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File metadata and controls

626 lines (532 loc) · 23.2 KB

Schema data is defined in ABNF RFC5234 syntax.

Definitions of common tokens

name                    = 1*DIGIT/1*ALPHA
ref_hash_key_reference  = "[" hash_key "]" ;The token is a refernce to another valid DB key.
hash_key                = name ; a valid key name (i.e. exists in DB)


Stores information for physical switch ports managed by the switch chip. device_names are defined in port_config.ini. Ports to the CPU (ie: management port) and logical ports (loopback) are not declared in the PORT_TABLE. See INTF_TABLE.

;Defines layer 2 ports
;In SONiC, Data is loaded from configuration file by portsyncd
;Status: Mandatory
port_table_key      = PORT_TABLE:ifname    ; ifname must be unique across PORT,INTF,VLAN,LAG TABLES
device_name         = 1*64VCHAR     ; must be unique across PORT,INTF,VLAN,LAG TABLES and must map to
admin_status        = BIT           ; is the port enabled (1) or disabled (0)
oper_status         = BIT           ; physical status up (1) or down (0) of the link attached to this port
lanes               = list of lanes ; (need format spec???)
ifname              = 1*64VCHAR     ; name of the port, must be unique
mac                 = 12HEXDIG      ;

;QOS Mappings
map_dscp_to_tc  = ref_hash_key_reference
map_tc_to_queue = ref_hash_key_reference

Example:> hgetall PORT_TABLE:ETHERNET4
1) "dscp_to_tc_map"
3) "tc_to_queue_map"


intfsyncd manages this table. In SONiC, CPU (management) and logical ports (vlan, loopback, LAG) are declared in /etc/network/interface and loaded into the INTF_TABLE.

IP prefixes are formatted according to RFC5954 with a prefix length appended to the end

;defines logical network interfaces, an attachment to a PORT and list of 0 or more
;ip prefixes
;Status: stable
key            = INTF_TABLE:ifname:IPprefix   ; an instance of this key will be repeated for each prefix
IPprefix       = IPv4prefix / IPv6prefix   ; an instance of this key/value pair will be repeated for each prefix
scope          = "global" / "local"        ; local is an interface visible on this localhost only
if_mtu         = 1*4DIGIT                  ; MTU for the interface
family         = "IPv4" / "IPv6"           ; address family

IPv6prefix     =                             6( h16 ":" ) ls32
                /                       "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
                / [               h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
                / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
                / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
                / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"    h16 ":"   ls32
                / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              ls32
                / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              h16
                / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"

 h16           = 1*4HEXDIG
 ls32          = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address

 IPv4prefix    = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet “/” %d1-32

 dec-octet     = DIGIT                 ; 0-9
                / %x31-39 DIGIT         ; 10-99
                / "1" 2DIGIT            ; 100-199
                / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT     ; 200-249
                / "25" %x30-35          ; 250-255

For example (reorder output)> keys *
1) "INTF_TABLE:lo:"
4) "INTF_TABLE:lo:::1"
5) "INTF_TABLE:eth0:fe80::5054:ff:fece:6275/64"
6) "INTF_TABLE:eth0:"
7) "INTF_TABLE:eth0.10:"
2) "INTF_TABLE:eth0.10:"> HGETALL "INTF_TABLE:eth0.10:"
1) "scope"
2) "global"
3) "if_up"
4) "1"
5) "if_lower_up"
6) "1"
7) "if_mtu"
8) "1500"> HGETALL "INTF_TABLE:eth0:fe80::5054:ff:fece:6275/64"
1) "scope"
2) "local"
3) "if_up"
4) "1"
5) "if_lower_up"
6) "1"
7) "if_mtu"
8) "65536"


;Defines VLANs and the interfaces which are members of the vlan
;Status: work in progress
key                 = VLAN_TABLE:"Vlan"vlanid ; DIGIT 0-4095 with prefix "Vlan"
admin_status        = "down" / "up"        ; admin status
oper_status         = "down" / "up"        ; operating status
mtu                 = 1*4DIGIT             ; MTU for the IP interface of the VLAN


