diff --git a/tools/github-event-processor/Azure.Sdk.Tools.GitHubEventProcessor.Tests/Static/IssueProcessingTests.cs b/tools/github-event-processor/Azure.Sdk.Tools.GitHubEventProcessor.Tests/Static/IssueProcessingTests.cs
index 5319127f7d2..c078fb3ed4b 100644
--- a/tools/github-event-processor/Azure.Sdk.Tools.GitHubEventProcessor.Tests/Static/IssueProcessingTests.cs
+++ b/tools/github-event-processor/Azure.Sdk.Tools.GitHubEventProcessor.Tests/Static/IssueProcessingTests.cs
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ public class IssueProcessingTests : ProcessingTestBase
/// Whether or not to expect a codeowners entry for the labels returned.
/// Whether or not the owner that created the issue is a member of Azure
/// Whether or not the owner that created the issue has write or admin
- [Ignore("Ignore until the InitialIssueTriage rule is re-enabled")]
[NonParallelizable] // All the tests use the same CODEOWNERS file
// Scenario: Everything turned off, nothing should process
diff --git a/tools/github-event-processor/Azure.Sdk.Tools.GitHubEventProcessor/EventProcessing/IssueProcessing.cs b/tools/github-event-processor/Azure.Sdk.Tools.GitHubEventProcessor/EventProcessing/IssueProcessing.cs
index 257f5900264..3d9d323554c 100644
--- a/tools/github-event-processor/Azure.Sdk.Tools.GitHubEventProcessor/EventProcessing/IssueProcessing.cs
+++ b/tools/github-event-processor/Azure.Sdk.Tools.GitHubEventProcessor/EventProcessing/IssueProcessing.cs
@@ -43,209 +43,45 @@ public static async Task ProcessIssueEvent(GitHubEventClient gitHubEventClient,
- // When the CODEOWNERS files are updated with the AzureSdkOwners, select everything in between the TODO-START and
- // TODO-END tags, in VS, and do a ctrl-k, ctrl-u to uncomment the function and delete the TODO comments. The
- // in the test project, in IssueProcessingTests.cs, remove the Ignore attribute that's TestInitialIssueTriage tests
- /////
- ///// Initial Issue Triage
- ///// Trigger: issue opened
- ///// Conditions: Issue has no labels
- ///// Issue has no assignee
- ///// Resulting Actions:
- ///// Query AI label service for label suggestions:
- ///// IF labels were predicted:
- ///// - Assign returned labels to the issue
- ///// IF service and category labels have AzureSdkOwners (in CODEOWNERS):
- ///// IF a single AzureSdkOwner:
- ///// - Assign the AzureSdkOwner issue
- ///// ELSE
- ///// - Assign a random AzureSdkOwner from the set to the issue
- ///// - Create the following comment, mentioning all AzureSdkOwners from the set
- ///// "@{person1} @{person2}...${personX}"
- ///// - Create the following comment
- ///// "Thank you for your feedback. Tagging and routing to the team member best able to assist."
- /////
- ///// # Note: No valid AzureSdkOwners means there were no CODEOWNERS entries for the ServiceLabel OR no
- ///// # CODEOWNERS entries for the ServiceLabel with AzureSdkOwners OR there is a CODEOWNERS entry with
- ///// # AzureSdkOwners but none of them have permissions to be assigned to an issue for the repository.
