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Ayoob edited this page Apr 11, 2020 · 4 revisions


[easySQLite3 v0.1.0 (Beta)]

easySQLite3 is a PHP class that makes talking to SQLite3 Database easier, and it takes care of prepared statements to securely communicate with the database and prevent SQL-Injections.

NOTE: This Class is still under development and this is a Beta release. Please don't use this release in a production system.



  • easySQLite3 - Opens an SQLite3 database, or create new database.

    • Settings:

      • setVerbose - Set the verbose level of the class.
      • getVerbose - Get the current verbose level of the class.
      • setHTML - Change the output new line to <br> instead of \n.
      • getMessage - Returns the last message that was set by the class.
    • Connections:

      • connect - Connect to an existing database, or create new database.
      • isConnected - Check if a Database is connected.
      • disconnect - Disconnect from a database and reset the class variables to the default.
    • Tables:

      • setTable - Set the default Table name to work with.
      • getTable - Get the default Table name that was set using setTable() function.
      • setColumns - Set columns structure to create a table.
      • getColumns - Get columns structure that was created using setColumns() function.
      • clearColumns - Clears the temporary columns structure that was created using setColumns() function.
      • createTable - Creating a new table in a database.
      • showTables - List table names in a database.
      • isTable - Check if table exits in a database.
    • Conditions:

      • setConditions - Set conditions for querying/updating/deleting records of the database.
      • getConditions - Get conditions for querying/updating/deleting records of the database that was set using setConditions() function.
      • clearConditions - Clears the temporary conditions that was created using setConditions() function.
    • Orders:

      • setOrder - Set the order for querying/updating/deleting records of the database.
      • getOrder - Get the order for querying/updating/deleting records of the database that was set using setOrder() function.
      • clearOrder - Clear the records order that was set using setOrder() function.
    • Limits:

      • setLimit - Set the records limit for querying/updating/deleting records of the database.
      • getLimit - Get the records limit for querying/updating/deleting records of the database that was set using setLimit() function.
      • clearLimit - Clear the records limit that was set using setLimit() function.
    • Records:

      • showRecords - Show records of a database using prepared statement.
      • fetchQuery - Execute custom SQL query with or without prepared statement.
    • Inserts:

      • setData - Set data to insert into a table, or update a record in a table.
      • getData - Get the temporary data that was created using setData() function.
      • clearData - Clears temporary data that was created using setData() function.
      • insertRecord - Insert data to a database using prepared statement.
    • Updates/Deletes:

      • updateRecords - Update records of a database using prepared statement.
      • deleteRecords - Delete records from a database using prepared statement.



  • Add automated data encryption for all communications.
  • Add an option to automatically backup the database.
  • Option to Encrypt the database before disconnecting, and decrypt when connecting using AES Encryption.
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