;Defines interfaces which are members of a vlan
;Status: work in progress

key                 = VLAN_MEMBER_TABLE:"Vlan"vlanid:ifname ; physical port "ifname" is a member of a VLAN "VlanX"
tagging_mode        = "untagged" / "tagged" / "priority_tagged" ; default value as untagged


;a logical, link aggregation group interface (802.3ad) made of one or more ports
;In SONiC, data is loaded by teamsyncd
;Status: work in progress
key                 = LAG_TABLE:lagname    ; logical 802.3ad LAG interface
minimum_links       = 1*2DIGIT             ; to be implemented
admin_status        = "down" / "up"        ; Admin status
oper_status         = "down" / "up"        ; Oper status (physical + protocol state)
mtu                 = 1*4DIGIT             ; MTU for this object

key                 = LAG_TABLE:lagname:ifname  ; physical port member of LAG, fk to PORT_TABLE:ifname
status              = "enabled" / "disabled"    ; selected + distributing/collecting (802.3ad)
speed               = ; set by LAG application, must match PORT_TABLE.duplex
duplex              = ; set by LAG application, must match PORT_TABLE.duplex

For example, in a libteam implemenation, teamsyncd listens to Linux RTM_NEWLINK and RTM_DELLINK messages and creates or delete entries at the LAG_TABLE:<team0>> HGETALL "LAG_TABLE:team0"
1) "admin_status"
2) "down"
3) "oper_status"
4) "down"
5) "mtu"
6) "1500"

In addition for each team device, the teamsyncd listens to team events and reflects the LAG ports into the redis under: LAG_TABLE:<team0>:port> HGETALL "LAG_TABLE:team0:veth0"
1) "status"
2) "disabled"
3) "speed"
4) "0Mbit"
5) "duplex"
6) "half"


;Stores a list of routes
;Status: Mandatory
key           = ROUTE_TABLE:prefix
nexthop       = *prefix, ;IP addresses separated “,” (empty indicates no gateway)
intf          = ifindex? PORT_TABLE.key  ; zero or more separated by “,” (zero indicates no interface)
blackhole     = BIT ; Set to 1 if this route is a blackhole (or null0)


; Stores the neighbors or next hop IP address and output port or
; interface for routes
; Note: neighbor_sync process will resolve mac addr for neighbors
; using libnl to get neighbor table
;Status: Mandatory
key           = prefix / / = macaddress ; (may be empty)
neigh         = 12HEXDIG         ;  mac address of the neighbor
family        = "IPv4" / "IPv6"  ; address family


; Stores FDB entries which were inserted into SAI state manually
; Notes:
; - only unicast FDB entries supported
; - only Vlan interfaces are supported
key           = FDB_TABLE:"Vlan"vlanid:mac_address ; mac address will be inserted to FDB for the vlan interface
port          = ifName                ; interface where the entry is bound to
type          = "static" / "dynamic"  ; type of the entry

Example:> hgetall FDB_TABLE:Vlan2:52-54-00-25-06-E9
1) "port"
2) "Ethernet0"
3) "type"
4) "static"


; QUEUE table. Defines port queue.
; SAI mapping - port queue.

key             = "QUEUE_TABLE:"port_name":queue_index
queue_index     = 1*DIGIT
port_name       = ifName
queue_reference = ref_hash_key_reference

;field            value
scheduler    = ref_hash_key_reference; reference to scheduler key
wred_profile = ref_hash_key_reference; reference to wred profile key

Example:> hgetall QUEUE_TABLE:ETHERNET4:1
1) "scheduler"
3) "wred_profile"