- ///// IF there are no valid AzureSdkOwners, but there are ServiceOwners, and the ServiceAttention rule is enabled
- ///// - Add "Service Attention" label to the issue and apply the logic from the "Service Attention" rule
- ///// ELSE
- ///// - Add "needs-team-triage" (at this point it owners cannot be determined for this issue)
- /////
- ///// IF "needs-team-triage" is not being added to the issue
- ///// - Add "needs-team-attention" label to the issue
- /////
- /////
- ///// Evaluate the user that created the issue:
- ///// IF the user is NOT a member of the Azure Org
- ///// IF the user does not have Admin or Write Collaborator permission
- ///// - Add "customer-reported" label
- ///// - Add "question" label
- /////
- ///// Authenticated GitHubEventClient
- ///// IssueEventGitHubPayload deserialized from the json event payload
- //public static async Task InitialIssueTriage(GitHubEventClient gitHubEventClient, IssueEventGitHubPayload issueEventPayload)
- //{
- // if (gitHubEventClient.RulesConfiguration.RuleEnabled(RulesConstants.InitialIssueTriage))
- // {
- // if (issueEventPayload.Action == ActionConstants.Opened)
- // {
- // // If there are no labels and no assignees
- // if ((issueEventPayload.Issue.Labels.Count == 0) && (issueEventPayload.Issue.Assignee == null))
- // {
- // List labelSuggestions = await gitHubEventClient.QueryAILabelService(issueEventPayload);
- // if (labelSuggestions.Count > 0)
- // {
- // // If labels were predicted, add them to the issue
- // foreach (string label in labelSuggestions)
- // {
- // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(label);
- // }
- // // needs-team-attention needs to be added if it can be determined who this issue actually
- // // belongs to.
- // bool addNeedsTeamAttention = true;
- // CodeownersEntry codeownersEntry = CodeOwnerUtils.GetCodeownersEntryForLabelList(labelSuggestions);
- // bool hasValidAssignee = false;
- // if (codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners.Count > 0)
- // {
- // // If there's only a single owner,
- // if (codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners.Count == 1)
- // {
- // if (await gitHubEventClient.OwnerCanBeAssignedToIssuesInRepo(
- // issueEventPayload.Repository.Owner.Login,
- // issueEventPayload.Repository.Name,
- // codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners[0]))
- // {
- // hasValidAssignee = true;
- // gitHubEventClient.AssignOwnerToIssue(
- // issueEventPayload.Repository.Owner.Login,
- // issueEventPayload.Repository.Name,
- // codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners[0]);
- // }
- // // Output something into the logs pointing out that AzureSdkOwners has a user that cannot
- // // be assigned to an issue
- // else
- // {
- // Console.WriteLine($"{codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners[0]} is the only owner in the AzureSdkOwners for service label(s), {string.Join(",", labelSuggestions)}, but cannot be assigned as an issue owner in this repository.");
- // }
- // }
- // // else there are multiple owners and a random one needs to be assigned
- // else
- // {
- // // Create a list of AzureSdkOwners that has been randomized. The reason
- // // the entire list is being randomed is because each person has to be
- // // checked to see if they can be assigned to an issue in the repository.
- // // and having the entire list being random simplifies processing if a given
- // // owner cannot be assigned.
- // var rnd = new Random();
- // var randomAzureSdkOwners = codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners.OrderBy(item => rnd.Next(0, codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners.Count));
- // foreach (string azureSdkOwner in randomAzureSdkOwners)
- // {
- // if (await gitHubEventClient.OwnerCanBeAssignedToIssuesInRepo(
- // issueEventPayload.Repository.Owner.Login,
- // issueEventPayload.Repository.Name,
- // azureSdkOwner))
- // {
- // hasValidAssignee = true;
- // gitHubEventClient.AssignOwnerToIssue(issueEventPayload.Repository.Owner.Login,
- // issueEventPayload.Repository.Name,
- // azureSdkOwner);
- // // As soon as there's a valid assignee, add the comment mentioning everyone
- // // in the AzureSdkOwners and exit. The @ mention is only necessary if there
- // // are multiple AzureSdkOwners.
- // string azureSdkOwnersAtMention = CodeOwnerUtils.CreateAtMentionForOwnerList(codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners);
- // gitHubEventClient.CreateComment(issueEventPayload.Repository.Id,
- // issueEventPayload.Issue.Number,
- // azureSdkOwnersAtMention);
- // break;
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // Console.WriteLine($"{azureSdkOwner} is an AzureSdkOwner for service labels {string.Join(",", labelSuggestions)} but cannot be assigned as an issue owner in this repository.");
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // // If the issue had a valid assignee add the comment
- // if (hasValidAssignee)
- // {
- // string issueComment = "Thank you for your feedback. Tagging and routing to the team member best able to assist.";
- // gitHubEventClient.CreateComment(issueEventPayload.Repository.Id,
- // issueEventPayload.Issue.Number,
- // issueComment);
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // // Output a message indicating every owner in the AzureSdkOwners, for the AI label suggestions. The lines immediately
- // // above this output will contain the messages for each user checked.
