Hey, I'm Quentin!
A extravert .NET FullStack dev,
- .NET
- Flutter
- Machine Learning
- Frontend and Backend Web Development
- Bitcoin & blockchain
public class WhoAmI
public string User = "Quentin Martinez";
public string CurrentWork = "Writing code";
public string[] Hobbies = {
"Stock Analysis",
"Being up all Night chasing that ONE BUG..." };
public string GetCity()
return "Rennes, France";
public void Ambitions()
Let's collaborate and bring it to life
- Learn AWS service & large scale architecture pattern
- I'm currently working on 🔭 building app to stock analysis
- My Resume
- If you have any suggestions to this README, feel free to pull up a request. And if you liked it, go ahead and use it for yourself.(P.S. Star it too!!:grimacing: )