; TC to queue map
;SAI mapping - qos_map with SAI_QOS_MAP_ATTR_TYPE == SAI_QOS_MAP_TC_TO_QUEUE. See saiqosmaps.h
key                    = "TC_TO_QUEUE_MAP_TABLE:"name
tc_num = 1*DIGIT
queue  = 1*DIGIT; queue index

1) "5" ;tc
2) "1" ;queue index
3) "6"
4) "1"


; dscp to TC map
;SAI mapping - qos_map object with SAI_QOS_MAP_ATTR_TYPE == sai_qos_map_type_t::SAI_QOS_MAP_DSCP_TO_TC
key        = "DSCP_TO_TC_MAP_TABLE:"name
;field    value
dscp_value = 1*DIGIT
tc_value   = 1*DIGIT

Example:> hgetall "DSCP_TO_TC_MAP_TABLE:AZURE"
 1) "3" ;dscp
 2) "3" ;tc
 3) "6"
 4) "5"
 5) "7"
 6) "5"
 7) "8"
 8) "7"
 9) "9"
10) "8"


; Scheduler table
; SAI mapping - saicheduler.h
key      = "SCHEDULER_TABLE":name
; field     value
type     = "DWRR"/"WRR"/"PRIORITY"
weight   = 1*DIGIT
priority = 1*DIGIT

1) "type"
3) "priority"
1) "type"
2) "DWRR"
3) "weight"
4) "35"


; WRED profile
; SAI mapping - saiwred.h
key                     = "WRED_PROFILE_TABLE:"name
;field                  = value
yellow_max_threshold    = byte_count
green_max_threshold     = byte_count
red_max_threshold       = byte_count
byte_count              = 1*DIGIT
ecn                     = "ecn_none" / "ecn_green" / "ecn_yellow" / "ecn_red" /  "ecn_green_yellow" / "ecn_green_red" / "ecn_yellow_red" / "ecn_all"
wred_green_enable       = "true" / "false"
wred_yellow_enable      = "true" / "false"
wred_red_enable         = "true" / "false"

Example:> hgetall "WRED_PROFILE_TABLE:AZURE"
1) "green_max_threshold"
2) "20480"
3) "yellow_max_threshold"
4) "30720"
5) "red_max_threshold"
6) "1234"
7) "ecn"
8) "ecn_all"
9) "wred_green_enable"
10) "true"
11) "wred_yellow_enable"
12) "true"
13) "wred_red_enable"
14) "true"


; Stores tunnel decap rules
key                     = TUNNEL_DECAP_TABLE:name
;field                      value
tunnel_type             = "IPINIP"
dst_ip                  = IP1,IP2 ;IP addresses separated by ","
dscp_mode               = "uniform" / "pipe"
ecn_mode                = "copy_from_outer" / "standard" ;standard: Behavior defined in RFC 6040 section 4.2
ttl_mode                = "uniform" / "pipe"

IP = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet

1) "dscp_mode"
2) "uniform"
3) "dst_ip"
4) ""
5) "ecn_mode"
6) "copy_from_outer"
7) "ttl_mode"
8) "uniform"
9) "tunnel_type"
10) "IPINIP"


; current LLDP neighbor information.
port_table_key           = LLDP_ENTRY_TABLE:ifname ; .1.0.8802.
; field                    value
lldp_rem_port_id_subtype = 1DIGIT     ;
lldp_rem_port_id         = 1*255VCHAR ;
lldp_rem_port_desc       = 0*255VCHAR ;
lldp_rem_sys_name        = 0*255VCHAR ;

Example:[1]> hgetall  "LLDP_ENTRY_TABLE:ETHERNET4"
1) "lldp_rem_sys_name"
2) "the-system-name"
3) "lldp_rem_port_id_subtype"
4) "6"
5) "lldp_rem_port_id"
6) "Ethernet7"
7) "lldp_rem_sys_desc"
8) "Debian - SONiC v2"


Control plane policing configuration table. The settings in this table configure trap group, which is assigned a list of trap IDs (protocols), priority of CPU queue priority, and a policer. The CPU queue priority is strict priority. The policer is created and exclusively owned by the given trap group; it will be not shared (bound to) any other object.

packet_action = "drop" | "forward" | "copy" | "copy_cancel" | "trap" | "log" | "deny" | "transit"

key = "COPP_TABLE:name"
name_list     = name | name,name_list
queue         = number; strict queue priority. Higher number means higher priority.
trap_ids      = name_list; Acceptable values: bgp, lacp, arp, lldp, snmp, ssh, ttl error, ip2me
trap_action   = packet_action; trap action which will be applied to all trap_ids.

