From 51e1c30227df049886f459003abaed13e5d656d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Azure SDK for Python bot <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 17:43:17 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Generated from 81a06322490faf8ae51e7c984cbf7e7c6f5dad96

Fix JavaScript configuration for ARM Private DNS SDK
 .../generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns.rb        |   51 +
 .../models/aaaa_record.rb                     |   44 +
 .../azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/arecord.rb   |   44 +
 .../models/cname_record.rb                    |   44 +
 .../azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/mx_record.rb |   54 +
 .../models/private_zone.rb                    |  181 +++
 .../models/private_zone_list_result.rb        |   95 ++
 .../models/provisioning_state.rb              |   20 +
 .../models/proxy_resource.rb                  |   58 +
 .../models/ptr_record.rb                      |   44 +
 .../models/record_set.rb                      |  251 ++++
 .../models/record_set_list_result.rb          |   96 ++
 .../models/record_type.rb                     |   22 +
 .../azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/resource.rb  |   70 ++
 .../models/soa_record.rb                      |  106 ++
 .../models/srv_record.rb                      |   74 ++
 .../models/sub_resource.rb                    |   44 +
 .../models/tracked_resource.rb                |   85 ++
 .../models/txt_record.rb                      |   51 +
 .../models/virtual_network_link.rb            |  139 +++
 .../virtual_network_link_list_result.rb       |   97 ++
 .../models/virtual_network_link_state.rb      |   16 +
 .../module_definition.rb                      |    9 +
 .../private_dns_management_client.rb          |  139 +++
 .../azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_zones.rb    | 1047 +++++++++++++++++
 .../azure_mgmt_privatedns/record_sets.rb      | 1019 ++++++++++++++++
 .../azure_mgmt_privatedns/version.rb          |    8 +
 .../virtual_network_links.rb                  |  906 ++++++++++++++
 28 files changed, 4814 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/aaaa_record.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/arecord.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/cname_record.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/mx_record.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone_list_result.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/provisioning_state.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/proxy_resource.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/ptr_record.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set_list_result.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_type.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/resource.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/soa_record.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/srv_record.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/sub_resource.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/tracked_resource.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/txt_record.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_list_result.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_state.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/module_definition.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_dns_management_client.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_zones.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/record_sets.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/version.rb
 create mode 100644 management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/virtual_network_links.rb

diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81582ed108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+require 'uri'
+require 'cgi'
+require 'date'
+require 'json'
+require 'base64'
+require 'erb'
+require 'securerandom'
+require 'time'
+require 'timeliness'
+require 'faraday'
+require 'faraday-cookie_jar'
+require 'concurrent'
+require 'ms_rest'
+require '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/module_definition'
+require 'ms_rest_azure'
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  autoload :PrivateZones,                                       '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_zones.rb'
+  autoload :VirtualNetworkLinks,                                '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/virtual_network_links.rb'
+  autoload :RecordSets,                                         '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/record_sets.rb'
+  autoload :PrivateDnsManagementClient,                         '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_dns_management_client.rb'
+  module Models
+    autoload :PtrRecord,                                          '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/ptr_record.rb'
+    autoload :SoaRecord,                                          '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/soa_record.rb'
+    autoload :PrivateZoneListResult,                              '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone_list_result.rb'
+    autoload :SrvRecord,                                          '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/srv_record.rb'
+    autoload :SubResource,                                        '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/sub_resource.rb'
+    autoload :VirtualNetworkLinkListResult,                       '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_list_result.rb'
+    autoload :AaaaRecord,                                         '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/aaaa_record.rb'
+    autoload :TxtRecord,                                          '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/txt_record.rb'
+    autoload :MxRecord,                                           '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/mx_record.rb'
+    autoload :ARecord,                                            '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/arecord.rb'
+    autoload :RecordSetListResult,                                '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set_list_result.rb'
+    autoload :CnameRecord,                                        '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/cname_record.rb'
+    autoload :Resource,                                           '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/resource.rb'
+    autoload :TrackedResource,                                    '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/tracked_resource.rb'
+    autoload :PrivateZone,                                        '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone.rb'
+    autoload :VirtualNetworkLink,                                 '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link.rb'
+    autoload :ProxyResource,                                      '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/proxy_resource.rb'
+    autoload :RecordSet,                                          '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set.rb'
+    autoload :ProvisioningState,                                  '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/provisioning_state.rb'
+    autoload :VirtualNetworkLinkState,                            '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_state.rb'
+    autoload :RecordType,                                         '2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_type.rb'
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/aaaa_record.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/aaaa_record.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0c87a1d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/aaaa_record.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # An AAAA record.
+    #
+    class AaaaRecord
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] The IPv6 address of this AAAA record.
+      attr_accessor :ipv6address
+      #
+      # Mapper for AaaaRecord class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'AaaaRecord',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'AaaaRecord',
+            model_properties: {
+              ipv6address: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'ipv6Address',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/arecord.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/arecord.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a37ea69c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/arecord.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # An A record.
+    #
+    class ARecord
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] The IPv4 address of this A record.
+      attr_accessor :ipv4address
+      #
+      # Mapper for ARecord class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'ARecord',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'ARecord',
+            model_properties: {
+              ipv4address: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'ipv4Address',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/cname_record.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/cname_record.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6100779da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/cname_record.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # A CNAME record.
+    #
+    class CnameRecord
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] The canonical name for this CNAME record.
+      attr_accessor :cname
+      #
+      # Mapper for CnameRecord class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'CnameRecord',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'CnameRecord',
+            model_properties: {
+              cname: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'cname',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/mx_record.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/mx_record.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf3225db48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/mx_record.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # An MX record.
+    #
+    class MxRecord
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [Integer] The preference value for this MX record.
+      attr_accessor :preference
+      # @return [String] The domain name of the mail host for this MX record.
+      attr_accessor :exchange
+      #
+      # Mapper for MxRecord class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'MxRecord',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'MxRecord',
+            model_properties: {
+              preference: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'preference',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              exchange: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'exchange',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..726cb2acde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # Describes a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    class PrivateZone < TrackedResource
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] The ETag of the zone.
+      attr_accessor :etag
+      # @return [Integer] The maximum number of record sets that can be created
+      # in this Private DNS zone. This is a read-only property and any attempt
+      # to set this value will be ignored.
+      attr_accessor :max_number_of_record_sets
+      # @return [Integer] The current number of record sets in this Private DNS
+      # zone. This is a read-only property and any attempt to set this value
+      # will be ignored.
+      attr_accessor :number_of_record_sets
+      # @return [Integer] The maximum number of virtual networks that can be
+      # linked to this Private DNS zone. This is a read-only property and any
+      # attempt to set this value will be ignored.
+      attr_accessor :max_number_of_virtual_network_links
+      # @return [Integer] The current number of virtual networks that are
+      # linked to this Private DNS zone. This is a read-only property and any
+      # attempt to set this value will be ignored.
