From 649ac532a5f2a8bcf56ac1f0aa6e48374b32886f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: rohantagaru <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:25:40 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Azure Deployment Manager is being decommissioned. Remove its
NET SDK through this PR (#38614)
.../samples/ | 13 -
.../samples/ | 13 -
...zure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.sln | 65 -
.../ | 57 -
.../Directory.Build.props | 6 -
.../ | 82 -
...anager.DeploymentManager.netstandard2.0.cs | 529 --
.../assets.json | 6 -
...ceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples.csproj | 10 -
.../Sample_ArtifactSourceCollection.cs | 257 -
.../Samples/Sample_ArtifactSourceResource.cs | 166 -
.../Samples/Sample_RolloutCollection.cs | 163 -
.../Samples/Sample_RolloutResource.cs | 141 -
.../Samples/Sample_ServiceResource.cs | 119 -
.../Sample_ServiceResourceCollection.cs | 208 -
.../Samples/Sample_ServiceTopologyResource.cs | 155 -
...ample_ServiceTopologyResourceCollection.cs | 246 -
.../Samples/Sample_ServiceUnitResource.cs | 173 -
.../Sample_ServiceUnitResourceCollection.cs | 267 -
.../Generated/Samples/Sample_StepResource.cs | 198 -
.../Samples/Sample_StepResourceCollection.cs | 289 -
...e.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.csproj | 8 -
.../ArmDeploymentManagerModelFactory.cs | 289 -
.../src/Generated/ArtifactSourceCollection.cs | 414 --
.../src/Generated/ArtifactSourceData.cs | 59 -
.../src/Generated/ArtifactSourceResource.cs | 587 --
.../Extensions/DeploymentManagerExtensions.cs | 376 --
.../ResourceGroupResourceExtensionClient.cs | 62 -
.../DeploymentManagerArmOperation.cs | 70 -
.../DeploymentManagerArmOperationOfT.cs | 76 -
.../RolloutOperationSource.cs | 40 -
.../ServiceUnitResourceOperationSource.cs | 40 -
.../ApiKeyAuthentication.Serialization.cs | 65 -
.../Generated/Models/ApiKeyAuthentication.cs | 52 -
.../ArtifactSourceData.Serialization.cs | 150 -
.../Models/Authentication.Serialization.cs | 39 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Authentication.cs | 32 -
.../Models/DeploymentMode.Serialization.cs | 28 -
.../src/Generated/Models/DeploymentMode.cs | 18 -
...HealthCheckStepAttributes.Serialization.cs | 51 -
.../Models/HealthCheckStepAttributes.cs | 48 -
...HealthCheckStepProperties.Serialization.cs | 49 -
.../Models/HealthCheckStepProperties.cs | 51 -
.../Models/Identity.Serialization.cs | 60 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Identity.cs | 45 -
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.../src/Generated/Models/Message.cs | 34 -
.../Models/PrePostStep.Serialization.cs | 41 -
.../src/Generated/Models/PrePostStep.cs | 29 -
.../Models/ResourceOperation.Serialization.cs | 63 -
.../src/Generated/Models/ResourceOperation.cs | 48 -
.../Models/RestAuthLocation.Serialization.cs | 28 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestAuthLocation.cs | 18 -
.../Models/RestAuthType.Serialization.cs | 28 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestAuthType.cs | 18 -
.../Models/RestHealthCheck.Serialization.cs | 64 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestHealthCheck.cs | 47 -
...HealthCheckStepAttributes.Serialization.cs | 121 -
.../Models/RestHealthCheckStepAttributes.cs | 40 -
.../RestMatchQuantifier.Serialization.cs | 28 -
.../Generated/Models/RestMatchQuantifier.cs | 18 -
.../Models/RestRequest.Serialization.cs | 58 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestRequest.cs | 46 -
...RestRequestAuthentication.Serialization.cs | 40 -
.../Models/RestRequestAuthentication.cs | 32 -
.../Models/RestRequestMethod.Serialization.cs | 28 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestRequestMethod.cs | 18 -
.../Models/RestResponse.Serialization.cs | 74 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestResponse.cs | 36 -
.../Models/RestResponseRegex.Serialization.cs | 74 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestResponseRegex.cs | 36 -
...loutCreateOrUpdateContent.Serialization.cs | 165 -
.../Models/RolloutCreateOrUpdateContent.cs | 71 -
.../Models/RolloutData.Serialization.cs | 227 -
...outIdentityAuthentication.Serialization.cs | 41 -
.../Models/RolloutIdentityAuthentication.cs | 26 -
.../RolloutOperationInfo.Serialization.cs | 79 -
.../Generated/Models/RolloutOperationInfo.cs | 47 -
.../Models/RolloutStep.Serialization.cs | 86 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RolloutStep.cs | 59 -
.../Models/SasAuthentication.Serialization.cs | 72 -
.../src/Generated/Models/SasAuthentication.cs | 33 -
.../Generated/Models/Service.Serialization.cs | 61 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Service.cs | 49 -
.../Models/ServiceProperties.Serialization.cs | 38 -
.../src/Generated/Models/ServiceProperties.cs | 34 -
.../ServiceResourceData.Serialization.cs | 128 -
...rviceTopologyResourceData.Serialization.cs | 123 -
.../Models/ServiceUnit.Serialization.cs | 71 -
.../src/Generated/Models/ServiceUnit.cs | 45 -
.../ServiceUnitArtifacts.Serialization.cs | 86 -
.../Generated/Models/ServiceUnitArtifacts.cs | 42 -
.../ServiceUnitProperties.Serialization.cs | 49 -
.../Generated/Models/ServiceUnitProperties.cs | 46 -
.../ServiceUnitResourceData.Serialization.cs | 144 -
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.../Generated/Models/UnknownAuthentication.cs | 20 -
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.../src/Generated/ProviderConstants.cs | 16 -
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.../RestOperations/RolloutsRestOperations.cs | 522 --
.../ServiceTopologiesRestOperations.cs | 361 -
.../ServiceUnitsRestOperations.cs | 399 --
.../RestOperations/ServicesRestOperations.cs | 385 --
.../RestOperations/StepsRestOperations.cs | 361 -
.../src/Generated/RolloutCollection.cs | 421 --
.../src/Generated/RolloutData.cs | 77 -
.../src/Generated/RolloutResource.cs | 734 --
.../src/Generated/ServiceResource.cs | 639 --
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.../src/Generated/ServiceResourceData.cs | 55 -
.../src/Generated/ServiceTopologyResource.cs | 640 --
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.../Generated/ServiceTopologyResourceData.cs | 42 -
.../src/Generated/ServiceUnitResource.cs | 586 --
.../ServiceUnitResourceCollection.cs | 413 --
.../src/Generated/ServiceUnitResourceData.cs | 59 -
.../src/Generated/StepResource.cs | 587 --
.../src/Generated/StepResourceCollection.cs | 414 --
.../src/Generated/StepResourceData.cs | 61 -
.../src/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 9 -
.../src/ | 93 -
...urceManager.DeploymentManager.Tests.csproj | 5 -
.../DeploymentManagerManagementTestBase.cs | 41 -
...loymentManagerManagementTestEnvironment.cs | 11 -
.../AzSdk.RP.props | 7 -
...oft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager.sln | 55 -
.../ | 7 -
.../Generated/ArtifactSourcesOperations.cs | 886 ---
.../ArtifactSourcesOperationsExtensions.cs | 192 -
.../Generated/AzureDeploymentManagerClient.cs | 409 --
.../Generated/IArtifactSourcesOperations.cs | 128 -
.../IAzureDeploymentManagerClient.cs | 113 -
.../src/Generated/IOperations.cs | 46 -
.../src/Generated/IRolloutsOperations.cs | 229 -
.../Generated/IServiceTopologiesOperations.cs | 128 -
.../src/Generated/IServiceUnitsOperations.cs | 192 -
.../src/Generated/IServicesOperations.cs | 139 -
.../src/Generated/IStepsOperations.cs | 127 -
.../Generated/Models/ApiKeyAuthentication.cs | 92 -
.../src/Generated/Models/ArtifactSource.cs | 117 -
.../Models/ArtifactSourcePropertiesModel.cs | 104 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Authentication.cs | 36 -
.../Generated/Models/AzureEntityResource.cs | 59 -
.../src/Generated/Models/CloudErrorBody.cs | 77 -
.../src/Generated/Models/DeploymentMode.cs | 60 -
.../Models/HealthCheckStepAttributes.cs | 95 -
.../Models/HealthCheckStepProperties.cs | 70 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Identity.cs | 79 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Message.cs | 60 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Operation.cs | 75 -
.../src/Generated/Models/OperationDetail.cs | 78 -
.../src/Generated/Models/OperationsList.cs | 51 -
.../src/Generated/Models/PrePostStep.cs | 65 -
.../src/Generated/Models/ProxyResource.cs | 50 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Resource.cs | 72 -
.../src/Generated/Models/ResourceOperation.cs | 106 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestAuthLocation.cs | 60 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestHealthCheck.cs | 94 -
.../Models/RestHealthCheckStepAttributes.cs | 95 -
.../Generated/Models/RestMatchQuantifier.cs | 60 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestRequest.cs | 89 -
.../Models/RestRequestAuthentication.cs | 36 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestRequestMethod.cs | 60 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestResponse.cs | 69 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RestResponseRegex.cs | 65 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Rollout.cs | 187 -
.../Models/RolloutIdentityAuthentication.cs | 39 -
.../Generated/Models/RolloutOperationInfo.cs | 96 -
.../Models/RolloutPropertiesModel.cs | 81 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RolloutRequest.cs | 145 -
.../src/Generated/Models/RolloutStep.cs | 112 -
.../Models/RolloutsCreateOrUpdateHeaders.cs | 55 -
.../src/Generated/Models/SasAuthentication.cs | 73 -
.../src/Generated/Models/Service.cs | 90 -
.../src/Generated/Models/ServiceProperties.cs | 83 -
.../src/Generated/Models/ServiceResource.cs | 98 -
.../Models/ServiceTopologyProperties.cs | 54 -
.../Models/ServiceTopologyResource.cs | 79 -
.../src/Generated/Models/ServiceUnit.cs | 89 -
.../Generated/Models/ServiceUnitArtifacts.cs | 83 -
.../Generated/Models/ServiceUnitProperties.cs | 87 -
.../Generated/Models/ServiceUnitResource.cs | 102 -
.../ServiceUnitsCreateOrUpdateHeaders.cs | 55 -
.../src/Generated/Models/StepGroup.cs | 133 -
.../src/Generated/Models/StepOperationInfo.cs | 95 -
.../src/Generated/Models/StepProperties.cs | 35 -
.../src/Generated/Models/StepResource.cs | 79 -
.../src/Generated/Models/TrackedResource.cs | 83 -
.../Generated/Models/WaitStepAttributes.cs | 67 -
.../Generated/Models/WaitStepProperties.cs | 70 -
.../src/Generated/Operations.cs | 227 -
.../src/Generated/OperationsExtensions.cs | 53 -
.../src/Generated/RolloutsOperations.cs | 1378 ----
.../Generated/RolloutsOperationsExtensions.cs | 362 -
.../Generated/ServiceTopologiesOperations.cs | 890 ---
.../ServiceTopologiesOperationsExtensions.cs | 192 -
.../src/Generated/ServiceUnitsOperations.cs | 1012 ---
