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File metadata and controls

69 lines (58 loc) · 14.7 KB

Update required parameters

Before deployment of the Sovereign Landing Zone, the Required parameters identified below must be reviewed. The parameter file contains defaults for some values as well as sample values for complex data structures.

  1. In the Sovereign Landing Zone repository, navigate to the /orchestration/scripts/parameters folder.

  2. Open sovereignLandingZone.parameters.json in a text editor.

  3. Review and update at least the required parameters in the "value": "" field. Reference Parameter value descriptions for guidance on the full parameters available.

    • The SLZ deployment script will prompt the user for required values that are missed, but it's recommended to put all values in the parameter file.
  4. Save the file.

Parameter value descriptions

This section contains descriptions and accepted values for all parameters within the sovereignLandingZone.parameters.json file. The Used By column indicates which parameters are used for a specific deployment step. We recommend first time users review and update the parameters marked as Required and use the all deployment step.

Parameter Description Guidance, examples Used By
1 Required parDeploymentPrefix Prefix added to all Azure resources created by the SLZ. 5 characters or less; can only contain letters, digits, '-', '.' or '_'. No other special characters supported.
e.g.: slz
all, bootstrap, compliance, platform, dashboard
2 Required parTopLevelManagementGroupName The name of the top-level management group for the SLZ. e.g.: Sovereign Landing Zone all, bootstrap
3 parDeploymentSuffix Optional suffix that will be added to all Azure resources created by the the SLZ. Use a '-' at the start of the suffix value if a dash is needed. 5 characters or less
e.g. test1
all, bootstrap, compliance, platform, dashboard
4 parTopLevelManagementGroupParentId Optional parent for Management Group hierarchy, used as intermediate root Management Group parent, if specified. If empty (default) will deploy beneath Tenant Root Management Group. Sample Format - /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{mgId} all, bootstrap
5 Required parSubscriptionBillingScope The full resource ID of billing scope associated to the EA, MCA or MPA account you wish to create the subscription in. Sample Format (EA): /providers/Microsoft.Billing/BillingAccounts/{BillingAccountId}/enrollmentAccounts/{EnrollmentAccountId}
Sample Format (MCA): /providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{BillingAccountId}
Sample Format (MPA): /providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/{BillingAccountId}
all, bootstrap
6 Required parCustomer The name of the organization deploying the SLZ to brand the compliance dashboard appropriately. 128 characters or less
e.g.: Contoso
all, dashboard
7 Required parDeploymentLocation Location used for deploying Azure resources. Azure region to use for deployments. If Confidential Computing is required for your region, please reference the Confidential Computing page for the latest information on availability.
e.g.: westeurope
all, platform, dashboard
8 Required parAllowedLocations Full list of Azure regions allowed by policy where resources can be deployed that should include at least the parDeploymentLocation. An array of values (Azure regions).
e.g.: ["eastus2", "westeurope"]
all, compliance
9 Required parAllowedLocationsForConfidentialComputing Full list of Azure regions allowed by policy where Confidential computing resources can be deployed. This may be a completely different list from parAllowedLocations. An array of values (Azure regions).
e.g.: ["eastus2", "westeurope"]
all, compliance
10 parDeployDdosProtection Toggles deployment of Azure DDOS protection. True to deploy, otherwise false. true; false all, platform
11 parDeployHubNetwork Toggles deployment of the hub VNET. True to deploy, otherwise false. true; false all, platform
12 parEnableFirewall Toggles deployment of Azure Firewall. True to deploy, otherwise false. true; false all, platform
13 parUsePremiumFirewall Toggles deployment of the Premium SKU for Azure Firewall and only used if parEnableFirewall is enabled. True to use Premium SKU, otherwise false. true; false all, platform
14 parAzFirewallPoliciesEnabled Set this to true for the initial deployment as one firewall policy is required. Set this to false in subsequent deployments if using custom policies. true; false all, platform
15 parAzFirewallCustomPublicIps Optional List of Custom Public IPs, which are assigned to firewalls ipConfigurations. An array of public IP resource IDs
e.g.: ["/subscriptions/{subId}/resourceGroups/{rgId}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/{ipId}"]
all, platform
16 parHubNetworkAddressPrefix CIDR range for the hub VNET. CIDR range all, platform
17 Deprecated parAzureBastionSubnet Deprecated Will be superseded the parCustomSubnets parameter in a future release. CIDR range for the Azure Bastion subnet. This parameter is deprecated soon, please use parameter parCustomSubnets instead. CIDR range all, platform
18 Deprecated parGatewaySubnet Deprecated Will be superseded the parCustomSubnets parameter in a future release. CIDR range for the Gateway subnet. This parameter is deprecated soon, please use parameter parCustomSubnets instead. CIDR range all, platform
19 Deprecated parAzureFirewallSubnet Deprecated Will be superseded the parCustomSubnets parameter in a future release. CIDR range for the Azure Firewall subnet. This parameter is deprecated soon, please use parameter parCustomSubnets instead. CIDR range all, platform
20 parCustomSubnets List of other subnets to deploy on the hub VNET and their CIDR ranges. Sample Format:

