- Fixed a bug in the Fixed Price Batch module calculating the payout of a partially filled bid. This was introduced in v1.0.2 when the underflow bug was fixed.
- Fixed a bug in the Fixed Price Batch module that could result in an underflow when an auction was settled
- Seller can now be a referrer to an auction and earn the referrer fee. This allows them to effectively not pay a fee when they direct traffic to their own auction
- Improved linting / formatting for non-solidity files
- Updated contracts deployed to mainnets and testnets
- Initial production deployments to arbitrum, base, blast, and mantle
- Split periphery (callbacks) contracts out into a new repository:
- Split some scripts out into a new repository:
- Use soldeer instead of git submodules for external dependencies
- Change absolute imports to relative imports so that it can be used as a dependency
- Migrates all dependencies over to soldeer packages and away from git submodules (#222)
- Removes redundant dependencies (prb-math, uniswap-v3-periphery) (#222)
- Packages the repository as a soldeer package (#222)
- Use implicit imports in interfaces (#223)
- Improvements to constant and deployment addresses (#220)
- Adds SVG for derivative tokens deployed using the LinearVesting module (#210)
- Define the referrer fee on a per-auction basis (#216)
- Standardise percentages on 2 basis points (100% = 100e2)