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Azure Communication Chat client library for Android

Azure Communication Chat contains the APIs used in chat applications for Azure Communication Services.

Source code | Package (Maven) | API reference documentation | Product documentation

Getting started


Versions available

The current version of this library is 2.2.0-beta.1.

Include the package

To install the Azure Communication Chat libraries for Android, add them as dependencies within your Gradle or Maven build scripts.

Add a dependency with Gradle

To import the library into your project using the Gradle build system, follow the instructions in Add build dependencies:

Add an implementation configuration to the dependencies block of your app's build.gradle or build.gradle.kts file, specifying the library's name and the version you wish to use:

// build.gradle
dependencies {
    implementation ""

// build.gradle.kts
dependencies {

Add a dependency with Maven

To import the library into your project using the Maven build system, add it to the dependencies section of your app's pom.xml file, specifying its artifact ID and the version you wish to use:


Key concepts

A chat conversation is represented by a chat thread. Each user in the chat thread is called a participant. Participants can chat with one another privately in a 1:1 chat or huddle up in a 1:N group chat.

Once you initialized a ChatClient and a ChatThreadClient class, you can do the following chat operations:

Create, get, list, update, and delete chat threads

Send, get, list, update, and delete chat messages

Get, add, and remove participants

Send and get read receipts


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Set Azure Communication Resource endpoint after it is created

endpoint = ""

Request a User Access Token

User access tokens enable you to build client applications that directly authenticate to Azure Communication Services. You generate these tokens on your server, pass them back to a client device, and then use them to initialize the Communication Services SDKs.

Learn how to generate user access tokens from User Access Tokens


The following sections provide several code snippets covering some of the most common tasks, including:

Create the chat client

To create a chat client, you will use the Communications Service endpoint and the access token that was generated as part of pre-requisite steps. User access tokens enable you to build client applications that directly authenticate to Azure Communication Services. Once you generate these tokens on your server, pass them back to a client device. You need to use the CommunicationTokenCredential class from the Common SDK to pass the token to your chat client.

String endpoint = "https://<RESOURCE_NAME>";

// Your user access token retrieved from your trusted service
String token = "SECRET";

// Initialize the chat client
final ChatClientBuilder builder = new ChatClientBuilder();
    .credential(new CommunicationTokenCredential(token))
ChatClient chatClient = builder.buildClient();

Chat Thread Operations

Create a chat thread

Use the createChatThread method to create a chat thread. createChatThreadOptions is used to describe the thread request, an example is shown in the code snippet below.

  • Use topic to give a thread topic;
  • Use participants to list the thread participants to be added to the thread;

CreateChatThreadResult is the response returned from creating a chat thread. It contains a getChatThread() method which returns the ChatThread object that can be used to get the thread client from which you can get the ChatThreadClient for performing operations on the created thread: add participants, send message, etc. The ChatThread object also contains the getId() method which retrieves the unique ID of the thread.

List<ChatParticipant> participants = new ArrayList<ChatParticipant>();

ChatParticipant firstParticipant = new ChatParticipant()
    .setDisplayName("Participant Display Name 1");

ChatParticipant secondParticipant = new ChatParticipant()
    .setDisplayName("Participant Display Name 2");


CreateChatThreadOptions createChatThreadOptions = new CreateChatThreadOptions()
CreateChatThreadResult result = chatClient.createChatThread(createChatThreadOptions);
String chatThreadId = result.getChatThreadProperties().getId();

Delete a thread

Use deleteChatThread method to delete a chat thread chatThreadId is the unique ID of the chat thread.

String chatThreadId = "Id";

Get a chat thread client

The getChatThreadClient method returns a thread client for a thread that already exists. It can be used for performing operations on the created thread: add participants, send message, etc. chatThreadId is the unique ID of the existing chat thread.

String chatThreadId = "Id";
ChatThreadClient chatThreadClient = chatClient.getChatThreadClient(chatThreadId);

Get properties of a chat thread

The getProperties method retrieves properties of a thread from the service.

ChatThreadProperties chatThreadProperties = chatThreadClient.getProperties();

Update a chat thread topic

Use updateTopic method to update a thread's topic topic is used to hold the new topic of the thread.

chatThreadClient.updateTopic("New Topic");

Chat Message Operations

Send a chat message

Use the sendMessage method to sends a chat message to a chat thread identified by chatThreadId. sendChatMessageOptions is used to describe the chat message request, an example is shown in the code snippet below.