+      attr_accessor :number_of_virtual_network_links
+      # @return [Integer] The maximum number of virtual networks that can be
+      # linked to this Private DNS zone with registration enabled. This is a
+      # read-only property and any attempt to set this value will be ignored.
+      attr_accessor :max_number_of_virtual_network_links_with_registration
+      # @return [Integer] The current number of virtual networks that are
+      # linked to this Private DNS zone with registration enabled. This is a
+      # read-only property and any attempt to set this value will be ignored.
+      attr_accessor :number_of_virtual_network_links_with_registration
+      # @return [ProvisioningState] The provisioning state of the resource.
+      # This is a read-only property and any attempt to set this value will be
+      # ignored. Possible values include: 'Creating', 'Updating', 'Deleting',
+      # 'Succeeded', 'Failed', 'Canceled'
+      attr_accessor :provisioning_state
+      #
+      # Mapper for PrivateZone class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'PrivateZone',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'PrivateZone',
+            model_properties: {
+              id: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'id',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              name: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'name',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              type: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'type',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              tags: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'tags',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Dictionary',
+                  value: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'StringElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'String'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              location: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'location',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              etag: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'etag',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              max_number_of_record_sets: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.maxNumberOfRecordSets',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              number_of_record_sets: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.numberOfRecordSets',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              max_number_of_virtual_network_links: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.maxNumberOfVirtualNetworkLinks',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              number_of_virtual_network_links: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.numberOfVirtualNetworkLinks',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              max_number_of_virtual_network_links_with_registration: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.maxNumberOfVirtualNetworkLinksWithRegistration',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              number_of_virtual_network_links_with_registration: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.numberOfVirtualNetworkLinksWithRegistration',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              provisioning_state: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.provisioningState',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone_list_result.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone_list_result.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d096f8f2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/private_zone_list_result.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # The response to a Private DNS zone list operation.
+    #
+    class PrivateZoneListResult
+      include MsRestAzure
+      include MsRest::JSONable
+      # @return [Array<PrivateZone>] Information about the Private DNS zones.
+      attr_accessor :value
+      # @return [String] The continuation token for the next page of results.
+      attr_accessor :next_link
+      # return [Proc] with next page method call.
+      attr_accessor :next_method
+      #
+      # Gets the rest of the items for the request, enabling auto-pagination.
+      #
+      # @return [Array<PrivateZone>] operation results.
+      #
+      def get_all_items
+        items = @value
+        page = self
+        while page.next_link != nil do
+          page = page.get_next_page
+          items.concat(page.value)
+        end
+        items
+      end
+      #
+      # Gets the next page of results.
+      #
+      # @return [PrivateZoneListResult] with next page content.
+      #
+      def get_next_page
+        response =! unless @next_method.nil?
+        unless response.nil?
+          @next_link = response.body.next_link
+          @value = response.body.value
+          self
+        end
+      end
+      #
+      # Mapper for PrivateZoneListResult class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'PrivateZoneListResult',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'PrivateZoneListResult',
+            model_properties: {
+              value: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'value',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'PrivateZoneElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'Composite',
+                        class_name: 'PrivateZone'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              next_link: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'nextLink',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/provisioning_state.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/provisioning_state.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12bf24e91f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/provisioning_state.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # Defines values for ProvisioningState
+    #
+    module ProvisioningState
+      Creating = "Creating"
+      Updating = "Updating"
+      Deleting = "Deleting"
+      Succeeded = "Succeeded"
+      Failed = "Failed"
+      Canceled = "Canceled"
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/proxy_resource.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/proxy_resource.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca5b476415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/proxy_resource.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # The resource model definition for an ARM proxy resource.
+    #
+    class ProxyResource < Resource
+      include MsRestAzure
+      #
+      # Mapper for ProxyResource class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'ProxyResource',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'ProxyResource',
+            model_properties: {
+              id: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'id',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              name: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'name',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              type: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'type',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/ptr_record.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/ptr_record.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c51d9d8ffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/ptr_record.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # A PTR record.
+    #
+    class PtrRecord
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] The PTR target domain name for this PTR record.
+      attr_accessor :ptrdname
+      #
+      # Mapper for PtrRecord class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'PtrRecord',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'PtrRecord',
+            model_properties: {
+              ptrdname: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'ptrdname',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..070ba8ae4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # Describes a DNS record set (a collection of DNS records with the same
+    # name and type) in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    class RecordSet < ProxyResource
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] The ETag of the record set.
+      attr_accessor :etag
+      # @return [Hash{String => String}] The metadata attached to the record
+      # set.
+      attr_accessor :metadata
+      # @return [Integer] The TTL (time-to-live) of the records in the record
+      # set.
+      attr_accessor :ttl
+      # @return [String] Fully qualified domain name of the record set.
+      attr_accessor :fqdn
+      # @return [Boolean] Is the record set auto-registered in the Private DNS
+      # zone through a virtual network link?
+      attr_accessor :is_auto_registered
+      # @return [Array<ARecord>] The list of A records in the record set.
+      attr_accessor :a_records
+      # @return [Array<AaaaRecord>] The list of AAAA records in the record set.
+      attr_accessor :aaaa_records
+      # @return [CnameRecord] The CNAME record in the record set.
+      attr_accessor :cname_record
+      # @return [Array<MxRecord>] The list of MX records in the record set.
+      attr_accessor :mx_records
+      # @return [Array<PtrRecord>] The list of PTR records in the record set.
+      attr_accessor :ptr_records
+      # @return [SoaRecord] The SOA record in the record set.
+      attr_accessor :soa_record
+      # @return [Array<SrvRecord>] The list of SRV records in the record set.
+      attr_accessor :srv_records
+      # @return [Array<TxtRecord>] The list of TXT records in the record set.
+      attr_accessor :txt_records
+      #
+      # Mapper for RecordSet class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'RecordSet',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'RecordSet',
+            model_properties: {
+              id: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'id',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              name: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'name',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              type: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'type',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              etag: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'etag',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              metadata: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.metadata',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Dictionary',
+                  value: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'StringElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'String'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              ttl: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.ttl',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              fqdn: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.fqdn',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              is_auto_registered: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.isAutoRegistered',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Boolean'
+                }
+              },
+              a_records: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.aRecords',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'ARecordElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'Composite',
+                        class_name: 'ARecord'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              aaaa_records: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.aaaaRecords',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'AaaaRecordElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'Composite',
+                        class_name: 'AaaaRecord'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              cname_record: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.cnameRecord',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Composite',
+                  class_name: 'CnameRecord'
+                }
+              },
+              mx_records: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.mxRecords',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'MxRecordElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'Composite',
+                        class_name: 'MxRecord'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              ptr_records: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.ptrRecords',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'PtrRecordElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'Composite',
+                        class_name: 'PtrRecord'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              soa_record: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.soaRecord',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Composite',
+                  class_name: 'SoaRecord'
+                }
+              },
+              srv_records: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.srvRecords',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'SrvRecordElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'Composite',
+                        class_name: 'SrvRecord'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              txt_records: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.txtRecords',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'TxtRecordElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'Composite',
+                        class_name: 'TxtRecord'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set_list_result.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set_list_result.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b91dfad29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_set_list_result.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # The response to a record set list operation.