.../ServiceUnitsOperationsExtensions.cs | 310 -
.../src/Generated/ServicesOperations.cs | 925 ---
.../Generated/ServicesOperationsExtensions.cs | 214 -
.../src/Generated/StepsOperations.cs | 885 ---
.../Generated/StepsOperationsExtensions.cs | 190 -
....Azure.Management.DeploymentManager.csproj | 26 -
.../src/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 20 -
.../src/generate.ps1 | 1 -
.../Helpers/DeploymentManagerClientHelper.cs | 233 -
.../Helpers/DeploymentManagerTestUtilities.cs | 61 -
.../Helpers/RecordedDelegatingHandler.cs | 90 -
....Management.DeploymentManager.Tests.csproj | 46 -
.../tests/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs | 39 -
.../TopologyAndRolloutScenarioTest.json | 5904 -----------------
.../ArtifactRoot/Storage.Copy.Parameters.json | 25 -
.../ArtifactRoot/Storage.Copy.Template.json | 43 -
.../ArtifactRoot/Storage.Parameters.json | 24 -
.../Tests/ArtifactRoot/Storage.Template.json | 43 -
.../Storage_Invalid.Parameters.json | 24 -
.../tests/Tests/EndToEndFunctionalTests.cs | 913 ---
sdk/deploymentmanager/ci.mgmt.yml | 24 -
.../samples/ | 13 -
.../samples/ | 13 -
.../samples/ | 13 -
sdk/resourcemanager/ci.mgmt.yml | 2 -
241 files changed, 38913 deletions(-)
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/RolloutResource.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServiceResource.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServiceResourceCollection.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServiceResourceData.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServiceTopologyResourceData.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/StepResourceData.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/IServiceTopologiesOperations.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/IServiceUnitsOperations.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/IServicesOperations.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/IStepsOperations.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/ArtifactSourcePropertiesModel.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/Authentication.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/AzureEntityResource.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/CloudErrorBody.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/HealthCheckStepAttributes.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/RestRequest.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/RolloutIdentityAuthentication.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/RolloutPropertiesModel.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/RolloutRequest.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/RolloutStep.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/RolloutsCreateOrUpdateHeaders.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/SasAuthentication.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/Service.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/ServiceProperties.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/ServiceResource.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/ServiceTopologyResource.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/ServiceUnitArtifacts.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/ServiceUnitProperties.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/ServiceUnitResource.cs
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delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/StepGroup.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/StepOperationInfo.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/StepProperties.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/StepResource.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/TrackedResource.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/WaitStepAttributes.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Models/WaitStepProperties.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/Operations.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/OperationsExtensions.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/RolloutsOperations.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/RolloutsOperationsExtensions.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServiceTopologiesOperations.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServiceTopologiesOperationsExtensions.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServiceUnitsOperations.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServiceUnitsOperationsExtensions.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServicesOperations.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ServicesOperationsExtensions.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/StepsOperations.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/StepsOperationsExtensions.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager.csproj
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/src/generate.ps1
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Helpers/DeploymentManagerClientHelper.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Helpers/DeploymentManagerTestUtilities.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Helpers/RecordedDelegatingHandler.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager.Tests.csproj
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/SessionRecords/EndToEndFunctionalTests/TopologyAndRolloutScenarioTest.json
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Tests/ArtifactRoot/Storage.Copy.Parameters.json
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Tests/ArtifactRoot/Storage.Copy.Template.json
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Tests/ArtifactRoot/Storage.Parameters.json
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Tests/ArtifactRoot/Storage.Template.json
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Tests/ArtifactRoot/Storage_Invalid.Parameters.json
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager/tests/Tests/EndToEndFunctionalTests.cs
delete mode 100644 sdk/deploymentmanager/ci.mgmt.yml
delete mode 100644 sdk/hdinsight/Azure.ResourceManager.HDInsight.Containers/samples/
delete mode 100644 sdk/recoveryservices-datareplication/Azure.ResourceManager.RecoveryServicesDataReplication/samples/
delete mode 100644 sdk/resourceconnector/Azure.ResourceManager.ResourceConnector/samples/
diff --git a/sdk/apicenter/Azure.ResourceManager.ApiCenter/samples/ b/sdk/apicenter/Azure.ResourceManager.ApiCenter/samples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dc5aa3df23e2..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/apicenter/Azure.ResourceManager.ApiCenter/samples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Generated code configuration
-Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateTests` to generate code.
-# Azure.ResourceManager.ApiCenter.Tests
-> see
-``` yaml
-require: ../src/
-include-x-ms-examples-original-file: true
- sample: true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdk/defendereasm/Azure.ResourceManager.DefenderEasm/samples/ b/sdk/defendereasm/Azure.ResourceManager.DefenderEasm/samples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 604b4630b0c11..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/defendereasm/Azure.ResourceManager.DefenderEasm/samples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# Generated code configuration
-Run `dotnet build /t:GenerateTests` to generate code.
-# Azure.ResourceManager.DefenderEasm.Tests
-> see
-``` yaml
-require: ../src/
-include-x-ms-examples-original-file: true
- sample: true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.sln b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.sln
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e82a4ad4a81..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.sln
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index a5fd848260b43..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Release History
-## 1.0.0-beta.4 (Unreleased)
-### Features Added
-### Breaking Changes
-### Bugs Fixed
-### Other Changes
-## 1.0.0-beta.3 (2023-05-29)
-### Features Added
-- Enable the model factory feature for model mocking, more information can be found [here](
-### Other Changes
-- Upgraded dependent Azure.Core to 1.32.0.
-- Upgraded dependent Azure.ResourceManager to 1.6.0.
-## 1.0.0-beta.2 (2023-02-16)
-### Features Added
-- Added operation support to `ArmDeploymentManagerModelFactory`.
-### Other Changes
-- Upgraded dependent `Azure.Core` to `1.28.0`.
-- Upgraded dependent `Azure.ResourceManager` to `1.4.0`.
-## 1.0.0-beta.1 (2022-09-22)
-### Breaking Changes
-New design of track 2 initial commit.
-### Package Name
-The package name has been changed from `Microsoft.Azure.Management.DeploymentManager` to `Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager`.
-### General New Features
-This package follows the [new Azure SDK guidelines](, and provides many core capabilities:
- - Support MSAL.NET, Azure.Identity is out of box for supporting MSAL.NET.
- - Support [OpenTelemetry]( for distributed tracing.
- - HTTP pipeline with custom policies.
- - Better error-handling.
- - Support uniform telemetry across all languages.
-This package is a Public Preview version, so expect incompatible changes in subsequent releases as we improve the product. To provide feedback, submit an issue in our [Azure SDK for .NET GitHub repo](
-> NOTE: For more information about unified authentication, please refer to [Microsoft Azure Identity documentation for .NET](
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/Directory.Build.props b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/Directory.Build.props
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a9611bd49242..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/Directory.Build.props
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/ b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a712d3a03d7a..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Azure Deployment Manager management client library for .NET
-Microsoft Azure Deployment Manager (ADM) provides a new set of features for Azure Resource Manager and greatly expands your deployment capabilities. ADM allows you to perform staged rollouts of resources, meaning they’re deployed region by region in an ordered fashion.
-This library supports managing Microsoft Azure Deployment Manager resources.
-This library follows the [new Azure SDK guidelines](, and provides many core capabilities:
- - Support MSAL.NET, Azure.Identity is out of box for supporting MSAL.NET.
