diff --git a/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/CHANGELOG.md index 77214fe3fd5cf..88eac84f4af93 100644 --- a/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.1.0-beta.1 (Unreleased) +## 1.1.0-beta.1 (2023-05-30) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.0.1 (2023-02-20) ### Other Changes diff --git a/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/api/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/api/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.netstandard2.0.cs index 6aef502ebc6f8..3645a7c1f5851 100644 --- a/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/api/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/api/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -301,6 +301,26 @@ protected LabVirtualMachineResource() { } } namespace Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models { + public static partial class ArmLabServicesModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.AvailableLabServicesSku AvailableLabServicesSku(string resourceType = null, string name = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.AvailableLabServicesSkuTier? tier = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.AvailableLabServicesSkuTier?), string size = null, string family = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.AvailableLabServicesSkuCapacity capacity = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable capabilities = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable locations = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable costs = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable restrictions = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.AvailableLabServicesSkuCapability AvailableLabServicesSkuCapability(string name = null, string value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.AvailableLabServicesSkuCapacity AvailableLabServicesSkuCapacity(long? @default = default(long?), long? minimum = default(long?), long? maximum = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesSkuCapacityScaleType? scaleType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesSkuCapacityScaleType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.AvailableLabServicesSkuCost AvailableLabServicesSkuCost(string meterId = null, float? quantity = default(float?), string extendedUnit = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.AvailableLabServicesSkuRestrictions AvailableLabServicesSkuRestrictions(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesSkuRestrictionType? labServicesSkuRestrictionType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesSkuRestrictionType?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable values = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesSkuRestrictionReasonCode? reasonCode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesSkuRestrictionReasonCode?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.LabData LabData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabAutoShutdownProfile autoShutdownProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabConnectionProfile connectionProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineProfile virtualMachineProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabSecurityProfile securityProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabRosterProfile rosterProfile = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier labPlanId = null, string title = null, string description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabNetworkProfile networkProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.LabPlanData LabPlanData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabConnectionProfile defaultConnectionProfile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabAutoShutdownProfile defaultAutoShutdownProfile = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier defaultNetworkSubnetId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable allowedRegions = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier sharedGalleryId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabPlanSupportInfo supportInfo = null, System.Uri linkedLmsInstance = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabSecurityProfile LabSecurityProfile(string registrationCode = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState? openAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.LabServicesScheduleData LabServicesScheduleData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? stopOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesRecurrencePattern recurrencePattern = null, string timeZoneId = null, System.BinaryData notes = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesUsage LabServicesUsage(long? currentValue = default(long?), long? limit = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesUsageUnit? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesUsageUnit?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesUsageName name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesUsageName LabServicesUsageName(string localizedValue = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable skuInstances = null, string value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.LabUserData LabUserData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.TimeSpan? additionalUsageQuota = default(System.TimeSpan?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState?), string displayName = null, string email = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabUserRegistrationState? registrationState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabUserRegistrationState?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabUserInvitationState? invitationState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabUserInvitationState?), System.DateTimeOffset? invitationSentOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.TimeSpan? totalUsage = default(System.TimeSpan?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineConnectionProfile LabVirtualMachineConnectionProfile(System.Net.IPAddress privateIPAddress = null, string sshAuthority = null, System.Uri sshInBrowserUri = null, string rdpAuthority = null, System.Uri rdpInBrowserUri = null, string adminUsername = null, string nonAdminUsername = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.LabVirtualMachineData LabVirtualMachineData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineState?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineConnectionProfile connectionProfile = null, string claimedByUserId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineType? vmType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.LabVirtualMachineImageData LabVirtualMachineImageData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState? enabledState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesProvisioningState?), string displayName = null, string description = null, System.Uri iconUri = null, string author = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineImageOSType? osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineImageOSType?), string plan = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState? termsStatus = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState?), string offer = null, string publisher = null, string sku = null, string version = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier sharedGalleryId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable availableRegions = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineImageOSState? osState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineImageOSState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineImageReference LabVirtualMachineImageReference(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string offer = null, string publisher = null, string sku = null, string version = null, string exactVersion = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineProfile LabVirtualMachineProfile(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineCreateOption createOption = Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineCreateOption.Image, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineImageReference imageReference = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineImageOSType? osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineImageOSType?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesSku sku = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState? additionalCapabilitiesInstallGpuDrivers = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState?), System.TimeSpan usageQuota = default(System.TimeSpan), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState? useSharedPassword = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabServicesEnableState?), Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineCredential adminUser = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models.LabVirtualMachineCredential nonAdminUser = null) { throw null; } + } public partial class AvailableLabServicesSku { internal AvailableLabServicesSku() { } diff --git a/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/src/Generated/ArmLabServicesModelFactory.cs b/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/src/Generated/ArmLabServicesModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b8f80002cfd50 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/src/Generated/ArmLabServicesModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Net; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmLabServicesModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of LabVirtualMachineImageData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Is the image enabled. + /// Current provisioning state of the image. + /// The image display name. + /// A description of the image. + /// URL of the image icon. + /// The image author. + /// The OS Type of the image. + /// The ID of marketplace plan associated with the image (optional). + /// The status of image terms of use (enabled = accepted, disabled = not accepted). + /// The ID of an offer associated with the image. + /// The ID of the publisher of the image. + /// The image SKU. + /// The image version. + /// The ID for the image in the shared gallery. + /// The available regions of the image in the shared gallery. + /// The OS State of the image. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabVirtualMachineImageData LabVirtualMachineImageData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, LabServicesEnableState? enabledState = null, LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string displayName = null, string description = null, Uri iconUri = null, string author = null, LabVirtualMachineImageOSType? osType = null, string plan = null, LabServicesEnableState? termsStatus = null, string offer = null, string publisher = null, string sku = null, string version = null, ResourceIdentifier sharedGalleryId = null, IEnumerable availableRegions = null, LabVirtualMachineImageOSState? osState = null) + { + availableRegions ??= new List(); + + return new LabVirtualMachineImageData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, enabledState, provisioningState, displayName, description, iconUri, author, osType, plan, termsStatus, offer, publisher, sku, version, sharedGalleryId, availableRegions?.ToList(), osState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabPlanData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Managed Identity Information. Current supported identity types: SystemAssigned. + /// The default lab connection profile. This can be changed on a lab resource and only provides a default profile. + /// The default lab shutdown profile. This can be changed on a lab resource and only provides a default profile. + /// The lab plan network profile. To enforce lab network policies they must be defined here and cannot be changed when there are existing labs associated with this lab plan. + /// The allowed regions for the lab creator to use when creating labs using this lab plan. + /// Resource ID of the Shared Image Gallery attached to this lab plan. When saving a lab template virtual machine image it will be persisted in this gallery. Shared images from the gallery can be made available to use when creating new labs. + /// Support contact information and instructions for users of the lab plan. This information is displayed to lab owners and virtual machine users for all labs in the lab plan. + /// Base Url of the lms instance this lab plan can link lab rosters against. + /// Current provisioning state of the lab plan. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabPlanData LabPlanData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, LabConnectionProfile defaultConnectionProfile = null, LabAutoShutdownProfile defaultAutoShutdownProfile = null, ResourceIdentifier defaultNetworkSubnetId = null, IEnumerable allowedRegions = null, ResourceIdentifier sharedGalleryId = null, LabPlanSupportInfo supportInfo = null, Uri linkedLmsInstance = null, LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + allowedRegions ??= new List(); + + return new LabPlanData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, defaultConnectionProfile, defaultAutoShutdownProfile, defaultNetworkSubnetId != null ? new LabPlanNetworkProfile(defaultNetworkSubnetId) : null, allowedRegions?.ToList(), sharedGalleryId, supportInfo, linkedLmsInstance, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The resource auto shutdown configuration for the lab. This controls whether actions are taken on resources that are sitting idle. + /// The connection profile for the lab. This controls settings such as web access to lab resources or whether RDP or SSH ports are open. + /// The profile used for creating lab virtual machines. + /// The lab security profile. + /// The lab user list management profile. + /// The ID of the lab plan. Used during resource creation to provide defaults and acts as a permission container when creating a lab via labs.azure.com. Setting a labPlanId on an existing lab provides organization.. + /// The title of the lab. + /// The description of the lab. + /// Current provisioning state of the lab. + /// The network profile for the lab, typically applied via a lab plan. This profile cannot be modified once a lab has been created. + /// The lab state. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabData LabData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, LabAutoShutdownProfile autoShutdownProfile = null, LabConnectionProfile connectionProfile = null, LabVirtualMachineProfile virtualMachineProfile = null, LabSecurityProfile securityProfile = null, LabRosterProfile rosterProfile = null, ResourceIdentifier labPlanId = null, string title = null, string description = null, LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, LabNetworkProfile networkProfile = null, LabState? state = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new LabData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, autoShutdownProfile, connectionProfile, virtualMachineProfile, securityProfile, rosterProfile, labPlanId, title, description, provisioningState, networkProfile, state); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabVirtualMachineProfile. + /// Indicates what lab virtual machines are created from. + /// The image configuration for lab virtual machines. + /// The OS type of the image. + /// The SKU for the lab. Defines the type of virtual machines used in the lab. + /// Additional VM capabilities. + /// The initial quota alloted to each lab user. Must be a time span between 0 and 9999 hours. + /// Enabling this option will use the same password for all user VMs. + /// Credentials for the admin user on the VM. + /// Credentials for the non-admin user on the VM, if one exists. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabVirtualMachineProfile LabVirtualMachineProfile(LabVirtualMachineCreateOption createOption = default, LabVirtualMachineImageReference imageReference = null, LabVirtualMachineImageOSType? osType = null, LabServicesSku sku = null, LabServicesEnableState? additionalCapabilitiesInstallGpuDrivers = null, TimeSpan usageQuota = default, LabServicesEnableState? useSharedPassword = null, LabVirtualMachineCredential adminUser = null, LabVirtualMachineCredential nonAdminUser = null) + { + return new LabVirtualMachineProfile(createOption, imageReference, osType, sku, additionalCapabilitiesInstallGpuDrivers != null ? new LabVirtualMachineAdditionalCapability(additionalCapabilitiesInstallGpuDrivers) : null, usageQuota, useSharedPassword, adminUser, nonAdminUser); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabVirtualMachineImageReference. + /// Image resource ID. + /// The image offer if applicable. + /// The image publisher. + /// The image SKU. + /// The image version specified on creation. + /// The actual version of the image after use. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabVirtualMachineImageReference LabVirtualMachineImageReference(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string offer = null, string publisher = null, string sku = null, string version = null, string exactVersion = null) + { + return new LabVirtualMachineImageReference(id, offer, publisher, sku, version, exactVersion); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabSecurityProfile. + /// The registration code for the lab. + /// Whether any user or only specified users can register to a lab. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabSecurityProfile LabSecurityProfile(string registrationCode = null, LabServicesEnableState? openAccess = null) + { + return new LabSecurityProfile(registrationCode, openAccess); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabServicesScheduleData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// When lab user virtual machines will be started. Timestamp offsets will be ignored and timeZoneId is used instead. + /// When lab user virtual machines will be stopped. Timestamp offsets will be ignored and timeZoneId is used instead. + /// The recurrence pattern of the scheduled actions. + /// The IANA timezone id for the schedule. + /// Notes for this schedule. + /// Current provisioning state of the schedule. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabServicesScheduleData LabServicesScheduleData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? stopOn = null, LabServicesRecurrencePattern recurrencePattern = null, string timeZoneId = null, BinaryData notes = null, LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + return new LabServicesScheduleData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, startOn, stopOn, recurrencePattern, timeZoneId, notes, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AvailableLabServicesSku. + /// The lab services resource type. + /// The name of the SKU. + /// The tier of the SKU. + /// The SKU size. + /// The family of the SKU. + /// The scale out/in options of the SKU. + /// The capabilities of the SKU. + /// List of locations that are available for a size. + /// Metadata for retrieving price info of a lab services SKUs. + /// Restrictions of a lab services SKUs. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AvailableLabServicesSku AvailableLabServicesSku(string resourceType = null, string name = null, AvailableLabServicesSkuTier? tier = null, string size = null, string family = null, AvailableLabServicesSkuCapacity capacity = null, IEnumerable capabilities = null, IEnumerable locations = null, IEnumerable costs = null, IEnumerable restrictions = null) + { + capabilities ??= new List(); + locations ??= new List(); + costs ??= new List(); + restrictions ??= new List(); + + return new AvailableLabServicesSku(resourceType, name, tier, size, family, capacity, capabilities?.ToList(), locations?.ToList(), costs?.ToList(), restrictions?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AvailableLabServicesSkuCapacity. + /// The default capacity for this resource. + /// The lowest permitted capacity for this resource. + /// The highest permitted capacity for this resource. + /// The localized name of the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AvailableLabServicesSkuCapacity AvailableLabServicesSkuCapacity(long? @default = null, long? minimum = null, long? maximum = null, LabServicesSkuCapacityScaleType? scaleType = null) + { + return new AvailableLabServicesSkuCapacity(@default, minimum, maximum, scaleType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AvailableLabServicesSkuCapability. + /// The name of the capability for a SKU. + /// The value of the capability for a SKU. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AvailableLabServicesSkuCapability AvailableLabServicesSkuCapability(string name = null, string value = null) + { + return new AvailableLabServicesSkuCapability(name, value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AvailableLabServicesSkuCost. + /// The meter id. + /// The quantity of units charged. + /// The extended unit. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AvailableLabServicesSkuCost AvailableLabServicesSkuCost(string meterId = null, float? quantity = null, string extendedUnit = null) + { + return new AvailableLabServicesSkuCost(meterId, quantity, extendedUnit); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AvailableLabServicesSkuRestrictions. + /// The type of restriction. + /// The values of the restriction. + /// The reason for the restriction. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AvailableLabServicesSkuRestrictions AvailableLabServicesSkuRestrictions(LabServicesSkuRestrictionType? labServicesSkuRestrictionType = null, IEnumerable values = null, LabServicesSkuRestrictionReasonCode? reasonCode = null) + { + values ??= new List(); + + return new AvailableLabServicesSkuRestrictions(labServicesSkuRestrictionType, values?.ToList(), reasonCode); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabServicesUsage. + /// The current usage. + /// The limit integer. + /// The unit details. + /// The name. + /// The fully qualified arm resource id. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabServicesUsage LabServicesUsage(long? currentValue = null, long? limit = null, LabServicesUsageUnit? unit = null, LabServicesUsageName name = null, ResourceIdentifier id = null) + { + return new LabServicesUsage(currentValue, limit, unit, name, id); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabServicesUsageName. + /// The localized name of the resource. + /// The instances of the resource. + /// The name of the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabServicesUsageName LabServicesUsageName(string localizedValue = null, IEnumerable skuInstances = null, string value = null) + { + skuInstances ??= new List(); + + return new LabServicesUsageName(localizedValue, skuInstances?.ToList(), value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabUserData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The amount of usage quota time the user gets in addition to the lab usage quota. + /// Current provisioning state of the user resource. + /// Display name of the user, for example user's full name. + /// Email address of the user. + /// State of the user's registration within the lab. + /// State of the invitation message for the user. + /// Date and time when the invitation message was sent to the user. + /// How long the user has used their virtual machines in this lab. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabUserData LabUserData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, TimeSpan? additionalUsageQuota = null, LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string displayName = null, string email = null, LabUserRegistrationState? registrationState = null, LabUserInvitationState? invitationState = null, DateTimeOffset? invitationSentOn = null, TimeSpan? totalUsage = null) + { + return new LabUserData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, additionalUsageQuota, provisioningState, displayName, email, registrationState, invitationState, invitationSentOn, totalUsage); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabVirtualMachineData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Current provisioning state of the virtual machine. + /// The current state of the virtual machine. + /// Profile for information about connecting to the virtual machine. + /// The lab user ID (not the PUID!) of who claimed the virtual machine. + /// The type of this VM resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabVirtualMachineData LabVirtualMachineData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, LabServicesProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, LabVirtualMachineState? state = null, LabVirtualMachineConnectionProfile connectionProfile = null, string claimedByUserId = null, LabVirtualMachineType? vmType = null) + { + return new LabVirtualMachineData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, provisioningState, state, connectionProfile, claimedByUserId, vmType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LabVirtualMachineConnectionProfile. + /// The private IP address of the virtual machine. + /// Port and host name separated by semicolon for connecting via SSH protocol to the virtual machine. + /// URL for connecting via SSH protocol to the virtual machine in browser. + /// Port and host name separated by semicolon for connecting via RDP protocol to the virtual machine. + /// URL for connecting via RDP protocol to the virtual machine in browser. + /// The username used to log on to the virtual machine as admin. + /// The username used to log on to the virtual machine as non-admin, if one exists. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LabVirtualMachineConnectionProfile LabVirtualMachineConnectionProfile(IPAddress privateIPAddress = null, string sshAuthority = null, Uri sshInBrowserUri = null, string rdpAuthority = null, Uri rdpInBrowserUri = null, string adminUsername = null, string nonAdminUsername = null) + { + return new LabVirtualMachineConnectionProfile(privateIPAddress, sshAuthority, sshInBrowserUri, rdpAuthority, rdpInBrowserUri, adminUsername, nonAdminUsername); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/src/autorest.md b/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/src/autorest.md index 8e31221c09c2d..31205eab5fc02 100644 --- a/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/labservices/Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices/src/autorest.md @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: LabServices namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.LabServices diff --git a/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/CHANGELOG.md index a273a3fa44b6f..bf5f237373221 100644 --- a/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.1.0-beta.1 (Unreleased) +## 1.1.0-beta.1 (2023-05-30) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.0.1 (2023-02-17) ### Other Changes diff --git a/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/api/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/api/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.netstandard2.0.cs index 98dce45949f99..7ae32490853b4 100644 --- a/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/api/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/api/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -94,6 +94,16 @@ public LoadTestingResourceData(Azure.Core.AzureLocation location) : base (defaul } namespace Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models { + public static partial class ArmLoadTestingModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingEndpointDependency LoadTestingEndpointDependency(string domainName = null, string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable endpointDetails = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingEndpointDetail LoadTestingEndpointDetail(int? port = default(int?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint LoadTestingOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint(string category = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable endpoints = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingQuotaAvailabilityResult LoadTestingQuotaAvailabilityResult(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, bool? isAvailable = default(bool?), string availabilityStatus = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingQuotaBucketContent LoadTestingQuotaBucketContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, int? currentUsage = default(int?), int? currentQuota = default(int?), int? newQuota = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingQuotaBucketDimensions dimensions = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.LoadTestingQuotaData LoadTestingQuotaData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, int? limit = default(int?), int? usage = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.LoadTestingResourceData LoadTestingResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingProvisioningState?), string dataPlaneUri = null, Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models.LoadTestingCmkEncryptionProperties encryption = null) { throw null; } + } public partial class LoadTestingCmkEncryptionProperties { public LoadTestingCmkEncryptionProperties() { } diff --git a/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/src/Generated/ArmLoadTestingModelFactory.cs b/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/src/Generated/ArmLoadTestingModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..845cc4bdec2f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/src/Generated/ArmLoadTestingModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmLoadTestingModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of LoadTestingQuotaData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Current quota limit of the quota bucket. + /// Current quota usage of the quota bucket. + /// Resource provisioning state. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LoadTestingQuotaData LoadTestingQuotaData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, int? limit = null, int? usage = null, LoadTestingProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + return new LoadTestingQuotaData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, limit, usage, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LoadTestingQuotaBucketContent. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Current quota usage of the quota bucket. + /// Current quota limit of the quota bucket. + /// New quota limit of the quota bucket. + /// Dimensions for new quota request. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LoadTestingQuotaBucketContent LoadTestingQuotaBucketContent(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, int? currentUsage = null, int? currentQuota = null, int? newQuota = null, LoadTestingQuotaBucketDimensions dimensions = null) + { + return new LoadTestingQuotaBucketContent(id, name, resourceType, systemData, currentUsage, currentQuota, newQuota, dimensions); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LoadTestingQuotaAvailabilityResult. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// True/False indicating whether the quota request be granted based on availability. + /// Message indicating additional details to add to quota support request. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LoadTestingQuotaAvailabilityResult LoadTestingQuotaAvailabilityResult(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, bool? isAvailable = null, string availabilityStatus = null) + { + return new LoadTestingQuotaAvailabilityResult(id, name, resourceType, systemData, isAvailable, availabilityStatus); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LoadTestingResourceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The type of identity used for the resource. + /// Description of the resource. + /// Resource provisioning state. + /// Resource data plane URI. + /// CMK Encryption property. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LoadTestingResourceData LoadTestingResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string description = null, LoadTestingProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string dataPlaneUri = null, LoadTestingCmkEncryptionProperties encryption = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new LoadTestingResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, description, provisioningState, dataPlaneUri, encryption); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LoadTestingOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint. + /// The type of service that Azure Load Testing connects to. + /// The endpoints for this service to which the Batch service makes outbound calls. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LoadTestingOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint LoadTestingOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint(string category = null, IEnumerable endpoints = null) + { + endpoints ??= new List(); + + return new LoadTestingOutboundEnvironmentEndpoint(category, endpoints?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LoadTestingEndpointDependency. + /// The domain name of the dependency. Domain names may be fully qualified or may contain a * wildcard. + /// Human-readable supplemental information about the dependency and when it is applicable. + /// The list of connection details for this endpoint. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LoadTestingEndpointDependency LoadTestingEndpointDependency(string domainName = null, string description = null, IEnumerable endpointDetails = null) + { + endpointDetails ??= new List(); + + return new LoadTestingEndpointDependency(domainName, description, endpointDetails?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LoadTestingEndpointDetail. + /// The port an endpoint is connected to. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LoadTestingEndpointDetail LoadTestingEndpointDetail(int? port = null) + { + return new LoadTestingEndpointDetail(port); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/src/autorest.md b/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/src/autorest.md index daad6d766eb73..1df0e3217c8e2 100644 --- a/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/loadtestservice/Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting/src/autorest.md @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: LoadTesting namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.LoadTesting diff --git a/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/CHANGELOG.md index c3243f4c0cb45..ca8aea7d4d618 100644 --- a/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.1.0-beta.1 (Unreleased) +## 1.1.0-beta.1 (2023-05-30) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.0.1 (2023-02-14) ### Bugs Fixed diff --git a/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/api/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/api/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.netstandard2.0.cs index 42e4cb78bb7b0..f31af2918bbdd 100644 --- a/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/api/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/api/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -1039,6 +1039,64 @@ protected LogicWorkflowVersionResource() { } } namespace Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models { + public static partial class ArmLogicModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationAccountAgreementData IntegrationAccountAgreementData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? changedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.BinaryData metadata = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountAgreementType agreementType = Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountAgreementType.NotSpecified, string hostPartner = null, string guestPartner = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountBusinessIdentity hostIdentity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountBusinessIdentity guestIdentity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountAgreementContent content = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationAccountAssemblyDefinitionData IntegrationAccountAssemblyDefinitionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountAssemblyProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationAccountBatchConfigurationData IntegrationAccountBatchConfigurationData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountBatchConfigurationProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationAccountCertificateData IntegrationAccountCertificateData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? changedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.BinaryData metadata = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKeyReference key = null, System.BinaryData publicCertificate = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationAccountData IntegrationAccountData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountSkuName? skuName = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountSkuName?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference integrationServiceEnvironment = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKey IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKey(System.Uri keyId = null, bool? isEnabled = default(bool?), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? updatedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKeyReference IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKeyReference(string keyName = null, string keyVersion = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, string resourceName = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType? resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountKeyVaultNameReference IntegrationAccountKeyVaultNameReference(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType? resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationAccountMapData IntegrationAccountMapData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountMapType mapType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountMapType), string parametersSchemaRef = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? changedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.BinaryData content = null, Azure.Core.ContentType? contentType = default(Azure.Core.ContentType?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink contentLink = null, System.BinaryData metadata = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationAccountPartnerData IntegrationAccountPartnerData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountPartnerType partnerType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountPartnerType), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? changedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.BinaryData metadata = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable b2bBusinessIdentities = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationAccountSchemaData IntegrationAccountSchemaData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountSchemaType schemaType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationAccountSchemaType), string targetNamespace = null, string documentName = null, string fileName = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? changedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.BinaryData metadata = null, System.BinaryData content = null, Azure.Core.ContentType? contentType = default(Azure.Core.ContentType?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink contentLink = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationAccountSessionData IntegrationAccountSessionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? changedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.BinaryData content = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentData IntegrationServiceEnvironmentData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentProperties properties = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSku sku = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentManagedApiData IntegrationServiceEnvironmentManagedApiData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string namePropertiesName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary connectionParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiResourceMetadata metadata = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable runtimeUris = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiResourceGeneralInformation generalInformation = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable capabilities = null, System.Uri serviceUri = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiResourcePolicies policies = null, System.Uri apiDefinitionUri = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiResourceDefinitions apiDefinitions = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference integrationServiceEnvironment = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiTier? category = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiTier?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink deploymentParametersContentLinkDefinition = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependency IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependency(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyCategoryType? category = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyCategoryType?), string displayName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable endpoints = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealth IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealth(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceErrorInfo error = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealthState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealthState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndpoint IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndpoint(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndPointAccessibilityState? accessibility = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndPointAccessibilityState?), string domainName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable ports = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuCapacity IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuCapacity(int? minimum = default(int?), int? maximum = default(int?), int? @default = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuScaleType? scaleType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuScaleType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinition IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinition(Azure.Core.ResourceType? resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinitionSku sku = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuCapacity capacity = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinitionSku IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinitionSku(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuName? name = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuName?), string tier = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSubnetNetworkHealth IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSubnetNetworkHealth(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable outboundNetworkDependencies = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealth outboundNetworkHealth = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndPointAccessibilityState networkDependencyHealthState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndPointAccessibilityState)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceErrorInfo IntegrationServiceErrorInfo(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceErrorCode code = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.IntegrationServiceErrorCode), string message = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable details = null, System.BinaryData innerError = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.ListOperationCallbackUri ListOperationCallbackUri(System.Uri uri = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata(string apiDeploymentParameterMetadataType = null, bool? isRequired = default(bool?), string displayName = null, string description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiDeploymentParameterVisibility? visibility = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiDeploymentParameterVisibility?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadataSet LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadataSet(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata packageContentLink = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata redisCacheConnectionString = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiOperationInfo LogicApiOperationInfo(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiOperationProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiReference LogicApiReference(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType? resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType?), string displayName = null, string description = null, System.Uri iconUri = null, System.BinaryData swagger = null, string brandColor = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiTier? category = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiTier?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference integrationServiceEnvironment = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiResourceDefinitions LogicApiResourceDefinitions(System.Uri originalSwaggerUri = null, System.Uri modifiedSwaggerUri = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiResourceGeneralInformation LogicApiResourceGeneralInformation(System.Uri iconUri = null, string displayName = null, string description = null, System.Uri termsOfUseUri = null, string releaseTag = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiTier? tier = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiTier?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiResourceMetadata LogicApiResourceMetadata(string source = null, string brandColor = null, string hideKey = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary tags = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiType? apiType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiType?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWsdlService wsdlService = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWsdlImportMethod? wsdlImportMethod = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWsdlImportMethod?), string connectionType = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadataSet deploymentParameters = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicApiResourcePolicies LogicApiResourcePolicies(System.BinaryData content = null, string contentLink = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentHash LogicContentHash(string algorithm = null, string value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink LogicContentLink(System.Uri uri = null, string contentVersion = null, long? contentSize = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentHash contentHash = null, System.BinaryData metadata = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicErrorInfo LogicErrorInfo(string code = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicExpression LogicExpression(string text = null, System.BinaryData value = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable subexpressions = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicExpressionErrorInfo error = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicExpressionErrorInfo LogicExpressionErrorInfo(string code = null, string message = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable details = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicExpressionRoot LogicExpressionRoot(string text = null, System.BinaryData value = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable subexpressions = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicExpressionErrorInfo error = null, string path = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicJsonSchema LogicJsonSchema(string title = null, System.BinaryData content = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference LogicResourceReference(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType? resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicSku LogicSku(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicSkuName name = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicSkuName), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference plan = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.LogicWorkflowData LogicWorkflowData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowProvisioningState?), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? changedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowState?), string version = null, string accessEndpoint = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.FlowEndpointsConfiguration endpointsConfiguration = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.FlowAccessControlConfiguration accessControl = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicSku sku = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference integrationAccount = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference integrationServiceEnvironment = null, System.BinaryData definition = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary parameters = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowOutputParameterInfo LogicWorkflowOutputParameterInfo(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowParameterType? parameterType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowParameterType?), System.BinaryData value = null, System.BinaryData metadata = null, string description = null, System.BinaryData error = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowReference LogicWorkflowReference(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType? resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.LogicWorkflowRequestHistoryData LogicWorkflowRequestHistoryData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowRequestHistoryProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.LogicWorkflowRunActionData LogicWorkflowRunActionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus?), string code = null, System.BinaryData error = null, System.Guid? trackingId = default(System.Guid?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowRunActionCorrelation correlation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink inputsLink = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink outputsLink = null, System.BinaryData trackedProperties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable retryHistory = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.LogicWorkflowRunActionRepetitionDefinitionData LogicWorkflowRunActionRepetitionDefinitionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowRunActionCorrelation correlation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus?), string code = null, System.BinaryData error = null, System.Guid? trackingId = default(System.Guid?), System.BinaryData inputs = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink inputsLink = null, System.BinaryData outputs = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink outputsLink = null, System.BinaryData trackedProperties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable retryHistory = null, int? iterationCount = default(int?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable repetitionIndexes = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.LogicWorkflowRunData LogicWorkflowRunData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.DateTimeOffset? waitEndOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus?), string code = null, System.BinaryData error = null, string correlationId = null, string correlationClientTrackingId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference workflow = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowRunTrigger trigger = null, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary outputs = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowRunTrigger response = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowRunTrigger LogicWorkflowRunTrigger(string name = null, System.BinaryData inputs = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink inputsLink = null, System.BinaryData outputs = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink outputsLink = null, System.DateTimeOffset? scheduledOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.Guid? trackingId = default(System.Guid?), string correlationClientTrackingId = null, string code = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus?), System.BinaryData error = null, System.BinaryData trackedProperties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackQueryParameterInfo LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackQueryParameterInfo(string apiVersion = null, string sp = null, string sv = null, string sig = null, string se = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackUri LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackUri(string value = null, Azure.Core.RequestMethod? method = default(Azure.Core.RequestMethod?), string basePath = null, string relativePath = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable relativePathParameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackQueryParameterInfo queries = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.LogicWorkflowTriggerData LogicWorkflowTriggerData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowTriggerProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowTriggerProvisioningState?), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? changedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowState?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastExecutionOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? nextExecutionOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowTriggerRecurrence recurrence = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference workflow = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.LogicWorkflowTriggerHistoryData LogicWorkflowTriggerHistoryData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? scheduledOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowStatus?), string code = null, System.BinaryData error = null, System.Guid? trackingId = default(System.Guid?), string correlationClientTrackingId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink inputsLink = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicContentLink outputsLink = null, bool? isFired = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference run = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowTriggerReference LogicWorkflowTriggerReference(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType? resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType?), string flowName = null, string triggerName = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.LogicWorkflowVersionData LogicWorkflowVersionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowProvisioningState?), System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? changedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWorkflowState?), string version = null, string accessEndpoint = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.FlowEndpointsConfiguration endpointsConfiguration = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.FlowAccessControlConfiguration accessControl = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicSku sku = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicResourceReference integrationAccount = null, System.BinaryData definition = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary parameters = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.LogicWsdlService LogicWsdlService(string qualifiedName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable endpointQualifiedNames = null) { throw null; } + } public partial class ArtifactContentProperties : Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models.ArtifactProperties { public ArtifactContentProperties() { } diff --git a/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/src/Generated/ArmLogicModelFactory.cs b/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/src/Generated/ArmLogicModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..197c8ad806ef2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/src/Generated/ArmLogicModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,882 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Logic; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.Logic.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmLogicModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Managed service identity properties. Current supported identity types: SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, None. + /// Gets the provisioning state. + /// Gets the created time. + /// Gets the changed time. + /// The state. + /// Gets the version. + /// Gets the access endpoint. + /// The endpoints configuration. + /// The access control configuration. + /// The sku. + /// The integration account. + /// The integration service environment. + /// The definition. + /// The parameters. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowData LogicWorkflowData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, LogicWorkflowProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? changedOn = null, LogicWorkflowState? state = null, string version = null, string accessEndpoint = null, FlowEndpointsConfiguration endpointsConfiguration = null, FlowAccessControlConfiguration accessControl = null, LogicSku sku = null, LogicResourceReference integrationAccount = null, LogicResourceReference integrationServiceEnvironment = null, BinaryData definition = null, IDictionary parameters = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + parameters ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new LogicWorkflowData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, provisioningState, createdOn, changedOn, state, version, accessEndpoint, endpointsConfiguration, accessControl, sku, integrationAccount, integrationServiceEnvironment, definition, parameters); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicSku. + /// The name. + /// The reference to plan. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicSku LogicSku(LogicSkuName name = default, LogicResourceReference plan = null) + { + return new LogicSku(name, plan); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicResourceReference. + /// The resource id. + /// Gets the resource name. + /// Gets the resource type. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicResourceReference LogicResourceReference(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType? resourceType = null) + { + return new LogicResourceReference(id, name, resourceType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackUri. + /// Gets the workflow trigger callback URL. + /// Gets the workflow trigger callback URL HTTP method. + /// Gets the workflow trigger callback URL base path. + /// Gets the workflow trigger callback URL relative path. + /// Gets the workflow trigger callback URL relative path parameters. + /// Gets the workflow trigger callback URL query parameters. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackUri LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackUri(string value = null, RequestMethod? method = null, string basePath = null, string relativePath = null, IEnumerable relativePathParameters = null, LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackQueryParameterInfo queries = null) + { + relativePathParameters ??= new List(); + + return new LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackUri(value, method, basePath, relativePath, relativePathParameters?.ToList(), queries); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackQueryParameterInfo. + /// The api version. + /// The SAS permissions. + /// The SAS version. + /// The SAS signature. + /// The SAS timestamp. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackQueryParameterInfo LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackQueryParameterInfo(string apiVersion = null, string sp = null, string sv = null, string sig = null, string se = null) + { + return new LogicWorkflowTriggerCallbackQueryParameterInfo(apiVersion, sp, sv, sig, se); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowReference. + /// The resource id. + /// Gets the resource name. + /// Gets the resource type. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowReference LogicWorkflowReference(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType? resourceType = null) + { + return new LogicWorkflowReference(id, name, resourceType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowVersionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The provisioning state. + /// Gets the created time. + /// Gets the changed time. + /// The state. + /// Gets the version. + /// Gets the access endpoint. + /// The endpoints configuration. + /// The access control configuration. + /// The sku. + /// The integration account. + /// The definition. + /// The parameters. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowVersionData LogicWorkflowVersionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, LogicWorkflowProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? changedOn = null, LogicWorkflowState? state = null, string version = null, string accessEndpoint = null, FlowEndpointsConfiguration endpointsConfiguration = null, FlowAccessControlConfiguration accessControl = null, LogicSku sku = null, LogicResourceReference integrationAccount = null, BinaryData definition = null, IDictionary parameters = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + parameters ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new LogicWorkflowVersionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, provisioningState, createdOn, changedOn, state, version, accessEndpoint, endpointsConfiguration, accessControl, sku, integrationAccount, definition, parameters); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowTriggerData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Gets the provisioning state. + /// Gets the created time. + /// Gets the changed time. + /// Gets the state. + /// Gets the status. + /// Gets the last execution time. + /// Gets the next execution time. + /// Gets the workflow trigger recurrence. + /// Gets the reference to workflow. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowTriggerData LogicWorkflowTriggerData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, LogicWorkflowTriggerProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? changedOn = null, LogicWorkflowState? state = null, LogicWorkflowStatus? status = null, DateTimeOffset? lastExecutionOn = null, DateTimeOffset? nextExecutionOn = null, LogicWorkflowTriggerRecurrence recurrence = null, LogicResourceReference workflow = null) + { + return new LogicWorkflowTriggerData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, provisioningState, createdOn, changedOn, state, status, lastExecutionOn, nextExecutionOn, recurrence, workflow); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicJsonSchema. + /// The JSON title. + /// The JSON content. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicJsonSchema LogicJsonSchema(string title = null, BinaryData content = null) + { + return new LogicJsonSchema(title, content); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowTriggerReference. + /// The resource id. + /// Gets the resource name. + /// Gets the resource type. + /// The workflow name. + /// The workflow trigger name. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowTriggerReference LogicWorkflowTriggerReference(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType? resourceType = null, string flowName = null, string triggerName = null) + { + return new LogicWorkflowTriggerReference(id, name, resourceType, flowName, triggerName); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowTriggerHistoryData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Gets the start time. + /// Gets the end time. + /// The scheduled time. + /// Gets the status. + /// Gets the code. + /// Gets the error. + /// Gets the tracking id. + /// The run correlation. + /// Gets the link to input parameters. + /// Gets the link to output parameters. + /// The value indicating whether trigger was fired. + /// Gets the reference to workflow run. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowTriggerHistoryData LogicWorkflowTriggerHistoryData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? endOn = null, DateTimeOffset? scheduledOn = null, LogicWorkflowStatus? status = null, string code = null, BinaryData error = null, Guid? trackingId = null, string correlationClientTrackingId = null, LogicContentLink inputsLink = null, LogicContentLink outputsLink = null, bool? isFired = null, LogicResourceReference run = null) + { + return new LogicWorkflowTriggerHistoryData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, startOn, endOn, scheduledOn, status, code, error, trackingId, correlationClientTrackingId != null ? new Correlation(correlationClientTrackingId) : null, inputsLink, outputsLink, isFired, run); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicContentLink. + /// The content link URI. + /// The content version. + /// The content size. + /// The content hash. + /// The metadata. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicContentLink LogicContentLink(Uri uri = null, string contentVersion = null, long? contentSize = null, LogicContentHash contentHash = null, BinaryData metadata = null) + { + return new LogicContentLink(uri, contentVersion, contentSize, contentHash, metadata); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicContentHash. + /// The algorithm of the content hash. + /// The value of the content hash. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicContentHash LogicContentHash(string algorithm = null, string value = null) + { + return new LogicContentHash(algorithm, value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowRunData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Gets the wait end time. + /// Gets the start time. + /// Gets the end time. + /// Gets the status. + /// Gets the code. + /// Gets the error. + /// Gets the correlation id. + /// The run correlation. + /// Gets the reference to workflow version. + /// Gets the fired trigger. + /// Gets the outputs. + /// Gets the response of the flow run. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowRunData LogicWorkflowRunData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, DateTimeOffset? waitEndOn = null, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? endOn = null, LogicWorkflowStatus? status = null, string code = null, BinaryData error = null, string correlationId = null, string correlationClientTrackingId = null, LogicResourceReference workflow = null, LogicWorkflowRunTrigger trigger = null, IReadOnlyDictionary outputs = null, LogicWorkflowRunTrigger response = null) + { + outputs ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new LogicWorkflowRunData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, waitEndOn, startOn, endOn, status, code, error, correlationId, correlationClientTrackingId != null ? new Correlation(correlationClientTrackingId) : null, workflow, trigger, outputs, response); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowRunTrigger. + /// Gets the name. + /// Gets the inputs. + /// Gets the link to inputs. + /// Gets the outputs. + /// Gets the link to outputs. + /// Gets the scheduled time. + /// Gets the start time. + /// Gets the end time. + /// Gets the tracking id. + /// The run correlation. + /// Gets the code. + /// Gets the status. + /// Gets the error. + /// Gets the tracked properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowRunTrigger LogicWorkflowRunTrigger(string name = null, BinaryData inputs = null, LogicContentLink inputsLink = null, BinaryData outputs = null, LogicContentLink outputsLink = null, DateTimeOffset? scheduledOn = null, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? endOn = null, Guid? trackingId = null, string correlationClientTrackingId = null, string code = null, LogicWorkflowStatus? status = null, BinaryData error = null, BinaryData trackedProperties = null) + { + return new LogicWorkflowRunTrigger(name, inputs, inputsLink, outputs, outputsLink, scheduledOn, startOn, endOn, trackingId, correlationClientTrackingId != null ? new Correlation(correlationClientTrackingId) : null, code, status, error, trackedProperties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowOutputParameterInfo. + /// The type. + /// The value. + /// The metadata. + /// The description. + /// Gets the error. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowOutputParameterInfo LogicWorkflowOutputParameterInfo(LogicWorkflowParameterType? parameterType = null, BinaryData value = null, BinaryData metadata = null, string description = null, BinaryData error = null) + { + return new LogicWorkflowOutputParameterInfo(parameterType, value, metadata, description, error); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowRunActionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Gets the start time. + /// Gets the end time. + /// Gets the status. + /// Gets the code. + /// Gets the error. + /// Gets the tracking id. + /// The correlation properties. + /// Gets the link to inputs. + /// Gets the link to outputs. + /// Gets the tracked properties. + /// Gets the retry histories. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowRunActionData LogicWorkflowRunActionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? endOn = null, LogicWorkflowStatus? status = null, string code = null, BinaryData error = null, Guid? trackingId = null, LogicWorkflowRunActionCorrelation correlation = null, LogicContentLink inputsLink = null, LogicContentLink outputsLink = null, BinaryData trackedProperties = null, IEnumerable retryHistory = null) + { + retryHistory ??= new List(); + + return new LogicWorkflowRunActionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, startOn, endOn, status, code, error, trackingId, correlation, inputsLink, outputsLink, trackedProperties, retryHistory?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicExpressionRoot. + /// The text. + /// Anything. + /// The sub expressions. + /// The azure resource error info. + /// The path. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicExpressionRoot LogicExpressionRoot(string text = null, BinaryData value = null, IEnumerable subexpressions = null, LogicExpressionErrorInfo error = null, string path = null) + { + subexpressions ??= new List(); + + return new LogicExpressionRoot(text, value, subexpressions?.ToList(), error, path); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicExpression. + /// The text. + /// Anything. + /// The sub expressions. + /// The azure resource error info. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicExpression LogicExpression(string text = null, BinaryData value = null, IEnumerable subexpressions = null, LogicExpressionErrorInfo error = null) + { + subexpressions ??= new List(); + + return new LogicExpression(text, value, subexpressions?.ToList(), error); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicExpressionErrorInfo. + /// The error code. + /// The error message. + /// The error details. + /// is null. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicExpressionErrorInfo LogicExpressionErrorInfo(string code = null, string message = null, IEnumerable details = null) + { + if (code == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(code)); + } + details ??= new List(); + + return new LogicExpressionErrorInfo(code, message, details?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicErrorInfo. + /// The error code. + /// is null. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicErrorInfo LogicErrorInfo(string code = null) + { + if (code == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(code)); + } + + return new LogicErrorInfo(code); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowRunActionRepetitionDefinitionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The start time of the workflow scope repetition. + /// The end time of the workflow scope repetition. + /// The correlation properties. + /// The status of the workflow scope repetition. + /// The workflow scope repetition code. + /// Anything. + /// Gets the tracking id. + /// Gets the inputs. + /// Gets the link to inputs. + /// Gets the outputs. + /// Gets the link to outputs. + /// Gets the tracked properties. + /// Gets the retry histories. + /// + /// The repetition indexes. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowRunActionRepetitionDefinitionData LogicWorkflowRunActionRepetitionDefinitionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? endOn = null, LogicWorkflowRunActionCorrelation correlation = null, LogicWorkflowStatus? status = null, string code = null, BinaryData error = null, Guid? trackingId = null, BinaryData inputs = null, LogicContentLink inputsLink = null, BinaryData outputs = null, LogicContentLink outputsLink = null, BinaryData trackedProperties = null, IEnumerable retryHistory = null, int? iterationCount = null, IEnumerable repetitionIndexes = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + retryHistory ??= new List(); + repetitionIndexes ??= new List(); + + return new LogicWorkflowRunActionRepetitionDefinitionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, startOn, endOn, correlation, status, code, error, trackingId, inputs, inputsLink, outputs, outputsLink, trackedProperties, retryHistory?.ToList(), iterationCount, repetitionIndexes?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWorkflowRequestHistoryData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The request history properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWorkflowRequestHistoryData LogicWorkflowRequestHistoryData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, LogicWorkflowRequestHistoryProperties properties = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new LogicWorkflowRequestHistoryData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The sku. + /// The integration service environment. + /// The workflow state. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountData IntegrationAccountData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IntegrationAccountSkuName? skuName = null, LogicResourceReference integrationServiceEnvironment = null, LogicWorkflowState? state = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new IntegrationAccountData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, skuName.HasValue ? new IntegrationAccountSku(skuName.Value) : null, integrationServiceEnvironment, state); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountAssemblyDefinitionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The assembly properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountAssemblyDefinitionData IntegrationAccountAssemblyDefinitionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IntegrationAccountAssemblyProperties properties = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new IntegrationAccountAssemblyDefinitionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountBatchConfigurationData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The batch configuration properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountBatchConfigurationData IntegrationAccountBatchConfigurationData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IntegrationAccountBatchConfigurationProperties properties = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new IntegrationAccountBatchConfigurationData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ListOperationCallbackUri. + /// The URL value. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ListOperationCallbackUri ListOperationCallbackUri(Uri uri = null) + { + return new ListOperationCallbackUri(uri); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountKeyVaultNameReference. + /// The resource id. + /// Gets the resource name. + /// Gets the resource type. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountKeyVaultNameReference IntegrationAccountKeyVaultNameReference(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType? resourceType = null) + { + return new IntegrationAccountKeyVaultNameReference(id, name, resourceType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKey. + /// The key id. + /// Whether the key is enabled or not. + /// When the key was created. + /// When the key was updated. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKey IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKey(Uri keyId = null, bool? isEnabled = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? updatedOn = null) + { + return new IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKey(keyId, isEnabled, createdOn, updatedOn); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountSchemaData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The schema type. + /// The target namespace of the schema. + /// The document name. + /// The file name. + /// The created time. + /// The changed time. + /// The metadata. + /// The content. + /// The content type. + /// The content link. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountSchemaData IntegrationAccountSchemaData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IntegrationAccountSchemaType schemaType = default, string targetNamespace = null, string documentName = null, string fileName = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? changedOn = null, BinaryData metadata = null, BinaryData content = null, ContentType? contentType = null, LogicContentLink contentLink = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new IntegrationAccountSchemaData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, schemaType, targetNamespace, documentName, fileName, createdOn, changedOn, metadata, content, contentType, contentLink); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountMapData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The map type. + /// The parameters schema of integration account map. + /// The created time. + /// The changed time. + /// The content. + /// The content type. + /// The content link. + /// The metadata. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountMapData IntegrationAccountMapData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IntegrationAccountMapType mapType = default, string parametersSchemaRef = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? changedOn = null, BinaryData content = null, ContentType? contentType = null, LogicContentLink contentLink = null, BinaryData metadata = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new IntegrationAccountMapData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, mapType, parametersSchemaRef != null ? new IntegrationAccountMapPropertiesParametersSchema(parametersSchemaRef) : null, createdOn, changedOn, content, contentType, contentLink, metadata); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountPartnerData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The partner type. + /// The created time. + /// The changed time. + /// The metadata. + /// The partner content. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountPartnerData IntegrationAccountPartnerData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IntegrationAccountPartnerType partnerType = default, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? changedOn = null, BinaryData metadata = null, IEnumerable b2bBusinessIdentities = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + b2bBusinessIdentities ??= new List(); + + return new IntegrationAccountPartnerData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, partnerType, createdOn, changedOn, metadata, b2bBusinessIdentities != null ? new IntegrationAccountPartnerContent(new B2BPartnerContent(b2bBusinessIdentities?.ToList())) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountAgreementData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The created time. + /// The changed time. + /// The metadata. + /// The agreement type. + /// The integration account partner that is set as host partner for this agreement. + /// The integration account partner that is set as guest partner for this agreement. + /// The business identity of the host partner. + /// The business identity of the guest partner. + /// The agreement content. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountAgreementData IntegrationAccountAgreementData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? changedOn = null, BinaryData metadata = null, IntegrationAccountAgreementType agreementType = default, string hostPartner = null, string guestPartner = null, IntegrationAccountBusinessIdentity hostIdentity = null, IntegrationAccountBusinessIdentity guestIdentity = null, IntegrationAccountAgreementContent content = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new IntegrationAccountAgreementData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, createdOn, changedOn, metadata, agreementType, hostPartner, guestPartner, hostIdentity, guestIdentity, content); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountCertificateData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The created time. + /// The changed time. + /// The metadata. + /// The key details in the key vault. + /// The public certificate. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountCertificateData IntegrationAccountCertificateData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? changedOn = null, BinaryData metadata = null, IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKeyReference key = null, BinaryData publicCertificate = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new IntegrationAccountCertificateData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, createdOn, changedOn, metadata, key, publicCertificate); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKeyReference. + /// The private key name in key vault. + /// The private key version in key vault. + /// The resource id. + /// The resource name. + /// The resource type. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKeyReference IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKeyReference(string keyName = null, string keyVersion = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, string resourceName = null, ResourceType? resourceType = null) + { + return new IntegrationAccountKeyVaultKeyReference(keyName, keyVersion, resourceId, resourceName, resourceType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationAccountSessionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The created time. + /// The changed time. + /// The session content. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationAccountSessionData IntegrationAccountSessionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? changedOn = null, BinaryData content = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new IntegrationAccountSessionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, createdOn, changedOn, content); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceEnvironmentData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The integration service environment properties. + /// The sku. + /// Managed service identity properties. Current supported identity types: SystemAssigned, UserAssigned, None. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceEnvironmentData IntegrationServiceEnvironmentData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, IntegrationServiceEnvironmentProperties properties = null, IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSku sku = null, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, properties, sku, identity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinition. + /// The resource type. + /// The sku. + /// The sku capacity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinition IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinition(ResourceType? resourceType = null, IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinitionSku sku = null, IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuCapacity capacity = null) + { + return new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinition(resourceType, sku, capacity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinitionSku. + /// The sku name. + /// The sku tier. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinitionSku IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinitionSku(IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuName? name = null, string tier = null) + { + return new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuDefinitionSku(name, tier); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuCapacity. + /// The minimum capacity. + /// The maximum capacity. + /// The default capacity. + /// The sku scale type. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuCapacity IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuCapacity(int? minimum = null, int? maximum = null, int? @default = null, IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuScaleType? scaleType = null) + { + return new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSkuCapacity(minimum, maximum, @default, scaleType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSubnetNetworkHealth. + /// The outbound network dependencies. + /// The integration service environment network health. + /// The integration service environment network health state. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSubnetNetworkHealth IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSubnetNetworkHealth(IEnumerable outboundNetworkDependencies = null, IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealth outboundNetworkHealth = null, IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndPointAccessibilityState networkDependencyHealthState = default) + { + outboundNetworkDependencies ??= new List(); + + return new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentSubnetNetworkHealth(outboundNetworkDependencies?.ToList(), outboundNetworkHealth, networkDependencyHealthState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependency. + /// The network dependency category type. + /// The display name. + /// The endpoints. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependency IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependency(IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyCategoryType? category = null, string displayName = null, IEnumerable endpoints = null) + { + endpoints ??= new List(); + + return new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependency(category, displayName, endpoints?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndpoint. + /// The accessibility state. + /// The domain name. + /// The ports. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndpoint IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndpoint(IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndPointAccessibilityState? accessibility = null, string domainName = null, IEnumerable ports = null) + { + ports ??= new List(); + + return new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkEndpoint(accessibility, domainName, ports?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealth. + /// The error if any occurred during the operation. + /// The network dependency health state. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealth IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealth(IntegrationServiceErrorInfo error = null, IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealthState? state = null) + { + return new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentNetworkDependencyHealth(error, state); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceErrorInfo. + /// The error code. + /// The error message. + /// The error message details. + /// The inner error. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceErrorInfo IntegrationServiceErrorInfo(IntegrationServiceErrorCode code = default, string message = null, IEnumerable details = null, BinaryData innerError = null) + { + details ??= new List(); + + return new IntegrationServiceErrorInfo(code, message, details?.ToList(), innerError); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of IntegrationServiceEnvironmentManagedApiData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The name. + /// The connection parameters. + /// The metadata. + /// The runtime urls. + /// The api general information. + /// The capabilities. + /// The backend service. + /// The policies for the API. + /// The API definition. + /// The api definitions. + /// The integration service environment reference. + /// The provisioning state. + /// The category. + /// The integration service environment managed api deployment parameters. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static IntegrationServiceEnvironmentManagedApiData IntegrationServiceEnvironmentManagedApiData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string namePropertiesName = null, IReadOnlyDictionary connectionParameters = null, LogicApiResourceMetadata metadata = null, IEnumerable runtimeUris = null, LogicApiResourceGeneralInformation generalInformation = null, IEnumerable capabilities = null, Uri serviceUri = null, LogicApiResourcePolicies policies = null, Uri apiDefinitionUri = null, LogicApiResourceDefinitions apiDefinitions = null, LogicResourceReference integrationServiceEnvironment = null, LogicWorkflowProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, LogicApiTier? category = null, LogicContentLink deploymentParametersContentLinkDefinition = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + connectionParameters ??= new Dictionary(); + runtimeUris ??= new List(); + capabilities ??= new List(); + + return new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentManagedApiData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, namePropertiesName, connectionParameters, metadata, runtimeUris?.ToList(), generalInformation, capabilities?.ToList(), serviceUri != null ? new LogicApiResourceBackendService(serviceUri) : null, policies, apiDefinitionUri, apiDefinitions, integrationServiceEnvironment, provisioningState, category, deploymentParametersContentLinkDefinition != null ? new IntegrationServiceEnvironmentManagedApiDeploymentParameters(deploymentParametersContentLinkDefinition) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicApiResourceMetadata. + /// The source. + /// The brand color. + /// The hide key. + /// The tags. + /// The api type. + /// The WSDL service. + /// The WSDL import method. + /// The connection type. + /// The provisioning state. + /// The connector deployment parameters metadata. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicApiResourceMetadata LogicApiResourceMetadata(string source = null, string brandColor = null, string hideKey = null, IReadOnlyDictionary tags = null, LogicApiType? apiType = null, LogicWsdlService wsdlService = null, LogicWsdlImportMethod? wsdlImportMethod = null, string connectionType = null, LogicWorkflowProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadataSet deploymentParameters = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new LogicApiResourceMetadata(source, brandColor, hideKey, tags, apiType, wsdlService, wsdlImportMethod, connectionType, provisioningState, deploymentParameters); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicWsdlService. + /// The qualified name. + /// The list of endpoints' qualified names. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicWsdlService LogicWsdlService(string qualifiedName = null, IEnumerable endpointQualifiedNames = null) + { + endpointQualifiedNames ??= new List(); + + return new LogicWsdlService(qualifiedName, endpointQualifiedNames?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadataSet. + /// The package content link parameter. + /// The package content link parameter. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadataSet LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadataSet(LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata packageContentLink = null, LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata redisCacheConnectionString = null) + { + return new LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadataSet(packageContentLink, redisCacheConnectionString); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata. + /// The type. + /// Indicates whether its required. + /// The display name. + /// The description. + /// The visibility. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata(string apiDeploymentParameterMetadataType = null, bool? isRequired = null, string displayName = null, string description = null, LogicApiDeploymentParameterVisibility? visibility = null) + { + return new LogicApiDeploymentParameterMetadata(apiDeploymentParameterMetadataType, isRequired, displayName, description, visibility); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicApiResourceGeneralInformation. + /// The icon url. + /// The display name. + /// The description. + /// The terms of use url. + /// The release tag. + /// The tier. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicApiResourceGeneralInformation LogicApiResourceGeneralInformation(Uri iconUri = null, string displayName = null, string description = null, Uri termsOfUseUri = null, string releaseTag = null, LogicApiTier? tier = null) + { + return new LogicApiResourceGeneralInformation(iconUri, displayName, description, termsOfUseUri, releaseTag, tier); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicApiResourcePolicies. + /// The API level only policies XML as embedded content. + /// The content link to the policies. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicApiResourcePolicies LogicApiResourcePolicies(BinaryData content = null, string contentLink = null) + { + return new LogicApiResourcePolicies(content, contentLink); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicApiResourceDefinitions. + /// The original swagger url. + /// The modified swagger url. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicApiResourceDefinitions LogicApiResourceDefinitions(Uri originalSwaggerUri = null, Uri modifiedSwaggerUri = null) + { + return new LogicApiResourceDefinitions(originalSwaggerUri, modifiedSwaggerUri); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicApiOperationInfo. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The api operations properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicApiOperationInfo LogicApiOperationInfo(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, LogicApiOperationProperties properties = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new LogicApiOperationInfo(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of LogicApiReference. + /// The resource id. + /// Gets the resource name. + /// Gets the resource type. + /// The display name of the api. + /// The description of the api. + /// The icon uri of the api. + /// The swagger of the api. + /// The brand color of the api. + /// The tier. + /// The integration service environment reference. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static LogicApiReference LogicApiReference(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType? resourceType = null, string displayName = null, string description = null, Uri iconUri = null, BinaryData swagger = null, string brandColor = null, LogicApiTier? category = null, LogicResourceReference integrationServiceEnvironment = null) + { + return new LogicApiReference(id, name, resourceType, displayName, description, iconUri, swagger, brandColor, category, integrationServiceEnvironment); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/src/autorest.md b/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/src/autorest.md index e3ff35e61f15b..f64f8f9fd3d1d 100644 --- a/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/logic/Azure.ResourceManager.Logic/src/autorest.md @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: Logic namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.Logic diff --git a/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/CHANGELOG.md index 8cde6f6edc93f..28d56fe07f15d 100644 --- a/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.0.0-beta.3 (Unreleased) +## 1.0.0-beta.3 (2023-05-30) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.0.0-beta.2 (2023-02-16) ### Features Added diff --git a/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/api/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/api/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.netstandard2.0.cs index b0dbe6a1b2c72..1cc2f7d570b20 100644 --- a/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/api/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/api/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -150,6 +150,24 @@ internal AppInsightsCredentials() { } public string AppId { get { throw null; } } public string InstrumentationKey { get { throw null; } } } + public static partial class ArmMachineLearningComputeModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.AcsClusterProperties AcsClusterProperties(string clusterFqdn = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.OrchestratorType orchestratorType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.OrchestratorType), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ServicePrincipalProperties orchestratorServicePrincipal = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable systemServices = null, int? masterCount = default(int?), int? agentCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.AgentVmSizeType? agentVmSize = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.AgentVmSizeType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.AppInsightsCredentials AppInsightsCredentials(string appId = null, string instrumentationKey = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.CheckSystemServicesUpdatesAvailableResponse CheckSystemServicesUpdatesAvailableResponse(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.UpdatesAvailable? updatesAvailable = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.UpdatesAvailable?