diff --git a/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/CHANGELOG.md index 21ed84bfa008e..fd0a7216d2f07 100644 --- a/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.1.0-beta.2 (Unreleased) +## 1.1.0-beta.2 (2023-05-29) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.1.0-beta.1 (2023-05-15) ### Features Added diff --git a/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/api/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/api/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.netstandard2.0.cs index 46a4c4e71071d..f29cc2eb5e48f 100644 --- a/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/api/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/api/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -861,6 +861,44 @@ public AppContainerResources() { } public static bool operator !=(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.AppContainersSkuName left, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.AppContainersSkuName right) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } + public static partial class ArmAppContainersModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.AppContainerResources AppContainerResources(double? cpu = default(double?), string memory = null, string ephemeralStorage = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppAuthConfigData ContainerAppAuthConfigData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppAuthPlatform platform = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppGlobalValidation globalValidation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppIdentityProvidersConfiguration identityProviders = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppLogin login = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppHttpSettings httpSettings = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppAuthToken ContainerAppAuthToken(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string token = null, System.DateTimeOffset? expireOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppAvailableWorkloadProfile ContainerAppAvailableWorkloadProfile(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppAvailableWorkloadProfileProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppBillingMeter ContainerAppBillingMeter(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppBillingMeterProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppCertificateData ContainerAppCertificateData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCertificateProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCertificateProperties ContainerAppCertificateProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCertificateProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCertificateProvisioningState?), string password = null, string subjectName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable subjectAlternativeNames = null, byte[] value = null, string issuer = null, System.DateTimeOffset? issueOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? expireOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string thumbprint = null, bool? isValid = default(bool?), string publicKeyHash = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentData ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppExtendedLocation extendedLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentProvisioningState?), string deploymentErrors = null, string defaultDomain = null, System.Net.IPAddress staticIP = null, string daprAIConnectionString = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration customDomainConfiguration = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentStorageData ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentStorageData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppAzureFileProperties connectedEnvironmentStorageAzureFile = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration(string customDomainVerificationId = null, string dnsSuffix = null, byte[] certificateValue = null, string certificatePassword = null, System.DateTimeOffset? expireOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string thumbprint = null, string subjectName = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfo ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfo(string code = null, string message = null, string target = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable details = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfoDetailsItem ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfoDetailsItem(string code = null, string message = null, string target = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCustomHostnameAnalysisResult ContainerAppCustomHostnameAnalysisResult(string hostName = null, bool? isHostnameAlreadyVerified = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppDnsVerificationTestResult? customDomainVerificationTest = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppDnsVerificationTestResult?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfo customDomainVerificationFailureInfo = null, bool? hasConflictOnManagedEnvironment = default(bool?), bool? conflictWithEnvironmentCustomDomain = default(bool?), string conflictingContainerAppResourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable cNameRecords = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable txtRecords = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable aRecords = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable alternateCNameRecords = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable alternateTxtRecords = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppDaprComponentData ContainerAppDaprComponentData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string componentType = null, string version = null, bool? ignoreErrors = default(bool?), string initTimeout = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable secrets = null, string secretStoreComponent = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable metadata = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable scopes = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppDaprSecret ContainerAppDaprSecret(string name = null, string value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppData ContainerAppData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppExtendedLocation extendedLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string managedBy = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppProvisioningState?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier managedEnvironmentId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier environmentId = null, string workloadProfileName = null, string latestRevisionName = null, string latestReadyRevisionName = null, string latestRevisionFqdn = null, string customDomainVerificationId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppConfiguration configuration = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppTemplate template = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable outboundIPAddressList = null, System.Uri eventStreamEndpoint = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppDiagnosticData ContainerAppDiagnosticData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppDiagnosticsProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppDiagnosticsMetadata ContainerAppDiagnosticsMetadata(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string description = null, string author = null, string category = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable supportTopicList = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable analysisTypes = null, float? score = default(float?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppDiagnosticSupportTopic ContainerAppDiagnosticSupportTopic(string id = null, string pesId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppEnvironmentAuthToken ContainerAppEnvironmentAuthToken(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string token = null, System.DateTimeOffset? expireOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppIngressConfiguration ContainerAppIngressConfiguration(string fqdn = null, bool? external = default(bool?), int? targetPort = default(int?), int? exposedPort = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppIngressTransportMethod? transport = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppIngressTransportMethod?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable traffic = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable customDomains = null, bool? allowInsecure = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable ipSecurityRestrictions = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.Affinity? stickySessionsAffinity = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.Affinity?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppIngressClientCertificateMode? clientCertificateMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppIngressClientCertificateMode?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCorsPolicy corsPolicy = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppJobData ContainerAppJobData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppJobProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppJobProvisioningState?), string environmentId = null, string workloadProfileName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppJobConfiguration configuration = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppJobTemplate template = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable outboundIPAddresses = null, string eventStreamEndpoint = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppJobExecution ContainerAppJobExecution(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.JobExecutionRunningState? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.JobExecutionRunningState?), System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppJobExecutionTemplate template = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppJobExecutions ContainerAppJobExecutions(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable value = null, string nextLink = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppManagedCertificateData ContainerAppManagedCertificateData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ManagedCertificateProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentData ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string kind = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppEnvironmentProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppEnvironmentProvisioningState?), string daprAIInstrumentationKey = null, string daprAIConnectionString = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppVnetConfiguration vnetConfiguration = null, string deploymentErrors = null, string defaultDomain = null, System.Net.IPAddress staticIP = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppLogsConfiguration appLogsConfiguration = null, bool? isZoneRedundant = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration customDomainConfiguration = null, string eventStreamEndpoint = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable workloadProfiles = null, string kedaVersion = null, string daprVersion = null, string infrastructureResourceGroup = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentStorageData ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentStorageData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppAzureFileProperties managedEnvironmentStorageAzureFile = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppNameAvailabilityResult ContainerAppNameAvailabilityResult(bool? isNameAvailable = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppNameUnavailableReason? reason = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppNameUnavailableReason?), string message = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppReplicaContainer ContainerAppReplicaContainer(string name = null, string containerId = null, bool? isReady = default(bool?), bool? isStarted = default(bool?), int? restartCount = default(int?), string logStreamEndpoint = null, string execEndpoint = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppReplicaData ContainerAppReplicaData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable containers = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppRevisionData ContainerAppRevisionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastActiveOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string fqdn = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppTemplate template = null, bool? isActive = default(bool?), int? replicas = default(int?), int? trafficWeight = default(int?), string provisioningError = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppRevisionHealthState? healthState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppRevisionHealthState?), Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppRevisionProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppRevisionProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppSecret ContainerAppSecret(string name = null, string value = null, string identity = null, System.Uri keyVaultUri = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.ContainerAppSourceControlData ContainerAppSourceControlData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppSourceControlOperationState? operationState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppSourceControlOperationState?), System.Uri repoUri = null, string branch = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppGitHubActionConfiguration gitHubActionConfiguration = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppWorkloadProfileState ContainerAppWorkloadProfileState(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppWorkloadProfileStateProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ManagedCertificateProperties ManagedCertificateProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCertificateProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ContainerAppCertificateProvisioningState?), string subjectName = null, string error = null, Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ManagedCertificateDomainControlValidation? domainControlValidation = default(Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models.ManagedCertificateDomainControlValidation?), string validationToken = null) { throw null; } + } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public readonly partial struct ContainerAppAccessMode : System.IEquatable { diff --git a/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/src/Generated/ArmAppContainersModelFactory.cs b/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/src/Generated/ArmAppContainersModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..de7f6502b1b23 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/src/Generated/ArmAppContainersModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,601 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Net; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmAppContainersModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppAuthConfigData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The configuration settings of the platform of ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. + /// The configuration settings that determines the validation flow of users using Service Authentication/Authorization. + /// The configuration settings of each of the identity providers used to configure ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. + /// The configuration settings of the login flow of users using ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. + /// The configuration settings of the HTTP requests for authentication and authorization requests made against ContainerApp Service Authentication/Authorization. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppAuthConfigData ContainerAppAuthConfigData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ContainerAppAuthPlatform platform = null, ContainerAppGlobalValidation globalValidation = null, ContainerAppIdentityProvidersConfiguration identityProviders = null, ContainerAppLogin login = null, ContainerAppHttpSettings httpSettings = null) + { + return new ContainerAppAuthConfigData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, platform, globalValidation, identityProviders, login, httpSettings); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppAvailableWorkloadProfile. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Region of the workload profile. + /// Revision resource specific properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppAvailableWorkloadProfile ContainerAppAvailableWorkloadProfile(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, AzureLocation? location = null, ContainerAppAvailableWorkloadProfileProperties properties = null) + { + return new ContainerAppAvailableWorkloadProfile(id, name, resourceType, systemData, location, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppBillingMeter. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Region for the billing meter. + /// Revision resource specific properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppBillingMeter ContainerAppBillingMeter(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, AzureLocation? location = null, ContainerAppBillingMeterProperties properties = null) + { + return new ContainerAppBillingMeter(id, name, resourceType, systemData, location, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The complex type of the extended location. + /// Provisioning state of the Kubernetes Environment. + /// Any errors that occurred during deployment or deployment validation. + /// Default Domain Name for the cluster. + /// Static IP of the connectedEnvironment. + /// Application Insights connection string used by Dapr to export Service to Service communication telemetry. + /// Custom domain configuration for the environment. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentData ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ContainerAppExtendedLocation extendedLocation = null, ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string deploymentErrors = null, string defaultDomain = null, IPAddress staticIP = null, string daprAIConnectionString = null, ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration customDomainConfiguration = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, extendedLocation, provisioningState, deploymentErrors, defaultDomain, staticIP, daprAIConnectionString, customDomainConfiguration); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration. + /// Id used to verify domain name ownership. + /// Dns suffix for the environment domain. + /// PFX or PEM blob. + /// Certificate password. + /// Certificate expiration date. + /// Certificate thumbprint. + /// Subject name of the certificate. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration(string customDomainVerificationId = null, string dnsSuffix = null, byte[] certificateValue = null, string certificatePassword = null, DateTimeOffset? expireOn = null, string thumbprint = null, string subjectName = null) + { + return new ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration(customDomainVerificationId, dnsSuffix, certificateValue, certificatePassword, expireOn, thumbprint, subjectName); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppNameAvailabilityResult. + /// Indicates if the resource name is available. + /// The reason why the given name is not available. + /// Detailed reason why the given name is available. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppNameAvailabilityResult ContainerAppNameAvailabilityResult(bool? isNameAvailable = null, ContainerAppNameUnavailableReason? reason = null, string message = null) + { + return new ContainerAppNameAvailabilityResult(isNameAvailable, reason, message); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppCertificateData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Certificate resource specific properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppCertificateData ContainerAppCertificateData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ContainerAppCertificateProperties properties = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerAppCertificateData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppCertificateProperties. + /// Provisioning state of the certificate. + /// Certificate password. + /// Subject name of the certificate. + /// Subject alternative names the certificate applies to. + /// PFX or PEM blob. + /// Certificate issuer. + /// Certificate issue Date. + /// Certificate expiration date. + /// Certificate thumbprint. + /// Is the certificate valid?. + /// Public key hash. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppCertificateProperties ContainerAppCertificateProperties(ContainerAppCertificateProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string password = null, string subjectName = null, IEnumerable subjectAlternativeNames = null, byte[] value = null, string issuer = null, DateTimeOffset? issueOn = null, DateTimeOffset? expireOn = null, string thumbprint = null, bool? isValid = null, string publicKeyHash = null) + { + subjectAlternativeNames ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppCertificateProperties(provisioningState, password, subjectName, subjectAlternativeNames?.ToList(), value, issuer, issueOn, expireOn, thumbprint, isValid, publicKeyHash); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppDaprComponentData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Component type. + /// Component version. + /// Boolean describing if the component errors are ignores. + /// Initialization timeout. + /// Collection of secrets used by a Dapr component. + /// Name of a Dapr component to retrieve component secrets from. + /// Component metadata. + /// Names of container apps that can use this Dapr component. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppDaprComponentData ContainerAppDaprComponentData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string componentType = null, string version = null, bool? ignoreErrors = null, string initTimeout = null, IEnumerable secrets = null, string secretStoreComponent = null, IEnumerable metadata = null, IEnumerable scopes = null) + { + secrets ??= new List(); + metadata ??= new List(); + scopes ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppDaprComponentData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, componentType, version, ignoreErrors, initTimeout, secrets?.ToList(), secretStoreComponent, metadata?.ToList(), scopes?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppDaprSecret. + /// Secret Name. + /// Secret Value. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppDaprSecret ContainerAppDaprSecret(string name = null, string value = null) + { + return new ContainerAppDaprSecret(name, value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentStorageData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Storage properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentStorageData ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentStorageData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ContainerAppAzureFileProperties connectedEnvironmentStorageAzureFile = null) + { + return new ContainerAppConnectedEnvironmentStorageData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, connectedEnvironmentStorageAzureFile != null ? new ConnectedEnvironmentStorageProperties(connectedEnvironmentStorageAzureFile) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The complex type of the extended location. + /// managed identities for the Container App to interact with other Azure services without maintaining any secrets or credentials in code. + /// The fully qualified resource ID of the resource that manages this resource. Indicates if this resource is managed by another Azure resource. If this is present, complete mode deployment will not delete the resource if it is removed from the template since it is managed by another resource. + /// Provisioning state of the Container App. + /// Deprecated. Resource ID of the Container App's environment. + /// Resource ID of environment. + /// Workload profile name to pin for container app execution. + /// Name of the latest revision of the Container App. + /// Name of the latest ready revision of the Container App. + /// Fully Qualified Domain Name of the latest revision of the Container App. + /// Id used to verify domain name ownership. + /// Non versioned Container App configuration properties. + /// Container App versioned application definition. + /// Outbound IP Addresses for container app. + /// The endpoint of the eventstream of the container app. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppData ContainerAppData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ContainerAppExtendedLocation extendedLocation = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string managedBy = null, ContainerAppProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, ResourceIdentifier managedEnvironmentId = null, ResourceIdentifier environmentId = null, string workloadProfileName = null, string latestRevisionName = null, string latestReadyRevisionName = null, string latestRevisionFqdn = null, string customDomainVerificationId = null, ContainerAppConfiguration configuration = null, ContainerAppTemplate template = null, IEnumerable outboundIPAddressList = null, Uri eventStreamEndpoint = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + outboundIPAddressList ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, extendedLocation, identity, managedBy, provisioningState, managedEnvironmentId, environmentId, workloadProfileName, latestRevisionName, latestReadyRevisionName, latestRevisionFqdn, customDomainVerificationId, configuration, template, outboundIPAddressList?.ToList(), eventStreamEndpoint); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppIngressConfiguration. + /// Hostname. + /// Bool indicating if app exposes an external http endpoint. + /// Target Port in containers for traffic from ingress. + /// Exposed Port in containers for TCP traffic from ingress. + /// Ingress transport protocol. + /// Traffic weights for app's revisions. + /// custom domain bindings for Container Apps' hostnames. + /// Bool indicating if HTTP connections to is allowed. If set to false HTTP connections are automatically redirected to HTTPS connections. + /// Rules to restrict incoming IP address. + /// Sticky Sessions for Single Revision Mode. + /// Client certificate mode for mTLS authentication. Ignore indicates server drops client certificate on forwarding. Accept indicates server forwards client certificate but does not require a client certificate. Require indicates server requires a client certificate. + /// CORS policy for container app. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppIngressConfiguration ContainerAppIngressConfiguration(string fqdn = null, bool? external = null, int? targetPort = null, int? exposedPort = null, ContainerAppIngressTransportMethod? transport = null, IEnumerable traffic = null, IEnumerable customDomains = null, bool? allowInsecure = null, IEnumerable ipSecurityRestrictions = null, Affinity? stickySessionsAffinity = null, ContainerAppIngressClientCertificateMode? clientCertificateMode = null, ContainerAppCorsPolicy corsPolicy = null) + { + traffic ??= new List(); + customDomains ??= new List(); + ipSecurityRestrictions ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppIngressConfiguration(fqdn, external, targetPort, exposedPort, transport, traffic?.ToList(), customDomains?.ToList(), allowInsecure, ipSecurityRestrictions?.ToList(), stickySessionsAffinity != null ? new IngressStickySessions(stickySessionsAffinity) : null, clientCertificateMode, corsPolicy); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AppContainerResources. + /// Required CPU in cores, e.g. 0.5. + /// Required memory, e.g. "250Mb". + /// Ephemeral Storage, e.g. "1Gi". + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AppContainerResources AppContainerResources(double? cpu = null, string memory = null, string ephemeralStorage = null) + { + return new AppContainerResources(cpu, memory, ephemeralStorage); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppCustomHostnameAnalysisResult. + /// Host name that was analyzed. + /// <code>true</code> if hostname is already verified; otherwise, <code>false</code>. + /// DNS verification test result. + /// Raw failure information if DNS verification fails. + /// <code>true</code> if there is a conflict on the Container App's managed environment; otherwise, <code>false</code>. + /// <code>true</code> if there is a conflict on the Container App's managed environment level custom domain; otherwise, <code>false</code>. + /// Name of the conflicting Container App on the Managed Environment if it's within the same subscription. + /// CName records visible for this hostname. + /// TXT records visible for this hostname. + /// A records visible for this hostname. + /// Alternate CName records visible for this hostname. + /// Alternate TXT records visible for this hostname. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppCustomHostnameAnalysisResult ContainerAppCustomHostnameAnalysisResult(string hostName = null, bool? isHostnameAlreadyVerified = null, ContainerAppDnsVerificationTestResult? customDomainVerificationTest = null, ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfo customDomainVerificationFailureInfo = null, bool? hasConflictOnManagedEnvironment = null, bool? conflictWithEnvironmentCustomDomain = null, string conflictingContainerAppResourceId = null, IEnumerable cNameRecords = null, IEnumerable txtRecords = null, IEnumerable aRecords = null, IEnumerable alternateCNameRecords = null, IEnumerable alternateTxtRecords = null) + { + cNameRecords ??= new List(); + txtRecords ??= new List(); + aRecords ??= new List(); + alternateCNameRecords ??= new List(); + alternateTxtRecords ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppCustomHostnameAnalysisResult(hostName, isHostnameAlreadyVerified, customDomainVerificationTest, customDomainVerificationFailureInfo, hasConflictOnManagedEnvironment, conflictWithEnvironmentCustomDomain, conflictingContainerAppResourceId, cNameRecords?.ToList(), txtRecords?.ToList(), aRecords?.ToList(), alternateCNameRecords?.ToList(), alternateTxtRecords?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfo. + /// Standardized string to programmatically identify the error. + /// Detailed error description and debugging information. + /// Detailed error description and debugging information. + /// Details or the error. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfo ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfo(string code = null, string message = null, string target = null, IEnumerable details = null) + { + details ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfo(code, message, target, details?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfoDetailsItem. + /// Standardized string to programmatically identify the error. + /// Detailed error description and debugging information. + /// Detailed error description and debugging information. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfoDetailsItem ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfoDetailsItem(string code = null, string message = null, string target = null) + { + return new ContainerAppCustomDomainVerificationFailureInfoDetailsItem(code, message, target); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppSecret. + /// Secret Name. + /// Secret Value. + /// Resource ID of a managed identity to authenticate with Azure Key Vault, or System to use a system-assigned identity. + /// Azure Key Vault URL pointing to the secret referenced by the container app. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppSecret ContainerAppSecret(string name = null, string value = null, string identity = null, Uri keyVaultUri = null) + { + return new ContainerAppSecret(name, value, identity, keyVaultUri); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppAuthToken. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Auth token value. + /// Token expiration date. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppAuthToken ContainerAppAuthToken(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string token = null, DateTimeOffset? expireOn = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerAppAuthToken(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, token, expireOn); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppJobData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Managed identities needed by a container app job to interact with other Azure services to not maintain any secrets or credentials in code. + /// Provisioning state of the Container Apps Job. + /// Resource ID of environment. + /// Workload profile name to pin for container apps job execution. + /// Container Apps Job configuration properties. + /// Container Apps job definition. + /// Outbound IP Addresses of a container apps job. + /// The endpoint of the eventstream of the container apps job. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppJobData ContainerAppJobData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, ContainerAppJobProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string environmentId = null, string workloadProfileName = null, ContainerAppJobConfiguration configuration = null, ContainerAppJobTemplate template = null, IEnumerable outboundIPAddresses = null, string eventStreamEndpoint = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + outboundIPAddresses ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppJobData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, provisioningState, environmentId, workloadProfileName, configuration, template, outboundIPAddresses?.ToList(), eventStreamEndpoint); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppJobExecutions. + /// Collection of resources. + /// Link to next page of resources. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppJobExecutions ContainerAppJobExecutions(IEnumerable value = null, string nextLink = null) + { + value ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppJobExecutions(value?.ToList(), nextLink); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppJobExecution. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Current running State of the job. + /// Job execution start time. + /// Job execution start time. + /// Job's execution container. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppJobExecution ContainerAppJobExecution(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, JobExecutionRunningState? status = null, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? endOn = null, ContainerAppJobExecutionTemplate template = null) + { + return new ContainerAppJobExecution(id, name, resourceType, systemData, status, startOn, endOn, template); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppRevisionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// + /// Timestamp describing when the revision was created + /// by controller + /// + /// Timestamp describing when the revision was last active. Only meaningful when revision is inactive. + /// Fully qualified domain name of the revision. + /// + /// Container App Revision Template with all possible settings and the + /// defaults if user did not provide them. The defaults are populated + /// as they were at the creation time + /// + /// Boolean describing if the Revision is Active. + /// Number of pods currently running for this revision. + /// Traffic weight assigned to this revision. + /// Optional Field - Platform Error Message. + /// Current health State of the revision. + /// Current provisioning State of the revision. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppRevisionData ContainerAppRevisionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? lastActiveOn = null, string fqdn = null, ContainerAppTemplate template = null, bool? isActive = null, int? replicas = null, int? trafficWeight = null, string provisioningError = null, ContainerAppRevisionHealthState? healthState = null, ContainerAppRevisionProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + return new ContainerAppRevisionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, createdOn, lastActiveOn, fqdn, template, isActive, replicas, trafficWeight, provisioningError, healthState, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppReplicaData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Timestamp describing when the pod was created by controller. + /// The containers collection under a replica. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppReplicaData ContainerAppReplicaData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, IEnumerable containers = null) + { + containers ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppReplicaData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, createdOn, containers?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppReplicaContainer. + /// The Name of the Container. + /// The Id of the Container. + /// The container ready status. + /// The container start status. + /// The container restart count. + /// Log Stream endpoint. + /// Container exec endpoint. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppReplicaContainer ContainerAppReplicaContainer(string name = null, string containerId = null, bool? isReady = null, bool? isStarted = null, int? restartCount = null, string logStreamEndpoint = null, string execEndpoint = null) + { + return new ContainerAppReplicaContainer(name, containerId, isReady, isStarted, restartCount, logStreamEndpoint, execEndpoint); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppDiagnosticData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Diagnostics resource specific properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppDiagnosticData ContainerAppDiagnosticData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ContainerAppDiagnosticsProperties properties = null) + { + return new ContainerAppDiagnosticData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppDiagnosticsMetadata. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Details of the diagnostics info. + /// Authors' names of the detector. + /// Category of the detector. + /// List of support topics. + /// List of analysis types. + /// Authors' names of the detector. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppDiagnosticsMetadata ContainerAppDiagnosticsMetadata(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string description = null, string author = null, string category = null, IEnumerable supportTopicList = null, IEnumerable analysisTypes = null, float? score = null) + { + supportTopicList ??= new List(); + analysisTypes ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppDiagnosticsMetadata(id, name, resourceType, systemData, description, author, category, supportTopicList?.ToList(), analysisTypes?.ToList(), score); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppDiagnosticSupportTopic. + /// Unique topic identifier. + /// PES identifier. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppDiagnosticSupportTopic ContainerAppDiagnosticSupportTopic(string id = null, string pesId = null) + { + return new ContainerAppDiagnosticSupportTopic(id, pesId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Kind of the Environment. + /// Provisioning state of the Environment. + /// Azure Monitor instrumentation key used by Dapr to export Service to Service communication telemetry. + /// Application Insights connection string used by Dapr to export Service to Service communication telemetry. + /// Vnet configuration for the environment. + /// Any errors that occurred during deployment or deployment validation. + /// Default Domain Name for the cluster. + /// Static IP of the Environment. + /// + /// Cluster configuration which enables the log daemon to export + /// app logs to a destination. Currently only "log-analytics" is + /// supported + /// + /// Whether or not this Managed Environment is zone-redundant. + /// Custom domain configuration for the environment. + /// The endpoint of the eventstream of the Environment. + /// Workload profiles configured for the Managed Environment. + /// The configuration of Keda component. + /// The configuration of Dapr component. + /// Name of the platform-managed resource group created for the Managed Environment to host infrastructure resources. If a subnet ID is provided, this resource group will be created in the same subscription as the subnet. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentData ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string kind = null, ContainerAppEnvironmentProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string daprAIInstrumentationKey = null, string daprAIConnectionString = null, ContainerAppVnetConfiguration vnetConfiguration = null, string deploymentErrors = null, string defaultDomain = null, IPAddress staticIP = null, ContainerAppLogsConfiguration appLogsConfiguration = null, bool? isZoneRedundant = null, ContainerAppCustomDomainConfiguration customDomainConfiguration = null, string eventStreamEndpoint = null, IEnumerable workloadProfiles = null, string kedaVersion = null, string daprVersion = null, string infrastructureResourceGroup = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + workloadProfiles ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, kind, provisioningState, daprAIInstrumentationKey, daprAIConnectionString, vnetConfiguration, deploymentErrors, defaultDomain, staticIP, appLogsConfiguration, isZoneRedundant, customDomainConfiguration, eventStreamEndpoint, workloadProfiles?.ToList(), kedaVersion != null ? new KedaConfiguration(kedaVersion) : null, daprVersion != null ? new DaprConfiguration(daprVersion) : null, infrastructureResourceGroup); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppManagedCertificateData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Certificate resource specific properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppManagedCertificateData ContainerAppManagedCertificateData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedCertificateProperties properties = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerAppManagedCertificateData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedCertificateProperties. + /// Provisioning state of the certificate. + /// Subject name of the certificate. + /// Any error occurred during the certificate provision. + /// Selected type of domain control validation for managed certificates. + /// A TXT token used for DNS TXT domain control validation when issuing this type of managed certificates. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedCertificateProperties ManagedCertificateProperties(ContainerAppCertificateProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string subjectName = null, string error = null, ManagedCertificateDomainControlValidation? domainControlValidation = null, string validationToken = null) + { + return new ManagedCertificateProperties(provisioningState, subjectName, error, domainControlValidation, validationToken); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppEnvironmentAuthToken. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Auth token value. + /// Token expiration date. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppEnvironmentAuthToken ContainerAppEnvironmentAuthToken(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string token = null, DateTimeOffset? expireOn = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerAppEnvironmentAuthToken(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, token, expireOn); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppWorkloadProfileState. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Workload Profile resource specific properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppWorkloadProfileState ContainerAppWorkloadProfileState(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ContainerAppWorkloadProfileStateProperties properties = null) + { + return new ContainerAppWorkloadProfileState(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentStorageData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Storage properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentStorageData ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentStorageData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ContainerAppAzureFileProperties managedEnvironmentStorageAzureFile = null) + { + return new ContainerAppManagedEnvironmentStorageData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, managedEnvironmentStorageAzureFile != null ? new ManagedEnvironmentStorageProperties(managedEnvironmentStorageAzureFile) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAppSourceControlData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Current provisioning State of the operation. + /// The repo url which will be integrated to ContainerApp. + /// The branch which will trigger the auto deployment. + /// + /// Container App Revision Template with all possible settings and the + /// defaults if user did not provide them. The defaults are populated + /// as they were at the creation time + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAppSourceControlData ContainerAppSourceControlData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ContainerAppSourceControlOperationState? operationState = null, Uri repoUri = null, string branch = null, ContainerAppGitHubActionConfiguration gitHubActionConfiguration = null) + { + return new ContainerAppSourceControlData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, operationState, repoUri, branch, gitHubActionConfiguration); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/src/autorest.md b/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/src/autorest.md index 10fbf67f345b4..643a7ea07a567 100644 --- a/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/containerapps/Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers/src/autorest.md @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: AppContainers namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.AppContainers diff --git a/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/CHANGELOG.md index 06e03a955d0a9..c2141df2982e2 100644 --- a/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.2.0-beta.1 (Unreleased) +## 1.2.0-beta.1 (2023-05-29) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.1.0 (2023-05-04) ### Other Changes diff --git a/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.netstandard2.0.cs index 8209454ac5ea2..7d7497beaf5fb 100644 --- a/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -92,6 +92,27 @@ public static partial class ContainerInstanceExtensions } namespace Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models { + public static partial class ArmContainerInstanceModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.CachedImages CachedImages(string osType = null, string image = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerAttachResult ContainerAttachResult(System.Uri webSocketUri = null, string password = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerCapabilities ContainerCapabilities(string resourceType = null, string osType = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), string ipAddressType = null, string gpu = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerSupportedCapabilities capabilities = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerEvent ContainerEvent(int? count = default(int?), System.DateTimeOffset? firstTimestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastTimestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string name = null, string message = null, string eventType = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerExecResult ContainerExecResult(System.Uri webSocketUri = null, string password = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.ContainerGroupData ContainerGroupData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable zones = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string provisioningState = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable containers = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable imageRegistryCredentials = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupRestartPolicy? restartPolicy = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupRestartPolicy?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupIPAddress ipAddress = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerInstanceOperatingSystemType osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerInstanceOperatingSystemType), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable volumes = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupInstanceView instanceView = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupLogAnalytics diagnosticsLogAnalytics = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable subnetIds = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupDnsConfiguration dnsConfig = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupSku? sku = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupSku?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupEncryptionProperties encryptionProperties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable initContainers = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable extensions = null, string confidentialComputeCcePolicy = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupPriority? priority = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupPriority?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupInstanceView ContainerGroupInstanceView(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable events = null, string state = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupIPAddress ContainerGroupIPAddress(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable ports = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupIPAddressType addressType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupIPAddressType), System.Net.IPAddress ip = null, string dnsNameLabel = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.DnsNameLabelReusePolicy? autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.DnsNameLabelReusePolicy?), string fqdn = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerGroupPatch ContainerGroupPatch(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable zones = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerInstanceContainer ContainerInstanceContainer(string name = null, string image = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable command = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable ports = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable environmentVariables = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerInstanceView instanceView = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerResourceRequirements resources = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable volumeMounts = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerProbe livenessProbe = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerProbe readinessProbe = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerSecurityContextDefinition securityContext = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerInstanceUsage ContainerInstanceUsage(string id = null, string unit = null, int? currentValue = default(int?), int? limit = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerInstanceUsageName name = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerInstanceUsageName ContainerInstanceUsageName(string value = null, string localizedValue = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerInstanceView ContainerInstanceView(int? restartCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerState currentState = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerState previousState = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable events = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerLogs ContainerLogs(string content = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerState ContainerState(string state = null, System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), int? exitCode = default(int?), System.DateTimeOffset? finishOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string detailStatus = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerSupportedCapabilities ContainerSupportedCapabilities(float? maxMemoryInGB = default(float?), float? maxCpu = default(float?), float? maxGpuCount = default(float?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.InitContainerDefinitionContent InitContainerDefinitionContent(string name = null, string image = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable command = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable environmentVariables = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView instanceView = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable volumeMounts = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerSecurityContextDefinition securityContext = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView(int? restartCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerState currentState = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models.ContainerState previousState = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable events = null) { throw null; } + } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public readonly partial struct AutoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope : System.IEquatable { diff --git a/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/src/Generated/ArmContainerInstanceModelFactory.cs b/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/src/Generated/ArmContainerInstanceModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..dbdf46c377c65 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/src/Generated/ArmContainerInstanceModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,292 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Net; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmContainerInstanceModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerGroupData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The zones for the container group. + /// The identity of the container group, if configured. + /// The provisioning state of the container group. This only appears in the response. + /// The containers within the container group. + /// The image registry credentials by which the container group is created from. + /// + /// Restart policy for all containers within the container group. + /// - `Always` Always restart + /// - `OnFailure` Restart on failure + /// - `Never` Never restart + /// + /// + /// The IP address type of the container group. + /// The operating system type required by the containers in the container group. + /// The list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in this container group. + /// The instance view of the container group. Only valid in response. + /// The diagnostic information for a container group. + /// The subnet resource IDs for a container group. + /// The DNS config information for a container group. + /// The SKU for a container group. + /// The encryption properties for a container group. + /// The init containers for a container group. + /// extensions used by virtual kubelet. + /// The properties for confidential container group. + /// The priority of the container group. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerGroupData ContainerGroupData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IEnumerable zones = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string provisioningState = null, IEnumerable containers = null, IEnumerable imageRegistryCredentials = null, ContainerGroupRestartPolicy? restartPolicy = null, ContainerGroupIPAddress ipAddress = null, ContainerInstanceOperatingSystemType osType = default, IEnumerable volumes = null, ContainerGroupInstanceView instanceView = null, ContainerGroupLogAnalytics diagnosticsLogAnalytics = null, IEnumerable subnetIds = null, ContainerGroupDnsConfiguration dnsConfig = null, ContainerGroupSku? sku = null, ContainerGroupEncryptionProperties encryptionProperties = null, IEnumerable initContainers = null, IEnumerable extensions = null, string confidentialComputeCcePolicy = null, ContainerGroupPriority? priority = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + zones ??= new List(); + containers ??= new List(); + imageRegistryCredentials ??= new List(); + volumes ??= new List(); + subnetIds ??= new List(); + initContainers ??= new List(); + extensions ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerGroupData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, zones?.ToList(), identity, provisioningState, containers?.ToList(), imageRegistryCredentials?.ToList(), restartPolicy, ipAddress, osType, volumes?.ToList(), instanceView, diagnosticsLogAnalytics != null ? new ContainerGroupDiagnostics(diagnosticsLogAnalytics) : null, subnetIds?.ToList(), dnsConfig, sku, encryptionProperties, initContainers?.ToList(), extensions?.ToList(), confidentialComputeCcePolicy != null ? new ConfidentialComputeProperties(confidentialComputeCcePolicy) : null, priority); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerGroupPatch. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The zones for the container group. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerGroupPatch ContainerGroupPatch(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IEnumerable zones = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + zones ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerGroupPatch(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, zones?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerInstanceContainer. + /// The user-provided name of the container instance. + /// The name of the image used to create the container instance. + /// The commands to execute within the container instance in exec form. + /// The exposed ports on the container instance. + /// The environment variables to set in the container instance. + /// The instance view of the container instance. Only valid in response. + /// The resource requirements of the container instance. + /// The volume mounts available to the container instance. + /// The liveness probe. + /// The readiness probe. + /// The container security properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerInstanceContainer ContainerInstanceContainer(string name = null, string image = null, IEnumerable command = null, IEnumerable ports = null, IEnumerable environmentVariables = null, ContainerInstanceView instanceView = null, ContainerResourceRequirements resources = null, IEnumerable volumeMounts = null, ContainerProbe livenessProbe = null, ContainerProbe readinessProbe = null, ContainerSecurityContextDefinition securityContext = null) + { + command ??= new List(); + ports ??= new List(); + environmentVariables ??= new List(); + volumeMounts ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerInstanceContainer(name, image, command?.ToList(), ports?.ToList(), environmentVariables?.ToList(), instanceView, resources, volumeMounts?.ToList(), livenessProbe, readinessProbe, securityContext); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerInstanceView. + /// The number of times that the container instance has been restarted. + /// Current container instance state. + /// Previous container instance state. + /// The events of the container instance. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerInstanceView ContainerInstanceView(int? restartCount = null, ContainerState currentState = null, ContainerState previousState = null, IEnumerable events = null) + { + events ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerInstanceView(restartCount, currentState, previousState, events?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerState. + /// The state of the container instance. + /// The date-time when the container instance state started. + /// The container instance exit codes correspond to those from the `docker run` command. + /// The date-time when the container instance state finished. + /// The human-readable status of the container instance state. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerState ContainerState(string state = null, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, int? exitCode = null, DateTimeOffset? finishOn = null, string detailStatus = null) + { + return new ContainerState(state, startOn, exitCode, finishOn, detailStatus); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerEvent. + /// The count of the event. + /// The date-time of the earliest logged event. + /// The date-time of the latest logged event. + /// The event name. + /// The event message. + /// The event type. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerEvent ContainerEvent(int? count = null, DateTimeOffset? firstTimestamp = null, DateTimeOffset? lastTimestamp = null, string name = null, string message = null, string eventType = null) + { + return new ContainerEvent(count, firstTimestamp, lastTimestamp, name, message, eventType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerGroupIPAddress. + /// The list of ports exposed on the container group. + /// Specifies if the IP is exposed to the public internet or private VNET. + /// The IP exposed to the public internet. + /// The Dns name label for the IP. + /// The value representing the security enum. The 'Unsecure' value is the default value if not selected and means the object's domain name label is not secured against subdomain takeover. The 'TenantReuse' value is the default value if selected and means the object's domain name label can be reused within the same tenant. The 'SubscriptionReuse' value means the object's domain name label can be reused within the same subscription. The 'ResourceGroupReuse' value means the object's domain name label can be reused within the same resource group. The 'NoReuse' value means the object's domain name label cannot be reused within the same resource group, subscription, or tenant. + /// The FQDN for the IP. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerGroupIPAddress ContainerGroupIPAddress(IEnumerable ports = null, ContainerGroupIPAddressType addressType = default, IPAddress ip = null, string dnsNameLabel = null, DnsNameLabelReusePolicy? autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope = null, string fqdn = null) + { + ports ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerGroupIPAddress(ports?.ToList(), addressType, ip, dnsNameLabel, autoGeneratedDomainNameLabelScope, fqdn); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerGroupInstanceView. + /// The events of this container group. + /// The state of the container group. Only valid in response. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerGroupInstanceView ContainerGroupInstanceView(IEnumerable events = null, string state = null) + { + events ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerGroupInstanceView(events?.ToList(), state); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of InitContainerDefinitionContent. + /// The name for the init container. + /// The image of the init container. + /// The command to execute within the init container in exec form. + /// The environment variables to set in the init container. + /// The instance view of the init container. Only valid in response. + /// The volume mounts available to the init container. + /// The container security properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static InitContainerDefinitionContent InitContainerDefinitionContent(string name = null, string image = null, IEnumerable command = null, IEnumerable environmentVariables = null, InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView instanceView = null, IEnumerable volumeMounts = null, ContainerSecurityContextDefinition securityContext = null) + { + command ??= new List(); + environmentVariables ??= new List(); + volumeMounts ??= new List(); + + return new InitContainerDefinitionContent(name, image, command?.ToList(), environmentVariables?.ToList(), instanceView, volumeMounts?.ToList(), securityContext); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView. + /// The number of times that the init container has been restarted. + /// The current state of the init container. + /// The previous state of the init container. + /// The events of the init container. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView(int? restartCount = null, ContainerState currentState = null, ContainerState previousState = null, IEnumerable events = null) + { + events ??= new List(); + + return new InitContainerPropertiesDefinitionInstanceView(restartCount, currentState, previousState, events?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerInstanceUsage. + /// Id of the usage result. + /// Unit of the usage result. + /// The current usage of the resource. + /// The maximum permitted usage of the resource. + /// The name object of the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerInstanceUsage ContainerInstanceUsage(string id = null, string unit = null, int? currentValue = null, int? limit = null, ContainerInstanceUsageName name = null) + { + return new ContainerInstanceUsage(id, unit, currentValue, limit, name); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerInstanceUsageName. + /// The name of the resource. + /// The localized name of the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerInstanceUsageName ContainerInstanceUsageName(string value = null, string localizedValue = null) + { + return new ContainerInstanceUsageName(value, localizedValue); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerLogs. + /// The content of the log. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerLogs ContainerLogs(string content = null) + { + return new ContainerLogs(content); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerExecResult. + /// The uri for the exec websocket. + /// The password to start the exec command. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerExecResult ContainerExecResult(Uri webSocketUri = null, string password = null) + { + return new ContainerExecResult(webSocketUri, password); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerAttachResult. + /// The uri for the output stream from the attach. + /// The password to the output stream from the attach. Send as an Authorization header value when connecting to the websocketUri. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerAttachResult ContainerAttachResult(Uri webSocketUri = null, string password = null) + { + return new ContainerAttachResult(webSocketUri, password); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CachedImages. + /// The OS type of the cached image. + /// The cached image name. + /// or is null. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CachedImages CachedImages(string osType = null, string image = null) + { + if (osType == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(osType)); + } + if (image == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(image)); + } + + return new CachedImages(osType, image); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerCapabilities. + /// The resource type that this capability describes. + /// The OS type that this capability describes. + /// The resource location. + /// The ip address type that this capability describes. + /// The GPU sku that this capability describes. + /// The supported capabilities. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerCapabilities ContainerCapabilities(string resourceType = null, string osType = null, AzureLocation? location = null, string ipAddressType = null, string gpu = null, ContainerSupportedCapabilities capabilities = null) + { + return new ContainerCapabilities(resourceType, osType, location, ipAddressType, gpu, capabilities); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerSupportedCapabilities. + /// The maximum allowed memory request in GB. + /// The maximum allowed CPU request in cores. + /// The maximum allowed GPU count. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerSupportedCapabilities ContainerSupportedCapabilities(float? maxMemoryInGB = null, float? maxCpu = null, float? maxGpuCount = null) + { + return new ContainerSupportedCapabilities(maxMemoryInGB, maxCpu, maxGpuCount); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/src/autorest.md b/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/src/autorest.md index c373f9e82710f..e31647c19ded3 100644 --- a/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/containerinstance/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance/src/autorest.md @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false library-name: ContainerInstance namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerInstance require: https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/blob/7990bc19fe4941681605891960006538d3528f78/specification/containerinstance/resource-manager/readme.md diff --git a/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/CHANGELOG.md index 8513241f72547..88b2d55a61f40 100644 --- a/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.2.0-beta.1 (Unreleased) +## 1.2.0-beta.1 (2023-05-29) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.1.0 (2023-02-15) ### Features Added diff --git a/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.netstandard2.0.cs index cdd7cb2521698..f6f86c3df3e10 100644 --- a/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -571,6 +571,47 @@ namespace Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models public static bool operator !=(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ActionsRequiredForPrivateLinkServiceConsumer left, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ActionsRequiredForPrivateLinkServiceConsumer right) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } + public static partial class ArmContainerRegistryModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryAgentPoolData ContainerRegistryAgentPoolData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), int? count = default(int?), string tier = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryOS? os = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryOS?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier virtualNetworkSubnetResourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryAgentPoolQueueStatus ContainerRegistryAgentPoolQueueStatus(int? count = default(int?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryBaseImageDependency ContainerRegistryBaseImageDependency(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryBaseImageDependencyType? dependencyType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryBaseImageDependencyType?), string registry = null, string repository = null, string tag = null, string digest = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryData ContainerRegistryData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistrySku sku = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string loginServer = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryResourceStatus status = null, bool? isAdminUserEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryNetworkRuleSet networkRuleSet = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPolicies policies = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryEncryption encryption = null, bool? isDataEndpointEnabled = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable dataEndpointHostNames = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable privateEndpointConnections = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPublicNetworkAccess?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryNetworkRuleBypassOption? networkRuleBypassOptions = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryNetworkRuleBypassOption?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryZoneRedundancy? zoneRedundancy = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryZoneRedundancy?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryDockerBuildStep ContainerRegistryDockerBuildStep(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable baseImageDependencies = null, string contextPath = null, string contextAccessToken = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable imageNames = null, bool? isPushEnabled = default(bool?), bool? noCache = default(bool?), string dockerFilePath = null, string target = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable arguments = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryEncodedTaskStep ContainerRegistryEncodedTaskStep(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable baseImageDependencies = null, string contextPath = null, string contextAccessToken = null, string encodedTaskContent = null, string encodedValuesContent = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable values = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryFileTaskStep ContainerRegistryFileTaskStep(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable baseImageDependencies = null, string contextPath = null, string contextAccessToken = null, string taskFilePath = null, string valuesFilePath = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable values = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryGenerateCredentialsResult ContainerRegistryGenerateCredentialsResult(string username = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable passwords = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryKeyVaultProperties ContainerRegistryKeyVaultProperties(string keyIdentifier = null, string versionedKeyIdentifier = null, string identity = null, bool? isKeyRotationEnabled = default(bool?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastKeyRotationTimestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryListCredentialsResult ContainerRegistryListCredentialsResult(string username = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable passwords = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryNameAvailableResult ContainerRegistryNameAvailableResult(bool? isNameAvailable = default(bool?), string reason = null, string message = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPassword ContainerRegistryPassword(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPasswordName? name = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPasswordName?), string value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryPrivateEndpointConnectionData ContainerRegistryPrivateEndpointConnectionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier privateEndpointId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPrivateLinkServiceConnectionState connectionState = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryPrivateLinkResourceData ContainerRegistryPrivateLinkResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string groupId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable requiredMembers = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable requiredZoneNames = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryReplicationData ContainerRegistryReplicationData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryResourceStatus status = null, bool? isRegionEndpointEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryZoneRedundancy? zoneRedundancy = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryZoneRedundancy?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryResourceStatus ContainerRegistryResourceStatus(string displayStatus = null, string message = null, System.DateTimeOffset? timestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryRetentionPolicy ContainerRegistryRetentionPolicy(int? days = default(int?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPolicyStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPolicyStatus?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryRunData ContainerRegistryRunData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string runId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryRunStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryRunStatus?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryRunType? runType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryRunType?), string agentPoolName = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? finishOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable outputImages = null, string task = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryImageUpdateTrigger imageUpdateTrigger = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistrySourceTriggerDescriptor sourceTrigger = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTimerTriggerDescriptor timerTrigger = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPlatformProperties platform = null, int? agentCpu = default(int?), string sourceRegistryAuth = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable customRegistries = null, string runErrorMessage = null, string updateTriggerToken = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryImageDescriptor logArtifact = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?), bool? isArchiveEnabled = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryRunGetLogResult ContainerRegistryRunGetLogResult(string logLink = null, string logArtifactLink = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistrySku ContainerRegistrySku(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistrySkuName name = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistrySkuName), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistrySkuTier? tier = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistrySkuTier?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryTaskData ContainerRegistryTaskData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTaskStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTaskStatus?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryPlatformProperties platform = null, int? agentCpu = default(int?), string agentPoolName = null, int? timeoutInSeconds = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTaskStepProperties step = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTriggerProperties trigger = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryCredentials credentials = null, string logTemplate = null, bool? isSystemTask = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryTaskRunData ContainerRegistryTaskRunData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryRunContent runRequest = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryRunData runResult = null, string forceUpdateTag = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTaskStepProperties ContainerRegistryTaskStepProperties(string containerRegistryTaskStepType = "Unknown", System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable baseImageDependencies = null, string contextPath = null, string contextAccessToken = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryTokenData ContainerRegistryTokenData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier scopeMapId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTokenCredentials credentials = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTokenStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTokenStatus?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTokenPassword ContainerRegistryTokenPassword(System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? expireOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTokenPasswordName? name = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryTokenPasswordName?), string value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryUsage ContainerRegistryUsage(string name = null, long? limit = default(long?), long? currentValue = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryUsageUnit? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryUsageUnit?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookCallbackConfig ContainerRegistryWebhookCallbackConfig(System.Uri serviceUri = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary customHeaders = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ContainerRegistryWebhookData ContainerRegistryWebhookData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookStatus?), string scope = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable actions = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEvent ContainerRegistryWebhookEvent(System.Guid? id = default(System.Guid?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestMessage eventRequestMessage = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventResponseMessage eventResponseMessage = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventContent ContainerRegistryWebhookEventContent(System.Guid? id = default(System.Guid?), System.DateTimeOffset? timestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string action = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventTarget target = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestContent request = null, string actorName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventSource source = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventInfo ContainerRegistryWebhookEventInfo(System.Guid? id = default(System.Guid?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestContent ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestContent(System.Guid? id = default(System.Guid?), string addr = null, string host = null, string method = null, string userAgent = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestMessage ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestMessage(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventContent content = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary headers = null, string method = null, System.Uri requestUri = null, string version = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventResponseMessage ContainerRegistryWebhookEventResponseMessage(string content = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary headers = null, string reasonPhrase = null, string statusCode = null, string version = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventSource ContainerRegistryWebhookEventSource(string addr = null, string instanceId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryWebhookEventTarget ContainerRegistryWebhookEventTarget(string mediaType = null, long? size = default(long?), string digest = null, long? length = default(long?), string repository = null, System.Uri uri = null, string tag = null, string name = null, string version = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.ScopeMapData ScopeMapData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string description = null, string scopeMapType = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.ContainerRegistryProvisioningState?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable actions = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models.SourceUploadDefinition SourceUploadDefinition(System.Uri uploadUri = null, string relativePath = null) { throw null; } + } public partial class ContainerRegistryAgentPoolPatch { public ContainerRegistryAgentPoolPatch() { } diff --git a/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/src/Generated/ArmContainerRegistryModelFactory.cs b/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/src/Generated/ArmContainerRegistryModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..2f7e8bb1e69bd --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/src/Generated/ArmContainerRegistryModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,585 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmContainerRegistryModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryNameAvailableResult. + /// The value that indicates whether the name is available. + /// If any, the reason that the name is not available. + /// If any, the error message that provides more detail for the reason that the name is not available. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryNameAvailableResult ContainerRegistryNameAvailableResult(bool? isNameAvailable = null, string reason = null, string message = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryNameAvailableResult(isNameAvailable, reason, message); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryPrivateEndpointConnectionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The resource of private endpoint. + /// A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider. + /// The provisioning state of private endpoint connection resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryPrivateEndpointConnectionData ContainerRegistryPrivateEndpointConnectionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ResourceIdentifier privateEndpointId = null, ContainerRegistryPrivateLinkServiceConnectionState connectionState = null, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryPrivateEndpointConnectionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, privateEndpointId != null ? ResourceManagerModelFactory.WritableSubResource(privateEndpointId) : null, connectionState, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The SKU of the container registry. + /// The identity of the container registry. + /// The URL that can be used to log into the container registry. + /// The creation date of the container registry in ISO8601 format. + /// The provisioning state of the container registry at the time the operation was called. + /// The status of the container registry at the time the operation was called. + /// The value that indicates whether the admin user is enabled. + /// The network rule set for a container registry. + /// The policies for a container registry. + /// The encryption settings of container registry. + /// Enable a single data endpoint per region for serving data. + /// List of host names that will serve data when dataEndpointEnabled is true. + /// List of private endpoint connections for a container registry. + /// Whether or not public network access is allowed for the container registry. + /// Whether to allow trusted Azure services to access a network restricted registry. + /// Whether or not zone redundancy is enabled for this container registry. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryData ContainerRegistryData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ContainerRegistrySku sku = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string loginServer = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, ContainerRegistryResourceStatus status = null, bool? isAdminUserEnabled = null, ContainerRegistryNetworkRuleSet networkRuleSet = null, ContainerRegistryPolicies policies = null, ContainerRegistryEncryption encryption = null, bool? isDataEndpointEnabled = null, IEnumerable dataEndpointHostNames = null, IEnumerable privateEndpointConnections = null, ContainerRegistryPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = null, ContainerRegistryNetworkRuleBypassOption? networkRuleBypassOptions = null, ContainerRegistryZoneRedundancy? zoneRedundancy = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + dataEndpointHostNames ??= new List(); + privateEndpointConnections ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerRegistryData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, sku, identity, loginServer, createdOn, provisioningState, status, isAdminUserEnabled, networkRuleSet, policies, encryption, isDataEndpointEnabled, dataEndpointHostNames?.ToList(), privateEndpointConnections?.ToList(), publicNetworkAccess, networkRuleBypassOptions, zoneRedundancy); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistrySku. + /// The SKU name of the container registry. Required for registry creation. + /// The SKU tier based on the SKU name. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistrySku ContainerRegistrySku(ContainerRegistrySkuName name = default, ContainerRegistrySkuTier? tier = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistrySku(name, tier); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryResourceStatus. + /// The short label for the status. + /// The detailed message for the status, including alerts and error messages. + /// The timestamp when the status was changed to the current value. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryResourceStatus ContainerRegistryResourceStatus(string displayStatus = null, string message = null, DateTimeOffset? timestamp = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryResourceStatus(displayStatus, message, timestamp); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryRetentionPolicy. + /// The number of days to retain an untagged manifest after which it gets purged. + /// The timestamp when the policy was last updated. + /// The value that indicates whether the policy is enabled or not. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryRetentionPolicy ContainerRegistryRetentionPolicy(int? days = null, DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedOn = null, ContainerRegistryPolicyStatus? status = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryRetentionPolicy(days, lastUpdatedOn, status); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryKeyVaultProperties. + /// Key vault uri to access the encryption key. + /// The fully qualified key identifier that includes the version of the key that is actually used for encryption. + /// The client id of the identity which will be used to access key vault. + /// Auto key rotation status for a CMK enabled registry. + /// Timestamp of the last successful key rotation. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryKeyVaultProperties ContainerRegistryKeyVaultProperties(string keyIdentifier = null, string versionedKeyIdentifier = null, string identity = null, bool? isKeyRotationEnabled = null, DateTimeOffset? lastKeyRotationTimestamp = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryKeyVaultProperties(keyIdentifier, versionedKeyIdentifier, identity, isKeyRotationEnabled, lastKeyRotationTimestamp); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryUsage. + /// The name of the usage. + /// The limit of the usage. + /// The current value of the usage. + /// The unit of measurement. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryUsage ContainerRegistryUsage(string name = null, long? limit = null, long? currentValue = null, ContainerRegistryUsageUnit? unit = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryUsage(name, limit, currentValue, unit); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryPrivateLinkResourceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The private link resource group id. + /// The private link resource required member names. + /// The private link resource Private link DNS zone name. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryPrivateLinkResourceData ContainerRegistryPrivateLinkResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string groupId = null, IEnumerable requiredMembers = null, IEnumerable requiredZoneNames = null) + { + requiredMembers ??= new List(); + requiredZoneNames ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerRegistryPrivateLinkResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, groupId, requiredMembers?.ToList(), requiredZoneNames?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryListCredentialsResult. + /// The username for a container registry. + /// The list of passwords for a container registry. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryListCredentialsResult ContainerRegistryListCredentialsResult(string username = null, IEnumerable passwords = null) + { + passwords ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerRegistryListCredentialsResult(username, passwords?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryPassword. + /// The password name. + /// The password value. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryPassword ContainerRegistryPassword(ContainerRegistryPasswordName? name = null, string value = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryPassword(name, value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryReplicationData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The provisioning state of the replication at the time the operation was called. + /// The status of the replication at the time the operation was called. + /// Specifies whether the replication's regional endpoint is enabled. Requests will not be routed to a replication whose regional endpoint is disabled, however its data will continue to be synced with other replications. + /// Whether or not zone redundancy is enabled for this container registry replication. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryReplicationData ContainerRegistryReplicationData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, ContainerRegistryResourceStatus status = null, bool? isRegionEndpointEnabled = null, ContainerRegistryZoneRedundancy? zoneRedundancy = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerRegistryReplicationData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, provisioningState, status, isRegionEndpointEnabled, zoneRedundancy); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ScopeMapData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The user friendly description of the scope map. + /// The type of the scope map. E.g. BuildIn scope map. + /// The creation date of scope map. + /// Provisioning state of the resource. + /// + /// The list of scoped permissions for registry artifacts. + /// E.g. repositories/repository-name/content/read, + /// repositories/repository-name/metadata/write + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ScopeMapData ScopeMapData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string description = null, string scopeMapType = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, IEnumerable actions = null) + { + actions ??= new List(); + + return new ScopeMapData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, description, scopeMapType, createdOn, provisioningState, actions?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryTokenData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The creation date of scope map. + /// Provisioning state of the resource. + /// The resource ID of the scope map to which the token will be associated with. + /// The credentials that can be used for authenticating the token. + /// The status of the token example enabled or disabled. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryTokenData ContainerRegistryTokenData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, ResourceIdentifier scopeMapId = null, ContainerRegistryTokenCredentials credentials = null, ContainerRegistryTokenStatus? status = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryTokenData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, createdOn, provisioningState, scopeMapId, credentials, status); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryTokenPassword. + /// The creation datetime of the password. + /// The expiry datetime of the password. + /// The password name "password1" or "password2". + /// The password value. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryTokenPassword ContainerRegistryTokenPassword(DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? expireOn = null, ContainerRegistryTokenPasswordName? name = null, string value = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryTokenPassword(createdOn, expireOn, name, value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryGenerateCredentialsResult. + /// The username for a container registry. + /// The list of passwords for a container registry. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryGenerateCredentialsResult ContainerRegistryGenerateCredentialsResult(string username = null, IEnumerable passwords = null) + { + passwords ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerRegistryGenerateCredentialsResult(username, passwords?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The status of the webhook at the time the operation was called. + /// The scope of repositories where the event can be triggered. For example, 'foo:*' means events for all tags under repository 'foo'. 'foo:bar' means events for 'foo:bar' only. 'foo' is equivalent to 'foo:latest'. Empty means all events. + /// The list of actions that trigger the webhook to post notifications. + /// The provisioning state of the webhook at the time the operation was called. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookData ContainerRegistryWebhookData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ContainerRegistryWebhookStatus? status = null, string scope = null, IEnumerable actions = null, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + actions ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, status, scope, actions?.ToList(), provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookEventInfo. + /// The event ID. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookEventInfo ContainerRegistryWebhookEventInfo(Guid? id = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookEventInfo(id); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookEvent. + /// The event ID. + /// The event request message sent to the service URI. + /// The event response message received from the service URI. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookEvent ContainerRegistryWebhookEvent(Guid? id = null, ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestMessage eventRequestMessage = null, ContainerRegistryWebhookEventResponseMessage eventResponseMessage = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookEvent(id, eventRequestMessage, eventResponseMessage); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestMessage. + /// The content of the event request message. + /// The headers of the event request message. + /// The HTTP method used to send the event request message. + /// The URI used to send the event request message. + /// The HTTP message version. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestMessage ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestMessage(ContainerRegistryWebhookEventContent content = null, IReadOnlyDictionary headers = null, string method = null, Uri requestUri = null, string version = null) + { + headers ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestMessage(content, headers, method, requestUri, version); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookEventContent. + /// The event ID. + /// The time at which the event occurred. + /// The action that encompasses the provided event. + /// The target of the event. + /// The request that generated the event. + /// The agent that initiated the event. For most situations, this could be from the authorization context of the request. + /// The registry node that generated the event. Put differently, while the actor initiates the event, the source generates it. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookEventContent ContainerRegistryWebhookEventContent(Guid? id = null, DateTimeOffset? timestamp = null, string action = null, ContainerRegistryWebhookEventTarget target = null, ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestContent request = null, string actorName = null, ContainerRegistryWebhookEventSource source = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookEventContent(id, timestamp, action, target, request, actorName != null ? new ContainerRegistryWebhookEventActor(actorName) : null, source); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookEventTarget. + /// The MIME type of the referenced object. + /// The number of bytes of the content. Same as Length field. + /// The digest of the content, as defined by the Registry V2 HTTP API Specification. + /// The number of bytes of the content. Same as Size field. + /// The repository name. + /// The direct URL to the content. + /// The tag name. + /// The name of the artifact. + /// The version of the artifact. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookEventTarget ContainerRegistryWebhookEventTarget(string mediaType = null, long? size = null, string digest = null, long? length = null, string repository = null, Uri uri = null, string tag = null, string name = null, string version = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookEventTarget(mediaType, size, digest, length, repository, uri, tag, name, version); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestContent. + /// The ID of the request that initiated the event. + /// The IP or hostname and possibly port of the client connection that initiated the event. This is the RemoteAddr from the standard http request. + /// The externally accessible hostname of the registry instance, as specified by the http host header on incoming requests. + /// The request method that generated the event. + /// The user agent header of the request. