers.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/expire_bounce.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/process_bouncers.weekly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_orphan_bounces.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_user_table.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/expire.yearly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.2month.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.yearly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/sync_include.ttl.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.identified
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/bye.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/info_report.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/certif_warning.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/expire_warning1.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/expire_warning2.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listowner_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/your_infected_msg.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arc.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arcsearch.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/compose_mail.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_control.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_editfile.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_read.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/edit_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/editfile.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/editsubscriber.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/error.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/get_pending_lists.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help_editfile.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help_editlist.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/home.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/list_menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/lists.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/loginbanner.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/notice.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/pref.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/remindpasswd.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/remove_arc.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/scenario_test.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/serveradmin.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/set_pending_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/show_cert.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/sigrequest.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/suboptions.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/subrequest.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/view_translations.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/viewmod.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc_manage.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editlist.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/translate.us.tpl

[Petr Prazak] Update Czech translations + some English typos fixed

r2239 | salaun | 2004-04-01 16:46:42 +0200 (jeu. 01 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Remove log

r2238 | salaun | 2004-04-01 16:45:59 +0200 (jeu. 01 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: renaming a list if the list was moved to another robot with the same name

r2237 | salaun | 2004-04-01 14:29:28 +0200 (jeu. 01 avril 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: remove call to deprecated MIME::Head::decode()

r2236 | salaun | 2004-03-24 15:45:16 +0100 (mer. 24 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arcsearch.fr.tpl

[reported by J.Andre] Fix: typos

r2235 | salaun | 2004-03-23 11:54:37 +0100 (mar. 23 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by V. Mathieu] Fix: removed 'visibility.private' scenario is considered the same as 'visibility.conceal'

r2230 | salaun | 2004-03-22 16:57:57 +0100 (lun. 22 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/arcrepair.pl

This script will fix a bug of Sympa 4.1

r2229 | salaun | 2004-03-22 16:14:35 +0100 (lun. 22 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/archived.pl
   D /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editor
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: web archives were stored in the wrong directory

r2228 | salaun | 2004-03-22 14:33:55 +0100 (lun. 22 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/edit_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by C.hastie] New feature: per list rfc2369_header_fields parameter

r2227 | salaun | 2004-03-22 11:17:18 +0100 (lun. 22 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by V. Mathieu] Fix: list of inactive lists did not consider the msg_count file was not ordered

r2226 | salaun | 2004-03-22 11:03:07 +0100 (lun. 22 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-4_1-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: sorting msg_count file when it is updated

r2223 | salaun | 2004-03-18 14:17:34 +0100 (jeu. 18 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 4.1

r2222 | salaun | 2004-03-17 15:09:59 +0100 (mer. 17 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: archived.pl could not process old files in outgoing spool

r2221 | salaun | 2004-03-17 11:53:04 +0100 (mer. 17 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[C.Nahaboo] Fix: using an additional incremental number to files in outgoing spool instead of a random number.

r2220 | salaun | 2004-03-17 11:33:03 +0100 (mer. 17 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm

[BugID 273] Fix: filenames in archived spool (outgoing) were using current time and PID which is not enough when 2 messages for the same list are sent within the same second. Now using a random number instead of the PID.

r2219 | salaun | 2004-03-17 11:18:43 +0100 (mer. 17 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner

[reported by D.Masset] Fix: scenario titles did not match the behavior

r2218 | salaun | 2004-03-15 16:29:17 +0100 (lun. 15 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[K.Marrocco] Fix: incorrectly refers to column "attributes" instead of "attributes_user".

r2217 | salaun | 2004-03-15 14:52:23 +0100 (lun. 15 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Re-preparing 4.1

r2216 | salaun | 2004-03-15 14:47:37 +0100 (lun. 15 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: prevent multiple custom_subject in message subjects with long threads

r2215 | salaun | 2004-03-15 14:19:52 +0100 (lun. 15 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/sigrequest.us.tpl

[C.Chaboisseau] Fix typo

r2214 | salaun | 2004-03-15 13:49:55 +0100 (lun. 15 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/urlized_part.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/urlized_part.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: urlized parts are now defined in a template. Default is a text/plain part

r2213 | salaun | 2004-03-15 10:24:22 +0100 (lun. 15 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret

[proposed by P. Young] Change: make the list visible to list owners and editors

r2212 | salaun | 2004-03-15 10:20:33 +0100 (lun. 15 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.private

[reported by P. Young] Duplicate scenario

r2211 | salaun | 2004-03-10 11:04:40 +0100 (mer. 10 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Add error message

r2210 | salaun | 2004-03-10 10:55:56 +0100 (mer. 10 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: wrong regular expression to detect file extention in &split_mail()

r2209 | salaun | 2004-03-08 15:16:12 +0100 (lun. 08 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/your_infected_msg.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/your_infected_msg.us.tpl

[H.Gabor] Fix: used incorrect variable in template ([from] instead of [user->email])

r2208 | salaun | 2004-03-05 10:36:10 +0100 (ven. 05 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

REbuild doc

r2207 | salaun | 2004-03-05 10:28:23 +0100 (ven. 05 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing sympa 4.1

r2206 | salaun | 2004-03-05 10:28:07 +0100 (ven. 05 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps


r2205 | salaun | 2004-03-05 10:25:24 +0100 (ven. 05 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix previous changes: still requires "require xxx"

r2204 | salaun | 2004-03-05 10:25:04 +0100 (ven. 05 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

Fix comment

r2203 | salaun | 2004-03-05 09:36:34 +0100 (ven. 05 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl

[H. Gabor] Fix: Remove trailing '.'near password

r2202 | salaun | 2004-03-04 09:45:44 +0100 (jeu. 04 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

Fix beta version number

r2201 | salaun | 2004-03-03 17:00:55 +0100 (mer. 03 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[reported by O.Thalmann] Fix: regular expression was applied on full task file path. Could leed to incorrect task files created (1077886032..expire_bounce._global) if path include dots ('.')

r2200 | salaun | 2004-03-03 16:16:30 +0100 (mer. 03 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: List::load() should not return undef if user data sources were unreachable. Otherwise List object cannot be created

r2199 | salaun | 2004-03-03 16:06:02 +0100 (mer. 03 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/CAS.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/X509.pm

Fix previous changes: still requires "require xxx"

r2198 | salaun | 2004-03-01 16:42:09 +0100 (lun. 01 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[D.Young] Fix: Ignore messages without MessageID in loop detection process

r2197 | salaun | 2004-03-01 16:23:52 +0100 (lun. 01 mars 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by C.Hastie] Fix: [msg_header->xxx] variables were not parsed in scenario files

r2196 | salaun | 2004-02-27 15:56:31 +0100 (ven. 27 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Fix: missing \n

r2195 | salaun | 2004-02-25 12:22:43 +0100 (mer. 25 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/CAS.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/X509.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: now use eval() to check if perl modules are available ; this is required by recent Perl interpreters

r2194 | salaun | 2004-02-25 11:08:00 +0100 (mer. 25 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: IO::Socket::SSL is also used by CAS

r2193 | salaun | 2004-02-24 11:53:22 +0100 (mar. 24 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

Change: previously only messages that included SMIME checked signature were preserved,  now protect them even though signature might not be checked

r2192 | salaun | 2004-02-20 10:53:02 +0100 (ven. 20 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fix: send a parsed message to send_notify_to_listmaster()

r2191 | salaun | 2004-02-20 10:34:47 +0100 (ven. 20 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[reported by H. Penning] Fix: bounced would process BAD files, ending with BAD-BAD-BAD...files created

r2190 | salaun | 2004-02-20 09:40:13 +0100 (ven. 20 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix previous changes

r2189 | salaun | 2004-02-19 15:07:39 +0100 (jeu. 19 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Update HTML Area related documentation

r2188 | salaun | 2004-02-19 15:02:49 +0100 (jeu. 19 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

Fix: Changed inclusion of HTML Area

r2187 | salaun | 2004-02-19 12:11:24 +0100 (jeu. 19 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: previous changes (1.411) broke reviewbouncing. WWsympa would die with error "Can't call method "fetchrow_hashref" on an undefined value"

r2186 | salaun | 2004-02-18 11:11:30 +0100 (mer. 18 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[BugID 262] Fix:  getpwnam instead of getgrnam used for setting a group id

r2184 | salaun | 2004-02-17 15:27:32 +0100 (mar. 17 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 4.0.b3

r2183 | salaun | 2004-02-17 13:56:35 +0100 (mar. 17 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[L. Veillon] Fix: sh does not accept undefined variables on Solaris

r2182 | salaun | 2004-02-17 11:00:28 +0100 (mar. 17 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[BugID 256] Fix: incorrect path for wws_templates

r2181 | salaun | 2004-02-17 10:47:42 +0100 (mar. 17 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[BugID 256] Fix: OSTYPE not defined on Solaris, now running 'uname -s' if OSTYPE is not defined

r2180 | salaun | 2004-02-16 17:31:59 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[BugID 257] FIx: Add --with-lockdir to configure

r2179 | salaun | 2004-02-16 17:05:10 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: now creating a MIME::Entity in send_msg_digest() instead of Mail::Internet. ake it possible to use body_as_string()

r2178 | salaun | 2004-02-16 16:44:45 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-tt2/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix previous change

r2177 | salaun | 2004-02-16 16:29:55 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by C. Hastie] Change: only loop once among subscribers in List::send_msg_digest()

r2175 | salaun | 2004-02-16 11:55:31 +0100 (lun. 16 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by C. Hastie] Fix: Decode From: and Subject: header fields only in the table of content, not in rfc822 parts

r2172 | salaun | 2004-02-03 12:21:51 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: remove bounces directory when purging a list

r2171 | salaun | 2004-02-03 09:08:39 +0100 (mar. 03 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[I. Kim] Fix: When using the generic sso, user_attributes were not parsed in authorization scenarios

r2170 | salaun | 2004-02-02 17:15:25 +0100 (lun. 02 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editlist.fr.tpl

Remove hard-coded colors

r2169 | salaun | 2004-02-02 16:39:37 +0100 (lun. 02 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/get_inactive_lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: new "list of inactive lists" from the serveradmin interface

r2168 | salaun | 2004-02-02 14:39:01 +0100 (lun. 02 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Added documentation for include2

r2167 | salaun | 2004-02-02 12:07:18 +0100 (lun. 02 févr. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/bye.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/invite.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/welcome.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editlist.fr.tpl

[H. Maza] Changes: updating online help

r2166 | salaun | 2004-01-30 15:38:49 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node24.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Update doc: multiple virtual robots management

r2165 | salaun | 2004-01-30 15:00:17 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: First look for the list directory in a subdirectory of expl/

r2164 | salaun | 2004-01-30 14:57:11 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Change: Initialize the %Conf::robots hash with default robot ; can be overloaded by a Virtual Robot

r2163 | salaun | 2004-01-30 11:38:19 +0100 (ven. 30 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 250] Fix: Escape more chars in custom_subject ('(',')','-')

r2162 | salaun | 2004-01-29 18:00:10 +0100 (jeu. 29 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Plugging of a on line html editor in the shared document feature

r2161 | salaun | 2004-01-28 15:36:40 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reoprted by A. Bernstein] Fix: indexes were not automatically added by sympa.pl

r2160 | salaun | 2004-01-28 14:15:47 +0100 (mer. 28 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: lowercase current subscribers email address before running a sync_include() to prevent duplicate entries problem

r2159 | salaun | 2004-01-20 17:12:09 +0100 (mar. 20 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/doc/html/node22.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node23.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node24.html

Added new documentation paragraphs

r2158 | salaun | 2004-01-20 17:01:46 +0100 (mar. 20 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by V. Mathieu & I. Kim] Fix: authentication failed with first defined CAS or generic_sso entry (if at the beginning of auth.conf)

r2157 | salaun | 2004-01-20 16:52:09 +0100 (mar. 20 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix typo

r2156 | salaun | 2004-01-15 17:25:03 +0100 (jeu. 15 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

[reported by T. Herrero] Fix: smtp::mailto() failed if the subscriber_table included entries with empty email addresses. Some checks have been added

r2155 | salaun | 2004-01-15 16:22:12 +0100 (jeu. 15 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/sso_login_succeeded.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by V. Mathieu] Fix: when authenticating in the nomenu window, the user was not brought back to the main window

r2154 | salaun | 2004-01-15 15:35:13 +0100 (jeu. 15 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[D. Dussart] Add Java SOAP client documentation

r2153 | salaun | 2004-01-15 14:32:57 +0100 (jeu. 15 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

Fix: -m option was not logging sendmail calls

r2152 | salaun | 2004-01-15 14:31:47 +0100 (jeu. 15 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

Fix: Exit if message could not be opened

r2151 | salaun | 2004-01-15 09:04:02 +0100 (jeu. 15 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Sympa would die if a list custom_subject contained '+' chars

r2150 | salaun | 2004-01-12 13:49:16 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/missing

Regenerate the 'missing' file (rm missing;automake -a)

r2149 | salaun | 2004-01-12 10:21:02 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: no more try to create a Message object (missing X-Sympa-To)

r2147 | salaun | 2004-01-12 09:31:21 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Preparing 4.0.b2

r2146 | salaun | 2004-01-12 09:18:13 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile

Fix: failed installing sympa_soap_client.pl script

r2145 | salaun | 2004-01-12 09:12:40 +0100 (lun. 12 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile

[P. Maes] Fix: sympa_soap_client.pl installation failed

r2143 | salaun | 2004-01-09 11:45:18 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80

Fix: some files were not listed in the SPEC files ; the SOAP server was not listed

r2142 | salaun | 2004-01-09 11:04:29 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80

Fixed list of files

r2141 | salaun | 2004-01-09 10:24:10 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

*** empty log message ***

r2140 | salaun | 2004-01-09 10:23:12 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Change: now using rpmbuild -ba (instead of rpm -ba)

r2139 | salaun | 2004-01-09 10:07:03 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4
   M /trunk/configure

Rerun autoconf;aclocal;automake

r2138 | salaun | 2004-01-09 09:34:46 +0100 (ven. 09 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 4.0.b1

r2137 | salaun | 2004-01-08 15:58:13 +0100 (jeu. 08 janv. 2004) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

Fix: 'regexp' in auth.conf paragraphs only apply to email addresses (not uids)

r2135 | salaun | 2003-12-23 13:56:59 +0100 (mar. 23 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 4.0.a9

r2134 | salaun | 2003-12-23 10:41:52 +0100 (mar. 23 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: 'failure missing email adresse or cookie' errors when no alt email was defined

r2133 | salaun | 2003-12-22 16:13:46 +0100 (lun. 22 déc. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Error message : 'Insecure dependency in chdir while running setuid at Find.pm'
Now use addDirectory() and addFile() subroutines

r2132 | salaun | 2003-12-22 14:22:20 +0100 (lun. 22 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Adding SOAP documentation

r2131 | salaun | 2003-12-19 15:48:32 +0100 (ven. 19 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: pending subscriptions for email addresses containing strange characters (+) failed

r2130 | salaun | 2003-12-19 11:05:28 +0100 (ven. 19 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/reviewbouncing.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/reviewbouncing.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/reviewbouncing.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/reviewbouncing.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/reviewbouncing.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/d_read.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/reviewbouncing.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/reviewbouncing.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/reviewbouncing.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl

Fix: request_confirm() calls should be used with submit

r2129 | salaun | 2003-12-19 09:16:27 +0100 (ven. 19 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php

*** empty log message ***

r2128 | salaun | 2003-12-19 09:15:49 +0100 (ven. 19 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php

Add an introduction

r2127 | salaun | 2003-12-19 08:43:15 +0100 (ven. 19 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

Fix: request_confirm() parameters changed

r2126 | salaun | 2003-12-18 17:12:41 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php

Point to demo.sympa.org SOAP service

r2125 | salaun | 2003-12-18 17:03:07 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php

Add list subjects

r2124 | salaun | 2003-12-18 16:51:03 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl

Fix: replace hard-coded URLs by ARGV[0]

r2123 | salaun | 2003-12-18 16:30:00 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: [conf->soap_url] was not parsed for Virtual robots

r2122 | salaun | 2003-12-18 15:30:45 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php

New feature: Add access to PHP source

r2121 | salaun | 2003-12-18 15:30:11 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Fix: respect Virtual robots organization

r2120 | salaun | 2003-12-18 11:53:39 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Change: set SYMPA_ROBOT for SOAP server

r2119 | salaun | 2003-12-18 10:19:30 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Cosmetic change

r2118 | salaun | 2003-12-18 10:16:39 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/soap/sampleClient.php

New: sample PHP SOAP client

r2117 | salaun | 2003-12-18 10:14:29 +0100 (jeu. 18 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Additionnal checks

r2116 | salaun | 2003-12-17 16:31:36 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: messages sent from the web interface could not be confirmed (internal error : configuration for operation send is not yet performed by scenario)

r2115 | salaun | 2003-12-17 16:14:50 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

Add check on List object

r2114 | salaun | 2003-12-17 10:51:20 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subindex.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/subindex.us.tpl

Fix subindex

r2113 | salaun | 2003-12-17 10:49:25 +0100 (mer. 17 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: subscription rejection failed

r2112 | salaun | 2003-12-12 15:08:58 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: could not validate pending subscriptions

r2111 | salaun | 2003-12-12 14:46:12 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/notice.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/notice.us.tpl

Display total of subscribed users

r2110 | salaun | 2003-12-12 14:34:44 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subindex.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/subindex.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Bring the owner bask to the subindex page

r2109 | salaun | 2003-12-12 11:45:09 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Purge list now remove archive directory

r2108 | salaun | 2003-12-12 11:44:26 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

More carefull controls in remove_dir subroutine

r2107 | salaun | 2003-12-12 11:12:57 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Change: complexWhich() and complexLists() now using the same piece of code

r2106 | salaun | 2003-12-12 09:11:57 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Changes: Rename functions and variables in WSDL

r2105 | salaun | 2003-12-12 09:11:16 +0100 (ven. 12 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Add optional module SOAP::Lite

r2104 | salaun | 2003-12-11 15:11:41 +0100 (jeu. 11 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

default_shared_quota parameter have to be set in sympa.conf, not in wwsympa.conf

r2103 | salaun | 2003-12-11 10:35:12 +0100 (jeu. 11 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[BugID 238] Fix: Error processing with --dump batch mode

r2102 | salaun | 2003-12-10 11:05:20 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

Change: new simple_which() function that gather list information in a simple String. Usefull to interoperate with Axis clients (Sympa does not return data compliant with WSDL)

r2101 | salaun | 2003-12-10 11:02:00 +0100 (mer. 10 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r2100 | salaun | 2003-12-08 12:19:58 +0100 (lun. 08 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[BugID 234] Fix: $host was declared twice ; now use $listname instead of $name

r2099 | salaun | 2003-12-08 12:09:45 +0100 (lun. 08 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 235] Fix: the predefined variable $* is obsolete in the recent perl releases

r2098 | salaun | 2003-12-03 16:25:54 +0100 (mer. 03 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: 'listmaster' was not an accepted action ("Matched unknown action 'listmaster')

r2097 | salaun | 2003-12-03 15:55:41 +0100 (mer. 03 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: Make Archive::Zip a required module

r2096 | salaun | 2003-12-03 15:34:01 +0100 (mer. 03 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: need to reconnect to DB to grant privileges

r2095 | salaun | 2003-12-03 15:07:19 +0100 (mer. 03 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Add warnings about DBD::mysql install

r2094 | salaun | 2003-12-03 14:38:05 +0100 (mer. 03 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Fix: sympa_wizard would die with "undefined tolls::xx subroutine"

r2092 | salaun | 2003-12-02 15:20:28 +0100 (mar. 02 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 4.0.a8

r2091 | salaun | 2003-12-01 16:15:20 +0100 (lun. 01 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

Fix: contact LDAP directory in asynchronous mode

r2090 | salaun | 2003-12-01 16:01:02 +0100 (lun. 01 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi


r2089 | salaun | 2003-12-01 15:36:57 +0100 (lun. 01 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: logout failed if auth.conf entries had been removed

r2088 | salaun | 2003-12-01 11:02:14 +0100 (lun. 01 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl

Fix typo

r2087 | salaun | 2003-12-01 11:00:42 +0100 (lun. 01 déc. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl

Fix: text in loginbanner refered to CAS servers, even though none had been defined

r2086 | salaun | 2003-11-28 15:58:34 +0100 (ven. 28 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/CAS.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: now only use CAS.pm module in Sympa

r2085 | salaun | 2003-11-27 15:02:20 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/auth.conf
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

***** Changes: rename CAS parameters (login_uri, check_uri, logout_uri) and add CAS proxy-related parameters

r2084 | salaun | 2003-11-27 14:52:49 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/X509.pm

Remove traces

r2083 | salaun | 2003-11-27 12:19:24 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Remove old instructions

r2082 | salaun | 2003-11-27 12:12:56 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/CAS.pm

Change: allow customization of all service path

r2081 | salaun | 2003-11-27 11:50:10 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Add CAS.pm installation

r2080 | salaun | 2003-11-27 11:48:20 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

New feature: add cas_login() function

r2079 | salaun | 2003-11-27 11:47:46 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/CAS.pm

Update CAS module

r2078 | salaun | 2003-11-27 10:39:27 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: use 'base_url' CAS entries instead of 'host'

r2077 | salaun | 2003-11-27 09:51:14 +0100 (jeu. 27 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

******* Change: 'host' entry in CAS paragraph (auth.conf) replaced by 'base_url'

r2076 | salaun | 2003-11-25 14:39:38 +0100 (mar. 25 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by P.Maes] Fix: on Solaris shared lock fails with "Bad file number" error. This is due to the fact that flock() perl functions uses lockf() system call that requires the locked file to be open in read mode.

r2075 | salaun | 2003-11-24 10:36:01 +0100 (lun. 24 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[K.Libby] New feature: allow listmaster to ignore some scenario files at different levels (global, robot, list), by creating :ignore empty files

r2074 | salaun | 2003-11-13 16:19:14 +0100 (jeu. 13 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[BugID 222] Fix: Sympa did not detect incorrect actions in scenarios. A message could be lost if the send scenario was corrupted.

r2073 | salaun | 2003-11-13 15:22:08 +0100 (jeu. 13 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: a blank page was returned when accessing an unknown list

r2072 | salaun | 2003-11-13 15:00:33 +0100 (jeu. 13 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add robot to log entries

r2071 | salaun | 2003-11-13 14:39:36 +0100 (jeu. 13 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/rename_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/rename_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: fix archives renaming ; add virtual robot support and spool processing

r2070 | salaun | 2003-11-13 09:59:28 +0100 (jeu. 13 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/reviewbouncing.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/review.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/reviewbouncing.de.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/main.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/review.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/reviewbouncing.et.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/main.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/review.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/reviewbouncing.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/reviewbouncing.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/d_read.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/reviewbouncing.it.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/main.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/review.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/reviewbouncing.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/review.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/reviewbouncing.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl

Fix request_confirm() javascript function

r2069 | salaun | 2003-11-13 09:58:30 +0100 (jeu. 13 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/rename_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/rename_list_request.us.tpl

Fix: add missing rename_list template ; also move the "rename list" link

r2068 | salaun | 2003-11-12 15:57:44 +0100 (mer. 12 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: 'subject' was not decoded when used in reject messages

r2067 | salaun | 2003-11-12 11:12:05 +0100 (mer. 12 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: use wwslib::get_my_url() for CAS service URL instead of wwsympa_url

r2066 | salaun | 2003-11-12 11:02:30 +0100 (mer. 12 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Total of subscribers was incorrect after subscriptions/removal ; fixed check_param_in()

r2065 | salaun | 2003-11-10 17:14:50 +0100 (lun. 10 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: pass the option (nocache) from get_total() to _load_total_db(). This will prevent incorrect total of subscribers displayed on the web interface after adding or removing subscribers.

r2064 | salaun | 2003-11-10 15:49:16 +0100 (lun. 10 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 208] [M. Verdier] Fix: in pending subscriptions page, if the name of the requestor was not provided, check in user_table table

r2063 | salaun | 2003-11-10 14:36:39 +0100 (lun. 10 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[BugID 127] Fix: missing LoadLang()

r2062 | salaun | 2003-11-10 14:09:10 +0100 (lun. 10 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[BugID 219] Fix: set UID with POSIX::setuid(), required on FreeBSD

r2061 | salaun | 2003-11-10 13:55:36 +0100 (lun. 10 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Change: moving log entry to 'debug'

r2060 | salaun | 2003-11-03 07:39:13 +0100 (lun. 03 nov. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/X509.pm

fix get_https the "verify_mode" in order to control the certificat validity.

r2059 | salaun | 2003-10-31 14:32:26 +0100 (ven. 31 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/CAS.pm

New feature: add a CAS client module

r2058 | salaun | 2003-10-31 11:06:56 +0100 (ven. 31 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl

Fix: the URI defined as soapAction needs to be suffixed by #operation (Required for Axis to set correct SOAPAction HTTP header s)

r2057 | salaun | 2003-10-31 09:53:47 +0100 (ven. 31 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm

Fix: Accept both V1 and V2 Cookie HTTP headers. (Axis setMaintainSession() sets Cookie2)

r2056 | salaun | 2003-10-31 09:00:58 +0100 (ven. 31 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Changes: SOAP-related.

r2055 | salaun | 2003-10-29 10:22:40 +0100 (mer. 29 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: task_manager would die with "Illegal division by zero" error

r2054 | salaun | 2003-10-27 15:54:01 +0100 (lun. 27 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey

Fix : reverse rules order

r2053 | salaun | 2003-10-27 15:50:24 +0100 (lun. 27 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey

Fix : revert rules order

r2052 | salaun | 2003-10-27 15:44:37 +0100 (lun. 27 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 216][reported by T.Kindsigo]Fix: "order by email" clause was commented for MySQL

r2051 | salaun | 2003-10-20 10:58:14 +0200 (lun. 20 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[S. Zhuk] Change: Store the latest arctxt filename ; this prevents the readdir in arctxt/

r2050 | salaun | 2003-10-20 10:43:37 +0200 (lun. 20 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey

[reported by J. Nin] Fix: messages from moderator needed confirmation

r2049 | salaun | 2003-10-17 16:25:07 +0200 (ven. 17 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/Makefile
   A /trunk/soap/SympaTransport.pm
   M /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   M /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

Define a SOAP::Transport::HTTP::FCGI::Sympa class to redefine the handle() sub

r2048 | salaun | 2003-10-17 10:11:34 +0200 (ven. 17 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

soap-related fixes

r2047 | salaun | 2003-10-17 09:35:54 +0200 (ven. 17 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   A /trunk/soap
   A /trunk/soap/Makefile
   A /trunk/soap/sympa.wsdl
   A /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_client.pl
   A /trunk/soap/sympa_soap_server.fcgi
   A /trunk/soap/sympasoap.pm

New features: new SOAP server

r2046 | salaun | 2003-10-17 09:14:13 +0200 (ven. 17 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Move dump_vars() to tools.pl

r2045 | salaun | 2003-10-16 11:59:24 +0200 (jeu. 16 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80

[requested by J. Dalbec] Change: RPM should change /etc/mail/sympa_aliases user and group only if this file was created

r2043 | salaun | 2003-10-16 10:34:25 +0200 (jeu. 16 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing sympa 4.0.a7

r2042 | salaun | 2003-10-15 17:13:24 +0200 (mer. 15 oct. 2003) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: support for a generic SSO system, compatible with Shibboleth. New 'generic_sso' auth.conf paragraphs. Sympa delegates the authentication process to the SSO and is also able to use provided user attributes within authorization scenarios.
***** New 'user_attributes' field in the 'subscriber_table'
***** If you are using MySQL, Sympa.pl will change the database structure
***** at startup. If using Pg, Oracle or Sybase you should ALTER the table
***** structure according to the provided create_db.x scripts.

r2041 | salaun | 2003-10-15 11:20:00 +0200 (mer. 15 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r2040 | salaun | 2003-10-09 13:21:18 +0200 (jeu. 09 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: S/MIME related ; Sympa would die if it could not find user certificate

r2039 | salaun | 2003-10-08 15:45:10 +0200 (mer. 08 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.private

Fix: visibility was not granted to list owner

r2038 | salaun | 2003-10-07 14:04:47 +0200 (mar. 07 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/queue.c

[BugID 2006] Fix: Wrong exit codes

r2037 | salaun | 2003-10-07 13:50:49 +0200 (mar. 07 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 204] [reported by M. Grund] Fix: db_env variables could not be set (usefull for Oracle)

r2036 | salaun | 2003-10-07 11:21:44 +0200 (mar. 07 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/auth.conf

Fix: install a default auth.conf otherwise authentication would not work without auth.conf.

r2035 | salaun | 2003-10-07 10:58:37 +0200 (mar. 07 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by M. Krafft] Fix: Javascript email addresses protection was not working with owner/editor when no gecos was defined

r2034 | salaun | 2003-10-07 09:23:33 +0200 (mar. 07 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Change: Use standard tools::get_fileneme() to find relevant mhonarc-ressources file.

r2033 | salaun | 2003-10-07 09:10:20 +0200 (mar. 07 oct. 2003) | 9 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

These changes include both a new feature (sso-related) and fixes (spam protection-related) :
Fix web spam protection :
   * corrected regexp (M2H_ADDRESSMODIFYCODE var) in archived.pl
   * email list address now protected
   * document authors in shared now protected

[requested by Internet2 Shib developpers] New feature :
New generic_sso auth.conf parameter allows Sympa to authenticate via an external Single Sign-on service. The SSO login service is defined by a protected URI on the local web server (eg: protected via an Apache module). Sympa gets user identity information from its environment variables. This feature is not finalized...

r2032 | salaun | 2003-10-06 12:05:58 +0200 (lun. 06 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix: missing doc about search filters caching

r2031 | salaun | 2003-10-06 10:12:43 +0200 (lun. 06 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/your_infected_msg.fr.tpl

de passer / de passez

r2030 | salaun | 2003-10-02 15:10:55 +0200 (jeu. 02 oct. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

Fix typo

r2029 | salaun | 2003-09-26 15:55:05 +0200 (ven. 26 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Change: no more update update_date user field in the bounce process

r2028 | salaun | 2003-09-26 12:06:44 +0200 (ven. 26 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Parse all message (except bounce) because Sobig was able to subscribe via sympa@domain?subject=subscribe%20liste

r2027 | salaun | 2003-09-25 16:03:39 +0200 (jeu. 25 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix a bug related to cas logout et virtual robot.

r2026 | salaun | 2003-09-25 09:26:34 +0200 (jeu. 25 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix previous changes

r2025 | salaun | 2003-09-25 09:19:45 +0200 (jeu. 25 sept. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[J. Dalbek] Fix: incorrect listname regexp in task_manager (ingnored lists with '+').
Now centralized regexps in tools.pl

r2024 | salaun | 2003-09-24 11:11:49 +0200 (mer. 24 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New cas parameter in auth.conf : non_blocking_redirection to desable automatic transparent redirection to CAS server

r2023 | salaun | 2003-09-23 10:30:44 +0200 (mar. 23 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl

Fix: missing ENDIF ; loginbanner was broken

r2022 | salaun | 2003-09-23 09:34:14 +0200 (mar. 23 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

new subroutine get_my_url() used for CAS

r2021 | salaun | 2003-09-23 09:33:23 +0200 (mar. 23 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix bug related to CAS and virtual robot

r2020 | salaun | 2003-09-19 08:15:17 +0200 (ven. 19 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: wrong multiple_host_with_port regexp would require a comma after a single hostname

r2018 | salaun | 2003-09-18 16:14:18 +0200 (jeu. 18 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

Prepare 4.0.a6 version with S/MIME changes proposed by C. Mock

r2017 | salaun | 2003-09-18 16:12:39 +0200 (jeu. 18 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New feature: new variable available in authz scenarios : [msg_encrypted] is set to 'smime' if message was S/MIME encrypted

r2016 | salaun | 2003-09-18 15:36:53 +0200 (jeu. 18 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: rename new S/MIME related subroutines

r2015 | salaun | 2003-09-18 15:24:07 +0200 (jeu. 18 sept. 2003) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[C. Mock] New features :
- allow separate signing/encryption S/MIME keys for users, lists,  sympa; keys are extracted from the received signed emails, analyzed for the key usage extensions, and saved either as before (when they allow signing and encryption) or with a file extension "@enc"/"@sign" for separate keys; cf extract_certs() in tools.pl for saving them, parse_smime_cert() for getting all the info out (this also encapsulates the issue of email addresses in the DN vs SubjectAlternativeName), and find_smime_keys() to encapsulate the decision which key to use for signing, encrypting and decrypting. wwsympa has been altered accordingly to deliver either the encryption certificate or the "both purposes certificate" from "load cert".
- allow multiple "generations" of certificates for lists + sympa, so that you can renew your certs before they expire and run old and new certs alongside, so you don't need all your users to switch at the very same moment; this is also encapsulated in find_smime_keys().

r2014 | salaun | 2003-09-18 11:08:06 +0200 (jeu. 18 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[C. Mock] Fix: set content-type of list cert depending on user-agent, so IE can automatically import the file too; also, send CRLF terminated certificates with the certificate itself only (no comment lines), also for IE. Certificate installation from the web interface works for netscape and IE now.

r2013 | salaun | 2003-09-18 11:05:40 +0200 (jeu. 18 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[C. Mock] Change: patched mod_ssl to extract the  SubjectAlternativeName X509 email storage variant and deliver it in $ENV{SSL_CLIENT_S_EMAIL}; this is checked in wwsympa in preference to $ENV{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_EMAIL}; need this for our certificates which contain the email address _only_ in the SubjectAlternativeName.

r2012 | salaun | 2003-09-15 15:45:54 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[C. Mock] Log error string

r2011 | salaun | 2003-09-15 15:40:15 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[C. Mock] Fix log entry

r2010 | salaun | 2003-09-15 15:35:02 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[C. Mock] Removing unusefull SMIME code, now in Message.pm

r2009 | salaun | 2003-09-15 15:29:01 +0200 (lun. 15 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[C. Mock] Remove unusefull SMIME code, performed in Message.pm

r2007 | salaun | 2003-09-12 15:33:45 +0200 (ven. 12 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

Bug fix: &error_message() not in Auth.pm

r2006 | salaun | 2003-09-12 15:33:20 +0200 (ven. 12 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: no CAS redirect in WSDL mode

r2005 | salaun | 2003-09-12 14:16:55 +0200 (ven. 12 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/Auth.pm

Add Auth.pm

r2004 | salaun | 2003-09-12 14:00:34 +0200 (ven. 12 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r2003 | salaun | 2003-09-12 13:59:35 +0200 (ven. 12 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Reorganize documentation with authN and authZ chapters

r2002 | salaun | 2003-09-12 10:10:23 +0200 (ven. 12 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Change: rename 'scenario' to 'authorization scenario'

r2001 | salaun | 2003-09-11 17:15:15 +0200 (jeu. 11 sept. 2003) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix some CAS-related problems :
	+ login failed unless 'do_not_use_cas' cookie is set
	+ 'cas_server' cookie was not removed at logout time
	+ casified loginbanner.us
Also allow wwsympa to return a WDSL XML file (soap-related)

r2000 | salaun | 2003-09-05 13:40:28 +0200 (ven. 05 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl

fix a typo.

r1999 | salaun | 2003-09-05 10:43:08 +0200 (ven. 05 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix bug in CAS authentication if only one CAS server is defined

r1998 | salaun | 2003-09-04 17:40:51 +0200 (jeu. 04 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

fix bug related to explicite blocking redirection to CAS

r1997 | salaun | 2003-09-04 16:02:22 +0200 (jeu. 04 sept. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Some patches about CAS

r1996 | salaun | 2003-09-04 08:27:27 +0200 (jeu. 04 sept. 2003) | 12 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/X509.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Introduce CAS support (yale central Authentication Service). This feature is buggy
and should be used only for test purpose. You must check auth.conf section in  documentation :
new auth.conf new format is not compatible with previous version but is more flexible.

Known bug : CAS ticket validation session. https session is impossible though Tomcat, it works
when using Apache as http front-end to Tomcat. Maybe a bug in Tomcat ?

When user select a CAS server the ticket validation return invalid ticket.

