diff --git a/sdk/servicebus/azure-messaging-servicebus/src/samples/java/com/azure/messaging/servicebus/DeadletterQueueSample.java b/sdk/servicebus/azure-messaging-servicebus/src/samples/java/com/azure/messaging/servicebus/DeadletterQueueSample.java
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index 0000000000000..a55aa2d0aeabf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdk/servicebus/azure-messaging-servicebus/src/samples/java/com/azure/messaging/servicebus/DeadletterQueueSample.java
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+package com.azure.messaging.servicebus;
+import com.azure.messaging.servicebus.models.ServiceBusReceiveMode;
+import com.azure.messaging.servicebus.models.SubQueue;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
+import java.time.Duration;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
+import java.util.stream.Collectors;
+import java.util.stream.IntStream;
+ * The sample demonstrates how to use dead letter queues:
+ *
+ * -
+ * Scenario 1: Send a message and then retrieve and abandon the message until the maximum delivery count is
+ * exhausted and the message is automatically dead-lettered.
+ *
+ * -
+ * Scenario 2: Send a set of messages, and explicitly dead-letter messages that do not match a certain criterion
+ * and would therefore not be processed correctly. The messages are then picked up from the dead-letter queue, are
+ * automatically corrected, and resubmitted.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @see Dead-letter
+ * Queue
+ */
+public class DeadletterQueueSample {
+ private final List personList = Arrays.asList(
+ new Person("Einstein", "Albert"),
+ new Person("Heisenberg", "Werner"),
+ new Person("Curie", "Marie"),
+ new Person("Hawking", "Steven"),
+ new Person("Newton", "Isaac"),
+ new Person("Bohr", "Niels"),
+ new Person("Faraday", "Michael"),
+ new Person("Galilei", "Galileo"),
+ new Person("Kepler", "Johannes"),
+ new Person("Kopernikus", "Nikolaus")
+ );
+ /**
+ * Main method to show how to dead letter within an Azure Service Bus Queue.
+ *
+ * @param args Unused arguments to the program.
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ final DeadletterQueueSample sample = new DeadletterQueueSample();
+ sample.run();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Run method to invoke this demo on how to dead letter within an Azure Service Bus Queue.
+ */
+ @Test
+ public void run() {
+ // The connection string value can be obtained by:
+ // 1. Going to your Service Bus namespace in Azure Portal.
+ // 2. Go to "Shared access policies"
+ // 3. Copy the connection string for the "RootManageSharedAccessKey" policy.
+ // The 'connectionString' format is shown below.
+ // 1. "Endpoint={fully-qualified-namespace};SharedAccessKeyName={policy-name};SharedAccessKey={key}"
+ // 2. "<>" will look similar to "{your-namespace}.servicebus.windows.net"
+ // 3. "queueName" will be the name of the Service Bus queue instance you created
+ // inside the Service Bus namespace.
+ final String connectionString = System.getenv("AZURE_SERVICEBUS_NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_STRING");
+ final String queueName = System.getenv("AZURE_SERVICEBUS_SAMPLE_QUEUE_NAME");
+ final ServiceBusClientBuilder builder = new ServiceBusClientBuilder().connectionString(connectionString);
+ try (ServiceBusSenderClient sender = builder.sender().queueName(queueName).buildClient()) {
+ // Scenario 1: Dead letters a message by abandoning it until the MaxDeliveryCount is exceeded.
+ sendMessages(sender, 1);
+ deadLetterByExceedingMaxDelivery(builder, queueName).block();
+ receiveAndCompleteDeadLetterQueueMessages(builder, queueName).block();
+ // Scenario 2: Dead letters a message by explicitly invoking receiver.deadLetter().
+ sendMessages(sender, personList.size());
+ receiveAndDeadletterMessages(builder, queueName).block();
+ receiveAndFixDeadLetterQueueMessages(builder, queueName, sender).block();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends {@link ServiceBusMessage messages} to an Azure Service Bus Queue.
+ *
+ * @param sender Sender client.
+ * @param maxMessages Maximum number of messages to send.
+ */
+ private void sendMessages(ServiceBusSenderClient sender, int maxMessages) {
+ final int numberOfMessages = Math.min(personList.size(), maxMessages);
+ final List serviceBusMessages = IntStream.range(0, numberOfMessages)
+ .mapToObj(index -> {
+ final Person person = personList.get(index);
+ return new ServiceBusMessage(person.toJson())
+ .setContentType("application/json")
+ .setSubject(index % 2 == 0 ? "Scientist" : "Physicist")
+ .setMessageId(Integer.toString(index))
+ .setTimeToLive(Duration.ofMinutes(2));
+ }).collect(Collectors.toList());
+ sender.sendMessages(serviceBusMessages);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scenario 1: Part 1
+ *
+ *
+ * Receive {@link ServiceBusMessage messages} and return the {@link ServiceBusMessage messages} back to the queue.