- // Console.WriteLine($"AzureSdkOwners for service labels {string.Join(",", labelSuggestions)} has no owners that can be assigned to issues in this repository.");
- // }
- // }
- // // If there's no valid AzureSdkOwner to assign the issue to (this means that there's either
- // // no AzureSdkOwners or none of them have permissions to be assigned to an issue)
- // if (!hasValidAssignee)
- // {
- // // Check to see if there are ServiceOwners and the ServiceAttention rule is turned on. If
- // // both are true then add the ServiceAttention label and run ServiceAttention processing
- // if (codeownersEntry.ServiceOwners.Count > 0
- // && gitHubEventClient.RulesConfiguration.RuleEnabled(RulesConstants.ServiceAttention,
- // false /* don't output log messages for this check*/))
- // {
- // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.ServiceAttention);
- // Common_ProcessServiceAttentionForLabels(gitHubEventClient,
- // issueEventPayload.Issue,
- // issueEventPayload.Repository.Id,
- // labelSuggestions);
- // }
- // // At this point, it cannot be determined who this issue belongs to. Add
- // // the needs-team-triage label instead of the needs-team-attention label
- // else
- // {
- // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.NeedsTeamTriage);
- // addNeedsTeamAttention = false;
- // }
- // }
- // // The needs-team-attention label is only added when it can be determined
- // // who this issue belongs to.
- // if (addNeedsTeamAttention)
- // {
- // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.NeedsTeamAttention);
- // }
- // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.NeedsTeamTriage);
- // }
- // // If there are no labels predicted add NeedsTriage to the issue
- // else
- // {
- // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.NeedsTriage);
- // }
- // // If the user is not a member of the Azure Org AND the user does not have write or admin collaborator permission.
- // // This piece is executed for every issue created that doesn't have labels or owners on it at the time of creation.
- // bool isMemberOfOrg = await gitHubEventClient.IsUserMemberOfOrg(OrgConstants.Azure, issueEventPayload.Issue.User.Login);
- // if (!isMemberOfOrg)
- // {
- // bool hasAdminOrWritePermission = await gitHubEventClient.DoesUserHaveAdminOrWritePermission(issueEventPayload.Repository.Id, issueEventPayload.Issue.User.Login);
- // if (!hasAdminOrWritePermission)
- // {
- // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.CustomerReported);
- // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.Question);
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // }
- //}
- // This is the IntitialIssueTriage as it exists today. It's the old rule that needs to be replaced by the commented out
- // function above.
+ ///
+ /// Initial Issue Triage
+ /// Trigger: issue opened
+ /// Conditions: Issue has no labels
+ /// Issue has no assignee
+ /// Resulting Actions:
+ /// Query AI label service for label suggestions:
+ /// IF labels were predicted:
+ /// - Assign returned labels to the issue
+ /// IF service and category labels have AzureSdkOwners (in CODEOWNERS):
+ /// IF a single AzureSdkOwner:
+ /// - Assign the AzureSdkOwner issue
+ /// ELSE
+ /// - Assign a random AzureSdkOwner from the set to the issue
+ /// - Create the following comment, mentioning all AzureSdkOwners from the set
+ /// "@{person1} @{person2}...${personX}"
+ /// - Create the following comment
+ /// "Thank you for your feedback. Tagging and routing to the team member best able to assist."
+ ///
+ /// # Note: No valid AzureSdkOwners means there were no CODEOWNERS entries for the ServiceLabel OR no
+ /// # CODEOWNERS entries for the ServiceLabel with AzureSdkOwners OR there is a CODEOWNERS entry with
+ /// # AzureSdkOwners but none of them have permissions to be assigned to an issue for the repository.
