This documentation applies to version 2.9
The following OPC Publisher configuration can be applied by Command Line Interface (CLI) options or as environment variable settings. Any CamelCase options can also be provided using environment variables (without the preceeding --
IMPORTANT The command line of OPC Publisher only understands below command line options. You cannot specify environment variables on the command line (e.g., like
env1=value env2=value
). All option names are case-sensitive!
When both environment variable and CLI argument are provided, the command line option will override the environment variable.
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-h, --help Show help and exit.
-f, --pf, --publishfile, --PublishedNodesFile=VALUE
The name of the file containing the configuration
of the nodes to be published as well as the
information to connect to the OPC UA server
This file is also used to persist changes made
through the control plane, e.g., through IoT Hub
device method calls.
When no file is specified a default `
publishednodes.json` file is created in the
working directory.
Default: `publishednodes.json`
--cf, --createifnotexist, --CreatePublishFileIfNotExistKey[=VALUE]
Permit publisher to create the the specified
publish file if it does not exist. The new file
will be created under the access rights of the
publisher module.
The default file 'publishednodes.json' is always
created when no file name was provided on the
command line and this option is ignored.
If a file was specified but does not exist and
should not be created the module exits.
Default: `false`
--fe, --forceencryptedcredentials, --ForceCredentialEncryption[=VALUE]
If set to true the publisher will never write
plain text credentials into the published nodes
configuration file.
If a credential cannot be written to the file
using the IoT Edge workload API crypto provider
the publisher will exit with an error.
Default: `false` (write secrets as plain text
into the configuration file which should be
properly ACL'ed)
--id, --publisherid, --PublisherId=VALUE
Sets the publisher id of the publisher.
Default: `not set` which results in the IoT edge
identity being used
-s, --site, --SiteId=VALUE Sets the site name of the publisher module.
Default: `not set`
--rs, --runtimestatereporting, --RuntimeStateReporting[=VALUE]
Enable that when publisher starts or restarts it
reports its runtime state using a restart
Default: `False` (disabled)
--doa, --disableopenapi, --DisableOpenApiEndpoint[=VALUE]
Disable the OPC Publisher Open API endpoint
exposed by the built-in HTTP server.
Default: `enabled`.
Messaging configuration
-c, --strict, --UseStandardsCompliantEncoding[=VALUE]
Use strict UA compliant encodings. Default is '
false' for backwards (2.5.x - 2.8.x)
compatibility. It is recommended to run the
publisher in compliant mode for best
Default: `False`
--nf, --namespaceformat, --DefaultNamespaceFormat=VALUE
The format to use when serializing node ids and
qualified names containing a namespace uri into
a string.
Allowed values:
Default: `Expanded` if `-c` is specified,
otherwise `Uri` for backwards compatibility.
--mm, --messagingmode, --MessagingMode=VALUE
The messaging mode for messages
Allowed values:
Default: `PubSub` if `-c` is specified,
otherwise `Samples` for backwards compatibility.
--me, --messageencoding, --MessageEncoding=VALUE
The message encoding for messages
Allowed values:
Default: `Json`.
--bi, --batchtriggerinterval, --BatchTriggerInterval=VALUE
The network message publishing interval in
milliseconds. Determines the publishing period
at which point messages are emitted.
When `--bs` is 1 and `--bi` is set to 0 batching
is disabled.
Default: `10000` (10 seconds).
Also can be set using `BatchTriggerInterval`
environment variable in the form of a duration
string in the form `[d.]hh:mm:ss[.fffffff]`.
--bs, --batchsize, --BatchSize=VALUE
The number of incoming OPC UA subscription
notifications to collect until sending a network
messages. When `--bs` is set to 1 and `--bi` is
0 batching is disabled and messages are sent as
soon as notifications arrive.
Default: `50`.
--ms, --maxmessagesize, --iothubmessagesize, --IoTHubMaxMessageSize=VALUE
The maximum size of the messages to emit. In case
the encoder cannot encode a message because the
size would be exceeded, the message is dropped.
Otherwise the encoder will aim to chunk messages
if possible.
