diff --git a/eng/versioning/version_client.txt b/eng/versioning/version_client.txt
index e7fd68cf155f..df78f8f991b7 100644
--- a/eng/versioning/version_client.txt
+++ b/eng/versioning/version_client.txt
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ com.azure.resourcemanager:azure-resourcemanager-azurearcdata;1.0.0;1.1.0-beta.1
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/CHANGELOG.md b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/CHANGELOG.md
index dd34b5704867..da7f39526a32 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
# Release History
-## 1.0.0-beta.5 (Unreleased)
+## 1.0.0 (2025-01-02)
-### Features Added
-### Breaking Changes
-### Bugs Fixed
+- Azure Resource Manager BareMetalInfrastructure client library for Java. This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for BareMetalInfrastructure Management SDK. The BareMetalInfrastructure Management client. Package tag package-2021-08-09. For documentation on how to use this package, please see [Azure Management Libraries for Java](https://aka.ms/azsdk/java/mgmt).
### Other Changes
+- Release for Azure Resource Manager BareMetalInfrastructure client library for Java.
## 1.0.0-beta.4 (2024-10-31)
- Azure Resource Manager BareMetalInfrastructure client library for Java. This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for BareMetalInfrastructure Management SDK. The Bare Metal Infrastructure Management client. Package tag package-preview-2023-08. For documentation on how to use this package, please see [Azure Management Libraries for Java](https://aka.ms/azsdk/java/mgmt).
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/README.md b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/README.md
index 1ff4aea7397a..8d57415ceba6 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/README.md
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Azure Resource Manager BareMetalInfrastructure client library for Java.
-This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for BareMetalInfrastructure Management SDK. The Bare Metal Infrastructure Management client. Package tag package-preview-2023-08. For documentation on how to use this package, please see [Azure Management Libraries for Java](https://aka.ms/azsdk/java/mgmt).
+This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for BareMetalInfrastructure Management SDK. The BareMetalInfrastructure Management client. Package tag package-2021-08-09. For documentation on how to use this package, please see [Azure Management Libraries for Java](https://aka.ms/azsdk/java/mgmt).
## We'd love to hear your feedback
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Various documentation is available to help you get started
- 1.0.0-beta.4
+ 1.0.0
[//]: # ({x-version-update-end})
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/SAMPLE.md b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/SAMPLE.md
index 6381a8a1e9a2..0886de66007e 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/SAMPLE.md
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/SAMPLE.md
@@ -6,20 +6,8 @@
- [GetByResourceGroup](#azurebaremetalinstances_getbyresourcegroup)
- [List](#azurebaremetalinstances_list)
- [ListByResourceGroup](#azurebaremetalinstances_listbyresourcegroup)
-- [Restart](#azurebaremetalinstances_restart)
-- [Shutdown](#azurebaremetalinstances_shutdown)
-- [Start](#azurebaremetalinstances_start)
- [Update](#azurebaremetalinstances_update)
-## AzureBareMetalStorageInstances
-- [Create](#azurebaremetalstorageinstances_create)
-- [Delete](#azurebaremetalstorageinstances_delete)
-- [GetByResourceGroup](#azurebaremetalstorageinstances_getbyresourcegroup)
-- [List](#azurebaremetalstorageinstances_list)
-- [ListByResourceGroup](#azurebaremetalstorageinstances_listbyresourcegroup)
-- [Update](#azurebaremetalstorageinstances_update)
## Operations
- [List](#operations_list)
@@ -32,11 +20,11 @@
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Get.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Get.json
- * Sample code: Get an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Sample code: Get an AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
@@ -58,11 +46,11 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples {
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesListSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_ListBySubscription.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_ListBySubscription.json
- * Sample code: List all Azure Bare Metal Instances in a subscription.
+ * Sample code: List all AzureBareMetal instances in a subscription.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
@@ -82,11 +70,11 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesListSamples {
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_ListByResourceGroup.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_ListByResourceGroup.json
- * Sample code: List all Azure Bare Metal Instances in a resource group.
+ * Sample code: List all AzureBareMetal instances in a resource group.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
@@ -97,81 +85,6 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples {
-### AzureBareMetalInstances_Restart
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalInstances Restart.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesRestartSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Restart.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void restartAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalInstances()
- .restart("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", null, com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
-### AzureBareMetalInstances_Shutdown
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalInstances Shutdown.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesShutdownSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Shutdown.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void shutdownAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalInstances()
- .shutdown("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
-### AzureBareMetalInstances_Start
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalInstances Start.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesStartSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Start.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void startAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalInstances().start("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
### AzureBareMetalInstances_Update
@@ -185,28 +98,11 @@ import java.util.Map;
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesUpdateSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_PatchTags_Delete.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_PatchTags.json
- * Sample code: Delete Tags field of an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void deleteTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalInstances()
- .updateWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", new Tags().withTags(mapOf()),
- com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_PatchTags.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Update Tags field of an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Sample code: Update Tags field of an AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
@@ -217,224 +113,22 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesUpdateSamples {
new Tags().withTags(mapOf("testkey", "fakeTokenPlaceholder")), com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- // Use "Map.of" if available
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private static Map mapOf(Object... inputs) {
- Map map = new HashMap<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 2) {
- String key = (String) inputs[i];
- T value = (T) inputs[i + 1];
- map.put(key, value);
- }
- return map;
- }
-### AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_Create
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.ProvisioningState;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.StorageBillingProperties;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.StorageProperties;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances Create.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesCreateSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_Create.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_PatchTags_Delete.json
- * Sample code: Put a new AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
+ * Sample code: Delete Tags field of an AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- public static void putANewAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .define("myAzureBareMetalStorageInstance")
- .withRegion("westus2")
- .withExistingResourceGroup("myResourceGroup")
- .withTags(mapOf("key", "fakeTokenPlaceholder"))
- .withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier("23415635-4d7e-41dc-9598-8194f22c24e9")
- .withStorageProperties(
- new StorageProperties().withProvisioningState(ProvisioningState.SUCCEEDED)
- .withOfferingType("EPIC")
- .withStorageType("FC")
- .withGeneration("Gen4")
- .withHardwareType("NetApp")
- .withWorkloadType("ODB")
- .withStorageBillingProperties(new StorageBillingProperties().withBillingMode("PAYG")
- .withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize("")))
- .create();
- }
- // Use "Map.of" if available
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private static Map mapOf(Object... inputs) {
- Map map = new HashMap<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 2) {
- String key = (String) inputs[i];
- T value = (T) inputs[i + 1];
- map.put(key, value);
- }
- return map;
- }
-### AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_Delete
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances Delete.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesDeleteSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_Delete.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void deleteAnAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .deleteByResourceGroupWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myAzureBareMetalStorageInstance",
- com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
-### AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_GetByResourceGroup
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances GetByResourceGroup.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_Get.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Get an AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void getAnAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
+ public static void deleteTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .getByResourceGroupWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myAzureBareMetalStorageInstance",
+ manager.azureBareMetalInstances()
+ .updateWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", new Tags().withTags(mapOf()),
-### AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_List
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances List.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_ListBySubscription.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: List all AzureBareMetalStorage instances in a subscription.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void listAllAzureBareMetalStorageInstancesInASubscription(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances().list(com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
-### AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_ListByResourceGroup
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances ListByResourceGroup.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_ListByResourceGroup.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: List all AzureBareMetalStorage instances in a resource group.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void listAllAzureBareMetalStorageInstancesInAResourceGroup(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .listByResourceGroup("myResourceGroup", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
-### AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_Update
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstance;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances Update.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesUpdateSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_PatchTags.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Update Tags field of an AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void updateTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance resource = manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .getByResourceGroupWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMSInstance", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- resource.update().withTags(mapOf("testkey", "fakeTokenPlaceholder")).apply();
- }
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_PatchTags_Delete.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Delete Tags field of an AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void deleteTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance resource = manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .getByResourceGroupWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMSInstance", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- resource.update().withTags(mapOf()).apply();
- }
// Use "Map.of" if available
@@ -459,8 +153,8 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesUpdateSamples {
public final class OperationsListSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalOperations_List.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalOperations_List.json
* Sample code: List all management operations supported by the AzureBareMetal RP.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/pom.xml b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/pom.xml
index 87727585892b..de3259a970dd 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/pom.xml
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/pom.xml
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
- 1.0.0-beta.5
+ 1.0.0
Microsoft Azure SDK for BareMetalInfrastructure Management
- This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for BareMetalInfrastructure Management SDK. For documentation on how to use this package, please see https://aka.ms/azsdk/java/mgmt. The Bare Metal Infrastructure Management client. Package tag package-preview-2023-08.
+ This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for BareMetalInfrastructure Management SDK. For documentation on how to use this package, please see https://aka.ms/azsdk/java/mgmt. The BareMetalInfrastructure Management client. Package tag package-2021-08-09.
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
- true
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/BareMetalInfrastructureManager.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/BareMetalInfrastructureManager.java
index c6bac67949de..8e0bdbdbb6a3 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/BareMetalInfrastructureManager.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/BareMetalInfrastructureManager.java
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
import com.azure.core.http.HttpPipelinePosition;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.AddDatePolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.AddHeadersFromContextPolicy;
+import com.azure.core.http.policy.BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLogOptions;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpLoggingPolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.HttpPipelinePolicy;
@@ -19,17 +20,14 @@
import com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryOptions;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.RetryPolicy;
import com.azure.core.http.policy.UserAgentPolicy;
-import com.azure.core.management.http.policy.ArmChallengeAuthenticationPolicy;
import com.azure.core.management.profile.AzureProfile;
import com.azure.core.util.Configuration;
import com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.BareMetalInfrastructureClient;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation.AzureBareMetalInstancesImpl;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation.AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesImpl;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation.BareMetalInfrastructureClientBuilder;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation.OperationsImpl;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalInstances;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstances;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Operations;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
@@ -40,15 +38,13 @@
* Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- * The Bare Metal Infrastructure Management client.
+ * The BareMetalInfrastructure Management client.
public final class BareMetalInfrastructureManager {
private AzureBareMetalInstances azureBareMetalInstances;
private Operations operations;
- private AzureBareMetalStorageInstances azureBareMetalStorageInstances;
private final BareMetalInfrastructureClient clientObject;
private BareMetalInfrastructureManager(HttpPipeline httpPipeline, AzureProfile profile,
@@ -215,7 +211,7 @@ public BareMetalInfrastructureManager authenticate(TokenCredential credential, A
- .append("1.0.0-beta.4");
+ .append("1.0.0");
if (!Configuration.getGlobalConfiguration().get("AZURE_TELEMETRY_DISABLED", false)) {
userAgentBuilder.append(" (")
@@ -248,7 +244,7 @@ public BareMetalInfrastructureManager authenticate(TokenCredential credential, A
policies.add(new AddDatePolicy());
- policies.add(new ArmChallengeAuthenticationPolicy(credential, scopes.toArray(new String[0])));
+ policies.add(new BearerTokenAuthenticationPolicy(credential, scopes.toArray(new String[0])));
.filter(p -> p.getPipelinePosition() == HttpPipelinePosition.PER_RETRY)
@@ -286,19 +282,6 @@ public Operations operations() {
return operations;
- /**
- * Gets the resource collection API of AzureBareMetalStorageInstances. It manages AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @return Resource collection API of AzureBareMetalStorageInstances.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstances azureBareMetalStorageInstances() {
- if (this.azureBareMetalStorageInstances == null) {
- this.azureBareMetalStorageInstances
- = new AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesImpl(clientObject.getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances(), this);
- }
- return azureBareMetalStorageInstances;
- }
* Gets wrapped service client BareMetalInfrastructureClient providing direct access to the underlying
* auto-generated API implementation, based on Azure REST API.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/AzureBareMetalInstancesClient.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/AzureBareMetalInstancesClient.java
index 11a6361811e7..0182f3804f38 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/AzureBareMetalInstancesClient.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/AzureBareMetalInstancesClient.java
@@ -8,12 +8,8 @@
import com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceMethod;
import com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedIterable;
import com.azure.core.http.rest.Response;
-import com.azure.core.management.polling.PollResult;
import com.azure.core.util.Context;
-import com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalInstanceInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.OperationStatusInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.ForceState;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Tags;
@@ -21,283 +17,80 @@
public interface AzureBareMetalInstancesClient {
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginStart(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginStart(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context);
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- OperationStatusInner start(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- OperationStatusInner start(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context);
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginRestart(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginRestart(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, ForceState forceParameter, Context context);
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- OperationStatusInner restart(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- OperationStatusInner restart(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, ForceState forceParameter,
- Context context);
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginShutdown(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginShutdown(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context);
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- OperationStatusInner shutdown(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- OperationStatusInner shutdown(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context);
- /**
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation as paginated response with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
* {@link PagedIterable}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
PagedIterable list();
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation as paginated response with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
* {@link PagedIterable}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
PagedIterable list(Context context);
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated response
+ * with {@link PagedIterable}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName);
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated response
+ * with {@link PagedIterable}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, Context context);
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
+ * @return an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
* {@link Response}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -305,28 +98,28 @@ Response getByResourceGroupWithResponse(String reso
String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context);
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * @return an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
AzureBareMetalInstanceInner getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance
+ * name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
@@ -340,13 +133,13 @@ Response updateWithResponse(String resourceGroupNam
String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Tags tagsParameter, Context context);
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance
+ * name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 763b446c75d5..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnType;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceMethod;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedIterable;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.Response;
-import com.azure.core.util.Context;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Tags;
- * An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient.
- */
-public interface AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient {
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
- * {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- PagedIterable list();
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
- * {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- PagedIterable list(Context context);
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName);
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, Context context);
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name
- * along with {@link Response}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- Response getByResourceGroupWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context context);
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName);
- /**
- * Create an azure bare metal storage resource.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param requestBodyParameters request body for put call.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) along
- * with {@link Response}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- Response createWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner requestBodyParameters,
- Context context);
- /**
- * Create an azure bare metal storage resource.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param requestBodyParameters request body for put call.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties).
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner create(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner requestBodyParameters);
- /**
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) along
- * with {@link Response}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- Response updateWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Tags tagsParameter, Context context);
- /**
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties).
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner update(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- Tags tagsParameter);
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link Response}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- Response deleteWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- Context context);
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- void delete(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName);
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/BareMetalInfrastructureClient.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/BareMetalInfrastructureClient.java
index ea7554adadc1..2cccf4633bba 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/BareMetalInfrastructureClient.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/BareMetalInfrastructureClient.java
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
public interface BareMetalInfrastructureClient {
- * Gets The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
+ * Gets The ID of the target subscription.
* @return the subscriptionId value.
@@ -59,11 +59,4 @@ public interface BareMetalInfrastructureClient {
* @return the OperationsClient object.
OperationsClient getOperations();
- /**
- * Gets the AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient object to access its operations.
- *
- * @return the AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient object.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances();
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/OperationsClient.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/OperationsClient.java
index 964230801253..9a609374426e 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/OperationsClient.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/OperationsClient.java
@@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
public interface OperationsClient {
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
@@ -27,8 +25,6 @@ public interface OperationsClient {
PagedIterable list();
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceInner.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceInner.java
index fb8a9b625c45..dcd3d8778d4c 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceInner.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceInner.java
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalInstanceInner extends Resource {
private AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties innerProperties;
- * Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.
+ * The system metadata relating to this resource.
private SystemData systemData;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ private AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties innerProperties() {
- * Get the systemData property: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.
+ * Get the systemData property: The system metadata relating to this resource.
* @return the systemData value.
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceInner withTags(Map tags) {
- * Get the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Get the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the hardwareProfile value.
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public HardwareProfile hardwareProfile() {
- * Set the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Set the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param hardwareProfile the hardwareProfile value to set.
* @return the AzureBareMetalInstanceInner object itself.
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceInner withHardwareProfile(HardwareProfile hardwareP
- * Get the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance disks.
+ * Get the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the AzureBareMetal instance disks.
* @return the storageProfile value.
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public StorageProfile storageProfile() {
- * Set the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance disks.
+ * Set the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the AzureBareMetal instance disks.
* @param storageProfile the storageProfile value to set.
* @return the AzureBareMetalInstanceInner object itself.
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceInner withStorageProfile(StorageProfile storageProf
- * Get the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Get the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the osProfile value.
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public OSProfile osProfile() {
- * Set the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Set the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param osProfile the osProfile value to set.
* @return the AzureBareMetalInstanceInner object itself.