"name": String,
"ipAddressRange": CIDR,
"networkSecurityGroupId": Resource ID,
"routeTableId": Resource ID

name - Name of the subnet, e.g.: ServerSubnet
ipAddressRange - CIDR range of the subnet, e.g.:
networkSecurityGroupId - (Optional) Existing NSG resource ID to assign to the subnet, e.g.: /subscriptions/a0b00336-1234-40ca-a04e-23de7a23c132/resourceGroups/networkRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/default
routeTableId - (Optional) Existing route table resource ID to assign to the subnet, e.g.: /subscriptions/a0b00336-1234-40ca-a04e-23de7a23c132/resourceGroups/networkRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/default
all, platform
21 parLogRetentionInDays Length of time, in days, to retain log files with usage enforced by ALZ policies. Number of days
e.g.: 365
all, compliance, platform
22 parManagementSubscriptionId Optional management subscription ID when using an existing subscription. Azure Subscription Id
e.g.: /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/slz-platform-management1
all, bootstrap, platform, dashboard
23 parIdentitySubscriptionId Optional identity subscription ID when using an existing subscription. Azure Subscription Id
e.g.: /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/slz-platform-identity1
all, bootstrap, platform
24 parConnectivitySubscriptionId Optional connectivity subscription ID when using an existing subscription. Azure Subscription Id
e.g.: /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/slz-platform-connectivity1
all, bootstrap, platform
25 parDdosProtectionResourceId Optional resource ID for an existing DDoS plan with usage enforced by ALZ policies. DDoS Plan Resource Id
all, platform
26 parLogAnalyticsWorkspaceId Optional resource ID for an existing Log Analytics Workspace with usage enforced by ALZ policies. Log Analytics Workspace Resource Id
e.g.: /subscriptions/{subId}/resourceGroups/{rgId}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/slz-log-analytics-westus21
all, compliance
27 parRequireOwnerRolePermission Set this to true if any policies in the initiative include a modify effect. true; false all, compliance
28 parPolicyExemptions Optional list of policy exemptions. Sample Format:

"parPolicyExemptionManagementGroup":Resource ID,
"parPolicyAssignmentScopeName":Resource ID,

parPolicyExemptionManagementGroup - Management group being exempted from the assignment scope, e.g.: slz-landingzones-confidential-corp
parPolicyAssignmentName - Name of the original policy assignment, e.g.: Deploy-SLZ-Root
parPolicyAssignmentScopeName - Top-level management group where policy was assigned, e.g.: slz
parPolicyDefinitionReferenceIds - Array of reference IDs of the policies being exempted, e.g.: "['AllowedLocation']"
parPolicyExemptionName - Customized name for exemption, e.g.: Disable-locations
parPolicyExemptionDisplayName - Human readable customized name for exemption, e.g.: Disable Locations from Scope
parPolicyExemptionDescription - Description of the exemption, e.g.: Disabling location restrictions defined on the top-level management group to the slz-landingzones-confidential-corp MG
all, policyexemptions
29 parExpressRouteGatewayConfig Optional configuration options for the ExpressRoute Gateway. ExpressRoute Gateway Configuration