Default: `256k` in case of IoT Hub messages, `0`
--mts, --messagetimestamp, --MessageTimestamp=VALUE
The value to set as as the timestamp property of
messages during encoding (if the encoding
supports writing message timestamps).
Allowed values:
Default: `CurrentTimeUtc` to use the time when
the message was created in OPC Publisher.
--npd, --maxnodesperdataset, --MaxNodesPerDataSet=VALUE
Maximum number of nodes within a Subscription.
When there are more nodes configured for a data
set writer, they will be added to new
subscriptions. This also affects metadata
message size.
Default: `1000`.
--kfc, --keyframecount, --DefaultKeyFrameCount=VALUE
The default number of delta messages to send until
a key frame message is sent. If 0, no key frame
messages are sent, if 1, every message will be a
key frame.
Default: `0`.
--ka, --sendkeepalives, --EnableDataSetKeepAlives[=VALUE]
Enables sending keep alive messages triggered by
writer subscription's keep alive notifications.
This setting can be used to enable the messaging
profile's support for keep alive messages.
If the chosen messaging profile does not support
keep alive messages this setting is ignored.
Default: `False` (to save bandwidth).
--eip, --immediatepublishing, --EnableImmediatePublishing[=VALUE]
By default OPC Publisher will create a
subscription with publishing disabled and only
enable it after it has filled it with all
configured monitored items. Use this setting to
create the subscription with publishing already
Default: `False`.
--msi, --metadatasendinterval, --DefaultMetaDataUpdateTime=VALUE
Default value in milliseconds for the metadata
send interval which determines in which interval
metadata is sent.
Even when disabled, metadata is still sent when
the metadata version changes unless `--mm=*
Samples` is set in which case this setting is
ignored. Only valid for network message
Default: `0` which means periodic sending of
metadata is disabled.
--dm, --disablemetadata, --DisableDataSetMetaData[=VALUE]
Disables sending any metadata when metadata
version changes. This setting can be used to
also override the messaging profile's default
support for metadata sending.
Default: `False` if the messaging profile
selected supports sending metadata, `True`
--amt, --asyncmetadatathreshold, --AsyncMetaDataLoadThreshold=VALUE
The default threshold of monitored items in a
subscription under which meta data is loaded
synchronously during subscription creation.
Loaded metadata guarantees a metadata message is
sent before the first message is sent but
loading of metadata takes time during
subscription setup. Set to `0` to always load
metadata asynchronously.
Only used if meta data is supported and enabled.
Default: `30`.
--om, --maxsendqueuesize, --MaxNetworkMessageSendQueueSize=VALUE
The maximum number of messages to buffer on the
send path before messages are dropped.
Default: `4096`
-t, --dmt, --defaultmessagetransport, --DefaultTransport=VALUE
The desired transport to use to publish network
messages with.
Requires the transport to be properly configured
(see transport settings).
Allowed values:
Default: `IoTHub` or the first configured
transport of the allowed value list.
Transport settings
-b, --mqc, --mqttclientconnectionstring, --MqttClientConnectionString=VALUE
An mqtt connection string to use. Use this option
to connect OPC Publisher to a MQTT Broker
To connect to an MQTT broker use the format '
v311'>]'. To publish via MQTT by default specify
Default: `not set`.
-e, --ec, --edgehubconnectionstring, --dc, --deviceconnectionstring, --EdgeHubConnectionString=VALUE
A edge hub or iot hub connection string to use if
you run OPC Publisher outside of IoT Edge. The
connection string can be obtained from the IoT
Hub portal. It is not required to use this
option if running inside IoT Edge. To publish
through IoT Edge by default specify `-t=IoTHub`.
Default: `not set`.
--ht, --ih, --iothubprotocol, --Transport=VALUE
Protocol to use for communication with EdgeHub.
Allowed values:
Default: `Mqtt` if device or edge hub connection
string is provided, ignored otherwise.
-d, --dcs, --daprconnectionstring, --DaprConnectionString=VALUE
Connect the OPC Publisher to a dapr pub sub
component using a connection string.
The connection string specifies the PubSub
component to use and allows you to configure the
side car connection if needed.
Use the format 'PubSubComponent=<PubSubComponent>
ApiKey=<ApiKey>]'. To publish through dapr by
default specify `-t=Dapr`.