- - Support [OpenTelemetry]( for distributed tracing.
- - HTTP pipeline with custom policies.
- - Better error-handling.
- - Support uniform telemetry across all languages.
-## Getting started
-### Install the package
-Install the Microsoft Azure Deployment Manager management library for .NET with [NuGet](
-dotnet add package Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager --prerelease
-### Prerequisites
-* You must have an [Microsoft Azure subscription](
-### Authenticate the Client
-To create an authenticated client and start interacting with Microsoft Azure resources, see the [quickstart guide here](
-## Key concepts
-Key concepts of the Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET can be found [here](
-## Documentation
-Documentation is available to help you learn how to use this package:
-- [Quickstart](
-- [API References](
-- [Authentication](
-## Examples
-Code samples for using the management library for .NET can be found in the following locations
-- [.NET Management Library Code Samples](
-## Troubleshooting
-- File an issue via [GitHub Issues](
-- Check [previous questions]( or ask new ones on Stack Overflow using Azure and .NET tags.
-## Next steps
-For more information about Microsoft Azure SDK, see [this website](
-## Contributing
-For details on contributing to this repository, see the [contributing
-This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions
-require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring
-that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use
-your contribution. For details, visit .
-When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine
-whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately
-(for example, label, comment). Follow the instructions provided by the
-bot. You'll only need to do this action once across all repositories
-using our CLA.
-This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct][coc]. For
-more information, see the [Code of Conduct FAQ][coc_faq] or contact
- with any other questions or comments.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/api/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.netstandard2.0.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/api/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.netstandard2.0.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 254b422eeef44..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/api/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.netstandard2.0.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager
- public partial class ArtifactSourceCollection : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmCollection, System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- {
- protected ArtifactSourceCollection() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string artifactSourceName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ArtifactSourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> CreateOrUpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string artifactSourceName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ArtifactSourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Exists(string artifactSourceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ExistsAsync(string artifactSourceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(string artifactSourceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Pageable GetAll(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.AsyncPageable GetAllAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(string artifactSourceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.NullableResponse GetIfExists(string artifactSourceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetIfExistsAsync(string artifactSourceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class ArtifactSourceData : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.TrackedResourceData
- {
- public ArtifactSourceData(Azure.Core.AzureLocation location) : base (default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation)) { }
- public string ArtifactRoot { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Authentication Authentication { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string SourceType { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class ArtifactSourceResource : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResource
- {
- public static readonly Azure.Core.ResourceType ResourceType;
- protected ArtifactSourceResource() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ArtifactSourceData Data { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual bool HasData { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual Azure.Response AddTag(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AddTagAsync(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier CreateResourceIdentifier(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string artifactSourceName) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Delete(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task DeleteAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response RemoveTag(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> RemoveTagAsync(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response SetTags(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> SetTagsAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Update(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ArtifactSourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> UpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ArtifactSourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- }
- public static partial class DeploymentManagerExtensions
- {
- public static Azure.Response GetArtifactSource(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource, string artifactSourceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetArtifactSourceAsync(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource, string artifactSourceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ArtifactSourceResource GetArtifactSourceResource(this Azure.ResourceManager.ArmClient client, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ArtifactSourceCollection GetArtifactSources(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.Response GetRollout(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource, string rolloutName, int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetRolloutAsync(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource, string rolloutName, int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.RolloutResource GetRolloutResource(this Azure.ResourceManager.ArmClient client, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.RolloutCollection GetRollouts(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceResource GetServiceResource(this Azure.ResourceManager.ArmClient client, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceTopologyResource GetServiceTopologyResource(this Azure.ResourceManager.ArmClient client, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.Response GetServiceTopologyResource(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource, string serviceTopologyName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetServiceTopologyResourceAsync(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource, string serviceTopologyName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceTopologyResourceCollection GetServiceTopologyResources(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceUnitResource GetServiceUnitResource(this Azure.ResourceManager.ArmClient client, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.StepResource GetStepResource(this Azure.ResourceManager.ArmClient client, Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.Response GetStepResource(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource, string stepName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetStepResourceAsync(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource, string stepName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.StepResourceCollection GetStepResources(this Azure.ResourceManager.Resources.ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class RolloutCollection : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmCollection, System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- {
- protected RolloutCollection() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string rolloutName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RolloutCreateOrUpdateContent content, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> CreateOrUpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string rolloutName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RolloutCreateOrUpdateContent content, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Exists(string rolloutName, int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ExistsAsync(string rolloutName, int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(string rolloutName, int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Pageable GetAll(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.AsyncPageable GetAllAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(string rolloutName, int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.NullableResponse GetIfExists(string rolloutName, int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetIfExistsAsync(string rolloutName, int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class RolloutData : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.TrackedResourceData
- {
- public RolloutData(Azure.Core.AzureLocation location) : base (default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation)) { }
- public string ArtifactSourceId { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string BuildVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Identity Identity { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RolloutOperationInfo OperationInfo { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList Services { get { throw null; } }
- public string Status { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList StepGroups { get { throw null; } }
- public string TargetServiceTopologyId { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public int? TotalRetryAttempts { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class RolloutResource : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResource
- {
- public static readonly Azure.Core.ResourceType ResourceType;
- protected RolloutResource() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.RolloutData Data { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual bool HasData { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual Azure.Response AddTag(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AddTagAsync(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Cancel(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> CancelAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier CreateResourceIdentifier(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string rolloutName) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Delete(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task DeleteAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(int? retryAttempt = default(int?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response RemoveTag(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> RemoveTagAsync(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Restart(bool? skipSucceeded = default(bool?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> RestartAsync(bool? skipSucceeded = default(bool?), System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response SetTags(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> SetTagsAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Update(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RolloutCreateOrUpdateContent content, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> UpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RolloutCreateOrUpdateContent content, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class ServiceResource : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResource
- {
- public static readonly Azure.Core.ResourceType ResourceType;
- protected ServiceResource() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceResourceData Data { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual bool HasData { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual Azure.Response AddTag(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AddTagAsync(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier CreateResourceIdentifier(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string serviceTopologyName, string serviceName) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Delete(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task DeleteAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response GetServiceUnitResource(string serviceUnitName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetServiceUnitResourceAsync(string serviceUnitName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceUnitResourceCollection GetServiceUnitResources() { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response RemoveTag(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> RemoveTagAsync(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response SetTags(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> SetTagsAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Update(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> UpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class ServiceResourceCollection : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmCollection, System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- {
- protected ServiceResourceCollection() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string serviceName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> CreateOrUpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string serviceName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Exists(string serviceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ExistsAsync(string serviceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(string serviceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Pageable GetAll(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.AsyncPageable GetAllAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(string serviceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.NullableResponse GetIfExists(string serviceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetIfExistsAsync(string serviceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class ServiceResourceData : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.TrackedResourceData
- {
- public ServiceResourceData(Azure.Core.AzureLocation location, string targetLocation, string targetSubscriptionId) : base (default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation)) { }
- public string TargetLocation { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string TargetSubscriptionId { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class ServiceTopologyResource : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResource
- {
- public static readonly Azure.Core.ResourceType ResourceType;
- protected ServiceTopologyResource() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceTopologyResourceData Data { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual bool HasData { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual Azure.Response AddTag(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AddTagAsync(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier CreateResourceIdentifier(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string serviceTopologyName) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Delete(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task DeleteAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response GetServiceResource(string serviceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetServiceResourceAsync(string serviceName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceResourceCollection GetServiceResources() { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response RemoveTag(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> RemoveTagAsync(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response SetTags(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> SetTagsAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Update(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceTopologyResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> UpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceTopologyResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class ServiceTopologyResourceCollection : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmCollection, System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- {
