diff --git a/eng/dotnet-executable-entitlements.plist b/eng/dotnet-executable-entitlements.plist
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0fc6e5d3aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/dotnet-executable-entitlements.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ com.apple.security.cs.allow-dyld-environment-variables
+ com.apple.security.cs.allow-jit
+ com.apple.security.cs.debugger
+ com.apple.security.cs.disable-library-validation
+ com.apple.security.get-task-allow
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/azuresdkpartnerdrops-to-nugetfeed.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/azuresdkpartnerdrops-to-nugetfeed.yml
index 13f5835c3ab..c5c9a77c6fb 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/azuresdkpartnerdrops-to-nugetfeed.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/jobs/azuresdkpartnerdrops-to-nugetfeed.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ resources:
- repository: azure-sdk-build-tools
type: git
name: internal/azure-sdk-build-tools
- ref: refs/tags/azure-sdk-build-tools_20230112.1
+ ref: refs/tags/azure-sdk-build-tools_20230126.1
- name: BuildToolsRepoPath
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/scripts/assemble-dotnet-standalone-exe.ps1 b/eng/pipelines/templates/scripts/assemble-dotnet-standalone-exe.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0fbc91d9b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/scripts/assemble-dotnet-standalone-exe.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+Publishes a standalone dotnet executable to an artifact staging directory.
+Assembles a standalone executable and places it within the given staging directory. This script takes care of any additional minutae that is required to
+enable a usable binary down the line after signing or notarization.
+The target platform. Takes the form of "osx-x64", "win-arm64", "linux-x64", etc. A full list is available here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/rid-catalog
+.PARAMETER ArtifactStagingDirectory
+The root directory which will receive the compressed standalone executable.
+The targeted folder that should be built and assembled into a standalone executable.
+.PARAMETER Framework
+The targeted .NET framework. Defaults to "net6.0."
+ [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $Rid,
+ [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $Target,
+ [Parameter(mandatory=$true)]
+ [string] $ArtifactStagingDirectory,
+ [Parameter(mandatory=$false)]
+ [string] $Framework = "net6.0"
+# resolves to /win-x64
+$destinationArtifactFolder = Join-Path $ArtifactStagingDirectory $Rid
+# resolves to /win-x64/test-proxy-standalone-win-x64 (.zip or .tar.gz will be added as appropriate for platform)
+$destinationPathSegment = Join-Path $destinationArtifactFolder "$(Split-Path -Leaf "$Target")-standalone-$Rid"
+# resolves to tools/test-proxy/win-x64
+$outputPath = Join-Path $Target $Rid
+# ensure the destination artifact directory exists
+if (!(Test-Path $destinationArtifactFolder)){
+ New-Item -Force -Path $destinationArtifactFolder -ItemType directory
+Write-Host "dotnet publish -f $Framework -c Release -r $Rid -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained --output $outputPath $Target"
+dotnet publish -f $Framework -c Release -r $Rid -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained --output $outputPath $Target
+if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
+ Write-Error "dotnet publish failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE."
+# produce a tar.gz only for linux
+if ("$($Rid)".Contains("linux")){
+ # tar on powershell in linux has some weirdness. For instance, this is a proper call to tar when we don't want to include the relative path to the target folder
+ # tar -cvzf -C tools/test-proxy/linux-arm64 blah.tar.gz tools/test-proxy/linux-arm64
+ # however when we use this, we actually get an error. To avoid this, we simply CD into the target directory before tar-ing it.
+ Push-Location "$outputPath"
+ # The sum contents within this folder will be: `appSettings.json`, `test-proxy.pdb`, `test-proxy` (the binary), and a certificate.
+ # This statement grabs the first extensionless file within the produced binary folder, which will always be the binary we need to set the executable bit on.
+ $binaryFile = (Get-ChildItem -Path . | Where-Object { !([System.IO.Path]::HasExtension($_)) } | Select-Object -First 1).ToString().Replace("`\","/")
+ bash -c "chmod +x $binaryFile"
+ tar -cvzf "$($destinationPathSegment).tar.gz" .
+ Pop-Location
+ # need to codesign the binary with an entitlements file such that the signed and notarized binary will properly invoke on
+ # a mac system. However, the `codesign` command is only available on a MacOS agent. With that being the case, we simply special case
+ # this function here to ensure that the script does not fail outside of a MacOS agent.