Default: `not set`.
-w, --hcs, --httpconnectionstring, --HttpConnectionString=VALUE
Allows OPC Publisher to publish multipart messages
to a topic path using the http protocol (web
hook). Specify the target host and configure the
optional connection settings using a connection
string of the format 'HostName=<IPorDnsName>[;
[;ApiKey=<ApiKey>]'. To publish via HTTP by
default specify `-t=Http`.
Default: `not set`.
-o, --outdir, --OutputRoot=VALUE
A folder to write messages into.
Use this option to have OPC Publisher write
messages to a folder structure under this folder.
The structure reflects the topic tree. To
publish into the file system folder by default
specify `-t=FileSystem`.
Default: `not set`.
-p, --httpserverport, --HttpServerPort=VALUE
The port on which the http server of OPC Publisher
is listening.
Default: `9072` if no value is provided.
--unsecurehttp, --UnsecureHttpServerPort[=VALUE]
Allow unsecure access to the REST api of OPC
Publisher. A port can be specified if the
default port 9071 is not desired.
Do not enable this in production as it exposes
the Api Key on the network.
Default: `disabled`, if specified without a port
`9071` port is used.
--useopenapiv3, --UseOpenApiV3[=VALUE]
If enabled exposes the open api schema of OPC
Publisher using v3 schema (yaml).
Only valid if Open API endpoint is not disabled.
Default: `v2` (json).
Routing configuration
--rtt, --roottopictemplate, --RootTopicTemplate[=VALUE]
The default root topic of OPC Publisher.
If not specified, the `{PublisherId}` template
is the root topic.
Currently only the template variables
`{SiteId}` and
can be used as dynamic substituations in the
template. If the template variable does not
exist it is replaced with the `$default` string.
Default: `{PublisherId}`.
--mtt, --methodtopictemplate, --MethodTopicTemplate=VALUE
The topic at which OPC Publisher's method handler
is mounted.
If not specified, the `{RootTopic}/methods`
template will be used as root topic with the
method names as sub topic.
`{SiteId}` and
can currently be used as replacement variables
in the template.
Default: `{RootTopic}/methods`.
--ttt, --telemetrytopictemplate, --TelemetryTopicTemplate[=VALUE]
The default topic that all messages are sent to.
If not specified, the `{RootTopic}/messages/{
DataSetWriterGroup}` template will be used as
root topic for all events sent by OPC Publisher.
The template variables
`{DataSetWriterName}` and
can be used as dynamic parts in the template.
If a template variable does not exist the name
of the variable is emitted.
Default: `{RootTopic}/messages/{
--ett, --eventstopictemplate, --EventsTopicTemplate=VALUE
The topic into which OPC Publisher publishes any
events that are not telemetry messages such as
discovery or runtime events.
If not specified, the `{RootTopic}/events`
template will be used.
`{SiteId}` and
can currently be used as replacement variables
in the template.
Default: `{RootTopic}/events`.
--mdt, --metadatatopictemplate, --DataSetMetaDataTopicTemplate[=VALUE]
The topic that metadata should be sent to.
In case of MQTT the message will be sent as
RETAIN message with a TTL of either metadata
send interval or infinite if metadata send
interval is not configured.
Only valid if metadata is supported and/or
explicitely enabled.
The template variables
`{DataSetWriterName}` and
can be used as dynamic parts in the template.
Default: `{TelemetryTopic}` which means metadata
is sent to the same output as regular messages.
If specified without value, the default output
is `{TelemetryTopic}/$metadata`.
--ri, --enableroutinginfo, --EnableRoutingInfo[=VALUE]
Add routing information to messages. The name of
the property is `$$RoutingInfo` and the value is
the `DataSetWriterGroup` for that particular
When the `DataSetWriterGroup` is not configured,
the `$$RoutingInfo` property will not be added
to the message even if this argument is set.
Default: `False`.
Subscription settings
--oi, --opcsamplinginterval, --DefaultSamplingInterval=VALUE
Default value in milliseconds to request the
servers to sample values. This value is used if
an explicit sampling interval for a node was not
Default: `1000`.