+    #
+    class RecordSetListResult
+      include MsRestAzure
+      include MsRest::JSONable
+      # @return [Array<RecordSet>] Information about the record sets in the
+      # response.
+      attr_accessor :value
+      # @return [String] The continuation token for the next page of results.
+      attr_accessor :next_link
+      # return [Proc] with next page method call.
+      attr_accessor :next_method
+      #
+      # Gets the rest of the items for the request, enabling auto-pagination.
+      #
+      # @return [Array<RecordSet>] operation results.
+      #
+      def get_all_items
+        items = @value
+        page = self
+        while page.next_link != nil do
+          page = page.get_next_page
+          items.concat(page.value)
+        end
+        items
+      end
+      #
+      # Gets the next page of results.
+      #
+      # @return [RecordSetListResult] with next page content.
+      #
+      def get_next_page
+        response =! unless @next_method.nil?
+        unless response.nil?
+          @next_link = response.body.next_link
+          @value = response.body.value
+          self
+        end
+      end
+      #
+      # Mapper for RecordSetListResult class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'RecordSetListResult',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'RecordSetListResult',
+            model_properties: {
+              value: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'value',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'RecordSetElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'Composite',
+                        class_name: 'RecordSet'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              next_link: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'nextLink',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_type.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_type.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35b78e2c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/record_type.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # Defines values for RecordType
+    #
+    module RecordType
+      A = "A"
+      AAAA = "AAAA"
+      CNAME = "CNAME"
+      MX = "MX"
+      PTR = "PTR"
+      SOA = "SOA"
+      SRV = "SRV"
+      TXT = "TXT"
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/resource.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/resource.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7832323270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/resource.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # The core properties of ARM resources
+    #
+    class Resource
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] Fully qualified resource Id for the resource. Example
+      # -
+      # '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateDnsZoneName}'.
+      attr_accessor :id
+      # @return [String] The name of the resource
+      attr_accessor :name
+      # @return [String] The type of the resource. Example -
+      # 'Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones'.
+      attr_accessor :type
+      #
+      # Mapper for Resource class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'Resource',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'Resource',
+            model_properties: {
+              id: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'id',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              name: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'name',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              type: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'type',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/soa_record.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/soa_record.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..032d528e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/soa_record.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # An SOA record.
+    #
+    class SoaRecord
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] The domain name of the authoritative name server for
+      # this SOA record.
+      attr_accessor :host
+      # @return [String] The email contact for this SOA record.
+      attr_accessor :email
+      # @return [Integer] The serial number for this SOA record.
+      attr_accessor :serial_number
+      # @return [Integer] The refresh value for this SOA record.
+      attr_accessor :refresh_time
+      # @return [Integer] The retry time for this SOA record.
+      attr_accessor :retry_time
+      # @return [Integer] The expire time for this SOA record.
+      attr_accessor :expire_time
+      # @return [Integer] The minimum value for this SOA record. By convention
+      # this is used to determine the negative caching duration.
+      attr_accessor :minimum_ttl
+      #
+      # Mapper for SoaRecord class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'SoaRecord',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'SoaRecord',
+            model_properties: {
+              host: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'host',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              email: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'email',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              serial_number: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'serialNumber',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              refresh_time: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'refreshTime',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              retry_time: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'retryTime',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              expire_time: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'expireTime',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              minimum_ttl: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'minimumTtl',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/srv_record.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/srv_record.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50c58120fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/srv_record.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # An SRV record.
+    #
+    class SrvRecord
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [Integer] The priority value for this SRV record.
+      attr_accessor :priority
+      # @return [Integer] The weight value for this SRV record.
+      attr_accessor :weight
+      # @return [Integer] The port value for this SRV record.
+      attr_accessor :port
+      # @return [String] The target domain name for this SRV record.
+      attr_accessor :target
+      #
+      # Mapper for SrvRecord class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'SrvRecord',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'SrvRecord',
+            model_properties: {
+              priority: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'priority',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              weight: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'weight',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              port: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'port',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Number'
+                }
+              },
+              target: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'target',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/sub_resource.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/sub_resource.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e20614d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/sub_resource.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # Reference to another subresource.
+    #
+    class SubResource
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] Resource ID.
+      attr_accessor :id
+      #
+      # Mapper for SubResource class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'SubResource',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'SubResource',
+            model_properties: {
+              id: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'id',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/tracked_resource.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/tracked_resource.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58fb679b2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/tracked_resource.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # The resource model definition for a ARM tracked top level resource
+    #
+    class TrackedResource < Resource
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [Hash{String => String}] Resource tags.
+      attr_accessor :tags
+      # @return [String] The Azure Region where the resource lives
+      attr_accessor :location
+      #
+      # Mapper for TrackedResource class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'TrackedResource',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'TrackedResource',
+            model_properties: {
+              id: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'id',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              name: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'name',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              type: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'type',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              tags: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'tags',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Dictionary',
+                  value: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'StringElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'String'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              location: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'location',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/txt_record.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/txt_record.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c545bcb6c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/txt_record.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # A TXT record.
+    #
+    class TxtRecord
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [Array<String>] The text value of this TXT record.
+      attr_accessor :value
+      #
+      # Mapper for TxtRecord class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'TxtRecord',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'TxtRecord',
+            model_properties: {
+              value: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'value',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'StringElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'String'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fce498d981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # Describes a link to virtual network for a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    class VirtualNetworkLink < TrackedResource
+      include MsRestAzure
+      # @return [String] The ETag of the virtual network link.
+      attr_accessor :etag
+      # @return [SubResource] The reference of the virtual network.
+      attr_accessor :virtual_network
+      # @return [Boolean] Is auto-registration of virtual machine records in
+      # the virtual network in the Private DNS zone enabled?
+      attr_accessor :registration_enabled
+      # @return [VirtualNetworkLinkState] The status of the virtual network
+      # link to the Private DNS zone. Possible values are 'InProgress' and
+      # 'Done'. This is a read-only property and any attempt to set this value
+      # will be ignored. Possible values include: 'InProgress', 'Completed'
+      attr_accessor :virtual_network_link_state
+      # @return [ProvisioningState] The provisioning state of the resource.