Please report Sympa-authors AT cru.fr about your test.

r1995 | salaun | 2003-08-26 08:35:37 +0200 (mar. 26 août 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Skip line beginning with # while performing commands in a message

r1994 | salaun | 2003-08-26 08:27:40 +0200 (mar. 26 août 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

remove debug code : dump message in DoFile (/tmp/dump)

r1992 | salaun | 2003-08-14 14:05:04 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 4.0.a4

r1990 | salaun | 2003-08-14 11:44:06 +0200 (jeu. 14 août 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Fix: could not set 'sympalang' cookie

r1963 | salaun | 2003-08-13 08:50:51 +0200 (mer. 13 août 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listowner_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listowner_notification.us.tpl

Add link to reviewbouncing page from bounce notification templates

r1962 | salaun | 2003-08-12 15:15:46 +0200 (mar. 12 août 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add log for bouncers removal & notification

r1961 | salaun | 2003-08-12 14:38:50 +0200 (mar. 12 août 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listowner_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listowner_notification.us.tpl

Add total to bouncing notification messages

r1960 | salaun | 2003-08-12 14:02:34 +0200 (mar. 12 août 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix bounce_score format again

r1959 | salaun | 2003-08-12 13:59:29 +0200 (mar. 12 août 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix smallint size for bounce_score

r1958 | salaun | 2003-08-12 12:34:33 +0200 (mar. 12 août 2003) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/eval_bouncers.daily.task
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/process_bouncers.weekly.task
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_orphan_bounces.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listowner_notification.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/subscriber_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listowner_notification.us.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/subscriber_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editlist.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editlist.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New features:
* Automatic bounce management based on 2 tasks :
	eval_bouncers sets a bouncing score for bouncers.
	process_bouncers will either notify or remove them
The list config defines 2 bouncing levels (rate, action and notification).
* New purge_orphan_bounces task that removes archived bounces files concerning
old subscribers

r1931 | salaun | 2003-07-18 14:39:34 +0200 (ven. 18 juil. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix: [remote_host] and [remote_addr] not documented

r1928 | salaun | 2003-07-17 09:53:20 +0200 (jeu. 17 juil. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[BugID 153] [reported by G. Tellier] Fix: E-mail addresses containing an apostrophe were rejected

r1925 | salaun | 2003-07-15 16:00:59 +0200 (mar. 15 juil. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[H. Ulliac] Fix: create_list templates were not searched in the robot directory

r1924 | salaun | 2003-07-15 15:44:30 +0200 (mar. 15 juil. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

[micah AT riseup.net] Fix HTML documentation URL

r1923 | salaun | 2003-07-10 15:00:17 +0200 (jeu. 10 juil. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/Makefile
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

[Zakaria] Fix: unset PATH before anything else ; store the lock in a writeable directory

r1922 | salaun | 2003-07-07 16:37:12 +0200 (lun. 07 juil. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 179] Fix: [user->xxx] variables were never available in scenarios

r1921 | salaun | 2003-07-07 16:12:07 +0200 (lun. 07 juil. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Fix: problem with that had no argument

r1917 | salaun | 2003-07-04 11:22:11 +0200 (ven. 04 juil. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by R. Pfeiffer & T. Oger] Fix: recent versions of DBD::mysql have changed the behavior for tables() :
Table names are surrounded by ``. Sympa considered Sympa DB did not have the right structure.

r1916 | salaun | 2003-06-26 09:54:03 +0200 (jeu. 26 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[reported by P. Machard] Fix: remove trailing spaces in robot.conf

r1915 | salaun | 2003-06-25 11:37:38 +0200 (mer. 25 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: tools::split_mail did not return 1 ; antivirus was not applied on messages

r1914 | salaun | 2003-06-25 10:58:00 +0200 (mer. 25 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: do_log instead of print STDERR

r1913 | salaun | 2003-06-25 10:20:14 +0200 (mer. 25 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl

Fix: Skip unknown lists

r1912 | salaun | 2003-06-20 09:42:45 +0200 (ven. 20 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r1911 | salaun | 2003-06-18 16:49:13 +0200 (mer. 18 juin 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: clean code related to replicat LDAP hosts.
***** 'port' parameter no more supported in include_ldap_query paragraphs

r1909 | salaun | 2003-06-17 11:48:59 +0200 (mar. 17 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.pod
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: 'remove_list' sympa.pl option to remove a list from the command line

r1908 | salaun | 2003-06-13 16:51:39 +0200 (ven. 13 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix: Encrypted messages were including 2 header fields remaining from openssl output

r1907 | salaun | 2003-06-13 15:58:12 +0200 (ven. 13 juin 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

[BugID 173] [reported by O. Wild] Bug fix: sympa.pl dies on a S/MIME encrypted message when it does not have every user (when using Exim MTA).
Notification of certificate-less users is now performed at a higher level, in List::send_msg()

r1905 | salaun | 2003-06-13 14:35:49 +0200 (ven. 13 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

Fix: Message::new() fail if S/MIME decryption fails

r1904 | salaun | 2003-06-13 14:35:13 +0200 (ven. 13 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[BugID 171][reported by O. Wild] Bug fix: Sympa did not catch errors decrypting a S/MIME encrypted message

r1900 | salaun | 2003-06-10 16:10:51 +0200 (mar. 10 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/digest.us.tpl

[reported by M. Yount] Missing 's'

r1899 | salaun | 2003-06-04 17:21:15 +0200 (mer. 04 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix previous changes

r1898 | salaun | 2003-06-02 16:52:22 +0200 (lun. 02 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Adding sendmail.cf related instruction

r1897 | salaun | 2003-06-02 16:21:54 +0200 (lun. 02 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[G. Paressant] Fix: list_check_smtp() was not working

r1896 | salaun | 2003-06-02 13:35:01 +0200 (lun. 02 juin 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: allow to have  multiple virtual robots on the same http_host

r1895 | salaun | 2003-05-30 17:14:13 +0200 (ven. 30 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by A. Durand] Fix: update include2 user entry if gecos changed in source

r1894 | salaun | 2003-05-16 12:07:39 +0200 (ven. 16 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add template customization details

r1893 | salaun | 2003-05-14 16:56:28 +0200 (mer. 14 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.in
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/index.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node1.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node10.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node11.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node12.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node13.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node14.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node15.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node16.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node17.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node18.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node19.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node2.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node20.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node21.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node3.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node4.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node5.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node6.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node7.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node8.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node9.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/sympa.ps
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/sympa.tex
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   M /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix: incorrect instructions regarding aliases management

r1892 | salaun | 2003-05-12 14:57:07 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 155][Reported by G. Tellier] Fix: Gecos was lost while doing multiple ADD if email address contained upper-cased chars

r1890 | salaun | 2003-05-12 11:55:25 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80

Add quick install notes

r1889 | salaun | 2003-05-12 11:49:22 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Fix: initialize INITCONF var

r1888 | salaun | 2003-05-12 11:48:37 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

Change: use different SPEC file for RedHat RPM building

r1887 | salaun | 2003-05-12 11:47:00 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80

Changes: only require packages for standard Sympa installation (not LDAP, SSLEAY).  Some package have different naming conventions with Mandrake and RedHat

r1886 | salaun | 2003-05-12 11:42:37 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec.rh80

Change: now need a separated SPEC file for Mandrake and RedHat

r1885 | salaun | 2003-05-12 11:41:14 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

 Fix: Add GRANT PRIV query

r1884 | salaun | 2003-05-12 11:40:58 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

Change: Msgcat no more required

r1883 | salaun | 2003-05-12 11:37:53 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[reported by G. Paressant] Fix: make languages no required since NLS or no more compiled

r1882 | salaun | 2003-05-12 11:32:42 +0200 (lun. 12 mai 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/mod2html.pl

New feature: provide a script for generating missing HTML views of moderated messages

r1867 | salaun | 2003-04-30 10:34:59 +0200 (mer. 30 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl

[ben AT socialtools.net] Fix: Grammatical error in English translations

r1866 | salaun | 2003-04-29 17:59:39 +0200 (mar. 29 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: using wrong log subroutine

r1864 | salaun | 2003-04-29 17:21:43 +0200 (mar. 29 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: HTML version of moderated messages were generated by WWSympa, but recent release of MhOnArc (5.6) refuse to run SetUID. Therefore mhonarc is now run by sympa.pl when storing moderated messages.

r1862 | salaun | 2003-04-29 15:34:49 +0200 (mar. 29 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[G. Paressant] Fix: aliaswrapper was not owned by root

r1860 | salaun | 2003-04-29 11:37:25 +0200 (mar. 29 avril 2003) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/smtp.pm
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: MIME-related :
	* decode subject header fields in search result
	* encode subject header field before message sending

r1859 | salaun | 2003-04-28 15:58:55 +0200 (lun. 28 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/Makefile
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Change: Search functions in INITDIR

r1858 | salaun | 2003-04-28 15:41:03 +0200 (lun. 28 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment

[S. Hornburg]Changes: German translation, English text for hotline type, Spelling fix for English

r1857 | salaun | 2003-04-28 15:28:34 +0200 (lun. 28 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[A. de Pretis] Fix: problem regarding PostgreSQL 7.3.x: since this version Pg supports Schemes which prefixes table-names with the scheme-name (default: public) ... $dbh->tables in List.pm, method 'probe_db' returns: public.user_table public.subscriber_table

r1854 | salaun | 2003-04-28 08:24:42 +0200 (lun. 28 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix bug related to listname-owner, listname-editor listname-request feature

r1853 | salaun | 2003-04-18 17:27:19 +0200 (ven. 18 avril 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New feature: Sympa is now able to create its database (try as root) and tables.
Change: if database is unreachable, Sympa daemon dies to prevent blocking of Server startup

r1852 | salaun | 2003-04-18 11:36:48 +0200 (ven. 18 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arc_manage.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_admin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc_manage.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_admin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Benoit Ortner] New feature: web archive management ; allows to remove multiple months and/or get and archive (zip) or archive month.

r1848 | salaun | 2003-04-16 17:43:50 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 144] [R. Marchand] FIx: When upgrading to Sympa from 3.3.5.  Sympa adds the two fields 'subscribed_subscriber' and 'include_sources_subscriber' when started the first time but fail to add the third field 'included_subscriber'.
Consequence of this is that no user is found when viewing the lists admin pages.  There may be other consequences.

r1846 | salaun | 2003-04-16 13:53:37 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/contents.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/crossref.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/img1.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/img2.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/index.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/index.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/next.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/next_g.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node1.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node10.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node11.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node12.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node13.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node14.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node15.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node16.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node17.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node18.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node19.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node2.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node20.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node21.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node3.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node4.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node5.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node6.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node7.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node8.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/node9.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/prev.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/prev_g.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/sympa.css
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/sympa.html
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/sympa.ps
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/up.png
   A /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/html/up_g.png
   A /trunk/doc/html
   A /trunk/doc/html/contents.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/crossref.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/img1.old
   A /trunk/doc/html/img1.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/img2.old
   A /trunk/doc/html/img2.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/index.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/index.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/next.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/next_g.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/node1.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node10.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node11.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node12.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node13.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node14.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node15.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node16.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node17.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node18.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node19.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node2.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node20.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node21.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node3.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node4.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node5.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node6.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node7.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node8.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/node9.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/prev.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/prev_g.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/sympa.css
   A /trunk/doc/html/sympa.html
   A /trunk/doc/html/sympa.ps
   A /trunk/doc/html/up.png
   A /trunk/doc/html/up_g.png

Restore documentation in HTML format

r1845 | salaun | 2003-04-16 13:30:43 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

Comment debug trace

r1843 | salaun | 2003-04-16 12:00:06 +0200 (mer. 16 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.in
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/configure
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/configure.in
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in

New feature: check suidperl and mhonarc are installed

r1842 | salaun | 2003-04-11 17:08:02 +0200 (ven. 11 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

Revert previous change

r1841 | salaun | 2003-04-11 16:18:31 +0200 (ven. 11 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

[B. Hortner] Fix: missing } in javascript subroutine

r1840 | salaun | 2003-04-11 11:41:58 +0200 (ven. 11 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: make better error handling in virus scanning subroutine, in case we can't decode message parts

r1839 | salaun | 2003-04-09 17:47:31 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[G. Paressant] Change: use a spam-proof email address

r1838 | salaun | 2003-04-09 17:19:48 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet

[N. Arles] Fix: look for current domain in email addresses when logged in

r1836 | salaun | 2003-04-09 16:43:02 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[reported by G. Paressant] Restore definition of etc/ subdirectories

r1832 | salaun | 2003-04-09 15:57:49 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.in
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/man8/sympa.8
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   A /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.8
   A /trunk/doc/man8/archived.8
   A /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.8
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8

Add missing man pages to CVS

r1831 | salaun | 2003-04-09 15:18:27 +0200 (mer. 09 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

Change: no more clean required in nls/

r1830 | salaun | 2003-04-08 17:20:52 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/man8/archived.pod
   M /trunk/doc/man8/archived.pod

[reported by xavier AT cs.gouv.qc.ca]Fix: no more refer to -dF option

r1829 | salaun | 2003-04-08 17:08:47 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editlist.us.tpl

[A. de Pretis] Update: complete parameter information

r1828 | salaun | 2003-04-08 15:45:04 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

[B. Hortner] New feature: no more use Locale::Msgcat for NLS management, home-made functions instead.
This solves MacOS X users problem that don't have gencat available ;-)

r1826 | salaun | 2003-04-08 15:24:05 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2003) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

Changes: these changes are related to the RPM building :
	+ Add missing variables to build sympa.spec for RH
	+ require 'smtpdaemon' with RH, 'MailTransportAgent' with MDK
	+ ./configure is done at RPM build time with relevant options
	+ correct path to sympa_wizard
	+ fix problems with the %files section, when changing directories
	+ missing %changelog

r1825 | salaun | 2003-04-08 15:18:03 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[G. Paressant] Update

r1823 | salaun | 2003-04-08 15:15:22 +0200 (mar. 08 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile

Change: rename sympa/ directory to html/

r1818 | salaun | 2003-04-04 10:41:50 +0200 (ven. 04 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/ChangeLog
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Fix: parameter was not parsed

r1817 | salaun | 2003-04-04 10:34:42 +0200 (ven. 04 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

[reported by Xavier AT cs.gouv.qc.ca] Missing \n when printing to STDERR

r1816 | salaun | 2003-04-03 16:27:28 +0200 (jeu. 03 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_editfile.us.tpl

[reported by J. Rezeau] Fix: wrong default for rename input

r1815 | salaun | 2003-04-03 09:36:14 +0200 (jeu. 03 avril 2003) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Introducing ZIP download of a full month archive from wwsympa.
(Benoit Ortner) (No yet completed)

r1814 | salaun | 2003-04-02 17:16:12 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl

[A. de Pretis] Fix: scripts were looking for libs in the wrong directory (BINDIR instead LIBDIR)

r1813 | salaun | 2003-04-02 11:28:04 +0200 (mer. 02 avril 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/Message.pm
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by H. Penning] Bug fix: Sympa would log "Incorrect name" entries when processing messages for -request, -unsubscribe, etc... messages

r1812 | salaun | 2003-03-25 10:38:27 +0100 (mar. 25 mars 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Change: set FTP Passive mode for CPAN install to work behind a firewall

r1811 | salaun | 2003-03-24 14:21:37 +0100 (lun. 24 mars 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/Commands.pm
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: "no command found in message" when distributing twice a moderated message

r1810 | salaun | 2003-03-18 12:04:17 +0100 (mar. 18 mars 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by  X. Renaut] \samplerobot variables not interpreted because of verbatim paragraphs

r1807 | salaun | 2003-03-13 09:45:49 +0100 (jeu. 13 mars 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/Ldap.pm
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/sympa.pl
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 131] [G. Paressant] Fix:  Incorrect LDAP password crashes wwsympa ; fixed similar code in Ldap.pm

r1806 | salaun | 2003-03-12 08:49:34 +0100 (mer. 12 mars 2003) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/testlogs.pl

new script "testlogs.pl" that use sympa.conf file and just add a line to

r1805 | salaun | 2003-03-12 08:46:33 +0100 (mer. 12 mars 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r1804 | salaun | 2003-03-10 15:59:17 +0100 (lun. 10 mars 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Reported by sympa_bug_report@nmhq.net , fixe bug when validate a message for a empty list

r1803 | salaun | 2003-03-07 17:05:16 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Update doc

r1802 | salaun | 2003-03-07 17:05:03 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: new suported parameter 'failure_referer' for login action

r1801 | salaun | 2003-03-07 16:54:27 +0100 (ven. 07 mars 2003) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add a button in archive to send back a message to a user.
Feature not complete :
  -encrypted message ?
  -add some headers "resent-from" resend-date ?

r1800 | salaun | 2003-03-06 08:52:20 +0100 (jeu. 06 mars 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Reported by Claude Gross
X509 DN email field can be email=xxx or emailaddress=xxx (openssl 0.9.7.a)

r1799 | salaun | 2003-03-05 16:35:45 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Changes: Extend escaped chars

r1798 | salaun | 2003-03-05 15:24:30 +0100 (mer. 05 mars 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 121] [reported by G. Paressant] Fix: import problems with include2.
Now set 'subscribed' DB field in &user_add() if required

r1796 | salaun | 2003-02-27 09:07:20 +0100 (jeu. 27 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

More comment about fastcgi and suexec

r1795 | salaun | 2003-02-25 10:34:57 +0100 (mar. 25 févr. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by P. Maes] Fix urlize-related problems: missing quotes around URL.
Escaped chars in URL need to be re-escaped in wwsympa

r1794 | salaun | 2003-02-24 17:46:37 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[G. Bittencourt] Fix: incorrect Sybase (DBD::Sybase 0.95) connect string ; replaced dbname with database

r1792 | salaun | 2003-02-24 17:16:07 +0100 (lun. 24 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.in
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Missing var NLSDIR while installing sbin_SRC

r1791 | salaun | 2003-02-19 10:42:09 +0100 (mer. 19 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[from Guy Paressant] Remove in ldap_authentication a unusefull anonymous bind

r1790 | salaun | 2003-02-19 09:26:51 +0100 (mer. 19 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Net::LDAP 0.27 is required if using multiple ldap host definition.

r1789 | salaun | 2003-02-19 08:25:53 +0100 (mer. 19 févr. 2003) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[From Vincent Mathieu]

allow usage of multiple ldap host for include_ldap:


r1788 | salaun | 2003-02-19 08:23:06 +0100 (mer. 19 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

How to use multiple LDAP host (replication)

r1787 | salaun | 2003-02-14 12:44:53 +0100 (ven. 14 févr. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: Sympa.pl could die with error "Can't call method "decode" on an undefined value" while decoding malformed
multipart messages

r1785 | salaun | 2003-02-13 11:44:57 +0100 (jeu. 13 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

Fix it

r1784 | salaun | 2003-02-13 11:33:45 +0100 (jeu. 13 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/Makefile.am
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/sample/Makefile
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile

[G. Paressant] Fix: small fixes, samplelist could not be installed

r1783 | salaun | 2003-02-12 10:30:52 +0100 (mer. 12 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

Change: use stable version of the script

r1782 | salaun | 2003-02-12 10:26:51 +0100 (mer. 12 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

Replace buggy &higher subroutine

r1780 | salaun | 2003-02-10 13:11:35 +0100 (lun. 10 févr. 2003) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl

[BugID 108] [reported by G. Paressant] Fix:  include2 lists subscribers are deleted when a problem
occur with the datasource LDAP server. Now interrupt the database update if _load_users_include2()
failed ; also notify listmaster.

r1779 | salaun | 2003-02-06 10:18:40 +0100 (jeu. 06 févr. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: if a list param does not exist, scenario verification failed.
Also fixed some 'return -1'

r1777 | salaun | 2003-02-05 17:05:03 +0100 (mer. 05 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[galibert AT pobox.com] Fix:  The 28 jan. patch lost the space between the tag and the subject when adding a new tag. This puts it back.

r1775 | salaun | 2003-02-05 16:47:26 +0100 (mer. 05 févr. 2003) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: scenarios using [previous_email] var could not be evaluated.
Now allowing undef vars in scenarios. Notify listmaster if a scenario could
not be evaluated.

r1774 | salaun | 2003-02-05 08:49:44 +0100 (mer. 05 févr. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/list_aliases.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tpl

Fix: incorrect parameter for bouncequeue (only for default domain)

r1773 | salaun | 2003-01-29 12:14:31 +0100 (mer. 29 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New feature: use &fatal_error() instead of exit. fatal_error() now notifies the listmaster

r1772 | salaun | 2003-01-29 11:07:58 +0100 (mer. 29 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: Suppress debug info when running sympa.pl in batch mode

r1771 | salaun | 2003-01-28 16:22:56 +0100 (mar. 28 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by C. Mock] Fix: possible values of 'archive_crypted_msg'

r1768 | salaun | 2003-01-28 15:32:04 +0100 (mar. 28 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 99] Change: Pg 7.3 no longer supports the LIMIT #,# syntax

r1767 | salaun | 2003-01-28 15:08:31 +0100 (mar. 28 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by G. Paressant] Fix: make [list->domain] var available in list templates

r1764 | salaun | 2003-01-28 14:18:26 +0100 (mar. 28 janv. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: If custom_subject is found in the subject, don't move it at the beginning
of the subject. This prevents Re: Re: Re: subjects

r1758 | salaun | 2003-01-28 10:22:25 +0100 (mar. 28 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: get_total() failed with lists in 'include' mode

r1755 | salaun | 2003-01-27 10:52:27 +0100 (lun. 27 janv. 2003) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add a new variable [previous_email] for use in scenario subscribe
when changing email. It is needed in order to accept change email
from subscribers even if new subscribtion need owner control.

r1752 | salaun | 2003-01-24 15:56:36 +0100 (ven. 24 janv. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by G. Lau] Fix: After editing a list's config, every topic had an empty subtopic. Now test if
there are any subtopic before going through them.

r1751 | salaun | 2003-01-24 12:49:14 +0100 (ven. 24 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart

Fix some send scenarios

r1748 | salaun | 2003-01-24 10:43:58 +0100 (ven. 24 janv. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: looking for subscribers.closed.dump in the wrong directory. Could not restore subscribers for lists
in a Virtual Robot.

r1744 | salaun | 2003-01-24 09:50:28 +0100 (ven. 24 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Fix: Aliaswraper was installed with wrong attributes (sympa instead of root). Could not run newaliases

r1743 | salaun | 2003-01-23 17:40:36 +0100 (jeu. 23 janv. 2003) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

after renaming a list redirect to the admin page of the
new list

r1742 | salaun | 2003-01-23 17:28:33 +0100 (jeu. 23 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: alias management error status were badly used

r1741 | salaun | 2003-01-23 16:30:57 +0100 (jeu. 23 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

log entry in debug

r1740 | salaun | 2003-01-23 15:57:43 +0100 (jeu. 23 janv. 2003) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Query database for total subscribers before send a message, in case new database entries
have been added

r1739 | salaun | 2003-01-22 17:29:48 +0100 (mer. 22 janv. 2003) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg

[E. Dreyfus] [reported by pamelant AT nerim.net] Change:  Postgresql 7.3 has no support for not SQL standard type 'datetime'.
***** If you are upgrading from a previous Sympa version, you should update
***** your sympa DB as follows :
***** ALTER TABLE subscriber_table CHANGE date_subscriber timestamp with time zone NOT NULL;
***** ALTER TABLE subscriber_table CHANGE update_subscriber timestamp with time zone;

r1738 | salaun | 2003-01-22 17:29:05 +0100 (mer. 22 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Update doc

r1737 | salaun | 2003-01-22 10:36:29 +0100 (mer. 22 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by A. Delvaux] Fix: incorrect format of List-ID header field

r1735 | salaun | 2003-01-22 10:05:24 +0100 (mer. 22 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix problems with REMIND task, it has been reactivated

r1734 | salaun | 2003-01-21 17:15:06 +0100 (mar. 21 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: task_manager died if incorrect listname

r1733 | salaun | 2003-01-21 14:59:58 +0100 (mar. 21 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by E. Dreyfus] Fix: missing FreeBSD

r1732 | salaun | 2003-01-17 17:37:02 +0100 (ven. 17 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: total subscribers is now updated in wwsympa every time an action concerns a list

r1727 | salaun | 2003-01-13 15:23:24 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Purge is now availible to privileged owner

r1726 | salaun | 2003-01-13 15:14:16 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2003) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New "Rename list" button. (move and rewrite of pending messages in spool
is not yet implemented).

r1725 | salaun | 2003-01-13 12:05:27 +0100 (lun. 13 janv. 2003) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[C. Mock] Bug fix: using wrong Message entry

r1722 | salaun | 2002-12-26 12:26:49 +0100 (jeu. 26 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Adam] Fix:  Fix to attach headers to multipart/alternative (HTML) messages

r1721 | salaun | 2002-12-24 12:28:25 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Changes: generalize use of Message objet in DoMessage(), distribute_msg(), send_msg(), mailto(). Message object can now be created based on a MIME::Entity object

r1720 | salaun | 2002-12-24 10:07:08 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[C. Mock] Fix: Only encrypt part of headers (cf RFC 2633). Required for Netscape 4.7

r1719 | salaun | 2002-12-24 09:50:24 +0100 (mar. 24 déc. 2002) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[C. Mock] Fixes: decrypted message was not always used ; now used as default.
New feature: new 'archive_crypted_msg' list parameter ; when archiving message
encrypted use original message instead of re-encrypting it.
Fix: previous patch did not work with X509 certs which DN starts with email ; no
more use "openssl x509 -email" switch

r1718 | salaun | 2002-12-23 15:22:01 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

[C. Mock] Log fix

r1717 | salaun | 2002-12-23 15:15:48 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[C. Mock] Change: recognize email as '+MAIL=email' for Sympa to work with old a-sign.at certs

r1716 | salaun | 2002-12-23 15:15:48 +0100 (lun. 23 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog

*** empty log message ***

r1715 | salaun | 2002-12-20 13:26:12 +0100 (ven. 20 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

[glenn AT elaw.org]New feature: add sort by name on REVIEW page

r1713 | salaun | 2002-12-20 11:54:05 +0100 (ven. 20 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Fix: missing vars ETCDIR for src/Makefile

r1712 | salaun | 2002-12-20 11:15:53 +0100 (ven. 20 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New feature: first version of include_admin, not finished yet

r1711 | salaun | 2002-12-19 18:02:41 +0100 (jeu. 19 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: epoch_conf failed analysing dates. As a consequence, most tasks were planned for now. This could make the task_manager busy.

r1710 | salaun | 2002-12-19 11:09:04 +0100 (jeu. 19 déc. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: Adding logs to DB to provide stats.
Log collecting calls have been commented, untill the task_manager is able
to clean up logs.

r1708 | salaun | 2002-12-19 10:02:19 +0100 (jeu. 19 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Change: Create 'arc_path' directory if not created ; also check access

r1707 | salaun | 2002-12-17 15:57:46 +0100 (mar. 17 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[reported by cm AT coretec.at] Fix: sympa_wizard created sympa.conf with old parameter 'trusted_ca_options'

r1706 | salaun | 2002-12-17 12:53:04 +0100 (mar. 17 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

more simple feld name in log_table

r1702 | salaun | 2002-12-16 17:44:47 +0100 (lun. 16 déc. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Changes: Now all path in documentation use XXXDIR variables.
This should be used by packagers to do a "make documentation" so the
documentation refer to correct path.

r1701 | salaun | 2002-12-16 17:43:09 +0100 (lun. 16 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile

Change: install sample liste in sampledir instead of expldir

r1700 | salaun | 2002-12-16 15:03:50 +0100 (lun. 16 déc. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/README
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[G. Paressant] Changes: New sympa.spec and build procedure for Mandrake.
New parameters are available in configure : with-etcdir, with-nlsdir, with-scriptdir,
with-sampledir,with-spooldir,with-docdir. Documentation is now installed.

r1699 | salaun | 2002-12-16 12:02:06 +0100 (lun. 16 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Change: wws_path no more used ; make it an old_param

r1698 | salaun | 2002-12-13 17:34:51 +0100 (ven. 13 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: reverse sort order for latest lists

r1697 | salaun | 2002-12-13 10:56:44 +0100 (ven. 13 déc. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by O. Germes] Bug fix: missing $robot parameters. It was leadding to "Missing directory or config file for <list>"
error log entries

r1696 | salaun | 2002-12-12 17:39:22 +0100 (jeu. 12 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/editfile.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/editfile.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/editfile.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/editfile.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/editfile.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/editfile.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/editfile.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/editfile.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/editfile.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/editfile.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editfile.us.tpl

[Reported by glenn AT elaw.org] FIx: Orphan tag in editfile.tpl causes problem in Mozilla 1.01

r1693 | salaun | 2002-12-12 17:29:16 +0100 (jeu. 12 déc. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by H. S. Rai] Links in summaries failed if message-id contained a dash ('-'). Mhonarc escapes these chars in
HTML messages.

r1692 | salaun | 2002-12-12 16:22:22 +0100 (jeu. 12 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: also escape () in arcsearch_id. Also escape these chars in arcsearch

r1691 | salaun | 2002-12-11 14:27:12 +0100 (mer. 11 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[reported by G. Paressant] Fix: when building RPMs conf files were not searched at the right place

r1690 | salaun | 2002-12-11 11:42:43 +0100 (mer. 11 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/summary.us.tpl

Fix: variable name has changed since latest changes to send_digest

r1689 | salaun | 2002-12-10 17:53:59 +0100 (mar. 10 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

[proposed by A. Bernstein] Fix: make the script VRobot-compatible

r1687 | salaun | 2002-12-10 17:39:34 +0100 (mar. 10 déc. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

[reported by Oracle AT provocation.net] [BugID 79] Fix: 'make install' was doing a non-selective chown/chgrp -R
on sbin/ directory. Now only installed files are concerned.

r1686 | salaun | 2002-12-10 15:05:52 +0100 (mar. 10 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/nls/cn.msg
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg
   M /trunk/nls/et.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fi.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/nls/it.msg
   M /trunk/nls/nl.msg
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg
   M /trunk/nls/ro.msg
   M /trunk/nls/tw.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cn/digest.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/digest.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/digest.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/digest.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/digest.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/digest.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/digest.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/digest.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/digest.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/digest.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/digest.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/digest.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/tw
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/tw/digest.tw.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/digest.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: Digest is now defined in a template

r1683 | salaun | 2002-12-09 12:08:45 +0100 (lun. 09 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in


r1682 | salaun | 2002-12-09 09:45:23 +0100 (lun. 09 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[reported by G. Paressant] Fix: DESTDIR env variable was not set when running the wizard

r1681 | salaun | 2002-12-06 16:57:48 +0100 (ven. 06 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

[Guy Paressant] Fix: refered to SBINDIR instead of LIBDIR

r1679 | salaun | 2002-12-06 10:54:00 +0100 (ven. 06 déc. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Marco AT porciletto.org] Bug fix: editsubscriber failed with some versions of web_templates (including Italian)
not recently updated.

r1678 | salaun | 2002-12-06 10:22:09 +0100 (ven. 06 déc. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[proposed by J. Douglass] New features: Add SSL support while authenticating to LDAP server
New 'use_ssl', 'ssl_version' and 'ssl_ciphers' parameters in auth.conf

r1677 | salaun | 2002-12-05 17:06:13 +0100 (jeu. 05 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Detail header/footer algorythm

r1676 | salaun | 2002-12-05 17:00:17 +0100 (jeu. 05 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Add check

r1675 | salaun | 2002-12-05 12:01:45 +0100 (jeu. 05 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Require recent LDAP modules with SSL features

r1674 | salaun | 2002-12-03 09:26:28 +0100 (mar. 03 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: 'web_archive_spam_protection' not recognized as robot.conf parameter

r1672 | salaun | 2002-12-02 10:42:43 +0100 (lun. 02 déc. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: only rebuild archives of the current VRobot

r1671 | salaun | 2002-11-27 16:33:46 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Document spam protection list parameters

r1669 | salaun | 2002-11-27 14:28:26 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: extend escaped characters in URLs.
JC Delepine has reported a problem with 0xB0 char not escaped in document

r1668 | salaun | 2002-11-27 14:20:45 +0100 (mer. 27 nov. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: extend escaped characters in URLs.
A problem was reported by JC Delepine with 0B0 character in the document repository

r1667 | salaun | 2002-11-26 13:08:14 +0100 (mar. 26 nov. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/viewbounce.us.tpl

[reported by G. Helou] New feature: Add escape_html option to the parser.
This was required to escape <> chars in bounces

r1666 | salaun | 2002-11-26 12:02:01 +0100 (mar. 26 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/viewbounce.de.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/viewbounce.fi.tpl

Remove duplicate templates

r1665 | salaun | 2002-11-26 11:10:14 +0100 (mar. 26 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug Fix: missing trailing boundary to the confirm message

r1664 | salaun | 2002-11-21 11:31:27 +0100 (jeu. 21 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/README

Change: add a README in bin/etc/

r1662 | salaun | 2002-11-21 11:21:37 +0100 (jeu. 21 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/topics.conf
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: ignore topics if no topics.conf was found. Also install a default topics.conf

r1661 | salaun | 2002-11-21 10:37:35 +0100 (jeu. 21 nov. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: (incomplete) new subroutine for logs in DB. It could provide data for

r1660 | salaun | 2002-11-20 17:13:44 +0100 (mer. 20 nov. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

[reported by Antoine AT rezo.net] Update: complete cookies warning message, Javascript might not have cookies
read access

r1659 | salaun | 2002-11-20 16:04:28 +0100 (mer. 20 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[reported by O. Lacroix] Change: put log entry about unused task label in debug3

r1658 | salaun | 2002-11-20 14:44:08 +0100 (mer. 20 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet

[O. Lacroix] Fix: Owners and editors were not accepted

r1657 | salaun | 2002-11-18 13:02:44 +0100 (lun. 18 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: wrong test on 'db_additional_subscriber_fields' ; default in Conf.pm make it always defined

r1656 | salaun | 2002-11-18 12:57:18 +0100 (lun. 18 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editsubscriber.us.tpl

Fix: missing conditionnal use of additional fields

r1654 | salaun | 2002-11-18 12:25:38 +0100 (lun. 18 nov. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/editsubscriber.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/editsubscriber.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/editsubscriber.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/editsubscriber.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/editsubscriber.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/editsubscriber.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/editsubscriber.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/editsubscriber.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/editsubscriber.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/editsubscriber.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editsubscriber.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: editsubscriber failed if the owner was subscriber of the list. do_editsubscriber() was using 'subscriber'
variable already used.

r1653 | salaun | 2002-11-18 12:22:57 +0100 (lun. 18 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: include_file included only local parts of email addresses

r1652 | salaun | 2002-11-15 10:38:20 +0100 (ven. 15 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editsubscriber.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by Eric Sandquist] New feature: db_additional_subscriber_fields (declared in sympa.conf) can now be edited in editsubscriber page (ENUM are used)

r1651 | salaun | 2002-11-15 09:05:25 +0100 (ven. 15 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add comment

r1649 | salaun | 2002-11-14 14:40:35 +0100 (jeu. 14 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

Complete documentation about mail aliases

r1647 | salaun | 2002-11-14 10:59:09 +0100 (jeu. 14 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 4.0.a1 version

r1644 | salaun | 2002-11-14 10:26:20 +0100 (jeu. 14 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/list_rejected.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/list_rejected.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by R. Salmon] Fix: rejection of pending lists was not coded

r1643 | salaun | 2002-11-13 11:43:42 +0100 (mer. 13 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Change: make the wizard less quiet

r1642 | salaun | 2002-11-13 11:26:13 +0100 (mer. 13 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_4-branch/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: wwsympa would die under certain circumstances if LDAP Bind failed with error mewssage : "Can't call method "code" on an undefined value"

r1640 | salaun | 2002-11-13 11:06:57 +0100 (mer. 13 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Missing documentation for 'authentication_info_url' in auth.conf

r1638 | salaun | 2002-11-12 18:04:14 +0100 (mar. 12 nov. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: wwsympa would prompt a 'template error' if an LDAP user requested a
password reminder when the authentication_info_url URL was not defined in
auth.conf. Now return an error message.

r1637 | salaun | 2002-11-12 17:13:18 +0100 (mar. 12 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: detect 'SET listname mode' commands as miaddressed commands

r1636 | salaun | 2002-11-12 17:10:19 +0100 (mar. 12 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Cannot auto-install mhonarc

r1635 | salaun | 2002-11-12 15:49:42 +0100 (mar. 12 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix previous changes

r1634 | salaun | 2002-11-12 15:46:44 +0100 (mar. 12 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Mhonarc is installed by check_perl_modules.pl

r1633 | salaun | 2002-11-12 15:31:00 +0100 (mar. 12 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[Janek Hiis] Fix AVP example

r1632 | salaun | 2002-11-05 17:33:50 +0100 (mar. 05 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix incorrect openssl argument rtelated to null capath or null cafile argument.

r1631 | salaun | 2002-11-05 14:45:18 +0100 (mar. 05 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fixe cookie format description

r1630 | salaun | 2002-11-05 13:27:52 +0100 (mar. 05 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Changes: Require recent Mailtools because of mailx security problems

r1629 | salaun | 2002-11-05 12:04:24 +0100 (mar. 05 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[BugID 67] Fix: reference to robot aliases

r1628 | salaun | 2002-11-04 17:59:02 +0100 (lun. 04 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[BugID 70] [H. Maza] Bug fix:  In the final report of expire process, the first subscriber is skiped, no matter his subscription is confirmed ot not.

r1627 | salaun | 2002-11-04 17:52:23 +0100 (lun. 04 nov. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[BugID 70] [H. Maza] Bug fix:  In many cases, uncorrect list of subscribers to be notified, or uncorrect list of unconfirmed subscriptions, is reported during an expire process. In addition, sympa reports an error : "Command not understood: ignoring end of message."

r1623 | salaun | 2002-10-25 11:56:22 +0200 (ven. 25 oct. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[reported by G. Paressant] Bug fix: if email entries returned by List::_include_users_ldap() contained spaces characters,
then the database update could lead to a "duplicate entry error", causing the List::sync_include() to fail

r1622 | salaun | 2002-10-25 11:30:25 +0200 (ven. 25 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: use standard email regexp

r1621 | salaun | 2002-10-25 10:54:11 +0200 (ven. 25 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: lots of errors were logged in 'debug' log level ; now use 'err'

r1619 | salaun | 2002-10-25 09:11:05 +0200 (ven. 25 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Slightly change rejection log

r1616 | salaun | 2002-10-24 16:43:54 +0200 (jeu. 24 oct. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 63] [reported by G. Paressant] Fix: sync_include() made the task_manager die if duplicate emails where found
in SQL or LDAP query result

r1614 | salaun | 2002-10-24 14:59:58 +0200 (jeu. 24 oct. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[BugID 58] [reported by Xavier AT cs.gouv.qc.ca] Fix: sympa_wizard used temporary files in /tmp/ ; if /tmp/ was
an a different filesystem than /etc/, then the rename() would fail. No more use temporary files.
Change: only warn if rename() of previous cong files failed

r1613 | salaun | 2002-10-22 17:51:13 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by M. Beheregaray] Fix: Sympa.pl would die with error "unmatched [] in regexp" if custom_subject contained '[]'
Now do some custom_subject cleanup

r1612 | salaun | 2002-10-22 17:25:12 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by V. Mathieu] New feature: Add names to data sources, also allow sorting from REVIEW page

r1611 | salaun | 2002-10-22 16:01:52 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

Change: remove unusefull 'domain' column

r1610 | salaun | 2002-10-22 15:13:58 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/begin.png
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/end.png

[O. Lacroix] New feature: new 'FastForward' and 'Rewind' button in archives

r1609 | salaun | 2002-10-22 15:12:17 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: jump to 'serveradmin' when a rebuildall has been performed

r1608 | salaun | 2002-10-22 14:49:35 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: Also look for templates in the list's templates/ subdir

r1607 | salaun | 2002-10-22 14:46:41 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: do not use $' for emacs's sake

r1606 | salaun | 2002-10-22 14:43:34 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: re-evaluate important vars before parsing templates ; things change so fast....

r1605 | salaun | 2002-10-22 14:42:49 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: reset 'get_subscriber' cache entry after an update

r1604 | salaun | 2002-10-22 14:26:17 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl

Fix: in inckude2 mode, show 'subscribe' button even if user is included

r1603 | salaun | 2002-10-22 14:14:33 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix previous change

r1602 | salaun | 2002-10-22 14:08:21 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: don't use $' for emacs edition concerns

r1601 | salaun | 2002-10-22 14:06:18 +0200 (mar. 22 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: with 'include2', included users could not be added ; included+subscribed users could not be deleted

r1600 | salaun | 2002-10-21 13:46:05 +0200 (lun. 21 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/parse_translation.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/translate.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/view_template.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: web templates translation system (first version)

r1597 | salaun | 2002-10-21 11:21:35 +0200 (lun. 21 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

missing "you MUST rebuild archives"

r1596 | salaun | 2002-10-21 11:12:39 +0200 (lun. 21 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[bugID 59] [reported by xavier AT cs.gouv.qc.ca] Duplicates in manual ; fix macros

r1595 | salaun | 2002-10-18 10:02:42 +0200 (ven. 18 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[path_info] available in web templates

r1594 | salaun | 2002-10-18 09:35:50 +0200 (ven. 18 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[xavier AT cs.gouv.qc.ca] Changes: Precise error message

r1593 | salaun | 2002-10-17 17:17:06 +0200 (jeu. 17 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: 'antivirus_notify' was only used in message forarding context

r1592 | salaun | 2002-10-17 15:44:07 +0200 (jeu. 17 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/get_closed_lists.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/get_latest_lists.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/set_pending_list_request.fr.tpl

[O. Lacroix] New translated templates, fixes

r1591 | salaun | 2002-10-17 14:50:40 +0200 (jeu. 17 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[O. Lacroix] Fix: wrong comparison operator for reloading wwsympa

r1588 | salaun | 2002-10-17 14:24:15 +0200 (jeu. 17 oct. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix: Sympa would use part of the email address as the user name.
Fix regular expretion usage

r1584 | salaun | 2002-10-16 15:43:58 +0200 (mer. 16 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Philippe Amelant] incorect command for remove_aliases

r1583 | salaun | 2002-10-16 09:35:48 +0200 (mer. 16 oct. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.4

r1581 | salaun | 2002-10-15 15:49:56 +0200 (mar. 15 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing release 3.4

r1580 | salaun | 2002-10-15 15:34:12 +0200 (mar. 15 oct. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by O. Lacroix & V. Mathieu] Better syntaxical checks on email
addresses ; also lowercase

r1579 | salaun | 2002-10-15 12:18:19 +0200 (mar. 15 oct. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: 'db_env' no more a multiple parameter ; variables/values pairs should be separated by ';'
Fixes the problem with 'ARRAYxxxx' appearing in the 'db_env' entry of edit_list web form

r1578 | salaun | 2002-10-15 11:32:53 +0200 (mar. 15 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix typo

r1577 | salaun | 2002-10-15 09:44:01 +0200 (mar. 15 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tpl