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ContainerRegistryCredentials ContainerRegistryCredentials(string loginServer = null, string password = null, string password2 = null, string username = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ContainerServiceCredentials ContainerServiceCredentials(string acsKubeConfig = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ServicePrincipalProperties servicePrincipalConfiguration = null, string imagePullSecretName = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ErrorDetail ErrorDetail(string code = null, string message = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ErrorResponse ErrorResponse(string code = null, string message = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable details = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ErrorResponseWrapper ErrorResponseWrapper(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ErrorResponse error = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.OperationalizationClusterCredentials OperationalizationClusterCredentials(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.StorageAccountCredentials storageAccount = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ContainerRegistryCredentials containerRegistry = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ContainerServiceCredentials containerService = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.AppInsightsCredentials appInsights = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ServiceAuthConfiguration serviceAuthConfiguration = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.SslConfiguration sslConfiguration = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.OperationalizationClusterData OperationalizationClusterData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.OperationStatus? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.OperationStatus?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ClusterType? clusterType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ClusterType?), string storageAccountResourceId = null, string containerRegistryResourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.AcsClusterProperties containerService = null, string appInsightsResourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.GlobalServiceConfiguration globalServiceConfiguration = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ResourceOperation ResourceOperation(string name = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ResourceOperationDisplay display = null, string origin = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.ResourceOperationDisplay ResourceOperationDisplay(string provider = null, string resource = null, string operation = null, string description = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.StorageAccountCredentials StorageAccountCredentials(string resourceId = null, string primaryKey = null, string secondaryKey = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.SystemService SystemService(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.SystemServiceType systemServiceType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.SystemServiceType), string publicIPAddress = null, string version = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.UpdateSystemServicesResponse UpdateSystemServicesResponse(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.OperationStatus? updateStatus = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models.OperationStatus?), System.DateTimeOffset? updateStartedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? updateCompletedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + } public partial class AutoScaleConfiguration { public AutoScaleConfiguration() { } diff --git a/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/src/Generated/ArmMachineLearningComputeModelFactory.cs b/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/src/Generated/ArmMachineLearningComputeModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..80f323c7aafbc --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/src/Generated/ArmMachineLearningComputeModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmMachineLearningComputeModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of OperationalizationClusterData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The description of the cluster. + /// The date and time when the cluster was created. + /// The date and time when the cluster was last modified. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// List of provisioning errors reported by the resource provider. + /// The cluster type. + /// Storage Account properties. + /// Container Registry properties. + /// Parameters for the Azure Container Service cluster. + /// AppInsights configuration. + /// Contains global configuration for the web services in the cluster. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static OperationalizationClusterData OperationalizationClusterData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, OperationStatus? provisioningState = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, ClusterType? clusterType = null, string storageAccountResourceId = null, string containerRegistryResourceId = null, AcsClusterProperties containerService = null, string appInsightsResourceId = null, GlobalServiceConfiguration globalServiceConfiguration = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new OperationalizationClusterData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, provisioningState, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), clusterType, storageAccountResourceId != null ? new StorageAccountProperties(storageAccountResourceId) : null, containerRegistryResourceId != null ? new ContainerRegistryProperties(containerRegistryResourceId) : null, containerService, appInsightsResourceId != null ? new AppInsightsProperties(appInsightsResourceId) : null, globalServiceConfiguration); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ErrorResponseWrapper. + /// The error response. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ErrorResponseWrapper ErrorResponseWrapper(ErrorResponse error = null) + { + return new ErrorResponseWrapper(error); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ErrorResponse. + /// Error code. + /// Error message. + /// An array of error detail objects. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ErrorResponse ErrorResponse(string code = null, string message = null, IEnumerable details = null) + { + details ??= new List(); + + return new ErrorResponse(code, message, details?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ErrorDetail. + /// Error code. + /// Error message. + /// or is null. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ErrorDetail ErrorDetail(string code = null, string message = null) + { + if (code == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(code)); + } + if (message == null) + { + throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message)); + } + + return new ErrorDetail(code, message); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AcsClusterProperties. + /// The FQDN of the cluster. + /// Type of orchestrator. It cannot be changed once the cluster is created. + /// Orchestrator specific properties. + /// The system services deployed to the cluster. + /// The number of master nodes in the container service. + /// The number of agent nodes in the Container Service. This can be changed to scale the cluster. + /// The Azure VM size of the agent VM nodes. This cannot be changed once the cluster is created. This list is non exhaustive; refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/sizes for the possible VM sizes. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AcsClusterProperties AcsClusterProperties(string clusterFqdn = null, OrchestratorType orchestratorType = default, ServicePrincipalProperties orchestratorServicePrincipal = null, IEnumerable systemServices = null, int? masterCount = null, int? agentCount = null, AgentVmSizeType? agentVmSize = null) + { + systemServices ??= new List(); + + return new AcsClusterProperties(clusterFqdn, orchestratorType, orchestratorServicePrincipal != null ? new KubernetesClusterProperties(orchestratorServicePrincipal) : null, systemServices?.ToList(), masterCount, agentCount, agentVmSize); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of SystemService. + /// The system service type. + /// The public IP address of the system service. + /// The state of the system service. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static SystemService SystemService(SystemServiceType systemServiceType = default, string publicIPAddress = null, string version = null) + { + return new SystemService(systemServiceType, publicIPAddress, version); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of OperationalizationClusterCredentials. + /// Credentials for the Storage Account. + /// Credentials for Azure Container Registry. + /// Credentials for Azure Container Service. + /// Credentials for Azure AppInsights. + /// Global authorization keys for all user services deployed in cluster. These are used if the service does not have auth keys. + /// The SSL configuration for the services. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static OperationalizationClusterCredentials OperationalizationClusterCredentials(StorageAccountCredentials storageAccount = null, ContainerRegistryCredentials containerRegistry = null, ContainerServiceCredentials containerService = null, AppInsightsCredentials appInsights = null, ServiceAuthConfiguration serviceAuthConfiguration = null, SslConfiguration sslConfiguration = null) + { + return new OperationalizationClusterCredentials(storageAccount, containerRegistry, containerService, appInsights, serviceAuthConfiguration, sslConfiguration); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of StorageAccountCredentials. + /// The ARM resource ID of the storage account. + /// The primary key of the storage account. + /// The secondary key of the storage account. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static StorageAccountCredentials StorageAccountCredentials(string resourceId = null, string primaryKey = null, string secondaryKey = null) + { + return new StorageAccountCredentials(resourceId, primaryKey, secondaryKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerRegistryCredentials. + /// The ACR login server name. User name is the first part of the FQDN. + /// The ACR primary password. + /// The ACR secondary password. + /// The ACR login username. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerRegistryCredentials ContainerRegistryCredentials(string loginServer = null, string password = null, string password2 = null, string username = null) + { + return new ContainerRegistryCredentials(loginServer, password, password2, username); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ContainerServiceCredentials. + /// The ACS kube config file. + /// Service principal configuration used by Kubernetes. + /// The ACR image pull secret name which was created in Kubernetes. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ContainerServiceCredentials ContainerServiceCredentials(string acsKubeConfig = null, ServicePrincipalProperties servicePrincipalConfiguration = null, string imagePullSecretName = null) + { + return new ContainerServiceCredentials(acsKubeConfig, servicePrincipalConfiguration, imagePullSecretName); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AppInsightsCredentials. + /// The AppInsights application ID. + /// The AppInsights instrumentation key. This is not returned in response of GET/PUT on the resource. To see this please call listKeys API. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AppInsightsCredentials AppInsightsCredentials(string appId = null, string instrumentationKey = null) + { + return new AppInsightsCredentials(appId, instrumentationKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of CheckSystemServicesUpdatesAvailableResponse. + /// Yes if updates are available for the system services, No if not. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static CheckSystemServicesUpdatesAvailableResponse CheckSystemServicesUpdatesAvailableResponse(UpdatesAvailable? updatesAvailable = null) + { + return new CheckSystemServicesUpdatesAvailableResponse(updatesAvailable); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of UpdateSystemServicesResponse. + /// Update status. + /// The date and time when the last system services update was started. + /// The date and time when the last system services update completed. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static UpdateSystemServicesResponse UpdateSystemServicesResponse(OperationStatus? updateStatus = null, DateTimeOffset? updateStartedOn = null, DateTimeOffset? updateCompletedOn = null) + { + return new UpdateSystemServicesResponse(updateStatus, updateStartedOn, updateCompletedOn); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ResourceOperation. + /// Name of this operation. + /// Display of the operation. + /// The operation origin. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ResourceOperation ResourceOperation(string name = null, ResourceOperationDisplay display = null, string origin = null) + { + return new ResourceOperation(name, display, origin); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of ResourceOperationDisplay. + /// The resource provider name. + /// The resource name. + /// The operation. + /// The description of the operation. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static ResourceOperationDisplay ResourceOperationDisplay(string provider = null, string resource = null, string operation = null, string description = null) + { + return new ResourceOperationDisplay(provider, resource, operation, description); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/src/autorest.md b/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/src/autorest.md index ba2cbbed9a551..04206ea4b23cc 100644 --- a/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/machinelearningcompute/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute/src/autorest.md @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: MachineLearningCompute namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearningCompute diff --git a/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/CHANGELOG.md index 7796fd0d1c112..d4a9ca4858e38 100644 --- a/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.2.0-beta.1 (Unreleased) +## 1.2.0-beta.1 (2023-05-30) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.1.1 (2023-05-05) ### Bugs Fixed diff --git a/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/api/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/api/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.netstandard2.0.cs index 3577365d770b8..5b16e99c02640 100644 --- a/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/api/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/api/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -993,6 +993,121 @@ public partial class AmlToken : Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.Mac { public AmlToken() { } } + public static partial class ArmMachineLearningModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.AmlCompute AmlCompute(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.AmlComputeProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.AmlComputeNodeInformation AmlComputeNodeInformation(string nodeId = null, System.Net.IPAddress privateIPAddress = null, System.Net.IPAddress publicIPAddress = null, int? port = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNodeState? nodeState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNodeState?), string runId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.AmlComputeProperties AmlComputeProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOSType? osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOSType?), string vmSize = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVmPriority? vmPriority = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVmPriority?), string virtualMachineImageId = null, bool? isolatedNetwork = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.AmlComputeScaleSettings scaleSettings = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningUserAccountCredentials userAccountCredentials = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier subnetId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningRemoteLoginPortPublicAccess? remoteLoginPortPublicAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningRemoteLoginPortPublicAccess?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAllocationState? allocationState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAllocationState?), System.DateTimeOffset? allocationStateTransitionOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable errors = null, int? currentNodeCount = default(int?), int? targetNodeCount = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNodeStateCounts nodeStateCounts = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = default(bool?), System.BinaryData propertyBag = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.AutoMLJob AutoMLJob(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary services = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus?), string environmentId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary environmentVariables = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary outputs = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobResourceConfiguration resources = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.AutoMLVertical taskDetails = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAksCompute MachineLearningAksCompute(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAksComputeProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAksComputeProperties MachineLearningAksComputeProperties(string clusterFqdn = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable systemServices = null, int? agentCount = default(int?), string agentVmSize = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningClusterPurpose? clusterPurpose = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningClusterPurpose?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSslConfiguration sslConfiguration = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAksNetworkingConfiguration aksNetworkingConfiguration = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningLoadBalancerType? loadBalancerType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningLoadBalancerType?), string loadBalancerSubnet = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAksComputeSecrets MachineLearningAksComputeSecrets(string userKubeConfig = null, string adminKubeConfig = null, string imagePullSecretName = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAssetContainer MachineLearningAssetContainer(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAzureBlobDatastore MachineLearningAzureBlobDatastore(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, bool? isDefault = default(bool?), string accountName = null, string containerName = null, string endpoint = null, string protocol = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity? serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen1Datastore MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen1Datastore(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, bool? isDefault = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity? serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity?), string storeName = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen2Datastore MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen2Datastore(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, bool? isDefault = default(bool?), string accountName = null, string endpoint = null, string filesystem = null, string protocol = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity? serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAzureFileDatastore MachineLearningAzureFileDatastore(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, bool? isDefault = default(bool?), string accountName = null, string endpoint = null, string fileShareName = null, string protocol = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity? serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningBatchDeploymentData MachineLearningBatchDeploymentData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string kind = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBatchDeploymentProperties properties = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSku sku = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBatchDeploymentProperties MachineLearningBatchDeploymentProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCodeConfiguration codeConfiguration = null, string description = null, string environmentId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary environmentVariables = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, string compute = null, int? errorThreshold = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBatchLoggingLevel? loggingLevel = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBatchLoggingLevel?), int? maxConcurrencyPerInstance = default(int?), long? miniBatchSize = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningAssetReferenceBase model = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBatchOutputAction? outputAction = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBatchOutputAction?), string outputFileName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentResourceConfiguration resources = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBatchRetrySettings retrySettings = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningBatchEndpointData MachineLearningBatchEndpointData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string kind = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBatchEndpointProperties properties = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSku sku = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBatchEndpointProperties MachineLearningBatchEndpointProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthMode authMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthMode), string description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthKeys keys = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Uri scoringUri = null, System.Uri swaggerUri = null, string defaultsDeploymentName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningCodeContainerData MachineLearningCodeContainerData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCodeContainerProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCodeContainerProperties MachineLearningCodeContainerProperties(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningCodeVersionData MachineLearningCodeVersionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCodeVersionProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCommandJob MachineLearningCommandJob(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary services = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier codeId = null, string command = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDistributionConfiguration distribution = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier environmentId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary environmentVariables = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary inputs = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCommandJobLimits limits = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary outputs = null, System.BinaryData parameters = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobResourceConfiguration resources = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningComponentContainerData MachineLearningComponentContainerData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComponentContainerProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComponentContainerProperties MachineLearningComponentContainerProperties(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningComponentVersionData MachineLearningComponentVersionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComponentVersionProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningComputeData MachineLearningComputeData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSku sku = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstance MachineLearningComputeInstance(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceApplication MachineLearningComputeInstanceApplication(string displayName = null, System.Uri endpointUri = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceConnectivityEndpoints MachineLearningComputeInstanceConnectivityEndpoints(string publicIPAddress = null, string privateIPAddress = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceContainer MachineLearningComputeInstanceContainer(string name = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceAutosave? autosave = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceAutosave?), string gpu = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNetwork? network = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNetwork?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceEnvironmentInfo environment = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable services = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceCreatedBy MachineLearningComputeInstanceCreatedBy(string userName = null, string userOrgId = null, string userId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataDisk MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataDisk(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCachingType? caching = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCachingType?), int? diskSizeGB = default(int?), int? lun = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningStorageAccountType? storageAccountType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningStorageAccountType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataMount MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataMount(string source = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSourceType? sourceType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSourceType?), string mountName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningMountAction? mountAction = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningMountAction?), string createdBy = null, string mountPath = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningMountState? mountState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningMountState?), System.DateTimeOffset? mountedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string error = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceEnvironmentInfo MachineLearningComputeInstanceEnvironmentInfo(string name = null, string version = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceLastOperation MachineLearningComputeInstanceLastOperation(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOperationName? operationName = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOperationName?), System.DateTimeOffset? operationOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOperationStatus? operationStatus = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOperationStatus?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOperationTrigger? operationTrigger = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOperationTrigger?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceProperties MachineLearningComputeInstanceProperties(string vmSize = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier subnetId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningApplicationSharingPolicy? applicationSharingPolicy = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningApplicationSharingPolicy?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceSshSettings sshSettings = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceConnectivityEndpoints connectivityEndpoints = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable applications = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceCreatedBy createdBy = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable errors = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceState? state = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceState?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceAuthorizationType? computeInstanceAuthorizationType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceAuthorizationType?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceAssignedUser personalComputeInstanceAssignedUser = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScriptsToExecute scripts = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceLastOperation lastOperation = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable schedulesComputeStartStop = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable containers = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable dataDisks = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable dataMounts = null, string versionsRuntime = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeInstanceSshSettings MachineLearningComputeInstanceSshSettings(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSshPublicAccess? sshPublicAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSshPublicAccess?), string adminUserName = null, int? sshPort = default(int?), string adminPublicKey = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeProperties MachineLearningComputeProperties(string computeType = "Unknown", string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeStartStopSchedule MachineLearningComputeStartStopSchedule(string id = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeProvisioningStatus? provisioningStatus = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeProvisioningStatus?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleStatus?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputePowerAction? action = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputePowerAction?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningTriggerType? triggerType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningTriggerType?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningRecurrenceTrigger recurrence = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.CronTrigger cron = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleBase schedule = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningComputeSystemService MachineLearningComputeSystemService(string systemServiceType = null, string publicIPAddress = null, string version = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningContainerRegistryCredentials MachineLearningContainerRegistryCredentials(Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), string username = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable passwords = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatabricksCompute MachineLearningDatabricksCompute(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatabricksProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatabricksComputeSecrets MachineLearningDatabricksComputeSecrets(string databricksAccessToken = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningDataContainerData MachineLearningDataContainerData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDataContainerProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDataContainerProperties MachineLearningDataContainerProperties(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDataType dataType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDataType)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDataFactoryCompute MachineLearningDataFactoryCompute(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDataLakeAnalytics MachineLearningDataLakeAnalytics(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), string dataLakeStoreAccountName = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningDatastoreData MachineLearningDatastoreData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatastoreProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatastoreProperties MachineLearningDatastoreProperties(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, string datastoreType = "Unknown", bool? isDefault = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningDataVersionData MachineLearningDataVersionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDataVersionProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentLogs MachineLearningDeploymentLogs(string content = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDiagnoseResult MachineLearningDiagnoseResult(string code = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDiagnoseResultLevel? level = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDiagnoseResultLevel?), string message = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDiagnoseResultValue MachineLearningDiagnoseResultValue(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable userDefinedRouteResults = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable networkSecurityRuleResults = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable resourceLockResults = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable dnsResolutionResults = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable storageAccountResults = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable keyVaultResults = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable containerRegistryResults = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable applicationInsightsResults = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable otherResults = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthToken MachineLearningEndpointAuthToken(string accessToken = null, System.DateTimeOffset? expireOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? refreshOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string tokenType = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointProperties MachineLearningEndpointProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthMode authMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthMode), string description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthKeys keys = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Uri scoringUri = null, System.Uri swaggerUri = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerData MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerProperties MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerProperties(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionData MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionProperties MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionProperties(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, bool? isAnonymous = default(bool?), bool? isArchived = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.AutoRebuildSetting? autoRebuild = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.AutoRebuildSetting?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBuildContext build = null, string condaFile = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEnvironmentType? environmentType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEnvironmentType?), string image = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningInferenceContainerProperties inferenceConfig = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOperatingSystemType? osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOperatingSystemType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningError MachineLearningError(Azure.ResponseError error = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrice MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrice(double retailPrice = 0, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVmPriceOSType osType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVmPriceOSType), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVmTier vmTier = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVmTier)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrices MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrices(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBillingCurrency billingCurrency = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningBillingCurrency), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningUnitOfMeasure unitOfMeasure = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningUnitOfMeasure), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable values = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningFqdnEndpoint MachineLearningFqdnEndpoint(string domainName = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable endpointDetails = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningFqdnEndpointDetail MachineLearningFqdnEndpointDetail(int? port = default(int?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningFqdnEndpoints MachineLearningFqdnEndpoints(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningFqdnEndpointsProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningFqdnEndpointsProperties MachineLearningFqdnEndpointsProperties(string category = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable endpoints = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningHDInsightCompute MachineLearningHDInsightCompute(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningHDInsightProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningJobData MachineLearningJobData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobProperties MachineLearningJobProperties(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), string jobType = "Unknown", System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary services = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobService MachineLearningJobService(string endpoint = null, string errorMessage = null, string jobServiceType = null, int? port = default(int?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, string status = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningKubernetesCompute MachineLearningKubernetesCompute(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningKubernetesProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningKubernetesOnlineDeployment MachineLearningKubernetesOnlineDeployment(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCodeConfiguration codeConfiguration = null, string description = null, string environmentId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary environmentVariables = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, bool? appInsightsEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEgressPublicNetworkAccessType? egressPublicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEgressPublicNetworkAccessType?), string instanceType = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProbeSettings livenessProbe = null, string model = null, string modelMountPath = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProbeSettings readinessProbe = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineRequestSettings requestSettings = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineScaleSettings scaleSettings = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningContainerResourceRequirements containerResourceRequirements = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningManagedOnlineDeployment MachineLearningManagedOnlineDeployment(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCodeConfiguration codeConfiguration = null, string description = null, string environmentId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary environmentVariables = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, bool? appInsightsEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEgressPublicNetworkAccessType? egressPublicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEgressPublicNetworkAccessType?), string instanceType = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProbeSettings livenessProbe = null, string model = null, string modelMountPath = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProbeSettings readinessProbe = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineRequestSettings requestSettings = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineScaleSettings scaleSettings = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningModelContainerData MachineLearningModelContainerData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningModelContainerProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningModelContainerProperties MachineLearningModelContainerProperties(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningModelVersionData MachineLearningModelVersionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningModelVersionProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNodeStateCounts MachineLearningNodeStateCounts(int? idleNodeCount = default(int?), int? runningNodeCount = default(int?), int? preparingNodeCount = default(int?), int? unusableNodeCount = default(int?), int? leavingNodeCount = default(int?), int? preemptedNodeCount = default(int?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNotebookPreparationError MachineLearningNotebookPreparationError(string errorMessage = null, int? statusCode = default(int?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNotebookResourceInfo MachineLearningNotebookResourceInfo(string fqdn = null, string resourceId = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNotebookPreparationError notebookPreparationError = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentData MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string kind = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentProperties properties = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSku sku = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentProperties MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningCodeConfiguration codeConfiguration = null, string description = null, string environmentId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary environmentVariables = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, bool? appInsightsEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEgressPublicNetworkAccessType? egressPublicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEgressPublicNetworkAccessType?), string endpointComputeType = "Unknown", string instanceType = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProbeSettings livenessProbe = null, string model = null, string modelMountPath = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProbeSettings readinessProbe = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineRequestSettings requestSettings = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineScaleSettings scaleSettings = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningOnlineEndpointData MachineLearningOnlineEndpointData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string kind = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineEndpointProperties properties = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSku sku = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningOnlineEndpointProperties MachineLearningOnlineEndpointProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthMode authMode = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthMode), string description = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointAuthKeys keys = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Uri scoringUri = null, System.Uri swaggerUri = null, string compute = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEndpointProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPublicNetworkAccessType? publicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPublicNetworkAccessType?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary traffic = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPasswordDetail MachineLearningPasswordDetail(string name = null, string value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPipelineJob MachineLearningPipelineJob(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary services = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary inputs = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary jobs = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary outputs = null, System.BinaryData settings = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier sourceJobId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPrivateEndpoint MachineLearningPrivateEndpoint(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier subnetArmId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningPrivateEndpointConnectionData MachineLearningPrivateEndpointConnectionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSku sku = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPrivateEndpoint privateEndpoint = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPrivateLinkServiceConnectionState connectionState = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPrivateLinkResource MachineLearningPrivateLinkResource(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSku sku = null, string groupId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable requiredMembers = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable requiredZoneNames = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningResourceName MachineLearningResourceName(string value = null, string localizedValue = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningResourceQuota MachineLearningResourceQuota(string id = null, string amlWorkspaceLocation = null, string resourceQuotaType = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningResourceName name = null, long? limit = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningQuotaUnit? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningQuotaUnit?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleBase MachineLearningScheduleBase(string id = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleProvisioningState? provisioningStatus = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleStatus?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningScheduleData MachineLearningScheduleData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleProperties MachineLearningScheduleProperties(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleAction action = null, string displayName = null, bool? isEnabled = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleProvisioningStatus? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningScheduleProvisioningStatus?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningTriggerBase trigger = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSkuCapacity MachineLearningSkuCapacity(int? @default = default(int?), int? maximum = default(int?), int? minimum = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSkuScaleType? scaleType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSkuScaleType?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSkuDetail MachineLearningSkuDetail(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSkuCapacity capacity = null, string resourceType = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSkuSetting sku = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSkuSetting MachineLearningSkuSetting(string name = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSkuTier? tier = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSkuTier?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSweepJob MachineLearningSweepJob(string description = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary properties = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = default(bool?), System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary services = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningJobStatus?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEarlyTerminationPolicy earlyTermination = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary inputs = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSweepJobLimits limits = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningObjective objective = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary outputs = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.SamplingAlgorithm samplingAlgorithm = null, System.BinaryData searchSpace = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningTrialComponent trial = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSynapseSpark MachineLearningSynapseSpark(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSynapseSparkProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningUsage MachineLearningUsage(string id = null, string amlWorkspaceLocation = null, string usageType = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningUsageUnit? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningUsageUnit?), long? currentValue = default(long?), long? limit = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningUsageName name = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningUsageName MachineLearningUsageName(string value = null, string localizedValue = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningUserFeature MachineLearningUserFeature(string id = null, string displayName = null, string description = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVirtualMachineCompute MachineLearningVirtualMachineCompute(string computeLocation = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), string description = null, System.DateTimeOffset? createdOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = default(bool?), bool? disableLocalAuth = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVirtualMachineProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVirtualMachineSecrets MachineLearningVirtualMachineSecrets(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVmSshCredentials administratorAccount = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningVmSize MachineLearningVmSize(string name = null, string family = null, int? vCpus = default(int?), int? gpus = default(int?), int? osVhdSizeMB = default(int?), int? maxResourceVolumeMB = default(int?), double? memoryGB = default(double?), bool? lowPriorityCapable = default(bool?), bool? isPremiumIOSupported = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrices estimatedVmPrices = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable supportedComputeTypes = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningWorkspaceConnectionData MachineLearningWorkspaceConnectionData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceConnectionProperties properties = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.MachineLearningWorkspaceData MachineLearningWorkspaceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningSku sku = null, string workspaceId = null, string description = null, string friendlyName = null, string keyVault = null, string applicationInsights = null, string containerRegistry = null, string storageAccount = null, System.Uri discoveryUri = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningProvisioningState?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningEncryptionSetting encryption = null, bool? isHbiWorkspace = default(bool?), string serviceProvisionedResourceGroup = null, int? privateLinkCount = default(int?), string imageBuildCompute = null, bool? allowPublicAccessWhenBehindVnet = default(bool?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningPublicNetworkAccess?), System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable privateEndpointConnections = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable sharedPrivateLinkResources = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningNotebookResourceInfo notebookInfo = null, int? cosmosDbCollectionsThroughput = default(int?), string primaryUserAssignedIdentity = null, System.Guid? tenantId = default(System.Guid?), bool? isStorageHnsEnabled = default(bool?), System.Uri mlFlowTrackingUri = null, bool? isV1LegacyMode = default(bool?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceDiagnoseResult MachineLearningWorkspaceDiagnoseResult(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningDiagnoseResultValue value = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceGetKeysResult MachineLearningWorkspaceGetKeysResult(string userStorageKey = null, string userStorageResourceId = null, string appInsightsInstrumentationKey = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningContainerRegistryCredentials containerRegistryCredentials = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceGetNotebookKeysResult notebookAccessKeys = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceGetNotebookKeysResult MachineLearningWorkspaceGetNotebookKeysResult(string primaryAccessKey = null, string secondaryAccessKey = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceGetStorageAccountKeysResult MachineLearningWorkspaceGetStorageAccountKeysResult(string userStorageKey = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceNotebookAccessTokenResult MachineLearningWorkspaceNotebookAccessTokenResult(string notebookResourceId = null, string hostName = null, string publicDns = null, string accessToken = null, string tokenType = null, int? expiresIn = default(int?), string refreshToken = null, string scope = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceQuotaUpdate MachineLearningWorkspaceQuotaUpdate(string id = null, string updateWorkspaceQuotasType = null, long? limit = default(long?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningQuotaUnit? unit = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningQuotaUnit?), Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceQuotaStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningWorkspaceQuotaStatus?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.TextClassificationMultilabel TextClassificationMultilabel(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningLogVerbosity? logVerbosity = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningLogVerbosity?), string targetColumnName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningTableJobInput trainingData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.ClassificationMultilabelPrimaryMetric? primaryMetric = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.ClassificationMultilabelPrimaryMetric?), string featurizationDatasetLanguage = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.NlpVerticalLimitSettings limitSettings = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningTableJobInput validationData = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.TextNer TextNer(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningLogVerbosity? logVerbosity = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningLogVerbosity?), string targetColumnName = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningTableJobInput trainingData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.ClassificationPrimaryMetric? primaryMetric = default(Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.ClassificationPrimaryMetric?), string featurizationDatasetLanguage = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.NlpVerticalLimitSettings limitSettings = null, Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.MachineLearningTableJobInput validationData = null) { throw null; } + } public partial class AutoForecastHorizon : Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models.ForecastHorizon { public AutoForecastHorizon() { } diff --git a/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/src/Generated/ArmMachineLearningModelFactory.cs b/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/src/Generated/ArmMachineLearningModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..88bd12807428c --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/src/Generated/ArmMachineLearningModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,1973 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using System.Linq; +using System.Net; +using Azure; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmMachineLearningModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningError. + /// The error object. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningError MachineLearningError(ResponseError error = null) + { + return new MachineLearningError(error); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningWorkspaceData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The identity of the resource. + /// The sku of the workspace. + /// The immutable id associated with this workspace. + /// The description of this workspace. + /// The friendly name for this workspace. This name in mutable. + /// ARM id of the key vault associated with this workspace. This cannot be changed once the workspace has been created. + /// ARM id of the application insights associated with this workspace. + /// ARM id of the container registry associated with this workspace. + /// ARM id of the storage account associated with this workspace. This cannot be changed once the workspace has been created. + /// Url for the discovery service to identify regional endpoints for machine learning experimentation services. + /// The current deployment state of workspace resource. The provisioningState is to indicate states for resource provisioning. + /// The encryption settings of Azure ML workspace. + /// The flag to signal HBI data in the workspace and reduce diagnostic data collected by the service. + /// The name of the managed resource group created by workspace RP in customer subscription if the workspace is CMK workspace. + /// Count of private connections in the workspace. + /// The compute name for image build. + /// The flag to indicate whether to allow public access when behind VNet. + /// Whether requests from Public Network are allowed. + /// The list of private endpoint connections in the workspace. + /// The list of shared private link resources in this workspace. + /// The notebook info of Azure ML workspace. + /// The service managed resource settings. + /// The user assigned identity resource id that represents the workspace identity. + /// The tenant id associated with this workspace. + /// If the storage associated with the workspace has hierarchical namespace(HNS) enabled. + /// The URI associated with this workspace that machine learning flow must point at to set up tracking. + /// Enabling v1_legacy_mode may prevent you from using features provided by the v2 API. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningWorkspaceData MachineLearningWorkspaceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, MachineLearningSku sku = null, string workspaceId = null, string description = null, string friendlyName = null, string keyVault = null, string applicationInsights = null, string containerRegistry = null, string storageAccount = null, Uri discoveryUri = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, MachineLearningEncryptionSetting encryption = null, bool? isHbiWorkspace = null, string serviceProvisionedResourceGroup = null, int? privateLinkCount = null, string imageBuildCompute = null, bool? allowPublicAccessWhenBehindVnet = null, MachineLearningPublicNetworkAccess? publicNetworkAccess = null, IEnumerable privateEndpointConnections = null, IEnumerable sharedPrivateLinkResources = null, MachineLearningNotebookResourceInfo notebookInfo = null, int? cosmosDbCollectionsThroughput = null, string primaryUserAssignedIdentity = null, Guid? tenantId = null, bool? isStorageHnsEnabled = null, Uri mlFlowTrackingUri = null, bool? isV1LegacyMode = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + privateEndpointConnections ??= new List(); + sharedPrivateLinkResources ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningWorkspaceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, sku, workspaceId, description, friendlyName, keyVault, applicationInsights, containerRegistry, storageAccount, discoveryUri, provisioningState, encryption, isHbiWorkspace, serviceProvisionedResourceGroup, privateLinkCount, imageBuildCompute, allowPublicAccessWhenBehindVnet, publicNetworkAccess, privateEndpointConnections?.ToList(), sharedPrivateLinkResources?.ToList(), notebookInfo, cosmosDbCollectionsThroughput != null ? new ServiceManagedResourcesSettings(new CosmosDbSettings(cosmosDbCollectionsThroughput)) : null, primaryUserAssignedIdentity, tenantId, isStorageHnsEnabled, mlFlowTrackingUri, isV1LegacyMode); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningPrivateEndpointConnectionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The identity of the resource. + /// The sku of the workspace. + /// The resource of private end point. + /// A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider. + /// The provisioning state of the private endpoint connection resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningPrivateEndpointConnectionData MachineLearningPrivateEndpointConnectionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, MachineLearningSku sku = null, MachineLearningPrivateEndpoint privateEndpoint = null, MachineLearningPrivateLinkServiceConnectionState connectionState = null, MachineLearningPrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningPrivateEndpointConnectionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, sku, privateEndpoint, connectionState, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningPrivateEndpoint. + /// The ARM identifier for Private Endpoint. + /// The ARM identifier for Subnet resource that private endpoint links to. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningPrivateEndpoint MachineLearningPrivateEndpoint(ResourceIdentifier id = null, ResourceIdentifier subnetArmId = null) + { + return new MachineLearningPrivateEndpoint(id, subnetArmId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningNotebookResourceInfo. + /// + /// the data plane resourceId that used to initialize notebook component. + /// The error that occurs when preparing notebook. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningNotebookResourceInfo MachineLearningNotebookResourceInfo(string fqdn = null, string resourceId = null, MachineLearningNotebookPreparationError notebookPreparationError = null) + { + return new MachineLearningNotebookResourceInfo(fqdn, resourceId, notebookPreparationError); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningNotebookPreparationError. + /// + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningNotebookPreparationError MachineLearningNotebookPreparationError(string errorMessage = null, int? statusCode = null) + { + return new MachineLearningNotebookPreparationError(errorMessage, statusCode); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningWorkspaceDiagnoseResult. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningWorkspaceDiagnoseResult MachineLearningWorkspaceDiagnoseResult(MachineLearningDiagnoseResultValue value = null) + { + return new MachineLearningWorkspaceDiagnoseResult(value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDiagnoseResultValue. + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDiagnoseResultValue MachineLearningDiagnoseResultValue(IEnumerable userDefinedRouteResults = null, IEnumerable networkSecurityRuleResults = null, IEnumerable resourceLockResults = null, IEnumerable dnsResolutionResults = null, IEnumerable storageAccountResults = null, IEnumerable keyVaultResults = null, IEnumerable containerRegistryResults = null, IEnumerable applicationInsightsResults = null, IEnumerable otherResults = null) + { + userDefinedRouteResults ??