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Structured Streaming + Event Hubs Integration Guide

Structured Streaming integration for Azure Event Hubs to read data from Event Hubs.

Table of Contents


For Scala/Java applications using SBT/Maven project definitions, link your application with the following artifact:

  groupId =
  artifactId = azure-eventhubs-spark_2.11
  version = 2.3.22


  groupId =
  artifactId = azure-eventhubs-spark_2.12
  version = 2.3.22

For Python applications, you need to add this above library and its dependencies when deploying your application. See the Deploying subsection below.

User Configuration

Connection String

An Event Hubs connection string is required to connect to the Event Hubs service. You can get the connection string for your Event Hubs instance from the Azure Portal or by using the ConnectionStringBuilder in our library.

Azure Portal

When you get the connection string from the Azure Portal, it may or may not have the EntityPath key. Consider:

// Without an entity path
val without = "Endpoint=ENDPOINT;SharedAccessKeyName=KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=KEY"
// With an entity path 
val withEntity = "Endpoint=sb://SAMPLE;SharedAccessKeyName=KEY_NAME;SharedAccessKey=KEY;EntityPath=EVENTHUB_NAME"

To connect to your EventHubs, an EntityPath must be present. If your connection string doesn't have one, don't worry! This will take care of it:

import org.apache.spark.eventhubs.ConnectionStringBuilder

val connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder(without)   // defined in the previous code block


Alternatively, you can use the ConnectionStringBuilder to make your connection string.

import org.apache.spark.eventhubs.ConnectionStringBuilder

val connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder()


All configuration relating to Event Hubs happens in your EventHubsConf. To create an EventHubsConf, you must pass a connection string:

val connectionString = "YOUR.CONNECTION.STRING"
val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)

Please read the Connection String subsection for more information on obtaining a valid connection string.

Additionally, the following configurations are optional:

Option value default query type meaning
consumerGroup String "$Default" streaming and batch A consumer group is a view of an entire event hub. Consumer groups enable multiple consuming applications to each have a separate view of the event stream, and to read the stream independently at their own pace and with their own offsets. More info is available here.
startingPositions Map[NameAndPartition, EventPosition] end of stream streaming and batch Sets starting positions for specific partitions. If any positions are set in this option, they take priority over any other option. If nothing is configured within this option, then the setting in startingPosition is used. If no position has been set in either option, we will start consuming from the end of the partition.
startingPosition EventPosition end of stream streaming and batch The starting position for your Structured Streaming job. If a specific EventPosition is not set for a partition using startingPositions, then we use the EventPosition set in startingPosition. If nothing is set in either option, we will begin consuming from the end of the partition.
endingPositions Map[NameAndPartition, EventPosition] end of stream batch query The ending position of a batch query on a per partition basis. This works the same as startingPositions.
endingPosition EventPosition end of stream batch query The ending position of a batch query. This works the same as startingPosition.
maxEventsPerTrigger long partitionCount * 1000 streaming query Rate limit on maximum number of events processed per trigger interval. The specified total number of events will be proportionally split across partitions of different volume.
receiverTimeout java.time.Duration 60 seconds streaming and batch The amount of time Event Hub receive calls will be retried before throwing an exception.
operationTimeout java.time.Duration 300 seconds streaming and batch The amount of time Event Hub API calls will be retried before throwing an exception.
prefetchCount int 500 streaming and batch Sets the prefetch count for the underlying receiver and controls how many events are received in advance. The acceptable range for prefetch count is [1, 4000]
threadPoolSize int 16 streaming and batch Sets the size of thread pool.
useExclusiveReceiver boolean true streaming and batch Determines if the connector uses epoch (i.e. exclusive) or non-epoch receiver. The connector uses epoch receivers by default. If you decide to use non-epoch receivers please be aware of its limitation of allowing up to 5 concurrent receivers. More info is available here.
maxSilentTime java.time.Duration streaming and batch Sets the maximum silent time (or SILENT_OFF) for a receiver. In case maxSilentTime is set to a value other than SILENT_OFF, we will try to recreate the receiver if there is no activity for the length of this duration. Note that maxSilentTime should be at least EventHubClientOptions.SILENT_MINIMUM = 30 seconds.
dynamicPartitionDiscovery boolean false streaming query Determines if the number of partitions in the event hubs instance may be updated during the execution. If set to true, the number of partitions would be updated every 300 seconds.
slowPartitionAdjustment boolean false streaming query Determines if the number of events to be read from each partition should be adjusted based on its performance or not. More info is available here.
maxAcceptableBatchReceiveTime java.time.Duration 30 seconds streaming query Sets the max time that is acceptable for a partition to receive events in a single batch. This value is being used to identify slow partitions when SlowPartitionAdjustment is enabled. Only partitions that take more than this time to receive their portion of events in batch are considered as potential slow partitions. More info is available here.
throttlingStatusPlugin org.apache.spark.eventhubs.utils.ThrottlingStatusPlugin None streaming query Sets an object of a class extending the ThrottlingStatusPlugin trait to monitor the performance of partitions when SlowPartitionAdjustment is enabled. More info is available here.
aadAuthCallback org.apache.spark.eventhubs.utils.AadAuthenticationCallback None streaming and batch Sets a callback class extending the AadAuthenticationCallback trait to use AAD authentication instead of the connection string to access Event Hubs. More info is available here.
aadAuthCallbackParams Map[String, Object] Map.empty streaming and batch Sets the parameters passed to the AAD authentication callback class. More info is available here.
metricPlugin org.apache.spark.eventhubs.utils.MetricPlugin None streaming and batch Sets an object of a class extending the MetricPlugin trait to monitor send and receive operations performance. org.apache.spark.eventhubs.utils.SimpleLogMetricPlugin implements a simple example that just logs the operation performance.