;Settings for embedded policer. NOTE - if no policer settings are specified, then no policer is created.
meter_type  = "packets" | "bytes"
mode        = "sr_tcm" | "tr_tcm" | "storm"
color        = "aware" | "blind"
cbs         = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
cir         = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
pbs         = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value
pir         = number ;packets or bytes depending on the meter_type value

green_action   = packet_action
yellow_action  = packet_action
red_action     = packet_action

Example:> hgetall  "COPP_TABLE:Group.P7"
 1) "cbs"
 2) "1024"
 3) "cir"
 4) "6600"
 5) "color"
 6) "aware"
 7) "meter_type"
 8) "packets"
 9) "mode"
10) "sr_tcm"
11) "pbs"
12) "1024"
13) "pir"
14) "4096"
15) "red_action"
16) "drop"
17) "trap_ids"
18) "lacp"
19) "trap_action"
20) "trap">

Note: The configuration will be created as json file to be consumed by swssconfig tool, which will place the table into the redis database. It's possible to create separate configuration files for different ASIC platforms.


Stores information about ACL tables on the switch. Port names are defined in port_config.ini.

key           = ACL_TABLE:name          ; acl_table_name must be unique
;field        = value
policy_desc   = 1*255VCHAR              ; name of the ACL policy table description
type          = "mirror"/"l3"           ; type of acl table, every type of
                                        ; table defines the match/action a
                                        ; specific set of match and actions.
ports         = [0-max_ports]*port_name ; the ports to which this ACL
                                        ; table is applied, can be emtry
                                        ; value annotations
port_name     = 1*64VCHAR               ; name of the port, must be unique
max_ports     = 1*5DIGIT                ; number of ports supported on the chip


Stores rules associated with a specific ACL table on the switch.

key: ACL_RULE_TABLE:table_name:rule_name   ; key of the rule entry in the table,
                                           ; seq is the order of the rules
                                           ; when the packet is filtered by the
                                           ; ACL "policy_name".
                                           ; A rule is always assocaited with a
                                           ; policy.

;field        = value
priority      = 1*3DIGIT                   ; rule priority. Valid values range
                                           ; could be platform dependent

packet_action = "forward"/"drop"/"redirect:"redirect_parameter
                                           ; an action when the fields are matched
                                           ; we have a parameter in case of packet_action="redirect"
                                           ; This parameter defines a destination for redirected packets
                                           ; it could be:
                                           : name of physical port.          Example: "Ethernet10"
                                           : name of LAG port                Example: "PortChannel5"
                                           : next-hop ip address             Example: ""
                                           : next-hop group set of addresses Example: ","

mirror_action = 1*255VCHAR                 ; refer to the mirror session

ether_type    = h16                        ; Ethernet type field

ip_type       = ip_types                   ; options of the l2_protocol_type
                                           ; field. Only v4 is support for
                                           ; this stage.

ip_protocol   = h8                         ; options of the l3_protocol_type field

src_ip        = ipv4_prefix                ; options of the source ipv4
                                           ; address (and mask) field

dst_ip        = ipv4_prefix                ; options of the destination ipv4
                                           ; address (and mask) field

l4_src_port   = port_num                   ; source L4 port or the
l4_dst_port   = port_num                   ; destination L4 port

l4_src_port_range = port_num_L-port_num_H  ; source ports range of L4 ports field
l4_dst_port_range = port_num_L-port_num_H  ; destination ports range of L4 ports field

tcp_flags     = h8/h8                      ; TCP flags field and mask
dscp          = h8                         ; DSCP field (only available for mirror
                                           ; table type)

;value annotations
ip_types = any | ip | ipv4 | ipv4any | non_ipv4 | ipv6any | non_ipv6
port_num      = 1*5DIGIT   ; a number between 0 and 65535
port_num_L    = 1*5DIGIT   ; a number between 0 and 65535,
                           ; port_num_L < port_num_H
port_num_H    = 1*5DIGIT   ; a number between 0 and 65535,
                           ; port_num_L < port_num_H
ipv6_prefix   =                 6( h16 ":" ) ls32
   /                       "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
   / [               h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
   / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
   / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
   / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"    h16 ":"   ls32
   / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              ls32
   / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              h16
   / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
h8          = 1*2HEXDIG
h16         = 1*4HEXDIG
ls32        = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
ipv4_prefix = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet “/” %d1-32
dec-octet   = DIGIT                     ; 0-9
                / %x31-39 DIGIT         ; 10-99
                / "1" 2DIGIT            ; 100-199
                / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT     ; 200-249


        "ACL_TABLE:Drop_IP": {
            "policy_desc" : "Drop_Traffic",
            "type" : "L3",
            "ports" : "Ethernet0,Ethernet4"
        "OP": "SET"
        "ACL_RULE_TABLE:Drop_IP:TheDrop": {
            "priority" : "55",
            "SRC_IP" : "",
            "DST_IP" : "",
            "L4_SRC_PORT" : "80",
            "PACKET_ACTION" : "DROP"
        "OP": "SET"

Equivalent RedisDB entry:> KEYS *ACL*
1) "ACL_TABLE:Drop_IP"
1) "policy_desc"
2) "Drop_Traffic"
3) "ports"
4) "Ethernet0,Ethernet4"
5) "type"
 1) "DST_IP"
 2) ""
 3) "L4_SRC_PORT"
 4) "80"
 6) "DROP"
 7) "SRC_IP"
 8) ""
 9) "priority"
10) "55">


Stores information about mirroring session and its properties.

key       = PORT_MIRROR_TABLE:mirror_session_name ; mirror_session_name is
                                                  ; unique session
                                                  ; identifier
; field   = value
status    = "active"/"inactive"   ; Session state.
src_ip    = ipv4_address          ; Session souce IP address
dst_ip    = ipv4_address          ; Session destination IP address
gre_type  = h16                   ; Session GRE protocol type
dscp      = h8                    ; Session DSCP
ttl       = h8                    ; Session TTL
queue     = h8                    ; Session output queue

;value annotations
mirror_session_name = 1*255VCHAR
h8                  = 1*2HEXDIG
h16                 = 1*4HEXDIG
ipv4_address        = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet “/” %d1-32
dec-octet           = DIGIT                     ; 0-9
                       / %x31-39 DIGIT         ; 10-99
                       / "1" 2DIGIT            ; 100-199
                       / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT     ; 200-249


        "MIRROR_SESSION_TABLE:session_1": {
            "src_ip": "",
            "dst_ip": "",
            "gre_type": "0x6558",
            "dscp": "50",
            "ttl": "64",
            "queue": "0"
        "OP": "SET"

Equivalent RedisDB entry:> KEYS *MIRROR*
 1) "src_ip"
 2) ""
 3) "dst_ip"
 4) "
 5) "gre_type"
 6) "0x6558"
 7) "dscp"
 8) "50"
 9) "ttl"
10) "64"
11) "queue"
12) "0">

Configuration files

What configuration files should we have? Do apps, orch agent each need separate files?

port_config.ini - defines physical port information

portsyncd reads from port_config.ini and updates PORT_TABLE in APP_DB

All other apps (intfsyncd) read from PORT_TABLE in APP_DB