+      # This is a read-only property and any attempt to set this value will be
+      # ignored. Possible values include: 'Creating', 'Updating', 'Deleting',
+      # 'Succeeded', 'Failed', 'Canceled'
+      attr_accessor :provisioning_state
+      #
+      # Mapper for VirtualNetworkLink class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'VirtualNetworkLink',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'VirtualNetworkLink',
+            model_properties: {
+              id: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'id',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              name: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'name',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              type: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'type',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              tags: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'tags',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Dictionary',
+                  value: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'StringElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'String'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              location: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'location',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              etag: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'etag',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              virtual_network: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.virtualNetwork',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Composite',
+                  class_name: 'SubResource'
+                }
+              },
+              registration_enabled: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.registrationEnabled',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Boolean'
+                }
+              },
+              virtual_network_link_state: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.virtualNetworkLinkState',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              },
+              provisioning_state: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'properties.provisioningState',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_list_result.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_list_result.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6193c5ace7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_list_result.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # The response to a list virtual network link to Private DNS zone
+    # operation.
+    #
+    class VirtualNetworkLinkListResult
+      include MsRestAzure
+      include MsRest::JSONable
+      # @return [Array<VirtualNetworkLink>] Information about the virtual
+      # network links to the Private DNS zones.
+      attr_accessor :value
+      # @return [String] The continuation token for the next page of results.
+      attr_accessor :next_link
+      # return [Proc] with next page method call.
+      attr_accessor :next_method
+      #
+      # Gets the rest of the items for the request, enabling auto-pagination.
+      #
+      # @return [Array<VirtualNetworkLink>] operation results.
+      #
+      def get_all_items
+        items = @value
+        page = self
+        while page.next_link != nil do
+          page = page.get_next_page
+          items.concat(page.value)
+        end
+        items
+      end
+      #
+      # Gets the next page of results.
+      #
+      # @return [VirtualNetworkLinkListResult] with next page content.
+      #
+      def get_next_page
+        response =! unless @next_method.nil?
+        unless response.nil?
+          @next_link = response.body.next_link
+          @value = response.body.value
+          self
+        end
+      end
+      #
+      # Mapper for VirtualNetworkLinkListResult class as Ruby Hash.
+      # This will be used for serialization/deserialization.
+      #
+      def self.mapper()
+        {
+          required: false,
+          serialized_name: 'VirtualNetworkLinkListResult',
+          type: {
+            name: 'Composite',
+            class_name: 'VirtualNetworkLinkListResult',
+            model_properties: {
+              value: {
+                required: false,
+                serialized_name: 'value',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'Sequence',
+                  element: {
+                      required: false,
+                      serialized_name: 'VirtualNetworkLinkElementType',
+                      type: {
+                        name: 'Composite',
+                        class_name: 'VirtualNetworkLink'
+                      }
+                  }
+                }
+              },
+              next_link: {
+                required: false,
+                read_only: true,
+                serialized_name: 'nextLink',
+                type: {
+                  name: 'String'
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_state.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_state.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6ad1aae807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/models/virtual_network_link_state.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  module Models
+    #
+    # Defines values for VirtualNetworkLinkState
+    #
+    module VirtualNetworkLinkState
+      InProgress = "InProgress"
+      Completed = "Completed"
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/module_definition.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/module_definition.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd107d06e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/module_definition.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure end
+module Azure::PrivateDns end
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt end
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01 end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_dns_management_client.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_dns_management_client.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1259d3d7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_dns_management_client.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  #
+  # A service client - single point of access to the REST API.
+  #
+  class PrivateDnsManagementClient < MsRestAzure::AzureServiceClient
+    include MsRestAzure
+    include MsRestAzure::Serialization
+    # @return [String] the base URI of the service.
+    attr_accessor :base_url
+    # @return Credentials needed for the client to connect to Azure.
+    attr_reader :credentials
+    # @return [String] Gets subscription credentials which uniquely identify
+    # Microsoft Azure subscription. The subscription ID forms part of the URI
+    # for every service call.
+    attr_accessor :subscription_id
+    # @return [String] Client Api Version.
+    attr_reader :api_version
+    # @return [String] Gets or sets the preferred language for the response.
+    attr_accessor :accept_language
+    # @return [Integer] Gets or sets the retry timeout in seconds for Long
+    # Running Operations. Default value is 30.
+    attr_accessor :long_running_operation_retry_timeout
+    # @return [Boolean] When set to true a unique x-ms-client-request-id value
+    # is generated and included in each request. Default is true.
+    attr_accessor :generate_client_request_id
+    # @return [PrivateZones] private_zones
+    attr_reader :private_zones
+    # @return [VirtualNetworkLinks] virtual_network_links
+    attr_reader :virtual_network_links
+    # @return [RecordSets] record_sets
+    attr_reader :record_sets
+    #
+    # Creates initializes a new instance of the PrivateDnsManagementClient class.
+    # @param credentials [MsRest::ServiceClientCredentials] credentials to authorize HTTP requests made by the service client.
+    # @param base_url [String] the base URI of the service.
+    # @param options [Array] filters to be applied to the HTTP requests.
+    #
+    def initialize(credentials = nil, base_url = nil, options = nil)
+      super(credentials, options)
+      @base_url = base_url || ''
+      fail ArgumentError, 'invalid type of credentials input parameter' unless credentials.is_a?(MsRest::ServiceClientCredentials) unless credentials.nil?
+      @credentials = credentials
+      @private_zones =
+      @virtual_network_links =
+      @record_sets =
+      @api_version = '2018-09-01'
+      @accept_language = 'en-US'
+      @long_running_operation_retry_timeout = 30
+      @generate_client_request_id = true
+      add_telemetry
+    end
+    #
+    # Makes a request and returns the body of the response.
+    # @param method [Symbol] with any of the following values :get, :put, :post, :patch, :delete.
+    # @param path [String] the path, relative to {base_url}.
+    # @param options [Hash{String=>String}] specifying any request options like :body.
+    # @return [Hash{String=>String}] containing the body of the response.
+    # Example:
+    #
+    #  request_content = "{'location':'westus','tags':{'tag1':'val1','tag2':'val2'}}"
+    #  path = "/path"
+    #  options = {
+    #    body: request_content,
+    #    query_params: {'api-version' => '2016-02-01'}
+    #  }
+    #  result = @client.make_request(:put, path, options)
+    #
+    def make_request(method, path, options = {})
+      result = make_request_with_http_info(method, path, options)
+      result.body unless result.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Makes a request and returns the operation response.
+    # @param method [Symbol] with any of the following values :get, :put, :post, :patch, :delete.
+    # @param path [String] the path, relative to {base_url}.
+    # @param options [Hash{String=>String}] specifying any request options like :body.
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] Operation response containing the request, response and status.
+    #
+    def make_request_with_http_info(method, path, options = {})
+      result = make_request_async(method, path, options).value!
+      result.body = result.response.body.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(result.response.body)
+      result
+    end
+    #
+    # Makes a request asynchronously.
+    # @param method [Symbol] with any of the following values :get, :put, :post, :patch, :delete.
+    # @param path [String] the path, relative to {base_url}.
+    # @param options [Hash{String=>String}] specifying any request options like :body.