Fix: incorrect alias parameters

r1576 | salaun | 2002-10-11 15:43:20 +0200 (ven. 11 oct. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/admin_menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/admin_menu.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin_menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/admin_menu.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/admin_menu.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin_menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/admin_menu.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/admin_menu.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 50] Fix: allow (privileged) listowner to close/restore list.
Also allow shared opeming/closure

r1575 | salaun | 2002-10-10 18:04:11 +0200 (jeu. 10 oct. 2002) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[BugID 52] Fix : Moderated messages were not accessible from the web interface.
WWSympa runs as user 'sympa' and the mhonarc process that generates HTML version
of moderated messages also requires to run as user 'sympa'. Obviously Perl
refused to allow this script to run as SetUID 'sympa' because mhonarc had
double quotes (") in its argument.

r1574 | salaun | 2002-10-10 17:55:31 +0200 (jeu. 10 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS


r1573 | salaun | 2002-10-08 15:07:20 +0200 (mar. 08 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

Fix previous changes

r1572 | salaun | 2002-10-08 14:59:28 +0200 (mar. 08 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

Fix: messages removal failed

r1571 | salaun | 2002-10-08 11:47:59 +0200 (mar. 08 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Remove traces

r1570 | salaun | 2002-10-04 14:17:41 +0200 (ven. 04 oct. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

Fix incorrect <FORM> </FORM> tag that disable remove of a mail.
Use javascript to valid submition of remove form for both users
and list owner.

r1568 | salaun | 2002-10-03 16:11:02 +0200 (jeu. 03 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: No more 'alias_manager' parameter in sympa.conf

r1567 | salaun | 2002-10-03 16:01:03 +0200 (jeu. 03 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

Requires at least 3 arguments

r1566 | salaun | 2002-10-03 15:53:40 +0200 (jeu. 03 oct. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Fix: $current_output was not set when working on a file descriptor
Bug description: the parser would append output to the latest arrayref used, whereas
fd is not used

r1565 | salaun | 2002-10-03 12:22:13 +0200 (jeu. 03 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: vars used in list_aliases.tpl had changed

r1564 | salaun | 2002-10-03 12:20:02 +0200 (jeu. 03 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: parse_tpl() requires a reference to a file descriptor as a parameter

r1562 | salaun | 2002-10-02 09:53:44 +0200 (mer. 02 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing release

r1561 | salaun | 2002-10-01 17:53:19 +0200 (mar. 01 oct. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by A. Bernstein] [BugID 45] Fix: robot-related variable used in summary.tpl were not available.
List::send_msg_digest() was expecting an additional $robot parameter

r1560 | salaun | 2002-10-01 16:46:00 +0200 (mar. 01 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: don't add a 'dir' entry in 'admin' ; it was considered a list parameter

r1559 | salaun | 2002-10-01 11:28:43 +0200 (mar. 01 oct. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

New feature: provide further information about required Perl modules

r1558 | salaun | 2002-09-30 09:45:50 +0200 (lun. 30 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in

[Julien Wajsberg] Use virtual_aliases as default postmap_arg

r1557 | salaun | 2002-09-27 17:06:26 +0200 (ven. 27 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Reported by J. Andre better checking of email syntaxe

r1556 | salaun | 2002-09-27 17:05:41 +0200 (ven. 27 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Reported by J.Andre : better checking of emails

r1555 | salaun | 2002-09-27 16:54:57 +0200 (ven. 27 sept. 2002) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Paul Marquess] [reported by Jean-Claude Ben, Harri Czesla, Glenn Gillis]
Fix: with DB_File (Perl module) 1.805, Sympa processes died with the following error message :
   Key 'compare' not associated with a code reference at /var/sympa/bin/List.pm line 918
Compare callback had to be changed to DB_BTREE->{compare} = \&_compare_addresses

r1554 | salaun | 2002-09-23 15:13:13 +0200 (lun. 23 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Use list domains instead of list host for making aliases

r1553 | salaun | 2002-09-23 14:55:57 +0200 (lun. 23 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.pod
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add documentation for --make_alias_file option

r1552 | salaun | 2002-09-23 12:15:04 +0200 (lun. 23 sept. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Allow non-anonymous bind in auth.conf. New bind_dn and bind_pawword

r1550 | salaun | 2002-09-20 15:40:57 +0200 (ven. 20 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: task manager error management

r1549 | salaun | 2002-09-20 13:53:53 +0200 (ven. 20 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/create_list_request.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/d_read.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/editsubscriber.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/help_editlist.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/home.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/list_menu.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/menu.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/review.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/suboptions.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/title.nl.tpl

[Harry Westerman] Fix web templates, were based on release 3.3.3

r1548 | salaun | 2002-09-20 13:52:40 +0200 (ven. 20 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

Fix: Do not delete X-Sympa-To if processing web messages

r1547 | salaun | 2002-09-20 09:19:04 +0200 (ven. 20 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix: Error if Message object could not be created

r1546 | salaun | 2002-09-19 17:43:37 +0200 (jeu. 19 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Message.pm

X-Sympa-to header removed too early ; it is used to check checksum

r1545 | salaun | 2002-09-19 17:21:41 +0200 (jeu. 19 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Changes to latest release

r1544 | salaun | 2002-09-19 17:20:43 +0200 (jeu. 19 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/src/X509.pm

Fix: SSL and LWP were required ; made them optional

r1543 | salaun | 2002-09-19 16:58:52 +0200 (jeu. 19 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 3.3.6b.4

r1542 | salaun | 2002-09-19 16:48:14 +0200 (jeu. 19 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Update documentation regarding alias management

r1541 | salaun | 2002-09-19 15:45:19 +0200 (jeu. 19 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Remove postfix alias manager

r1540 | salaun | 2002-09-19 15:40:08 +0200 (jeu. 19 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

alias_manager accept a filename as last parameter

r1539 | salaun | 2002-09-19 15:39:15 +0200 (jeu. 19 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Sympa.pl --make_alias_file

r1538 | salaun | 2002-09-18 17:14:43 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS
   A /trunk/src/README.postfix
   D /trunk/src/postfix_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Changes: no more 'alias_manager' conf parameter ; also supress postfix_manager.pl

r1537 | salaun | 2002-09-18 16:52:33 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix typo

r1536 | salaun | 2002-09-18 16:32:01 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Allow edition of list_aliases.tpl from the web

r1535 | salaun | 2002-09-18 16:07:16 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Fix: missing INSTALLDIR

r1534 | salaun | 2002-09-18 16:04:07 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: Rename alias.tpl to list_aliases.tpl ; change some variable names

r1533 | salaun | 2002-09-18 15:23:36 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

Fix typo

r1532 | salaun | 2002-09-18 15:00:42 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl


r1531 | salaun | 2002-09-18 14:34:19 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix typo

r1530 | salaun | 2002-09-18 14:29:04 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

Changes: alias management related

r1529 | salaun | 2002-09-18 14:20:51 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Sergiy Zhuk] Fix: umask was considered a decimal number ; now taken as octal

r1528 | salaun | 2002-09-18 09:20:03 +0200 (mer. 18 sept. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Herve Maza] Fix: missing $robot parameter to load_scenario_list() subroutine. Robot-specific d_read and d-edit scenarios
were not available.

r1527 | salaun | 2002-09-17 17:04:11 +0200 (mar. 17 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix send_auth() parameters

r1526 | salaun | 2002-09-17 16:46:25 +0200 (mar. 17 sept. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/Message.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

New Message.pm module that provide a complex message object including S/MIME information.
This should fix the bug related to moderation of crypted messages

r1525 | salaun | 2002-09-17 11:51:03 +0200 (mar. 17 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: wwsympa died (in request_action) if scenario had incorrect format

r1524 | salaun | 2002-09-17 11:22:09 +0200 (mar. 17 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: return undef if wrong scenario format

r1523 | salaun | 2002-09-17 11:15:17 +0200 (mar. 17 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private

Fix typo

r1522 | salaun | 2002-09-17 11:04:46 +0200 (mar. 17 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: parser.pl is now a package with its own symbol table. This fixes inclusions problems

r1521 | salaun | 2002-09-16 16:55:28 +0200 (lun. 16 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Change: smime_decrypt() expect a List object as parameter

r1520 | salaun | 2002-09-16 16:54:17 +0200 (lun. 16 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: smime_decrypt() parameter is now a List object, no more a listname

r1519 | salaun | 2002-09-16 11:21:29 +0200 (lun. 16 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/Makefile
   A /trunk/nls/nl.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.public_listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editor
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.identified
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/bye.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/certif_warning.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/expire_deletion.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/expire_warning1.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/expire_warning2.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/global_remind.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/helpfile.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/info_report.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/invite.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/list_created.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/list_unknown.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/listmaster_notification.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/listowner_notification.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/lists.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/moderate.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/modindex.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/reject.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/remind.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/removed.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/review.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/sendpasswd.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/stats_report.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/summary.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/welcome.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/x509-user-cert-missing.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/nl/your_infected_msg.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/add_request.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/admin_menu.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/arc.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/arc_protect.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/arcsearch.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/arcsearch_form.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/change_email.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/choosepasswd.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/close_list.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/compose_mail.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/create_list.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/create_list_request.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/d_control.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/d_editfile.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/d_read.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/edit_list_request.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/editfile.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/editsubscriber.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/error.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/get_closed_lists.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/get_latest_lists.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/get_pending_lists.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/help.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/help_admin.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/help_editfile.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/help_editlist.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/help_user_options.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/home.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/install_pending_list.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/list_menu.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/lists.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/login.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/loginbanner.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/main.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/menu.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/modindex.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/notice.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/pref.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/remindpasswd.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/remove_arc.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/review.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/reviewbouncing.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/scenario_test.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/serveradmin.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/set_pending_list_request.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/show_cert.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/sigrequest.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/stats.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/subindex.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/suboptions.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/subrequest.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/title.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/view_translations.nl.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/nl/viewmod.nl.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[Harry Westerman] Complete translation to Dutch

r1518 | salaun | 2002-09-13 12:10:48 +0200 (ven. 13 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: query database for total of subscribers, if no LIMIT was given or if first page

r1517 | salaun | 2002-09-13 11:45:36 +0200 (ven. 13 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by John Douglass] REVIEW and INFO commands behavior has changed

r1516 | salaun | 2002-09-12 12:25:27 +0200 (jeu. 12 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Vincent Mathieu] Add filename to upload log

r1515 | salaun | 2002-09-12 11:09:39 +0200 (jeu. 12 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change log level

r1514 | salaun | 2002-09-12 10:22:34 +0200 (jeu. 12 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix log entry

r1513 | salaun | 2002-09-12 10:20:34 +0200 (jeu. 12 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add documentation about [sender] var

r1512 | salaun | 2002-09-11 17:54:38 +0200 (mer. 11 sept. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tpl

rewrite alias_manager.pl in order to use template alias.tpl. Easy to
adapt alias syntaxe to any smtp engine. Need some update in documentation.

r1511 | salaun | 2002-09-11 17:27:30 +0200 (mer. 11 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.identified

[requested by John Douglass] New scenario for topics shown to logged in users only

r1510 | salaun | 2002-09-11 15:32:35 +0200 (mer. 11 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: alias_manager.pl has been rewritten ; New feature:to avoide httpd restart when installing some change wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgiserver exit just after serving a page if wwsympa.fcgi as changed on disk.. Then Apache launch a new fastcgi server ; Fix: reply-to problem from web archives

r1509 | salaun | 2002-09-11 14:29:40 +0200 (mer. 11 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: $robot test not required

r1508 | salaun | 2002-09-11 14:16:13 +0200 (mer. 11 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tpl

Ajust name of vars

r1507 | salaun | 2002-09-11 11:30:46 +0200 (mer. 11 sept. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by Janek Hiis] New feature: custom subject can now refer to
list variables ([list->name] or [list->sequence])

r1505 | salaun | 2002-09-10 17:24:00 +0200 (mar. 10 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.3.6b.3

r1504 | salaun | 2002-09-10 11:53:25 +0200 (mar. 10 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

New features: a arrayref can be used by parse_tpl() as an output ; template can also be an arrayref

r1503 | salaun | 2002-09-10 09:30:13 +0200 (mar. 10 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl

Revised by john Douglas for a better organisation.

r1502 | salaun | 2002-09-10 09:29:24 +0200 (mar. 10 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl

Revised by John Douglas for a better organisation.

r1501 | salaun | 2002-09-09 16:45:31 +0200 (lun. 09 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/moderate.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/moderate.de.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/moderate.es.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/moderate.et.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/moderate.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/moderate.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/moderate.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/moderate.it.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/moderate.pl.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/moderate.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/moderate.us.tpl

Fix: Incorrect From, breaking SMIME signatures ; add correct reply-to header field

r1500 | salaun | 2002-09-09 16:44:35 +0200 (lun. 09 sept. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix typo: 'include_remote_sympa_list' instead of 'include_remote_include_list' ; such lists
could not be created while using 'include2'

r1499 | salaun | 2002-09-09 16:18:26 +0200 (lun. 09 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fixes: change 'user_data_source' condition ; fix group/user IDs setting

r1498 | salaun | 2002-09-06 09:41:22 +0200 (ven. 06 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Reported by Sergiy Zhuk. Fix incorrect number of subscriber when deleting.

r1497 | salaun | 2002-09-04 11:39:20 +0200 (mer. 04 sept. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix wwsympa infinite loop when adding subscribers with incorrect adress !

r1496 | salaun | 2002-08-30 13:08:06 +0200 (ven. 30 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

better log in virus_infected

r1495 | salaun | 2002-08-28 08:57:18 +0200 (mer. 28 août 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/X509.pm

X509.pm currently just include subroutines for sympa to sympa https
communication. All S/mime should be moved from tools.pl to X509.pm
as soon as ther use openssl perl module instead of openssl commands.

r1494 | salaun | 2002-08-26 17:25:25 +0200 (lun. 26 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

New include : include_remote_sympa_list allow to fetch a list from a remote
sympa server using https only.

r1493 | salaun | 2002-08-26 15:44:43 +0200 (lun. 26 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Documentation of include_remote_sympa_list

r1492 | salaun | 2002-08-26 10:43:07 +0200 (lun. 26 août 2002) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl

***** Now can be used to install a certificat to sympa robot itself.
***** Usage
***** P12topem.pl --pkcs12 <pkcs#12_cert_file> --robot <robot>
***** p12topem.pl --pkcs12 <pkcs#12_cert_file> --listname <listname>

r1491 | salaun | 2002-08-26 09:21:22 +0200 (lun. 26 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Reported by John Douglass john.douglass AT oit.gatech.edu :
Allow listowner to close a list.

r1490 | salaun | 2002-08-26 08:40:29 +0200 (lun. 26 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal

Fix improper title

r1489 | salaun | 2002-08-19 11:00:19 +0200 (lun. 19 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New action dump use as the server part of sympa to sympa subscribers importation

r1488 | salaun | 2002-08-19 10:48:58 +0200 (lun. 19 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl


r1487 | salaun | 2002-08-19 09:10:30 +0200 (lun. 19 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl

Now recognize "x-failed-recipients:" comma separated list of recipient.
(exim). Reported by Stefan Hornburg <racke AT linuxia.de>

r1486 | salaun | 2002-08-14 17:05:00 +0200 (mer. 14 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[Marcin Deranek] Fix: Previously group_id and user_id were always set to user_id. Now use getgrnam() instead of getpwnam()

r1485 | salaun | 2002-08-14 10:55:13 +0200 (mer. 14 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

********   now sympa.pl dump any list (even if user_data_source = file)
           in a single file $list->{'dir'}/subscribers.db.dump

r1484 | salaun | 2002-08-14 08:48:31 +0200 (mer. 14 août 2002) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/aclocal.m4
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/compose_mail.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_read.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/compose_mail.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_read.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/compose_mail.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/d_read.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/compose_mail.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/d_read.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/compose_mail.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/d_read.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/compose_mail.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/d_read.fi.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/compose_mail.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/compose_mail.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_read.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/d_read.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/compose_mail.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/d_read.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/compose_mail.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Introduce a 2 new parameters in sympa;conf :
spam_protection and web_archive_spam_protection

They are use toi define the way that sympa protect email adrersses from
spambot. "cookie" "at" "javascript" "none"


r1483 | salaun | 2002-08-13 15:56:46 +0200 (mar. 13 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

New [SETOPTION ignore_undef] in parser

r1482 | salaun | 2002-08-12 16:51:26 +0200 (lun. 12 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

Fix: wizard was never started

r1481 | salaun | 2002-08-12 14:12:41 +0200 (lun. 12 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Fix: ps -A|grep failed because of a space char ; could not stop processes.
Also supress removal of .pid file (sympa processes do it themselves)

r1480 | salaun | 2002-08-12 13:18:03 +0200 (lun. 12 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: Use Digest::MD5 instead of MD5

r1479 | salaun | 2002-08-12 11:35:36 +0200 (lun. 12 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg

[Andreas Krueger] Changes: small improvements

r1478 | salaun | 2002-08-12 10:08:01 +0200 (lun. 12 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Loop prevention based on X400-Content-Identifier header field

r1477 | salaun | 2002-08-09 13:57:41 +0200 (ven. 09 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by S. Medard] do_arcsearch_id failed if key_word (Message-ID) contained '$' character

r1476 | salaun | 2002-08-09 11:19:14 +0200 (ven. 09 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Now, install src/etc/*.tpl in bin/etc/*.tpl

r1475 | salaun | 2002-08-09 11:17:05 +0200 (ven. 09 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/list_aliases.tpl

A aliases file template for futur use. (not used yet because not
recognized when removing aliases)

r1474 | salaun | 2002-08-08 10:37:55 +0200 (jeu. 08 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

Add information about wizard

r1473 | salaun | 2002-08-08 09:41:11 +0200 (jeu. 08 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile

Fix: do not install scripts and and aliaswrapper in bindir (install them in sbindir
and libexecdir instead)

r1472 | salaun | 2002-08-08 09:18:22 +0200 (jeu. 08 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r1471 | salaun | 2002-08-07 10:49:00 +0200 (mer. 07 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Update doc for using dates in scenarios

r1470 | salaun | 2002-08-07 10:47:56 +0200 (mer. 07 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

New feature; add [current_date] in scenarios

r1469 | salaun | 2002-08-06 17:53:48 +0200 (mar. 06 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl

Use javascript to hidde owner and moderator email

r1468 | salaun | 2002-08-02 15:14:40 +0200 (ven. 02 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: if cannot connect to DB, keep trying, do not die
(this prevent from sending hundreds of worning mssages to listmaster)

r1467 | salaun | 2002-08-02 14:18:21 +0200 (ven. 02 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Change: 'lists', 'lists.header' and 'lists.footer' files no more recognized

r1466 | salaun | 2002-08-02 14:13:53 +0200 (ven. 02 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Change: ******* 'lists', 'lists.header' and 'lists.footer' file no more
recognized by Sympa. 'lists.tpl' template used instead

r1465 | salaun | 2002-08-02 10:50:18 +0200 (ven. 02 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/compose_mail.de.tpl

[reported by Hanke Penning] Fix: could not reply to the sender

r1463 | salaun | 2002-08-01 14:27:12 +0200 (jeu. 01 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: If no robot parameter is given to List::get_lists(), then assume any

r1462 | salaun | 2002-08-01 11:52:37 +0200 (jeu. 01 août 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: Sympa.pl would die if smime_decrypt() failed

r1461 | salaun | 2002-08-01 11:46:23 +0200 (jeu. 01 août 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: Sympa would consider application/pkcs7-mime;...; smime-type=signed-data
as crypted messages and would die while trying to decode them

r1460 | salaun | 2002-07-31 16:54:56 +0200 (mer. 31 juil. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix (related to include2 implementation): _include_users_xxx() not properly
working on tied hash. Failed including duplicates in 'include' mode

r1459 | salaun | 2002-07-31 11:06:00 +0200 (mer. 31 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.3.6b.2

r1458 | salaun | 2002-07-29 15:19:59 +0200 (lun. 29 juil. 2002) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Robert Marcjand] Fix virus detection :
With McAffee, MIME Exploit gen virus are found, but are not
detected by the Sympa Software because the report is

Found application ....

instead of Found the .... virus

r1457 | salaun | 2002-07-12 14:29:15 +0200 (ven. 12 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: prevent document edition/deletion by anonymous users in the shared

r1456 | salaun | 2002-07-12 13:50:18 +0200 (ven. 12 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: lowercase included email addresses

r1455 | salaun | 2002-07-12 11:43:42 +0200 (ven. 12 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Laurent.Aublet-Cuvelier] Fix scenario_test action : authentication's methods do not appear

r1454 | salaun | 2002-07-12 11:21:55 +0200 (ven. 12 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[BugID 0000026][Stephen Braswell] Fix: task_manager.pl now removing its PIDfile

r1453 | salaun | 2002-07-11 15:55:52 +0200 (jeu. 11 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Changes: database structure has been extended for 'include2'

r1452 | salaun | 2002-07-11 15:01:49 +0200 (jeu. 11 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fixes ; 'remind' and 'expire' list tasks commented

r1451 | salaun | 2002-07-11 14:04:34 +0200 (jeu. 11 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

New match_task() subroutine

r1450 | salaun | 2002-07-11 12:30:39 +0200 (jeu. 11 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Change: use hashes where in() was used

r1449 | salaun | 2002-07-11 11:44:18 +0200 (jeu. 11 juil. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[BugID 0000024] Fix: When URLIZINg attachments which contain a single Content-Type header without attributes,
the attachment saved contains an additional newline after the Content-Type header on disk.

r1448 | salaun | 2002-07-11 11:15:05 +0200 (jeu. 11 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: allow suboptions for included users

r1447 | salaun | 2002-07-10 17:10:20 +0200 (mer. 10 juil. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/purge_user_table.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

New feature: new global task 'purge_user_table' cleaning up the user_table
in DB. This saves expensive cleanup job at subscriber removal time.
List::delete_user_db() now taking an array of emails as parameter.

r1446 | salaun | 2002-07-10 14:27:32 +0200 (mer. 10 juil. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: When changing from 'include2' user_data_source to 'database',
purge the database to delete included users

r1445 | salaun | 2002-07-10 14:09:55 +0200 (mer. 10 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Starting the task_manager ; now used to update include cache in DB

r1444 | salaun | 2002-07-10 12:14:59 +0200 (mer. 10 juil. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New feature: add locking while updating include caches. Exclusive lock is set
in sync_include() ; shared lock is set in get_first_user() and get_first_bouncing_user()

r1443 | salaun | 2002-07-10 10:52:45 +0200 (mer. 10 juil. 2002) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Pierre M??ras] Changes: adapt statup script for Solaris (second episod)   * comparison operator with SH is '=' ('==' is Bash-specific)    * use PIDDIR    * check if process is running before stopping
r1442 | salaun | 2002-07-09 17:59:27 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Change: create missing task before exuting existing ones.
It allows faster excution of newly created tasks

r1441 | salaun | 2002-07-09 17:48:41 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: existing sync_include task is removed if data_sources changed, so that a new task
will be created soon

r1440 | salaun | 2002-07-09 17:47:44 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New remove_task() subroutine

r1439 | salaun | 2002-07-09 17:00:21 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixes: Suppress update/data_source_update list parameter
Fix last_sync update in 'stats' file

r1438 | salaun | 2002-07-09 16:58:56 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r1437 | salaun | 2002-07-09 16:34:12 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: call List::add_user() and List::del_user() with multiple emails as parameters

r1436 | salaun | 2002-07-09 16:26:15 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: use value returned by del_user() and add_user()

r1435 | salaun | 2002-07-09 16:24:53 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: add_user and delete_user return the number of subscribers added/removed

r1434 | salaun | 2002-07-09 16:20:10 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: don't create entry in user_table is user is included

r1433 | salaun | 2002-07-09 15:58:51 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: allow multiple add with &add_user() ; this is used by sync_include()

r1432 | salaun | 2002-07-09 14:52:08 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: move foreach loop in &delete_user() to a lower level

r1431 | salaun | 2002-07-09 14:18:55 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: make sql_query regexp case-insensitive

r1430 | salaun | 2002-07-09 11:57:30 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

Changes: Provide data sources (if 'include2' user_data_source) on REVIEW page

r1429 | salaun | 2002-07-09 11:38:00 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Changes: subscribe(), add(), signoff() and del() made include2-compatible

r1428 | salaun | 2002-07-09 11:00:32 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[BugID 0000023] Adapt startup script to run on Solaris. There were problems with :
	+"echo -n" is not supported under sh.
	+ status would not test if the processes are actually running

r1427 | salaun | 2002-07-09 09:30:19 +0200 (mar. 09 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Thibaut Dabonneville] Fix AVP virus detection

r1426 | salaun | 2002-07-08 16:07:39 +0200 (lun. 08 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

do_suboptions() made include2-compatible

r1425 | salaun | 2002-07-08 15:52:01 +0200 (lun. 08 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Supress old comments

r1424 | salaun | 2002-07-08 15:47:27 +0200 (lun. 08 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

do_add() and do_del() include2-compatible

r1423 | salaun | 2002-07-08 15:21:41 +0200 (lun. 08 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix get_subscriber()

r1422 | salaun | 2002-07-08 12:18:21 +0200 (lun. 08 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/notice.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/notice.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add a warning about members update delay

r1421 | salaun | 2002-07-08 11:56:28 +0200 (lun. 08 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: better error management while executing tasks

r1420 | salaun | 2002-07-08 11:55:53 +0200 (lun. 08 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Allow 'nocache' for &_load_total_db()

r1419 | salaun | 2002-07-08 11:18:54 +0200 (lun. 08 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: missing ';' (recent changes)

r1418 | salaun | 2002-07-08 11:05:40 +0200 (lun. 08 juil. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Change: use the task model to create a new task, not a simple copy of
previous task. This was required for sync_include()

r1417 | salaun | 2002-07-05 15:39:40 +0200 (ven. 05 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/sync_include.ttl.task
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

New sync_include task

r1416 | salaun | 2002-07-05 15:38:48 +0200 (ven. 05 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix duration_conv()

r1415 | salaun | 2002-07-05 14:39:42 +0200 (ven. 05 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Robert Marchand] Fix: When closing a list the subscribers.db.closed was not created (wrong path)

r1414 | salaun | 2002-07-04 15:27:19 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Extend date format to support seconds (needed for ttl)

r1413 | salaun | 2002-07-04 15:13:30 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix previous changes: set 'subscribed' entry only if user was found

r1412 | salaun | 2002-07-04 14:33:54 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

Fix previous change

r1411 | salaun | 2002-07-04 11:32:58 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile

[BugID 0000019] Fix: EXPLDIR (set by configure --with-expldir) was not used at directory creation time

r1410 | salaun | 2002-07-04 09:40:46 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Denis Creusot] Fix: missing closedir() could leed to a 'too many open files' problem

r1409 | salaun | 2002-07-04 09:36:42 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: Typo (close instead of closedir)

r1408 | salaun | 2002-07-04 09:35:45 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: missing closedir()

r1407 | salaun | 2002-07-04 09:34:27 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Denis Creusot] Fix: missing closedir() could leed to a 'too many open files' problem

r1406 | salaun | 2002-07-04 09:27:54 +0200 (jeu. 04 juil. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by Robert Marchand] Fix: message confirmations request was not sent in the proper
language (robot lang instead of list lang)

r1405 | salaun | 2002-07-03 16:33:29 +0200 (mer. 03 juil. 2002) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes (related to cache in DB):
	No more User_table cleanup in delete_user() ; this should be performed
	by the task_manager
	Now update_user() can have '*' as first argument (will work on all subscribers)
	Provide data sources (if 'include2' user_data_source) on REVIEW page
	Migration from 'database' to 'include2'

r1404 | salaun | 2002-07-03 14:14:38 +0200 (mer. 03 juil. 2002) | 12 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: first step to make cache for 'include' lists in Database.
	New sync_include() subroutine based on H. Wilelmi's work
	New 'include2' data_source
	New 'data_source_update' list conf parameter
	Add 'last_sync' to stats file
	New database fields 'included_subscriber', 'subscribed_subscriber', 'include_sources_subscriber'
	Extend add_user(), delete_user(), get_first_user(), get_next_user(), get_subscriber(), update_user()
	to read/write these fields
	New _load_users_include2(), _get_datasource_id(), search_datasource()

Fix subroutine names store_susbscription_request(), delete_susbscription_request(),

r1403 | salaun | 2002-07-02 11:17:23 +0200 (mar. 02 juil. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret

[Olivier Gerard] Typographical fixes

r1402 | salaun | 2002-06-27 16:23:09 +0200 (jeu. 27 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/et.msg
   M /trunk/nls/ro.msg

[Olivier LACROIX] Fix: NLS compilation (with gencat) failed with HP-UX

r1401 | salaun | 2002-06-26 14:28:20 +0200 (mer. 26 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Change: no more print to STDERR

r1399 | salaun | 2002-06-26 14:07:05 +0200 (mer. 26 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

preparing 3.3.6b.1

r1398 | salaun | 2002-06-26 09:40:40 +0200 (mer. 26 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: extend 'list_check_suffixes' ; also use it when receiving messages

r1397 | salaun | 2002-06-25 14:21:15 +0200 (mar. 25 juin 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Sergiy Zhuk] Fix: check listname for '-request' '-unsubscribe'... in
List::new() and wwsympa::create_list()

r1396 | salaun | 2002-06-25 10:51:28 +0200 (mar. 25 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Add 'antivirus_notify' sympa.conf parameter to disable antivirus notification

r1395 | salaun | 2002-06-25 10:49:38 +0200 (mar. 25 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r1394 | salaun | 2002-06-25 09:26:09 +0200 (mar. 25 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

New feature: Sympa working with Clam antivirus (http://clamav.elektrapro.com/)

r1393 | salaun | 2002-06-21 14:53:28 +0200 (ven. 21 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[list->total] variable made available in scenarios

r1392 | salaun | 2002-06-20 10:25:46 +0200 (jeu. 20 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

Change: refer to www.sympa.org

r1391 | salaun | 2002-06-19 12:47:43 +0200 (mer. 19 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix Gecos management with subrequest

r1390 | salaun | 2002-06-19 12:25:46 +0200 (mer. 19 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Move send_sub_to_owner() and send_sig_to_owner features in send_notify_to_owner()

r1389 | salaun | 2002-06-19 11:56:35 +0200 (mer. 19 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listowner_notification.fr.tpl

Translated to french

r1388 | salaun | 2002-06-19 11:46:09 +0200 (mer. 19 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

delete unused function

r1387 | salaun | 2002-06-19 11:38:45 +0200 (mer. 19 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Clean up owner-related code

r1386 | salaun | 2002-06-19 11:23:16 +0200 (mer. 19 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl

Missing <BR>

r1385 | salaun | 2002-06-18 17:53:47 +0200 (mar. 18 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[reported by Philippe Allart] Fix: Bad report when 'REMIND *' is not allowed

r1384 | salaun | 2002-06-18 15:56:08 +0200 (mar. 18 juin 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Fabien Salvi] Bug fix: made Sympa die if sender address
contained '*'

r1383 | salaun | 2002-06-18 14:19:31 +0200 (mar. 18 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Document QUIET prefix

r1382 | salaun | 2002-06-13 16:06:18 +0200 (jeu. 13 juin 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by Christophe Ruhlmann] Fix: do not reject mails from sender starting with 'sympa' ;
perform exact match on the local part

r1381 | salaun | 2002-06-12 16:51:10 +0200 (mer. 12 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[reported by J.P. Dalbec] Fix 'status' action

r1380 | salaun | 2002-06-12 15:21:05 +0200 (mer. 12 juin 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixes: write cookie even if empty (otherwise previous one was used)
Set 'which_info' once only, before template parsing

r1379 | salaun | 2002-06-12 09:18:05 +0200 (mer. 12 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Adam Bernstein] Remove DOS linefeeds (^M) that cause problems with Outlook 98, AOL, and EIMS

r1378 | salaun | 2002-06-11 18:12:30 +0200 (mar. 11 juin 2002) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

reported by gilles.tellier AT umontreal.ca

Add a Fileneme message-header.txt or message-footer.txt
name for compatibility with outlook.

r1377 | salaun | 2002-06-11 18:05:58 +0200 (mar. 11 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Andrea Prunic] WWSympa should never try to use sendpasswd wws_template

r1376 | salaun | 2002-06-11 10:26:11 +0200 (mar. 11 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Adam Bernstein] Fix: 'not_me' reception option did not have the expected behavior

r1375 | salaun | 2002-06-11 09:41:20 +0200 (mar. 11 juin 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: set default for cafile and capath ; also tell trusted_ca_options
parameter is no more used

r1374 | salaun | 2002-06-10 17:11:07 +0200 (lun. 10 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

******* replace trusted_ca_option with cafilme and capath

r1373 | salaun | 2002-06-10 17:09:55 +0200 (lun. 10 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

replace trusted_ca_option with cafile and capath in sympa.conf

r1372 | salaun | 2002-06-10 17:08:49 +0200 (lun. 10 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

sympa.conf : replace trusted-ca_options with cafile and capath

r1371 | salaun | 2002-06-10 15:38:44 +0200 (lun. 10 juin 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[John Dalbec] Fix: get_value() required asref option, in case we get a list of entries

r1370 | salaun | 2002-05-31 14:16:30 +0200 (ven. 31 mai 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

[reported by H. Ulliac] Fix: missing task_manager_pidfile
'expire_bounce' => 'expire_bounce_task'

r1369 | salaun | 2002-05-31 12:10:25 +0200 (ven. 31 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fixes: $log_level not properly set

r1368 | salaun | 2002-05-31 11:41:20 +0200 (ven. 31 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[reported by H. Ulliac] Fix log levels

r1367 | salaun | 2002-05-30 12:10:45 +0200 (jeu. 30 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Jeg] Fix: file renaming failed in shared root directory

r1366 | salaun | 2002-05-30 11:43:04 +0200 (jeu. 30 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Jeg] Fix: desc files were not renamed

r1365 | salaun | 2002-05-30 11:25:55 +0200 (jeu. 30 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Jeg] Fix: check URL renaming

r1364 | salaun | 2002-05-30 11:12:16 +0200 (jeu. 30 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editsubscriber.us.tpl

Fix: use escaped email instead

r1363 | salaun | 2002-05-30 11:11:13 +0200 (jeu. 30 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl

Change: ask for bookmark title first

r1362 | salaun | 2002-05-30 11:10:54 +0200 (jeu. 30 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl

Change: Ask for bookmark title first

r1361 | salaun | 2002-05-30 11:02:23 +0200 (jeu. 30 mai 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Jeg] Fix: filename containing %xx chars could not be accessed/edited/deleted.
Supress the global unescape_chars() call in get_parameters()
Also fix escaping in do_editsubscriber()

r1360 | salaun | 2002-05-30 10:16:43 +0200 (jeu. 30 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Jeg] Fix: '/' not allowed in filenames

r1359 | salaun | 2002-05-29 10:36:39 +0200 (mer. 29 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

[Georg Bauer] German translation of Mhonarc ressources

r1358 | salaun | 2002-05-29 09:41:16 +0200 (mer. 29 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: suppress '2>&1' when calling openssl ; this syntax is shell-dependant

r1357 | salaun | 2002-05-28 17:54:39 +0200 (mar. 28 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc

[reported by Laurent Le-Prieur] Fix : the scenario would always return reject

r1356 | salaun | 2002-05-28 14:35:38 +0200 (mar. 28 mai 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Marty Pauley] Fix: Email comparison performed with a regexp. This
could leed to incorrect comparison if email contained '+' chars

r1355 | salaun | 2002-05-28 13:48:18 +0200 (mar. 28 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

manage key_password as a synonim of key_passwd.

r1354 | salaun | 2002-05-28 12:03:56 +0200 (mar. 28 mai 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[proposed by Guy Paressant] Change: make LDAP queries asynchronous. Entries are fetched on the fly.
This saves lots of memory while building big inlude type of lists

r1353 | salaun | 2002-05-27 15:53:24 +0200 (lun. 27 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Add Finnish to available languages

r1352 | salaun | 2002-05-27 15:51:44 +0200 (lun. 27 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/bye.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/certif_warning.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/expire_deletion.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/expire_warning1.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/expire_warning2.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/global_remind.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/helpfile.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/info_report.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/invite.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/list_created.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/list_unknown.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/listmaster_notification.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/listowner_notification.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/lists.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/moderate.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/modindex.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/reject.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/remind.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/removed.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/review.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/sendpasswd.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/stats_report.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/summary.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/welcome.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/x509-user-cert-missing.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fi/your_infected_msg.fi.tpl

[Vesa Alho] Finnish translations

r1351 | salaun | 2002-05-27 15:51:28 +0200 (lun. 27 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fi.msg

[Vesa Alho] Finnish updates

r1350 | salaun | 2002-05-27 15:50:58 +0200 (lun. 27 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/add_request.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/admin.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/admin_menu.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/arc.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/arc_protect.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/arcsearch.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/arcsearch_form.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/button_footer.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/button_header.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/change_email.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/choosepasswd.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/close_list.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/compose_mail.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/create_list.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/create_list_request.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/d_control.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/d_editfile.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/d_read.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/edit_list_request.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/editfile.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/editsubscriber.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/error.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/get_closed_lists.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/get_latest_lists.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/get_pending_lists.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/help.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/help_admin.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/help_editfile.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/help_editlist.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/help_user_options.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/home.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/info.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/install_pending_list.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/list_button_footer.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/list_button_header.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/list_menu.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/lists.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/login.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/loginbanner.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/loginrequest.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/main.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/menu.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/modindex.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/notice.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/pref.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/remindpasswd.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/remove_arc.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/review.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/reviewbouncing.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/scenario_test.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/search_list.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/search_user.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/serveradmin.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/set_pending_list_request.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/show_cert.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/sigrequest.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/stats.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/subindex.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/suboptions.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/subrequest.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/title.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/view_translations.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/viewbounce.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/viewmod.fi.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fi/which.fi.tpl

[Vesa Alho] Finnish translation

r1349 | salaun | 2002-05-27 15:10:04 +0200 (lun. 27 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/moderate.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/moderate.us.tpl

[reported by Erich Schubert] fix Reply-to address

r1348 | salaun | 2002-05-27 14:54:17 +0200 (lun. 27 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Patrick] Fix: dirs/files titles not escaped in ALT HTML tags

r1347 | salaun | 2002-05-23 09:14:09 +0200 (jeu. 23 mai 2002) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Reported by patrick AT patoche.org :

For a list of files/dirs wwsympa (in the shared section) list the
"last update time". However it is wrong, since it is based on the
ctime instead of the mtime.

r1346 | salaun | 2002-05-22 14:12:18 +0200 (mer. 22 mai 2002) | 6 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

two new variables availible now for each owner and editor email :
[FOREACH o IN owner]
[o->local]    : the local part of owner email
[o->domain]   : the domain part of the owner email

r1345 | salaun | 2002-05-22 12:28:48 +0200 (mer. 22 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl

Hide owners/editors email addresses

r1344 | salaun | 2002-05-22 11:57:47 +0200 (mer. 22 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[reported by Hanke Penning] Fix: Zombie sendmail processes were not made free

r1343 | salaun | 2002-05-21 11:49:42 +0200 (mar. 21 mai 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Sergiy Zhuk] Bug fix: if a list was in 'user_data_source include' and add no
include source, the List object could not be created.

r1342 | salaun | 2002-05-17 12:00:03 +0200 (ven. 17 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

no echo

r1341 | salaun | 2002-05-17 11:58:41 +0200 (ven. 17 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Add use Log

r1340 | salaun | 2002-05-17 11:55:14 +0200 (ven. 17 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

Language menu now available in login page

r1339 | salaun | 2002-05-15 15:50:33 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/remove_arc.us.tpl

Ajust unapropriate text

r1338 | salaun | 2002-05-15 15:40:29 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

log Typo

r1336 | salaun | 2002-05-15 11:10:08 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Update doc

r1335 | salaun | 2002-05-15 11:09:47 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/your_infected_msg.us.tpl

Adapt virus alert message for spoofing virus

r1334 | salaun | 2002-05-15 11:02:33 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/your_infected_msg.fr.tpl

Encode 8bit chars in headers

r1333 | salaun | 2002-05-15 11:01:59 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add packages for link management in PDF

r1332 | salaun | 2002-05-15 10:58:49 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/your_infected_msg.fr.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r1331 | salaun | 2002-05-15 10:58:06 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/your_infected_msg.fr.tpl

Adapt virus alerte message for virus that spoof emails

r1330 | salaun | 2002-05-15 10:14:40 +0200 (mer. 15 mai 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[Zenon Panoussis] Changes: Added check and aliases file and link for Courier.
Changed "Requires: apache" to "Requires: webserver" for compatibility with apache2

r1329 | salaun | 2002-05-14 17:28:21 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Fix: sympa_wizard using DESTDIR var

r1328 | salaun | 2002-05-14 16:48:29 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Fix: do not use Conf.pm if used with '-c' option

r1327 | salaun | 2002-05-14 16:12:42 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.3.5 release

r1326 | salaun | 2002-05-14 15:56:31 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Olivier Lonni] Fix: when creating a list, 'other' was considered as
a reel topic.

r1325 | salaun | 2002-05-14 15:55:19 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tpl

Do not add 'topics' parameter if not defined

r1324 | salaun | 2002-05-14 14:38:45 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Add Latex, Postscript and PDF version of documentation to CVS

r1323 | salaun | 2002-05-14 14:34:21 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile

Create sympa.pdf

r1322 | salaun | 2002-05-14 14:19:04 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix: escape a few '_'

r1321 | salaun | 2002-05-14 12:15:39 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Changes: Rename task-related sympa.conf parameters (append _task). Restore
default for 'global_remind' parameter

r1320 | salaun | 2002-05-14 12:14:13 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

rename doc target documentation (because of the confusion with doc directory)

r1319 | salaun | 2002-05-14 12:11:48 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl

Fix: parser.pl requires Log.pm

r1318 | salaun | 2002-05-14 10:17:39 +0200 (mar. 14 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cn.msg
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg
   M /trunk/nls/et.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fi.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/nls/it.msg
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg
   M /trunk/nls/ro.msg
   M /trunk/nls/tw.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/README
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: refer to www.sympa.org

r1317 | salaun | 2002-05-13 16:00:27 +0200 (lun. 13 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

[Luc Beurton] Fix: badly placed '@' ; man pages were not installed

r1316 | salaun | 2002-05-07 17:41:28 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: reverse condition for subscriptions update

r1314 | salaun | 2002-05-07 17:17:08 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

No echo while installing conf files

r1313 | salaun | 2002-05-07 17:14:00 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.3.4b.9

r1312 | salaun | 2002-05-07 17:02:03 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: 'which' already in use ; use 'which_info' instead

r1311 | salaun | 2002-05-07 17:01:17 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am


r1310 | salaun | 2002-05-07 16:18:08 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/sympa.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/wwsympa.conf
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Changes: sympa_wizard now creating initial configuration files

r1309 | salaun | 2002-05-07 15:05:08 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix log

r1308 | salaun | 2002-05-07 12:00:12 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

2 new subroutine in order to get or write "your_subscribtions" cookie

r1307 | salaun | 2002-05-07 11:58:06 +0200 (mar. 07 mai 2002) | 18 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

requested by FTPRESS

-New cookie "your_subscribtions" is used in
 order to carry in all templates subscribtions.
   [get_which] a table with one  entry per list
               with just the listname
   [which] a hash using listname  keys and
           SUBJECT and HOST as value.