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceInner withOsProfile(OSProfile osProfile) {
- * Get the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Get the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the networkProfile value.
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public NetworkProfile networkProfile() {
- * Set the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Set the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param networkProfile the networkProfile value to set.
* @return the AzureBareMetalInstanceInner object itself.
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceInner withNetworkProfile(NetworkProfile networkProf
- * Get the azureBareMetalInstanceId property: Specifies the Azure Bare Metal Instance unique ID.
+ * Get the azureBareMetalInstanceId property: Specifies the AzureBareMetal instance unique ID.
* @return the azureBareMetalInstanceId value.
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ public String proximityPlacementGroup() {
- * Get the hwRevision property: Hardware revision of an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Get the hwRevision property: Hardware revision of an AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the hwRevision value.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties.java
index f234faabb8f7..e9bdafe496fb 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties.java
@@ -18,32 +18,32 @@
import java.io.IOException;
- * Describes the properties of an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Describes the properties of an AzureBareMetal instance.
public final class AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties implements JsonSerializable {
- * Specifies the hardware settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Specifies the hardware settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
private HardwareProfile hardwareProfile;
- * Specifies the storage settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance disks.
+ * Specifies the storage settings for the AzureBareMetal instance disks.
private StorageProfile storageProfile;
- * Specifies the operating system settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Specifies the operating system settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
private OSProfile osProfile;
- * Specifies the network settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Specifies the network settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
private NetworkProfile networkProfile;
- * Specifies the Azure Bare Metal Instance unique ID.
+ * Specifies the AzureBareMetal instance unique ID.
private String azureBareMetalInstanceId;
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties implements JsonSerializable<
private String proximityPlacementGroup;
- * Hardware revision of an Azure Bare Metal Instance
+ * Hardware revision of an AzureBareMetal instance
private String hwRevision;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties() {
- * Get the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Get the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the hardwareProfile value.
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public HardwareProfile hardwareProfile() {
- * Set the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Set the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param hardwareProfile the hardwareProfile value to set.
* @return the AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties object itself.
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties withHardwareProfile(HardwareProfile hard
- * Get the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance disks.
+ * Get the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the AzureBareMetal instance disks.
* @return the storageProfile value.
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public StorageProfile storageProfile() {
- * Set the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance disks.
+ * Set the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the AzureBareMetal instance disks.
* @param storageProfile the storageProfile value to set.
* @return the AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties object itself.
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties withStorageProfile(StorageProfile storag
- * Get the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Get the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the osProfile value.
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ public OSProfile osProfile() {
- * Set the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Set the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param osProfile the osProfile value to set.
* @return the AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties object itself.
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties withOsProfile(OSProfile osProfile) {
- * Get the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Get the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the networkProfile value.
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public NetworkProfile networkProfile() {
- * Set the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Set the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param networkProfile the networkProfile value to set.
* @return the AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties object itself.
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceProperties withNetworkProfile(NetworkProfile networ
- * Get the azureBareMetalInstanceId property: Specifies the Azure Bare Metal Instance unique ID.
+ * Get the azureBareMetalInstanceId property: Specifies the AzureBareMetal instance unique ID.
* @return the azureBareMetalInstanceId value.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ public String proximityPlacementGroup() {
- * Get the hwRevision property: Hardware revision of an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Get the hwRevision property: Hardware revision of an AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the hwRevision value.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.java
deleted file mode 100644
index cd8588a6ff4a..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
-import com.azure.core.management.Resource;
-import com.azure.core.management.SystemData;
-import com.azure.json.JsonReader;
-import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
-import com.azure.json.JsonWriter;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.StorageProperties;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.Map;
- * AzureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties).
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner extends Resource {
- /*
- * AzureBareMetalStorageInstance properties
- */
- private AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties innerProperties;
- /*
- * Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.
- */
- private SystemData systemData;
- /*
- * The type of the resource.
- */
- private String type;
- /*
- * The name of the resource.
- */
- private String name;
- /*
- * Fully qualified resource Id for the resource.
- */
- private String id;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner class.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the innerProperties property: AzureBareMetalStorageInstance properties.
- *
- * @return the innerProperties value.
- */
- private AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties innerProperties() {
- return this.innerProperties;
- }
- /**
- * Get the systemData property: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.
- *
- * @return the systemData value.
- */
- public SystemData systemData() {
- return this.systemData;
- }
- /**
- * Get the type property: The type of the resource.
- *
- * @return the type value.
- */
- @Override
- public String type() {
- return this.type;
- }
- /**
- * Get the name property: The name of the resource.
- *
- * @return the name value.
- */
- @Override
- public String name() {
- return this.name;
- }
- /**
- * Get the id property: Fully qualified resource Id for the resource.
- *
- * @return the id value.
- */
- @Override
- public String id() {
- return this.id;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner withLocation(String location) {
- super.withLocation(location);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner withTags(Map tags) {
- super.withTags(tags);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier property: Specifies the AzureBareMetaStorageInstance unique
- * ID.
- *
- * @return the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier value.
- */
- public String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier() {
- return this.innerProperties() == null
- ? null
- : this.innerProperties().azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier();
- }
- /**
- * Set the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier property: Specifies the AzureBareMetaStorageInstance unique
- * ID.
- *
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier value to
- * set.
- * @return the AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner object itself.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner
- withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier(String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier) {
- if (this.innerProperties() == null) {
- this.innerProperties = new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties();
- }
- this.innerProperties()
- .withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier(azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the storageProperties property: Specifies the storage properties for the AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @return the storageProperties value.
- */
- public StorageProperties storageProperties() {
- return this.innerProperties() == null ? null : this.innerProperties().storageProperties();
- }
- /**
- * Set the storageProperties property: Specifies the storage properties for the AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @param storageProperties the storageProperties value to set.
- * @return the AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner object itself.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner withStorageProperties(StorageProperties storageProperties) {
- if (this.innerProperties() == null) {
- this.innerProperties = new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties();
- }
- this.innerProperties().withStorageProperties(storageProperties);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the instance.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the instance is not valid.
- */
- public void validate() {
- if (innerProperties() != null) {
- innerProperties().validate();
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- jsonWriter.writeStartObject();
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("location", location());
- jsonWriter.writeMapField("tags", tags(), (writer, element) -> writer.writeString(element));
- jsonWriter.writeJsonField("properties", this.innerProperties);
- return jsonWriter.writeEndObject();
- }
- /**
- * Reads an instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner from the JsonReader.
- *
- * @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or
- * null if it was pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IllegalStateException If the deserialized JSON object was missing any required properties.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.
- */
- public static AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
- return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner
- = new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner();
- while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
- String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
- reader.nextToken();
- if ("id".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.id = reader.getString();
- } else if ("name".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.name = reader.getString();
- } else if ("type".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.type = reader.getString();
- } else if ("location".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.withLocation(reader.getString());
- } else if ("tags".equals(fieldName)) {
- Map tags = reader.readMap(reader1 -> reader1.getString());
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.withTags(tags);
- } else if ("properties".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.innerProperties
- = AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties.fromJson(reader);
- } else if ("systemData".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.systemData = SystemData.fromJson(reader);
- } else {
- reader.skipChildren();
- }
- }
- return deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner;
- });
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c1ee4afdf97..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
-import com.azure.json.JsonReader;
-import com.azure.json.JsonSerializable;
-import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
-import com.azure.json.JsonWriter;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.StorageProperties;
-import java.io.IOException;
- * Describes the properties of an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties
- implements JsonSerializable {
- /*
- * Specifies the AzureBareMetaStorageInstance unique ID.
- */
- private String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier;
- /*
- * Specifies the storage properties for the AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- */
- private StorageProperties storageProperties;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties class.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier property: Specifies the AzureBareMetaStorageInstance unique
- * ID.
- *
- * @return the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier value.
- */
- public String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier() {
- return this.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier;
- }
- /**
- * Set the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier property: Specifies the AzureBareMetaStorageInstance unique
- * ID.
- *
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier value to
- * set.
- * @return the AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties object itself.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties
- withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier(String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier) {
- this.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier = azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the storageProperties property: Specifies the storage properties for the AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @return the storageProperties value.
- */
- public StorageProperties storageProperties() {
- return this.storageProperties;
- }
- /**
- * Set the storageProperties property: Specifies the storage properties for the AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @param storageProperties the storageProperties value to set.
- * @return the AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties object itself.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties withStorageProperties(StorageProperties storageProperties) {
- this.storageProperties = storageProperties;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the instance.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the instance is not valid.
- */
- public void validate() {
- if (storageProperties() != null) {
- storageProperties().validate();
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- jsonWriter.writeStartObject();
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier",
- this.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier);
- jsonWriter.writeJsonField("storageProperties", this.storageProperties);
- return jsonWriter.writeEndObject();
- }
- /**
- * Reads an instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties from the JsonReader.
- *
- * @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of
- * it, or null if it was pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties.
- */
- public static AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
- return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties
- = new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties();
- while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
- String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
- reader.nextToken();
- if ("azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier
- = reader.getString();
- } else if ("storageProperties".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties.storageProperties
- = StorageProperties.fromJson(reader);
- } else {
- reader.skipChildren();
- }
- }
- return deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceProperties;
- });
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/OperationInner.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/OperationInner.java
index 865dbd341edf..7864a6718024 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/OperationInner.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/OperationInner.java
@@ -9,45 +9,29 @@
import com.azure.json.JsonSerializable;
import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
import com.azure.json.JsonWriter;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.ActionType;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.OperationDisplay;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Origin;
+import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Display;
import java.io.IOException;
- * REST API Operation
- *
- * Details of a REST API operation, returned from the Resource Provider Operations API.
+ * AzureBareMetal operation information.
public final class OperationInner implements JsonSerializable {
- * The name of the operation, as per Resource-Based Access Control (RBAC). Examples:
- * "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/capture/action"
+ * The name of the operation being performed on this particular object. This name should match the action name that
+ * appears in RBAC / the event service.
private String name;
- * Whether the operation applies to data-plane. This is "true" for data-plane operations and "false" for
- * ARM/control-plane operations.
+ * Displayed AzureBareMetal operation information
- private Boolean isDataAction;
- /*
- * Localized display information for this particular operation.
- */
- private OperationDisplay display;
- /*
- * The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and audit logs UX. Default
- * value is "user,system"
- */
- private Origin origin;
+ private Display display;
- * Enum. Indicates the action type. "Internal" refers to actions that are for internal only APIs.
+ * indicates whether an operation is a data action or not.
- private ActionType actionType;
+ private Boolean isDataAction;
* Creates an instance of OperationInner class.
@@ -56,8 +40,8 @@ public OperationInner() {
- * Get the name property: The name of the operation, as per Resource-Based Access Control (RBAC). Examples:
- * "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/capture/action".
+ * Get the name property: The name of the operation being performed on this particular object. This name should
+ * match the action name that appears in RBAC / the event service.
* @return the name value.
@@ -66,53 +50,32 @@ public String name() {
- * Get the isDataAction property: Whether the operation applies to data-plane. This is "true" for data-plane
- * operations and "false" for ARM/control-plane operations.
- *
- * @return the isDataAction value.
- */
- public Boolean isDataAction() {
- return this.isDataAction;
- }
- /**
- * Get the display property: Localized display information for this particular operation.
+ * Get the display property: Displayed AzureBareMetal operation information.
* @return the display value.
- public OperationDisplay display() {
+ public Display display() {
return this.display;
- * Set the display property: Localized display information for this particular operation.
+ * Set the display property: Displayed AzureBareMetal operation information.
* @param display the display value to set.
* @return the OperationInner object itself.
- public OperationInner withDisplay(OperationDisplay display) {
+ public OperationInner withDisplay(Display display) {
this.display = display;
return this;
- * Get the origin property: The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and
- * audit logs UX. Default value is "user,system".
+ * Get the isDataAction property: indicates whether an operation is a data action or not.
- * @return the origin value.
- */
- public Origin origin() {
- return this.origin;
- }
- /**
- * Get the actionType property: Enum. Indicates the action type. "Internal" refers to actions that are for internal
- * only APIs.
- *
- * @return the actionType value.
+ * @return the isDataAction value.
- public ActionType actionType() {
- return this.actionType;
+ public Boolean isDataAction() {
+ return this.isDataAction;
@@ -153,14 +116,10 @@ public static OperationInner fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException
if ("name".equals(fieldName)) {
deserializedOperationInner.name = reader.getString();
+ } else if ("display".equals(fieldName)) {
+ deserializedOperationInner.display = Display.fromJson(reader);
} else if ("isDataAction".equals(fieldName)) {
deserializedOperationInner.isDataAction = reader.getNullable(JsonReader::getBoolean);
- } else if ("display".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationInner.display = OperationDisplay.fromJson(reader);
- } else if ("origin".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationInner.origin = Origin.fromString(reader.getString());
- } else if ("actionType".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationInner.actionType = ActionType.fromString(reader.getString());
} else {
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/OperationStatusInner.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/OperationStatusInner.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a4be9fd459f6..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/OperationStatusInner.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
-import com.azure.json.JsonReader;
-import com.azure.json.JsonSerializable;
-import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
-import com.azure.json.JsonWriter;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AsyncOperationStatus;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.OperationStatusError;
-import java.io.IOException;
- * The OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
-public final class OperationStatusInner implements JsonSerializable {
- /*
- * Unique Operation Status Identifier.
- */
- private String name;
- /*
- * Status of the operation.
- */
- private AsyncOperationStatus status;
- /*
- * Start Time when the operation was initially executed.
- */
- private String startTime;
- /*
- * An error from the Azure Bare Metal Infrastructure service.
- */
- private OperationStatusError error;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of OperationStatusInner class.
- */
- public OperationStatusInner() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the name property: Unique Operation Status Identifier.
- *
- * @return the name value.
- */
- public String name() {
- return this.name;
- }
- /**
- * Set the name property: Unique Operation Status Identifier.
- *
- * @param name the name value to set.
- * @return the OperationStatusInner object itself.
- */
- public OperationStatusInner withName(String name) {
- this.name = name;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the status property: Status of the operation.
- *
- * @return the status value.
- */
- public AsyncOperationStatus status() {
- return this.status;
- }
- /**
- * Set the status property: Status of the operation.
- *
- * @param status the status value to set.
- * @return the OperationStatusInner object itself.
- */
- public OperationStatusInner withStatus(AsyncOperationStatus status) {
- this.status = status;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the startTime property: Start Time when the operation was initially executed.
- *
- * @return the startTime value.
- */
- public String startTime() {
- return this.startTime;
- }
- /**
- * Set the startTime property: Start Time when the operation was initially executed.
- *
- * @param startTime the startTime value to set.
- * @return the OperationStatusInner object itself.
- */
- public OperationStatusInner withStartTime(String startTime) {
- this.startTime = startTime;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the error property: An error from the Azure Bare Metal Infrastructure service.
- *
- * @return the error value.
- */
- public OperationStatusError error() {
- return this.error;
- }
- /**
- * Set the error property: An error from the Azure Bare Metal Infrastructure service.
- *
- * @param error the error value to set.
- * @return the OperationStatusInner object itself.
- */
- public OperationStatusInner withError(OperationStatusError error) {
- this.error = error;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the instance.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the instance is not valid.
- */
- public void validate() {
- if (error() != null) {
- error().validate();
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- jsonWriter.writeStartObject();
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("name", this.name);
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("status", this.status == null ? null : this.status.toString());
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("startTime", this.startTime);
- jsonWriter.writeJsonField("error", this.error);
- return jsonWriter.writeEndObject();
- }
- /**
- * Reads an instance of OperationStatusInner from the JsonReader.
- *
- * @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of OperationStatusInner if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it
- * was pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the OperationStatusInner.
- */
- public static OperationStatusInner fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
- return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- OperationStatusInner deserializedOperationStatusInner = new OperationStatusInner();
- while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
- String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
- reader.nextToken();
- if ("name".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationStatusInner.name = reader.getString();
- } else if ("status".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationStatusInner.status = AsyncOperationStatus.fromString(reader.getString());
- } else if ("startTime".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationStatusInner.startTime = reader.getString();
- } else if ("error".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationStatusInner.error = OperationStatusError.fromJson(reader);
- } else {
- reader.skipChildren();
- }
- }
- return deserializedOperationStatusInner;
- });
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/package-info.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/package-info.java
index 985e8ec6a55c..a0d65ba7df55 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/package-info.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/models/package-info.java
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
* Package containing the inner data models for BareMetalInfrastructureClient.