  • Use content to provide the chat message content;
  • Use type to specify the chat message type;
  • Use senderDisplayName to specify the display name of the sender;
  • Use metadata to specify the message metadata;

A SendChatMessageResult response returned from sending a chat message, it contains an id, which is the unique ID of the message.

SendChatMessageOptions sendChatMessageOptions = new SendChatMessageOptions()
    .setContent("Message content")
    .setSenderDisplayName("Sender Display Name");

String chatMessageId = chatThreadClient.sendMessage(sendChatMessageOptions).getId();

Get a chat message

The getMessage method retrieves a chat message from the service. chatMessageId is the unique ID of the chat message.

String chatMessageId = "Id";
ChatMessage chatMessage = chatThreadClient.getMessage(chatMessageId);

Get chat messages

You can retrieve chat messages using the listMessages method on the chat thread client at specified intervals (polling).

PagedIterable<ChatMessage> chatMessages = chatThreadClient.listMessages();
chatMessages.forEach(chatMessage -> {
    // You code to handle single chatMessage

listMessages returns the latest version of the message, including any edits or deletes that happened to the message using .editMessage() and .deleteMessage().

For deleted messages, chatMessage.getDeletedOn() returns a datetime value indicating when that message was deleted.

For edited messages, chatMessage.getEditedOn() returns a datetime indicating when the message was edited.

The original time of message creation can be accessed using chatMessage.getCreatedOn(), and it can be used for ordering the messages.

listMessages returns different types of messages which can be identified by chatMessage.getType(). These types are:

  • text: Regular chat message sent by a thread participant.

  • html: HTML chat message sent by a thread participant.

  • topicUpdated: System message that indicates the topic has been updated.

  • participantAdded: System message that indicates one or more participants have been added to the chat thread.

  • participantRemoved: System message that indicates a participant has been removed from the chat thread.

For more details, see Message Types.

Update a chat message

Use updateMessage to update a chat message identified by chatThreadId and messageId. chatMessageId is the unique ID of the chat message. updateChatMessageOptions is used to describe the request of a chat message update, an example is shown in the code snippet below.

  • Use content to provide a new chat message content;
String chatMessageId = "Id";
UpdateChatMessageOptions updateChatMessageOptions = new UpdateChatMessageOptions()
    .setContent("Updated message content");

chatThreadClient.updateMessage(chatMessageId, updateChatMessageOptions);

Delete a chat message

Use updateMessage to update a chat message identified by chatThreadId and chatMessageId. chatMessageId is the unique ID of the chat message.

String chatMessageId = "Id";

Chat Thread Participant Operations

List chat participants

Use listParticipants to retrieve a paged collection containing the participants of the chat thread identified by chatThreadId.

PagedIterable<ChatParticipant> chatParticipants = chatThreadClient.listParticipants();
chatParticipants.forEach(chatParticipant -> {
    // You code to handle single chatParticipant

Add participants

Use addParticipants method to add participants to the thread identified by threadId. addChatParticipantsOptions describes the request object containing the participants to be added; Use .setParticipants() to set the participants to be added to the thread;

  • communicationIdentifier, required, is the CommunicationIdentifier you've created by using the CommunicationIdentityClient. More info at: Create A User.
  • displayName, optional, is the display name for the thread participant.
  • shareHistoryTime, optional, is the time from which the chat history is shared with the participant. To share history since the inception of the chat thread, set this property to any date equal to, or less than the thread creation time. To share no history previous to when the member was added, set it to the current date. To share partial history, set it to the required date.
List<ChatParticipant> participants = new ArrayList<ChatParticipant>();

ChatParticipant firstParticipant = new ChatParticipant()
    .setDisplayName("Display Name 1");

ChatParticipant secondParticipant = new ChatParticipant()
    .setDisplayName("Display Name 2");



Remove participant

Use removeParticipant method to remove a participant from the chat thread identified by chatThreadId. identifier is the CommunicationIdentifier you've created.


Read Receipt Operations

Send read receipt

Use sendReadReceipt method to post a read receipt event to a chat thread, on behalf of a user. chatMessageId is the unique ID of the chat message that was read.

String chatMessageId = "Id";

Get read receipts

Use listReadReceipts to retrieve a paged collection containing the read receipts for a chat thread.

PagedIterable<ChatMessageReadReceipt> readReceipts = chatThreadClient.listReadReceipts();
readReceipts.forEach(readReceipt -> {
    // You code to handle single readReceipt

Typing Notification Operations

Send typing notification

Use sendTypingNotification method to post a typing notification event to a chat thread, on behalf of a user.



In progress.

Next steps

Check out other client libraries for Azure communication service