Releases: Azure/ResourceModules
Releases · Azure/ResourceModules
v 0.3.0
- Modules
- Full alignment to parent-child-resource structure to allow individual child deployment as well as top-down deployments (parent plus child resources)
- Vastly improved alignment of module parameters to API (for example almost all modules use the
input parameter instead of<resourceType>Name
). This should make the modules easier to use and cross reference with for example the ARM template reference - Numerous smaller fixes
- Added many additional parameter files for module validation and test cases in each (for example
) - Added remaining metadata to module outputs
- Aligned identity handling across modules
- Platform
- More streamlined pipeline that executes each tested parameter file in one job (validate-deploy-remove) instead of waiting at each stage for all other tests to conclude
- Revamped resource removal using deployment names instead of tags for increased stability & a wider support of resources
- Updated dependency pipeline
- Introduced Token-Replacement solution to make shared-parameter usage (for example RBAC
) and secret-masking (for examplesubscriptionId
) easier.- Implemented local testing script to enable continuous local testing - even with tokens added in the parameter files
- Tools
- Improved ReadMe generation script (for example, now supports also
Parameter Usage
- Improved ReadMe generation script (for example, now supports also
- Wiki
- Added a
section to illustrate where CARML fits in a larger IaC setup - Improved docs for Pipelines, Modules & Testing
- Extended
Getting Started
- Added a
Merged PRs
- Update Testing wiki by @eriqua in #334
- Updated parameter & pipelines to new tenant IDs by @MrMCake in #348
- additional ER GW Skus to support no AZ regions by @ahmadabdalla in #350
- Updated MgmtGroupID by @MrMCake in #352
- Cleanup + alignment by @MariusStorhaug in #353
- Storage security: set allowBlobPublicAccess to false by @eriqua in #356
- Correct typo roleAssigment -> roleAssignment by @MariusStorhaug in #355
- Updated expressRouteCircuits module with Local tier by @torivara in #358
- Fixed incorrect output that would only work if a certain param is provided by @MrMCake in #365
- Fixing AVD and storage by @eriqua in #366
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.AnalysisServices by @MariusStorhaug in #361
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.ApiManagement by @MariusStorhaug in #362
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.CognitiveServices by @MariusStorhaug in #364
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Automation by @MariusStorhaug in #363
- Latest DEV to main by @MrMCake in #371
- Added ReadMe reference to wiki + moved script to tools by @MrMCake in #372
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.ContainerService by @MariusStorhaug in #374
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.ContainerRegistry by @MariusStorhaug in #375
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Databricks by @MariusStorhaug in #376
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.DocumentDB by @MariusStorhaug in #379
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.EventGrid by @MariusStorhaug in #380
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization by @MariusStorhaug in #378
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.DataFactory by @MariusStorhaug in #377
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Web by @MariusStorhaug in #399
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages by @MariusStorhaug in #398
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Storage by @MariusStorhaug in #397
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Sql by @MariusStorhaug in #395
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.ServiceBus by @MariusStorhaug in #394
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Resources by @MariusStorhaug in #393
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.RecoveryServices by @MariusStorhaug in #392
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.OperationalInsights by @MariusStorhaug in #391
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.NetApp by @MariusStorhaug in #389