- * The Bare Metal Infrastructure Management client.
+ * The BareMetalInfrastructure Management client.
package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models;
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/package-info.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/package-info.java
index b150d6a4b285..c4a63e39ebaa 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/package-info.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/fluent/package-info.java
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
* Package containing the service clients for BareMetalInfrastructureClient.
- * The Bare Metal Infrastructure Management client.
+ * The BareMetalInfrastructure Management client.
package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent;
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalInstancesClientImpl.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalInstancesClientImpl.java
index 345b5eb58ac5..1c259eb62bbd 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalInstancesClientImpl.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalInstancesClientImpl.java
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
import com.azure.core.annotation.HostParam;
import com.azure.core.annotation.Patch;
import com.azure.core.annotation.PathParam;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Post;
import com.azure.core.annotation.QueryParam;
import com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnType;
import com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceInterface;
@@ -26,19 +25,12 @@
import com.azure.core.http.rest.Response;
import com.azure.core.http.rest.RestProxy;
import com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException;
-import com.azure.core.management.polling.PollResult;
import com.azure.core.util.Context;
import com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil;
-import com.azure.core.util.polling.PollerFlux;
-import com.azure.core.util.polling.SyncPoller;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.AzureBareMetalInstancesClient;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalInstanceInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.OperationStatusInner;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalInstancesListResult;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.ForceState;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Tags;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
@@ -73,37 +65,6 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesClientImpl implements AzureBareMetalIn
@ServiceInterface(name = "BareMetalInfrastruct")
public interface AzureBareMetalInstancesService {
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Post("/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalInstances/{azureBareMetalInstanceName}/start")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200, 202 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono>> start(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion, @PathParam("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId,
- @PathParam("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName,
- @PathParam("azureBareMetalInstanceName") String azureBareMetalInstanceName,
- @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Post("/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalInstances/{azureBareMetalInstanceName}/restart")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200, 202 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono>> restart(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion, @PathParam("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId,
- @PathParam("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName,
- @PathParam("azureBareMetalInstanceName") String azureBareMetalInstanceName,
- @BodyParam("application/json") ForceState forceParameter, @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept,
- Context context);
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Post("/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalInstances/{azureBareMetalInstanceName}/shutdown")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200, 202 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono>> shutdown(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion, @PathParam("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId,
- @PathParam("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName,
- @PathParam("azureBareMetalInstanceName") String azureBareMetalInstanceName,
- @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
@Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
@ExpectedResponses({ 200 })
@@ -159,798 +120,14 @@ Mono> listByResourceGroupNext(
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation along with {@link Response} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>> startWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter azureBareMetalInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(context -> service.start(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, accept, context))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation along with {@link Response} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>> startWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter azureBareMetalInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service.start(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(), this.client.getSubscriptionId(),
- resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, accept, context);
- }
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link PollerFlux} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- private PollerFlux, OperationStatusInner> beginStartAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- Mono>> mono = startWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- return this.client.getLroResult(mono, this.client.getHttpPipeline(),
- OperationStatusInner.class, OperationStatusInner.class, this.client.getContext());
- }
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link PollerFlux} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- private PollerFlux, OperationStatusInner> beginStartAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- Mono>> mono
- = startWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context);
- return this.client.getLroResult(mono, this.client.getHttpPipeline(),
- OperationStatusInner.class, OperationStatusInner.class, context);
- }
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- public SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginStart(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- return this.beginStartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName).getSyncPoller();
- }
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- public SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginStart(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- return this.beginStartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context).getSyncPoller();
- }
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation on successful completion of
- * {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono startAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- return beginStartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName).last()
- .flatMap(this.client::getLroFinalResultOrError);
- }
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation on successful completion of
- * {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono startAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName,
- Context context) {
- return beginStartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context).last()
- .flatMap(this.client::getLroFinalResultOrError);
- }
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public OperationStatusInner start(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- return startAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName).block();
- }
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public OperationStatusInner start(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- return startAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context).block();
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation along with {@link Response} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>> restartWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, ForceState forceParameter) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter azureBareMetalInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (forceParameter != null) {
- forceParameter.validate();
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(context -> service.restart(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter, accept,
- context))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation along with {@link Response} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>> restartWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, ForceState forceParameter, Context context) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter azureBareMetalInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (forceParameter != null) {
- forceParameter.validate();
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service.restart(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(), this.client.getSubscriptionId(),
- resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter, accept, context);
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link PollerFlux} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- private PollerFlux, OperationStatusInner>
- beginRestartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, ForceState forceParameter) {
- Mono>> mono
- = restartWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter);
- return this.client.getLroResult(mono, this.client.getHttpPipeline(),
- OperationStatusInner.class, OperationStatusInner.class, this.client.getContext());
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link PollerFlux} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- private PollerFlux, OperationStatusInner>
- beginRestartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- final ForceState forceParameter = null;
- Mono>> mono
- = restartWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter);
- return this.client.getLroResult(mono, this.client.getHttpPipeline(),
- OperationStatusInner.class, OperationStatusInner.class, this.client.getContext());
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link PollerFlux} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- private PollerFlux, OperationStatusInner> beginRestartAsync(
- String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, ForceState forceParameter, Context context) {
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- Mono>> mono
- = restartWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter, context);
- return this.client.getLroResult(mono, this.client.getHttpPipeline(),
- OperationStatusInner.class, OperationStatusInner.class, context);
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- public SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginRestart(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- final ForceState forceParameter = null;
- return this.beginRestartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter).getSyncPoller();
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- public SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginRestart(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, ForceState forceParameter, Context context) {
- return this.beginRestartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter, context)
- .getSyncPoller();
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation on successful completion of
- * {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono restartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName,
- ForceState forceParameter) {
- return beginRestartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter).last()
- .flatMap(this.client::getLroFinalResultOrError);
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation on successful completion of
- * {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono restartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- final ForceState forceParameter = null;
- return beginRestartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter).last()
- .flatMap(this.client::getLroFinalResultOrError);
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation on successful completion of
- * {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono restartAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName,
- ForceState forceParameter, Context context) {
- return beginRestartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter, context).last()
- .flatMap(this.client::getLroFinalResultOrError);
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public OperationStatusInner restart(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- final ForceState forceParameter = null;
- return restartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter).block();
- }
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public OperationStatusInner restart(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName,
- ForceState forceParameter, Context context) {
- return restartAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter, context).block();
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation along with {@link Response} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>> shutdownWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter azureBareMetalInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(context -> service.shutdown(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, accept, context))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation along with {@link Response} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>> shutdownWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter azureBareMetalInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service.shutdown(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(), this.client.getSubscriptionId(),
- resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, accept, context);
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link PollerFlux} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- private PollerFlux, OperationStatusInner>
- beginShutdownAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- Mono>> mono
- = shutdownWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- return this.client.getLroResult(mono, this.client.getHttpPipeline(),
- OperationStatusInner.class, OperationStatusInner.class, this.client.getContext());
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link PollerFlux} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- private PollerFlux, OperationStatusInner>
- beginShutdownAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- Mono>> mono
- = shutdownWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context);
- return this.client.getLroResult(mono, this.client.getHttpPipeline(),
- OperationStatusInner.class, OperationStatusInner.class, context);
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- public SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginShutdown(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- return this.beginShutdownAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName).getSyncPoller();
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link SyncPoller} for polling of the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous
- * operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.LONG_RUNNING_OPERATION)
- public SyncPoller, OperationStatusInner> beginShutdown(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- return this.beginShutdownAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context).getSyncPoller();
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation on successful completion of
- * {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono shutdownAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- return beginShutdownAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName).last()
- .flatMap(this.client::getLroFinalResultOrError);
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation on successful completion of
- * {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono shutdownAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName,
- Context context) {
- return beginShutdownAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context).last()
- .flatMap(this.client::getLroFinalResultOrError);
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public OperationStatusInner shutdown(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- return shutdownAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName).block();
- }
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public OperationStatusInner shutdown(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- return shutdownAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context).block();
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription along with {@link PagedResponse} on
* successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -973,16 +150,16 @@ private Mono> listSinglePageAsync() {
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription along with {@link PagedResponse} on
* successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1005,14 +182,14 @@ private Mono> listSinglePageAsync(Con
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation as paginated response with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
* {@link PagedFlux}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
@@ -1022,16 +199,16 @@ private PagedFlux listAsync() {
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation as paginated response with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
* {@link PagedFlux}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
@@ -1041,14 +218,14 @@ private PagedFlux listAsync(Context context) {
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation as paginated response with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
* {@link PagedIterable}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
@@ -1057,16 +234,16 @@ public PagedIterable list() {
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation as paginated response with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
* {@link PagedIterable}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
@@ -1075,16 +252,16 @@ public PagedIterable list(Context context) {
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group along with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group along with
* {@link PagedResponse} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1112,17 +289,17 @@ public PagedIterable list(Context context) {
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group along with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group along with
* {@link PagedResponse} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1150,17 +327,17 @@ public PagedIterable list(Context context) {
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedFlux}.
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated response
+ * with {@link PagedFlux}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
private PagedFlux listByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName) {
@@ -1169,18 +346,18 @@ private PagedFlux listByResourceGroupAsync(String r
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedFlux}.
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated response
+ * with {@link PagedFlux}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
private PagedFlux listByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName, Context context) {
@@ -1189,17 +366,17 @@ private PagedFlux listByResourceGroupAsync(String r
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated response
+ * with {@link PagedIterable}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
public PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName) {
@@ -1207,18 +384,18 @@ public PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String res
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated response
+ * with {@link PagedIterable}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
public PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, Context context) {
@@ -1226,16 +403,16 @@ public PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String res
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
+ * @return an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
* {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1265,17 +442,17 @@ private Mono> getByResourceGroupWithRespon
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
+ * @return an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
* {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1304,16 +481,16 @@ private Mono> getByResourceGroupWithRespon
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name on
+ * @return an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name on
* successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1324,17 +501,17 @@ private Mono getByResourceGroupAsync(String resourc
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
+ * @return an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
* {@link Response}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1344,16 +521,16 @@ public Response getByResourceGroupWithResponse(Stri
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * @return an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
public AzureBareMetalInstanceInner getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
@@ -1361,13 +538,13 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceInner getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName,
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance
+ * name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
@@ -1408,13 +585,13 @@ private Mono> updateWithResponseAsync(Stri
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance
+ * name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
@@ -1454,13 +631,13 @@ private Mono> updateWithResponseAsync(Stri
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance
+ * name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
@@ -1476,13 +653,13 @@ private Mono updateAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance
+ * name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
@@ -1498,13 +675,13 @@ public Response updateWithResponse(String resourceG
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance
+ * name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
@@ -1525,7 +702,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstanceInner update(String resourceGroupName, String azure
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
+ * @return the response from the List AzureBareMetal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
* successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1554,7 +731,7 @@ private Mono> listBySubscriptionNextS
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
+ * @return the response from the List AzureBareMetal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
* successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1581,7 +758,7 @@ private Mono> listBySubscriptionNextS
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
+ * @return the response from the List AzureBareMetal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
* successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
@@ -1610,7 +787,7 @@ private Mono> listByResourceGroupNext
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
+ * @return the response from the List AzureBareMetal Instances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
* successful completion of {@link Mono}.
@ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalInstancesImpl.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalInstancesImpl.java
index 1bb44082e4ec..168db6b4edd9 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalInstancesImpl.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalInstancesImpl.java
@@ -11,11 +11,8 @@
import com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.AzureBareMetalInstancesClient;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalInstanceInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.OperationStatusInner;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalInstance;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalInstances;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.ForceState;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.OperationStatus;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Tags;
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesImpl implements AzureBareMetalInstances {
@@ -31,63 +28,6 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstancesImpl(AzureBareMetalInstancesClient innerClient,
this.serviceManager = serviceManager;
- public OperationStatus start(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- OperationStatusInner inner = this.serviceClient().start(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- if (inner != null) {
- return new OperationStatusImpl(inner, this.manager());
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public OperationStatus start(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- OperationStatusInner inner = this.serviceClient().start(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context);
- if (inner != null) {
- return new OperationStatusImpl(inner, this.manager());
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public OperationStatus restart(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- OperationStatusInner inner = this.serviceClient().restart(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- if (inner != null) {
- return new OperationStatusImpl(inner, this.manager());
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public OperationStatus restart(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName,
- ForceState forceParameter, Context context) {
- OperationStatusInner inner
- = this.serviceClient().restart(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, forceParameter, context);
- if (inner != null) {
- return new OperationStatusImpl(inner, this.manager());
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public OperationStatus shutdown(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName) {
- OperationStatusInner inner = this.serviceClient().shutdown(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- if (inner != null) {
- return new OperationStatusImpl(inner, this.manager());
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public OperationStatus shutdown(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context) {
- OperationStatusInner inner
- = this.serviceClient().shutdown(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalInstanceName, context);
- if (inner != null) {
- return new OperationStatusImpl(inner, this.manager());
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
public PagedIterable list() {
PagedIterable inner = this.serviceClient().list();
return ResourceManagerUtils.mapPage(inner, inner1 -> new AzureBareMetalInstanceImpl(inner1, this.manager()));
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a01d07a09c2..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation;
-import com.azure.core.management.Region;
-import com.azure.core.management.SystemData;
-import com.azure.core.util.Context;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstance;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.StorageProperties;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Tags;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Map;
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl implements AzureBareMetalStorageInstance,
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.Definition, AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.Update {
- private AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner innerObject;
- private final com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager serviceManager;
- public String id() {
- return this.innerModel().id();
- }
- public String name() {
- return this.innerModel().name();
- }
- public String type() {
- return this.innerModel().type();
- }
- public String location() {
- return this.innerModel().location();
- }
- public Map tags() {
- Map inner = this.innerModel().tags();
- if (inner != null) {
- return Collections.unmodifiableMap(inner);
- } else {
- return Collections.emptyMap();
- }
- }
- public SystemData systemData() {
- return this.innerModel().systemData();
- }
- public String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier() {
- return this.innerModel().azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier();
- }
- public StorageProperties storageProperties() {
- return this.innerModel().storageProperties();
- }
- public Region region() {
- return Region.fromName(this.regionName());
- }
- public String regionName() {
- return this.location();
- }
- public String resourceGroupName() {
- return resourceGroupName;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner innerModel() {
- return this.innerObject;
- }
- private com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager() {
- return this.serviceManager;
- }
- private String resourceGroupName;
- private String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName;
- private Tags updateTagsParameter;
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl withExistingResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName) {
- this.resourceGroupName = resourceGroupName;
- return this;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstance create() {
- this.innerObject = serviceManager.serviceClient()
- .getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .createWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, this.innerModel(), Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- return this;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstance create(Context context) {
- this.innerObject = serviceManager.serviceClient()
- .getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .createWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, this.innerModel(), context)
- .getValue();
- return this;
- }
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl(String name,
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager serviceManager) {
- this.innerObject = new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner();
- this.serviceManager = serviceManager;
- this.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName = name;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl update() {
- this.updateTagsParameter = new Tags();
- return this;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstance apply() {
- this.innerObject = serviceManager.serviceClient()
- .getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .updateWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, updateTagsParameter, Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- return this;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstance apply(Context context) {
- this.innerObject = serviceManager.serviceClient()
- .getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .updateWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, updateTagsParameter, context)
- .getValue();
- return this;
- }
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl(AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner innerObject,
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager serviceManager) {
- this.innerObject = innerObject;
- this.serviceManager = serviceManager;
- this.resourceGroupName = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(innerObject.id(), "resourceGroups");
- this.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName
- = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(innerObject.id(), "bareMetalStorageInstances");
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstance refresh() {
- this.innerObject = serviceManager.serviceClient()
- .getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .getByResourceGroupWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- return this;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstance refresh(Context context) {
- this.innerObject = serviceManager.serviceClient()
- .getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .getByResourceGroupWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, context)
- .getValue();
- return this;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl withRegion(Region location) {
- this.innerModel().withLocation(location.toString());
- return this;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl withRegion(String location) {
- this.innerModel().withLocation(location);
- return this;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl withTags(Map tags) {
- if (isInCreateMode()) {
- this.innerModel().withTags(tags);
- return this;
- } else {
- this.updateTagsParameter.withTags(tags);
- return this;
- }
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl
- withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier(String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier) {
- this.innerModel()
- .withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier(azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier);
- return this;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl withStorageProperties(StorageProperties storageProperties) {
- this.innerModel().withStorageProperties(storageProperties);
- return this;
- }
- private boolean isInCreateMode() {
- return this.innerModel().id() == null;
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClientImpl.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClientImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f6adf9231ed..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClientImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1128 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.BodyParam;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Delete;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.ExpectedResponses;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Get;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.HeaderParam;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Headers;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Host;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.HostParam;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Patch;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.PathParam;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Put;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.QueryParam;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.ReturnType;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceInterface;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.ServiceMethod;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.UnexpectedResponseExceptionType;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedFlux;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedIterable;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponse;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedResponseBase;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.Response;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.RestProxy;
-import com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException;
-import com.azure.core.util.Context;
-import com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Tags;
-import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
- * An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClientImpl implements AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient {
- /**
- * The proxy service used to perform REST calls.
