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Azure SQL bindings for Azure Functions - PowerShell

Table of Contents

Setup Function Project

These instructions will guide you through creating your Function Project and adding the SQL binding extension. This only needs to be done once for every function project you create. If you have one created already you can skip this step.

  1. Install Azure Functions Core Tools

  2. Create a Function Project for PowerShell:

    mkdir MyApp
    cd MyApp
    func init --worker-runtime powershell
  3. Enable SQL bindings on the function project. More information can be found in the Azure SQL bindings for Azure Functions docs.

    Update the host.json file with the extension bundle.

    "extensionBundle": {
        "id": "Microsoft.Azure.Functions.ExtensionBundle",
        "version": "[4.*, 5.0.0)"

Input Binding

See Input Binding Overview for general information about the Azure SQL Input binding.

function.json Properties for Input Bindings

The following table explains the binding configuration properties that you set in the function.json file.

function.json property Description
type Required. Must be set to sql.
direction Required. Must be set to in.
name Required. The name of the variable that represents the query results in function code.
commandText Required. The Transact-SQL query command or name of the stored procedure executed by the binding.
connectionStringSetting Required. The name of an app setting that contains the connection string for the database against which the query or stored procedure is being executed. This value isn't the actual connection string and must instead resolve to an environment variable name. Optional keywords in the connection string value are available to refine SQL bindings connectivity.
commandType Required. A CommandType value, which is Text for a query and StoredProcedure for a stored procedure.
parameters Optional. Zero or more parameter values passed to the command during execution as a single string. Must follow the format @param1=param1,@param2=param2. Neither the parameter name nor the parameter value can contain a comma (,) or an equals sign (=).

Setup for Input Bindings

Note: This tutorial requires that a SQL database is setup as shown in Create a SQL Server.

  • Open your project that you created in Create a Function Project in VS Code

  • Press 'F1' and search for 'Azure Functions: Create Function'

  • Choose HttpTrigger -> (Provide a function name) -> anonymous

  • In the file that opens (run.ps1), replace the code within the file the below code.

    using namespace System.Net
    param($Request, $employee)
    Write-Host "PowerShell function with SQL Input Binding processed a request."
    Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
        StatusCode = [System.Net.HttpStatusCode]::OK
        Body = $employee
  • We also need to add the SQL input binding for the employee parameter. Open the function.json file.

  • Paste the below in the file as an additional entry to the "bindings": [] array.

      "name": "employee",
      "type": "sql",
      "direction": "in",
      "commandText": "select * from Employees",
      "commandType": "Text",
      "connectionStringSetting": "SqlConnectionString"

    In the above, select * from Employees is the SQL script run by the input binding. The CommandType on the line below specifies whether the first line is a query or a stored procedure. On the next line, the ConnectionStringSetting specifies that the app setting that contains the SQL connection string used to connect to the database is "SqlConnectionString." For more information on this, see the function.json Properties for Input Bindings section

  • Open the local.settings.json file, and in the brackets for "Values," verify there is a 'SqlConnectionString.' If not, add it.

  • Hit 'F5' to run your code. This will start up the Functions Host with a local HTTP Trigger and SQL Input Binding.

  • Click the link that appears in your terminal.

  • You should see your database output in the browser window.

  • Congratulations! You have successfully created your first SQL input binding!

Samples for Input Bindings

The database scripts used for the following samples can be found here.

Query String

See the GetProducts sample

Empty Parameter Value

See the GetProductsNameEmpty sample

Null Parameter Value

See the GetProductsNameNull sample

Stored Procedure

See the GetProductsStoredProcedure sample

Output Binding

See Output Binding Overview for general information about the Azure SQL Output binding.

function.json Properties for Output Bindings

The following table explains the binding configuration properties that you set in the function.json file.

function.json property Description
type Required. Must be set to sql.
direction Required. Must be set to out.
name Required. The name of the variable that represents the entity in function code.
commandText Required. The name of the table being written to by the binding.
connectionStringSetting Required. The name of an app setting that contains the connection string for the database to which data is being written. This isn't the actual connection string and must instead resolve to an environment variable. Optional keywords in the connection string value are available to refine SQL bindings connectivity.