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.ManagedIdentity by @MariusStorhaug in #387
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.MachineLearningServices by @MariusStorhaug in #386
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Logic by @MariusStorhaug in #385
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.KeyVault by @MariusStorhaug in #384
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Insights by @MariusStorhaug in #383
- Fix avd applications by @eriqua in #396
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Network by @MariusStorhaug in #390
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.HealthBot by @MariusStorhaug in #382
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.EventHub by @MariusStorhaug in #381
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Management by @MariusStorhaug in #388
- Add RSV dependency by @eriqua in #402
- Add keyvault certificate to fix app gateway run by @eriqua in #406
- Align RBAC on Microsoft.Compute by @MariusStorhaug in #367
- Fix privateEndpoint module by @eriqua in #409
- Fix Virtual Network Gateway Dependencies by @eriqua in #408
- Change vpnSharedKey param not Required Parameter by @jceval in #370
- Cleaned up network modules & added output descriptions by @MrMCake in #420
- Cleaned up service bus module & added output descriptions by @MrMCake in #423
- Cleaned up api management modules & added output descriptions by @MrMCake in #424
- Disable MD034 Bare URLs rule + order settings by @MariusStorhaug in #425
- Cleaned up web modules & added output descriptions by @MrMCake in #422
- Cleaned up compute modules & added output descriptions by @MrMCake in #421
- Restructured EventHub to new child-resources structure by @MrMCake in #407
- Implemented private bicep registry publish by @MrMCake in #326
- Removed unsupported default value by @MrMCake in #429
- Users/alsehr/publish hot fix by @MrMCake in #430
- Users/torivara/virtual network gateways update by @torivara in #405
- Hotfix for Azure Policy Exemptions. Updated Policy Assignment ID and extended date by @ahmadabdalla in #433
- Users/rahalan/add vnet child resources by @rahalan in #428
- Update NetworkWatcher to new child-resource structure by @MariusStorhaug in #432
- Update PrivateEndpoints to new child-resource structure by @MariusStorhaug in #438
- Update Dependency pipeline after child restructure by @eriqua in #448
- Update reference to peering resource module by @jceval in #445
- Closes #340: Update AVD Application groups by @Msanzdelrio in #412
- Implemented a first version to allow for custom removal scripts & retry by @MrMCake in #431
- Minor fix for avd appgroup param name by @eriqua in #461
- Users/ahmad/dependency avd by @ahmadabdalla in #460
- Replace json('null') -> null by @MariusStorhaug in #464
- RBAC Construct - Moved builtInRoleNames to rbac module by @MariusStorhaug in #457
- RSV Child Resource Rework by @senavar in #441
- Tokens Replacement Service [Pilot] by @ahmadabdalla in #447
- Hotfix: Tokens Wiki by @ahmadabdalla in
v 0.2.0 (mvp)
- General
- MVP Release of CARML platform
- Modules
- Migrated almost all modules from ARM to Bicep
- Platform
- Implemented Testing & Publishing Platform (i.e. module pipelines) that supports both ARM & Bicep
- Implemented first version of 'dependency pipelines'
- Implemented platform pipelines to keep wiki & ReadMe's up to date
- Tools
- Implemented first version of conversion script to convert all bicep templates into ARM (in case the consumer does not want to leverage ARM)
- Wiki
- Established first version of Wiki with sections for
Getting Started
- Established first couple 'best practices' for module design and aligned modules with them
- Established first version of Wiki with sections for
Merged PRs
- Align locks accross all modules by @MrMCake in #197
- Replace lockForDeletion with new lock parameter in param files by @MariusStorhaug in #208
- Users/ahmad/constructs remediation by @ahmadabdalla in #204
- Add encoding settings for markdown by @MariusStorhaug in #209
- Update parameter files with roleAssignments where applicable by @MariusStorhaug in #206
- Users/ahmad/policy assignment output bugfix by @ahmadabdalla in #212
- Updated Assignment ID by @ahmadabdalla in #214
- Add Wiki Sync logic & add original Wiki content to it by @MrMCake in #218