- */
- private final AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesService service;
- /**
- * The service client containing this operation class.
- */
- private final BareMetalInfrastructureClientImpl client;
- /**
- * Initializes an instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClientImpl.
- *
- * @param client the instance of the service client containing this operation class.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClientImpl(BareMetalInfrastructureClientImpl client) {
- this.service = RestProxy.create(AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesService.class, client.getHttpPipeline(),
- client.getSerializerAdapter());
- this.client = client;
- }
- /**
- * The interface defining all the services for BareMetalInfrastructureClientAzureBareMetalStorageInstances to be
- * used by the proxy service to perform REST calls.
- */
- @Host("{$host}")
- @ServiceInterface(name = "BareMetalInfrastruct")
- public interface AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesService {
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Get("/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalStorageInstances")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono> list(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion, @PathParam("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId,
- @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Get("/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalStorageInstances")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono> listByResourceGroup(
- @HostParam("$host") String endpoint, @QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion,
- @PathParam("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId,
- @PathParam("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName, @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept,
- Context context);
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Get("/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalStorageInstances/{azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName}")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono> getByResourceGroup(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion, @PathParam("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId,
- @PathParam("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName,
- @PathParam("azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName") String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Put("/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalStorageInstances/{azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName}")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200, 201 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono> create(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion, @PathParam("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId,
- @PathParam("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName,
- @PathParam("azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName") String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- @BodyParam("application/json") AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner requestBodyParameters,
- @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Patch("/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalStorageInstances/{azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName}")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono> update(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion, @PathParam("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId,
- @PathParam("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName,
- @PathParam("azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName") String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- @BodyParam("application/json") Tags tagsParameter, @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Delete("/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/bareMetalStorageInstances/{azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName}")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200, 204 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono> delete(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @PathParam("subscriptionId") String subscriptionId,
- @PathParam("resourceGroupName") String resourceGroupName,
- @PathParam("azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName") String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- @QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion, @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Get("{nextLink}")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono> listBySubscriptionNext(
- @PathParam(value = "nextLink", encoded = true) String nextLink, @HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
- @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json" })
- @Get("{nextLink}")
- @ExpectedResponses({ 200 })
- @UnexpectedResponseExceptionType(ManagementException.class)
- Mono> listByResourceGroupNext(
- @PathParam(value = "nextLink", encoded = true) String nextLink, @HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
- @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription along with {@link PagedResponse}
- * on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono> listSinglePageAsync() {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(context -> service.list(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), accept, context))
- .>map(res -> new PagedResponseBase<>(res.getRequest(),
- res.getStatusCode(), res.getHeaders(), res.getValue().value(), res.getValue().nextLink(), null))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription along with {@link PagedResponse}
- * on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono> listSinglePageAsync(Context context) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service
- .list(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(), this.client.getSubscriptionId(), accept,
- context)
- .map(res -> new PagedResponseBase<>(res.getRequest(), res.getStatusCode(), res.getHeaders(),
- res.getValue().value(), res.getValue().nextLink(), null));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
- * {@link PagedFlux}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- private PagedFlux listAsync() {
- return new PagedFlux<>(() -> listSinglePageAsync(),
- nextLink -> listBySubscriptionNextSinglePageAsync(nextLink));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
- * {@link PagedFlux}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- private PagedFlux listAsync(Context context) {
- return new PagedFlux<>(() -> listSinglePageAsync(context),
- nextLink -> listBySubscriptionNextSinglePageAsync(nextLink, context));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
- * {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- public PagedIterable list() {
- return new PagedIterable<>(listAsync());
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
- * {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- public PagedIterable list(Context context) {
- return new PagedIterable<>(listAsync(context));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group along with
- * {@link PagedResponse} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>
- listByResourceGroupSinglePageAsync(String resourceGroupName) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(context -> service.listByResourceGroup(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, accept, context))
- .>map(res -> new PagedResponseBase<>(res.getRequest(),
- res.getStatusCode(), res.getHeaders(), res.getValue().value(), res.getValue().nextLink(), null))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group along with
- * {@link PagedResponse} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>
- listByResourceGroupSinglePageAsync(String resourceGroupName, Context context) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service
- .listByResourceGroup(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, accept, context)
- .map(res -> new PagedResponseBase<>(res.getRequest(), res.getStatusCode(), res.getHeaders(),
- res.getValue().value(), res.getValue().nextLink(), null));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedFlux}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- private PagedFlux listByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName) {
- return new PagedFlux<>(() -> listByResourceGroupSinglePageAsync(resourceGroupName),
- nextLink -> listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(nextLink));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedFlux}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- private PagedFlux listByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- Context context) {
- return new PagedFlux<>(() -> listByResourceGroupSinglePageAsync(resourceGroupName, context),
- nextLink -> listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(nextLink, context));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- public PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName) {
- return new PagedIterable<>(listByResourceGroupAsync(resourceGroupName));
- }
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.COLLECTION)
- public PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName,
- Context context) {
- return new PagedIterable<>(listByResourceGroupAsync(resourceGroupName, context));
- }
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name
- * along with {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>
- getByResourceGroupWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(context -> service.getByResourceGroup(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, accept, context))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name
- * along with {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono> getByResourceGroupWithResponseAsync(
- String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context context) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service.getByResourceGroup(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, accept, context);
- }
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono getByResourceGroupAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName) {
- return getByResourceGroupWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName)
- .flatMap(res -> Mono.justOrEmpty(res.getValue()));
- }
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name
- * along with {@link Response}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public Response getByResourceGroupWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context context) {
- return getByResourceGroupWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, context)
- .block();
- }
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName) {
- return getByResourceGroupWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- }
- /**
- * Create an azure bare metal storage resource.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param requestBodyParameters request body for put call.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) along
- * with {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono> createWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner requestBodyParameters) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (requestBodyParameters == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter requestBodyParameters is required and cannot be null."));
- } else {
- requestBodyParameters.validate();
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(context -> service.create(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- requestBodyParameters, accept, context))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Create an azure bare metal storage resource.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param requestBodyParameters request body for put call.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) along
- * with {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono> createWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner requestBodyParameters,
- Context context) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (requestBodyParameters == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter requestBodyParameters is required and cannot be null."));
- } else {
- requestBodyParameters.validate();
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service.create(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(), this.client.getSubscriptionId(),
- resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, requestBodyParameters, accept, context);
- }
- /**
- * Create an azure bare metal storage resource.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param requestBodyParameters request body for put call.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono createAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner requestBodyParameters) {
- return createWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, requestBodyParameters)
- .flatMap(res -> Mono.justOrEmpty(res.getValue()));
- }
- /**
- * Create an azure bare metal storage resource.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param requestBodyParameters request body for put call.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) along
- * with {@link Response}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public Response createWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner requestBodyParameters,
- Context context) {
- return createWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, requestBodyParameters,
- context).block();
- }
- /**
- * Create an azure bare metal storage resource.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param requestBodyParameters request body for put call.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties).
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner create(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner requestBodyParameters) {
- return createWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, requestBodyParameters,
- Context.NONE).getValue();
- }
- /**
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) along
- * with {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono> updateWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Tags tagsParameter) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (tagsParameter == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter tagsParameter is required and cannot be null."));
- } else {
- tagsParameter.validate();
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(context -> service.update(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(),
- this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, tagsParameter,
- accept, context))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) along
- * with {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono> updateWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Tags tagsParameter, Context context) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (tagsParameter == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter tagsParameter is required and cannot be null."));
- } else {
- tagsParameter.validate();
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service.update(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getApiVersion(), this.client.getSubscriptionId(),
- resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, tagsParameter, accept, context);
- }
- /**
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono updateAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Tags tagsParameter) {
- return updateWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, tagsParameter)
- .flatMap(res -> Mono.justOrEmpty(res.getValue()));
- }
- /**
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties) along
- * with {@link Response}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public Response updateWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Tags tagsParameter, Context context) {
- return updateWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, tagsParameter, context)
- .block();
- }
- /**
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return azureBareMetalStorageInstance info on Azure (ARM properties and AzureBareMetalStorage properties).
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner update(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- Tags tagsParameter) {
- return updateWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, tagsParameter, Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- }
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono> deleteWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(context -> service.delete(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getSubscriptionId(),
- resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, this.client.getApiVersion(), accept, context))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link Response} on successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono> deleteWithResponseAsync(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context context) {
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getSubscriptionId() == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter this.client.getSubscriptionId() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- return Mono
- .error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter resourceGroupName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Parameter azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service.delete(this.client.getEndpoint(), this.client.getSubscriptionId(), resourceGroupName,
- azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, this.client.getApiVersion(), accept, context);
- }
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return A {@link Mono} that completes when a successful response is received.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono deleteAsync(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName) {
- return deleteWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName)
- .flatMap(ignored -> Mono.empty());
- }
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link Response}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public Response deleteWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- Context context) {
- return deleteWithResponseAsync(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, context).block();
- }
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- public void delete(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName) {
- deleteWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context.NONE);
- }
- /**
- * Get the next page of items.
- *
- * @param nextLink The URL to get the next list of items.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the Get AzureBareMetalStorageInstances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>
- listBySubscriptionNextSinglePageAsync(String nextLink) {
- if (nextLink == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextLink is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(
- context -> service.listBySubscriptionNext(nextLink, this.client.getEndpoint(), accept, context))
- .>map(res -> new PagedResponseBase<>(res.getRequest(),
- res.getStatusCode(), res.getHeaders(), res.getValue().value(), res.getValue().nextLink(), null))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Get the next page of items.
- *
- * @param nextLink The URL to get the next list of items.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the Get AzureBareMetalStorageInstances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>
- listBySubscriptionNextSinglePageAsync(String nextLink, Context context) {
- if (nextLink == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextLink is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service.listBySubscriptionNext(nextLink, this.client.getEndpoint(), accept, context)
- .map(res -> new PagedResponseBase<>(res.getRequest(), res.getStatusCode(), res.getHeaders(),
- res.getValue().value(), res.getValue().nextLink(), null));
- }
- /**
- * Get the next page of items.
- *
- * @param nextLink The URL to get the next list of items.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the Get AzureBareMetalStorageInstances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>
- listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(String nextLink) {
- if (nextLink == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextLink is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- return FluxUtil
- .withContext(
- context -> service.listByResourceGroupNext(nextLink, this.client.getEndpoint(), accept, context))
- .>map(res -> new PagedResponseBase<>(res.getRequest(),
- res.getStatusCode(), res.getHeaders(), res.getValue().value(), res.getValue().nextLink(), null))
- .contextWrite(context -> context.putAll(FluxUtil.toReactorContext(this.client.getContext()).readOnly()));
- }
- /**
- * Get the next page of items.
- *
- * @param nextLink The URL to get the next list of items.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the Get AzureBareMetalStorageInstances operation along with {@link PagedResponse} on
- * successful completion of {@link Mono}.
- */
- @ServiceMethod(returns = ReturnType.SINGLE)
- private Mono>
- listByResourceGroupNextSinglePageAsync(String nextLink, Context context) {
- if (nextLink == null) {
- return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter nextLink is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- if (this.client.getEndpoint() == null) {
- return Mono.error(
- new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter this.client.getEndpoint() is required and cannot be null."));
- }
- final String accept = "application/json";
- context = this.client.mergeContext(context);
- return service.listByResourceGroupNext(nextLink, this.client.getEndpoint(), accept, context)
- .map(res -> new PagedResponseBase<>(res.getRequest(), res.getStatusCode(), res.getHeaders(),
- res.getValue().value(), res.getValue().nextLink(), null));
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesImpl.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 24c4754a69e4..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedIterable;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.Response;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.SimpleResponse;
-import com.azure.core.util.Context;
-import com.azure.core.util.logging.ClientLogger;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstance;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstances;
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesImpl implements AzureBareMetalStorageInstances {
- private static final ClientLogger LOGGER = new ClientLogger(AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesImpl.class);
- private final AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient innerClient;
- private final com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager serviceManager;
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesImpl(AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient innerClient,
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager serviceManager) {
- this.innerClient = innerClient;
- this.serviceManager = serviceManager;
- }
- public PagedIterable list() {
- PagedIterable inner = this.serviceClient().list();
- return ResourceManagerUtils.mapPage(inner,
- inner1 -> new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl(inner1, this.manager()));
- }
- public PagedIterable list(Context context) {
- PagedIterable inner = this.serviceClient().list(context);
- return ResourceManagerUtils.mapPage(inner,
- inner1 -> new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl(inner1, this.manager()));
- }
- public PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName) {
- PagedIterable inner
- = this.serviceClient().listByResourceGroup(resourceGroupName);
- return ResourceManagerUtils.mapPage(inner,
- inner1 -> new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl(inner1, this.manager()));
- }
- public PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, Context context) {
- PagedIterable inner
- = this.serviceClient().listByResourceGroup(resourceGroupName, context);
- return ResourceManagerUtils.mapPage(inner,
- inner1 -> new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl(inner1, this.manager()));
- }
- public Response getByResourceGroupWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context context) {
- Response inner = this.serviceClient()
- .getByResourceGroupWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, context);
- if (inner != null) {
- return new SimpleResponse<>(inner.getRequest(), inner.getStatusCode(), inner.getHeaders(),
- new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl(inner.getValue(), this.manager()));
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstance getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName) {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner inner
- = this.serviceClient().getByResourceGroup(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName);
- if (inner != null) {
- return new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl(inner, this.manager());
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public Response deleteByResourceGroupWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context context) {
- return this.serviceClient().deleteWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, context);
- }
- public void deleteByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName) {
- this.serviceClient().delete(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName);
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstance getById(String id) {
- String resourceGroupName = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(id, "resourceGroups");
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(
- String.format("The resource ID '%s' is not valid. Missing path segment 'resourceGroups'.", id)));
- }
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName
- = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(id, "bareMetalStorageInstances");
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(String
- .format("The resource ID '%s' is not valid. Missing path segment 'bareMetalStorageInstances'.", id)));
- }
- return this.getByResourceGroupWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- }
- public Response getByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context) {
- String resourceGroupName = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(id, "resourceGroups");
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(
- String.format("The resource ID '%s' is not valid. Missing path segment 'resourceGroups'.", id)));
- }
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName
- = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(id, "bareMetalStorageInstances");
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(String
- .format("The resource ID '%s' is not valid. Missing path segment 'bareMetalStorageInstances'.", id)));
- }
- return this.getByResourceGroupWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, context);
- }
- public void deleteById(String id) {
- String resourceGroupName = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(id, "resourceGroups");
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(
- String.format("The resource ID '%s' is not valid. Missing path segment 'resourceGroups'.", id)));
- }
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName
- = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(id, "bareMetalStorageInstances");
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(String
- .format("The resource ID '%s' is not valid. Missing path segment 'bareMetalStorageInstances'.", id)));
- }
- this.deleteByResourceGroupWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context.NONE);
- }
- public Response deleteByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context) {
- String resourceGroupName = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(id, "resourceGroups");
- if (resourceGroupName == null) {
- throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(
- String.format("The resource ID '%s' is not valid. Missing path segment 'resourceGroups'.", id)));
- }
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName
- = ResourceManagerUtils.getValueFromIdByName(id, "bareMetalStorageInstances");
- if (azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName == null) {
- throw LOGGER.logExceptionAsError(new IllegalArgumentException(String
- .format("The resource ID '%s' is not valid. Missing path segment 'bareMetalStorageInstances'.", id)));
- }
- return this.deleteByResourceGroupWithResponse(resourceGroupName, azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, context);
- }
- private AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient serviceClient() {
- return this.innerClient;
- }
- private com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager() {
- return this.serviceManager;
- }
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl define(String name) {
- return new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceImpl(name, this.manager());
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/BareMetalInfrastructureClientBuilder.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/BareMetalInfrastructureClientBuilder.java
index 2d96fd263f69..53259d944fae 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/BareMetalInfrastructureClientBuilder.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/BareMetalInfrastructureClientBuilder.java
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
@ServiceClientBuilder(serviceClients = { BareMetalInfrastructureClientImpl.class })
public final class BareMetalInfrastructureClientBuilder {
- * The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
+ * The ID of the target subscription.
private String subscriptionId;
- * Sets The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
+ * Sets The ID of the target subscription.