+ /// IF there are no valid AzureSdkOwners, but there are ServiceOwners, and the ServiceAttention rule is enabled
+ /// - Add "Service Attention" label to the issue and apply the logic from the "Service Attention" rule
+ /// ELSE
+ /// - Add "needs-team-triage" (at this point it owners cannot be determined for this issue)
+ ///
+ /// IF "needs-team-triage" is not being added to the issue
+ /// - Add "needs-team-attention" label to the issue
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Evaluate the user that created the issue:
+ /// IF the user is NOT a member of the Azure Org
+ /// IF the user does not have Admin or Write Collaborator permission
+ /// - Add "customer-reported" label
+ /// - Add "question" label
+ ///
+ /// Authenticated GitHubEventClient
+ /// IssueEventGitHubPayload deserialized from the json event payload
public static async Task InitialIssueTriage(GitHubEventClient gitHubEventClient, IssueEventGitHubPayload issueEventPayload)
if (gitHubEventClient.RulesConfiguration.RuleEnabled(RulesConstants.InitialIssueTriage))
@@ -264,6 +100,119 @@ public static async Task InitialIssueTriage(GitHubEventClient gitHubEventClient,
+ // needs-team-attention needs to be added if it can be determined who this issue actually
+ // belongs to.
+ bool addNeedsTeamAttention = true;
+ CodeownersEntry codeownersEntry = CodeOwnerUtils.GetCodeownersEntryForLabelList(labelSuggestions);
+ bool hasValidAssignee = false;
+ if (codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners.Count > 0)
+ {
+ // If there's only a single owner,
+ if (codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners.Count == 1)
+ {
+ if (await gitHubEventClient.OwnerCanBeAssignedToIssuesInRepo(
+ issueEventPayload.Repository.Owner.Login,
+ issueEventPayload.Repository.Name,
+ codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners[0]))
+ {
+ hasValidAssignee = true;
+ gitHubEventClient.AssignOwnerToIssue(
+ issueEventPayload.Repository.Owner.Login,
+ issueEventPayload.Repository.Name,
+ codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners[0]);
+ }
+ // Output something into the logs pointing out that AzureSdkOwners has a user that cannot
+ // be assigned to an issue
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"{codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners[0]} is the only owner in the AzureSdkOwners for service label(s), {string.Join(",", labelSuggestions)}, but cannot be assigned as an issue owner in this repository.");
+ }
+ }
+ // else there are multiple owners and a random one needs to be assigned
+ else
+ {
+ // Create a list of AzureSdkOwners that has been randomized. The reason
+ // the entire list is being randomed is because each person has to be
+ // checked to see if they can be assigned to an issue in the repository.
+ // and having the entire list being random simplifies processing if a given
+ // owner cannot be assigned.
+ var rnd = new Random();
+ var randomAzureSdkOwners = codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners.OrderBy(item => rnd.Next(0, codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners.Count));
+ foreach (string azureSdkOwner in randomAzureSdkOwners)
+ {
+ if (await gitHubEventClient.OwnerCanBeAssignedToIssuesInRepo(
+ issueEventPayload.Repository.Owner.Login,
+ issueEventPayload.Repository.Name,
+ azureSdkOwner))
+ {
+ hasValidAssignee = true;
+ gitHubEventClient.AssignOwnerToIssue(issueEventPayload.Repository.Owner.Login,
+ issueEventPayload.Repository.Name,
+ azureSdkOwner);
+ // As soon as there's a valid assignee, add the comment mentioning everyone
+ // in the AzureSdkOwners and exit. The @ mention is only necessary if there
+ // are multiple AzureSdkOwners.
+ string azureSdkOwnersAtMention = CodeOwnerUtils.CreateAtMentionForOwnerList(codeownersEntry.AzureSdkOwners);
+ gitHubEventClient.CreateComment(issueEventPayload.Repository.Id,
+ issueEventPayload.Issue.Number,
+ azureSdkOwnersAtMention);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine($"{azureSdkOwner} is an AzureSdkOwner for service labels {string.Join(",", labelSuggestions)} but cannot be assigned as an issue owner in this repository.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If the issue had a valid assignee add the comment
+ if (hasValidAssignee)
+ {
+ string issueComment = "Thank you for your feedback. Tagging and routing to the team member best able to assist.";
+ gitHubEventClient.CreateComment(issueEventPayload.Repository.Id,
+ issueEventPayload.Issue.Number,
+ issueComment);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Output a message indicating every owner in the AzureSdkOwners, for the AI label suggestions. The lines immediately
+ // above this output will contain the messages for each user checked.