- Updated automated email by @MrMCake in #219
- Bug fix - unused var and params by @MariusStorhaug in #220
- Updated diagnostic settings & tests by @MrMCake in #200
- update pipelines to be triggered if PR is merged to main by @rahalan in #198
- Added bicep container registry module by @Msanzdelrio in #248
- Move nsg dependency by @eriqua in #252
- Small updated to failing modules by @MrMCake in #254
- Update parameters for networking dependencies to validation-rg by @eriqua in #262
- Restructured Wiki & Re-worked 'Getting started' section by @MrMCake in #263
- Updated formatting - minor changes to modules & getting started section by @MrMCake in #266
- Fix dependency parameter values by @eriqua in #264
- Parameter File cleanup by @MrMCake in #259
- Enabled ReadMe script to work with child-modules folders by @MrMCake in #271
- Updated test to not go after 'lockForDeletion' by @MrMCake in #258
- Bicep: Virtual Machine by @eriqua in #245
- Users/sogangul/bicep eventhub by @SomilGanguly in #211
- Dependency workflow: draft structure deploying rgs and msi by @eriqua in #275
- EventHub: Fixed minor bug + updated readme by @MrMCake in #276
- Remove flowlogs deployment option from NSG by @eriqua in #278
- Fix RG module by @eriqua in #279
- Users/sogangul/bicep event hub pipelinefix by @SomilGanguly in #283
- Script to convert library to arm/json by @MariusStorhaug in #256
- Added content to wiki by @MrMCake in #269
- Add bug fix to iterate through networkAcls param correctly and remove… by @SomilGanguly in #284
- Users/sogangul/api&k vfix by @SomilGanguly in #288
- Users/ahmad/tokens - Use tokens instead of subscription Ids in parameters by @ahmadabdalla in #274
- Users/sogangul/bicep service fabric clusters by @SomilGanguly in #215
- Fix API Management Module by @eriqua in #293
- Added additional wiki content - especially testing by @MrMCake in #296
- Added bicep module for cosmosdb by @Msanzdelrio in #292
- Cleanup format and parameters by @MariusStorhaug in #298
- Users/ahmad/carml errors role def service bus by @ahmadabdalla in #287
- Added readme + minor generation fix by @MrMCake in #289
- Dependency workflow by @eriqua in #297
- Fix apim authorizationServers by @eriqua in #301
- Fixed Security Center Deployment Bugs by @ahmadabdalla in #300
- Fix sqlmi by @eriqua in #302
- Fixed AKS + Updated Readme by @MrMCake in #304
- Follow up to former DF pr by @MrMCake in #308
- healthbot fix by @Msanzdelrio in #309
- Fix for healthbot (readme) by @MrMCake in #312
- Wiki update on test + minor fixes by @simonbMS in #299
- Improve yaml parsing ++ by @MariusStorhaug in #313
- StorageAccount Child-Resources PoC by @MrMCake in #290
- Fixed a bug to improve Linux compatibility by @MrMCake in #314
- Bug Fixes - Automanage & Registrations Definitions by @ahmadabdalla in #306
- Restored Service Bus Namespace RBAC, Changed instance name for Namespace and Queues. by @ahmadabdalla in #315
- Fixed markdown gen by @MrMCake in #316
- Dependency pipeline and bug fixes by @eriqua in #323
- Added template-spec example to module usage by @MrMCake in #324
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1-pre...v0.2.0
What's Changed
- Init by @segraef in #2
- Updates by @segraef in #3
- sample by @segraef in #4
- Buttons by @segraef in #5
- Buttons by @segraef in #6
- Template by @segraef in #12
- first batch of modules by @segraef in #15
- moved module and introduced azure buttons sample by @segraef in #16
- Linter fix and Community profile update by @segraef in #21
- Adjusted badges by @segraef in #22
- Shuffled modules by @MrMCake in #23
- Transformed 'concat' folder structure into sub-folder structure + added bicep modules by @MrMCake in #25
- CODEOWNERS and default workflow by @segraef in #29
- Users/alsehr/add markdown script by @MrMCake in #27
- Moved vnetpeering module & fixed bug in module table script by @MrMCake in #34
- Naming by @segraef in #35
- Users/alsehr/module markdown script name by @MrMCake in #41
- typos by @segraef in #42
- Implemented V1 for test pipelines by @MrMCake in #43
- codeowners updated by @segraef in #46
- Refactored table logic + Added pipeline status column generation by @MrMCake in #47
- Diverse pipeline fixes & module updates by @MrMCake in #48