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestContent ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestContent(Guid? id = null, string addr = null, string host = null, string method = null, string userAgent = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookEventRequestContent(id, addr, host, method, userAgent); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookEventSource. + /// The IP or hostname and the port of the registry node that generated the event. Generally, this will be resolved by os.Hostname() along with the running port. + /// The running instance of an application. Changes after each restart. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookEventSource ContainerRegistryWebhookEventSource(string addr = null, string instanceId = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookEventSource(addr, instanceId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookEventResponseMessage. + /// The content of the event response message. + /// The headers of the event response message. + /// The reason phrase of the event response message. + /// The status code of the event response message. + /// The HTTP message version. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookEventResponseMessage ContainerRegistryWebhookEventResponseMessage(string content = null, IReadOnlyDictionary headers = null, string reasonPhrase = null, string statusCode = null, string version = null) + { + headers ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookEventResponseMessage(content, headers, reasonPhrase, statusCode, version); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryWebhookCallbackConfig. + /// The service URI for the webhook to post notifications. + /// Custom headers that will be added to the webhook notifications. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryWebhookCallbackConfig ContainerRegistryWebhookCallbackConfig(Uri serviceUri = null, IReadOnlyDictionary customHeaders = null) + { + customHeaders ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerRegistryWebhookCallbackConfig(serviceUri, customHeaders); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryAgentPoolData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The count of agent machine. + /// The Tier of agent machine. + /// The OS of agent machine. + /// The Virtual Network Subnet Resource Id of the agent machine. + /// The provisioning state of this agent pool. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryAgentPoolData ContainerRegistryAgentPoolData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, int? count = null, string tier = null, ContainerRegistryOS? os = null, ResourceIdentifier virtualNetworkSubnetResourceId = null, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerRegistryAgentPoolData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, count, tier, os, virtualNetworkSubnetResourceId, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryAgentPoolQueueStatus. + /// The number of pending runs in the queue. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryAgentPoolQueueStatus ContainerRegistryAgentPoolQueueStatus(int? count = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryAgentPoolQueueStatus(count); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryRunData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The unique identifier for the run. + /// The current status of the run. + /// The last updated time for the run. + /// The type of run. + /// The dedicated agent pool for the run. + /// The time the run was scheduled. + /// The time the run started. + /// The time the run finished. + /// The list of all images that were generated from the run. This is applicable if the run generates base image dependencies. + /// The task against which run was scheduled. + /// The image update trigger that caused the run. This is applicable if the task has base image trigger configured. + /// The source trigger that caused the run. + /// The timer trigger that caused the run. + /// The platform properties against which the run will happen. + /// The machine configuration of the run agent. + /// The scope of the credentials that were used to login to the source registry during this run. + /// The list of custom registries that were logged in during this run. + /// The error message received from backend systems after the run is scheduled. + /// The update trigger token passed for the Run. + /// The image description for the log artifact. + /// The provisioning state of a run. + /// The value that indicates whether archiving is enabled or not. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryRunData ContainerRegistryRunData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string runId = null, ContainerRegistryRunStatus? status = null, DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedOn = null, ContainerRegistryRunType? runType = null, string agentPoolName = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? finishOn = null, IEnumerable outputImages = null, string task = null, ContainerRegistryImageUpdateTrigger imageUpdateTrigger = null, ContainerRegistrySourceTriggerDescriptor sourceTrigger = null, ContainerRegistryTimerTriggerDescriptor timerTrigger = null, ContainerRegistryPlatformProperties platform = null, int? agentCpu = null, string sourceRegistryAuth = null, IEnumerable customRegistries = null, string runErrorMessage = null, string updateTriggerToken = null, ContainerRegistryImageDescriptor logArtifact = null, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, bool? isArchiveEnabled = null) + { + outputImages ??= new List(); + customRegistries ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerRegistryRunData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, runId, status, lastUpdatedOn, runType, agentPoolName, createdOn, startOn, finishOn, outputImages?.ToList(), task, imageUpdateTrigger, sourceTrigger, timerTrigger, platform, agentCpu != null ? new ContainerRegistryAgentProperties(agentCpu) : null, sourceRegistryAuth, customRegistries?.ToList(), runErrorMessage, updateTriggerToken, logArtifact, provisioningState, isArchiveEnabled); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of SourceUploadDefinition. + /// The URL where the client can upload the source. + /// The relative path to the source. This is used to submit the subsequent queue build request. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static SourceUploadDefinition SourceUploadDefinition(Uri uploadUri = null, string relativePath = null) + { + return new SourceUploadDefinition(uploadUri, relativePath); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryRunGetLogResult. + /// The link to logs for a run on a azure container registry. + /// The link to logs in registry for a run on a azure container registry. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryRunGetLogResult ContainerRegistryRunGetLogResult(string logLink = null, string logArtifactLink = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryRunGetLogResult(logLink, logArtifactLink); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryTaskRunData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// The location of the resource. + /// The provisioning state of this task run. + /// + /// The request (parameters) for the run + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , and . + /// + /// The result of this task run. + /// How the run should be forced to rerun even if the run request configuration has not changed. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryTaskRunData ContainerRegistryTaskRunData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, AzureLocation? location = null, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, ContainerRegistryRunContent runRequest = null, ContainerRegistryRunData runResult = null, string forceUpdateTag = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryTaskRunData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, identity, location, provisioningState, runRequest, runResult, forceUpdateTag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryTaskData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// The provisioning state of the task. + /// The creation date of task. + /// The current status of task. + /// The platform properties against which the run has to happen. + /// The machine configuration of the run agent. + /// The dedicated agent pool for the task. + /// Run timeout in seconds. + /// + /// The properties of a task step. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// The properties that describe all triggers for the task. + /// The properties that describes a set of credentials that will be used when this run is invoked. + /// The template that describes the repository and tag information for run log artifact. + /// The value of this property indicates whether the task resource is system task or not. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryTaskData ContainerRegistryTaskData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, ContainerRegistryProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, ContainerRegistryTaskStatus? status = null, ContainerRegistryPlatformProperties platform = null, int? agentCpu = null, string agentPoolName = null, int? timeoutInSeconds = null, ContainerRegistryTaskStepProperties step = null, ContainerRegistryTriggerProperties trigger = null, ContainerRegistryCredentials credentials = null, string logTemplate = null, bool? isSystemTask = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerRegistryTaskData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, provisioningState, createdOn, status, platform, agentCpu != null ? new ContainerRegistryAgentProperties(agentCpu) : null, agentPoolName, timeoutInSeconds, step, trigger, credentials, logTemplate, isSystemTask); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryTaskStepProperties. + /// The type of the step. + /// List of base image dependencies for a step. + /// The URL(absolute or relative) of the source context for the task step. + /// The token (git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for a step. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryTaskStepProperties ContainerRegistryTaskStepProperties(string containerRegistryTaskStepType = "Unknown", IEnumerable baseImageDependencies = null, string contextPath = null, string contextAccessToken = null) + { + baseImageDependencies ??= new List(); + + return new UnknownTaskStepProperties(containerRegistryTaskStepType, baseImageDependencies?.ToList(), contextPath, contextAccessToken); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryBaseImageDependency. + /// The type of the base image dependency. + /// The registry login server. + /// The repository name. + /// The tag name. + /// The sha256-based digest of the image manifest. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryBaseImageDependency ContainerRegistryBaseImageDependency(ContainerRegistryBaseImageDependencyType? dependencyType = null, string registry = null, string repository = null, string tag = null, string digest = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryBaseImageDependency(dependencyType, registry, repository, tag, digest); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryDockerBuildStep. + /// List of base image dependencies for a step. + /// The URL(absolute or relative) of the source context for the task step. + /// The token (git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for a step. + /// The fully qualified image names including the repository and tag. + /// The value of this property indicates whether the image built should be pushed to the registry or not. + /// The value of this property indicates whether the image cache is enabled or not. + /// The Docker file path relative to the source context. + /// The name of the target build stage for the docker build. + /// The collection of override arguments to be used when executing this build step. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryDockerBuildStep ContainerRegistryDockerBuildStep(IEnumerable baseImageDependencies = null, string contextPath = null, string contextAccessToken = null, IEnumerable imageNames = null, bool? isPushEnabled = null, bool? noCache = null, string dockerFilePath = null, string target = null, IEnumerable arguments = null) + { + baseImageDependencies ??= new List(); + imageNames ??= new List(); + arguments ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerRegistryDockerBuildStep(ContainerRegistryTaskStepType.Docker, baseImageDependencies?.ToList(), contextPath, contextAccessToken, imageNames?.ToList(), isPushEnabled, noCache, dockerFilePath, target, arguments?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryFileTaskStep. + /// List of base image dependencies for a step. + /// The URL(absolute or relative) of the source context for the task step. + /// The token (git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for a step. + /// The task template/definition file path relative to the source context. + /// The task values/parameters file path relative to the source context. + /// The collection of overridable values that can be passed when running a task. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryFileTaskStep ContainerRegistryFileTaskStep(IEnumerable baseImageDependencies = null, string contextPath = null, string contextAccessToken = null, string taskFilePath = null, string valuesFilePath = null, IEnumerable values = null) + { + baseImageDependencies ??= new List(); + values ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerRegistryFileTaskStep(ContainerRegistryTaskStepType.FileTask, baseImageDependencies?.ToList(), contextPath, contextAccessToken, taskFilePath, valuesFilePath, values?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryEncodedTaskStep. + /// List of base image dependencies for a step. + /// The URL(absolute or relative) of the source context for the task step. + /// The token (git PAT or SAS token of storage account blob) associated with the context for a step. + /// Base64 encoded value of the template/definition file content. + /// Base64 encoded value of the parameters/values file content. + /// The collection of overridable values that can be passed when running a task. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryEncodedTaskStep ContainerRegistryEncodedTaskStep(IEnumerable baseImageDependencies = null, string contextPath = null, string contextAccessToken = null, string encodedTaskContent = null, string encodedValuesContent = null, IEnumerable values = null) + { + baseImageDependencies ??= new List(); + values ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerRegistryEncodedTaskStep(ContainerRegistryTaskStepType.EncodedTask, baseImageDependencies?.ToList(), contextPath, contextAccessToken, encodedTaskContent, encodedValuesContent, values?.ToList()); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/src/autorest.md b/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/src/autorest.md index 8b43aca8f6175..d3ce7074f2590 100644 --- a/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/containerregistry/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry/src/autorest.md @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: ContainerRegistry namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerRegistry diff --git a/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/CHANGELOG.md index 323de1e4f3cdd..a25295c4c90d1 100644 --- a/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.2.0-beta.2 (Unreleased) +## 1.2.0-beta.2 (2023-05-29) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.2.0-beta.1 (2023-02-21) ### Features Added diff --git a/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.netstandard2.0.cs index 13ea56d866629..e3721ce2dc52a 100644 --- a/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/api/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -693,6 +693,49 @@ internal AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem() { } public bool? IsPreview { get { throw null; } } public string KubernetesVersion { get { throw null; } } } + public static partial class ArmContainerServiceModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolAvailableVersion AgentPoolAvailableVersion(bool? isDefault = default(bool?), string kubernetesVersion = null, bool? isPreview = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolAvailableVersions AgentPoolAvailableVersions(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable agentPoolVersions = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.AgentPoolSnapshotData AgentPoolSnapshotData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.SnapshotType? snapshotType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.SnapshotType?), string kubernetesVersion = null, string nodeImageVersion = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType? osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSSku? osSku = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSSku?), string vmSize = null, bool? enableFips = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.AgentPoolUpgradeProfileData AgentPoolUpgradeProfileData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string kubernetesVersion = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable upgrades = null, string latestNodeImageVersion = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem(string kubernetesVersion = null, bool? isPreview = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.ContainerServiceAgentPoolData ContainerServiceAgentPoolData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, int? count = default(int?), string vmSize = null, int? osDiskSizeInGB = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSDiskType? osDiskType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSDiskType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.KubeletDiskType? kubeletDiskType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.KubeletDiskType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.WorkloadRuntime? workloadRuntime = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.WorkloadRuntime?), string messageOfTheDay = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier vnetSubnetId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier podSubnetId = null, int? maxPods = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType? osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSSku? osSku = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSSku?), int? maxCount = default(int?), int? minCount = default(int?), bool? enableAutoScaling = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleDownMode? scaleDownMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleDownMode?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolType? typePropertiesType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolMode? mode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolMode?), string orchestratorVersion = null, string currentOrchestratorVersion = null, string nodeImageVersion = null, string upgradeMaxSurge = null, string provisioningState = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceStateCode? powerStateCode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceStateCode?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable availabilityZones = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = default(bool?), bool? enableCustomCATrust = default(bool?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier nodePublicIPPrefixId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetPriority? scaleSetPriority = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetPriority?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetEvictionPolicy? scaleSetEvictionPolicy = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetEvictionPolicy?), float? spotMaxPrice = default(float?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary nodeLabels = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable nodeTaints = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier proximityPlacementGroupId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.KubeletConfig kubeletConfig = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.LinuxOSConfig linuxOSConfig = null, bool? enableEncryptionAtHost = default(bool?), bool? enableUltraSsd = default(bool?), bool? enableFips = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.GpuInstanceProfile? gpuInstanceProfile = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.GpuInstanceProfile?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier capacityReservationGroupId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier hostGroupId = null, bool? disableOutboundNat = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolNetworkProfile networkProfile = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceEndpointDependency ContainerServiceEndpointDependency(string domainName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable endpointDetails = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceEndpointDetail ContainerServiceEndpointDetail(System.Net.IPAddress ipAddress = null, int? port = default(int?), string protocol = null, string description = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResult ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResult(string name = null, byte[] value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResults ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResults(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable kubeconfigs = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.ContainerServiceFleetData ContainerServiceFleetData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceFleetHubProfile hubProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceFleetProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceFleetProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceFleetHubProfile ContainerServiceFleetHubProfile(string dnsPrefix = null, string fqdn = null, string kubernetesVersion = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.ContainerServiceFleetMemberData ContainerServiceFleetMemberData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier clusterResourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceFleetMemberProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceFleetMemberProvisioningState?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.ContainerServiceMaintenanceConfigurationData ContainerServiceMaintenanceConfigurationData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable timesInWeek = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable notAllowedTimes = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceMaintenanceWindow maintenanceWindow = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.ContainerServiceManagedClusterData ContainerServiceManagedClusterData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterSku sku = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.Models.ExtendedLocation extendedLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string provisioningState = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceStateCode? powerStateCode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceStateCode?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, int? maxAgentPools = default(int?), string kubernetesVersion = null, string currentKubernetesVersion = null, string dnsPrefix = null, string fqdnSubdomain = null, string fqdn = null, string privateFqdn = null, string azurePortalFqdn = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable agentPoolProfiles = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceLinuxProfile linuxProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterWindowsProfile windowsProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterServicePrincipalProfile servicePrincipalProfile = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary addonProfiles = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterPodIdentityProfile podIdentityProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile oidcIssuerProfile = null, string nodeResourceGroup = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterNodeResourceGroupRestrictionLevel? nodeResourceGroupRestrictionLevel = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterNodeResourceGroupRestrictionLevel?), bool? enableRbac = default(bool?), bool? enablePodSecurityPolicy = default(bool?), bool? enableNamespaceResources = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkProfile networkProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterAadProfile aadProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterAutoUpgradeProfile autoUpgradeProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterAutoScalerProfile autoScalerProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterApiServerAccessProfile apiServerAccessProfile = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier diskEncryptionSetId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary identityProfile = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable privateLinkResources = null, bool? disableLocalAccounts = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig httpProxyConfig = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterSecurityProfile securityProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterStorageProfile storageProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterIngressProfileWebAppRouting ingressWebAppRouting = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServicePublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServicePublicNetworkAccess?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfile workloadAutoScalerProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterMonitorProfileMetrics azureMonitorMetrics = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfile guardrailsProfile = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkProfileForSnapshot ContainerServiceNetworkProfileForSnapshot(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkPlugin? networkPlugin = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkPlugin?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkPluginMode? networkPluginMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkPluginMode?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkPolicy? networkPolicy = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkPolicy?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkMode? networkMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkMode?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceLoadBalancerSku? loadBalancerSku = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceLoadBalancerSku?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSOptionProperty ContainerServiceOSOptionProperty(string osType = null, bool enableFipsImage = false) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint ContainerServiceOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint(string category = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable endpoints = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.ContainerServicePrivateEndpointConnectionData ContainerServicePrivateEndpointConnectionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServicePrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServicePrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier privateEndpointId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServicePrivateLinkServiceConnectionState connectionState = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServicePrivateLinkResourceData ContainerServicePrivateLinkResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType? resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType?), string groupId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable requiredMembers = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier privateLinkServiceId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRole ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRole(string sourceResourceType = null, string name = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable rules = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleBindingData ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleBindingData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier sourceResourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable roles = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleRule ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleRule(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable verbs = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable apiGroups = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable resources = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable resourceNames = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable nonResourceUrls = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterAccessProfile ManagedClusterAccessProfile(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), byte[] kubeConfig = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterAddonProfile ManagedClusterAddonProfile(bool isEnabled = false, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary config = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterAddonProfileIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile(int? count = default(int?), string vmSize = null, int? osDiskSizeInGB = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSDiskType? osDiskType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSDiskType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.KubeletDiskType? kubeletDiskType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.KubeletDiskType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.WorkloadRuntime? workloadRuntime = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.WorkloadRuntime?), string messageOfTheDay = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier vnetSubnetId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier podSubnetId = null, int? maxPods = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType? osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSSku? osSku = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSSku?), int? maxCount = default(int?), int? minCount = default(int?), bool? enableAutoScaling = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleDownMode? scaleDownMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleDownMode?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolType? agentPoolType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolMode? mode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolMode?), string orchestratorVersion = null, string currentOrchestratorVersion = null, string nodeImageVersion = null, string upgradeMaxSurge = null, string provisioningState = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceStateCode? powerStateCode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceStateCode?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable availabilityZones = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = default(bool?), bool? enableCustomCATrust = default(bool?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier nodePublicIPPrefixId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetPriority? scaleSetPriority = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetPriority?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetEvictionPolicy? scaleSetEvictionPolicy = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetEvictionPolicy?), float? spotMaxPrice = default(float?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary nodeLabels = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable nodeTaints = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier proximityPlacementGroupId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.KubeletConfig kubeletConfig = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.LinuxOSConfig linuxOSConfig = null, bool? enableEncryptionAtHost = default(bool?), bool? enableUltraSsd = default(bool?), bool? enableFips = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.GpuInstanceProfile? gpuInstanceProfile = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.GpuInstanceProfile?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier capacityReservationGroupId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier hostGroupId = null, bool? disableOutboundNat = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolNetworkProfile networkProfile = null, string name = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties(int? count = default(int?), string vmSize = null, int? osDiskSizeInGB = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSDiskType? osDiskType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSDiskType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.KubeletDiskType? kubeletDiskType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.KubeletDiskType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.WorkloadRuntime? workloadRuntime = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.WorkloadRuntime?), string messageOfTheDay = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier vnetSubnetId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier podSubnetId = null, int? maxPods = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType? osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSSku? osSku = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSSku?), int? maxCount = default(int?), int? minCount = default(int?), bool? enableAutoScaling = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleDownMode? scaleDownMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleDownMode?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolType? agentPoolType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolMode? mode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolMode?), string orchestratorVersion = null, string currentOrchestratorVersion = null, string nodeImageVersion = null, string upgradeMaxSurge = null, string provisioningState = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceStateCode? powerStateCode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceStateCode?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable availabilityZones = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = default(bool?), bool? enableCustomCATrust = default(bool?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier nodePublicIPPrefixId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetPriority? scaleSetPriority = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetPriority?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetEvictionPolicy? scaleSetEvictionPolicy = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ScaleSetEvictionPolicy?), float? spotMaxPrice = default(float?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary nodeLabels = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable nodeTaints = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier proximityPlacementGroupId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.KubeletConfig kubeletConfig = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.LinuxOSConfig linuxOSConfig = null, bool? enableEncryptionAtHost = default(bool?), bool? enableUltraSsd = default(bool?), bool? enableFips = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.GpuInstanceProfile? gpuInstanceProfile = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.GpuInstanceProfile?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier capacityReservationGroupId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier hostGroupId = null, bool? disableOutboundNat = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.AgentPoolNetworkProfile networkProfile = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterCredential ManagedClusterCredential(string name = null, byte[] value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterCredentials ManagedClusterCredentials(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable kubeconfigs = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfile ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfile(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable systemExcludedNamespaces = null, string version = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfileLevel level = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfileLevel), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable excludedNamespaces = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig(string httpProxy = null, string httpsProxy = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable noProxy = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable effectiveNoProxy = null, string trustedCA = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile(string issuerUriInfo = null, bool? isEnabled = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterPodIdentity ManagedClusterPodIdentity(string name = null, string @namespace = null, string bindingSelector = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceUserAssignedIdentity identity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningState?), Azure.ResponseError errorDetail = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile(string kubernetesVersion = null, string name = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceOSType), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable upgrades = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfileUpgradesItem ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfileUpgradesItem(string kubernetesVersion = null, bool? isPreview = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot(string kubernetesVersion = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterSku sku = null, bool? enableRbac = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ContainerServiceNetworkProfileForSnapshot networkProfile = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterRunCommandResult ManagedClusterRunCommandResult(string id = null, string provisioningState = null, int? exitCode = default(int?), System.DateTimeOffset? startedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? finishedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string logs = null, string reason = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.ManagedClusterSnapshotData ManagedClusterSnapshotData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.SnapshotType? snapshotType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.SnapshotType?), Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot managedClusterPropertiesReadOnly = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.ManagedClusterUpgradeProfileData ManagedClusterUpgradeProfileData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile controlPlaneProfile = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable agentPoolProfiles = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.OSOptionProfileData OSOptionProfileData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable osOptionPropertyList = null) { throw null; } + } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)] public readonly partial struct AutoScaleExpander : System.IEquatable { diff --git a/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/src/Generated/ArmContainerServiceModelFactory.cs b/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/src/Generated/ArmContainerServiceModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1e652b50fdb8e --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/src/Generated/ArmContainerServiceModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,742 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Net; +using Azure; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmContainerServiceModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of OSOptionProfileData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The list of OS options. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static OSOptionProfileData OSOptionProfileData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IEnumerable osOptionPropertyList = null) + { + osOptionPropertyList ??= new List(); + + return new OSOptionProfileData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, osOptionPropertyList?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceOSOptionProperty. + /// The OS type. + /// Whether the image is FIPS-enabled. + /// is null. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceOSOptionProperty ContainerServiceOSOptionProperty(string osType = null, bool enableFipsImage = default) + { + if (osType == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(osType)); + } + + return new ContainerServiceOSOptionProperty(osType, enableFipsImage); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceManagedClusterData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The managed cluster SKU. + /// The extended location of the Virtual Machine. + /// The identity of the managed cluster, if configured. Current supported identity types: None, SystemAssigned, UserAssigned. + /// The current provisioning state. + /// The Power State of the cluster. + /// CreationData to be used to specify the source Snapshot ID if the cluster will be created/upgraded using a snapshot. + /// The max number of agent pools for the managed cluster. + /// When you upgrade a supported AKS cluster, Kubernetes minor versions cannot be skipped. All upgrades must be performed sequentially by major version number. For example, upgrades between 1.14.x -> 1.15.x or 1.15.x -> 1.16.x are allowed, however 1.14.x -> 1.16.x is not allowed. See [upgrading an AKS cluster](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/upgrade-cluster) for more details. + /// The version of Kubernetes the Managed Cluster is running. + /// This cannot be updated once the Managed Cluster has been created. + /// This cannot be updated once the Managed Cluster has been created. + /// The FQDN of the master pool. + /// The FQDN of private cluster. + /// The Azure Portal requires certain Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers to be sent in some responses, which Kubernetes APIServer doesn't handle by default. This special FQDN supports CORS, allowing the Azure Portal to function properly. + /// The agent pool properties. + /// The profile for Linux VMs in the Managed Cluster. + /// The profile for Windows VMs in the Managed Cluster. + /// Information about a service principal identity for the cluster to use for manipulating Azure APIs. + /// The profile of managed cluster add-on. + /// See [use AAD pod identity](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-azure-ad-pod-identity) for more details on AAD pod identity integration. + /// The OIDC issuer profile of the Managed Cluster. + /// The name of the resource group containing agent pool nodes. + /// The node resource group configuration profile. + /// Whether to enable Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control. + /// (DEPRECATED) Whether to enable Kubernetes pod security policy (preview). PodSecurityPolicy was deprecated in Kubernetes v1.21, and removed from Kubernetes in v1.25. Learn more at https://aka.ms/k8s/psp and https://aka.ms/aks/psp. + /// The default value is false. It can be enabled/disabled on creation and updating of the managed cluster. See [https://aka.ms/NamespaceARMResource](https://aka.ms/NamespaceARMResource) for more details on Namespace as a ARM Resource. + /// The network configuration profile. + /// The Azure Active Directory configuration. + /// The auto upgrade configuration. + /// Parameters to be applied to the cluster-autoscaler when enabled. + /// The access profile for managed cluster API server. + /// This is of the form: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/{encryptionSetName}'. + /// Identities associated with the cluster. + /// Private link resources associated with the cluster. + /// If set to true, getting static credentials will be disabled for this cluster. This must only be used on Managed Clusters that are AAD enabled. For more details see [disable local accounts](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/managed-aad#disable-local-accounts-preview). + /// Configurations for provisioning the cluster with HTTP proxy servers. + /// Security profile for the managed cluster. + /// Storage profile for the managed cluster. + /// Ingress profile for the managed cluster. + /// Allow or deny public network access for AKS. + /// Workload Auto-scaler profile for the managed cluster. + /// Prometheus addon profile for the container service cluster. + /// The guardrails profile holds all the guardrails information for a given cluster. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceManagedClusterData ContainerServiceManagedClusterData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedClusterSku sku = null, ExtendedLocation extendedLocation = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string provisioningState = null, ContainerServiceStateCode? powerStateCode = null, ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, int? maxAgentPools = null, string kubernetesVersion = null, string currentKubernetesVersion = null, string dnsPrefix = null, string fqdnSubdomain = null, string fqdn = null, string privateFqdn = null, string azurePortalFqdn = null, IEnumerable agentPoolProfiles = null, ContainerServiceLinuxProfile linuxProfile = null, ManagedClusterWindowsProfile windowsProfile = null, ManagedClusterServicePrincipalProfile servicePrincipalProfile = null, IDictionary addonProfiles = null, ManagedClusterPodIdentityProfile podIdentityProfile = null, ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile oidcIssuerProfile = null, string nodeResourceGroup = null, ManagedClusterNodeResourceGroupRestrictionLevel? nodeResourceGroupRestrictionLevel = null, bool? enableRbac = null, bool? enablePodSecurityPolicy = null, bool? enableNamespaceResources = null, ContainerServiceNetworkProfile networkProfile = null, ManagedClusterAadProfile aadProfile = null, ManagedClusterAutoUpgradeProfile autoUpgradeProfile = null, ManagedClusterAutoScalerProfile autoScalerProfile = null, ManagedClusterApiServerAccessProfile apiServerAccessProfile = null, ResourceIdentifier diskEncryptionSetId = null, IDictionary identityProfile = null, IEnumerable privateLinkResources = null, bool? disableLocalAccounts = null, ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig httpProxyConfig = null, ManagedClusterSecurityProfile securityProfile = null, ManagedClusterStorageProfile storageProfile = null, ManagedClusterIngressProfileWebAppRouting ingressWebAppRouting = null, ContainerServicePublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = null, ManagedClusterWorkloadAutoScalerProfile workloadAutoScalerProfile = null, ManagedClusterMonitorProfileMetrics azureMonitorMetrics = null, ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfile guardrailsProfile = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + agentPoolProfiles ??= new List(); + addonProfiles ??= new Dictionary(); + identityProfile ??