This is the AutoRest configuration file for Web.
The App service RP comprises of services where each service has its own tag. Hence, each sub-service has its own swagger spec.
All of them are tied together using this configuration and are packaged together into one compute client library. This makes it easier for customers to download one (NuGet/npm/pip/maven/gem) compute client library package rather than installing individual packages for each sub service.
To build the SDK for Web, simply Install AutoRest and in this folder, run:
To see additional help and options, run:
autorest --help
These are the global settings for the Web API.
title: WebSiteManagementClient
description: WebSite Management Client
openapi-type: arm
tag: package-2021-01
- suppress: XmsResourceInPutResponse
from: WebApps.json
where: $.paths["/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{name}/functions/{functionName}/keys/{keyName}"].put
reason: Model type is not an Azure resource
- suppress: RequiredPropertiesMissingInResourceModel
from: WebApps.json
where: $.definitions.KeyInfo
reason: Model type is not an Azure resource
- suppress: BodyTopLevelProperties
from: WebApps.json
where: $
reason: Model type is not an Azure resource
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2021-01
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2021-01-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2021-01-01/CertificateOrdersDiagnostics.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2021-01-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2021-01-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2021-01-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2021-01-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/Global.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/StaticSites.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2021-01-01/WebApps.json
# suppress each RPC 3016 error
- where: $
suppress: R3016
reason: This requires a breaking change in functions runtime API.
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
- where: $.definitions.VnetGateway
suppress: R4015
reason: Does not have list operation
- where: $.definitions.VnetInfo
suppress: R4015
reason: Does not have list operation
- suppress: R4009
from: AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: CertificateOrdersDiagnostics.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Domains.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: TopLevelDomains.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: DomainRegistrationProvider.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Certificates.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: CommonDefinitions.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: DeletedWebApps.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Diagnostics.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Global.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Provider.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Recommendations.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: WebApps.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: StaticSites.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: AppServiceEnvironments.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: AppServicePlans.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: ResourceHealthMetadata.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2020-12
or --tag=package-2020-12-only
is specified on the command line.
NOTE: Currently these tags are the same, but it will need to be split if any files from folders other than 2020-06-01 are included.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2020-12-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2020-12-01/CertificateOrdersDiagnostics.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2020-12-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-12-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-12-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-12-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/Global.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/StaticSites.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-12-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
# suppress each RPC 3016 error
- where: $
suppress: R3016
reason: This requires a breaking change in functions runtime API.
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
- where: $.definitions.VnetGateway
suppress: R4015
reason: Does not have list operation
- where: $.definitions.VnetInfo
suppress: R4015
reason: Does not have list operation
- suppress: R4009
from: AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: CertificateOrdersDiagnostics.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Domains.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: TopLevelDomains.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: DomainRegistrationProvider.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Certificates.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: CommonDefinitions.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: DeletedWebApps.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Diagnostics.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Global.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Provider.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: Recommendations.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: WebApps.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: StaticSites.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: AppServiceEnvironments.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: AppServicePlans.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
- suppress: R4009
from: ResourceHealthMetadata.json
reason: SystemData will implement in next version.
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2020-10
or --tag=package-2020-10-only
is specified on the command line.
NOTE: Currently these tags are the same, but it will need to be split if any files from folders other than 2020-06-01 are included.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2020-10-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2020-10-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-10-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-10-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-10-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/StaticSites.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-10-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
# suppress each RPC 3016 error
- where: $
suppress: R3016
reason: This requires a breaking change in functions runtime API.
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
- where: $.definitions.VnetGateway
suppress: R4015
reason: Does not have list operation
- where: $.definitions.VnetInfo
suppress: R4015
reason: Does not have list operation
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2020-09
or --tag=package-2020-09-only
is specified on the command line.