- Added first draft of ReadMe Update pipeline by @MrMCake in #49
- typo correction by @segraef in #51
- workflow cleanup by @segraef in #52
- Added publish condition + pipeline rename by @MrMCake in #53
- Updated New-ModuleDeployment.ps1 by @ahmadabdalla in #44
- Fix policy assignment to accept westeu by @eriqua in #55
- Enabled bicep in pipelines by @MrMCake in #54
- Created keyvault bicep module by @MrMCake in #58
- Created ServerFarm bicep module by @MrMCake in #57
- Created logicApp bicep module by @MrMCake in #59
- Created VMSS bicep module by @MrMCake in #68
- Created sql server bicep module by @MrMCake in #67
- Created App Environment bicep module by @MrMCake in #65
- Created ImageTemplate bicep module by @MrMCake in #64
- Created AVD workspace bicep module by @MrMCake in #63
- Created AVD application group bicep module by @MrMCake in #62
- Created API connections bicep module by @MrMCake in #61
- Created sites module (bicep + arm) by @MrMCake in #66
- Bugfix for tag enforcement by @MrMCake in #69
- Created AVD Host Pool bicep template by @MrMCake in #60
- Users/alsehr/module name fix by @MrMCake in #70
- Rahalan/fix pipelines by @rahalan in #71
- Fixed resource ref by @MrMCake in #72
- Api management service resources by @eriqua in #73
- fixing some pipelines/modules by @rahalan in #74
- Rahalan/fix pipelines3 by @rahalan in #77
- Create bicep module for RSV by @MrMCake in #75
- Skip removal for apimanagement due to soft-delete by @eriqua in #78
- Rahalan/fix pipelines4 by @rahalan in #80
- Budget Bicep Module by @MariusStorhaug in #81
- Converted activityLog to bicep by @MariusStorhaug in #84
- Converted actionGroup to bicep by @MariusStorhaug in #82
- fix budgets by @MariusStorhaug in #83
- Rahalan/fix pipelines5 by @rahalan in #86
- Fix workflow for actiongroup and activityLog(diagnosticSettings) by @MariusStorhaug in #85
- Create namespace bicep by @MrMCake in #87
- Fix ActivityLog and ActionGroup dpeloyments by @MariusStorhaug in #88
- Rahalan/fix pipelines6 by @rahalan in #89
- Converted metricAlert to bicep by @MariusStorhaug in #90
- Rahalan/fix pipelines7 by @rahalan in #92
- Users/alsehr/bicep vwan by @MrMCake in #95
- Added sql database module by @MrMCake in #93
- Bicep template for automation account by @eriqua in #91
- Converted ActivityLogAlert to bicep by @MariusStorhaug in #97
- Added LA-Workspace bicep by @MrMCake in #94
- remove tags by @rahalan in #102
- Created VPN gateway bicep by @MrMCake in #98
- Created & refactored peering bicpe module by @MrMCake in #96
- Updating parameters after moving dependencies #1 by @eriqua in #101
- Readme update - Activity Log Alert = Bicep only by @MariusStorhaug in #100
- Updated latest docs by @MrMCake in #103
- Modify Resource group locks feature by @MariusStorhaug in #99
- Removed ARM from readme table by @MrMCake in #106
- VALIDATE_YAML: false by @segraef in #110
- Cleanup AVD and some comments by @MrMCake in #111
- Updated module table order by @MrMCake in #112
- Updating parameters after moving dependencies #2 by @eriqua in #107
- Converted Application Insights to bicep by @MariusStorhaug in #114
- Disabling network watcher removal by @eriqua in #115
- Added bicep appgateway by @Msanzdelrio in #113
- Flow logs network watcher name by @eriqua in #116
- updated user identity module by @ahmadabdalla in #109
- Rahalan/fix pipelines9 by @rahalan in #118
- reference correct LAW by @rahalan in #120
- Updating parameters after moving dependencies #3 by @eriqua in #119
- bicep application security groups by @Msanzdelrio in #121
- Rahalan/fix pipelines11 by @rahalan in #124
- Updating parameters after moving dependencies #4 by @eriqua in #125
- Fixed param file by @MrMCake in #126
- Created traffic manager profile bicep template(s) by @MrMCake in #123
- Rahalan/fix pipelines12 by @rahalan in #127
- Updating parameters after moving dependencies #5 by @eriqua in #130
- Rahalan/fix pipelines13 by @rahalan in #131
- Created PublicIPPrefix Bicep template by @MrMCake in #128
- Added privateEndpoint bicep template(s) by @MrMCake in #132
- Added public ip address bicep by @MrMCake in #129
- bicep azure firewall 😊 by @Msanzdelrio in #133
- Added route table bicep module + alignment by @MrMCake in #104
- Rahalan/fix pipelines14 by @rahalan in