* @param subscriptionId the subscriptionId value.
* @return the BareMetalInfrastructureClientBuilder.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/BareMetalInfrastructureClientImpl.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/BareMetalInfrastructureClientImpl.java
index 8fcba7e3d28b..6988bd4c6513 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/BareMetalInfrastructureClientImpl.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/BareMetalInfrastructureClientImpl.java
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
import com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerAdapter;
import com.azure.core.util.serializer.SerializerEncoding;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.AzureBareMetalInstancesClient;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.BareMetalInfrastructureClient;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.OperationsClient;
import java.io.IOException;
@@ -42,12 +41,12 @@
@ServiceClient(builder = BareMetalInfrastructureClientBuilder.class)
public final class BareMetalInfrastructureClientImpl implements BareMetalInfrastructureClient {
- * The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
+ * The ID of the target subscription.
private final String subscriptionId;
- * Gets The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
+ * Gets The ID of the target subscription.
* @return the subscriptionId value.
@@ -153,20 +152,6 @@ public OperationsClient getOperations() {
return this.operations;
- /**
- * The AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient object to access its operations.
- */
- private final AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient azureBareMetalStorageInstances;
- /**
- * Gets the AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient object to access its operations.
- *
- * @return the AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient object.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances() {
- return this.azureBareMetalStorageInstances;
- }
* Initializes an instance of BareMetalInfrastructureClient client.
@@ -174,7 +159,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances()
* @param serializerAdapter The serializer to serialize an object into a string.
* @param defaultPollInterval The default poll interval for long-running operation.
* @param environment The Azure environment.
- * @param subscriptionId The ID of the target subscription. The value must be an UUID.
+ * @param subscriptionId The ID of the target subscription.
* @param endpoint server parameter.
BareMetalInfrastructureClientImpl(HttpPipeline httpPipeline, SerializerAdapter serializerAdapter,
@@ -184,10 +169,9 @@ public AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClient getAzureBareMetalStorageInstances()
this.defaultPollInterval = defaultPollInterval;
this.subscriptionId = subscriptionId;
this.endpoint = endpoint;
- this.apiVersion = "2023-08-04-preview";
+ this.apiVersion = "2021-08-09";
this.azureBareMetalInstances = new AzureBareMetalInstancesClientImpl(this);
this.operations = new OperationsClientImpl(this);
- this.azureBareMetalStorageInstances = new AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesClientImpl(this);
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationImpl.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationImpl.java
index 5d2dd3899cad..f82fbc93315d 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationImpl.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationImpl.java
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@
package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.OperationInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.ActionType;
+import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Display;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Operation;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.OperationDisplay;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.Origin;
public final class OperationImpl implements Operation {
private OperationInner innerObject;
@@ -25,20 +23,12 @@ public String name() {
return this.innerModel().name();
- public Boolean isDataAction() {
- return this.innerModel().isDataAction();
- }
- public OperationDisplay display() {
+ public Display display() {
return this.innerModel().display();
- public Origin origin() {
- return this.innerModel().origin();
- }
- public ActionType actionType() {
- return this.innerModel().actionType();
+ public Boolean isDataAction() {
+ return this.innerModel().isDataAction();
public OperationInner innerModel() {
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationStatusImpl.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationStatusImpl.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ac42f4a364db..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationStatusImpl.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.OperationStatusInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AsyncOperationStatus;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.OperationStatus;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.OperationStatusError;
-public final class OperationStatusImpl implements OperationStatus {
- private OperationStatusInner innerObject;
- private final com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager serviceManager;
- OperationStatusImpl(OperationStatusInner innerObject,
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager serviceManager) {
- this.innerObject = innerObject;
- this.serviceManager = serviceManager;
- }
- public String name() {
- return this.innerModel().name();
- }
- public AsyncOperationStatus status() {
- return this.innerModel().status();
- }
- public String startTime() {
- return this.innerModel().startTime();
- }
- public OperationStatusError error() {
- return this.innerModel().error();
- }
- public OperationStatusInner innerModel() {
- return this.innerObject;
- }
- private com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager() {
- return this.serviceManager;
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationsClientImpl.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationsClientImpl.java
index ed4d08557e1d..f26c4aeae020 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationsClientImpl.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/OperationsClientImpl.java
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
import com.azure.core.util.FluxUtil;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.OperationsClient;
import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.OperationInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.OperationListResult;
+import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.OperationList;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
@@ -65,13 +65,11 @@ public interface OperationsService {
@ExpectedResponses({ 200 })
- Mono> list(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
+ Mono> list(@HostParam("$host") String endpoint,
@QueryParam("api-version") String apiVersion, @HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, Context context);
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
@@ -95,8 +93,6 @@ private Mono> listSinglePageAsync() {
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
@@ -120,8 +116,6 @@ private Mono> listSinglePageAsync(Context context)
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
@@ -134,8 +128,6 @@ private PagedFlux listAsync() {
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
@@ -150,8 +142,6 @@ private PagedFlux listAsync(Context context) {
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @throws ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
@@ -164,8 +154,6 @@ public PagedIterable list() {
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/package-info.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/package-info.java
index 11c2a8e629b4..be34fdbc19cd 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/package-info.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/implementation/package-info.java
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
* Package containing the implementations for BareMetalInfrastructureClient.
- * The Bare Metal Infrastructure Management client.
+ * The BareMetalInfrastructure Management client.
package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.implementation;
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/ActionType.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/ActionType.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 976b168038c6..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/ActionType.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum;
-import java.util.Collection;
- * Enum. Indicates the action type. "Internal" refers to actions that are for internal only APIs.
- */
-public final class ActionType extends ExpandableStringEnum {
- /**
- * Static value Internal for ActionType.
- */
- public static final ActionType INTERNAL = fromString("Internal");
- /**
- * Creates a new instance of ActionType value.
- *
- * @deprecated Use the {@link #fromString(String)} factory method.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public ActionType() {
- }
- /**
- * Creates or finds a ActionType from its string representation.
- *
- * @param name a name to look for.
- * @return the corresponding ActionType.
- */
- public static ActionType fromString(String name) {
- return fromString(name, ActionType.class);
- }
- /**
- * Gets known ActionType values.
- *
- * @return known ActionType values.
- */
- public static Collection values() {
- return values(ActionType.class);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AsyncOperationStatus.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AsyncOperationStatus.java
deleted file mode 100644
index ea09c31498c8..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AsyncOperationStatus.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum;
-import java.util.Collection;
- * Status of the operation.
- */
-public final class AsyncOperationStatus extends ExpandableStringEnum {
- /**
- * Static value Requesting for AsyncOperationStatus.
- */
- public static final AsyncOperationStatus REQUESTING = fromString("Requesting");
- /**
- * Static value Executing for AsyncOperationStatus.
- */
- public static final AsyncOperationStatus EXECUTING = fromString("Executing");
- /**
- * Static value Succeeded for AsyncOperationStatus.
- */
- public static final AsyncOperationStatus SUCCEEDED = fromString("Succeeded");
- /**
- * Static value Failed for AsyncOperationStatus.
- */
- public static final AsyncOperationStatus FAILED = fromString("Failed");
- /**
- * Creates a new instance of AsyncOperationStatus value.
- *
- * @deprecated Use the {@link #fromString(String)} factory method.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public AsyncOperationStatus() {
- }
- /**
- * Creates or finds a AsyncOperationStatus from its string representation.
- *
- * @param name a name to look for.
- * @return the corresponding AsyncOperationStatus.
- */
- public static AsyncOperationStatus fromString(String name) {
- return fromString(name, AsyncOperationStatus.class);
- }
- /**
- * Gets known AsyncOperationStatus values.
- *
- * @return known AsyncOperationStatus values.
- */
- public static Collection values() {
- return values(AsyncOperationStatus.class);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum.java
index 47d20a4c0c18..0210ee596610 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum.java
@@ -22,11 +22,6 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum
public static final AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum HPE = fromString("HPE");
- /**
- * Static value SDFLEX for AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum.
- */
- public static final AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum SDFLEX = fromString("SDFLEX");
* Creates a new instance of AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum value.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstance.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstance.java
index 3ffa43046072..681e2830b66e 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstance.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstance.java
@@ -48,42 +48,42 @@ public interface AzureBareMetalInstance {
Map tags();
- * Gets the systemData property: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.
+ * Gets the systemData property: The system metadata relating to this resource.
* @return the systemData value.
SystemData systemData();
- * Gets the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets the hardwareProfile property: Specifies the hardware settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the hardwareProfile value.
HardwareProfile hardwareProfile();
- * Gets the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance disks.
+ * Gets the storageProfile property: Specifies the storage settings for the AzureBareMetal instance disks.
* @return the storageProfile value.
StorageProfile storageProfile();
- * Gets the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets the osProfile property: Specifies the operating system settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the osProfile value.
OSProfile osProfile();
- * Gets the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets the networkProfile property: Specifies the network settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the networkProfile value.
NetworkProfile networkProfile();
- * Gets the azureBareMetalInstanceId property: Specifies the Azure Bare Metal Instance unique ID.
+ * Gets the azureBareMetalInstanceId property: Specifies the AzureBareMetal instance unique ID.
* @return the azureBareMetalInstanceId value.
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public interface AzureBareMetalInstance {
String proximityPlacementGroup();
- * Gets the hwRevision property: Hardware revision of an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets the hwRevision property: Hardware revision of an AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the hwRevision value.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d91b4d27d11..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum;
-import java.util.Collection;
- * Whether to force restart by shutting all processes.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState
- extends ExpandableStringEnum {
- /**
- * Static value active for AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState.
- */
- public static final AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState ACTIVE = fromString("active");
- /**
- * Static value inactive for AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState.
- */
- public static final AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState INACTIVE = fromString("inactive");
- /**
- * Creates a new instance of AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState value.
- *
- * @deprecated Use the {@link #fromString(String)} factory method.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState() {
- }
- /**
- * Creates or finds a AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState from its string representation.
- *
- * @param name a name to look for.
- * @return the corresponding AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState.
- */
- public static AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState fromString(String name) {
- return fromString(name, AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState.class);
- }
- /**
- * Gets known AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState values.
- *
- * @return known AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState values.
- */
- public static Collection values() {
- return values(AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState.class);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum.java
index f146ef5fb01f..c500144a0296 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum.java
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
import java.util.Collection;
- * Specifies the Azure Bare Metal Instance SKU.
+ * Specifies the AzureBareMetal instance SKU.
public final class AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum
extends ExpandableStringEnum {
@@ -137,11 +137,6 @@ public final class AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum
public static final AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum S448OOO = fromString("S448ooo");
- /**
- * Static value S448se for AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum.
- */
- public static final AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum S448SE = fromString("S448se");
* Static value S576m for AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstances.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstances.java
index 5b0427b0484d..e79efb2ee9e4 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstances.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstances.java
@@ -13,193 +13,103 @@
public interface AzureBareMetalInstances {
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- OperationStatus start(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- /**
- * Start a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- OperationStatus start(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context);
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- OperationStatus restart(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- /**
- * Restart a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param forceParameter When set to 'active', this parameter empowers the server with the ability to forcefully
- * terminate and halt any existing processes that may be running on the server.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- OperationStatus restart(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, ForceState forceParameter,
- Context context);
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- OperationStatus shutdown(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- /**
- * Shutdown a Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * The operation to shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the OperationStatus object returns the state of an asynchronous operation.
- */
- OperationStatus shutdown(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context);
- /**
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation as paginated response with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
* {@link PagedIterable}.
PagedIterable list();
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription.
- * Returns a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various properties
+ * of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation as paginated response with
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
* {@link PagedIterable}.
PagedIterable list(Context context);
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated response
+ * with {@link PagedIterable}.
PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName);
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
+ * Gets a list of Azure BareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations returns
+ * various properties of each Azure BareMetal instance.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of Azure Bare Metal Instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
+ * @return a list of AzureBareMetal instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated response
+ * with {@link PagedIterable}.
PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, Context context);
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
+ * @return an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name along with
* {@link Response}.
Response getByResourceGroupWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
String azureBareMetalInstanceName, Context context);
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * Gets an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
* @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
+ * @return an Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
AzureBareMetalInstance getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalInstanceName);
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance
+ * name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
@@ -212,13 +122,13 @@ Response updateWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, St
Tags tagsParameter, Context context);
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance.
- * Patches the Tags field of a Azure Bare Metal Instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and
- * instance name.
+ * Patches the Tags field of a Azure BareMetal instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance
+ * name.
* @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Instance, also known as the ResourceName.
+ * @param azureBareMetalInstanceName Name of the Azure BareMetal on Azure instance.
* @param tagsParameter Request body that only contains the new Tags field.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstancesListResult.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstancesListResult.java
index 468dc2cf6a6e..f6047752f21e 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstancesListResult.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalInstancesListResult.java
@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
import java.util.List;
- * The response from the List Azure Bare Metal Instances operation.
+ * The response from the List AzureBareMetal Instances operation.
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesListResult implements JsonSerializable {
- * The list of Azure Bare Metal Instances.
+ * The list of Azure BareMetal instances.
private List value;
- * The URL to get the next set of Azure Bare Metal Instances.
+ * The URL to get the next set of AzureBareMetal instances.
private String nextLink;
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstancesListResult() {
- * Get the value property: The list of Azure Bare Metal Instances.
+ * Get the value property: The list of Azure BareMetal instances.
* @return the value value.
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public List value() {
- * Set the value property: The list of Azure Bare Metal Instances.
+ * Set the value property: The list of Azure BareMetal instances.
* @param value the value value to set.
* @return the AzureBareMetalInstancesListResult object itself.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalInstancesListResult withValue(List tags();
- /**
- * Gets the systemData property: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.
- *
- * @return the systemData value.
- */
- SystemData systemData();
- /**
- * Gets the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier property: Specifies the AzureBareMetaStorageInstance
- * unique ID.
- *
- * @return the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier value.
- */
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier();
- /**
- * Gets the storageProperties property: Specifies the storage properties for the AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @return the storageProperties value.
- */
- StorageProperties storageProperties();
- /**
- * Gets the region of the resource.
- *
- * @return the region of the resource.
- */
- Region region();
- /**
- * Gets the name of the resource region.
- *
- * @return the name of the resource region.
- */
- String regionName();
- /**
- * Gets the name of the resource group.
- *
- * @return the name of the resource group.
- */
- String resourceGroupName();
- /**
- * Gets the inner com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner
- * object.
- *
- * @return the inner object.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner innerModel();
- /**
- * The entirety of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition.
- */
- interface Definition extends DefinitionStages.Blank, DefinitionStages.WithLocation,
- DefinitionStages.WithResourceGroup, DefinitionStages.WithCreate {
- }
- /**
- * The AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition stages.
- */
- interface DefinitionStages {
- /**
- * The first stage of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition.
- */
- interface Blank extends WithLocation {
- }
- /**
- * The stage of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition allowing to specify location.
- */
- interface WithLocation {
- /**
- * Specifies the region for the resource.
- *
- * @param location The geo-location where the resource lives.
- * @return the next definition stage.
- */
- WithResourceGroup withRegion(Region location);
- /**
- * Specifies the region for the resource.
- *
- * @param location The geo-location where the resource lives.
- * @return the next definition stage.
- */
- WithResourceGroup withRegion(String location);
- }
- /**
- * The stage of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition allowing to specify parent resource.