+ if ($IsMacOS) {
+ $binaryFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $outputPath | Where-Object { !([System.IO.Path]::hasExtension($_)) } | Select-Object -First 1
+ $binaryFileBash = $binaryFile.ToString().Replace("`\","/")
+ $entitlements = (Resolve-Path -Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ".." ".." ".." "dotnet-executable-entitlements.plist")).ToString().Replace("`\", "/")
+ bash -c "codesign --deep -s - -f --options runtime --entitlements $($entitlements) $($binaryFileBash)"
+ bash -c "codesign -d --entitlements :- $($binaryFileBash)"
+ }
+ Compress-Archive -Path "$($outputPath)/*" -DestinationPath "$($destinationPathSegment).zip"
+else {
+ Compress-Archive -Path "$($outputPath)/*" -DestinationPath "$($destinationPathSegment).zip"
+# clean up the uncompressed artifact directory
+Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $outputPath
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/archetype-sdk-tool-dotnet.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/archetype-sdk-tool-dotnet.yml
index 77eb3019ec3..9ed79b98c2b 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/archetype-sdk-tool-dotnet.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/stages/archetype-sdk-tool-dotnet.yml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ resources:
- repository: azure-sdk-build-tools
type: git
name: internal/azure-sdk-build-tools
- ref: refs/tags/azure-sdk-build-tools_20230112.1
+ ref: refs/tags/azure-sdk-build-tools_20230126.1
- name: ToolDirectory
@@ -76,12 +76,6 @@ stages:
- - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/produce-net-standalone-packs.yml
- parameters:
- StagingDirectory: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
- BuildMatrix: ${{ parameters.StandaloneExeMatrix }}
- TargetDirectory: '${{ coalesce(parameters.PackageDirectory, parameters.ToolDirectory) }}'
# This step creates "$(packagesToPublishDir)" directory if it doesn't exist.
# This step is necessary since migration to net6.0. This is because since net6.0,
# in case the "Build and Package" above would not output any packages to this directory,
@@ -102,11 +96,33 @@ stages:
artifact: packages
condition: succeededOrFailed()
- - ${{ if gt(length(parameters.StandaloneExeMatrix), 0) }}:
- - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/binaries
- displayName: Publish executables to binaries artifact
- artifact: binaries
- condition: succeededOrFailed()
+ - job: Produce_Executables
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ linux:
+ imageName: 'ubuntu-22.04'
+ poolName: 'azsdk-pool-mms-ubuntu-2204-general'
+ artifactName: 'linux_windows'
+ mac:
+ imageName: 'macos-11'
+ poolName: 'Azure Pipelines'
+ artifactName: 'mac'
+ pool:
+ name: $(poolName)
+ vmImage: $(imageName)
+ steps:
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/install-dotnet.yml
+ parameters:
+ DotNetCoreVersion: ${{ parameters.DotNetCoreVersion }}
+ - template: /eng/pipelines/templates/steps/produce-net-standalone-packs.yml
+ parameters:
+ StagingDirectory: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
+ BuildMatrix: ${{ parameters.StandaloneExeMatrix }}
+ TargetDirectory: '${{ coalesce(parameters.PackageDirectory, parameters.ToolDirectory) }}'
- job: Test
diff --git a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/produce-net-standalone-packs.yml b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/produce-net-standalone-packs.yml
index cd6d21a49e9..82704b05a99 100644
--- a/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/produce-net-standalone-packs.yml
+++ b/eng/pipelines/templates/steps/produce-net-standalone-packs.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ parameters:
type: object
default: []
-# A `BuildMatrix` is merely a list of possible targeted platforms. .NET 6 can build for any target from any other target.
+# A `BuildMatrix` is merely a list of possible targeted platforms. .NET 6+ can build for any target from any other target.
# - rid: win-x64
# framework: net6.0
# - rid: linux-x64
@@ -17,48 +17,53 @@ parameters:
# framework: net6.0
- - pwsh: |
- New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/binaries" -Force
- Write-Host "Created directory ""$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/binaries"""
- displayName: Create .NET standalone packs destination directory
- ${{ each target in parameters.BuildMatrix }}:
- - pwsh: |
- $destinationPathSegment = "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/binaries/$((Split-Path -Leaf "${{ parameters.TargetDirectory }}"))-standalone-${{ target.rid }}"
- $sourcePath = "${{ parameters.TargetDirectory }}/${{ target.rid }}"
- Write-Host "dotnet publish -f ${{ target.framework }} -c Release -r ${{ target.rid }} --self-contained -p:PublishSingleFile=true --output ${{ parameters.TargetDirectory }}/${{ target.rid }}"
- dotnet publish -f ${{ target.framework }} -c Release -r ${{ target.rid }} --self-contained -p:PublishSingleFile=true --output ${{ parameters.TargetDirectory }}/${{ target.rid }}
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
- Write-Error "dotnet publish failed with exit code $LASTEXITCODE."