Setup for Output Bindings

Note: This tutorial requires that a SQL database is setup as shown in Create a SQL Server.

  • Open your project in VS Code

  • Press 'F1' and search for 'Azure Functions: Create Function'

  • Choose HttpTrigger -> (Provide a function name) -> anonymous

  • In the file that opens (run.ps1), replace the code within the file the below code. Note that the casing of the Object field names and the table column names must match.

     using namespace System.Net
     Write-Host "PowerShell function with SQL Output Binding processed a request."
     $req_body = @(
     # Assign the value we want to pass to the SQL Output binding.
     # The -Name value corresponds to the name property in the function.json for the binding
     Push-OutputBinding -Name employee -Value $req_body
     Push-OutputBinding -Name Response -Value ([HttpResponseContext]@{
         StatusCode = [HttpStatusCode]::OK
         Body = $req_body
  • We also need to add the SQL output binding for the employee parameter. Open the function.json file.

  • Paste the below in the file as an additional entry to the "bindings": [] array.

      "name": "employee",
      "type": "sql",
      "direction": "out",
      "commandText": "dbo.Employees",
      "connectionStringSetting": "SqlConnectionString"

    In the above, "dbo.Employees" is the name of the table our output binding is upserting into. The line below is similar to the input binding and specifies where our SqlConnectionString is. For more information on this, see the function.json Properties for Output Bindings section

  • Hit 'F5' to run your code. Click the link to upsert the output array values in your SQL table. Your upserted values should launch in the browser.

  • Congratulations! You have successfully created your first SQL output binding!

Samples for Output Bindings


See the AddProductsArray sample

Single Row

See the AddProduct sample

Trigger Binding

See Trigger Binding Overview for general information about the Azure SQL Trigger binding.

function.json Properties for Trigger Bindings

The following table explains the binding configuration properties that you set in the function.json file.

function.json property Description
name Required. The name of the parameter that the trigger binds to.
type Required. Must be set to sqlTrigger.
direction Required. Must be set to in.
tableName Required. The name of the table being monitored by the trigger.
connectionStringSetting Required. The name of an app setting that contains the connection string for the database containing the table monitored for changes. This isn't the actual connection string and must instead resolve to an environment variable. Optional keywords in the connection string value are available to refine SQL bindings connectivity.
leasesTableName Optional. The name of the table used to store leases. If not specified, the leases table name will be Leases_{FunctionId}_{TableId}. More information on how this is generated can be found here.

Setup for Trigger Bindings

Note: This tutorial requires that a SQL database is setup as shown in Create a SQL Server.

  • Create a new folder EmployeeTrigger

  • Inside EmployeeTrigger create a new file function.json

      "bindings": [
          "name": "changes",
          "type": "sqlTrigger",
          "direction": "in",
          "tableName": "dbo.Employees",
          "connectionStringSetting": "SqlConnectionString"
      "disabled": false
  • Inside EmployeeTrigger create a new file run.ps1

    using namespace System.Net
    $changesJson = $changes | ConvertTo-Json -Compress
    Write-Host "SQL Changes: $changesJson"
  • Skip these steps if you have not completed the output binding tutorial.

    • Open your output binding file and modify some of the values. For example, change the value of Team column from 'Functions' to 'Azure SQL'.
    • Hit 'F5' to run your code. Click the link of the HTTP trigger from the output binding tutorial.
  • Update, insert, or delete rows in your SQL table while the function app is running and observe the function logs.

  • You should see the new log messages in the Visual Studio Code terminal containing the values of row-columns after the update operation.

  • Congratulations! You have successfully created your first SQL trigger binding!