For each option, there exists a corresponding setter in the EventHubsConf. For example:

import org.apache.spark.eventhubs._

val ehConf = EventHubsConf(cs)


The EventHubsConf allows users to specify starting (and ending) positions with the EventPosition class. EventPosition defines a position of an event in an Event Hub partition. The position can be an enqueued time, offset, sequence number, the start of the stream, or the end of the stream. It's (hopefully!) pretty straightforward:

import org.apache.spark.eventhubs._

EventPosition.fromOffset("246812")          // Specifies offset 246812
EventPosition.fromSequenceNumber(100L)      // Specifies sequence number 100
EventPosition.fromEnqueuedTime( // Specifies any event after the current time 
EventPosition.fromStartOfStream             // Specifies from start of stream
EventPosition.fromEndOfStream               // Specifies from end of stream

If you'd like to start (or end) at a specific position, simply create the correct EventPosition and set it in your EventHubsConf:

val ehConf = EventHubsConf(cs)

Per Partition Configuration

For advanced users, we have provided the option to configure starting and ending positions on a per partition basis. Simply pass a Map[NameAndPartition, EventPosition] to your EventHubsConf. Consider:

// name is the EventHub name!
val positions = Map(
  new NameAndPartition(name, 0) -> EventPosition.fromStartOfStream,
  new NameAndPartition(name, 1) -> EventPosition.fromSequenceNumber(100L)

val ehConf = EventHubsConf(cs)

In this case, partition 0 starts from the beginning of the partition, partition 1 starts from sequence number 100L, and all other partitions will start from the end of the partitions. You can start from any position on any partition you'd like!

IoT Hub

If using IoT Hub, getting your connection string is the only part of the process that is different - all other documentation still applies. Follow these instructions to get your EventHubs-compatible connection string:

  1. Go to the Azure Portal and find your IoT Hub instance
  2. Click on Endpoints under Messaging. Then click on Events.
  3. Find your EventHub-compatible name and EventHub-compatible endpoint.
import org.apache.spark.eventhubs.ConnectionStringBuilder

// Build connection string with the above information 
val connectionString = ConnectionStringBuilder("YOUR.EVENTHUB.COMPATIBLE.ENDPOINT")

Reading Data from Event Hubs

Creating an Event Hubs Source for Streaming Queries

// Source with default settings
val connectionString = "Valid EventHubs connection string."
val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)

val df = spark
val eventhubs =$"body" cast "string")

// Source with per partition starting positions and rate limiting. In this case, we'll start from 
// a sequence number for partition 0, enqueued time for partition 3, the end of stream
// for partition 5, and the start of stream for all other partitions.
val connectionString = "Valid EventHubs connection string."
val name = connectionString.getEventHubName

val positions = Map(
  new NameAndPartition(name, 0) -> EventPosition.fromSequenceNumber(1000L, isInclusive = true),
  new NameAndPartition(name, 3) -> EventPosition.fromEnqueuedTime(,
  new NameAndPartition(name, 5) -> EventPosition.fromEndOfStream

val ehConf = EventHubsConf(connectionString)

val df = spark

Creating an Event Hubs Source for Batch Queries

// Simple batch query
val df = spark
  .load()$"body" cast "string")

// start from same place across all partitions. end at the same place across all partitions.
val ehConf = EventHubsConf("VALID.CONNECTION.STRING")

// per partition config
val start = Map(
  new NameAndPartition(name, 0) -> EventPosition.fromSequenceNumber(1000L),
  new NameAndPartition(name, 1) -> EventPosition.fromOffset("100")

val end = Map(
  new NameAndPartition(name, 0) -> EventPosition.fromEnqueuedTime(,
  new NameAndPartition(name, 1) -> EventPosition.fromSequenceNumber(1000L)

val ehConf = EventHubsConf("VALID.CONNECTION.STRING")

Each row in the source has the following schema:

Column Type
body binary
partition string
offset string
sequenceNumber long
enqueuedTime timestamp
publisher string
partitionKey string
properties map[string, json]
systemProperties map[string, json]

Writing Data to EventHubs

Here, we describe the support for writing Streaming Queries and Batch Queries to Azure EventHubs. Take note that, today, Azure EventHubs only supports at least once semantics. Consequently, when writing - either Streaming Queries or Batch Queries - to EventHubs, some records may be duplicated; this can happen, for example, if EventHubs needs to retry an event that was not acknowledged by the EventHubs service, event if the service received and stored the event. Structured Streaming cannot prevent such duplicates from ocurring due to these EventHubs write semantics. However, if writing the query is successful, then you can assume that the query output was written at least once. A possible solution to remove duplicates when reading the written data could be to introduce a primary (unique) key that can be used to perform de-duplication when reading.