- protected ServiceTopologyResourceCollection() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string serviceTopologyName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceTopologyResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> CreateOrUpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string serviceTopologyName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceTopologyResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Exists(string serviceTopologyName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ExistsAsync(string serviceTopologyName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(string serviceTopologyName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Pageable GetAll(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.AsyncPageable GetAllAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(string serviceTopologyName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.NullableResponse GetIfExists(string serviceTopologyName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetIfExistsAsync(string serviceTopologyName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class ServiceTopologyResourceData : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.TrackedResourceData
- {
- public ServiceTopologyResourceData(Azure.Core.AzureLocation location) : base (default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation)) { }
- public string ArtifactSourceId { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class ServiceUnitResource : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResource
- {
- public static readonly Azure.Core.ResourceType ResourceType;
- protected ServiceUnitResource() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceUnitResourceData Data { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual bool HasData { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual Azure.Response AddTag(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AddTagAsync(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier CreateResourceIdentifier(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string serviceTopologyName, string serviceName, string serviceUnitName) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Delete(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task DeleteAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response RemoveTag(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> RemoveTagAsync(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response SetTags(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> SetTagsAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Update(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceUnitResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> UpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceUnitResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class ServiceUnitResourceCollection : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmCollection, System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- {
- protected ServiceUnitResourceCollection() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string serviceUnitName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceUnitResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> CreateOrUpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string serviceUnitName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceUnitResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Exists(string serviceUnitName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ExistsAsync(string serviceUnitName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(string serviceUnitName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Pageable GetAll(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.AsyncPageable GetAllAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(string serviceUnitName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.NullableResponse GetIfExists(string serviceUnitName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetIfExistsAsync(string serviceUnitName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class ServiceUnitResourceData : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.TrackedResourceData
- {
- public ServiceUnitResourceData(Azure.Core.AzureLocation location, string targetResourceGroup, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.DeploymentMode deploymentMode) : base (default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation)) { }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceUnitArtifacts Artifacts { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.DeploymentMode DeploymentMode { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string TargetResourceGroup { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class StepResource : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmResource
- {
- public static readonly Azure.Core.ResourceType ResourceType;
- protected StepResource() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.StepResourceData Data { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual bool HasData { get { throw null; } }
- public virtual Azure.Response AddTag(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> AddTagAsync(string key, string value, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier CreateResourceIdentifier(string subscriptionId, string resourceGroupName, string stepName) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Delete(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task DeleteAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response RemoveTag(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> RemoveTagAsync(string key, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response SetTags(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> SetTagsAsync(System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation Update(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.StepResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> UpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.StepResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class StepResourceCollection : Azure.ResourceManager.ArmCollection, System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Collections.IEnumerable
- {
- protected StepResourceCollection() { }
- public virtual Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation CreateOrUpdate(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string stepName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.StepResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> CreateOrUpdateAsync(Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string stepName, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.StepResourceData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Exists(string stepName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> ExistsAsync(string stepName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Response Get(string stepName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.Pageable GetAll(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.AsyncPageable GetAllAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetAsync(string stepName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual Azure.NullableResponse GetIfExists(string stepName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task> GetIfExistsAsync(string stepName, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(System.Threading.CancellationToken)) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { throw null; }
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
- }
- public partial class StepResourceData : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.TrackedResourceData
- {
- public StepResourceData(Azure.Core.AzureLocation location, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.StepProperties properties) : base (default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation)) { }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.StepProperties Properties { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models
- public partial class ApiKeyAuthentication : Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestRequestAuthentication
- {
- public ApiKeyAuthentication(string name, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestAuthLocation @in, string value) { }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestAuthLocation In { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string Value { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public static partial class ArmDeploymentManagerModelFactory
- {
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ArtifactSourceData ArtifactSourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string sourceType = null, string artifactRoot = null, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Authentication authentication = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Message Message(System.DateTimeOffset? timeStamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string messageValue = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ResourceOperation ResourceOperation(string resourceName = null, string operationId = null, string resourceType = null, string provisioningState = null, string statusMessage = null, string statusCode = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RolloutCreateOrUpdateContent RolloutCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Identity identity = null, string buildVersion = null, string artifactSourceId = null, string targetServiceTopologyId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable stepGroups = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.RolloutData RolloutData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Identity identity = null, string buildVersion = null, string artifactSourceId = null, string targetServiceTopologyId = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable stepGroups = null, string status = null, int? totalRetryAttempts = default(int?), Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RolloutOperationInfo operationInfo = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable services = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RolloutOperationInfo RolloutOperationInfo(int? retryAttempt = default(int?), bool? skipSucceededOnRetry = default(bool?), System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResponseError error = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RolloutStep RolloutStep(string name = null, string status = null, string stepGroup = null, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.StepOperationInfo operationInfo = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable resourceOperations = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable messages = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Service Service(string targetLocation = null, string targetSubscriptionId = null, string name = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable serviceUnits = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceProperties ServiceProperties(string targetLocation = null, string targetSubscriptionId = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceResourceData ServiceResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string targetLocation = null, string targetSubscriptionId = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceTopologyResourceData ServiceTopologyResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string artifactSourceId = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceUnit ServiceUnit(string targetResourceGroup = null, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.DeploymentMode deploymentMode = Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.DeploymentMode.Incremental, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceUnitArtifacts artifacts = null, string name = null, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable steps = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceUnitProperties ServiceUnitProperties(string targetResourceGroup = null, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.DeploymentMode deploymentMode = Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.DeploymentMode.Incremental, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceUnitArtifacts artifacts = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.ServiceUnitResourceData ServiceUnitResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), string targetResourceGroup = null, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.DeploymentMode deploymentMode = Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.DeploymentMode.Incremental, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceUnitArtifacts artifacts = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.StepOperationInfo StepOperationInfo(string deploymentName = null, string correlationId = null, System.DateTimeOffset? startOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? endOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset? lastUpdatedOn = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), Azure.ResponseError error = null) { throw null; }
- public static Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.StepResourceData StepResourceData(Azure.Core.ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, Azure.Core.ResourceType resourceType = default(Azure.Core.ResourceType), Azure.ResourceManager.Models.SystemData systemData = null, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary tags = null, Azure.Core.AzureLocation location = default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation), Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.StepProperties properties = null) { throw null; }
- }
- public abstract partial class Authentication
- {
- protected Authentication() { }
- }
- public enum DeploymentMode
- {
- Incremental = 0,
- Complete = 1,
- }
- public abstract partial class HealthCheckStepAttributes
- {
- protected HealthCheckStepAttributes(System.TimeSpan healthyStateDuration) { }
- public System.TimeSpan HealthyStateDuration { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.TimeSpan? MaxElasticDuration { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.TimeSpan? WaitDuration { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class HealthCheckStepProperties : Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.StepProperties
- {
- public HealthCheckStepProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.HealthCheckStepAttributes attributes) { }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.HealthCheckStepAttributes Attributes { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class Identity
- {
- public Identity(string identityType, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable identityIds) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList IdentityIds { get { throw null; } }
- public string IdentityType { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class Message
- {
- internal Message() { }
- public string MessageValue { get { throw null; } }
- public System.DateTimeOffset? TimeStamp { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class PrePostStep
- {
- public PrePostStep(string stepId) { }
- public string StepId { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class ResourceOperation
- {
- internal ResourceOperation() { }
- public string OperationId { get { throw null; } }
- public string ProvisioningState { get { throw null; } }
- public string ResourceName { get { throw null; } }
- public string ResourceType { get { throw null; } }
- public string StatusCode { get { throw null; } }
- public string StatusMessage { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public enum RestAuthLocation
- {
- Query = 0,
- Header = 1,
- }
- public partial class RestHealthCheck
- {
- public RestHealthCheck(string name, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestRequest request) { }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestRequest Request { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestResponse Response { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class RestHealthCheckStepAttributes : Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.HealthCheckStepAttributes
- {
- public RestHealthCheckStepAttributes(System.TimeSpan healthyStateDuration) : base (default(System.TimeSpan)) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList HealthChecks { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public enum RestMatchQuantifier
- {
- All = 0,
- Any = 1,
- }
- public partial class RestRequest
- {
- public RestRequest(Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestRequestMethod method, System.Uri uri, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestRequestAuthentication authentication) { }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestRequestAuthentication Authentication { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestRequestMethod Method { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.Uri Uri { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public abstract partial class RestRequestAuthentication
- {
- protected RestRequestAuthentication() { }
- }
- public enum RestRequestMethod
- {
- GET = 0,
- Post = 1,
- }
- public partial class RestResponse
- {
- public RestResponse() { }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestResponseRegex Regex { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList SuccessStatusCodes { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class RestResponseRegex