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def make_request_async(method, path, options = {})
+      fail ArgumentError, 'method is nil' if method.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'path is nil' if path.nil?
+      request_url = options[:base_url] || @base_url
+      request_headers = @request_headers
+      request_headers.merge!({'accept-language' => @accept_language}) unless @accept_language.nil?
+      options.merge!({headers: request_headers.merge(options[:headers] || {})})
+      options.merge!({credentials: @credentials}) unless @credentials.nil?
+      super(request_url, method, path, options)
+    end
+    private
+    #
+    # Adds telemetry information.
+    #
+    def add_telemetry
+        sdk_information = 'azure_mgmt_privatedns'
+        if defined? Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::VERSION
+          sdk_information = "#{sdk_information}/#{Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::VERSION}"
+        end
+        add_user_agent_information(sdk_information)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_zones.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_zones.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3f2695470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/private_zones.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  #
+  # The Private DNS Management Client.
+  #
+  class PrivateZones
+    include MsRestAzure
+    #
+    # Creates and initializes a new instance of the PrivateZones class.
+    # @param client service class for accessing basic functionality.
+    #
+    def initialize(client)
+      @client = client
+    end
+    # @return [PrivateDnsManagementClient] reference to the PrivateDnsManagementClient
+    attr_reader :client
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify Links to virtual
+    # networks or DNS records within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new Private DNS zone to
+    # be created, but to prevent updating an existing zone. Other values will be
+    # ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [PrivateZone] operation results.
+    #
+    def create_or_update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new Private DNS zone to
+    # be created, but to prevent updating an existing zone. Other values will be
+    # ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
+    # response.
+    #
+    def create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      # Send request
+      promise = begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers)
+      promise = promise.then do |response|
+        # Defining deserialization method.
+        deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
+          result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZone.mapper()
+          parsed_response = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+        end
+        # Waiting for response.
+        @client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
+      end
+      promise
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify virtual network links or DNS
+    # records within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the Update operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [PrivateZone] operation results.
+    #
+    def update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the Update operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
+    # response.
+    #
+    def update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      # Send request
+      promise = begin_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers)
+      promise = promise.then do |response|
+        # Defining deserialization method.
+        deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
+          result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZone.mapper()
+          parsed_response = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+        end
+        # Waiting for response.
+        @client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
+      end
+      promise
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a Private DNS zone. WARNING: All DNS records in the zone will also be
+    # deleted. This operation cannot be undone. Private DNS zone cannot be deleted
+    # unless all virtual network links to it are removed.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always delete the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent
+    # accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    def delete(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      nil
+    end
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always delete the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent
+    # accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
+    # response.
+    #
+    def delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      # Send request
+      promise = begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, if_match, custom_headers)
+      promise = promise.then do |response|
+        # Defining deserialization method.
+        deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
+        end
+        # Waiting for response.
+        @client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
+      end
+      promise
+    end
+    #
+    # Gets a Private DNS zone. Retrieves the zone properties, but not the virtual
+    # networks links or the record sets within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [PrivateZone] operation results.
+    #
+    def get(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = get_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Gets a Private DNS zone. Retrieves the zone properties, but not the virtual
+    # networks links or the record sets within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def get_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, custom_headers = nil)
+      get_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Gets a Private DNS zone. Retrieves the zone properties, but not the virtual
+    # networks links or the record sets within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def get_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZone.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones in all resource groups in a subscription.
+    #
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of Private DNS zones to return. If
+    # not specified, returns up to 100 zones.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Array<PrivateZone>] operation results.
+    #
+    def list(top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      first_page = list_as_lazy(top, custom_headers)
+      first_page.get_all_items
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones in all resource groups in a subscription.
+    #
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of Private DNS zones to return. If
+    # not specified, returns up to 100 zones.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_with_http_info(top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_async(top, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones in all resource groups in a subscription.
+    #
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of Private DNS zones to return. If
+    # not specified, returns up to 100 zones.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_async(top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'$top' => top,'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZoneListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones within a resource group.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Array<PrivateZone>] operation results.
+    #
+    def list_by_resource_group(resource_group_name, top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      first_page = list_by_resource_group_as_lazy(resource_group_name, top, custom_headers)
+      first_page.get_all_items
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones within a resource group.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_by_resource_group_with_http_info(resource_group_name, top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_by_resource_group_async(resource_group_name, top, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones within a resource group.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_by_resource_group_async(resource_group_name, top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'$top' => top,'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZoneListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify Links to virtual
+    # networks or DNS records within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new Private DNS zone to
+    # be created, but to prevent updating an existing zone. Other values will be
+    # ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [PrivateZone] operation results.
+    #
+    def begin_create_or_update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify Links to virtual
+    # networks or DNS records within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new Private DNS zone to
+    # be created, but to prevent updating an existing zone. Other values will be
+    # ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def begin_create_or_update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify Links to virtual
+    # networks or DNS records within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new Private DNS zone to
+    # be created, but to prevent updating an existing zone. Other values will be
+    # ignored.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['If-Match'] = if_match unless if_match.nil?
+      request_headers['If-None-Match'] = if_none_match unless if_none_match.nil?
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
+      # Serialize Request
+      request_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZone.mapper()
+      request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper,  parameters)
+      request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          body: request_content,
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:put, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 201 || status_code == 200 || status_code == 202
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 201
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZone.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZone.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify virtual network links or DNS
+    # records within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the Update operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [PrivateZone] operation results.
+    #
+    def begin_update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = begin_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify virtual network links or DNS
+    # records within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the Update operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def begin_update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      begin_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a Private DNS zone. Does not modify virtual network links or DNS
+    # records within the zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param parameters [PrivateZone] Parameters supplied to the Update operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def begin_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['If-Match'] = if_match unless if_match.nil?
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
+      # Serialize Request
+      request_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZone.mapper()
+      request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper,  parameters)
+      request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          body: request_content,
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:patch, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 202
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZone.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a Private DNS zone. WARNING: All DNS records in the zone will also be
+    # deleted. This operation cannot be undone. Private DNS zone cannot be deleted
+    # unless all virtual network links to it are removed.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always delete the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent
+    # accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    #
+    def begin_delete(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      nil
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a Private DNS zone. WARNING: All DNS records in the zone will also be
+    # deleted. This operation cannot be undone. Private DNS zone cannot be deleted
+    # unless all virtual network links to it are removed.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always delete the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent
+    # accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def begin_delete_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a Private DNS zone. WARNING: All DNS records in the zone will also be
+    # deleted. This operation cannot be undone. Private DNS zone cannot be deleted
+    # unless all virtual network links to it are removed.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the Private DNS zone. Omit this value to
+    # always delete the current zone. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent
+    # accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['If-Match'] = if_match unless if_match.nil?
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:delete, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 202 || status_code == 204
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones in all resource groups in a subscription.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [PrivateZoneListResult] operation results.
