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Managed Cache

Guang Yang edited this page May 8, 2014 · 7 revisions

How to use Azure PowerShell for Managed Cache

Discover the cmdlets

PS C:\> help azuremanagedcache

Name                              Category  Module  Synopsis
----                              --------  ------  --------
Get-AzureManagedCache             Cmdlet    Azure   Gets the Azure Caches in your Azure account.
Get-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey    Cmdlet    Azure   Gets the access keys for an Azure Cache
New-AzureManagedCache             Cmdlet    Azure   Creates an Azure cache
New-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey    Cmdlet    Azure   Creates new access keys for an Azure Cache.
Remove-AzureManagedCache          Cmdlet    Azure   Deletes an Azure Cache
Set-AzureManagedCache             Cmdlet    Azure   Changes the properties of an Azure Cache.

Create a managed cache

You can use New-AzureManagedCache cmdlet to create a managed cache.

You need to specify:

  • Name of the managed cache via Name parameter.
  • Location of the managed cache via Location parameter.

You can also specify:

  • Sku of the managed cache. You can use Basic, Standard or Premium. By default, it's Basic.
  • Memory of the managed cache. Valid values vary based on the sku you select.

One thing really cool is that these 2 parameters have tab-completion of their validate values so that you can find out what value you can use easily.

The following example shows how to create a managed cache of sku "Standard" and memory size 1GB.

New-AzureManagedCache -Name test -Location "West US" -Sku Standard -Memory 1GB
# For full help content, run help New-AzureManagedCache