- */
- interface WithResourceGroup {
- /**
- * Specifies resourceGroupName.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @return the next definition stage.
- */
- WithCreate withExistingResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName);
- }
- /**
- * The stage of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition which contains all the minimum required properties
- * for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified.
- */
- interface WithCreate extends DefinitionStages.WithTags,
- DefinitionStages.WithAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier, DefinitionStages.WithStorageProperties {
- /**
- * Executes the create request.
- *
- * @return the created resource.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance create();
- /**
- * Executes the create request.
- *
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @return the created resource.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance create(Context context);
- }
- /**
- * The stage of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition allowing to specify tags.
- */
- interface WithTags {
- /**
- * Specifies the tags property: Resource tags..
- *
- * @param tags Resource tags.
- * @return the next definition stage.
- */
- WithCreate withTags(Map tags);
- }
- /**
- * The stage of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition allowing to specify
- * azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier.
- */
- interface WithAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier {
- /**
- * Specifies the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier property: Specifies the
- * AzureBareMetaStorageInstance unique ID..
- *
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier Specifies the AzureBareMetaStorageInstance unique
- * ID.
- * @return the next definition stage.
- */
- WithCreate
- withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier(String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier);
- }
- /**
- * The stage of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition allowing to specify storageProperties.
- */
- interface WithStorageProperties {
- /**
- * Specifies the storageProperties property: Specifies the storage properties for the AzureBareMetalStorage
- * instance..
- *
- * @param storageProperties Specifies the storage properties for the AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- * @return the next definition stage.
- */
- WithCreate withStorageProperties(StorageProperties storageProperties);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Begins update for the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance resource.
- *
- * @return the stage of resource update.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.Update update();
- /**
- * The template for AzureBareMetalStorageInstance update.
- */
- interface Update extends UpdateStages.WithTags {
- /**
- * Executes the update request.
- *
- * @return the updated resource.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance apply();
- /**
- * Executes the update request.
- *
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @return the updated resource.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance apply(Context context);
- }
- /**
- * The AzureBareMetalStorageInstance update stages.
- */
- interface UpdateStages {
- /**
- * The stage of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance update allowing to specify tags.
- */
- interface WithTags {
- /**
- * Specifies the tags property: Tags field of the AzureBareMetal/AzureBareMetaStorage instance..
- *
- * @param tags Tags field of the AzureBareMetal/AzureBareMetaStorage instance.
- * @return the next definition stage.
- */
- Update withTags(Map tags);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.
- *
- * @return the refreshed resource.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance refresh();
- /**
- * Refreshes the resource to sync with Azure.
- *
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @return the refreshed resource.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance refresh(Context context);
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances.java
deleted file mode 100644
index c3ec8642852f..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.PagedIterable;
-import com.azure.core.http.rest.Response;
-import com.azure.core.util.Context;
- * Resource collection API of AzureBareMetalStorageInstances.
- */
-public interface AzureBareMetalStorageInstances {
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
- * {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- PagedIterable list();
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription. The operations returns various
- * properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription as paginated response with
- * {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- PagedIterable list(Context context);
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName);
- /**
- * Gets a list of Azure Bare Metal Storage instances in the specified subscription and resource group.
- *
- * Gets a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group. The operations
- * returns various properties of each Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return a list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances in the specified subscription and resource group as paginated
- * response with {@link PagedIterable}.
- */
- PagedIterable listByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, Context context);
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name
- * along with {@link Response}.
- */
- Response getByResourceGroupWithResponse(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName, Context context);
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance getByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName,
- String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName);
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link Response}.
- */
- Response deleteByResourceGroupWithResponse(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName,
- Context context);
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param resourceGroupName The name of the resource group. The name is case insensitive.
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName Name of the Azure Bare Metal Storage Instance, also known as the
- * ResourceName.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- */
- void deleteByResourceGroup(String resourceGroupName, String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceName);
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param id the resource ID.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name
- * along with {@link Response}.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance getById(String id);
- /**
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance.
- *
- * Gets an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name.
- *
- * @param id the resource ID.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return an Azure Bare Metal Storage instance for the specified subscription, resource group, and instance name
- * along with {@link Response}.
- */
- Response getByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context);
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param id the resource ID.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- */
- void deleteById(String id);
- /**
- * Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param id the resource ID.
- * @param context The context to associate with this operation.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation.
- * @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
- * @throws RuntimeException all other wrapped checked exceptions if the request fails to be sent.
- * @return the {@link Response}.
- */
- Response deleteByIdWithResponse(String id, Context context);
- /**
- * Begins definition for a new AzureBareMetalStorageInstance resource.
- *
- * @param name resource name.
- * @return the first stage of the new AzureBareMetalStorageInstance definition.
- */
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.DefinitionStages.Blank define(String name);
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5895bb690d5a..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
-import com.azure.json.JsonReader;
-import com.azure.json.JsonSerializable;
-import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
-import com.azure.json.JsonWriter;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.List;
- * The response from the Get AzureBareMetalStorageInstances operation.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult
- implements JsonSerializable {
- /*
- * The list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances.
- */
- private List value;
- /*
- * The URL to get the next set of AzureBareMetalStorage instances.
- */
- private String nextLink;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult class.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the value property: The list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances.
- *
- * @return the value value.
- */
- public List value() {
- return this.value;
- }
- /**
- * Set the value property: The list of AzureBareMetalStorage instances.
- *
- * @param value the value value to set.
- * @return the AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult object itself.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult withValue(List value) {
- this.value = value;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the nextLink property: The URL to get the next set of AzureBareMetalStorage instances.
- *
- * @return the nextLink value.
- */
- public String nextLink() {
- return this.nextLink;
- }
- /**
- * Set the nextLink property: The URL to get the next set of AzureBareMetalStorage instances.
- *
- * @param nextLink the nextLink value to set.
- * @return the AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult object itself.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult withNextLink(String nextLink) {
- this.nextLink = nextLink;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the instance.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the instance is not valid.
- */
- public void validate() {
- if (value() != null) {
- value().forEach(e -> e.validate());
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- jsonWriter.writeStartObject();
- jsonWriter.writeArrayField("value", this.value, (writer, element) -> writer.writeJson(element));
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("nextLink", this.nextLink);
- return jsonWriter.writeEndObject();
- }
- /**
- * Reads an instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult from the JsonReader.
- *
- * @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of
- * it, or null if it was pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult.
- */
- public static AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
- return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult
- = new AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult();
- while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
- String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
- reader.nextToken();
- if ("value".equals(fieldName)) {
- List value
- = reader.readArray(reader1 -> AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.fromJson(reader1));
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult.value = value;
- } else if ("nextLink".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult.nextLink = reader.getString();
- } else {
- reader.skipChildren();
- }
- }
- return deserializedAzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListResult;
- });
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Disk.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Disk.java
index 058414c00422..591fb3d13478 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Disk.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Disk.java
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
import java.io.IOException;
- * Specifies the disk information fo the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Specifies the disk information fo the AzureBareMetal instance.
public final class Disk implements JsonSerializable {
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationDisplay.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Display.java
similarity index 53%
rename from sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationDisplay.java
rename to sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Display.java
index 8acb0eddda01..602eeb058804 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationDisplay.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Display.java
@@ -12,42 +12,38 @@
import java.io.IOException;
- * Localized display information for this particular operation.
+ * Detailed BareMetal operation information.
-public final class OperationDisplay implements JsonSerializable {
+public final class Display implements JsonSerializable {
- * The localized friendly form of the resource provider name, e.g. "Microsoft Monitoring Insights" or
- * "Microsoft Compute".
+ * The localized friendly form of the resource provider name.
private String provider;
- * The localized friendly name of the resource type related to this operation. E.g. "Virtual Machines" or
- * "Job Schedule Collections".
+ * The localized friendly form of the resource type related to this action/operation.
private String resource;
- * The concise, localized friendly name for the operation; suitable for dropdowns. E.g.
- * "Create or Update Virtual Machine", "Restart Virtual Machine".
+ * The localized friendly name for the operation as shown to the user.
private String operation;
- * The short, localized friendly description of the operation; suitable for tool tips and detailed views.
+ * The localized friendly description for the operation as shown to the user.
private String description;
- * Creates an instance of OperationDisplay class.
+ * Creates an instance of Display class.
- public OperationDisplay() {
+ public Display() {
- * Get the provider property: The localized friendly form of the resource provider name, e.g. "Microsoft Monitoring
- * Insights" or "Microsoft Compute".
+ * Get the provider property: The localized friendly form of the resource provider name.
* @return the provider value.
@@ -56,8 +52,7 @@ public String provider() {
- * Get the resource property: The localized friendly name of the resource type related to this operation. E.g.
- * "Virtual Machines" or "Job Schedule Collections".
+ * Get the resource property: The localized friendly form of the resource type related to this action/operation.
* @return the resource value.
@@ -66,8 +61,7 @@ public String resource() {
- * Get the operation property: The concise, localized friendly name for the operation; suitable for dropdowns. E.g.
- * "Create or Update Virtual Machine", "Restart Virtual Machine".
+ * Get the operation property: The localized friendly name for the operation as shown to the user.
* @return the operation value.
@@ -76,8 +70,7 @@ public String operation() {
- * Get the description property: The short, localized friendly description of the operation; suitable for tool tips
- * and detailed views.
+ * Get the description property: The localized friendly description for the operation as shown to the user.
* @return the description value.
@@ -103,34 +96,34 @@ public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- * Reads an instance of OperationDisplay from the JsonReader.
+ * Reads an instance of Display from the JsonReader.
* @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of OperationDisplay if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was
- * pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the OperationDisplay.
+ * @return An instance of Display if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was pointing to
+ * JSON null.
+ * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the Display.
- public static OperationDisplay fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
+ public static Display fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- OperationDisplay deserializedOperationDisplay = new OperationDisplay();
+ Display deserializedDisplay = new Display();
while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
if ("provider".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationDisplay.provider = reader.getString();
+ deserializedDisplay.provider = reader.getString();
} else if ("resource".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationDisplay.resource = reader.getString();
+ deserializedDisplay.resource = reader.getString();
} else if ("operation".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationDisplay.operation = reader.getString();
+ deserializedDisplay.operation = reader.getString();
} else if ("description".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationDisplay.description = reader.getString();
+ deserializedDisplay.description = reader.getString();
} else {
- return deserializedOperationDisplay;
+ return deserializedDisplay;
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/ForceState.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/ForceState.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f4c817137acf..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/ForceState.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
-import com.azure.json.JsonReader;
-import com.azure.json.JsonSerializable;
-import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
-import com.azure.json.JsonWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
- * The active state empowers the server with the ability to forcefully terminate and halt any existing processes that
- * may be running on the server.
- */
-public final class ForceState implements JsonSerializable {
- /*
- * Whether to force restart by shutting all processes.
- */
- private AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState forceState;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of ForceState class.
- */
- public ForceState() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the forceState property: Whether to force restart by shutting all processes.
- *
- * @return the forceState value.
- */
- public AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState forceState() {
- return this.forceState;
- }
- /**
- * Set the forceState property: Whether to force restart by shutting all processes.
- *
- * @param forceState the forceState value to set.
- * @return the ForceState object itself.
- */
- public ForceState withForceState(AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState forceState) {
- this.forceState = forceState;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the instance.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the instance is not valid.
- */
- public void validate() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- jsonWriter.writeStartObject();
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("forceState", this.forceState == null ? null : this.forceState.toString());
- return jsonWriter.writeEndObject();
- }
- /**
- * Reads an instance of ForceState from the JsonReader.
- *
- * @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of ForceState if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was pointing
- * to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the ForceState.
- */
- public static ForceState fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
- return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- ForceState deserializedForceState = new ForceState();
- while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
- String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
- reader.nextToken();
- if ("forceState".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedForceState.forceState
- = AzureBareMetalInstanceForcePowerState.fromString(reader.getString());
- } else {
- reader.skipChildren();
- }
- }
- return deserializedForceState;
- });
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/HardwareProfile.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/HardwareProfile.java
index e05fefc667f2..830732b6b1cc 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/HardwareProfile.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/HardwareProfile.java
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
import java.io.IOException;
- * Specifies the hardware settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Specifies the hardware settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
public final class HardwareProfile implements JsonSerializable {
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ public final class HardwareProfile implements JsonSerializable
private AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum hardwareType;
- * Specifies the Azure Bare Metal Instance SKU.
+ * Specifies the AzureBareMetal instance SKU.
private AzureBareMetalInstanceSizeNamesEnum azureBareMetalInstanceSize;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public AzureBareMetalHardwareTypeNamesEnum hardwareType() {
- * Get the azureBareMetalInstanceSize property: Specifies the Azure Bare Metal Instance SKU.
+ * Get the azureBareMetalInstanceSize property: Specifies the AzureBareMetal instance SKU.
* @return the azureBareMetalInstanceSize value.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/NetworkInterface.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/IpAddress.java
similarity index 69%
rename from sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/NetworkInterface.java
rename to sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/IpAddress.java
index a36a445b5640..3d19e1290c2d 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/NetworkInterface.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/IpAddress.java
@@ -12,19 +12,19 @@
import java.io.IOException;
- * Specifies the network interfaces of a bare metal resource.
+ * Specifies the IP address of the network interface.
-public final class NetworkInterface implements JsonSerializable {
+public final class IpAddress implements JsonSerializable {
* Specifies the IP address of the network interface.
private String ipAddress;
- * Creates an instance of NetworkInterface class.
+ * Creates an instance of IpAddress class.
- public NetworkInterface() {
+ public IpAddress() {
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ public String ipAddress() {
* Set the ipAddress property: Specifies the IP address of the network interface.
* @param ipAddress the ipAddress value to set.
- * @return the NetworkInterface object itself.
+ * @return the IpAddress object itself.
- public NetworkInterface withIpAddress(String ipAddress) {
+ public IpAddress withIpAddress(String ipAddress) {
this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
return this;
@@ -66,28 +66,28 @@ public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- * Reads an instance of NetworkInterface from the JsonReader.
+ * Reads an instance of IpAddress from the JsonReader.
* @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of NetworkInterface if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was
- * pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the NetworkInterface.
+ * @return An instance of IpAddress if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was pointing
+ * to JSON null.
+ * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the IpAddress.
- public static NetworkInterface fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
+ public static IpAddress fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- NetworkInterface deserializedNetworkInterface = new NetworkInterface();
+ IpAddress deserializedIpAddress = new IpAddress();
while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
if ("ipAddress".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedNetworkInterface.ipAddress = reader.getString();
+ deserializedIpAddress.ipAddress = reader.getString();
} else {
- return deserializedNetworkInterface;
+ return deserializedIpAddress;
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/NetworkProfile.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/NetworkProfile.java
index 8d7bda94a53d..c4b961b5fecf 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/NetworkProfile.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/NetworkProfile.java
@@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
import java.util.List;
- * Specifies the network settings for the Azure Bare Metal Instance disks.
+ * Specifies the network settings for the AzureBareMetal instance disks.
public final class NetworkProfile implements JsonSerializable {
- * Specifies the network interfaces for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Specifies the network interfaces for the AzureBareMetal instance.
- private List networkInterfaces;
+ private List networkInterfaces;
* Specifies the circuit id for connecting to express route.
@@ -34,21 +34,21 @@ public NetworkProfile() {
- * Get the networkInterfaces property: Specifies the network interfaces for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Get the networkInterfaces property: Specifies the network interfaces for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the networkInterfaces value.
- public List networkInterfaces() {
+ public List networkInterfaces() {
return this.networkInterfaces;
- * Set the networkInterfaces property: Specifies the network interfaces for the Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Set the networkInterfaces property: Specifies the network interfaces for the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param networkInterfaces the networkInterfaces value to set.
* @return the NetworkProfile object itself.
- public NetworkProfile withNetworkInterfaces(List networkInterfaces) {
+ public NetworkProfile withNetworkInterfaces(List networkInterfaces) {
this.networkInterfaces = networkInterfaces;
return this;
@@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ public static NetworkProfile fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException
if ("networkInterfaces".equals(fieldName)) {
- List networkInterfaces
- = reader.readArray(reader1 -> NetworkInterface.fromJson(reader1));
+ List networkInterfaces = reader.readArray(reader1 -> IpAddress.fromJson(reader1));
deserializedNetworkProfile.networkInterfaces = networkInterfaces;
} else if ("circuitId".equals(fieldName)) {
deserializedNetworkProfile.circuitId = reader.getString();
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OSProfile.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OSProfile.java
index fc0948ee2ff0..0dcf1bd9ac70 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OSProfile.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OSProfile.java
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
import java.io.IOException;
- * Specifies the operating system settings for the Azure Bare Metal instance.