Also can be set using `DefaultSamplingInterval`
environment variable in the form of a duration
string in the form `[d.]hh:mm:ss[.fffffff]`.
--op, --opcpublishinginterval, --DefaultPublishingInterval=VALUE
Default value in milliseconds for the publishing
interval setting of a subscription created with
an OPC UA server. This value is used if an
explicit publishing interval was not configured.
Default: `1000`.
Also can be set using `DefaultPublishingInterval`
environment variable in the form of a duration
string in the form `[d.]hh:mm:ss[.fffffff]`.
--kt, --keepalivethreshold, --MaxKeepAliveCount=VALUE
Specify the default number of keep alive packets a
server can miss, before the session is
Default: `50`.
--fd, --fetchdisplayname, --FetchOpcNodeDisplayName[=VALUE]
Fetches the displayname for the monitored items
subscribed if a display name was not specified
in the configuration.
Note: This has high impact on OPC Publisher
startup performance.
Default: `False` (disabled).
--qs, --queuesize, --DefaultQueueSize=VALUE
Default queue size for all monitored items if
queue size was not specified in the
Default: `1` (for backwards compatibility).
--ndo, --nodiscardold, --DiscardNew[=VALUE]
The publisher is using this as default value for
the discard old setting of monitored item queue
configuration. Setting to true will ensure that
new values are dropped before older ones are
Default: `False` (which is the OPC UA default).
--mc, --monitoreditemdatachangetrigger, --DefaulDataChangeTrigger=VALUE
Default data change trigger for all monitored
items configured in the published nodes
configuration unless explicitly overridden.
Allowed values:
Default: `StatusValue` (which is the OPC UA
--sf, --skipfirst, --DefaultSkipFirst[=VALUE]
The publisher is using this as default value for
the skip first setting of nodes configured
without a skip first setting. A value of True
will skip sending the first notification
received when the monitored item is added to the
Default: `False` (disabled).
--hbb, --heartbeatbehavior, --DefaultHeartbeatBehavior=VALUE
Default behavior of the heartbeat mechanism unless
overridden in the published nodes configuration
Allowed values:
Default: `WatchdogLKV` (Sending LKV in a
watchdog fashion).
--hb, --heartbeatinterval, --DefaultHeartbeatInterval=VALUE
The publisher is using this as default value in
seconds for the heartbeat interval setting of
nodes that were configured without a heartbeat
interval setting. A heartbeat is sent at this
interval if no value has been received.
Default: `0` (disabled)
Also can be set using `DefaultHeartbeatInterval`
environment variable in the form of a duration
string in the form `[d.]hh:mm:ss[.fffffff]`.
--slt, --MinSubscriptionLifetime=VALUE
Minimum subscription lifetime in seconds as per
OPC UA definition.
Default: `not set`.
--da, --deferredacks, --UseDeferredAcknoledgements[=VALUE]
(Experimental) Acknoledge subscription
notifications only when the data has been
successfully published.
Default: `false`.
--ucr, --usecyclicreads, --DefaultSamplingUsingCyclicRead[=VALUE]
(Experimental) All nodes should be sampled using
periodical client reads instead of subscriptions
services, unless otherwise configured.
Default: `false`.
--urc, --usereverseconnect, --DefaultUseReverseConnect[=VALUE]
(Experimental) Use reverse connect for all
endpoints that are part of the subscription
configuration unless otherwise configured.
Default: `false`.
OPC UA Client configuration
--aa, --acceptuntrusted, --AutoAcceptUntrustedCertificates[=VALUE]
The publisher accepts untrusted certificates
presented by a server it connects to.
This does not include servers presenting bad
certificates or certificates that fail chain
validation. These errors cannot be suppressed
and connection will always be rejected.
WARNING: This setting should never be used in
production environments!
--rur, --rejectunknownrevocationstatus, --RejectUnknownRevocationStatus[=VALUE]
Set this to `False` to accept certificates
presented by a server that have an unknown
revocation status.
WARNING: This setting should never be used in
production environments!
Default: `True`.
--ct, --createsessiontimeout, --CreateSessionTimeout=VALUE
Amount of time in seconds to wait until a session
is connected.
Default: `5` seconds.