NOTE: Currently these tags are the same, but it will need to be split if any files from folders other than 2020-06-01 are included.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2020-09-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2020-09-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-09-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-09-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-09-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/StaticSites.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-09-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
# suppress each RPC 3016 error
- where: $
suppress: R3016
reason: This requires a breaking change in functions runtime API.
approved-by: "@weidongxu-microsoft"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $.definitions.VnetGateway
suppress: R4015
reason: Does not have list operation
approved-by: "@mark.cowlishaw"
- where: $.definitions.VnetInfo
suppress: R4015
reason: Does not have list operation
approved-by: "@mark.cowlishaw"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2020-06
or --tag=package-2020-06-only
is specified on the command line.
NOTE: Currently these tags are the same, but it will need to be split if any files from folders other than 2019-08-01 are included.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2020-06-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2020-06-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-06-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-06-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2020-06-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/StaticSites.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2020-06-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
# suppress each RPC 3016 error
- where: $
suppress: R3016
reason: This requires a breaking change in functions runtime API.
approved-by: "@weidongxu-microsoft"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2019-08
or --tag=package-2019-08-only
is specified on the command line.
NOTE: Currently these tags are the same, but it will need to be split if any files from folders other than 2019-08-01 are included.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2019-08-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2019-08-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2019-08-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2019-08-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2019-08-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/StaticSites.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2019-08-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2018-12
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-11-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-11-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2018-11
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-11-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2018-11-only
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-11-01/Certificates.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2018-02
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2018-02
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2018-02-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2016-09
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2015-08-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2015-08-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2015-04-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2015-04-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2015-04-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-08-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-09-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-09-01/AppServicePlans.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2016-09-only
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-09-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-09-01/AppServicePlans.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2016-08-only
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-08-01/WebApps.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2016-03-only
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/ResourceProvider.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2015-08-only
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2015-08-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2015-08-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2015-04-only
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2015-04-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2015-04-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2015-04-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
# suppress each RPC 3019 error
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
- where: $
suppress: R3019
reason: It's an old API, will resolve in next API version
approved-by: "@ravbhatnagar"
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2016-06-01
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-06-01/logicAppsManagementClient.json
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2015-08-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2015-08-01/service.json
- Microsoft.Web/preview/2015-08-01-preview/logicAppsManagementClient.json
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2015-08-certificate-registration
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2015-08-01/AppServiceCertificateOrders.json
- Microsoft.CertificateRegistration/stable/2015-08-01/CertificateRegistrationProvider.json
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2015-04-domain-registration
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2015-04-01/Domains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2015-04-01/TopLevelDomains.json
- Microsoft.DomainRegistration/stable/2015-04-01/DomainRegistrationProvider.json
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2016-09-01-web
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-09-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-09-01/AppServicePlans.json
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2016-08-01-web
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-08-01/WebApps.json
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2016-03-01-web
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/DeletedWebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Diagnostics.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/ResourceHealthMetadata.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/ResourceProvider.json
This section describes what SDK should be generated by the automatic system. This is not used by Autorest itself.
- repo: azure-sdk-for-net
- repo: azure-sdk-for-python
use: "[email protected]"
- python ./scripts/ azure-mgmt-web
- python ./scripts/ ./sdk/appservice/azure-mgmt-web
- repo: azure-sdk-for-python-track2
- repo: azure-sdk-for-java
- repo: azure-sdk-for-go
- repo: azure-sdk-for-node
- repo: azure-sdk-for-js
- repo: azure-sdk-for-ruby
- bundle install && rake arm:regen_all_profiles['azure_mgmt_web']
- repo: azure-resource-manager-schemas
See configuration in
See configuration in
See configuration in
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2018-03-01-hybrid
is specified on the command line.
Creating this tag to pick proper resources from the hybrid profile for csharp code generation.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-08-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-03-01/Recommendations.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-09-01/AppServiceEnvironments.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2016-09-01/AppServicePlans.json
These settings apply only when --tag=profile-hybrid-2019-03-01
is specified on the command line.
Creating this tag to pick proper resources from the hybrid profile.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/CommonDefinitions.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Recommendations.json
These settings apply only when --tag=profile-hybrid-2020-09-01
is specified on the command line.
Creating this tag to pick proper resources from the hybrid profile.
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Certificates.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/WebApps.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/AppServicePlans.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Provider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/ResourceProvider.json
- Microsoft.Web/stable/2018-02-01/Recommendations.json