  Current version do not manage subscribtion
  related to alternative email

-topics are availible in all templates

Default distribution templates are not yet
modified in order to use both those new variables

r1306 | salaun | 2002-05-06 13:24:09 +0200 (lun. 06 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

Adjust indentation

r1305 | salaun | 2002-05-03 16:52:53 +0200 (ven. 03 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Fix: change &fatal_err to die()

r1304 | salaun | 2002-05-03 16:14:09 +0200 (ven. 03 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Fix: wwsympa_url defined in sympa.conf

r1303 | salaun | 2002-05-03 16:09:36 +0200 (ven. 03 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/wwsympa.conf

Change: uncomment alias_manager

r1302 | salaun | 2002-05-03 16:07:16 +0200 (ven. 03 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/sympa.conf

Change: suggest a better choice for listmaster

r1301 | salaun | 2002-05-03 15:36:54 +0200 (ven. 03 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: list object did not have the expected structure (hash/scalar)

r1300 | salaun | 2002-05-03 10:30:54 +0200 (ven. 03 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Patch error message when cookie is modified

r1299 | salaun | 2002-05-02 17:48:19 +0200 (jeu. 02 mai 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/admin.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/admin.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/admin.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/admin.ro.tpl

[reported by Frederic Connes] Fix: admin page help always appeared in its
US english version

r1298 | salaun | 2002-05-02 17:42:11 +0200 (jeu. 02 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/bye.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/certif_warning.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/expire_deletion.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/expire_warning1.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/expire_warning2.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/global_remind.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/helpfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/invite.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/list_created.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/moderate.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/modindex.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/reject.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/remind.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/removed.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/sendpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/stats_report.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/welcome.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/x509-user-cert-missing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/your_infected_msg.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl

[Frederic Connes] Typography fixes in French mail and web templates

r1297 | salaun | 2002-05-02 17:36:39 +0200 (jeu. 02 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Frederic Connes] Fix: set default value for bounce rate

r1296 | salaun | 2002-05-02 16:41:16 +0200 (jeu. 02 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl


r1295 | salaun | 2002-05-02 16:28:29 +0200 (jeu. 02 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl


r1294 | salaun | 2002-05-02 16:01:50 +0200 (jeu. 02 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

Add documentation for postfix_manager.pl

r1293 | salaun | 2002-05-02 15:40:23 +0200 (jeu. 02 mai 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/postfix_manager.pl
   A /trunk/src/virtualwrapper.c

[Frederic Connes] New feature: add postfix-style alias management in Sympa
New script postfix_manager.pl. New C wrapper virtualwrapper.c

r1292 | salaun | 2002-05-02 15:17:47 +0200 (jeu. 02 mai 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Add wizard to Makefile

r1291 | salaun | 2002-04-30 16:37:57 +0200 (mar. 30 avril 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/sympa_wizard.pl

sympa_wizard.pl is a tool for first sympa.conf and wwsympa.conf editing

r1290 | salaun | 2002-04-30 15:13:33 +0200 (mar. 30 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[Frederic Connes] Fix create_list default

r1289 | salaun | 2002-04-30 14:17:43 +0200 (mar. 30 avril 2002) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/add_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/change_email.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/choosepasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/compose_mail.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_control.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/get_pending_lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_admin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editlist.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_user_options.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/home.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/pref.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/remindpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/remove_arc.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/sigrequest.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subindex.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subrequest.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/title.fr.tpl

[Frederic Connes] Typographic fixes (e-mail, :, case, sans prevenir, ...)
r1288 | salaun | 2002-04-30 12:14:08 +0200 (mar. 30 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Frederic Connes] Bug fix: could not empty parameters such as web_archive quota.

r1287 | salaun | 2002-04-30 11:49:31 +0200 (mar. 30 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cn/sendpasswd.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/sendpasswd.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/sendpasswd.de.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/sendpasswd.et.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/sendpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/sendpasswd.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/sendpasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/sendpasswd.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/sendpasswd.us.tpl

[Frederic Connes] FIx: using wwsconf->title instead of conf->title

r1286 | salaun | 2002-04-30 11:16:12 +0200 (mar. 30 avril 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by O. Lonni] Bug fix: Scalar list parameters could not be reset
Because of the split config edition form, empty parameters were skipped.
All parameters editable in the form are now processed

r1285 | salaun | 2002-04-30 09:50:23 +0200 (mar. 30 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Dump list config (commented)

r1284 | salaun | 2002-04-30 09:44:54 +0200 (mar. 30 avril 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: Can't use string ("mail") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /home/sympa/bin/List.pm line 6735
while installing pending lists
_save_admin_file() would modify the List object (change array references to scalar)

r1283 | salaun | 2002-04-29 16:29:58 +0200 (lun. 29 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Use $list->{'dir'} instead

r1282 | salaun | 2002-04-29 11:57:38 +0200 (lun. 29 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: skip auth.conf if empty
This prevents 'require Net::LDAP' to be run, only because auth.conf exists

r1281 | salaun | 2002-04-29 11:56:27 +0200 (lun. 29 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix: also skip lines beginning with '\s+#'  in auth.conf

r1280 | salaun | 2002-04-29 11:27:34 +0200 (lun. 29 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Fix loop prevention (with buttons)

r1279 | salaun | 2002-04-29 11:18:38 +0200 (lun. 29 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: set correct help_template (would cause a loop)

r1278 | salaun | 2002-04-29 11:07:55 +0200 (lun. 29 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Fix loop prevention

r1277 | salaun | 2002-04-29 10:59:29 +0200 (lun. 29 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Prevent loops when parsing/including files

r1276 | salaun | 2002-04-29 10:42:33 +0200 (lun. 29 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Use syslog instead of STDERR

r1275 | salaun | 2002-04-26 13:37:31 +0200 (ven. 26 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: get 'info' as default for 'homepage' in editfile ; also detail

r1274 | salaun | 2002-04-26 11:57:29 +0200 (ven. 26 avril 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[reported by Anas Agoumi] Bug fix: S/MIME signed templates sent from the web (welcome/bye)
where empty messages. This was due to same file descriptor used in different contexts and
rename() performed too early

r1272 | salaun | 2002-04-25 14:11:16 +0200 (jeu. 25 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.3.4b.8

r1271 | salaun | 2002-04-25 12:01:49 +0200 (jeu. 25 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: closed lists are no more seen from other Virtual robots

r1270 | salaun | 2002-04-25 11:43:14 +0200 (jeu. 25 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: editfile did not work on the correct language
Now uses list's lang or robot's lang to find apropriate template

r1269 | salaun | 2002-04-25 11:41:43 +0200 (jeu. 25 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

New feature: get_filename() now searches default templates (no lang defined)

r1268 | salaun | 2002-04-25 10:02:18 +0200 (jeu. 25 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Task name accessed through $d->{'name'}

r1267 | salaun | 2002-04-25 10:00:11 +0200 (jeu. 25 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix for: "Can't use string ("monthly") as a HASH ref"
_load_list_param() did not match task structure in memory (scalar vs hash)

r1266 | salaun | 2002-04-24 17:40:14 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: 'urlize' reception option failed with lists in a Virtual Robot
Did not work on the proper directory

r1265 | salaun | 2002-04-24 16:21:50 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/get_pending_lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/pref.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/remove_arc.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/show_cert.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subrequest.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/view_translations.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editsubscriber.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/get_pending_lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/pref.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/remove_arc.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/scenario_test.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/show_cert.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/subrequest.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/view_translations.us.tpl

[Valics Lehel] HTML fixes

r1264 | salaun | 2002-04-24 15:09:07 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[proposed by Lauri Jesmin] Add Erros-to: header field to messages

r1263 | salaun | 2002-04-24 12:32:53 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/admin.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/admin.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/loginrequest.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/admin.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/loginrequest.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/loginrequest.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin.it.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/admin.ro.tpl

Restore usefull templates

r1262 | salaun | 2002-04-24 12:20:44 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/add_request.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/admin_menu.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/arc.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/arc_protect.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/arcsearch.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/arcsearch_form.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/change_email.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/choosepasswd.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/close_list.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/compose_mail.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/create_list.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/create_list_request.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/d_control.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/d_editfile.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/d_read.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/edit_list_request.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/editfile.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/editsubscriber.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/error.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/get_closed_lists.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/get_latest_lists.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/get_pending_lists.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/help.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/help_admin.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/help_editfile.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/help_editlist.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/help_user_options.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/home.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/install_pending_list.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/list_menu.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/lists.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/login.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/loginbanner.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/loginrequest.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/menu.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/modindex.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/notice.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/pref.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/remindpasswd.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/remove_arc.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/review.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/reviewbouncing.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/scenario_test.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/serveradmin.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/set_pending_list_request.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/show_cert.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/sigrequest.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/subindex.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/suboptions.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/subrequest.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/title.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/view_translations.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/ro/viewmod.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[Valics Lehel] Web templates translation to Romanian

r1261 | salaun | 2002-04-24 12:06:49 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/loginrequest.es.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/loginrequest.et.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/loginrequest.hu.tpl


r1260 | salaun | 2002-04-24 11:54:38 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/install_pending_list.us.tpl

Fix missing ENDIF

r1259 | salaun | 2002-04-24 11:04:07 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin.cn.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/admin.cz.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/admin.de.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin.es.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/admin.et.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin.fr.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin.hu.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin.it.tpl

Remove duplicate templates

r1258 | salaun | 2002-04-24 09:52:07 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/edit_list_request.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/editsubscriber.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/help.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/list_menu.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/loginbanner.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/menu.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/notice.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/review.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/reviewbouncing.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/suboptions.et.tpl

Some update in the new Estonian translation.

r1257 | salaun | 2002-04-24 08:18:45 +0200 (mer. 24 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/et.msg

Update from Lauri Jesmin

r1256 | salaun | 2002-04-22 13:42:19 +0200 (lun. 22 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/Makefile
   M /trunk/nls/check.pl
   A /trunk/nls/et.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/crl_update.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/expire_bounce.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/expire.yearly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.2month.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.monthly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.yearly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.public_listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editor
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/bye.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/certif_warning.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/expire_deletion.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/expire_warning1.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/expire_warning2.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/global_remind.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/helpfile.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/info_report.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/invite.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/list_created.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/list_unknown.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/listmaster_notification.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/lists.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/moderate.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/modindex.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/reject.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/remind.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/removed.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/review.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/sendpasswd.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/stats_report.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/summary.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/welcome.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/x509-user-cert-missing.et.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/et/your_infected_msg.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/add_request.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/admin.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/admin_menu.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/arc.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/arc_protect.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/arcsearch.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/arcsearch_form.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/change_email.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/choosepasswd.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/close_list.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/compose_mail.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/create_list.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/create_list_request.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/d_control.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/d_editfile.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/d_read.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/edit_list_request.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/editfile.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/editsubscriber.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/error.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/get_closed_lists.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/get_latest_lists.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/get_pending_lists.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/help.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/help_admin.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/help_editfile.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/help_editlist.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/help_user_options.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/home.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/install_pending_list.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/list_menu.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/lists.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/login.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/loginbanner.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/loginrequest.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/main.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/menu.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/modindex.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/notice.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/pref.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/remindpasswd.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/remove_arc.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/review.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/reviewbouncing.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/scenario_test.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/serveradmin.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/set_pending_list_request.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/show_cert.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/sigrequest.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/subindex.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/suboptions.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/subrequest.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/title.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/view_translations.et.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/et/viewmod.et.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[Lauri Jesmin] Complete translation to Estonian

r1254 | salaun | 2002-04-22 10:32:05 +0200 (lun. 22 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.3.4b.7

r1253 | salaun | 2002-04-22 10:07:22 +0200 (lun. 22 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/sympa.conf

Reverse previous changes regarding wws URL

r1252 | salaun | 2002-04-22 09:34:47 +0200 (lun. 22 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arc.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc.us.tpl

[Valics Lehel] Fix missing </B>

r1251 | salaun | 2002-04-19 16:04:24 +0200 (ven. 19 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: did not load 'stats' file when creating List object

r1250 | salaun | 2002-04-18 14:27:55 +0200 (jeu. 18 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Virginie Perrot] Fix: Could not set file description in shared
Error message : Synchronization failed for...

r1249 | salaun | 2002-04-18 14:22:44 +0200 (jeu. 18 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Reintroduce required is_moderated() subroutine

r1248 | salaun | 2002-04-18 14:18:03 +0200 (jeu. 18 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix typo introduced in 1.267

r1247 | salaun | 2002-04-18 12:49:35 +0200 (jeu. 18 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Change: default URL becomes /sympa (was /wws)

r1246 | salaun | 2002-04-18 12:27:17 +0200 (jeu. 18 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/sympa.conf

Change: default URL becomes /sympa (was /wws)

r1245 | salaun | 2002-04-18 12:25:36 +0200 (jeu. 18 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl

Now requires wwslib

r1244 | salaun | 2002-04-17 14:09:14 +0200 (mer. 17 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by John Dalbec] delete unused subroutines

r1243 | salaun | 2002-04-17 09:15:56 +0200 (mer. 17 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

delete unused subroutine

r1242 | salaun | 2002-04-16 17:39:04 +0200 (mar. 16 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: don't try to log errors before the openlog

r1241 | salaun | 2002-04-16 15:56:16 +0200 (mar. 16 avril 2002) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cn/sendpasswd.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/sendpasswd.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/sendpasswd.de.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/sendpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/sendpasswd.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/sendpasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/sendpasswd.ro.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/sendpasswd.us.tpl

[reported by Frederic Connes] Bug: main title used in sendpassword template
instead of robot title.
Fix: Load wwsympa.conf in Conf.pm ; use [conf->title] instead of

r1240 | salaun | 2002-04-16 14:47:01 +0200 (mar. 16 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/welcome.de.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/welcome.es.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/welcome.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/welcome.it.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/welcome.pl.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/welcome.pt.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl

[Frederic Connes] Fix boundary in welcome messages

r1239 | salaun | 2002-04-16 14:21:13 +0200 (mar. 16 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/ro.msg

[Valics Lehel] Update

r1238 | salaun | 2002-04-16 12:16:20 +0200 (mar. 16 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/ro.msg
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/bye.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/certif_warning.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/expire_deletion.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/expire_warning1.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/expire_warning2.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/global_remind.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/helpfile.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/info_report.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/invite.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/list_created.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/list_unknown.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/listowner_notification2.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/lists.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/moderate.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/modindex.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/reject.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/remind.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/removed.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/review.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/sendpasswd.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/stats_report.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/summary.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/welcome.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/x509-user-cert-missing.ro.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/ro/your_infected_msg.ro.tpl

[Valics Lehel] NLS update, Mail templates translation to Romanian

r1237 | salaun | 2002-04-12 13:50:49 +0200 (ven. 12 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: messages Header/footer addition did not work for VRobots

r1236 | salaun | 2002-04-12 13:29:19 +0200 (ven. 12 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Add '--log_level' option to help

r1235 | salaun | 2002-04-12 13:07:04 +0200 (ven. 12 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/ro.msg

[Valics Lehel] cosmetic changes

r1234 | salaun | 2002-04-12 10:26:59 +0200 (ven. 12 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/Makefile
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   A /trunk/nls/ro.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg

[Valics Lehel]New feature: NLS translatd to Romanian

r1232 | salaun | 2002-04-10 10:27:49 +0200 (mer. 10 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.3.4b.6

r1231 | salaun | 2002-04-10 09:09:55 +0200 (mer. 10 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/compose_mail.fr.tpl

Add hidden message_id

r1230 | salaun | 2002-04-09 15:47:59 +0200 (mar. 09 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl

[reported by Tellier Gilles] Don't propose 'close_list' button to listowners

r1229 | salaun | 2002-04-09 15:29:09 +0200 (mar. 09 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

[reported by Daniel Pittman] Fix: extend 'bounce_subscriber' database
field. Could lead to errors in Mysql : "value too long for type character varying(30)"

r1228 | salaun | 2002-04-09 15:15:28 +0200 (mar. 09 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editlist.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_user_options.us.tpl

[John Paul Dalbec] Better english translations

r1227 | salaun | 2002-04-09 11:09:36 +0200 (mar. 09 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl

Fix: no default for create_list

r1226 | salaun | 2002-04-09 11:09:00 +0200 (mar. 09 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster

[reported by Frederic Connes] Wrong scenario (was public_listmaster)

r1225 | salaun | 2002-04-09 10:57:11 +0200 (mar. 09 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by Frederic Connes] wwsympa_url in robot.conf was not documented

r1224 | salaun | 2002-04-09 10:41:06 +0200 (mar. 09 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c

[Frederic Connes] Bug fix: problems when NEWALIASES_ARG is defined

r1223 | salaun | 2002-04-09 10:18:14 +0200 (mar. 09 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf

[reported by John Douglass] 'include_ldap_2level_query' is hidden

r1222 | salaun | 2002-04-09 08:03:11 +0200 (mar. 09 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Reported by Frederic Connes : fix quota checking. (no quota applied if shared/quota is undef)

r1221 | salaun | 2002-04-08 16:55:25 +0200 (lun. 08 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

DB_FIle < 1.75 will not work properly with BerkeleyDB 3.2
Sympa error log : "_load_users : cachesise too small"

r1220 | salaun | 2002-04-08 11:39:20 +0200 (lun. 08 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Guy Brand] Bug fix: Integer overflow occured when saving 'stats' file. loadstats would
fail leeding to "empty list" ; message was considered as bad

r1219 | salaun | 2002-04-08 08:20:53 +0200 (lun. 08 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc

use [is_bcc] variable

r1218 | salaun | 2002-04-05 17:21:41 +0200 (ven. 05 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c

[Christian Mock] Fix: when NEWALIASES_ARGS is empty aliaswrapper died ; should be a NULL pointer

r1217 | salaun | 2002-04-05 17:06:19 +0200 (ven. 05 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by V. Mathieu] Bug fix: 'stats' file was not updated when 'subscribers.db' was updated
(this concerns 'include' type of lists)

r1216 | salaun | 2002-04-05 15:53:26 +0200 (ven. 05 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: processes were always synchronizing with 'subscribers.db' file even when they had
up to date subscribers in memory, This was due to a wrong condition for _load_users_include()

r1215 | salaun | 2002-04-05 10:56:03 +0200 (ven. 05 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Fix: don't check archives quota if no quota is defined

r1213 | salaun | 2002-04-04 14:49:53 +0200 (jeu. 04 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing release

r1212 | salaun | 2002-04-04 14:48:12 +0200 (jeu. 04 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change facility from 'debug' to 'info'

r1211 | salaun | 2002-04-04 14:13:33 +0200 (jeu. 04 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.3.4b.5

r1210 | salaun | 2002-04-04 13:34:22 +0200 (jeu. 04 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: don't change cookie_domain if 'localhost'

r1209 | salaun | 2002-04-04 13:25:36 +0200 (jeu. 04 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix error log

r1208 | salaun | 2002-04-04 13:17:28 +0200 (jeu. 04 avril 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: better synchronization of processes with 'stats' file (in partcular total
of subscribers)

r1207 | salaun | 2002-04-04 08:18:18 +0200 (jeu. 04 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Reported by Sergy (Yahoo-inc) : fix incorrect file extention

r1206 | salaun | 2002-04-03 13:46:22 +0200 (mer. 03 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Reverse previous change

r1205 | salaun | 2002-04-03 12:15:42 +0200 (mer. 03 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listowner_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix quota management ; change send_notify_to_owner() parameters

r1204 | salaun | 2002-04-01 13:04:15 +0200 (lun. 01 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listowner_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/stats.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New features: quotas for shared and archives

r1203 | salaun | 2002-04-01 12:36:41 +0200 (lun. 01 avril 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: LDAP module is not required

r1202 | salaun | 2002-03-29 17:27:05 +0100 (ven. 29 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: return 0 (instead of undef) in send_msg() if no subscribers

r1201 | salaun | 2002-03-29 17:25:59 +0100 (ven. 29 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl

Fix: p12topem.pl now working with V robots

r1200 | salaun | 2002-03-29 13:56:55 +0100 (ven. 29 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

[O. Lacroix] Bug fix: fix previous changes

r1199 | salaun | 2002-03-29 12:23:18 +0100 (ven. 29 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tpl

[O. Lacroix] Bug fix: wrong syntax for parameter reply_to

r1198 | salaun | 2002-03-29 12:04:08 +0100 (ven. 29 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

[reported by O. Lacroix] Change: add -editor alias

r1197 | salaun | 2002-03-29 10:59:31 +0100 (ven. 29 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Review Virtual robots from serveradmin page if Superlistmaster

r1196 | salaun | 2002-03-29 10:52:47 +0100 (ven. 29 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: all pending lists were seen from each robot

r1195 | salaun | 2002-03-28 16:19:22 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[John Douglass] Bug fix: alternative email registering failed (incorrect listname)

r1194 | salaun | 2002-03-28 15:55:45 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Use do_log instead of printing to STDERR

r1193 | salaun | 2002-03-28 14:58:04 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix certificat location for list in virtual robot

r1192 | salaun | 2002-03-28 14:47:52 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix wrong list certificate path related to a virtual robot

Fix digest inclusion of encrypted message

r1191 | salaun | 2002-03-28 11:27:25 +0100 (jeu. 28 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: reverse parser changes because of create list problems

r1189 | salaun | 2002-03-26 16:04:42 +0100 (mar. 26 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: the parser is now invocated via List.pm

r1188 | salaun | 2002-03-26 10:53:08 +0100 (mar. 26 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 3.3.4b.4

r1187 | salaun | 2002-03-22 17:22:26 +0100 (ven. 22 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/pref.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/pref.us.tpl

[Benoit Marchal] Better translations

r1186 | salaun | 2002-03-22 15:07:18 +0100 (ven. 22 mars 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by Janek Hiis] New feature: custom subject can now refer to
list variables ([list->name] or [list->sequence])

r1185 | salaun | 2002-03-22 14:25:41 +0100 (ven. 22 mars 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

New feature: extend parse_tpl parameters format. Allow an ARRAY ref for $template
Allow a SCALAR ref for $output

r1184 | salaun | 2002-03-22 13:48:09 +0100 (ven. 22 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Robert Marchand] Bug fix: password setup notice appeared twice

r1183 | salaun | 2002-03-22 11:52:47 +0100 (ven. 22 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add doc for 'log_level' sympa.conf param

r1182 | salaun | 2002-03-22 11:34:21 +0100 (ven. 22 mars 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Changes: query DB for # of subscribers only if called without LIMIT in get_first_user ;
perform total-- just before savestats (could be reinit because of get_which())

r1181 | salaun | 2002-03-21 18:02:01 +0100 (jeu. 21 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: when evaluating a scenario, load subscriber database entry only if needed

r1180 | salaun | 2002-03-21 17:29:16 +0100 (jeu. 21 mars 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: if list has 0 subscriber, each time a new() is performed, the database
was queried

r1179 | salaun | 2002-03-21 13:58:17 +0100 (jeu. 21 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add concerned config file to log error message

r1178 | salaun | 2002-03-21 12:00:52 +0100 (jeu. 21 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi


r1177 | salaun | 2002-03-21 11:54:35 +0100 (jeu. 21 mars 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Herve.Brunet] Bug fix: "Sympa could not set a cookie for login" when accessing
WWSympa via a hostname different from the Servername.
If http_host does NOT match cookie_domain then set cookie_domain to http_host

r1176 | salaun | 2002-03-21 10:51:20 +0100 (jeu. 21 mars 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Hanke Penning] Bug fix: navigation in archives failed with HTTPS
HTTP_HOST env variable already contained the TCP port

r1175 | salaun | 2002-03-15 16:29:53 +0100 (ven. 15 mars 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c

[Nicolas Orlando Nappe] Bug fix: aliaswrapper exited with a bad address error (on RH 7.2 + gcc3)
execle expects a pointer to NULL rather than a NULL pointer in the environment

r1174 | salaun | 2002-03-14 16:56:39 +0100 (jeu. 14 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Document expire_bounce sympa.conf parameter

r1173 | salaun | 2002-03-14 13:47:48 +0100 (jeu. 14 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl

Security fix: default REVIEW was public !!

r1171 | salaun | 2002-03-13 14:49:02 +0100 (mer. 13 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec


r1170 | salaun | 2002-03-13 12:16:12 +0100 (mer. 13 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing 3.3.4b.3

r1169 | salaun | 2002-03-13 11:46:50 +0100 (mer. 13 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Update scenrio paragraph

r1168 | salaun | 2002-03-11 15:26:21 +0100 (lun. 11 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Sleep 6 is better then sleep 2 ???

r1167 | salaun | 2002-03-11 13:30:30 +0100 (lun. 11 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New feature: Prevent command looping ; block messages with known Message-ID

r1166 | salaun | 2002-03-07 17:49:23 +0100 (jeu. 07 mars 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment

Reported by Roussel Florian : fix missmatch Content-Disposition/Content-Type

r1165 | salaun | 2002-03-05 10:31:46 +0100 (mar. 05 mars 2002) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/add_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arcsearch_form.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/edit_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/loginbanner.es.tpl

[Josep Roman] Update translations
r1164 | salaun | 2002-03-05 08:32:03 +0100 (mar. 05 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner

fixed : request auth if [sender] not equal [email]

r1163 | salaun | 2002-03-04 10:58:54 +0100 (lun. 04 mars 2002) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm

[Sergiy Zhuk] Bug fix: with FastCGI, despite the fact you're getting new
search results, it still marks the old keyword.
The problem was caused by the 'o' modifier in Search.pm, which compiles the
search pattern just once.

r1162 | salaun | 2002-03-04 10:57:32 +0100 (lun. 04 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: -d option sets log_level to 2

r1161 | salaun | 2002-03-01 11:10:30 +0100 (ven. 01 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

fix option -d interaction with log_level

r1160 | salaun | 2002-03-01 10:35:32 +0100 (ven. 01 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Mysql privilege setup did not work

r1159 | salaun | 2002-03-01 09:28:19 +0100 (ven. 01 mars 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by Allison Faber] Refered to database names instead of DBD names

r1158 | salaun | 2002-02-28 18:04:40 +0100 (jeu. 28 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[reported by Pascal Schelcher] Fix: allow \s in auth.conf entries (filters)
auth.conf paring should be more strict

r1157 | salaun | 2002-02-28 18:00:42 +0100 (jeu. 28 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

small fix

r1156 | salaun | 2002-02-28 17:21:46 +0100 (jeu. 28 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Hanke Penning] Bug fix: 'quiet' scenario action was not used in do_add() and do_subscribe()

r1155 | salaun | 2002-02-28 17:20:16 +0100 (jeu. 28 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix: no relation between 'do_it' action and owner notification

r1154 | salaun | 2002-02-28 16:41:57 +0100 (jeu. 28 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Hide host variable in section robot.conf. This variable is stil availible but not recommended. No valid reason to use it.

r1153 | salaun | 2002-02-28 16:38:02 +0100 (jeu. 28 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/sympa.conf

replace host by domain

r1152 | salaun | 2002-02-28 16:34:50 +0100 (jeu. 28 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/robot.conf

hide host that is stil usuable but not recommended

r1151 | salaun | 2002-02-28 11:08:22 +0100 (jeu. 28 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[reported by Malcolm] Fix: do not force file access permissions to 777

r1150 | salaun | 2002-02-27 17:27:24 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[requested by Robert Marchand] No success & failure subroutine on IRIX

r1149 | salaun | 2002-02-27 17:18:10 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/wwsympa.conf

Refer to alias_manager

r1148 | salaun | 2002-02-27 16:57:31 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   A /trunk/config.guess
   A /trunk/config.sub
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in

[requested by Robert Marchand] Add '-m' option to gencat on IRIX

r1147 | salaun | 2002-02-27 15:32:31 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[requested by Robert Marchand] Add '--with-iconsdir' configure option

r1146 | salaun | 2002-02-27 14:39:55 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add doc for --with-cgidir option

r1145 | salaun | 2002-02-27 14:30:10 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in

Bug fix: Change configure options to with-xxx so they can be customized at configure time

r1144 | salaun | 2002-02-27 14:30:10 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r1143 | salaun | 2002-02-27 12:20:33 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Yves Agostini] Change: navigation in archives could fail because <BASE> did
not correspond to requested URL. Now use HTTP_HOST and SERVER_PORT to build BASE.
<BASE could not be supressed because of the archives main (current) page (relative
URLs did not work).

r1142 | salaun | 2002-02-27 10:18:40 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Walter Hopgood] Bug fix: wrong value for Sunday digest
Could not send Sunday digests

r1141 | salaun | 2002-02-27 09:38:37 +0100 (mer. 27 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl


r1140 | salaun | 2002-02-26 17:54:36 +0100 (mar. 26 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/edit_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/lists.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/admin_menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/edit_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/lists.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/admin_menu.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/edit_list_request.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/lists.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/review.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin_menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/edit_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/lists.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/edit_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin_menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/edit_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/lists.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/edit_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/lists.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/review.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

Fix: supress base_url from templates
This fixes proxy usage problems

r1139 | salaun | 2002-02-26 11:21:44 +0100 (mar. 26 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix CleanSpool: could not remove directories

r1138 | salaun | 2002-02-22 14:22:05 +0100 (ven. 22 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

[Sergiy Zhuk] Fix formating (introduced in 1.14)

r1137 | salaun | 2002-02-22 11:22:26 +0100 (ven. 22 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/nls/cn.msg
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fi.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/nls/it.msg
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg
   M /trunk/nls/tw.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg

[proposed by J. Marant] Bug fix: Add 'codeset' to NLS catalogs
Otherwise catalogs cannot be generated properly (Invalid caracter messages)

r1136 | salaun | 2002-02-22 09:16:10 +0100 (ven. 22 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subindex.fr.tpl

Fix color

r1135 | salaun | 2002-02-21 17:55:14 +0100 (jeu. 21 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

Fix colspan

r1133 | salaun | 2002-02-21 17:39:52 +0100 (jeu. 21 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add by_domain sort in REVIEW
Also changed query for mysql in get_first_user()

r1132 | salaun | 2002-02-21 12:04:38 +0100 (jeu. 21 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/pref.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl

[Nicolas Gauvrit] corrections

r1131 | salaun | 2002-02-21 11:53:51 +0100 (jeu. 21 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by Walter Hopgood] Make 'body' and 'full_msg' available to

r1130 | salaun | 2002-02-21 10:52:52 +0100 (jeu. 21 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Sergiy Zhuk] Fix Net::SMTP::mail() call

r1129 | salaun | 2002-02-21 10:50:14 +0100 (jeu. 21 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add indexes

r1128 | salaun | 2002-02-20 17:19:58 +0100 (mer. 20 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: cleanup in moderation and authentication spools

r1127 | salaun | 2002-02-20 17:09:44 +0100 (mer. 20 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by Benoit Marchal] Lots of corrections

r1126 | salaun | 2002-02-20 16:41:40 +0100 (mer. 20 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.intranet

New 'review.intranet' scenario
Translate 'access_web_archive.intranet' title to English

r1125 | salaun | 2002-02-20 11:25:29 +0100 (mer. 20 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: make 'lang' a robot.conf parameter

r1124 | salaun | 2002-02-20 09:45:18 +0100 (mer. 20 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Alan Hicks] Change: message having the multipart/alternative embedded in the first part
of the multipart/related were not recognized by tools::as_singlepart()

r1123 | salaun | 2002-02-19 17:00:38 +0100 (mar. 19 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: no more provide mailto: in info page ; spam prevention

r1122 | salaun | 2002-02-19 16:36:55 +0100 (mar. 19 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change log level

r1121 | salaun | 2002-02-18 14:51:35 +0100 (lun. 18 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl

Wrong variable used [start_date]

r1120 | salaun | 2002-02-18 14:42:54 +0100 (lun. 18 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Bug fix: Command::which() did not skip first argument
WHICH command returned a wrong result for Virtual Robots

r1118 | salaun | 2002-02-18 14:07:00 +0100 (lun. 18 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

Delete <CharsetConverters> so Mhonarc uses its default

r1117 | salaun | 2002-02-15 15:55:01 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl

Fix admin button

r1116 | salaun | 2002-02-15 14:21:09 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Michel Bouissou] Bug fix: wrong link to father directory in shared

r1115 | salaun | 2002-02-15 12:29:10 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

New 'cookie_domain' robot.conf param

r1114 | salaun | 2002-02-15 12:27:51 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix cookie_domain related bugs. New 'cookie_domain' parameter in robot.conf

r1113 | salaun | 2002-02-15 11:36:02 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/menu.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl

Fixed cellpading & cellspacing

r1112 | salaun | 2002-02-15 11:19:51 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixed ldap authentication error

Add use_ssl variable availible for all wwsympa template. This [use_ssl] and [auth_method]=smime must not be mistakeen one for the other. [use_ssl] may be set while user are not logged because they don't have certificate

r1111 | salaun | 2002-02-15 08:11:26 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fixed filename cookies.history (reported by Sergiy Zhuk )

r1110 | salaun | 2002-02-15 08:10:15 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

fixed extra useless logging (Reported by Sergiy Zhuk )

r1109 | salaun | 2002-02-15 08:08:09 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fixed some typo in log facility

r1108 | salaun | 2002-02-15 08:07:04 +0100 (ven. 15 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Fixed log_level declaration (reported by Sergiy Zhuk)

r1107 | salaun | 2002-02-14 17:48:31 +0100 (jeu. 14 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

New feature: add 'db_env' parameter to 'include_sql_query'

r1106 | salaun | 2002-02-14 16:27:42 +0100 (jeu. 14 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

[reported by Serge Algarotti] Bug fix: Messages header fields were parsed in archives

r1105 | salaun | 2002-02-14 12:21:35 +0100 (jeu. 14 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/get_closed_lists.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/get_latest_lists.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/help_user_options.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/subindex.es.tpl

[Josep Roman] Update of the Spanish templates and NLS

r1104 | salaun | 2002-02-14 12:01:29 +0100 (jeu. 14 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[John Paul Dalbec] Fix: this section of code fixed "name=" but broke "URL="

r1103 | salaun | 2002-02-14 11:38:33 +0100 (jeu. 14 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fixe sign_check  : checking using original message instead of object message in order to handle properly multipart messages (b64 sign bug)

r1102 | salaun | 2002-02-13 17:41:49 +0100 (mer. 13 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New features: with FastCGI, serveradmin provides processid and request count

r1101 | salaun | 2002-02-13 12:01:12 +0100 (mer. 13 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Herbert Straub] Changes: also search in previous month in do_arcsearch_id()

r1100 | salaun | 2002-02-13 11:46:02 +0100 (mer. 13 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Herbert Straub] Fix: searched in current month and older month (instead of previous one)

r1099 | salaun | 2002-02-13 10:20:16 +0100 (mer. 13 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/loginbanner.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/change_email.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/loginbanner.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/sigrequest.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arcsearch.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/change_email.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_admin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editlist.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/remove_arc.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/sigrequest.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/subrequest.us.tpl

[John Dalbec] Fix lots of misspellings/typos in templates

r1098 | salaun | 2002-02-12 16:51:49 +0100 (mar. 12 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: did not store subscription request in wwsympa

r1097 | salaun | 2002-02-12 16:08:23 +0100 (mar. 12 févr. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/compose_mail.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Joe Davidson] Bug fix: add a Message-ID to compose form to
prevent Sympa from distributing twice the same message (reload).
New tools::get_message_id() sub

r1096 | salaun | 2002-02-12 11:25:22 +0100 (mar. 12 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: just a few commands are now searched in messages. This is now
defined in sympa.conf ('misadressed_commands_regexp' parameter)

r1095 | salaun | 2002-02-11 18:00:23 +0100 (lun. 11 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[proposed by Christian Mock] Fix: close STDIN
Could cause OPENSSL to hang under some circumstances..

r1094 | salaun | 2002-02-11 17:56:15 +0100 (lun. 11 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Supress unused functions do_list_log and old_do_log

r1093 | salaun | 2002-02-11 17:53:12 +0100 (lun. 11 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Declare $log_level

r1092 | salaun | 2002-02-11 17:33:09 +0100 (lun. 11 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Restore supressed text

r1091 | salaun | 2002-02-11 15:54:07 +0100 (lun. 11 févr. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

_ListTables is deprecated, use $dbh->tables() instead.
Therefore requires recent version of DBD::mysql

r1090 | salaun | 2002-02-11 15:43:53 +0100 (lun. 11 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Add 'log_level' conf parameter

r1089 | salaun | 2002-02-05 15:34:52 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Mime encode subject when compose a mail via WWsympa interface

r1088 | salaun | 2002-02-05 13:55:44 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

Log_level patch

r1087 | salaun | 2002-02-05 13:47:30 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Log_level patch

r1086 | salaun | 2002-02-05 13:42:11 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Log_level patch

r1085 | salaun | 2002-02-05 13:05:54 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Log_level patch

r1084 | salaun | 2002-02-05 11:56:32 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

log_level patch

r1083 | salaun | 2002-02-05 11:36:50 +0100 (mar. 05 févr. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

log_level patch

r1082 | salaun | 2002-02-04 15:52:48 +0100 (lun. 04 févr. 2002) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Prevent loop while unable to rename file to the 'bad' directory.

Introduce new var log_level that can be set in options, sympa.conf or robot.conf. The higher is teh log_level the more messages are logged.

r1081 | salaun | 2002-01-30 11:46:02 +0100 (mer. 30 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

various bug reported by B.Marchal.
Replace <host> by <domain> everywhere it is related to sympa.conf or robot.conf setting.

r1080 | salaun | 2002-01-29 15:55:47 +0100 (mar. 29 janv. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Default search now search in the current mounth and in the previous no empty one.

r1079 | salaun | 2002-01-29 11:23:51 +0100 (mar. 29 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

reported by Vincent Mathieu : fix icons location in archive. must be related to wws.conf icons_url parameter

r1078 | salaun | 2002-01-29 11:12:52 +0100 (mar. 29 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

location of left.png and right.png icons

r1077 | salaun | 2002-01-29 09:47:31 +0100 (mar. 29 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Vincent Mathieu] multiple reference to variable [sender] in lDAP filters.

r1076 | salaun | 2002-01-29 08:35:36 +0100 (mar. 29 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[Christian Mock] : handle pkcs7-mime content-type of signed messages (outlook)

r1074 | salaun | 2002-01-25 15:22:02 +0100 (ven. 25 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

preparing Sympa.3.3.3

r1073 | salaun | 2002-01-25 10:46:17 +0100 (ven. 25 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

Better version comparison

r1072 | salaun | 2002-01-25 10:34:57 +0100 (ven. 25 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

[reported by J. Marant] WWSBINDIR var in Makefile had desappeared.
Reintroduce it as 'CGIDIR'

r1071 | salaun | 2002-01-25 10:03:13 +0100 (ven. 25 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

[reported by Sergiy Zhuk] wrong argument to bouncequeue
Also add @domain to arguments, even if default_domain

r1070 | salaun | 2002-01-24 17:01:32 +0100 (jeu. 24 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by Vincent Mathieu] Allow replicates in LDAP search filters

r1069 | salaun | 2002-01-24 15:25:05 +0100 (jeu. 24 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by Benoit Marchal] Corrections in the documentation

r1068 | salaun | 2002-01-24 12:35:50 +0100 (jeu. 24 janv. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Sergiy Zhuk] Bug fix: Could not delete scalar multiple parameters (like 'include_list')
via edit_list form. Now delete empty parameters after full syntax checking ; this avoids parameter
entries shifting.

r1067 | salaun | 2002-01-24 12:28:25 +0100 (jeu. 24 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: buggy macro
Did not check new multiple parameter

r1065 | salaun | 2002-01-23 16:59:41 +0100 (mer. 23 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Prepare 3.3.2

r1064 | salaun | 2002-01-23 13:52:29 +0100 (mer. 23 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Log cleanup
Desactivate beta tasks in task_manager

r1063 | salaun | 2002-01-23 13:43:54 +0100 (mer. 23 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

global_remind not implemented yet

r1062 | salaun | 2002-01-23 13:42:14 +0100 (mer. 23 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl

recognize new bounce format

r1061 | salaun | 2002-01-23 09:45:05 +0100 (mer. 23 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Create msg/bad. spool at startup

r1060 | salaun | 2002-01-23 09:43:34 +0100 (mer. 23 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl


r1059 | salaun | 2002-01-22 15:34:26 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

[John Dalbec] change regexp / / to /\s+/

r1058 | salaun | 2002-01-22 15:24:54 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

Delete comments

r1057 | salaun | 2002-01-22 15:08:47 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

[John Dalbec] Patch for exim compatibility

r1056 | salaun | 2002-01-22 14:41:07 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Initialisation of all lists context while starting wwsympa using fastcgi.

r1055 | salaun | 2002-01-22 12:26:35 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Supress List::list_by_robot() ; add $robot parameter to List::new() instead

r1054 | salaun | 2002-01-22 12:03:18 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

No more '.*' in 'format' entries of %::pinfo

r1053 | salaun | 2002-01-22 11:24:30 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2002) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

reported by Jerome Marant] Fix: use Conf{'etc'} instead of --DIR--/etc
r1052 | salaun | 2002-01-22 11:22:37 +0100 (mar. 22 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in

*** empty log message ***

r1051 | salaun | 2002-01-21 14:23:05 +0100 (lun. 21 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[John Dalbec] Fix: save stats file when data_source changed

r1049 | salaun | 2002-01-21 12:17:28 +0100 (lun. 21 janv. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: supress 'untie %users' in _load_users_include
get_subscriber() and is_user() subroutines failed with 'include'
type of lists

r1048 | salaun | 2002-01-21 11:52:06 +0100 (lun. 21 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Better checking

r1047 | salaun | 2002-01-21 11:05:01 +0100 (lun. 21 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[Benoit Marchal] Fix setUID wrapper for Solaris 2.7
First argument of execve must the same that the first value of the table 'argv'

r1046 | salaun | 2002-01-21 10:44:58 +0100 (lun. 21 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/expire_bounce.daily.task

each day remove old bounces

r1045 | salaun | 2002-01-21 10:39:26 +0100 (lun. 21 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

New task : expire_bounce remove all bounces if the latest_bounce is older than 10 day before last distribution message. The delay "10 day" is set in teh task model but it should be set in the bounce parameter paragraph in list/robot/site configuration file.

r1044 | salaun | 2002-01-18 09:18:50 +0100 (ven. 18 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: when recording alt email first check if user is logged in and new_email
different from main email

r1043 | salaun | 2002-01-17 15:58:26 +0100 (jeu. 17 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

no default for global_remind parameter

r1042 | salaun | 2002-01-17 14:32:21 +0100 (jeu. 17 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: do not save empty list parameters

r1041 | salaun | 2002-01-17 14:28:33 +0100 (jeu. 17 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New get_latest_distribution_date() subroutine

r1040 | salaun | 2002-01-17 13:53:05 +0100 (jeu. 17 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Bug fix: missing '$'

r1039 | salaun | 2002-01-17 13:36:55 +0100 (jeu. 17 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

aaaargh !

r1038 | salaun | 2002-01-17 13:30:21 +0100 (jeu. 17 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

restore the demon mode

r1037 | salaun | 2002-01-17 12:18:53 +0100 (jeu. 17 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Fix: parser could recursively evaluate vars ; made this cleaner (new do_eval() subroutine)

r1036 | salaun | 2002-01-17 08:18:57 +0100 (jeu. 17 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Remove some "do_log"

r1035 | salaun | 2002-01-16 17:46:43 +0100 (mer. 16 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/your_infected_msg.it.tpl

[Luca Maranzano]

r1034 | salaun | 2002-01-16 17:33:24 +0100 (mer. 16 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

[reported by Benoit Marchal] Fix: chown of SRC (mime.types) had wrong path

r1033 | salaun | 2002-01-16 17:14:11 +0100 (mer. 16 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[Benoit Marchal] Fix: default log_socket_type calue

r1032 | salaun | 2002-01-16 14:29:00 +0100 (mer. 16 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Luca Maranzano] New feature: Add support for the Sophos antivirus

r1030 | salaun | 2002-01-16 09:40:02 +0100 (mer. 16 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: default robot conf parameters where sometimes used instead of
virtual robot ones. Added Conf::get_robot_conf() subroutine

r1029 | salaun | 2002-01-14 17:01:49 +0100 (lun. 14 janv. 2002) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

reported by Paola Gatti] Detected misadressed command.
r1028 | salaun | 2002-01-14 16:15:38 +0100 (lun. 14 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Bug fix: REVIEW requested by non-owners failed (command not found) if a 'concealed' subscriber
was found.

r1027 | salaun | 2002-01-14 11:49:03 +0100 (lun. 14 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[reported by Samuel Tardieu] Change Digest::MD5->md5_hex calls to

r1026 | salaun | 2002-01-11 16:45:24 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/sigrequest.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/sigrequest.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/sigrequest.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/sigrequest.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/sigrequest.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/sigrequest.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/sigrequest.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/sigrequest.us.tpl

[requested by Jeg] Add submit button to signoff request form

r1024 | salaun | 2002-01-11 16:01:17 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 3.3.1

r1023 | salaun | 2002-01-11 14:37:22 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by M. Langlois] Bug fix: List::user_add() used the wrong entry in %$values.
With Oracle, subscriber insertion failed (ORA-00936: missing expression) ; with
other RDBMS update_subscriber was empty

r1022 | salaun | 2002-01-11 12:18:32 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Sergiy Zhuk] Changes: If 'include' data source is unavailable, use previous
cache (subscriber.db).
Caution: if one data source is unavailable, other sources updates will
not be applied

r1021 | salaun | 2002-01-11 12:03:39 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Supress debugging log entries

r1020 | salaun | 2002-01-11 11:24:54 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[Sergiy Zhuk] Bug fix: in List::_load_users_include()
subscribers data could get corrupted if 'config' changed or 'subscribers.db'
was deleted.
[aumont] New List::increment_msg_count() subroutine

r1019 | salaun | 2002-01-11 11:21:43 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg

Fix: reverting us and fr translations

r1018 | salaun | 2002-01-11 10:53:47 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

*** empty log message ***

r1017 | salaun | 2002-01-11 09:55:11 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

sendmail aliases for VRobot

r1016 | salaun | 2002-01-11 08:31:51 +0100 (ven. 11 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

log robot name when unknown list.

r1015 | salaun | 2002-01-10 11:25:36 +0100 (jeu. 10 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

replace buggy call to sendmail in do_change_email by &List::send_global_file...

r1014 | salaun | 2002-01-10 08:37:04 +0100 (jeu. 10 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg

Translate LDAP 2pass parameters

r1013 | aumont | 2002-01-10 08:18:51 +0100 (jeu. 10 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet

*** empty log message ***

r1012 | salaun | 2002-01-10 08:15:55 +0100 (jeu. 10 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

Remove temporary file when removing a list, report by Sergiy Zhuk

r1011 | salaun | 2002-01-09 17:57:50 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arc.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arc.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/arc.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arc.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arc.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arc.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arc.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc.us.tpl

[Yves Agostini] Add missing '/'

r1009 | salaun | 2002-01-09 15:35:27 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing Release 3.3

r1008 | salaun | 2002-01-09 15:33:38 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.in
   M /trunk/configure


r1007 | salaun | 2002-01-09 15:32:34 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/install-sh
   A /trunk/missing
   A /trunk/mkinstalldirs

Add scripts required by automake

r1006 | salaun | 2002-01-09 15:30:19 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add documentation for list_check_smtp sympa.conf parameter

r1005 | salaun | 2002-01-09 14:29:36 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add PIDDIR to configure.in

r1004 | salaun | 2002-01-09 11:25:41 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: do NOT fetch subscriber info in DB if subscriber is 'nobody'

r1003 | salaun | 2002-01-09 11:04:24 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Cache &List::_load_total_db()

r1002 | salaun | 2002-01-09 11:01:29 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.in


r1001 | salaun | 2002-01-09 10:55:37 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r1000 | salaun | 2002-01-09 10:36:24 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r999 | salaun | 2002-01-09 10:25:24 +0100 (mer. 09 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r998 | salaun | 2002-01-08 17:58:49 +0100 (mar. 08 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r997 | salaun | 2002-01-08 17:36:43 +0100 (mar. 08 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r996 | salaun | 2002-01-08 16:20:38 +0100 (mar. 08 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Changes: document new configure parameters

r995 | salaun | 2002-01-08 16:06:02 +0100 (mar. 08 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure.in

Move INITDIR to configure.in

r994 | salaun | 2002-01-08 15:43:04 +0100 (mar. 08 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.in

Set mandir

r993 | salaun | 2002-01-08 15:14:26 +0100 (mar. 08 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/Makefile.in
   A /trunk/aclocal.m4

Add aclocal.m4 Makefile.in to CVS tree

r992 | salaun | 2002-01-08 15:07:24 +0100 (mar. 08 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r991 | salaun | 2002-01-08 15:03:00 +0100 (mar. 08 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/configure
   M /trunk/configure.in

Changes: move some variables from Makefile.am to configure.in

r990 | salaun | 2002-01-08 14:11:22 +0100 (mar. 08 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Upadte virtual robot documentation

r989 | salaun | 2002-01-07 14:29:04 +0100 (lun. 07 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[John Dalbec] Fix

r988 | salaun | 2002-01-07 14:23:32 +0100 (lun. 07 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/sigrequest.fr.tpl

[reported by Jeg] Typos: addresse => adresse

r987 | salaun | 2002-01-04 16:53:31 +0100 (ven. 04 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Example for 'connect_options'

r986 | salaun | 2002-01-04 15:51:13 +0100 (ven. 04 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Set total if none and in 'file' data_source

r985 | salaun | 2002-01-04 15:39:37 +0100 (ven. 04 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Last figure in 'stats' file is optional

r984 | salaun | 2002-01-04 15:19:27 +0100 (ven. 04 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: initialize 'total' when changing data_source

r983 | salaun | 2002-01-04 15:14:55 +0100 (ven. 04 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: wrong location of 'subscribers' file (failed for VRobots)

r982 | salaun | 2002-01-04 10:59:05 +0100 (ven. 04 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

Add main directory (/home/sympa/) creation

r981 | salaun | 2002-01-04 10:47:35 +0100 (ven. 04 janv. 2002) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Changes: Do not start task_manager (still unstable)
No more try pidof...

r979 | salaun | 2002-01-03 15:04:02 +0100 (jeu. 03 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix: allow ._global files in task spool

r978 | aumont | 2002-01-03 11:20:01 +0100 (jeu. 03 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by W.T. Mang] Typo

r977 | aumont | 2002-01-03 11:16:22 +0100 (jeu. 03 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fixe change group bug (reported by Harald Wilhelmi)

r976 | aumont | 2002-01-03 10:25:40 +0100 (jeu. 03 janv. 2002) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

[Fil] Incorrect regexp

r975 | aumont | 2001-12-28 16:04:17 +0100 (ven. 28 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by J.M. Bernadine] get_dn_by_email_filter instead of get_dn_by_email

r974 | aumont | 2001-12-28 11:48:00 +0100 (ven. 28 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: PID is no more written by the father process BUT by the child.
Otherwise lock was lost when father process died

r973 | aumont | 2001-12-28 11:29:46 +0100 (ven. 28 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: did not write PID when run in debug mode

r972 | aumont | 2001-12-28 11:29:17 +0100 (ven. 28 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner

change title

r971 | aumont | 2001-12-28 09:58:42 +0100 (ven. 28 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by R. Amouroux] Get total of subscribers from database if not provided by 'stats' file

r970 | aumont | 2001-12-27 16:47:00 +0100 (jeu. 27 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[Ronan Salmon] Typos

r969 | aumont | 2001-12-27 16:18:03 +0100 (jeu. 27 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner

[Thomas Leavitt] Typos

r968 | aumont | 2001-12-27 15:56:32 +0100 (jeu. 27 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r967 | aumont | 2001-12-27 15:56:11 +0100 (jeu. 27 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_admin.us.tpl

[Thomas Leavitt] Typos/spelling/grammatical errors on List Administration Panel page

r966 | aumont | 2001-12-27 15:00:48 +0100 (jeu. 27 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[serge] Fix to process INIT.INIT
Needs further testing

r965 | aumont | 2001-12-19 08:18:45 +0100 (mer. 19 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/configure

*** empty log message ***

r964 | aumont | 2001-12-07 17:59:53 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Changes: allows defining PIDDIR at 'make install' time
PIDDIR changed to /var/run/sympa for RH and Mandrake

r963 | aumont | 2001-12-07 17:49:30 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Changes: write PID on disk when user is root (allows to write in /var/run).
Also add a generic tools::write_pid() sub

r962 | aumont | 2001-12-07 17:16:44 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Fix default pidfiles

r961 | aumont | 2001-12-07 15:24:44 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

Fix: RH icons dir is /var/www/icons

r960 | aumont | 2001-12-07 15:16:54 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Fil] No checking was performed on email in do_set()

r959 | aumont | 2001-12-07 14:50:52 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl

[Thomas Leavitt]Fix typo

r958 | aumont | 2001-12-07 14:30:12 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Fix stop and start functions. Stop was using killproc

r957 | aumont | 2001-12-07 12:52:47 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

Bug fix: SysV script did not work
Now use 'PIDDIR' var to locate .pid file

r956 | aumont | 2001-12-07 12:16:09 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Refer to bounce+* alias

r955 | aumont | 2001-12-07 12:11:51 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[reported by Thomas Leavitt] Add bounce+* alias

r954 | aumont | 2001-12-07 10:57:04 +0100 (ven. 07 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[reported by Thomas Leavitt] Listmaster was aliased to root

r953 | aumont | 2001-12-06 16:58:50 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Does not detect openssl errors

r952 | aumont | 2001-12-06 16:48:49 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: too much log

r951 | aumont | 2001-12-06 16:35:16 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

--EXPL_DIR-- was not replaced in Conf.pm

r950 | aumont | 2001-12-06 14:33:36 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: chdir to list's directory bafore parsing

r949 | aumont | 2001-12-06 14:12:42 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/edit_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl

Rename some list parameter groups

r948 | aumont | 2001-12-06 13:54:39 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[reported by Thomas Leavitt] look for binaries in SBINDIR instead of BINDIR

r947 | aumont | 2001-12-06 10:52:23 +0100 (jeu. 06 déc. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.2month.task
   A /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.monthly.task

add two task model for periodicity

r946 | aumont | 2001-12-05 17:57:10 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: do not check if is_subscriber when providing an LDAP uid

r945 | aumont | 2001-12-05 17:22:26 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2001) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by V. Mathieu] Bug fix: could not perform a subrequest, providing an LDAP UID
(for not identified people).
Remaining pb : is_user() does not returns a valid answer in both do_subrequest()
and do_sigrequest() because parameter is not an email address

r944 | aumont | 2001-12-05 16:58:10 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Reverse previous change concerning --ETCBINDIR--

r943 | aumont | 2001-12-05 15:18:11 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: do not restrict 'db_type' to listed RDBMS

r942 | aumont | 2001-12-05 14:03:13 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by B. De Boursetty] Fix: MS Exchange sends encrypted mail with a
"Content-type: application/pkcs7-mime" header

r941 | aumont | 2001-12-05 11:56:17 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

New 'sendmail_args' sympa.conf parameter

r940 | aumont | 2001-12-05 11:46:12 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Use --ETCBINDIR-- instead of --DIR--/

r939 | aumont | 2001-12-05 11:21:51 +0100 (mer. 05 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Suppress debugging log entries

r938 | aumont | 2001-12-04 17:19:45 +0100 (mar. 04 déc. 2001) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Conf{'robots'}{default_domain} was created empty ;
Initialize it.
BUT wwsympa.conf vars are not set ; needs to merge sympa.conf and
wwsympa.conf first

r937 | aumont | 2001-12-04 15:09:11 +0100 (mar. 04 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Michel Bouissou] New feature: works with AvpLinux antivirus

r936 | aumont | 2001-12-04 14:37:05 +0100 (mar. 04 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by P. Mouret] Typo in 10.2

r935 | aumont | 2001-12-04 14:19:27 +0100 (mar. 04 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Few typos

r934 | aumont | 2001-12-04 14:19:03 +0100 (mar. 04 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/queue.c

Fix: change to C-style comments

r933 | aumont | 2001-12-04 10:37:59 +0100 (mar. 04 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/get_latest_lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: Chronological list of lists ;
Latest serveradmin translated to french

r932 | aumont | 2001-12-03 17:47:40 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/get_closed_lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/get_pending_lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New 'purge_list' feature

r931 | aumont | 2001-12-03 17:16:21 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Provide the list of Virtual Robots

r930 | salaun | 2001-12-03 16:05:03 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/edit_list_request.cn.tpl

Reverse previous change ; initialize edit_list templates with US
version instead

r929 | aumont | 2001-12-03 16:04:46 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/edit_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/edit_list_request.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/edit_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/edit_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/edit_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Reverse previous change ; initialize edit_list templates with US
version instead

r928 | aumont | 2001-12-03 15:50:53 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: empty edit_list form for languages which template had not been

r927 | aumont | 2001-12-03 15:46:06 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix edit_list ; problems related to later changes

r926 | aumont | 2001-12-03 14:47:36 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/edit_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: list parameters edition is now split into groups of parameters

r925 | aumont | 2001-12-03 14:03:07 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/html-news-letter/config.tpl

New html-newsletter list template

r924 | aumont | 2001-12-03 11:15:51 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

Fix regexp problems with listnames

r923 | aumont | 2001-12-03 11:03:36 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl

[reported by O. Gilles] Inactivate 'review' if current action

r922 | aumont | 2001-12-03 10:03:59 +0100 (lun. 03 déc. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.in

[J.Marant] Fix -with-user and --with-group options

r921 | aumont | 2001-11-30 15:15:29 +0100 (ven. 30 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: move BAD messages to bad/ subdirectory instead of renaming them.
This should fasten the readdir() in spool

r920 | aumont | 2001-11-30 11:42:51 +0100 (ven. 30 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/AUTHORS

[reported by J. Marant] update copyright date

r919 | aumont | 2001-11-30 11:39:10 +0100 (ven. 30 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/configure.in
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl
   M /trunk/nls/Makefile
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Version.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c
   M /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/load_subscribers.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/orphan_killer.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/p12topem.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/testldap.pl
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/msg.pl
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl
   M /trunk/src/queue.c
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/subst.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by GNU] Add copyright notices and license notices to all source files

r918 | aumont | 2001-11-30 10:32:22 +0100 (ven. 30 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/COPYING

[requested by GNU]

r917 | aumont | 2001-11-29 11:59:19 +0100 (jeu. 29 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Fix: no error was returned if list had no subscriber

r916 | aumont | 2001-11-28 15:55:16 +0100 (mer. 28 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[J. Dalbec] Change: no defaults for attrs1

r915 | aumont | 2001-11-28 11:25:47 +0100 (mer. 28 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[John Dalbec] Fix title ID

r914 | aumont | 2001-11-28 11:23:57 +0100 (mer. 28 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by J. Dalbec] Fix error message it bad parameter format

r913 | aumont | 2001-11-28 10:58:34 +0100 (mer. 28 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: Add 'robot' parameter to List::new() and List::load()
This avoid robots from accessing each others lists from the web interface

r912 | aumont | 2001-11-27 16:19:21 +0100 (mar. 27 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Dominique Rousseau] Fix: Set umask

r911 | aumont | 2001-11-27 11:30:14 +0100 (mar. 27 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/logrotate

[Mathieu Peltier] Log rotation script

r910 | aumont | 2001-11-27 11:21:20 +0100 (mar. 27 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Mathieu Peltier] Now Sympa can work with 'F-Prot' anti-virus

r909 | aumont | 2001-11-27 10:54:07 +0100 (mar. 27 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg

French translation for 'include_ldap_2level_query'

r908 | aumont | 2001-11-27 09:51:10 +0100 (mar. 27 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg

[John Dalbec] Add documentation for include_ldap_2level_query

r907 | aumont | 2001-11-26 14:46:48 +0100 (lun. 26 nov. 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/welcome.de.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/welcome.es.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/welcome.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/welcome.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/welcome.it.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/welcome.pl.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/welcome.pt.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl

[Jerome Marant] Change: default welcome messages changed to multipart/alternative (used to be HTML)
r905 | aumont | 2001-11-23 16:42:47 +0100 (ven. 23 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: bad condition for 'subscribers.db' update

r904 | aumont | 2001-11-23 16:26:34 +0100 (ven. 23 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: 'subscribers.db' could get corrupted ; leading to empty lists
Processes were not benefitting from include cache ('subscribers.db')

r903 | aumont | 2001-11-23 11:26:54 +0100 (ven. 23 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

*** empty log message ***

r902 | aumont | 2001-11-23 10:03:10 +0100 (ven. 23 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: Allow WWSympa to update subscribers.db if config changed
If subscribers.db changed on disk, use it, don't overwrite it

r901 | aumont | 2001-11-23 09:16:49 +0100 (ven. 23 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Process bounce rate once

r899 | aumont | 2001-11-22 15:28:44 +0100 (jeu. 22 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix: incorrect $robot was passed to DoFile()

r898 | aumont | 2001-11-22 12:18:53 +0100 (jeu. 22 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[John Dalbec] New feature: 'include_ldap_2level_query' perform an LDAP
query in 2 times.

r897 | aumont | 2001-11-22 11:41:23 +0100 (jeu. 22 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog


r896 | salaun | 2001-11-21 18:21:36 +0100 (mer. 21 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arcsearch_form.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/close_list.cn.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/close_list_request.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/compose_mail.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/create_list.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/create_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_editfile.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_read.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/edit_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/error.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/home.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/install_pending_list.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/list_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/lists.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/loginbanner.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/pref.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/remindpasswd.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/reviewbouncing.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/serveradmin.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/set_pending_list_request.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/show_cert.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/subindex.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/suboptions.cn.tpl

[Autrijus Tang] Updates of Chinese translations

r895 | aumont | 2001-11-21 17:40:37 +0100 (mer. 21 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[Autrijus Tang] Changes: cn-gb -> cn ; cn-big5 -> tw

r894 | aumont | 2001-11-21 17:39:20 +0100 (mer. 21 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/Makefile

[Autrijus Tang] Changes: cn-gb => cn ; cn-big5 => tw

r893 | aumont | 2001-11-21 14:42:14 +0100 (mer. 21 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/configure.in

[reported by Harald Wilhelmi] Fix: use ${prefix} instead of ${ac_default_prefix}
This allows to override prefix at configure time (with --prefix=/xxx)

r892 | aumont | 2001-11-21 10:11:18 +0100 (mer. 21 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

Prevents from sending without Return-path

r891 | aumont | 2001-11-21 10:07:45 +0100 (mer. 21 nov. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by John Dalbec] Bug fix: List::send_file did not set the return path if the recipient(s)
is/are passed as an array reference.
This caused problems with my MTA (exim) and results in sympa dying.

r890 | aumont | 2001-11-20 11:31:29 +0100 (mar. 20 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/reviewbouncing.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/reviewbouncing.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/reviewbouncing.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/reviewbouncing.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/reviewbouncing.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl

[J. Marant] Typo

r889 | aumont | 2001-11-20 11:18:37 +0100 (mar. 20 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/create_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/reviewbouncing.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/create_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/create_list_request.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/review.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/reviewbouncing.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/create_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/reviewbouncing.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_read.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/reviewbouncing.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/create_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/review.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/reviewbouncing.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl

[J. Marant] Fix: replace /icons with [icons_url in web templates

r888 | aumont | 2001-11-20 10:58:01 +0100 (mar. 20 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by Sergiy Zhuk] Change: add wwsympa.conf 'password_case'

r886 | aumont | 2001-11-19 15:38:28 +0100 (lun. 19 nov. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.generic

[Harald Wilhelmi] Generic startup script that should work with HPUX.
It SHOULD be installed in /sbin/init.d ; Makefile should check system
type (`uname -s` eq HP-UX)

r885 | aumont | 2001-11-19 15:04:11 +0100 (lun. 19 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[J. Marant] Use 'icons_url' conf parameter

r884 | aumont | 2001-11-19 14:49:08 +0100 (lun. 19 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Sergiy Zhuk] Security fix: no more tell if part of password was

r883 | aumont | 2001-11-19 14:43:32 +0100 (lun. 19 nov. 2001) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Sergiy Zhuk] New feature: allows Sympa to check listname on SMTP server
before list creation. New sympa.conf/robot.conf parameters (list_check_smtp,
[reported by Sergiy Zhuk] Changes: no more lowercase passwords

r882 | aumont | 2001-11-19 09:52:15 +0100 (lun. 19 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix: get_file did not find templates in list dir.
Could not edit list templates from the web

r880 | aumont | 2001-11-16 13:16:16 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 3.3b.4

r879 | aumont | 2001-11-16 13:02:59 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix: escape '_'

r878 | aumont | 2001-11-16 13:01:59 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl

Bug fix: edit_list_conf memory cache was not used !
Change: alert listmaster if edit_list.conf has a wrong format

r877 | aumont | 2001-11-16 11:58:15 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

doc log_smtp

r876 | aumont | 2001-11-16 11:56:48 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix: edit_list_conf memory cache was not used !
Change: alert listmaster if edit_list.conf has a wrong format

r875 | aumont | 2001-11-16 11:53:56 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r874 | aumont | 2001-11-16 11:48:07 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

fix log_smtp

r873 | aumont | 2001-11-16 11:17:46 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

small fix

r872 | aumont | 2001-11-16 11:10:39 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/NEWS

prefix edit_list.conf changes with *****

r871 | aumont | 2001-11-16 11:09:18 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

Fix: check NEWS instead of RELEASE_NOTES

r870 | aumont | 2001-11-16 11:07:59 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

*** empty log message ***

r869 | aumont | 2001-11-16 10:47:23 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

replace logmail by log_smtp

r868 | aumont | 2001-11-16 10:32:53 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/home.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl

Changes: make buttons border thinner

r867 | aumont | 2001-11-16 09:38:27 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

New Sympa and robot parameter "logmail" (default off).

r866 | aumont | 2001-11-16 09:29:50 +0100 (ven. 16 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Supress log in Apache error log

r865 | aumont | 2001-11-15 17:41:19 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Fix a bug in check_arc_cookie (users always redirected to the
"I'am not a spammer" form)

r864 | aumont | 2001-11-15 17:05:31 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: REMIND <listname> failed

r863 | aumont | 2001-11-15 17:04:56 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/back.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/back.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/binary.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/binary.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/down.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/down.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/folder.gif
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/folder.open.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/folder.open.png
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/folder.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/image2.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/image2.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/left.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/left.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/link.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/link.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/locked.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/locked.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo-s-lock.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo-s-lock.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo-s.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo-s.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/movie.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/movie.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/right.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/right.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/sound1.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/sound1.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/text.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/text.png
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/unknown.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/unknown.png
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/create_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/reviewbouncing.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/create_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/create_list_request.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/menu.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/review.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/reviewbouncing.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/create_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/reviewbouncing.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_read.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/reviewbouncing.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/create_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/review.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/reviewbouncing.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by GNU] Changes: Change GIF icons to PNG.
Problem with transparency

r862 | aumont | 2001-11-15 15:33:45 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Reply_to_header/value parameter allow the value all to force Reply-to; [list],[sender]

r861 | aumont | 2001-11-15 15:02:48 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

*** empty log message ***

r860 | aumont | 2001-11-15 14:47:01 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Undo reply_to_header changes

r859 | salaun | 2001-11-15 14:27:17 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by Daniel Pittman] Change: if 'default_home' parameter was defined
use it anytime instead of 'home'. Also use 'lists' as a default action
if no topics.conf was found

r857 | salaun | 2001-11-15 11:17:33 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix typos

r856 | salaun | 2001-11-15 10:50:15 +0100 (jeu. 15 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

Fixes to generate RPMs

r855 | salaun | 2001-11-14 17:29:26 +0100 (mer. 14 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

Missing release number

r854 | salaun | 2001-11-14 17:03:08 +0100 (mer. 14 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/NEWS

Preparing 3.3b.3

r853 | salaun | 2001-11-14 17:02:45 +0100 (mer. 14 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg

[Josep Roman] Fix for HP/UX

r852 | salaun | 2001-11-13 17:46:49 +0100 (mar. 13 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg

[Ralf Ebeling] Fix: Message 8::25 didn't produce a correct link for the
unsubscription of a subscriber...

r851 | salaun | 2001-11-13 17:41:29 +0100 (mar. 13 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[Ralf Ebeling] Allow subscription request to be forwarded with no sender notification

r850 | salaun | 2001-11-13 17:26:05 +0100 (mar. 13 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL

Changes: you need to run './configure' at installation time

r849 | salaun | 2001-11-13 17:17:11 +0100 (mar. 13 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Correct VRobot doc

r848 | salaun | 2001-11-13 16:50:07 +0100 (mar. 13 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/robot.conf

Distribute a sample robot.conf

r847 | salaun | 2001-11-13 16:36:48 +0100 (mar. 13 nov. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[proposed by D. Bernard] Use 'SERVER_NAME' instead of 'HTTP_HOST'
to determine current VirtualRobot. This is much more reliable
(Apache uses the server name as defined in its config file)

r846 | salaun | 2001-11-13 16:27:55 +0100 (mar. 13 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

[reported by JM Pouchoulon] Bug fix: auth.conf needed a last empty lines

r845 | salaun | 2001-11-13 16:11:24 +0100 (mar. 13 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by V. Mathieu] Bug fix: LDAP authentication is case-sensitive

r844 | salaun | 2001-11-13 11:50:38 +0100 (mar. 13 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl

Bug fix: NTMail reports made bounced die

r843 | salaun | 2001-11-12 16:53:16 +0100 (lun. 12 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/notice.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/notice.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add messages : no message to moderate

r842 | salaun | 2001-11-12 15:54:32 +0100 (lun. 12 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Anne Durand] Bug fix: wwsympa did not reset list
of topics before reloading topics.conf

r841 | salaun | 2001-11-12 14:10:54 +0100 (lun. 12 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Harald Wilhelmi] Bug fix: fix for the well known problem with <SPACE> in LDAP attributes

r840 | salaun | 2001-11-12 14:07:58 +0100 (lun. 12 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Harald Wilhelmi] Bug fix: Could not perform an anonymous LDAP bind

r838 | salaun | 2001-11-12 13:28:31 +0100 (lun. 12 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change alt_email cookie
Add log for alt email

r837 | salaun | 2001-11-09 16:13:19 +0100 (ven. 09 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: Do NOT consider .tpl as hierarchical parameters (like owner.email)

r836 | salaun | 2001-11-09 14:51:34 +0100 (ven. 09 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Bug fix: User logging with no 'alt_email' cookie would get previous users alt emails !
check_cookie_extern() did NOT return anything ; now returns undef if no cookie

r835 | salaun | 2001-11-09 14:46:31 +0100 (ven. 09 nov. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

New sympa.conf parameter 'misaddressed_commands' to disable command
detection in messages

r834 | salaun | 2001-11-07 16:25:48 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/error.de.tpl

[Harald Wilhelmi] corrections

r833 | salaun | 2001-11-07 15:01:36 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Error msg if no bouncing subscriber

r832 | salaun | 2001-11-07 14:08:56 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment

[reported by Szilard Vizi] missing </I>

r831 | salaun | 2001-11-07 14:04:46 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/helpfile.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/invite.hu.tpl

[Szilard Vizi] Update Hungarian translations

r830 | salaun | 2001-11-07 14:04:25 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/crl_update.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/expire.yearly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.yearly.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/bye.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/global_remind.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/moderate.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/reject.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/remind.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/removed.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/sendpasswd.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/stats_report.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/welcome.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/x509-user-cert-missing.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arcsearch_form.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/change_email.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/compose_mail.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_control.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_editfile.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_read.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/edit_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/editsubscriber.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/error.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/help.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/help_editfile.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/help_editlist.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/home.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/lists.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/login.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/loginbanner.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/notice.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/pref.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/remindpasswd.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/reviewbouncing.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/scenario_test.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/set_pending_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/sigrequest.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/suboptions.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/subrequest.hu.tpl

 [Szilard Vizi] Update Hungarian translations

r829 | salaun | 2001-11-07 13:40:01 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

[requested by R. Negaret] Make input field longer

r827 | salaun | 2001-11-07 10:41:16 +0100 (mer. 07 nov. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Fix: upercase 'Hungarian'

r826 | salaun | 2001-10-31 14:42:02 +0100 (mer. 31 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Cahnge: included subscribers cache is not updated by WWSympa,
because it would leed to bad performences

r825 | salaun | 2001-10-31 11:50:32 +0100 (mer. 31 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: listmasters of the main robot are Super-listmasters,
ie listmasters of all VirtualRobots

r824 | salaun | 2001-10-31 11:07:38 +0100 (mer. 31 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Add a log if message contains a command

r823 | salaun | 2001-10-31 10:48:01 +0100 (mer. 31 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by S. Tardieu] Bug fix: summary of messages was sent to the list
itself. Digest/summary could be sent to an empty list of recipients.

r822 | salaun | 2001-10-31 09:50:53 +0100 (mer. 31 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Unused subroutine

r821 | salaun | 2001-10-30 10:25:25 +0100 (mar. 30 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounce-lib.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Bug fix: 'use strict' in bounce-lib.pl ; get $robot in bounced.pl

r820 | salaun | 2001-10-29 17:27:08 +0100 (lun. 29 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Also escape [ and ]

r819 | salaun | 2001-10-29 16:43:01 +0100 (lun. 29 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: escape [] before searching

r818 | salaun | 2001-10-29 14:06:14 +0100 (lun. 29 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/back.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/binary.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/down.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/folder.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/folder.open.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/image2.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/left.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/link.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/movie.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/right.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/sound1.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/text.gif
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/unknown.gif

[reported by Daniel Pittman] Add missing icons

r817 | salaun | 2001-10-29 14:01:24 +0100 (lun. 29 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/aide1.gif
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/b1.gif
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/d1.gif
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/g1.gif
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/h1.gif
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/lockc3.gif
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo-s.green.gif
   D /trunk/wwsympa/icons/warn_lock.gif

Remove used icons

r816 | salaun | 2001-10-26 15:13:35 +0200 (ven. 26 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_user_options.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/suboptions.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_user_options.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/suboptions.us.tpl

Add documentation for reception user options

r815 | salaun | 2001-10-26 13:44:43 +0200 (ven. 26 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list_request.us.tpl