- {
- public RestResponseRegex() { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList Matches { get { throw null; } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestMatchQuantifier? MatchQuantifier { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class RolloutCreateOrUpdateContent : Azure.ResourceManager.Models.TrackedResourceData
- {
- public RolloutCreateOrUpdateContent(Azure.Core.AzureLocation location, Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Identity identity, string buildVersion, string targetServiceTopologyId, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable stepGroups) : base (default(Azure.Core.AzureLocation)) { }
- public string ArtifactSourceId { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string BuildVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Identity Identity { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList StepGroups { get { throw null; } }
- public string TargetServiceTopologyId { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class RolloutIdentityAuthentication : Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.RestRequestAuthentication
- {
- public RolloutIdentityAuthentication() { }
- }
- public partial class RolloutOperationInfo
- {
- internal RolloutOperationInfo() { }
- public System.DateTimeOffset? EndOn { get { throw null; } }
- public Azure.ResponseError Error { get { throw null; } }
- public int? RetryAttempt { get { throw null; } }
- public bool? SkipSucceededOnRetry { get { throw null; } }
- public System.DateTimeOffset? StartOn { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class RolloutStep
- {
- internal RolloutStep() { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList Messages { get { throw null; } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.StepOperationInfo OperationInfo { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList ResourceOperations { get { throw null; } }
- public string Status { get { throw null; } }
- public string StepGroup { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class SasAuthentication : Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.Authentication
- {
- public SasAuthentication() { }
- public System.Uri SasUri { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class Service : Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceProperties
- {
- internal Service() { }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList ServiceUnits { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class ServiceProperties
- {
- internal ServiceProperties() { }
- public string TargetLocation { get { throw null; } }
- public string TargetSubscriptionId { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class ServiceUnit : Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceUnitProperties
- {
- internal ServiceUnit() { }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList Steps { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class ServiceUnitArtifacts
- {
- public ServiceUnitArtifacts() { }
- public string ParametersArtifactSourceRelativePath { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.Uri ParametersUri { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string TemplateArtifactSourceRelativePath { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.Uri TemplateUri { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class ServiceUnitProperties
- {
- internal ServiceUnitProperties() { }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.ServiceUnitArtifacts Artifacts { get { throw null; } }
- public Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.DeploymentMode DeploymentMode { get { throw null; } }
- public string TargetResourceGroup { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class StepGroup
- {
- public StepGroup(string name, string deploymentTargetId) { }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList DependsOnStepGroups { get { throw null; } }
- public string DeploymentTargetId { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList PostDeploymentSteps { get { throw null; } }
- public System.Collections.Generic.IList PreDeploymentSteps { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public partial class StepOperationInfo
- {
- internal StepOperationInfo() { }
- public string CorrelationId { get { throw null; } }
- public string DeploymentName { get { throw null; } }
- public System.DateTimeOffset? EndOn { get { throw null; } }
- public Azure.ResponseError Error { get { throw null; } }
- public System.DateTimeOffset? LastUpdatedOn { get { throw null; } }
- public System.DateTimeOffset? StartOn { get { throw null; } }
- }
- public abstract partial class StepProperties
- {
- protected StepProperties() { }
- }
- public partial class WaitStepAttributes
- {
- public WaitStepAttributes(System.TimeSpan duration) { }
- public System.TimeSpan Duration { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
- public partial class WaitStepProperties : Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.StepProperties
- {
- public WaitStepProperties(Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models.WaitStepAttributes attributes) { }
- public System.TimeSpan? AttributesDuration { get { throw null; } set { } }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/assets.json b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/assets.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d9395eeea40b..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/assets.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "AssetsRepo": "Azure/azure-sdk-assets",
- "AssetsRepoPrefixPath": "net",
- "TagPrefix": "net/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager",
- "Tag": ""
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples.csproj b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples.csproj
deleted file mode 100644
index be109643e6c7c..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples.csproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ArtifactSourceCollection.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ArtifactSourceCollection.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 723d1d8bfcb5e..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ArtifactSourceCollection.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_ArtifactSourceCollection
- {
- // Create artifact source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task CreateOrUpdate_CreateArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsource_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ArtifactSourceResource
- ArtifactSourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetArtifactSources();
- // invoke the operation
- string artifactSourceName = "myArtifactSource";
- ArtifactSourceData data = new ArtifactSourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"))
- {
- SourceType = "AzureStorage",
- Authentication = new SasAuthentication()
- {
- SasUri = new Uri(""),
- },
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, artifactSourceName, data);
- ArtifactSourceResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ArtifactSourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Create artifact source with artifact root, an offset into the storage container
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task CreateOrUpdate_CreateArtifactSourceWithArtifactRootAnOffsetIntoTheStorageContainer()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsource_createorupdate_artifactroot.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ArtifactSourceResource
- ArtifactSourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetArtifactSources();
- // invoke the operation
- string artifactSourceName = "myArtifactSource";
- ArtifactSourceData data = new ArtifactSourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"))
- {
- SourceType = "AzureStorage",
- ArtifactRoot = "",
- Authentication = new SasAuthentication()
- {
- SasUri = new Uri(""),
- },
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, artifactSourceName, data);
- ArtifactSourceResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ArtifactSourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get artifact source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsource_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ArtifactSourceResource
- ArtifactSourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetArtifactSources();
- // invoke the operation
- string artifactSourceName = "myArtifactSource";
- ArtifactSourceResource result = await collection.GetAsync(artifactSourceName);
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ArtifactSourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get artifact source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Exists_GetArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsource_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ArtifactSourceResource
- ArtifactSourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetArtifactSources();
- // invoke the operation
- string artifactSourceName = "myArtifactSource";
- bool result = await collection.ExistsAsync(artifactSourceName);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded: {result}");
- }
- // Get artifact source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetIfExists_GetArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsource_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ArtifactSourceResource
- ArtifactSourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetArtifactSources();
- // invoke the operation
- string artifactSourceName = "myArtifactSource";
- NullableResponse response = await collection.GetIfExistsAsync(artifactSourceName);
- ArtifactSourceResource result = response.HasValue ? response.Value : null;
- if (result == null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded with null as result");
- }
- else
- {
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ArtifactSourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- }
- // List steps
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetAll_ListSteps()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsources_list.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_List" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ArtifactSourceResource
- ArtifactSourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetArtifactSources();
- // invoke the operation and iterate over the result
- await foreach (ArtifactSourceResource item in collection.GetAllAsync())
- {
- // the variable item is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ArtifactSourceData resourceData = item.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ArtifactSourceResource.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ArtifactSourceResource.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index f7475da405e71..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ArtifactSourceResource.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_ArtifactSourceResource
- {
- // Create artifact source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Update_CreateArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsource_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ArtifactSourceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ArtifactSourceResource, please refer to the document of ArtifactSourceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string artifactSourceName = "myArtifactSource";
- ResourceIdentifier artifactSourceResourceId = ArtifactSourceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, artifactSourceName);
- ArtifactSourceResource artifactSource = client.GetArtifactSourceResource(artifactSourceResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ArtifactSourceData data = new ArtifactSourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"))
- {
- SourceType = "AzureStorage",
- Authentication = new SasAuthentication()
- {
- SasUri = new Uri(""),
- },
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await artifactSource.UpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, data);
- ArtifactSourceResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ArtifactSourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Create artifact source with artifact root, an offset into the storage container
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Update_CreateArtifactSourceWithArtifactRootAnOffsetIntoTheStorageContainer()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsource_createorupdate_artifactroot.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ArtifactSourceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ArtifactSourceResource, please refer to the document of ArtifactSourceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string artifactSourceName = "myArtifactSource";
- ResourceIdentifier artifactSourceResourceId = ArtifactSourceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, artifactSourceName);
- ArtifactSourceResource artifactSource = client.GetArtifactSourceResource(artifactSourceResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ArtifactSourceData data = new ArtifactSourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"))
- {
- SourceType = "AzureStorage",
- ArtifactRoot = "",
- Authentication = new SasAuthentication()
- {
- SasUri = new Uri(""),
- },
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await artifactSource.UpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, data);
- ArtifactSourceResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ArtifactSourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get artifact source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsource_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ArtifactSourceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ArtifactSourceResource, please refer to the document of ArtifactSourceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string artifactSourceName = "myArtifactSource";
- ResourceIdentifier artifactSourceResourceId = ArtifactSourceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, artifactSourceName);
- ArtifactSourceResource artifactSource = client.GetArtifactSourceResource(artifactSourceResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ArtifactSourceResource result = await artifactSource.GetAsync();
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ArtifactSourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Delete artifact source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Delete_DeleteArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/artifactsource_delete.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ArtifactSources_Delete" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ArtifactSourceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ArtifactSourceResource, please refer to the document of ArtifactSourceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string artifactSourceName = "myArtifactSource";
- ResourceIdentifier artifactSourceResourceId = ArtifactSourceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, artifactSourceName);
- ArtifactSourceResource artifactSource = client.GetArtifactSourceResource(artifactSourceResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- await artifactSource.DeleteAsync(WaitUntil.Completed);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_RolloutCollection.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_RolloutCollection.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index bf92572c4b4ef..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_RolloutCollection.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_RolloutCollection
- {
- // Get rollout
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetRollout()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/rollout_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Rollouts_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this RolloutResource
- RolloutCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetRollouts();
- // invoke the operation
- string rolloutName = "myRollout";
- RolloutResource result = await collection.GetAsync(rolloutName);
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- RolloutData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get rollout
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Exists_GetRollout()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/rollout_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Rollouts_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this RolloutResource
- RolloutCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetRollouts();
- // invoke the operation
- string rolloutName = "myRollout";
- bool result = await collection.ExistsAsync(rolloutName);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded: {result}");
- }
- // Get rollout
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetIfExists_GetRollout()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/rollout_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Rollouts_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this RolloutResource
- RolloutCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetRollouts();
- // invoke the operation