+    #
+    def list_next(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones in all resource groups in a subscription.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_next_with_http_info(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones in all resource groups in a subscription.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'next_page_link is nil' if next_page_link.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = '{nextLink}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          skip_encoding_path_params: {'nextLink' => next_page_link},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZoneListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones within a resource group.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [PrivateZoneListResult] operation results.
+    #
+    def list_by_resource_group_next(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_by_resource_group_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones within a resource group.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_by_resource_group_next_with_http_info(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_by_resource_group_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones within a resource group.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_by_resource_group_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'next_page_link is nil' if next_page_link.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = '{nextLink}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          skip_encoding_path_params: {'nextLink' => next_page_link},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::PrivateZoneListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones in all resource groups in a subscription.
+    #
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of Private DNS zones to return. If
+    # not specified, returns up to 100 zones.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [PrivateZoneListResult] which provide lazy access to pages of the
+    # response.
+    #
+    def list_as_lazy(top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_async(top, custom_headers).value!
+      unless response.nil?
+        page = response.body
+        page.next_method = do |next_page_link|
+          list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers)
+        end
+        page
+      end
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the Private DNS zones within a resource group.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [PrivateZoneListResult] which provide lazy access to pages of the
+    # response.
+    #
+    def list_by_resource_group_as_lazy(resource_group_name, top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_by_resource_group_async(resource_group_name, top, custom_headers).value!
+      unless response.nil?
+        page = response.body
+        page.next_method = do |next_page_link|
+          list_by_resource_group_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers)
+        end
+        page
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/record_sets.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/record_sets.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..392aed5263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/record_sets.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1019 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  #
+  # The Private DNS Management Client.
+  #
+  class RecordSets
+    include MsRestAzure
+    #
+    # Creates and initializes a new instance of the RecordSets class.
+    # @param client service class for accessing basic functionality.
+    #
+    def initialize(client)
+      @client = client
+    end
+    # @return [PrivateDnsManagementClient] reference to the PrivateDnsManagementClient
+    attr_reader :client
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a record set within a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Record sets of type SOA can be updated but not created (they are created when
+    # the Private DNS zone is created). Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA',
+    # 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param parameters [RecordSet] Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new record set to be
+    # created, but to prevent updating an existing record set. Other values will be
+    # ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [RecordSet] operation results.
+    #
+    def create_or_update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a record set within a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Record sets of type SOA can be updated but not created (they are created when
+    # the Private DNS zone is created). Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA',
+    # 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param parameters [RecordSet] Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new record set to be
+    # created, but to prevent updating an existing record set. Other values will be
+    # ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def create_or_update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a record set within a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Record sets of type SOA can be updated but not created (they are created when
+    # the Private DNS zone is created). Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA',
+    # 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param parameters [RecordSet] Parameters supplied to the CreateOrUpdate
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new record set to be
+    # created, but to prevent updating an existing record set. Other values will be
+    # ignored.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'record_type is nil' if record_type.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'relative_record_set_name is nil' if relative_record_set_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['If-Match'] = if_match unless if_match.nil?
+      request_headers['If-None-Match'] = if_none_match unless if_none_match.nil?
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
+      # Serialize Request
+      request_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSet.mapper()
+      request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper,  parameters)
+      request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/{recordType}/{relativeRecordSetName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'recordType' => record_type,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          skip_encoding_path_params: {'relativeRecordSetName' => relative_record_set_name},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          body: request_content,
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:put, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 201 || status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 201
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSet.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSet.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a record set within a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param parameters [RecordSet] Parameters supplied to the Update operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [RecordSet] operation results.
+    #
+    def update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a record set within a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param parameters [RecordSet] Parameters supplied to the Update operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a record set within a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param parameters [RecordSet] Parameters supplied to the Update operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to
+    # always overwrite the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally overwriting concurrent changes.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'record_type is nil' if record_type.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'relative_record_set_name is nil' if relative_record_set_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['If-Match'] = if_match unless if_match.nil?
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
+      # Serialize Request
+      request_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSet.mapper()
+      request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper,  parameters)
+      request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/{recordType}/{relativeRecordSetName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'recordType' => record_type,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          skip_encoding_path_params: {'relativeRecordSetName' => relative_record_set_name},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          body: request_content,
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:patch, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSet.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a record set from a Private DNS zone. This operation cannot be
+    # undone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Record sets of type SOA cannot be deleted (they are deleted when the Private
+    # DNS zone is deleted). Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX',
+    # 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to
+    # always delete the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    #
+    def delete(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      nil
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a record set from a Private DNS zone. This operation cannot be
+    # undone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Record sets of type SOA cannot be deleted (they are deleted when the Private
+    # DNS zone is deleted). Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX',
+    # 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to
+    # always delete the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def delete_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a record set from a Private DNS zone. This operation cannot be
+    # undone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Record sets of type SOA cannot be deleted (they are deleted when the Private
+    # DNS zone is deleted). Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX',
+    # 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the record set. Omit this value to
+    # always delete the current record set. Specify the last-seen ETag value to
+    # prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'record_type is nil' if record_type.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'relative_record_set_name is nil' if relative_record_set_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['If-Match'] = if_match unless if_match.nil?
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/{recordType}/{relativeRecordSetName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'recordType' => record_type,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          skip_encoding_path_params: {'relativeRecordSetName' => relative_record_set_name},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:delete, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 204
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Gets a record set.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [RecordSet] operation results.
+    #
+    def get(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = get_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Gets a record set.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def get_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, custom_headers = nil)
+      get_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Gets a record set.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of DNS record in this record set.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param relative_record_set_name [String] The name of the record set, relative
+    # to the name of the zone.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def get_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, relative_record_set_name, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'record_type is nil' if record_type.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'relative_record_set_name is nil' if relative_record_set_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/{recordType}/{relativeRecordSetName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'recordType' => record_type,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          skip_encoding_path_params: {'relativeRecordSetName' => relative_record_set_name},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSet.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the record sets of a specified type in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of record sets to enumerate.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param recordsetnamesuffix [String] The suffix label of the record set name
+    # to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is
+    # specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with
+    # ".<recordsetnamesuffix>".
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Array<RecordSet>] operation results.
+    #
+    def list_by_type(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, top = nil, recordsetnamesuffix = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      first_page = list_by_type_as_lazy(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, top, recordsetnamesuffix, custom_headers)
+      first_page.get_all_items
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the record sets of a specified type in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of record sets to enumerate.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param recordsetnamesuffix [String] The suffix label of the record set name
+    # to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is
+    # specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with
+    # ".<recordsetnamesuffix>".
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_by_type_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, top = nil, recordsetnamesuffix = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_by_type_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, top, recordsetnamesuffix, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the record sets of a specified type in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of record sets to enumerate.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param recordsetnamesuffix [String] The suffix label of the record set name
+    # to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is
+    # specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with
+    # ".<recordsetnamesuffix>".