[reported by E. Duputel] Add 'other' topic in create_list form

r814 | salaun | 2001-10-26 13:37:25 +0200 (ven. 26 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment


r813 | salaun | 2001-10-26 13:36:24 +0200 (ven. 26 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment

missing </UL>

r812 | salaun | 2001-10-26 13:16:34 +0200 (ven. 26 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

[proposed by Daniel] provide ALT for images

r811 | salaun | 2001-10-25 15:26:35 +0200 (jeu. 25 oct. 2001) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: moderation message had an empty boundary (unless md5)
[requested by Janos Kovacs] Password remind message is now sent via sympa.pl ;
no more direct call to sendmail.
This allows using WWSympa over an apache running in jail

r810 | salaun | 2001-10-25 13:56:27 +0200 (jeu. 25 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by Janos Kovacs] Replace glob() with opendir/readdir().
This allows using WWSympa over an apache running in jail

r809 | salaun | 2001-10-25 11:43:53 +0200 (jeu. 25 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment

Add comments to create_list templates

r808 | salaun | 2001-10-25 11:11:39 +0200 (jeu. 25 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

A unique template for listmaster notification ;
used for virus scan failure

r807 | salaun | 2001-10-25 10:49:13 +0200 (jeu. 25 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Notify listmaster if Virus scan failed

r806 | salaun | 2001-10-24 16:52:10 +0200 (mer. 24 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

per VRobot 'create_list' definition

r805 | salaun | 2001-10-24 16:08:55 +0200 (mer. 24 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixes of alt_email management

r804 | salaun | 2001-10-24 15:27:19 +0200 (mer. 24 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arcsearch_form.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arcsearch_form.us.tpl

[reported by J. Andre] Problem mith Amaya in archive search

r803 | salaun | 2001-10-24 11:40:30 +0200 (mer. 24 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Change alt_email cookie key

r802 | salaun | 2001-10-24 11:13:29 +0200 (mer. 24 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: missing 'robot' param to get_which()

r801 | salaun | 2001-10-23 17:30:37 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: VRobot-ize [conf->xxx] vars

r800 | salaun | 2001-10-23 17:22:39 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

List::send_notify_to_listmaster() VRobot-ized

r799 | salaun | 2001-10-23 17:13:33 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

mail::mailback() VRobot-ized

r798 | salaun | 2001-10-23 16:41:55 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: VRobot-related : moderation and other
message queuing from WWSympa

r797 | salaun | 2001-10-23 16:00:59 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: VRobot-related : moderation and other message queuing from WWSympa

r796 | salaun | 2001-10-23 15:08:14 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fixes: VHost-related changes

r795 | salaun | 2001-10-23 14:34:49 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Bug fix: use strict vars in cookielib.pl
Previous alt_emails were not intialized

r794 | salaun | 2001-10-23 10:55:53 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: incorrect bounce rate in warning messages

r793 | salaun | 2001-10-23 09:46:51 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[reported by J. Dalbec] RH 7 compatibility changes :
Web hierarchy location, Sympa directory location

r792 | salaun | 2001-10-23 09:31:59 +0200 (mar. 23 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/stats_report.cz.tpl~
   D /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/stats_report.de.tpl~
   D /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/stats_report.es.tpl~
   D /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/stats_report.hu.tpl~
   D /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/stats_report.it.tpl~
   D /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/stats_report.pl.tpl~

Remove ~ files from CVS

r791 | salaun | 2001-10-22 11:33:14 +0200 (lun. 22 oct. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Bug fixes :
Return undef if request_action failed
[Straub Herbert]: Encode mail subject for LISTS and HELP

r789 | salaun | 2001-10-19 11:01:09 +0200 (ven. 19 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Tanel Kokk] Bug fix: 'mkdir' function requires mode

r788 | salaun | 2001-10-19 10:56:30 +0200 (ven. 19 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[John Dalbec] Fix Perl dependency

r787 | salaun | 2001-10-19 08:30:58 +0200 (ven. 19 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey

fix title.fr, title.us and rule order. Need to fix other  titles ?

r786 | salaun | 2001-10-18 17:54:18 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/pref.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/pref.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: LDAP auth not working

r785 | salaun | 2001-10-18 15:40:30 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: change_email alowed if subscribe/unsubscribe alowed for the list

r784 | salaun | 2001-10-18 14:56:22 +0200 (jeu. 18 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: fix loop between 'login' and 'subscribe'

r783 | salaun | 2001-10-17 16:14:53 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

target 'tag'

r782 | salaun | 2001-10-17 16:10:58 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

preparing 3.3a-vhost+ldap.4

r781 | salaun | 2001-10-17 16:05:29 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

target 'tag'

r780 | salaun | 2001-10-17 15:39:47 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/sympa.conf

change sample text_color

r779 | salaun | 2001-10-17 13:51:44 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am

preparing 'tag' target

r778 | salaun | 2001-10-17 13:38:28 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix: raise eroor if incorrect scenario rule, so the message/command
is kept as BAD

r777 | salaun | 2001-10-17 13:11:28 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Activate LDAP auth in WWSympa

r776 | salaun | 2001-10-17 12:22:39 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix: raise an error if subscribers inclusion failed

r775 | salaun | 2001-10-17 10:33:02 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Bug Fix: () in reject are optional

r774 | salaun | 2001-10-17 10:32:49 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix: () in reject are optional

r773 | salaun | 2001-10-17 10:26:33 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

debug => debug2

r772 | salaun | 2001-10-17 10:15:01 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Lock info in debug2

r770 | salaun | 2001-10-17 10:03:32 +0200 (mer. 17 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Bug fix: 'ldap_export_connection_timeout' made optional

r769 | salaun | 2001-10-16 17:53:56 +0200 (mar. 16 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix

r768 | salaun | 2001-10-16 17:12:14 +0200 (mar. 16 oct. 2001) | 10 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/README
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/employees.ldap
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/home.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/home.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[L. Hamadouche]
Bug fix: included list cache was not updated properly

New features:
 Sympa can export lists in an LDAP directory. Directory is defined in
 sympa.conf (ldap_export_xxx), exportation via 'export' list parameter.
 WWSympa's search_list feature may be extended to LDAP directories.

 LDAP search filters can be used in scenarios via 'search' condition.

r767 | salaun | 2001-10-16 16:56:51 +0200 (mar. 16 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile.am
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa

[Autrijus Tang] Adaptations for FreeBSD ; some changes were commented :
killproc/kill && if

r766 | salaun | 2001-10-12 16:24:16 +0200 (ven. 12 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile

[Autrijus Tang]

r765 | salaun | 2001-10-12 16:18:32 +0200 (ven. 12 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg

[Autrijus Tang] missing \

r764 | salaun | 2001-10-12 16:17:59 +0200 (ven. 12 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/tw.msg

[Autrijus Tang] Updates

r763 | salaun | 2001-10-11 17:32:22 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/sympa.conf
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes in Makefiles related to configure.in and Makefile.am introduction

r762 | salaun | 2001-10-11 17:31:45 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/auth.conf

Add sample auth.conf

r761 | salaun | 2001-10-11 16:34:38 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/NEWS

Change: rename 'RELEASE_NOTES' 'NEWS'

r760 | salaun | 2001-10-11 16:33:27 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/AUTHORS
   D /trunk/LICENSE

Change: Rename LICENSE into AUTHORS

r759 | salaun | 2001-10-11 16:14:48 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/configure.in

Changes: now use configure.in
Makefile is now generated as follows :
automake -a ; aclocal ; automake ; ./configure

r758 | salaun | 2001-10-11 16:10:33 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/Makefile
   A /trunk/Makefile.am

Change: replace Makefile with Makefile.am

r757 | salaun | 2001-10-11 14:26:09 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/tw.msg

[Autrijus Tang] Update : adapt terms to Taiwan usage

r755 | salaun | 2001-10-11 09:17:32 +0200 (jeu. 11 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/button_footer.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/button_header.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_button_footer.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_button_header.us.tpl

New button headers and footers

r754 | salaun | 2001-10-10 17:52:48 +0200 (mer. 10 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   A /trunk/src/Ldap.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/pref.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/pref.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[L. Hamadouche] New features: Ldap authentication via uid and emails stored in LDAP Directories.
Alternative email addresses extracted from LDAP directory ; may be used to "unify" subscriptions.

r753 | salaun | 2001-10-10 13:33:36 +0200 (mer. 10 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/home.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

Changes: make buttons border thinner

r752 | salaun | 2001-10-09 11:49:16 +0200 (mar. 09 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add file locking to DB_File

r751 | salaun | 2001-10-09 11:47:54 +0200 (mar. 09 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/moderate.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/moderate.de.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/moderate.es.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/moderate.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/moderate.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/moderate.it.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/moderate.pl.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/moderate.us.tpl

Fix: correct DISTRIBUTE URLs

r750 | salaun | 2001-10-09 09:44:05 +0200 (mar. 09 oct. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Changes: DB_File structure for 'includes' now stored on disk (used to be
in memory). It allows sharing of this cache between processes.

r749 | salaun | 2001-10-08 14:29:34 +0200 (lun. 08 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi


r748 | salaun | 2001-10-05 10:27:26 +0200 (ven. 05 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[reported by D. Mostacero] corrected 'perl-ldap' RMP name

r747 | salaun | 2001-10-05 10:25:26 +0200 (ven. 05 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/moderate.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/moderate.de.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/moderate.es.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/moderate.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/moderate.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/moderate.it.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/moderate.pl.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/moderate.us.tpl

Change for non-md5 moderation

r746 | salaun | 2001-10-04 18:01:26 +0200 (jeu. 04 oct. 2001) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/nls/it.msg
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/moderate.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/moderate.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/moderate.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/moderate.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/moderate.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/moderate.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/moderate.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/moderate.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fixes : moderation message had no trailing boundary ;
crypted messages were not properly moderated ;
template sent to multiple recepients could not be crypted ;
all message header fields were passed to OpenSSL, only content-type
and content-transfer-encoding are passed now.
Change: moderation message is now a template

r745 | salaun | 2001-10-03 16:27:17 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[reported by F. Bretel] Bug fixes: is_listmaster => write no more
hardcoded in List::may_edit() ; 'default' no more allowed for
population in edit_list.conf

r744 | salaun | 2001-10-03 12:25:36 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add 'timeout' and 'scope' to 'include_ldap_query' list parameter

r743 | salaun | 2001-10-03 09:55:33 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by G. Mercey]Bug fix: scenario with '-' in name were not listed

r742 | salaun | 2001-10-03 09:45:13 +0200 (mer. 03 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by J. Marant] New sympa.conf parameter 'db_port'

r741 | salaun | 2001-10-01 15:22:24 +0200 (lun. 01 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg

update release version

r740 | salaun | 2001-10-01 15:18:05 +0200 (lun. 01 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg

change version

r739 | salaun | 2001-10-01 15:15:17 +0200 (lun. 01 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg

[H. Wilhelmi]: update

r738 | salaun | 2001-10-01 11:53:51 +0200 (lun. 01 oct. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Missing actions

r737 | salaun | 2001-09-28 16:52:36 +0200 (ven. 28 sept. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: When saving a pending list, 'send' and 'visibility'
were saved as 'closed' ; previous values were lost.

r736 | salaun | 2001-09-28 15:55:59 +0200 (ven. 28 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: WWSympa died at list creation time ; typo in listmaster notification

r735 | salaun | 2001-09-26 18:00:38 +0200 (mer. 26 sept. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by Jorge Costa] New db_env sympa.conf parameter ; usefull
to set Oracle's 'ORACLE_HOME'

r733 | salaun | 2001-09-26 17:39:32 +0200 (mer. 26 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix: prevent looping when working on multi/multipart msg

r732 | salaun | 2001-09-26 17:03:37 +0200 (mer. 26 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug Fixes: recusively apply as_singlepart() on messages

r731 | salaun | 2001-09-26 15:28:42 +0200 (mer. 26 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec


r730 | salaun | 2001-09-26 15:25:17 +0200 (mer. 26 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Prepare sympa-3.3a-vhost.10

r729 | salaun | 2001-09-26 14:15:52 +0200 (mer. 26 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

Add link to subscription moderation

r728 | salaun | 2001-09-26 09:47:13 +0200 (mer. 26 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: case-insensitive pattern matching to set 'is_bcc'

r727 | salaun | 2001-09-25 17:56:35 +0200 (mar. 25 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fixes: corrupted owner/editor entries in list config

r726 | salaun | 2001-09-25 15:12:33 +0200 (mar. 25 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add comments

r725 | salaun | 2001-09-25 15:04:31 +0200 (mar. 25 sept. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix: check VHost's edit_list.conf
Use memory cache for both topics.conf and edit_list.conf
New tools::get_filename() to get the right filename (path)

r724 | salaun | 2001-09-25 12:18:10 +0200 (mar. 25 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Change: use Virtual robot's edit-list.conf

r723 | salaun | 2001-09-25 11:19:26 +0200 (mar. 25 sept. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Roland Touchais] Bug Fix: List::_load_users() could not get all subscribers
because DB2 cache size was undersized.

r722 | salaun | 2001-09-24 17:44:23 +0200 (lun. 24 sept. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Bug fix: incinsistant 'listmasters' param in Virtual robot.
Could not inheritate from main robot listmasters

r721 | salaun | 2001-09-24 17:23:58 +0200 (lun. 24 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Fix valid_robot_key_words

r720 | salaun | 2001-09-24 16:57:31 +0200 (lun. 24 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Change: 'reject' action now accepts a template name as parameter

r719 | salaun | 2001-09-21 15:53:34 +0200 (ven. 21 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug Fix: missing param to is_listmaster()

r718 | salaun | 2001-09-21 10:50:42 +0200 (ven. 21 sept. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/crl_update.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[F. Guilleux] Changes in Task Manager related to x509 certs expiration
Add listmaster messages

r717 | salaun | 2001-09-21 10:39:37 +0200 (ven. 21 sept. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: WWSympa was dying
Do NOT dereference array

r716 | salaun | 2001-09-20 17:02:34 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix: use default listmaster in Virtual Hosts

r715 | salaun | 2001-09-20 14:58:17 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: Error message if DEL failed

r714 | salaun | 2001-09-20 14:18:43 +0200 (jeu. 20 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: forbid [] chars for shared documents

r713 | salaun | 2001-09-19 15:41:51 +0200 (mer. 19 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/crl_update.daily.task
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[F. Guilleux] Changes: global tasks are controlled by sympa.conf params

r712 | salaun | 2001-09-19 14:26:34 +0200 (mer. 19 sept. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/task_manager.pl

[F. Guilleux] Changes: Do not execute tasks related to closed lists ;
warn listmaster if error

r711 | salaun | 2001-09-19 13:32:50 +0200 (mer. 19 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[F. Guilleux] Add doc for Task manager

r710 | salaun | 2001-09-19 12:26:46 +0200 (mer. 19 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/chk_cert_expiration.daily.task
   A /trunk/src/etc/global_task_models/crl_update.daily.task
   A /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models
   A /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/expire.yearly.task
   A /trunk/src/etc/list_task_models/remind.yearly.task

[F. guilleux] Add task models

r709 | salaun | 2001-09-19 12:18:20 +0200 (mer. 19 sept. 2001) | 8 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/edit_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Florent Guilleux] New feature: Task manager
Various task automatic processing. List master may use predefined
task models to automate recurrent processings such as regurlaly
reminding subscribers their belonging to a list or updating certificate
revocation lists. It is also possible to write one's own task models to
meet particular needs. Unique actions may also be scheduled by this way.

r708 | salaun | 2001-09-18 17:20:01 +0200 (mar. 18 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/test/config
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/certif_warning.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/expire_deletion.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/expire_warning1.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/expire_warning2.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/certif_warning.us.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/expire_deletion.us.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/expire_warning1.us.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/expire_warning2.us.tpl
   A /trunk/src/task_manager.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Florent Guilleux] New feature: Task manager

r707 | salaun | 2001-09-17 14:33:21 +0200 (lun. 17 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile


r706 | salaun | 2001-09-17 14:31:24 +0200 (lun. 17 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r705 | salaun | 2001-09-17 11:03:24 +0200 (lun. 17 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add items about named filters and LDAP authentication (Lynda Hamadouche)

r703 | salaun | 2001-09-17 09:30:11 +0200 (lun. 17 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug Fix: is_listmaster() was always true

r702 | salaun | 2001-09-14 17:20:06 +0200 (ven. 14 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl


r701 | salaun | 2001-09-14 17:18:39 +0200 (ven. 14 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl


r700 | salaun | 2001-09-14 17:11:24 +0200 (ven. 14 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix unescape_chars()

r699 | salaun | 2001-09-14 14:15:24 +0200 (ven. 14 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Bug fix: STATS command controlled by "review" scenario

r698 | salaun | 2001-09-13 17:10:00 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: list-specific invite.tpl was not used
'dir' List attribute is now an absolute path

r697 | salaun | 2001-09-13 16:25:13 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/invite.us.tpl


r696 | salaun | 2001-09-13 16:20:12 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix: could not access web archives if list had a 'host' defined

r695 | salaun | 2001-09-13 16:18:56 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

delete traces

r694 | salaun | 2001-09-13 15:35:34 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arc.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arcsearch.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arcsearch_form.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/choosepasswd.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_read.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/edit_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/editsubscriber.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/get_pending_lists.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_admin.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/home.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/install_pending_list.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/list_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/lists.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/loginbanner.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/pref.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/title.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/admin_menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arc.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arcsearch.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arcsearch_form.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/change_email.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/choosepasswd.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/create_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_read.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/edit_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/editsubscriber.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/get_pending_lists.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help_admin.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/home.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/install_pending_list.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/list_menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/lists.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/loginbanner.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/modindex.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/pref.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/scenario_test.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/serveradmin.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/set_pending_list_request.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/sigrequest.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/suboptions.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/subrequest.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/title.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/view_translations.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/viewmod.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/loginbanner.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/suboptions.hu.tpl

Fix: replace hard-coded colors

r693 | salaun | 2001-09-13 10:11:38 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Fix is_bcc setting

r692 | salaun | 2001-09-13 09:35:17 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

delete trace

r691 | salaun | 2001-09-13 09:26:23 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r690 | salaun | 2001-09-13 08:44:51 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r689 | salaun | 2001-09-13 08:40:15 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Allow function get_lists ('*') to get the list of lists of all robots. (needed to dump all lists)

r688 | salaun | 2001-09-13 08:18:45 +0200 (jeu. 13 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Update virtual robot documentation

r687 | salaun | 2001-09-12 16:46:58 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Bug fix: [email] was not available in ADD and DEL scenari

r686 | salaun | 2001-09-12 16:05:38 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

fix a bug in archive engine for list used in a virtual robot

r685 | salaun | 2001-09-12 15:16:04 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/review.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/review.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r684 | salaun | 2001-09-12 15:15:04 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: Don't report error if scenario header
Don't add reject rule if include

r683 | salaun | 2001-09-12 13:45:01 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile


r682 | salaun | 2001-09-12 13:44:29 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

*** empty log message ***

r681 | salaun | 2001-09-12 12:37:08 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Introduce [is_bcc] variable is context of send scenario.

Each scenario start with a implicite rule  "[include <name>.header]"

r680 | salaun | 2001-09-12 12:12:02 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r679 | salaun | 2001-09-12 11:20:43 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix: do NOT alter 'default_user_options'

r678 | salaun | 2001-09-12 11:15:46 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix: did not apply default_user_options while importing

r677 | salaun | 2001-09-12 11:05:05 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: list config file contained strange 'default_user_options' entries.
&List::get_default_user_options() returns a reference ; the value was changed
when adding a subscriber, and might be saved later.

r676 | salaun | 2001-09-12 09:14:51 +0200 (mer. 12 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl

use shaded color

r675 | salaun | 2001-09-11 16:10:40 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl

use shaded_color

r674 | salaun | 2001-09-11 16:00:21 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm


r673 | salaun | 2001-09-11 15:10:49 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Fix: virus_infected works on a copy of the message

r672 | salaun | 2001-09-11 14:51:06 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

bug fix: Virus detection failed since V 1.25

r671 | salaun | 2001-09-11 11:47:42 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/sympa.conf
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/change_email.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/create_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/modindex.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/reviewbouncing.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/scenario_test.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/serveradmin.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/set_pending_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/sigrequest.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/suboptions.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/subrequest.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/view_translations.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/viewmod.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/create_list.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/admin_menu.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/arc.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/arcsearch.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/arcsearch_form.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/change_email.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/choosepasswd.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/create_list.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/create_list_request.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/d_read.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/edit_list_request.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/editsubscriber.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/get_pending_lists.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/help_admin.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/home.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/install_pending_list.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/list_menu.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/lists.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/loginbanner.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/menu.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/modindex.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/pref.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/review.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/reviewbouncing.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/scenario_test.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/serveradmin.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/set_pending_list_request.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/sigrequest.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/suboptions.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/subrequest.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/title.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/view_translations.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/viewmod.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin_menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arc.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arcsearch.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arcsearch_form.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/change_email.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/choosepasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/create_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/d_read.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/edit_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/editsubscriber.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/get_pending_lists.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/help_admin.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/home.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/install_pending_list.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/list_menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/lists.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/loginbanner.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/modindex.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/pref.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/remindpasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/reviewbouncing.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/scenario_test.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/serveradmin.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/set_pending_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/sigrequest.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/suboptions.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/subrequest.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/title.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/view_translations.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/viewmod.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arc.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arcsearch.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arcsearch_form.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/change_email.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/choosepasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/edit_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/get_pending_lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_admin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/home.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/install_pending_list.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/modindex.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/pref.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/sigrequest.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subindex.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/suboptions.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subrequest.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/title.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/view_translations.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/viewmod.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin_menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arc.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arcsearch.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arcsearch_form.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/change_email.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/choosepasswd.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_read.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/edit_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/editsubscriber.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/get_pending_lists.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/help_admin.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/home.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/install_pending_list.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/list_menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/lists.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/modindex.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/pref.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/reviewbouncing.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/scenario_test.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/serveradmin.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/set_pending_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/sigrequest.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/subrequest.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/title.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/view_translations.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/viewmod.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arc.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arcsearch.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arcsearch_form.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/change_email.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/choosepasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/create_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/d_read.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/edit_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/editsubscriber.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/get_pending_lists.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/help_admin.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/home.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/install_pending_list.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/list_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/lists.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/loginbanner.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/modindex.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/pref.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/remindpasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/review.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/reviewbouncing.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/scenario_test.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/serveradmin.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/set_pending_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/sigrequest.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/suboptions.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/subrequest.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/title.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/view_translations.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/viewmod.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arcsearch.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arcsearch_form.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/change_email.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/choosepasswd.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editsubscriber.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/get_pending_lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_admin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/home.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/install_pending_list.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/modindex.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/pref.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/scenario_test.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/set_pending_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/sigrequest.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/subindex.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/suboptions.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/subrequest.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/title.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/view_translations.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/viewmod.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Virtual robot now !

r670 | salaun | 2001-09-11 10:51:27 +0200 (mar. 11 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

bug fix: Died if empty file

r669 | salaun | 2001-09-10 16:41:54 +0200 (lun. 10 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

*** empty log message ***

r668 | salaun | 2001-09-10 16:41:53 +0200 (lun. 10 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r667 | salaun | 2001-09-10 14:39:10 +0200 (lun. 10 sept. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help.fr.tpl


r666 | salaun | 2001-08-29 14:57:00 +0200 (mer. 29 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r665 | salaun | 2001-08-27 14:37:24 +0200 (lun. 27 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

*** empty log message ***

r664 | salaun | 2001-08-24 16:23:29 +0200 (ven. 24 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r663 | salaun | 2001-08-24 11:26:26 +0200 (ven. 24 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r662 | salaun | 2001-08-24 10:23:03 +0200 (ven. 24 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/review.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r661 | salaun | 2001-08-24 10:17:18 +0200 (ven. 24 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/review.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r660 | salaun | 2001-08-23 08:43:23 +0200 (jeu. 23 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

*** empty log message ***

r659 | salaun | 2001-08-22 14:51:52 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r658 | salaun | 2001-08-22 14:41:30 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r657 | salaun | 2001-08-22 14:32:13 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

*** empty log message ***

r656 | salaun | 2001-08-22 11:59:09 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

*** empty log message ***

r655 | salaun | 2001-08-22 11:58:57 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

*** empty log message ***

r654 | salaun | 2001-08-22 09:39:04 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r653 | salaun | 2001-08-22 09:06:35 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

*** empty log message ***

r652 | salaun | 2001-08-22 08:18:11 +0200 (mer. 22 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r651 | salaun | 2001-08-21 16:29:17 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

*** empty log message ***

r650 | salaun | 2001-08-21 15:22:34 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

*** empty log message ***

r649 | salaun | 2001-08-21 14:46:05 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r648 | salaun | 2001-08-21 13:35:56 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

*** empty log message ***

r647 | salaun | 2001-08-21 12:03:47 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r646 | salaun | 2001-08-21 11:09:48 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r645 | salaun | 2001-08-21 10:56:09 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r644 | salaun | 2001-08-21 10:40:11 +0200 (mar. 21 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r643 | salaun | 2001-08-17 09:53:32 +0200 (ven. 17 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

*** empty log message ***

r642 | salaun | 2001-08-17 08:50:03 +0200 (ven. 17 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

*** empty log message ***

r641 | salaun | 2001-08-17 08:17:08 +0200 (ven. 17 août 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Bounced now die if it can't create file to store bounces. This is needed
to prevent the loop describe by Claus Atzenbeck.

r640 | salaun | 2001-08-16 11:37:01 +0200 (jeu. 16 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r639 | salaun | 2001-08-16 10:49:05 +0200 (jeu. 16 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

*** empty log message ***

r638 | salaun | 2001-08-14 15:20:24 +0200 (mar. 14 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r637 | salaun | 2001-08-13 11:25:37 +0200 (lun. 13 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

*** empty log message ***

r636 | salaun | 2001-08-13 11:14:54 +0200 (lun. 13 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r635 | salaun | 2001-08-13 09:52:46 +0200 (lun. 13 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r634 | salaun | 2001-08-10 15:57:44 +0200 (ven. 10 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

*** empty log message ***

r633 | salaun | 2001-08-10 14:40:18 +0200 (ven. 10 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r632 | salaun | 2001-08-09 16:29:24 +0200 (jeu. 09 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r630 | salaun | 2001-08-03 16:18:56 +0200 (ven. 03 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile

preparing sympa 3.2.2a

r629 | salaun | 2001-08-03 13:35:44 +0200 (ven. 03 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/list_unknown.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Sympa returns non-delivery reports as multipart/report

r628 | salaun | 2001-08-03 12:11:03 +0200 (ven. 03 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Report error for message sent to unknon list

r627 | salaun | 2001-08-03 11:40:22 +0200 (ven. 03 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/subindex.us.tpl

Subscription spool

r626 | salaun | 2001-08-02 17:21:27 +0200 (jeu. 02 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subindex.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: first version of subscription moderation

r625 | salaun | 2001-08-02 09:34:25 +0200 (jeu. 02 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

supress List::get_action()

r624 | salaun | 2001-08-01 16:20:15 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New action 'send_file()' avialable in send scenario

r623 | salaun | 2001-08-01 16:15:43 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm


r622 | salaun | 2001-08-01 15:59:43 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Canceled returning an array of actions

r621 | salaun | 2001-08-01 12:25:43 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: request_action returns a single scalar, unless in debug mode
(used by scenario_test

r620 | salaun | 2001-08-01 11:31:44 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New feature: new message-related variables available in scenari :
[msg_body] [msg_part->type] and [msg_part->body]

r619 | salaun | 2001-08-01 11:30:43 +0200 (mer. 01 août 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Replace remaining get_action() with request_action()

r618 | salaun | 2001-07-31 12:25:31 +0200 (mar. 31 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Fix: Better log messages ; daemon does not die anymore

r617 | salaun | 2001-07-31 12:00:45 +0200 (mar. 31 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix: escape '/'

r616 | salaun | 2001-07-27 17:08:45 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[nablaphi] Bug fixes: Fix logging for archived & bounced ; use Getopt::Long

r615 | salaun | 2001-07-27 16:57:23 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

X-loop trace

r614 | salaun | 2001-07-27 16:15:33 +0200 (ven. 27 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/nls/it.msg
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/modindex.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/modindex.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/modindex.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/modindex.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/modindex.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/modindex.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/modindex.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/modindex.us.tpl

Change: MODINDEX report becomes a template

r613 | salaun | 2001-07-26 15:43:01 +0200 (jeu. 26 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/info_report.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/info_report.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/info_report.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/info_report.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/info_report.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/info_report.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/info_report.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/info_report.us.tpl

Change: INFO report becomes a template

r612 | salaun | 2001-07-26 12:02:02 +0200 (jeu. 26 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/nls/it.msg
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/stats_report.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/stats_report.cz.tpl~
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/stats_report.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/stats_report.de.tpl~
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/stats_report.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/stats_report.es.tpl~
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/stats_report.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/stats_report.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/stats_report.hu.tpl~
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/stats_report.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/stats_report.it.tpl~
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/stats_report.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/stats_report.pl.tpl~
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/stats_report.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/msg.pl

Change: STATS report becomes a template

r611 | salaun | 2001-07-26 11:03:44 +0200 (jeu. 26 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg
   M /trunk/nls/fi.msg
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/review.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/review.es.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/review.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/review.pl.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/review.us.tpl

REVIEW templates

r610 | salaun | 2001-07-26 10:49:59 +0200 (jeu. 26 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Ignore empty email addresses, from LDAP

r609 | salaun | 2001-07-26 10:38:07 +0200 (jeu. 26 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Set defaults for templates

r608 | salaun | 2001-07-26 10:27:38 +0200 (jeu. 26 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/review.us.tpl

Change: REVIEW report becomes a template

r607 | salaun | 2001-07-25 14:27:13 +0200 (mer. 25 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

fix: delete .old files

r605 | salaun | 2001-07-25 12:16:01 +0200 (mer. 25 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: add 'new file' feature to the web repository

r604 | salaun | 2001-07-25 11:22:04 +0200 (mer. 25 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: rename file/directory in 'web repository'

r603 | salaun | 2001-07-25 09:53:11 +0200 (mer. 25 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[reported by M. Leclair] Fix 'host' list param documentation

r602 | salaun | 2001-07-24 16:05:35 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: move 'edit' and 'access' links

r601 | salaun | 2001-07-24 15:31:25 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_editfile.us.tpl

Add bookmarks management to the document repository (shared)

r600 | salaun | 2001-07-24 14:51:28 +0200 (mar. 24 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add bookmarks management to the document repository (shared)

r599 | salaun | 2001-07-23 16:03:32 +0200 (lun. 23 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Small changes to shared

r598 | salaun | 2001-07-23 12:31:25 +0200 (lun. 23 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug in escape_chars() ; escaped '%'s

r597 | salaun | 2001-07-23 11:23:50 +0200 (lun. 23 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Cleanup in bin/etc/templates/

r596 | salaun | 2001-07-23 10:33:56 +0200 (lun. 23 juil. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Split templtes ; one per lang
This makes translation easier (charset problems, patches appliance)

r595 | salaun | 2001-07-23 10:28:16 +0200 (lun. 23 juil. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/bye.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/global_remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/invite.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/list_created.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/reject.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/removed.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/x509-user-cert-missing.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/your_infected_msg.us.tpl

Split templtes ; one per lang
This makes translation easier (charset problems, patches appliance)

r594 | salaun | 2001-07-20 17:24:14 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/bye.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/global_remind.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/helpfile.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/invite.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/lists.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/reject.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/remind.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/removed.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/welcome.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/x509-user-cert-missing.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/bye.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/global_remind.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/helpfile.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/invite.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/lists.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/reject.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/remind.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/removed.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/welcome.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/x509-user-cert-missing.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/your_infected_msg.de.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/bye.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/global_remind.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/helpfile.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/invite.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/lists.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/reject.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/remind.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/removed.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/welcome.es.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/bye.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/global_remind.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/helpfile.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/invite.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/list_created.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/listmaster_notification.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/reject.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/remind.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/removed.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/welcome.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/x509-user-cert-missing.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/your_infected_msg.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/bye.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/global_remind.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/helpfile.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/invite.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/lists.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/reject.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/remind.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/removed.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/welcome.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/x509-user-cert-missing.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/bye.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/global_remind.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/helpfile.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/invite.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/lists.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/remind.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/removed.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/welcome.it.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/bye.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/global_remind.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/helpfile.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/invite.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/lists.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/reject.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/remind.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/removed.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pl/welcome.pl.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/bye.pt.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/global_remind.pt.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/helpfile.pt.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/invite.pt.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/lists.pt.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/reject.pt.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/remind.pt.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/removed.pt.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/pt/welcome.pt.tpl

Split templtes ; one per lang
This makes translation easier (charset problems, patches appliance)

r593 | salaun | 2001-07-20 15:26:14 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm


r592 | salaun | 2001-07-20 15:15:05 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Changes: allow mail templates.<lang>

r591 | salaun | 2001-07-20 11:32:05 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: show additional db fields in REVIEW (web) ; to owners ONLY

r590 | salaun | 2001-07-20 10:06:16 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/suboptions.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editsubscriber.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/suboptions.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Now fully uses the update_subscriber DB field

r589 | salaun | 2001-07-20 09:27:23 +0200 (ven. 20 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: 'update' changed to 'update_date' ; 'update' is a MySQL keyword

r588 | salaun | 2001-07-19 17:45:06 +0200 (jeu. 19 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Changes: get and set update_subscriber db field

r587 | salaun | 2001-07-19 16:22:51 +0200 (jeu. 19 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Changes: multipart/related is considered like text/html

r586 | salaun | 2001-07-19 15:20:36 +0200 (jeu. 19 juil. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix: srand() is done once to avoid multiple moderated messages
to have the same ID

r585 | salaun | 2001-07-17 18:03:35 +0200 (mar. 17 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add 'sharing data with other apps' paragraph

r584 | salaun | 2001-07-17 17:40:31 +0200 (mar. 17 juil. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New feature: subscriber data are available in scenario as [subscriber->field].
It refers to the sender's attribuites.
Change: use internal session cache for List::get_subscriber()

r583 | salaun | 2001-07-17 11:22:16 +0200 (mar. 17 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[reported by S. AZRIEL] Bug fix: aliaswrapper was not installed

r582 | salaun | 2001-07-17 11:01:13 +0200 (mar. 17 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Warn if a directory/binary , defined in wwsympa.conf, does not exist

r581 | salaun | 2001-07-17 10:48:00 +0200 (mar. 17 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: warn if an email address change failed

r580 | salaun | 2001-07-03 17:19:52 +0200 (mar. 03 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl


r579 | salaun | 2001-07-03 16:32:11 +0200 (mar. 03 juil. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add a new list configuration paragraph named "task"
that will be used by the task manager in a near futur

r578 | salaun | 2001-07-03 15:25:17 +0200 (mar. 03 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/sendpasswd.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/compose_mail.hu.tpl

[Vizi Szilard] bug fix: canacel translation of From/Subject/To headers

r577 | salaun | 2001-07-02 17:58:46 +0200 (lun. 02 juil. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New features: new db_additional_user_fields AND db_additional_subscriber_fields
in sympa.conf. These fields are accessible from within templates.

r576 | salaun | 2001-07-02 14:34:10 +0200 (lun. 02 juil. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Changes: no more SQL join in List::get_subscriber()
This should fasten list-related web actions (such as INFO, ARC, ADMIN,...)

r575 | salaun | 2001-07-02 14:12:15 +0200 (lun. 02 juil. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

fix the reply feature (when replying to list the adresse was not qualified)

r574 | salaun | 2001-07-02 11:51:31 +0200 (lun. 02 juil. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[reported by Foudil BRETEL] Bug fix: create_list.conf was not properly parsed
Make it case-insensitive

r573 | salaun | 2001-06-29 17:17:21 +0200 (ven. 29 juin 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/list_created.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/set_pending_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: list creation request is a template.
Add list creation notification (using a template)

r571 | salaun | 2001-06-29 12:35:53 +0200 (ven. 29 juin 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix: Sympa was bloquing in tools::smime_decrypt() on big encrypted
messages. => now creates the FIFO before OpenSSL is called.

r570 | salaun | 2001-06-29 12:18:28 +0200 (ven. 29 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix re-encryption of signed base64 messages

r569 | salaun | 2001-06-29 11:59:08 +0200 (ven. 29 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl

Set default search action

r568 | salaun | 2001-06-29 11:52:19 +0200 (ven. 29 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes are needed for CGI3.pm

r567 | salaun | 2001-06-28 17:17:57 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add FastCGI subsection

r566 | salaun | 2001-06-28 16:43:04 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Fix previous SMIME related changes

r565 | salaun | 2001-06-28 16:12:20 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by C. Turbout] New feature: add 'connect_options' to include_sql_query list param. Add 'db_options' to sympa.conf

r564 | salaun | 2001-06-28 15:45:24 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[reported by Christian Mock] Bug fix: S/MIME encryption fixed
signed AND crypted messages are recognized as signed

r563 | salaun | 2001-06-28 15:42:04 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/x509-user-cert-missing.us.tpl


r562 | salaun | 2001-06-28 15:41:15 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/listmaster_notification.us.tpl

Add create_list_request template

r561 | salaun | 2001-06-28 14:56:29 +0200 (jeu. 28 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c

[Didier Lamballais] Change: add NEWALIASES_ARG var to Makefile

r560 | salaun | 2001-06-26 15:21:57 +0200 (mar. 26 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Complete create_list setup

r559 | salaun | 2001-06-26 14:46:04 +0200 (mar. 26 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list.us.tpl

[R. Manfredi] makes the message clearer

r558 | salaun | 2001-06-22 16:03:34 +0200 (ven. 22 juin 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[N. Euzen] new 'not_me' user reception option
changes for 'urlize' (added size, name ; add header/footer afterward)

r557 | salaun | 2001-06-22 15:49:25 +0200 (ven. 22 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: change_email fixed

r556 | salaun | 2001-06-22 13:59:37 +0200 (ven. 22 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

normal as a synonyme of the option mail

r555 | salaun | 2001-06-22 13:57:35 +0200 (ven. 22 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/sendpasswd.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/global_remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/reject.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/removed.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/x509-user-cert-missing.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin_menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arcsearch.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arcsearch_form.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/change_email.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/close_list.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_control.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_editfile.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_read.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/editsubscriber.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/error.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/get_pending_lists.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/help_editlist.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/install_pending_list.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/list_menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/notice.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/pref.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/remindpasswd.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/remove_arc.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/reviewbouncing.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/scenario_test.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/serveradmin.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/set_pending_list_request.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/sigrequest.hu.tpl

[Vizi Szilard] Hungarian translations updates

r554 | salaun | 2001-06-22 11:51:21 +0200 (ven. 22 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

[Vizi Szilard] Hungarian NOT hungrian

r553 | salaun | 2001-06-22 10:36:58 +0200 (ven. 22 juin 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg

[Jerome Marant] Bug fix: CREATE INDEX ends with 2 parentheses instead of one
r552 | salaun | 2001-06-21 15:11:54 +0200 (jeu. 21 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested byClaus Atzenbeck] New 'anonymous_header_fields' sympa.conf parameter.