+ * When the max number of deliveries for each {@link ServiceBusMessage message} expires, then it is moved into the
+ * dead letter queue.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param builder Service Bus client builder.
+ * @param queueName Name of the queue to receive from.
+ *
+ * @return A Mono that completes when all messages in queue have been processed.(because a message has not been
+ * received in the last 30 seconds).
+ */
+ private Mono deadLetterByExceedingMaxDelivery(ServiceBusClientBuilder builder, String queueName) {
+ // This Mono creates an async receiver, and continues receiving from that queue until it has not seen a message
+ // for 30 seconds.
+ //
+ // When it receives any messages, it abandons them so they are returned to the queue to be re-received again.
+ // When a message is abandoned, its delivery count is incremented. If the delivery count exceeds the
+ // MaxDeliveryCount for a queue, the message is placed in the deadletter queue for that particular queue.
+ return Mono.using(() -> {
+ return builder.receiver()
+ .queueName(queueName)
+ .receiveMode(ServiceBusReceiveMode.PEEK_LOCK)
+ .buildAsyncClient();
+ }, receiver -> {
+ // Continue to receive messages until no message has been seen for 30 seconds.
+ return receiver.receiveMessages()
+ .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30))
+ .flatMap(message -> {
+ System.out.printf("Received message. Sequence # %s; DeliveryCount %d%n", message.getSequenceNumber(),
+ message.getDeliveryCount());
+ return receiver.abandon(message);
+ })
+ .onErrorResume(TimeoutException.class, exception -> {
+ System.out.println("No messages received after 30 seconds. Queue is empty.");
+ return Mono.empty();
+ })
+ .then();
+ }, receiver -> {
+ // When the receiving operation is completed, close the client.
+ receiver.close();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scenario 1: Part 2
+ *
+ *
+ * This method continues to receive messages from the dead letter queue, then completes them.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param builder Service Bus client builder.
+ * @param queueName Name of the queue to receive from.
+ *
+ * @return A Mono that completes when all messages in queue have been processed (because a message has not been
+ * received in the last 30 seconds).
+ */
+ private Mono receiveAndCompleteDeadLetterQueueMessages(ServiceBusClientBuilder builder, String queueName) {
+ return Mono.using(() -> {
+ return builder.receiver()
+ .queueName(queueName)
+ .subQueue(SubQueue.DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE)
+ .buildAsyncClient();
+ }, deadLetterQueueReceiver -> {
+ // Continue to receive messages until no message has been seen for 30 seconds.
+ return deadLetterQueueReceiver.receiveMessages()
+ .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30))
+ .flatMap(message -> {
+ System.out.printf("Received message from dead-letter queue. Sequence #: %s. DeliveryCount %d%n",
+ message.getSequenceNumber(), message.getDeliveryCount());
+ // When messages are dead lettered, there are system properties that can be set to denote the
+ // reason why via fields such as dead-letter reason and dead-letter description.
+ System.out.printf("Dead-Letter Reason: %s. Description: %s. Source: %s%n",
+ message.getDeadLetterReason(), message.getDeadLetterErrorDescription(),
+ message.getDeadLetterSource());
+ System.out.println("Application properties:");
+ message.getApplicationProperties().forEach((key, value) ->
+ System.out.printf("\t%s=%s%n", key, value));
+ // We complete the messages we received from the queue.
+ // In a real example, you may do some sort of computation to understand why previous attempts to
+ // process the message failed. This is shown in Scenario 2.
+ return deadLetterQueueReceiver.complete(message);
+ })
+ .onErrorResume(TimeoutException.class, exception -> {
+ System.out.println("No messages received after 30 seconds. Dead-letter queue is empty.");
+ return Mono.empty();
+ })
+ .then();
+ }, deadLetterQueueReceiver -> {
+ // When the receiving operation is completed, close the client.
+ deadLetterQueueReceiver.close();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scenario 2: Part 1
+ *
+ *
+ * Receives {@link ServiceBusMessage messages} and dead letters them if it has a subject of "Scientist" and content
+ * type of "application/json". This is to simulate that the message may be malformed or didn't contain the right
+ * content, so we dead letter it so other receivers don't process this message.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param builder Service Bus client builder.
+ * @param queueName Name of queue to receive messages from.
+ *
+ * @return A Mono that completes when all the messages in the queue have been processed (because a message has not
+ * been received in the last 30 seconds).
+ */
+ private Mono receiveAndDeadletterMessages(ServiceBusClientBuilder builder, String queueName) {
+ return Mono.using(
+ () -> {
+ // Creates the async receiver.
+ return builder.receiver()
+ .queueName(queueName)
+ .receiveMode(ServiceBusReceiveMode.PEEK_LOCK)
+ .buildAsyncClient();
+ },
+ receiver -> {
+ // The scope of the receiver resource is to receive messages for a duration of `receiveDuration` then
+ // complete or dead-letter the message based on its content-type and subject.