- string rolloutName = "myRollout";
- NullableResponse response = await collection.GetIfExistsAsync(rolloutName);
- RolloutResource result = response.HasValue ? response.Value : null;
- if (result == null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded with null as result");
- }
- else
- {
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- RolloutData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- }
- // List rollouts by resource group
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetAll_ListRolloutsByResourceGroup()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/rollouts_list.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Rollouts_List" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this RolloutResource
- RolloutCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetRollouts();
- // invoke the operation and iterate over the result
- await foreach (RolloutResource item in collection.GetAllAsync())
- {
- // the variable item is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- RolloutData resourceData = item.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_RolloutResource.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_RolloutResource.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f19569180dbc..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_RolloutResource.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_RolloutResource
- {
- // Get rollout
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetRollout()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/rollout_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Rollouts_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this RolloutResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating RolloutResource, please refer to the document of RolloutResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string rolloutName = "myRollout";
- ResourceIdentifier rolloutResourceId = RolloutResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, rolloutName);
- RolloutResource rollout = client.GetRolloutResource(rolloutResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- RolloutResource result = await rollout.GetAsync();
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- RolloutData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Delete rollout
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Delete_DeleteRollout()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/rollout_delete.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Rollouts_Delete" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this RolloutResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating RolloutResource, please refer to the document of RolloutResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string rolloutName = "myRollout";
- ResourceIdentifier rolloutResourceId = RolloutResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, rolloutName);
- RolloutResource rollout = client.GetRolloutResource(rolloutResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- await rollout.DeleteAsync(WaitUntil.Completed);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- // Cancel rollout
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Cancel_CancelRollout()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/rollout_post_cancel.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Rollouts_Cancel" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this RolloutResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating RolloutResource, please refer to the document of RolloutResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string rolloutName = "myRollout";
- ResourceIdentifier rolloutResourceId = RolloutResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, rolloutName);
- RolloutResource rollout = client.GetRolloutResource(rolloutResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- RolloutResource result = await rollout.CancelAsync();
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- RolloutData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Restart rollout
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Restart_RestartRollout()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/rollout_post_restart.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Rollouts_Restart" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this RolloutResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating RolloutResource, please refer to the document of RolloutResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string rolloutName = "myRollout";
- ResourceIdentifier rolloutResourceId = RolloutResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, rolloutName);
- RolloutResource rollout = client.GetRolloutResource(rolloutResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- bool? skipSucceeded = true;
- RolloutResource result = await rollout.RestartAsync(skipSucceeded: skipSucceeded);
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- RolloutData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceResource.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceResource.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index c81c8b9ee7e2f..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceResource.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_ServiceResource
- {
- // Create service
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Update_CreateService()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/service_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Services_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceResource, please refer to the document of ServiceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceResourceId = ServiceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName);
- ServiceResource serviceResource = client.GetServiceResource(serviceResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ServiceResourceData data = new ServiceResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), "centralus", "600c95c5-3ee5-44fe-b190-ca38a19adcd7")
- {
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await serviceResource.UpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, data);
- ServiceResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get service
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetService()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/service_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Services_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceResource, please refer to the document of ServiceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceResourceId = ServiceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName);
- ServiceResource serviceResource = client.GetServiceResource(serviceResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ServiceResource result = await serviceResource.GetAsync();
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Delete service
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Delete_DeleteService()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/service_delete.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Services_Delete" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceResource, please refer to the document of ServiceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceResourceId = ServiceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName);
- ServiceResource serviceResource = client.GetServiceResource(serviceResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- await serviceResource.DeleteAsync(WaitUntil.Completed);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceResourceCollection.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceResourceCollection.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 45a259635974a..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceResourceCollection.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_ServiceResourceCollection
- {
- // Create service
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task CreateOrUpdate_CreateService()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/service_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Services_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceTopologyResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceTopologyResource, please refer to the document of ServiceTopologyResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceTopologyResourceId = ServiceTopologyResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource serviceTopologyResource = client.GetServiceTopologyResource(serviceTopologyResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceResource
- ServiceResourceCollection collection = serviceTopologyResource.GetServiceResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ServiceResourceData data = new ServiceResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), "centralus", "600c95c5-3ee5-44fe-b190-ca38a19adcd7")
- {
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, serviceName, data);
- ServiceResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get service
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetService()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/service_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Services_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceTopologyResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceTopologyResource, please refer to the document of ServiceTopologyResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceTopologyResourceId = ServiceTopologyResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource serviceTopologyResource = client.GetServiceTopologyResource(serviceTopologyResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceResource
- ServiceResourceCollection collection = serviceTopologyResource.GetServiceResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ServiceResource result = await collection.GetAsync(serviceName);
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get service
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Exists_GetService()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/service_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Services_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceTopologyResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceTopologyResource, please refer to the document of ServiceTopologyResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceTopologyResourceId = ServiceTopologyResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource serviceTopologyResource = client.GetServiceTopologyResource(serviceTopologyResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceResource
- ServiceResourceCollection collection = serviceTopologyResource.GetServiceResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceName = "myService";
- bool result = await collection.ExistsAsync(serviceName);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded: {result}");
- }
- // Get service
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetIfExists_GetService()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/service_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Services_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceTopologyResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceTopologyResource, please refer to the document of ServiceTopologyResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceTopologyResourceId = ServiceTopologyResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource serviceTopologyResource = client.GetServiceTopologyResource(serviceTopologyResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceResource
- ServiceResourceCollection collection = serviceTopologyResource.GetServiceResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceName = "myService";
- NullableResponse response = await collection.GetIfExistsAsync(serviceName);
- ServiceResource result = response.HasValue ? response.Value : null;
- if (result == null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded with null as result");
- }
- else
- {
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- }
- // List services
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetAll_ListServices()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/services_list.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Services_List" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceTopologyResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceTopologyResource, please refer to the document of ServiceTopologyResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceTopologyResourceId = ServiceTopologyResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource serviceTopologyResource = client.GetServiceTopologyResource(serviceTopologyResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceResource
- ServiceResourceCollection collection = serviceTopologyResource.GetServiceResources();
- // invoke the operation and iterate over the result
- await foreach (ServiceResource item in collection.GetAllAsync())
- {
- // the variable item is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceResourceData resourceData = item.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceTopologyResource.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceTopologyResource.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 83c9ee9c4746a..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceTopologyResource.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_ServiceTopologyResource
- {
- // Create a topology with Artifact Source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Update_CreateATopologyWithArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopology_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceTopologyResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceTopologyResource, please refer to the document of ServiceTopologyResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceTopologyResourceId = ServiceTopologyResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource serviceTopologyResource = client.GetServiceTopologyResource(serviceTopologyResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ServiceTopologyResourceData data = new ServiceTopologyResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"))
- {
- ArtifactSourceId = "Microsoft.DeploymentManager/artifactSources/myArtifactSource",
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await serviceTopologyResource.UpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, data);
- ServiceTopologyResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceTopologyResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Create a topology without Artifact Source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Update_CreateATopologyWithoutArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopology_createorupdate_noartifactsource.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceTopologyResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceTopologyResource, please refer to the document of ServiceTopologyResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceTopologyResourceId = ServiceTopologyResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource serviceTopologyResource = client.GetServiceTopologyResource(serviceTopologyResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ServiceTopologyResourceData data = new ServiceTopologyResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"))
- {
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await serviceTopologyResource.UpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, data);
- ServiceTopologyResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceTopologyResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get topology
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetTopology()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopology_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceTopologyResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceTopologyResource, please refer to the document of ServiceTopologyResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceTopologyResourceId = ServiceTopologyResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource serviceTopologyResource = client.GetServiceTopologyResource(serviceTopologyResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ServiceTopologyResource result = await serviceTopologyResource.GetAsync();
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceTopologyResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Delete topology
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Delete_DeleteTopology()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopology_delete.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_Delete" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceTopologyResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceTopologyResource, please refer to the document of ServiceTopologyResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceTopologyResourceId = ServiceTopologyResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource serviceTopologyResource = client.GetServiceTopologyResource(serviceTopologyResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- await serviceTopologyResource.DeleteAsync(WaitUntil.Completed);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceTopologyResourceCollection.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceTopologyResourceCollection.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6abb2d4818311..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceTopologyResourceCollection.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_ServiceTopologyResourceCollection