= new List(); + networkSecurityRuleResults ??= new List(); + resourceLockResults ??= new List(); + dnsResolutionResults ??= new List(); + storageAccountResults ??= new List(); + keyVaultResults ??= new List(); + containerRegistryResults ??= new List(); + applicationInsightsResults ??= new List(); + otherResults ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningDiagnoseResultValue(userDefinedRouteResults?.ToList(), networkSecurityRuleResults?.ToList(), resourceLockResults?.ToList(), dnsResolutionResults?.ToList(), storageAccountResults?.ToList(), keyVaultResults?.ToList(), containerRegistryResults?.ToList(), applicationInsightsResults?.ToList(), otherResults?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDiagnoseResult. + /// Code for workspace setup error. + /// Level of workspace setup error. + /// Message of workspace setup error. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDiagnoseResult MachineLearningDiagnoseResult(string code = null, MachineLearningDiagnoseResultLevel? level = null, string message = null) + { + return new MachineLearningDiagnoseResult(code, level, message); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningWorkspaceGetKeysResult. + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningWorkspaceGetKeysResult MachineLearningWorkspaceGetKeysResult(string userStorageKey = null, string userStorageResourceId = null, string appInsightsInstrumentationKey = null, MachineLearningContainerRegistryCredentials containerRegistryCredentials = null, MachineLearningWorkspaceGetNotebookKeysResult notebookAccessKeys = null) + { + return new MachineLearningWorkspaceGetKeysResult(userStorageKey, userStorageResourceId, appInsightsInstrumentationKey, containerRegistryCredentials, notebookAccessKeys); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningContainerRegistryCredentials. + /// + /// + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningContainerRegistryCredentials MachineLearningContainerRegistryCredentials(AzureLocation? location = null, string username = null, IEnumerable passwords = null) + { + passwords ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningContainerRegistryCredentials(location, username, passwords?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningPasswordDetail. + /// + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningPasswordDetail MachineLearningPasswordDetail(string name = null, string value = null) + { + return new MachineLearningPasswordDetail(name, value); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningWorkspaceGetNotebookKeysResult. + /// + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningWorkspaceGetNotebookKeysResult MachineLearningWorkspaceGetNotebookKeysResult(string primaryAccessKey = null, string secondaryAccessKey = null) + { + return new MachineLearningWorkspaceGetNotebookKeysResult(primaryAccessKey, secondaryAccessKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningUsage. + /// Specifies the resource ID. + /// Region of the AML workspace in the id. + /// Specifies the resource type. + /// An enum describing the unit of usage measurement. + /// The current usage of the resource. + /// The maximum permitted usage of the resource. + /// The name of the type of usage. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningUsage MachineLearningUsage(string id = null, string amlWorkspaceLocation = null, string usageType = null, MachineLearningUsageUnit? unit = null, long? currentValue = null, long? limit = null, MachineLearningUsageName name = null) + { + return new MachineLearningUsage(id, amlWorkspaceLocation, usageType, unit, currentValue, limit, name); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningUsageName. + /// The name of the resource. + /// The localized name of the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningUsageName MachineLearningUsageName(string value = null, string localizedValue = null) + { + return new MachineLearningUsageName(value, localizedValue); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningVmSize. + /// The name of the virtual machine size. + /// The family name of the virtual machine size. + /// The number of vCPUs supported by the virtual machine size. + /// The number of gPUs supported by the virtual machine size. + /// The OS VHD disk size, in MB, allowed by the virtual machine size. + /// The resource volume size, in MB, allowed by the virtual machine size. + /// The amount of memory, in GB, supported by the virtual machine size. + /// Specifies if the virtual machine size supports low priority VMs. + /// Specifies if the virtual machine size supports premium IO. + /// The estimated price information for using a VM. + /// Specifies the compute types supported by the virtual machine size. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningVmSize MachineLearningVmSize(string name = null, string family = null, int? vCpus = null, int? gpus = null, int? osVhdSizeMB = null, int? maxResourceVolumeMB = null, double? memoryGB = null, bool? lowPriorityCapable = null, bool? isPremiumIOSupported = null, MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrices estimatedVmPrices = null, IEnumerable supportedComputeTypes = null) + { + supportedComputeTypes ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningVmSize(name, family, vCpus, gpus, osVhdSizeMB, maxResourceVolumeMB, memoryGB, lowPriorityCapable, isPremiumIOSupported, estimatedVmPrices, supportedComputeTypes?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrices. + /// Three lettered code specifying the currency of the VM price. Example: USD. + /// The unit of time measurement for the specified VM price. Example: OneHour. + /// The list of estimated prices for using a VM of a particular OS type, tier, etc. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrices MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrices(MachineLearningBillingCurrency billingCurrency = default, MachineLearningUnitOfMeasure unitOfMeasure = default, IEnumerable values = null) + { + values ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrices(billingCurrency, unitOfMeasure, values?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrice. + /// The price charged for using the VM. + /// Operating system type used by the VM. + /// The type of the VM. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrice MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrice(double retailPrice = default, MachineLearningVmPriceOSType osType = default, MachineLearningVmTier vmTier = default) + { + return new MachineLearningEstimatedVmPrice(retailPrice, osType, vmTier); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningWorkspaceQuotaUpdate. + /// Specifies the resource ID. + /// Specifies the resource type. + /// The maximum permitted quota of the resource. + /// An enum describing the unit of quota measurement. + /// Status of update workspace quota. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningWorkspaceQuotaUpdate MachineLearningWorkspaceQuotaUpdate(string id = null, string updateWorkspaceQuotasType = null, long? limit = null, MachineLearningQuotaUnit? unit = null, MachineLearningWorkspaceQuotaStatus? status = null) + { + return new MachineLearningWorkspaceQuotaUpdate(id, updateWorkspaceQuotasType, limit, unit, status); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningResourceQuota. + /// Specifies the resource ID. + /// Region of the AML workspace in the id. + /// Specifies the resource type. + /// Name of the resource. + /// The maximum permitted quota of the resource. + /// An enum describing the unit of quota measurement. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningResourceQuota MachineLearningResourceQuota(string id = null, string amlWorkspaceLocation = null, string resourceQuotaType = null, MachineLearningResourceName name = null, long? limit = null, MachineLearningQuotaUnit? unit = null) + { + return new MachineLearningResourceQuota(id, amlWorkspaceLocation, resourceQuotaType, name, limit, unit); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningResourceName. + /// The name of the resource. + /// The localized name of the resource. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningResourceName MachineLearningResourceName(string value = null, string localizedValue = null) + { + return new MachineLearningResourceName(value, localizedValue); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The identity of the resource. + /// The sku of the workspace. + /// + /// Compute properties + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , , , , , , and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeData MachineLearningComputeData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, MachineLearningSku sku = null, MachineLearningComputeProperties properties = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningComputeData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, sku, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeProperties. + /// The type of compute. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeProperties MachineLearningComputeProperties(string computeType = "Unknown", string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new UnknownCompute(computeType, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AmlComputeNodeInformation. + /// ID of the compute node. + /// Private IP address of the compute node. + /// Public IP address of the compute node. + /// SSH port number of the node. + /// State of the compute node. Values are idle, running, preparing, unusable, leaving and preempted. + /// ID of the Experiment running on the node, if any else null. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AmlComputeNodeInformation AmlComputeNodeInformation(string nodeId = null, IPAddress privateIPAddress = null, IPAddress publicIPAddress = null, int? port = null, MachineLearningNodeState? nodeState = null, string runId = null) + { + return new AmlComputeNodeInformation(nodeId, privateIPAddress, publicIPAddress, port, nodeState, runId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningWorkspaceNotebookAccessTokenResult. + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningWorkspaceNotebookAccessTokenResult MachineLearningWorkspaceNotebookAccessTokenResult(string notebookResourceId = null, string hostName = null, string publicDns = null, string accessToken = null, string tokenType = null, int? expiresIn = null, string refreshToken = null, string scope = null) + { + return new MachineLearningWorkspaceNotebookAccessTokenResult(notebookResourceId, hostName, publicDns, accessToken, tokenType, expiresIn, refreshToken, scope); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningPrivateLinkResource. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// The identity of the resource. + /// The sku of the workspace. + /// The private link resource group id. + /// The private link resource required member names. + /// The private link resource Private link DNS zone name. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningPrivateLinkResource MachineLearningPrivateLinkResource(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, MachineLearningSku sku = null, string groupId = null, IEnumerable requiredMembers = null, IEnumerable requiredZoneNames = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + requiredMembers ??= new List(); + requiredZoneNames ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningPrivateLinkResource(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, sku, groupId, requiredMembers?.ToList(), requiredZoneNames?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningWorkspaceGetStorageAccountKeysResult. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningWorkspaceGetStorageAccountKeysResult MachineLearningWorkspaceGetStorageAccountKeysResult(string userStorageKey = null) + { + return new MachineLearningWorkspaceGetStorageAccountKeysResult(userStorageKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningWorkspaceConnectionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningWorkspaceConnectionData MachineLearningWorkspaceConnectionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningWorkspaceConnectionProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningWorkspaceConnectionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningFqdnEndpoints. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningFqdnEndpoints MachineLearningFqdnEndpoints(MachineLearningFqdnEndpointsProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningFqdnEndpoints(properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningFqdnEndpointsProperties. + /// + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningFqdnEndpointsProperties MachineLearningFqdnEndpointsProperties(string category = null, IEnumerable endpoints = null) + { + endpoints ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningFqdnEndpointsProperties(category, endpoints?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningFqdnEndpoint. + /// + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningFqdnEndpoint MachineLearningFqdnEndpoint(string domainName = null, IEnumerable endpointDetails = null) + { + endpointDetails ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningFqdnEndpoint(domainName, endpointDetails?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningFqdnEndpointDetail. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningFqdnEndpointDetail MachineLearningFqdnEndpointDetail(int? port = null) + { + return new MachineLearningFqdnEndpointDetail(port); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningBatchEndpointData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities). + /// Metadata used by portal/tooling/etc to render different UX experiences for resources of the same type. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// Sku details required for ARM contract for Autoscaling. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningBatchEndpointData MachineLearningBatchEndpointData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string kind = null, MachineLearningBatchEndpointProperties properties = null, MachineLearningSku sku = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningBatchEndpointData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, kind, properties, sku); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningBatchEndpointProperties. + /// [Required] Use 'Key' for key based authentication and 'AMLToken' for Azure Machine Learning token-based authentication. 'Key' doesn't expire but 'AMLToken' does. + /// Description of the inference endpoint. + /// + /// EndpointAuthKeys to set initially on an Endpoint. + /// This property will always be returned as null. AuthKey values must be retrieved using the ListKeys API. + /// + /// Property dictionary. Properties can be added, but not removed or altered. + /// Endpoint URI. + /// Endpoint Swagger URI. + /// Default values for Batch Endpoint. + /// Provisioning state for the endpoint. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningBatchEndpointProperties MachineLearningBatchEndpointProperties(MachineLearningEndpointAuthMode authMode = default, string description = null, MachineLearningEndpointAuthKeys keys = null, IDictionary properties = null, Uri scoringUri = null, Uri swaggerUri = null, string defaultsDeploymentName = null, MachineLearningEndpointProvisioningState? provisioningState = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningBatchEndpointProperties(authMode, description, keys, properties, scoringUri, swaggerUri, defaultsDeploymentName != null ? new BatchEndpointDefaults(defaultsDeploymentName) : null, provisioningState); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningEndpointProperties. + /// [Required] Use 'Key' for key based authentication and 'AMLToken' for Azure Machine Learning token-based authentication. 'Key' doesn't expire but 'AMLToken' does. + /// Description of the inference endpoint. + /// + /// EndpointAuthKeys to set initially on an Endpoint. + /// This property will always be returned as null. AuthKey values must be retrieved using the ListKeys API. + /// + /// Property dictionary. Properties can be added, but not removed or altered. + /// Endpoint URI. + /// Endpoint Swagger URI. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningEndpointProperties MachineLearningEndpointProperties(MachineLearningEndpointAuthMode authMode = default, string description = null, MachineLearningEndpointAuthKeys keys = null, IDictionary properties = null, Uri scoringUri = null, Uri swaggerUri = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningEndpointProperties(authMode, description, keys, properties, scoringUri, swaggerUri); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningBatchDeploymentData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities). + /// Metadata used by portal/tooling/etc to render different UX experiences for resources of the same type. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// Sku details required for ARM contract for Autoscaling. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningBatchDeploymentData MachineLearningBatchDeploymentData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string kind = null, MachineLearningBatchDeploymentProperties properties = null, MachineLearningSku sku = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningBatchDeploymentData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, kind, properties, sku); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningBatchDeploymentProperties. + /// Code configuration for the endpoint deployment. + /// Description of the endpoint deployment. + /// ARM resource ID or AssetId of the environment specification for the endpoint deployment. + /// Environment variables configuration for the deployment. + /// Property dictionary. Properties can be added, but not removed or altered. + /// Compute target for batch inference operation. + /// + /// Error threshold, if the error count for the entire input goes above this value, + /// the batch inference will be aborted. Range is [-1, int.MaxValue]. + /// For FileDataset, this value is the count of file failures. + /// For TabularDataset, this value is the count of record failures. + /// If set to -1 (the lower bound), all failures during batch inference will be ignored. + /// + /// Logging level for batch inference operation. + /// Indicates maximum number of parallelism per instance. + /// + /// Size of the mini-batch passed to each batch invocation. + /// For FileDataset, this is the number of files per mini-batch. + /// For TabularDataset, this is the size of the records in bytes, per mini-batch. + /// + /// + /// Reference to the model asset for the endpoint deployment. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// Indicates how the output will be organized. + /// Customized output file name for append_row output action. + /// Provisioning state for the endpoint deployment. + /// + /// Indicates compute configuration for the job. + /// If not provided, will default to the defaults defined in ResourceConfiguration. + /// + /// + /// Retry Settings for the batch inference operation. + /// If not provided, will default to the defaults defined in BatchRetrySettings. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningBatchDeploymentProperties MachineLearningBatchDeploymentProperties(MachineLearningCodeConfiguration codeConfiguration = null, string description = null, string environmentId = null, IDictionary environmentVariables = null, IDictionary properties = null, string compute = null, int? errorThreshold = null, MachineLearningBatchLoggingLevel? loggingLevel = null, int? maxConcurrencyPerInstance = null, long? miniBatchSize = null, MachineLearningAssetReferenceBase model = null, MachineLearningBatchOutputAction? outputAction = null, string outputFileName = null, MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, MachineLearningDeploymentResourceConfiguration resources = null, MachineLearningBatchRetrySettings retrySettings = null) + { + environmentVariables ??= new Dictionary(); + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningBatchDeploymentProperties(codeConfiguration, description, environmentId, environmentVariables, properties, compute, errorThreshold, loggingLevel, maxConcurrencyPerInstance, miniBatchSize, model, outputAction, outputFileName, provisioningState, resources, retrySettings); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningCodeContainerData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningCodeContainerData MachineLearningCodeContainerData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningCodeContainerProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningCodeContainerData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningCodeContainerProperties. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// The latest version inside this container. + /// The next auto incremental version. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningCodeContainerProperties MachineLearningCodeContainerProperties(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = null, string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningCodeContainerProperties(description, properties, tags, isArchived, latestVersion, nextVersion); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningAssetContainer. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// The latest version inside this container. + /// The next auto incremental version. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningAssetContainer MachineLearningAssetContainer(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = null, string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningAssetContainer(description, properties, tags, isArchived, latestVersion, nextVersion); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningCodeVersionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningCodeVersionData MachineLearningCodeVersionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningCodeVersionProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningCodeVersionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComponentContainerData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComponentContainerData MachineLearningComponentContainerData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningComponentContainerProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComponentContainerData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComponentContainerProperties. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// The latest version inside this container. + /// The next auto incremental version. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComponentContainerProperties MachineLearningComponentContainerProperties(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = null, string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningComponentContainerProperties(description, properties, tags, isArchived, latestVersion, nextVersion); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComponentVersionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComponentVersionData MachineLearningComponentVersionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningComponentVersionProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComponentVersionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDataContainerData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDataContainerData MachineLearningDataContainerData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningDataContainerProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningDataContainerData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDataContainerProperties. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// The latest version inside this container. + /// The next auto incremental version. + /// [Required] Specifies the type of data. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDataContainerProperties MachineLearningDataContainerProperties(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = null, string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null, MachineLearningDataType dataType = default) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningDataContainerProperties(description, properties, tags, isArchived, latestVersion, nextVersion, dataType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDataVersionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDataVersionData MachineLearningDataVersionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningDataVersionProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningDataVersionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDatastoreData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDatastoreData MachineLearningDatastoreData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningDatastoreProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningDatastoreData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDatastoreProperties. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// + /// [Required] Account credentials. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , and . + /// + /// [Required] Storage type backing the datastore. + /// Readonly property to indicate if datastore is the workspace default datastore. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDatastoreProperties MachineLearningDatastoreProperties(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, string datastoreType = "Unknown", bool? isDefault = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningDatastoreProperties(description, properties, tags, credentials, datastoreType, isDefault); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerData MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerProperties. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// The latest version inside this container. + /// The next auto incremental version. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerProperties MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerProperties(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = null, string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningEnvironmentContainerProperties(description, properties, tags, isArchived, latestVersion, nextVersion); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionData MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionProperties. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// If the name version are system generated (anonymous registration). + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// Defines if image needs to be rebuilt based on base image changes. + /// Configuration settings for Docker build context. + /// + /// Standard configuration file used by Conda that lets you install any kind of package, including Python, R, and C/C++ packages. + /// <see href="https://repo2docker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/config_files.html#environment-yml-install-a-conda-environment" /> + /// + /// + /// Environment type is either user managed or curated by the Azure ML service + /// <see href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/resource-curated-environments" /> + /// + /// + /// Name of the image that will be used for the environment. + /// <seealso href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/machine-learning/how-to-deploy-custom-docker-image#use-a-custom-base-image" /> + /// + /// Defines configuration specific to inference. + /// The OS type of the environment. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionProperties MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionProperties(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, bool? isAnonymous = null, bool? isArchived = null, AutoRebuildSetting? autoRebuild = null, MachineLearningBuildContext build = null, string condaFile = null, MachineLearningEnvironmentType? environmentType = null, string image = null, MachineLearningInferenceContainerProperties inferenceConfig = null, MachineLearningOperatingSystemType? osType = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningEnvironmentVersionProperties(description, properties, tags, isAnonymous, isArchived, autoRebuild, build, condaFile, environmentType, image, inferenceConfig, osType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningJobData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningJobData MachineLearningJobData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningJobProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningJobData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningJobProperties. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// ARM resource ID of the component resource. + /// ARM resource ID of the compute resource. + /// Display name of job. + /// The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. + /// + /// Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null. + /// Defaults to AmlToken if null. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// [Required] Specifies the type of job. + /// + /// List of JobEndpoints. + /// For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject. + /// + /// Status of the job. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningJobProperties MachineLearningJobProperties(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = null, string jobType = "Unknown", IDictionary services = null, MachineLearningJobStatus? status = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + services ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningJobProperties(description, properties, tags, componentId, computeId, displayName, experimentName, identity, isArchived, jobType, services, status); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningJobService. + /// Url for endpoint. + /// Any error in the service. + /// Endpoint type. + /// Port for endpoint. + /// Additional properties to set on the endpoint. + /// Status of endpoint. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningJobService MachineLearningJobService(string endpoint = null, string errorMessage = null, string jobServiceType = null, int? port = null, IDictionary properties = null, string status = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningJobService(endpoint, errorMessage, jobServiceType, port, properties, status); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningModelContainerData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningModelContainerData MachineLearningModelContainerData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningModelContainerProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningModelContainerData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningModelContainerProperties. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// The latest version inside this container. + /// The next auto incremental version. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningModelContainerProperties MachineLearningModelContainerProperties(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, bool? isArchived = null, string latestVersion = null, string nextVersion = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningModelContainerProperties(description, properties, tags, isArchived, latestVersion, nextVersion); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningModelVersionData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningModelVersionData MachineLearningModelVersionData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningModelVersionProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningModelVersionData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningOnlineEndpointData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities). + /// Metadata used by portal/tooling/etc to render different UX experiences for resources of the same type. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// Sku details required for ARM contract for Autoscaling. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningOnlineEndpointData MachineLearningOnlineEndpointData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string kind = null, MachineLearningOnlineEndpointProperties properties = null, MachineLearningSku sku = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningOnlineEndpointData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, kind, properties, sku); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningOnlineEndpointProperties. + /// [Required] Use 'Key' for key based authentication and 'AMLToken' for Azure Machine Learning token-based authentication. 