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_by_type_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, top = nil, recordsetnamesuffix = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'record_type is nil' if record_type.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/{recordType}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'recordType' => record_type,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'$top' => top,'$recordsetnamesuffix' => recordsetnamesuffix,'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSetListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists all record sets in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param recordsetnamesuffix [String] The suffix label of the record set name
+    # to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is
+    # specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with
+    # ".<recordsetnamesuffix>".
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Array<RecordSet>] operation results.
+    #
+    def list(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top = nil, recordsetnamesuffix = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      first_page = list_as_lazy(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top, recordsetnamesuffix, custom_headers)
+      first_page.get_all_items
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists all record sets in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param recordsetnamesuffix [String] The suffix label of the record set name
+    # to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is
+    # specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with
+    # ".<recordsetnamesuffix>".
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top = nil, recordsetnamesuffix = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top, recordsetnamesuffix, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists all record sets in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param recordsetnamesuffix [String] The suffix label of the record set name
+    # to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is
+    # specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with
+    # ".<recordsetnamesuffix>".
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top = nil, recordsetnamesuffix = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/ALL'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'$top' => top,'$recordsetnamesuffix' => recordsetnamesuffix,'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSetListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the record sets of a specified type in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [RecordSetListResult] operation results.
+    #
+    def list_by_type_next(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_by_type_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the record sets of a specified type in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_by_type_next_with_http_info(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_by_type_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the record sets of a specified type in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_by_type_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'next_page_link is nil' if next_page_link.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = '{nextLink}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          skip_encoding_path_params: {'nextLink' => next_page_link},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSetListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists all record sets in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [RecordSetListResult] operation results.
+    #
+    def list_next(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists all record sets in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_next_with_http_info(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists all record sets in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'next_page_link is nil' if next_page_link.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = '{nextLink}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          skip_encoding_path_params: {'nextLink' => next_page_link},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::RecordSetListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the record sets of a specified type in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param record_type [RecordType] The type of record sets to enumerate.
+    # Possible values include: 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV',
+    # 'TXT'
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param recordsetnamesuffix [String] The suffix label of the record set name
+    # to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is
+    # specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with
+    # ".<recordsetnamesuffix>".
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [RecordSetListResult] which provide lazy access to pages of the
+    # response.
+    #
+    def list_by_type_as_lazy(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, top = nil, recordsetnamesuffix = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_by_type_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, record_type, top, recordsetnamesuffix, custom_headers).value!
+      unless response.nil?
+        page = response.body
+        page.next_method = do |next_page_link|
+          list_by_type_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers)
+        end
+        page
+      end
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists all record sets in a Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of record sets to return. If not
+    # specified, returns up to 100 record sets.
+    # @param recordsetnamesuffix [String] The suffix label of the record set name
+    # to be used to filter the record set enumeration. If this parameter is
+    # specified, the returned enumeration will only contain records that end with
+    # ".<recordsetnamesuffix>".
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [RecordSetListResult] which provide lazy access to pages of the
+    # response.
+    #
+    def list_as_lazy(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top = nil, recordsetnamesuffix = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top, recordsetnamesuffix, custom_headers).value!
+      unless response.nil?
+        page = response.body
+        page.next_method = do |next_page_link|
+          list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers)
+        end
+        page
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/version.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0b61644ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+    VERSION = '0.16.0'
diff --git a/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/virtual_network_links.rb b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/virtual_network_links.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d7ceacdbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/management/azure_mgmt_privatedns/lib/2018-09-01/generated/azure_mgmt_privatedns/virtual_network_links.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,906 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+# regenerated.
+module Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01
+  #
+  # The Private DNS Management Client.
+  #
+  class VirtualNetworkLinks
+    include MsRestAzure
+    #
+    # Creates and initializes a new instance of the VirtualNetworkLinks class.
+    # @param client service class for accessing basic functionality.
+    #
+    def initialize(client)
+      @client = client
+    end
+    # @return [PrivateDnsManagementClient] reference to the PrivateDnsManagementClient
+    attr_reader :client
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the
+    # CreateOrUpdate operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new virtual network link
+    # to the Private DNS zone to be created, but to prevent updating an existing
+    # link. Other values will be ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [VirtualNetworkLink] operation results.
+    #
+    def create_or_update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the
+    # CreateOrUpdate operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new virtual network link
+    # to the Private DNS zone to be created, but to prevent updating an existing
+    # link. Other values will be ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
+    # response.
+    #
+    def create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      # Send request
+      promise = begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers)
+      promise = promise.then do |response|
+        # Defining deserialization method.
+        deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
+          result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLink.mapper()
+          parsed_response = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+        end
+        # Waiting for response.
+        @client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
+      end
+      promise
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the Update
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [VirtualNetworkLink] operation results.
+    #
+    def update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the Update
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
+    # response.
+    #
+    def update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      # Send request
+      promise = begin_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers)
+      promise = promise.then do |response|
+        # Defining deserialization method.
+        deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
+          result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLink.mapper()
+          parsed_response = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+        end
+        # Waiting for response.
+        @client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
+      end
+      promise
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone. WARNING: In
+    # case of a registration virtual network, all auto-registered DNS records in
+    # the zone for the virtual network will also be deleted. This operation cannot
+    # be undone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always delete the current zone. Specify the
+    # last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    def delete(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      nil
+    end
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always delete the current zone. Specify the
+    # last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] promise which provides async access to http
+    # response.
+    #
+    def delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      # Send request
+      promise = begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, if_match, custom_headers)
+      promise = promise.then do |response|
+        # Defining deserialization method.
+        deserialize_method = lambda do |parsed_response|
+        end
+        # Waiting for response.
+        @client.get_long_running_operation_result(response, deserialize_method)
+      end
+      promise
+    end
+    #
+    # Gets a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [VirtualNetworkLink] operation results.
+    #
+    def get(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = get_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Gets a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def get_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, custom_headers = nil)
+      get_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Gets a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def get_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'virtual_network_link_name is nil' if virtual_network_link_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/virtualNetworkLinks/{virtualNetworkLinkName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'virtualNetworkLinkName' => virtual_network_link_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLink.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the virtual network links to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of virtual network links to return.
+    # If not specified, returns up to 100 virtual network links.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Array<VirtualNetworkLink>] operation results.
+    #
+    def list(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      first_page = list_as_lazy(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top, custom_headers)
+      first_page.get_all_items
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the virtual network links to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of virtual network links to return.
+    # If not specified, returns up to 100 virtual network links.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the virtual network links to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of virtual network links to return.
+    # If not specified, returns up to 100 virtual network links.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/virtualNetworkLinks'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'$top' => top,'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLinkListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the
+    # CreateOrUpdate operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new virtual network link
+    # to the Private DNS zone to be created, but to prevent updating an existing
+    # link. Other values will be ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [VirtualNetworkLink] operation results.