- {
- // Create a topology with Artifact Source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task CreateOrUpdate_CreateATopologyWithArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopology_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceTopologyResource
- ServiceTopologyResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetServiceTopologyResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ServiceTopologyResourceData data = new ServiceTopologyResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"))
- {
- ArtifactSourceId = "Microsoft.DeploymentManager/artifactSources/myArtifactSource",
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, serviceTopologyName, data);
- ServiceTopologyResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceTopologyResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Create a topology without Artifact Source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task CreateOrUpdate_CreateATopologyWithoutArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopology_createorupdate_noartifactsource.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceTopologyResource
- ServiceTopologyResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetServiceTopologyResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ServiceTopologyResourceData data = new ServiceTopologyResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"))
- {
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, serviceTopologyName, data);
- ServiceTopologyResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceTopologyResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get topology
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetTopology()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopology_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceTopologyResource
- ServiceTopologyResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetServiceTopologyResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- ServiceTopologyResource result = await collection.GetAsync(serviceTopologyName);
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceTopologyResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get topology
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Exists_GetTopology()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopology_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceTopologyResource
- ServiceTopologyResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetServiceTopologyResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- bool result = await collection.ExistsAsync(serviceTopologyName);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded: {result}");
- }
- // Get topology
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetIfExists_GetTopology()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopology_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceTopologyResource
- ServiceTopologyResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetServiceTopologyResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- NullableResponse response = await collection.GetIfExistsAsync(serviceTopologyName);
- ServiceTopologyResource result = response.HasValue ? response.Value : null;
- if (result == null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded with null as result");
- }
- else
- {
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceTopologyResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- }
- // List topologies
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetAll_ListTopologies()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/servicetopologies_list.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceTopologies_List" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceTopologyResource
- ServiceTopologyResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetServiceTopologyResources();
- // invoke the operation and iterate over the result
- await foreach (ServiceTopologyResource item in collection.GetAllAsync())
- {
- // the variable item is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceTopologyResourceData resourceData = item.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceUnitResource.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceUnitResource.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b321538e3d2..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceUnitResource.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_ServiceUnitResource
- {
- // Create service unit using SAS URIs
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Update_CreateServiceUnitUsingSASURIs()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunit_createorupdate_noartifactsource.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceUnitResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceUnitResource, please refer to the document of ServiceUnitResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- string serviceUnitName = "myServiceUnit";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceUnitResourceId = ServiceUnitResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName, serviceUnitName);
- ServiceUnitResource serviceUnitResource = client.GetServiceUnitResource(serviceUnitResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ServiceUnitResourceData data = new ServiceUnitResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), "myDeploymentResourceGroup", DeploymentMode.Incremental)
- {
- Artifacts = new ServiceUnitArtifacts()
- {
- TemplateUri = new Uri(""),
- ParametersUri = new Uri(""),
- },
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await serviceUnitResource.UpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, data);
- ServiceUnitResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceUnitResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Create service unit using relative paths into the artifact source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Update_CreateServiceUnitUsingRelativePathsIntoTheArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunit_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceUnitResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceUnitResource, please refer to the document of ServiceUnitResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- string serviceUnitName = "myServiceUnit";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceUnitResourceId = ServiceUnitResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName, serviceUnitName);
- ServiceUnitResource serviceUnitResource = client.GetServiceUnitResource(serviceUnitResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ServiceUnitResourceData data = new ServiceUnitResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), "myDeploymentResourceGroup", DeploymentMode.Incremental)
- {
- Artifacts = new ServiceUnitArtifacts()
- {
- TemplateArtifactSourceRelativePath = "templates/myTopologyUnit.template.json",
- ParametersArtifactSourceRelativePath = "parameter/myTopologyUnit.parameters.json",
- },
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await serviceUnitResource.UpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, data);
- ServiceUnitResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceUnitResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get service unit
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetServiceUnit()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunit_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceUnitResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceUnitResource, please refer to the document of ServiceUnitResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- string serviceUnitName = "myServiceUnit";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceUnitResourceId = ServiceUnitResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName, serviceUnitName);
- ServiceUnitResource serviceUnitResource = client.GetServiceUnitResource(serviceUnitResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- ServiceUnitResource result = await serviceUnitResource.GetAsync();
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceUnitResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Delete service unit
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Delete_DeleteServiceUnit()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunit_delete.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_Delete" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceUnitResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceUnitResource, please refer to the document of ServiceUnitResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- string serviceUnitName = "myServiceUnit";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceUnitResourceId = ServiceUnitResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName, serviceUnitName);
- ServiceUnitResource serviceUnitResource = client.GetServiceUnitResource(serviceUnitResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- await serviceUnitResource.DeleteAsync(WaitUntil.Completed);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceUnitResourceCollection.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceUnitResourceCollection.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 20a704c3dae08..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_ServiceUnitResourceCollection.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_ServiceUnitResourceCollection
- {
- // Create service unit using SAS URIs
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task CreateOrUpdate_CreateServiceUnitUsingSASURIs()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunit_createorupdate_noartifactsource.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceResource, please refer to the document of ServiceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceResourceId = ServiceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName);
- ServiceResource serviceResource = client.GetServiceResource(serviceResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceUnitResource
- ServiceUnitResourceCollection collection = serviceResource.GetServiceUnitResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceUnitName = "myServiceUnit";
- ServiceUnitResourceData data = new ServiceUnitResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), "myDeploymentResourceGroup", DeploymentMode.Incremental)
- {
- Artifacts = new ServiceUnitArtifacts()
- {
- TemplateUri = new Uri(""),
- ParametersUri = new Uri(""),
- },
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, serviceUnitName, data);
- ServiceUnitResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceUnitResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Create service unit using relative paths into the artifact source
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task CreateOrUpdate_CreateServiceUnitUsingRelativePathsIntoTheArtifactSource()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunit_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceResource, please refer to the document of ServiceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceResourceId = ServiceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName);
- ServiceResource serviceResource = client.GetServiceResource(serviceResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceUnitResource
- ServiceUnitResourceCollection collection = serviceResource.GetServiceUnitResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceUnitName = "myServiceUnit";
- ServiceUnitResourceData data = new ServiceUnitResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), "myDeploymentResourceGroup", DeploymentMode.Incremental)
- {
- Artifacts = new ServiceUnitArtifacts()
- {
- TemplateArtifactSourceRelativePath = "templates/myTopologyUnit.template.json",
- ParametersArtifactSourceRelativePath = "parameter/myTopologyUnit.parameters.json",
- },
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, serviceUnitName, data);
- ServiceUnitResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceUnitResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get service unit
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetServiceUnit()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunit_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceResource, please refer to the document of ServiceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceResourceId = ServiceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName);
- ServiceResource serviceResource = client.GetServiceResource(serviceResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceUnitResource
- ServiceUnitResourceCollection collection = serviceResource.GetServiceUnitResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceUnitName = "myServiceUnit";
- ServiceUnitResource result = await collection.GetAsync(serviceUnitName);
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceUnitResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get service unit
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Exists_GetServiceUnit()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunit_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceResource, please refer to the document of ServiceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceResourceId = ServiceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName);
- ServiceResource serviceResource = client.GetServiceResource(serviceResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceUnitResource
- ServiceUnitResourceCollection collection = serviceResource.GetServiceUnitResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceUnitName = "myServiceUnit";
- bool result = await collection.ExistsAsync(serviceUnitName);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded: {result}");
- }
- // Get service unit
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetIfExists_GetServiceUnit()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunit_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceResource, please refer to the document of ServiceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceResourceId = ServiceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName);
- ServiceResource serviceResource = client.GetServiceResource(serviceResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceUnitResource
- ServiceUnitResourceCollection collection = serviceResource.GetServiceUnitResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string serviceUnitName = "myServiceUnit";
- NullableResponse response = await collection.GetIfExistsAsync(serviceUnitName);
- ServiceUnitResource result = response.HasValue ? response.Value : null;
- if (result == null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded with null as result");
- }
- else
- {
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceUnitResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- }
- // List service units
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetAll_ListServiceUnits()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/serviceunits_list.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "ServiceUnits_List" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ServiceResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ServiceResource, please refer to the document of ServiceResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string serviceTopologyName = "myTopology";
- string serviceName = "myService";
- ResourceIdentifier serviceResourceId = ServiceResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, serviceTopologyName, serviceName);
- ServiceResource serviceResource = client.GetServiceResource(serviceResourceId);
- // get the collection of this ServiceUnitResource
- ServiceUnitResourceCollection collection = serviceResource.GetServiceUnitResources();
- // invoke the operation and iterate over the result
- await foreach (ServiceUnitResource item in collection.GetAllAsync())
- {
- // the variable item is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- ServiceUnitResourceData resourceData = item.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_StepResource.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_StepResource.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index e4a00e67d6638..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_StepResource.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using System.Xml;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_StepResource
- {
- // Create health check step
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Update_CreateHealthCheckStep()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/step_health_check_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this StepResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating StepResource, please refer to the document of StepResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string stepName = "healthCheckStep";