+ return receiver.receiveMessages()
+ .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30))
+ .flatMap(message -> {
+ final String subject = message.getSubject();
+ final String contentType = message.getContentType();
+ final Person person;
+ try {
+ person = Person.fromJson(message.getBody().toString());
+ } catch (RuntimeException e) {
+ return Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Could not deserialize message: "
+ + message.getSequenceNumber(), e));
+ }
+ System.out.printf("Received message. SequenceNumber = %s. EnqueuedTimeUtc = %s. "
+ + "ExpiresAtUtc = %s. ContentType = %s. Content: [ %s ]%n",
+ message.getSequenceNumber(), message.getEnqueuedTime(), message.getExpiresAt(),
+ message.getContentType(), person);
+ // Simulates that something could not be processed in the message, so we dead letter it.
+ if ("Scientist".equals(subject) && "application/json".equals(contentType)) {
+ return receiver.complete(message);
+ } else {
+ return receiver.deadLetter(message);
+ }
+ })
+ .onErrorResume(TimeoutException.class, exception -> {
+ System.out.println("No messages received after 30 seconds. Queue is empty.");
+ return Mono.empty();
+ })
+ .then();
+ },
+ receiver -> {
+ // When the receiving operation is completed, close the client.
+ receiver.close();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Scenario 2: Part 2
+ *
+ *
+ * Receives {@link ServiceBusMessage messages} from the dead letter queue, it fixes up the message then resends the
+ * fixed message to the queue again. This simulates messages that may have errors in them, were dead-lettered,
+ * and reprocessed in the dead-letter queue so the data is correct again.
+ *
+ *
+ * @param builder Service Bus client builder.
+ * @param queueName Name of queue to receive messages from.
+ * @param resubmitSender Service Bus sender client. When messages are fixed, they are published via this sender.
+ *
+ * @return A Mono that completes when all the messages in the queue have been processed (because a message has not
+ * been received in the last 30 seconds).
+ */
+ private Mono receiveAndFixDeadLetterQueueMessages(ServiceBusClientBuilder builder, String queueName,
+ ServiceBusSenderClient resubmitSender) {
+ return Mono.using(() -> {
+ return builder.receiver()
+ .queueName(queueName)
+ .subQueue(SubQueue.DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE)
+ .buildAsyncClient();
+ }, deadLetterQueueReceiver -> {
+ // Continue to receive messages until no message has been seen for 30 seconds.
+ return deadLetterQueueReceiver.receiveMessages()
+ .timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30))
+ .flatMap(message -> {
+ if ("Physicist".equals(message.getSubject())) {
+ System.out.printf("Fixing DLQ message. MessageId = %s. SequenceNumber = %s. Subject = %s%n",
+ message.getMessageId(), message.getSequenceNumber(), message.getSubject());
+ // Create a copy of this message and then set the subject to the correct one.
+ ServiceBusMessage resubmitMessage = new ServiceBusMessage(message)
+ .setSubject("Scientist");
+ // Sending that corrected message.
+ resubmitSender.sendMessage(resubmitMessage);
+ } else {
+ System.out.printf("Message resubmission is not required. MessageId = %s. SequenceNumber = %s. "
+ + "Subject = %s%n",
+ message.getMessageId(), message.getSequenceNumber(), message.getSubject());
+ }
+ return deadLetterQueueReceiver.complete(message);
+ })
+ .onErrorResume(TimeoutException.class, exception -> {
+ System.out.println("No messages received after 30 seconds. Dead-letter queue is empty.");
+ return Mono.empty();
+ })
+ .then();
+ }, deadLetterQueueReceiver -> {
+ // When the receiving operation is completed, close the client.
+ deadLetterQueueReceiver.close();
+ });
+ }
+ private static final class Person {
+ private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
+ private final String lastName;
+ private final String firstName;
+ Person(@JsonProperty String lastName, @JsonProperty String firstName) {
+ this.lastName = lastName;
+ this.firstName = firstName;
+ }
+ String getLastName() {
+ return lastName;
+ }
+ String getFirstName() {
+ return firstName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Serializes an item into its JSON string equivalent.
+ *
+ * @return The JSON representation.
+ *
+ * @throws RuntimeException if the person could not be serialized.
+ */
+ String toJson() {
+ try {
+ return OBJECT_MAPPER.writeValueAsString(this);
+ } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Could not serialize object.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deserializes a JSON string into a Person.
+ *
+ * @return The corresponding person.
+ *
+ * @throws RuntimeException if the JSON string could not be deserialized.
+ */
+ private static Person fromJson(String json) {
+ try {
+ return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(json, Person.class);
+ } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Could not deserialize object.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ }