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Installing and configuring the tpm2-pkcs11 library for TPM 2.0 TPMs

All TPM 2.0 TPMs can be accessed via PKCS#11 using the tpm2-pkcs11 library.

tpm2-pkcs11 depends on a few other tpm2-* libraries, some of which may exist in distro packages but may be outdated. Therefore it is recommended to compile all the libraries yourself. This document contains a script to compile the following libraries:

  • tpm2-abrmd v2.4.0
  • tpm2-pkcs11 v1.5.0
  • tpm2-tools v5.0
  • tpm2-tss v3.0.3

... which are the latest as of 2021-04-07.

Note that the version numbers of these tools don't follow any common numbering, so you need to be careful to use versions that are compatible with each other. See for a list of compatible versions. (However as of 2021-04-07 this page is out of date.)

The script must be run as a non-root user. Commands that need to run as root have already been prepended with sudo. Furthermore, the aziot-identity-service package must have already been installed, so that the aziotks Linux user used by the Keys Service has already been created.


set -euo pipefail

# Install build dependencies

sudo apt install \
    git \
    autoconf automake doxygen libtool \
    libcurl4-openssl-dev libdbus-1-dev libgcrypt-dev \
    libglib2.0-dev libjson-c-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev \
    python3-cryptography python3-pyasn1-modules python3-yaml \
    uuid-dev libyaml-dev

# Create base source directory

mkdir -p ~/src

# Define the version numbers
# Refs:
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -

declare -A checkouts


# Download `autoconf-2019.01.06` and extract it.
# There is a newer autoconfig-archive, but the tpm2-* autoconf files have
# hard-coded things for 2019_01_06

if ! [ -f ~/src/autoconf-archive-2019.01.06.tar.gz ]; then
    curl -L \
        -o ~/src/autoconf-archive-2019.01.06.tar.gz \
if ! [ -d ~/src/autoconf-archive-2019.01.06 ]; then
    (cd ~/src/ && tar xf ~/src/autoconf-archive-2019.01.06.tar.gz)

# Clone and bootstrap the repositories

for d in "${!checkouts[@]}"; do
        set -euo pipefail

        if ! [ -d ~/src/"$d" ]; then
            git clone "$d" ~/src/"$d"
        cd ~/src/"$d"

        git fetch --all --prune
        git clean -xffd
        git reset --hard
        git checkout "${checkouts["$d"]}"

        cp -R ~/src/autoconf-archive-2019.01.06/m4 .

        ./bootstrap -I m4
    ) & :

wait $(jobs -pr)

# Build `tpm2-tss`

    set -euo pipefail

    cd ~/src/tpm2-tss

    ./configure \
        --with-udevrulesdir=/etc/udev/rules.d \
    make "-j$(nproc)"
    sudo make install
    id -u tss || sudo useradd --system --user-group tss
    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
    sudo udevadm trigger
    sudo ldconfig

# Build `tpm2-abrmd`

    set -euo pipefail

    cd ~/src/tpm2-abrmd

    ./configure \
        --with-dbuspolicydir=/etc/dbus-1/system.d \
        --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system \
        --with-systemdpresetdir=/lib/systemd/system-preset \
    make "-j$(nproc)"
    sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig
    sudo pkill -HUP dbus-daemon
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl enable tpm2-abrmd.service
    sudo systemctl restart tpm2-abrmd.service

    # Verify that the service started and registered itself with dbus
    dbus-send \
        --system \
        --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus --type=method_call \
        --print-reply \
        /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames |
        (grep -q '' || :)

# Build `tpm2-tools`

    set -euo pipefail

    cd ~/src/tpm2-tools

    make "-j$(nproc)"
    sudo make install

# Build tpm2-pkcs11

    set -euo pipefail

    cd ~/src/tpm2-pkcs11

    # --enable-debug=!yes is needed to disable assert() in
    # CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED-returning unimplemented functions.
    ./configure \
        --enable-debug=info \
    make "-j$(nproc)"
    sudo make install

The library is now installed.

Base slot and config.toml

Create a new token and base slot with the following commands:

# A friendly name for the new token
TOKEN='Key pairs'
# The PKCS#11 user PIN for the new token
# The PKCS#11 SO PIN for the new token

sudo tpm2_clear

# tpm2_ptool requires Python 3 >= 3.7 and expects `python3`
# to be that version by default.
# If your distro has python3.7 or higher at a different path,
# like how Ubuntu 18.04 has `python3.7`, then set
# the `PYTHON_INTERPRETER` env var.
# export PYTHON_INTERPRETER=python3.7

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/aziot/keyd/.tpm2_pkcs11
    cd ~/src/tpm2-pkcs11/tools &&
    sudo -Hu aziotks ./tpm2_ptool init --primary-auth '1234' &&
    sudo -Hu aziotks ./tpm2_ptool addtoken \
        --sopin "$SO_PIN" --userpin "$PIN" \
        --label "$TOKEN" --pid '1'

echo "PKCS#11 base slot URI is pkcs11:token=${TOKEN}?pin-value=${PIN}"

In the /etc/aziot/config.toml, set the [aziot_keys] section as follows:

pkcs11_lib_path = "<path of the file>"
pkcs11_base_slot = "<the base slot URI printed by the last command above>"

For example:

pkcs11_lib_path = "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/pkcs11/"
pkcs11_base_slot = "pkcs11:token=Key pairs?pin-value=1234"


  1. When using the Infineon SLM9670 with a MikroElektronika Click Shield on a Raspberry Pi, connect the TPM to the right slot of the click shield and ensure /boot/config.txt contains:


    If you did it correctly, the kernel should recognize the TPM and create /dev/tpm0

    Do not connect the TPM to the left slot of the click shield. The tpm-slb9670 overlay uses the chip-enable pin that ends up being mapped to the right slot.