r551 | salaun | 2001-06-21 08:37:59 +0200 (jeu. 21 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

two options availible now for wwsympa.fcgi : -debug and -robot_domain <domain>

r550 | salaun | 2001-06-20 15:05:00 +0200 (mer. 20 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Also escape accented chars in URLs

r549 | salaun | 2001-06-18 16:48:39 +0200 (lun. 18 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Also encode $to, From and all $headers entries

r548 | salaun | 2001-06-18 13:47:30 +0200 (lun. 18 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

*** empty log message ***

r547 | salaun | 2001-06-18 12:03:16 +0200 (lun. 18 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r546 | salaun | 2001-06-18 11:12:48 +0200 (lun. 18 juin 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl

[N. Euzen] Added "SET <list> NOT_ME" help and TXT/HTML/URLIZE english

r545 | salaun | 2001-06-18 10:33:07 +0200 (lun. 18 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

[reported by Straub Herbert] Bug fix: owner notification messages subject was not encoded

r543 | salaun | 2001-06-15 15:16:51 +0200 (ven. 15 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase

[reported by Guenter Lau] Update database structure, make password longer

r542 | salaun | 2001-06-14 14:44:31 +0200 (jeu. 14 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Nadia Euzen]: Add new user reception options "html","txt" and "urlize".

r541 | salaun | 2001-06-13 15:57:17 +0200 (mer. 13 juin 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

proposed by Josep Roman] Use Digest::MD5 instead of MD5 module
r540 | salaun | 2001-06-13 09:29:37 +0200 (mer. 13 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnoattachment

new scenario

r539 | salaun | 2001-06-12 16:47:49 +0200 (mar. 12 juin 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Include last change date of sympa.tex.tpl
Add details about archives

r538 | salaun | 2001-06-12 12:29:58 +0200 (mar. 12 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

unused module inclusions

r537 | salaun | 2001-06-12 11:01:15 +0200 (mar. 12 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Changes: set ldap connection timeout to 30s (was 120s)

r536 | salaun | 2001-06-11 17:50:47 +0200 (lun. 11 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Sympa can use Trend Micro virusWall as an antivirus plugin

r535 | salaun | 2001-06-11 09:47:12 +0200 (lun. 11 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

complete cookie changes risks

r534 | salaun | 2001-06-11 09:02:59 +0200 (lun. 11 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arcsearch_form.fr.tpl


r533 | salaun | 2001-06-08 16:52:28 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: non-identified users can change the language of WWSympa.
The preferred lang is stored in a cookie.
If the user is identified : the lang preference is used instead ;
when setting lang the preference (in db) is updated.

r532 | salaun | 2001-06-08 16:30:14 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/main.de.tpl

redundant with main.us.tpl

r531 | salaun | 2001-06-08 16:27:07 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl

Move the languages menu at the bottom of the page

r530 | salaun | 2001-06-08 14:58:05 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Setlang for non-identified users (first step)

r529 | salaun | 2001-06-08 14:57:05 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/ca-bundle.crt

Add Ca-CRU to bundle

r528 | salaun | 2001-06-08 14:56:21 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Bug fix

r527 | salaun | 2001-06-08 11:11:07 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Set LC_ALL var for making NLS

r526 | salaun | 2001-06-08 08:44:58 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/doc/parse_tex.pl

Tex parser to include scenario names, db creation scripts,...

r525 | salaun | 2001-06-08 08:31:35 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

New command verify (for s/mime checking)

r524 | salaun | 2001-06-08 08:30:57 +0200 (ven. 08 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg

new msg 6,262 and 6,263 for command verify

r523 | salaun | 2001-06-07 17:10:29 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Set inactivity timeout to 4 sec

r522 | salaun | 2001-06-07 16:55:35 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Change: write access to ca-bundle

r521 | salaun | 2001-06-07 16:34:38 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Add link to scenario source

r520 | salaun | 2001-06-07 16:24:24 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Include database creation scripts

r519 | salaun | 2001-06-07 15:51:20 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

new translations

r518 | salaun | 2001-06-07 15:46:23 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

sympa.tex.tpl is parsed to include scenari

r517 | salaun | 2001-06-07 14:19:25 +0200 (jeu. 07 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.tex.tpl

Change: renamed sympa.tex to sympa.tex.tpl

r516 | salaun | 2001-06-06 13:30:25 +0200 (mer. 06 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Check access privileges

r514 | salaun | 2001-06-05 17:19:57 +0200 (mar. 05 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile

Preparing 3.2.1

r513 | salaun | 2001-06-05 16:26:01 +0200 (mar. 05 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/important_changes.pl

No prompt if same version

r512 | salaun | 2001-06-05 16:21:18 +0200 (mar. 05 juin 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: sympa.pl would die with error message "Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference"
It could not access reply-to value when defining an email as the reply-to

r511 | salaun | 2001-06-05 12:54:08 +0200 (mar. 05 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

[reported by Claus Atzenbeck] perl-CGI.pm has been renamed perl-CGI

r510 | salaun | 2001-06-05 12:34:58 +0200 (mar. 05 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile
   A /trunk/important_changes.pl

Print important changes extracted from RELEASE_NOTES (*****)

r509 | salaun | 2001-06-05 09:42:11 +0200 (mar. 05 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Renato Bonomini] Bug fix: typo

r507 | salaun | 2001-06-01 16:00:43 +0200 (ven. 01 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r506 | salaun | 2001-06-01 15:52:43 +0200 (ven. 01 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/ChangeLog
   M /trunk/Makefile

preparing sympa 3.2

r505 | salaun | 2001-06-01 15:37:43 +0200 (ven. 01 juin 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

[David Lewis] corrections in documentation

r504 | salaun | 2001-05-31 17:21:06 +0200 (jeu. 31 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editlist.fr.tpl

[Michel Bouissou] Translated editlist helpfile to french

r503 | salaun | 2001-05-31 10:19:07 +0200 (jeu. 31 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

'other' topic

r502 | salaun | 2001-05-30 17:19:36 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r501 | salaun | 2001-05-30 17:06:16 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

'asis' : return a file that contains its content-type in it

r500 | salaun | 2001-05-30 15:00:47 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Updates concerning database

r499 | salaun | 2001-05-30 12:15:20 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Changed database format

r498 | salaun | 2001-05-30 09:34:52 +0200 (mer. 30 mai 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg

[Josep Roman] additions and corrections
r497 | salaun | 2001-05-29 15:31:54 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm


r496 | salaun | 2001-05-29 15:30:53 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal

Bug fix: titel => title
Sympa could not parse visibility.conceal scenario

r495 | salaun | 2001-05-29 10:30:23 +0200 (mar. 29 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[proposed by Claus Atzenbeck] Add 'X-Envelope-To' header field deletion for anonymous mode

r494 | salaun | 2001-05-28 11:36:29 +0200 (lun. 28 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix: always look for commands in subject (does not depend on body length)

r493 | salaun | 2001-05-28 10:58:33 +0200 (lun. 28 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/bye.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/global_remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/invite.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/reject.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/removed.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl

[Rodrigo Filgueira Prates] templates translated to Portuguese

r492 | salaun | 2001-05-25 16:16:21 +0200 (ven. 25 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/error.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/help.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/help_admin.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/home.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/loginbanner.de.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/sigrequest.de.tpl

[Harald Wilhelmi] Changes: a few typos in the german wwsympa templates

r491 | salaun | 2001-05-25 16:06:15 +0200 (ven. 25 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/ChangeLog

Add detailed changelog to CVS (generated by cvs2cl.pl)

r490 | salaun | 2001-05-25 16:02:10 +0200 (ven. 25 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

preparing sympa 3.2b

r489 | salaun | 2001-05-25 09:40:03 +0200 (ven. 25 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: Apply list visibility to WHICH command (hide secret lists)

r488 | salaun | 2001-05-25 09:05:29 +0200 (ven. 25 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/topics.hu.conf

[Vizi Szilard] Hungrian sample topics.conf

r487 | salaun | 2001-05-23 15:07:30 +0200 (mer. 23 mai 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/compose_mail.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/compose_mail.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: "Reply" feature from web archives
It uses the "compose_mail" action of WWSympa

r486 | salaun | 2001-05-23 13:25:13 +0200 (mer. 23 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :

[Straub Herbert] Aternative to ALTER TABLE for Pg

r485 | salaun | 2001-05-23 12:31:01 +0200 (mer. 23 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin_menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_read.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/home.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/list_menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/sigrequest.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/view_translations.hu.tpl

[Vizi Szilard] Corrections

r484 | salaun | 2001-05-23 12:29:59 +0200 (mer. 23 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Check if we may executes programs listed in sympa.conf

r483 | salaun | 2001-05-23 10:58:36 +0200 (mer. 23 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

introduction of reply button

r482 | salaun | 2001-05-22 17:23:08 +0200 (mar. 22 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Bug fix: could not set HTTP cookie if 'cookie_domain' conf parameter was defined

r481 | salaun | 2001-05-22 16:50:15 +0200 (mar. 22 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :

Bug with CipherSaber and Perl < 5.6

r480 | salaun | 2001-05-22 16:28:22 +0200 (mar. 22 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Add umask to mkdir

r479 | salaun | 2001-05-22 16:25:15 +0200 (mar. 22 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Make installwws no more required

r477 | salaun | 2001-05-22 08:53:33 +0200 (mar. 22 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/wwsympa.conf


r476 | salaun | 2001-05-21 17:43:08 +0200 (lun. 21 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Michail Bachmann] Bug fix: missing comma (',')

r475 | salaun | 2001-05-21 11:15:27 +0200 (lun. 21 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

No conditionnal among headers decoding ; this is used by MhOnArc

r474 | salaun | 2001-05-21 11:01:48 +0200 (lun. 21 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

Decode encoded header fields

r473 | salaun | 2001-05-18 17:19:58 +0200 (ven. 18 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Order list parameters within a paragraph

r472 | salaun | 2001-05-18 12:17:02 +0200 (ven. 18 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.private
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arcsearch.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arcsearch_form.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/list_menu.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl

[Vizi Szilard] Updates

r471 | salaun | 2001-05-18 11:08:49 +0200 (ven. 18 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Q-decode From header field in digest table of content

r470 | salaun | 2001-05-18 10:33:04 +0200 (ven. 18 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

Bug fix: do not parse message body in archives

r469 | salaun | 2001-05-17 14:18:54 +0200 (jeu. 17 mai 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[reported by Odile Germes] Bug fix: Sympa would die when receiving a REMIND
command for an unknown list

r468 | salaun | 2001-05-17 13:59:09 +0200 (jeu. 17 mai 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Straub Herbert] Changes: change connect string for PostgreSQL
Did not work with Pg 7.1

r467 | salaun | 2001-05-17 12:20:28 +0200 (jeu. 17 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/hu/sendpasswd.hu.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/bye.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/global_remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/invite.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/reject.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/removed.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/x509-user-cert-missing.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/add_request.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/admin_menu.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arc.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arc_protect.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arcsearch.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/arcsearch_form.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/change_email.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/choosepasswd.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/close_list.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/compose_mail.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/create_list_request.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_control.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_editfile.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/d_read.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/edit_list_request.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/editfile.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/editsubscriber.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/error.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/get_pending_lists.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/help.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/help_admin.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/help_editfile.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/help_editlist.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/home.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/install_pending_list.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/list_menu.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/lists.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/login.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/loginbanner.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/loginrequest.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/menu.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/modindex.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/notice.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/pref.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/remindpasswd.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/remove_arc.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/review.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/reviewbouncing.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/scenario_test.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/serveradmin.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/set_pending_list_request.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/show_cert.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/sigrequest.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/suboptions.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/subrequest.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/title.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/view_translations.hu.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/hu/viewmod.hu.tpl

[Vizi Szilard] Translations to Hungrian

r466 | salaun | 2001-05-17 11:53:58 +0200 (jeu. 17 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.public_listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editor
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret

[Vizi Szilard] Translations to Hungrian

r465 | salaun | 2001-05-17 11:34:44 +0200 (jeu. 17 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/Makefile
   A /trunk/nls/hu.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[Vizi Szilard] New feature: Translations to Hungrian

r464 | salaun | 2001-05-16 17:07:12 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl

Bug fix: wrong var

r463 | salaun | 2001-05-16 16:16:07 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Petr Prazak] Bug fix: use correct charset for digest table of content

r462 | salaun | 2001-05-16 15:26:53 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix

r461 | salaun | 2001-05-16 15:26:38 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Straub Herbert] Bug fix: encode digest Subject header field

r460 | salaun | 2001-05-16 15:01:04 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/config.digest
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/config.moderation
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/config.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/sample/config.public
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: Replace 'reply_to' and 'forced_reply_to' list parameters
with 'reply_to_header' parameter (paragraph)

r459 | salaun | 2001-05-16 11:04:05 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: Sympa was erasing user preferences (including password) when loading subscribers
file to database (from wwsympa edit_list)

r458 | salaun | 2001-05-16 09:43:46 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Move last changes

r457 | salaun | 2001-05-16 09:28:23 +0200 (mer. 16 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: Set folder icon though directory has no .desc

r456 | salaun | 2001-05-15 12:28:14 +0200 (mar. 15 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Yann Bizeul] Bug fix: Escape % chars

r455 | salaun | 2001-05-15 12:04:09 +0200 (mar. 15 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: Did not list lists with no topic

r453 | salaun | 2001-05-14 12:23:33 +0200 (lun. 14 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_control.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_control.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: Less restrictions on file names in shared (allow spaces)

r452 | salaun | 2001-05-11 17:36:20 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

bug fix: could not delete editor/owner entries

r451 | salaun | 2001-05-11 16:58:08 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix

r450 | salaun | 2001-05-11 16:56:44 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix

r449 | salaun | 2001-05-11 16:37:15 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :

index creation with Pg

r448 | salaun | 2001-05-11 16:37:01 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg

Add index

r447 | salaun | 2001-05-11 15:55:51 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex


r446 | salaun | 2001-05-11 14:22:21 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Add documentation related to anti-virus

r445 | salaun | 2001-05-11 12:04:53 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

[Jerome Marant] Change: clean aliaswrapper
r444 | salaun | 2001-05-11 11:51:34 +0200 (ven. 11 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod
   M /trunk/doc/man8/archived.pod
   M /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.pod
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8
   A /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.pod

Changes: Complete pod files, adapt makefiles

r443 | salaun | 2001-05-10 17:32:42 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile
   A /trunk/doc/man8/Makefile
   A /trunk/doc/man8/alias_manager.pod
   A /trunk/doc/man8/archived.pod
   A /trunk/doc/man8/bounced.pod
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8

[Jerome Marant] New feature: change sympa man page to POD format Add archived, bounced and alias_manager man pages
r442 | salaun | 2001-05-10 16:26:36 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql

Changes: add an index to fasten the queries based on the subscriber email

r441 | salaun | 2001-05-10 16:25:21 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: could not edit digest hour

r440 | salaun | 2001-05-10 15:16:42 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Changes: add is_subscriber

r439 | salaun | 2001-05-10 15:10:20 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: did not work when scenario returned multiple actions

r438 | salaun | 2001-05-10 14:51:56 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: could not edit digest hour

r437 | salaun | 2001-05-10 14:12:10 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[proposed by Petr Prazak] Don't stop deletion process if one address is not subscribed

r436 | salaun | 2001-05-10 14:00:09 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/sendpasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/add_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arc.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arc_protect.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/change_email.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/choosepasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/close_list.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/close_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/create_list.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/d_control.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/d_read.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/edit_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/editsubscriber.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/error.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/help.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/help_editlist.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/remindpasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/remove_arc.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/reviewbouncing.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/serveradmin.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/show_cert.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/sigrequest.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/suboptions.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/subrequest.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/title.es.tpl

[Philippe Mingo] Updates

r435 | salaun | 2001-05-10 11:26:09 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm

bug fix: eof instead of eof()

r434 | salaun | 2001-05-10 10:41:48 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editor
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey

Changes: in scenario titles

r433 | salaun | 2001-05-10 10:39:57 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Changes: add log for virus detection

r432 | salaun | 2001-05-10 08:23:04 +0200 (jeu. 10 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/global_remind.us.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r431 | salaun | 2001-05-09 16:24:47 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/your_infected_msg.us.tpl

Bug fix: Elsif

r430 | salaun | 2001-05-09 15:23:10 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/editfile.es.tpl

[Philippe Mingo] Update

r429 | salaun | 2001-05-09 15:18:25 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Missing list::get_user_db() in REMIND for getting user prefs (including password)

r428 | salaun | 2001-05-09 14:19:54 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: don't reject login if user has no password in db

r427 | salaun | 2001-05-09 13:55:08 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/comment
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/comment
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin_menu.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/compose_mail.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/help_admin.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/home.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/install_pending_list.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/lists.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/login.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/loginrequest.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/subrequest.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/title.es.tpl

[Philippe Mingo] Updates

r426 | salaun | 2001-05-09 11:32:37 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/global_remind.us.tpl

Bug fix: [user->password]

r425 | salaun | 2001-05-09 09:23:58 +0200 (mer. 09 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg

[reported by JEG] corrections

r424 | salaun | 2001-05-07 15:37:22 +0200 (lun. 07 mai 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New feature: --lowercase option
Lower() is no more used in SELECT queries, for enhanced performences.

r423 | salaun | 2001-05-07 13:51:17 +0200 (lun. 07 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm

Bug fix: Search in message body was looping if <!--X-MsgBody-End--> was not found

r422 | salaun | 2001-05-07 11:34:57 +0200 (lun. 07 mai 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Jean-Michel Beuken] Bug fix: Check if scenari dir exists
Bug description: wwsympa died when editing list config : glob failed (child exited with status 1)

r421 | salaun | 2001-05-04 17:35:13 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[proposed by Petr Prazak] Changes: supress lower() function from SQL
SELECT queries in user_table.
This makes query much faster (t/100) with MySQL

r420 | salaun | 2001-05-04 15:31:57 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: do NOT evaluate send scenario

r419 | salaun | 2001-05-04 14:07:41 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin.es.tpl

[reported by Philippe Mingo] Did not parse Spanish template

r418 | salaun | 2001-05-04 14:02:17 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/pref.es.tpl

[Philippe Mingo] Update

r417 | salaun | 2001-05-04 13:53:57 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/home.es.tpl

[Philippe Mingo] Fix: bad HTML structure

r416 | salaun | 2001-05-04 11:07:35 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/pref.us.tpl

[Attila Szabo]Fix: connection

r415 | salaun | 2001-05-04 10:28:53 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/list_menu.es.tpl

[Philippe Mingo] Changes: Add Post link

r414 | salaun | 2001-05-04 09:43:55 +0200 (ven. 04 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix: set list language for digest

r413 | salaun | 2001-05-03 17:59:24 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Add debug to SetLang

r412 | salaun | 2001-05-03 17:18:49 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf


r411 | salaun | 2001-05-03 16:49:31 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg

[Philippe Mingo] Changes: fast spell check

r410 | salaun | 2001-05-03 16:40:33 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources

Changes: add deletion confirmation

r409 | salaun | 2001-05-03 16:26:24 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix

r408 | salaun | 2001-05-03 16:11:43 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Bug fix: SET <list> <mode> did not work
Case-sensitivity problem

r407 | salaun | 2001-05-03 15:20:08 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/bye.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/global_remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/invite.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/reject.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/removed.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/x509-user-cert-missing.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/your_infected_msg.us.tpl

[Harald Wilhelmi] Templates translated to German

r406 | salaun | 2001-05-03 11:36:14 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/de.msg

[Harald Wilhelmi] Updates

r405 | salaun | 2001-05-03 10:56:52 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/sendpasswd.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/error.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help_editfile.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/suboptions.cz.tpl

[Petr Prazak] Updates

r404 | salaun | 2001-05-03 09:51:16 +0200 (jeu. 03 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: Do not delete 'Received' header field in List::store_digest()

r403 | salaun | 2001-05-02 13:37:42 +0200 (mer. 02 mai 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

fix bug default reception mode usage in get_next_user

r402 | salaun | 2001-04-25 17:43:04 +0200 (mer. 25 avril 2001) | 5 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/your_infected_msg.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[Nadia Euzen]New feature: antivirus scanner, curently working with McAfee Uvscan and
FSecure FSAV.
New conf parameters antivirus_path and antivirus_args
New template your_infected_msg.tpl

r401 | salaun | 2001-04-25 11:42:22 +0200 (mer. 25 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :

Typo: Finnish NOT Finish !

r400 | salaun | 2001-04-25 11:27:39 +0200 (mer. 25 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl

[Petr Prazak] Bug fix: If the user was not an owner, he/she was
shown the "Toggle selection" button

r398 | salaun | 2001-04-25 10:41:15 +0200 (mer. 25 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Preparing 3.1.1

r397 | salaun | 2001-04-25 10:36:47 +0200 (mer. 25 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Bug fix: (since 3.1) wrong variable use

r396 | salaun | 2001-04-25 10:09:25 +0200 (mer. 25 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Bug fix: (since 3.1) Bad Mhonarc option (-definevar instead of definevars)
You should rebuild your web archives

r395 | salaun | 2001-04-24 16:12:28 +0200 (mar. 24 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/close_list.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/list_menu.cz.tpl

[Petr Prazak] Updates

r393 | salaun | 2001-04-24 15:26:44 +0200 (mar. 24 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Preparing 3.1

r392 | salaun | 2001-04-24 15:25:45 +0200 (mar. 24 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.public_listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editor
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret

[Petr Prazak] translate scenari titles to Czech

r391 | salaun | 2001-04-24 15:01:50 +0200 (mar. 24 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/close_list.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/close_list.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add alias removal

r390 | salaun | 2001-04-24 14:09:38 +0200 (mar. 24 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8

Detailed import data format

r389 | salaun | 2001-04-24 11:23:40 +0200 (mar. 24 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/list_menu.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/loginbanner.cz.tpl

[Petr Prazak] Just typos and such a stuff.

r388 | salaun | 2001-04-24 11:16:40 +0200 (mar. 24 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

single version of --dump options

r387 | salaun | 2001-04-23 17:09:45 +0200 (lun. 23 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Add German to available languages

r386 | salaun | 2001-04-23 16:50:44 +0200 (lun. 23 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: Consider empty value as undef

r385 | salaun | 2001-04-23 15:44:22 +0200 (lun. 23 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

[Petr Prazak] Bug fix: List::use_db was not initialized

r384 | salaun | 2001-04-23 13:58:40 +0200 (lun. 23 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/de/sendpasswd.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/add_request.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/admin.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/admin_menu.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/arc.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/arc_protect.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/arcsearch.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/arcsearch_form.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/change_email.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/choosepasswd.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/close_list.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/compose_mail.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/create_list.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/create_list_request.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/d_control.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/d_editfile.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/d_read.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/edit_list_request.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/editfile.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/editsubscriber.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/error.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/get_pending_lists.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/help.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/help_admin.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/help_editfile.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/help_editlist.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/home.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/info.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/install_pending_list.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/list_menu.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/lists.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/login.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/loginbanner.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/loginrequest.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/main.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/menu.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/modindex.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/notice.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/pref.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/remindpasswd.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/remove_arc.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/review.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/reviewbouncing.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/scenario_test.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/serveradmin.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/set_pending_list_request.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/show_cert.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/sigrequest.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/suboptions.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/subrequest.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/title.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/view_translations.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/viewbounce.de.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/de/viewmod.de.tpl

[Harald Wilhelmi] New feature: Web templates translated to German

r383 | salaun | 2001-04-23 13:48:42 +0200 (lun. 23 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.public_listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editor
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.auth_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.closed
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.open_notify
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/unsubscribe.owner
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.intranet
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.noconceal
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.private
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.secret

[Harald Wilhelmi] New feature: scenari titles translated to German

r382 | salaun | 2001-04-20 17:04:37 +0200 (ven. 20 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Petr Prazak] Bug fix: Did not keep date of 'subscribers' file
Could not synchronize with changed 'subscribers' file

r381 | salaun | 2001-04-20 15:19:55 +0200 (ven. 20 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Petr Prazak] Bug fix: did not apply subscriber
options changes if user_data_source is 'file'

r380 | salaun | 2001-04-20 14:51:18 +0200 (ven. 20 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: typo, could not change suboptions

r379 | salaun | 2001-04-19 18:07:29 +0200 (jeu. 19 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Fiona Dix] Bug fix: forgbid changes in subscriber options
if user_data_source is 'include'

r378 | salaun | 2001-04-19 16:52:22 +0200 (jeu. 19 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[Petr Prazak] Bug fix: quote listname command line argument
Add log if mhonarc call failed

r377 | salaun | 2001-04-19 16:31:35 +0200 (jeu. 19 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

[Petr Prazak] Bug fix: Add missing List::_apply_defaults()

r376 | salaun | 2001-04-19 11:41:16 +0200 (jeu. 19 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[Petr Prazak] Bug fix: Died while getting first subcriber if subscribers file is empty
Bug error: Can't call method "seq" on an undefined value

r375 | salaun | 2001-04-18 11:33:36 +0200 (mer. 18 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

[David Lewis] Many corrections

r374 | salaun | 2001-04-18 09:52:00 +0200 (mer. 18 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/create_list.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/install_pending_list.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/lists.cz.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/serveradmin.cz.tpl

[Petr Prazak] Updates

r373 | salaun | 2001-04-13 17:49:09 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Unused function

r372 | salaun | 2001-04-13 17:48:29 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/viewconfig.cn-gb.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/viewconfig.cz.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/viewconfig.es.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/viewconfig.it.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/viewconfig.us.tpl

Unused templates

r371 | salaun | 2001-04-13 17:45:50 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/info.cn-gb.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/main.cn-gb.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/search.cn-gb.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/search_list.cn-gb.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/viewbounce.cn-gb.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/which.cn-gb.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/info.cz.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/main.cz.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/search.cz.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/search_list.cz.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/viewbounce.cz.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/which.cz.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/info.es.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/info.it.tpl

duplicate templates

r370 | salaun | 2001-04-13 17:16:59 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

[reported by Petr Prazak] Bug fix: missing getCookieVal() function

r368 | salaun | 2001-04-13 11:55:34 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Preparing 3.1b.13

r367 | salaun | 2001-04-13 11:23:00 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

Change: create per list subdirectories in wws_templates/

r366 | salaun | 2001-04-13 10:58:14 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/login.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/login.us.tpl

rename login.tpl

r365 | salaun | 2001-04-13 10:34:37 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cz/sendpasswd.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/add_request.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/admin.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/admin_menu.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arc.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arc_protect.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arcsearch.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/arcsearch_form.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/change_email.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/choosepasswd.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/close_list.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/compose_mail.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/create_list.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/create_list_request.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_control.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_editfile.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/d_read.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/edit_list_request.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/editfile.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/editsubscriber.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/error.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/get_pending_lists.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help_admin.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help_editfile.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/help_editlist.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/home.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/info.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/install_pending_list.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/list_menu.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/lists.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/loginbanner.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/loginrequest.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/main.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/menu.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/modindex.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/notice.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/pref.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/remindpasswd.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/remove_arc.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/review.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/reviewbouncing.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/scenario_test.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/search.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/search_list.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/serveradmin.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/set_pending_list_request.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/show_cert.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/sigrequest.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/suboptions.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/subrequest.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/title.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/view_translations.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/viewbounce.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/viewconfig.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/viewmod.cz.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cz/which.cz.tpl

[Petr Prazak] New Czech templates

r364 | salaun | 2001-04-13 09:50:08 +0200 (ven. 13 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/bye.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/global_remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/invite.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/reject.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/removed.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/x509-user-cert-missing.us.tpl

[Petr Prazak] translations to Czech

r363 | salaun | 2001-04-12 18:23:10 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add Czech

r362 | salaun | 2001-04-12 18:10:23 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/Makefile
   A /trunk/nls/cz.msg
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

[Petr Prazak] New feature: Czech translations

r361 | salaun | 2001-04-12 17:27:34 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/install_pending_list.us.tpl

Add info about aliases auto-install

r360 | salaun | 2001-04-12 17:26:06 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list.us.tpl

Add aliases info

r359 | salaun | 2001-04-12 17:09:34 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list.fr.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r358 | salaun | 2001-04-12 17:07:46 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Cleanup in list_creation functions

r357 | salaun | 2001-04-12 16:52:47 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list.fr.tpl

Change: display aliases info

r356 | salaun | 2001-04-12 16:46:56 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.public_listmaster

Change: listmaster can create list

r355 | salaun | 2001-04-12 15:47:04 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/install_pending_list.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: install aliases at list creation time
New parameter in wwsympa.conf: alias_manager

r354 | salaun | 2001-04-12 12:09:49 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   A /trunk/src/aliaswrapper.c

[Harald Wilhelmi]New feature: run newliases via a wrapper

r353 | salaun | 2001-04-12 11:41:57 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl

Add locking

r352 | salaun | 2001-04-12 10:55:20 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/alias_manager.pl
   D /trunk/src/etc/script/list_alias.pl

New feature: Alias manager, for installing/deleting sendmail aliases

r351 | salaun | 2001-04-12 10:54:04 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: Would end getting emails at first empty entry

r350 | salaun | 2001-04-12 09:42:59 +0200 (jeu. 12 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg


r349 | salaun | 2001-04-10 18:03:42 +0200 (mar. 10 avril 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by Jerome Marant] Bug fix: parameter for --debug is compulsory
r348 | salaun | 2001-04-10 16:56:38 +0200 (mar. 10 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/list_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/list_menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/help_editfile.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/list_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/home.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/sigrequest.us.tpl

[Petr Prazak]Bug fix: subscription

r347 | salaun | 2001-04-10 16:40:12 +0200 (mar. 10 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New feature: --import option

r346 | salaun | 2001-04-10 12:28:40 +0200 (mar. 10 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Install Man page

r345 | salaun | 2001-04-10 12:28:00 +0200 (mar. 10 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec


r344 | salaun | 2001-04-10 12:05:25 +0200 (mar. 10 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/doc/man8
   A /trunk/doc/man8/sympa.8
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.man

move sympa.man

r343 | salaun | 2001-04-10 11:39:24 +0200 (mar. 10 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.man

Initial version of man

r342 | salaun | 2001-04-10 11:38:53 +0200 (mar. 10 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

New feature: add --help and --version options

r341 | salaun | 2001-04-06 16:45:46 +0200 (ven. 06 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: no more lowercase ; otherwise could not access files
with uppercase letters

r340 | salaun | 2001-04-06 16:24:20 +0200 (ven. 06 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: Add Javascript cookie check

r339 | salaun | 2001-04-06 15:00:29 +0200 (ven. 06 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

syntax error

r338 | salaun | 2001-04-06 14:42:26 +0200 (ven. 06 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Set list's lang for owner notification

r337 | salaun | 2001-04-06 09:04:31 +0200 (ven. 06 avril 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl

r336 | salaun | 2001-04-05 16:42:20 +0200 (jeu. 05 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: search_user for listmaster

r335 | salaun | 2001-04-05 09:03:14 +0200 (jeu. 05 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :


r334 | salaun | 2001-04-04 16:55:45 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Perl 5.005 is required because of CipherSaber

r333 | salaun | 2001-04-04 15:53:56 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Changes: Add DBDs optional install

r331 | salaun | 2001-04-04 14:36:15 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :

Complete release notes

r330 | salaun | 2001-04-04 14:33:48 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg

[Josep Roman] Changes: Removals of extra \n chars, new messages added
r329 | salaun | 2001-04-04 14:14:42 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Bug fixes: syntax errors

r328 | salaun | 2001-04-04 13:27:00 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Prepare 3.1b.12

r327 | salaun | 2001-04-04 13:18:39 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix: Use original msg file for smime signature checking

r326 | salaun | 2001-04-04 13:13:42 +0200 (mer. 04 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/notice.us.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r325 | salaun | 2001-04-03 18:23:30 +0200 (mar. 03 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix: Use original message for confirmation, not MIME::Entity object
This prevents signature breaking

r324 | salaun | 2001-04-03 15:10:24 +0200 (mar. 03 avril 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by D. Lamballais] Bug fix: Make Cipher::Saber optional
Check in @INC first

r323 | salaun | 2001-04-03 10:46:01 +0200 (mar. 03 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

comment 'include_admin'

r322 | salaun | 2001-04-03 09:55:18 +0200 (mar. 03 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: bad condition, never alert owners about bounce rate

r321 | salaun | 2001-04-02 16:04:47 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/load_subscribers.pl

[Gerard Gachelin] Bug fix: insert comment
r320 | salaun | 2001-04-02 15:08:38 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Anne Durand] Bug fix: escape quotes in edit_list_request

r319 | salaun | 2001-04-02 14:51:34 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list_request.us.tpl


r318 | salaun | 2001-04-02 14:46:55 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add creation date and email in list templates config

r317 | salaun | 2001-04-02 14:23:39 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl

wrong parameter

r316 | salaun | 2001-04-02 11:08:42 +0200 (lun. 02 avril 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug Fix: Messages to be approved were not sent to editor (unless editorkey)

r315 | salaun | 2001-03-27 16:00:56 +0200 (mar. 27 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Conf.pm

Change default create_list for reverse compatibility

r314 | salaun | 2001-03-26 13:34:17 +0200 (lun. 26 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm


r313 | salaun | 2001-03-26 12:17:02 +0200 (lun. 26 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl

Add action name when failed

r312 | salaun | 2001-03-26 12:16:31 +0200 (lun. 26 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add error handling while saving template file

r311 | salaun | 2001-03-26 12:15:17 +0200 (lun. 26 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Chnage: look for global header/footer in ~sympa/etc/templates/

r310 | salaun | 2001-03-26 10:36:02 +0200 (lun. 26 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Reported by Michael Brennen mbrennen AT fni.com fixe a bug
in encryption module introduce in 3.1b5

r309 | salaun | 2001-03-23 17:41:28 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/pref.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/pref.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New features: propose pre-defined cookie expiration periods

r308 | salaun | 2001-03-23 16:40:40 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by Philippe Leca] Bug fix: signed multipart messages
were altered by moderating process

r307 | salaun | 2001-03-23 15:12:31 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: if user_data_source is 'database', check if we have a database up

r306 | salaun | 2001-03-23 12:11:51 +0100 (ven. 23 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

[David Lewis] Lots of corrections for "good english" compliance

r305 | salaun | 2001-03-22 16:44:04 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/notice.fr.tpl

Delete duplicate entry

r304 | salaun | 2001-03-22 16:31:47 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

new feature: Add --keepcopy option to keep a copy of incoming messages

r303 | salaun | 2001-03-22 16:31:15 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/notice.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/notice.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Some help in login

r302 | salaun | 2001-03-22 14:07:14 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/error.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/notice.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/error.es.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/notice.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/notice.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/error.it.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/notice.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/notice.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: Notices are different from errors. Create new templates

r301 | salaun | 2001-03-22 12:09:23 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: could not delete owners/editors.
Format check was performed even on empty entries

r300 | salaun | 2001-03-22 10:38:02 +0100 (jeu. 22 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/sendpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/sendpasswd.us.tpl

Give up multipart/alternative

r299 | salaun | 2001-03-21 16:56:25 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/sendpasswd.fr.tpl

Correct bgcolor

r297 | salaun | 2001-03-21 16:48:43 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/sendpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/sendpasswd.us.tpl

Change: make reminder multipart/alternative, with an HTML part

r296 | salaun | 2001-03-21 16:48:05 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Set init_passwd var

r295 | salaun | 2001-03-21 15:19:22 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

provides file extention, given the content-type

r294 | salaun | 2001-03-21 12:41:45 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: restore cookie deletion
Change: Allow setting password from login

r293 | salaun | 2001-03-21 12:39:18 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl

Change: Do not request javascript confirmation if not logged in

r292 | salaun | 2001-03-21 10:39:46 +0100 (mer. 21 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/remindpasswd.us.tpl

Add nomenu var to form

r291 | salaun | 2001-03-20 15:36:09 +0100 (mar. 20 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[proposed by D. Lalot] Changes: use strict, basic check while opening files, daemon no more dying

r290 | salaun | 2001-03-20 12:31:27 +0100 (mar. 20 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm

Changes: should be restore lost connexion to syslogd

r289 | salaun | 2001-03-20 10:12:41 +0100 (mar. 20 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: do not request email address for remind if it was provided

r288 | salaun | 2001-03-19 18:02:19 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Bug fix: CGI::Cookie did not recognise session-time cookie
Logout with a 10 years ago date

r287 | salaun | 2001-03-19 18:01:09 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

No more 'unknown' cookie set

r286 | salaun | 2001-03-19 15:26:45 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Delete trace

r285 | salaun | 2001-03-19 15:25:53 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Set cookie expiration date to '0' for logout

r284 | salaun | 2001-03-19 14:34:02 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Delete trace

r283 | salaun | 2001-03-19 14:33:13 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

[reported by Fiona Dix] Bug fix: Logged in as unknown, because of wrong date format in cookie.
Now use CGI::Cookie for cookie read/write

r282 | salaun | 2001-03-19 14:31:22 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add X-No-Arcive header field

r281 | salaun | 2001-03-19 12:04:25 +0100 (lun. 19 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r280 | salaun | 2001-03-16 14:03:56 +0100 (ven. 16 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed

Bug fix: correct title

r279 | salaun | 2001-03-16 09:22:47 +0100 (ven. 16 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

replace %40 and %3A by @ and : in sympa cookie for compatibility with RearSite

r278 | salaun | 2001-03-15 16:52:54 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Changes in sympa.pl options

r277 | salaun | 2001-03-15 16:48:36 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

change options

r276 | salaun | 2001-03-15 13:32:35 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Forces the INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, in case it was changed

r275 | salaun | 2001-03-15 13:03:14 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

[proposed by Christophe Turbou] remove 'x' mod

r273 | salaun | 2001-03-15 12:18:25 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

preparing sympa-3.1b.10

r272 | salaun | 2001-03-15 11:55:06 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cn.msg

[Wang Jian] Changes

r271 | salaun | 2001-03-15 11:00:27 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cn.msg

[Olivier Lacroix] Bug fix: tabs instead of spaces at beginning of lines

r270 | salaun | 2001-03-15 10:54:10 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg

[Olivier Lacroix] Bug fix: tabs instead of spaces at beginning of lines

r269 | salaun | 2001-03-15 10:05:57 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r268 | salaun | 2001-03-15 10:05:22 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r267 | salaun | 2001-03-15 09:57:48 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl

Unused <FORM>

r266 | salaun | 2001-03-15 09:56:49 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl

Use mailto URLs instead of FORMs
Did not work with Netscape 6

r265 | salaun | 2001-03-15 09:45:33 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl


r264 | salaun | 2001-03-15 09:42:05 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Clean list parameter

r263 | salaun | 2001-03-15 09:41:33 +0100 (jeu. 15 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl

Bug fix: badly placed <FORM>s

r262 | salaun | 2001-03-14 17:37:21 +0100 (mer. 14 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Bug fixes: missing/wrong sympa.conf parameters

r261 | salaun | 2001-03-14 14:50:11 +0100 (mer. 14 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Change: HTTP cookie prefix becomes sympauser (used to be user)

r259 | salaun | 2001-03-14 14:35:44 +0100 (mer. 14 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

preparing 3.1b.9

r258 | salaun | 2001-03-14 14:31:54 +0100 (mer. 14 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: attempt to change database structure if needed

r257 | salaun | 2001-03-14 12:06:49 +0100 (mer. 14 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Allow search with GET method

r256 | salaun | 2001-03-12 18:07:46 +0100 (lun. 12 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/removed.us.tpl

[reported by Fil] typo

r254 | salaun | 2001-03-12 14:39:06 +0100 (lun. 12 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

preparing 2.1b.9

r253 | salaun | 2001-03-12 12:31:15 +0100 (lun. 12 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Check database tables structure (MySQL only)

r252 | salaun | 2001-03-12 10:39:43 +0100 (lun. 12 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/compose_mail.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/compose_mail.us.tpl

Move "send mail" button on top

r251 | salaun | 2001-03-09 16:23:24 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

bug fix

r250 | salaun | 2001-03-09 16:20:28 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :

SQL query corrcted

r248 | salaun | 2001-03-09 15:46:17 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Prepare 3.1b.7

r247 | salaun | 2001-03-09 14:49:38 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Fil] Bug fix : Unable to open scenario /home/sympa/bin/etc/scenari/review.
Better checking on this object

r246 | salaun | 2001-03-09 14:29:03 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add trace

r245 | salaun | 2001-03-09 12:30:15 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

[reported by Fil] Bug fix: When sympa.pl send a message for wwsympa.fcgi,
it uses From: header field for the Return-Path:
Now uses additional X-Sympa-From header field

r244 | salaun | 2001-03-09 11:44:53 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[reported by Fil] Bug fix: '#' chars were not escaped in editsubscriber

r243 | salaun | 2001-03-09 11:32:39 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/compose_mail.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/compose_mail.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: 'post' action available on list info page

r242 | salaun | 2001-03-09 10:54:23 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/mail.pm

Add from parameter to mail::mailback

r241 | salaun | 2001-03-09 10:53:30 +0100 (ven. 09 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/title.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/title.us.tpl

Missing title.us.tpl

r240 | salaun | 2001-03-08 16:36:24 +0100 (jeu. 08 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile

[reported by Jerome Dubois] bug fix: wrong 'wwsympaconf'

r238 | salaun | 2001-03-08 16:10:14 +0100 (jeu. 08 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change: Don't query database for subscribers # ; read stats file instead

r237 | salaun | 2001-03-08 11:33:16 +0100 (jeu. 08 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Harald Wilhelmi] Bug fix : Subscribers count was going mad when closing/restoring a list

r236 | salaun | 2001-03-08 11:28:02 +0100 (jeu. 08 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/close_list_request.es.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/close_list_request.fr.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/close_list_request.it.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/close_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin_menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Change: Use Javascript for close_list confirmation
No more 'close_list_request' action

r235 | salaun | 2001-03-06 15:39:04 +0100 (mar. 06 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl

<TH> => <TD>

r234 | salaun | 2001-03-06 15:32:49 +0100 (mar. 06 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl

Use mailto URLs instead of FORMs
Did not work with Netscape 6

r233 | salaun | 2001-03-06 14:21:22 +0100 (mar. 06 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/menu.fr.tpl

Bug fix : missing </TD>

r232 | salaun | 2001-03-06 12:10:16 +0100 (mar. 06 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Setting sympa owner of installation directory

r231 | salaun | 2001-03-06 12:04:08 +0100 (mar. 06 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Bug fix : installconfig failed parsing PIDDIR and SPOOLDIR

r230 | salaun | 2001-03-06 11:36:13 +0100 (mar. 06 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

Bug fix : message confirmation failed (since v 1.46)

r229 | salaun | 2001-03-06 11:03:11 +0100 (mar. 06 mars 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix : bounced.pl require mail.pm
Including mail.pm in List.pm

r228 | salaun | 2001-03-05 16:59:56 +0100 (lun. 05 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm

Change: don't delete Received: header fields

r227 | salaun | 2001-03-02 10:31:41 +0100 (ven. 02 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Minor bug fix

r226 | salaun | 2001-03-01 16:55:50 +0100 (jeu. 01 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix : Synchronization failed for d_set_owner && d_change_access

r225 | salaun | 2001-03-01 15:52:49 +0100 (jeu. 01 mars 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix : Don't distribute DISTRIBUTE command msg itself !

r224 | salaun | 2001-02-28 18:00:46 +0100 (mer. 28 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

Bug fix : could not DISTRIBUTE messages

r223 | salaun | 2001-02-28 15:21:10 +0100 (mer. 28 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: changed usage of _add_parts()

r221 | salaun | 2001-02-28 14:50:14 +0100 (mer. 28 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Syntax error

r220 | salaun | 2001-02-28 14:49:07 +0100 (mer. 28 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm

Supress traces

r219 | salaun | 2001-02-28 11:21:47 +0100 (mer. 28 févr. 2001) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix : Sympa would break S/MIME signatures if message contained encoded parts.
This is due to MIME::Entity library use. It would not always encode the msg
exactly the original way (Ex : number of columns for Base64) ; S/MIME signature
is broken.
Correction : Unless message body was altered (header/footer added), Sympa
uses the original message's body, bypassing MIME::Parser

r218 | salaun | 2001-02-28 10:41:50 +0100 (mer. 28 févr. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Add &check_param_out() for setting vars needed by parser.
If editing list config, changes are taken.

r217 | salaun | 2001-02-26 15:37:35 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Joel Berthelin] Bug fix : WHile performing multiple add,
would not use the newly provided comment

r216 | salaun | 2001-02-26 14:52:15 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Accept connect_string without db_name and host

r215 | salaun | 2001-02-26 14:50:03 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Accept more characters for db_name and user

r214 | salaun | 2001-02-26 14:34:45 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

check if SIGTERM was received before processing each file

r213 | salaun | 2001-02-26 14:26:26 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

Bug fix : make month (MM) 2 digits long

r212 | salaun | 2001-02-26 12:34:48 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

[reported by Hubert Ulliac ] Bug fix : if 2 mails for the same list at same time, first was erased in outgoing/
Changed file format to <list_address>.<epoch_time>.<process_id>

r211 | salaun | 2001-02-26 11:45:34 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/pl.msg

Previous version was altered via email

r210 | salaun | 2001-02-26 11:21:04 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

reported by Beatrice Arnou] bug fix : SET <list> MAIL command was refused
r209 | salaun | 2001-02-26 10:38:35 +0100 (lun. 26 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Bug fix : check if SIGTERM was received before processing each file

r208 | salaun | 2001-02-22 14:54:13 +0100 (jeu. 22 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix : decode subject while searching custom_subject

r207 | salaun | 2001-02-22 14:41:49 +0100 (jeu. 22 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list_request.us.tpl

blockquote for comment

r206 | salaun | 2001-02-22 13:58:12 +0100 (jeu. 22 févr. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

[reported by Odile Germes] Bug fix : comment in list_templates
were not seen by wwsympa

r205 | salaun | 2001-02-21 16:02:25 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/Makefile
   A /trunk/nls/pl.msg

[Lukasz Zalubski] Translation to Polish

r204 | salaun | 2001-02-21 15:54:56 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix sql_regexp

r203 | salaun | 2001-02-21 15:52:52 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Sort by email when searching

r202 | salaun | 2001-02-21 15:47:57 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by Fil] Add an SQL clause while searching among subscribers
(used to fetch all subscribers and select afterward)

r201 | salaun | 2001-02-21 14:33:42 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/error.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/error.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[reported by Wang Jian] Bug fix : multiple add failed if one failed.
Display ALL error messages

r200 | salaun | 2001-02-21 11:36:10 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cn/sendpasswd.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/change_email.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_read.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_admin.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_editfile.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_editlist.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/home.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/list_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/loginbanner.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/title.cn.tpl

[Wang Jian] Updates of templates

r199 | salaun | 2001-02-21 10:36:33 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/bye.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/global_remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/invite.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/reject.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/remind.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/removed.us.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/welcome.us.tpl

[Lukasz Zalubski] Translation to polish

r198 | salaun | 2001-02-21 10:04:33 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl

reporting SET NOTICE change

r197 | salaun | 2001-02-21 10:03:12 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl

[Lukasz Zalubski] Translation to polish

r196 | salaun | 2001-02-21 10:00:38 +0100 (mer. 21 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl

[Lukasz Zalubski] bug fix : wrong var

r195 | salaun | 2001-02-19 18:22:04 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix : password case-insensitivity

r194 | salaun | 2001-02-19 18:07:14 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix : displayed reception mode was user_default_options
if reception was empty (means 'mail').
If user saved his/her suboption, then his/her option was modified

r193 | salaun | 2001-02-19 18:05:32 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

Add message

r192 | salaun | 2001-02-19 17:03:55 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/warn_lock.gif

Warning about SSL/SMIME

r191 | salaun | 2001-02-19 11:55:00 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/icons/locked.gif

Blue lock

r190 | salaun | 2001-02-19 11:43:16 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Make user password case-insensitive

r189 | salaun | 2001-02-19 11:24:48 +0100 (lun. 19 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Check if password is uncomplete

r188 | salaun | 2001-02-16 10:29:19 +0100 (ven. 16 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.ps

not a source file

r186 | salaun | 2001-02-16 10:26:27 +0100 (ven. 16 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

[serge] about password encryption

r185 | salaun | 2001-02-16 10:25:41 +0100 (ven. 16 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

[serge] lock logos

r184 | salaun | 2001-02-16 09:55:21 +0100 (ven. 16 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/show_cert.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/show_cert.us.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r183 | salaun | 2001-02-16 09:32:35 +0100 (ven. 16 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg

[X-Term] Missing '\n'

r182 | salaun | 2001-02-15 17:21:17 +0100 (jeu. 15 févr. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/icons/logo-s-lock.gif

The logo with a lock

r181 | salaun | 2001-02-15 09:06:43 +0100 (jeu. 15 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg

[X-Term] Bug fix: unwanted '\n'

r180 | salaun | 2001-02-14 17:46:13 +0100 (mer. 14 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg

Added RCS ID

r179 | salaun | 2001-02-14 17:37:50 +0100 (mer. 14 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

dummy change

r178 | salaun | 2001-02-14 17:27:40 +0100 (mer. 14 févr. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/es.msg

[reported by X-Term] Bug fixes: unwanted \n at the end of some messages
Bug report: Helpfile contained MIME-Version, Content-Type & Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit in its body

r177 | salaun | 2001-02-14 09:18:59 +0100 (mer. 14 févr. 2001) | 4 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: used an obsolet var $Language::sympa_lang
Bug description: If user had no lang pref, helpfile body was
not in the correct lang

r176 | salaun | 2001-02-13 17:40:26 +0100 (mar. 13 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/sendpasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/sendpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/sendpasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/sendpasswd.us.tpl

[reported by Nicolas Brouard] supress RCS IDs

r175 | salaun | 2001-02-12 17:42:42 +0100 (lun. 12 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/cn/sendpasswd.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/es/sendpasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/fr/sendpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/it/sendpasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/sendpasswd.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/close_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/close_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/close_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/close_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/add_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arc.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arc_protect.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arcsearch.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arcsearch_form.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/change_email.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/choosepasswd.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/close_list.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/close_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/create_list.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/create_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_control.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_editfile.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_read.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/edit_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/editfile.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/editsubscriber.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/error.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/get_pending_lists.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_admin.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_editfile.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_editlist.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/home.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/info.cn-gb.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/install_pending_list.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/list_menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/lists.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/login.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/loginbanner.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/loginrequest.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/main.cn-gb.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/modindex.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/pref.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/remindpasswd.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/remove_arc.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/reviewbouncing.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/scenario_test.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/search.cn-gb.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/search_list.cn-gb.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/serveradmin.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/set_pending_list_request.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/sigrequest.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/suboptions.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/subrequest.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/title.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/view_translations.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/viewbounce.cn-gb.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/viewconfig.cn-gb.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/viewmod.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/which.cn-gb.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/add_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/admin_menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arc.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arc_protect.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arcsearch.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/arcsearch_form.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/change_email.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/choosepasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/close_list.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/create_list.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/create_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/d_control.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/d_editfile.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/d_read.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/edit_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/editfile.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/editsubscriber.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/error.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/get_pending_lists.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/help.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/help_admin.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/help_editfile.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/help_editlist.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/home.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/info.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/list_menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/lists.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/loginbanner.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/loginrequest.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/modindex.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/pref.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/remindpasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/remove_arc.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/reviewbouncing.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/scenario_test.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/serveradmin.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/set_pending_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/sigrequest.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/subrequest.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/title.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/view_translations.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/viewconfig.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/viewmod.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/add_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/admin_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arc.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arc_protect.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arcsearch.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/arcsearch_form.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/change_email.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/choosepasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/close_list.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_control.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/d_read.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/edit_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/error.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/get_pending_lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_admin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help_editfile.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/home.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/install_pending_list.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/list_menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/lists.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/login.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginrequest.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/menu.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/modindex.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/pref.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/remindpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/remove_arc.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/serveradmin.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/show_cert.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/sigrequest.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/suboptions.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/subrequest.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/view_translations.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/viewmod.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/add_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arc.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arc_protect.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arcsearch.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arcsearch_form.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/change_email.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/choosepasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/close_list.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/create_list.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/create_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/d_control.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/d_editfile.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/d_read.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/edit_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/editfile.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/editsubscriber.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/error.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/get_pending_lists.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/help.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/help_admin.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/help_editfile.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/help_editlist.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/home.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/info.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/install_pending_list.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/list_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/lists.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/loginbanner.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/loginrequest.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/modindex.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/pref.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/remindpasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/remove_arc.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/review.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/reviewbouncing.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/scenario_test.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/serveradmin.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/set_pending_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/sigrequest.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/suboptions.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/subrequest.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/title.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/view_translations.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/viewconfig.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/viewmod.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/login.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/add_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/admin_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arc_protect.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arcsearch.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/arcsearch_form.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/change_email.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/choosepasswd.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/close_list.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_control.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/d_read.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/edit_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editsubscriber.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/error.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/get_pending_lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_admin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editfile.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/help_editlist.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/home.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/info.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/install_pending_list.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/list_menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginrequest.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/modindex.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/pref.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/remindpasswd.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/remove_arc.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/scenario_test.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/serveradmin.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/set_pending_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/show_cert.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/sigrequest.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/suboptions.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/subrequest.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/title.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/view_translations.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/viewbounce.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/viewconfig.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/viewmod.us.tpl

Added RCS Identification

r174 | salaun | 2001-02-12 17:11:49 +0100 (lun. 12 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/crypt_passwd.pl

Script for password encryption in database

r173 | salaun | 2001-02-12 11:03:34 +0100 (lun. 12 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/show_cert.gb.tpl

Bad name

r172 | salaun | 2001-02-09 16:46:52 +0100 (ven. 09 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/KNOWNBUGS

Bug fix

r171 | salaun | 2001-02-09 16:11:56 +0100 (ven. 09 févr. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Ronan Salmon] bug fix :
Can't call method "compute_auth" on unblessed reference

r170 | salaun | 2001-02-09 12:24:43 +0100 (ven. 09 févr. 2001) | 7 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Olivier LACROIX] New list parameter 'available_user_options'
Only available reception modes are listed on the web interface.
If a user sets a forbidden mode (not listed), he is asigned the mode
in 'default_user_options'.
If default_user_option reception mode is not listed in 'available_user_options'
it is appended to it.

r169 | salaun | 2001-02-09 11:53:41 +0100 (ven. 09 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

less log

r168 | salaun | 2001-02-09 10:05:41 +0100 (ven. 09 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/info.es.tpl2
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/info.us.tpl2

old temp files

r167 | salaun | 2001-02-09 10:04:17 +0100 (ven. 09 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/show_cert.us.tpl

Bad name (.gb.tpl)

r166 | salaun | 2001-02-09 09:55:02 +0100 (ven. 09 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/show_cert.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/show_cert.gb.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix: fix load_user_db()

r165 | salaun | 2001-02-08 17:17:19 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/menu.it.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r164 | salaun | 2001-02-08 17:14:11 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/menu.cn.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/menu.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/menu.fr.tpl

introduce access to security info

r163 | salaun | 2001-02-08 17:11:22 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/menu.it.tpl

introduce security info

r162 | salaun | 2001-02-08 16:55:50 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/show_cert.gb.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r161 | salaun | 2001-02-08 16:50:03 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/show_cert.fr.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r160 | salaun | 2001-02-08 16:42:58 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/show_cert.fr.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r159 | salaun | 2001-02-08 16:42:25 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/show_cert.gb.tpl

New show_cert action

r158 | salaun | 2001-02-08 16:26:07 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

RC4 password encryption when storing in DB

r157 | salaun | 2001-02-08 15:41:19 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/show_cert.fr.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r156 | salaun | 2001-02-08 15:03:33 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/menu.fr.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/show_cert.fr.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r155 | salaun | 2001-02-08 13:34:04 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New action "show_cert" to print SSL information.

r154 | salaun | 2001-02-08 11:58:52 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cn.msg

[Wang Jian] Bug fix : cn-gb did not compile

r153 | salaun | 2001-02-08 11:27:39 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/sympa.spec

Require MhOnArc 2.4.6

r152 | salaun | 2001-02-08 09:46:14 +0100 (jeu. 08 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Add STOPPARSE and STARTPARSE documentation

r151 | salaun | 2001-02-05 11:00:41 +0100 (lun. 05 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Add documentation on database encryption of password

r150 | salaun | 2001-02-02 17:03:25 +0100 (ven. 02 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

*** empty log message ***

r149 | salaun | 2001-02-02 17:01:38 +0100 (ven. 02 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

*** empty log message ***

r148 | salaun | 2001-02-02 16:56:05 +0100 (ven. 02 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

*** empty log message ***

r147 | salaun | 2001-02-02 16:36:57 +0100 (ven. 02 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r146 | salaun | 2001-02-02 16:14:43 +0100 (ven. 02 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r145 | salaun | 2001-02-02 15:31:37 +0100 (ven. 02 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Add reversible encryption for password (rc4) &crypt_passwd ; &decrypt_passwd ; &ciphersaber_installed

r144 | salaun | 2001-02-02 11:40:06 +0100 (ven. 02 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/change_email.cn.tpl

[Wang Jian <lark@linux.net.cn>] Initial version

r143 | salaun | 2001-02-02 11:39:12 +0100 (ven. 02 févr. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/cn.msg

[Wang Jian <lark@linux.net.cn>] Updated messages

r142 | salaun | 2001-01-31 17:22:46 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Better use of %list_cache

r141 | salaun | 2001-01-31 16:44:39 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Add chinese to lang user pref

r140 | salaun | 2001-01-31 16:25:18 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/KNOWNBUGS

*** empty log message ***

r139 | salaun | 2001-01-31 16:22:45 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cn
   A /trunk/src/etc/templates/cn/sendpasswd.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/add_request.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/admin_menu.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arc.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arc_protect.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arcsearch.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/arcsearch_form.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/choosepasswd.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/close_list.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/close_list_request.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/create_list.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/create_list_request.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_control.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_editfile.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/d_read.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/edit_list_request.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/editfile.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/editsubscriber.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/error.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/get_pending_lists.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_admin.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_editfile.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/help_editlist.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/home.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/info.cn-gb.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/install_pending_list.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/list_menu.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/lists.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/login.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/loginbanner.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/loginrequest.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/main.cn-gb.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/menu.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/modindex.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/pref.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/remindpasswd.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/remove_arc.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/review.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/reviewbouncing.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/scenario_test.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/search.cn-gb.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/search_list.cn-gb.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/serveradmin.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/set_pending_list_request.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/sigrequest.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/suboptions.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/subrequest.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/title.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/view_translations.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/viewbounce.cn-gb.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/viewconfig.cn-gb.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/viewmod.cn.tpl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/cn/which.cn-gb.tpl

[Wang Jian <lark@linux.net.cn>] Web templates translated to  zh_CN.GB2312 encoding, Simplified Chinese

r138 | salaun | 2001-01-31 16:05:02 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix

r137 | salaun | 2001-01-31 15:41:13 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal

Bug fix : missing [listname]

r136 | salaun | 2001-01-31 15:29:07 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Bug fix: could not create user cert dirs

r135 | salaun | 2001-01-31 15:17:11 +0100 (mer. 31 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/summary.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New feature: Add links to archives in summary

r134 | salaun | 2001-01-30 15:41:31 +0100 (mar. 30 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Bug fix : restore d_upload entry in %comm

r133 | salaun | 2001-01-30 14:20:36 +0100 (mar. 30 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Marc/Search.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[Hubert Ulliac] : Add search among archives based on Message-id

r132 | salaun | 2001-01-30 14:05:31 +0100 (mar. 30 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/visibility.conceal

Bug fix: show list for owners and editors

r131 | salaun | 2001-01-29 17:34:45 +0100 (lun. 29 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/load_subscribers.pl

[Anton Slabbinck <anton@westsite.be>] Bug fix: use db_xxx conf parameter

r129 | salaun | 2001-01-29 14:06:27 +0100 (lun. 29 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

prepare 3.1b.3

r128 | salaun | 2001-01-26 15:50:46 +0100 (ven. 26 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Escape \s chars in gecos and email

r127 | salaun | 2001-01-26 15:00:48 +0100 (ven. 26 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/KNOWNBUGS

logged in as "Unknown"

r126 | salaun | 2001-01-26 12:09:49 +0100 (ven. 26 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Version.pm

*** empty log message ***

r125 | salaun | 2001-01-25 17:55:31 +0100 (jeu. 25 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

'available_user_options' parameter recognised

r124 | salaun | 2001-01-25 15:52:27 +0100 (jeu. 25 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

First changes to add 'available_user-options' parameter

r123 | salaun | 2001-01-24 15:50:41 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r122 | salaun | 2001-01-24 15:28:29 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/review.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/reviewbouncing.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/review.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/reviewbouncing.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl

Add shaded lines in review

r121 | salaun | 2001-01-24 15:20:35 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile


r120 | salaun | 2001-01-24 15:15:24 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/parser.pl

Allow SET var=number

r119 | salaun | 2001-01-24 15:00:21 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Escape weird chars in email
Don't stop resetbounce processing if lastbounce not found

r118 | salaun | 2001-01-24 11:47:29 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl

syntax error

r117 | salaun | 2001-01-24 11:45:25 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/set_symlinks.pl

Correction in acion name

r116 | salaun | 2001-01-24 11:07:27 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Add synonyms for list parameters

r115 | salaun | 2001-01-24 11:06:38 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

Set symbolic links for scenari and templates at installation time

r114 | salaun | 2001-01-24 11:03:05 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/set_symlinks.pl

Initial version
Symlinks are set at installation time for templates and scenari

r113 | salaun | 2001-01-24 09:30:30 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/viewbounce.es.tpl

A single template for all languages

r112 | salaun | 2001-01-24 09:28:07 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/change_email.it.tpl

Initial version

r111 | salaun | 2001-01-24 09:26:24 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/lists.us.tpl

*** empty log message ***

r110 | salaun | 2001-01-24 09:23:37 +0100 (mer. 24 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/which.es.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/which.fr.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/which.it.tpl
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/which.us.tpl

'which' templates are links to 'lists'

r109 | salaun | 2001-01-23 18:05:06 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Change wwslog calls with do_log calls

r108 | salaun | 2001-01-23 18:01:26 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[reported by Philippe Riviere <Philippe.Riviere@Monde-diplomatique.fr>] : Escape weird chars in from before creating directories

r107 | salaun | 2001-01-23 17:52:48 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

[reported by ]

r106 | salaun | 2001-01-23 17:36:30 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/review.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/reviewbouncing.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/review.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/reviewbouncing.us.tpl

Add 'toggle selection' in review page

r105 | salaun | 2001-01-23 15:48:16 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/menu.us.tpl

Missing </TD>

r104 | salaun | 2001-01-23 10:21:25 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/templates/us/helpfile.us.tpl

Add doc about option notice

r103 | salaun | 2001-01-23 10:18:45 +0100 (mar. 23 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Olivier Lacroix Patch about "notice" option reception.

r102 | salaun | 2001-01-22 18:02:06 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

move wwslog() and message() to wwsympa.fcgi

r101 | salaun | 2001-01-22 17:40:17 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/main.us.tpl

When logged in, if main window's URL is wws/logout, then change it to wws/ before refresh

r100 | salaun | 2001-01-22 15:00:22 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Fil <fil@rezo.net>] : truncated email address last char while including file

r99 | salaun | 2001-01-22 14:32:01 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[reported by Dominique Marant <Dominique.Marant@univ-lille1.fr>] Failed to open list local scenario

r98 | salaun | 2001-01-22 11:02:13 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

No defaults for archives

r97 | salaun | 2001-01-22 10:40:06 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

wwslib becomes a module

r96 | salaun | 2001-01-22 10:39:40 +0100 (lun. 22 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

*** empty log message ***

r95 | salaun | 2001-01-19 15:48:33 +0100 (ven. 19 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

[requested by Dominique Marant & Odile Germes] provide current config files when reporting errors

r94 | salaun | 2001-01-19 15:43:51 +0100 (ven. 19 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl

wwslib changed to a modulesrc/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl

r93 | salaun | 2001-01-19 12:19:00 +0100 (ven. 19 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Qualify function calls

r92 | salaun | 2001-01-19 11:56:35 +0100 (ven. 19 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Qualify function calls

r91 | salaun | 2001-01-19 11:54:22 +0100 (ven. 19 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Minor bug fix

r89 | salaun | 2001-01-19 11:42:52 +0100 (ven. 19 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Version number

r88 | salaun | 2001-01-19 11:41:07 +0100 (ven. 19 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

minor Bug fix

r86 | salaun | 2001-01-18 18:37:17 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

wwslib and cookielib are now modules

r85 | salaun | 2001-01-18 18:36:24 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

make vars & subs available from the outside

r84 | salaun | 2001-01-18 18:35:10 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Commands.pm

[requested by Beatrice Gatto Charton <bg@crihan.fr>] Provide mailto: URL for confirming a subscriber deletion

r83 | salaun | 2001-01-18 18:26:15 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

wwslib becomes a module

r82 | salaun | 2001-01-18 18:23:00 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

cookielib and wwslib are now modules

r81 | salaun | 2001-01-18 18:18:43 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/cookie-lib.pl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/cookielib.pm

Make cookie-lib a module

r80 | salaun | 2001-01-18 18:16:52 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pl
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pm

Make wwslib.pl a module

r79 | salaun | 2001-01-18 17:55:31 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/msg.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

[requested by Beatrice Gatto Charton <bg@crihan.fr>] Provide mailto: URL for confirming a subscriber deletion

r78 | salaun | 2001-01-18 17:25:55 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/edit_list_request.fr.tpl

Translate submit button

r77 | salaun | 2001-01-18 17:25:08 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/edit_list_request.fr.tpl

Initial version

r76 | salaun | 2001-01-18 13:21:25 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Olivier Lacroix : small bugs and apply user option while including lists

r75 | salaun | 2001-01-18 11:55:30 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

Documentation on scenario format updated. Reported by Dominique Marant <Dominique.Marant@univ-lille1.fr>

r74 | salaun | 2001-01-18 11:47:26 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

For compatibility concerns, [host] var is now available in scenari. Reported by

r73 | salaun | 2001-01-18 09:49:55 +0100 (jeu. 18 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/INSTALL
   M /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl

Fix typos. reported by    Michael Yount <csf@moscow.com>

r72 | salaun | 2001-01-16 18:07:58 +0100 (mar. 16 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix: last topic not loaded if no ending blank line. Reported by ronan.salmon@staff.ittralee.ie

r70 | salaun | 2001-01-16 15:01:49 +0100 (mar. 16 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/KNOWNBUGS

*** empty log message ***

r69 | salaun | 2001-01-16 14:27:59 +0100 (mar. 16 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/KNOWNBUGS

*** empty log message ***

r67 | salaun | 2001-01-16 10:40:53 +0100 (mar. 16 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /branches/sympa-3_0_1/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Minor bug fix

r65 | salaun | 2001-01-16 10:30:27 +0100 (mar. 16 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Wrong parameters to &List::send_sub_to_owner()

r64 | salaun | 2001-01-16 09:26:33 +0100 (mar. 16 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

*** empty log message ***

r63 | salaun | 2001-01-16 09:25:22 +0100 (mar. 16 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

define groups of list parameters

r62 | salaun | 2001-01-15 16:03:07 +0100 (lun. 15 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Set undefined Topic (defined via subtopic)\nBug reported by thomas.morin@webmotion.com

r61 | salaun | 2001-01-15 12:19:25 +0100 (lun. 15 janv. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fixed "syntax errors, param xxx" while editing
list config

r60 | salaun | 2001-01-15 11:36:01 +0100 (lun. 15 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

changes with topics (use hash instead of hashref)

r59 | salaun | 2001-01-15 11:34:03 +0100 (lun. 15 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster

changed behaviour

r58 | salaun | 2001-01-15 11:33:00 +0100 (lun. 15 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.public_listmaster

*** empty log message ***

r57 | salaun | 2001-01-12 17:39:45 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/create_list_request.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/create_list_request.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/home.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/create_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/create_list_request.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/home.us.tpl

Fix topics display

r56 | salaun | 2001-01-12 16:50:24 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/home.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/home.us.tpl

Add o

r55 | salaun | 2001-01-12 16:02:09 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Make %changed_params a global var
Fix problem in edit_list

r54 | salaun | 2001-01-12 15:48:21 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

"use strict vars", process ended

r53 | salaun | 2001-01-12 14:50:00 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/arc2webarc.pl
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

rename wws-lib.pl

r52 | salaun | 2001-01-12 14:48:56 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl

rename wwslib.pl

r51 | salaun | 2001-01-12 14:48:29 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl

rename wws-lib

r50 | salaun | 2001-01-12 14:46:31 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/wwsympa/wwslib.pl

rename wws-lib.pl to wwslib.pl

r49 | salaun | 2001-01-12 14:46:14 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/wwsympa/wws-lib.pl

rename wws-lib,pl to wwslib.pl

r48 | salaun | 2001-01-12 14:45:04 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

using "use strict vars", start transformation

r46 | salaun | 2001-01-12 08:54:20 +0100 (ven. 12 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

when sending mail to <list>-editor, use <list>-owner if no editor are defined

r45 | salaun | 2001-01-10 10:33:27 +0100 (mer. 10 janv. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster

change create_list scenario name : listmaster is listmaster
                                   public_listmaster is anyone with validation

r42 | salaun | 2001-01-09 15:45:02 +0100 (mar. 09 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex

*** empty log message ***

r41 | salaun | 2001-01-09 15:17:05 +0100 (mar. 09 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.aux
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.cb
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.dvi
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.idx
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.ilg
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.ind
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.log
   M /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   D /trunk/doc/sympa.toc

*** empty log message ***

r40 | salaun | 2001-01-09 14:53:38 +0100 (mar. 09 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/list_alias.pl

*** empty log message ***

r39 | salaun | 2001-01-09 14:48:53 +0100 (mar. 09 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/Log.pm
   M /trunk/src/smtp.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/src/tools.pl

Allow longer options (--debug for -d, --lang for -l) in sympa.pl

r38 | salaun | 2001-01-09 13:25:21 +0100 (mar. 09 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/KNOWNBUGS

*** empty log message ***

r37 | salaun | 2001-01-09 12:01:08 +0100 (mar. 09 janv. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Lower case path for each do_d_XXX proc. The goal is to support
random case in URL generated by some microsoft products.

r36 | salaun | 2001-01-09 10:44:01 +0100 (mar. 09 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Bug fix of newly implemented cache

r35 | salaun | 2001-01-09 09:21:09 +0100 (mar. 09 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Wrong Column count in SQL query, add_user()

r34 | salaun | 2001-01-08 18:09:27 +0100 (lun. 08 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl

sympa.pl has a new option for dumping subscribers list. sympa.pl -s <listname>|ALL

r33 | salaun | 2001-01-08 16:49:36 +0100 (lun. 08 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   M /trunk/nls/us.msg
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Propose an alternative way to add a subscriber, not an URL

r32 | salaun | 2001-01-08 11:50:46 +0100 (lun. 08 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/KNOWNBUGS

*** empty log message ***

r31 | salaun | 2001-01-08 11:38:22 +0100 (lun. 08 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/src/sympa.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/archived.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/bounced.pl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Using a memory cache for is_user() in List.pm

r30 | salaun | 2001-01-08 11:16:11 +0100 (lun. 08 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/remindpasswd.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/remindpasswd.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/remindpasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/remindpasswd.us.tpl

Default action set in FORM

r29 | salaun | 2001-01-08 09:14:06 +0100 (lun. 08 janv. 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Allow . and - in scenario file names. (reported by dile Germes)
r28 | salaun | 2001-01-05 17:05:38 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/Makefile
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Oracle
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Pg
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.Sybase
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/create_db.mysql
   M /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl

New comment_subscriber table field in db

r27 | salaun | 2001-01-05 16:58:14 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Bug fix

r26 | salaun | 2001-01-05 16:50:25 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Failed to check table fields in probe_db()

r25 | salaun | 2001-01-05 16:47:55 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/Makefile

Add warning for database change

r24 | salaun | 2001-01-05 15:04:26 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Changes to use comment_subscriber row

r23 | salaun | 2001-01-05 14:31:09 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

New db_get_handler() function

r22 | salaun | 2001-01-05 14:22:50 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/src/etc/script/init_comment.pl

Script to initialize newly introduced comment_subscriber data row

r21 | salaun | 2001-01-05 13:50:09 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 3 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

Change : get_first_user() and get_first_bouncing_user() don't do JOIN
with user_table anymore

r20 | salaun | 2001-01-05 13:45:05 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/home.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/es/loginbanner.es.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/help.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/loginbanner.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/view_translations.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/info.es.tpl2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/info.us.tpl2
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/admin_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arc.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arcsearch.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/arcsearch_form.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/choosepasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/create_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/d_read.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/edit_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/editsubscriber.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/get_pending_lists.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/help_admin.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/home.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/install_pending_list.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/list_menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/lists.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/loginbanner.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/menu.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/modindex.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/pref.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/remindpasswd.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/review.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/reviewbouncing.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/scenario_test.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/serveradmin.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/set_pending_list_request.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/sigrequest.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/suboptions.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/subrequest.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/title.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/view_translations.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/it/viewmod.it.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/home.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/loginbanner.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/which.it.tpl

Hard-coded colors in templates

r19 | salaun | 2001-01-05 12:59:37 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm

remove remove_headers trace

r18 | salaun | 2001-01-05 12:52:45 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Language.pm

Bug fix (reported by Odile Germes) : Glob failed in language.pm

r17 | salaun | 2001-01-05 12:00:39 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/List.pm
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/fr/editsubscriber.fr.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/editsubscriber.us.tpl
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

New features: owners can edit subscribers email address

r16 | aumont | 2001-01-05 10:46:39 +0100 (ven. 05 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :


r15 | salaun | 2001-01-04 17:20:12 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wws_templates/us/change_email.us.tpl

(re)translate to english

r14 | salaun | 2001-01-04 17:06:57 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/wwsympa.fcgi

Fix do_change_email()

r13 | salaun | 2001-01-04 17:01:07 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/src/Makefile

Install scenari/*.* and templates/*.tpl (not CVS/)

r12 | salaun | 2001-01-04 17:00:16 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   M /trunk/wwsympa/Makefile

Install *.gif only (not CVS/)

r11 | salaun | 2001-01-04 15:03:48 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   D /trunk/toto

*** empty log message ***

r10 | salaun | 2001-01-04 15:03:16 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/toto

*** empty log message ***

r7 | salaun | 2001-01-04 14:22:41 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :

*** empty log message ***

r6 | salaun | 2001-01-04 14:21:30 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :

*** empty log message ***

r2 | root | 2001-01-04 13:58:42 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 2 lignes
Chemins modifiés :
   A /trunk/INSTALL
   A /trunk/KNOWNBUGS
   A /trunk/LICENSE
   A /trunk/Makefile
   A /trunk/README
   A /trunk/check_perl_modules.pl
   A /trunk/doc
   A /trunk/doc/.latex2html-init
   A /trunk/doc/Makefile
   A /trunk/doc/auto
   A /trunk/doc/auto/pocket.el
   A /trunk/doc/auto/sympa.el
   A /trunk/doc/html.sty
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/blueball.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/change_begin.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/change_delete.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/change_end.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/contents_motif.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/cross_ref_motif.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/foot_motif.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/greenball.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/image.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/index_motif.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/next_group_motif.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/next_group_motif_gr.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/next_motif.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/next_motif_gr.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/orangeball.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/pinkball.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/previous_group_motif.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/previous_group_motif_gr.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/previous_motif.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/previous_motif_gr.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/purpleball.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/redball.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/up_motif.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/up_motif_gr.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/whiteball.png
   A /trunk/doc/latex2htmlicons/yellowball.png
   A /trunk/doc/pocket.tex
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.aux
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.cb
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.dvi
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.idx
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.ilg
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.ind
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.log
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.ps
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.tex
   A /trunk/doc/sympa.toc
   A /trunk/doc/treesed
   A /trunk/nls
   A /trunk/nls/Makefile
   A /trunk/nls/README
   A /trunk/nls/check.pl
   A /trunk/nls/cn.msg
   A /trunk/nls/de.msg
   A /trunk/nls/es.msg
   A /trunk/nls/fi.msg
   A /trunk/nls/fr.msg
   A /trunk/nls/it.msg
   A /trunk/nls/tw.msg
   A /trunk/nls/us.msg
   A /trunk/src
   A /trunk/src/.core.swp
   A /trunk/src/Archive.pm
   A /trunk/src/Commands.pm
   A /trunk/src/Conf.pm
   A /trunk/src/Language.pm
   A /trunk/src/List.pm
   A /trunk/src/Log.pm
   A /trunk/src/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/Version.pm
   A /trunk/src/bouncequeue.c
   A /trunk/src/etc
   A /trunk/src/etc/ca-bundle.crt
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list.conf
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/discussion_list/config.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/hotline/config.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/intranet_list/config.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/comment
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/news-letter/config.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/private_working_group/config.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum
   A /trunk/src/etc/create_list_templates/public_web_forum/config.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/edit_list.conf
   A /trunk/src/etc/mhonarc-ressources
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/Makefile
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/README
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/config.digest
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/config.include
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/config.moderation
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/config.privateorpublickey
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/config.public
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/sympa.conf
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/test
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/test/config
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/test/info
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/test/message.footer
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/test/welcome.tpl
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/topics.fr.conf
   A /trunk/src/etc/sample/wwsympa.conf
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.closed
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.intranet
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.listmaster
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.private
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/access_web_archive.public
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.auth
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.closed
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/add.owner_notify
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.intranet
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/create_list.listmaster
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.private
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_edit.public
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.private
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/d_read.public
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.auth
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.closed
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/del.owner_notify
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.closed
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/edit_list.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/global_remind.listmaster
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.open
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/info.private
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.closed
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.private
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/invite.public
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.listmaster
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/remind.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.closed
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.listmaster
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.private
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/review.public
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.closed
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editor
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkey
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonly
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.editorkeyonlyauth
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranet
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.intranetorprivate
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletter
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.newsletterkeyonly
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.private_smime
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandeditorkey
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateandnomultipartoreditorkey
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekey
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privatekeyandeditorkeyonly
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateoreditorkey
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.privateorpublickey
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.public_nobcc
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publickey
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/send.publicnomultipart
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_notify
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.auth_owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.closed
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranet
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.intranetorowner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_notify
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.open_quiet
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.owner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smime
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/subscribe.smimeorowner
   A /trunk/src/etc/scenari/topics_visibility.conceal
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Initial revision

r1 | (pas d'auteur) | 2001-01-04 13:58:42 +0100 (jeu. 04 janv. 2001) | 1 ligne
Chemins modifiés :
   A /branches
   A /tags
   A /trunk

New repository initialized by cvs2svn.