+ * Specifies the operating system settings for the AzureBareMetal instance.
public final class OSProfile implements JsonSerializable {
- * Specifies the host OS name of the Azure Bare Metal instance.
+ * Specifies the host OS name of the AzureBareMetal instance.
private String computerName;
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public OSProfile() {
- * Get the computerName property: Specifies the host OS name of the Azure Bare Metal instance.
+ * Get the computerName property: Specifies the host OS name of the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the computerName value.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public String computerName() {
- * Set the computerName property: Specifies the host OS name of the Azure Bare Metal instance.
+ * Set the computerName property: Specifies the host OS name of the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param computerName the computerName value to set.
* @return the OSProfile object itself.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Operation.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Operation.java
index 1949b2d365ae..84b345376936 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Operation.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Operation.java
@@ -11,43 +11,26 @@
public interface Operation {
- * Gets the name property: The name of the operation, as per Resource-Based Access Control (RBAC). Examples:
- * "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write", "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/capture/action".
+ * Gets the name property: The name of the operation being performed on this particular object. This name should
+ * match the action name that appears in RBAC / the event service.
* @return the name value.
String name();
- * Gets the isDataAction property: Whether the operation applies to data-plane. This is "true" for data-plane
- * operations and "false" for ARM/control-plane operations.
- *
- * @return the isDataAction value.
- */
- Boolean isDataAction();
- /**
- * Gets the display property: Localized display information for this particular operation.
+ * Gets the display property: Displayed AzureBareMetal operation information.
* @return the display value.
- OperationDisplay display();
+ Display display();
- * Gets the origin property: The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and
- * audit logs UX. Default value is "user,system".
+ * Gets the isDataAction property: indicates whether an operation is a data action or not.
- * @return the origin value.
- */
- Origin origin();
- /**
- * Gets the actionType property: Enum. Indicates the action type. "Internal" refers to actions that are for internal
- * only APIs.
- *
- * @return the actionType value.
+ * @return the isDataAction value.
- ActionType actionType();
+ Boolean isDataAction();
* Gets the inner com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.OperationInner object.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationListResult.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationList.java
similarity index 55%
rename from sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationListResult.java
rename to sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationList.java
index aa1f2d9cf73b..31e7cb60afe5 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationListResult.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationList.java
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Immutable;
+import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
import com.azure.json.JsonReader;
import com.azure.json.JsonSerializable;
import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
@@ -14,29 +14,23 @@
import java.util.List;
- * A list of REST API operations supported by an Azure Resource Provider. It contains an URL link to get the next set of
- * results.
+ * List of AzureBareMetal operations.
-public final class OperationListResult implements JsonSerializable {
+public final class OperationList implements JsonSerializable {
- * List of operations supported by the resource provider
+ * List of AzureBareMetal operations
private List value;
- /*
- * URL to get the next set of operation list results (if there are any).
- */
- private String nextLink;
- * Creates an instance of OperationListResult class.
+ * Creates an instance of OperationList class.
- public OperationListResult() {
+ public OperationList() {
- * Get the value property: List of operations supported by the resource provider.
+ * Get the value property: List of AzureBareMetal operations.
* @return the value value.
@@ -45,12 +39,14 @@ public List value() {
- * Get the nextLink property: URL to get the next set of operation list results (if there are any).
+ * Set the value property: List of AzureBareMetal operations.
- * @return the nextLink value.
+ * @param value the value value to set.
+ * @return the OperationList object itself.
- public String nextLink() {
- return this.nextLink;
+ public OperationList withValue(List value) {
+ this.value = value;
+ return this;
@@ -70,35 +66,34 @@ public void validate() {
public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
+ jsonWriter.writeArrayField("value", this.value, (writer, element) -> writer.writeJson(element));
return jsonWriter.writeEndObject();
- * Reads an instance of OperationListResult from the JsonReader.
+ * Reads an instance of OperationList from the JsonReader.
* @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of OperationListResult if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was
+ * @return An instance of OperationList if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was
* pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the OperationListResult.
+ * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the OperationList.
- public static OperationListResult fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
+ public static OperationList fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- OperationListResult deserializedOperationListResult = new OperationListResult();
+ OperationList deserializedOperationList = new OperationList();
while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
if ("value".equals(fieldName)) {
List value = reader.readArray(reader1 -> OperationInner.fromJson(reader1));
- deserializedOperationListResult.value = value;
- } else if ("nextLink".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationListResult.nextLink = reader.getString();
+ deserializedOperationList.value = value;
} else {
- return deserializedOperationListResult;
+ return deserializedOperationList;
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationStatus.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationStatus.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8114848d6b83..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationStatus.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.OperationStatusInner;
- * An immutable client-side representation of OperationStatus.
- */
-public interface OperationStatus {
- /**
- * Gets the name property: Unique Operation Status Identifier.
- *
- * @return the name value.
- */
- String name();
- /**
- * Gets the status property: Status of the operation.
- *
- * @return the status value.
- */
- AsyncOperationStatus status();
- /**
- * Gets the startTime property: Start Time when the operation was initially executed.
- *
- * @return the startTime value.
- */
- String startTime();
- /**
- * Gets the error property: An error from the Azure Bare Metal Infrastructure service.
- *
- * @return the error value.
- */
- OperationStatusError error();
- /**
- * Gets the inner com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.OperationStatusInner object.
- *
- * @return the inner object.
- */
- OperationStatusInner innerModel();
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationStatusError.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationStatusError.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 377536389fc0..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/OperationStatusError.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
-import com.azure.json.JsonReader;
-import com.azure.json.JsonSerializable;
-import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
-import com.azure.json.JsonWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
- * An error from the Azure Bare Metal Infrastructure service.
- */
-public final class OperationStatusError implements JsonSerializable {
- /*
- * Server-defined set of error codes.
- */
- private String code;
- /*
- * Human-readable representation of the error.
- */
- private String message;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of OperationStatusError class.
- */
- public OperationStatusError() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the code property: Server-defined set of error codes.
- *
- * @return the code value.
- */
- public String code() {
- return this.code;
- }
- /**
- * Set the code property: Server-defined set of error codes.
- *
- * @param code the code value to set.
- * @return the OperationStatusError object itself.
- */
- public OperationStatusError withCode(String code) {
- this.code = code;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the message property: Human-readable representation of the error.
- *
- * @return the message value.
- */
- public String message() {
- return this.message;
- }
- /**
- * Set the message property: Human-readable representation of the error.
- *
- * @param message the message value to set.
- * @return the OperationStatusError object itself.
- */
- public OperationStatusError withMessage(String message) {
- this.message = message;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the instance.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the instance is not valid.
- */
- public void validate() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- jsonWriter.writeStartObject();
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("code", this.code);
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("message", this.message);
- return jsonWriter.writeEndObject();
- }
- /**
- * Reads an instance of OperationStatusError from the JsonReader.
- *
- * @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of OperationStatusError if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it
- * was pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the OperationStatusError.
- */
- public static OperationStatusError fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
- return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- OperationStatusError deserializedOperationStatusError = new OperationStatusError();
- while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
- String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
- reader.nextToken();
- if ("code".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationStatusError.code = reader.getString();
- } else if ("message".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedOperationStatusError.message = reader.getString();
- } else {
- reader.skipChildren();
- }
- }
- return deserializedOperationStatusError;
- });
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Operations.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Operations.java
index 004bc3a31e94..3f98ddcaaa4d 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Operations.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Operations.java
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
public interface Operations {
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @throws com.azure.core.management.exception.ManagementException thrown if the request is rejected by server.
@@ -23,8 +21,6 @@ public interface Operations {
PagedIterable list();
- * Lists all of the available consumption REST API operations.
- *
* Gets a list of AzureBareMetal management operations.
* @param context The context to associate with this operation.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Origin.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Origin.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc96a3fe1c2..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Origin.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum;
-import java.util.Collection;
- * The intended executor of the operation; as in Resource Based Access Control (RBAC) and audit logs UX. Default value
- * is "user,system".
- */
-public final class Origin extends ExpandableStringEnum {
- /**
- * Static value user for Origin.
- */
- public static final Origin USER = fromString("user");
- /**
- * Static value system for Origin.
- */
- public static final Origin SYSTEM = fromString("system");
- /**
- * Static value user,system for Origin.
- */
- public static final Origin USER_SYSTEM = fromString("user,system");
- /**
- * Creates a new instance of Origin value.
- *
- * @deprecated Use the {@link #fromString(String)} factory method.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public Origin() {
- }
- /**
- * Creates or finds a Origin from its string representation.
- *
- * @param name a name to look for.
- * @return the corresponding Origin.
- */
- public static Origin fromString(String name) {
- return fromString(name, Origin.class);
- }
- /**
- * Gets known Origin values.
- *
- * @return known Origin values.
- */
- public static Collection values() {
- return values(Origin.class);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/ProvisioningState.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/ProvisioningState.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d49c1f00a20b..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/ProvisioningState.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum;
-import java.util.Collection;
- * State of provisioning of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- */
-public final class ProvisioningState extends ExpandableStringEnum {
- /**
- * Static value Accepted for ProvisioningState.
- */
- public static final ProvisioningState ACCEPTED = fromString("Accepted");
- /**
- * Static value Creating for ProvisioningState.
- */
- public static final ProvisioningState CREATING = fromString("Creating");
- /**
- * Static value Updating for ProvisioningState.
- */
- public static final ProvisioningState UPDATING = fromString("Updating");
- /**
- * Static value Failed for ProvisioningState.
- */
- public static final ProvisioningState FAILED = fromString("Failed");
- /**
- * Static value Succeeded for ProvisioningState.
- */
- public static final ProvisioningState SUCCEEDED = fromString("Succeeded");
- /**
- * Static value Deleting for ProvisioningState.
- */
- public static final ProvisioningState DELETING = fromString("Deleting");
- /**
- * Static value Canceled for ProvisioningState.
- */
- public static final ProvisioningState CANCELED = fromString("Canceled");
- /**
- * Static value Migrating for ProvisioningState.
- */
- public static final ProvisioningState MIGRATING = fromString("Migrating");
- /**
- * Creates a new instance of ProvisioningState value.
- *
- * @deprecated Use the {@link #fromString(String)} factory method.
- */
- @Deprecated
- public ProvisioningState() {
- }
- /**
- * Creates or finds a ProvisioningState from its string representation.
- *
- * @param name a name to look for.
- * @return the corresponding ProvisioningState.
- */
- public static ProvisioningState fromString(String name) {
- return fromString(name, ProvisioningState.class);
- }
- /**
- * Gets known ProvisioningState values.
- *
- * @return known ProvisioningState values.
- */
- public static Collection values() {
- return values(ProvisioningState.class);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageBillingProperties.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageBillingProperties.java
deleted file mode 100644
index e86c7c468761..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageBillingProperties.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
-import com.azure.json.JsonReader;
-import com.azure.json.JsonSerializable;
-import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
-import com.azure.json.JsonWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
- * Describes the billing related details of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- */
-public final class StorageBillingProperties implements JsonSerializable {
- /*
- * the billing mode for the storage instance
- */
- private String billingMode;
- /*
- * the SKU type that is provisioned
- */
- private String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of StorageBillingProperties class.
- */
- public StorageBillingProperties() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the billingMode property: the billing mode for the storage instance.
- *
- * @return the billingMode value.
- */
- public String billingMode() {
- return this.billingMode;
- }
- /**
- * Set the billingMode property: the billing mode for the storage instance.
- *
- * @param billingMode the billingMode value to set.
- * @return the StorageBillingProperties object itself.
- */
- public StorageBillingProperties withBillingMode(String billingMode) {
- this.billingMode = billingMode;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize property: the SKU type that is provisioned.
- *
- * @return the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize value.
- */
- public String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize() {
- return this.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize;
- }
- /**
- * Set the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize property: the SKU type that is provisioned.
- *
- * @param azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize the azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize value to set.
- * @return the StorageBillingProperties object itself.
- */
- public StorageBillingProperties withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize(String azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize) {
- this.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize = azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the instance.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the instance is not valid.
- */
- public void validate() {
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- jsonWriter.writeStartObject();
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("billingMode", this.billingMode);
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize", this.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize);
- return jsonWriter.writeEndObject();
- }
- /**
- * Reads an instance of StorageBillingProperties from the JsonReader.
- *
- * @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of StorageBillingProperties if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if
- * it was pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the StorageBillingProperties.
- */
- public static StorageBillingProperties fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
- return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- StorageBillingProperties deserializedStorageBillingProperties = new StorageBillingProperties();
- while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
- String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
- reader.nextToken();
- if ("billingMode".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedStorageBillingProperties.billingMode = reader.getString();
- } else if ("azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedStorageBillingProperties.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize = reader.getString();
- } else {
- reader.skipChildren();
- }
- }
- return deserializedStorageBillingProperties;
- });
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageProfile.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageProfile.java
index 99c916e06edc..f556f2864807 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageProfile.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageProfile.java
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
import java.util.List;
- * Specifies the storage settings for the Azure Bare Metal instance disks.
+ * Specifies the storage settings for the AzureBareMetal instance disks.
public final class StorageProfile implements JsonSerializable {
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public final class StorageProfile implements JsonSerializable {
private String nfsIpAddress;
- * Specifies information about the operating system disk used by bare metal instance.
+ * Specifies information about the operating system disk used by baremetal instance.
private List osDisks;
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public String nfsIpAddress() {
- * Get the osDisks property: Specifies information about the operating system disk used by bare metal instance.
+ * Get the osDisks property: Specifies information about the operating system disk used by baremetal instance.
* @return the osDisks value.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public List osDisks() {
- * Set the osDisks property: Specifies information about the operating system disk used by bare metal instance.
+ * Set the osDisks property: Specifies information about the operating system disk used by baremetal instance.
* @param osDisks the osDisks value to set.
* @return the StorageProfile object itself.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageProperties.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageProperties.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 05080cab8351..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/StorageProperties.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
-import com.azure.core.annotation.Fluent;
-import com.azure.json.JsonReader;
-import com.azure.json.JsonSerializable;
-import com.azure.json.JsonToken;
-import com.azure.json.JsonWriter;
-import java.io.IOException;
- * described the storage properties of the azure bare metal storage instance.
- */
-public final class StorageProperties implements JsonSerializable {
- /*
- * State of provisioning of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance
- */
- private ProvisioningState provisioningState;
- /*
- * the offering type for which the resource is getting provisioned
- */
- private String offeringType;
- /*
- * the storage protocol for which the resource is getting provisioned
- */
- private String storageType;
- /*
- * the kind of storage instance
- */
- private String generation;
- /*
- * the hardware type of the storage instance
- */
- private String hardwareType;
- /*
- * the workload for which the resource is getting provisioned
- */
- private String workloadType;
- /*
- * the billing related information for the resource
- */
- private StorageBillingProperties storageBillingProperties;
- /**
- * Creates an instance of StorageProperties class.
- */
- public StorageProperties() {
- }
- /**
- * Get the provisioningState property: State of provisioning of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @return the provisioningState value.
- */
- public ProvisioningState provisioningState() {
- return this.provisioningState;
- }
- /**
- * Set the provisioningState property: State of provisioning of the AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param provisioningState the provisioningState value to set.
- * @return the StorageProperties object itself.
- */
- public StorageProperties withProvisioningState(ProvisioningState provisioningState) {
- this.provisioningState = provisioningState;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the offeringType property: the offering type for which the resource is getting provisioned.
- *
- * @return the offeringType value.
- */
- public String offeringType() {
- return this.offeringType;
- }
- /**
- * Set the offeringType property: the offering type for which the resource is getting provisioned.
- *
- * @param offeringType the offeringType value to set.
- * @return the StorageProperties object itself.
- */
- public StorageProperties withOfferingType(String offeringType) {
- this.offeringType = offeringType;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the storageType property: the storage protocol for which the resource is getting provisioned.
- *
- * @return the storageType value.
- */
- public String storageType() {
- return this.storageType;
- }
- /**
- * Set the storageType property: the storage protocol for which the resource is getting provisioned.
- *
- * @param storageType the storageType value to set.
- * @return the StorageProperties object itself.
- */
- public StorageProperties withStorageType(String storageType) {
- this.storageType = storageType;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the generation property: the kind of storage instance.
- *
- * @return the generation value.
- */
- public String generation() {
- return this.generation;
- }
- /**
- * Set the generation property: the kind of storage instance.
- *
- * @param generation the generation value to set.
- * @return the StorageProperties object itself.
- */
- public StorageProperties withGeneration(String generation) {
- this.generation = generation;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the hardwareType property: the hardware type of the storage instance.
- *
- * @return the hardwareType value.
- */
- public String hardwareType() {
- return this.hardwareType;
- }
- /**
- * Set the hardwareType property: the hardware type of the storage instance.
- *
- * @param hardwareType the hardwareType value to set.
- * @return the StorageProperties object itself.
- */
- public StorageProperties withHardwareType(String hardwareType) {
- this.hardwareType = hardwareType;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the workloadType property: the workload for which the resource is getting provisioned.
- *
- * @return the workloadType value.
- */
- public String workloadType() {
- return this.workloadType;
- }
- /**
- * Set the workloadType property: the workload for which the resource is getting provisioned.
- *
- * @param workloadType the workloadType value to set.
- * @return the StorageProperties object itself.
- */
- public StorageProperties withWorkloadType(String workloadType) {
- this.workloadType = workloadType;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Get the storageBillingProperties property: the billing related information for the resource.
- *
- * @return the storageBillingProperties value.
- */
- public StorageBillingProperties storageBillingProperties() {
- return this.storageBillingProperties;
- }
- /**
- * Set the storageBillingProperties property: the billing related information for the resource.
- *
- * @param storageBillingProperties the storageBillingProperties value to set.
- * @return the StorageProperties object itself.
- */
- public StorageProperties withStorageBillingProperties(StorageBillingProperties storageBillingProperties) {
- this.storageBillingProperties = storageBillingProperties;
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Validates the instance.
- *
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if the instance is not valid.
- */
- public void validate() {
- if (storageBillingProperties() != null) {
- storageBillingProperties().validate();
- }
- }
- /**
- * {@inheritDoc}
- */
- @Override
- public JsonWriter toJson(JsonWriter jsonWriter) throws IOException {
- jsonWriter.writeStartObject();
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("provisioningState",
- this.provisioningState == null ? null : this.provisioningState.toString());
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("offeringType", this.offeringType);
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("storageType", this.storageType);
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("generation", this.generation);
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("hardwareType", this.hardwareType);
- jsonWriter.writeStringField("workloadType", this.workloadType);
- jsonWriter.writeJsonField("storageBillingProperties", this.storageBillingProperties);
- return jsonWriter.writeEndObject();
- }
- /**
- * Reads an instance of StorageProperties from the JsonReader.
- *
- * @param jsonReader The JsonReader being read.
- * @return An instance of StorageProperties if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was
- * pointing to JSON null.
- * @throws IOException If an error occurs while reading the StorageProperties.
- */
- public static StorageProperties fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) throws IOException {
- return jsonReader.readObject(reader -> {
- StorageProperties deserializedStorageProperties = new StorageProperties();
- while (reader.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
- String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
- reader.nextToken();
- if ("provisioningState".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedStorageProperties.provisioningState = ProvisioningState.fromString(reader.getString());
- } else if ("offeringType".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedStorageProperties.offeringType = reader.getString();
- } else if ("storageType".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedStorageProperties.storageType = reader.getString();
- } else if ("generation".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedStorageProperties.generation = reader.getString();
- } else if ("hardwareType".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedStorageProperties.hardwareType = reader.getString();
- } else if ("workloadType".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedStorageProperties.workloadType = reader.getString();
- } else if ("storageBillingProperties".equals(fieldName)) {
- deserializedStorageProperties.storageBillingProperties = StorageBillingProperties.fromJson(reader);
- } else {
- reader.skipChildren();
- }
- }
- return deserializedStorageProperties;
- });
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Tags.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Tags.java
index e3319ab143a4..89970943cd2d 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Tags.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/Tags.java
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
import java.util.Map;
- * Tags field of the AzureBareMetal/AzureBareMetaStorage instance.
+ * Tags field of the AzureBareMetal instance.
public final class Tags implements JsonSerializable {
- * Tags field of the AzureBareMetal/AzureBareMetaStorage instance.
+ * Tags field of the AzureBareMetal instance.
private Map tags;
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public Tags() {
- * Get the tags property: Tags field of the AzureBareMetal/AzureBareMetaStorage instance.
+ * Get the tags property: Tags field of the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @return the tags value.
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public Map tags() {
- * Set the tags property: Tags field of the AzureBareMetal/AzureBareMetaStorage instance.
+ * Set the tags property: Tags field of the AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param tags the tags value to set.
* @return the Tags object itself.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/package-info.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/package-info.java
index 5892cdf40ee6..76322c2a5382 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/package-info.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/models/package-info.java
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
* Package containing the data models for BareMetalInfrastructureClient.
- * The Bare Metal Infrastructure Management client.
+ * The BareMetalInfrastructure Management client.
package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models;
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/package-info.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/package-info.java
index 1f4d5bba40ec..3beb2d898ab4 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/package-info.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/package-info.java
@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
* Package containing the classes for BareMetalInfrastructureClient.
- * The Bare Metal Infrastructure Management client.
+ * The BareMetalInfrastructure Management client.
package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure;
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/com.azure.resourcemanager/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/proxy-config.json b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/com.azure.resourcemanager/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/proxy-config.json
index 6a880216c402..1455eb2c500e 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/com.azure.resourcemanager/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/proxy-config.json
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image/com.azure.resourcemanager/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/proxy-config.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples.java
index 3defb557608e..3cd4d2868ef4 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples.java
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Get.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Get.json
- * Sample code: Get an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Sample code: Get an AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples.java
index caa29d9ad7f5..6f4f5ea1becd 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples.java
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_ListByResourceGroup.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_ListByResourceGroup.json
- * Sample code: List all Azure Bare Metal Instances in a resource group.
+ * Sample code: List all AzureBareMetal instances in a resource group.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesListSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesListSamples.java
index ad6a91f0d47a..a084905a9b10 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesListSamples.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesListSamples.java
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesListSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_ListBySubscription.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_ListBySubscription.json
- * Sample code: List all Azure Bare Metal Instances in a subscription.
+ * Sample code: List all AzureBareMetal instances in a subscription.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesRestartSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesRestartSamples.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 07f3f6f3999f..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesRestartSamples.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalInstances Restart.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesRestartSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Restart.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Restart an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void restartAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalInstances()
- .restart("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", null, com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesShutdownSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesShutdownSamples.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 42a0c9f6fff7..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesShutdownSamples.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalInstances Shutdown.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesShutdownSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Shutdown.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Shutdown an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void shutdownAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalInstances()
- .shutdown("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesStartSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesStartSamples.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8414cc7c8a3b..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesStartSamples.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalInstances Start.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesStartSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_Start.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Start an Azure Bare Metal instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void startAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalInstances().start("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesUpdateSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesUpdateSamples.java
index 689d052febe1..59d05a17d12a 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesUpdateSamples.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalInstancesUpdateSamples.java
@@ -14,36 +14,36 @@
public final class AzureBareMetalInstancesUpdateSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_PatchTags_Delete.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_PatchTags.json
- * Sample code: Delete Tags field of an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Sample code: Update Tags field of an AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- public static void deleteTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
+ public static void updateTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- .updateWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", new Tags().withTags(mapOf()),
- com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
+ .updateWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance",
+ new Tags().withTags(mapOf("testkey", "fakeTokenPlaceholder")), com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_PatchTags.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalInstances_PatchTags_Delete.json
- * Sample code: Update Tags field of an Azure Bare Metal Instance.
+ * Sample code: Delete Tags field of an AzureBareMetal instance.
* @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- public static void updateTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
+ public static void deleteTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalInstance(
com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- .updateWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance",
- new Tags().withTags(mapOf("testkey", "fakeTokenPlaceholder")), com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
+ .updateWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMInstance", new Tags().withTags(mapOf()),
+ com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
// Use "Map.of" if available
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesCreateSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesCreateSamples.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b49994c0db9..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesCreateSamples.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.ProvisioningState;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.StorageBillingProperties;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.StorageProperties;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances Create.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesCreateSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_Create.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Put a new AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void putANewAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .define("myAzureBareMetalStorageInstance")
- .withRegion("westus2")
- .withExistingResourceGroup("myResourceGroup")
- .withTags(mapOf("key", "fakeTokenPlaceholder"))
- .withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier("23415635-4d7e-41dc-9598-8194f22c24e9")
- .withStorageProperties(
- new StorageProperties().withProvisioningState(ProvisioningState.SUCCEEDED)
- .withOfferingType("EPIC")
- .withStorageType("FC")
- .withGeneration("Gen4")
- .withHardwareType("NetApp")
- .withWorkloadType("ODB")
- .withStorageBillingProperties(new StorageBillingProperties().withBillingMode("PAYG")
- .withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize("")))
- .create();
- }
- // Use "Map.of" if available
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private static Map mapOf(Object... inputs) {
- Map map = new HashMap<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 2) {
- String key = (String) inputs[i];
- T value = (T) inputs[i + 1];
- map.put(key, value);
- }
- return map;
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesDeleteSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesDeleteSamples.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eb9187000a7..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesDeleteSamples.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances Delete.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesDeleteSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_Delete.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Delete an AzureBareMetalStorageInstance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void deleteAnAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .deleteByResourceGroupWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myAzureBareMetalStorageInstance",
- com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 72aa777095c9..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances GetByResourceGroup.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesGetByResourceGroupSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_Get.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Get an AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void getAnAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .getByResourceGroupWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myAzureBareMetalStorageInstance",
- com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d401962692c6..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances ListByResourceGroup.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListByResourceGroupSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_ListByResourceGroup.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: List all AzureBareMetalStorage instances in a resource group.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void listAllAzureBareMetalStorageInstancesInAResourceGroup(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .listByResourceGroup("myResourceGroup", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListSamples.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 00988f78bbbe..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListSamples.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances List.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesListSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_ListBySubscription.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: List all AzureBareMetalStorage instances in a subscription.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void listAllAzureBareMetalStorageInstancesInASubscription(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances().list(com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE);
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesUpdateSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesUpdateSamples.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c5151e1285..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesUpdateSamples.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstance;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
- * Samples for AzureBareMetalStorageInstances Update.
- */
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstancesUpdateSamples {
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_PatchTags.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Update Tags field of an AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void updateTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance resource = manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .getByResourceGroupWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMSInstance", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- resource.update().withTags(mapOf("testkey", "fakeTokenPlaceholder")).apply();
- }
- /*
- * x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalStorageInstances_PatchTags_Delete.json
- */
- /**
- * Sample code: Delete Tags field of an AzureBareMetalStorage instance.
- *
- * @param manager Entry point to BareMetalInfrastructureManager.
- */
- public static void deleteTagsFieldOfAnAzureBareMetalStorageInstance(
- com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.BareMetalInfrastructureManager manager) {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstance resource = manager.azureBareMetalStorageInstances()
- .getByResourceGroupWithResponse("myResourceGroup", "myABMSInstance", com.azure.core.util.Context.NONE)
- .getValue();
- resource.update().withTags(mapOf()).apply();
- }
- // Use "Map.of" if available
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private static Map mapOf(Object... inputs) {
- Map map = new HashMap<>();
- for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i += 2) {
- String key = (String) inputs[i];
- T value = (T) inputs[i + 1];
- map.put(key, value);
- }
- return map;
- }
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/OperationsListSamples.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/OperationsListSamples.java
index b6917e590419..9743b223d500 100644
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/OperationsListSamples.java
+++ b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/samples/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/OperationsListSamples.java
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
public final class OperationsListSamples {
* x-ms-original-file:
- * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/preview/2023-08-04-
- * preview/examples/AzureBareMetalOperations_List.json
+ * specification/baremetalinfrastructure/resource-manager/Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure/stable/2021-08-09/
+ * examples/AzureBareMetalOperations_List.json
* Sample code: List all management operations supported by the AzureBareMetal RP.
diff --git a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInnerTests.java b/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInnerTests.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f11cc43cb9be..000000000000
--- a/sdk/baremetalinfrastructure/azure-resourcemanager-baremetalinfrastructure/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/baremetalinfrastructure/generated/AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInnerTests.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the MIT License.
-// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
-package com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.generated;
-import com.azure.core.util.BinaryData;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.fluent.models.AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.ProvisioningState;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.StorageBillingProperties;
-import com.azure.resourcemanager.baremetalinfrastructure.models.StorageProperties;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
-public final class AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInnerTests {
- @org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
- public void testDeserialize() throws Exception {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner model = BinaryData.fromString(
- "{\"properties\":{\"azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier\":\"idnsezcxtb\",\"storageProperties\":{\"provisioningState\":\"Creating\",\"offeringType\":\"c\",\"storageType\":\"newmdwzjeiachbo\",\"generation\":\"flnrosfqpteehzz\",\"hardwareType\":\"pyqr\",\"workloadType\":\"z\",\"storageBillingProperties\":{\"billingMode\":\"vswjdk\",\"azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize\":\"soodqxhcrmnoh\"}}},\"location\":\"ckwhds\",\"tags\":{\"pjxsqwpgrjbznor\":\"iy\",\"ocpcy\":\"jxvsnbyxqabn\",\"gpbtoqcjmklj\":\"hurzafblj\",\"qajzyulpkudjkr\":\"vbqid\"},\"id\":\"khbzhfepgzg\",\"name\":\"e\",\"type\":\"zloc\"}")
- .toObject(AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.class);
- Assertions.assertEquals("ckwhds", model.location());
- Assertions.assertEquals("iy", model.tags().get("pjxsqwpgrjbznor"));
- Assertions.assertEquals("idnsezcxtb", model.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier());
- Assertions.assertEquals(ProvisioningState.CREATING, model.storageProperties().provisioningState());
- Assertions.assertEquals("c", model.storageProperties().offeringType());
- Assertions.assertEquals("newmdwzjeiachbo", model.storageProperties().storageType());
- Assertions.assertEquals("flnrosfqpteehzz", model.storageProperties().generation());
- Assertions.assertEquals("pyqr", model.storageProperties().hardwareType());
- Assertions.assertEquals("z", model.storageProperties().workloadType());
- Assertions.assertEquals("vswjdk", model.storageProperties().storageBillingProperties().billingMode());
- Assertions.assertEquals("soodqxhcrmnoh",
- model.storageProperties().storageBillingProperties().azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize());
- }
- @org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
- public void testSerialize() throws Exception {
- AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner model = new AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner().withLocation("ckwhds")
- .withTags(mapOf("pjxsqwpgrjbznor", "iy", "ocpcy", "jxvsnbyxqabn", "gpbtoqcjmklj", "hurzafblj",
- "qajzyulpkudjkr", "vbqid"))
- .withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier("idnsezcxtb")
- .withStorageProperties(new StorageProperties().withProvisioningState(ProvisioningState.CREATING)
- .withOfferingType("c")
- .withStorageType("newmdwzjeiachbo")
- .withGeneration("flnrosfqpteehzz")
- .withHardwareType("pyqr")
- .withWorkloadType("z")
- .withStorageBillingProperties(new StorageBillingProperties().withBillingMode("vswjdk")
- .withAzureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize("soodqxhcrmnoh")));
- model = BinaryData.fromObject(model).toObject(AzureBareMetalStorageInstanceInner.class);
- Assertions.assertEquals("ckwhds", model.location());
- Assertions.assertEquals("iy", model.tags().get("pjxsqwpgrjbznor"));
- Assertions.assertEquals("idnsezcxtb", model.azureBareMetalStorageInstanceUniqueIdentifier());
- Assertions.assertEquals(ProvisioningState.CREATING, model.storageProperties().provisioningState());
- Assertions.assertEquals("c", model.storageProperties().offeringType());
- Assertions.assertEquals("newmdwzjeiachbo", model.storageProperties().storageType());
- Assertions.assertEquals("flnrosfqpteehzz", model.storageProperties().generation());
- Assertions.assertEquals("pyqr", model.storageProperties().hardwareType());
- Assertions.assertEquals("z", model.storageProperties().workloadType());
- Assertions.assertEquals("vswjdk", model.storageProperties().storageBillingProperties().billingMode());
- Assertions.assertEquals("soodqxhcrmnoh",
- model.storageProperties().storageBillingProperties().azureBareMetalStorageInstanceSize());
- }
- // Use "Map.of" if available
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private static