This is the AutoRest configuration file for DataProtection.
To build the SDK for DataProtection, simply Install AutoRest and in this folder, run:
To see additional help and options, run:
autorest --help
These are the global settings for the DataProtection API.
title: Data Protection Client
description: Open API 2.0 Specs for Azure Data Protection service
openapi-type: arm
tag: package-2021-02-preview
csharp-sdks-folder: ./Generated/CSharp
python-sdks-folder: ./Generated/Python
go-sdk-folder: ./Generated/Golang
license-header: MICROSOFT_MIT
Run validations when --validate
is specified on command line
azure-validator: true
model-validator: true
semantic-validator: true
message-format: json
These settings apply only when --tag=package-2021-02-preview
is specified on the command line.
- Microsoft.DataProtection/preview/2021-02-01-preview/dataprotection.json
This section describes what SDK should be generated by the automatic system. This is not used by Autorest itself.
- repo: azure-sdk-for-net
- repo: azure-sdk-for-python
- repo: azure-sdk-for-java
- repo: azure-sdk-for-go
- repo: azure-sdk-for-js
- repo: azure-sdk-for-node
- repo: azure-sdk-for-ruby
- bundle install && rake arm:regen_all_profiles['azure_mgmt_data_protection']
These settings apply only when --csharp
is specified on the command line.
Please also specify --csharp-sdks-folder=<path to "SDKs" directory of your azure-sdk-for-net clone>
azure-arm: true
payload-flattening-threshold: 1
namespace: Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataProtection
output-folder: $(csharp-sdks-folder)/dataprotection/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataProtection/src/Generated
clear-output-folder: true
See configuration in
See configuration in
AutoRest V3 generators require the use of --tag=all-api-versions
to select api files.
This block is updated by an automatic script. Edits may be lost!
# include the azure profile definitions from the standard location
require: $(this-folder)/../../../profiles/
# all the input files across all versions
- Microsoft.DataProtection/preview/2021-02-01-preview/dataprotection.json
If there are files that should not be in the all-api-versions
uncomment the exclude-file
section below and add the file paths.
# - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Example/2010-01-01/somefile.json