- }
- # produce a tar.gz only for linux
- if ("${{ target.rid }}".Contains("linux")){
- # tar on powershell in linux has some weirdness. For instance, this is a proper call to tar when we don't want to include the relative path to the target folder
- # tar -cvzf -C tools/test-proxy/linux-arm64 blah.tar.gz tools/test-proxy/linux-arm64
- # however when we use this, we actually get an error. To avoid this, we simply CD into the target directory before tar-ing it.
- Push-Location "$sourcePath"
- # The sum contents within this folder will be: `appSettings.json`, `test-proxy.pdb`, `test-proxy` (the binary), and a certificate.
- # This statement grabs the first extensionless file within the produced binary folder, which will always be the binary we need to set the executable bit on.
- $binaryFile = (Get-ChildItem -Path . | Where-Object { !([System.IO.Path]::HasExtension($_)) } | Select-Object -First 1).ToString().Replace("`\","/")
- bash -c "chmod +x $binaryFile"
- tar -cvzf "$($destinationPathSegment).tar.gz" .
- Pop-Location
- }
- else {
- Compress-Archive -Path "$($sourcePath)/*" -DestinationPath "$($destinationPathSegment).zip"
- }
+ # ensure that we only build the mac standalone executables on a mac agent, everything else on not mac
+ - ${{ if startsWith(target.rid, 'osx') }}:
+ - task: Powershell@2
+ inputs:
+ workingDirectory: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)"
+ filePath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/pipelines/templates/scripts/assemble-dotnet-standalone-exe.ps1
+ arguments: >
+ -Rid "${{ target.rid }}"
+ -Target "${{ parameters.TargetDirectory }}"
+ -ArtifactStagingDirectory "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)"
+ -Framework "${{ target.framework }}"
+ pwsh: true
+ displayName: 'Produce Executable for ${{ target.rid }}'
+ condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin'))
+ env:
- # clean up the uncompressed artifact directory
- Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $sourcePath
- displayName: 'Produce Executable for ${{ target.rid }}'
- workingDirectory: "${{ parameters.TargetDirectory }}"
- env:
+ - template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
+ parameters:
+ ArtifactName: "standalone-${{ target.rid }}"
+ ArtifactPath: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/${{ target.rid }}"
+ customCondition: eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin')
+ - ${{ if not(startswith(target.rid, 'osx')) }}:
+ - task: Powershell@2
+ inputs:
+ workingDirectory: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)"
+ filePath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/eng/pipelines/templates/scripts/assemble-dotnet-standalone-exe.ps1
+ arguments: >
+ -Rid "${{ target.rid }}"
+ -Target "${{ parameters.TargetDirectory }}"
+ -ArtifactStagingDirectory "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)"
+ -Framework "${{ target.framework }}"
+ pwsh: true
+ displayName: 'Produce Executable for ${{ target.rid }}'
+ condition: and(succeeded(), not(eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin')))
+ env:
+ - template: /eng/common/pipelines/templates/steps/publish-artifact.yml
+ parameters:
+ ArtifactName: "standalone-${{ target.rid }}"
+ ArtifactPath: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/${{ target.rid }}"
+ CustomCondition: not(eq(variables['Agent.OS'], 'Darwin'))
diff --git a/src/dotnet/Mgmt.CI.BuildTools/ci.yml b/src/dotnet/Mgmt.CI.BuildTools/ci.yml
index 3baae32b989..29135e1f148 100644
--- a/src/dotnet/Mgmt.CI.BuildTools/ci.yml
+++ b/src/dotnet/Mgmt.CI.BuildTools/ci.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ resources:
- repository: azure-sdk-build-tools
type: git
name: internal/azure-sdk-build-tools
- ref: refs/tags/azure-sdk-build-tools_20230112.1
+ ref: refs/tags/azure-sdk-build-tools_20230126.1
- template: /eng/pipelines/templates/variables/globals.yml