--mr, --reconnectperiod, --MinReconnectDelay=VALUE
The minimum amount of time in milliseconds to wait
reconnection of session is attempted again.
Default: `1000` milliseconds.
--xr, --maxreconnectperiod, --MaxReconnectDelay=VALUE
The maximum amount of time in millseconds to wait
between reconnection attempts of the session.
Default: `60000` milliseconds.
--sto, --sessiontimeout, --DefaultSessionTimeout=VALUE
Maximum amount of time in seconds that a session
should remain open by the OPC server without any
activity (session timeout). Requested from the
OPC server at session creation.
Default: `60` seconds.
--ki, --keepaliveinterval, --KeepAliveInterval=VALUE
The interval in seconds the publisher is sending
keep alive messages to the OPC servers on the
endpoints it is connected to.
Default: `10000` (10 seconds).
--ot, --operationtimeout, --OperationTimeout=VALUE
The operation service call timeout of the
publisher OPC UA client in milliseconds.
Default: `120000` milliseconds.
--cl, --clientlinger, --LingerTimeout=VALUE
Amount of time in seconds to delay closing a
client and underlying session after the a last
service call.
Use this setting to speed up multiple subsequent
calls to a server.
Default: `0` sec (no linger).
--rcp, --reverseconnectport, --ReverseConnectPort=VALUE
The port to use when accepting inbound reverse
connect requests from servers.
Default: `4840`.
--smi, --subscriptionmanagementinterval, --SubscriptionManagementInterval=VALUE
The interval in seconds after which the publisher
re-applies the desired state of the subscription
to a session.
Default: `never` (only on configuration change).
--bnr, --badnoderetrydelay, --BadMonitoredItemRetryDelay=VALUE
The delay in seconds after which nodes that were
rejected by the server while added or updating a
subscription or while publishing, are re-applied
to a subscription.
Default: `1800` seconds.
--inr, --invalidnoderetrydelay, --InvalidMonitoredItemRetryDelay=VALUE
The delay in seconds after which the publisher
attempts to re-apply nodes that were incorrectly
configured to a subscription.
Default: `300` seconds.
--ser, --subscriptionerrorretrydelay, --SubscriptionErrorRetryDelay=VALUE
The delay in seconds between attempts to create a
subscription in a session.
Default: `2` seconds.
--dcp, --disablecomplextypepreloading, --DisableComplexTypePreloading[=VALUE]
Complex types (structures, enumerations) a server
exposes are preloaded from the server after the
session is connected. In some cases this can
cause problems either on the client or server
itself. Use this setting to disable pre-loading
Note that since the complex type system is used
for meta data messages it will still be loaded
at the time the subscription is created,
therefore also disable meta data support if you
want to ensure the complex types are never
loaded for an endpoint.
Default: `false`.
--otl, --opctokenlifetime, --SecurityTokenLifetime=VALUE
OPC UA Stack Transport Secure Channel - Security
token lifetime in milliseconds.
Default: `3600000` (1h).
--ocl, --opcchannellifetime, --ChannelLifetime=VALUE
OPC UA Stack Transport Secure Channel - Channel
lifetime in milliseconds.
Default: `300000` (5 min).
--omb, --opcmaxbufferlen, --MaxBufferSize=VALUE
OPC UA Stack Transport Secure Channel - Max buffer
Default: `65535` (64KB -1).
--oml, --opcmaxmessagelen, --MaxMessageSize=VALUE
OPC UA Stack Transport Secure Channel - Max
message size.
Default: `4194304` (4 MB).
--oal, --opcmaxarraylen, --MaxArrayLength=VALUE
OPC UA Stack Transport Secure Channel - Max array
Default: `65535` (64KB - 1).
--ol, --opcmaxstringlen, --MaxStringLength=VALUE
The max length of a string opc can transmit/
receive over the OPC UA secure channel.
Default: `130816` (128KB - 256).
--obl, --opcmaxbytestringlen, --MaxByteStringLength=VALUE
OPC UA Stack Transport Secure Channel - Max byte
string length.
Default: `1048576` (1MB).
--au, --appuri, --ApplicationUri=VALUE
Application URI as per OPC UA definition inside
the OPC UA client application configuration
presented to the server.