+ Console.WriteLine($"AzureSdkOwners for service labels {string.Join(",", labelSuggestions)} has no owners that can be assigned to issues in this repository.");
+ }
+ }
+ // If there's no valid AzureSdkOwner to assign the issue to (this means that there's either
+ // no AzureSdkOwners or none of them have permissions to be assigned to an issue)
+ if (!hasValidAssignee)
+ {
+ // Check to see if there are ServiceOwners and the ServiceAttention rule is turned on. If
+ // both are true then add the ServiceAttention label and run ServiceAttention processing
+ if (codeownersEntry.ServiceOwners.Count > 0
+ && gitHubEventClient.RulesConfiguration.RuleEnabled(RulesConstants.ServiceAttention,
+ false /* don't output log messages for this check*/))
+ {
+ gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.ServiceAttention);
+ Common_ProcessServiceAttentionForLabels(gitHubEventClient,
+ issueEventPayload.Issue,
+ issueEventPayload.Repository.Id,
+ labelSuggestions);
+ }
+ // At this point, it cannot be determined who this issue belongs to. Add
+ // the needs-team-triage label instead of the needs-team-attention label
+ else
+ {
+ gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.NeedsTeamTriage);
+ addNeedsTeamAttention = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // The needs-team-attention label is only added when it can be determined
+ // who this issue belongs to.
+ if (addNeedsTeamAttention)
+ {
+ gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.NeedsTeamAttention);
+ }
@@ -290,6 +239,55 @@ public static async Task InitialIssueTriage(GitHubEventClient gitHubEventClient,
+ // TODO - Remove this when it's absolutely clear it's no longer needed. The only reason to keep this around, temporarily,
+ // is for "just in case" purposes.
+ //// This is the IntitialIssueTriage as it exists today. It's the old rule that needs to be replaced by the commented out
+ //// function above.
+ //public static async Task InitialIssueTriage(GitHubEventClient gitHubEventClient, IssueEventGitHubPayload issueEventPayload)
+ //{
+ // if (gitHubEventClient.RulesConfiguration.RuleEnabled(RulesConstants.InitialIssueTriage))
+ // {
+ // if (issueEventPayload.Action == ActionConstants.Opened)
+ // {
+ // // If there are no labels and no assignees
+ // if ((issueEventPayload.Issue.Labels.Count == 0) && (issueEventPayload.Issue.Assignee == null))
+ // {
+ // List labelSuggestions = await gitHubEventClient.QueryAILabelService(issueEventPayload);
+ // if (labelSuggestions.Count > 0)
+ // {
+ // // If labels were predicted, add them to the issue
+ // foreach (string label in labelSuggestions)
+ // {
+ // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(label);
+ // }
+ // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.NeedsTeamTriage);
+ // }
+ // // If there are no labels predicted add NeedsTriage to the issue
+ // else
+ // {
+ // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.NeedsTriage);
+ // }
+ // // If the user is not a member of the Azure Org AND the user does not have write or admin collaborator permission.
+ // // This piece is executed for every issue created that doesn't have labels or owners on it at the time of creation.
+ // bool isMemberOfOrg = await gitHubEventClient.IsUserMemberOfOrg(OrgConstants.Azure, issueEventPayload.Issue.User.Login);
+ // if (!isMemberOfOrg)
+ // {
+ // bool hasAdminOrWritePermission = await gitHubEventClient.DoesUserHaveAdminOrWritePermission(issueEventPayload.Repository.Id, issueEventPayload.Issue.User.Login);
+ // if (!hasAdminOrWritePermission)
+ // {
+ // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.CustomerReported);
+ // gitHubEventClient.AddLabel(TriageLabelConstants.Question);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ //}
/// Manual Issue Triage
/// Trigger: issue labeled