+    #
+    def begin_create_or_update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the
+    # CreateOrUpdate operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new virtual network link
+    # to the Private DNS zone to be created, but to prevent updating an existing
+    # link. Other values will be ignored.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def begin_create_or_update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match, if_none_match, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Creates or updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the
+    # CreateOrUpdate operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param if_none_match [String] Set to '*' to allow a new virtual network link
+    # to the Private DNS zone to be created, but to prevent updating an existing
+    # link. Other values will be ignored.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def begin_create_or_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, if_none_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'virtual_network_link_name is nil' if virtual_network_link_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['If-Match'] = if_match unless if_match.nil?
+      request_headers['If-None-Match'] = if_none_match unless if_none_match.nil?
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
+      # Serialize Request
+      request_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLink.mapper()
+      request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper,  parameters)
+      request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/virtualNetworkLinks/{virtualNetworkLinkName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'virtualNetworkLinkName' => virtual_network_link_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          body: request_content,
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:put, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 201 || status_code == 200 || status_code == 202
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 201
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLink.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLink.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the Update
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [VirtualNetworkLink] operation results.
+    #
+    def begin_update(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = begin_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the Update
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def begin_update_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      begin_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Updates a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param parameters [VirtualNetworkLink] Parameters supplied to the Update
+    # operation.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always overwrite the current virtual network
+    # link. Specify the last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally overwriting
+    # any concurrent changes.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def begin_update_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, parameters, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'virtual_network_link_name is nil' if virtual_network_link_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'parameters is nil' if parameters.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['If-Match'] = if_match unless if_match.nil?
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      request_headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
+      # Serialize Request
+      request_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLink.mapper()
+      request_content = @client.serialize(request_mapper,  parameters)
+      request_content = request_content != nil ? JSON.generate(request_content, quirks_mode: true) : nil
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/virtualNetworkLinks/{virtualNetworkLinkName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'virtualNetworkLinkName' => virtual_network_link_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          body: request_content,
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:patch, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 202
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLink.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone. WARNING: In
+    # case of a registration virtual network, all auto-registered DNS records in
+    # the zone for the virtual network will also be deleted. This operation cannot
+    # be undone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always delete the current zone. Specify the
+    # last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    #
+    def begin_delete(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+      nil
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone. WARNING: In
+    # case of a registration virtual network, all auto-registered DNS records in
+    # the zone for the virtual network will also be deleted. This operation cannot
+    # be undone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always delete the current zone. Specify the
+    # last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def begin_delete_with_http_info(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, if_match, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Deletes a virtual network link to the specified Private DNS zone. WARNING: In
+    # case of a registration virtual network, all auto-registered DNS records in
+    # the zone for the virtual network will also be deleted. This operation cannot
+    # be undone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param virtual_network_link_name [String] The name of the virtual network
+    # link.
+    # @param if_match [String] The ETag of the virtual network link to the Private
+    # DNS zone. Omit this value to always delete the current zone. Specify the
+    # last-seen ETag value to prevent accidentally deleting any concurrent changes.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def begin_delete_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, virtual_network_link_name, if_match = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'resource_group_name is nil' if resource_group_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'private_zone_name is nil' if private_zone_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, 'virtual_network_link_name is nil' if virtual_network_link_name.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.api_version is nil' if @client.api_version.nil?
+      fail ArgumentError, '@client.subscription_id is nil' if @client.subscription_id.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['If-Match'] = if_match unless if_match.nil?
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones/{privateZoneName}/virtualNetworkLinks/{virtualNetworkLinkName}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          path_params: {'resourceGroupName' => resource_group_name,'privateZoneName' => private_zone_name,'virtualNetworkLinkName' => virtual_network_link_name,'subscriptionId' => @client.subscription_id},
+          query_params: {'api-version' => @client.api_version},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:delete, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200 || status_code == 202 || status_code == 204
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the virtual network links to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [VirtualNetworkLinkListResult] operation results.
+    #
+    def list_next(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+      response.body unless response.nil?
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the virtual network links to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [MsRestAzure::AzureOperationResponse] HTTP response information.
+    #
+    def list_next_with_http_info(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers).value!
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the virtual network links to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param next_page_link [String] The NextLink from the previous successful call
+    # to List operation.
+    # @param [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that will be added
+    # to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [Concurrent::Promise] Promise object which holds the HTTP response.
+    #
+    def list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers = nil)
+      fail ArgumentError, 'next_page_link is nil' if next_page_link.nil?
+      request_headers = {}
+      # Set Headers
+      request_headers['x-ms-client-request-id'] = SecureRandom.uuid
+      request_headers['accept-language'] = @client.accept_language unless @client.accept_language.nil?
+      path_template = '{nextLink}'
+      request_url = @base_url || @client.base_url
+      options = {
+          middlewares: [[MsRest::RetryPolicyMiddleware, times: 3, retry: 0.02], [:cookie_jar]],
+          skip_encoding_path_params: {'nextLink' => next_page_link},
+          headers: request_headers.merge(custom_headers || {}),
+          base_url: request_url
+      }
+      promise = @client.make_request_async(:get, path_template, options)
+      promise = promise.then do |result|
+        http_response = result.response
+        status_code = http_response.status
+        response_content = http_response.body
+        unless status_code == 200
+          error_model = JSON.load(response_content)
+          fail, http_response, error_model)
+        end
+        result.request_id = http_response['x-ms-request-id'] unless http_response['x-ms-request-id'].nil?
+        # Deserialize Response
+        if status_code == 200
+          begin
+            parsed_response = response_content.to_s.empty? ? nil : JSON.load(response_content)
+            result_mapper = Azure::PrivateDns::Mgmt::V2018_09_01::Models::VirtualNetworkLinkListResult.mapper()
+            result.body = @client.deserialize(result_mapper, parsed_response)
+          rescue Exception => e
+            fail'Error occurred in deserializing the response', e.message, e.backtrace, result)
+          end
+        end
+        result
+      end
+      promise.execute
+    end
+    #
+    # Lists the virtual network links to the specified Private DNS zone.
+    #
+    # @param resource_group_name [String] The name of the resource group.
+    # @param private_zone_name [String] The name of the Private DNS zone (without a
+    # terminating dot).
+    # @param top [Integer] The maximum number of virtual network links to return.
+    # If not specified, returns up to 100 virtual network links.
+    # @param custom_headers [Hash{String => String}] A hash of custom headers that
+    # will be added to the HTTP request.
+    #
+    # @return [VirtualNetworkLinkListResult] which provide lazy access to pages of
+    # the response.
+    #
+    def list_as_lazy(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top = nil, custom_headers = nil)
+      response = list_async(resource_group_name, private_zone_name, top, custom_headers).value!
+      unless response.nil?
+        page = response.body
+        page.next_method = do |next_page_link|
+          list_next_async(next_page_link, custom_headers)
+        end
+        page
+      end
+    end
+  end