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+ } + ], + "description": "Setting indicating whether the service has a managed identity associated with it." + }, + "kind": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "fhir", + "fhir-Stu3", + "fhir-R4" + ] + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The kind of the service." + }, + "location": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The resource location." + }, + "name": { + "type": "string", + "minLength": 3, + "maxLength": 24, + "description": "The name of the service instance." + }, + "properties": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ServicesProperties" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The properties of a service instance." + }, + "resources": { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/services_privateEndpointConnections_childResource" + } + ] + } + }, + "tags": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "object", + "additionalProperties": { + "type": "string" + }, + "properties": {} + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The resource tags." + }, + "type": { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services" + ] + } + }, + "required": [ + "apiVersion", + "kind", + "location", + "name", + "properties", + "type" + ], + "description": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services" + }, + "services_privateEndpointConnections": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "apiVersion": { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "2020-03-30" + ] + }, + "name": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The name of the private endpoint connection associated with the Azure resource" + }, + "properties": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "Properties of the PrivateEndpointConnectProperties." + }, + "type": { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnections" + ] + } + }, + "required": [ + "apiVersion", + "name", + "properties", + "type" + ], + "description": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnections" + } + }, + "definitions": { + "PrivateEndpoint": { + "type": "object", + "properties": {}, + "description": "The Private Endpoint resource." + }, + "PrivateEndpointConnection": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "properties": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "Properties of the PrivateEndpointConnectProperties." + } + }, + "description": "The Private Endpoint Connection resource." + }, + "PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "privateEndpoint": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/PrivateEndpoint" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The Private Endpoint resource." + }, + "privateLinkServiceConnectionState": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider." + }, + "provisioningState": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "Succeeded", + "Creating", + "Deleting", + "Failed" + ] + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The provisioning state of the private endpoint connection resource." + } + }, + "required": [ + "privateLinkServiceConnectionState" + ], + "description": "Properties of the PrivateEndpointConnectProperties." + }, + "PrivateLinkServiceConnectionState": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "actionsRequired": { + "type": "string", + "description": "A message indicating if changes on the service provider require any updates on the consumer." + }, + "description": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The reason for approval/rejection of the connection." + }, + "status": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "Pending", + "Approved", + "Rejected" + ] + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "Indicates whether the connection has been Approved/Rejected/Removed by the owner of the service." + } + }, + "description": "A collection of information about the state of the connection between service consumer and provider." + }, + "ServiceAccessPolicyEntry": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "objectId": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "string", + "pattern": "^(([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}[-]?(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}[-]?){3}[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}){1})+$" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "An Azure AD object ID (User or Apps) that is allowed access to the FHIR service." + } + }, + "required": [ + "objectId" + ], + "description": "An access policy entry." + }, + "ServiceAuthenticationConfigurationInfo": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "audience": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The audience url for the service" + }, + "authority": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The authority url for the service" + }, + "smartProxyEnabled": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "boolean" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "If the SMART on FHIR proxy is enabled" + } + }, + "description": "Authentication configuration information" + }, + "ServiceCorsConfigurationInfo": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "allowCredentials": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "boolean" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "If credentials are allowed via CORS." + }, + "headers": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The headers to be allowed via CORS." + }, + "maxAge": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "integer", + "minimum": 0, + "maximum": 99999 + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The max age to be allowed via CORS." + }, + "methods": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The methods to be allowed via CORS." + }, + "origins": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "type": "string" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The origins to be allowed via CORS." + } + }, + "description": "The settings for the CORS configuration of the service instance." + }, + "ServiceCosmosDbConfigurationInfo": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "keyVaultKeyUri": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The URI of the customer-managed key for the backing database." + }, + "offerThroughput": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "integer", + "minimum": 400, + "maximum": 10000 + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The provisioned throughput for the backing database." + } + }, + "description": "The settings for the Cosmos DB database backing the service." + }, + "ServiceExportConfigurationInfo": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "storageAccountName": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The name of the default export storage account." + } + }, + "description": "Export operation configuration information" + }, + "ServicesProperties": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "accessPolicies": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ServiceAccessPolicyEntry" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The access policies of the service instance." + }, + "authenticationConfiguration": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ServiceAuthenticationConfigurationInfo" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "Authentication configuration information" + }, + "corsConfiguration": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ServiceCorsConfigurationInfo" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The settings for the CORS configuration of the service instance." + }, + "cosmosDbConfiguration": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ServiceCosmosDbConfigurationInfo" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The settings for the Cosmos DB database backing the service." + }, + "exportConfiguration": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/ServiceExportConfigurationInfo" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "Export operation configuration information" + }, + "privateEndpointConnections": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "array", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/definitions/PrivateEndpointConnection" + } + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "The list of private endpoint connections that are set up for this resource." + }, + "publicNetworkAccess": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "Enabled", + "Disabled" + ] + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "Control permission for data plane traffic coming from public networks while private endpoint is enabled." + } + }, + "description": "The properties of a service instance." + }, + "ServicesResourceIdentity": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "type": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "SystemAssigned", + "None" + ] + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "Type of identity being specified, currently SystemAssigned and None are allowed." + } + }, + "description": "Setting indicating whether the service has a managed identity associated with it." + }, + "services_privateEndpointConnections_childResource": { + "type": "object", + "properties": { + "apiVersion": { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "2020-03-30" + ] + }, + "name": { + "type": "string", + "description": "The name of the private endpoint connection associated with the Azure resource" + }, + "properties": { + "oneOf": [ + { + "$ref": "#/definitions/PrivateEndpointConnectionProperties" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/common/definitions.json#/definitions/expression" + } + ], + "description": "Properties of the PrivateEndpointConnectProperties." + }, + "type": { + "type": "string", + "enum": [ + "privateEndpointConnections" + ] + } + }, + "required": [ + "apiVersion", + "name", + "properties", + "type" + ], + "description": "Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services/privateEndpointConnections" + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/schemas/common/autogeneratedResources.json b/schemas/common/autogeneratedResources.json index 6ecb95ed83..562423a644 100644 --- a/schemas/common/autogeneratedResources.json +++ b/schemas/common/autogeneratedResources.json @@ -3535,6 +3535,12 @@ { "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2020-03-15/Microsoft.HealthcareApis.json#/resourceDefinitions/services" }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2020-03-30/Microsoft.HealthcareApis.json#/resourceDefinitions/services" + }, + { + "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2020-03-30/Microsoft.HealthcareApis.json#/resourceDefinitions/services_privateEndpointConnections" + }, { "$ref": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-03-18-preview/Microsoft.HybridCompute.json#/resourceDefinitions/machines" },