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File metadata and controls

192 lines (147 loc) · 6.85 KB



This is the AutoRest configuration file for EventGrid.

Multiple Azure services publish events to Azure Event Grid. This is the configuration file for generating the Publish API and the schemas for those events. Each Azure service publishing to Azure Event Grid has its own tag OpenAPI specification that describes the schemas for its events.

This configuration enables packaging all of the above as one EventGrid data plane library. This enables customers to download one EventGrid data plane library instead of having to install separate packages to get the event schemas for each service.

Guidelines for defining a new event

In order to automate the mapping of event definition with event type, please follow the guidelines below when adding new events to your swagger:

  • The name of a new event definition should have EventData suffix. For e.g. AcsChatMessageReceivedEventData.
  • The description of the new event should include the event type. This is the eventType name in an EventGridEvent or type name in CloudEvent. For e.g. "Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceived event. Here Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceived is the event name.

A sample valid event definition is shown below:

"AcsChatMessageReceivedEventData": {
  "description": "Schema of the Data property of an EventGridEvent for a Microsoft.Communication.ChatMessageReceived event.",
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "#/definitions/AcsChatMessageEventBaseProperties"
  "properties": {
    "messageBody": {
      "description": "The body of the chat message",
      "type": "string"

Getting Started

To build the SDK for EventGrid, simply Install AutoRest and in this folder, run:


To see additional help and options, run:

autorest --help


Basic Information

These are the global settings for the EventGrid API.

title: EventGridClient
description: EventGrid Client
openapi-type: data-plane
tag: package-2018-01

Tag: package-2018-01

These settings apply only when --tag=package-2018-01 is specified on the command line.

- Microsoft.Storage/stable/2018-01-01/Storage.json
- Microsoft.EventHub/stable/2018-01-01/EventHub.json
- Microsoft.Resources/stable/2018-01-01/Resources.json
- Microsoft.EventGrid/stable/2018-01-01/EventGrid.json
- Microsoft.Devices/stable/2018-01-01/IotHub.json
- Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/stable/2018-01-01/ContainerRegistry.json
- Microsoft.ServiceBus/stable/2018-01-01/ServiceBus.json
- Microsoft.Media/stable/2018-01-01/MediaServices.json
- Microsoft.Maps/stable/2018-01-01/Maps.json
- Microsoft.AppConfiguration/stable/2018-01-01/AppConfiguration.json
- Microsoft.SignalRService/stable/2018-01-01/SignalRService.json
- Microsoft.KeyVault/stable/2018-01-01/KeyVault.json
- Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/stable/2018-01-01/MachineLearningServices.json
- Microsoft.Cache/stable/2018-01-01/RedisCache.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-01-01/Web.json
- Microsoft.Communication/stable/2018-01-01/AzureCommunicationServices.json
- Microsoft.PolicyInsights/stable/2018-01-01/PolicyInsights.json
- Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/stable/2018-01-01/AzureFarmBeats.json


  - suppress: DefinitionsPropertiesNamesCamelCase
    from: Microsoft.EventGrid/stable/2018-01-01/EventGrid.json
    where: $
    reason: This parameter name is defined by the Cloud Events 1.0 specification

Code Generation

Swagger to SDK

This section describes what SDK should be generated by the automatic system. This is not used by Autorest itself.

  - repo: azure-sdk-for-go
  - repo: azure-sdk-for-python
  - repo: azure-sdk-for-js
  - repo: azure-sdk-for-node
  - repo: azure-sdk-for-ruby
      - bundle install && rake arm:regen_all_profiles['azure_event_grid']


These settings apply only when --csharp is specified on the command line. Please also specify --csharp-sdks-folder=<path to "SDKs" directory of your azure-sdk-for-net clone>.

  azure-arm: true
  license-header: MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION
  namespace: Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid
  sync-methods: None
  output-folder: $(csharp-sdks-folder)/eventgrid/Microsoft.Azure.EventGrid/src/Generated
  clear-output-folder: true


See configuration in


These settings apply only when --java is specified on the command line. Please also specify --azure-libraries-for-java-folder=<path to the root directory of your azure-libraries-for-java clone>.

azure-arm: true
fluent: true
payload-flattening-threshold: 1
output-folder: $(azure-libraries-for-java-folder)/eventgrid/data-plane

Multi-API/Profile support for AutoRest v3 generators

AutoRest V3 generators require the use of --tag=all-api-versions to select api files.

This block is updated by an automatic script. Edits may be lost!

# include the azure profile definitions from the standard location
require: $(this-folder)/../../../profiles/

# all the input files across all versions
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Storage/stable/2018-01-01/Storage.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.EventHub/stable/2018-01-01/EventHub.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Resources/stable/2018-01-01/Resources.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.EventGrid/stable/2018-01-01/EventGrid.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Devices/stable/2018-01-01/IotHub.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/stable/2018-01-01/ContainerRegistry.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.ServiceBus/stable/2018-01-01/ServiceBus.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Media/stable/2018-01-01/MediaServices.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Maps/stable/2018-01-01/Maps.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.AppConfiguration/stable/2018-01-01/AppConfiguration.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.SignalRService/stable/2018-01-01/SignalRService.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.KeyVault/stable/2018-01-01/KeyVault.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/stable/2018-01-01/MachineLearningServices.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Cache/stable/2018-01-01/RedisCache.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-01-01/Web.json
  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Communication/stable/2018-01-01/AzureCommunicationServices.json

If there are files that should not be in the all-api-versions set, uncomment the exclude-file section below and add the file paths.

#  - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Example/stable/2010-01-01/somefile.json