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Peter M edited this page Jan 9, 2023 · 27 revisions

See also: Logging in MSAL.NET on Microsoft Docs.

Identity Logger Interface

MSAL.NET uses an interface named IIdentityLogger to provide logging for messages (MSAL.NET 4.45.0+). This comes with the benefit of enabling one logger implementation to be sharable between our partner SDKs (Microsoft.Identity.Web, Microsoft.IdentityModel). In order to take advantage of this new API you will need to provide an implementation of the IIdentityLogger interface.

This interface enables you to dynamically change the behavior of the logger without having to rebuild your MSAL implementation. For example, you could configure the IsEnabled method to the log level from an environment variable or app configuration for greater flexibility during debugging.

IIdentityLogger Interface

    public interface IIdentityLogger
        // Summary:
        //     Checks to see if logging is enabled at given eventLogLevel.
        // Parameters:
        //   eventLogLevel:
        //     Log level of a message.
        bool IsEnabled(EventLogLevel eventLogLevel);

        // Summary:
        //     Writes a log entry.
        // Parameters:
        //   entry:
        //     Defines a structured message to be logged at the provided Microsoft.IdentityModel.Abstractions.LogEntry.EventLogLevel.
        void Log(LogEntry entry);

IIdentityLogger Implementations

Log Level as Environment Variable

It is highly recommended to configure your code to use an environment variable on the machine to set the log level as it will enable your code to change the MSAL logging level without needing to rebuild the application. This is critical for diagnostic purposes, enabling us to quickly gather the required logs from the application that is currently deployed and in production.

See EventLogLevel for details on the available log levels.

Sample IIdentityLoggerimplementation:

    class MyIdentityLogger : IIdentityLogger
        public EventLogLevel MinLogLevel { get; }

        public TestIdentityLogger()
            //Try to pull the log level from an environment variable
            var msalEnvLogLevel = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MSAL_LOG_LEVEL");

            if (Enum.TryParse(msalEnvLogLevel, out EventLogLevel msalLogLevel))
                MinLogLevel = msalLogLevel;
                //Recommended default log level
                MinLogLevel = EventLogLevel.Informational;

        public bool IsEnabled(EventLogLevel eventLogLevel)
            return eventLogLevel <= MinLogLevel;

        public void Log(LogEntry entry)
            //Log Message here:

Using IIdentityLogger implementation in MSAL:

    MyIdentityLogger myLogger = new MyIdentityLogger(logLevel);

    var app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder
        .WithLogging(myLogger, piiLogging)

Add a log callback (Legacy)

An app also has the option to configure logging with a few lines of code, and have custom control over the level of detail and whether or not personal and organizational data is logged with a logging callback.

Create a logging callback:

void MyLoggingMethod(LogLevel level, string message, bool containsPii)
    Console.WriteLine($"MSAL {level} {containsPii} {message}");

Then provide the callback to WithLogging method when creating the PublicClientApplication or ConfidentialClientApplication:

var app = ConfidentialClientApplicationBuilder.Create(config.ClientId)
          .WithLogging(MyLoggingMethod, LogLevel.Info,
                       enablePiiLogging: true, 
                       enableDefaultPlatformLogging: false) // the platform logger for .NET FW / .NET Core is EventSource

Important: exception messages are not captured if enablePiiLogging is set to false (PII = Personally Identifiable Information). If you need to contact support, please try to send Verbose logs with PII. Do not post PII logs on GitHub! Logs will never contain passwords or tokens, but PII logs may contain usernames, IDs etc.

Example of logs - logs with PII and logs without PII.

Logging in a distributed token cache

If you use Microsoft.Identity.Web's token cache serializers in .NET Framework or .NET Core, you can still benefit from detailed token cache logs.

To enable detailed logging for Microsoft.Identity.Web's token cache serializers in .NET Framework or .NET Core, set the LoggerFilterOptions.MinLevel property to LogLevel.Debug:

// more code here
     app.AddDistributedTokenCache(services =>
                services.AddLogging(configure => configure.AddConsole())
                        .Configure<LoggerFilterOptions>(options => options.MinLevel = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Debug);
// more code here

See more sample code using Microsoft Identity Web token cache serializers in the ConfidentialClientTokenCache sample. Also see Implement a custom logging provider for more details.

Network traces

Important: Network traces typically contain PII information. Please remove sensitive details before posting on GitHub.

You can get a network trace using tools like Fiddler. If such tool is not possible to use, for example on mobile, you can modify the HttpClient used by MSAL to log the HTTP traffic. See example HttpClient with logging here (this should not be used in production, but only for logging). Custom HttpClient can be added as following:

var msalPublicClient = PublicClientApplicationBuilder
       .WithHttpClientFactory(new HttpSnifferClientFactory())

Correlation ID

Logs help understand MSAL's behavior on the client side.

To understand what's happening on the service side, the team needs a correlation ID. This ID traces an authentication request through the various back-end services.

The correlation ID can be obtained in three ways:

  1. From a successful authentication result - AuthenticationResult.CorrelationId.
  2. From a service exception - MsalServiceException.CorrelationId.
  3. By passing a custom correlation ID to .WithCorrelationId(Guid) builder method when building a token request. Use a different ID value for each request. Don't use a constant or we won't be able to differentiate requests.

Windows Broker (WAM) logging

If you are using WAM, collect the MSAL verbose logs first. If more investigation is needed, follow: - this will use a tool created by Office that collects WAM traces. You can use the tool with any program.

Windows Broker (WAM) network traces

If using Fiddler, please configure it as if capturing from an UWP app:

  1. Enable AppContainer loopback in Fiddler UI -> WinConfig -> Exempt All -> Save Changes. image

  2. Enable HTTPS decryption, but exclude AD FS from HTTPS decryption: image

Full WAM logs

Go to, which will automatically download a .cab file containing the Office Sign-in and Authentication Diagnostic tool. Run the tool and repro your scenario, once the repro is complete. Finish the process.

Note: If do not want to give Fiddler traces simply reject the certificate requests that will pop up.

The wizard will prompt you for a password to safeguard your trace files. Please provide a password. You can enter "1234" as the password (aka the Default password). However, if for personal reasons you decide to enter a different password, please ensure that you communicate that separately to the team doing the investigation downstream.

Finally, open the folder where all the logs collected are stored. It is typically in a folder like %LOCALAPPDATA%\ElevatedDiagnostics<numbers> Typing "%LOCALAPPDATA%" in your file explorer will take you to the correct location Send the, which contains all the collected logs, file to us.

Personal and organizational data

By default, the MSAL logger doesn't capture any highly sensitive personal or organizational data. The library provides the option to enable logging personal and organizational data if you decide to do so.

The following sections provide more details about MSAL error logging for your application.

Getting started with MSAL.NET

Acquiring tokens

Desktop/Mobile apps

Web Apps / Web APIs / daemon apps

Advanced topics



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