The Dataframe being written to EventHubs should have the following columns in the schema:

Column Type
body (required) string or binary
partitionId (*optional) string
partitionKey (*optional) string
properties (optional) map[string, string]
  • Only one (partitionId or partitionKey) can be set at a time. If both are set, your Structured Streaming job will be stopped.

The body column is the only required option. If a partitionId and partitionKey are not provided, then events will distributed to partitions using a round-robin model. Alternatively, if a partitionId is provided, the query output will be sent to that specific partition exclusively. Sending to a single partition is not a recommended pattern. Finally, if a partionKey is provided, each event will be sent with the provided partitionKey. For more information on how a partitionKey works, click here.

Users can also provided properties via a map[string, string] if they would like to send any additional properties with their events.

Creating an EventHubs Sink for Streaming Queries

// Write body data from a DataFrame to EventHubs. Events are distributed across partitions using round-robin model.
val ds = df
  .options(ehWriteConf.toMap)    // EventHubsConf containing the destination EventHub connection string.
// Write body data from a DataFrame to EventHubs with a partitionKey
val ds = df
  .selectExpr("partitionKey", "body")
  .options(ehWriteConf.toMap)    // EventHubsConf containing the destination EventHub connection string.

Writing the output of Batch Queries to EventHubs

// Write body data from a DataFrame to EventHubs. Events are distributed across partitions using round-robin model."body")
  .options(ehWriteConf.toMap)    // EventHubsConf containing the destination EventHub connection string.
// Write body data   
df.selectExpr("partitionKey", "body")
  .options(ehWriteConf.toMap)    // EventHubsConf containing the destination EventHub connection string.


An implementation of ForeachWriter is offered by the EventHubsForeachWriter. For simple round-robin sends, this is the fastest way to write your data from Spark to Event Hubs. For any other send pattern, you must use the EventHubsSink. A sample is shown below:

val ehConf = EventHubsConf("YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING") 
val writer = EventHubsForeachWriter(ehConf)

val query =
    .trigger(ProcessingTime("25 seconds"))

Recovering from Failures with Checkpointing

The connector fully integrates with the Structured Streaming checkpointing mechanism. You can recover the progress and state of you query on failures by setting a checkpoint location in your query. This checkpoint location has to be a path in an HDFS compatible file system, and can be set as an option in the DataStreamWriter when starting a query.

aggDF \
    .writeStream \
    .outputMode("complete") \
    .option("checkpointLocation", "path/to/HDFS/dir") \
    .format("memory") \

Managing Throughput

When you create an Event Hubs namespace, you are prompted to choose how many throughput units you want for your namespace. A single throughput unit (or TU) entitles you to:

  • Up to 1 MB per second of ingress events (events sent into an event hub), but no more than 1000 ingress events or API calls per second.
  • Up to 2 MB per second of egress events (events consumed from an event hub).

With that said, your TUs set an upper bound for the throughput in your streaming application, and this upper bound needs to be set in Spark as well. In Structured Streaming, this is done with the maxEventsPerTrigger option.

Let's say you have 1 TU for a single 4-partition Event Hub instance. This means that Spark is able to consume 2 MB per second from your Event Hub without being throttled. If maxEventsPerTrigger is set such that Spark consumes less than 2 MB, then consumption will happen within a second. You're free to leave it as such or you can increase your maxEventsPerTrigger up to 2 MB per second. If maxEventsPerTrigger is set such that Spark consumes greater than 2 MB, your micro-batch will always take more than one second to be created because consuming from Event Hubs will always take at least one second. You're free to leave it as is or you can increase your TUs to increase throughput.

Serialization of Event Data Properties

Users can pass custom key-value properties in their EventData. These properties are exposed in the Spark SQL schema. Keys are exposed as strings, and values are exposed as json-serialized strings. Native types are supported out of the box. Custom AMQP types need to be handled explicitly by the connector. Below we list the AMQP types we support and how they are handled:

  • Binary - the underlying byte array is serialized.
  • Decimal128 - the underlying byte array is serialized.
  • Decimal32 - the underlying integer representation is serialized.
  • Decimal64 - the underlying long representation is serialized.
  • Symbol - the underlying string is serialized.
  • UnsignedByte - the underlying string is serialized.
  • UnsignedInteger - the underlying string is serialized.
  • UnsignedLong - the underlying string is serialized.
  • UnsignedShort - the underlying string is serialized.


As with any Spark applications, spark-submit is used to launch your application. azure-eventhubs-spark_2.11 and its dependencies can be directly added to spark-submit using --packages, such as,

./bin/spark-submit --packages ...

For experimenting on spark-shell, you can also use --packages to add azure-eventhubs-spark_2.11 and its dependencies directly,

./bin/spark-shell --packages ...

See Application Submission Guide for more details about submitting applications with external dependencies.