'Key' doesn't expire but 'AMLToken' does. + /// Description of the inference endpoint. + /// + /// EndpointAuthKeys to set initially on an Endpoint. + /// This property will always be returned as null. AuthKey values must be retrieved using the ListKeys API. + /// + /// Property dictionary. Properties can be added, but not removed or altered. + /// Endpoint URI. + /// Endpoint Swagger URI. + /// + /// ARM resource ID of the compute if it exists. + /// optional + /// + /// Provisioning state for the endpoint. + /// Set to "Enabled" for endpoints that should allow public access when Private Link is enabled. + /// Percentage of traffic from endpoint to divert to each deployment. Traffic values need to sum to 100. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningOnlineEndpointProperties MachineLearningOnlineEndpointProperties(MachineLearningEndpointAuthMode authMode = default, string description = null, MachineLearningEndpointAuthKeys keys = null, IDictionary properties = null, Uri scoringUri = null, Uri swaggerUri = null, string compute = null, MachineLearningEndpointProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, MachineLearningPublicNetworkAccessType? publicNetworkAccess = null, IDictionary traffic = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + traffic ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningOnlineEndpointProperties(authMode, description, keys, properties, scoringUri, swaggerUri, compute, provisioningState, publicNetworkAccess, traffic); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Managed service identity (system assigned and/or user assigned identities). + /// Metadata used by portal/tooling/etc to render different UX experiences for resources of the same type. + /// + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include and . + /// + /// Sku details required for ARM contract for Autoscaling. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentData MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, ManagedServiceIdentity identity = null, string kind = null, MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentProperties properties = null, MachineLearningSku sku = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, identity, kind, properties, sku); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentProperties. + /// Code configuration for the endpoint deployment. + /// Description of the endpoint deployment. + /// ARM resource ID or AssetId of the environment specification for the endpoint deployment. + /// Environment variables configuration for the deployment. + /// Property dictionary. Properties can be added, but not removed or altered. + /// If true, enables Application Insights logging. + /// If Enabled, allow egress public network access. If Disabled, this will create secure egress. Default: Enabled. + /// [Required] The compute type of the endpoint. + /// Compute instance type. + /// Liveness probe monitors the health of the container regularly. + /// The URI path to the model. + /// The path to mount the model in custom container. + /// Provisioning state for the endpoint deployment. + /// Readiness probe validates if the container is ready to serve traffic. The properties and defaults are the same as liveness probe. + /// Request settings for the deployment. + /// + /// Scale settings for the deployment. + /// If it is null or not provided, + /// it defaults to TargetUtilizationScaleSettings for KubernetesOnlineDeployment + /// and to DefaultScaleSettings for ManagedOnlineDeployment. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentProperties MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentProperties(MachineLearningCodeConfiguration codeConfiguration = null, string description = null, string environmentId = null, IDictionary environmentVariables = null, IDictionary properties = null, bool? appInsightsEnabled = null, MachineLearningEgressPublicNetworkAccessType? egressPublicNetworkAccess = null, string endpointComputeType = "Unknown", string instanceType = null, MachineLearningProbeSettings livenessProbe = null, string model = null, string modelMountPath = null, MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, MachineLearningProbeSettings readinessProbe = null, MachineLearningOnlineRequestSettings requestSettings = null, MachineLearningOnlineScaleSettings scaleSettings = null) + { + environmentVariables ??= new Dictionary(); + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningOnlineDeploymentProperties(codeConfiguration, description, environmentId, environmentVariables, properties, appInsightsEnabled, egressPublicNetworkAccess, endpointComputeType, instanceType, livenessProbe, model, modelMountPath, provisioningState, readinessProbe, requestSettings, scaleSettings); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDeploymentLogs. + /// The retrieved online deployment logs. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDeploymentLogs MachineLearningDeploymentLogs(string content = null) + { + return new MachineLearningDeploymentLogs(content); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningSkuDetail. + /// Gets or sets the Sku Capacity. + /// The resource type name. + /// Gets or sets the Sku. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningSkuDetail MachineLearningSkuDetail(MachineLearningSkuCapacity capacity = null, string resourceType = null, MachineLearningSkuSetting sku = null) + { + return new MachineLearningSkuDetail(capacity, resourceType, sku); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningSkuCapacity. + /// Gets or sets the default capacity. + /// Gets or sets the maximum. + /// Gets or sets the minimum. + /// Gets or sets the type of the scale. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningSkuCapacity MachineLearningSkuCapacity(int? @default = null, int? maximum = null, int? minimum = null, MachineLearningSkuScaleType? scaleType = null) + { + return new MachineLearningSkuCapacity(@default, maximum, minimum, scaleType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningSkuSetting. + /// [Required] The name of the SKU. Ex - P3. It is typically a letter+number code. + /// This field is required to be implemented by the Resource Provider if the service has more than one tier, but is not required on a PUT. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningSkuSetting MachineLearningSkuSetting(string name = null, MachineLearningSkuTier? tier = null) + { + return new MachineLearningSkuSetting(name, tier); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningEndpointAuthToken. + /// Access token for endpoint authentication. + /// Access token expiry time (UTC). + /// Refresh access token after time (UTC). + /// Access token type. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningEndpointAuthToken MachineLearningEndpointAuthToken(string accessToken = null, DateTimeOffset? expireOn = null, DateTimeOffset? refreshOn = null, string tokenType = null) + { + return new MachineLearningEndpointAuthToken(accessToken, expireOn, refreshOn, tokenType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningScheduleData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// [Required] Additional attributes of the entity. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningScheduleData MachineLearningScheduleData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MachineLearningScheduleProperties properties = null) + { + return new MachineLearningScheduleData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningScheduleProperties. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// + /// [Required] Specifies the action of the schedule + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include and . + /// + /// Display name of schedule. + /// Is the schedule enabled?. + /// Provisioning state for the schedule. + /// + /// [Required] Specifies the trigger details + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningScheduleProperties MachineLearningScheduleProperties(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, MachineLearningScheduleAction action = null, string displayName = null, bool? isEnabled = null, MachineLearningScheduleProvisioningStatus? provisioningState = null, MachineLearningTriggerBase trigger = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningScheduleProperties(description, properties, tags, action, displayName, isEnabled, provisioningState, trigger); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningUserFeature. + /// Specifies the feature ID. + /// Specifies the feature name. + /// Describes the feature for user experience. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningUserFeature MachineLearningUserFeature(string id = null, string displayName = null, string description = null) + { + return new MachineLearningUserFeature(id, displayName, description); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningAksCompute. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// AKS properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningAksCompute MachineLearningAksCompute(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, MachineLearningAksComputeProperties properties = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningAksCompute(ComputeType.Aks, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningAksComputeProperties. + /// Cluster full qualified domain name. + /// System services. + /// Number of agents. + /// Agent virtual machine size. + /// Intended usage of the cluster. + /// SSL configuration. + /// AKS networking configuration for vnet. + /// Load Balancer Type. + /// Load Balancer Subnet. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningAksComputeProperties MachineLearningAksComputeProperties(string clusterFqdn = null, IEnumerable systemServices = null, int? agentCount = null, string agentVmSize = null, MachineLearningClusterPurpose? clusterPurpose = null, MachineLearningSslConfiguration sslConfiguration = null, MachineLearningAksNetworkingConfiguration aksNetworkingConfiguration = null, MachineLearningLoadBalancerType? loadBalancerType = null, string loadBalancerSubnet = null) + { + systemServices ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningAksComputeProperties(clusterFqdn, systemServices?.ToList(), agentCount, agentVmSize, clusterPurpose, sslConfiguration, aksNetworkingConfiguration, loadBalancerType, loadBalancerSubnet); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeSystemService. + /// The type of this system service. + /// Public IP address. + /// The version for this type. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeSystemService MachineLearningComputeSystemService(string systemServiceType = null, string publicIPAddress = null, string version = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeSystemService(systemServiceType, publicIPAddress, version); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningKubernetesCompute. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// Properties of Kubernetes. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningKubernetesCompute MachineLearningKubernetesCompute(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, MachineLearningKubernetesProperties properties = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningKubernetesCompute(ComputeType.Kubernetes, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AmlComputeProperties. + /// Compute OS Type. + /// Virtual Machine Size. + /// Virtual Machine priority. + /// Virtual Machine image for AML Compute - windows only. + /// Network is isolated or not. + /// Scale settings for AML Compute. + /// Credentials for an administrator user account that will be created on each compute node. + /// Virtual network subnet resource ID the compute nodes belong to. + /// State of the public SSH port. Possible values are: Disabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on all nodes of the cluster. Enabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is open on all nodes of the cluster. NotSpecified - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on all nodes of the cluster if VNet is defined, else is open all public nodes. It can be default only during cluster creation time, after creation it will be either enabled or disabled. + /// Allocation state of the compute. Possible values are: steady - Indicates that the compute is not resizing. There are no changes to the number of compute nodes in the compute in progress. A compute enters this state when it is created and when no operations are being performed on the compute to change the number of compute nodes. resizing - Indicates that the compute is resizing; that is, compute nodes are being added to or removed from the compute. + /// The time at which the compute entered its current allocation state. + /// Collection of errors encountered by various compute nodes during node setup. + /// The number of compute nodes currently assigned to the compute. + /// The target number of compute nodes for the compute. If the allocationState is resizing, this property denotes the target node count for the ongoing resize operation. If the allocationState is steady, this property denotes the target node count for the previous resize operation. + /// Counts of various node states on the compute. + /// Enable or disable node public IP address provisioning. Possible values are: Possible values are: true - Indicates that the compute nodes will have public IPs provisioned. false - Indicates that the compute nodes will have a private endpoint and no public IPs. + /// A property bag containing additional properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AmlComputeProperties AmlComputeProperties(MachineLearningOSType? osType = null, string vmSize = null, MachineLearningVmPriority? vmPriority = null, string virtualMachineImageId = null, bool? isolatedNetwork = null, AmlComputeScaleSettings scaleSettings = null, MachineLearningUserAccountCredentials userAccountCredentials = null, ResourceIdentifier subnetId = null, MachineLearningRemoteLoginPortPublicAccess? remoteLoginPortPublicAccess = null, MachineLearningAllocationState? allocationState = null, DateTimeOffset? allocationStateTransitionOn = null, IEnumerable errors = null, int? currentNodeCount = null, int? targetNodeCount = null, MachineLearningNodeStateCounts nodeStateCounts = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = null, BinaryData propertyBag = null) + { + errors ??= new List(); + + return new AmlComputeProperties(osType, vmSize, vmPriority, virtualMachineImageId != null ? new VirtualMachineImage(virtualMachineImageId) : null, isolatedNetwork, scaleSettings, userAccountCredentials, subnetId != null ? new ResourceId(subnetId) : null, remoteLoginPortPublicAccess, allocationState, allocationStateTransitionOn, errors?.ToList(), currentNodeCount, targetNodeCount, nodeStateCounts, enableNodePublicIP, propertyBag); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningNodeStateCounts. + /// Number of compute nodes in idle state. + /// Number of compute nodes which are running jobs. + /// Number of compute nodes which are being prepared. + /// Number of compute nodes which are in unusable state. + /// Number of compute nodes which are leaving the amlCompute. + /// Number of compute nodes which are in preempted state. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningNodeStateCounts MachineLearningNodeStateCounts(int? idleNodeCount = null, int? runningNodeCount = null, int? preparingNodeCount = null, int? unusableNodeCount = null, int? leavingNodeCount = null, int? preemptedNodeCount = null) + { + return new MachineLearningNodeStateCounts(idleNodeCount, runningNodeCount, preparingNodeCount, unusableNodeCount, leavingNodeCount, preemptedNodeCount); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AmlCompute. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// Properties of AmlCompute. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AmlCompute AmlCompute(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, AmlComputeProperties properties = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new AmlCompute(ComputeType.AmlCompute, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceProperties. + /// Virtual Machine Size. + /// Virtual network subnet resource ID the compute nodes belong to. + /// Policy for sharing applications on this compute instance among users of parent workspace. If Personal, only the creator can access applications on this compute instance. When Shared, any workspace user can access applications on this instance depending on his/her assigned role. + /// Specifies policy and settings for SSH access. + /// Describes all connectivity endpoints available for this ComputeInstance. + /// Describes available applications and their endpoints on this ComputeInstance. + /// Describes information on user who created this ComputeInstance. + /// Collection of errors encountered on this ComputeInstance. + /// The current state of this ComputeInstance. + /// The Compute Instance Authorization type. Available values are personal (default). + /// Settings for a personal compute instance. + /// Details of customized scripts to execute for setting up the cluster. + /// The last operation on ComputeInstance. + /// The list of schedules to be applied on the computes. + /// Enable or disable node public IP address provisioning. Possible values are: Possible values are: true - Indicates that the compute nodes will have public IPs provisioned. false - Indicates that the compute nodes will have a private endpoint and no public IPs. + /// Describes informations of containers on this ComputeInstance. + /// Describes informations of dataDisks on this ComputeInstance. + /// Describes informations of dataMounts on this ComputeInstance. + /// ComputeInstance version. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceProperties MachineLearningComputeInstanceProperties(string vmSize = null, ResourceIdentifier subnetId = null, MachineLearningApplicationSharingPolicy? applicationSharingPolicy = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceSshSettings sshSettings = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceConnectivityEndpoints connectivityEndpoints = null, IEnumerable applications = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceCreatedBy createdBy = null, IEnumerable errors = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceState? state = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceAuthorizationType? computeInstanceAuthorizationType = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceAssignedUser personalComputeInstanceAssignedUser = null, MachineLearningScriptsToExecute scripts = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceLastOperation lastOperation = null, IEnumerable schedulesComputeStartStop = null, bool? enableNodePublicIP = null, IEnumerable containers = null, IEnumerable dataDisks = null, IEnumerable dataMounts = null, string versionsRuntime = null) + { + applications ??= new List(); + errors ??= new List(); + schedulesComputeStartStop ??= new List(); + containers ??= new List(); + dataDisks ??= new List(); + dataMounts ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceProperties(vmSize, subnetId != null ? new ResourceId(subnetId) : null, applicationSharingPolicy, sshSettings, connectivityEndpoints, applications?.ToList(), createdBy, errors?.ToList(), state, computeInstanceAuthorizationType, personalComputeInstanceAssignedUser != null ? new PersonalComputeInstanceSettings(personalComputeInstanceAssignedUser) : null, scripts != null ? new SetupScripts(scripts) : null, lastOperation, schedulesComputeStartStop != null ? new ComputeSchedules(schedulesComputeStartStop?.ToList()) : null, enableNodePublicIP, containers?.ToList(), dataDisks?.ToList(), dataMounts?.ToList(), versionsRuntime != null ? new ComputeInstanceVersion(versionsRuntime) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceSshSettings. + /// State of the public SSH port. Possible values are: Disabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is closed on this instance. Enabled - Indicates that the public ssh port is open and accessible according to the VNet/subnet policy if applicable. + /// Describes the admin user name. + /// Describes the port for connecting through SSH. + /// Specifies the SSH rsa public key file as a string. Use "ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048" to generate your SSH key pairs. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceSshSettings MachineLearningComputeInstanceSshSettings(MachineLearningSshPublicAccess? sshPublicAccess = null, string adminUserName = null, int? sshPort = null, string adminPublicKey = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceSshSettings(sshPublicAccess, adminUserName, sshPort, adminPublicKey); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceConnectivityEndpoints. + /// Public IP Address of this ComputeInstance. + /// Private IP Address of this ComputeInstance (local to the VNET in which the compute instance is deployed). + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceConnectivityEndpoints MachineLearningComputeInstanceConnectivityEndpoints(string publicIPAddress = null, string privateIPAddress = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceConnectivityEndpoints(publicIPAddress, privateIPAddress); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceApplication. + /// Name of the ComputeInstance application. + /// Application' endpoint URI. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceApplication MachineLearningComputeInstanceApplication(string displayName = null, Uri endpointUri = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceApplication(displayName, endpointUri); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceCreatedBy. + /// Name of the user. + /// Uniquely identifies user' Azure Active Directory organization. + /// Uniquely identifies the user within his/her organization. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceCreatedBy MachineLearningComputeInstanceCreatedBy(string userName = null, string userOrgId = null, string userId = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceCreatedBy(userName, userOrgId, userId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceLastOperation. + /// Name of the last operation. + /// Time of the last operation. + /// Operation status. + /// Trigger of operation. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceLastOperation MachineLearningComputeInstanceLastOperation(MachineLearningOperationName? operationName = null, DateTimeOffset? operationOn = null, MachineLearningOperationStatus? operationStatus = null, MachineLearningOperationTrigger? operationTrigger = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceLastOperation(operationName, operationOn, operationStatus, operationTrigger); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeStartStopSchedule. + /// A system assigned id for the schedule. + /// The current deployment state of schedule. + /// Is the schedule enabled or disabled?. + /// [Required] The compute power action. + /// [Required] The schedule trigger type. + /// Required if triggerType is Recurrence. + /// Required if triggerType is Cron. + /// [Deprecated] Not used any more. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeStartStopSchedule MachineLearningComputeStartStopSchedule(string id = null, MachineLearningComputeProvisioningStatus? provisioningStatus = null, MachineLearningScheduleStatus? status = null, MachineLearningComputePowerAction? action = null, MachineLearningTriggerType? triggerType = null, MachineLearningRecurrenceTrigger recurrence = null, CronTrigger cron = null, MachineLearningScheduleBase schedule = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeStartStopSchedule(id, provisioningStatus, status, action, triggerType, recurrence, cron, schedule); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningScheduleBase. + /// A system assigned id for the schedule. + /// The current deployment state of schedule. + /// Is the schedule enabled or disabled?. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningScheduleBase MachineLearningScheduleBase(string id = null, MachineLearningScheduleProvisioningState? provisioningStatus = null, MachineLearningScheduleStatus? status = null) + { + return new MachineLearningScheduleBase(id, provisioningStatus, status); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceContainer. + /// Name of the ComputeInstance container. + /// Auto save settings. + /// Information of GPU. + /// network of this container. + /// Environment information of this container. + /// services of this containers. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceContainer MachineLearningComputeInstanceContainer(string name = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceAutosave? autosave = null, string gpu = null, MachineLearningNetwork? network = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceEnvironmentInfo environment = null, IEnumerable services = null) + { + services ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceContainer(name, autosave, gpu, network, environment, services?.ToList()); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceEnvironmentInfo. + /// name of environment. + /// version of environment. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceEnvironmentInfo MachineLearningComputeInstanceEnvironmentInfo(string name = null, string version = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceEnvironmentInfo(name, version); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataDisk. + /// Caching type of Data Disk. + /// The initial disk size in gigabytes. + /// The lun is used to uniquely identify each data disk. If attaching multiple disks, each should have a distinct lun. + /// type of this storage account. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataDisk MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataDisk(MachineLearningCachingType? caching = null, int? diskSizeGB = null, int? lun = null, MachineLearningStorageAccountType? storageAccountType = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataDisk(caching, diskSizeGB, lun, storageAccountType); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataMount. + /// Source of the ComputeInstance data mount. + /// Data source type. + /// name of the ComputeInstance data mount. + /// Mount Action. + /// who this data mount created by. + /// Path of this data mount. + /// Mount state. + /// The time when the disk mounted. + /// Error of this data mount. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataMount MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataMount(string source = null, MachineLearningSourceType? sourceType = null, string mountName = null, MachineLearningMountAction? mountAction = null, string createdBy = null, string mountPath = null, MachineLearningMountState? mountState = null, DateTimeOffset? mountedOn = null, string error = null) + { + return new MachineLearningComputeInstanceDataMount(source, sourceType, mountName, mountAction, createdBy, mountPath, mountState, mountedOn, error); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningComputeInstance. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// Properties of ComputeInstance. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningComputeInstance MachineLearningComputeInstance(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, MachineLearningComputeInstanceProperties properties = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningComputeInstance(ComputeType.ComputeInstance, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningVirtualMachineCompute. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningVirtualMachineCompute MachineLearningVirtualMachineCompute(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, MachineLearningVirtualMachineProperties properties = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningVirtualMachineCompute(ComputeType.VirtualMachine, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningHDInsightCompute. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// HDInsight compute properties. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningHDInsightCompute MachineLearningHDInsightCompute(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, MachineLearningHDInsightProperties properties = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningHDInsightCompute(ComputeType.HDInsight, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDataFactoryCompute. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDataFactoryCompute MachineLearningDataFactoryCompute(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningDataFactoryCompute(ComputeType.DataFactory, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDatabricksCompute. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// Properties of Databricks. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDatabricksCompute MachineLearningDatabricksCompute(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, MachineLearningDatabricksProperties properties = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningDatabricksCompute(ComputeType.Databricks, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDataLakeAnalytics. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDataLakeAnalytics MachineLearningDataLakeAnalytics(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, string dataLakeStoreAccountName = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningDataLakeAnalytics(ComputeType.DataLakeAnalytics, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth, dataLakeStoreAccountName != null ? new MachineLearningDataLakeAnalyticsProperties(dataLakeStoreAccountName) : null); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningSynapseSpark. + /// Location for the underlying compute. + /// The provision state of the cluster. Valid values are Unknown, Updating, Provisioning, Succeeded, and Failed. + /// The description of the Machine Learning compute. + /// The time at which the compute was created. + /// The time at which the compute was last modified. + /// ARM resource id of the underlying compute. + /// Errors during provisioning. + /// Indicating whether the compute was provisioned by user and brought from outside if true, or machine learning service provisioned it if false. + /// Opt-out of local authentication and ensure customers can use only MSI and AAD exclusively for authentication. + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningSynapseSpark MachineLearningSynapseSpark(string computeLocation = null, MachineLearningProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, string description = null, DateTimeOffset? createdOn = null, DateTimeOffset? modifiedOn = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, IEnumerable provisioningErrors = null, bool? isAttachedCompute = null, bool? disableLocalAuth = null, MachineLearningSynapseSparkProperties properties = null) + { + provisioningErrors ??= new List(); + + return new MachineLearningSynapseSpark(ComputeType.SynapseSpark, computeLocation, provisioningState, description, createdOn, modifiedOn, resourceId, provisioningErrors?.ToList(), isAttachedCompute, disableLocalAuth, properties); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningAksComputeSecrets. + /// Content of kubeconfig file that can be used to connect to the Kubernetes cluster. + /// Content of kubeconfig file that can be used to connect to the Kubernetes cluster. + /// Image registry pull secret. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningAksComputeSecrets MachineLearningAksComputeSecrets(string userKubeConfig = null, string adminKubeConfig = null, string imagePullSecretName = null) + { + return new MachineLearningAksComputeSecrets(ComputeType.Aks, userKubeConfig, adminKubeConfig, imagePullSecretName); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningVirtualMachineSecrets. + /// Admin credentials for virtual machine. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningVirtualMachineSecrets MachineLearningVirtualMachineSecrets(MachineLearningVmSshCredentials administratorAccount = null) + { + return new MachineLearningVirtualMachineSecrets(ComputeType.VirtualMachine, administratorAccount); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningDatabricksComputeSecrets. + /// access token for databricks account. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningDatabricksComputeSecrets MachineLearningDatabricksComputeSecrets(string databricksAccessToken = null) + { + return new MachineLearningDatabricksComputeSecrets(ComputeType.Databricks, databricksAccessToken); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of AutoMLJob. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// ARM resource ID of the component resource. + /// ARM resource ID of the compute resource. + /// Display name of job. + /// The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. + /// + /// Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null. + /// Defaults to AmlToken if null. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// + /// List of JobEndpoints. + /// For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject. + /// + /// Status of the job. + /// + /// The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. + /// This is optional value to provide, if not provided, AutoML will default this to Production AutoML curated environment version when running the job. + /// + /// Environment variables included in the job. + /// + /// Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , , and . + /// + /// Compute Resource configuration for the job. + /// + /// [Required] This represents scenario which can be one of Tables/NLP/Image + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , , , , , , and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static AutoMLJob AutoMLJob(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = null, IDictionary services = null, MachineLearningJobStatus? status = null, string environmentId = null, IDictionary environmentVariables = null, IDictionary outputs = null, MachineLearningJobResourceConfiguration resources = null, AutoMLVertical taskDetails = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + services ??= new Dictionary(); + environmentVariables ??= new Dictionary(); + outputs ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new AutoMLJob(description, properties, tags, componentId, computeId, displayName, experimentName, identity, isArchived, JobType.AutoML, services, status, environmentId, environmentVariables, outputs, resources, taskDetails); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningAzureBlobDatastore. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// + /// [Required] Account credentials. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , and . + /// + /// Readonly property to indicate if datastore is the workspace default datastore. + /// Storage account name. + /// Storage account container name. + /// Azure cloud endpoint for the storage account. + /// Protocol used to communicate with the storage account. + /// Indicates which identity to use to authenticate service data access to customer's storage. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningAzureBlobDatastore MachineLearningAzureBlobDatastore(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, bool? isDefault = null, string accountName = null, string containerName = null, string endpoint = null, string protocol = null, MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity? serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningAzureBlobDatastore(description, properties, tags, credentials, DatastoreType.AzureBlob, isDefault, accountName, containerName, endpoint, protocol, serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen1Datastore. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// + /// [Required] Account credentials. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , and . + /// + /// Readonly property to indicate if datastore is the workspace default datastore. + /// Indicates which identity to use to authenticate service data access to customer's storage. + /// [Required] Azure Data Lake store name. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen1Datastore MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen1Datastore(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, bool? isDefault = null, MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity? serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity = null, string storeName = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen1Datastore(description, properties, tags, credentials, DatastoreType.AzureDataLakeGen1, isDefault, serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity, storeName); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen2Datastore. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// + /// [Required] Account credentials. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , and . + /// + /// Readonly property to indicate if datastore is the workspace default datastore. + /// [Required] Storage account name. + /// Azure cloud endpoint for the storage account. + /// [Required] The name of the Data Lake Gen2 filesystem. + /// Protocol used to communicate with the storage account. + /// Indicates which identity to use to authenticate service data access to customer's storage. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen2Datastore MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen2Datastore(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, bool? isDefault = null, string accountName = null, string endpoint = null, string filesystem = null, string protocol = null, MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity? serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningAzureDataLakeGen2Datastore(description, properties, tags, credentials, DatastoreType.AzureDataLakeGen2, isDefault, accountName, endpoint, filesystem, protocol, serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningAzureFileDatastore. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// + /// [Required] Account credentials. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , and . + /// + /// Readonly property to indicate if datastore is the workspace default datastore. + /// [Required] Storage account name. + /// Azure cloud endpoint for the storage account. + /// [Required] The name of the Azure file share that the datastore points to. + /// Protocol used to communicate with the storage account. + /// Indicates which identity to use to authenticate service data access to customer's storage. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningAzureFileDatastore MachineLearningAzureFileDatastore(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, MachineLearningDatastoreCredentials credentials = null, bool? isDefault = null, string accountName = null, string endpoint = null, string fileShareName = null, string protocol = null, MachineLearningServiceDataAccessAuthIdentity? serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningAzureFileDatastore(description, properties, tags, credentials, DatastoreType.AzureFile, isDefault, accountName, endpoint, fileShareName, protocol, serviceDataAccessAuthIdentity); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningCommandJob. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// ARM resource ID of the component resource. + /// ARM resource ID of the compute resource. + /// Display name of job. + /// The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. + /// + /// Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null. + /// Defaults to AmlToken if null. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// + /// List of JobEndpoints. + /// For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject. + /// + /// Status of the job. + /// ARM resource ID of the code asset. + /// [Required] The command to execute on startup of the job. eg. "python train.py". + /// + /// Distribution configuration of the job. If set, this should be one of Mpi, Tensorflow, PyTorch, or null. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// [Required] The ARM resource ID of the Environment specification for the job. + /// Environment variables included in the job. + /// + /// Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , , , and . + /// + /// Command Job limit. + /// + /// Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , , and . + /// + /// Input parameters. + /// Compute Resource configuration for the job. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningCommandJob MachineLearningCommandJob(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = null, IDictionary services = null, MachineLearningJobStatus? status = null, ResourceIdentifier codeId = null, string command = null, MachineLearningDistributionConfiguration distribution = null, ResourceIdentifier environmentId = null, IDictionary environmentVariables = null, IDictionary inputs = null, MachineLearningCommandJobLimits limits = null, IDictionary outputs = null, BinaryData parameters = null, MachineLearningJobResourceConfiguration resources = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + services ??= new Dictionary(); + environmentVariables ??= new Dictionary(); + inputs ??= new Dictionary(); + outputs ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningCommandJob(description, properties, tags, componentId, computeId, displayName, experimentName, identity, isArchived, JobType.Command, services, status, codeId, command, distribution, environmentId, environmentVariables, inputs, limits, outputs, parameters, resources); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningKubernetesOnlineDeployment. + /// Code configuration for the endpoint deployment. + /// Description of the endpoint deployment. + /// ARM resource ID or AssetId of the environment specification for the endpoint deployment. + /// Environment variables configuration for the deployment. + /// Property dictionary. Properties can be added, but not removed or altered. + /// If true, enables Application Insights logging. + /// If Enabled, allow egress public network access. If Disabled, this will create secure egress. Default: Enabled. + /// Compute instance type. + /// Liveness probe monitors the health of the container regularly. + /// The URI path to the model. + /// The path to mount the model in custom container. + /// Provisioning state for the endpoint deployment. + /// Readiness probe validates if the container is ready to serve traffic. The properties and defaults are the same as liveness probe. + /// Request settings for the deployment. + /// + /// Scale settings for the deployment. + /// If it is null or not provided, + /// it defaults to TargetUtilizationScaleSettings for KubernetesOnlineDeployment + /// and to DefaultScaleSettings for ManagedOnlineDeployment. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include and . + /// + /// The resource requirements for the container (cpu and memory). + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningKubernetesOnlineDeployment MachineLearningKubernetesOnlineDeployment(MachineLearningCodeConfiguration codeConfiguration = null, string description = null, string environmentId = null, IDictionary environmentVariables = null, IDictionary properties = null, bool? appInsightsEnabled = null, MachineLearningEgressPublicNetworkAccessType? egressPublicNetworkAccess = null, string instanceType = null, MachineLearningProbeSettings livenessProbe = null, string model = null, string modelMountPath = null, MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, MachineLearningProbeSettings readinessProbe = null, MachineLearningOnlineRequestSettings requestSettings = null, MachineLearningOnlineScaleSettings scaleSettings = null, MachineLearningContainerResourceRequirements containerResourceRequirements = null) + { + environmentVariables ??= new Dictionary(); + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningKubernetesOnlineDeployment(codeConfiguration, description, environmentId, environmentVariables, properties, appInsightsEnabled, egressPublicNetworkAccess, MachineLearningEndpointComputeType.Kubernetes, instanceType, livenessProbe, model, modelMountPath, provisioningState, readinessProbe, requestSettings, scaleSettings, containerResourceRequirements); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningManagedOnlineDeployment. + /// Code configuration for the endpoint deployment. + /// Description of the endpoint deployment. + /// ARM resource ID or AssetId of the environment specification for the endpoint deployment. + /// Environment variables configuration for the deployment. + /// Property dictionary. Properties can be added, but not removed or altered. + /// If true, enables Application Insights logging. + /// If Enabled, allow egress public network access. If Disabled, this will create secure egress. Default: Enabled. + /// Compute instance type. + /// Liveness probe monitors the health of the container regularly. + /// The URI path to the model. + /// The path to mount the model in custom container. + /// Provisioning state for the endpoint deployment. + /// Readiness probe validates if the container is ready to serve traffic. The properties and defaults are the same as liveness probe. + /// Request settings for the deployment. + /// + /// Scale settings for the deployment. + /// If it is null or not provided, + /// it defaults to TargetUtilizationScaleSettings for KubernetesOnlineDeployment + /// and to DefaultScaleSettings for ManagedOnlineDeployment. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include and . + /// + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningManagedOnlineDeployment MachineLearningManagedOnlineDeployment(MachineLearningCodeConfiguration codeConfiguration = null, string description = null, string environmentId = null, IDictionary environmentVariables = null, IDictionary properties = null, bool? appInsightsEnabled = null, MachineLearningEgressPublicNetworkAccessType? egressPublicNetworkAccess = null, string instanceType = null, MachineLearningProbeSettings livenessProbe = null, string model = null, string modelMountPath = null, MachineLearningDeploymentProvisioningState? provisioningState = null, MachineLearningProbeSettings readinessProbe = null, MachineLearningOnlineRequestSettings requestSettings = null, MachineLearningOnlineScaleSettings scaleSettings = null) + { + environmentVariables ??= new Dictionary(); + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningManagedOnlineDeployment(codeConfiguration, description, environmentId, environmentVariables, properties, appInsightsEnabled, egressPublicNetworkAccess, MachineLearningEndpointComputeType.Managed, instanceType, livenessProbe, model, modelMountPath, provisioningState, readinessProbe, requestSettings, scaleSettings); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningPipelineJob. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// ARM resource ID of the component resource. + /// ARM resource ID of the compute resource. + /// Display name of job. + /// The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. + /// + /// Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null. + /// Defaults to AmlToken if null. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// + /// List of JobEndpoints. + /// For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject. + /// + /// Status of the job. + /// + /// Inputs for the pipeline job. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , , , and . + /// + /// Jobs construct the Pipeline Job. + /// + /// Outputs for the pipeline job + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , , and . + /// + /// Pipeline settings, for things like ContinueRunOnStepFailure etc. + /// ARM resource ID of source job. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningPipelineJob MachineLearningPipelineJob(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = null, IDictionary services = null, MachineLearningJobStatus? status = null, IDictionary inputs = null, IDictionary jobs = null, IDictionary outputs = null, BinaryData settings = null, ResourceIdentifier sourceJobId = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + services ??= new Dictionary(); + inputs ??= new Dictionary(); + jobs ??= new Dictionary(); + outputs ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningPipelineJob(description, properties, tags, componentId, computeId, displayName, experimentName, identity, isArchived, JobType.Pipeline, services, status, inputs, jobs, outputs, settings, sourceJobId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MachineLearningSweepJob. + /// The asset description text. + /// The asset property dictionary. + /// Tag dictionary. Tags can be added, removed, and updated. + /// ARM resource ID of the component resource. + /// ARM resource ID of the compute resource. + /// Display name of job. + /// The name of the experiment the job belongs to. If not set, the job is placed in the "Default" experiment. + /// + /// Identity configuration. If set, this should be one of AmlToken, ManagedIdentity, UserIdentity or null. + /// Defaults to AmlToken if null. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// Is the asset archived?. + /// + /// List of JobEndpoints. + /// For local jobs, a job endpoint will have an endpoint value of FileStreamObject. + /// + /// Status of the job. + /// + /// Early termination policies enable canceling poor-performing runs before they complete + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// + /// Mapping of input data bindings used in the job. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , , , and . + /// + /// Sweep Job limit. + /// [Required] Optimization objective. + /// + /// Mapping of output data bindings used in the job. + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , , , , and . + /// + /// + /// [Required] The hyperparameter sampling algorithm + /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes. + /// The available derived classes include , and . + /// + /// [Required] A dictionary containing each parameter and its distribution. The dictionary key is the name of the parameter. + /// [Required] Trial component definition. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MachineLearningSweepJob MachineLearningSweepJob(string description = null, IDictionary properties = null, IDictionary tags = null, ResourceIdentifier componentId = null, ResourceIdentifier computeId = null, string displayName = null, string experimentName = null, MachineLearningIdentityConfiguration identity = null, bool? isArchived = null, IDictionary services = null, MachineLearningJobStatus? status = null, MachineLearningEarlyTerminationPolicy earlyTermination = null, IDictionary inputs = null, MachineLearningSweepJobLimits limits = null, MachineLearningObjective objective = null, IDictionary outputs = null, SamplingAlgorithm samplingAlgorithm = null, BinaryData searchSpace = null, MachineLearningTrialComponent trial = null) + { + properties ??= new Dictionary(); + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + services ??= new Dictionary(); + inputs ??= new Dictionary(); + outputs ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MachineLearningSweepJob(description, properties, tags, componentId, computeId, displayName, experimentName, identity, isArchived, JobType.Sweep, services, status, earlyTermination, inputs, limits, objective, outputs, samplingAlgorithm, searchSpace, trial); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of TextClassificationMultilabel. + /// Log verbosity for the job. + /// + /// Target column name: This is prediction values column. + /// Also known as label column name in context of classification tasks. + /// + /// [Required] Training data input. + /// + /// Primary metric for Text-Classification-Multilabel task. + /// Currently only Accuracy is supported as primary metric, hence user need not set it explicitly. + /// + /// Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. + /// Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. + /// Validation data inputs. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static TextClassificationMultilabel TextClassificationMultilabel(MachineLearningLogVerbosity? logVerbosity = null, string targetColumnName = null, MachineLearningTableJobInput trainingData = null, ClassificationMultilabelPrimaryMetric? primaryMetric = null, string featurizationDatasetLanguage = null, NlpVerticalLimitSettings limitSettings = null, MachineLearningTableJobInput validationData = null) + { + return new TextClassificationMultilabel(logVerbosity, targetColumnName, TaskType.TextClassificationMultilabel, trainingData, primaryMetric, featurizationDatasetLanguage != null ? new NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings(featurizationDatasetLanguage) : null, limitSettings, validationData); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of TextNer. + /// Log verbosity for the job. + /// + /// Target column name: This is prediction values column. + /// Also known as label column name in context of classification tasks. + /// + /// [Required] Training data input. + /// + /// Primary metric for Text-NER task. + /// Only 'Accuracy' is supported for Text-NER, so user need not set this explicitly. + /// + /// Featurization inputs needed for AutoML job. + /// Execution constraints for AutoMLJob. + /// Validation data inputs. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static TextNer TextNer(MachineLearningLogVerbosity? logVerbosity = null, string targetColumnName = null, MachineLearningTableJobInput trainingData = null, ClassificationPrimaryMetric? primaryMetric = null, string featurizationDatasetLanguage = null, NlpVerticalLimitSettings limitSettings = null, MachineLearningTableJobInput validationData = null) + { + return new TextNer(logVerbosity, targetColumnName, TaskType.TextNER, trainingData, primaryMetric, featurizationDatasetLanguage != null ? new NlpVerticalFeaturizationSettings(featurizationDatasetLanguage) : null, limitSettings, validationData); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/src/autorest.md b/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/src/autorest.md index edf6f6a0b8ba7..142daec83327e 100644 --- a/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/machinelearningservices/Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning/src/autorest.md @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false library-name: MachineLearning namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.MachineLearning require: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/b32e1896f30e6ea155449cb49719a6286e32b961/specification/machinelearningservices/resource-manager/readme.md diff --git a/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/CHANGELOG.md index bdf48a6f903b4..7043e822c92a7 100644 --- a/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,15 +1,16 @@ # Release History -## 1.2.0-beta.1 (Unreleased) +## 1.2.0-beta.1 (2023-05-30) ### Features Added -### Breaking Changes - -### Bugs Fixed +- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk/dotnet_introduction.html#dotnet-mocking-factory-builder). ### Other Changes +- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0. +- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0. + ## 1.1.2 (2023-03-11) ### Other Changes diff --git a/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/api/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/api/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.netstandard2.0.cs index c3bca2d3b99be..6fc08853027e8 100644 --- a/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/api/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.netstandard2.0.cs +++ b/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/api/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.netstandard2.0.cs @@ -148,6 +148,13 @@ protected MaintenancePublicConfigurationResource() { } } namespace Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models { + public static partial class ArmMaintenanceModelFactory + { + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.MaintenanceApplyUpdateData MaintenanceApplyUpdateData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceUpdateStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceUpdateStatus?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, System.DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?)) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceConfigurationAssignmentData MaintenanceConfigurationAssignmentData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation? location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier maintenanceConfigurationId = null, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.MaintenanceConfigurationData MaintenanceConfigurationData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string @namespace = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary extensionProperties = null, Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceScope? maintenanceScope = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceScope?), Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceConfigurationVisibility? visibility = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceConfigurationVisibility?), System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? expireOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.TimeSpan? duration = default(System.TimeSpan?), string timeZone = null, string recurEvery = null) { throw null; } + public static Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceUpdate MaintenanceUpdate(Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceScope? maintenanceScope = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceScope?), Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceImpactType? impactType = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceImpactType?), Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceUpdateStatus? status = default(Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models.MaintenanceUpdateStatus?), int? impactDurationInSec = default(int?), System.DateTimeOffset? notBefore = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null) { throw null; } + } public partial class MaintenanceConfigurationAssignmentData : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.ResourceData { public MaintenanceConfigurationAssignmentData() { } diff --git a/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/src/Generated/ArmMaintenanceModelFactory.cs b/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/src/Generated/ArmMaintenanceModelFactory.cs new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9d93fcedaf720 --- /dev/null +++ b/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/src/Generated/ArmMaintenanceModelFactory.cs @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. +// Licensed under the MIT License. + +// + +#nullable disable + +using System; +using System.Collections.Generic; +using Azure.Core; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance; +using Azure.ResourceManager.Models; + +namespace Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance.Models +{ + /// Model factory for models. + public static partial class ArmMaintenanceModelFactory + { + /// Initializes a new instance of MaintenanceConfigurationData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The tags. + /// The location. + /// Gets or sets namespace of the resource. + /// Gets or sets extensionProperties of the maintenanceConfiguration. + /// Gets or sets maintenanceScope of the configuration. + /// Gets or sets the visibility of the configuration. The default value is 'Custom'. + /// Effective start date of the maintenance window in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format. The start date can be set to either the current date or future date. The window will be created in the time zone provided and adjusted to daylight savings according to that time zone. + /// Effective expiration date of the maintenance window in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm format. The window will be created in the time zone provided and adjusted to daylight savings according to that time zone. Expiration date must be set to a future date. If not provided, it will be set to the maximum datetime 9999-12-31 23:59:59. + /// Duration of the maintenance window in HH:mm format. If not provided, default value will be used based on maintenance scope provided. Example: 05:00. + /// Name of the timezone. List of timezones can be obtained by executing [System.TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones() in PowerShell. Example: Pacific Standard Time, UTC, W. Europe Standard Time, Korea Standard Time, Cen. Australia Standard Time. + /// Rate at which a Maintenance window is expected to recur. The rate can be expressed as daily, weekly, or monthly schedules. Daily schedule are formatted as recurEvery: [Frequency as integer]['Day(s)']. If no frequency is provided, the default frequency is 1. Daily schedule examples are recurEvery: Day, recurEvery: 3Days. Weekly schedule are formatted as recurEvery: [Frequency as integer]['Week(s)'] [Optional comma separated list of weekdays Monday-Sunday]. Weekly schedule examples are recurEvery: 3Weeks, recurEvery: Week Saturday,Sunday. Monthly schedules are formatted as [Frequency as integer]['Month(s)'] [Comma separated list of month days] or [Frequency as integer]['Month(s)'] [Week of Month (First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last)] [Weekday Monday-Sunday]. Monthly schedule examples are recurEvery: Month, recurEvery: 2Months, recurEvery: Month day23,day24, recurEvery: Month Last Sunday, recurEvery: Month Fourth Monday. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MaintenanceConfigurationData MaintenanceConfigurationData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string @namespace = null, IDictionary extensionProperties = null, MaintenanceScope? maintenanceScope = null, MaintenanceConfigurationVisibility? visibility = null, DateTimeOffset? startOn = null, DateTimeOffset? expireOn = null, TimeSpan? duration = null, string timeZone = null, string recurEvery = null) + { + tags ??= new Dictionary(); + extensionProperties ??= new Dictionary(); + + return new MaintenanceConfigurationData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, @namespace, extensionProperties, maintenanceScope, visibility, startOn, expireOn, duration, timeZone, recurEvery); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MaintenanceApplyUpdateData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// The status. + /// The resourceId. + /// Last Update time. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MaintenanceApplyUpdateData MaintenanceApplyUpdateData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, MaintenanceUpdateStatus? status = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null, DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedOn = null) + { + return new MaintenanceApplyUpdateData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, status, resourceId, lastUpdatedOn); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MaintenanceConfigurationAssignmentData. + /// The id. + /// The name. + /// The resourceType. + /// The systemData. + /// Location of the resource. + /// The maintenance configuration Id. + /// The unique resourceId. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MaintenanceConfigurationAssignmentData MaintenanceConfigurationAssignmentData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, AzureLocation? location = null, ResourceIdentifier maintenanceConfigurationId = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null) + { + return new MaintenanceConfigurationAssignmentData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, location, maintenanceConfigurationId, resourceId); + } + + /// Initializes a new instance of MaintenanceUpdate. + /// The impact area. + /// The impact type. + /// The status. + /// Duration of impact in seconds. + /// Time when Azure will start force updates if not self-updated by customer before this time. + /// The resourceId. + /// A new instance for mocking. + public static MaintenanceUpdate MaintenanceUpdate(MaintenanceScope? maintenanceScope = null, MaintenanceImpactType? impactType = null, MaintenanceUpdateStatus? status = null, int? impactDurationInSec = null, DateTimeOffset? notBefore = null, ResourceIdentifier resourceId = null) + { + return new MaintenanceUpdate(maintenanceScope, impactType, status, impactDurationInSec, notBefore, resourceId); + } + } +} diff --git a/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/src/autorest.md b/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/src/autorest.md index dac51272974e1..822f9c2235ef0 100644 --- a/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/src/autorest.md +++ b/sdk/maintenance/Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance/src/autorest.md @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateCode` to generate code. ``` yaml azure-arm: true -generate-model-factory: false csharp: true library-name: Maintenance namespace: Azure.ResourceManager.Maintenance