= new Dictionary(); + privateLinkResources ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServiceManagedClusterData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, sku, extendedLocation, identity, provisioningState, powerStateCode != null ? new ContainerServicePowerState(powerStateCode) : null, creationDataSourceResourceId != null ? new ContainerServiceCreationData(creationDataSourceResourceId) : null, maxAgentPools, kubernetesVersion, currentKubernetesVersion, dnsPrefix, fqdnSubdomain, fqdn, privateFqdn, azurePortalFqdn, agentPoolProfiles?.ToList(), linuxProfile, windowsProfile, servicePrincipalProfile, addonProfiles, podIdentityProfile, oidcIssuerProfile, nodeResourceGroup, nodeResourceGroupRestrictionLevel != null ? new ManagedClusterNodeResourceGroupProfile(nodeResourceGroupRestrictionLevel) : null, enableRbac, enablePodSecurityPolicy, enableNamespaceResources, networkProfile, aadProfile, autoUpgradeProfile, autoScalerProfile, apiServerAccessProfile, diskEncryptionSetId, identityProfile, privateLinkResources?.ToList(), disableLocalAccounts, httpProxyConfig, securityProfile, storageProfile, ingressWebAppRouting != null ? new ManagedClusterIngressProfile(ingressWebAppRouting) : null, publicNetworkAccess, workloadAutoScalerProfile, azureMonitorMetrics != null ? new ManagedClusterAzureMonitorProfile(azureMonitorMetrics) : null, guardrailsProfile); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile. + /// Number of agents (VMs) to host docker containers. Allowed values must be in the range of 0 to 1000 (inclusive) for user pools and in the range of 1 to 1000 (inclusive) for system pools. The default value is 1. + /// VM size availability varies by region. If a node contains insufficient compute resources (memory, cpu, etc) pods might fail to run correctly. For more details on restricted VM sizes, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/quotas-skus-regions. + /// OS Disk Size in GB to be used to specify the disk size for every machine in the master/agent pool. If you specify 0, it will apply the default osDisk size according to the vmSize specified. + /// The default is 'Ephemeral' if the VM supports it and has a cache disk larger than the requested OSDiskSizeGB. Otherwise, defaults to 'Managed'. May not be changed after creation. For more information see [Ephemeral OS](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/cluster-configuration#ephemeral-os). + /// Determines the placement of emptyDir volumes, container runtime data root, and Kubelet ephemeral storage. + /// Determines the type of workload a node can run. + /// A base64-encoded string which will be written to /etc/motd after decoding. This allows customization of the message of the day for Linux nodes. It must not be specified for Windows nodes. It must be a static string (i.e., will be printed raw and not be executed as a script). + /// If this is not specified, a VNET and subnet will be generated and used. If no podSubnetID is specified, this applies to nodes and pods, otherwise it applies to just nodes. This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{virtualNetworkName}/subnets/{subnetName}. + /// If omitted, pod IPs are statically assigned on the node subnet (see vnetSubnetID for more details). This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{virtualNetworkName}/subnets/{subnetName}. + /// The maximum number of pods that can run on a node. + /// The operating system type. The default is Linux. + /// Specifies the OS SKU used by the agent pool. If not specified, the default is Ubuntu if OSType=Linux or Windows2019 if OSType=Windows. And the default Windows OSSKU will be changed to Windows2022 after Windows2019 is deprecated. + /// The maximum number of nodes for auto-scaling. + /// The minimum number of nodes for auto-scaling. + /// Whether to enable auto-scaler. + /// This also effects the cluster autoscaler behavior. If not specified, it defaults to Delete. + /// The type of Agent Pool. + /// A cluster must have at least one 'System' Agent Pool at all times. For additional information on agent pool restrictions and best practices, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-system-pools. + /// Both patch version <major.minor.patch> and <major.minor> are supported. When <major.minor> is specified, the latest supported patch version is chosen automatically. Updating the agent pool with the same <major.minor> once it has been created will not trigger an upgrade, even if a newer patch version is available. As a best practice, you should upgrade all node pools in an AKS cluster to the same Kubernetes version. The node pool version must have the same major version as the control plane. The node pool minor version must be within two minor versions of the control plane version. The node pool version cannot be greater than the control plane version. For more information see [upgrading a node pool](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#upgrade-a-node-pool). + /// If orchestratorVersion was a fully specified version <major.minor.patch>, this field will be exactly equal to it. If orchestratorVersion was <major.minor>, this field will contain the full <major.minor.patch> version being used. + /// The version of node image. + /// Settings for upgrading the agentpool. + /// The current deployment or provisioning state. + /// When an Agent Pool is first created it is initially Running. The Agent Pool can be stopped by setting this field to Stopped. A stopped Agent Pool stops all of its VMs and does not accrue billing charges. An Agent Pool can only be stopped if it is Running and provisioning state is Succeeded. + /// The list of Availability zones to use for nodes. This can only be specified if the AgentPoolType property is 'VirtualMachineScaleSets'. + /// Some scenarios may require nodes in a node pool to receive their own dedicated public IP addresses. A common scenario is for gaming workloads, where a console needs to make a direct connection to a cloud virtual machine to minimize hops. For more information see [assigning a public IP per node](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#assign-a-public-ip-per-node-for-your-node-pools). The default is false. + /// When set to true, AKS adds a label to the node indicating that the feature is enabled and deploys a daemonset along with host services to sync custom certificate authorities from user-provided list of base64 encoded certificates into node trust stores. Defaults to false. + /// This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/{publicIPPrefixName}. + /// The Virtual Machine Scale Set priority. If not specified, the default is 'Regular'. + /// This cannot be specified unless the scaleSetPriority is 'Spot'. If not specified, the default is 'Delete'. + /// Possible values are any decimal value greater than zero or -1 which indicates the willingness to pay any on-demand price. For more details on spot pricing, see [spot VMs pricing](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/spot-vms#pricing). + /// The tags to be persisted on the agent pool virtual machine scale set. + /// The node labels to be persisted across all nodes in agent pool. + /// The taints added to new nodes during node pool create and scale. For example, key=value:NoSchedule. + /// The ID for Proximity Placement Group. + /// The Kubelet configuration on the agent pool nodes. + /// The OS configuration of Linux agent nodes. + /// This is only supported on certain VM sizes and in certain Azure regions. For more information, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/enable-host-encryption. + /// Whether to enable UltraSSD. + /// See [Add a FIPS-enabled node pool](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#add-a-fips-enabled-node-pool-preview) for more details. + /// GPUInstanceProfile to be used to specify GPU MIG instance profile for supported GPU VM SKU. + /// CreationData to be used to specify the source Snapshot ID if the node pool will be created/upgraded using a snapshot. + /// AKS will associate the specified agent pool with the Capacity Reservation Group. + /// This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/{hostGroupName}. For more information see [Azure dedicated hosts](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/dedicated-hosts). + /// The Windows agent pool's specific profile. + /// Network-related settings of an agent pool. + /// Windows agent pool names must be 6 characters or less. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile(int? count = null, string vmSize = null, int? osDiskSizeInGB = null, ContainerServiceOSDiskType? osDiskType = null, KubeletDiskType? kubeletDiskType = null, WorkloadRuntime? workloadRuntime = null, string messageOfTheDay = null, ResourceIdentifier vnetSubnetId = null, ResourceIdentifier podSubnetId = null, int? maxPods = null, ContainerServiceOSType? osType = null, ContainerServiceOSSku? osSku = null, int? maxCount = null, int? minCount = null, bool? enableAutoScaling = null, ScaleDownMode? scaleDownMode = null, AgentPoolType? agentPoolType = null, AgentPoolMode? mode = null, string orchestratorVersion = null, string currentOrchestratorVersion = null, string nodeImageVersion = null, string upgradeMaxSurge = null, string provisioningState = null, ContainerServiceStateCode? powerStateCode = null, IEnumerable availabilityZones = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = null, bool? enableCustomCATrust = null, ResourceIdentifier nodePublicIPPrefixId = null, ScaleSetPriority? scaleSetPriority = null, ScaleSetEvictionPolicy? scaleSetEvictionPolicy = null, float? spotMaxPrice = null, IDictionary tags = null, IDictionary nodeLabels = null, IEnumerable nodeTaints = null, ResourceIdentifier proximityPlacementGroupId = null, KubeletConfig kubeletConfig = null, LinuxOSConfig linuxOSConfig = null, bool? enableEncryptionAtHost = null, bool? enableUltraSsd = null, bool? enableFips = null, GpuInstanceProfile? gpuInstanceProfile = null, ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, ResourceIdentifier capacityReservationGroupId = null, ResourceIdentifier hostGroupId = null, bool? disableOutboundNat = null, AgentPoolNetworkProfile networkProfile = null, string name = null) + { + availabilityZones ??= new List(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + nodeLabels ??= new Dictionary(); + nodeTaints ??= new List(); + + return new ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile(count, vmSize, osDiskSizeInGB, osDiskType, kubeletDiskType, workloadRuntime, messageOfTheDay, vnetSubnetId, podSubnetId, maxPods, osType, osSku, maxCount, minCount, enableAutoScaling, scaleDownMode, agentPoolType, mode, orchestratorVersion, currentOrchestratorVersion, nodeImageVersion, upgradeMaxSurge != null ? new AgentPoolUpgradeSettings(upgradeMaxSurge) : null, provisioningState, powerStateCode != null ? new ContainerServicePowerState(powerStateCode) : null, availabilityZones?.ToList(), enableNodePublicIP, enableCustomCATrust, nodePublicIPPrefixId, scaleSetPriority, scaleSetEvictionPolicy, spotMaxPrice, tags, nodeLabels, nodeTaints?.ToList(), proximityPlacementGroupId, kubeletConfig, linuxOSConfig, enableEncryptionAtHost, enableUltraSsd, enableFips, gpuInstanceProfile, creationDataSourceResourceId != null ? new ContainerServiceCreationData(creationDataSourceResourceId) : null, capacityReservationGroupId, hostGroupId, disableOutboundNat != null ? new AgentPoolWindowsProfile(disableOutboundNat) : null, networkProfile, name); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties. + /// Number of agents (VMs) to host docker containers. Allowed values must be in the range of 0 to 1000 (inclusive) for user pools and in the range of 1 to 1000 (inclusive) for system pools. The default value is 1. + /// VM size availability varies by region. If a node contains insufficient compute resources (memory, cpu, etc) pods might fail to run correctly. For more details on restricted VM sizes, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/quotas-skus-regions. + /// OS Disk Size in GB to be used to specify the disk size for every machine in the master/agent pool. If you specify 0, it will apply the default osDisk size according to the vmSize specified. + /// The default is 'Ephemeral' if the VM supports it and has a cache disk larger than the requested OSDiskSizeGB. Otherwise, defaults to 'Managed'. May not be changed after creation. For more information see [Ephemeral OS](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/cluster-configuration#ephemeral-os). + /// Determines the placement of emptyDir volumes, container runtime data root, and Kubelet ephemeral storage. + /// Determines the type of workload a node can run. + /// A base64-encoded string which will be written to /etc/motd after decoding. This allows customization of the message of the day for Linux nodes. It must not be specified for Windows nodes. It must be a static string (i.e., will be printed raw and not be executed as a script). + /// If this is not specified, a VNET and subnet will be generated and used. If no podSubnetID is specified, this applies to nodes and pods, otherwise it applies to just nodes. This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{virtualNetworkName}/subnets/{subnetName}. + /// If omitted, pod IPs are statically assigned on the node subnet (see vnetSubnetID for more details). This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{virtualNetworkName}/subnets/{subnetName}. + /// The maximum number of pods that can run on a node. + /// The operating system type. The default is Linux. + /// Specifies the OS SKU used by the agent pool. If not specified, the default is Ubuntu if OSType=Linux or Windows2019 if OSType=Windows. And the default Windows OSSKU will be changed to Windows2022 after Windows2019 is deprecated. + /// The maximum number of nodes for auto-scaling. + /// The minimum number of nodes for auto-scaling. + /// Whether to enable auto-scaler. + /// This also effects the cluster autoscaler behavior. If not specified, it defaults to Delete. + /// The type of Agent Pool. + /// A cluster must have at least one 'System' Agent Pool at all times. For additional information on agent pool restrictions and best practices, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-system-pools. + /// Both patch version <major.minor.patch> and <major.minor> are supported. When <major.minor> is specified, the latest supported patch version is chosen automatically. Updating the agent pool with the same <major.minor> once it has been created will not trigger an upgrade, even if a newer patch version is available. As a best practice, you should upgrade all node pools in an AKS cluster to the same Kubernetes version. The node pool version must have the same major version as the control plane. The node pool minor version must be within two minor versions of the control plane version. The node pool version cannot be greater than the control plane version. For more information see [upgrading a node pool](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#upgrade-a-node-pool). + /// If orchestratorVersion was a fully specified version <major.minor.patch>, this field will be exactly equal to it. If orchestratorVersion was <major.minor>, this field will contain the full <major.minor.patch> version being used. + /// The version of node image. + /// Settings for upgrading the agentpool. + /// The current deployment or provisioning state. + /// When an Agent Pool is first created it is initially Running. The Agent Pool can be stopped by setting this field to Stopped. A stopped Agent Pool stops all of its VMs and does not accrue billing charges. An Agent Pool can only be stopped if it is Running and provisioning state is Succeeded. + /// The list of Availability zones to use for nodes. This can only be specified if the AgentPoolType property is 'VirtualMachineScaleSets'. + /// Some scenarios may require nodes in a node pool to receive their own dedicated public IP addresses. A common scenario is for gaming workloads, where a console needs to make a direct connection to a cloud virtual machine to minimize hops. For more information see [assigning a public IP per node](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#assign-a-public-ip-per-node-for-your-node-pools). The default is false. + /// When set to true, AKS adds a label to the node indicating that the feature is enabled and deploys a daemonset along with host services to sync custom certificate authorities from user-provided list of base64 encoded certificates into node trust stores. Defaults to false. + /// This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/{publicIPPrefixName}. + /// The Virtual Machine Scale Set priority. If not specified, the default is 'Regular'. + /// This cannot be specified unless the scaleSetPriority is 'Spot'. If not specified, the default is 'Delete'. + /// Possible values are any decimal value greater than zero or -1 which indicates the willingness to pay any on-demand price. For more details on spot pricing, see [spot VMs pricing](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/spot-vms#pricing). + /// The tags to be persisted on the agent pool virtual machine scale set. + /// The node labels to be persisted across all nodes in agent pool. + /// The taints added to new nodes during node pool create and scale. For example, key=value:NoSchedule. + /// The ID for Proximity Placement Group. + /// The Kubelet configuration on the agent pool nodes. + /// The OS configuration of Linux agent nodes. + /// This is only supported on certain VM sizes and in certain Azure regions. For more information, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/enable-host-encryption. + /// Whether to enable UltraSSD. + /// See [Add a FIPS-enabled node pool](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#add-a-fips-enabled-node-pool-preview) for more details. + /// GPUInstanceProfile to be used to specify GPU MIG instance profile for supported GPU VM SKU. + /// CreationData to be used to specify the source Snapshot ID if the node pool will be created/upgraded using a snapshot. + /// AKS will associate the specified agent pool with the Capacity Reservation Group. + /// This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/{hostGroupName}. For more information see [Azure dedicated hosts](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/dedicated-hosts). + /// The Windows agent pool's specific profile. + /// Network-related settings of an agent pool. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties(int? count = null, string vmSize = null, int? osDiskSizeInGB = null, ContainerServiceOSDiskType? osDiskType = null, KubeletDiskType? kubeletDiskType = null, WorkloadRuntime? workloadRuntime = null, string messageOfTheDay = null, ResourceIdentifier vnetSubnetId = null, ResourceIdentifier podSubnetId = null, int? maxPods = null, ContainerServiceOSType? osType = null, ContainerServiceOSSku? osSku = null, int? maxCount = null, int? minCount = null, bool? enableAutoScaling = null, ScaleDownMode? scaleDownMode = null, AgentPoolType? agentPoolType = null, AgentPoolMode? mode = null, string orchestratorVersion = null, string currentOrchestratorVersion = null, string nodeImageVersion = null, string upgradeMaxSurge = null, string provisioningState = null, ContainerServiceStateCode? powerStateCode = null, IEnumerable availabilityZones = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = null, bool? enableCustomCATrust = null, ResourceIdentifier nodePublicIPPrefixId = null, ScaleSetPriority? scaleSetPriority = null, ScaleSetEvictionPolicy? scaleSetEvictionPolicy = null, float? spotMaxPrice = null, IDictionary tags = null, IDictionary nodeLabels = null, IEnumerable nodeTaints = null, ResourceIdentifier proximityPlacementGroupId = null, KubeletConfig kubeletConfig = null, LinuxOSConfig linuxOSConfig = null, bool? enableEncryptionAtHost = null, bool? enableUltraSsd = null, bool? enableFips = null, GpuInstanceProfile? gpuInstanceProfile = null, ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, ResourceIdentifier capacityReservationGroupId = null, ResourceIdentifier hostGroupId = null, bool? disableOutboundNat = null, AgentPoolNetworkProfile networkProfile = null) + { + availabilityZones ??= new List(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + nodeLabels ??= new Dictionary(); + nodeTaints ??= new List(); + + return new ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfileProperties(count, vmSize, osDiskSizeInGB, osDiskType, kubeletDiskType, workloadRuntime, messageOfTheDay, vnetSubnetId, podSubnetId, maxPods, osType, osSku, maxCount, minCount, enableAutoScaling, scaleDownMode, agentPoolType, mode, orchestratorVersion, currentOrchestratorVersion, nodeImageVersion, upgradeMaxSurge != null ? new AgentPoolUpgradeSettings(upgradeMaxSurge) : null, provisioningState, powerStateCode != null ? new ContainerServicePowerState(powerStateCode) : null, availabilityZones?.ToList(), enableNodePublicIP, enableCustomCATrust, nodePublicIPPrefixId, scaleSetPriority, scaleSetEvictionPolicy, spotMaxPrice, tags, nodeLabels, nodeTaints?.ToList(), proximityPlacementGroupId, kubeletConfig, linuxOSConfig, enableEncryptionAtHost, enableUltraSsd, enableFips, gpuInstanceProfile, creationDataSourceResourceId != null ? new ContainerServiceCreationData(creationDataSourceResourceId) : null, capacityReservationGroupId, hostGroupId, disableOutboundNat != null ? new AgentPoolWindowsProfile(disableOutboundNat) : null, networkProfile); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterAddonProfile. + /// Whether the add-on is enabled or not. + /// Key-value pairs for configuring an add-on. + /// Information of user assigned identity used by this add-on. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterAddonProfile ManagedClusterAddonProfile(bool isEnabled = default, IDictionary config = null, ManagedClusterAddonProfileIdentity identity = null) + { + config ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ManagedClusterAddonProfile(isEnabled, config, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterPodIdentity. + /// The name of the pod identity. + /// The namespace of the pod identity. + /// The binding selector to use for the AzureIdentityBinding resource. + /// The user assigned identity details. + /// The current provisioning state of the pod identity. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterPodIdentity ManagedClusterPodIdentity(string name = null, string @namespace = null, string bindingSelector = null, ContainerServiceUserAssignedIdentity identity = null, ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, ResponseError errorDetail = null) + { + return new ManagedClusterPodIdentity(name, @namespace, bindingSelector, identity, provisioningState, errorDetail != null ? new ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningInfo(new ManagedClusterPodIdentityProvisioningError(errorDetail)) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile. + /// The OIDC issuer url of the Managed Cluster. + /// Whether the OIDC issuer is enabled. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile(string issuerUriInfo = null, bool? isEnabled = null) + { + return new ManagedClusterOidcIssuerProfile(issuerUriInfo, isEnabled); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServicePrivateLinkResourceData. + /// The ID of the private link resource. + /// The name of the private link resource. + /// The resource type. + /// The group ID of the resource. + /// The RequiredMembers of the resource. + /// The private link service ID of the resource, this field is exposed only to NRP internally. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServicePrivateLinkResourceData ContainerServicePrivateLinkResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType? resourceType = null, string groupId = null, IEnumerable requiredMembers = null, ResourceIdentifier privateLinkServiceId = null) + { + requiredMembers ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServicePrivateLinkResourceData(id, name, resourceType, groupId, requiredMembers?.ToList(), privateLinkServiceId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig. + /// The HTTP proxy server endpoint to use. + /// The HTTPS proxy server endpoint to use. + /// The endpoints that should not go through proxy. + /// A read-only list of all endpoints for which traffic should not be sent to the proxy. This list is a superset of noProxy and values injected by AKS. + /// Alternative CA cert to use for connecting to proxy servers. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig(string httpProxy = null, string httpsProxy = null, IEnumerable noProxy = null, IEnumerable effectiveNoProxy = null, string trustedCA = null) + { + noProxy ??= new List(); + effectiveNoProxy ??= new List(); + + return new ManagedClusterHttpProxyConfig(httpProxy, httpsProxy, noProxy?.ToList(), effectiveNoProxy?.ToList(), trustedCA); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfile. + /// List of namespaces specified by AKS to be excluded from Guardrails. + /// The version of constraints to use. + /// The guardrails level to be used. By default, Guardrails is enabled for all namespaces except those that AKS excludes via systemExcludedNamespaces. + /// List of namespaces excluded from guardrails checks. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfile ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfile(IEnumerable systemExcludedNamespaces = null, string version = null, ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfileLevel level = default, IEnumerable excludedNamespaces = null) + { + systemExcludedNamespaces ??= new List(); + excludedNamespaces ??= new List(); + + return new ManagedClusterGuardrailsProfile(systemExcludedNamespaces?.ToList(), version, level, excludedNamespaces?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterUpgradeProfileData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The list of available upgrade versions for the control plane. + /// The list of available upgrade versions for agent pools. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterUpgradeProfileData ManagedClusterUpgradeProfileData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile controlPlaneProfile = null, IEnumerable agentPoolProfiles = null) + { + agentPoolProfiles ??= new List(); + + return new ManagedClusterUpgradeProfileData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, controlPlaneProfile, agentPoolProfiles?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile. + /// The Kubernetes version (major.minor.patch). + /// The Agent Pool name. + /// The operating system type. The default is Linux. + /// List of orchestrator types and versions available for upgrade. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile(string kubernetesVersion = null, string name = null, ContainerServiceOSType osType = default, IEnumerable upgrades = null) + { + upgrades ??= new List(); + + return new ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile(kubernetesVersion, name, osType, upgrades?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfileUpgradesItem. + /// The Kubernetes version (major.minor.patch). + /// Whether the Kubernetes version is currently in preview. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfileUpgradesItem ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfileUpgradesItem(string kubernetesVersion = null, bool? isPreview = null) + { + return new ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfileUpgradesItem(kubernetesVersion, isPreview); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterAccessProfile. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Base64-encoded Kubernetes configuration file. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterAccessProfile ManagedClusterAccessProfile(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, byte[] kubeConfig = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ManagedClusterAccessProfile(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, kubeConfig); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterCredentials. + /// Base64-encoded Kubernetes configuration file. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterCredentials ManagedClusterCredentials(IEnumerable kubeconfigs = null) + { + kubeconfigs ??= new List(); + + return new ManagedClusterCredentials(kubeconfigs?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterCredential. + /// The name of the credential. + /// Base64-encoded Kubernetes configuration file. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterCredential ManagedClusterCredential(string name = null, byte[] value = null) + { + return new ManagedClusterCredential(name, value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceMaintenanceConfigurationData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// If two array entries specify the same day of the week, the applied configuration is the union of times in both entries. + /// Time slots on which upgrade is not allowed. + /// Maintenance window for the maintenance configuration. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceMaintenanceConfigurationData ContainerServiceMaintenanceConfigurationData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IEnumerable timesInWeek = null, IEnumerable notAllowedTimes = null, ContainerServiceMaintenanceWindow maintenanceWindow = null) + { + timesInWeek ??= new List(); + notAllowedTimes ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServiceMaintenanceConfigurationData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, timesInWeek?.ToList(), notAllowedTimes?.ToList(), maintenanceWindow); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceAgentPoolData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Number of agents (VMs) to host docker containers. Allowed values must be in the range of 0 to 1000 (inclusive) for user pools and in the range of 1 to 1000 (inclusive) for system pools. The default value is 1. + /// VM size availability varies by region. If a node contains insufficient compute resources (memory, cpu, etc) pods might fail to run correctly. For more details on restricted VM sizes, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/quotas-skus-regions. + /// OS Disk Size in GB to be used to specify the disk size for every machine in the master/agent pool. If you specify 0, it will apply the default osDisk size according to the vmSize specified. + /// The default is 'Ephemeral' if the VM supports it and has a cache disk larger than the requested OSDiskSizeGB. Otherwise, defaults to 'Managed'. May not be changed after creation. For more information see [Ephemeral OS](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/cluster-configuration#ephemeral-os). + /// Determines the placement of emptyDir volumes, container runtime data root, and Kubelet ephemeral storage. + /// Determines the type of workload a node can run. + /// A base64-encoded string which will be written to /etc/motd after decoding. This allows customization of the message of the day for Linux nodes. It must not be specified for Windows nodes. It must be a static string (i.e., will be printed raw and not be executed as a script). + /// If this is not specified, a VNET and subnet will be generated and used. If no podSubnetID is specified, this applies to nodes and pods, otherwise it applies to just nodes. This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{virtualNetworkName}/subnets/{subnetName}. + /// If omitted, pod IPs are statically assigned on the node subnet (see vnetSubnetID for more details). This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/{virtualNetworkName}/subnets/{subnetName}. + /// The maximum number of pods that can run on a node. + /// The operating system type. The default is Linux. + /// Specifies the OS SKU used by the agent pool. If not specified, the default is Ubuntu if OSType=Linux or Windows2019 if OSType=Windows. And the default Windows OSSKU will be changed to Windows2022 after Windows2019 is deprecated. + /// The maximum number of nodes for auto-scaling. + /// The minimum number of nodes for auto-scaling. + /// Whether to enable auto-scaler. + /// This also effects the cluster autoscaler behavior. If not specified, it defaults to Delete. + /// The type of Agent Pool. + /// A cluster must have at least one 'System' Agent Pool at all times. For additional information on agent pool restrictions and best practices, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-system-pools. + /// Both patch version <major.minor.patch> and <major.minor> are supported. When <major.minor> is specified, the latest supported patch version is chosen automatically. Updating the agent pool with the same <major.minor> once it has been created will not trigger an upgrade, even if a newer patch version is available. As a best practice, you should upgrade all node pools in an AKS cluster to the same Kubernetes version. The node pool version must have the same major version as the control plane. The node pool minor version must be within two minor versions of the control plane version. The node pool version cannot be greater than the control plane version. For more information see [upgrading a node pool](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#upgrade-a-node-pool). + /// If orchestratorVersion was a fully specified version <major.minor.patch>, this field will be exactly equal to it. If orchestratorVersion was <major.minor>, this field will contain the full <major.minor.patch> version being used. + /// The version of node image. + /// Settings for upgrading the agentpool. + /// The current deployment or provisioning state. + /// When an Agent Pool is first created it is initially Running. The Agent Pool can be stopped by setting this field to Stopped. A stopped Agent Pool stops all of its VMs and does not accrue billing charges. An Agent Pool can only be stopped if it is Running and provisioning state is Succeeded. + /// The list of Availability zones to use for nodes. This can only be specified if the AgentPoolType property is 'VirtualMachineScaleSets'. + /// Some scenarios may require nodes in a node pool to receive their own dedicated public IP addresses. A common scenario is for gaming workloads, where a console needs to make a direct connection to a cloud virtual machine to minimize hops. For more information see [assigning a public IP per node](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#assign-a-public-ip-per-node-for-your-node-pools). The default is false. + /// When set to true, AKS adds a label to the node indicating that the feature is enabled and deploys a daemonset along with host services to sync custom certificate authorities from user-provided list of base64 encoded certificates into node trust stores. Defaults to false. + /// This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPPrefixes/{publicIPPrefixName}. + /// The Virtual Machine Scale Set priority. If not specified, the default is 'Regular'. + /// This cannot be specified unless the scaleSetPriority is 'Spot'. If not specified, the default is 'Delete'. + /// Possible values are any decimal value greater than zero or -1 which indicates the willingness to pay any on-demand price. For more details on spot pricing, see [spot VMs pricing](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/spot-vms#pricing). + /// The tags to be persisted on the agent pool virtual machine scale set. + /// The node labels to be persisted across all nodes in agent pool. + /// The taints added to new nodes during node pool create and scale. For example, key=value:NoSchedule. + /// The ID for Proximity Placement Group. + /// The Kubelet configuration on the agent pool nodes. + /// The OS configuration of Linux agent nodes. + /// This is only supported on certain VM sizes and in certain Azure regions. For more information, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/enable-host-encryption. + /// Whether to enable UltraSSD. + /// See [Add a FIPS-enabled node pool](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/aks/use-multiple-node-pools#add-a-fips-enabled-node-pool-preview) for more details. + /// GPUInstanceProfile to be used to specify GPU MIG instance profile for supported GPU VM SKU. + /// CreationData to be used to specify the source Snapshot ID if the node pool will be created/upgraded using a snapshot. + /// AKS will associate the specified agent pool with the Capacity Reservation Group. + /// This is of the form: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/hostGroups/{hostGroupName}. For more information see [Azure dedicated hosts](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/dedicated-hosts). + /// The Windows agent pool's specific profile. + /// Network-related settings of an agent pool. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceAgentPoolData ContainerServiceAgentPoolData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, int? count = null, string vmSize = null, int? osDiskSizeInGB = null, ContainerServiceOSDiskType? osDiskType = null, KubeletDiskType? kubeletDiskType = null, WorkloadRuntime? workloadRuntime = null, string messageOfTheDay = null, ResourceIdentifier vnetSubnetId = null, ResourceIdentifier podSubnetId = null, int? maxPods = null, ContainerServiceOSType? osType = null, ContainerServiceOSSku? osSku = null, int? maxCount = null, int? minCount = null, bool? enableAutoScaling = null, ScaleDownMode? scaleDownMode = null, AgentPoolType? typePropertiesType = null, AgentPoolMode? mode = null, string orchestratorVersion = null, string currentOrchestratorVersion = null, string nodeImageVersion = null, string upgradeMaxSurge = null, string provisioningState = null, ContainerServiceStateCode? powerStateCode = null, IEnumerable availabilityZones = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = null, bool? enableCustomCATrust = null, ResourceIdentifier nodePublicIPPrefixId = null, ScaleSetPriority? scaleSetPriority = null, ScaleSetEvictionPolicy? scaleSetEvictionPolicy = null, float? spotMaxPrice = null, IDictionary tags = null, IDictionary nodeLabels = null, IEnumerable nodeTaints = null, ResourceIdentifier proximityPlacementGroupId = null, KubeletConfig kubeletConfig = null, LinuxOSConfig linuxOSConfig = null, bool? enableEncryptionAtHost = null, bool? enableUltraSsd = null, bool? enableFips = null, GpuInstanceProfile? gpuInstanceProfile = null, ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, ResourceIdentifier capacityReservationGroupId = null, ResourceIdentifier hostGroupId = null, bool? disableOutboundNat = null, AgentPoolNetworkProfile networkProfile = null) + { + availabilityZones ??= new List(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + nodeLabels ??= new Dictionary(); + nodeTaints ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServiceAgentPoolData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, count, vmSize, osDiskSizeInGB, osDiskType, kubeletDiskType, workloadRuntime, messageOfTheDay, vnetSubnetId, podSubnetId, maxPods, osType, osSku, maxCount, minCount, enableAutoScaling, scaleDownMode, typePropertiesType, mode, orchestratorVersion, currentOrchestratorVersion, nodeImageVersion, upgradeMaxSurge != null ? new AgentPoolUpgradeSettings(upgradeMaxSurge) : null, provisioningState, powerStateCode != null ? new ContainerServicePowerState(powerStateCode) : null, availabilityZones?.ToList(), enableNodePublicIP, enableCustomCATrust, nodePublicIPPrefixId, scaleSetPriority, scaleSetEvictionPolicy, spotMaxPrice, tags, nodeLabels, nodeTaints?.ToList(), proximityPlacementGroupId, kubeletConfig, linuxOSConfig, enableEncryptionAtHost, enableUltraSsd, enableFips, gpuInstanceProfile, creationDataSourceResourceId != null ? new ContainerServiceCreationData(creationDataSourceResourceId) : null, capacityReservationGroupId, hostGroupId, disableOutboundNat != null ? new AgentPoolWindowsProfile(disableOutboundNat) : null, networkProfile); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AgentPoolUpgradeProfileData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The Kubernetes version (major.minor.patch). + /// The operating system type. The default is Linux. + /// List of orchestrator types and versions available for upgrade. + /// The latest AKS supported node image version. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AgentPoolUpgradeProfileData AgentPoolUpgradeProfileData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string kubernetesVersion = null, ContainerServiceOSType osType = default, IEnumerable upgrades = null, string latestNodeImageVersion = null) + { + upgrades ??= new List(); + + return new AgentPoolUpgradeProfileData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, kubernetesVersion, osType, upgrades?.ToList(), latestNodeImageVersion); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem. + /// The Kubernetes version (major.minor.patch). + /// Whether the Kubernetes version is currently in preview. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem(string kubernetesVersion = null, bool? isPreview = null) + { + return new AgentPoolUpgradeProfilePropertiesUpgradesItem(kubernetesVersion, isPreview); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AgentPoolAvailableVersions. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// List of versions available for agent pool. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AgentPoolAvailableVersions AgentPoolAvailableVersions(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IEnumerable agentPoolVersions = null) + { + agentPoolVersions ??= new List(); + + return new AgentPoolAvailableVersions(id, name, resourceType, systemData, agentPoolVersions?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AgentPoolAvailableVersion. + /// Whether this version is the default agent pool version. + /// The Kubernetes version (major.minor.patch). + /// Whether Kubernetes version is currently in preview. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AgentPoolAvailableVersion AgentPoolAvailableVersion(bool? isDefault = null, string kubernetesVersion = null, bool? isPreview = null) + { + return new AgentPoolAvailableVersion(isDefault, kubernetesVersion, isPreview); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServicePrivateEndpointConnectionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The current provisioning state. + /// The resource of private endpoint. + /// A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServicePrivateEndpointConnectionData ContainerServicePrivateEndpointConnectionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ContainerServicePrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, ResourceIdentifier privateEndpointId = null, ContainerServicePrivateLinkServiceConnectionState connectionState = null) + { + return new ContainerServicePrivateEndpointConnectionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, provisioningState, privateEndpointId != null ? ResourceManagerModelFactory.WritableSubResource(privateEndpointId) : null, connectionState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterRunCommandResult. + /// The command id. + /// provisioning State. + /// The exit code of the command. + /// The time when the command started. + /// The time when the command finished. + /// The command output. + /// An explanation of why provisioningState is set to failed (if so). + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterRunCommandResult ManagedClusterRunCommandResult(string id = null, string provisioningState = null, int? exitCode = null, DateTimeOffset? startedOn = null, DateTimeOffset? finishedOn = null, string logs = null, string reason = null) + { + return new ManagedClusterRunCommandResult(id, provisioningState, exitCode, startedOn, finishedOn, logs, reason); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint. + /// The category of endpoints accessed by the AKS agent node, e.g. azure-resource-management, apiserver, etc. + /// The endpoints that AKS agent nodes connect to. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint ContainerServiceOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint(string category = null, IEnumerable endpoints = null) + { + endpoints ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServiceOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint(category, endpoints?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceEndpointDependency. + /// The domain name of the dependency. + /// The Ports and Protocols used when connecting to domainName. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceEndpointDependency ContainerServiceEndpointDependency(string domainName = null, IEnumerable endpointDetails = null) + { + endpointDetails ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServiceEndpointDependency(domainName, endpointDetails?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceEndpointDetail. + /// An IP Address that Domain Name currently resolves to. + /// The port an endpoint is connected to. + /// The protocol used for connection. + /// Description of the detail. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceEndpointDetail ContainerServiceEndpointDetail(IPAddress ipAddress = null, int? port = null, string protocol = null, string description = null) + { + return new ContainerServiceEndpointDetail(ipAddress, port, protocol, description); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AgentPoolSnapshotData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// CreationData to be used to specify the source agent pool resource ID to create this snapshot. + /// The type of a snapshot. The default is NodePool. + /// The version of Kubernetes. + /// The version of node image. + /// The operating system type. The default is Linux. + /// Specifies the OS SKU used by the agent pool. If not specified, the default is Ubuntu if OSType=Linux or Windows2019 if OSType=Windows. And the default Windows OSSKU will be changed to Windows2022 after Windows2019 is deprecated. + /// The size of the VM. + /// Whether to use a FIPS-enabled OS. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AgentPoolSnapshotData AgentPoolSnapshotData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, SnapshotType? snapshotType = null, string kubernetesVersion = null, string nodeImageVersion = null, ContainerServiceOSType? osType = null, ContainerServiceOSSku? osSku = null, string vmSize = null, bool? enableFips = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new AgentPoolSnapshotData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, creationDataSourceResourceId != null ? new ContainerServiceCreationData(creationDataSourceResourceId) : null, snapshotType, kubernetesVersion, nodeImageVersion, osType, osSku, vmSize, enableFips); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterSnapshotData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// CreationData to be used to specify the source resource ID to create this snapshot. + /// The type of a snapshot. The default is NodePool. + /// What the properties will be showed when getting managed cluster snapshot. Those properties are read-only. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterSnapshotData ManagedClusterSnapshotData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ResourceIdentifier creationDataSourceResourceId = null, SnapshotType? snapshotType = null, ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot managedClusterPropertiesReadOnly = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ManagedClusterSnapshotData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, creationDataSourceResourceId != null ? new ContainerServiceCreationData(creationDataSourceResourceId) : null, snapshotType, managedClusterPropertiesReadOnly); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot. + /// The current kubernetes version. + /// The current managed cluster sku. + /// Whether the cluster has enabled Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control or not. + /// The current network profile. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot(string kubernetesVersion = null, ManagedClusterSku sku = null, bool? enableRbac = null, ContainerServiceNetworkProfileForSnapshot networkProfile = null) + { + return new ManagedClusterPropertiesForSnapshot(kubernetesVersion, sku, enableRbac, networkProfile); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceNetworkProfileForSnapshot. + /// networkPlugin for managed cluster snapshot. + /// NetworkPluginMode for managed cluster snapshot. + /// networkPolicy for managed cluster snapshot. + /// networkMode for managed cluster snapshot. + /// loadBalancerSku for managed cluster snapshot. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceNetworkProfileForSnapshot ContainerServiceNetworkProfileForSnapshot(ContainerServiceNetworkPlugin? networkPlugin = null, ContainerServiceNetworkPluginMode? networkPluginMode = null, ContainerServiceNetworkPolicy? networkPolicy = null, ContainerServiceNetworkMode? networkMode = null, ContainerServiceLoadBalancerSku? loadBalancerSku = null) + { + return new ContainerServiceNetworkProfileForSnapshot(networkPlugin, networkPluginMode, networkPolicy, networkMode, loadBalancerSku); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRole. + /// Resource type of Azure resource. + /// Name of role, name is unique under a source resource type. + /// List of rules for the role. This maps to 'rules' property of [Kubernetes Cluster Role](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authorization-resources/cluster-role-v1/#ClusterRole). + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRole ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRole(string sourceResourceType = null, string name = null, IEnumerable rules = null) + { + rules ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRole(sourceResourceType, name, rules?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleRule. + /// List of allowed verbs. + /// List of allowed apiGroups. + /// List of allowed resources. + /// List of allowed names. + /// List of allowed nonResourceURLs. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleRule ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleRule(IEnumerable verbs = null, IEnumerable apiGroups = null, IEnumerable resources = null, IEnumerable resourceNames = null, IEnumerable nonResourceUrls = null) + { + verbs ??= new List(); + apiGroups ??= new List(); + resources ??= new List(); + resourceNames ??= new List(); + nonResourceUrls ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleRule(verbs?.ToList(), apiGroups?.ToList(), resources?.ToList(), resourceNames?.ToList(), nonResourceUrls?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleBindingData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The current provisioning state of trusted access role binding. + /// The ARM resource ID of source resource that trusted access is configured for. + /// A list of roles to bind, each item is a resource type qualified role name. For example: 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/reader'. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleBindingData ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleBindingData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleBindingProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, ResourceIdentifier sourceResourceId = null, IEnumerable roles = null) + { + roles ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServiceTrustedAccessRoleBindingData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, provisioningState, sourceResourceId, roles?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceFleetData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Resource Etag. + /// The FleetHubProfile configures the Fleet's hub. + /// The provisioning state of the last accepted operation. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceFleetData ContainerServiceFleetData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ETag? etag = null, ContainerServiceFleetHubProfile hubProfile = null, ContainerServiceFleetProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ContainerServiceFleetData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, etag, hubProfile, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceFleetHubProfile. + /// DNS prefix used to create the FQDN for the Fleet hub. + /// The FQDN of the Fleet hub. + /// The Kubernetes version of the Fleet hub. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceFleetHubProfile ContainerServiceFleetHubProfile(string dnsPrefix = null, string fqdn = null, string kubernetesVersion = null) + { + return new ContainerServiceFleetHubProfile(dnsPrefix, fqdn, kubernetesVersion); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResults. + /// Base64-encoded Kubernetes configuration file. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResults ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResults(IEnumerable kubeconfigs = null) + { + kubeconfigs ??= new List(); + + return new ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResults(kubeconfigs?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResult. + /// The name of the credential. + /// Base64-encoded Kubernetes configuration file. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResult ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResult(string name = null, byte[] value = null) + { + return new ContainerServiceFleetCredentialResult(name, value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceFleetMemberData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The ARM resource id of the cluster that joins the Fleet. Must be a valid Azure resource id. e.g.: '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/{clusterName}'. + /// The provisioning state of the last accepted operation. + /// Resource Etag. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceFleetMemberData ContainerServiceFleetMemberData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ResourceIdentifier clusterResourceId = null, ContainerServiceFleetMemberProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new ContainerServiceFleetMemberData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, clusterResourceId, provisioningState, etag); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/src/autorest.md b/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/src/autorest.md index 49c005cdd0587..1e2e52790b2c6 100644 --- a/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/containerservice/Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService/src/autorest.md @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: ContainerService namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService diff --git a/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/CHANGELOG.md index 98bf61d1c5774..f7dbd301d8ccb 100644 --- a/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,12 +1,21 @@ # Release History -## 1.4.0-beta.2 (Unreleased) +## 1.4.0-beta.2 (2023-05-29) + +### Features Added + +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Bugs Fixed + - Fixed an issue that `System.UriFormatException` is thrown when `Uri` type field is empty during serialization of `CosmosDBAccountData`. -## 1.4.0-beta.1 (2023-04-28) +### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + +## 1.4.0-beta.1 (2023-04-28) ### Features Added - Updated Microsoft.DocumentDB RP API version to `2022-11-15-preview` diff --git a/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/api/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/api/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.netstandard2.0.cs index ec9bc13c550bf..ccd90df154c21 100644 --- a/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/api/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/api/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -1678,6 +1678,139 @@ namespace Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models public static bool operator !=(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AnalyticalStorageSchemaType left, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AnalyticalStorageSchemaType right) { throw null; } public override string ToString() { throw null; } } + public static partial class ArmCosmosDBModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo(int maxThroughput = 0, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ThroughputPolicyResourceInfo autoUpgradeThroughputPolicy = null, int? targetMaxThroughput = default(int?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CassandraClusterBackupResourceData CassandraClusterBackupResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.DateTimeOffset? backupResourceTimestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CassandraClusterData CassandraClusterData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraClusterProperties properties = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraClusterDataCenterNodeItem CassandraClusterDataCenterNodeItem(string address = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraNodeState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraNodeState?), string status = null, string load = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable tokens = null, int? size = default(int?), System.Guid? hostId = default(System.Guid?), string rack = null, string timestamp = null, long? diskUsedKB = default(long?), long? diskFreeKB = default(long?), long? memoryUsedKB = default(long?), long? memoryBuffersAndCachedKB = default(long?), long? memoryFreeKB = default(long?), long? memoryTotalKB = default(long?), double? cpuUsage = default(double?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraClusterProperties CassandraClusterProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraProvisioningState?), string restoreFromBackupId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier delegatedManagementSubnetId = null, string cassandraVersion = null, string clusterNameOverride = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraAuthenticationMethod? authenticationMethod = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraAuthenticationMethod?), string initialCassandraAdminPassword = null, string prometheusEndpointIPAddress = null, bool? isRepairEnabled = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable clientCertificates = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable externalGossipCertificates = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable gossipCertificates = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable externalSeedNodes = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable seedNodes = null, int? hoursBetweenBackups = default(int?), bool? isDeallocated = default(bool?), bool? isCassandraAuditLoggingEnabled = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraClusterPublicStatus CassandraClusterPublicStatus(Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraReaperStatus reaperStatus = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable connectionErrors = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable dataCenters = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraClusterPublicStatusDataCentersItem CassandraClusterPublicStatusDataCentersItem(string name = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable seedNodes = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable nodes = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraCommandOutput CassandraCommandOutput(string commandOutput = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraConnectionError CassandraConnectionError(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraConnectionState? connectionState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraConnectionState?), string ipFrom = null, string ipTo = null, int? port = default(int?), string exception = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CassandraDataCenterData CassandraDataCenterData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraDataCenterProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraDataCenterProperties CassandraDataCenterProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraProvisioningState?), Azure.Core.AzureLocation? dataCenterLocation = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier delegatedSubnetId = null, int? nodeCount = default(int?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable seedNodes = null, string base64EncodedCassandraYamlFragment = null, System.Uri managedDiskCustomerKeyUri = null, System.Uri backupStorageCustomerKeyUri = null, string sku = null, string diskSku = null, int? diskCapacity = default(int?), bool? doesSupportAvailabilityZone = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AuthenticationMethodLdapProperties authenticationMethodLdapProperties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraKeyspaceCreateOrUpdateContent CassandraKeyspaceCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string resourceKeyspaceName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CassandraKeyspaceData CassandraKeyspaceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCassandraKeyspaceResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraKeyspacePropertiesConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraReaperStatus CassandraReaperStatus(bool? isHealthy = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary repairRunIds = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary repairSchedules = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraTableCreateOrUpdateContent CassandraTableCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraTableResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CassandraTableData CassandraTableData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCassandraTableResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraTablePropertiesConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraViewGetPropertiesResource CassandraViewGetPropertiesResource(string id = null, string viewDefinition = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraViewGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent CassandraViewGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraViewResource resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CassandraViewGetResultData CassandraViewGetResultData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraViewGetPropertiesResource resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraViewGetPropertiesOptions options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountConnectionString CosmosDBAccountConnectionString(string connectionString = null, string description = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBAccountCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountKind? kind = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountKind?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ConsistencyPolicy consistencyPolicy = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable locations = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountOfferType databaseAccountOfferType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountOfferType), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable ipRules = null, bool? isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled = default(bool?), bool? enableAutomaticFailover = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable capabilities = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable virtualNetworkRules = null, bool? enableMultipleWriteLocations = default(bool?), bool? enableCassandraConnector = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ConnectorOffer? connectorOffer = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ConnectorOffer?), bool? disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess = default(bool?), System.Uri keyVaultKeyUri = null, string defaultIdentity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBPublicNetworkAccess?), bool? isFreeTierEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServerVersion? apiServerVersion = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServerVersion?), bool? isAnalyticalStorageEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AnalyticalStorageSchemaType? analyticalStorageSchemaType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AnalyticalStorageSchemaType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountBackupPolicy backupPolicy = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable cors = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.NetworkAclBypass? networkAclBypass = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.NetworkAclBypass?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable networkAclBypassResourceIds = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.EnableFullTextQuery? diagnosticLogEnableFullTextQuery = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.EnableFullTextQuery?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, int? capacityTotalThroughputLimit = default(int?), bool? enableMaterializedViews = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata keysMetadata = null, bool? enablePartitionMerge = default(bool?), bool? enableBurstCapacity = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMinimalTlsVersion? minimalTlsVersion = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMinimalTlsVersion?), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBAccountData CosmosDBAccountData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountKind? kind = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountKind?), string provisioningState = null, string documentEndpoint = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountOfferType? databaseAccountOfferType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountOfferType?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable ipRules = null, bool? isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled = default(bool?), bool? enableAutomaticFailover = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ConsistencyPolicy consistencyPolicy = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable capabilities = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable writeLocations = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable readLocations = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable locations = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable failoverPolicies = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable virtualNetworkRules = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable privateEndpointConnections = null, bool? enableMultipleWriteLocations = default(bool?), bool? enableCassandraConnector = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ConnectorOffer? connectorOffer = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ConnectorOffer?), bool? disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess = default(bool?), System.Uri keyVaultKeyUri = null, string defaultIdentity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBPublicNetworkAccess?), bool? isFreeTierEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServerVersion? apiServerVersion = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServerVersion?), bool? isAnalyticalStorageEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AnalyticalStorageSchemaType? analyticalStorageSchemaType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AnalyticalStorageSchemaType?), System.Guid? instanceId = default(System.Guid?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountBackupPolicy backupPolicy = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable cors = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.NetworkAclBypass? networkAclBypass = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.NetworkAclBypass?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable networkAclBypassResourceIds = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.EnableFullTextQuery? diagnosticLogEnableFullTextQuery = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.EnableFullTextQuery?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), int? capacityTotalThroughputLimit = default(int?), bool? enableMaterializedViews = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata keysMetadata = null, bool? enablePartitionMerge = default(bool?), bool? enableBurstCapacity = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMinimalTlsVersion? minimalTlsVersion = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMinimalTlsVersion?), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountKeyList CosmosDBAccountKeyList(string primaryReadonlyMasterKey = null, string secondaryReadonlyMasterKey = null, string primaryMasterKey = null, string secondaryMasterKey = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountLocation CosmosDBAccountLocation(string id = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? locationName = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), string documentEndpoint = null, string provisioningState = null, int? failoverPriority = default(int?), bool? isZoneRedundant = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountReadOnlyKeyList CosmosDBAccountReadOnlyKeyList(string primaryReadonlyMasterKey = null, string secondaryReadonlyMasterKey = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBBackupInformation CosmosDBBackupInformation(System.DateTimeOffset? continuousBackupInformationLatestRestorableTimestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBBaseMetric CosmosDBBaseMetric(System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string timeGrain = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricName name = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable metricValues = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBBaseUsage CosmosDBBaseUsage(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricName name = null, string quotaPeriod = null, long? limit = default(long?), long? currentValue = default(long?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable paths = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBPartitionKind? kind = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBPartitionKind?), int? version = default(int?), bool? isSystemKey = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBFailoverPolicy CosmosDBFailoverPolicy(string id = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? locationName = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), int? failoverPriority = default(int?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBLocationData CosmosDBLocationData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBLocationProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBLocationProperties CosmosDBLocationProperties(string status = null, bool? doesSupportAvailabilityZone = default(bool?), bool? isResidencyRestricted = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable backupStorageRedundancies = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricAvailability CosmosDBMetricAvailability(string timeGrain = null, string retention = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricDefinition CosmosDBMetricDefinition(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable metricAvailabilities = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricPrimaryAggregationType? primaryAggregationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricPrimaryAggregationType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricName name = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricName CosmosDBMetricName(string value = null, string localizedValue = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricValue CosmosDBMetricValue(int? count = default(int?), double? average = default(double?), double? maximum = default(double?), double? minimum = default(double?), System.DateTimeOffset? timestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), double? total = default(double?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBPercentileMetric CosmosDBPercentileMetric(System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string timeGrain = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricName name = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable metricValues = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBPrivateEndpointConnectionData CosmosDBPrivateEndpointConnectionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier privateEndpointId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty connectionState = null, string groupId = null, string provisioningState = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBPrivateLinkResourceData CosmosDBPrivateLinkResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string groupId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable requiredMembers = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable requiredZoneNames = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty CosmosDBPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty(string status = null, string description = null, string actionsRequired = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBRegionalService CosmosDBRegionalService(string name = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBServiceData CosmosDBServiceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceProperties CosmosDBServiceProperties(System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize?), int? instanceCount = default(int?), string serviceType = "Unknown", Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary additionalProperties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyData CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyProperties resource = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyProperties CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyProperties(string id = null, string encryptionAlgorithm = null, byte[] wrappedDataEncryptionKey = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBKeyWrapMetadata keyWrapMetadata = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlContainerCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlContainerCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBSqlContainerData CosmosDBSqlContainerData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlContainerPropertiesConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBSqlDatabaseData CosmosDBSqlDatabaseData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlDatabasePropertiesConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBSqlRoleAssignmentData CosmosDBSqlRoleAssignmentData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier roleDefinitionId = null, string scope = null, System.Guid? principalId = default(System.Guid?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBSqlRoleDefinitionData CosmosDBSqlRoleDefinitionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string roleName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlRoleDefinitionType? roleDefinitionType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlRoleDefinitionType?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable assignableScopes = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable permissions = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureData CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlTriggerCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlTriggerCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBSqlTriggerData CosmosDBSqlTriggerData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionData CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBTableCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBTableCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBTableResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.CosmosDBTableData CosmosDBTableData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBTablePropertiesResource resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBTablePropertiesOptions options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBTablePropertiesResource CosmosDBTablePropertiesResource(string tableName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata(System.DateTimeOffset? primaryMasterKeyGeneratedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? secondaryMasterKeyGeneratedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? primaryReadonlyMasterKeyGeneratedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? secondaryReadonlyMasterKeyGeneratedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DataTransferJobGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent DataTransferJobGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DataTransferJobProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.DataTransferJobGetResultData DataTransferJobGetResultData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string jobName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DataTransferDataSourceSink source = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DataTransferDataSourceSink destination = null, string status = null, long? processedCount = default(long?), long? totalCount = default(long?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedUtcOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), int? workerCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ErrorResponse error = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DataTransferJobProperties DataTransferJobProperties(string jobName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DataTransferDataSourceSink source = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DataTransferDataSourceSink destination = null, string status = null, long? processedCount = default(long?), long? totalCount = default(long?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedUtcOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), int? workerCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ErrorResponse error = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DataTransferRegionalService DataTransferRegionalService(string name = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.DataTransferServiceProperties DataTransferServiceProperties(System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize?), int? instanceCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary additionalProperties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable locations = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ErrorResponse ErrorResponse(string code = null, string message = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCassandraKeyspaceResourceInfo ExtendedCassandraKeyspaceResourceInfo(string keyspaceName = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCassandraTableResourceInfo ExtendedCassandraTableResourceInfo(string tableName = null, int? defaultTtl = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CassandraSchema schema = null, int? analyticalStorageTtl = default(int?), string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo(string containerName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBIndexingPolicy indexingPolicy = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey partitionKey = null, int? defaultTtl = default(int?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable uniqueKeys = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ConflictResolutionPolicy conflictResolutionPolicy = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBClientEncryptionPolicy clientEncryptionPolicy = null, long? analyticalStorageTtl = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo(string databaseName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), string colls = null, string users = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo(string storedProcedureName = null, string body = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo(string triggerName = null, string body = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlTriggerType? triggerType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlTriggerType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlTriggerOperation? triggerOperation = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBSqlTriggerOperation?), string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo(string functionName = null, string body = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo(string databaseName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedGremlinGraphResourceInfo ExtendedGremlinGraphResourceInfo(string graphName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBIndexingPolicy indexingPolicy = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey partitionKey = null, int? defaultTtl = default(int?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable uniqueKeys = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ConflictResolutionPolicy conflictResolutionPolicy = null, long? analyticalStorageTtl = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo ExtendedMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo(string collectionName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary shardKey = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable indexes = null, int? analyticalStorageTtl = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo(string databaseName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo(string rid = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType?), string eventTimestamp = null, string databaseName = null, string databaseId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableGremlinGraphResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableGremlinGraphResourceInfo(string rid = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType?), string eventTimestamp = null, string graphName = null, string graphId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo(string rid = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType?), string eventTimestamp = null, string collectionName = null, string collectionId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo(string rid = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType?), string eventTimestamp = null, string databaseName = null, string databaseId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableSqlContainerResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableSqlContainerResourceInfo(string rid = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType?), string eventTimestamp = null, string containerName = null, string containerId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableSqlContainerPropertiesResourceContainer container = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableSqlDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableSqlDatabaseResourceInfo(string rid = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType?), string eventTimestamp = null, string databaseName = null, string databaseId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableSqlDatabasePropertiesResourceDatabase database = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableTableResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableTableResourceInfo(string rid = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBOperationType?), string eventTimestamp = null, string tableName = null, string tableId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedThroughputSettingsResourceInfo ExtendedThroughputSettingsResourceInfo(int? throughput = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo autoscaleSettings = null, string minimumThroughput = null, string offerReplacePending = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GraphApiComputeRegionalService GraphApiComputeRegionalService(string name = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?), string graphApiComputeEndpoint = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GraphApiComputeServiceProperties GraphApiComputeServiceProperties(System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize?), int? instanceCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary additionalProperties = null, string graphApiComputeEndpoint = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable locations = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GraphResourceGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent GraphResourceGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.GraphResourceGetResultData GraphResourceGetResultData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GraphResourceGetPropertiesOptions options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GremlinDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent GremlinDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GremlinDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.GremlinDatabaseData GremlinDatabaseData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GremlinDatabasePropertiesConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GremlinGraphCreateOrUpdateContent GremlinGraphCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GremlinGraphResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.GremlinGraphData GremlinGraphData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedGremlinGraphResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.GremlinGraphPropertiesConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MaterializedViewsBuilderRegionalService MaterializedViewsBuilderRegionalService(string name = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MaterializedViewsBuilderServiceProperties MaterializedViewsBuilderServiceProperties(System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize?), int? instanceCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary additionalProperties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable locations = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MongoDBCollectionCreateOrUpdateContent MongoDBCollectionCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MongoDBCollectionResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.MongoDBCollectionData MongoDBCollectionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MongoDBCollectionPropertiesConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MongoDBDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent MongoDBDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.MongoDBDatabaseData MongoDBDatabaseData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MongoDBDatabasePropertiesConfig options = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.MongoDBRoleDefinitionData MongoDBRoleDefinitionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string roleName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MongoDBRoleDefinitionType? roleDefinitionType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.MongoDBRoleDefinitionType?), string databaseName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable privileges = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable roles = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.MongoDBUserDefinitionData MongoDBUserDefinitionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string userName = null, string password = null, string databaseName = null, string customData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable roles = null, string mechanisms = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.PartitionMetric PartitionMetric(System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string timeGrain = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricName name = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable metricValues = null, System.Guid? partitionId = default(System.Guid?), string partitionKeyRangeId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.PartitionUsage PartitionUsage(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricUnitType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBMetricName name = null, string quotaPeriod = null, long? limit = default(long?), long? currentValue = default(long?), System.Guid? partitionId = default(System.Guid?), string partitionKeyRangeId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.PercentileMetricValue PercentileMetricValue(int? count = default(int?), double? average = default(double?), double? maximum = default(double?), double? minimum = default(double?), System.DateTimeOffset? timestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), double? total = default(double?), double? p10 = default(double?), double? p25 = default(double?), double? p50 = default(double?), double? p75 = default(double?), double? p90 = default(double?), double? p95 = default(double?), double? p99 = default(double?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.PhysicalPartitionStorageInfo PhysicalPartitionStorageInfo(string id = null, double? storageInKB = default(double?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.PhysicalPartitionStorageInfoCollection PhysicalPartitionStorageInfoCollection(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable physicalPartitionStorageInfoCollectionValue = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.PhysicalPartitionThroughputInfoResult PhysicalPartitionThroughputInfoResult(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable resourcePhysicalPartitionThroughputInfo = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RedistributeThroughputParameters RedistributeThroughputParameters(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RedistributeThroughputPropertiesResource resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.RestorableCosmosDBAccountData RestorableCosmosDBAccountData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), string accountName = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? oldestRestorableOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? deletedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBApiType? apiType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBApiType?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable restorableLocations = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableGremlinDatabase RestorableGremlinDatabase(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableGremlinGraph RestorableGremlinGraph(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableGremlinGraphResourceInfo resource = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableGremlinResourceData RestorableGremlinResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string databaseName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable graphNames = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableLocationResourceInfo RestorableLocationResourceInfo(Azure.Core.AzureLocation? locationName = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), string regionalDatabaseAccountInstanceId = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? deletedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableMongoDBCollection RestorableMongoDBCollection(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo resource = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableMongoDBDatabase RestorableMongoDBDatabase(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableMongoDBResourceData RestorableMongoDBResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string databaseName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collectionNames = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableSqlContainer RestorableSqlContainer(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableSqlContainerResourceInfo resource = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableSqlContainerPropertiesResourceContainer RestorableSqlContainerPropertiesResourceContainer(string containerName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBIndexingPolicy indexingPolicy = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey partitionKey = null, int? defaultTtl = default(int?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable uniqueKeys = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ConflictResolutionPolicy conflictResolutionPolicy = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBClientEncryptionPolicy clientEncryptionPolicy = null, long? analyticalStorageTtl = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), string self = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableSqlDatabase RestorableSqlDatabase(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableSqlDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableSqlDatabasePropertiesResourceDatabase RestorableSqlDatabasePropertiesResourceDatabase(string databaseName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBAccountCreateMode?), string colls = null, string users = null, string self = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = default(float?), Azure.ETag? etag = default(Azure.ETag?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableSqlResourceData RestorableSqlResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string databaseName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable collectionNames = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableTable RestorableTable(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedRestorableTableResourceInfo resource = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RestorableTableResourceData RestorableTableResourceData(string id = null, string name = null, string resourceType = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.RetrieveThroughputParameters RetrieveThroughputParameters(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable resourcePhysicalPartitionIds = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.SqlDedicatedGatewayRegionalService SqlDedicatedGatewayRegionalService(string name = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?), string sqlDedicatedGatewayEndpoint = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.SqlDedicatedGatewayServiceProperties SqlDedicatedGatewayServiceProperties(System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceSize?), int? instanceCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.CosmosDBServiceStatus?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary additionalProperties = null, string sqlDedicatedGatewayEndpoint = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable locations = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.ThroughputSettingData ThroughputSettingData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ExtendedThroughputSettingsResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ThroughputSettingsResourceInfo ThroughputSettingsResourceInfo(int? throughput = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo autoscaleSettings = null, string minimumThroughput = null, string offerReplacePending = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ThroughputSettingsUpdateData ThroughputSettingsUpdateData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models.ThroughputSettingsResourceInfo resource = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + } public partial class AuthenticationMethodLdapProperties { public AuthenticationMethodLdapProperties() { } diff --git a/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/src/Generated/ArmCosmosDBModelFactory.cs b/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/src/Generated/ArmCosmosDBModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..bb1b0151a1473 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/src/Generated/ArmCosmosDBModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,2082 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using Azure; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmCosmosDBModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBAccountData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Indicates the type of database account. This can only be set at database account creation. + /// The status of the Cosmos DB account at the time the operation was called. The status can be one of following. 'Creating' – the Cosmos DB account is being created. When an account is in Creating state, only properties that are specified as input for the Create Cosmos DB account operation are returned. 'Succeeded' – the Cosmos DB account is active for use. 'Updating' – the Cosmos DB account is being updated. 'Deleting' – the Cosmos DB account is being deleted. 'Failed' – the Cosmos DB account failed creation. 'DeletionFailed' – the Cosmos DB account deletion failed. + /// The connection endpoint for the Cosmos DB database account. + /// The offer type for the Cosmos DB database account. Default value: Standard. + /// List of IpRules. + /// Flag to indicate whether to enable/disable Virtual Network ACL rules. + /// Enables automatic failover of the write region in the rare event that the region is unavailable due to an outage. Automatic failover will result in a new write region for the account and is chosen based on the failover priorities configured for the account. + /// The consistency policy for the Cosmos DB database account. + /// List of Cosmos DB capabilities for the account. + /// An array that contains the write location for the Cosmos DB account. + /// An array that contains of the read locations enabled for the Cosmos DB account. + /// An array that contains all of the locations enabled for the Cosmos DB account. + /// An array that contains the regions ordered by their failover priorities. + /// List of Virtual Network ACL rules configured for the Cosmos DB account. + /// List of Private Endpoint Connections configured for the Cosmos DB account. + /// Enables the account to write in multiple locations. + /// Enables the cassandra connector on the Cosmos DB C* account. + /// The cassandra connector offer type for the Cosmos DB database C* account. + /// Disable write operations on metadata resources (databases, containers, throughput) via account keys. + /// The URI of the key vault. + /// The default identity for accessing key vault used in features like customer managed keys. The default identity needs to be explicitly set by the users. It can be "FirstPartyIdentity", "SystemAssignedIdentity" and more. + /// Whether requests from Public Network are allowed. + /// Flag to indicate whether Free Tier is enabled. + /// API specific properties. + /// Flag to indicate whether to enable storage analytics. + /// Analytical storage specific properties. + /// A unique identifier assigned to the database account. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of account creation. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// + /// The object representing the policy for taking backups on an account. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include and . + /// + /// The CORS policy for the Cosmos DB database account. + /// Indicates what services are allowed to bypass firewall checks. + /// An array that contains the Resource Ids for Network Acl Bypass for the Cosmos DB account. + /// The Object representing the different Diagnostic log settings for the Cosmos DB Account. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure only MSI and AAD can be used exclusively for authentication. + /// The object that represents all properties related to capacity enforcement on an account. + /// Flag to indicate whether to enable MaterializedViews on the Cosmos DB account. + /// The object that represents the metadata for the Account Keys of the Cosmos DB account. + /// Flag to indicate enabling/disabling of Partition Merge feature on the account. + /// Flag to indicate enabling/disabling of Burst Capacity Preview feature on the account. + /// Indicates the minimum allowed Tls version. The default is Tls 1.0, except for Cassandra and Mongo API's, which only work with Tls 1.2. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBAccountData CosmosDBAccountData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CosmosDBAccountKind? kind = null, string provisioningState = null, string documentEndpoint = null, CosmosDBAccountOfferType? databaseAccountOfferType = null, IEnumerable ipRules = null, bool? isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled = null, bool? enableAutomaticFailover = null, ConsistencyPolicy consistencyPolicy = null, IEnumerable capabilities = null, IEnumerable writeLocations = null, IEnumerable readLocations = null, IEnumerable locations = null, IEnumerable failoverPolicies = null, IEnumerable virtualNetworkRules = null, IEnumerable privateEndpointConnections = null, bool? enableMultipleWriteLocations = null, bool? enableCassandraConnector = null, ConnectorOffer? connectorOffer = null, bool? disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess = null, Uri keyVaultKeyUri = null, string defaultIdentity = null, CosmosDBPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = null, bool? isFreeTierEnabled = null, CosmosDBServerVersion? apiServerVersion = null, bool? isAnalyticalStorageEnabled = null, AnalyticalStorageSchemaType? analyticalStorageSchemaType = null, Guid? instanceId = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, CosmosDBAccountRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountBackupPolicy backupPolicy = null, IEnumerable cors = null, NetworkAclBypass? networkAclBypass = null, IEnumerable networkAclBypassResourceIds = null, EnableFullTextQuery? diagnosticLogEnableFullTextQuery = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, int? capacityTotalThroughputLimit = null, bool? enableMaterializedViews = null, DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata keysMetadata = null, bool? enablePartitionMerge = null, bool? enableBurstCapacity = null, CosmosDBMinimalTlsVersion? minimalTlsVersion = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + ipRules ??= new List(); + capabilities ??= new List(); + writeLocations ??= new List(); + readLocations ??= new List(); + locations ??= new List(); + failoverPolicies ??= new List(); + virtualNetworkRules ??= new List(); + privateEndpointConnections ??= new List(); + cors ??= new List(); + networkAclBypassResourceIds ??= new List(); + + return new CosmosDBAccountData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, kind, provisioningState, documentEndpoint, databaseAccountOfferType, ipRules?.ToList(), isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled, enableAutomaticFailover, consistencyPolicy, capabilities?.ToList(), writeLocations?.ToList(), readLocations?.ToList(), locations?.ToList(), failoverPolicies?.ToList(), virtualNetworkRules?.ToList(), privateEndpointConnections?.ToList(), enableMultipleWriteLocations, enableCassandraConnector, connectorOffer, disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess, keyVaultKeyUri, defaultIdentity, publicNetworkAccess, isFreeTierEnabled, apiServerVersion != null ? new ApiProperties(apiServerVersion) : null, isAnalyticalStorageEnabled, analyticalStorageSchemaType != null ? new AnalyticalStorageConfiguration(analyticalStorageSchemaType) : null, instanceId, createMode, restoreParameters, backupPolicy, cors?.ToList(), networkAclBypass, networkAclBypassResourceIds?.ToList(), diagnosticLogEnableFullTextQuery != null ? new DiagnosticLogSettings(diagnosticLogEnableFullTextQuery) : null, disableLocalAuth, capacityTotalThroughputLimit != null ? new CosmosDBAccountCapacity(capacityTotalThroughputLimit) : null, enableMaterializedViews, keysMetadata, enablePartitionMerge, enableBurstCapacity, minimalTlsVersion, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBAccountLocation. + /// The unique identifier of the region within the database account. Example: &lt;accountName&gt;-&lt;locationName&gt;. + /// The name of the region. + /// The connection endpoint for the specific region. Example: https://&lt;accountName&gt;-&lt;locationName&gt;.documents.azure.com:443/. + /// The status of the Cosmos DB account at the time the operation was called. The status can be one of following. 'Creating' – the Cosmos DB account is being created. When an account is in Creating state, only properties that are specified as input for the Create Cosmos DB account operation are returned. 'Succeeded' – the Cosmos DB account is active for use. 'Updating' – the Cosmos DB account is being updated. 'Deleting' – the Cosmos DB account is being deleted. 'Failed' – the Cosmos DB account failed creation. 'DeletionFailed' – the Cosmos DB account deletion failed. + /// The failover priority of the region. A failover priority of 0 indicates a write region. The maximum value for a failover priority = (total number of regions - 1). Failover priority values must be unique for each of the regions in which the database account exists. + /// Flag to indicate whether or not this region is an AvailabilityZone region. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBAccountLocation CosmosDBAccountLocation(string id = null, AzureLocation? locationName = null, string documentEndpoint = null, string provisioningState = null, int? failoverPriority = null, bool? isZoneRedundant = null) + { + return new CosmosDBAccountLocation(id, locationName, documentEndpoint, provisioningState, failoverPriority, isZoneRedundant); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBFailoverPolicy. + /// The unique identifier of the region in which the database account replicates to. Example: &lt;accountName&gt;-&lt;locationName&gt;. + /// The name of the region in which the database account exists. + /// The failover priority of the region. A failover priority of 0 indicates a write region. The maximum value for a failover priority = (total number of regions - 1). Failover priority values must be unique for each of the regions in which the database account exists. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBFailoverPolicy CosmosDBFailoverPolicy(string id = null, AzureLocation? locationName = null, int? failoverPriority = null) + { + return new CosmosDBFailoverPolicy(id, locationName, failoverPriority); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBPrivateEndpointConnectionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Private endpoint which the connection belongs to. + /// Connection State of the Private Endpoint Connection. + /// Group id of the private endpoint. + /// Provisioning state of the private endpoint. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBPrivateEndpointConnectionData CosmosDBPrivateEndpointConnectionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ResourceIdentifier privateEndpointId = null, CosmosDBPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty connectionState = null, string groupId = null, string provisioningState = null) + { + return new CosmosDBPrivateEndpointConnectionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, privateEndpointId != null ? new PrivateEndpointProperty(privateEndpointId) : null, connectionState, groupId, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty. + /// The private link service connection status. + /// The private link service connection description. + /// Any action that is required beyond basic workflow (approve/ reject/ disconnect). + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty CosmosDBPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty(string status = null, string description = null, string actionsRequired = null) + { + return new CosmosDBPrivateLinkServiceConnectionStateProperty(status, description, actionsRequired); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata. + /// The metadata related to the Primary Read-Write Key for the given Cosmos DB database account. + /// The metadata related to the Secondary Read-Write Key for the given Cosmos DB database account. + /// The metadata related to the Primary Read-Only Key for the given Cosmos DB database account. + /// The metadata related to the Secondary Read-Only Key for the given Cosmos DB database account. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata(DateTimeOffset? primaryMasterKeyGeneratedOn = null, DateTimeOffset? secondaryMasterKeyGeneratedOn = null, DateTimeOffset? primaryReadonlyMasterKeyGeneratedOn = null, DateTimeOffset? secondaryReadonlyMasterKeyGeneratedOn = null) + { + return new DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata(primaryMasterKeyGeneratedOn != null ? new AccountKeyMetadata(primaryMasterKeyGeneratedOn) : null, secondaryMasterKeyGeneratedOn != null ? new AccountKeyMetadata(secondaryMasterKeyGeneratedOn) : null, primaryReadonlyMasterKeyGeneratedOn != null ? new AccountKeyMetadata(primaryReadonlyMasterKeyGeneratedOn) : null, secondaryReadonlyMasterKeyGeneratedOn != null ? new AccountKeyMetadata(secondaryReadonlyMasterKeyGeneratedOn) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBAccountCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Indicates the type of database account. This can only be set at database account creation. + /// The consistency policy for the Cosmos DB account. + /// An array that contains the georeplication locations enabled for the Cosmos DB account. + /// The offer type for the database. + /// List of IpRules. + /// Flag to indicate whether to enable/disable Virtual Network ACL rules. + /// Enables automatic failover of the write region in the rare event that the region is unavailable due to an outage. Automatic failover will result in a new write region for the account and is chosen based on the failover priorities configured for the account. + /// List of Cosmos DB capabilities for the account. + /// List of Virtual Network ACL rules configured for the Cosmos DB account. + /// Enables the account to write in multiple locations. + /// Enables the cassandra connector on the Cosmos DB C* account. + /// The cassandra connector offer type for the Cosmos DB database C* account. + /// Disable write operations on metadata resources (databases, containers, throughput) via account keys. + /// The URI of the key vault. + /// The default identity for accessing key vault used in features like customer managed keys. The default identity needs to be explicitly set by the users. It can be "FirstPartyIdentity", "SystemAssignedIdentity" and more. + /// Whether requests from Public Network are allowed. + /// Flag to indicate whether Free Tier is enabled. + /// API specific properties. Currently, supported only for MongoDB API. + /// Flag to indicate whether to enable storage analytics. + /// Analytical storage specific properties. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of account creation. + /// + /// The object representing the policy for taking backups on an account. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include and . + /// + /// The CORS policy for the Cosmos DB database account. + /// Indicates what services are allowed to bypass firewall checks. + /// An array that contains the Resource Ids for Network Acl Bypass for the Cosmos DB account. + /// The Object representing the different Diagnostic log settings for the Cosmos DB Account. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure only MSI and AAD can be used exclusively for authentication. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// The object that represents all properties related to capacity enforcement on an account. + /// Flag to indicate whether to enable MaterializedViews on the Cosmos DB account. + /// This property is ignored during the update/create operation, as the metadata is read-only. The object represents the metadata for the Account Keys of the Cosmos DB account. + /// Flag to indicate enabling/disabling of Partition Merge feature on the account. + /// Flag to indicate enabling/disabling of Burst Capacity Preview feature on the account. + /// Indicates the minimum allowed Tls version. The default is Tls 1.0, except for Cassandra and Mongo API's, which only work with Tls 1.2. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBAccountCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBAccountCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CosmosDBAccountKind? kind = null, ConsistencyPolicy consistencyPolicy = null, IEnumerable locations = null, CosmosDBAccountOfferType databaseAccountOfferType = default, IEnumerable ipRules = null, bool? isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled = null, bool? enableAutomaticFailover = null, IEnumerable capabilities = null, IEnumerable virtualNetworkRules = null, bool? enableMultipleWriteLocations = null, bool? enableCassandraConnector = null, ConnectorOffer? connectorOffer = null, bool? disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess = null, Uri keyVaultKeyUri = null, string defaultIdentity = null, CosmosDBPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = null, bool? isFreeTierEnabled = null, CosmosDBServerVersion? apiServerVersion = null, bool? isAnalyticalStorageEnabled = null, AnalyticalStorageSchemaType? analyticalStorageSchemaType = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, CosmosDBAccountBackupPolicy backupPolicy = null, IEnumerable cors = null, NetworkAclBypass? networkAclBypass = null, IEnumerable networkAclBypassResourceIds = null, EnableFullTextQuery? diagnosticLogEnableFullTextQuery = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, CosmosDBAccountRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, int? capacityTotalThroughputLimit = null, bool? enableMaterializedViews = null, DatabaseAccountKeysMetadata keysMetadata = null, bool? enablePartitionMerge = null, bool? enableBurstCapacity = null, CosmosDBMinimalTlsVersion? minimalTlsVersion = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + locations ??= new List(); + ipRules ??= new List(); + capabilities ??= new List(); + virtualNetworkRules ??= new List(); + cors ??= new List(); + networkAclBypassResourceIds ??= new List(); + + return new CosmosDBAccountCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, kind, consistencyPolicy, locations?.ToList(), databaseAccountOfferType, ipRules?.ToList(), isVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled, enableAutomaticFailover, capabilities?.ToList(), virtualNetworkRules?.ToList(), enableMultipleWriteLocations, enableCassandraConnector, connectorOffer, disableKeyBasedMetadataWriteAccess, keyVaultKeyUri, defaultIdentity, publicNetworkAccess, isFreeTierEnabled, apiServerVersion != null ? new ApiProperties(apiServerVersion) : null, isAnalyticalStorageEnabled, analyticalStorageSchemaType != null ? new AnalyticalStorageConfiguration(analyticalStorageSchemaType) : null, createMode, backupPolicy, cors?.ToList(), networkAclBypass, networkAclBypassResourceIds?.ToList(), diagnosticLogEnableFullTextQuery != null ? new DiagnosticLogSettings(diagnosticLogEnableFullTextQuery) : null, disableLocalAuth, restoreParameters, capacityTotalThroughputLimit != null ? new CosmosDBAccountCapacity(capacityTotalThroughputLimit) : null, enableMaterializedViews, keysMetadata, enablePartitionMerge, enableBurstCapacity, minimalTlsVersion, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBAccountKeyList. + /// Base 64 encoded value of the primary read-only key. + /// Base 64 encoded value of the secondary read-only key. + /// Base 64 encoded value of the primary read-write key. + /// Base 64 encoded value of the secondary read-write key. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBAccountKeyList CosmosDBAccountKeyList(string primaryReadonlyMasterKey = null, string secondaryReadonlyMasterKey = null, string primaryMasterKey = null, string secondaryMasterKey = null) + { + return new CosmosDBAccountKeyList(primaryReadonlyMasterKey, secondaryReadonlyMasterKey, primaryMasterKey, secondaryMasterKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBAccountReadOnlyKeyList. + /// Base 64 encoded value of the primary read-only key. + /// Base 64 encoded value of the secondary read-only key. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBAccountReadOnlyKeyList CosmosDBAccountReadOnlyKeyList(string primaryReadonlyMasterKey = null, string secondaryReadonlyMasterKey = null) + { + return new CosmosDBAccountReadOnlyKeyList(primaryReadonlyMasterKey, secondaryReadonlyMasterKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBAccountConnectionString. + /// Value of the connection string. + /// Description of the connection string. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBAccountConnectionString CosmosDBAccountConnectionString(string connectionString = null, string description = null) + { + return new CosmosDBAccountConnectionString(connectionString, description); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ErrorResponse. + /// Error code. + /// Error message indicating why the operation failed. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ErrorResponse ErrorResponse(string code = null, string message = null) + { + return new ErrorResponse(code, message); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBBaseMetric. + /// The start time for the metric (ISO-8601 format). + /// The end time for the metric (ISO-8601 format). + /// The time grain to be used to summarize the metric values. + /// The unit of the metric. + /// The name information for the metric. + /// The metric values for the specified time window and timestep. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBBaseMetric CosmosDBBaseMetric(DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? endOn = null, string timeGrain = null, CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = null, CosmosDBMetricName name = null, IEnumerable metricValues = null) + { + metricValues ??= new List(); + + return new CosmosDBBaseMetric(startOn, endOn, timeGrain, unit, name, metricValues?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBMetricName. + /// The name of the metric. + /// The friendly name of the metric. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBMetricName CosmosDBMetricName(string value = null, string localizedValue = null) + { + return new CosmosDBMetricName(value, localizedValue); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBMetricValue. + /// The number of values for the metric. + /// The average value of the metric. + /// The max value of the metric. + /// The min value of the metric. + /// The metric timestamp (ISO-8601 format). + /// The total value of the metric. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBMetricValue CosmosDBMetricValue(int? count = null, double? average = null, double? maximum = null, double? minimum = null, DateTimeOffset? timestamp = null, double? total = null) + { + return new CosmosDBMetricValue(count, average, maximum, minimum, timestamp, total); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBPercentileMetric. + /// The start time for the metric (ISO-8601 format). + /// The end time for the metric (ISO-8601 format). + /// The time grain to be used to summarize the metric values. + /// The unit of the metric. + /// The name information for the metric. + /// The percentile metric values for the specified time window and timestep. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBPercentileMetric CosmosDBPercentileMetric(DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? endOn = null, string timeGrain = null, CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = null, CosmosDBMetricName name = null, IEnumerable metricValues = null) + { + metricValues ??= new List(); + + return new CosmosDBPercentileMetric(startOn, endOn, timeGrain, unit, name, metricValues?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PercentileMetricValue. + /// The number of values for the metric. + /// The average value of the metric. + /// The max value of the metric. + /// The min value of the metric. + /// The metric timestamp (ISO-8601 format). + /// The total value of the metric. + /// The 10th percentile value for the metric. + /// The 25th percentile value for the metric. + /// The 50th percentile value for the metric. + /// The 75th percentile value for the metric. + /// The 90th percentile value for the metric. + /// The 95th percentile value for the metric. + /// The 99th percentile value for the metric. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PercentileMetricValue PercentileMetricValue(int? count = null, double? average = null, double? maximum = null, double? minimum = null, DateTimeOffset? timestamp = null, double? total = null, double? p10 = null, double? p25 = null, double? p50 = null, double? p75 = null, double? p90 = null, double? p95 = null, double? p99 = null) + { + return new PercentileMetricValue(count, average, maximum, minimum, timestamp, total, p10, p25, p50, p75, p90, p95, p99); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PartitionMetric. + /// The start time for the metric (ISO-8601 format). + /// The end time for the metric (ISO-8601 format). + /// The time grain to be used to summarize the metric values. + /// The unit of the metric. + /// The name information for the metric. + /// The metric values for the specified time window and timestep. + /// The partition id (GUID identifier) of the metric values. + /// The partition key range id (integer identifier) of the metric values. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PartitionMetric PartitionMetric(DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? endOn = null, string timeGrain = null, CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = null, CosmosDBMetricName name = null, IEnumerable metricValues = null, Guid? partitionId = null, string partitionKeyRangeId = null) + { + metricValues ??= new List(); + + return new PartitionMetric(startOn, endOn, timeGrain, unit, name, metricValues?.ToList(), partitionId, partitionKeyRangeId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBBaseUsage. + /// The unit of the metric. + /// The name information for the metric. + /// The quota period used to summarize the usage values. + /// Maximum value for this metric. + /// Current value for this metric. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBBaseUsage CosmosDBBaseUsage(CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = null, CosmosDBMetricName name = null, string quotaPeriod = null, long? limit = null, long? currentValue = null) + { + return new CosmosDBBaseUsage(unit, name, quotaPeriod, limit, currentValue); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PartitionUsage. + /// The unit of the metric. + /// The name information for the metric. + /// The quota period used to summarize the usage values. + /// Maximum value for this metric. + /// Current value for this metric. + /// The partition id (GUID identifier) of the usages. + /// The partition key range id (integer identifier) of the usages. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PartitionUsage PartitionUsage(CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = null, CosmosDBMetricName name = null, string quotaPeriod = null, long? limit = null, long? currentValue = null, Guid? partitionId = null, string partitionKeyRangeId = null) + { + return new PartitionUsage(unit, name, quotaPeriod, limit, currentValue, partitionId, partitionKeyRangeId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBMetricDefinition. + /// The list of metric availabilities for the account. + /// The primary aggregation type of the metric. + /// The unit of the metric. + /// The resource uri of the database. + /// The name information for the metric. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBMetricDefinition CosmosDBMetricDefinition(IEnumerable metricAvailabilities = null, CosmosDBMetricPrimaryAggregationType? primaryAggregationType = null, CosmosDBMetricUnitType? unit = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, CosmosDBMetricName name = null) + { + metricAvailabilities ??= new List(); + + return new CosmosDBMetricDefinition(metricAvailabilities?.ToList(), primaryAggregationType, unit, resourceId, name); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBMetricAvailability. + /// The time grain to be used to summarize the metric values. + /// The retention for the metric values. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBMetricAvailability CosmosDBMetricAvailability(string timeGrain = null, string retention = null) + { + return new CosmosDBMetricAvailability(timeGrain, retention); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of GraphResourceGetResultData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Gets or sets the resource. + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static GraphResourceGetResultData GraphResourceGetResultData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, GraphResourceGetPropertiesOptions options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new GraphResourceGetResultData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resourceId != null ? ResourceManagerModelFactory.WritableSubResource(resourceId) : null, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of GraphResourceGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a Graph resource. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static GraphResourceGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent GraphResourceGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new GraphResourceGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resourceId != null ? ResourceManagerModelFactory.WritableSubResource(resourceId) : null, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlDatabaseData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlDatabaseData CosmosDBSqlDatabaseData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedCosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBSqlDatabasePropertiesConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlDatabaseData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedCosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB SQL database. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of resource creation. + /// A system generated property that specified the addressable path of the collections resource. + /// A system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the users resource. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedCosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo(string databaseName = null, ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, string colls = null, string users = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new ExtendedCosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo(databaseName, restoreParameters, createMode, colls, users, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a SQL database. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CosmosDBSqlDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ThroughputSettingData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ThroughputSettingData ThroughputSettingData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedThroughputSettingsResourceInfo resource = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ThroughputSettingData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedThroughputSettingsResourceInfo. + /// Value of the Cosmos DB resource throughput. Either throughput is required or autoscaleSettings is required, but not both. + /// Cosmos DB resource for autoscale settings. Either throughput is required or autoscaleSettings is required, but not both. + /// The minimum throughput of the resource. + /// The throughput replace is pending. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedThroughputSettingsResourceInfo ExtendedThroughputSettingsResourceInfo(int? throughput = null, AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo autoscaleSettings = null, string minimumThroughput = null, string offerReplacePending = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new ExtendedThroughputSettingsResourceInfo(throughput, autoscaleSettings, minimumThroughput, offerReplacePending, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ThroughputSettingsResourceInfo. + /// Value of the Cosmos DB resource throughput. Either throughput is required or autoscaleSettings is required, but not both. + /// Cosmos DB resource for autoscale settings. Either throughput is required or autoscaleSettings is required, but not both. + /// The minimum throughput of the resource. + /// The throughput replace is pending. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ThroughputSettingsResourceInfo ThroughputSettingsResourceInfo(int? throughput = null, AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo autoscaleSettings = null, string minimumThroughput = null, string offerReplacePending = null) + { + return new ThroughputSettingsResourceInfo(throughput, autoscaleSettings, minimumThroughput, offerReplacePending); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo. + /// Represents maximum throughput container can scale up to. + /// Cosmos DB resource auto-upgrade policy. + /// Represents target maximum throughput container can scale up to once offer is no longer in pending state. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo(int maxThroughput = default, ThroughputPolicyResourceInfo autoUpgradeThroughputPolicy = null, int? targetMaxThroughput = null) + { + return new AutoscaleSettingsResourceInfo(maxThroughput, autoUpgradeThroughputPolicy != null ? new AutoUpgradePolicyResourceInfo(autoUpgradeThroughputPolicy) : null, targetMaxThroughput); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ThroughputSettingsUpdateData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a resource throughput. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ThroughputSettingsUpdateData ThroughputSettingsUpdateData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ThroughputSettingsResourceInfo resource = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ThroughputSettingsUpdateData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyData CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyProperties resource = null) + { + return new CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, resource); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyProperties. + /// Name of the ClientEncryptionKey. + /// Encryption algorithm that will be used along with this client encryption key to encrypt/decrypt data. + /// Wrapped (encrypted) form of the key represented as a byte array. + /// Metadata for the wrapping provider that can be used to unwrap the wrapped client encryption key. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyProperties CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyProperties(string id = null, string encryptionAlgorithm = null, byte[] wrappedDataEncryptionKey = null, CosmosDBKeyWrapMetadata keyWrapMetadata = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new CosmosDBSqlClientEncryptionKeyProperties(id, encryptionAlgorithm, wrappedDataEncryptionKey, keyWrapMetadata, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlContainerData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlContainerData CosmosDBSqlContainerData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedCosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBSqlContainerPropertiesConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlContainerData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedCosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB SQL container. + /// The configuration of the indexing policy. By default, the indexing is automatic for all document paths within the container. + /// The configuration of the partition key to be used for partitioning data into multiple partitions. + /// Default time to live. + /// The unique key policy configuration for specifying uniqueness constraints on documents in the collection in the Azure Cosmos DB service. + /// The conflict resolution policy for the container. + /// The client encryption policy for the container. + /// Analytical TTL. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of resource creation. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedCosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo(string containerName = null, CosmosDBIndexingPolicy indexingPolicy = null, CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey partitionKey = null, int? defaultTtl = null, IEnumerable uniqueKeys = null, ConflictResolutionPolicy conflictResolutionPolicy = null, CosmosDBClientEncryptionPolicy clientEncryptionPolicy = null, long? analyticalStorageTtl = null, ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + uniqueKeys ??= new List(); + + return new ExtendedCosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo(containerName, indexingPolicy, partitionKey, defaultTtl, uniqueKeys != null ? new CosmosDBUniqueKeyPolicy(uniqueKeys?.ToList()) : null, conflictResolutionPolicy, clientEncryptionPolicy, analyticalStorageTtl, restoreParameters, createMode, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey. + /// List of paths using which data within the container can be partitioned. + /// Indicates the kind of algorithm used for partitioning. For MultiHash, multiple partition keys (upto three maximum) are supported for container create. + /// Indicates the version of the partition key definition. + /// Indicates if the container is using a system generated partition key. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey(IEnumerable paths = null, CosmosDBPartitionKind? kind = null, int? version = null, bool? isSystemKey = null) + { + paths ??= new List(); + + return new CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey(paths?.ToList(), kind, version, isSystemKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlContainerCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a container. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlContainerCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlContainerCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CosmosDBSqlContainerResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlContainerCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PhysicalPartitionStorageInfoCollection. + /// List of physical partitions and their properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PhysicalPartitionStorageInfoCollection PhysicalPartitionStorageInfoCollection(IEnumerable physicalPartitionStorageInfoCollectionValue = null) + { + physicalPartitionStorageInfoCollectionValue ??= new List(); + + return new PhysicalPartitionStorageInfoCollection(physicalPartitionStorageInfoCollectionValue?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PhysicalPartitionStorageInfo. + /// The unique identifier of the partition. + /// The storage in KB for the physical partition. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PhysicalPartitionStorageInfo PhysicalPartitionStorageInfo(string id = null, double? storageInKB = null) + { + return new PhysicalPartitionStorageInfo(id, storageInKB); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RetrieveThroughputParameters. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a resource throughput. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RetrieveThroughputParameters RetrieveThroughputParameters(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IEnumerable resourcePhysicalPartitionIds = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + resourcePhysicalPartitionIds ??= new List(); + + return new RetrieveThroughputParameters(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resourcePhysicalPartitionIds != null ? new RetrieveThroughputPropertiesResource(resourcePhysicalPartitionIds?.ToList()) : null, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PhysicalPartitionThroughputInfoResult. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// properties of physical partition throughput info. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PhysicalPartitionThroughputInfoResult PhysicalPartitionThroughputInfoResult(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IEnumerable resourcePhysicalPartitionThroughputInfo = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + resourcePhysicalPartitionThroughputInfo ??= new List(); + + return new PhysicalPartitionThroughputInfoResult(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resourcePhysicalPartitionThroughputInfo != null ? new PhysicalPartitionThroughputInfoResultPropertiesResource(resourcePhysicalPartitionThroughputInfo?.ToList()) : null, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RedistributeThroughputParameters. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a resource throughput. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RedistributeThroughputParameters RedistributeThroughputParameters(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, RedistributeThroughputPropertiesResource resource = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new RedistributeThroughputParameters(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureData CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo resource = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB SQL storedProcedure. + /// Body of the Stored Procedure. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo(string storedProcedureName = null, string body = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new ExtendedCosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo(storedProcedureName, body, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a storedProcedure. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlStoredProcedureCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionData CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo resource = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB SQL userDefinedFunction. + /// Body of the User Defined Function. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo(string functionName = null, string body = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new ExtendedCosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo(functionName, body, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a userDefinedFunction. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlUserDefinedFunctionCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlTriggerData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlTriggerData CosmosDBSqlTriggerData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedCosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo resource = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlTriggerData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedCosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB SQL trigger. + /// Body of the Trigger. + /// Type of the Trigger. + /// The operation the trigger is associated with. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedCosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo ExtendedCosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo(string triggerName = null, string body = null, CosmosDBSqlTriggerType? triggerType = null, CosmosDBSqlTriggerOperation? triggerOperation = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new ExtendedCosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo(triggerName, body, triggerType, triggerOperation, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlTriggerCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a trigger. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlTriggerCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBSqlTriggerCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CosmosDBSqlTriggerResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlTriggerCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MongoDBDatabaseData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MongoDBDatabaseData MongoDBDatabaseData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, MongoDBDatabasePropertiesConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MongoDBDatabaseData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB MongoDB database. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of resource creation. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo(string databaseName = null, ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new ExtendedMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo(databaseName, restoreParameters, createMode, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MongoDBDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a MongoDB database. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MongoDBDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent MongoDBDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, MongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MongoDBDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MongoDBCollectionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MongoDBCollectionData MongoDBCollectionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo resource = null, MongoDBCollectionPropertiesConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MongoDBCollectionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB MongoDB collection. + /// A key-value pair of shard keys to be applied for the request. + /// List of index keys. + /// Analytical TTL. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of resource creation. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo ExtendedMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo(string collectionName = null, IDictionary shardKey = null, IEnumerable indexes = null, int? analyticalStorageTtl = null, ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + shardKey ??= new Dictionary(); + indexes ??= new List(); + + return new ExtendedMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo(collectionName, shardKey, indexes?.ToList(), analyticalStorageTtl, restoreParameters, createMode, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MongoDBCollectionCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a MongoDB collection. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MongoDBCollectionCreateOrUpdateContent MongoDBCollectionCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, MongoDBCollectionResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MongoDBCollectionCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBTableData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBTableData CosmosDBTableData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CosmosDBTablePropertiesResource resource = null, CosmosDBTablePropertiesOptions options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBTableData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBTablePropertiesResource. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB table. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of resource creation. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBTablePropertiesResource CosmosDBTablePropertiesResource(string tableName = null, ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new CosmosDBTablePropertiesResource(tableName, restoreParameters, createMode, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBTableCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a Table. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBTableCreateOrUpdateContent CosmosDBTableCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CosmosDBTableResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBTableCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraKeyspaceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraKeyspaceData CassandraKeyspaceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedCassandraKeyspaceResourceInfo resource = null, CassandraKeyspacePropertiesConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CassandraKeyspaceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedCassandraKeyspaceResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB Cassandra keyspace. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// is null. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedCassandraKeyspaceResourceInfo ExtendedCassandraKeyspaceResourceInfo(string keyspaceName = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + if (keyspaceName == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keyspaceName)); + } + + return new ExtendedCassandraKeyspaceResourceInfo(keyspaceName, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraKeyspaceCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a Cassandra keyspace. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraKeyspaceCreateOrUpdateContent CassandraKeyspaceCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string resourceKeyspaceName = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CassandraKeyspaceCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resourceKeyspaceName != null ? new CassandraKeyspaceResourceInfo(resourceKeyspaceName) : null, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraTableData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraTableData CassandraTableData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedCassandraTableResourceInfo resource = null, CassandraTablePropertiesConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CassandraTableData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedCassandraTableResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB Cassandra table. + /// Time to live of the Cosmos DB Cassandra table. + /// Schema of the Cosmos DB Cassandra table. + /// Analytical TTL. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedCassandraTableResourceInfo ExtendedCassandraTableResourceInfo(string tableName = null, int? defaultTtl = null, CassandraSchema schema = null, int? analyticalStorageTtl = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new ExtendedCassandraTableResourceInfo(tableName, defaultTtl, schema, analyticalStorageTtl, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraTableCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a Cassandra table. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraTableCreateOrUpdateContent CassandraTableCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CassandraTableResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CassandraTableCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of GremlinDatabaseData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static GremlinDatabaseData GremlinDatabaseData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, GremlinDatabasePropertiesConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new GremlinDatabaseData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB Gremlin database. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of resource creation. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo(string databaseName = null, ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new ExtendedGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo(databaseName, restoreParameters, createMode, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of GremlinDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a Gremlin database. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static GremlinDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent GremlinDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, GremlinDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new GremlinDatabaseCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of GremlinGraphData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static GremlinGraphData GremlinGraphData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ExtendedGremlinGraphResourceInfo resource = null, GremlinGraphPropertiesConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new GremlinGraphData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedGremlinGraphResourceInfo. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB Gremlin graph. + /// The configuration of the indexing policy. By default, the indexing is automatic for all document paths within the graph. + /// The configuration of the partition key to be used for partitioning data into multiple partitions. + /// Default time to live. + /// The unique key policy configuration for specifying uniqueness constraints on documents in the collection in the Azure Cosmos DB service. + /// The conflict resolution policy for the graph. + /// Analytical TTL. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of resource creation. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedGremlinGraphResourceInfo ExtendedGremlinGraphResourceInfo(string graphName = null, CosmosDBIndexingPolicy indexingPolicy = null, CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey partitionKey = null, int? defaultTtl = null, IEnumerable uniqueKeys = null, ConflictResolutionPolicy conflictResolutionPolicy = null, long? analyticalStorageTtl = null, ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + uniqueKeys ??= new List(); + + return new ExtendedGremlinGraphResourceInfo(graphName, indexingPolicy, partitionKey, defaultTtl, uniqueKeys != null ? new CosmosDBUniqueKeyPolicy(uniqueKeys?.ToList()) : null, conflictResolutionPolicy, analyticalStorageTtl, restoreParameters, createMode, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of GremlinGraphCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a Gremlin graph. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static GremlinGraphCreateOrUpdateContent GremlinGraphCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, GremlinGraphResourceInfo resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new GremlinGraphCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBLocationData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Cosmos DB location metadata. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBLocationData CosmosDBLocationData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, CosmosDBLocationProperties properties = null) + { + return new CosmosDBLocationData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBLocationProperties. + /// The current status of location in Azure. + /// Flag indicating whether the location supports availability zones or not. + /// Flag indicating whether the location is residency sensitive. + /// The properties of available backup storage redundancies. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBLocationProperties CosmosDBLocationProperties(string status = null, bool? doesSupportAvailabilityZone = null, bool? isResidencyRestricted = null, IEnumerable backupStorageRedundancies = null) + { + backupStorageRedundancies ??= new List(); + + return new CosmosDBLocationProperties(status, doesSupportAvailabilityZone, isResidencyRestricted, backupStorageRedundancies?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraViewGetResultData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// + /// + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraViewGetResultData CassandraViewGetResultData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CassandraViewGetPropertiesResource resource = null, CassandraViewGetPropertiesOptions options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CassandraViewGetResultData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraViewGetPropertiesResource. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB Cassandra view. + /// View Definition of the Cosmos DB Cassandra view. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// or is null. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraViewGetPropertiesResource CassandraViewGetPropertiesResource(string id = null, string viewDefinition = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + if (id == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id)); + } + if (viewDefinition == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(viewDefinition)); + } + + return new CassandraViewGetPropertiesResource(id, viewDefinition, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraViewGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The standard JSON format of a Cassandra view. + /// A key-value pair of options to be applied for the request. This corresponds to the headers sent with the request. + /// Identity for the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraViewGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent CassandraViewGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CassandraViewResource resource = null, CosmosDBCreateUpdateConfig options = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CassandraViewGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, resource, options, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of DataTransferJobGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Data Transfer Create Job Properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static DataTransferJobGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent DataTransferJobGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, DataTransferJobProperties properties = null) + { + return new DataTransferJobGetResultCreateOrUpdateContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of DataTransferJobProperties. + /// Job Name. + /// + /// Source DataStore details + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// + /// Destination DataStore details + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// Job Status. + /// Processed Count. + /// Total Count. + /// Last Updated Time (ISO-8601 format). + /// Worker count. + /// Error response for Faulted job. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static DataTransferJobProperties DataTransferJobProperties(string jobName = null, DataTransferDataSourceSink source = null, DataTransferDataSourceSink destination = null, string status = null, long? processedCount = null, long? totalCount = null, DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedUtcOn = null, int? workerCount = null, ErrorResponse error = null) + { + return new DataTransferJobProperties(jobName, source, destination, status, processedCount, totalCount, lastUpdatedUtcOn, workerCount, error); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of DataTransferJobGetResultData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Job Name. + /// + /// Source DataStore details + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// + /// Destination DataStore details + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// Job Status. + /// Processed Count. + /// Total Count. + /// Last Updated Time (ISO-8601 format). + /// Worker count. + /// Error response for Faulted job. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static DataTransferJobGetResultData DataTransferJobGetResultData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string jobName = null, DataTransferDataSourceSink source = null, DataTransferDataSourceSink destination = null, string status = null, long? processedCount = null, long? totalCount = null, DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedUtcOn = null, int? workerCount = null, ErrorResponse error = null) + { + return new DataTransferJobGetResultData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, jobName, source, destination, status, processedCount, totalCount, lastUpdatedUtcOn, workerCount, error); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraClusterData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Properties of a managed Cassandra cluster. + /// Identity for the resource. Current supported identity types: SystemAssigned, None. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraClusterData CassandraClusterData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, CassandraClusterProperties properties = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CassandraClusterData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, properties, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraClusterProperties. + /// The status of the resource at the time the operation was called. + /// To create an empty cluster, omit this field or set it to null. To restore a backup into a new cluster, set this field to the resource id of the backup. + /// Resource id of a subnet that this cluster's management service should have its network interface attached to. The subnet must be routable to all subnets that will be delegated to data centers. The resource id must be of the form '/subscriptions/<subscription id>/resourceGroups/<resource group>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<virtual network>/subnets/<subnet>'. + /// Which version of Cassandra should this cluster converge to running (e.g., 3.11). When updated, the cluster may take some time to migrate to the new version. + /// If you need to set the clusterName property in cassandra.yaml to something besides the resource name of the cluster, set the value to use on this property. + /// Which authentication method Cassandra should use to authenticate clients. 'None' turns off authentication, so should not be used except in emergencies. 'Cassandra' is the default password based authentication. The default is 'Cassandra'. 'Ldap' is in preview. + /// Initial password for clients connecting as admin to the cluster. Should be changed after cluster creation. Returns null on GET. This field only applies when the authenticationMethod field is 'Cassandra'. + /// Hostname or IP address where the Prometheus endpoint containing data about the managed Cassandra nodes can be reached. + /// Should automatic repairs run on this cluster? If omitted, this is true, and should stay true unless you are running a hybrid cluster where you are already doing your own repairs. + /// List of TLS certificates used to authorize clients connecting to the cluster. All connections are TLS encrypted whether clientCertificates is set or not, but if clientCertificates is set, the managed Cassandra cluster will reject all connections not bearing a TLS client certificate that can be validated from one or more of the public certificates in this property. + /// List of TLS certificates used to authorize gossip from unmanaged data centers. The TLS certificates of all nodes in unmanaged data centers must be verifiable using one of the certificates provided in this property. + /// List of TLS certificates that unmanaged nodes must trust for gossip with managed nodes. All managed nodes will present TLS client certificates that are verifiable using one of the certificates provided in this property. + /// List of IP addresses of seed nodes in unmanaged data centers. These will be added to the seed node lists of all managed nodes. + /// List of IP addresses of seed nodes in the managed data centers. These should be added to the seed node lists of all unmanaged nodes. + /// Number of hours to wait between taking a backup of the cluster. To disable backups, set this property to 0. + /// Whether the cluster and associated data centers has been deallocated. + /// Whether Cassandra audit logging is enabled. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraClusterProperties CassandraClusterProperties(CassandraProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string restoreFromBackupId = null, ResourceIdentifier delegatedManagementSubnetId = null, string cassandraVersion = null, string clusterNameOverride = null, CassandraAuthenticationMethod? authenticationMethod = null, string initialCassandraAdminPassword = null, string prometheusEndpointIPAddress = null, bool? isRepairEnabled = null, IEnumerable clientCertificates = null, IEnumerable externalGossipCertificates = null, IEnumerable gossipCertificates = null, IEnumerable externalSeedNodes = null, IEnumerable seedNodes = null, int? hoursBetweenBackups = null, bool? isDeallocated = null, bool? isCassandraAuditLoggingEnabled = null) + { + clientCertificates ??= new List(); + externalGossipCertificates ??= new List(); + gossipCertificates ??= new List(); + externalSeedNodes ??= new List(); + seedNodes ??= new List(); + + return new CassandraClusterProperties(provisioningState, restoreFromBackupId, delegatedManagementSubnetId, cassandraVersion, clusterNameOverride, authenticationMethod, initialCassandraAdminPassword, prometheusEndpointIPAddress != null ? new CassandraDataCenterSeedNode(prometheusEndpointIPAddress) : null, isRepairEnabled, clientCertificates?.ToList(), externalGossipCertificates?.ToList(), gossipCertificates?.ToList(), externalSeedNodes?.ToList(), seedNodes?.ToList(), hoursBetweenBackups, isDeallocated, isCassandraAuditLoggingEnabled); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraCommandOutput. + /// Output of the command. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraCommandOutput CassandraCommandOutput(string commandOutput = null) + { + return new CassandraCommandOutput(commandOutput); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraClusterBackupResourceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraClusterBackupResourceData CassandraClusterBackupResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, DateTimeOffset? backupResourceTimestamp = null) + { + return new CassandraClusterBackupResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, backupResourceTimestamp != null ? new BackupResourceProperties(backupResourceTimestamp) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraDataCenterData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Properties of a managed Cassandra data center. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraDataCenterData CassandraDataCenterData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, CassandraDataCenterProperties properties = null) + { + return new CassandraDataCenterData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraDataCenterProperties. + /// The status of the resource at the time the operation was called. + /// The region this data center should be created in. + /// Resource id of a subnet the nodes in this data center should have their network interfaces connected to. The subnet must be in the same region specified in 'dataCenterLocation' and must be able to route to the subnet specified in the cluster's 'delegatedManagementSubnetId' property. This resource id will be of the form '/subscriptions/<subscription id>/resourceGroups/<resource group>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<virtual network>/subnets/<subnet>'. + /// The number of nodes the data center should have. This is the desired number. After it is set, it may take some time for the data center to be scaled to match. To monitor the number of nodes and their status, use the fetchNodeStatus method on the cluster. + /// IP addresses for seed nodes in this data center. This is for reference. Generally you will want to use the seedNodes property on the cluster, which aggregates the seed nodes from all data centers in the cluster. + /// A fragment of a cassandra.yaml configuration file to be included in the cassandra.yaml for all nodes in this data center. The fragment should be Base64 encoded, and only a subset of keys are allowed. + /// Key uri to use for encryption of managed disks. Ensure the system assigned identity of the cluster has been assigned appropriate permissions(key get/wrap/unwrap permissions) on the key. + /// Indicates the Key Uri of the customer key to use for encryption of the backup storage account. + /// Virtual Machine SKU used for data centers. Default value is Standard_DS14_v2. + /// Disk SKU used for data centers. Default value is P30. + /// Number of disk used for data centers. Default value is 4. + /// If the data center has Availability Zone feature, apply it to the Virtual Machine ScaleSet that host the cassandra data center virtual machines. + /// Ldap authentication method properties. This feature is in preview. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraDataCenterProperties CassandraDataCenterProperties(CassandraProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, AzureLocation? dataCenterLocation = null, ResourceIdentifier delegatedSubnetId = null, int? nodeCount = null, IEnumerable seedNodes = null, string base64EncodedCassandraYamlFragment = null, Uri managedDiskCustomerKeyUri = null, Uri backupStorageCustomerKeyUri = null, string sku = null, string diskSku = null, int? diskCapacity = null, bool? doesSupportAvailabilityZone = null, AuthenticationMethodLdapProperties authenticationMethodLdapProperties = null) + { + seedNodes ??= new List(); + + return new CassandraDataCenterProperties(provisioningState, dataCenterLocation, delegatedSubnetId, nodeCount, seedNodes?.ToList(), base64EncodedCassandraYamlFragment, managedDiskCustomerKeyUri, backupStorageCustomerKeyUri, sku, diskSku, diskCapacity, doesSupportAvailabilityZone, authenticationMethodLdapProperties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraClusterPublicStatus. + /// + /// + /// List relevant information about any connection errors to the Datacenters. + /// List of the status of each datacenter in this cluster. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraClusterPublicStatus CassandraClusterPublicStatus(ETag? etag = null, CassandraReaperStatus reaperStatus = null, IEnumerable connectionErrors = null, IEnumerable dataCenters = null) + { + connectionErrors ??= new List(); + dataCenters ??= new List(); + + return new CassandraClusterPublicStatus(etag, reaperStatus, connectionErrors?.ToList(), dataCenters?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraReaperStatus. + /// + /// Dictionary of <string>. + /// Dictionary of <string>. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraReaperStatus CassandraReaperStatus(bool? isHealthy = null, IReadOnlyDictionary repairRunIds = null, IReadOnlyDictionary repairSchedules = null) + { + repairRunIds ??= new Dictionary(); + repairSchedules ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CassandraReaperStatus(isHealthy, repairRunIds, repairSchedules); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraConnectionError. + /// The kind of connection error that occurred. + /// The IP of host that originated the failed connection. + /// The IP that the connection attempted to reach. + /// The TCP port the connection was attempted on. + /// Detailed error message about the failed connection. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraConnectionError CassandraConnectionError(CassandraConnectionState? connectionState = null, string ipFrom = null, string ipTo = null, int? port = null, string exception = null) + { + return new CassandraConnectionError(connectionState, ipFrom, ipTo, port, exception); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraClusterPublicStatusDataCentersItem. + /// The name of this Datacenter. + /// A list of all seed nodes in the cluster, managed and unmanaged. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraClusterPublicStatusDataCentersItem CassandraClusterPublicStatusDataCentersItem(string name = null, IEnumerable seedNodes = null, IEnumerable nodes = null) + { + seedNodes ??= new List(); + nodes ??= new List(); + + return new CassandraClusterPublicStatusDataCentersItem(name, seedNodes?.ToList(), nodes?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CassandraClusterDataCenterNodeItem. + /// The node's IP address. + /// The state of the node in Cassandra ring. + /// + /// The amount of file system data in the data directory (e.g., 47.66 kB), excluding all content in the snapshots subdirectories. Because all SSTable data files are included, any data that is not cleaned up (such as TTL-expired cells or tombstones) is counted. + /// List of tokens this node covers. + /// + /// The network ID of the node. + /// The rack this node is part of. + /// The timestamp at which that snapshot of these usage statistics were taken. + /// The amount of disk used, in kB, of the directory /var/lib/cassandra. + /// The amount of disk free, in kB, of the directory /var/lib/cassandra. + /// Used memory (calculated as total - free - buffers - cache), in kB. + /// Memory used by kernel buffers (Buffers in /proc/meminfo) and page cache and slabs (Cached and SReclaimable in /proc/meminfo), in kB. + /// Unused memory (MemFree and SwapFree in /proc/meminfo), in kB. + /// Total installed memory (MemTotal and SwapTotal in /proc/meminfo), in kB. + /// A float representing the current system-wide CPU utilization as a percentage. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CassandraClusterDataCenterNodeItem CassandraClusterDataCenterNodeItem(string address = null, CassandraNodeState? state = null, string status = null, string load = null, IEnumerable tokens = null, int? size = null, Guid? hostId = null, string rack = null, string timestamp = null, long? diskUsedKB = null, long? diskFreeKB = null, long? memoryUsedKB = null, long? memoryBuffersAndCachedKB = null, long? memoryFreeKB = null, long? memoryTotalKB = null, double? cpuUsage = null) + { + tokens ??= new List(); + + return new CassandraClusterDataCenterNodeItem(address, state, status, load, tokens?.ToList(), size, hostId, rack, timestamp, diskUsedKB, diskFreeKB, memoryUsedKB, memoryBuffersAndCachedKB, memoryFreeKB, memoryTotalKB, cpuUsage); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MongoDBRoleDefinitionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// A user-friendly name for the Role Definition. Must be unique for the database account. + /// Indicates whether the Role Definition was built-in or user created. + /// The database name for which access is being granted for this Role Definition. + /// A set of privileges contained by the Role Definition. This will allow application of this Role Definition on the entire database account or any underlying Database / Collection. Scopes higher than Database are not enforceable as privilege. + /// The set of roles inherited by this Role Definition. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MongoDBRoleDefinitionData MongoDBRoleDefinitionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string roleName = null, MongoDBRoleDefinitionType? roleDefinitionType = null, string databaseName = null, IEnumerable privileges = null, IEnumerable roles = null) + { + privileges ??= new List(); + roles ??= new List(); + + return new MongoDBRoleDefinitionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, roleName, roleDefinitionType, databaseName, privileges?.ToList(), roles?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MongoDBUserDefinitionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The user name for User Definition. + /// The password for User Definition. Response does not contain user password. + /// The database name for which access is being granted for this User Definition. + /// A custom definition for the USer Definition. + /// The set of roles inherited by the User Definition. + /// The Mongo Auth mechanism. For now, we only support auth mechanism SCRAM-SHA-256. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MongoDBUserDefinitionData MongoDBUserDefinitionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string userName = null, string password = null, string databaseName = null, string customData = null, IEnumerable roles = null, string mechanisms = null) + { + roles ??= new List(); + + return new MongoDBUserDefinitionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, userName, password, databaseName, customData, roles?.ToList(), mechanisms); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBPrivateLinkResourceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The private link resource group id. + /// The private link resource required member names. + /// The private link resource required zone names. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBPrivateLinkResourceData CosmosDBPrivateLinkResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string groupId = null, IEnumerable requiredMembers = null, IEnumerable requiredZoneNames = null) + { + requiredMembers ??= new List(); + requiredZoneNames ??= new List(); + + return new CosmosDBPrivateLinkResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, groupId, requiredMembers?.ToList(), requiredZoneNames?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlRoleDefinitionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// A user-friendly name for the Role Definition. Must be unique for the database account. + /// Indicates whether the Role Definition was built-in or user created. + /// A set of fully qualified Scopes at or below which Role Assignments may be created using this Role Definition. This will allow application of this Role Definition on the entire database account or any underlying Database / Collection. Must have at least one element. Scopes higher than Database account are not enforceable as assignable Scopes. Note that resources referenced in assignable Scopes need not exist. + /// The set of operations allowed through this Role Definition. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlRoleDefinitionData CosmosDBSqlRoleDefinitionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string roleName = null, CosmosDBSqlRoleDefinitionType? roleDefinitionType = null, IEnumerable assignableScopes = null, IEnumerable permissions = null) + { + assignableScopes ??= new List(); + permissions ??= new List(); + + return new CosmosDBSqlRoleDefinitionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, roleName, roleDefinitionType, assignableScopes?.ToList(), permissions?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBSqlRoleAssignmentData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The unique identifier for the associated Role Definition. + /// The data plane resource path for which access is being granted through this Role Assignment. + /// The unique identifier for the associated AAD principal in the AAD graph to which access is being granted through this Role Assignment. Tenant ID for the principal is inferred using the tenant associated with the subscription. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBSqlRoleAssignmentData CosmosDBSqlRoleAssignmentData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ResourceIdentifier roleDefinitionId = null, string scope = null, Guid? principalId = null) + { + return new CosmosDBSqlRoleAssignmentData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, roleDefinitionId, scope, principalId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableCosmosDBAccountData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The location of the resource group to which the resource belongs. + /// The name of the global database account. + /// The creation time of the restorable database account (ISO-8601 format). + /// The least recent time at which the database account can be restored to (ISO-8601 format). + /// The time at which the restorable database account has been deleted (ISO-8601 format). + /// The API type of the restorable database account. + /// List of regions where the of the database account can be restored from. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableCosmosDBAccountData RestorableCosmosDBAccountData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, AzureLocation? location = null, string accountName = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? oldestRestorableOn = null, DateTimeOffset? deletedOn = null, CosmosDBApiType? apiType = null, IEnumerable restorableLocations = null) + { + restorableLocations ??= new List(); + + return new RestorableCosmosDBAccountData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, location, accountName, createdOn, oldestRestorableOn, deletedOn, apiType, restorableLocations?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableLocationResourceInfo. + /// The location of the regional restorable account. + /// The instance id of the regional restorable account. + /// The creation time of the regional restorable database account (ISO-8601 format). + /// The time at which the regional restorable database account has been deleted (ISO-8601 format). + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableLocationResourceInfo RestorableLocationResourceInfo(AzureLocation? locationName = null, string regionalDatabaseAccountInstanceId = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? deletedOn = null) + { + return new RestorableLocationResourceInfo(locationName, regionalDatabaseAccountInstanceId, createdOn, deletedOn); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBBackupInformation. + /// Information about the status of continuous backups. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBBackupInformation CosmosDBBackupInformation(DateTimeOffset? continuousBackupInformationLatestRestorableTimestamp = null) + { + return new CosmosDBBackupInformation(continuousBackupInformationLatestRestorableTimestamp != null ? new ContinuousBackupInformation(continuousBackupInformationLatestRestorableTimestamp) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableSqlDatabase. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The resource of an Azure Cosmos DB SQL database event. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableSqlDatabase RestorableSqlDatabase(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ExtendedRestorableSqlDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null) + { + return new RestorableSqlDatabase(id, name, resourceType, systemData, resource); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedRestorableSqlDatabaseResourceInfo. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// The operation type of this database event. + /// The time when this database event happened. + /// The name of the SQL database. + /// The resource ID of the SQL database. + /// Cosmos DB SQL database resource object. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedRestorableSqlDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableSqlDatabaseResourceInfo(string rid = null, CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = null, string eventTimestamp = null, string databaseName = null, string databaseId = null, RestorableSqlDatabasePropertiesResourceDatabase database = null) + { + return new ExtendedRestorableSqlDatabaseResourceInfo(rid, operationType, eventTimestamp, databaseName, databaseId, database); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableSqlDatabasePropertiesResourceDatabase. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB SQL database. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of resource creation. + /// A system generated property that specified the addressable path of the collections resource. + /// A system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the users resource. + /// A system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the database resource. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableSqlDatabasePropertiesResourceDatabase RestorableSqlDatabasePropertiesResourceDatabase(string databaseName = null, ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, string colls = null, string users = null, string self = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + return new RestorableSqlDatabasePropertiesResourceDatabase(databaseName, restoreParameters, createMode, colls, users, self, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableSqlContainer. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The resource of an Azure Cosmos DB SQL container event. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableSqlContainer RestorableSqlContainer(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ExtendedRestorableSqlContainerResourceInfo resource = null) + { + return new RestorableSqlContainer(id, name, resourceType, systemData, resource); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedRestorableSqlContainerResourceInfo. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// The operation type of this container event. + /// The when this container event happened. + /// The name of this SQL container. + /// The resource ID of this SQL container. + /// Cosmos DB SQL container resource object. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedRestorableSqlContainerResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableSqlContainerResourceInfo(string rid = null, CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = null, string eventTimestamp = null, string containerName = null, string containerId = null, RestorableSqlContainerPropertiesResourceContainer container = null) + { + return new ExtendedRestorableSqlContainerResourceInfo(rid, operationType, eventTimestamp, containerName, containerId, container); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableSqlContainerPropertiesResourceContainer. + /// Name of the Cosmos DB SQL container. + /// The configuration of the indexing policy. By default, the indexing is automatic for all document paths within the container. + /// The configuration of the partition key to be used for partitioning data into multiple partitions. + /// Default time to live. + /// The unique key policy configuration for specifying uniqueness constraints on documents in the collection in the Azure Cosmos DB service. + /// The conflict resolution policy for the container. + /// The client encryption policy for the container. + /// Analytical TTL. + /// Parameters to indicate the information about the restore. + /// Enum to indicate the mode of resource creation. + /// A system generated property that specifies the addressable path of the container resource. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// A system generated property that denotes the last updated timestamp of the resource. + /// A system generated property representing the resource etag required for optimistic concurrency control. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableSqlContainerPropertiesResourceContainer RestorableSqlContainerPropertiesResourceContainer(string containerName = null, CosmosDBIndexingPolicy indexingPolicy = null, CosmosDBContainerPartitionKey partitionKey = null, int? defaultTtl = null, IEnumerable uniqueKeys = null, ConflictResolutionPolicy conflictResolutionPolicy = null, CosmosDBClientEncryptionPolicy clientEncryptionPolicy = null, long? analyticalStorageTtl = null, ResourceRestoreParameters restoreParameters = null, CosmosDBAccountCreateMode? createMode = null, string self = null, string rid = null, float? timestamp = null, ETag? etag = null) + { + uniqueKeys ??= new List(); + + return new RestorableSqlContainerPropertiesResourceContainer(containerName, indexingPolicy, partitionKey, defaultTtl, uniqueKeys != null ? new CosmosDBUniqueKeyPolicy(uniqueKeys?.ToList()) : null, conflictResolutionPolicy, clientEncryptionPolicy, analyticalStorageTtl, restoreParameters, createMode, self, rid, timestamp, etag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableSqlResourceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The name of the database available for restore. + /// The names of the collections available for restore. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableSqlResourceData RestorableSqlResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string databaseName = null, IEnumerable collectionNames = null) + { + collectionNames ??= new List(); + + return new RestorableSqlResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, databaseName, collectionNames?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableMongoDBDatabase. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The resource of an Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB database event. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableMongoDBDatabase RestorableMongoDBDatabase(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ExtendedRestorableMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null) + { + return new RestorableMongoDBDatabase(id, name, resourceType, systemData, resource); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedRestorableMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// The operation type of this database event. + /// The time when this database event happened. + /// The name of this MongoDB database. + /// The resource ID of this MongoDB database. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedRestorableMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo(string rid = null, CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = null, string eventTimestamp = null, string databaseName = null, string databaseId = null) + { + return new ExtendedRestorableMongoDBDatabaseResourceInfo(rid, operationType, eventTimestamp, databaseName, databaseId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableMongoDBCollection. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The resource of an Azure Cosmos DB MongoDB collection event. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableMongoDBCollection RestorableMongoDBCollection(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ExtendedRestorableMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo resource = null) + { + return new RestorableMongoDBCollection(id, name, resourceType, systemData, resource); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedRestorableMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// The operation type of this collection event. + /// The time when this collection event happened. + /// The name of this MongoDB collection. + /// The resource ID of this MongoDB collection. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedRestorableMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo(string rid = null, CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = null, string eventTimestamp = null, string collectionName = null, string collectionId = null) + { + return new ExtendedRestorableMongoDBCollectionResourceInfo(rid, operationType, eventTimestamp, collectionName, collectionId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableMongoDBResourceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The name of the database available for restore. + /// The names of the collections available for restore. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableMongoDBResourceData RestorableMongoDBResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string databaseName = null, IEnumerable collectionNames = null) + { + collectionNames ??= new List(); + + return new RestorableMongoDBResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, databaseName, collectionNames?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableGremlinDatabase. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The resource of an Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin database event. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableGremlinDatabase RestorableGremlinDatabase(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ExtendedRestorableGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo resource = null) + { + return new RestorableGremlinDatabase(id, name, resourceType, systemData, resource); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedRestorableGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// The operation type of this database event. + /// The time when this database event happened. + /// The name of this Gremlin database. + /// The resource ID of this Gremlin database. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedRestorableGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo(string rid = null, CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = null, string eventTimestamp = null, string databaseName = null, string databaseId = null) + { + return new ExtendedRestorableGremlinDatabaseResourceInfo(rid, operationType, eventTimestamp, databaseName, databaseId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableGremlinGraph. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The resource of an Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin graph event. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableGremlinGraph RestorableGremlinGraph(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ExtendedRestorableGremlinGraphResourceInfo resource = null) + { + return new RestorableGremlinGraph(id, name, resourceType, systemData, resource); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedRestorableGremlinGraphResourceInfo. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// The operation type of this graph event. + /// The time when this graph event happened. + /// The name of this Gremlin graph. + /// The resource ID of this Gremlin graph. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedRestorableGremlinGraphResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableGremlinGraphResourceInfo(string rid = null, CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = null, string eventTimestamp = null, string graphName = null, string graphId = null) + { + return new ExtendedRestorableGremlinGraphResourceInfo(rid, operationType, eventTimestamp, graphName, graphId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableGremlinResourceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The name of the gremlin database available for restore. + /// The names of the graphs available for restore. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableGremlinResourceData RestorableGremlinResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string databaseName = null, IEnumerable graphNames = null) + { + graphNames ??= new List(); + + return new RestorableGremlinResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, databaseName, graphNames?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableTable. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The resource of an Azure Cosmos DB Table event. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableTable RestorableTable(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, ExtendedRestorableTableResourceInfo resource = null) + { + return new RestorableTable(id, name, resourceType, systemData, resource); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ExtendedRestorableTableResourceInfo. + /// A system generated property. A unique identifier. + /// The operation type of this table event. + /// The time when this table event happened. + /// The name of this Table. + /// The resource ID of this Table. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ExtendedRestorableTableResourceInfo ExtendedRestorableTableResourceInfo(string rid = null, CosmosDBOperationType? operationType = null, string eventTimestamp = null, string tableName = null, string tableId = null) + { + return new ExtendedRestorableTableResourceInfo(rid, operationType, eventTimestamp, tableName, tableId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RestorableTableResourceData. + /// The unique resource identifier of the ARM resource. + /// The name of the Table. + /// The type of Azure resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RestorableTableResourceData RestorableTableResourceData(string id = null, string name = null, string resourceType = null) + { + return new RestorableTableResourceData(id, name, resourceType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBServiceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// + /// Services response resource. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBServiceData CosmosDBServiceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, CosmosDBServiceProperties properties = null) + { + return new CosmosDBServiceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBServiceProperties. + /// Time of the last state change (ISO-8601 format). + /// Instance type for the service. + /// Instance count for the service. + /// ServiceType for the service. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// Additional Properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBServiceProperties CosmosDBServiceProperties(DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = null, int? instanceCount = null, string serviceType = "Unknown", CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null, IDictionary additionalProperties = null) + { + additionalProperties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new CosmosDBServiceProperties(createdOn, instanceSize, instanceCount, serviceType, status, additionalProperties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of DataTransferServiceProperties. + /// Time of the last state change (ISO-8601 format). + /// Instance type for the service. + /// Instance count for the service. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// Additional Properties. + /// An array that contains all of the locations for the service. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static DataTransferServiceProperties DataTransferServiceProperties(DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = null, int? instanceCount = null, CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null, IDictionary additionalProperties = null, IEnumerable locations = null) + { + additionalProperties ??= new Dictionary(); + locations ??= new List(); + + return new DataTransferServiceProperties(createdOn, instanceSize, instanceCount, CosmosDBServiceType.DataTransfer, status, additionalProperties, locations?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of DataTransferRegionalService. + /// The regional service name. + /// The location name. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static DataTransferRegionalService DataTransferRegionalService(string name = null, AzureLocation? location = null, CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null) + { + return new DataTransferRegionalService(name, location, status); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CosmosDBRegionalService. + /// The regional service name. + /// The location name. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CosmosDBRegionalService CosmosDBRegionalService(string name = null, AzureLocation? location = null, CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null) + { + return new CosmosDBRegionalService(name, location, status); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of SqlDedicatedGatewayServiceProperties. + /// Time of the last state change (ISO-8601 format). + /// Instance type for the service. + /// Instance count for the service. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// Additional Properties. + /// SqlDedicatedGateway endpoint for the service. + /// An array that contains all of the locations for the service. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static SqlDedicatedGatewayServiceProperties SqlDedicatedGatewayServiceProperties(DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = null, int? instanceCount = null, CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null, IDictionary additionalProperties = null, string sqlDedicatedGatewayEndpoint = null, IEnumerable locations = null) + { + additionalProperties ??= new Dictionary(); + locations ??= new List(); + + return new SqlDedicatedGatewayServiceProperties(createdOn, instanceSize, instanceCount, CosmosDBServiceType.SqlDedicatedGateway, status, additionalProperties, sqlDedicatedGatewayEndpoint, locations?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of SqlDedicatedGatewayRegionalService. + /// The regional service name. + /// The location name. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// The regional endpoint for SqlDedicatedGateway. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static SqlDedicatedGatewayRegionalService SqlDedicatedGatewayRegionalService(string name = null, AzureLocation? location = null, CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null, string sqlDedicatedGatewayEndpoint = null) + { + return new SqlDedicatedGatewayRegionalService(name, location, status, sqlDedicatedGatewayEndpoint); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of GraphApiComputeServiceProperties. + /// Time of the last state change (ISO-8601 format). + /// Instance type for the service. + /// Instance count for the service. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// Additional Properties. + /// GraphAPICompute endpoint for the service. + /// An array that contains all of the locations for the service. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static GraphApiComputeServiceProperties GraphApiComputeServiceProperties(DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = null, int? instanceCount = null, CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null, IDictionary additionalProperties = null, string graphApiComputeEndpoint = null, IEnumerable locations = null) + { + additionalProperties ??= new Dictionary(); + locations ??= new List(); + + return new GraphApiComputeServiceProperties(createdOn, instanceSize, instanceCount, CosmosDBServiceType.GraphApiCompute, status, additionalProperties, graphApiComputeEndpoint, locations?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of GraphApiComputeRegionalService. + /// The regional service name. + /// The location name. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// The regional endpoint for GraphAPICompute. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static GraphApiComputeRegionalService GraphApiComputeRegionalService(string name = null, AzureLocation? location = null, CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null, string graphApiComputeEndpoint = null) + { + return new GraphApiComputeRegionalService(name, location, status, graphApiComputeEndpoint); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MaterializedViewsBuilderServiceProperties. + /// Time of the last state change (ISO-8601 format). + /// Instance type for the service. + /// Instance count for the service. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// Additional Properties. + /// An array that contains all of the locations for the service. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MaterializedViewsBuilderServiceProperties MaterializedViewsBuilderServiceProperties(DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, CosmosDBServiceSize? instanceSize = null, int? instanceCount = null, CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null, IDictionary additionalProperties = null, IEnumerable locations = null) + { + additionalProperties ??= new Dictionary(); + locations ??= new List(); + + return new MaterializedViewsBuilderServiceProperties(createdOn, instanceSize, instanceCount, CosmosDBServiceType.MaterializedViewsBuilder, status, additionalProperties, locations?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MaterializedViewsBuilderRegionalService. + /// The regional service name. + /// The location name. + /// Describes the status of a service. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MaterializedViewsBuilderRegionalService MaterializedViewsBuilderRegionalService(string name = null, AzureLocation? location = null, CosmosDBServiceStatus? status = null) + { + return new MaterializedViewsBuilderRegionalService(name, location, status); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/src/autorest.md b/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/src/autorest.md index 782e884e00e8c..7e457e0fa9283 100644 --- a/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/cosmosdb/Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB/src/autorest.md @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ```yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: CosmosDB namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.CosmosDB diff --git a/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/CHANGELOG.md index fd8f8fa93b582..f3e981d54e52a 100644 --- a/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.0.0-beta.3 (Unreleased) +## 1.0.0-beta.3 (2023-05-29) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.0.0-beta.2 (2023-02-16) ### Features Added diff --git a/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/api/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/api/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.netstandard2.0.cs index ba8482bbd2822..e603ca4ea3912 100644 --- a/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/api/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/api/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -729,6 +729,41 @@ protected WidgetTypeResourceFormatResource() { } } namespace Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models { + public static partial class ArmCustomerInsightsModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.AuthorizationPolicy AuthorizationPolicy(string policyName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable permissions = null, string primaryKey = null, string secondaryKey = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormatData AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string policyName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable permissions = null, string primaryKey = null, string secondaryKey = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CanonicalProfileDefinition CanonicalProfileDefinition(int? canonicalProfileId = default(int?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CanonicalProfileDefinitionPropertiesItem CanonicalProfileDefinitionPropertiesItem(string profileName = null, string profilePropertyName = null, int? rank = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CanonicalPropertyValueType? valueType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CanonicalPropertyValueType?), string value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorMappingFormat ConnectorMappingFormat(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.FormatType formatType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.FormatType), string columnDelimiter = null, string acceptLanguage = null, string quoteCharacter = null, string quoteEscapeCharacter = null, string arraySeparator = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.ConnectorMappingResourceFormatData ConnectorMappingResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string connectorName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorType? connectorType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorType?), System.DateTimeOffset? created = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastModified = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType? entityType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType?), string entityTypeName = null, string connectorMappingName = null, string displayName = null, string description = null, string dataFormatId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorMappingProperties mappingProperties = null, System.DateTimeOffset? nextRunOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string runId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorMappingState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorMappingState?), System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.ConnectorResourceFormatData ConnectorResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, int? connectorId = default(int?), string connectorName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorType? connectorType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorType?), string displayName = null, string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary connectorProperties = null, System.DateTimeOffset? created = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastModified = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ConnectorState?), System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), bool? isInternal = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.DataSourcePrecedence DataSourcePrecedence(int? precedence = default(int?), string name = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.DataSourceType? dataSourceType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.DataSourceType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.Status? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.Status?), int? id = default(int?), string dataSourceReferenceId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.HubData HubData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string apiEndpoint = null, string webEndpoint = null, string provisioningState = null, int? tenantFeatures = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.HubBillingInfoFormat hubBillingInfo = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ImageDefinition ImageDefinition(bool? imageExists = default(bool?), System.Uri contentUri = null, string relativePath = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.InteractionResourceFormatData InteractionResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary> attributes = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary> localizedAttributes = null, string smallImage = null, string mediumImage = null, string largeImage = null, string apiEntitySetName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType? entityType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable fields = null, int? instancesCount = default(int?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastChangedUtc = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState?), string schemaItemTypeLink = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), string timestampFieldName = null, string typeName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable idPropertyNames = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable participantProfiles = null, string primaryParticipantProfilePropertyName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable dataSourcePrecedenceRules = null, bool? isActivity = default(bool?), string namePropertiesDefaultDataSourceName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.DataSourceType? dataSourceType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.DataSourceType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.Status? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.Status?), int? idPropertiesDefaultDataSourceId = default(int?), string dataSourceReferenceId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.KpiDefinition KpiDefinition(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType entityType = Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType.None, string entityTypeName = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), string kpiName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CalculationWindowType calculationWindow = Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CalculationWindowType.Lifetime, string calculationWindowFieldName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.KpiFunction function = Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.KpiFunction.None, string expression = null, string unit = null, string filter = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable groupBy = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable groupByMetadata = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable participantProfilesMetadata = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.KpiThresholds thresHolds = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable aliases = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable extracts = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.KpiGroupByMetadata KpiGroupByMetadata(System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary displayName = null, string fieldName = null, string fieldType = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.KpiParticipantProfilesMetadata KpiParticipantProfilesMetadata(string typeName = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.KpiResourceFormatData KpiResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType? entityType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType?), string entityTypeName = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), string kpiName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CalculationWindowType? calculationWindow = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CalculationWindowType?), string calculationWindowFieldName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.KpiFunction? function = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.KpiFunction?), string expression = null, string unit = null, string filter = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable groupBy = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable groupByMetadata = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable participantProfilesMetadata = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.KpiThresholds thresHolds = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable aliases = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable extracts = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.LinkResourceFormatData LinkResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), string linkName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType? sourceEntityType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType? targetEntityType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType?), string sourceEntityTypeName = null, string targetEntityTypeName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable mappings = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable participantPropertyReferences = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState?), bool? referenceOnly = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.InstanceOperationType? operationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.InstanceOperationType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionDistributionDefinition PredictionDistributionDefinition(long? totalPositives = default(long?), long? totalNegatives = default(long?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable distributions = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionDistributionDefinitionDistributionsItem PredictionDistributionDefinitionDistributionsItem(int? scoreThreshold = default(int?), long? positives = default(long?), long? negatives = default(long?), long? positivesAboveThreshold = default(long?), long? negativesAboveThreshold = default(long?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionModelStatus PredictionModelStatus(System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), string predictionName = null, string predictionGuidId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionModelLifeCycle status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionModelLifeCycle), string message = null, int? trainingSetCount = default(int?), int? testSetCount = default(int?), int? validationSetCount = default(int?), decimal? trainingAccuracy = default(decimal?), int? signalsUsed = default(int?), string modelVersion = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.PredictionResourceFormatData PredictionResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable involvedInteractionTypes = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable involvedKpiTypes = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable involvedRelationships = null, string negativeOutcomeExpression = null, string positiveOutcomeExpression = null, string primaryProfileType = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState?), string predictionName = null, string scopeExpression = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), bool? autoAnalyze = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionMappings mappings = null, string scoreLabel = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable grades = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionSystemGeneratedEntities systemGeneratedEntities = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionSystemGeneratedEntities PredictionSystemGeneratedEntities(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable generatedInteractionTypes = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable generatedLinks = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary generatedKpis = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionTrainingResults PredictionTrainingResults(System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), string scoreName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PredictionDistributionDefinition predictionDistribution = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable canonicalProfiles = null, long? primaryProfileInstanceCount = default(long?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.ProfileResourceFormatData ProfileResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary> attributes = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary> localizedAttributes = null, string smallImage = null, string mediumImage = null, string largeImage = null, string apiEntitySetName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType? entityType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.EntityType?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable fields = null, int? instancesCount = default(int?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastChangedUtc = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState?), string schemaItemTypeLink = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), string timestampFieldName = null, string typeName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable strongIds = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition(string arrayValueSeparator = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable enumValidValues = null, string fieldName = null, string fieldType = null, bool? isArray = default(bool?), bool? isEnum = default(bool?), bool? isFlagEnum = default(bool?), bool? isImage = default(bool?), bool? isLocalizedString = default(bool?), bool? isName = default(bool?), bool? isRequired = default(bool?), string propertyId = null, string schemaItemPropLink = null, int? maxLength = default(int?), bool? isAvailableInGraph = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable dataSourcePrecedenceRules = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.RelationshipLinkResourceFormatData RelationshipLinkResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary description = null, string interactionType = null, string linkName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable mappings = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable profilePropertyReferences = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable relatedProfilePropertyReferences = null, string relationshipName = null, string relationshipGuidId = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.RelationshipResourceFormatData RelationshipResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CardinalityType? cardinality = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.CardinalityType?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? expiryDateTimeUtc = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable fields = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable lookupMappings = null, string profileType = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState?), string relationshipName = null, string relatedProfileType = null, string relationshipGuidId = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.RelationshipsLookup RelationshipsLookup(string profileName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable profilePropertyReferences = null, string relatedProfileName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable relatedProfilePropertyReferences = null, string existingRelationshipName = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.RoleAssignmentResourceFormatData RoleAssignmentResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), string assignmentName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.RoleType? role = default(Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.RoleType?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable principals = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription profiles = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription interactions = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription links = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription kpis = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription sasPolicies = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription connectors = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription views = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription relationshipLinks = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription relationships = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription widgetTypes = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription roleAssignments = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription conflationPolicies = null, Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.ResourceSetDescription segments = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.RoleResourceFormat RoleResourceFormat(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string roleName = null, string description = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models.SuggestRelationshipLinksResponse SuggestRelationshipLinksResponse(string interactionName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable suggestedRelationships = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.ViewResourceFormatData ViewResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string viewName = null, string userId = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, string definition = null, System.DateTimeOffset? changed = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? created = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.WidgetTypeResourceFormatData WidgetTypeResourceFormatData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, string widgetTypeName = null, string definition = null, string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary displayName = null, System.Uri imageUri = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), string widgetVersion = null, System.DateTimeOffset? changed = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? created = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + } public partial class AssignmentPrincipal { public AssignmentPrincipal(string principalId, string principalType) { } diff --git a/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/src/Generated/ArmCustomerInsightsModelFactory.cs b/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/src/Generated/ArmCustomerInsightsModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..06eea3e362521 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/src/Generated/ArmCustomerInsightsModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,692 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmCustomerInsightsModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of HubData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// API endpoint URL of the hub. + /// Web endpoint URL of the hub. + /// Provisioning state of the hub. + /// The bit flags for enabled hub features. Bit 0 is set to 1 indicates graph is enabled, or disabled if set to 0. Bit 1 is set to 1 indicates the hub is disabled, or enabled if set to 0. + /// Billing settings of the hub. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static HubData HubData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string apiEndpoint = null, string webEndpoint = null, string provisioningState = null, int? tenantFeatures = null, HubBillingInfoFormat hubBillingInfo = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new HubData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, apiEndpoint, webEndpoint, provisioningState, tenantFeatures, hubBillingInfo); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ProfileResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The attributes for the Type. + /// Localized descriptions for the property. + /// Localized display names for the property. + /// Any custom localized attributes for the Type. + /// Small Image associated with the Property or EntityType. + /// Medium Image associated with the Property or EntityType. + /// Large Image associated with the Property or EntityType. + /// The api entity set name. This becomes the odata entity set name for the entity Type being referred in this object. + /// Type of entity. + /// The properties of the Profile. + /// The instance count. + /// The last changed time for the type definition. + /// Provisioning state. + /// The schema org link. This helps ACI identify and suggest semantic models. + /// The hub name. + /// The timestamp property name. Represents the time when the interaction or profile update happened. + /// The name of the entity. + /// The strong IDs. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ProfileResourceFormatData ProfileResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary> attributes = null, IDictionary description = null, IDictionary displayName = null, IDictionary> localizedAttributes = null, string smallImage = null, string mediumImage = null, string largeImage = null, string apiEntitySetName = null, EntityType? entityType = null, IEnumerable fields = null, int? instancesCount = null, DateTimeOffset? lastChangedUtc = null, ProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string schemaItemTypeLink = null, Guid? tenantId = null, string timestampFieldName = null, string typeName = null, IEnumerable strongIds = null) + { + attributes ??= new Dictionary>(); + description ??= new Dictionary(); + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + localizedAttributes ??= new Dictionary>(); + fields ??= new List(); + strongIds ??= new List(); + + return new ProfileResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, attributes, description, displayName, localizedAttributes, smallImage, mediumImage, largeImage, apiEntitySetName, entityType, fields?.ToList(), instancesCount, lastChangedUtc, provisioningState, schemaItemTypeLink, tenantId, timestampFieldName, typeName, strongIds?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PropertyDefinition. + /// Array value separator for properties with isArray set. + /// Describes valid values for an enum property. + /// Name of the property. + /// Type of the property. + /// Indicates if the property is actually an array of the fieldType above on the data api. + /// Indicates if the property is an enum. + /// Indicates if the property is an flag enum. + /// Whether the property is an Image. + /// Whether the property is a localized string. + /// Whether the property is a name or a part of name. + /// Whether property value is required on instances, IsRequired field only for Interaction. Profile Instance will not check for required field. + /// The ID associated with the property. + /// URL encoded schema.org item prop link for the property. + /// Max length of string. Used only if type is string. + /// Whether property is available in graph or not. + /// This is specific to interactions modeled as activities. Data sources are used to determine where data is stored and also in precedence rules. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PropertyDefinition PropertyDefinition(string arrayValueSeparator = null, IEnumerable enumValidValues = null, string fieldName = null, string fieldType = null, bool? isArray = null, bool? isEnum = null, bool? isFlagEnum = null, bool? isImage = null, bool? isLocalizedString = null, bool? isName = null, bool? isRequired = null, string propertyId = null, string schemaItemPropLink = null, int? maxLength = null, bool? isAvailableInGraph = null, IEnumerable dataSourcePrecedenceRules = null) + { + enumValidValues ??= new List(); + dataSourcePrecedenceRules ??= new List(); + + return new PropertyDefinition(arrayValueSeparator, enumValidValues?.ToList(), fieldName, fieldType, isArray, isEnum, isFlagEnum, isImage, isLocalizedString, isName, isRequired, propertyId, schemaItemPropLink, maxLength, isAvailableInGraph, dataSourcePrecedenceRules?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of DataSourcePrecedence. + /// the precedence value. + /// The data source name. + /// The data source type. + /// The data source status. + /// The data source ID. + /// The data source reference id. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static DataSourcePrecedence DataSourcePrecedence(int? precedence = null, string name = null, DataSourceType? dataSourceType = null, Status? status = null, int? id = null, string dataSourceReferenceId = null) + { + return new DataSourcePrecedence(precedence, name, dataSourceType, status, id, dataSourceReferenceId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of KpiDefinition. + /// The mapping entity type. + /// The mapping entity name. + /// The hub name. + /// The KPI name. + /// Localized display name for the KPI. + /// Localized description for the KPI. + /// The calculation window. + /// Name of calculation window field. + /// The computation function for the KPI. + /// The computation expression for the KPI. + /// The unit of measurement for the KPI. + /// The filter expression for the KPI. + /// the group by properties for the KPI. + /// The KPI GroupByMetadata. + /// The participant profiles. + /// Provisioning state. + /// The KPI thresholds. + /// The aliases. + /// The KPI extracts. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static KpiDefinition KpiDefinition(EntityType entityType = default, string entityTypeName = null, Guid? tenantId = null, string kpiName = null, IReadOnlyDictionary displayName = null, IReadOnlyDictionary description = null, CalculationWindowType calculationWindow = default, string calculationWindowFieldName = null, KpiFunction function = default, string expression = null, string unit = null, string filter = null, IEnumerable groupBy = null, IEnumerable groupByMetadata = null, IEnumerable participantProfilesMetadata = null, ProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, KpiThresholds thresHolds = null, IEnumerable aliases = null, IEnumerable extracts = null) + { + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + description ??= new Dictionary(); + groupBy ??= new List(); + groupByMetadata ??= new List(); + participantProfilesMetadata ??= new List(); + aliases ??= new List(); + extracts ??= new List(); + + return new KpiDefinition(entityType, entityTypeName, tenantId, kpiName, displayName, description, calculationWindow, calculationWindowFieldName, function, expression, unit, filter, groupBy?.ToList(), groupByMetadata?.ToList(), participantProfilesMetadata?.ToList(), provisioningState, thresHolds, aliases?.ToList(), extracts?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of KpiGroupByMetadata. + /// The display name. + /// The name of the field. + /// The type of the field. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static KpiGroupByMetadata KpiGroupByMetadata(IReadOnlyDictionary displayName = null, string fieldName = null, string fieldType = null) + { + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new KpiGroupByMetadata(displayName, fieldName, fieldType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of KpiParticipantProfilesMetadata. + /// Name of the type. + /// is null. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static KpiParticipantProfilesMetadata KpiParticipantProfilesMetadata(string typeName = null) + { + if (typeName == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(typeName)); + } + + return new KpiParticipantProfilesMetadata(typeName); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of InteractionResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The attributes for the Type. + /// Localized descriptions for the property. + /// Localized display names for the property. + /// Any custom localized attributes for the Type. + /// Small Image associated with the Property or EntityType. + /// Medium Image associated with the Property or EntityType. + /// Large Image associated with the Property or EntityType. + /// The api entity set name. This becomes the odata entity set name for the entity Type being referred in this object. + /// Type of entity. + /// The properties of the Profile. + /// The instance count. + /// The last changed time for the type definition. + /// Provisioning state. + /// The schema org link. This helps ACI identify and suggest semantic models. + /// The hub name. + /// The timestamp property name. Represents the time when the interaction or profile update happened. + /// The name of the entity. + /// The id property names. Properties which uniquely identify an interaction instance. + /// Profiles that participated in the interaction. + /// The primary participant property name for an interaction ,This is used to logically represent the agent of the interaction, Specify the participant name here from ParticipantName. + /// This is specific to interactions modeled as activities. Data sources are used to determine where data is stored and also in precedence rules. + /// An interaction can be tagged as an activity only during create. This enables the interaction to be editable and can enable merging of properties from multiple data sources based on precedence, which is defined at a link level. + /// The data source name. + /// The data source type. + /// The data source status. + /// The data source ID. + /// The data source reference id. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static InteractionResourceFormatData InteractionResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary> attributes = null, IDictionary description = null, IDictionary displayName = null, IDictionary> localizedAttributes = null, string smallImage = null, string mediumImage = null, string largeImage = null, string apiEntitySetName = null, EntityType? entityType = null, IEnumerable fields = null, int? instancesCount = null, DateTimeOffset? lastChangedUtc = null, ProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string schemaItemTypeLink = null, Guid? tenantId = null, string timestampFieldName = null, string typeName = null, IEnumerable idPropertyNames = null, IEnumerable participantProfiles = null, string primaryParticipantProfilePropertyName = null, IEnumerable dataSourcePrecedenceRules = null, bool? isActivity = null, string namePropertiesDefaultDataSourceName = null, DataSourceType? dataSourceType = null, Status? status = null, int? idPropertiesDefaultDataSourceId = null, string dataSourceReferenceId = null) + { + attributes ??= new Dictionary>(); + description ??= new Dictionary(); + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + localizedAttributes ??= new Dictionary>(); + fields ??= new List(); + idPropertyNames ??= new List(); + participantProfiles ??= new List(); + dataSourcePrecedenceRules ??= new List(); + + return new InteractionResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, attributes, description, displayName, localizedAttributes, smallImage, mediumImage, largeImage, apiEntitySetName, entityType, fields?.ToList(), instancesCount, lastChangedUtc, provisioningState, schemaItemTypeLink, tenantId, timestampFieldName, typeName, idPropertyNames?.ToList(), participantProfiles?.ToList(), primaryParticipantProfilePropertyName, dataSourcePrecedenceRules?.ToList(), isActivity, namePropertiesDefaultDataSourceName, dataSourceType, status, idPropertiesDefaultDataSourceId, dataSourceReferenceId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of SuggestRelationshipLinksResponse. + /// The interaction name. + /// Suggested relationships for the type. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static SuggestRelationshipLinksResponse SuggestRelationshipLinksResponse(string interactionName = null, IEnumerable suggestedRelationships = null) + { + suggestedRelationships ??= new List(); + + return new SuggestRelationshipLinksResponse(interactionName, suggestedRelationships?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RelationshipsLookup. + /// The relationship profile. + /// The property references for the profile type. + /// The related profile. + /// The property references for the related profile type. + /// The name of existing Relationship. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RelationshipsLookup RelationshipsLookup(string profileName = null, IEnumerable profilePropertyReferences = null, string relatedProfileName = null, IEnumerable relatedProfilePropertyReferences = null, string existingRelationshipName = null) + { + profilePropertyReferences ??= new List(); + relatedProfilePropertyReferences ??= new List(); + + return new RelationshipsLookup(profileName, profilePropertyReferences?.ToList(), relatedProfileName, relatedProfilePropertyReferences?.ToList(), existingRelationshipName); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RelationshipResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The Relationship Cardinality. + /// Localized display name for the Relationship. + /// Localized descriptions for the Relationship. + /// The expiry date time in UTC. + /// The properties of the Relationship. + /// Optional property to be used to map fields in profile to their strong ids in related profile. + /// Profile type. + /// Provisioning state. + /// The Relationship name. + /// Related profile being referenced. + /// The relationship guid id. + /// The hub name. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RelationshipResourceFormatData RelationshipResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, CardinalityType? cardinality = null, IDictionary displayName = null, IDictionary description = null, DateTimeOffset? expiryDateTimeUtc = null, IEnumerable fields = null, IEnumerable lookupMappings = null, string profileType = null, ProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string relationshipName = null, string relatedProfileType = null, string relationshipGuidId = null, Guid? tenantId = null) + { + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + description ??= new Dictionary(); + fields ??= new List(); + lookupMappings ??= new List(); + + return new RelationshipResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, cardinality, displayName, description, expiryDateTimeUtc, fields?.ToList(), lookupMappings?.ToList(), profileType, provisioningState, relationshipName, relatedProfileType, relationshipGuidId, tenantId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RelationshipLinkResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Localized display name for the Relationship Link. + /// Localized descriptions for the Relationship Link. + /// The InteractionType associated with the Relationship Link. + /// The name of the Relationship Link. + /// The mappings between Interaction and Relationship fields. + /// The property references for the Profile of the Relationship. + /// Provisioning state. + /// The property references for the Related Profile of the Relationship. + /// The Relationship associated with the Link. + /// The relationship guid id. + /// The hub name. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RelationshipLinkResourceFormatData RelationshipLinkResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary displayName = null, IDictionary description = null, string interactionType = null, string linkName = null, IEnumerable mappings = null, IEnumerable profilePropertyReferences = null, ProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, IEnumerable relatedProfilePropertyReferences = null, string relationshipName = null, string relationshipGuidId = null, Guid? tenantId = null) + { + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + description ??= new Dictionary(); + mappings ??= new List(); + profilePropertyReferences ??= new List(); + relatedProfilePropertyReferences ??= new List(); + + return new RelationshipLinkResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, displayName, description, interactionType, linkName, mappings?.ToList(), profilePropertyReferences?.ToList(), provisioningState, relatedProfilePropertyReferences?.ToList(), relationshipName, relationshipGuidId, tenantId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Name of the policy. + /// The permissions associated with the policy. + /// Primary key associated with the policy. + /// Secondary key associated with the policy. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormatData AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string policyName = null, IEnumerable permissions = null, string primaryKey = null, string secondaryKey = null) + { + permissions ??= new List(); + + return new AuthorizationPolicyResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, policyName, permissions?.ToList(), primaryKey, secondaryKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AuthorizationPolicy. + /// Name of the policy. + /// The permissions associated with the policy. + /// Primary key associated with the policy. + /// Secondary key associated with the policy. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AuthorizationPolicy AuthorizationPolicy(string policyName = null, IEnumerable permissions = null, string primaryKey = null, string secondaryKey = null) + { + permissions ??= new List(); + + return new AuthorizationPolicy(policyName, permissions?.ToList(), primaryKey, secondaryKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ConnectorResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// ID of the connector. + /// Name of the connector. + /// Type of connector. + /// Display name of the connector. + /// Description of the connector. + /// The connector properties. + /// The created time. + /// The last modified time. + /// State of connector. + /// The hub name. + /// If this is an internal connector. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ConnectorResourceFormatData ConnectorResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, int? connectorId = null, string connectorName = null, ConnectorType? connectorType = null, string displayName = null, string description = null, IDictionary connectorProperties = null, DateTimeOffset? created = null, DateTimeOffset? lastModified = null, ConnectorState? state = null, Guid? tenantId = null, bool? isInternal = null) + { + connectorProperties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ConnectorResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, connectorId, connectorName, connectorType, displayName, description, connectorProperties, created, lastModified, state, tenantId, isInternal); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ConnectorMappingResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The connector name. + /// Type of connector. + /// The created time. + /// The last modified time. + /// Defines which entity type the file should map to. + /// The mapping entity name. + /// The connector mapping name. + /// Display name for the connector mapping. + /// The description of the connector mapping. + /// The DataFormat ID. + /// The properties of the mapping. + /// The next run time based on customer's settings. + /// The RunId. + /// State of connector mapping. + /// The hub name. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ConnectorMappingResourceFormatData ConnectorMappingResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string connectorName = null, ConnectorType? connectorType = null, DateTimeOffset? created = null, DateTimeOffset? lastModified = null, EntityType? entityType = null, string entityTypeName = null, string connectorMappingName = null, string displayName = null, string description = null, string dataFormatId = null, ConnectorMappingProperties mappingProperties = null, DateTimeOffset? nextRunOn = null, string runId = null, ConnectorMappingState? state = null, Guid? tenantId = null) + { + return new ConnectorMappingResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, connectorName, connectorType, created, lastModified, entityType, entityTypeName, connectorMappingName, displayName, description, dataFormatId, mappingProperties, nextRunOn, runId, state, tenantId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ConnectorMappingFormat. + /// The type mapping format. + /// The character that signifies a break between columns. + /// The oData language. + /// Quote character, used to indicate enquoted fields. + /// Escape character for quotes, can be the same as the quoteCharacter. + /// Character separating array elements. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ConnectorMappingFormat ConnectorMappingFormat(FormatType formatType = default, string columnDelimiter = null, string acceptLanguage = null, string quoteCharacter = null, string quoteEscapeCharacter = null, string arraySeparator = null) + { + return new ConnectorMappingFormat(formatType, columnDelimiter, acceptLanguage, quoteCharacter, quoteEscapeCharacter, arraySeparator); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of KpiResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The mapping entity type. + /// The mapping entity name. + /// The hub name. + /// The KPI name. + /// Localized display name for the KPI. + /// Localized description for the KPI. + /// The calculation window. + /// Name of calculation window field. + /// The computation function for the KPI. + /// The computation expression for the KPI. + /// The unit of measurement for the KPI. + /// The filter expression for the KPI. + /// the group by properties for the KPI. + /// The KPI GroupByMetadata. + /// The participant profiles. + /// Provisioning state. + /// The KPI thresholds. + /// The aliases. + /// The KPI extracts. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static KpiResourceFormatData KpiResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, EntityType? entityType = null, string entityTypeName = null, Guid? tenantId = null, string kpiName = null, IDictionary displayName = null, IDictionary description = null, CalculationWindowType? calculationWindow = null, string calculationWindowFieldName = null, KpiFunction? function = null, string expression = null, string unit = null, string filter = null, IEnumerable groupBy = null, IEnumerable groupByMetadata = null, IEnumerable participantProfilesMetadata = null, ProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, KpiThresholds thresHolds = null, IEnumerable aliases = null, IEnumerable extracts = null) + { + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + description ??= new Dictionary(); + groupBy ??= new List(); + groupByMetadata ??= new List(); + participantProfilesMetadata ??= new List(); + aliases ??= new List(); + extracts ??= new List(); + + return new KpiResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, entityType, entityTypeName, tenantId, kpiName, displayName, description, calculationWindow, calculationWindowFieldName, function, expression, unit, filter, groupBy?.ToList(), groupByMetadata?.ToList(), participantProfilesMetadata?.ToList(), provisioningState, thresHolds, aliases?.ToList(), extracts?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of WidgetTypeResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Name of the widget type. + /// Definition for widget type. + /// Description for widget type. + /// Localized display name for the widget type. + /// The image URL. + /// The hub name. + /// The widget version. + /// Date time when widget type was last modified. + /// Date time when widget type was created. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static WidgetTypeResourceFormatData WidgetTypeResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string widgetTypeName = null, string definition = null, string description = null, IDictionary displayName = null, Uri imageUri = null, Guid? tenantId = null, string widgetVersion = null, DateTimeOffset? changed = null, DateTimeOffset? created = null) + { + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new WidgetTypeResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, widgetTypeName, definition, description, displayName, imageUri, tenantId, widgetVersion, changed, created); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ViewResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Name of the view. + /// the user ID. + /// the hub name. + /// Localized display name for the view. + /// View definition. + /// Date time when view was last modified. + /// Date time when view was created. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ViewResourceFormatData ViewResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string viewName = null, string userId = null, Guid? tenantId = null, IDictionary displayName = null, string definition = null, DateTimeOffset? changed = null, DateTimeOffset? created = null) + { + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new ViewResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, viewName, userId, tenantId, displayName, definition, changed, created); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LinkResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The hub name. + /// The link name. + /// Type of source entity. + /// Type of target entity. + /// Name of the source Entity Type. + /// Name of the target Entity Type. + /// Localized display name for the Link. + /// Localized descriptions for the Link. + /// The set of properties mappings between the source and target Types. + /// The properties that represent the participating profile. + /// Provisioning state. + /// Indicating whether the link is reference only link. This flag is ignored if the Mappings are defined. If the mappings are not defined and it is set to true, links processing will not create or update profiles. + /// Determines whether this link is supposed to create or delete instances if Link is NOT Reference Only. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LinkResourceFormatData LinkResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, Guid? tenantId = null, string linkName = null, EntityType? sourceEntityType = null, EntityType? targetEntityType = null, string sourceEntityTypeName = null, string targetEntityTypeName = null, IDictionary displayName = null, IDictionary description = null, IEnumerable mappings = null, IEnumerable participantPropertyReferences = null, ProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, bool? referenceOnly = null, InstanceOperationType? operationType = null) + { + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + description ??= new Dictionary(); + mappings ??= new List(); + participantPropertyReferences ??= new List(); + + return new LinkResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tenantId, linkName, sourceEntityType, targetEntityType, sourceEntityTypeName, targetEntityTypeName, displayName, description, mappings?.ToList(), participantPropertyReferences?.ToList(), provisioningState, referenceOnly, operationType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RoleResourceFormat. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The role name. + /// The description of the role. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RoleResourceFormat RoleResourceFormat(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, string roleName = null, string description = null) + { + return new RoleResourceFormat(id, name, resourceType, systemData, roleName, description); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of RoleAssignmentResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The hub name. + /// The name of the metadata object. + /// Localized display names for the metadata. + /// Localized description for the metadata. + /// Provisioning state. + /// Type of roles. + /// The principals being assigned to. + /// Profiles set for the assignment. + /// Interactions set for the assignment. + /// Links set for the assignment. + /// Kpis set for the assignment. + /// Sas Policies set for the assignment. + /// Connectors set for the assignment. + /// Views set for the assignment. + /// The Role assignments set for the relationship links. + /// The Role assignments set for the relationships. + /// Widget types set for the assignment. + /// The Role assignments set for the assignment. + /// Widget types set for the assignment. + /// The Role assignments set for the assignment. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static RoleAssignmentResourceFormatData RoleAssignmentResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, Guid? tenantId = null, string assignmentName = null, IDictionary displayName = null, IDictionary description = null, ProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, RoleType? role = null, IEnumerable principals = null, ResourceSetDescription profiles = null, ResourceSetDescription interactions = null, ResourceSetDescription links = null, ResourceSetDescription kpis = null, ResourceSetDescription sasPolicies = null, ResourceSetDescription connectors = null, ResourceSetDescription views = null, ResourceSetDescription relationshipLinks = null, ResourceSetDescription relationships = null, ResourceSetDescription widgetTypes = null, ResourceSetDescription roleAssignments = null, ResourceSetDescription conflationPolicies = null, ResourceSetDescription segments = null) + { + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + description ??= new Dictionary(); + principals ??= new List(); + + return new RoleAssignmentResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tenantId, assignmentName, displayName, description, provisioningState, role, principals?.ToList(), profiles, interactions, links, kpis, sasPolicies, connectors, views, relationshipLinks, relationships, widgetTypes, roleAssignments, conflationPolicies, segments); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ImageDefinition. + /// Whether image exists already. + /// Content URL for the image blob. + /// Relative path of the image. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ImageDefinition ImageDefinition(bool? imageExists = null, Uri contentUri = null, string relativePath = null) + { + return new ImageDefinition(imageExists, contentUri, relativePath); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PredictionResourceFormatData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Description of the prediction. + /// Display name of the prediction. + /// Interaction types involved in the prediction. + /// KPI types involved in the prediction. + /// Relationships involved in the prediction. + /// Negative outcome expression. + /// Positive outcome expression. + /// Primary profile type. + /// Provisioning state. + /// Name of the prediction. + /// Scope expression. + /// The hub name. + /// Whether do auto analyze. + /// Definition of the link mapping of prediction. + /// Score label. + /// The prediction grades. + /// System generated entities. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PredictionResourceFormatData PredictionResourceFormatData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary description = null, IDictionary displayName = null, IEnumerable involvedInteractionTypes = null, IEnumerable involvedKpiTypes = null, IEnumerable involvedRelationships = null, string negativeOutcomeExpression = null, string positiveOutcomeExpression = null, string primaryProfileType = null, ProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string predictionName = null, string scopeExpression = null, Guid? tenantId = null, bool? autoAnalyze = null, PredictionMappings mappings = null, string scoreLabel = null, IEnumerable grades = null, PredictionSystemGeneratedEntities systemGeneratedEntities = null) + { + description ??= new Dictionary(); + displayName ??= new Dictionary(); + involvedInteractionTypes ??= new List(); + involvedKpiTypes ??= new List(); + involvedRelationships ??= new List(); + grades ??= new List(); + + return new PredictionResourceFormatData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, description, displayName, involvedInteractionTypes?.ToList(), involvedKpiTypes?.ToList(), involvedRelationships?.ToList(), negativeOutcomeExpression, positiveOutcomeExpression, primaryProfileType, provisioningState, predictionName, scopeExpression, tenantId, autoAnalyze, mappings, scoreLabel, grades?.ToList(), systemGeneratedEntities); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PredictionSystemGeneratedEntities. + /// Generated interaction types. + /// Generated links. + /// Generated KPIs. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PredictionSystemGeneratedEntities PredictionSystemGeneratedEntities(IEnumerable generatedInteractionTypes = null, IEnumerable generatedLinks = null, IReadOnlyDictionary generatedKpis = null) + { + generatedInteractionTypes ??= new List(); + generatedLinks ??= new List(); + generatedKpis ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new PredictionSystemGeneratedEntities(generatedInteractionTypes?.ToList(), generatedLinks?.ToList(), generatedKpis); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PredictionTrainingResults. + /// The hub name. + /// Score name. + /// Prediction distribution. + /// Canonical profiles. + /// Instance count of the primary profile. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PredictionTrainingResults PredictionTrainingResults(Guid? tenantId = null, string scoreName = null, PredictionDistributionDefinition predictionDistribution = null, IEnumerable canonicalProfiles = null, long? primaryProfileInstanceCount = null) + { + canonicalProfiles ??= new List(); + + return new PredictionTrainingResults(tenantId, scoreName, predictionDistribution, canonicalProfiles?.ToList(), primaryProfileInstanceCount); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PredictionDistributionDefinition. + /// Total positive in the distribution. + /// Total negatives in the distribution. + /// Distributions of the prediction. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PredictionDistributionDefinition PredictionDistributionDefinition(long? totalPositives = null, long? totalNegatives = null, IEnumerable distributions = null) + { + distributions ??= new List(); + + return new PredictionDistributionDefinition(totalPositives, totalNegatives, distributions?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PredictionDistributionDefinitionDistributionsItem. + /// Score threshold. + /// Number of positives. + /// Number of negatives. + /// Number of positives above threshold. + /// Number of negatives above threshold. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PredictionDistributionDefinitionDistributionsItem PredictionDistributionDefinitionDistributionsItem(int? scoreThreshold = null, long? positives = null, long? negatives = null, long? positivesAboveThreshold = null, long? negativesAboveThreshold = null) + { + return new PredictionDistributionDefinitionDistributionsItem(scoreThreshold, positives, negatives, positivesAboveThreshold, negativesAboveThreshold); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CanonicalProfileDefinition. + /// Canonical profile ID. + /// Properties of the canonical profile. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CanonicalProfileDefinition CanonicalProfileDefinition(int? canonicalProfileId = null, IEnumerable properties = null) + { + properties ??= new List(); + + return new CanonicalProfileDefinition(canonicalProfileId, properties?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CanonicalProfileDefinitionPropertiesItem. + /// Profile name. + /// Property name of profile. + /// The rank. + /// Type of canonical property value. + /// Value of the canonical property. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CanonicalProfileDefinitionPropertiesItem CanonicalProfileDefinitionPropertiesItem(string profileName = null, string profilePropertyName = null, int? rank = null, CanonicalPropertyValueType? valueType = null, string value = null) + { + return new CanonicalProfileDefinitionPropertiesItem(profileName, profilePropertyName, rank, valueType, value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of PredictionModelStatus. + /// The hub name. + /// The prediction name. + /// The prediction GUID ID. + /// Prediction model life cycle. When prediction is in PendingModelConfirmation status, it is allowed to update the status to PendingFeaturing or Active through API. + /// The model status message. + /// Count of the training set. + /// Count of the test set. + /// Count of the validation set. + /// The training accuracy. + /// The signals used. + /// Version of the model. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static PredictionModelStatus PredictionModelStatus(Guid? tenantId = null, string predictionName = null, string predictionGuidId = null, PredictionModelLifeCycle status = default, string message = null, int? trainingSetCount = null, int? testSetCount = null, int? validationSetCount = null, decimal? trainingAccuracy = null, int? signalsUsed = null, string modelVersion = null) + { + return new PredictionModelStatus(tenantId, predictionName, predictionGuidId, status, message, trainingSetCount, testSetCount, validationSetCount, trainingAccuracy, signalsUsed, modelVersion); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/src/autorest.md b/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/src/autorest.md index a54fe3a9dc034..34792155641a1 100644 --- a/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/customer-insights/Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights/src/autorest.md @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: CustomerInsights namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.CustomerInsights