- ResourceIdentifier stepResourceId = StepResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, stepName);
- StepResource stepResource = client.GetStepResource(stepResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- StepResourceData data = new StepResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), new HealthCheckStepProperties(new RestHealthCheckStepAttributes(XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT2H"))
- {
- HealthChecks =
-new RestHealthCheck("appHealth",new RestRequest(RestRequestMethod.GET,new Uri(""),new ApiKeyAuthentication("Code",RestAuthLocation.Query,"NBCapiMOBQyAAbCkeytoPadnvO0eGHmidwFz5rXpappznKp3Jt7LLg==")))
-Response = new RestResponse()
-SuccessStatusCodes =
-Regex = new RestResponseRegex()
-Matches =
-"(?i)Contoso-App","(?i)\"health_status\":((.|\n)*)\"(green|yellow)\"","(?mi)^(\"application_host\": 94781052)$"
-MatchQuantifier = RestMatchQuantifier.All,
-},new RestHealthCheck("serviceHealth",new RestRequest(RestRequestMethod.GET,new Uri(""),new ApiKeyAuthentication("code",RestAuthLocation.Header,"NBCapiMOBQyAAbCkeytoPadnvO0eGHmidwFz5rXpappznKp3Jt7LLg==")))
-Response = new RestResponse()
-SuccessStatusCodes =
-Regex = new RestResponseRegex()
-Matches =
-MatchQuantifier = RestMatchQuantifier.All,
- WaitDuration = XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT15M"),
- MaxElasticDuration = XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT30M"),
- }))
- {
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await stepResource.UpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, data);
- StepResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- StepResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Create wait step
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Update_CreateWaitStep()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/step_wait_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this StepResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating StepResource, please refer to the document of StepResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string stepName = "waitStep";
- ResourceIdentifier stepResourceId = StepResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, stepName);
- StepResource stepResource = client.GetStepResource(stepResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- StepResourceData data = new StepResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), new WaitStepProperties(new WaitStepAttributes(XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT20M"))))
- {
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await stepResource.UpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, data);
- StepResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- StepResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get deployment step
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetDeploymentStep()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/step_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this StepResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating StepResource, please refer to the document of StepResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string stepName = "waitStep";
- ResourceIdentifier stepResourceId = StepResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, stepName);
- StepResource stepResource = client.GetStepResource(stepResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- StepResource result = await stepResource.GetAsync();
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- StepResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Delete deployment step
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Delete_DeleteDeploymentStep()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/step_delete.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_Delete" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this StepResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating StepResource, please refer to the document of StepResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- string stepName = "deploymentStep1";
- ResourceIdentifier stepResourceId = StepResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName, stepName);
- StepResource stepResource = client.GetStepResource(stepResourceId);
- // invoke the operation
- await stepResource.DeleteAsync(WaitUntil.Completed);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_StepResourceCollection.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_StepResourceCollection.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a81365d4e46d..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/samples/Generated/Samples/Sample_StepResourceCollection.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using System.Xml;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.Identity;
-using Azure.ResourceManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.Resources;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Samples
- public partial class Sample_StepResourceCollection
- {
- // Create health check step
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task CreateOrUpdate_CreateHealthCheckStep()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/step_health_check_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this StepResource
- StepResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetStepResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string stepName = "healthCheckStep";
- StepResourceData data = new StepResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), new HealthCheckStepProperties(new RestHealthCheckStepAttributes(XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT2H"))
- {
- HealthChecks =
-new RestHealthCheck("appHealth",new RestRequest(RestRequestMethod.GET,new Uri(""),new ApiKeyAuthentication("Code",RestAuthLocation.Query,"NBCapiMOBQyAAbCkeytoPadnvO0eGHmidwFz5rXpappznKp3Jt7LLg==")))
-Response = new RestResponse()
-SuccessStatusCodes =
-Regex = new RestResponseRegex()
-Matches =
-"(?i)Contoso-App","(?i)\"health_status\":((.|\n)*)\"(green|yellow)\"","(?mi)^(\"application_host\": 94781052)$"
-MatchQuantifier = RestMatchQuantifier.All,
-},new RestHealthCheck("serviceHealth",new RestRequest(RestRequestMethod.GET,new Uri(""),new ApiKeyAuthentication("code",RestAuthLocation.Header,"NBCapiMOBQyAAbCkeytoPadnvO0eGHmidwFz5rXpappznKp3Jt7LLg==")))
-Response = new RestResponse()
-SuccessStatusCodes =
-Regex = new RestResponseRegex()
-Matches =
-MatchQuantifier = RestMatchQuantifier.All,
- WaitDuration = XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT15M"),
- MaxElasticDuration = XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT30M"),
- }))
- {
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, stepName, data);
- StepResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- StepResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Create wait step
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task CreateOrUpdate_CreateWaitStep()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/step_wait_createorupdate.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_CreateOrUpdate" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this StepResource
- StepResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetStepResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string stepName = "waitStep";
- StepResourceData data = new StepResourceData(new AzureLocation("centralus"), new WaitStepProperties(new WaitStepAttributes(XmlConvert.ToTimeSpan("PT20M"))))
- {
- Tags =
- };
- ArmOperation lro = await collection.CreateOrUpdateAsync(WaitUntil.Completed, stepName, data);
- StepResource result = lro.Value;
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- StepResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get deployment step
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Get_GetDeploymentStep()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/step_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this StepResource
- StepResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetStepResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string stepName = "waitStep";
- StepResource result = await collection.GetAsync(stepName);
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- StepResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- // Get deployment step
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task Exists_GetDeploymentStep()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/step_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this StepResource
- StepResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetStepResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string stepName = "waitStep";
- bool result = await collection.ExistsAsync(stepName);
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded: {result}");
- }
- // Get deployment step
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetIfExists_GetDeploymentStep()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/step_get.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_Get" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this StepResource
- StepResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetStepResources();
- // invoke the operation
- string stepName = "waitStep";
- NullableResponse response = await collection.GetIfExistsAsync(stepName);
- StepResource result = response.HasValue ? response.Value : null;
- if (result == null)
- {
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded with null as result");
- }
- else
- {
- // the variable result is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- StepResourceData resourceData = result.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- }
- // List steps
- [NUnit.Framework.Test]
- [NUnit.Framework.Ignore("Only verifying that the sample builds")]
- public async Task GetAll_ListSteps()
- {
- // Generated from example definition: specification/deploymentmanager/resource-manager/Microsoft.DeploymentManager/preview/2019-11-01-preview/examples/steps_list.json
- // this example is just showing the usage of "Steps_List" operation, for the dependent resources, they will have to be created separately.
- // get your azure access token, for more details of how Azure SDK get your access token, please refer to
- TokenCredential cred = new DefaultAzureCredential();
- // authenticate your client
- ArmClient client = new ArmClient(cred);
- // this example assumes you already have this ResourceGroupResource created on azure
- // for more information of creating ResourceGroupResource, please refer to the document of ResourceGroupResource
- string subscriptionId = "caac1590-e859-444f-a9e0-62091c0f5929";
- string resourceGroupName = "myResourceGroup";
- ResourceIdentifier resourceGroupResourceId = ResourceGroupResource.CreateResourceIdentifier(subscriptionId, resourceGroupName);
- ResourceGroupResource resourceGroupResource = client.GetResourceGroupResource(resourceGroupResourceId);
- // get the collection of this StepResource
- StepResourceCollection collection = resourceGroupResource.GetStepResources();
- // invoke the operation and iterate over the result
- await foreach (StepResource item in collection.GetAllAsync())
- {
- // the variable item is a resource, you could call other operations on this instance as well
- // but just for demo, we get its data from this resource instance
- StepResourceData resourceData = item.Data;
- // for demo we just print out the id
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded on id: {resourceData.Id}");
- }
- Console.WriteLine($"Succeeded");
- }
- }
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.csproj b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.csproj
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bc8524511850..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.csproj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- 1.0.0-beta.4
- Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager
- Microsoft Azure Resource Manager client SDK for Azure resource provider Microsoft.DeploymentManager.
- azure;management;arm;resource manager;deploymentmanager
diff --git a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ArmDeploymentManagerModelFactory.cs b/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ArmDeploymentManagerModelFactory.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e0e35d3840d9..0000000000000
--- a/sdk/deploymentmanager/Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager/src/Generated/ArmDeploymentManagerModelFactory.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-#nullable disable
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using Azure;
-using Azure.Core;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager;
-using Azure.ResourceManager.Models;
-namespace Azure.ResourceManager.DeploymentManager.Models
- /// Model factory for models.
- public static partial class ArmDeploymentManagerModelFactory
- {
- /// Initializes a new instance of ServiceTopologyResourceData.
- /// The id.
- /// The name.
- /// The resourceType.
- /// The systemData.
- /// The tags.
- /// The location.
- /// The resource Id of the artifact source that contains the artifacts that can be referenced in the service units.
- /// A new instance for mocking.
- public static ServiceTopologyResourceData ServiceTopologyResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string artifactSourceId = null)
- {
- tags ??= new Dictionary();
- return new ServiceTopologyResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, artifactSourceId);
- }
- /// Initializes a new instance of ServiceResourceData.
- /// The id.
- /// The name.
- /// The resourceType.
- /// The systemData.
- /// The tags.
- /// The location.
- /// The Azure location to which the resources in the service belong to or should be deployed to.
- /// The subscription to which the resources in the service belong to or should be deployed to.
- /// A new instance for mocking.
- public static ServiceResourceData ServiceResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string targetLocation = null, string targetSubscriptionId = null)
- {
- tags ??= new Dictionary();
- return new ServiceResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, targetLocation, targetSubscriptionId);
- }
- /// Initializes a new instance of ServiceProperties.
- /// The Azure location to which the resources in the service belong to or should be deployed to.
- /// The subscription to which the resources in the service belong to or should be deployed to.
- /// or is null.
- /// A new instance for mocking.
- public static ServiceProperties ServiceProperties(string targetLocation = null, string targetSubscriptionId = null)
- {
- if (targetLocation == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetLocation));
- }
- if (targetSubscriptionId == null)
- {
- throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetSubscriptionId));
- }
- return new ServiceProperties(targetLocation, targetSubscriptionId);
- }
- /// Initializes a new instance of ServiceUnitResourceData.
- /// The id.
- /// The name.
- /// The resourceType.
- /// The systemData.
- /// The tags.
- /// The location.
- /// The Azure Resource Group to which the resources in the service unit belong to or should be deployed to.
- /// Describes the type of ARM deployment to be performed on the resource.
- /// The artifacts for the service unit.
- /// A new instance for mocking.
- public static ServiceUnitResourceData ServiceUnitResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, string targetResourceGroup = null, DeploymentMode deploymentMode = default, ServiceUnitArtifacts artifacts = null)
- {
- tags ??= new Dictionary();
- return new ServiceUnitResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, targetResourceGroup, deploymentMode, artifacts);
- }
- /// Initializes a new instance of ServiceUnitProperties.
- /// The Azure Resource Group to which the resources in the service unit belong to or should be deployed to.
- /// Describes the type of ARM deployment to be performed on the resource.
- /// The artifacts for the service unit.
- /// A new instance for mocking.
- public static ServiceUnitProperties ServiceUnitProperties(string targetResourceGroup = null, DeploymentMode deploymentMode = default, ServiceUnitArtifacts artifacts = null)
- {
- return new ServiceUnitProperties(targetResourceGroup, deploymentMode, artifacts);
- }
- /// Initializes a new instance of StepResourceData.
- /// The id.
- /// The name.
- /// The resourceType.
- /// The systemData.
- /// The tags.
- /// The location.
- ///
- /// The properties that define the step.
- /// Please note is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes.
- /// The available derived classes include and .
- ///
- /// A new instance for mocking.
- public static StepResourceData StepResourceData(ResourceIdentifier id = null, string name = null, ResourceType resourceType = default, SystemData systemData = null, IDictionary tags = null, AzureLocation location = default, StepProperties properties = null)
- {
- tags ??= new Dictionary();
- return new StepResourceData(id, name, resourceType, systemData, tags, location, properties);
- }
- ///