Sample Format:
"sku": "standard",
"vpntype": "RouteBased",
"vpnGatewayGeneration": null,
"enableBgp": false,
"activeActive": false,
"enableBgpRouteTranslationForNat": false,
"enableDnsForwarding": false,
"asn": 65515,
"bgpPeeringAddress": "",
"peerWeight": 5
all, platform
30 parVpnGatewayConfig Optional configuration options for the VPN Gateway. VPN Gateway Configuration

Sample Format:
"sku": "VpnGw1",
"vpntype": "RouteBased",
"generation": "Generation1",
"enableBgp": false,
"activeActive": false,
"enableBgpRouteTranslationForNat": false,
"enableDnsForwarding": false,
"asn": 65515,
"bgpPeeringAddress": "",
"peerWeight": 5
all, platform
31 parDeployBastion Toggles deployment of Azure Bastion. True to deploy, otherwise false. true; false all, platform
32 parLandingZoneMgChildren Optional array of child management groups to deploy under the SLZ Landing Zones management group. Sample Format: [{"id": "mymg", "displayName": "My MG display name"}] all, bootstrap
33 parDeployAlzDefaultPolicies Toggles assignment of ALZ policies. True to deploy, otherwise false. true; false all, compliance
34 parAutomationAccountName Optional resource name for an existing Azure Automation account with usage enforced by ALZ policies. Automation Account name
e.g.: slz-managed-identity-westus21
all, compliance
35 parPrivateDnsResourceGroupId Optional resource ID of the Azure Resource Group that contains the Private DNS Zones with usage enforced by ALZ policies. Resource Group ID
e.g.: /subscriptions/{subId}/resourceGroups/slz-rg-hub-network-westus2
all, compliance
36 parMsDefenderForCloudEmailSecurityContact An e-mail address that you want Microsoft Defender for Cloud alerts to be sent to. Email address all, compliance
37 parBastionOutboundSshRdpPorts Array of outbound destination ports and ranges for Azure Bastion. An array of values (ports)
e.g.: ["22", "3389"]
all, platform
38 parInvokePolicyScanSync Toggles executing the policy scan in synchronous mode. True to run policy scan in synchronous mode, False for asynchronous. When set to false, policy remediation needs to be manually triggered once the scan is complete. Note that when policy scan is run asynchronously, there isn't a way to track its progress. true; false all, compliance
39 parInvokePolicyRemediationSync Toggles executing the policy scan in synchronous mode. True to run policy remediation in synchronous mode, False for asynchronous. true; false all, compliance
40 parPolicyEffect The policy effect used in all assignments for the Sovereignty Baseline policy initiatives. Choose one: "Audit", "Deny", "Disabled" all, compliance
41 parPolicyAssignmentEnforcementMode The enforcement mode used in all policy and initiative assignments. Choose one: "Default", "DoNotEnforce" all, compliance
42 parDeployLogAnalyticsWorkspace Toggles deployment of Log Analytics Workspace. True to deploy, otherwise false. true; false all, platform
43 parCustomerPolicySets Optional additional policy initiatives to assign. Sample Format:

"policySetDefinitionId":Resource ID,
"policySetManagementGroupAssignmentScope":Resource ID,
"policyParameterFilePath":File Path

policySetDefinitionId - Definition ID for the policy initiative to assign, e.g.: /providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions/1f3afdf9-d0c9-4c3d-847f-89da613e70a8
policySetAssignmentName - Custom name for the assignment, e.g.: Microsoft-Cloud-Security-Benchmark
policySetAssignmentDisplayName - Custom display name for the assignment, e.g.: Microsoft Cloud Security Benchmark
policySetAssignmentDescription - Custom description for the assignment, e.g.: "e.g.: Microsoft-Cloud-Security-Benchmark
policySetManagementGroupAssignmentScope - Management group ID to assign the initiative on, e.g.: slz
policyParameterFilePath - (Optional) Path to the assignment parameter file, e.g.: ./parameters/policyParameters/nist800Parameter.json
all, compliance
44 parTags Tags that will be assigned to subscription and resources created by this deployment script. See the SLZ parameter file for a sample configuration. all, bootstrap, platform, and dashboard

Next step

Deploy the Sovereign Landing Zone