Default: `not set`.
--pu, --producturi, --ProductUri=VALUE
The Product URI as per OPC UA definition insde the
OPC UA client application configuration
presented to the server.
Default: `not set`.
--rejectsha1, --RejectSha1SignedCertificates=VALUE
If set to `False` OPC Publisher will accept SHA1
certificates which have been officially
deprecated and are unsafe to use.
Note: Set this to `False` to support older
equipment that uses Sha1 signed certificates
rather than using no security.
Default: `True`.
--mks, --minkeysize, --MinimumCertificateKeySize=VALUE
Minimum accepted certificate size.
Note: It is recommended to this value to the
highest certificate key size possible based on
the connected OPC UA servers.
Default: 1024.
--tm, --trustmyself, --AddAppCertToTrustedStore=VALUE
Set to `False` to disable adding the publisher's
own certificate to the trusted store
Default: `True`.
--sn, --appcertsubjectname, --ApplicationCertificateSubjectName=VALUE
The subject name for the app cert.
Default: `CN=<the value of --an|--appname>, C=DE,
S=Bav, O=Microsoft, DC=localhost`.
--an, --appname, --ApplicationName=VALUE
The name for the app (used during OPC UA
Default: `Microsoft.Azure.IIoT`
--pki, --pkirootpath, --PkiRootPath=VALUE
PKI certificate store root path.
Default: `pki`.
--ap, --appcertstorepath, --ApplicationCertificateStorePath=VALUE
The path where the own application cert should be
Default: $"{PkiRootPath}/own".
--apt, --at, --appcertstoretype, --ApplicationCertificateStoreType=VALUE
The own application cert store type.
Allowed values:
Default: `Directory`.
--tp, --trustedcertstorepath, --TrustedPeerCertificatesPath=VALUE
The path of the trusted cert store.
Default: $"{PkiRootPath}/trusted".
--tpt, --TrustedPeerCertificatesType=VALUE
Trusted peer certificate store type.
Allowed values:
Default: `Directory`.
--rp, --rejectedcertstorepath, --RejectedCertificateStorePath=VALUE
The path of the rejected cert store.
Default: $"{PkiRootPath}/rejected".
--rpt, --RejectedCertificateStoreType=VALUE
Rejected certificate store type.
Allowed values:
Default: `Directory`.
--ip, --issuercertstorepath, --TrustedIssuerCertificatesPath=VALUE
The path of the trusted issuer cert store.
Default: $"{PkiRootPath}/issuers".
--ipt, --TrustedIssuerCertificatesType=VALUE
Trusted issuer certificate store types.
Allowed values:
Default: `Directory`.
Diagnostic options
--di, --diagnosticsinterval, --DiagnosticsInterval=VALUE
Shows publisher diagnostic information at this
specified interval in seconds in the OPC
Publisher log (need log level info). `-1`
disables remote diagnostic log and diagnostic
Default:60000 (60 seconds).
Also can be set using `DiagnosticsInterval`
environment variable in the form of a duration
string in the form `[d.]hh:mm:ss[.fffffff]`".
--ll, --loglevel, --LogLevel=VALUE
The loglevel to use.
Allowed values:
Default: `Information`.
--sl, --opcstacklogging, --EnableOpcUaStackLogging[=VALUE]
Enable opc ua stack logging beyond logging at
error level.
Default: `disabled`.
--ln, --lognotifications[=VALUE]
Log ingress subscription notifications at
Informational level to aid debugging.
Default: `disabled`.
--oc, --otlpcollector, --OtlpCollectorEndpoint=VALUE
Specifiy the OpenTelemetry collector grpc endpoint
url to export diagnostics to.
Default: `disabled`.
--oxi, --otlpexportinterval, --OtlpExportIntervalMilliseconds=VALUE
The interval in milliseconds when OpenTelemetry is
exported to the collector endpoint.
Default: `15000` (15 seconds).
--em, --enableprometheusendpoint, --EnableMetrics=VALUE
Explicitly enable or disable exporting prometheus
metrics directly on the standard path.
Default: `disabled` if Otlp collector is
configured, otherwise `enabled`.
Currently supported combinations of --mm
snd --me
can be found here.